The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 30, 1892, Image 1

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1 1L
li U
k'0L 24
NO. 28.
jw eujrne (City 6url
PBbUer nd Proprietor.
rfiif -On the East side of Wlllaniett
$2 UO
. .75
r annum
.rtiwaiU charge t th. ol-
Ithwe months.... t.V ....... W 00
-Crmonth. jOO
.'tiln 'mn. 20 cant.
Xb work must bs paid roaon psliviby.
ii i
.,,r.rjnnme 78 MoClaren Building.
Special attention given to Collections
Probate business,
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, - Oregon.
Orncs-Room in Conser's Block.
ittanwy and CcuaMor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofliee-ln Masonic Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
FbysicUns and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Spscial attention given to TroUte business
4 Abstracts of Title.
Oirici Over Lane County Bank.
block, opposite Guard office. All work
lathing gas administered for painlese ax
ivtios ot teeth.
J. S. WALTER. M. D. 8.
Eugene, Oregon.
DfnUl Rornni Willamette Street, opposite
Ws HiiteL
T BAVE some very desirable
Pawns, Improved and Unimproved Town,
FJSft for Sale; o( aa' "
paty Bented and Bents Collected,
TU Ioiuranoe Oompaniea I represent are
ths Oldest and moat Reliable, and in
n nd Equitabu adjuatment of their
"" Wucd SacoHD to Noki.
J" of your patronage ia solicited.
fos-Ia City Hall
Eene National Bank
Md,ChP cAPITA 30.000
frswoU a general banking business,
" Dub., f w o.bnrn, J O Church, M
1 '. i M Hodion, C Lauer. 0" E Dri.
??l rn a ..............
XTM 1 13 bmw JU Sow. Ms.
Art ea a arw prlnrtjil
rnlu the Um, oma( B
aci) Uxrrka -rt Ui
Mm IM. tn- frtU
anfp4d Hvw ant aoaMlpev
turn. . tlmaitwt, Kildeea,
orOTtt BOdoMa.35o(ev
Baoinl. tre at drsirrte
209 2nd & 170 FRONT ST.,
D. ferry & Go's Seeds
I E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock ol Butterick Pat terns.
Address P. U. Box 119.
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M, WUkina'Dnn Store.)
-Hae an eitenalve Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
ryOrdert for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapers and Periodioala promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colio, or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask your
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Poa'rinff Promptly Executed.
II Work warranie.a8
T. O.HiKPaioxt,
6. B. Eaeiv, Ja..
First National Bank
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital $50,000
Surplus anil ?ropts, $i0,00q
Eugene City - - Oregon.
A (fSeral banking .dneea dow oi wW
able term." 'J
HuMS'soWo. foreign oonntriej,
pPQs seceiTed subject W check o"'
ull-t to os will revive
prompt atVeaUoo.
University Bookstore,
Eugene, Oregon.
Our (-utuluKue U ioniik'to In
ewry dcpurtinviit, unci toll
how to grow all kinds of ve
getable, how to jilant and
trim trecx, how to in1, and
vliut uro the, liect fertiliu'ra,
how to hani'.lo lieo" ete. etc.
Free to all- Semi for it.
Real Estate 1 raiwiers.
R M Robinson to W M Killingsaotth, lot
1, fructiouul lot 4, fr.iolioual block 7, Mulli
gan's addition; SViW.
II E Kisseuger to J L Gurduer, lot north
side of railroad tract; f 'i'lli.
Alonzo Traxkr to Jax U Sciivi ner, lots 1,
2 wild 10 and portion of lot 9, all in block
1 in Snoditriuts addition; JX'ilK)
AOlIcM.ker to Miirv M mid I) V S
Reid, E ) lot 8 and ' j lot U, lilk 14,
Pnckurd's addition; fi:W.
Ellen Puru to J It Wright, lot 1,
Ilk 8, Chesher's ad; J3.'n.
