and County. MARCH 12, 1H92 "CTUCLIT COl'RT. t D. Edwsrde vs F. B. Staphs A 11 ..'ner money Couiimicd. Cjj amsnda w,lt " J li W,,il' I)i,orCu Cwl ur C Woodcock & Co vs II. F. 1 Motion tor lesve lo issue, potion allowed. i t KeM'7 and F. L. Kelley, (part Relief & Co.) vs D. U. Caswell, TVjolph Tbeinier ts Anna Thfimer, f0 let wiile deed. Dismissed wilhout pre. 'o"artb i- Thornton vs Cottage Grove. tv'itmw- Tn0 ,ollo,,i"B i,iry " F10., ..,. ihta inorniuu: E. V. !.",. H. liaugbnian, J. M. Spores, E. U'r': W. M. Darneille, D. M. McCra- 1 j F IntJ-n. W. II. Crow, A. Haskell, V'w. Williams, I. E. Stevens and W. G M Hiwley vs Samuel Lncaa, Nan ..... .ml Dauiel LucaH. Foreclosure. ni.alisud decree (or $j!HS.7j ut per i interest. J'ti'J at 6 per cent, $372 SO ! ... -r -enl mid 1 w attorney lees. Si Stephen H. Thompson vs Alible , Thompson. Divorce, ltoferred to . iv.rrin. Continued . W. II. Jones et id vs Frank It. il!etnl. I'urtition. Geo. A. lirown ' ,iiited referee to (tell land. Knuiccs Day vh ItoU-rl Day niv"nv. Default. Iteferred to (ieo. n TV.rrls. 65. J. M. Willianm vs J. N. Hunch. .mwil. Dismisseu. :i llovey, lluiiiphrt'y & Co. vs E. d imkev. To recover money. Do- fciitt. Judgment for $3,oSN.0S and fi:ii) ittoniey let s mill uiuvi iu own muiuill-u "if1-Dunn vs E- H- Luekey. To recover money. Default. Judg ment for $750 and order of sale of at- ,WJrtuTl!iSnd & Elliott vh J. K. Jones. To reeover money. Set for trial for Thursday. t Win. M. Allen vs E. It. Luckey. t,. recover money. Default. Judg ment for $2,050, and order of sale of lUnched projieny. i J. X. Uullil'ord vs E. It. Luekey. To recover money. Default. Judg ment for c l.T-ll and order of sale of at Uelied projH;rty. H. C. I. Tripp vs Owen & un duyn. Motion for leave to issueexecu tion. Motion dismissed. 1H W. 11. Halier vs John A. and Benjamin Henderson. Writ of Re view. Dismissed. 117 State of Oregon vs Joseph A Morris. Urooy. The grand jury found, "not int bill." 118. State of Oregon vs Frank M. &l'lair. Burglary. "A true bill." Plea of guilty entered. Sentenced to three years in pt-nitoiitiiiry. 119 State of Oregon va Dr. B. F. Bui wll, practicing without a medical license. Grand jury reported not a true bill. 7 In the mat Ut of the assignment of Lockwood & Son. Assignment, Final report Hied. Assignee and bondsmen diseharged. 22 State of Oregon vs F 8 Phelps ind Charles Baker. Indictment for the larceny of two mares. The follow Injury was taken in the case: Fred Warner, J P Runisoy, 8 P Lowell, S M Titus, V K Hale, Joseph Morris, It SI Pratt, E V Whuttiim, Elmer Roaen. C8 Furrow, (.' II Calloway and David Thompson. Verdict of guilty. 41 Martha J Thornton vs Cottage drove. For damages. The following jury was taken in the case Tuesday: F Chapman, II Huughmun, J M Spores, E Anderson, V M Dur ntille, D M MeCrendy, J F Inman, W HCrow, A HudseU, A W Williams, I E Stevens, I W liond. Verdict for pltf for $225 and costs. 70. First National Bank, of Eu pevs E. R. Luckey. To recover money. Default for $3,105.35, interest it 10 per cent; $372.58 at 9 per cent, and ittoniey fees of $225 and order of sale of utached property. 71. First National Bank of Eugene M.X. Uulliford and E. It. Luckey. To recover money. Default. Judg ment for $1,029.18 nnd interest at 10 per tent, and $.so attorney fee nnd order of le of attached property. 72. The Eugene Nntionul Bank of Eugene vs S. 8. Spencer and E. It. Luckey. To recover money. Default. Judgment for $2,808, interest at 9 ier Mt and attorney fees of $150 and wlerof sale of attached property. W 8. H. Friendly vs E. It. Luckey. To reeover money. Default. Judg ment for $214.24 and Interest at 8 per tent. 81 E. C. McClanahan vs E. It. Mokey. To recover money. Default. Judgtiient for $S80.70 with interest nt 10 tr(nt., attorney fees of $75 and order Msale. Lane County vs C. W. Thomp a,R.E. and W. T. Camplx-ll. To fcweron bond. Demurer sustained. J?-!8'"'" T' Wm' ,inlmon8. assault "lii dangerous weapon. Graud jury re JH ''not a trne bill." ' Unner WlllnmoHn T.niiilw.r fV " " i liovcr. Foreclosure. Con- tinued. 19 8 O fllirr!lll va T f flnnilnliv To fover money. Set for trial Friday, rehllth. K ' 1 fanna vs T It Hnnna. Dl f. Default. E It Skipworth ap Pwnted referiH'. Divorce granted. Sutherlin & Elliot vs J K Jones. recover money. The following '"7 were taken lu the above ? RoU'rt Hawley, Win N Crow, f "H?tmian, J P Ramsey, AW Will ", rred Warner, E F Cliapinan, 8 ftus, D M MeCready, E Anderson, H m and C 11 Galloway. On People's party Conntion. Jbe People's Party convention of !! county, is hereby called to meet 0,1 s"uwlay, the 2nd day of J1 1W2, fr the purjogeof noniinat- ito nfUn,tv tit'kt't and the trnnsnc J".or such other business us may tiLCome 'fore the convention, jwntutinn will be allowed as fol i' (lt'll'Bates from each pre Bchi .nre antl 0lle delegate from JX'Ple's party club and one addi jT7wleKite for each ten members or J tract,,,,, thereof. It is suggested J Precinct meetings le held on the i ""turday in March, for election KiZ1?1- All delegates will be re C havB crexlentiuls signed by k, h J nxm alu ccri'tary of the mect t0 I allowed seats In the Tn !" W. H, SfAfoir, r' ,-i"we!. Chairman. Ikt i c- Com. this uth day of March, 1S02. Only $15 Lot. v.. 4, "'"giTinghii patrons some of j.E.J. FraaierwiUaell some of u,Qble residencs property now ' 'lorenc, market for $15 lot, $5 liA onlhs and $5 in one year ' iaterest. j doIlar chun.i organ ''-Wat reain- 'Enquire of W. J'eler. ' Brevities. Walton & Skipworth, Lawjers. Wa'u?ny 