EUGENE CITY GUARD. L L. VABFBELU rrprletr. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. A Celebrated I'liyslolao. John Arbuthnot, tli win of a Scotch elergynian, wan born near Montrose in 1007. Ha 'a educated at Alierdoen, where he took his Jx'tr'stjt'Krec. Going to London to push hi fortune, he soon established a reputation o wan of science, and before he wait 30 a happy ac cident led to liix fortune.. Prince (Jcorge of Denmark, the consort of yucen Amu', iu taken suddenly ill at F.moui, and Arbuthnot, who chanced to be there, was summoned to attend hiiri. Th prima was cured, anil the doctor was apfsiintfd one of the court physicians. Hwiftaayi that he wim the queen's favorite phy ticiun, and apartments were given hint in 8U Jamea' palace. TIiun distinguished by the marki of royul fuvor, Arbuthnot acquired the friendship, not only of the leading men of hi puny, an Hurley and Boliiighroke, but that of ull the wiu ami scholar of the time, lie wan their trusted friendnud adviser. He attended Queen Anno in her last illness, and al though he did, not eonlii.ue to hold hit oflicial position In tlie court of George 1 he and his frieud were Tories he Oiuintuineil a great practice among the nobility. He utlemled (lay and Con greve and lw ami 8w ift, and in the vernei addressed by Gay to l'opu Arbuth ' note company is said to drive tor row from the heart, "an all disease his medi cines dissipate." Po constantly ex pressed hi gratitude U liini, and paid iiiin ioiiih of bin finest piN-ticul cotnpli menu. The prologue to "The Satires," I'ow' most Mrfect pieco, In addressed to Arbuthnot. Chicago Herald. III. Klr.l l.tlrr. A writer in The ChriHtiau Union given an amusing a:couiit of the first letter ever written to bin wife by a certain old gentleman. The couple had never beer, separated In ull the yearn of their life until "Pa," at the ago of 70, concluded to visit soino relative In Boston. When be wa preparing to start on bin luemorablu trip bin wife, who wan to re main at home, said: "l'a, you never writ me a letter in your life, an' 1 do Iiokj when you git safely there you'll write me a line and let me know bow you Ixiru the journey. Ill buy a nlei't of paer a ml put In a wafer, so you won't have no trouble aliout that." l'a wan abneut a week, ami, faithful to his promise, bu sent a letter. It read thus: "ItKHi'KCTLD Lady: I got here wife, and 1 uiii very well, and 1 hope you are the name. 1 "hall lm glad to git home, for tho pride of the airth that I mm here Is enough to ruin the nation, (iad! the women folks are too lazy to set up in their carriage. They loll back ami look as if they wan goiu' to sleep, ami I don't 'pose one of 'em could milk u cow or food a pig. "Nephew Abijah liana proper diary of horses, an' 1 have rid ull over llimton, There wan t no need o' puttin' them boitghtcli buttons on my coat, for noliody noticed 'em. I urn "Yoiit Kk.hit.ti:i Hi'shand." An IiiiIIhii DuIiU wllh a Una. One day an Indian made an excursion to a iiiountaiu near 'hcv.iiil.icuini, statu of Michoacan, in Mexico, in .nk after toinu fuel for bin but. While colling up a dry oak be suddenly fell a bile, on the oalf of bis leg, given iu the fraction of a second. A moment later he felt coiling around his body thu terrible fold of u Ism constrictor, Instinctively he leaned bis hi bead over toward the wounded I and wus almost fascinated by the glare of two bright luii!ik eyes, that gleamed like liery coals iu the bead of the serpent. Quicker than a tlanli (he Indian ducked his head and caught the tn-ck of the rep tile between bis jaws, sinking bis teeth in the quivering llenh and clinging to it with tho desperation of the (lying. The huge serH-ut lushed his tail ami tried to twist its head iu order to bury Its fungn in the Indian, but the latter clung on and begun to chew away at the neck of tho boa, which is the thinnest and limit delicate part of thu snake's nnatomv After rheuing for a long lime, llm In dian succeeded in U'lieudiug his antag onist, tho folds dropHd from around his body, and the Indian was free. New Mexico News. Ilus Out of Wink. Boy I have littlu chance to learn any business by which they can earn their daily bread. One trouble Is that thu girls, who ought to be at homo doing housework, have taken the places of the boys. I might mention dozens of Hades where uo great muscular elfort is requir ed that are taken up by girls and which huuld le hebl by men uloiie. How can the UysH'urtiippiciiticcnliipnwhcn the places are already tilled by giilnf While the girls are at work the Isiys are idle for want of it; some of them sit around the house, while others are lulling, stealing rules on Hums or ilc voting themselves to other forms of mischief. A friend of mine bus no work, but bin two sclera are down town in a More. I know of a hus band that is idle, while his daughter and sisicr-iii-luw aro t.tnjilavi J. Cor. Detroit KsrllMl rural of Ijwllr. IWa.t.lrsM. The earliest form of ladies' headdress Is said to have Ui-u theoverchief or head handkerchief. Then came the hood, mil versally worn dining the Fourteenth oeutury, a revlvul of the Anglo-Saxon head covering. The close lilting cap Is said to have originated iu dn kr the comers of the hood for the sake m com fort and convenience, Chamber ols serves that "the era of caps and bats is referred to the year HID, the liist teen ill these parts of the wurld Is-mg at the ntry of Charles II in Rouen; from that time they beg m bv little au l little to take the place of hoods or chupciiiuiis that had been ueU till then, New Vwk Telegram. ht4 Nu fcmg.uih A Thorn a.t on wood chopier ho, when h cut a torrible gash in bis leg the other day, got a needlu and thread and delib erately sat do u and sewed the wound up himself, had good grit, whatever his accomplishments aa a surguun. Leaia too Journal. The Bntte City Workinirmrn'i Union and the contractors of the Montana Cen tral railroad are in conflict, oaing to the wages paid. Two hatchet each of '.MO men to work for the contractors have been taken charge of by the nnlnn, and a boycott It being instituted against the ireat Northern road by the anion of Batui City. WARflANTlNG f IP.EARM3. Aa lularralliif Null ftliunliii Ilia IUea ibllli nt a Waaler l i:iH. A sK)rtsiiiaii has nvoM.