js . ;y s '.Si Everything Kxquisitc in Import.. lVrfuim-ry, Saj, ami Toilet Articles. Also a cuiuplfte ami select stock of 1 amis, 0U Virnixluw. liriiflii-rtainirainttTrt rnrnifhiiiKH. OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR Fruit Land For Kale. KM Bi-nnof line fruit Iinnl, mi from Kuni'iiP, I" a """I ,f ration, for mile For .iirlluliiM i-n-ijulreof L. llilyiu, over Fir-d Niitlwml Hunk. Golden Femalo Pills.. Fir Femaie Irregular I lira" IKillillKllkcllirin in the market, t'rrrr llll. Hllrleall'.lllsa I j y tin. mil, fin laon mommy. iiiiaraini'V'i ii relievo suppriMcd uieiiiiruaii in. 0RE!SAFEI UnTalNI mii'l I-n liuiDt'iirvM. Save Time, Health, ami muiiey ;Uk Uu utu- r. Sent In any nddraas, 'Kiiru l mull on IV CClIO "I TffV. Addrc.., ill APhRO mEDlClNE COMPANY, ... llrubiU, Uoltf, rOHTLANU. OR Km r-alc hy K. It. I.I'CKKY AC".. Eugfiie. rHr: CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. MY BACK! TOP IT NOW, OON IT Wilt Bt TOO LATt. 1 have hern troubled ninny years will; nl kidnrva .ml have tried many diflrrrnt rcinrdlre ml have ihiukIiI i'l Irum dillnrnl phy.kians without relief. AU.ullhe isth of April I auflciliiK It' in very violent attack that aliuoat prostrated m la ....I., inmnri limt I WaS lelltover. hm I Ml down il waaalmoM Imiawahle fur me lit ad up alone, ur to put on my ciine, kind Providence ami '" lirmrv, DHKMJN KIHSKV Ti;A, l my botrl I imnitillt-ly commenced mini tiic Ira. It hail an altmiat mlraculou. rfhvt, and to the aatun ahmeiitofallllie (iicnti at the liutrl, a few days,! am happy to state, '.hat I wa. a new man. I will! recommend the lea to all alllicttil aa J have been. C. A. TI'ITKR, l'aipllrlnr (irrl.lftilnl Hotel, baula Kuaa, Cal. EUGENE CITY 14 PATTKRSO.V, EDRIS k CO. Mntiultk'tiire Best Grades Family Flour, Store (irain nn tlia moat favoraliU trnna, Whtiat rviwlnta u( any wari'linu.a uortli n( Kit Irene, iriirly aanigni-il, taltvn lu en liaiwe l"f Kliiur or Keeil. -"lllgktat CbhIi Price l'aiil for Whiml-fT" Too Much Load On tin Livnr will lircuk down ull the miertjioB of lid1, ami unlit you for Work, ltusini'Hn or I'lcanuro. I ndijjcKt ion, Oonsti juit ion, SIimiIiiui rii'fi, UiliouHiii'HH, nra w lirnt nlurniH nature soutuls to warn you of litiugiT. Moore's Revealed Remedy Ih Klntr of the Mood, Liver and Stimmcli-It liim NoviT Kitlli'd, HtiDilraili of UiatiiuoiiUle like tlila: J. K. Miller, A.toria, Or., writra: ''It cure ma n( a aever Liver auj ItUxul Inmlila, " -l'H5 tjr all ilriik'ntaU Call on (Well (ur aiJewalk tumlier. KeadacmE! Of all f..nn. Vewralfla. .. rila.aw. ;,;,,.":.","",,l"""M' HI.rkO.liaa I!?. .' """"'"'lamciir.-il.T UK. " "vriii: )i,iih; .unifmllir iba runnel limiana nwi.im ii borvoua aiaraa-a, Ii don D. ii.ui dnnirer,mi lni "Hava hr.n !:,, i,u mm feetnilr lo Jauuarr i rime ylli Uj. Srr la 1 b.d al e,H. II o.iiul.lmi4. ana ikiw alter Ultra U...UU,.- um hata c taa.-jRV u. (nulla, II u, ... Mi, h ATI ViarailMli, .!,,, .', ""J, iaale,uatiluiarrli.r.i1riin.. I,.,. "J i.lrti.r. aadalieriuma u (.,.,,,., i,a ha n.,. a.lura (. lr..h,., Ilm.iu.n,, 1-, CR.MILU MEDICAL CO (Jkhart, In. old iy i. h. srciiur. S V i I 1 w il 11 MT T CO Ml J mm 0R.miti Wfm. fpuniE fe H? Drugs, Pharmacy, Chemicals, Medicines, Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Appliances. Am llniiNi Nd. n well known mini ii fitc-t ii n-r uf IhhiIh ihhI hIhh'm nt -'.o N" Inn M.. Sun Anloiiln, 'Ii xiim, will not hikiii furt'i't IiIh 'X-rii'inf wild un nl- lark of I it' iTlilnliH W lilrll IK' n'linin rollout: "I Mint taki n with it violent criiliili ill tin- Htoniiu li w lileli I la lli'Vi' would liuvi- iiiiimimI my ilrntli, limi ii not Invii for tin' prompt nw of Cliiun- Min'H ( olic I liolrni iinn iniimiiN ii Itcintilv. Tin- llrt !" li'l mi- fo much tloo'l tlmt I