The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 20, 1892, Image 1

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AR 1
V u
1 AL-iL
NO. 18.
VOL 24
, t paMPRELL.
rabllKher a Proprietor.
. . tvt .ill. of Willani
...wn-Oo the East side of Willamette
." brtwiD Seventh and blgmn nweow.
TtUJl"1 v
1(f wnini...
' . Innarted M follows:
Ad'' , ten ines or lew on. Insertion 3:
''"T.Imi. wiU b. charged at th. ol-
Snt a'tiln local column, 20 cenU
fl'llobwork must to FA1D FOB OM I.IUVMT.
jciffCITT. - - '- OREGON
.pnCE-Ro-.mi 7 1 MoClaren Building,
(racial attention given to Collections
j Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Omen- Room in Conger's Block.
Niamey and CcunssUor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofliee-ln Masonic Temple.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention riven to Probate business
nd Abstracts of Title.
Omcl-Over Lan. County Bank.
block, opposite Guabd office. All work
n uted.
bathing gat administered for painless ex
hrtioB at teeth.
J. S. WALTER, M. D. S.
Eugene, Oregon.
Dental Rooms Willamette Street, opposite
eti Hotel.
Cofflni and Caskets always on band. Pre
King mad Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
J'lM calls prompty attended.
mucuce, secona nons. soum ox uioiuu
wt Church, Willamette street.
'UTru, Improved and Unimproved Town
fopertT for sal., on easy terms.
ty Eented and Bents Collected.
TUlaaurano. Companies I represent are
TW the oldest and most Reliable, and in
r andEquiTABt-l adjustment of their
ij. D to Noks.
Og' our rtronag Is solicited.
Eugene National Bank
ftte CAPITAL. tf.00
,LPLUS FUND, 10,000
TtJuaict, a general banking business.
Boaan of DiaxcTOBs :
' Drain, F w Osburn, 1 C Chnrch. 8 M
Hodson, C Laner. J E Puis.
mmm fills
Ac ra a aw principle
rnlAU Um Unr, etonach
and bowai thnuck Uu
m m. D. liiua' Pnx.
frdtlw am MUoumm,
lonid Urcv aa4 csnstlpa-
ttoo. BnatlMt, anioem,
nnwt! PodMM,28etSk
bainiil. tn al nrwima.
i n,.
By far the larjjest dealers on the Coast in
Troon rorfitnorn Dnlfin Dnpoo fl
onn iir.r.a rr. r. a n a n ana n
If 1 Ull.liU.UlUt WUUIW, HWUUW, J
We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed
Growers and Dealers in the World.
Furniture Dealers
E. E. Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Full Stock of Butterick Patterns.
Address P. 0. Box 1H.
McClarens Buildin ,
(Opposite F. M. Wilkine' Drau Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
CP-Orders for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Pain. Auk your
druggist for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
ReDairinsr Promptly Executed.
aS-AIIWorU Warranted. Jpi
8.B. Eakin, Jr.,
Of Eugene.
Paid up Cash Capital 50,000
Surplus ami Profits, 310,000
Eugene City --Oregon.
A ifSneral banklw bustnw. .J- ""
able term". .Siiht draft, on hV OHK,
L bKS'i - 'tt c"",itr,irK
DepoiiU received subject to check ur crtih-
cate ol ueposii.
AU collections ectrused to us
prompt attention.
nil! rnfi
University Bon
Fir:: Halia
sUk t Staid and lau.y (.nwrie.,
bought in the ne-t market.
Can offer the puhlu. Uttrr price, thaa any
rTOJuc- ol U Vin 1. Uk.n at a-ket pri.
lltsiu supplies.
Keal Kstuti' 1 ninsleis.
K J Fmsier to liuirict Lit, lots ID, 11
Mk 17. V it II titl. mid lols 1!, 0 i Ii2
FrasiiT & I'.citv's l'iirt ol' FloromvjiriHKl
Li'im M KiiickcrliocUt r to Mary C
McOiiffii. lot S. blU 1. ShuliU'li's mlili-
J K Athcrton to I-ouisi M I.iuii, lot
S, llkL', (.ollcfie Hill Park; Wni.
