The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 13, 1892, Image 3

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It pay t0 n,alce honest Pure SoodH- Tal the success of Dr. Price's
Baking Powder that has maintained its standard for purity and ,
for the past forty years
-,m Tartar Powder to be obtained
. .u i,f nerfectine it, and enjoys has devoted his tune entirely to nerfectimr th rtidoe
jdrsicw" --
human food that bear his name a name and a reputation synony
.....t, ure food preparations throughout the land.
Here are the indorsements of the
'Association of the United
whose signatures are given,
nitv and character to their profession. Members of these associa
te the chefs and cooks of the leading hotels, restaurants, clubs
cl private families, and certainly no
,cnd for an article of daily use in the
'biking powder. Here is what they
This is tO Certify, That the Cooks of this Associa-
...i itn tiiotnbnrs rinvi ncprl Dr Prir-n'e Pmnm R-ibimT
Pninfer and recoranieua us use in
" 1 J -
For quick raising aim mie
eonal. It is tree iroiu ammonia,
perfect Baking Powder made.
lesp-reiir courttl(a do not extend In street
rtnvl. Eussell Sage, the well-known linuiuier,
SOU Fifth Avkntk, I
Xsw York City, December "-D. ISO.!
For the last twenty years I have been
aiing Auo ic'8 Porous l'LASTKUs. They
btn repeatedly cured ine of rheumatic
Mint and pa ns in my Bide and hack.
Whenever I have a cold, one on my chest
mil one on my hack speedily relieve me.
My family are never without them.
The book Unit nmkea the greatest stir lu soci
ety Is the well-tilled sicliet bonk.
The song that touched hUbcaiV
A pure Virginia plug cut
smoking tobacco that does not
bite the tongue, and is free from
any foreign mixture. More
solid comfort in one package of
Mastiff than you can get out of
a dozen others. Packed in can
vas pouches.
J- B, Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
Cod liver oil sii'ests con
sumption; which is almost un
fortunate. Its best use is be
fore you fear consumption
wlwti you begin to get thin.
Consumption is only on 1 of
t ic dangi-rs of thinness.
Scott's Emulsion of c: i
- liver - oil makes the thin
p'ump, and thti plump lie
'most safe.
Let us send yo i i book'm
Cakkkul living free.
HV: '"ivtMi.Chcni.ij, i;, Souih ith Avei.ue,
W 4r, i...,M ),,. s, ., EmulMon of co.l liver
onsinu firervwhrrt do. i.
fcJr 1 "" I otiMa mmlf to stop tbea
Uw ud tha hr thorn Mum szsln. I mom
LriT.""- 1 h" "! the d.auM ol FITS, EW
or FA.LLI.NO SICKNESS lill,m stud. 1
ST i."! W'4 11 nun (or not n
5""'l oces for a treitiw and s Ftm BoUitoi
n 7T niwj. (im EtprM ud Foot OAoa.
. C Rf,0T. M. C. 183 Pearl Ht.. N. T
00 00000004
flull'sTiny Pills'
rjn" rinmi of work of mind or
in orJPnr in malarial TrgUms A
T"' Bud Tuu's Pills the roost Rental V
OTrs'lv mt nffvml the InTiJiiL
ooo o o o o o o
tnt. 7-1 i Hi. j
to ki uouiiie
Stud i-eriil kUH.ii lei
12 TWM (tiwt. Pnrtl.nd. Or.
IIT37! Ui four 4y. my EltrtcCornK
It is the oldest and now the only
Or. Price has spent almost
the distinction of rw.imr ih nit,
--' -
Lnited Cooks ami
the Pastry
praise. Its
have tfiven
Mates. What higher
are all men who
higher commendation could be
practical culinary art, liku that
preterence to all others.
"I.... ... 1
cases, pasiry, eic., u nas nu
lime or alum. 1 lie most
7 (T?clMl
iV f
Why the I ii k t Htnl Went Antra?.
A very popular yoiwic preacher was the
recipient of much attention on the pirrt of
the ladies of his uoti'-'rention, ami one
shy and lilnsliitiu spinster on the occasion
of his birthday chose for him a pretty
silver inkstand at 's. She wave to the
clerk the following' penciled inscription to
be engraved upon Its base: "To my pastor,
from his grateful Malvina S." ThechanK
in of an "in" into au "n," however,
made all tlie ilim-renee. in the world; for
the astonished young clergyman read:
"Tony l'astor, from his urat.-ful, etc.;"
and naturally wondering what could be
the connection hetwteti the theatrical
manager and Miss S., whom lie looked
upon as one of the pillars of his church,
he sent the package back to the jeweler's
to be forwarded, as he supposed, to the
rightful owner. It was not until tue young
lndy herself, wondering why her gift was
not acknowledged, made inquiries at the
shop that the egregious blunder was dis
covered. New York Tribune.
gome Us-s of ArtlBlial Told.