- .J t'l.OOo damages from u lit m in loinlon for breach of warranty us to a rille purchu-'-d by the plahitih. The ru us Milled in Court, after the plaintiff case had been opened and a certain umoiintof evidence called, by thu defendants submitting lou verdict of i'l. 000 and co- Is. The P-sult of (his compromise u that certain in teresting insues and legal (mint in the cane were not ihr.nhi d out. What llume xilntn Mere will U- w-eii from a sketch of the cailne of union. Theplaintiirin Xlr. I". II illowelll 'arew, a genlieiiiaii on tiie sunny side of thirty, and K.ncHM'il of coimi'ieralilu private liieann. He has gone in freely for sport since ultaiiiiiig liii majority; ho lias II.' ured in the pig-kiii Is t ween the Hags, and in he U-tliought bimni.'lf of that reputed HMirtniiian's Eden, Soiitheant Africa, and its resource of big game. The ilefeiidaiiln urn Itowland Wurd & Co., the iialuiuli-t" and taxiderminls of l'ici.'iidilly. Mr. (.'arew, prior to starting on his African trip, vinitcd Memrs. Ward's establishment and bsik some les sons in skinning animals. In the course of conversation with Mr. Ward he mentioned that bu contemplat ed obtaining bis rilln from Holland's, the well know n giiiimakern, and one of thu Ward linn lhereiiK,n volunteered to him that they could supply him w ith thu weaHinn w hich he would need, of equal quality to thoxj w hich ho could obtain nt Holland's, but ut half the price. Mr. Curew accordingly consented to deal with them, end ordered from them the rifles w hich they suggested for his ow n Use, together with the live-iinil twenty Knideis for the Use of bin African native stall; he also bought his uuiinunition from the defendants. Thu rilles were delivered to him, the invoice Ix'ing made out in the name of thu defendants. He then took the rilles down to Nonhead to test tlieiu as to sighting, and on that "cca-lon, and not previously, according lo bine Hence, tho name of some lliird party an the manu facturer of them was mentioned to Iiiin by some one shaking on In-half of ile femlantH. The trial with the nth- satis fied him; be lircd from the oun which wus (bu cause of nciion ulioiit ten trial shots. He did not icrwiiiallv inform himself lis to the charge w hich he lined in thu trials; but it seems that be used ammunition supplied by the defeudantn, and similar to thai w liich bu wan taking from (hem for his use in Africa. In duo time Mr. (,'aicw sailed for .an tibar, and started up couiilrv, M'iiiliiig almiit i' 1. 000 on bin trip, Ilcforu long one of these rillen burnt in bin bauds, causing him most serious injury, maim ing hi in mid disligiiring him inure or lens for life. His left hand in perma nently crippled; powder has burned into thu skin of his face, and bin hearing ban U'en impaired by the evplnsion. I lis trip was, of cotiiw, hniileil by the catan-tropin-, and the outlay uhiii it was wusted. It appears that he had fired thu rifle which had burst mine doen times alter be reached Africa. On the occasion of (he aeeiileni it was loaded w ith a cartridge supplied by ilefeiiilaiits. An expert examination ,,f the burst rille disclosed the cause of m w eakness. The hole for the extractor pin had been in (he lirnt Instance bon d into thu wall of the barrel. Tin) workman ha I then plugged the hole with steel w ire ami had relmred the hole. Tlie etfect of thin during had Ih cii to make the IiiiitcI lefeclie iu slivir.lh, leaving only one sixty-fourth of an inch oi lin iai w m re mere hIioiiIiI have Ih'cii one-eighth. The explosion wan due to thin defective workmanship, accoidin; to the expert evident f Mr. S. II. All port, the celebrated giiumaker, who in also chairman of the lliriiiiiigham proof Isiard. I,oiiiloii l n-M Tin 1Vliiliiini. In ('i-iiiiui. The telephone service in inimitable, un is teslilieil by the public appreciation, thero being over I il. Hod iiistruiiienls in Use In llei lin. Tin re are no private tele phonu companion iu (ieiinany, the tele phone, like the telegraph, In-ing a brunch of the service. The price for tele phone scrvi"u in low, thu annual char lor un instrument is ing l .'il marks, or something less than 10. The long din tance service Istween the principal cities of the empire in being rapidly introduced. A telegram leceived for a pel sou w ho ban a telephone in at once delivered orally from (lie central olllee, and the written message t lien lorn aided by the lmai post, Likewisu a telegram in Ir.uismiiicd by the sender to the telegraph oliice by tele phone. The telephones in use are mami factored by .Siemens & ll.ilske, the great electricians, ami are said to Is- a great tin provemeiit i j h .ti