The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 13, 1892, Image 6

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1, 1 CAHPHKLU freprleler.
Jlvet His riirrleiee mIHi Ilia residual,
lug llruu .Nui-m l Lack t ll ultli.
Dr, Charles l. lliadl.ys iiamo lirst
came into unih-siruble in minii j in No
vember, 188.1, when lio wns iiii'isded
charg'-d with Isiiig in-line through execs
live Indulgence in morphine uud cocaine,
the latter a jKiwerful narcotic of which
up to tlmt time lililo hul Ixtii hoard. Ho
Yvasuikiii Is foro Judge I'riiidorgast, was
declared to Ihj insane, und giien "'
fence of thnsi mouths in lliu Washing
tonian homo. Afti i u fortnight's Htay ut
the homo Dr. Iliadliy went to Canada,
big old home. where lie gave him If up
entirely to the demand of tin' drug, the
fuw.'iiuitiotis of which completely en
thralled him, I'ructico and h"ino were
gone, und ho guvo frm p in to his vice,
lio returmsj to Chicago and was wilt to
tho insane asylum, wh r" ncomplciiTiiru
was effected, and In- itin.'i his practice,
only to find Iiiiiin If dosortisl by hut
clk'iitH and hi reputation impaired.
Consolation for Itie reverses eainii with
cocaine, to which he again liecamo a
victim, und there weie montlH when ho
absolutely lived in ilio 1 1 .! of mind it
produced. Kcciirie;; it ley hook or crook
until hiit lust po-o,on wan gonound his
funiily beggared.
Tho physician went to the gutter, an I
year ago was is'gging for coeaino ut
drug stores or nrming it by fictitious
orders on druggist. Then he dinp
peared. Ho was occasionally heard from
in Canada rind tho east until last full,
when tho p;iiers recorded his urrcst in
New York city for i-ndonioiiiig to ohlain
supply of cocaine by represent in;; him
Keif as a messenger sent from one phy
sician to unother. In tho Hlico court
tho gaunt, einacialisl, ragged man told
bin Blory of want und woe. und tho
causes which brought them uUiut. At
that time ho was using sixty grains of
cocaine a day. Ho was sent to licllevuu
hospital to di". Hu-re ho was found hy
tho manager of tho Chrmlian homo,
where ho was niUHed hack to mental and
jli VKical vigor.
Dr. Diaillev was reluctant to dwell on
tho cpisod.-s tlm InHly given, hut con
Termed freely uu other circuiunluiict-s of
hi life.
'Until Iff.") there was nothing to dim
my procct8," Kaid Lr, Bradley. "It
wua in that year that cocaine was firt
brought to tn 'I ice through u (iennun
physician, hut it was only known us t
practical aniesihctio in n-rulioii hy
oculists. There him iiomcllnsl known
for tiding it for other piiis.s.-s. I wua
tho Unit man to discover that it could Ut
otherwise used -in fact, total.e tho place
of ether or chloroform. That discovery,
to iuiMi tunt to the world, wan most un
fortunate for me. Win n 1 announced
my discovery physicians laughed und do
clared 1 wan crarv. 1 w rote a letter to
Mayor Harrison uliing him to apxiint u
Medical eenuiiis.ioii to impiiro into tho
Talno of my discou-n, which wan the
administration of cocaine hvodciiuic
ally. I Mist utilised my discovery hy
(eating it on a cat. I dissected a leg of
a cat, xkMnj tissues ami muscles, and
kept the animal on my desk for hours
watching the cii vula; inn, There was n
pain, the drug .eiei.diig u soothing
Net I K"mi exiitiientlng on my
elf. 1 found that the uniiMhctic inllu
enco ot ciK'aine is limited. I exieri
liiented on in,' : elf again und again to wo
lust liow far thin limit extended, and
learned just where, when und how to
give, injections. 1'hvniciaiin then !
Iicvo.1 (lint Ilio pITecta of the drug were
similar to tin we of iiiorphmo. To jtt
provu thin I tried actual cautery hy ap
plying to my lody nil hot iions, hut I
felt no pain, und there wan not the
slightest setiMitioti us the flesh withered
under the heated Irons. For three
months everyday f. a half hour I ex
perimented with the drug, end often
jiusm-d several hours of the night in its
study beforo n mirror, watching its ef.
feet on myself. Hut I never realized
that it was obliiining a mastery over mo.
Iu fascinating Hiwem wero unknown to
the profession. I was thunders! ruck when
I found that tlm drug was absolutely
neceNiry to my mind and body. I ho
lievo 1 could have eoniucred ihe hahit
then were it not for a misunderstanding
with the tium from whom I hiitisj my
home. He wanted hia house, and when
I refused ti) vacate it my weakness was
mndo a point hy which I was drugged
into nn Insane eouit. lVrMt-utioii und
publicity drove iuetoileru(e extivmes.
At tho Wusliiimtonian homo no one
know-how to treat my di.seasi, Every
body known the rest how I went to the
gutter und it everything,"
"With all your exniicnce with co
caine, how do ) on now regard HI" asked
the reporter.
"I think it is a grand drug, with re
mitfkublo propeitien, und leMiue to take
the pluce of ether und chloroform. It can
be used without danger of death. It
produces no nausea or rostration. It in
a great Svitie for ncrw us disease, for
corluin disease of the spine, for pai-.dysin,
for tetanus, hydrophobia and other con
Tuloive diseas.ii. It will unite with other
nti-Ba.siiiodiiK und intensify thuir ue
tiou. X think I know more uliout cocaine
Hum nuiht men, Imt I ,Ve no compre
hensive idea of its kihilitiisj. sitj.
ntisis are, only in the experimental state
with it." h
"W" at are the effivts of the drug?"
"To U'gin with, it is hko the effects of
any stimulant ut certain slag., but it is
not stupefying, us in opium, Tho ierson
taking it bus a f.rling that evcrulnng U
lovely and serene, of jrrhvt 'content
ment and universal Kiiisfaction. All
things seem ji.-rf.vt. There uru none of
the frightful illusions which come from
bquor or other stmiiiLmts. llxcessive
quimtith-s, though, onus, great irritalub
ity. The duration of the i-tr.vt in about
two hours, urn! is i-u.visd.-d hv s f.s ling
of deprvsbion and exlumstion. ' But then
it none of the ihstuiUince of the mind or
titrvous system that follows drunken
Bess. The victim loses ull strength nfter
ach indulgeinv, il tl.r,. Urn tlie ilu.-f
dangw iu using c.vaine. It w.-ak.-nstlie
action of the h.-art, making sudden strains
or excitement, dangerous, an wan x
empliiiud in the sudden death of a j.hysi
Cian, wlio eiigagil in tt quarrel w.tii a
barber last y.ur un-l fell dead .luring the
quarrel. Ho used cocaine, TheitT.vts
of the habit are d.-gradiug. It j j.i,.,,
a man't n.-r.-epiion of right. ju.t th
same as whisky, and jmll a vk tjiu down
lo the lowest depths of low cuuuiiiu- and
tuousueaa.'' Uiicugo Nswm,
Under the influencs of reliuions n-1
dtement at Hault Ste. Mane, Mich i
William C.a!um cotilesse,! to the mur' '
derof bis lather, and uav the n,,.i..... 1
lars of the crime. He had be.-,, trie.1 bv I
Jury and arqulttesl; tlu rrf .re his con
i . -
Tieiion O!
fiction on lbs charge of murder is im-!
UMkU " 1
Bt lin:;i conway.