It seems vry prohablo that the (lay
Is not lur aisiaui wneu orine, uuwiy-u
Kplmv Ilia flW.lllr DOltlt Of WuU'l', Will
bo carried under the streets in pipes, us
Bteam is now, supply intf from central
stations a very convenient substitute
for ice in the domestic household, isy
freezing in our own houses water
whicli lias keen previously boiled, it
will then bo possiblo for us to avoid
contagion from diseased terms con
tained in ice. frathered from impure
sources. The maintenance of dwell
ingsat 70defs. Fahrenheit throughout
the summer will then be as much a
matter of course as the warming of a
modern house now is iu winter.
Professor Edward L. Nichols in Chau
tauquan. A riftly M-an Pair.
The champion meanest man and
the most heartless justice live in Slur
gis, S. D. The meanest man lost his
pocketbook, containing :'30; and
when the Under returned it to hnn,
after a month spent in discovering the
owner, he demanded Unit the huder
pay him interest for the use of the
niouey. Naturally the tinder refused
this unreasonable demand, whereupon
the meanest niau brought suit for the
interest, and the most heartless justice
gave the meanest man judgment for
$1.45 and costs. Chicago Herald.
Who Made thu Fonlprlnlf
Near Lincolntoii, Ga., on a stream
known as Fishing creek, in a shelv
ing proieeting just above the water in
the stream, is a ii lectly defined im
print of a man s bare font. All Hie Ues
are perfect, and in every respect the
mark is as plait: as if made m plastic
-i ..,-. mittv The stone is as
hard as adamant, and has been since
the oldest inhabitant landed in Lin
iv nr..i. KM) vears asro. liy
whom and when was the track made
is an interesting query. -hL lxjuis n
public. IimuriliE tUm lBllr.
One of the industries of New York
is the insurance of babies. The sum
;,l mcii.iIIv is five cents a week on
each child. The system is productive
of good in so far thai ll assures c.
. .lu uiniinst beiti? put to ex
L,,., J ;,! the ..vent of a deth in the
family. On the other uand, the ps b-hI pven nrobable abiiM?s are ob
vious, for it gives heartless parenU
direct personal int.'rest in the death of
one who is eunn ij uw
Chicago Herald.
A Ink' Burrreinss.
In Russia it is customary for all ay
men, theemiieror himself included to
show their outward rwiwt for the
church by kissing the hands of its
ministers. On one occasion it is re
lated that a village priest, receiving a
j j..i. ..i .iiurch drxjr. and
granu ... .,h malted
Imvimr no exisnciiic
Dersonaees,htitated to offer him bis
personal, -, ; rrma-
VA. tl o-rand duke, g'tting impa
tient,' exclaimed: "&treU.b out your
paw you fool!" San Francisco rgo-
(V OF.)
A nigh I'eiir Hum l. jr Millionaire to
pll. mi tlbnntluu. Neighbor.
The gin. 000 wall around Hie llopkitw
ea.tlt at ((rent HarriiiKtmi, Miihs., it
not h new Men. Aix.iit tifntMi yetim
(' Cliarlfn ('ruckcr, one of the "big
t l I V . I t. ... ...
""te. ma,!,, i,,iii,ir 'improvement,
tuiir i.eiimu 1'ulM o rn roml iniur.'ker built himself a mansion on
the brow of Nob hill, San Francisco, j
The palace covered almost an entir!
bliKk. j
A gentleman whimi name is lost to
fame had a modest iiiansion lu a corner I
lot of that bliH-k. CriH-ker coveted
that lot. but eiiuM not get it at his own
priee. He was somewhat incensed be
cause he, a millionaire, w:is balked In
purchasing bat he wanted at bis own
priee. The people of that vicinity were
atonislii'd on seeing a laianl wall leing
built lu'tween Cns ker's paliwe and the
geiitleiiiati's modest two-story frame.
The wonder kivw with the fence, which
was built to the height of the roof of
the cottage.
This wall totally shuts out the light
from the west, also the sun after mid
day. The pMitleinan appealed to the
courts, alleging that no person had the
right to construct tin vtliintr. even
though upon his own premises, which
would interfere with the rights and lib
erties of another; but the courts held
differently, though it was admitted by
Crocker that the h-ueo was useless, and
he could give no other reason than
The gentleman removed his laundry
from the back yard to the roof, and
every day the family linen was flaunt
ing iu the breeze from bis own house
top, which somewhat spoiled the view
of the Crocker family as they gazed out
upon the bay and dispelled the ro
mance of their evening promenades on
the eastern piazza.