10 Un "" f:ir""' Kn'l"ire "f Jl"It: Hot and cold Uths every day in the week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. For One suits made to order m.d rendy made clothing, go to Ed Hunson. $5,000 worth of ladies' i.!ih k, l, K0.l at or below cost. J. 1) Matlock. MrGeoFt'rawhiMtl.eii.le awnry for all brands of the celebrated Tuusil Punch Cigars Remember that Huuson & Son have the best selected stock of clothing iu t0n. Bring your old scrap cast iron to the Eu Rene Iron Foundry where you can dispose of it. EntfHie Flour $1.35 per suck. The Eu Rene Flouring mills make the bft iiimlitv of roller mill Uuiir. If you an getting too M your spoc tacles, or if they do uot exaiMly suit vuii take them to Watts and have li"W b uses titled. Dr. O. W. lliddla mny be found ut his residence ou Olive street, between Fifth ami Sixth streets oue block west of the Minne sota Hotel. Ha in nn.imra.l t.. ,1,. all a..... al work iu the best uiauuer. The best family remedy is undoubtedly Plunder's Ore(iu Blood Purifier. Harm less, it nccoimilishus r. li. f er medicines fail to dii. It rn.v . i..i given to the infant as well as the iidult. Henderson, demist. Job work at the Gdabu office. Fouutuiu pens at Watts'. Blank deeils mi.rtitt(,Mj Guard office, Wbeu wsntiug a nice tie or auvthiug in the furnishing line go to .1. E. Bond. lilanlf f .r Ilia 1, ,:..., ..I i. . ... ..... w. lli.iv mines for sale at the (!l.Ki) ottiee. For all kinds nf furininc inml Ill.llll ..ill uu o. .11. lienuricKS on Mutn Mreut Screen windows and doors, ulims aah m,.l doors at Biualow A- KiiiKi'ArnirK. My entire stock 10 ner cent, discount for What Is It! That produces that beuutifullv soft com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dom s Uouertme accomplishes ull this, and is pronounced hy ludies of tiiste and retiue tnent to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless nnd matchless. F. M. Wilktus, agent, Eugene uity. Geo. W. Kinsey, Anctioiieer. When you wuut your goods, household furniture or laud sold at auction, call of Goo. W. Kiusev. the Pioneer aud most stiC' cessful auctioneer in Lune County. He will attend to all sales on a reasonable com mission. Notice. When wantiiio cemetery work bo to E.W, Achison & Co., who are prepared to furnish all kinds at lowest prices for tlrst-class work. Uur Portland cemeut walls for enclosing cemetery lots are the finest yet put upon the market, aud are furnished at about half the cost of stone. Call aud see our bcsnti- ful Barre & Westerly granites and best grades of Vermont marble. Offices at Al bany, Eugene and Hoseburg. Very Uesiiectlully lours, E. W. Acuinson & Co. Sheep Inspectors Notice. All naruntia in T.finn cnuntv owning scab by sheep or sheep alllicted with other dis- ..... dm Ita.Al.v nntitliul tlmf flEliil fillpen must'be thorounhly dipped, sufficient to kill said disease, forthwith. Any person failiug to comply with tnis no Ii'pa will lis liiihla to lmvfl his sheen dipped by the Inspector at said per60us's expense. Take notice aud save costs, Dated June 0, lH'.U. Gko. Fishkb, Sheep Inspector. TiTTMiiKn Notice. Go to the Depot lumbej yard for cheap lumber. Andrews will not be undersold. Pall H.ilt That tired languid feelinc maana ii,if vm.F uvImmi is in a state to in vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex tract of Bursaparilla is what you need at once to expel impurities of the blood and build you up. Bold by all druggists. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins, tha druggist, : ... .,ll,'.,,. ..U'iu.lnm'a linheHine" for the complexion, the most elegant nud only really harmless preparation oi u muu u world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. 10 Reward. oin fmm ii fi..l,l inst north of the Eu gene Willamette bridge about Jan. 20, i nna linraa nl,w nparlv new. Olivers patent obilled No. 10. Painted black and red, "Knapp Burrell & Co., sole agenis, ran i.,..,i droonn " iimkers and auents names lettered in white paint. I will pay the above reward tor information leading to the conviction of the guilty person. 20 Reward. n. II ..!.,!, .n,l vallnnr (An hoiinds. 1WU Hlllltll, uiaa j . male and female, they were last seen on the Seavy hills near Cohurc, about February o - i nr o will ho Daid for m lor- mation leading to their recovery. Address JlACl 1)1108., Harrisburg, Or. 23 Cents a Pair. x-,..,1.1 r.f idiildrelis' clothing, suits, and knee- pants fit IJettman's store which will U- sold at living rates. There is no use miiKiiig pains hen Bettman will sell tlicm lo jou for 2.5 cents a pair. Ash Grove Poultry Yard. Etrtrs for hatching from pure bred fowls. Plytnotli Hocks, WyaiPHjits C Urown Legnnriw unu Spangled llainlmrg". Per NHtmg oi fifteen, f 1.50. Amos Wii.kixs, t(ilurg, j.ane couiii. ,wi.-K..... Killed IIU Wife and lllmsell. Walla, March 7,-This morning atoo'clocK ineooore un. - : shot bia wife five times and th-n killed himself. Heirtz and bia wife separated last ... Mi 1 u. -t a inimrt-r. week, she goinc to iivewuu m, -Kellan. Thursday last Mrs. Heirtz sent her brother-in-law to ber borne to g-t her trunk. IJer husband and brother-in-law b id a nni in which the latter stabbed the former in the Cheek aud was arnsted and fined. Ibis morning Heirtz went to the hou-e where bis wile was stopping and, drawing a pistol, Bred s.i shots at bis wife, who ran out m the street and Ml d.d. He thj-n went to the old depot, about UlO yards di.tanl, anJ shot himself iq the heart and throat. lie died in a few minutes. Ibuctkd.