Slilncv C SliuUlcll to II K Sltidili'll,
ir,t ! K 1 lot 11. Uk .'!. Shiilili'ii's lirst
K MaiuU' to John Iimis, 50x11!) firt
In 7;i; f l.V).
(ic-oM Miller to J L Dulilin, lot 21,
blk 3, MillerViidditlon; ifllU.
O H liurivtt ct nl to (ifo H Colter, 7!)
lots in South Florence d; f WV.
OHnn.lH II P.nnctt to (Ico II Col
ter, lots in orif,'iil town; ?",0W).
I.imdess to Nunev M Oiile
i,v l,,t 4. Mock 11. in Lontt & Landess'
uddition; $130.
(ieo. II Uarrctt, et til, to Fred Hrnso,
lots 7 und H; $133.
M (' liiirns to (i V Miller, lots !) and
10. block 2, Dehiney's addition; $275,
V Sillitlers, et al, to S A Ncwcomb,
7S ucres in Tn 20 S. K IIW; $1,1100.
Jas M Parker to J M Parker, 40 acres
In Ti lil S. 11 1
It James to James Williclin, 11 acres
in To IDS, K2N;$.)i.
Wiley J Fox to F-dfrar McClure
in T 17 S K 4 V: $5(H).
C V Waslilmrne to Peter (iciint;, 42.
tb wnH in T 17 S K 4 and W ; Jl
State of Oregon to 1( L Williams, 20.
10 acres in T 10S K 1 w ; wm.
State of Orcein to li L Williams,
iu ..,.m.M in T l'l S I! 1 W: $10.
ri,.iriiiifC T.ivlor dee'd to II X and
S J Oarrotitte, 1-ti hit in land, $500.
Wotlnv I Stevens to MIL'al It fMe
lilk . lots 1.2. .'1. Idk 2. and lots
1" 17. is. 1!). 20. I ilk 4, Morse's ud; $
W F Stevens to K H Stevens, (tiit
, .I..;.. i tf uluivi. lintiHTt v: $,
J W (iowdv to Mrs Si A Mount, 137.
73 acres in T 20 S 1U W;$lo(Ki.
Christian NVinzeiircid to AHhtI
Frank Winzenreid, li.-i acres,
Kl u tl V- 1IMKI.
in T
' Harriett Callison to S J Handsaker,
J,.,.rc'.i?-..i. TL... ,
W tioroon iiij rimui
!.5i) ueres
I,. T Kl M It 3 V: $.150.
U S to W P Coney, 310.75 acres in
17 S 112 W; patent.
Castor! promotes Digestion, and
OTrcouie fiatuleucy, Coustitiin, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and FeTeriilin-HS.
Thus the child is rendured healthy and its
sltx-D aatnrsvL Castoriav contains no
Morjihine or othT narcotic property.
" Catnrta Is o wtl a.lcl to childrrn that
I rfcommml it as superior to anjr prescription
aooirn U in. ii. a ARf.iirn. .n. i'..
K rortlanl Ave., isruokln, X. Y.
"I ne rafnrla In rr jnrtirr. and And It
specially auiipto loatlU'n m rnii'ircu.
ALU. lV'rilTWl!. M. l .
l f.7 led Aie.. New York.
Tut Cirrara Co, 77 Murray St., N. Y.
Tx collect iiij; time t the Shutitl's ofBce.
A tourist printer, the first one for some
time strurk this cilice today.
Wick Hull' was ncthiu as conductor
on the KoH'luirg local today.
15. A. Wittier, of the Hotel Willamette,
Silent, spent Siindiiy in Engeui'.
Cap. W. W. Saunders Is now itetinif
as eiiijiiuvr in ine tauiuiry in mo statu
Thos. Si cur will put out a considerable
lot of nursery stock on bis pluco adjoining
l.tineue tins spring.
Valentine's day was duly celebrated by
the yoniiK aud riin gi'ttcr.tuii also by
nuif of ihe older ones
J E U.iker li ft oti the local this niorn-
inn I" resumx his old porition in WhetUr's
l uuber yard at S iletu.