tlie Hell patent, iihii which ihev ate based, Cor. Mexican I'lnancicr. A rmsrr.Nlva Young Man. An amusing incident hapHued In one of tlie local churches on Sunday morn ing. A young married man and his riuher limited family went to divine services, sud when seated they did not till tho pew- into which they had been ushered. I'lescinlv another family came, and were ushered into the same ev, the young married' man stepping into ths aisle to let them iu. The new coiners filled the kv, and they. in. in. took the seat ahead, lie hud hardly become set tied than he again found it necessary to get up while another family tiled into tlie s'v, occupying all of it. Once more did the y. m. in. go forward. A hymn was sung, a prayer offered, and the Scripture rending had com menced when still another family came up the aisle; and the . in. in. once more stepped into til.' aisle only to see that pew, too, completely tilled up. Again he went forward, but by this time the ervicea were well under way and no more people came. To this latter fact aloue does (he y. m. in. attribute his failure to resell the anxious scat at that ervice. Buffalo Express. Intatitliina ami t'srui Murhiurry. Every trade, profession and employ uientcan show- hundred of inventions which have bionlit fovtuin-s (utile iu ventorn. In a,;i culture the inventors have made a complete revolution. Work that was done by hand in a very la borious way don-i.s of years s -o it now done In one thud of the time by steam ami machinery Lv-o within tiie memory of hvinif farmers there hue been such a trans formation iu their work that their inetu- Oils appear antiquated ami useless. H im drvds of new Inventions in the same line are annually being patented, and the farming of the future will be reduced to such a science that one 1 unable to pr-1 diet how our crops will be raised and j harvested.- ' I FOREIGN LANDS. Mexico Will Soon Have a Cardinal. ANOTHER FEMALE EXPLORER An Elevated Railroad to bu Built in Rio Janeiro Atheism In Franoe Etc. Money gm-t liegging in London with few borrower! at any price. The rrisnch clergy are wrought up over the spread of atheism. It is said that France Iir lost Itt tu premacy as a fashion authority. Negotiation) for the cession of Cux haven to Prussia are nearly concluded In Europe the grip it more prevalent and deadly at the seaside resorts than anywhere else, This evil winter of font, plague and (amine bids fair to be lung remembered in liiidoii. The Japanese have returned to crema tion alter trying for a time the European custom of burial A party of Instructors for the projected new Mexican navy have le t Liverpool for New lork en route for Mexico, (ienernl liootli's visit to Calcutta I said to have proved very successful, lie will establish social brigades there. It is promised to unite all of the icl amis of Japan by a system of submarine telegraph cablet at an estimated cost of (2,000,000, Eugene Kichter, the leader of the Lib eral party of (leriuany, has the most re markamu memory oi any member of tlie KCICllfllHg, The " imperial diamond," a hich was recently purchased liy thu Nyzam of Hy derabad from a 1iudon dealer, it valued at tl.WO.tHX), The London (iovernment Hoard bat issued a memoraitduiu to the isnitary authorities detailing precautions to be taken agaliiHt Inlluenza. A letter from Koine received at the City of .Mexico says that the Archbishop of Oaxaca will lai mado a Cardinal at the next papal consistory. In Ireland lcn than K00 tiersont own one-half thu land; 4:J memlsrt of (he House of Lords own 11,11.) 1,01'J acres, which rentt for .r)7,Wil,tk'U. The l iernuiiiH tirotione to send an ex pedition of A.iHHI or 0,000 men from Zan zibar to establish dia'kt and launch a steamer on Luke Victoria Nyaiizn. An eiiiestrinn statue of the Emperor Frederick is to be erected on the hills in Alsace on a spot overlooking the Held ol Wierlh. Tlie diitiiH it to cost ifiiO.OllO. .fel'oi ttiL'id is openly discussing the ne cessity of selling some of her colonies. The proKisitioti hat been mailt) ill the Cortes, imd newspapers are approving it. Thu llritihli government lias decided to appoint, a commission to study the subject of Inllueiizu and to determine the U'st method of treatment of the (license. An elevated railroad is to Isy built In Kio Janeiro soon. Tho oflicial permis sion has U'en granted, and all preltml italics for tlie construction have lieen arranged. Although Russia (Missesses almost in exhaustible mines of platinum, theie are only two lalsiratories in the country which prepare thu precious metal for commerce. A steamer from Auckland recently landed iu London a cargo of 40,000 sheep and 2,000 cuttle, fro.en and dressed for thu market and at prices lower than charged for American meats. A serious breach of treaty obligation has been committed by the Chinese of llcials at Canton. The property of a I'.ritish merchant has Ihcii conlWiitcd and his Christian servant arrested. Accord ing to Huron llirsch tho scheme fur Jewish colonization in Argentina has not collapsed. On the contrary it it in full vigor, an I the emigration of '.'