Lyman Sylvester to Eutella Diniond,
N i of bUx k 1), Martin's addition; f lot).
Bond for deed.
Willnrd J Lnekey to S B Eukln. jr.
and Herbert Eukin, "OxHO feet; flWO.
O C R It to John Kelly, 61 47 acres in
T10S. R2 Wj $l!28G8.
Robert A Rampy, tfuatee, to John Young,
lGll scree in 1 10 s, r4 w; 11000.
E J Hayes et el to J J Winn, 100 acres in
tl5s, r5w; $100.
Mary A Winn to J J Wion, 1C0 sores in
Elisabeth J Hays et si to J J Winn, 160
acres in T 15 8, R 5 W; $400.
Mary A Winn to J J Winn, 100 seres in
18 8. R 5 W; $400.
O & C R B to Sarah Miller, 40 acres in
T 20 20 8, R 5 W; $100.
O & C R R to Sarah Miller, 40 acres
in Tp 20 S, R 5 W; $100.
S B Eakln Jr., and Herbert Eukln
to Willard J Lnekey, 100 acres in Tp
P M Gregory and E Van Vrankln to
M L Butler, 13 acres In T 15 H R 4 Wj
W H Matthews to Nathan Hill,
130.07 aorea in T 10 S U 8 W; $3075.
B J Peiiffrn to Springfield Lands &
Investment Co.,lots, lands, water now--or,
etc; $400,000.
Anna M Wilmot to B J Pengra, lot;
W P Shelley to Willard T Palmer,
lot 8, block ; $100.
Willard T Palmer to W T Kayser,
lot 8, block 0; $150.
CetstarU praaaeU. IMsjeatfoM, and
ov'crcuini i'littuluuuy, CoiuUpailou, Sour
Htomach, Piarrhcra, and Feverlshneea.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep natural CastorU contains do
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Castorla Is so well ariaptM to children that
I recommend It as superior to anr pmcrlpUoo
known lo me." IL A. Aacnaa, M. ).,
m Portland A., Bruualrn, N. .
" t ne Cast.Ha tp my -practice, and 0 nd II
AptedtOa0ctl',llaeiehlllea.', -T.
... ti'f KoaTaut, JI. D ,
lit7 Sd Ave.. Bew Tort
Tat Cmim Oo, 71 atorray St, H. T.
Jfrm Baby was sick, wa gave ber Caatorlaj
When she was a Child, she cried for Ctaaociaj
When .be heeame Miss, she clung to Caattrie,
fin .be hai Children, she gave them Castorisj
California strawberries in the mar
J. B. Coleman won his stilt before
Justice Kinsey yesterday.
J. II. Be -kley has taken a position aa
clerk in tbo new liolton noute Portland.
Eugene nud Lane connty will cartainly
raise tbe anbsidy for the 8iuslaw railroad
under tin proposition nude pulilio lodny
Ijirge numbers of Cnliforulu gwse
are imssluir northward. 1 hov arc not
accustomed to earthquakes, hemw are
George Hutson, an old-time Ktigeue
printer. Is vUiling relatives and rheiuls
itere. He Is now working on a railroad
in California
The Rosclmnr fair will lie held Sept.
21, 2. 1 and 24. The racing pursea
are very lilH ral, and will be free to
L,aue county horses.
The im nt earthquake In Sacramen
to valley wits destructive to brick
buildings. 1 lie secret societies lost a
number of their halls.
The springs for tho Giahi ofllce
cylinder jivbs arrived today. By their
attachment a great saving in time on
press work will be made.
A girl in Norway must be able to
Hake bread before she can have a beuu
The one who takes the cake as a cook
is considered the tlower of tho family.
The mil, -ond question Is getting Into
a more tangible sIihih. We believe
there will lie no dilllculty in raising
the money to be paid when the Mail is
Miss Hitttle L Earns, whoconductcd
a kindergarten school in Eugene alsmt
four years ago, arrived here yesterday
and Is a artiest at the residence of Prof.