A number of persons look sdvanlogA of
the auustiiiieHUil i.l. nsiiit wetber to take a
climb on top of Skinuor's butte, yosterday.
The pi rs tiro no el timing that Re.
L. Corwin. nl Sab m, is a "wolf in s'leep'g
lutliiiiji " Ho has prenehed here a few
I lines.
The lenu of setitcnce of Sandy Olds,
who murdered Kind Wolier in Port
laud three years apt, will expire on the
27th hist.
AmiiiL'cniciits, we learn, are lieinc
made to establish a Younn Mens'
Christian Association hi Fup'tic. It
liould sliceird.
M.S. Wallii went to l'oitltnd on the
overland this muniinc to accept a position
as traveling agenl in western Ureyou tor
Cli it Kuhu A; Co.
L. ltilyeu has had the plans druwu for a
cot U lie, nliich ho iutends ereotiu on the
coast Newport, thii spriU(. It will be
quite a LaiKlsomo airuetuie.
Hon. A. C. JonnitiLM, of Lane coiiuty,
is heiiic lilted bv his friends t') announee
himself as an aspirant lor the republican
nomination for Congressman. Roseburg
Saturday's Allmny Democrat: Mrs.
Moses Miller went to Fit)rene today to
it a nivat mint, who is lylnn serious
ly ill there with the iniw. Mie had
not seen her for about twenty-live
The niaiiUL'ors of the Portland expo
sition have lixed the date of the open
ing of the fair on the Wednesday toi-
liiw iiifj the close ot the statu lair. 1 nut
is, tlie state lair win oH'ii on .Moiutay.
Seit. 12th, and close on the 17th, and
the rortiaiitt exposition win ojhmi oii
the 21st and hold for a mouth and a
lav. This will prevent any clash in
date of the tw o lairs this year.
Junction City Times, Fob. 12: In our
statement last week concerning the four
uiw brick bni-inesg houses, we uninten
tionally omitted the name of Thomas M il
ium. U. M. tiacKsou win uiuia a urioa,
following next will be the Bank of Com
merce; F. W. A. Crain and J. M. lleebe
will build together, and Thomas Miljioro
will lliuk the south with a twenty-five foot
business bouse. We had the number aud
space down correct, but misstated the enter
prising proprietors.
Henton Lender: The eitiTiuui' me
lory has started tip, and Is now busy
iiUiinr mi order for loriv earw ironi a
F.tiireno 11 nil. There is also an oruer
for more iroods trom Kugeno and a
Port and linn have closed u cotnmei
for a larce ruinm'i' of btiwy nntl hack
U'ds. New iimchiiiery Is lielntr plneed
in liosition and two carloads ol miner
inl are on the way. The blacksmith-
Iiil' dcDartnient Is compleU'd and the
buss iminter is cxDecteu to arrive from
(lie hast soon.
Oregon State Weather Service.
Station University of Oregon for the month
of January, 1
Elevation above sea level 135 feet.
Mean barometer 2'J.CS.
Highest barometer 2.01, data 18th.
lowest barometer '28.U8, date 25tb.
Maiiii ii innnratnrH 40 degrees.
Maximum temperature 51) degrees, date
Minimum tetupoiuture 29 decrees, date
21th. .. .
Moan of Maximum temperature 4o ue
Mean ol Jliiilinum
35 do-
Ho. timoB minimum lemperaiure uo
grees or below, 0.
T..I..1 nuiiii.ilntinn H TiPi inellPH.
. , oo J.
Departure from normal 3.32 inches de-
Prevailing direction of wind, nortnweai.
Total movement oi wiuu oiuou uiuc.
No. of cloudless days nono.
No. of partly cloudy days, one.
No. of oloudy day 30.
No. of days on which .01 ol rain fell 13
1 ,i! of lisht float 11. 10.
Datos of killing or injurious frosts 12, 20,
27, 31.
8. E. MoCicm,
Attempted llurglury.