-J. D. Sellers and Mm More house were jointly indicted Tuesday for the larceny of a watch and some money, com. mitted at Cottage Grove recently. Mr. Sellers was bound ove. and appeared. 11 lss Morehouse, a prostitute, .s arrested at Portland Tuesday by Deputy bbtriff Croc-r ,nd brought here Thursday night, and placed in jail to await her trial. .Etrri.E, March s.Th? d.-in-rats elects! tbC mnyor t.-Iny by n.njori ty, and nrurly th- entire tn k. t U i a jSritiw mnginir fnmi lw to . votes were east. MONDAY, MAKC1I . I V t'.ioli.lh-e ii working in tl clerk's of Ben tiiU week. School meetings are being held through out the county today. Six passengers went out on the Flor ence stage this morning. Deputy Sheriff Metihee left for Florence this uioriiiug on otticiiil busiuess. Mr. Samuel Nelson left for San l'niiiciseo mi a vis-it last night. Our Jewish fellow citizeus will celebin'e the Feast of Purim lust Saturday. Mi.s Minnie tU,lni, , n;w ,,,, Miing Hie family f A. K. Patterson, returned to her home at Corvalli. today. Frank Audersou auj wife have moved to Junction, Mr. Audersou is uow day host ler of locomotives at that place. A liberal atteuduuee at the P.epublicau Club Saturday eveniu. Speeches were inudu by S. M. Yorau aud Mr. lleatty, of Sprnijjtitld. Hon. lleury Blackmail, of Heppner, joint M-uator from Morrow, Grant and Harney counties, was the guest of S. 11 Friendly over Suudiiy. Postmaster Kyle of Florence is iu town a'leudiug conn, lie is one of the live bus iness meu of Lnue couuly's seaport and a K"od democrat. Messis W'ollciibarger and Iluekins left this morning tor points down the valley, where they will conduct pro hibition meetings. k Parsons and Ililliuau, the tainu r, had a tihi Saturday uitbt. Parsons re. ceived a pnubhtug that he should not soon iornei. ins enure lace looKed like a raw beefsteak that had turmd black. 1 I. Armstrong informs us that lie i nut i canilidate for slieritf an i has had no inten tiim of heiiijr. We make the correction cheer- I ' 1 1 1 V and are tliul to find one Keimlilienn who uoes not nave sucn an ammtion. The entertuiment giveu Saturday even in by the public schools of Eugene, at Uhiui 'hurl's Theatre whs largely attended, standing room aain being at a premium. It was first class iu every particular. (I H. West of Viryini t spent Sunday iu , . . . .... Eugene. He left for Florence on the stage tins inoruiug. He, hs Ibe contract tor building the lighthouse at Heceta Heads, north of the Siusluw river. As soon as he arrives there he will lure a force of men and commence charing I lie grounds. The lum ber lie will buy ou the Siuslaw river, while the biick, iron, etc, have been purchased ill Sau Francisco. TUESDAY, MARCH 8. It is time for Spring MH'try. A, II. Fisk returned this morning from a two months' trip Knst. A. .), Johnson's inline is mentioned as a republican candidate for sheriff. Thos. J. Craig is down attending lo busiuess, today, we are pleased to an nounce. One of the dynamos for the Spring field F.lcctric Light Co. has arrived at that town. Ia the supreme court yesterday a petition for a rehearing iu the case of Hudson a Uoodale wus denied. The implement warehouse of M. Svar verud It Co., nt the depot, has been nicely painted i.ud lettered. The Junction lodge of Knights of Pythias will lie organized next Satur day night by Deputy Chancellor I Jen vis. Palouso City, Wash., Iiain Belt of March 3d says: W.P. Kagsdale contemplates a trip to L'Jgeno, Oregon, Monday, to join Mrs, lt igsrtule, who has been there some time. The dime social given at the resi dence of Dr. (fill last night by the la- lies of the I hristian church was well attended and n very pleasant sociable time was spent. Eugeue P. McCornack, of Salem, is in the city, anil will remaiu for several days. He is very much opposed to me world s lair and indorses the Penuoyer idea without auy trimmings. Washington Dispatch. About half of the male inhabitants of Cottage Grove are in the county seat today in attendance upon circuit court, Among the number we noticed Senator Veatcb.A. 11. Snare, Darwin Bristow, Daniel Stanton aud It. S. Cathuy. The coustant drop of water wears away the hardest stone; the constant gnaw of Towzer masticates the toughest bone; the constant wooiug of a lover carries off the blushing maid, aud the constant advertiser is the one who gets the trade." The Board of Trade held no meeliug last evening. The announcement was prema ture, as the regular meeting night is next Monday, when every member is urgently requested to be present. Also all citizens who have the good of the city nt heart. E. J. Frasier is making preparations for issuing u 2o,000 illustrated edition descrip tive of Eugene and Lane county. It will be illustrated with cuts of prominent men and building improvements und will be a valuable means of calling uulside attention to the resources of the county. Tito Soleiii Statesman suvs that Ma jor Edwards and Captain McDermott, government inspectors, iiiorougniv iu siiected the steamer It. C. Young Mon day and granted Captain Love a li cense, luesiiav morning sue vteiii 10 Portland with fifty tons of Hour, where she will Ik- measured and have her tonnage determined. Capuun Love w ill also lie examined us to his color ilindness, etc. Hen-after theioung will make regular trips on the upjier river, ruiinliiir in conjunction with the Oregon Pacific steamer Hong. It is the purpose of this little light draft steamer to ascend the river n-gularly as high os the stage of the river will per iiii'. Agency Accepted. Mr 1j1. 