follownl It ii In iiiinuli M w ild Ihi' nioiiiI iIohc, iiinl Ih furt'llii' iliKior loiihl tt't to wlii-rw I wiih. I illil not mi ll him. IIiIh lu in- nly hIiiiII iiIwiivh Im- oih' of tin' niiiiu HtiiyH of my fni'nlly." For will- hy tl-IU IIN IV I'l.l.AM'. For iliaribo a or NiitiuiiHr coinplniiit in any lotm iihum n iooiihb ihu t'baiulrlaln t oiif, i.uonr niki innr ibmi IIi'IiiimW. Mm Nunry Hi-ny, uf Ail allia. l.nwrniceciMiiilv. Krnluukr, Mty u rloHM curnl Iter of an allark of diaribn-a '1'woor llirre ilon-a will rum any onlitmiy eaat'. U lu ll rnlu I with w.ilcr it l pliaa anl lo luko. i' ami Till ci'Ut bulllea for nl hy Oshiiru Si I)i lio. Tin- iitln r lay in Cli'n'o, Cal., it man namcl Avt ry was marriril to MisH Small, ami tin.' Iirailliiic man of tlic Clironii'li; put over lh' ac count tin; liraiiiiitf, "A very-Small Wi'd'liiiK," l'ut one of tlnHc foin HiHitnri4 who know it all, it up, "A Very Small Welding." The KriMini i- now looking for the editor with a larc siiil cluh. J. M. Carroll, secretary of the I id: in I of eiUali..itinu, is reported an faying that taxation as it now ex ists, an hhown ly t In as.-es.-ment rolls of this htatc, is rapidly ap proaching the condition of the sin gle tax system, or w hat is hetter known, perhaps, us the tax levied upon real estalo only. The indeht cducs ami exemptions almost eijual the personal property, and practically real estate pays all the taxes. An exchange has discovered that Itenjamiii Harrison is .V.I, John Sherman is (i'.l, Jcsepli llawley is "Ii, Senator Hoar is (ill, Mr. Itlaine is (12, Senator Morrill is HJ, Tom Keed is .VJ, Ingalls is ',) and Malt (juay is ,V.l. On the other hand on the democratic, side, Senator (ior inan is 51, Speaker Crisp in 'lii, Senator Carlisle is oil, Senator Hill is I'.l, Senator I'ugli is 12, 1ieuten unt (lovernor Shceha'n is I!:!, and Congressman McMillan is 17. - - - No lofty tilt of iiiarhle or granite is needed to cotnmemorato the memory of the late Cardinal Man ning. Jt will he kept sacred in the hearts of the people for whom his philanthropy was constantly exerted. Think of it! Occupying the highest place in Kngland in it great church, his estate is worth less than sf'i(K). The lowly Naza- rent! would have more followers if this example was more common. This is it practical age and men arc not satisfied unless example con forms to precept. The popularity of David It. Hill in New York state is phenomenal. The'assoeialed rcss, which hy the way is not particularly friendly to him, reports the results of county conventions held Saturday us K'ing enthusiastic and unanimous for Hill for president. New York will lx the political hat'lcfleld in No vcmher, and all indications are that it can easily Learned for Hill. It is u dchntahle state and theilem- oeracv must look to it for success, nominating no man whose control of the state is not assured. Practi cal polities give the hot results, Jackson and Tildcn were men who labored in that field, and it cannot Ih' said to Hill's discredit that he takes every precaution to secure the success of the party principles which he firmly advocates. The Orcgonian's latest explana tion of its ten per cent, assessment is that other people get oil' in the same hoat. The Oregonian should iUalify the statement hr particu larly referring to Multnomah coun ty. I.ane county lands and prop city ate assessed i'ront t'.ll to 7," per cent, of value, and in a numlier of instances at par. This statement has proof in forced sales that have Ixvn recently made in which first-cla-s projieriy Lroiight hut little more than it was assessed for. It takes unadulteratcl gall for a great moral journal to admit making a pretense and a fraud of a countv I assessment and then seek to imlliat i the ollense by charging other conn- j It..., tf.tl. 1... I l: 1 in" " i in un ic same delnniuencv. Xti'lTt'K Fuli I I' I'.l. Ii'A rH 'N. I.AMi lm K At litim it.., Ohk:. OTU'K ii JIKKKI'Y i;iKN 111 A r Hie ..!l :wj nau.'d n-ulrr liu til,,l iiothwia lil liil. nti a .. ii al,. tin, ,,s,( j,, auplKirt of In. ,liu,, iul hi mi. I j,. I" IH..I. In-.. II,. Ji.w, ,, l '.mnly t'ik g Lane countv. iik-..i, at Kuveiie. U rj.'lt. ,ti Mom lav. Fell l ve.. ,j: I If ru,,t, ,0 1 1. I , ''' i . nl til , in ( al.,lwll. (r W I ,. SH I, Se,- '.'1. .n.l K 1 ,. S K 1,1 s,.. 