Snnio unknown Derson or nelsons at
I. tn rilfd (n hiiri'liiri.e the safe in Wash
btiruo Sou's tlouriug mill at Springfield
Sa'urdiy uhl. A nuall bole was drilled
pailly llironh the door between the han
dle and c imbiimtimi knob. It it not know
whether (to y wi-ro Inghti ned away or nave
it up as a lad ji b. A brace screw driver
and an oil i n r left behind which had
teen tdten from Mr Wbeeler's lool room
in the saw mill. The would be burglars
piobably had a key to the premises, as the
doors were nil safely locked that even
ing and no doors or windows wi-iii
to have been broken to gain admission.
Circustances are such as to cause strong
suspicion that local talent is resjmnsi
lilefortlie attempted crime.
Daily liuanl, Feb. 16.
I nnank. Mark C Smith, aged 34
years, who lives with his parent
"uoout four miles wet of F.lltfone, was
examined this mo n ns; on the charge
of Insanity, la-fun-Judge Scott, Di puty
IW-cutiiiif Attorney Potter and Med
ical Examiners Drs. Paine and Harris,
,.,! i.ri.iioiinii-il Insane. He is gener
ally haniih'-s, but at t ilium lieeomcs
violent. II'- will U'tnk.-n to the nsy
luui by Deputy Sln riU'Day on tomor
row morning's bs-al train.
Cixb Mkhiko. The Tilden democratic
club of Eugene, met at the Court House
Saturday evening. hairman Whiteaker
Dresiding. Short inci-ive address, were
made by Judge J . J. Walton. E. R. Skip,
worth. Chas. Wilkinson, L. Rilyea and L.
D. Forrest.
A CBiSi.K Scbk.-Coos Ry News: A
mail box was slopped from her. to the
Smslawonthe Chance one week befor.
Chrisimas, and -id not arrive until Febio
ary 1st. What's the matter with thos.
Chance fellows anyway?
Hie Cimttty Coiiventioti to he Held on
Satnrdav, April !. and the
l'rimai'ies on April 2.
The county central eoiiiinlttec met at
the Court lliuis-, I'.np'ite, Saturday af
ternoon February 13, lMi2at 1:30 p, in.,
and was called to order by liov. John.
Whiteaker, Chairinnn.
On motion, K. K. Skipwortli wiis
elected secretary.
The following eoniiiiiltirinen were
Smith F.imetie-.lolin Whiteaker.
North F.uireiie I, llilyeti.
SiH'tuiT II C Huston, by (ieo A
Dorris, proxy.
Cottntre tirove A 11 Spare.
Mohawk N llaiiimitt.
Willamette-lieo Sutitli.
Springlleld W P Cheshire.
Crcswell ( ieo (iill'iy.
Chesher T A Fountain.
Malsl-A Diury.
Davis (' A McJlahan.
tiateCmk .1 Milliinn.
(ioshen II C Mathews.
On motion, It was resolved to hold
(lie county convent ion in l.iigcne, Or.,
Saturday, April !, b!'2, at 10 a. in.
On motion, It was reeoiiiuieiiocii iiiat
the primaries lie held on Saturday,
April 2nd, tit I p. m.
t was moved by A. II. hpare, of
Cottaire tirove, that theapportionnieiit
be made on the basis of one tlelcirute to
ach prceinct.alld one for I'lieh 30 votes
list al the last election lor iN'muor u.
M. Veatch, and one for each miction of
20 and over.
1'iider said motion the county con
vention will consist of SO delegates a
portioned as follows:
. Kiifeiie 7 S. Ktwiie !
'oltiiKe Orovo S Junelliiii I'lly ii
iiiriiiKlieM rewell 4
Ulehanl.oii I l.on Tom :i
I'lca-iint Hill -' stuslnw
Wllliimelle ;l Mohawk '-'
Speueer - i'aniil'reek
irvinir ii oi v aney -
Kail t'n-ek . Jllilille f ont I
MeKenie 1 Hael Pell 1
Florence '.' I'ojole
rhesher J l.iikel'reek I
leitlcna '-' Mals-1 I
Iiiiiht ... - Oavis -
I.hiio 1 oo-lieu '-
Maideloii I Hale Creek '.'
lleriiiHiiu 1
On mot ion, the chairman and secre
tary were authorized to prepare and
issue the call for the county conven
tion. On motion, adjourned.