Author of "rnllril ;.'.-," "Ihtrk Paii;
'A tiiihil'j .Jmr,a tic
told r Bn d, m. a., to.voojt
taut Tin; nusT.
ni W'int L
I wtuli I h I Hi., c.iiku'i' to b-i?lti this tnle
l.y tuni u" to in v piof-s.oisl v ;iui;
books, sill ti kne; t ( rt n-loni uay moll I.
out of tie- lt iw-it y fivi Its rwor-l
ms fuir suiiipl'--if n vor.l.iH.ry soik. Tuo
dismiil sitnie "einl t- ll y-'U wlmt a do'n I mih!M It'll -'Y -lic- etlll lies'-
tor'l"t is, l' a In rn'-lic-1 m in s (h -nut
iwly "!-al il l .li-tn t of I.n Ion.
Iwsry tt" s i ii u I. g. lining In , 'lit Is-, It
w.iul l u"mv -o : I Hi" Incredulity
whJi )i tins In s iiiav pi.iiHlly pn.vcke, dn it
would plainly show lanv ll t!n rfsmi llicre i
fur tiling- iinsgiiiu:ii'i or luiiiuutif in k
so tnrd ie, or iiiii'ing sm li grim n-u I
tins of M.v.-r. v, p ilu B id g i'-f by
sliliii I lisvo l-.ii mrroiiiid'sl. It w.-ull
esrlsinlv iimk ll sp-ur extniiiiily unlilo'ly
Hint I should hav-i toiuel tun.) U iuiiigiU",
uiucli U wnie, a roiiisueo or melo
drama. TI truth Is that h-na mnii Ims toili l
frmi in'elis- in Hi" inonmu until Uo'eh. If
St inglit, Hii. li hi-ur- ui ho can enjoy "
pn-rioiis to linn. "-I' cmlly when eveu
sliuri n-spiie s liiilile l" l lirokon iu ii n
st any iinniK-nt.
Hull, ill spit" of III" ilolelul pieiuro i n'
ilrnrtiiof who mav I enllel "ilio uuiiy
grind." I ts tui tins U.I" with tlie aivouiu oi
t uolidny
luthe Biitumn of lM I turned my hick
UlllL-ht L'.nsl W.ll lll-'ll 1OHloll s.l. en,
h'Mpituls nii-l .tniiils, und took in. e .t IU
Iho.Noltli ej,is. TI .) llisl r. volui.oli oi
tlie wheel s.iil ii tlinll id .'! i;lil lliiougii
uiv juilisi Iniiii". A Joyful sen-ul ion of
fnsslom eiuii . oier in . 1 i n I lenl.ygot
sway al ius.l lloieovur, 1 hud loit uo
tldr.-SH Is-biiid in-, so fur thn.i bins
iiw-ks mielit roniii it it un.ii-piite I lord ol
myself. Three weeks wem n.ii ,-ry uiiinv
lo lake out of the lift v l wo, I ut they were
nil I could vi-nliiiii lo gve inys -It ; for even
st that time my pnictlee, if not so lucrative
looilid widi, wa.a lin.i mid nn r,
one. Having iioim a iw.'ive- ins inirj
mirk, I fell thut lio en -in the kingdom
i-oalil tnke bis hoii !nv n uh a eoii cieuiii
rlenr- r thiol mlii", so I lay Ise k in a -
ruhnrlv o iteatnl friini.i of Hun t, nud ills-
eouiilisl th isiiuuig plisuin'es of my brief
r.-spdii from labor.
Tin-re an-imiiiv wnv.uf psina liollilny
muuv plml'l si wtiieh It iiiav Is. spelll,
but. niter nil, it vim wish to tlioioui-lily en
joy It, tl.Hin is Iml on-- loi ill rulu to Isi (ol-
Uovtsl. lull is. siinplv lo pl' li-e Vi llisi-ll
go wlit-re voa li.e sad no mill the nilinrut
boliiiav liol.nv wli.rli is ihsirest iu )our
bisut, let IU Usui" Is. botany, g-silogv, ei.
Ullllologi', C..ll.'h'.l'.gr, M-lli'l), pl'.'llllOa, ol
w .st noU '1 lieu yon siuill Is. liuppy, and
return well up for tlm bslU.- ot life.
1 knew n e l) elei k with literary lusteH who
luvsrial ly :'iil his Miiiituil loiiniht uiuoiig
Uia, niiist i.'-t toui s ol III- llriti-b uiuseiiiii,
slid sverri-d ihnt his li -iiitii was inoii. Ih-iiii.
Ills I hy o d.i.u.! t inn If hi' hud pus-d I h i
tune l.ilmlllij the set liiviuns, I
data .ay b n right ui his ii:.-ertion.
Hk.-tciiiiu; Imsslwny- Is- n in V Imm lie holi
day piiisuit. Poors mi di swing, iiisv Isi,
neverl, us 1 turn tliemov.-riu my sut
f l o, they In inn, tu me nt h-ist, vivid re-lueiiiiiiiiiis-s
ol uuuiy swn.t and piolureitin
sits, Impiiv Isy., un I eoii;iiiiil colli -it ii-i.iii-.
ll is no for lun t i -iiv anything of
their setiiid ui.'i'iln, I nit they his dear to me
for their nss-'i'inl.i'iis.
This piirti. a nr vein 1 went to North Wulm
snd mads II ttws y t'.sl my li. n 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 t.irs.
I staisd at tlie Hovnl t)ik, III i. --ll -kuowa
little mil, deiir toliliili v nn niiisl's lieiirt, und
lu'llillli; Willi reiiutiis stiisis of fuiiious nu n
ii ho l.tve sojouinisl tlwi ii times without
number. It wu-hero I m-idn the sciiiiiiint-
siioe of the mull w hoo life ths liiriuus
events I sm sum to iiHnuto nni coiineeUsl.
On the Hist duy uttoi- my hiimviU st
Hettws my appnsiHlioii of mv lilsu ty was
o Iborvugli, in J' sppetiUi fi r the esjuyuii-ut
of the bi-sulles of imtiiio so keen and Insn
I side, that I wcut so ler mil snw so iniiiii,
Unit when 1 returned lo the Koval (Ink night
bsd fiilh-li slid Ihe hour of dinner bud long hv. I wns, when mv own uieul was
placed on the litl'le, lli.'oulv m eiip int of the
eolisMooiu. JiM then a vi iui Uii.a entered
uud nrd-risl something to cut Hie nn it or
knowing, no doiil t, liing of the trunk
camaraderie wli.eii elsl or should ejist,
Is'twsui the follone-xil Melp -iueni-, lniilhis
cover at mv lslil.1. tin loni.s.ini-r
bimself, wive me n plea nut smih-iiiid a no I,
sud in live lulu Uu we weie ii lull sw iug uf
come -a ion
The liii.iii.-iit mv ev.-s fell iiv n the young
llisn I lis I notice I how s.ii-uIh ly limid-olii..
hewss. t'hsrl.M ( ni i i-toii- foi llu- I louud
ntterwaid to Is, his iisuie was iilsml Z!
yeais ol a;u. lie ws tall, hut tightly
built, his whole lieariug snd llguri. Isung
r-iiuirkubly i l-vnnt uud giin-rtut. He lookisl
evell lllolil 1 1. fill li.lll.i t.K- lis l.m ..wl .lid. II uuv was s.l-. its f.-etuiTS i
wi-ll cut, (rs g'.il mid n- u I nr. H.s foi-e- I
hesd ike ol hull llit.-llr.i i ml i ties, und
I 'i' "S .in.-whnl ol that ,1. -veloiuuent
j over ths evel'ions win h plir-nnloist.. lie-
I hi'Ye, cuu doi a-i-i nil-lice id tin Mve-.siou '
u. iinu.tiut i. the general mpn s-iou c( ,
I l lv w one ( . ..'iisiipss, if not sm.- !
j ll -, and its i'-iinnl l.e v w m lii'iglit.-iinl
by s wtr of tuft,, die.-iiu-l,s4iug
i yiw
1 1 . illy i.-msiij to s.ld tlm , finm bis ;
! SttllW, I jlllisl Inui to Is. , HI list -a I'Hl I
i t'lj-ioiisl si ti-t i tli bn. kisue. In Ihe'
' esirsouf ix)iiv. rviti..ii I shorn. him h 1
! bal '! ,, , , mi ,. ,
j "I sm only an siiim'.-u ." I,c o4; "su alls 1
n an, ni'tliiiin more - n I y .uf i
j AUtl isi a . ' I
I "Then we v ,i n,, Jlit,4 to flir lHir
i a la alitiu( tun t'l.'i."