Under the ruling of the court the
gentleman had a right to make an un
sightly nuisance of the roof of his
house. But he proposed to do more,
lie inscribed upon bis banner, "No
coin promise," mid refused to sell at
any price. I le was on the eve of rent
ing bis house to a Chinese theatrical
company when the proud Crocker or
dered his wall to lu torn down.
This wall, known as "Crocker's
Folly," was one of the objects of curi
osity of the city and was on the list to
be shown to tourists. It was visited by
thousands of citizens also. Chicago
Old llfiiiU am! YmlBg llitrtll.
"Now, Samuel," said his doting
mother, "you are going to see one
of the nicest girls tonight yon ever
met, and 1 want you to make a good
Impression. Now, the way to do that
is to show appreciation. As some one
says. 'Be a good listener.' Now, don't
you forget it."
"I won't, mother," answered the
dutifui Samuel.
At another house, the one to which
Samuel's feet were tending, a loving
aunt was saying to her visiting niece:
"Now, if Sam comes, don't you rattle
on as if you hadn't any brains. Just
you keep quiet and let him do the
talking. He'll like you all the better
for it."
And to this day those matchmaking
women can't understand why those
two young folk despise each other.
Loudon Tit-Bits.
Wild silkworm of India.
For a munlier of years the deficiency
in the production of mullierry silk has
drawn the attention of sericullurists to
the rearing of the wild silkworms of
India. China. Japan. America and other
parts. arJ a great many ieKins nine
been published on these wild silkworms,
some of which are already bred in a
state of domesticity or s i-domesticity.
Manv of these wild silkworms produce
silk of great strength and lieiiuty, and
could all be profitably utilized if hnfl in
their native lands on a large scale. Sieci
meu cmwiis and curded and reeled silks
of about twenty dill event sccies have
lieen sent to the Socicte (1 Aeclimatation,
and they will Ik' exhibited m the Tans
International exhibition of ISHil. together
with the specimens of the moths and
prepared larvit of the various species.
l'ulihc Opinion.
Mirror of tlm Ururlltrl.
The earliest mirrors of which mention
is made in history were in use among the
Israelites in the time of Moses. That
eeiitlenmn. as recorded in the Bible,
commanded in a certain emergency that
these articles should be transformed into
wash basins for the priests. They were
marie of brass. Dotlbtless similar nten
sils of this and other materials were in
nse long before that. At thai same
period black glass was employed for the
pnrisjse, as well as transparent glass
with black foil on the back. It is re
lated that the Spaniards found mirrors
of polished black stone, both convex ana
concave, among the natives of South
America. Washington Star.
The "Thin Klei-" of the Cliinca.
The very first thing that a Chinaman
takes when he gets up in the morning
is a bowl of hot "congee," or, as he
calls it, "thin rice." Thisissiinply rice
boiled away to a thinnish drinkable
consistency. If allowed to cool, it
n-., i,l,i tbieken into naste. Some care
is reotiired to make it proerly.
If tlm water is visible and not the
rice." says Yuan Mei, "that is not con-
If the rice is visible and not tne
water, that IS not congee enner.
two must be indistingiiishably blended
lfore you can call the result congee.
-Temple Bar.
rennlr. Not l.iki-d In Ktio.
Pittsburg carfare is three cents.
r'n.idnctors out that wav cannot look
clmii when the fare is paid in pennies,
but berealM.uts a j -tiger is made to
feel that he has (lone a h culiarly mean
thing when be pays that coin, no mat
ter bow neatly he may pile the coppere
up. - Boston Commonwealth.
Too I'ernltar Sprlnf..
In Corea there are two springs, situ-
I aed at a coii"lenble distance irom
each other; in fact they have uie
breadth of the entire peninsula be
tween them. They bare two peculiari-
' ties:
When one is full the other is aJ-
, .... j- v
ways empty, ami
I t..r l,r t ies in connected
OUVIOUB 1..- s. J '
by 4 mbterrunean passage,
Ur the othtr pure ai
one is dm--
and swuet.-
Whr H louirt I ruin and W hnr U
l itohif Vltt H CoftU, llrokvu and :
I libriikoo A Hardy Lltllo Hrula Ula i
Work mid Yran of SrrviM.
How often one hears the remark,
"Just look at those mules drawing that
car; they luok like rats," They have
thus become known very generally as
litllerat unites, and the dencription is a!
good one certainly. .Many or tiieiudon t
look milch larger than a good sized billy
goat, bring so small that they are hidden
from the people in the car by the dash
board iu front. It certainly does look
cruel to make them pull a car loaded
down, with eople, a lomr that would
strain powerful horses on au up grade.