Duiican Scott Telegraphs Hint he
Saw E. It. Luckey, Feb. 1th.
Daily Guard, Fob. 11.
BheiltTN'oland yesterday afternoon tele
graphed Duncan Hcott, who wrote the let
ter to Ocori-e Melson about having seon E.
R. Luckey at Sacramento, Cnl., asking for
further information. This morning the
sheriff received a dispatch from Mr. Scott
as follows: "Haw Lackey at Sacra
roeulo, February 4th. Think I can locate
his present whereabouts." Sheriff No-
land immediately teleuraphcd Mr. hoolt to
use all endeavors to locate him. It will be
rememliered that Mr. Lnckey IWt here on
the 1st day of February for Portland. If
be left Portland Tuesday evening,
the 2d. he would have been in Sacramento
on the date mentioned. All the conductors
on the railroad between Ashland and Port
land, being well acquainted with Mr.
Lnckey are positive be did not go ou the
train unless he was disguised.
Nothing of a compromising nature has ap
peared against Mr. Luckey in any of bis
business transactions hence ho must have
become deranoed, or else went awny mere
ly till the storm was over.
Junction Items.
Times, Feb. 13.
intends opening
Mr. Moe
store here
a furniture
O. W. Handsaker, of Eugene, experts to
move to Junction about March 1st a. id will
engage iu business.
Still another brick building to report
F.arnit Lee has wisely concluded to build on
the corner south of the post office and work
will commence with the opening of spring
C. Halwax expects to make a drop our
tain for the opera bouse, which will bi
used for advertising purposes.
We understand L. N. Roney content'
plates the erection of a three-story brick ho
tel in Euueiie north of the Day block tho
oomiiig season.
Put lilew is killing time waiting for the
completion of the south room in tho opera
house block. Ho expects to open up a first-
class line of grocories about March 1st
W. 8. Lee has a force of men busy at
work Duttinu in a brick vault in the rear of
bis office in the drug store. It is a very neat
and convenient arrangement and will be
proof against Ihe hottest tire that ever
crackled. The object in building this vault
is to make doubly sufo doposits and other
In a I II of lempnniry Insanity the
Deed t as t oillilllliru.
Special to the OtUBD.
Diuin. Or.. Feb. 15. James Ward,
wood contractor at Cotustock shot himself
at his home luur here last night, it is sup
posed in a fit of temporary insanity. In
this condition be had beaten his wife, snd
after leaving her in a helpless condition
commuted the rash act jurt outaide the
house, dying soon after.
Hins Oi'KNF.D. Bids for the con
struction of kccia-rs' dwellings, ham,
etc., for the light station at Hcceta
Head, a few miles north of the mouth
of the Sitlslaw river, were opened at
the office of Major Hanilbury, I'nited
Stutes engineer, Thursday. There
were live bids, submitted as follows:
H. M. Montgomery, $20,470; llays
Jefl'ery Co., $,!tHl; 'ingate Hall, $35,
!hhi; (i. II. Colter, $27,5isi; L. Conn &
Co., $41,475.
Dally liuard, Feb. 15.
Warrant lHHt;ED--Justice G. W. Kin
sey, this morniutt, isiined a warrant for the
airestof B. F. Russell, of Thurstou, on
complaint ol lire. D. A. Paine and W.
Kuykendall. Ht it charged by the com
plsinl with practicing medicine ami surgery
without a license or certificate from Ihe
State Hoard of Medical Kxamiueia. Depu
ty Sheriff McGtie. started for that place
this morning to arrest him.
Skkvkd Tiif.m HiiiiiT. Astoria
Town Tulk: The faking doctor, after
trying to "do" his landlord out of his
bill, has skinned out, and the dentists
of Astoria are now imsy uocioring me
huvrated jaws of s,ple who thought
that "Fakir" True pulled teeth chiup.