.1,00.1 Jews tliiH year is Ix'ing arninncd for. Herlin's Society for thu Homeless last via provided shelter for loO.IHH) men aim IS, 0, 0 women. In the eleven years of its existence it has furnished lodgings, fond and medical care for 2.Si)J,00J per tout. The imperial Ktissian ukase prohibit ing the exportation ol wlieat from Rus sia, lias throw n :'.tkH men out of em ployment in and near () lessa, and has driven a large amount of shipping from the lllack Sea. Tho Spanish Minister of Public Works In the l ories nt Madrid declared that, while the government hud heretofore been content with siniidy dispersing the VtmrehiHts on May day, they had re n dved to decimate them, A London correspondent who writes from HuehareHt, and who appear to lie well informed, says that the project ol marrying the Crown I'rince Ferdinand of Hotimauia to a daughter of the I Hike and Puchess of Edinburgh baa not been abandoned. The additions to the Hritisli navy last year were greater than for a mimticr o: previous years, The total vessels munched iiumlsred nineteen, aggregat ing 107, IK'S tons and representing an ex penditure in their completed etste of nearly t.'ii!,000,(KiO. Keplying to uuestione in the Italian Senul l.uzattt. Minister of the Tress ury, siid the government foresaw dan ner to the silk indu'try arising from tlie bounties given by France to silk io- dueors, hii.I therefore intended toslnilinh export duties on silk. The French government contradicts! the stcrr that IV lltsrii. the famous eipl.cer, who is now tar into the inte rior of Alrtcaon un unknown mission, has 2,000 armed men w ith him. and that bis purpose is to reach Lake Tchad and annex that region to French dominions. The Franco-Spanish treatv of com merce has expiied, and so far no ar rangement ban U-eri concluded. The whole population of the southern Span ish provinces depends on the wine in- duntrien, ami gicat exasperation will re sult from a check to business intercourse with trance by Spain. Another woman has decided to risk the hardship of a j mrnev in Africa. On one of the hint vensels which arrived at ZnniUmr a few week ago was llaron- est Anna von Wtinghoit Sbeel, the daughter of a well-known tierman n v bleman. Ibeltsronest Intends to loin an ex!Hdition to the interior of the ,",n,ry- j Furious storms, plaving havoc with i hipping and shore property, are rsgirg 1 uw iiuc i lie oaimve lo prop rrty it enormous, and much Ions of lite is remrted. Restock and Swinemund ar the worst sufferer among the port. Score of vessels have U-en wrecked, gnj others are adrift In the ios and likely to be destroyed. i , . i . . i. ,i. . PORTEND MARKET. froituc. rrult, r.r. Wuiat Nominal. Valley, LM ALoX); Walls Maba, fl.frn 1- per cental. Ftora Standard, .'i.OO; Walla Walla, M.-iO; (iraham, 4.00; bupertlne, 3.0 per barrel. Oats New, 42l,al43l1,c per buthel. Hay ll'ul3 pur Urn. MiLurri'rra ilran, 10; eiiorta, l-'i j ground barley, 22..V)'25; chop feeil, liltt per ton; leed barley, 2U; mid dliniit, 2H per ton; brewing barley, 11 IU(tf 1.16 fr cental. UirraK Oregon fancy creamery, 37,W rt4ncj fancy dairy, 32','(3.x!j lair to good, Wwillc; couimon, 10(322lKCi Eastern, 2.rj'it31,'c per pound. Ciikksa Oregon, lhe Eaatern, 15(17c per pound. Emit Oregon, 25c; Eastern, 25a per down. l'oi'Lrav C'bickeiis. $4.fi0; tluckt, 17 9j geeiie, 11 per douu; turkeys, 12lij"i He per pound. VkOkTAiii-Ka Cabbage, nominal, $1.60 per cental ; caulillower, )l per dozen ; Onions, 75c(fl per cental; potatoes, 355i)c per sack; sweet oiaUjes, 4o M)r pound ; carrots, 70c M-r tack ; parsnips, fl.uu per sack; asparagus, 25c per pound; pumpkin, 2c per pound; greeu peas, lbc per pound. Fhuith Sicily lemons, 10.50(37.00; Calilornia, :i.0uw4.t0 per box j oranges, 1.75".4.0J; apples, 75cw.fl.25 per box; banauat, f3.oOta4.UO a bunch; pine apples, ftmo per dozen; cranberries, fl0.50JI1.5iJ per barrel; Smyrna figs, 10c j citrons, 27c per pound. Ni'Ts California walnuts, H.'tftlZ'aC; hickory, berlOc; llrazils, 13(15.:; almonds, lOiulHc; filberts, 10;; pine nuts, 17l'lSc; jK-cans, 17cjl-'i cocoa nuts, He; peanuts, 7."c per pound. aiHiila Urucrles. Honky 17ja(!?18c per pound. Ha i.t -Li verpool , f 1 5.00 f 1 7.0U ; stock, fllMlJ pur ton. CoKKkK C'oeta Kica, 21c; Kio, 21c; Salvador, 21c; Mocha, 30c; Java, 25c; Arlmckle's, 100-pound cases, 2UJ.,c per pound. Kick Japan, to.00; Island, fo.SO'J 5.75 er cental. BkANS Small white, Ilc; pink, 2,sc; laiyos, 2'iic; butter, ac; liuiaa, 3'nC er pound. BtoAii D, 4'Jc; (iolden C, 4'g'c; extra C, 4 '...c; grunuluied, 6S4i:; culsicrusbwl and Kwdered, 5 ec j con fectioners' A.S'uc; uuiple sugar, 15aj 1 c er Kund. Svki'I" Eastern, in barrels, 42;S4.ic; hulf-barrels, 44iu47c; in cases. 35'uWc per gallon ; f2.2j per keg. California, iu barrels, 3iic per gallon; 1.7j per keg. Huikd Fai irs Italian prunes, Hoch'c; I'etite and (ierman, ti.(7c per pound; raisins, fl.200il.IHI er box; apples, I'luunner-drieil, H.0'llc; evaHo-ated peaches, tw lie; Sinyrnu tigs, lidtixtc; Calilornia tigs, 7c per iiound. Ca.nnkd Uoonn Table fruits, fl.tiOol 1.H0, 2'utJ ix'tiches, fl.K0('(2.tK); Hart lett iears, fl.H0nrl.lni; pltinit, f 1.37'jK, 1.50; straw Ix-rries, fJ.25; cherries, $2.2j (t2.IO; bliu-k berries, f I.s5(a LIS); rasp-U-rrien, f2.40; pineapples, f2.25nt2.H0; apricots,fl. 00(i' 1.70. I'm fruit: Assorted, fl.lllnil.2i); peaches, fl.1'5; plums, flue 1.10; bliicklH'rries, f 1.2'ira 1.40 per dozen. Vegetables: Coin, fl.10iM.T5; omaloet, 5cMl.lHi; Btigar peas, V .c(i($l.ti0; string Ikmiiis, IS"cdi ftl.iiu n-r dozen. Fish: Sardines, 75c('f 1.115; lotdJiers, $2.30 (u.'!.5o. laiiulenwHl milk : Eiiirlu brand, f8.ll); Crown, f7.0o; Highland, f(l.50; I'lii.mpion, f.".2t); Muiiron, $0.75 per case. Meats: t orneil luff, fl.lM; clnppe I Is'ef, 2.1U; lunch tongue, f :t 0 1 In, f55i2t; leviled liatu, f I.r0ar2.0.i per 'I i'.