1 1 Hi s. it i k. II. cajur. Ilu. ..Ii .in,. aitnr.r. to tmn. In. iiii.ltuiei.ai r. iUii, itiKiti an. I ,iiti,iin "la..i l lart.l tti. Jamaa l. llr'kn. .1 l,o A. Ithain, l atry l'li,4),a,n, Jailoa, It. Ma , "I 1 li.iln.i, eoniilv. Cieu n JOHN II. Hill 1 li,V!.t-r. Fit I DAY, Y'lW. A. rWlnl Vuldiliiie'eday approerbclb j Druiiiiuira ii plfilifiil arii U Una Jj j Tbe 1'ili uillt hw mill at .'oreHi alurlfd . -.1. .. , I . L' ...... .1 I u H- tl, (Utjl. up yvatctiUy. Mr. Frlrmlly nxra lb ctrle LiaUil MiKt-Dziti river tiaiix-r. i VI, H. W1IU, dik of Hi. rlltu HoarJ uf Equalization, returuwl botue lent evening from Httli ni, tbe work having lireu complet ed. Nurrii Ilrowu. of Haloui, well known iu Eugene h arccpltil lb poaition In Ibat city aa oiaiiaip-r for tbe branch boon of Koiipp. Uurroll k Co, S. M. Oaeu and family, lata of ('alitor dim, have moved bere, oonij inn tbe ri di ni on the w?t tiile of Willamette alrcet, owned by (lo. II. Duma. Joaepb Ooldetone and broiler ill i pen a atom In houtbiru Oregon In Ibe Deal fa lure. Tbuy are eicellent b'J-ine rcB ssd will make a micchi of Ibeir veutuie. i, M. WioUr'e lia-e ou Ibe buddier abop between CtU and 7tb alreeUon Willamette baaejpired, and a co'lple of gentlemen from rV little are now conducting tbe mime. Jon. Koch has rclnclliliereil thlsolllee wild a map of Kugi iie nml Hprlnglleld ami nnliiirlm. .Mr. Koch Is u ilrnuglitH inlill wIiom' work Is his best rcenin liuililiitioti. K. S. Ftaaier wiitea from Monterey, Cal., nuder dale of Ibe lid, tbat be intended lea ing for borne 1 burailay laal, and will ar rive bore on tbe 10th. Ilia beallb baa greatly improved. Quite t number of furmera were in town today for Ibo parpoee of bidding on tbe rail road laud tbat were to bave been told fur laiea by tbe aberiff and were diaappoiuted alien they beard of Ibe enjoinment. Ily some iiiiinvoiiiitnlile priHi-ss of tvis'scttlu nml proof reinllng we were iiniilc In wiv ill lust week H (il Altli Hint the liniirlaKf of Fletcher Linn mnl Miss Sawyers took place February in, when il should hiive Ui-n Feliruiiiy ,'!r.l. S. I). Fulton, of I'nl It comity, Is very eiilhusiiislie over prune culture in the Williunelle vulley. He goes so far as toBiiy Hint Itiilinn priliies (row n lu the vnlle'v are siis'rior In those Krown in Italy. The elimate Is compared to that of Asln Minor, where prunes, olives mnl similar fruit can Ik- found. Cirvallii Timon ' Eugene it in darkneaa. Tbeelectriu li'lit worka caught tire luat Fri day uigbt, and lof im Ibe ll.imea could be xtiiigiiib"d botb dynumoH were dextruyed. Tbey will bave to eiid Kant for new one, ami il will take si verul wcekn lo get tbe glim glnniiieriiig agnl. ." The streets lire ill ilnrklicss, hut our liiisliiess lintiscH are still using the elec tric light, one of I he large dynamos lint luiniiiiir. Coos I'mji Ni'Wh: L J (i.irrigtia bin ritt'Uioiir repri M'tilailvea at Waabingtou to iliiltnie lliem In procure an order lioiu tbe Iiinl di pirtmeiit aulliori.ing prool of lim ber i Iiimih lo lie iihiIh before tbe ofllcera iu tbe county where cliiima arii loctled. Tere H In) In couipelling ailcb proobi lo be uiiiiluatlbe laud ulllce; the reitiiremenl In ing merely an ordur from the ullicira of Ibo lanil department. It would be a great convenience, aa well an great Having of ri poi.e to claimants, if proola could be made here aud the neveasity of taklug witueHSea lo Uoaeburg obviated. Fuii iiimiiit Notes. February 4, 1ML'. II. ('. Hunter has finished it barn for J. I'. Itainscy the past week. It. ('. Martin, from Creswell, visited friends here lust Saturday. 