11. '111111. the popular clothier. bus accepted the exclusive agency for ii,.. sol,, of the Albany Woolen Mill ,,.j inn! is now nreiiart-il to furnish the U-nt quality of ull-wisil clothing for . , i i IIH ll, VOlUIISailll UiiJH, 111 illiin limn ' ... ... :.. .1.1 . ..I... thani-Ncr la-tore oiicrcu in iius my. tiits made to order from suniplt s ut prices as low as you can nuy custom made goods iu the stores. A large stock of summer clothing is now being received of the lutest and most stylish patterns, which will lie sold at price to suit the customer, Prohibition County Convention. The time cd the Prohibition County Con veulion which was called for tho 31st of Manb, has been changed from that date to Tuesday, March fl, at 10 o'clock a. m. This change is made on account of the state convention meeting on the 31st. All friends of the cause of prohibition fccd re form are earnestly requested to meet with 1 n-. lieu.ea.Utr rue uuie, Ainu a, iue i Court House. Let os have a rousing con I uution. A- s- PmsoM, I Chairman County Central Com. Scm Si-iiino Wheat. Peters & ' ( In rry have a limited supply on hand. ! al-" Early K"- potatoes, ut their feed i -inre ou West Eighth street. Cull soon ' if you in-ed any. ' r i.N.-J. G. Kelley brought the cigars ' uronnl Wedud-day and announced that 1 an nijht pound boy cam"! to his houe last ! n:!ht- j Li t'Ti.ic Ll"BTs.- Cottage Grove Lad tt M'urs V eaten and Stone were calling 1 on o'.r ciu.ns this week to aee . bow many i ULU ouU be taken They intend having the electric works put in at an early day. WEDNESDAY, MA lit 11 0. The pn-ssv for the Springfield pa-r have arrived. Judge Medley, of Cottage drove, was lu huge ne today. Councilman Grifflu is speudm this week at the Foley Springs. T.J. Gill is a Republican candidate for School Superiutt-udeut. We hear the name of B. D. Pniue men tioned as a caudidate for school director. Hon. It. C. Van llotiteii, of Sjiokuuc Falls, Wash., is iu Eugene attending court. G. B. Chrisman is having a corrugated irou warehouse built in the tear of his brick block. David Wanton and family lift last night for Las Vegas, New Mexico, where they will permanently locate. Cobtirg, Monday, voted a lax of $2, 2iio to build a new school lions,' in that district. The correct thing. Miss Ella Bichardson who has beeu visit ing at the residence of W. Uoberis returned to her home at Portland this moruing. E. M. Wilson, ex-miiyor and a promincut capitalist of Fairbaveu, Wash , is visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, J. U. Hays, in Eugene. A siirprio party was given Miss Blsiue Monday evening. About twenty young people spent the cvci'ing iu social games and aintiM meiits. W. I) Campbell aud lillle daughter Grace, arrived here ibis afternoon from Spokaueou a visit with his old schoolmate Prof. D. W, Coolidge. George Fisher says that the Begister is uiistakeu when it says he is a caudidate (or sheriff. Stock inspector is the only office lu the county be would havu. A. O. Eckbson has commenced suit against B. J. Pengra to recover $2'2JO, claimed to be owing plaintiff from business transactions betwetu the parties. Due of Williams' delivery teams rau away yesterday evening from Willamette street around to Niutb causing a ripple of excitement but ouly slight damage. The sworn statement of the First Nation al Hank appears in this issue of the Gcaup. It bIiows the bank is in a very prosperous condition with nearly $3i,(Ki0 cash iu vault aud banks. St. John Skinner, of Oakesdnle, Wash., is iu Eugene. He Is the son of Eugene E. Skinner, the founder of the town, and a brother of Mrs. PhoeU Kinsey and Mrs. C. D. Combs. In a letter from J. W. Matlock from Heppner he Incidentally remarks that the (it'AHD is greatly appreciated by former Lane county iicoplc iu that section for the full local news it gives. Dr. Smiley and E. J. McClanahan n-turned front Lake Creek this morn ing. Dr. Smiley informs us the man Hold. Englysluiii, whose leg lie ampu tated two weeks ago is now able to sit up, and will recover. A branch of the Fraternity lluilding nnd Loan Association has Isrli organ ized in this city with eighty shares. Officers elected: W. Ilolloway, pn-si-deiit; Fletcher Linn, vice president; A. E. Wheeler, secretary ami tn-asiir-er; L. Itilycu, attorney. James P. Fault, one of Oivgon's prominent citizens, died Sunday morn ing at his home in linker City, after an illness of two daysofHritouitls. The de ceased llgun-d in state politics for years and at the time of his death was a nienilKT of the state republican central committee, nnd was a memlH-r of Oiv gon's second railroad commission. The Sunday Welcome says: "William Nelson, an unsophisticated gentleman who was induced to buy a lot iu a west side 'addition' went out to look it up on Mon day afternoon. He got lost in the woods and did not find bis way out until after midnigl t." There's a large amount of that kind of property in different parts of Ore gon aud Washiuingtuu. CANNERY MKFmU It Is Now Proposed to Sell the Proper ty, Plant, Etc. An adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Eugene Canning and Packing Com pany was held at the Board of Trade rooms Wednesday night. The committee appointed to solicit sub scriptions to the $10,000 preferred stock, so as to place the caunery ou its feet again, reported that they had made a careful can vass of the town und vicinity, and had suc ceeded in raising ouly $1,000, and believed it was impossible to