John Ptraub.
Marion CHinty dptnocritts do not seem to
have any ambition, as not less than five have
declined tin nominations ti-udered tbeni
leaving tho vacancies to lie tilled by
the county central committee.
SprintiQe d Mossenucr: A barn on J. L.
Palmer's pi ice, two milt north of the Mo
Keiizic, was burned to the around, Tut s-
duy ufteruo n; it wai fired by Mr. Palmer's
lour year o:d boy, wno was playing In lue
straw with uatcbes.
Il should need no argnmeut to convince
any seusibli man that a railroad line to the
sea would La the makiug of Lane county.
Tbu get in and subscribe a liberal amouut
to ttie hobs ly aud iDBure tbe building ol
tbe 8iuslaw railroad.
Grant's Pass Courier: The Southern
Pacific wl.l try hydraulic pressure in
washing a .vay some of the overhang
ing bankh on Cow creek, below West
rork. On unonitor will 1k3 used aud
three crew will be put to work, keep
ing the lic't up night aud day.
Tbe law I rm of Walton & Sklpwortb
having diss. .ved, Kkipwortb has taken an
ofllce ou lh' grouud floor in tbe Masonic
Temple wh- re be now is prepared to do a
general law practice. Mr. Skipworth is a
young man of fine ability and energetic, and
we predict that be will succeed.
There are very few men In America
nowadays who have reuuhed the age of
thirty-live without having seen a rail
road train, but there was one over rrotn
Curry county last week, says the
Grants Pa Courier, who had attained
that age and within hearing of the
locomotive whistle before. When ho
saw the passenger train dashing Into
tno depot, ho exclaimed, ".Now by
that looks llko business.
April hus proved to bo a tearful
mouth thus far. Since the 1st, rain
has fallen on eleven days and the pre
cipitation has been 2.87 Inches. To
make tne average lor the niontn mere
must lie .84 of an inch fall. Tho pre
cipitation since January 1 has been 44
yer cent below the average, and since
uly 1, 1801, It la 10 per cent below the
average, iiuring April tho tempera
ture lias been every day from I to 8
deg. below the dally normal Since
the 1st the temperature has averaged 4
deg. below the normal; highest tem
perature 7li deg. ; lowest S3 deg. 1 he
highest tcmpcratue during past Aprils
hag been (leg., una the lowest -
The Portland Dispatch has this to
say of a man who 1b well and favorably
known and has many friends, who
wish him success, in i.ane county:
George W. Rlnehart, who has been
nom mated for Joint senator from uii-
Ham, Sherman and Wasco, Is one of
the early pioneers of Lane county, and
for some time past & fanner and busi
ness man of London, uniiam county.
Ho is the soul of honor, has sound
Judgment, and would be a credit to the
people oi rnose counucn in tt n
senate. His election; ( quite probable,
notwithstanding uls district hi regard
ed repubilouu, us he la much stronger
than his arty, and the people of thut
section are not going to svnu votes
down buy longer tor the re-election or
Senator t olph.
iwlngisa summary of the
ivy taxpayers In Lane coun
ted in the Gl'AKP, Dec 12
The foil
lists of he
ty, publls
ami 10, lr
ur out of the eighty taattiay-
ers payiii)
; taxes on $I0,(hkj and over
ana lony
on amoui
nine out or mi puying taxes
M bctwecp $5000 and $10,000,
are el the
property :
r actual resideiits Or have
uU-resU within two miles of
School 1
'.swiHT. 'port of school din-
trict Kn, 1
April 15;
girls 14, di
tail, days i"
22, avYiK
ing numed
llaud. Lt
Grace llsn
Oliver Roi
, JluliHk, lor montn ending
1'upiU enrolled 24, boys 10,
) tmi(.bt 20, days atlendeuce
liM-uce II, average No. belonging
attendance 2V,. The follow
pupi's were present every duy:
ra. Pearl and Fr.d Htafiord,
mitt, Alice, Carrie, Lena and
t, C'bss Houston.