'Mr. Joseph Veeks left for the log ging camp with A. J. Nickel last Sun day. Horn, Wednesday, Jan, -7t Ii, to the w ile of A. F. Lamb, it son, weight 1) pounds. 1'. W. Davis entertained A. 11. Dil lardiuid l (1. llulin,of F.tigene, tit his lioine yesterday. ('. V. Houston, formerly agent of the S. P. It. It., lit Junction,' was visiting nt the resilience of his uncle's, C. A. Wisilcy, this week. Mr. O. (ireen has moved lutoC. II. Davis' hnutc from the place ladouging toj. II. Met 'lung, when they have lived for the pnst ten or twelve years. A case of scurlet fever Is reported lit It. Lewis' house. It In not known yet whether it Is the genuine or meivly a case of scarlatina. The niimler of Sunday promeiuulcrs ou the railroad tnick thmugh hen is on the Increase; iimoiig them art notitvd some of Kugvnc's U-hI known IH'ople. Just wait till we get the slde wiiIk down l.'ltli utivet, then weexset to have about 11 Hi (M-ople out hen from Fugene every Sunday, enjoying the bracing air and the line view. I toss, As Fsual. A few imiulba ngo Luther Uctmnn bo titled iu Kiigi'iiw on temperance. He was. a miigui'tii, eloquent upeaker, aud here told bow lie bad beeu tumble lo resist tbe drink habit, once a year falling before it. lie re turned Eat to hia homo in Indianapolis, and In a dispatch of Jan. 2f, the result is told aa follow : I.ulher llenson, having jiist rcturmd from a tetuperauce tour iu VVaahiugtou, Oregon and California, wound up iu a terrible drunken apree tonight and waa taken to Ibe !Spritic.)rld llrntikaid'a llonie for treatment. "W'beu tbe tiger coliicH," hhvh be, "I rau uo more reaiat the leinptation Ibmi 1 can Hy. and it cornea oiiceajrur. 1 aie a real tigi r, a tiger a nultiriil aa life. It appears before me. Win II 1 Hint aee it It la aaleep, aa eaceful aa a lamb, lu a little wbil it opem ita eve and looks akuit in a dreamy way. Then it begiiii to inov and ita eye begin to gliire at me. Pretty a.iou it begilia lo move Ha jawa aud show ita teeth. Then it apringa at me and with (bono gnat jawa around my neck, completely overpowera me No oue who in eel a that tiger cau re ist." Mr. ltetianu cried bitteily over Ilia (iiiluie lortMst the lemptntloii, WiMiiNoTox, l'eli. 7. Secretary Jitmea (I. Illume baa rlnallv iHkeU. I'uder date ef ym.tinluy he lia wruteu Cbairmau t'lark.ou, of the republican tiatioiml com mittee, loiniiilly aiiuonurini: be la not a I cuiiiliiliite lor llui republican preauleutial uountmiii.u. The (ull telt of bia l. tler In: I "1 niu lint a caiulidute lor the pnauleucy, t and uiy name ill unt go More, the repub lican uanonai conventiou lor uominatinu. 1 make Ibia auuoumvmeut iu due aeaaon. to tlmae bo bave teudered me their nip port I owe .invi to tbanka, and am moat giatefulfor their roiiHdeiic. They will, 1 am aure. unike au earuot effort in the approaching coiileat, which ia rendered ea pivlallv iiii'orUnt t y reaaou uf the in diiktrinl and tltmucial poliona of tbe gov. en, tin til beiug at atake. The popular di. dMoii ou lhee ia.uea ia of great moment, "'" 1k,u' ," f','ti't1g conicijueuoe. Al iuny, tlr . Ft b. ti.-Jiimea Wul laei', a fanner livinir near Allmnv. hua livipaiini. It is supposed 'he has gone lii t allium iii. lie mdd his w heat I'llllt'ilue nil. I r,.,iv.u -; l .....I ,1 sliilletl away nil thesotlllt Uuillil over- land train, 'llu liunily thinks lu- left in company with a young; widow' iiained .Mix "ealeli, the daughter of N . . Met ou. Me has a wife and i I. iir i IiiMivii mid w us a w ell tiwlo fur- ! Ill)r He hud nti'litlv lai'li itavitiL I till, III,' nil, .1,1 I..,, I,. M in, '. u,..l. ' I i '",.