The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1892, Image 7

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    jyAND county
-.le Central Committee
mi-cts at the tHUrt
Vh of February, WW,
f amltheTilden club
?cUk that evening, at
trtidan ' requeued.
fu, nw ll n'l'i the club,
''brt ' to ,Ilttd0 by
aiidagHHltlnu gener-
-ir as well
corklly Invited to
John Whitkakkk.
rit J0 Chairman.
Ooetbea Items
Feb. 2. 'D2.
,rlor. w burled here Monday.
T,CoutheBlekIiHtfr the
'"S hTare C. H. Landreth,
'S'. I... nurcliiwed fifteen
rlff.V.Tre i'B property here
Lot butfj dellli on tho same
rLwihiwpurcBiiHed land
k'.Mlle'; "VJK, Warren In
rulWbuirdontheme as
K-n or twenty men tu
I moved a barn for
The building was dlvld
Lot which will be
twnea u'v nnt ho d a
fcu U" ,ii,H(i r. Quarterly
eve;rau" next 8a,
... i . lUr-ronm" will be
fXnge hall Friday night
&Tr mtTng up a
Lit Hill. .
JTT.i. it., following from the
P-"'. Eol. nf Jan.
WW"". . H niton.
Labels 0 l"""""" V" V.
r?"ji. .., hd Ust Saturday
ill Jtcl Mimuu ;
jht in ill health for years, and
3witawtllpteM the past
SlprfMllyoWtaing ln hMlth end
SmmI unexpected. Mre. In-
in Indiana, August 22. 825,
Lu.rriad to .oo uiDioo iu .,
ihoo iba orotto mo po"
'T, in ih. Willamette va
Emm', where Mr. Uinlnn died in
lit. loom WM IU.
AOJim, ail of whom e Imog in
., ..... ni Orenon. The bnrUl took
L . Hmilton cemetery Sunday
hum relaUvet end menus euugnvav
......I. lutrennectstoonewbo bed
,-riortDM Went: Frenk Condon
jtt iJ intelligence this week of
a oi hia Utber. Issau Condon,
worred t Sniem. vregou, u uu-
iaa.1 II. fnnrlnn vll one fjf the
,W1. KM. V
ii nttlert on the Smelsw; respected
ihe kocw him, and bad friend,
mmber. Every resident of the
I till nonin hli loan, and win ex
tapsthr lor Ihe hereaved relatives.
jattuonine jvuriu rur ui mi
ii, ibf on on now reeiaei. ut.
mm m receiving the news of bie
uuon It tmpomiiuie lo reaoo omrm
kiinttrmeDt, Freukdid not go to
lUfiiVetaStx Itlonlhe.
ru, Feb 2.-ThomiL Skagge, the
bit ami of the Northern Faciflo
kaCuDDiBT. who Tolnntarilv fiive
k!a illr beiDg at large for two
LUdgniltj to laroeojr oj tmoti
Hiuday and waa gien ail months in
ptjjul. A number of oitizens of
ttandiDg appearrd before Judge
mllMtitted to Skacea' eood reo-
into bii embezzlemeut, aud asked
p lor alight sentence.
1 Blalae Club Formed
30FIELD, Or.. Feb. 2. The re-
imofthis place met last night
Jiot's hall and orsrnnlzed a James
mt Republican Club of 60 mem-
r a Beatty was elected presl
0 A Wheeler, vice-president;
Washburne. secretary, and
W, liaomer. Enthosiaatio apeeoh
'Bidibj Meaars, Dodd, Wheeler.
tin, Thtvtmoat harmony and good
ifnriiled, and all were in fator of
fw campaign.
Sotite to Teachers.
Mt regular quarterly public ex
,Jion of teachera who ninv wish
p in the public schools of this
r will take place at the court
MBne,on Wednesday, feb.
i Beirinnlnir t nnn n'rloi'k
'lenioon. A prompt attend
i the hour specified will be nec-
none can loin the class after
nation has begun.
; wishing to obtain state cer
ate diplomas or state life
. houlu apply at these
i Those holding any of
' should present them at the
' we county superintendent Tor
VIOD. U runnlru1 1... rl.a lota
achnnl low '
rATTERSox, County Supt.
flltd Sugar
iC8ag ..