Mas II. Stores, Treacher.
CntH Comixj. John Robinson
will be In Eugene some time In July or
August with his great circus. A new
and attractive feuture added at great
expense will Is- "Solomon and tUe
Queen of She," the BlUlvfti Illus
trated In pantuulue." 'Robinson al
vhvh tji.c big is rfortiiahce. '
Ivjl'RKn.-Williain, son of O. C.
Roe,' who lives two miles south, 4 Eu
gene had his face ta'41v mashed by a
falling tr.Murday Dr. Kuykepdull
aa-sst-H 'the' wounds, which are not
likely f prove serious.
CiaTiri. tw FiW-The candidates on I C-N'urHv.
the nrohiluipn ticket tor Laos county bevel - - :,7' t
flledCir cert.uc.te.. Tbeoni.bJ.d 66 tN.-JAtr W 111 r Mi. r
sigoalarea each. Tbe PeopCa'a party have; ill i. J. Iy, hi Eugene, Monday
lot yet filed their acceptance. j morning, a son.
The lUllroud Company Will Accept
The Subsidy on Completion of (lie
Dally (liiard, April
Tha Siuilnw and Eastern lUibojd Com
pany, toil morning in auswnr to a propo
sition made !y the hxecutive tomumtce
of (he citizens' meeting, suid they would be
willing to accept the UHl,0iHl subsidy and
right of war asked for the building oi lie
road from Eugene to Florence on tbo com
pletion and operation of the bsiiih. This
ought lo, aud we'believv, does, insure t lie
building of this important tiaiisporlutiou
The subscriptious receive J ou the former
proposition will ho destroyed, mid tiew lists
have beeu prepared. They are in the sbiipe
of notes aud provido tout the same are due
and payable ou tbo completion mid opera
tiou of the said road; thut snid roud is to lie
completed in two years, uud that the wik
of grading ia to commence within sixty
days. Tbe subsidy will h tve be guaranteed
by the trust committee, ueuceall suucrip
tious will have be tlrst-clusH in every panic
Now, that every objection has been met,
every citizen ot Eugene and Line couuty
should pull oft bis ooat and go to work to
raise the necessary funds. It should be
raised in less than two week's time. The
committee will commence its lubors ut
Eugenewill be tbe livelitst point ou the
Coast ibis summer If its citizens do their
duty in this ninttet.
The following is the form of the note
required to be signed:
El'tiKXK, Or , 1802.
For the consideration of one dollar,
the receipt whereof Is hereby acknow
ledged, (promise to pay to the Sitiidiiw
& Eastern Railway and Navigation
Company, or order, nt tho ofllce of said
company In the city of Eugene, the
sum of , dollars, with
out interest, said sum to lie due
and payable upon' the completion
by said company of a standard gunge
railroad from Eugene to Florence, both
in Lane county, Oregon; provided, that
said railroad is completed and In oper
ation, and tho passenger and freight
pots within the corporate limits ol
nM t..l., I lUll ..'.i-lr
to be commenced on or More July 1,
Sprltiglleid Items.
Me sender, April 22.
J. R. Stnrns, Into of Ashluud, has pur
chased two lots in the Hprtntleld Invest
ment Co's. addition.
Tbe aider ditcb for tie Springfield eleo-
trio lights is being given the finishing
touches. The power bouse will be 2'2xlO iu
A Wheeler has shut olT tbe water from
hiasaw mill aud is repairing the Hume aud
putting tbe! iu sbiqio (or the Bummur
As we go to press, E Maudo infoims us
be has sold the Bowman on Camp
Creek, to 1. N. Green, mentioned elsewheie
in this isftie. Mr. Green will build a baud-
some co I luge and pnt out a large prune
orchard. Mr. Bowman will move to Spring
field to live.