- v. J. -ini.ii, mill wa" mi mtieli In her eonipanv Jli4 M tie iipluiitilnl Itiiti for his coii.Ll. t. lie li:ieniu ludcLhsllieoM of fluv itr tnon-. All his pnicrty has larii at tached, which will leave his wife whit out means. si. is imMnttcd over flu a Hair. li Tallonis. In h n article on retaliation In h II article oil retaliation the purtlaiid World illustrate the kc 1 i tii ul phase of it US follows: ..." ., tW f .Not many years ago me lion. Jos eph Simon and the Hon I) PThoinj) hoi) were urrayed against each other as rival candidates for the olliee of mayor of the city of Portland. Both gentlemen were driving for the many-sided Hupremaey to w hich the mayorality in a massive step ping stone, and the, contest was memorulile for its keen alignment of forces uml vigor of prosecution. The unconsolidated Portland of that day was shaken to its center hy tlic ugony of the fight. When the smoke was cleared away it was found that Mr. Thompson had won hy the nleiider and tremulous ma jority of one vote Mr. Simon ap pealed to the courts, and in the court of the last resort, John P. Waldo presiding, the cast; went against him, and David reigned in peace. The iron was rusting Si mon's bouI, meanwhile. Another election came on a state election this time, in which the election of u state FUpreme judge was involved John 15. Waldo and K. S. Strahan being the rival candidates. The hour of Simon's revenge had struck. He caused a large number of republican tickets to be printed whereon the name of Strahan ap peared instead of Waldo. Jt was enough, the judicial criuincdroiipcd from Waldo's shoulders like an avalanche from an Alpine rock. The whirligig of time went on "bringing in its revenges." The battle flags of another election wi re unfurled, with Hon. D. r. Ihonip son as the republican nominee for governor. The rusty iron in Si mon's soul now fairly smoked with swift corrosion, for the hour of op portunity had again struck. The result was a sickening slaughter of the stately banker a slaughter nearly as red as that of the Alamo, which had no messenger of defeat and "personal politics" will long have a bitter taste in the nioiith of the victim. The whirligig of time still went round ami round. A scat on the licnch of the circuit court of the United States became vacant. Here was u prize for the princes of the bar to strive for a prize dazzling to the eyes of even the most successful lawyer. The audacious hand of lion. Joseph Si mon was reached forth to grasp it. A stately and somewhat saturnine banker suddenly appeared on the scene and plucking the iron from his soul, the iron that was rusting there struck down tin; audacious hand, and so far ns Mr. Simon is concerned, the winter winds are wailing "JiOehaher No More." A recent number of the Princ ville News contains a scurrillious article, evidently jiroinpted by jH't ty pjiite and to gain personal re venge, in which the Jewish citizens are maligned and misrepresented. The prejudice against the Jews is a survival of the dark" age?, when they were denied all civil and re ligious rights and subjected to per secution on every hand. With the advent of a higher civilization the conditions changed. The rights which had been withheld were granted him by civilized nations, and his genius has been sensibly exerted on literature, art, politics and the financial transactions of the world. He is not a wanderer as the article referred to intimates, except it be where a despot, like the czar of liussia has done, turns millions of the sull'cring people from tin homes