A Iiriil SyuopstM of the Condition
the Cannery.
l'uily liuanl, I'eti. 1.'.
Pursuant to untie, (ha stockholders of
Ihe Fun- u l'neking and Canning Compa
ny held a meeting at th. Board of Trade
rooms hint iveiiiiig to hear the re
port of Hoard of Directors aud other offi
cers : We give below a brief syuopeis of
ilio year's work:
Amount of stock paid iu !'., (I'.H)
" due on stock.
Ihiildings, grounds, switch, elo. . . .
. 7,tWl
. 1,133
Total f Pt.lijO
amocsts I'Aio r.ia riions, arc.
Berries 47 83
t'herne. 7ii5 111
t'urti 5(i OH
I'eas and beans 42S.'.M1
Plums 202 02
Peaches 2,0:1 lit
Peais 111035
Tomatoes. '"' 31. till
Prunes 77M.17
Total J5.CI2.17
Boxes 677 73
M iseellaiieous 2.1 13.3li
FreiKbt 2,323.31
Insurance 5(15 HO
Labor 7.IH.2 7i)
Cans C,8.".4.2I
l.aMs 1,W7.(!S
Sugar a 1,275.42
Canned fruits, Nj. cases 4,134
Dried fruits, t C3,l!05
Whole amount $10, 577. KG
tioodaou baud, cases 075
Buildings, Krounds, eto $18,050
1 in on bund, estimated l.tlKJ
Labels " " 1.000
Fruit " ' 1,000
Indebtedness. . .
Italotice (1.4NC
Total business transacted 115,000
A committee consisting of J. II. Mo-
Clung. F. M . Wilkius, A. V. Peters, J. 1).
Matlock anil W, 11. Aurams was appointed
to inspect and examine the books of Ihe
company and report at the next meeting.
A committee on ways and means was op
miuted, consisting of O. P. (Irilliu, L. N.
Honey, (1. W. Muitin, J. J. Walton aud I.
L. Campbell.
Speeches wero made by S. II. Friendly,
T. tl. Hendricks and II. O. Humphrey,
representing the creditors, aud all stated
that they would deul fairly and liberally
with the company; and mat tney wantea
the iustit'ltion to continue to run; that they
had two propositions for the plant and ma
chinery from oubido towns, but that Ihey
would not be considered.
The stockholders niunifotdod a determi
nation that the cannery should remain here
and become oue of the permanent institu
tions of Lane county, although the first
year of its iuception had been a disastrous
It is certaiuly the duty of every property
ownor in Eugene and vicinity to help place
the institution on Its foet agaiu.
The meeting adjourned until Monday
evening, February 22, 1802 at 7 JO p. m.
Possibly a Clue.
Dally Guard, Feb. 1.
A letter was received by (leo. Mel
son this morning from Duncan Scott,
in which the state.ncnt is made that
the writer saw a gentleman wearing
long black whiskers at the Sacramento
depot getting on a passenger train, and
that the party spoke to him culling his
name. Scott says he is positive the
gentleman was a Luckey hut as he had
hut slight uciiuaintauco with E. It.,
could not wty whether or not It was
him. Scott was quite ill at the time
with hi gripMi and thought nothing
further of the occurence until ho saw
the telegraphic account of the myster
ious disapjicaraiicc. Mr. Melsou has
written to tlnil out the date and fuller
particulars if obtainable.
It may lie that a clue has liccii found
to Luckey'H whereabouts. Outside of
this information his disappearance is
us complete as if the cartli liud opened
und swallowed him.
A Correction.
F.ditoii Daily Uuaiu: Permit mo
to correct an error which npjioared in
the Daily (Iuakd of Wednesday und
u bleb was reiH'iiIed in the Journal of
toilav. referring to my business trans
actions with Mr. K. J I. Luckey the
morning ho left town. Ihe pajsT
snvs he drew $500. paid mo $374, and
took with him about $125. Mr. Luck
cv ifave me a check for $374, and then
drew from the hank, the Liigene Na- Is-tween $4on and $500, which
sum he took with him; hence after
paying Mr. Koliu the $100, hi Port
und. he had over $300 when ho was
missing. Ukoiuik h. Doitma,
Oregon WIU be Remembered.