ruise tho amount requir ed. Beport accepted. The following motion was then made and carried: "That the Secretary bo instructed to call a meeting of the stockholders tor Monday, March 21st, at 7:30 p. in., at the Board of Trado rooms, for the purpose of authorizing the Board of Directors to sell ground, plant, nnd all the effects to satisfy the claims of the creditors." Eugene is certainly making a mistake In not raising the amouut required. It will have a bad effect on procuring other manu facturing establishment here in the future. Attention. G. A. R. There will be a regular meeting of J. W. Geary, Post No. 7 at their Post room in Eugene on March 10, 1H02, at 1 o'clock p. m.. A full atttndance is requested, and visiting comrades mado weloome. a it. Williams, Commander. Road Extrusion. The Junction City Board of Trade is agitating the question of the extension of the west aide road from Corvallis to that city. The Willamette Real Estate oompsuy promises to give (GOUO toward this end, and we have no doubt that the Southern Pacific will build the road this year il offered sufficient in ducements. The Junction City Times says of this subject: "This is a matter in which every citizen should he interest! d, aud if the proper effort is made and all work in harmony and each one do his whole duty, trains will be runniug from the west side before January 1st next. There is no us in consoling ourselves with the thought that the road will be built anyhow, for it will not. It is true that the right of way has already been purchased, but the company don't have to buit I the road unless that territory is threatened by the invasion of another compaoy. A long pull and a strong pull and a pull altogether will bring it. Let us pull." Lins Dku' iiaiiu 'Ikkkt. The follow ing is the Linn coiiulv d-mocratio ticket nominated at Albany Wednesday afternoon: Representatives, M. A. Miller, W. P. Ell more and A Blevins; county judge, George Humphrey; commissioner, . I. Munkurs; clerk. N. Payne; recorder, E. E. Davis; sheriff, C. C. Jack.n; treasurer, lirice Wallace; assessor, i Y.. Michael; school superintendent, (i. F. Bnssell. Delegates to the state convention: W. R. Bilyeu, R. Thompson, G. W. Wright, T J Blilea, C G Burkhart, Geo Humphrey, Geo E Cham berlain, T J Black, Dr E DuOas, Chas Ralston, G M DeVanney, Jeff Myers, I D Miller, Geo Finley, Worth Huston, Chas Pfeiffer. It is said to be a stroug ticket. Si'umorii.Lij Mmtos Railboad. Survey or Dunn has computed tut permanent sur vey oi the proposed Eugene. Springfield motor railroad. Mr. Dunn and Draughtsman Koch are now worktn; i.nd baye r.early completed the maps of th line and the profile cf the same. Wuat Will Blaisk Do-' John Robin son says Le will surely run, Lut Henry Eos ter Mjs, "Rubbish, Plain- means what be says." while Andrew Hirr.s ys, "Blaine ha but hide to y about it anyway." hot Frii nuly goes on selling those new spring Dtea Patterns al a great pa'.. Hiu:t I III N. Who is As Billy, do you know. Willotighby, dentist. I). I.inu A- Sou. furniture and uudertuk- hg. It heat them all in price and quality, As Billy 's soup. Ax Billy for oranges cheaper than the cheap, st. If you want a suit of clothe or a pair of pantaloon go to Davis, the tailor. 11c guar auiees satisfaction and low prices. Eugene llourat Henderson's. Albany llourat Henderson's. Mcdl'oru Hour at Henderson's. J unci ion llourat Henderson's. You pays your money and you takes your choice. Ax Billy for a gal pot I'orcelaiu limd or a center table wiih cau of Baking Powder it beats llicui ull. See them. iet ill the swim and chew "Whole H"g." Peters ,t Cherry at their feed store ou West 8th St. have choice fruit trees from O. Phelps, Spciiecr Butte uursery, also English ornamental thorn. Dou't forget to Ax Billy for something new in the Prize Baking Powder line. If you a tv a democrat, Is- a democrat chew- Wiioi.k Hon, or none. I he Ik-sI tobacco in the market is "ltrown's Natural Leaf." Chris Marx has reduced the price of shar ing al his shop to l,'i cents. The Minnesota Hotel hax Ihh-ii re paired and ivfiiniislieil. Terms $1 per day. Only one block from the depot. All white help. All kinds of garden seeds at Fisher ic Williams. Buy all nitaus dou't forget to Ax Hilly; it will pay you. Fice bleudjd coffee at Fisher Si Williams. Fisher fc Williams, groceries. Try Fisher 3c Williams' lino tea. One hundred and twenty-three grades of flue tea at Fisher Si Williams. Ax liilly for all kinds of fresh garden seeds. Uuiou sets lo cents per pound. Ax Billy for 3 lbs. paper shelled almonds, CO cents. Something new. For all kiuds of garde u reeds aud oniou setts, Ax Billy. Dr. Smiley Is prcpand to attend to all culls from the country an 1 will make that part of his practice a sptcially. For a nice cup of tc ut a reasonable price, Ax Billy. For pure White Leghoru eggs for settiug. Call ou F. A. Tozier, at T. A. Henderson's grocery, or at residence. Hth St., opposite i o'.uuiry. cieiung ia, yi.vo. MIST 11AVK MONEY. per Lot. We will sell just 33 lots iu "College Hill Park" Addition, the finest residence property iu Eugene at the nbovo price for cash, and take your choice. We must have the money to meet our obligations Nearly three hundred lots to choose from. Lots in this same addition have beeu sell ing for J(Mj, and some havo been offered uioro nud refused il, We shall advance the price again as soon as we raise the required amouut of niouey. Size of lots, GO 1.10 feet. Apply ut lesideuce, block 1, "College Hill