-ii M Inrellniirou. Nails Ihien (niotations. Iron. steel, f3.00; wire, $3.50 er keg Iiio.n Par, ie er oniid. Stkul Iti.'.c pur pound. Tin 1. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime rjnal- ity, fH.uuucs.hU per Ikix j lor crosses, f: extra per tmx; roollng, 14x20, prime ipinlity, fii.,d jer Isix ; I. C, coke plates, I4xai, primo (imutty, 7.7.) per Imx. J.kaii licper pouuil; bar, li'u. Soi.dku UI'uMG'iC per Kiund, coriling to grmle. Shot f 1.8.5 per sack. IIousksiiokb f-"). Naval Storks Oakum, $5 per hale; rosin, f4 KiH.r.i.iH) per 2SD pounds; lar, Stockholm, jr.'.oi); larolina, ,.Ud per parrel; pitch, pi.tni per Parrel; turpen tine, hoc per gallon in carload lots. Hides, Wool anil I1i,i, Hums Pry hides, selected prime, 7 'si ium-; 'uc less for clillt; green, selected, over 6o Kiun.l.n, 4e; under 65 iounils,3c; sneep pelts, snort wool, ;i(itoOc; me dium, litldtHOc ; long, VOciif f 1.25; thear lings, 10((C2tK:; tallow, good to choice, 3 (ti.i V per pound. WooiWiihunette Valley, 17iifll)i; Enslern Oregon, 10cU7c (air pound, according to condition and age. Hoi's Noniiual ; lS..f2Jc ht pound. Thu Moat Market. 1'kkp Live, ll.fli'.c; dresseil.tiiif 7c. M i n on Live, sheared, 4 1 c j dressed, Hons Live, 5'.,c; dressed, 8o. YkAL 5(iHc per pound. Smokkii .Mkats Eastern ham, Hal 12i ; other varieties, 12'uc; breakfast bacon, llw(.rl2c; sides, O'aai'lOo smoked bacon, ll'.Ciill'.c per iHiiind. Lahii Compound, Oaf 10c; pure, lO' yCllc; Oregon, lli's(;C12c per pound. Itaics ami Itairirliiv., S-ox., 40-inch, net cash, tie; burlaps, lO-o., 40-inch, net cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-ox., 45-inch, net cash, 7l4c; bnrlsps, Iti-oz., 00-incb, lie; burlaps .20- o., Ttenu li, !:!-. Wheat bags, Calcutta, 22x20, spot, tH" ; three-bushel oat bags, He. Centals .second hand wheat hugs', He. Catlrurula Fruit nu Sute. If you uro not a politician and want to feet a plum yo i haw to go to California for it, vicariously, perhaps, but none the less certainly i.t this season. So when J on v a let of those bi; purple beauties lying in little pests of white tissue paper, listing as titouh they had jttst dropped from the trct all ready to Ik- bitten, don't be deceive!. They have all come from California; t'ley have Un-n handled In g.nul part by Chinese cheap lulair; they have taken a long journey over land, and have grown hiht on the way, but (hey are tremendously all the name. Just buy one and try it. And tliin coin ribtttiou lo New York's fomfort from California is a godsend. For the fruit crops in thee vst here have fallen off . ry considerably this year, tome say an much n. Cti is'rcent.or v, here there niv iiMiallr 2ti0,0iK.) p.ickage frvmi New England. New York. New Jersey, IVlaware and Maryland there are now nveived, even on busy days. barely 6.K and sometime only 1.000 packagi'n. Hut California, according to !'"'' fruit inert hunts bei, h;is leaiieil into the breach like a constitutional Curtius. aud promis, t, send here this 500 car load of fruit, each containing 20.000 pounds of tlie delicious products of rich soil and plentiful, dew mellowing sun light All of this fniit comes herein refriger ating cars, and reaches tho market hers in admirable it hi litum. all iwady to b eaten. New York Uerald. AGRICULTURAL. Diversified and Specialty Farming. PROPER ROTATION OF CROPS. Clover, Po'atoes and Wheat Will Sup ply Land With All Needed Ingredients. I do not approve of one-sided special fanning except in rart instances, says A. I!, barren in the Albany (N. i.; Evening Juuninl, but ti sneer at any thing w Inch has the suggestion of spe cialty in farming is wrong. When this term wus tirst used, farmers attached to its meaning a very restricted idea. They thought only of growing one thing iu particular, and make a lite study ol that. Everything else needed on the farm must lie bought, for it was not specialty in farming. The old diversified farming was to have a few pigs f ir market eacti year, the products of a email dairy, eggs, chickens and a few ducks, and of course corn, potutoes, a best and other grains. The farmer's time was so taken up with the various kinds of work that he had no special time for any one. My own experience has illustrated this forcibly to me. Gradually, however, the dairy wan allowed to go, and only one cow is kept for supplying the house with milk and butter, a lew chickens to keep us in fresh eggs, and the fruit orchard limited to such Iruit trees which will Dot de mand too much labor and attention. The chief crops which have been a spe cialty are of clover, potatoes and whea. These three are demanded for profit and lor a proper rotation o( crops, lliey keep the i hoi! in go al fertility, and pre vent any deterioration in the land. This is not exactly special fanning in the old sense of that word, but it is one phase ol the otiestion, which may act as a com promise between the extremes on either sale. It Is a paying kind ol spe cialty. Science teaches us that with the proper fertiliz-rg tNese three crops will supply the land with all the ingredients that they need. Utiu-ttiird ol tlie lar in is kept iu clover, another third in pota toes and the last third in wheat. The separate thirds ate changed altout every third year, givm the wtieat lands a chance to impiove by growing clover. I.esnles keeping the land in a highly fertilized cmdition this system induces intense farmers. More is grown to the acre