It is like a great many other things,
It is cruel only in apiearan'e. The
litUo mule is equal to this and much
more. If t lie car would hold more peo
ple he and his mate would pull it any
place, and on a level would take it skip
ping along so fast that you would almost
begin to think no other motive power
was required to realize rapid transit. He
has endurance, speed and strength, and
thrives where an animal more hardy anil
stronger in apiiearauce would soon die.
lu rapid motion he goes by jumps and
jerks, but he accomplishes the desired
result, ami is one of the most servicea
ble animals to be had iu the street rail
way business.
Ho is, however, rapidly disappearing,
giving way to mechanical motors. As
the old darkv said when he saw the elec
tric cars, "The Yankees is great peo
ple; thev wa'nt satisfied ter free dn
nigga, and now they've done gone and
freed de mules." That is about the case.
Iu St. Louis, for instance, I ho little rat
mules and, for that matter, the larger
mule and the horse are few iu nuuilicr,
not one in thirty for those employed as
recently as three years ngo. With our
increase in population, new industries,
etc., this is a somewhat remarkable
statement, but it is correct.
The little rat mule is a peculiar ani
mal. Born and raised iu the southwest.
Texas and Mexico, he w now going to
the south and southeast for service on
the plantations. In the very recent past,
when all the street cars were drawn by
horses and mules, the demand for them
was very great for that purpose, but as
things generally equalize themselves, so
has the demand for horses and mules.
The street railway companies which
have changed to cable or electric motor
power have generally disposed of their
live stock to very fair advantage, though
there are still on hand some of the little
rat mules that are unused.
This little animal is one of some value,
though he does not look it. Twenty dol
lars would be a very fair valuation, but
In fixing that estimate yon would be
away off the mark. Unbroken he com
mands considerable more than that.
The cheaiH-st lot that ever came to St.
Louis, probably, was one of 200, the
price paid for them lieing a few cents
less than twenty-six dollars per Ueaa,
but they were unbroken. He Is a stub
born little brute, and there'! considera
ble labor iu breaking him so he can be
put ahead of a bobtail and trusted to
the average driver. Thus broken he
has a value of sixty to seventy-hve dol
lars. One would naturally BtipjMise that his
raiser would break hiin, and get his en
hanced price, but. as a rule, he has come
to the St. Louis railroads as wild as
could be, and also as stubborn, but the
mplnyees of the companies have had a
great deal of fun in breaking mem iu
and reducing them to tractahility. They
have also bad some excitmgexperiences,
too, as the little fellow has heels quite as
.. ,. . , .; ll.-
serviceable as ins larger relative, ami ue
knows how to nse them too, You have
got to look out for them, and yon have
got to put some muscle into use when
yon think you have an easy task to hold
them with the lines. This is not at all
easy sometimes, as he has strength and
frequently a verv hard mouth nam
enough to pull a bobtail car by it with
the traces slackened.
It has been said that it seems cruel to
run these little fellows to a street car
loaded down with passengers. To the
contrary, there are few animals which
have an easier life. The pulling of tlie
Car is nothing to them. They can laugh
at that and grow fat. Twenty-five to
thirty miles a day for them is nothing at
all. and that is alsmt what they cov
er, with rests Mween trips. Through
with their day s work, they are turned
into a big yard, where they run and roll
as they please. They never die, or at
least the employees or the street rail
ways never hear of their dying. When
they approach that jieriod of life they
are sold or sent off to the farm, where
they may still be of some nse.
They are aged before that time conies,
however. There are, for Instance, little
rat mules as much as 20 or 2.") years old
still in service here, and some which
have been in the service twelve and
fifteen years. And still they are, to all
appearances, good for several years yet
They are as strong and active as ever,
apparently, and will likely a year from
now start in for a second life on a south
ern plantation. This is a long time for
an animal to tramp over granite and
other kinds of paving, through mud and
in all kinds of weather, but the limit
has seemingly never been reached with
this hardy little fellow. He might be
subjected to twice as much, possibly, and
still not fall under it.
In addition to -rformtng service
equal to that of the horsoorthe large
mule, the little rat mule is one of the
easiest animals known in the care re
quired. It might, i" fact, be said that
ue really does not require any care, ne
flourishes best when allowed to rough it.
He is, of course, fed grain and hay, but
he is not in the lea.-t fastidious about his
rood, as is the horse, and in the absence
..f anything else would probably manage
to live on old boot legs. He like noth
ing better than to run to fodd-r and
Liieap lOoJ. t. lini. itioor-Leuiucrto
How Hi. lilors. Boil Klc.
An ordinary Chines cook will boil
rice extremely well. But he generally
puts into Uxi much water; and then,
I when the nee iscooK.-i hihh,ii, ne iMar
' off the excew. ali i replacing the pot
' over the fire, shakes up th contents un-
til sufficiently dried '"h"w the grains
! to separate freely. Tempi Bar.