occupied by them and their ancestors for centuries. The Jews do not settle in a place tempo rarily. They secure property us soon as possible, become members of the body politic, and perforin all the duties of citizenship. In mat ters of public improvement and en terprise they arc abreast of the times. It is seldom that a Jew is heard to oppose any proposition that will add to the material pros perity of a community. It is the glory of this North American re public that men arc not ostracized on account of name race or religion, but.are held in estimation accord ing to their intelligence. In this enlightened age no people can be subjected to unjust iersecution. The spirit of the News editorial is manifestly unfair and will have an effect opposite to that intended. Astoria correspondence: "This judicial district is likely to have a new judge after the next election. The judge is "tired," and don't want to be elected again. People will talk and the papers sav ipieer things attaint that Mr. Olds' trial and sentence Jf that fool fisher man had stolen a two ton safe full of silver dollars, instead of a paltrv fish he couldn't have fared much worse than he did, Some people are 1mm great, whil.t others have greatness thrust uon them. That's w hat's ilu. matter with vours trulv." John Waiumaker, our tiost mas ter general, has decided that love letters and p ms of passion shall ih exennieii n, such stutl lead: marriage is a 1, a consuinmati,' the same as tl.i 1.1 1 .- iu the mails as all L' marriage and ttei , ami any such n shall W incited Louisiana business. The failure f the Cannerv Com- 'ill, 1 I,,ny is to liei.eplored l'he most c:;t Tprismg citizens of the ton tsik stivk dtid this failure will op erate to discourage them from u.ak ing investmuits in the future to build tip the town. While horses are smashing rec ords and lowering the records for speij in all classes, breeders and feeders of cattle are not asleep. The recent heavy weights exhibited at the fat stock shows in this country und in Kurope seem to punt to the time when Is-ef steers to dress from KXX) p tiiuds up will Is the rule rather than the exception. Kast (Iregonian: David Hill lif elines to receive his salary as Unit ed Slates snii'tor some $ 1000 for the period preceding his formal taking the oath of olliee. His point is that he was not really a senator until he was sworn in. David is right, and we congratulate him up on his equity and good sense. Jt is a good example for a "rising man ' to set. Jle adds another jewel to his (li nleni. Jilaiiio's letter of withdrawal from the presidential race was probably the result of his delicate health. He did not feel equal to the hercu lean task that would have been im posed on him during the campaign and the task of reconciling warring factions of the party if elected. The dream and ambition of his early and mature manhood have vanished. His name will not be recorded among the presidents. Maine is the strongest man, po litically, within the ranks of the republican party. Hisnamewould have aroused some of the old time enth isiasin, and secured a victory if po-sible at all. His hold on the Irish vote would have Ik'CH ex tremely dangerous to democratic prosKets. This withdrawal leaves the lield practically clear for Har son'.i reuomination. The experiiiu nt of calling tbe Oregon state legislature in special session would be a dangerous one. liesides costing the state a large amount of money what assurance is there that anything for the bene lit of the country would be accom plished? No condition exists now that ilid not exist when the legisla ture met in January 1S50. It was then in session forty days. A spec ial session, or the pay at least, is limi'eil to twenty days. Is it prob able that this