Wta.M ou j i,- m,:iv until ear tsxlily
j WSU W.T.-,. 1 l.y tlh. ,1 jJ
i fi'iii I,. -a m tint
j his 'or I Ja.-.s. wh , I. v:
pl'ii-ant (tsit
a -s-l meal, u
il -.. ..!.
u a ui i"s w. ll I. -..
N..S.I " r. M, .... ti
Cnrr.-t..n. -luem-ht . d -licuiv"
e wem imi an i v,t
of tlie w.sxl'n
reach. As mv u.-n
ssd.-llcicu. Tn n
of air laovi i . 1 v
fll-lll Slid, tl.Hl,;i,(
w s,-pic-lr a bir:h
S. S M't I . I. . ...
.1 . . - "
V ' ,u far-
,tr-' "m- t., u, llu , ,o,..i,illf
"""'miir- -vr' -re three ,r four j ru.1
U" ."'' T..eT were tu m.-irv iu k-I:
IT'.. hxl 11 ' ''X ' a j-Mme to
- u, au 11 ll.I!ir,l L.1 I U... ..
.., J?.J U. 1 1
1 1 ' '
C'srrlston Us.1 is d lit tin siues s bad bssa
out of duors. H nn n 4 his d;sr plw-Mly
an J s- sM up nt th skl-s. With ths whits
mo lullg .t fnlliof on h ssinktulv b-sutiful
fs -tiis grsiful iu o sli.eb as fell
be wjuimI to ma th iiUlluiit i p'ry.
lbpuid Do heeJ to tu u-srrrlslk of th
srtlsU, sb eb so isucb amuse 1 ii.s ludsed.
I dinibtsl If b besr-i tL.r voices.
Vet h uut-t bsvo don so, for s tona si
tbev loft us b i tsiit out of bin rverl
"it must be very nle," hs said, " to bavs
to wake id-' l.y art."
"Nii-fl fur ih m sbo can uiuks livings by
It," 1 snssered.
"All cno do tbst who sro wortb it. The
dny of ueg'retMj KnHM l if""" by. .Milllnr
wss thn Is-t sutlsrur, 1 tluuk und Uu died
y 'Mills'."
"If you sr so sanguine, why not try your
own luck st pi"
'I would, but unfortunately I sin a rich
I iHiigln d ot tins miiplaeel regret. Ttsn
Curn l. a. iu the iiet iuiphi wsy, told inn
s g.-sl il.ul iil-iit li.iu r. H" ws an or
piiini, uu "lily child. U" hat slr. ieiy ampls
means; bill I'ortiuie lu-.l null f inns iu storo
for bun. Al the l--Mi of bis uncle, now au
B-e-l iiuin, li inii-t siiec-cil to s large estate
sn'l s Iiiih- e, Ihe na'iirnl, u iaff" t-d
miV III shleli tin inn-le lilMi-lliw,
moreover mmle Item no., I l:n-w, from any
wish to iiii-n iK- Ir- ImpoM ne-e in my iiy.s,
greatly linpie .-.-d in". 11 tlie lime ws
s.rnl for lie- n -lit I I s I grown much In-
ten-ste.1 In in v ii.-iv in iii lii iir mi iu or-
est not iiiiluii;.-1 hy n.y. Voui -, band
soiii", ri.-U. fr 1 1 com.- or go. work or pluy
as U bsUxll Uuj-py t an it u!
T sin di-p ee I to tlniil-lint never before
d d a inic.i.i Iriii l-li p. oi..! which was
atd to Is-t unbroisii for i.ics, ri.-n so
H cklv as Hint l-t e u I'luri-ton nnil inv-
i.i f. A J now look Iuk-k I tl ii ll uuri io
Ks.(M-iittn liim with anv, hv.-ii u liri.-f, p-riod
i.f lime suli iiient to our In ting .lining
I w In- n he wa not my Ixisom friend. 1 for-'gi-l
wh.-lher our m.s-tlng at the sumo pie
; itiiesiiie -s-t on tin. moru.ii; wiiieb f.J-
Icw.-.loiir self introduction w is the result
of mi: dent or nrriineeiiii-nt. Anyway, we
i'p nt llni dav tog"lli.-r. and tl.ii day was
I tin- pr.s-uisor of in my piumsl In each other's
itisiety. ilorumg uft.-r mornini!
I forth lodo our l-t to transfer tlm same bil.s
of sis ni ry to our sketching blocks. Kven-
lug nfter evening wh nluni'sl to dlue side
i l.y side, and afterward to Ink uud smoko
t ietln-r, in d'ir or out, a Ilio torn-
jrntiiio udvi-ed or our wislr-s inclinuL
(ipiiit 're lids we K.M'ii Iss-Hiii.' insejuir
; sble us long a in v short holiday lu ted, It
was, I 'ih. p, plciisiiiit for eiu b lo work in
compiim wiln mi un a .-ur like hiiuself. Wru
could ass .sell the other's opinion of tho
lu.-rits of the win k done, mid lis-l hi ppy at
lb" upproMil dulv giv, n. An nrlisi's soind
srd of ei.s llencn is luii lor a non-pro-f-
ssioiuil. U hen h - pra s your work be
piillsm il but in the work f a'l oul-ller.
You l.s-l I lint null coium il 'nil u ilsuilK
It and dish, lu-tcns you.
llowev.-r, hud I'lim-ton eared to do so,
he mi.1 lit, 1 think, have fearle.sly Hiibmilt.sJ
Ins i reduction . tunny eoust-i'-iilioiis critic
Ins ilrnii in :s w.-re liiiineiisiinilily mur.' artis
tic mil siwerfiil limn mm". I In hud iia
doul t.-llv g il t tiilent, und 1 was lunch -ur-
p n id to llu I Hint colas hn nil-nt
b- nn-.-veil Is-tt-r st tin- II.-uib. He
could, with ii th in. Isild liiiud, diuiv inpiliy
tl .imo-l 1 1 h i v 1 1 .us liken s ix. So spirited
slid true were s. in of the studies he sliowi.l
mil t ut I c ul I w tin .lit llaltei v adv m- li in,
pi" I .si he colli. I ttul h us he Isian, to ke.'p
ent ii u! v In the higher Iriuichol tiieiui. 1
liuve uow l'l-lore me a series of uuibiiii fuctM
iIimwii l.y ol tlieni fnuii iiu.-in-oiy;
mil a- 1 l.s-k lit tin-ui the . rigiuul of
stii-.i is lu.-s al once Is-fo ') my ey.-s.