V.ry "till-
I "Is that man still t work in the eel
; Ur. Bridget:-"
i.Tv.t'.nh.t h. ii T io still at it. In
i i. S14 . yww - -
fact mim he's -ulape. Harpers
xju. of r..r.lsn Unga.,,... I
On the practical side forci 'ii ton'rues !
, ' , ,, 1 ' 1
are useful to well uigli all professional
in. .ii Tbni iiiw iii f iei f.. ..i,
Hit ii. mere aiv, in l.n t. Ie cng.neci,
vhool teachers, rlnelnciau.. editors,
. I , - . . , ,.
physa'ians, iiewspa,T writers and lit-
erary jieoplii generally to whom the:
jsiwer to read al least Iw.i languages i
other than Lnglish will not be found j
of vital iiuportancii. The latct stages
of progress h, the arts ,i nm,..,,.,,
and iu literature, are not infteoiieutlf
recorded llrst iu the publications of
France and (iermany, and tlio profes
sional mail who cannot read these at
tt uuu is nr aserimis disadvantage.
The new material may come in the
shape of au article on miiiic modern de
parture in tue pr.i 'liee of Italian d.i
gogy, au iiii;iori.uit paper in physics by
llehnholt., hints of improved hospital
methods at Berlin, the account of an
engineering leat in Austria, the lale-t
developments iu chemical theory from
the brain of Mendelecf, the newest
form of Wouiann's explanation of he
redity, fresh experiments from Pasteur,
a political speech, a government niejis
Hiv or a hteiary essay, and all these
may be li led b specialists, if not for
general purposes, long before they are
likely to attain to reproducUoii in English.--
Boston Herald.
Klin-lit:!'. Opium Industry.
Florida prolans to Us-onie a Urge
producer oi opium. The poppy grows
there very readily, and latter than any
where fU' iu I In- lllili d Sl.iics. NxtiVU
pi nits will produce au ounce of opium,
and an acre sin ni l give a probt of vl,
Olio. As the plants ill liuive among
trees, the land on which are young and
non-bearing orange orchards can U' util
ized while the trees are reaching malar
it v. New York Sun.
Consumption of lolmreo.
M Paul Icriiy I'm aulii -i gives figutvs
showing the quantity of toUtcco eon.
suiiHil in the di'.fcivtit Countries of
Eums'. The rate s r lull inhabitants is,
aeco lin;' to him, as follows; Spain, 111)
pounds: lialy, 12S Hiund..: Great Brit
ain, 1.1 pnunls: lluv.i.1. lSJ pnuids;
Penmail;, 221 pounds; Norway, '."J'J
pounds; Austria, JJ7:l pounds! -Chicago
Chew on This (.Irln.
A ehewiiigguiu manufacturer nnms
sed a fortune of $ I.ihiii.iiihi. l't s see.
Say six slicks for live cents; live info
Itlt'l.lKltl.lllH) goes '.'0,(11111,(1(111 times.
Twenty milium limes six equals r.'O,
IH .0.1)1 Hi sticks of gum. (ircnt heavens,
iri. Is! Washington Post.
la our I'livideiil nerds ue want the "cut of any
tlihni n iiurul. mid we wmil h 11 Unit Is rniihi'd
to lw tin. a' to he dene pioniiitly h d siuety, mid
tliim In I'Hln i sisi i lly w III tied nil tiuil I" mill
od inwlnil Is linelii ri'ciiiniiieudc.l. Mr. T.J.
Murphy, id lieta-vohv ii., Itr.Hiklyn, V V.,yii:
"HavlilK ll'll Slllii tl'l Willi MMHtlt rlielllllMllMII
Inr mime ilnie hi mid IhidliiK no rebel. I tried
St. .laciiliH I Hi. tt llh'll I found Very i-llli lulls "
Miss Clam Uenlt, Mahwnli, S. J., W HI. "I
IipiIhi'.I mv llnili, mid H Iki-miiiv Kteull; swollen
mid lit. ( used two bottle of u I'nt.'iil bid nt.
whUli did nol rcllen'ine. , liyidriinwiisi'nlled,
Willi ordered Hie ltlnl . he uiltlei d, Hlid lie
nme ine nieillelue hiiernnlly wltle lit heuetll. 1
then KotH IhiiUi- of St. .luentw nil, wldeli eiiie.t
me. It in-led like limsle." Mr. I.oreiio bin k.