Paik." J. F. ArilKllTON. OiiKiioHON WmiKLS. The State Boaid of Immigration exhibit car, "Oregon on wheels" was at Dayton, Ohio, March 1st. The car left Portland Otobcr 30, has been iu 15 states, on 22 lines of railroad, traveled 0,411 miles, and been visited by 135,04)0 people. The Crouch-Houston dynamo, which furnishes: light lo the car, is an ob ject of considerable interest to electricians who visit (ho exhibit. Vk ii pict fob $225, The jury in the case of Martha J. Thorntou vs the Cily of Cor lage Grove, nflor beiug out all night, Wed nosday, brought in a verdict for pluiutiff for 22u ami oosts. It will be remembered that Mrs. Thornton, about one year ago, had ber ankle sprained iu a hole in a side walk, hence the suit. Still The school district enu meration shows that the Eugene school dis trict has 1,154 school children between the ngcsof 1 and 20, while Albany has only 1,071, a majority in favor of Eugeue of 87 And Btill the Albany papers claim a third more population than Eugene. However, it is ouly a "claim." To tiik pknitkntiaby. Deputy Sheriff Cronor took Frank M. St. Clair to the pen itentiary Weduesd y. He gets three years for burglary oommittcd about two weeks ago above Cottage Grovo, iu stealing a suit ot clothes some jewelry aud a gun. Not a Canpipats. Tho Ripistcr of Wednesday states that II J Day is a candi date for sheriff. Mr, Day Informs us that this is not true; that be is not a caudidate, and that bis name will not come before the convention. Apjouunkd. Commissioner's court met Wednesday. Full board present. On so count of circuit court being in session, the board concluded to adjourn until Monday, March 21st. Real Estate Translcrs. HI'ltl.N(IKIKM). John Kelly to School District No 10, lots 1, 2, ! und 4, block A, Kelly's ad dition; v-lH). (ll.KNADA. (ico II Colter to E H David, et al, trustees of M E church, lots 5 and 0, block 1; tl. JDNCTION. Willamette Real Estate Co to Trustees of Cumberland Presbyterian church, lot 0, block 52; tl. EUUKNK. F B Dunn, referee, to A. C. Woodcock, S ', loll, block 15, Mulligan's donation; t,2U0 D A Paine to A F Ham, lot S, block 2, Shehon's addition; f XA) C I) Combs to Lou K Hun; lot in Skinner's original donation; tlOO. COUNTRY. Oasis Lodge No U to J T Kirk, cemetery lot $12. John Kiser to W J Billings, 19.20 acres in Tp 17 S.U2 W35;j. S Smeed to C E Potter, 10 acres in Tp 17 8, R 1 W; $l0. pally i,ur.l, March S, Takkn to tub Asvlcm. James Drake, the unfortunate young man who was de clared insane yesterday, was taken to the ssylum on the local train this morning by bis father, D. M. Drake, and Special Depu ty Sheriff T. J. Higgins. He went without auy trouble whatever, nnexpectedly. Mr. Drake was an industrious young man, and has many friends in Eugene, who are sorry to learn of his sad condition, STAI.I.IOX P.ILlN Th" til'AKU job oilb e is U-tU-r prcpnr'.-d thuu ever lv fop.- to print stallion bills. Slid your work to this dllce and get llrst vl.'iss work at inlcruto prices. Makiukd. In Lsn county, Oregon, Feb. 2'MSS2,brH. M. Hurrill, J. P., W. G. VSetiell and D. M. N. Godard, all of Lane ciunty, Oregon. Mabkird. At Baker's Hotel, Eugene Or eton, March H, Ivl. by Judge O. W. Kia key, Wilbur McFarNnd and Haiti Adams, all oi Lane couuiy, Urtgoa. orm: a now, Kali Creek the Locality -A Stubhim; and hlioottin; Affray. Pally (iuiinl, March 7. Lal Saturday night during the session of a debuting society at Big Fail Creek Bridge iu the casieru part of this county, alxiut 20 miles east cf Eugeue, Ed GrilUu aud Clarence Mcllee left the room to settle a dispute which had arisen, aud what hap. peued is given as follows, r.s near as the facia cau bo obtained: The two men clinched and Grillin llrvd two shots from a revolver he had in his possession, but diil no damage. This at tracted the attention of those ludoors and the brothers cf the pair cams out, Charlie Mcllee was stabbing lirilllu iu lhi back while Claience held him. Newt Giillln and James llolce then endeavored to quell j the disluibancc, both being cut badly and hi mis juncture Joss McBee came lu rein force bis brothers, aud John Parlor seized a huge club and braudisbing it ever the six ui-ii threatened to knock the tiist oue down who attempted to iutcrfeie. Consta ble Charles Kissinger wus in the room at the time the shooting occurred, but was uu. nine lo get to the lueu until after the affray ended. A warrant was Immediately issued fiom Justice H. F. Huuuicutfs court and the thrco Mcllee brothers and John Park er placed under arrest. They waived ex- iiiiiiiiaiion aim were bound over to appear ociore uie grand jury., and wero brought here liy Sheriff Noland and Constable Kis singer last nicht ami placed in iail. Ed. tirillln reevived eleven wounds iu the back anil one in the arm, ami was U-aten about the head with a club or Ming shot. One stall struck the buck bone.elselt w ould tirohuhlv have proved I II! . 1 . . 