I' th y i y lli-t I 1 11 1 hen iiiiich in-t-'iest.
d in ill - 1011 ii : iiuin. 11 nd us ilnv hy
day Weill hy und the e uliiir tim of Iilh
ehaiai'ter wen1 n-v-a il to me, mv inn-rest
grew d.'i-si- and ili.-.i I Halter myself
thai 1 nni 11 keen ol ver und skillful ana
lyst of persona! . loi ii- , 11 ml until now
linn i it Hint to write a d.-seripliou of its
roiuHiii.-iit purl. wa. an ay, Vet
uow when 1 mil put to the proof I llnd it no
siiuple lu.k to . "iivev iu word a pro'r idea
ot I I urles t 's' i iston's meiitnl orsaui7iilioii.
1 so. 11 di .s.verisl ll'ii! he ii 11-, I limy -av,
sill ly a peculiiiily s n-ilivn iinliire.
Although snug, uud nppiiivntly in i;.sl
h ull It. ihe ley nf lie wuiiher
Ki"'iusl to 11 II is i him nl -hi. I to tlm -a n 01 ex
tent as th .y ull'-i-t 11 Mower. Siv-et as his
di-H siliiiii nl 'in is was, Hi - tone nf hi- mind,
lis sj.ii its, bis .mill's ti, 11, 10:1 il, hs it
wete, Willi the iitmi'-plier . llu mts full of
imiigiiiu'ioii. an I lliitt iiiif'giunt on, always
rich, wa lit times welnl, i-ieu giilesiu ly
weu.l Mot for one moiiieiit d.d lis
S'snii to dolll.t the -t ;l In 1 It V of III- Wild
theories he -tin ted, or the p.osibilil v of the
Hvli.iil d cuius ll 1 ilrea'ne.l Ix-ing rcilizisl.
He had his limit, nf ivui s -; ho wa hasty
and Iu pulsive; ind-ol, to ine one of the
great. -I ehiirins uliout t ie I ov was that,
light or w: 01 g, inch wird lie -p.k" came
sua ;ht from I' s heart
Si fur as I 1 011 1.1 judge, the wl o'e urgani
tation of III miulw.'.s 1. si highl.- siiuug, tlii"ly wrought. Id every dav 11-11. A
not.' of joy. of sorrow, even ol pi y vilested
through it l.Hj sti ouilv for his coaif.'i t or
well-U'iu As yt 11 had not I e-n called
Usm to I ear tho le-l ot love; a id fortu
nately - I use tln word advi-cdly furtu
tia'ely he wns not, a coidiug to the u-uul
igiidleaiiee of tne wor.;, a ii'liginus mini, ur
I th'iild I ave th ni.-lit it not unlikely Ihst
some ilu, 1, 11 would lull a vi. liui to t lint iw
ligtons ui "nil so well It own 0 my pinfe
kioiiiil l.lvtnren, hiiI nnve iiexe.oissi In st r'a
or 111 "hiucholut. He nnclil evca Imv.. fi.iu i.-l
lihuself 11 niesseiiger seat Iron hniveu fur
Ili i r genenit 011 ol ina iUin I. Kr uu natures
I ke Curr .;n'a lire propli' ts made.
In -hurt. I liny Miv that my exhaustive
stil ly of my new friend's character resulted
111 a certain amount of 1111 -asm -s as to b'S
future an uneasiness nut entirely free from
proles. 1. n a curiosity.
Allien ikii the smile came readily an I fre
quoiill. to I I lips, the geii.-tiil beat of his
dlssiitiou wa Ni l, svi-n dep m lent and
nioiiud. And yet lew voum; in n's lives
promise I t" l o pica-mil a-1 bai l.- I'arris
ton' I ws rally ng him one dav 011 bis future
ran', and iis,liilitu-.
"You will, of iMir-e, Im disgustingly
ri- hr I said.
I'aruston sighed. "Yes, if I live lomr
e" 'I',1'1 l,K':l'1 UIU' 1
hall " 111 ii'1 worm siioui li', iiiai ,ou
lo k mle a .1 'hiii, but are 111 uipilal b.sdtli.
w , .. .. . ...
iwi.tve long mdes we l uxe ,al.jj tday
, von t ever U I' ml s bu r "
! Csrri-ton ma is no re'lr. He semej In
d's-p tho iht
I "Your fi en , ou;ht t, l,v U after you nnJ
f -t von a w 1 . " I nil.
' I have no trii'ds." he -aid sally. "N'e
n .nrcr r.-la'ioii 1 1 an a.s'iisin a ssl d-.-il older
; tlien I 111 ", 11 h" lis'k- u-'a in-' asuie who
. w-i Isn a t . r"h iiuil of w a it sheuld bo h ."
j ''Hut l.v tt e In w of primo ;t'uittire, so s
ersl to Ihe ni'ivr ten tliouaaud, lis must
k ."'V l.'ll ttiss entitled lo it "
1 "Y. s; tut for year ai I years I was al
wiivs s-.,n buhe, ; Ills was not
j soitii ':x mom ',' purchssv AH of a su I-d,-u
1 got w Kv. r then I have
--ui.t, evi'ii 10 uiv-eli, a kiuj ot iuler
IcpT "
' It nuist h' nn 'I a. ant to hive a man
longing lor ......' All t'w in ire r. a-
t"B yous' . ii.d insn van l pu. olhur lives
between Inn. Knd th.' tille. "
I "I lan.-y I t .ail nev r marrv," said Car
ri-tou, l.sik ti? at me with hit .ft. dark
sies. ' You sr-, a Is.- who tint wait I .r
I ieais eijM'tiii( to die d.sssa't grow up with
exactly the seme focluiu as other epK
I Jut think I tliall ev-r m st a wnnian I
ran care for . wiimli to ni..k mv wife, No;
1 exjxi-t my eon. -ii will l. Mr Kalph yet."
1 ttnsl to la "jh h'.m out of bit morbid
Id-ev "Thow who lire w.U sa I said.
Kulv pisimise 10 -k m- to your wcldm.
snd ts-tt.-r s. ill, if T,sj l.vs In town, sis
r- mt me vcur fam I, .ts-tor. It easy prove
'. l.. of ik,, w
t H i I linn-tics, wbub
It l fie dn-a 11 ol ere y doctor to establish."
1 baie already aUisisd tbt ssjauc
bsautyc.f 'a.Htoii -lark ;.. A. wa
S compim! iU-b p c-ii or. -iienil Isew-en u
tboss tyu lis-siu l' in'. f'O.n s. .-at. tic
raasoat, obj c of r-.! -io iry on acun'. l
lbenr,si!rioiiexirs.i n whirh st times I
detsclad In tliHiu t.fteu and oft a tb"T
wore s 1 ok the like to which, 1 hnag a , is
found only In the ev" f a xuiinainluihst
W,'i w.d.b on. f.vl- e- rtum is iiil-utly lll-d
UlsiU ioui'jIIi.ik, el ll on solil'ithing Uyoud
the range of o:i' owo vision. lbs
rlr-ttwoor throe dins of nr uew-lsirn In-
! tiuiai-y 1 found this eiK'-nlrlcitv of Car
' rl.ton's p-s-ilivelv t iriling. Whsn now
I snd th u I turn d to him and fouul bun
staring with ull his nnlit at nothiiiK, my
eves s'-ri rniiis-ii'-ti iv niii"- m"
Ill which bi own wore b-iit. It wa at flrrt
impoMible todivist on-'sselfof tlw behsf
that something sbi ul.l lx- there to justify
tlr.i a gif. However, as the rapid
prnwtb of our fn-ndly Int -r.-ourse soon
nIi.ih.mI me that hoy of most ar-il-iit
wwtie t.-iiai rnui-nt Isirbiiis evn
I more a jio-t than nn nrtist I laid at the
, dis.r of the .V'ii. tli-se iilwnt lo ks sud re
currin.''s Into viieice-y
J tt weie at th Fn.rv illen "lie morning,
jskelca ig. to the t. st of our ability, tho
jswlrlii g s ream, lb- gri.v n-'s and the
i jver!ungin trm-s, the lisr Jus: gi owing hril-
laitit with autumn 1 Unis. Nj leautiful was
..y rvthing arouinl tint f ir a long time I
I wi rue 1, en .1, r ai'Sinei m "juh-"'"'
si ens', (ani.toii had set up his easel at
soiii.. Into fr m ni ne. At last I
I turnl lose, bow his -ke ihwa progressing.