Ilaui'mft, sliiiiwussee eoiinty, Xlleli., sy "1
had chronic rlieiliiiullsui lor enr, eoiitriii'ted
ilurlni! Hie war. Altei sittlnn or 1) Init down, nl
H,ii... I roul.l not mt an In no stillniKS imd
mills, At work mv sl:onxili would k "il;
llii'ii I would pass tliroiiKti a n miusa oi several
wveka. I had to walk Willi ane. ami wn ut
oim lime so ill I con nl not lie ilownwlili ut
turrlhle pains In Inieli and llinlis. I tried si. Ja
....l.siiii- tievl inoriihiif mil mi out of hed U til-
.an ...uni In iIhv I'm a new num. and
walk without a cane." ' Mr. A. II. I nniitiiiitiaiii,
!'emo.lls, Kuvelte eouiily, l'a wrlh a: "My
W lfe'wnssiiri W nlllleteil with hone luck for sev
...l v....r. isii.. used tiiiiiiiiieralile llulmi'llts.
hut experh'iieed lltlie relief until si. .faeolrn nil
was used. I inn eiintlih-iitly say we nwu her
cure to lis wonderful i lleeta and would nut ki'i'l
house without it
XotliiiiK keeps a sllnity niau from striilhiK hill
the risk ut tlie mum.
"Ontnf sorts." "distrait," "the hluea," these
are linullliir apia-llathea for iiiieoiiifurtahle, mi
detluiilile seiiMitlons, i mi m tile. t wllh lnssl
tude, nervoiiHiess, Imlliie-tlon. I'overty nl the
blood, to remedy w lileh an ell. elU e sliiinaelilc
laTslstenllv used Is the piMiiiuiiiit need, Is eon
elusive evldeiiee Hint the system Is Insiitlleieiitly
liourlslivil liceniisi'- and fnriiooiiiorc'uiisew nere
oriiiiile illseuse does not exbt-lliu food Is mil
assliiillHUd. lielntoree ine iiiikkiiik em-rioi oi
the sliiuuieh, reform all Ir ivolnr eoinlltloii if
Ihe bowels, keep up a henltlitlil seerelhin of the
bile win Hostelter s stomach Hitters. For over
tlility years this popular niedlelue has supplied
Uie eoii m waul of Ihe nervous invalid, Hie
dys piic and of iiersons dellelent in vlla'lly,
nil ellieleiil tunic. To ita wer of impartiim
Bireiiktli Isatlrlhiitable lis i llleaev as prevent
ive of iiinlntia and In iirlpa.'. I noiuiiKiiiy ei
fectlve Is It ton for rheiiinntisiii, khlnej nun
plaint nnd neiiriiliila.
(senator I'elTer wants the direct voting
fnr President to begin in 1811(1.
For comihs, oolda and throat disorders
limwn't llttmchml Tntrhf" have nrmtil
their ettliac.y by a test of many years. Slid
only in hiufK.
Tin. eves are the windows of the mill, especi
ally when we luive n nln lu tliem.
" I inherit some tendency to Dys
pepsia from my mother. I suffered
two years in this way ; consulted a
number of doctors. They did me
no good. I then used
Relieved In your Augt'st Flower
and it was just two
days when I felt great relief. I soon
eot so that I could sleep and eat, and
I felt that I was well. That was
three years ago, and I am still first
class. I am never
Two Days, without a bottle, and
if I feel constipated
the least particle a dose or two of
August Flower does the work. The
beauty of the medicine is, that you
can stop the use ofitwithoutanybad
effectson the system.
Constipation While I was sick I
felt everything it
seemed to me a man could feel. I
was of all men most miserable. lean
sav. in conclusion, that I believe
August Flower will cure anyone of
indigestion, if taken
Llfeof Misery with judgment. A.
M. Weed, 22oBelle-
fontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind." 0
Of all kinds and In anr riintltr
aale and retail
-al w-n
riHH prli-e..
68 Front 8treet, Portland, Or,
fa- Bend lor cataloijne. "t
j N. F. M. D. Ko. F. V. V. No. 603
( , ,.iy or ,,,,,,
,. , 1 . ..i m v i
Krni'l. ' i hem- iiiHkm imth ilmt In' l On-
i um, i . I tl. nun ( 1 J. i lno.-y Ate.
I.'lui! I uu.. In i!i.'iu ill loU'lo I y ii nd
.,, .,,,,,,,.,,,1 , ,nl ,i,i i,n u (y ih.
urn id I'M IM II' I'1 'II l: ft ii mi'l
, t-ir caw o( iilii"ll II at neill.'t iK i ll i -il Ii)'
n. u. H i u o.mim i w
, utANk .1 i ill AV
sn.irn to Irinr" I'" 1'iid m'i-rlt"l m my
,r...m .-tlil cili in; .. Ihhii Ik r, o i,.
',l '
II ill't r.i.nh mo' l UiLni tui. mid
r:v.!!n,.,'';.!;!;":,l r:.' ,::::!.v;::: .r
I .1 i
II l V
A I ll, 1'
.'i I't'lltii.
ilolu, O.