1 . . .. ! ' l1 . num. iiis injuries nre severe nut lloi necessarily fatal. New t (irillln was cut iu the muscle of the right arm and sullercd eoiisbleniblv from loss of blood. .Juiucs Hob-e received a stab on the back near the right side, the knife striking a rib, w lileli prevented a dan gerous wound, but he also sullercd from Iosh of blood. The wounded men were taken to the JusticfHoflicc-, which now serves tem porarily us a hospital. Dr. Smiley ac conipnnied Shei-ill Noland to tho sivne of (he allViiy and dressed the wounds of the injured men. None of the Mclhvs were hurt, ex eept Cluremv, who received a slight wound in the wrist, probably Inllieled by his brother wliilccngngvtl in cutting Crilllu in the back. Polly (luanl, March s, Fiusonkb Rktitiinkp. The escaped pris oner, Fratik St. Clair, who was captured near Corvallis by Deputy Sheriff Croner yesterday, was returned to his old quurters in the couuiy jail last evening. St. Clair was much surprised ou seeing the deputy shi rill' and threw up his bunds and surrendered wilhout trouble. He says that iu getting out of jail he sprained his aukle badly aud that it bus pained him evor since, that the first night he got lost aud only traveled four miles out of Eugene, landing in the foothills west of town; that since that time he had traveled during the night aud hid iu the hrmh in the day time. He claims he uto only two meals from the time he escaped until he was recaptured. This morning, ho sent for Prosecutiug Attorney Condon and said he wished to plead guilty to tho charge, thereby getting to the peni tentiary as soon as possible. Ho oluiuis that he was a corporal in the U, S. army, and deserted with property bolonging to the government, hence be expects to yet serve a term of imprisonment for that crime. I.ATKIt. Since writing tho nbovo an Indict ment W'llri follllll lii till, (reulnl l,lt, charging St. Clair with tho crime of i i , . . .... ourgiarv. no was nrougiii into court at 11 o'clock a. m. and entered a plea of lrlliltv. mill iwlfeil to lu, ,tt once, waiving his right of two days nine, as iiroviueii ny law. Judge Fijics then senieiKvd tho prisoner to three years lu the penitentiary. St. Clair is a tough customer and took the sen tence iu n matter of fact way. Ho will be taken to tho is'iiltcntlary at Salem tomorrow morning. Tiik Puoiiiiution Spkakixo. Tho prohibition meeting at the Cuiiiltcr- biliil Pnlivlerbiii idinreli lnat. Kiitnr- day evening was a grand sucivss. The. largo building held ii vast asseinblago of people. Woll'ciihargcraud Hnckius, the orator ami vocalist, arc certainly a L'rellt team. Thev Intl. I n tnimlliiir Hint discounts any iKiliticul gathering wo ever heard. Tho comic song about ico President Morion's Shoivhani ho tel and saloon iu Washington, 1), ('., brings tho house down every time. They were enthusiastically ap'pluudcd from iK-glnning to end. Tho prohibi tionists uro greatly encouraged over tho two meetings as they won u numls-r of converts to their cause. It is likely Hint the u-ciilloinon will vlulr. I'iiirion, again next week. If they so conclude, no btlilillmr In tliu cil v will hold thn audience. A Land (Iikt. On tho first day of March W. H. Mulkcvand wifo enter tained their married children nt their home a few miles west of Irving. Af ter dinner Mr. Alulkey asked them to go out in the Held with him, and showed them four HO acre tracts of land which he would irivo to Ills four oldest children, they to draw forcholce. Tho selections wero made aud nil wero well salislled with tho result of tho visit. I ho lucky ones uro Mrs. (I. (I. dross. Mrs. J. A. Fugatc, Hen Mulkey und lentil Mulkey. ' s Manckactpbino P no positions. Two manufacturing firms in the East have writ ten parties in Eugene this week asking what inducements, etc, would be offered for their establishment here. One is a boot aud shoe factory, and the other a wagon nnd carriage manufactory from Illinois, Both propositions will come before the Hoard of Trado for consideration next Monday eveuing. A Fimi Day, Sunday was a delight ful day. It was warm aud pleasant. Our people took advantage of it, nearly two hundred visiting the summit of Skinner's hulte, aud the street curs were crowded with passengers who visited the university campus and Fairmount. AnpKKHS at SraiNuriKLD. Hon. L. Bil yeu addressed the Democratic club at Hpringtleld Feb, 4th. A good altos duLCe greeted the speaker. From a gentle man present we learn that Mr. Bilyen mado an excellent speech on practical questions, and was enthusiastically applauded by his hearers. Major L. D. Forrest also made some pertinent remarks which were liberal ly cheered. A Bor. Billy Moore, foreman of the Gl-ahu newspaper and job rooms came doan Saturday his face all lighted np with sin ilos. He auuouuced I hat " it was a bi.y and weighed ten pounds." The com-po-.itnrs acknowledge the receipt of wine aud "sicn." Insane. Jumes Drako was exam ined before Judge Scott, medical cs aniiners Dr.'s II. V. MeCornuek and T. W. Harris nnd Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Potter, Monday aud declared insane. Uii.Tit.LA Democratic Tu srr. Repre sentaiivis, M. Toner, J. M. Stone, U. J. Taylor; county judge, T. J. Tweedy; com missioner, A. Gordon; Sheriff, W. J. Fur nish, clrk, W. M. Pierce; treasurer, W, H. Jones; assessor, W. W. Brannin; school superintendent, D. W. Jams; surveyor, J. C. Arnold ; coroner, Dr. l'tuuelL. THURSDAY, MARCH 10. School election Monday. Salem has a ten m 11 city tax, The streets nro getting dusty. Hop Ilco is reported In Polk connty al ready. Special iudilceuieuta for cash trade at Goldsmith's. D. Linn & Son, for furniture, curpctsand undertaking. You cau get a quart of good syrup for 10 cents at Goldsmith's. The Slier iff has had the county grounds cleaned up in admirable stylo. Fresh onion sots and all kinds of garden seeds at (Joldsnilth's. A dollar saved is a dollar made, Buy groceries ut Goldsmith's and save money. W'e guarantee our goods ami will not be undersold. A. Golpsmitu, The Pioncur Grocer. Send to or coll ou E. J. Frasier for one of hiscirculais descriptive of his lutest