Mr. Collins, from south-eastern Kan
sas, and Mr. Qulncy, of Grout Bend,
Kas. were piilllmr the latch string ami
drinking cider with C. J. Dodd, this
week. They are doiigiiteu witn tne
country around Sprlnglicld, und ex
pect to return with several others next
J. T.Foley, J. Rice, W. P. Turpin and
J. I. Barbery, arrived from Portluud, Fri-
dav and stopped over nutil Monday . 1 bey
are prospectors sod sre bound for lbs Bluo
river mining district. Mr. toiey says tne
mountains will be full of prospectors Ibis
summer and that a great niuuy Portland
men are tnkiug a lively interest in the
Extensive Improvements are to lie
made on the mill race this summer,
Alreudy nearly a quarter of a mile of
levee hus been thrown up on the north
side of the nice Just uhove tho depot as
the Initial step toward putting in a
dam. A levee will then bo run ucross
from tho south bank of tho race to the
hills that will create a reservoir cover
Inn twenty acres of ground. Flumes
will be built from the reservoir to the
various manufacturles. At tho head-
gate, levees will lie built as a sareguurd
against any possible overflow, protect
lug the town iroin ueing ikkhico, as u
was two years ago.
Tbe Storm King.
Hatcm Jouruul: Heavy elouils ole
scured the suu curly Sunday forenoon,
some givut drops fell and soon a heavy
wind wus lashing tho trees from tho
south. It kept up nearly all day. Be
sides destroying some shade trees and
blowing down some fences no serious
damage was done.
Part of the railing and one chimney
wus blown oil' the the top of the Oimtu
house, seVcral pasHcrs-by Imving a bur
row escape. No lives are reported lost
or houses blown, ihwn at or near
Salem. , A the Capital Lumbering
Co' yard, one of the big smokestacks
was blown clown aim uusncu to nieces.
Tire other stuck was racked fout feet out
of place. The mills will not rwn for a
few davs as a result. The oldest in
habitant says thovo bus not often been
a blow Uko that o lute l 1'ie season.
Th llidman electric light works suf
fered quite a loss from trees breaking
down wires, and one lamp on Cliem
eketu street was broke to pieces by the
cord giving way.
The telephone company sudors finite
a loss, the trunk lino to Portluud
severed und muny local w ires iKwu.
MohAttk Items,
April 20, '92.
A dunce Is talked of In tile near fu
ture. Jesse Met ee, of I'.llcukLurg, Is visit
ing relatives onO, old acquaintances
this week.
i'he Franklin Bros, are ru nning thelr
rallroad ties down the river. '!''
have quite a troop of men wnpb'yed.
While chopping down ji tree one
dav last w k Frank Horcs let tbo ax
gUuce and cut his left foot quite ser
iously. We learn that Mr. i:irk r, of Eu
gene, ha taken, liouicad on Mo
hawk. We like U hear of new settlers
coming in; would like to see Mohawk
Lami tills slimmer.
Junction Items.
The Times, April 2.1.
D. S. Gore became the proud father
of a girl Thursday night near tho mid
night hour.
We understand that Sam Watch
w ill move to Junction and build him
self a home. .
Our 1hvs continue to piny ball. We
would like to see them cross bats with
Greeley Siieer has returned from
1'ortlaud to this place and will take
charge of the ilarpole niIooii.
Born lo Mr. and Mrs. V, J. Erhnian,
SI I i . '
r rioiiy morning, it son. I harlie oceu
pies the whole sidewalk when he
walks. This is his llrst olli-use,
B. S. Hyland shipped thlrty-slx
head of fat cattle to Portland this week.