Itf S..'.d l.y Inn
I li'.l.'li.-
Whnt I
bade '
l In' I. . 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 .- u' limn ' l-H
tit- i.iri -
Formei ly lobin en cliewers in ircjun pur- ,
chased their lulaeni l.y tin" plug without
I'uiisideriiii! its ii)-lit. but -ni ii-'il lit from
the llasl, where Slur is iiuiver-.illv '
iise.l, rt-tused In take these slinrt-weinlit
iiii:s - 1 1 . 1 ,1. iirin.lrd Mar I'liii1. h liieli i
lint only the l'e-1 tnl..i.'en. I'llt i-.iell pluu' i
a lull si'xti'rii-ntiiii'e pi'uml, and mm inosi j
Hi! rr in i in ,;.iii ui' Mar.
Tar iji i i i -V Km sk. 1'iiitlutid, "r., is the j
best M a dav hotel nil the I'aeili" ( mist,
fry it. funnily .X F.lh.iuN, prnpiietm . ;
Use Ka.mi'ltni'Stovtil'oith; no du.t: iionraidl ,
Tv Gkrmk fur breakfast.
A vonmn " run down," i
overworked, weak, nervous mid do-
bilitatcil that's a woman that Dr.
Pierce's I'avorito l'rescription i9
made for. If nivcs her health and
sf relict h. All woman's weaknesses
and all woman's ailment arc cured
by it. It's a legitimate, medicine
not a beverage ; nn invigorating, re
storative tonic and a soothing nnd
(strengthening nervine, free from al
cohol and injurious drugs. It im
parls tono and vigor to the whole
' Tor all functional irregularities,
periodical paii,:-, organic displace
ments and uterine diseases, it's a
positive remedy.
And a jiidrnnti'cil one. If it
doesn't give satisfaction, in every
case, the- money paid for it is re
funded. No other medicitio for
women' is sold on tlieso terms.
That's because nothing else is
"just as good." Perhaps the
dealer will offer something that's
"better." llo means that it's bet
ter for iim.
1 1 irep.s,lliTniviiin.l)rr..r til. be.lrodiMWW! by IU
nwitlinusandsnf OAass of tli. vnret kind and ol lung
:inrinah'ts'n pinsvl, I n!isl soptmng Ismr fiiln
iaitl:::iMey. I -I s ' ii T..iil--or:l.ks ui.K,iiltl
aVAI.DAI'I.K T:::AT: '.Hl-nl'md-il's alasiivsilt.
turwr who will ssdJ uiutl.air lis iri'sisii.ll'. O. ad-lmsa.
T. A. (Slin gin, M. ('.. I!J'-1 Pcnrt Kt.. N. V.
isA. rrtNlvA'lipfl
In WifKYovr
Lot's wife looked
back, with a well
known result.
Bellamy looked
back in his dream.
The smoker who
has not tried "Seal"
before can look back
to wonder how he
could have escaped
the -true excellence
of the Seal of North
I'aekwl in I'litenl Cioth Pondies nml In Foil.
4 pra na T5k c
Henri (or photo ol our trial Rrounua.
W are l'aelHn Coast Ageula lor
D.M.Ferry's Seeds-
Tni Frtt From
r i nnfpnu onu fertilizers
I. L. rUJOUil O uUn.Anit we Mil
Portland. Or. prteea. Henil tor
! Moore's Revealed Remedy
Is Diitnre'. an'.t noni'dr (or liver and aldner dlsorlers. It rontnliis no alroliol, no ralnerala, 00
poiKina. It svlJl nlv you apis'tlu-aud make " 'Ike work, lorsh'.e by your dniitxlsl.
I t'i PRea.'jnO FI.e Knt rl. I'elered Plate.. "' '
lirorm." 0 ( "i ol ",i 5...M. 0.1.1..... piiwijlied. Jle Tllihi, .11 Uh.
IJ.r-rn. Flower ...d V IH - f r r..i
laaodHulh.. Tborsuahbred I
ih.i.rm.nM-V..A:. r'.'.' S'K'SuV T D DA
14 i. wi ha I. nl i iimiii fnni fciiim
J Sciatica I
it ir the best:
Stoek Inkllli! has turne.l US Misses' Kid shooa
tn I ' hi iiaiii . im no n w id Hi-. II. I', 0, slen 11
in .', that will lie sold i.l !.'.) lu close. Mailing,
Children's slpiun i'.iiilt shoes w ith heels, but
Inn. ... . .. li. ill . Oe. Mal.UK. -e.
llios'o'r i.lrls' stnuii! en-rv day l.aeo Shoe
with' hi.'Is, tis'il in wear, 1J1 l.l, 1 l'a, KE, at
Tin-. M.illiiii:. H'-'.