and greatest bargain. Tlio second edition of "Hill's Annotated Laws of Oregon," bringing the statute law up to the present time, has appeared. The public, school entertainments netted $'''.). Tho money will be used in purchas ing books of reference for the schools. Another great stock of clocks just arrived ut W. llollowuy's. liver -tUO sold last year. The ouly good stock lu town of all makes. J. D. Matlock informs us that James E. Robinson has Yielded to immense pressure and concluded to lie n candi date for sherill'. W. Ilolloway is the ouly jeweler that curries a full line of watches of all grades and makes. Ha has twice the stock of any others, and can better please you. Carpet'! ! Carpels! at D. Liuu A Son's. S. 11. Eakin Jr., is able to lie down town again. Ilutterick patterns on hand. Rest Wall puiH-r. Artists materials, Eugene Hook Store. Lieutenant llols-rt Parker left on (his morning's local for Corvallis. It Is rumored that congratulations will bo in order when he returns next week. J. il. McCoy and wife, who have Is-on visiting their parents, Mr. und Mrs. J. M. Kitson, in this cltv, left morning for their home iu Whitman county, Wash. Dr. CasH-r Sharpies arrived from Seattle, Wash., on last night's over land train. We nro pleased to state that lie has greatly Improved iu health during the past two weeks, All difficult watch work can he done at W. Ilolloway 'b, and that is also the only place to get tine aud first class jewelry work done. Diamond, stnue sotting and altering aizes of rings a specialty. Northern grown garden seeds, all kinds in bulk, also white clover and lawn grass mixed. Hoes (a new kind that woiks easy) and rakes of all kinds. Planet Jr. Drills aud Cultivators. All at bottom price. F. L.Ciumiisbs. Albany Herald: China phoasauts have oommeuced nesting. A farmer near this oity recently plowed np a nest that contain ed several eggs. The early spring will probably be the means of making these splendid gams birds plentiful, aa each bird will raise several broods. Salem Journal, Wednesday: A 10-yetr-old son of James Roberta bad hia hand nearly blown off this morning by firing a dynamite cap, which ho was playing with. He hold the cup in hia left hand aud tried to see if be could explode it by touching tho fulmlmito with a it'd hot iron. Tho result was that ho liad the ends of his mlddlo linger and thumb blown oil and both hands nud face cut aud injured. THE ESCAPED I'RISONEK CAP TURED. Dally Guard, March 7. Tho esonM'd prisoner, Frank Ft. Clair, was seen by Commissioner II. H. Hyland Sunday morning about 10 o'clock. Ho assisted the fugitive across tho waters of tho Long Tom, near his farm tints' miles southwest of Junc tion, on a horse at that hour. Mr. Hy land thought at tho time tho man acted suspiciously but was Ignorant of his real character. Deputy. ShorHI" Croner went to Corvallis this morning, and will take a horse from there south westward lu search of St. Clair. It is not thought probable that ho can final ly chicle, capture. CAl'TUHKD. Since tlio above wus written a tele gram was received by HhcriH" Noland at - o'ebs-k today, from Deputy Wlieritl (.'roller, tliat ho had captured St. Clair on tho Oregon Pncillo rallroud track ouo mile, east of Corvallis. Bliukespcarlau Lectures. The admirers of the greatest of English bards, William Shakespeare, will have an opportunity to listen to a coarse of leo lures ou Shakespearian subjects In Eugene com mencing March 15. The lecturer, Mrs. Florence Williams, of Berkley, California, baa made a reputation in the literary world a a Shakespearian scholar. Th following is the list of subjects: The Man Win. Shakespeare Tuesday, March IS. Richard II Wednesday, March 10. A You L'ke It-Saturday, March 13. Hamlet Monday, March 21. The Tempeit-Wednesday, March 23. Tickets for sale at all the book stores. Single tick, ts 60 cents. Course ticket two evenings 75 cents; three evening $1.20; four evenings $1.75; full coarse $2. Dally Ouard, March 10. Not Oi'iltt. The jury In the case of the State of Oregon vs, F. B. Phelps and Charles Baker, indicted tot the crime of stealing two marea from Daniel Stanton at Creswell, last October, brought in a verdict ol acquittal last night.- Baker and Thelpa on the trial olaimed that a man named Heale), when they were camped near the Uarrisbnrg bridge, hired them to drive the team to Portland for the sum ol $10, there by claiming their innocence in having the team in their possession when arrested at Salem. Paul and Tbompkin Robinson, of Uurrisburg, testified that a strange man of fered the team for sale to them at that place and that they did not see th accused at thst time. We merely glv th defense, as the same ha not heretofore been published Dally Ouard, March 10. Wantkd in Lixx County. Baker and Phclis, who wero acquitted last night of horse stealing, are wanted ia Linn county ou tho charge of stealing; harness, etc., sonio niilett east of Har rlsburg. Sherill' Noland Immediately arrested the jmiron aequlttul.aud placed them In jail to await the arrival of an ottleer. A deputy sherill arrived from Albany this afternoon and will take them to that city for trial tomorrow mornlnir. Tho story told here will probubly help convict them In that county. DiKlt. Mrs. Clarence Hilyard, who sis-nt last Hummer In Flugcne for her health, recently died at Mount Pleas ant, Michigan. AssorjNciMsrr W'e are author ized to announce the name of E. O. Potter aa candidate for the office of school clerk, to be voted for next Monday.