Wasiiinuton. Feb. 11, Stone from the
nnininittee on war claims, has reported
bill to reimburse California, Oregon ana
Nevada for moneys expended in the sup
pression of the Rebellion. California is,
under the bill, entitled to $2,451 ,'J. Ore
gon to $224,520, and Nevada to $104,000.
What Dukh F.wknk Hay? A cor
rchKmileiit of the Allmny Herald Is
agitating the formation of an amateur
baseball league in the valley. It is the
desire of the corressiiideiit to have the
new league embraif thocitiesof Salem,
Albanv, Fugeiie and Me.Minnvllle, or
Corvuflis. The corrcsuiilciit Is of the
impression that such an organization
as lie proposes would meet the reiuire
inents of the is-easion and ls generous
ly patronized throughout the circuit,
l ie promises a scheme- of organization,
which, If adopted, w ould no doubt stie-
cetil beyond eXsrtiition. no asas
that in in each city clubs Isj organized
a guarantee basis 100 slian-s at $25
h. This would give eaeli club $2500
to secure it against loss.
Rtoui ItoimEo. Roney Rros. store, at
Goshen, was entered Feb. 13th by burglars.
A small hole was cut in the door and un
locked from the Inside. The money draw,
er was broken Into, a couuty warrant for
$15 taken, and a dollar or two in change.
No clue to the roMwrs h hwn discovered
IIokx. Iii F.ugcne, Feb. 12, to Mrs.
(rant Knight, a boy.
Notices of election shall be posted
w ithin thirty clays after January term
of court.
In case Judges of election are absent,
voters may choose Judges. If clerks
iippointcd'aiv not iiivscnt, the Judges
select clerks. Polls will be OJK'11 lit H
a. in. and close 0 p. m., though Judges)
may adjourn at 1 o'clock for 0110 hour.
It is the duty of Judges and clerks to
challenge susiceted illegal voters.
The iiiace where a married man's)
I family reside, and the place where 8
single man sleeps snail uo cousmereu
his reshlelliv.
In ineorHinitcd cities no one Is al'
lowed to loiter within fifty feet of the
jadls, except jioaiv otlleers and ehallen
gers, ami only ten htsoiis may op
proach to vote at one time. Judges, of
election have power of J list Ieo of Peace
and may Inllict a line of f 50 or hnprhv
oiimeat for 23 days, for any violation
of election law, or disorder at polls.
They limy appoint siiccial constable ill
nbscni-e of regularly appointed peace
Within an hour after polls close,
counting shall begin. Only white bal
lots, furnished according to law, shall
la' counted.
Certitlcates of nomination, signed by
chairman and secretary of convention,
hiv necessary, and for state oftlecrs)
must ls tiled with secretary of state
not less than 45 days licforo election,
and for district, county and precinct
otlleers certitlcates must Ik tiled with
county clerk thirty days U-fore elec
tion. Canilidates'must tile acceptance
of nomination for state oftlccs with sec
retary of state thirty days iH'fore elee
tion,'and for county nominations fif
teen days Ix'toro election, if at all, In
writing, with county clerk.
The County Clerk shall cause ballots to '
be priuted, as prescribed by law, entitled
Official liallot," aud no others shall be
uied, circulated or cast. There shall be
lour ballots priuted for every vote cast at
preceding election, on white paper, and a
like uuuilierof ballots on colored paper, for
samples, and not to be Toted or counted if
votid. When a vacancy occurs, by death
or withdrawal, after tickets are printed,
notices shall be posted al polling plaoe, and
iu all cases blank lilies are left on ballots
so voters run vote lor whom they please,
whether or not the notniuoe of any party.
Not less than five days before election,
the Sheriff shall deliver ballots to election
precincts, prepare election booths and an
poiut deputies to take charge ot election In
each precinct.