1 He bad cvi'lntl f ill - i into 0110 of bit
i brown snides, snd, upiareailv, a harder
i o is 1 hun usual. His bin b had tal lea from
I his Angus, hit In turns wen immovable,
j and hiisliaii'' dark eyes were absolutely upon a hug" r.s-k In liont of him, at
j whii h he gnz sl a I t -iitl.y as if let hop 1 of
; Li aveu d"ea li-l iis.u s-'ingthr .ugh it.
He eiii.-.l tor the while, bhviotis to things
Imurdaiie. A jairty ol laughing, chattering,
it-rril.le touil.t tt.rl serauibl! down the
r igir'sl st.-H, and one bi one pad in frnnt
ol b mi. Neither their ire.-in-o nor the in
ipl s.t.vo gliinc they en-t oa Ins stain -sqiis roiisisl hint from hi fli of iih.lractioii.
For a inoment I won'ierel if the hoy took
op urn or sotn 1 other narcotic 011 tho sly.
lull of tlm thought. I nn., .ro s'd over to
bun. and laid 111 V hand ill' U III h"illder.
As h fi It mv touch be can," lo liun-e.f, and
lisikisl up at me in a 'In" I, n'U.ring way.
"Itissl.y, I'nrriston," I said, liiii.'bingly
"you must r.-si'rvo your dreaming It's until
we ore Iu win re tourists do not con
gregate, or yiai will thought a madman,
or at less: a 't.''
Ho made 110 reply. Me turned nwav from
inn impiit eutly, even rudely; then, picking
up bis brii-h, will on Willi bis skelch
After a wbi'e h seemed to recover from Ins
p-tiishne.-, and . sM-ut the reimiiiider of
tie. dav a- pi a n illy as usual.
As we Iru. g'-d homn in tlie twilight bs
Slid to 1111. iu nil snig.'tic, almost jieui
lent wuv:
"I hope 1 was not rude to you J 1st nowf'
"When do you ineiinf I askisl, liaving al
most fo: gotten ih"tr. vuil inc.. I ill.
"When von woke mo from what you
called my .b . -iiuini:.'
"(ii, dear in.. You were sot at all rude.
If von I ad been, it was but the penalty due
to my I ri-.ump'ioii. The Hi ;hts of genius
should li' r.'K" t.l, not chock. d, hy a uiu
Uii'ial hand."
"'Hint is iioiiseus"; I am not a g -nui-: and
you inns', forgivu m lor my rudeii'-s.," said
t'aiii-ton, siiuplv. Alter walking soiuo dis
tance ill sil'.ace he sjsi .e a ;iiiu:
"1 w.-h w lea you are w th 1110 you w. uld
try and st. p mc fi'0111 g iliug into lluilslate.
ll din'. Ill" 110 Uissl."
Ks'in he un iu e-irnest, I pn iiiisod to do
my h si, mid w is cu-aum en. .ugh I-. usk bnu
wli.;hei hi. th 'lights wan. lei si duriug those
al.-:r.ic:l m 111 u s.
"I can -ear-- -li- tell yon," he said. Pres.
on; Iv b udi l, sp-nk n-., wi.h hesitation,
"1 siipHise v. 11 1 ever f.el taat 11a l. rcor.uiu
liicuiii.-laii"-. iivu nsl.-iiuus wli.t-U you
eiiiiiiot ex -I ' ll you unubt be able to sue
tilings w hich are iuvi.sil.l" to .ill i sf"
"lose-llu. ig,f Whm things"
"Things, I said, woe h no one el --Beau
i. Y'ou inusl know lb"i'B are p-ople who
jswsess th p-.w-.-r.1'
"I know e.iiain people have asserted
they jsis e w hat they call -ecoiiil sight ; but
the nss.-rl i..u is too ab-urd 10 wnslu time iu
" Y'i," said I'arri-Uiu, dreamily, "I know
that if I d,d iml si rive lo aio d il, some such
jx.wei' would 1 time lo me.
"You are ridiculous, Ciiri istoii," I
said. "Koiiib js'opln see what others don't,
Iss-.use ; hey h.ivu I, n ,"i sight. You may,
of nn r-e, imagine uniiliing. H111 yo-ir eyus
luinil-onie eye tbev arc, too ciiluia cer
lain proiti.-s. Iu 11 11 us I uino siiiid iou e-,
thcr "fore iu order t" s.'. "
"Yes, ye-,' inlet 1 noted (.'arristuo; "I
know exticilv all von nro no ng tosay. You,
a man of sin. nee, ridicule every! lung which
I. leaks w hiii v.ui urn p'ease.1 to cull the law
nf nutate. Y'et take all the unafconn'iihlc
tales told Nine hundred and 11 1 1 le r y -11 1 110
) -u expi-e to -iniii or throw gnivo doubts
UK'i!, yet llin thou .an Un rests on evidenco
which ciii'iot lie up--! or disputed. Tae
p i-sihilily ul thut one iroves the possibility
,.( nd."
".Not nt nil; but enough for vour argu
ni iit," 1 sal I, amused at thelsav's wild talk.
"You diK'tors," ho e ititiuiiisl, that
delicious mr of tii'iioiity sooit.-u assumed
bi la.m.-ii iv hen ihey ire in health,
"put too much to th.' credit ut di-uusod im
sgmation," "No doubt; it's a convenient shelf on
which to pat a dillicultv. Put go 011."
"I be l sly is your pinvinif, yet you can't
explain why a i.ataicpt.c patient should bear
a watcb tic; shun it is placed auitist hit
"Nor yen; nor anv one. But srhaps it
may aid you lo get rid of your rubbishing
theories if 1 tell you l tin; ca.alep-y, as you
uiidei -tiind t. is a di-i a-e uol kuuwu to us;
iu fuel, It OiH-s not ex. t."
Bs seemd crest fsll-n at hesrlng this,
''Put what do you want to prove I" I asked.
"Whs! have v. u seen yniirselff
"Nothing, 1 lull you. Aud I pray I may
never an, thing."
A tor this lie s. e nd Inclined to shirk tht
'il.j.s-t, bat I iiun.-l im lo it. I was really
aiixiiiu lo gut at the true state of his mill 1.
In a.iswer t-i the .'ending questions with
which I plied him, I'm t is on revealed an
amount of suivrstitioti winch sisuned utterly
childi-h a id mil of i'ia. Uv;de the iutelleo
tual faculties which he undoubtedly pos
t's el. Si much so, that at last I lelt mors
inc i i -.l to la.irli than to argue with him.