Clill.lreiiV Ciilihers. best, ii to 10',, al 2.VI.
Miss, ' Keel Minps, II le l' ai lue; renular
liul.liers. I.iilies', size I, U'st, ;HK'; nlhor
slei. ill :r.e. Us1, ''I'".
Me.i's House s tppers, tine, liner, thieat, 7.V,
Iim l.'.'.'i. Ladles' I nepilpiH-rs, II. i (trade, i'
to K and LK. nl H "
saxony Yam. Unlit hlun nnd seal brown, not
the l.esi or Ihe wiitst, at s-r hank, Xt iwr
S ar
lllld. Oil eolors llll-l odd ei.lors ol SIIM'KIIIH
am, Hie, NH-, ..ii', lo ruise in ko in m ev.
II von enii use jnriis la yiirl'ius eoiors Inr Inney
work, we have tin in at Iniit pilee. Our nwu aa
lei -lines ,
our hite printed lists w ill Interest tiiu; ask lor
them. Family Supnlii-" ol all kinds. Iirlisl
l riiils Iroiu '." .'e to liie. I'niiiied Kriills (nun So
iht eau to .!ue js-r can. Many mania an' lower,
lie eareful of your i n tnlltiiri s. Write to
Smith's Cash Store,
416 418 FK0N1 S1RLEI.SAN ( R4NCISC0, CAL.
Il'lll MM t:SV lllll IIOKflMY
I'lilnniie Home Industry. I he Ulestand
lliiesl arlellis of ho.e nnd l ariia'lou I'lnllU
liinlleil piepiiul to any address nt Lastern I'rlcoa.
All Muek Warranted. Send fur I'riec List
411 nllf.ii nlii Street, Frannlano.
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
y tM 1 lX-7 1't jrl knur Tr-; in "rralts aat
Trult Tr,s," I'ree
i.-o a. n ,n
..uv.l, Utn.ruiJ.ttithti.lnt (in
jr.;-r Ablv written. clr.'i truitv IM'DRMATION. C.i.
fruit f!nirrr- Htirirliltt( LOW pricsil Alpl. rr.Chsr
rr.rlam.rRNMf raih.Ap't.liinn,Nol.Vr Trii. Orsfts,
BOJES frrnll.t'i'l. K i IsrKsr Hih k In IU No HETTE1.
No.h sp-r SI'AUK lllS.,l7'K t .. l.olllsliinB,
Slu.-luuaal l.1 ULDLbl. JOUO Acr, LAJlUUTi
mill am and
At'-lrtss ol Ctsrj
l risnai i 10
IP.lml,lllivt.s H O
CURED TO StAY CIIKia. 1 r.u"iO.W.T.
If ynu wimt rOWDKR Inr Mining,
Hftilroml Work, Stump ItlaHtiiiK or Tree
I'lantitiK, semi fur 1'rift)
Rocha Harbor Lima. Portland Camanl, Ooi
den liilo and Utah Piaster. Hair, Fire BrlOl
ind FlrtCliJ. LAND PLASItR.
60 North Front titrnrt, tlor. D,
Portland Seed Co.,
F. W. MILLER, Manager,
Sseis, Trees, Fertilizers, Etc.,
No. 171 Seoond St.,
fend for ciitiiloKiie nml niKiillon this Hiter.
A lili'inl linin the Inrniiilaol au old Kiiglliu
Ten Mit limit.
Best Tea in the World for the Price.
,'il) cents ier lb. al your ilealer'a or postuld
f ii mi liie sole tin porters, .
CLOSSET & DEVERS, Portland, Or.
PkIHo Mwllclii. Co.. B9 CUsy MU Ban fmnclac
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
i Hilathi'arnnwliirM
Ifstlnia. r.uuslr lor all ib
nnnatiirnl ilis. haric.ia aud
pnval.disasrtiol mm. A
r.rtaln eurs lor lb. lisbllh
tslln( wcakDtu inculiat
nallAYSV K
jinlf I(irM'i'tHltan(lflaa'
I Th( LvaalCHO1"'' In rwo'iimullB II
sn m nnen.
. oiscii,av--. .,::;.,. l.
A. t n, I- u ,v.i:.i.i
join ny i'r.-
1 llll
CtC li.tnk.
Patll and H.ilthj,
of all kinds,
these rxvta at Eastern
rats loane.
if esfful and aunirtlTt
Lln.l. oI'Milaranlvea
uuu.lstlvu. ,.rm ........ ' - , , .t . . . , -
... ""- -V''d ' l.ZZ 'j Ueal.rei
IWWm Dvnamite j
- rm m. Kr MrlUfmaA.
.Brdw.j,5 Y. BlUt.