Ho had contracted them at 4 cents but
the purchaser found fault with them
and would only pay 3. B. S. says
that tlrni will get no more cattle from
I ho families of Messrs. Mofl'ett and
Buck arrived here Tuesday from White
i ity, Kansas, ami also at tho same
time Mr. Auston und family and Mrs.
llanehett, whoso husband preceded
her some three weeks. Kansans, we
are pleased to state, are becoming quite
numerous hcreuliouts.
W. S. Campliell, of Rochester, X.
Y., who has been spending some time
iu this city as the irtiest of C. W. Lam-
son, has concluded to Invest In Junc
tion property. He has purchased a lot
in Mllllorn's addition and will build a
neat dwelling thereon which he will
sell on the installment plan.
ArTKR Many Vkaks. In tbe annrenie
oourt of tbe L'uited States, says tbs Alba
ny Democrat of April 18, a oaae decided
was that of Neal vs John A. aud William
Criiwford, involving tbe good faith and va
lidity of deeds to six uinereut pieces of
real estate, includiug mill property, lota
and blocks iu Albnuy, Or. These were
cross appeals from the circuit court of Or
egou, Nenl appealing from Ihe decree of
tbe couit below silstiiiuilig the deeds from
Juuies II. roster to John Crawford for five
of the six tructs. This decree was aftlrmed
aud William Crawford appealed from the
decree of the courts below, suiting aside the
deed to him for tbe one tract. I bis decree
was also stUrmod. Mr. Mitchell represent
ed tbe ('ra fords, ami Mr. C. E. 8. Wood,
Mr. Ne.d. I bis decision is in favor of
John A. Crawford, so far as property deed
ed to him is concerned, but is egalnst the
tranfer of the i outer block to William
Crawford, now deceased. The block,
worth nt lenst $30,000 will go to the credi
tors of J. 11. Foster & Co., and be sold for
their beiieht. They uro W II Goltru and
many others, Neul beiug a California man
to whom th" claim wero transferred in or
der to gut tbe caso in the U S courts,
Hops Futkkm Cf.nts. Salem States
man: It Is said by those who ought to be
ou Ibe inside that the hop buyers are al
ready in tbe Held, end tbst some of them
have made offers to contract the ooming
crop at 15 ceuts a pouud. Tbe market bas
been brightened np lately, and all teem
agreed the men who cultivate the arouiatio
berry are going to be "In it" next summer.
lue writers bave not beard of any bop
growers mukiug contracts, sud in fact Ibis
business has grown quite popular in lbs
past several years. There is much division
of opinion as to whether or not the bop
louse bas already made its sppearanoe.
Dallv Guard, April 22.
Wantkd in Portland. Dcnutv
SheriH' Day and Marshal Eastland re
ceived letters this morning from Chief
of Police Punish, of Portland,, asking
them to arrest one, r . u. Klmbull, sup
posed to bo In tho city, for larceny from
a dwelling In that city. They found
tne individual, tins morning, in bed at
the Baker Hotel, ond placed him un
der arrest, and ho is now in the county
an. An oitieer is expected rrom 1'ort
aud this evening to take him below.
OrricKKH Elicted. Eugene Eogine Co.
No. 1, April 21, elected officers for tbs en
suing year as follows: President, G. O.
Osburn; vice president, E. D. Matlock; sec
retary, Geo. F. Craw; assistant seoretary,
II. 11. btone; treasurer, W. Holloway; fore
man, F. B. Bollman; first assistant W. H.
Andrews; seooud assistant, O. 0. Osburn;
sergeant-Bt-arms, I. W. Hollenbeck; trus
tees: F, U. Bellman, M, II. Stone and Geo.
F. Craw,
AStkono Nomination. The Ger-
vals Star says: The democratic state
convention at Portland Tuesday, nom
inated Hon. It. M. Veatch for con
gressman from this district. This is a
strong nomination, and Is probable
that no one could have been chosen
who would make a better race. Ho l
csM-clally strong among the farming
and luboring isjoplo of this valley.
lie will poll u heavy vole..
Patlv Guard, April 25.