Yet I was alt "ft her amused by hli
talc His wild aignmi-nbiaiid wilder beliefs
niiiiie me fimcy in. re must tie a weak trsvt
to.ui.w Here in hi- brain even ma le me tear
, le.1 hi en I niu-lit b madness, The thought
j made me ul; f- r. w uh the exception of the
! eccentric ti -s w Inch I have mentione.1. I
i iv. k iiisl t'ar.-i-l -ti the pleasiinlesl friend 1
j hud ever niade. Hi aminlile uature, his
i g sl l.s'ks nn I v.rfe. t hnvtling had en-d.v.1-
d the y 'icu 1 1 in it to nie; so much so
timl 1 resolve I, iiiu in ths reniaiu.ler of ths
i time we should u.l together, to do sll I
1 c uld toward tuUin; the nou en-e out of
My elToits
thi-.i-ji lookout
r- unavailing;. I kept a
. n nun, and let him fall
. : cv cries; I ut tbs curie u
si I. or could is-k. some
lllto ll.i 111. s ' . :n
id i t hit he p.'-. i.s sli -e hum m
na nni. was t-Hi iirmiy
ris'te I to le di-; a -e '. n all other sul.jecls
he argued laulv mid was op n to reaeoig
(hi this one pour li w asiinii ovatile. When
I could r't Ii in to u uice my attacks at all,
bis nu-wer w.t; d. c;"i s, rl'-rer at you are with the
buly, know as little of i etiology as you
di I i ti.ts ttiou-aud v-'arssv"
-Vli -n the taue s n tor m to fold up my
.ssse! sad retur n i,, la., of lite. I
jvtrtsl in-ni isn.Uii with much rt;ret
line of lhM mi!, inn. Imt oft -n hro.-n prom-us-siojoiti
t.eth r next year in soother
tketchiug tour .,N tsiw - n us. Then I
wem Iss. k to London, a id the ,utM
pi nt mouths although I saw nothing ot
hun, lolU'U thought of my friend of tbs
(t cenTtNcao.
An Old tejr of avalry Talks Ueputa
n.iut uf Saiaae Tribes.
"I have hud wuny eur'excrienceat
ptirchasi-r of fciddltf horses," re mulled a
major of cavalry on liU way to Chicago
tu a reiortor in the corridor of the (South
ern hotel, "having b.n a iiieiiilr of
Iioro Isxirds for the lust thirty years, and
baling bought cuvulry burwn for the
I Stuti-i aertnv. 1 tlien-lnre ni
I that I know whereof I Ss"jk w hen I say
! that the supply of good saddle borset in
1 the country is tmullcr thun it bus been at
' any time since the war. I do not uu-an
that there ure fewer thoroughbreds, for
1 there ate pi nimbly more, but hornet suit
' able f'T other purpose's than racing and
' j.aik use nro Is-coming rarer every day,
ami alt hough the irioe aid by the gov
ernment is higher than it lias been for
the last twenty vours, it is very dillicult
, to sis.-uro in srr inoiiiits for the cavalry,
I while ten or even live years ago nt least
1 three tiim us iiuiiiy horse able to ias
liiu-t.-r were jueseiited as the advertise
ments eallisl for.
"I havoKervi-d on the plains nearly con
tinuously for inorethiin thirty-five yenn,"
coiitiiiticd the Hs'iiker, 'and um tolera
bly familiar with nil the features of cav
alry life. A cavalryman always has a
frontier station, and only sees civiliza
tion during his brief leaves. Civiliansdo
not realize the harilshiw and cxiosurcfl
to which a cavalryman i) atibjocti-il. Ho
has N'a.-ons of iilleiii-Ms, but also, long pe-
riods of great exertion, and as a proof of
thociris-t of his life it can lie safely stated
' that warcelv one man out of ten reaches
the ago of Jo w ithout being seriously
. broken down. Indian campaigns nrethe
: cause of this. I have fought and chased
Indians from the Ilritisli lines to the Kio
(liaiide, and know wlmt campaigning
means. The Indians always get a tre
1 iiii-ii.louH start of the cavalry, and seldom
nro overtaken. The army hua been
blamed for its ill success, but w hen the
circumstances ure understissl it is won
derful thut so much has Is-en accom
plished. ! "The Indians never attempt to commit
outrages in the vicinity of an iiriny post,
-and news seldom ustsl to arrive until
I twenty-four hours or more hud el;iised
I and tho Indians hud a long start. Nearly
j always th.-y are provi.hsl with remounts,
tin! loose horses Is-iiv; driven beforo the
land, and w hen an iinimul shows signs
of fatigue another is remounted and the
flight continued on a fresh animal.
Morse are also stolen wherever met with,
und tlie cotisispiem-e is that the trooH-r,
who is conliuisl to tho use of it singlo
li 1 1 i 1 1 1: 1 1 . has ii ir chance of overtaking
the Indians. A a general thing they can
liglitorecaHiiisthey please, und never do
the former except when iu overwhe'tiiing
nuiiils'in. The fat i .ties of one of these
fruitless march.', generally niado on
short ration to secure celerity of move
ment by avoiding currying baggage, can
well ho imagined, ami the condition of
man and ls-;it after a two months' cam
jiaign is wretched in the extreme.
'Nowadays the active Indian cam
paigning is confined to Arizona, but
xvlu'ii 1 was :i young man the northern
Woux, northern CI icy en ties, I'iegtins mid
ltlackfis'l in the ninth, tho botttliern
Sioux and the Cheveiines mid Arajiahocs
on Ihe central plains, uud tlieC'otiiiinchcS
and Kiowa.s south of lite Arkansas, kejit
us busy ull the time. Of ull tlu-so In
dians the Kiowns were the Ust drilled, it
licing hard to distinguish them from the
dragoons tit u distance of two or three
miles. The I'tiniaiiches never deserved
their great reputation, as they wero pKir
lighter, doing well ngainst tho Mexicans,
but never standing against United States
t ti sips. The Cheyenne were noted far
and wide us the most determined and
fiercest lighters, but their energies wore
nn um constantly directisl against their
hereditary enemies, thelites, than against
the white. The Sioux were the largest
and most m -i liil trilx-, and gave us
more trouble than any others. They
were iu their way us well drilled as the
Kiowas, I myself having seen a single
chief direct the movements of 1,000
warriors, scattered over un extent of
country live miles in diameter, simply by
the Hashing of a little mirror held iu the
hand. The lilackfi-et, being foot Indians,
were more easily reached, and after one
or two lesson never guvo any more
trouble, although last winter they threat
ened an outbreak.
'The Crows and Tawnees, lieing hated
by nil other trilios, were our allies and
made our best trailer. The Utes, whilo
less daring than the plains Indians, from
their situation in the mountains were
enabled to ambush thotroops very easily,
timl many live have been lost in this
way. 1'igliling withal was rather a run
than a combat, und the troops hud for
many years little chance against them on
account of their great celerity of move
ment. It was not until the winter of
1S70, when (Jen. Nelson A. Miles ls?gan
his scries of winter campaigns, that the
plain Indian were thoroughly subdued.
That ollicer followed their trail in the
coldisit weather, drove them from their
winter camps, and although unable to
overtake them, kept them constantly on
the move. The Indians, sensitive to
cold, and ill provided with clothing, died
Lko sheep of hardship and exposure and
one by one the bands, fairly tired out,
fame in, surrendered and were disarmed
and put on reservation. The winter
campaign more than anything else broke
the jHiwer of the plains tribes, but at
terrible e'stise to the troops, who were
exposed to the fury of the western
storms in the coldest months of the year.
The youngsters iu the army regret the
disupiicaiiuicc of the Indian, but wo old
fellows, who know what (. winter march
is are most thankful that they are
over, probably forever. SU Louis Post
Dissitcli. '
An Innocent Joke.
Charles Th.saloro Kussell was examining a
witn.-ss in a Cambridge court. The question
wasiilsiut tho size of certain hoof priuts left
by a hoi in sandy soil.
"Mow lui'c;e were the prints!" asked the
learned counsel. "W.-re they as lare as my
Inn.l,'" holding up bisliaud lor the witness tt
"Oh, no," said tho witness honestly. "It
wa. just nn ordinary lus.f "
Tln n Mr lUissoll bad to suspend the e lam
ina t i. n while everytsslv laughed. -Sornor-ville
A I'.H-t's r.ty.