Threo booths, where voters can make out
their tickets in secrecy, shall be prepared,
though iu a position that judges can see
that only one man is allowed In booth at
one time. Those who cannot read or write
can have the assistance of two of the jndgea
The names on the tickets not voted for,
must be icrstched out with an indellible
pencil, which is left on the table in the
booth, and the tickets are folded so that the
judges cannot see how voter voted.
The Clerk of election hands out tho
tickots to be voted, tearingoff one stub on
which he writes a votor. The voter retires
to a booth and prepares bis ticket, and on
presenting it, the remaining stub it torn off
before the ticket is deposited in the box.
For all violations of Ihe law, any disor
derly conduct, obstructing polls, illegal
voting Intimidation, eto., the law provides
rigorous fines and penalties.
Heed Gets Ilia Liberty.
Portland Telegram, Feb. 12th.
Charles F. Reed, through his attorney, 0.
F. Lord, has filed application for a writ of
habeas corpus, which was made returnable
at 2 o'clock p. m., before Judge Heady.
Reed iu bis application claims to be unlaw
fully imprisoned by 1 L. T. Darin, the
Uulted states marshal; mat nis imprison
ment is in violation of the constitution of
the Uuited States, and without dne process
of law; that be he is not guilty of any
orime or misdemeanor whatever.
Charcei wore Dreferred aeainst Reed, for
engaging in timber land locating, and of
entering iuto a conspiracy to defraud the
government. It is olairued Reed was en
gaRed in these questionable transactions in
lN'JU and lS'Jl. The paiucniar onense
charged, for which ho was arrested, was
committed on the 14th of January, 181)1.
He was turned over by the state authorities
at Eugene to Ihe United States mar
shal on the 7th of November and on that
date committed to the county jail. Since
that time he has been In prison.
Uoon the statement made by United
States District Attorney Mays that Ihe gov
ernment had really no case against the
paisouer, acoordiug to the evidenoe and the
technical nature of Ihe charge made against
him, Judge Deady allowed the application
and ordered that Reed be dischargtd.
A Social Item.
narney Times.
There is auotber wedding to Chronicle
that ot Lame Detiy to a cow puncher,
who recently came In here from Dead Dog,
by the name of HronohoJira. The wed
ding took place near Paddy Joe's tepee and
the bride was the recipient of many beauli
presents, among which were a pair of
brass knuckles and two coyote scalps.
She was attired in bewitching pair ot
riveted overhalls, the back drapery graoe
fnlly looped np with s bright new bale rope.
The happy couple have rented a haystack
near the slaiiKhter bouse, where they will
reside until the springtime comes. Gen
tle Annie.
PiioFKHwm ok Military Tactics.
Lieutenant K. V. Hrooks, son of
Qulncy A. Hrooks, one of Oregon's
cadets who graduated from West
Point about six years ago,
and who was gazetted to the Eighth cavalry,
is now professor of military science
and tactics at Delaware college, Newark,
Del. He was assigned to his duty last No
vember on account of bis record. He
would have preferred Oregon to Delaware,
but went where duty called, and is doing
bis best to teach the yonng ideas of Dela
ware, how to shoot, elc.
Mr. Hrooks was formerly a student
in the Stute University here.
, 4 i.'tt.i... T.uux.ltliiA pnnntv.
Oregon, Thursday, Feb. 11, Mrs. W. P.
Shelley of quick consumption. De
ceased was a daughter of tlie late a.
Crabtreeand a sister of Mrs.'W. 1.
Fisher of this city. She waa sick out
a few weeks. Mrs. Shelley has many
friends in this vicinity who will mourn
her loss. The funeral took place
from Win. Fisher's residence to Oak
Hill cemetery, at :30 o'clock Bumlay
morning, Feb. 13th.
Dynamo Arkivkd. The Edison arc
dynamo, purchased by the Elwtrlo
Light company arrived Feb. 12tri,
and was taken to the -station thus
morning. It will be placed in position
at once, and in a short time our BtreeU
will be lighted again.
The incandescent dynamo also ar
rived and has beeu taken to the
oldi7 a.aiMsaia.,uaanJi.