than by the old diversified system. I he crops are studied carefully and ex periments made with them each year. The cow, the chickens, tlie one or two pigs and fie small fruit orchards are all adjuncts to the (arm, which are simply to sutiulv tlie tanle w itli tood. e have all the eggs, poultry, fruits, milk and butter that we need, ami one Ury at tends to it all. The vegetable garden is planted bv a hired man ami hoed once or twice through the summer. The boy can then til tend to all the rest of the wink i(') lired, while the lalsir of tho farm is devoted to the crops of clover, wheat and Hitntoes. Silica ti- of I'oIhsIi. The fact that all vegetables, especially thu stalks of grains, contain more or less sand is known to every farmer's hoy. He finds that the scythe or cradle dulls quickly in contact w ith the stalks only, though, if there were no grit in them, they should dull only Iroiu con tact with stones or gravelly soil. If he cuts straw with a knife having a tine edge, it is soon dulled. There is consid erable grit in p:icr, and this makes it hard on uharp knives, It comes from the wood, straw or other vegetable ma terial from which the paper is made. Of course the sand cannot go into the vege table unless it is dissolved. The ureat agent for this is potash. In union with s in. I it makes a silicate of potash, which is united with water in the soil and thus enters the feeding roots. In tlie plant the silicate separate, the potash going to form the seed, while tlie sand is left iu the stalk. Hence silicate of potash is a good lor making the straw bright and the giain plump. In most soils, excepting nearly j. lire sand, silicate of potaHh is abundant enough without direct supply. In sand ol course it is the potash that is deficient, snd itisthis that makes a dressing of wood ashes generally helpful to eaudy soil, rot ash also is Is'iielicisl where an excess of ni trogenous fertilizers lias been used. NOTKS. l'erfumed oil sprinkled on library shelves, such as od of cloves, will pre vent mold on hook9. Too acid, too sweet or too w atery fruits are tho most indigestible, lierries, or anges and grapes are tlie easiest of di gestion. Glycerine and rose water, mixed in the proKrtious of one-third glycerine to two-thirds rose water, is very good lor tlie hands. The essence of peppermint will cure an inflamed eye. Tour live drops in hall a wine glass of warm water, and then drop into the eye. A warm bread and milk poultice with a heaping tablespoonlul of pulverized charcoal will cure carbuncles. Apply warm, and when cold apply another. Frost injures butter. Butter that has U'en frozen soon gets off flavor when ex posed to a warmer temperature, llutter kept but a short time iu cold storage soon spoils alter exposing it in a warmer temperature. Keep your milk, cream and butter away (rotii severe cold and frost. (luce when breaking a heifer to milk. says a writer, she troubled uievery muci: by moving around. Whenever she at tempted to move 1 seized her with one hand around the ankle joint, and the pail with the other hand. A lew three legged races were sutlicient, and she never "gave trouble altera ard. In butter making it is quite s neces sary to strain the water w ith which the butter granu r are washed from the sides of the churn as it is to strain the water used in the churn; it is essential to rememlvr that it is possible to over wash, says the Xnrlhvttltrn Ajriculiitritt, Every washing takes away the flavor of the butter. Tlrrd tf th Injunetloa. "Why ain't yer got yer uniform on, Jim my have yr left?" "Ye. I ain't uoia to work for no tele- graft company where they tells yer to hurry every time yer goes out to deliver a mnuage!" Life. Birds bd.I lb lilt Statu. One morning, shortly after the statue of Liberty was put up, nrrr a thousand birds were picked up; but Utterly they seem to be iwsr of Jht danger, aud not nearly so mnj rSV..fd asiast this tall obtrno tlou. Harper's Weekly. Count P' and the Taller. It la recounted that oil" day, being caught In hU private ifres-ing room by a tailor who m-d, and said lie would not hiive till he hail lieeu puid his bill, Count D'Orsny lUt. ned thoughtfully for a time, fixing his eye ujsm a package (hat tho irate tailor had deHsiti-d upon a chuir. Thia package wus enveloped iu a Course sort of canvas. "Have you much of that stufT in your ihopf" said Count D'Orsay. 'Wluit kind-that uly canvas? If I wanted it I could tn-inurrow huve enough to wrap up ail tho mtrchuiidiao in the Loudon ilisl i. " Loudon disks!" said the count; "don't talk noiisciiwt. Come to nie to morrow at 4 o'clock imd take, my meas ure for a jiuir of troiiM-ra cut from this canvas.'' In vain the tailor cndi avored to dis Buado tho count, stating that tho canvas was not suitable f. r a g.tnucut, mid in a short time Count l'(M -uy was supplied with the caiivaa tro't-i is. At 3 o'clock ono aticrnoon ho climbed tho vast staircase of Cns'liford's, then one of tiie fashioiiablo clulst of London, and the first s-rsou whom lie nut was Lord Chestcrlicld. "Upon my word," naid the noble lord, "you have a singular garment there something rure, without doubt. Always the same original and charming D'Orsayl" Tho count received tlie compliment with some confusion. "It is iierhaps not exactly elegant." ho said, "but it is very handy imd fresh, espociallyMiitoil to riding on horseback." In a few moments a group of dandies had surrounded the clever Frenchman. Lord ClH-stt-rlicld in the main parlor wus expatiating on tho originality of D'Oisay's taste, nnd n few day s after ward the tailor found himself overrun with orders for the canvas trousers. Lord Chesterfield himself ordered a dozen pairs. Count D'Orsay had iiccomplished his iiurisisc, nnd tho delighted tailor aimo no more, w ith bis troublesome bili Edward King in Cosmopolitan. Wlten AtlaeKril Iir riii'iimnnla. 