Friend-How ion-: did it take you to writ
this hv:u, i Kle to I larkn. -.," Frodf
Poet A day
Friend A whole dnvl
Pint Yes, lint I n.ts well paid.
Friend Were you I How much did TOO
Poet-A dollar -Yankee Blade.
A t urlutlty.
Tolite Clerk ishow mg goods) Here is some
thing I ivouid lite to call your attention to,
lady It's the very latt-t thing out.
Mrs. lloundcr lalwtitlvi If there's any
thuigout lat. r I linn tit liuslsuid I'll take it,
if only for a cui hhity Ufe.
A I'fsrnllar Condition of Thtnf. i
A woman dentist iu I'hila.hdphia It re
ported lo have a practice f ll.uou a year.
Aud yet she is often teen ka-fciiig down in the
ciouiIl - Pitubui CkroikaVTeltsgrsiia.
Tlie Sad Case of Lover with U. tie In Hit
Jeuklnsnn Wiluuks would not have ex
chanaod situations with the president of the
United States, the h ince of Wales or the
' drum major of a brass bfind,
I Felisty McOinuis bud answered "yes In a
i voica as soft and geutlu us the sigh of uiusie
In a dreamless sleep or the murmuring wuil
' of a carussius br.szo from letliean wateis
I K.tliiugly funning the whiskers of Father
Time. ,
Misty." he exclaimed rapturously, as bis
l-ft bund and arm disappeared from sight
tritb a rapid yol sneukiug motion towurd the
(Mick of the s.,fa ou which the'y sat, and the
gng.-rsof his right hand appeared to be fuel
ing for something in his vest pocket, "you
have made me the happiest man In the
world" ,.
The timid, upturned glnnee of her Uiiuid,
dark eyes and tho warm blush that over
ijiread the happy face ot the lovely girl re
plied more elisuenlly thun words could have
"And you will forgive my prestimptiuu,
darling," he continued, "if in uiitieiitiou of
your answer I have ventured to provide my
self with with a with a"
Jenkiiis.)ii paused in some apparent excite
mo..f nis fui 'cr uud thumb nervously
explored his vest pocket without soeniing to
QikI anything.
"l-I iniist have lost It I" he gasped. "Fo-
listy, it wa a ring! Hu! l'erbuis it is In
iomo other pH'ket.
Kisim: to his fwt he thnist a tromblhig
band Into his trousers Mket.
There was a bole tn Unit ockci.
"JetikiiLson," said FelLsty, as she noted
with concern his ghastly lace, on which the
light of a desoriiU resolve was breiiking,
"don't grieve over it. It w ill turn up. You
are excited, hi there anything I can do
"Yes," exclaimed Jenkinson in a hollow
voicu. "Felisty, 1 think 1 know whero that
ring is. If you would do mo a favor I shall
until rlin Inst hour of mv lift).
fj.r tl... l.ivo of hpiiv.'it cro and tretmoabootr
Jack and leave mo to myself for a fowr mo-
meiits.' Lbicugo irinuna
A Cultivated Little Itlln.l Girl.
13. K. Johnson, of lioston, was ss-akiijg in
the Stratford, last evening, of a little girl,
Edith M. Tliomus, who is iu Mr. Auagno'i
lioston Kindergarten for the lilimL Edith
is w holly deuf uud blind ut the ago of 7 years.
Her affliction followed diphtheria aud scarlet
fever. During the last three, years she but
been gradually losing her power of sieech,
and has been taking up the muniiul method.
Her last intelligible word, "Kitty," was
sis.keu long ago, and now her articulation
apK?ars lo huve ceased. Her laughter re-
mams perfectly natural, being merry and
pleusiug ill its tones, uud her crying is like
thai of ordinary children.
Occu-iotialh sho says, in linger speech,
"Edith, sing," ami then utters a succession of
sounds, varying in tone hut never very loud,
ullbougli sho can scream lustily. The muu
lial alphabet has become so fumilar lo little
Ivlith that she use it utmost unconsciously.
Even when falling asleep she will thus siell
out passing thoughts. 1 In. extent of her vo
cabulary is not known, but it is estimated to
Is? ubotit seven hundred words. Tho word
enough" was recently given her to learn,
uud an explanation of its meaning was sup
plemented by illustrations w ith a basket con
taining shells. After several ingenious trials
to test tho child's comprehension of the new
word, the teacher still remained iu doubt.
A few hours later, however, Edith was asked
nt dinner if she hud had enough, and she at
once replied, "Yes." Tuen, quickly correct
ing herself, she added, "No; more pudding!"
Since thut duy sho bus used the word cor
rectly. "As you see," Mr. Juhusou concluded,
"this case is similar to thai of the lute Laura
Bridgman." Philadelphia Press.
One of ldtieolirn stories.
"1 remember the last timo 1 ever heard
Lincoln converse," said Oen. Porter. "We
wero discussing the sul.j.s-t of Enghaid's as
sistance to tho south, uud how, utter the col-
luiise of tho confederacy, England would llnd
that she hud doue tho south not much good
and herself much harm.
' 'That reminds me,' said Mr. Lincoln, 'of
a luu U-r in Sangamon county. A man woke
bun up oiiu night and said he must got
shaved; that ho wns going to a bull and be
hud a few days' beard ou his face which
must come otr. Well, the barber lathered
bis face und his nose and ears aud slapped
somu of it in his mouth, and stropped the
razor on Ins boot 1 hen be moweal over one
side of his face and shaved olf two or three
pimples and a wart or two. And the mini in
the chair a common low backed chair which
nearly dislis-ated his neck said, "You pro
pose to make everything level as you go,
don't you f" "Yes," replied the barber; "if
the handle of this razor don't break I'll get
awav with what there is there." I Laughter.
' 'Tho man's cheeks wero so hollow that tho
barber couldn't get down into all Ihe vnlleys.
tint lie had a Might Idea, lie stuck bis linger
Into the fellow's mouth anil pressed out the
wrinkles so as to level them. And so he
mowed away with the razor until linully he
rut right through the man's cheek aud cut
his own linger.
'1 here, you lantern jawed cuss, you have
made me cut my linger!' exclaimed tho bar
ber as ho shook off the blood." Laughter.
From a Uei-ent Speech of lien. Porter.
sklu Disease.
The skin Is a very important organ, as im
portant as utmost uny in the body. When it
is healthy uud x'rtoians its functions well we
f.t'l well, when it is weak und lazy we feel ill.
1'he makers of fancy and medicated soaps un
derstand this, before me Inw an advertise.
incut of a soup which says it will cure all
skin debility. What makes the skin feel.lel
In general the skill Is weak when the body is
weak and strung when the body is strong, but
it is often w.-ukeneil by our clothing and by
cold, and it i. strengthened by friction, exer
cise, suitable bathing, light and air. There
is one advantage we have over the skin that
we have not over the liver, we can get at it
and keep it clean and well exercised, w hen
the liver, being out of sight and reach, bus to
l treated by other means. The . old bath or
the Turkish hath, for those who can bear
them, are excellent menus of strengthening
the skin. To those w bo cannot Is-ar them a
p-iir of flesh gloves used daily answers nearly
as well. In the sumnivr sun I sit lis act well
-Herald of Health.