Bkinu. Tkikd. Tho case of Amanda
Walt vs. J. II. Walt, suit for divorce,
is being heard before Referee Skip
worth. It will take soverul days to
finish the testimouy, as the ease Is be
ing hotly contested. The plalntil!' Is
represeutcu by Attorneys vhsxicock
uud V. A. Dorrls. and the defendant
by uttorncys Bilytu and Weather-
IiOAtiiNo Cattle. The 1KK head of
cattle purchased by John Stewart Mid
others for Jesse I). I arr, wero loaned
in 2i ears Mondav.and left for Ashland.
alsitit 4 o'clock, from which poiut they
will be driven to Mr, Curr's Klamath
Lake ranch, The cattle are from one
to thrtv uar of iw. (Juitoacrowd
wilnc-wiu tho loading.
FitonATr.ii. Tho will of the bite
('apt. N. Il Packard has been prolwted
in the ollleu of tho county clerk. It
first provides for his decent bit rial, etc.
It tl,CU M-qllCUUH to m. jonn hK i n nor,
tlo: to Warren Packard. $10; to Mrs.
Amelia R. Comlis. t-'iOU and the residue
is bequeathed to Phoebe B Ivlnsey.who
Is also appointed administratrix with
out Ikhius. liic will was nuMie Juiy
ai, Wio, The estate is valient at about
!Uj nird, April ii.
TiKKM PosruwD. Detectiv OruDo
oaua an last niuht and took 9. C. Kimball
tbe man a 'res ted ber by Deputy Sheriff
Us and Marshal Eaalkuid, lo Portland,
this morning, where he will be compelled to
answer to the cksrge ol larceny.
Xiw r. M. G. II. Yerineton liaa
ls--u appointed ptnuisler at Spring-
flt-ld, vie m. L. iumx, n-sigutsu.
B(bn. In Hjrtingfleld,
April 21, to tl wife of Thos.
a daughter.
The Executive Committee Makes a
Statement to the People.
Pally Guard, April 23.
It having liecomo evident thnt tho
one hundred thousand dollar subsidy
as asked for by the Sluslaw and East
ern Railway a Navigation Co., pay
able In installments, could not lie rais
ed, and tho company having Indicated
a willingness to construct said road if
tho citizens or Eugene and Lane coun
ty will pay one hundred thousand dol
lies lu-n tlio road Is omplctcd and In
oicratlon, the executive committee
have cancelled all subscriptions on the
former protxtsitlon and will now ask
the Hoiilo to suliscrlbe payable when
tho rond shall havo been completed
from Eugene to Florence.
The samo soliciting committee Is
continued and will wait upon you, and
we ask that every one take Into consid
eration the great importune of having
an outlet to the sea by which tho pro
ducts of this country tun bo sent di
rect to the markets of tho world, and
that you sulstcrilio liberally.
If the rond is not built you have
nothing to pay, and If built, you will
havo nearly two years In which to
provldo for what you may subscribe,
and tho lmiM'tus to business and con
centration of capital to this county,
will more than compensate you for the
money subscribed.
J. II.
Chairman of Executive Com.
Hon. A. . Hovey Heads the Subscrip
tion List With the above Ainonut.
Pally Guard, April 23.
The soliciting committee for the Siuslaw
Railway subsidy commenced active work
this afternoon. Tbe subscription list was
headed by Hon. A. U. Ilovev with S5000 in
cash. Others of our lares capitalists
will come to tho front In due tlmo un
The time for action has come. See
tho committee and place your sulwcrip
tloti down promptly and for as large
an utuount as it is possible for you to
Every cent of tbe subsidy asked for
should unsubscribed before this tlmo
next Saturday night, and It will be if
all do their duty.
Then It can be telegraphed to tho
world that Fugciio is a live progressive
city, and the placo to make Invest
ments. It will be tho means of bring
ing hundreds of pcoplo and large sums'
of money to our city and county.