'riiat is the first symptom of pneu monia?" was asked a Lrooklv ii physician the other day. 'A severe chill," was the reply 'Wkat otiirlit a man to do who is seized with such a chill?" "lie should get into a bath tub con tabling hot water so hot that it would redden tlie skin and slay there as long as he can. "What is the philosophy of such treat ment?" "xV severechill. which always precedes pneumonia, indicates that the blood lias gorged thu lungs, liver or kidneys. Now, the tirst remedial step is to dissipate this blood. The hot bath iloon this. It draws the' blood to the surface, and dissipates it over a greater urea. After having lain iu the bath until relief is eerienced, the patient should step out of it and wrap himself in a woolen blanket. Don't btop to dry voui-self w ith a towel, but wrap the warm wool around von and tuiifble into Ixi I. "Tlie consensus of opinion among tho leading physicians of the day is that pneumonia is an infectious div. aso. That is, the disease germ is iu the air, und when the li-bt physical condition is pro sented the disease lahcs root nnd fructi fies. The jKipuhir idea that pneumonia is confined to cold weather is an errone ous one. There is no pneumonia in the Arctic regions. Ii is mainly duo to the sudden changes in our teniH'iatiife. ly consulting the litnltli reports of New York city it will l found that tho high est death rato occurs in lHtvuilicr nnd February, but that tliere area good many cases in August. New York i-'un. A l.osl 0i;itutiiiii(ya 111 tho memoirs of the Count do Fid- loux. now Pllblishiii r in Lo L'orrcsnond. cut, tho following pa sa,;c, referring to tho coup d ctiit of .apolc.on III. occurs: "Alnoilsf the pri-oners detained at Mont Valcrien lVc. ', lSol, was ono Anthony Chomet. lie gave, to n lady visitor a number of letters to tal e to IVris, nnd said: 'Tell my family I mil in no diiiiger, but that I fu l inconsolable to have held the destiny of France in my hand nnd to have let it slip!1 NoUnly understood the phrase, but the fact was this; In the constituent assembly preceding tho elec tion of Louis Napoleon to tho presidency, Chomet had introduced nil amendment excluding the inemliors (,f families that htid reigned in France from the oliice of president. Louis Napoleon ascended the rostrum nnd spoke against the amend ment so awkwardly, so incoherently, and with an accent so foreign and strange that ho was all the timo interrupted by the laughter nnd railleries, and finally 4'ouiK-llcd to desi;4; igiiominiously. Then Chomet arose and said: 'After the assembly has heard that harangue, nnd all Franco will have read it tomorrow, there is no further need of my amend ment. I withdraw it."' He that makes himself ridiculous makes himself impos sible, is tho Flench say ing, and Chomet was guided by it. Hut Louis Napoleon outlived the ridicule and lieeatno nnister of France, which would not have been possible if Chomet 's amendment had bo come law. Faris letter. Mnlra Himurfil by l:lrrtrtclty. The fair sex owes slill another debt, rn the scientist. A ladv who had a mole on her shoulder nnd who, from this reason, was Unable to display her otbi rwis.. f:ir and attractive coiual isessions, has Uail an electrical ou-ration performed With IKTfoct h'lil'l SS. The inolu una perforated with cUvtric needles in every direction. After a week the mole, which had lieon buriiod to a black mass fell i(T and left theskin in good condition. Ths new skin shows hardly a trace of dis coloration, and she now weal's the most fxshionable bull dresses with imnunitv and success. New York Jlail and Ex press, A 1 1 Hit In Mnokirv It seems to me that ordinary polite ness, the honest dictates of courtesy, would suggest to smokers that public conveyance, public audience i-noma. public eating plans, public drinking places, are tor the enjoyment of the whole public and m t for a selfish ma jority. Men frequently come my ntl'uv will, li 'litisl ri .Ts.ii.o ,,,.,1 !.,.,,.'.. behind tin m trail's ol their offense, w hich innoy me lor hours thereafter. liy what right do they do sol-Jos ward in New Yo'-I; l.r-.'phiir -1 I p Purifies Ike BLOOD, Cnrcs CONSTIPATION, IXPKiESTIOX, filLIOl SXESS, LITER COMPLAINTS, M('K HEADACHE, COLDS, PIIl'LES, all SkIN AFFECTIONS, tod DISEASES ABI6ING fron DISORDERED ST0S1CII. The Gtnuine HAMBURG TEA m puivp in YELLOW WRAPPERS rtf h FactimiU bignatMrt EMIL FRESE. . REDINQTON Oa AecwT. 6am FrahosoOl OLD BV ALL DBCGIHT AAD SiBWCERS. A Sj.teiu Tlml Was lit Vugim lurur id, tin I.I Ian ti-si;iml. by lit Ii l. There was a system of teller.,.,,. between the site of Chicago m,j tJ. of tlie city of Mexico lieft.n; tli duv of Morse; before Franklin's discovt..'v. before the discovery of Aiin-rira (,,' Columbus M-rliaps bcfu.T t.. davsof Christ. Such ure the uss. itiuiis'of , L'hicugo Tribune corn-spi indent ttl10 nsks consideration of bis statement on fie following busis; Chicago aa certainly tlie northern terminus of u telegraph liu() w,v, other end was in M -xico, ut mi reinoto k H'riod of tiie world's history 1 1 1 jit ilJe Very inline of the race that biij)t, it buried in oblivion. It was not dIL. . 