A Cheek on Ihe Temper. ,
The London press is just uow engaged Id
an argument on the subject of capital puu
isbmeut, and one of the papers that advo
cates judicial neck stretching prints a let
ler from a convict in western Australia,
telling an old pal in Kngluml that a mur
rierous assault on a prison warden might
he puuished with hanging, winch has this
expression: "They tops a cove out here lor
lugging a bloke" (iiieaiiiim they hang a
convict out here for assaulting awarder'
'That bit of a rope, ttear Jack, is a great
check on a man's temper ''
9 He llrrHinetl of Slaughter.
It Is curious how the desire to slay tar
ages gets a gnpou the growing generation
Johnny Ahliott. eight years old. of Battle
Creek. Mich., dreamed thut hrwasslaugb
teriug whole tribes of Indiana (Jelling
up in his sleep and bts night clothes lie
went upstairs, out a wiu. low onto
a roof, slid to the ground and walked tbir
ty ruls through tne cold, wet vegetation
before he awoke.
Killed by Mountain l ions.
MoiiDUuu lions still make lite unpleasant
for the agriculturist aud stock raiser on
tbe I'aciUc coast. Two of Ibem recently
look a midnight excursion to tbe pasture
of a farmer nearCisco. Cel.. aud killed
sixty theep
The Polsoa of the M (Iannis..
Mr. U. Dimmock, one of the n)0M
experimenters with cullees, fureibl, 1
'I am convinced that there i , ,UlK
a poisonous saliva, for wheu bitiuu jf
mosquito falls Ui draw blood, wlntB. ,
tcu does on the buck of my 1M ) ' "'
have Inserted its pn.lHci upH'r f'7
length Iu from one to six dirnii',,, ,
the same place and withdrawn it, .
boscls; Indeed, it may have iii.rtwl
proboscis, as ofieu occurs, in exrt.u '!
sensitive parts, jet iu sail, J1'
blood be druwu, uo mure elieu (, prinju1
upon my skill ibiiu is produced i,ulj(.
of ashiirpuuedle; a red point apM-m 0 ,!
to disapMiar iu a few hour.. ' '
"Certainly there has been us itjut-h t
aig of tissues In such a case as hrf, u
wheu the gnat settle, on a place richer in
blood, and with a single probing draw,
till." He remarks alsothat "the p,)1M)lw
effect on me, as proved hy i er.ju, '
periineuts, Is in direct proportion to ll..
length of time which the gnat h., iK curo-j
in actually drawing blood," and Br)u'
perhaps somewhat liicouse(pii.,iyi ti!
this Indicates the constant nut itjiiriuK of
some sort of poisonous fluid tjurin t
blood suckiug process. But imtwithstnnd.
lug this he was unable to detect any clmi)!
uelforthe conveyance of poison i'ul(t tll
And, moreover, It is difficult to conceive
of a double (low of liquid poison downward
snd blond upward as taking pla,B ilu.
uliaueuiisly within the narrow compin f
the proboscis of a gnat or a nu.itipim,, Ur
again, if the movements were not giuui!
taneoils, but a downflow of piiiM,u Kt.n
followed by an updrattof blood, It wou:,l
teem that the greater part of the poUoti
would be tucked out of the wound aliuust
as soon as it was instilled, and that, there
fore it could hardly exercise much li,flu.
taue upon surrounding lissiies.-Kuow.
Double Nationality.
History supplies a great many cases In
which men have changed their iiatiotialitj
very suddenly iu order lo serve personal
purposes, but no case is recorded, perhuiM,
where one hies changed so often as a cer
tain railroad conductor who serves uu
line connecting France and Germany.
This functionary changes his mitiunuhty
twice a day.
An American traveler w ho was riding
on the traiu between Uusle and Ht-lfort re
lates that, shortly after passing nut uf
Swiss into German territory, he had occa
tiou to ask the chief of the train some ques
tion about the journey, aud put the in
quiry in French. -
"Nein, neiii!" said the conductor.
"Sprcecheu Sie Deutschl" (Xo, no, speak
The American asked his question In tin
best German he could muster and receiv
ed an answer in that language.
Before long tlie traiu had traversed the
uarrow la-It of German territory and enter
ed France. The traveler again hud occasion
to make an Inquiry and this time uddress
ed the same conductor iu German.
"Monsieur," said tfhe chief of the train,
politely, "je ne parle que Francais." (1
speuk nothing hut French.)
As the man hud to retrace his steps aud
become a German agaiu before he went to
bed, his changes, it Is plain, came much
oftetier than those of tlie famous vicar of
Bray, who changed his religion half a
dozen times under as many governments,
"Because," as he explained, "he was re
solved, uo matter who was king, to live
and die the vicar of Bray."
The Power of the Hje In the Dark.
Toward nightfall, as the light grows
scarce and dim, the pupil of the eye in
creases to its greatest size so as to cutcii
and uiisorl) all the rays it possibly can.
Thus a cat's eye will grow large at dusk,
aud those of the night loving owl are so
made as to produce a greater convergence
of the rays of light, so that iu faint light
it can distinguish objects closer. It is us
great a mistake to suppose that cats can
see in the dark, where no light is, as it is
to suppose that under the influence uf pas
sion or excitement man's eyes have the
power of emitting light. It 1 impossible,
as has been proved beynutid a donlit hy
many experiments in utterdarkiiess. True,
a cat's eyes have a wonderful brilliancy,
hut that is due to a "carpet of glittering
libers" called the tapetum.
It may be to some extent iu virtue ot
this glitter that they possess their alleged
power of fascinating small birds and other
creatures, though we certainly need not
suppose that the terror and inability to
move evinced hy the victim are due to the
power of the eye alone. Fear of the un
proaching monster, which instinct tells
them is hostile to their life, is fully ns para
lyzing as any eyeglitter. Chambers' Jour
nal. Cupboard Love.
An Englishman, who once traveled on
foot through Norway, says that ho was
much attracted by tne tameuess of tne
horses and cows which he saw feeding
along the roadside. It indicated a kindly
disposition on the part of the people, he
thought, but he adds:
Iu my original notes I And a long para
graph overflowing with sentimental ten
derness relative to these affectionate cons,
that followed and overwhelmed me wl'.'i
their loving licks; hut I do not transcribe
it, as upon further reflection it is evident
that the licking was mere cuplxmrd love.
All cattle in inland, and esiecially In
mountainous, districts have a strong crav
ing for salt, aud these cows were merely
licking the deposits front the sea spray
that hud falling ou my clothes during the
recent voyage.
This discovery was mortifying to my
feelings. Mau wishes to be loved for him
self alone, and the spontaneous manifesta
tions of these pastoral, unsophisticated
cows seemed to respond to the heart's fond
yearnings. But, ulas! even the cows of
Surremlal were liking me for the salt 1
Secrets from the Confessional.
A joiner being ordered to execute some
repairs in a confessional which stood in
the Church of St. Koch, took the oppor
tunity to insert in the woodwork, a micro
phone, which he connected by means of
a couple ot wires with a telephone receiver
placed iu an out of the way corner of the
church, where the man concealed himself
when people weut to confession. Iu this
way be overheard a good ninuy secrets,
which he turned to account by extorting
hush money from the poor penitents. Tbe
priest was at first suspected of having be
trayed the secrets of tbe confessional, but
after awhile the truth came out and tbe
culprit was apprehended aud tent to jail.
Journal de i'Electricite.
Impowlhle to Transport Motqultoee.
From the method of life of the mos
quito, especially in Its early stages, It ii
clear that it would be next to impossi
ble to transport them accidentally, ex
cept as perfect insects, from one coun
try to another across large tract of
ooean, and the reports that are eome
timea spread of mosquitoes appearing
In hotels in England frequented by
Americans need to be received with
great caution. Probably, in most in
stances. Investigation would show that
they were simply English gnats rather
more virulent than usual, which had
been propagated In some neighboring
cistern or pond. Knowledge.
In Paris there is a skating rink
formed of real ice on a circular basin
of waitr artificially coded by prpee
containing ammonia gas.