Subscribe at once.
Cottug-e Drove Items.
Leader,. April 23.
F. W. Chausse, ex-editor of the
Leader, aud now of Grant's Pass, ar
rived hero Friday morning, and Is
Slxtwn Germans from Wisconsin,
arrived at Cottage Grove Monday, who
will ntnke their future residence in the
country. Plenty room for more.
D. M. Egan, an attorney of Minne
apolis, Minn., arrived at Cottage Grove
'1 ucsday. Mr. Eiran likes the annear-
a mio of this locality, aud we hofio ho
win remain ncre. ,
Hugh Borcn took out license for a
saloon In Cottago Grove during 1802.
i tarry Thompson did not deslro li
ce nw at the price, and will keep for sale
mild drinks only.
Right in Pmdletok. Stories liks th
lol lowing do very well for a big olty; bat
make curious reading for a small city lik
remueton. tbe . U. says: - "John Ap
Williams was spproached last Friday by a
nioe-looklng stranger on tha street with the
remark: 'Ion must ba a Welshman r
Williams assented. 'I am also a Welshman.
My name Is Edwards.' 'My name is Will
iams,' said tha nnrnspecting proapectiva
victim. Being countrymen an acquaintance
soon followed, Saturday evening, Will-
lama waa asked by Edwarda to 'have a ci
gar, anyway,' having refused to drink, and
they entered a saloon near. Walls they
were at tha bar a man attired as a rsnober
came In Irom a bsck room, apparently suf
fering from an overdose of distilled delight.
and proposed, thickly, that all abaka tha
dice for tha drinks. Edwarda stuck"
him. Tbe rancher then hauled out a wad
of greenbacks and offered to bet 1100 that
Ldwardi oouldn t do It again. "He's tall
and I can beat bim," whispered Edwarda
to Williams. 'I've got $G0: loan ma HO.
Williams produced tha $40, tha two shook,
and tha rancher won. Sometima after
wards it dawned upon Williama that bs waa
a victim of a conspiracy. Us left this
morniug lor Uaker City, with less money
bat mors wisdom. Tbe feot that a family
ia California depends upon his labor make
tbs loss and the lesson sll tba mors severs-
Aatssicaif AiTLta. As apples will in the-
future form a considerable part of our ex
ports to Europe, snd sa Ibey command)
higher prices proportionately than any oth
er American fruit, it wonld ap
pear to ns that tbos who sre planting one
the beat variety oi good apple treea, are
nut only doing a good thing for tbia section;
of country, but they are also in a commer
cial point ol view, laying the foundation for
a successful future, lor there Is no aonut
that people will learn tbs kind ot apple
thai will keep tbs best, and last tba longest
in Oregon. Owing to tbe great superiority
of Oregon apples, thty will have a bonan
Corvallw. April 21. The full board
of regent of the agricultural college
met today, and after discussion of the
claims of thirty-one candidates, unani
mously elected Jr. J. il. JSios, now
perinleiKlent or schools oi lopesa,
an., and late state superintendent or
education of Indiana, president of the
college and director or the station, iie
takes tho position or tne laie rroicssor
Ii. L. Arnold, and his salary will be
$2500 per year.
Dissolution Kotlce.
To whom it msy concern! Kotiea is
hereby given that th copartnership hereto
fore existing between Walton k Skipwortb,
attorneys, is this day dissolved by mutal
consent. J. J. Wmojf,
E. R. Bxttwosth.
Speaking. Mrs. Mary E. Lease, of
Kansas, representing the Peoples' par
ty will speuk on the Issues of the day,
at Eugene, In the Court House, May
19, at 7:30 p. in.; at Junction the Banio
day at 1 o'clock p. m.
Married. In Lane county. Orcein,
April 24, 1.K02, by Rev. G. A. Blair,
I Alan Lockard, and Cora E. Shlndoll,
all of Lone county, Oregon.