body in a short res sion would pass appropriations that were refused when it had am ple time for consideration? For all practical purposes, except a special session, the terms of most of the members of the present legisla ture have expired. The members would not feel that sense of resHin sibility which rested upon them when they first took their seats in the legislative halls. A new legis lature will have felt the popular pulse and coining fresh from the people where questions have lieen discussed will more nearly fulfill the public will, The Dr. Kceley bi-chloride of gold cure for dipsomania, or in plain terms, drunkenness, the to bacco and opium habits, is held a secret, and will doubtless run its course of popularity as other fads have done. It is asserted that the treatment has the effect of destroy ing men's ambition and energy while the vicious habits are liable to gain supremacy at any time. Pecuniary gain may induce adven turers to flood the market with nos trums recommended to euro the liquor and tobacco habits, but the experience of the past, which is likely to Ih that of the future, is that for those who have formed the habits there is but one way of safe ty and retreat, and that is total ab stinence. All other remedies but play on the credulity of niankiud, and though they may Ih; occasion ally successful, most probably at tain success by destroying the nat ural vigor, leaving the victim with little ambition for stimulants, nar cotics or anything else. Another tax dodger has been waked. This time it is the Oregon it California J.nnd Co. which owns the railroad land grant along the line of tinSouthern Pacific in Ore gon. For years the ollicer-i of the corporation have been returning to the assessor of I.ane county what ever numlier of acres of land they pleased. While owning or entitled to 'Ji'.O.OOO acres of land they were content to pav taxes on onlv about oO,0'H) acres and tbat at a verv low rate until the present year when the valuation was raised. i i i v. oqwrauons are popularly sup pise 1 to have no souls. This one docs not lack cheek. After mis lead, ng the assessorand securing an assessment on only a portion of the lands owned by the corporation on its own statement, it seeks to bar the county from recovering just taxes on the land subsequently dis covered as hot having been re turned by tbe assessor, and which were assessed by the sheriff accord ing to the law which defines his duty where he finds land which through mistake or otherwise failed to U assessed, The corjHiration aver that 1 2 jK-r acre is nn excessive assessment. Whi n it is considered the lands in question arc held at prices ranging from if J.riO to 11") jar acre tbe as sessment will apxar reasonable. The lands of the "loorest settlers in the mountains are not as.-essod at less than 12 ja r acre, and this cor or:'.'.ion owning thousands of acres of the finest timber lands in the state should not esMpe, as hereto- j lore, paying their just proportion of the public taxes. The tax dodgers will come to a ju.-t accounting in the end. STARR H M WfcrWi BUT CURES .. ' j i ii,. . jj aw I ill ' '1 n I i wmpiWaK-aja i tLEITELS and get O and Write for our 'tuc icrrn ujitcd I fit LLI I LL II HI LII ?Wa NEW GOODS. A FINK ASNOIITMKNT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LAllGK BOOTS and mm From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quajity. C3L.O X?3E&XJ& Gr. Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. OUR STOCK is tfrSfFree New and Si lisli.jgj Look us over; if we do not save you money, we will make some one eta sell to you low. :A FULL LINE Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete stock of Ladies' Misses' and Children's SI10KS. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact everything in the Boot an J Shoe line, to which 1 intend to devote -m7 good"- fiust class - . , , , , . And trtiarante! as represents!, and will be sold for the lowet pritwa thatja Bond i article can be afforded. A. HUN T I PUPCP Coughs, Colds, Induenis, Bronchitis. llUrlLO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, for Throat, Asthma, and every affrcnon of the Throat, Lungi and Chest, including Consumption, iaccdf and permanent. Genuine atacd " TH fi i'.'.i. GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICE Cigar store Eajjene City, On n FISHER Ac W ATKINS, PROPEIETOI. Will keep er..Uutly on hand full ai pply of MUTTON. TCRK AM) VIAL Wl ich II ej will sell at the loaeal marVrt pri em, A fair share of the pnU'c patn na-e licit.! . Tt' THF FAKMEl:S : ! W will T the hi.hent marVet price f-r Fat I att e. II,a and Slurp. j SHOP ON WILLAMETTE STEEET j EUGENE C1TT, OREGON Itaata iWlirered to any part of the city free nf citlrve. CENTRAL MARKET GIIIFFI Sells tlie Celehrated NON-UUSTlNCi Tinware liEXF.lUL DKALKKS IX HARDWARE, STOVES KTO EUGENIC - OREGON MORE POWER tawMM a at a al mm use Ltaa wmilk New llliiatmled t'utnloKue for 1HU1. uUCCI 9, EURItiP Pft "A"."T IKKiW(iriT A IIIILLk Ul Mlwlllh v'l III.M.HKLU,0f. a. A. STOCK OF OF GROCERIES F. Ii. DUNN j Sportsman's Epoi iuni. HORN Si PAINE, Practical Gunsmiths Dealer in aT GUXS' U1FL?n' Fishing Tinkle nml .'Half rial', Senilis MhcIiIiipm himI .Net-illriiol All UiiMU For hulfl Kepairing ilone iu the neatest style and war ranted. Loaned Ammunition Furnished St"re 00 Willamette street. w rni tu I Without Healtncan- LaL I M not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USE ,,l, i , m . : Cvjrcg on Blood Fjri rfitTR. TV HEALTH RESTORER. fMpstSSsj USE IT! It is the k t iuIht to Iti.iltli mnl the quickest cure ou Mtinli. I se it in lime lor all tiiseasesof the Stomach, Liver, kidneys and Skin. It cures Khfuniuttsni, Malaria, Coated Tonnut ntul lleadaclte, relieves Constipation, Bilious ness ami 1 ivstK-psia, drives all impurities out of lite Wood aiicl dries up old Sores. The Business men lniv it, the Vorkin;meii use it, the Ladies t ike it, the Children cry kir it and the Farmers sav it is their best health preserver. Sold evcryv. here, fi.oo a bottle; six fcr s.oo I NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. i I.AM! (II'KUK. At RoSFBITI.il. OkK 1 j I.ceiiilier30, 1S91. ) I VOTICE IS IIEBEBY C.IVEN THAT JA the followiutr named aet'ler ha 6'ed notice of hia intention to liiskt final proof in I support of hi. c airn anil that said fmof will lfinai!e I tfoie the .Itnhe or County Cleilf, of I.ane cntin'v. Orepon. at Furene, Oreton, on Momlav. Feb. 15. 1M2. viz: Preemption V. S. No. H.mi. ..f .Inin a H. Maa-toaa. (or tt NW of N W and lot. 3 and 4 of Sc. I'.l, Tp lti S. I! 5 K. . He names the follnwinir witneae to r rnva ha rontinuoua ri sider.re upon and cultivation i f .aid land iii. .lame. II. ItelLnap, Wrn. T t'anipMI. .T.dm A. Il .am. Carey Hiouisop o Tl.otn.on, I. site n.iintv, Mret;i n. Jt'HN H. SUITE, !e!itf. .' NOTCH Foil ITBIJCATJON. J.ai!' t'r'i'irf aT l:ojl)H'i;p.. 0rr.nsi. 1 February, i. 0. "Y'triTf'E 1-i HKUKliY GIVEN THAT i the f.i'li.wimr tianie settler haa riled notice of h' intention to inaka Knal pro 'f in opN.rt of hi claim, and 'hat aaid pn f will le made Uf.-ie t ho J u.'te or I'ounty Clerk of l.an rtiiti.tv. I ret;on, af Kn ene, Orejjon, on UrHiiMa'ar'. Mar.h 1rl u: -I Keevea Ii..lbp,nt .1,. meiual entrr No. i"17, f' the W 1 f M: i rni E f SW of Sec. Sfi. Tp is i: 1 1. lie nam-, the o''oini wi'B " a to prove 1 'a ennru.u.i'i. r,i-bnce npi-n ai.d edtivatin t .wi i land, ir: I;m l. E'lwarda, Henry L C:ter, I n.n.ey Smith. Miller Blackburn, f I oarli, I.ane o uiitv, Oregon. JOHN H-8IUTE,EeUtr.