1 1 in 1 1 . The unci stors of T'ectitiisoh Unj lliawutlia lire moderns compared with the earlier nice. Tlie riot telcirrapliic system v,-a4 employed sonii) centuries ago by that curious nice of people that built tho huge inoiimh of enrtli timt are met with evuywheie in the Mississippi valley und down to the Atlantic coast. U'ecalltho people (if tliut uge simply Mound lhiilders f,,P want of ii belter iianie. Tlie race is dead. The last ln.iil of tiieiu had passed to his eternal rest lung before this land became the home, of tlie modern rediiicn. L'.ut the mighty works of those simple People live utter tlieiu. We look upon their gii-ut earth works, ami like Yolney among hi ruins, can only feel that to tlieiu is due our veneration. For tlieiu we must entertain ut least a feeling of it tpect, being, as they lire, the last re maining vestiges of u race most re liiarkuljle und most interesting of ,1 tho men on earth, springing mysteri ously into existence, living for cen turies und linally disappearing us com pletely from the face of the cai'lli as though they never linil been born. Hcitig wlmlly unknown to other H'oplesof their limes, wis have ho mil ,i on which to base a reliable history of this peculiar race of men. Oiiruiiit qiianaiis tell ns that tlicy built sub stantial cities;' tnat they were tillers of the soil ; that they knew the princi ples of aft ; tiiat they hud a written language mi l a religion ; that they had u commercial system, und that they could send ;i nies-age acruxs the coun try with tlie velocity of light. A telegraph in pivliistoric times, as we look back upon it, seems certainly a myth, yet it is after all the hiinnlesi thing imaginable. Tlie writer did not claim for it tlie electric principle of the Morse telegraph. The electricity which Franklin found himself able to control would have been totally un available in the hands of primitive people. Tlie Mott ml Fittililets' telegraphic sys tem consisted ol :i chain of large mounds, starting ut Chicago, hence hearing uci'oss tlie country to Prairie dti Cliicn. Wis., tlietice ilmvn tlie Mis sissippi to Arkansas und onward iu a inoro or le.-s straight lino to the ter minus tit tlie City of Mexico, then the capital of the Aztec empire. These minimis were luiill iu the most suitable locations, mi that u lire lighted ut ono point could lie seen distinctly nt the next, und thus a signal light could be hastily transmitted from one station to another over the thousands of miles which separate the t.vo terminal points of tlie line. Tint signal stations arc located often at a distance of many miles, perhaps a half dozen spanning a hundred miles; thus, as limy readily he seen, a danger signal could be .setilacross a state with tlie speed of light. Around these sig nal mounds are usually' grouped thou sands of a lesser size, and sometimes a fortiiicatton or other earthwork, indi cating that a cit y of n large size hud originally existed on the spot. Tims nt Toolcshnro, la., in addition to one of the leinurknMo iuelos ure earthworks of the cutitiiieiit, there are mounds of all shapes nnd siz -s. the number running up into tlie thou sands. No belter selection of a signal station could have be; :i secured than this. On tlif very brow of a great blulf overlooking the Mississippi ure located the eight huge conical mounds of earth upon which the signal lircs were lighted, away back iu another ago of the world' history, telling a tale of danger or festivity. A light at this point would he instantly observed at Muscatine, the next station, twenty miles to tlie north, or Flint lldls, now Burlington, away in the hazy distance, thirty miles to the south, and thencu could be transmitted from mound to mound, from station to station, hun dreds of iniles in cither direction. This telegraphic tysl'vu employed by tho Mound Builders is tiie gtvatcst wonder of tlie western world. Nor is it a myth, as so frequently originates ill tlie fertile imagination of tin news p;iH'r writer, but tho iiiiuiiuls and eurtliworksare tliere to show for them selves, und their purpose is self evident. Now forests have grown up, so that between many of tlie stations the line of observation is cut oil'; hence tin line is out of repair; but students of archti'ology assert und believe that the thousands of mounds in the long line from Chicago to Mexico City were, be yond a doubt, signal stations in tlie first aud original telegraph system. Muimiiird Ciuco.lUrs. British enterprise having been de lighted willi Egyptian cats, is now turning its attention to the crocodile pets at Muabeteh, where there is a rich mine of nitrates of immense extent. Tlie crocodiles are laid like sardines in a box, with palm leaves lad ween them, the interstices being tilled up with myriads of eggs. The crocodiles are done up in bundles covered with cloth. It is believed that beyond tin su are vaults containing mummied croco diles, and in which vast treasures are stored. Chicago Herald. (liig Uiitiml tlie Karth. The time required for a journey around (he earth, by a man walking day and night, without resting, wouid be 428 days; an express, 4iday; sound, nt a medium temperature, ii'.'i hours; a cannon bull, 21 hours; light, a little over one-tcutli of a sec ond; and electricity, passing over a copper wire, a littlo under one-lentil -' ind. F.vchnnge. S m i!lS'tSWTOWTTSHMfWiggial)W IH H9 mm