Iried Apples..
KcJL p"-
II 00
, 1 00
, 1 00
1 00
, 1 00
, 25
, 1 00
, 75
. 1 00
1 00
1 10
HO Eewwd.
CT- b,ld bo '-n. 20.
Ww M1'MW' ouwe patent
i. ."-. eoie aeeau. l'ort-
rti(. ntnA
I -UI paw the
"iu.IT.lul!orB(io WatiB to
"tUnUiypataoi, ...
Joa. Pansi.
r, ;, bo parchaaed A. M.
iwW cute informa as
WanVniMkably Aim. BeV
f uJ paid an extra price
I'lS'iOw frtaavd. dowa tha
ioa a toad aroond
1 a . a ti? Ptwctocta (at Um
! CPWo. mt rk.
OnKton. Wash., to
1 r iniM, daughter.
Canvas shuts at O, E. K's,
Walton k Hkipworth, Lawyers.
Oo to O. . Kraueae for toot wear.
Uublwr buitom shoes at O. E. Krauaae's.
wMonejr to luaa on farma. Enquire of Judfe
Hot and old baths every day In the week
Birj uuru Daroer soop,
For fine sails made to order and ready
made clothing, go to Ed Hanson.
15,000 worth of ladies' shoe lo be sold at
or below cost. j. d. Matloci.
Mr Geo F Crew has the eole atreDer for all
brands of the celebrated Tamil Punch Chrara
RetueniiMir that Hanson & Boe have the
bent evirated stock of clothing in town.
Drinn your old scrap cast iron to the En
Rene Iron Foundry where you can dispose
nf it.
Eng n Flour l.3" prr sack. The Eu
gene Flonring mills make the bent quality
of roller mill dour.
If yoti are getting tixi old for your spoe
taoles, or if Itiey ilo not t-inctly suit you take
them to Watte aud bv new lun fitted. .
Dr.O. W. Hnl.Ilu m Ite found at hi
rvHident'F mi (J live street, bteen Fifth aud
Bittb streets one block west nf the Minne
sota Hotel He in prepared to do all dent
al work iu the bent luauusK
The bent (tniily remedy is undoubtedly
f luuder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Hsrui
leas, it aocomplixhe relief where many oth
er medicines (ail to do. It may be safety
giveu to the infant as well as the adult.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford lies at O. E. K's.
. Fountain pens at Watts'.
Overgaiters at O. E. K's.
Job work at the Ooaao office.
Tennis goods at O. E. K's.
We lead others follow. O. E. K.
Wigwam slippers at 0. E. Krauxse'.
Runnel shoes at 0. E. KY
Men's patent leather ahoea at O. E.
Blank doeda and mortuacea for aale at the
Go. bd offloe.
The best assortment of children's shoes
will be found at 0. E. Krausne's.
Wben wanting a nice tie or anything in
the furuishing line no to J. E. Bond.
Blank notices fr the location of quarts
mines for aale at the Guabd office.
For all kinds of farming implements call
on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street
Screen windows and doors, elans, sssb and
donra at Bioalow A Kukpatbics.
My entire slock 10 per cent, discount for
cash. J. D. Matlock.
What la It?
That croduoes that beautifully soft com
plexion and leaves no traces of its applica
tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis
dom's Bobertine accomplishes all this, and
is prononnoed by ladies of taste and refine
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Warranted harmless and
matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene
Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctioneer.
When ton want yoarsoods, household
furniture or bind sold at auotion, call of
Oeo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sale on a reasonable com
Wh.n aintiiiD AAmAforv work aa to E.W .
A Cn . who are Drenared to furnish
all kinds at lowest puces for first-class work.
Our Portland cement walls for enclosing
cemetery lots are the finest yet put upon
the market, and are furnished at about half
the coat of stone. Call and see our beauti
ful Barre 1 Westerly granites and best
grades of Termont marble. Offices at Al
bany, Eugene and Kosebnrg.
Very Kespeciiuuy xonrs,
E. W. Achinuon k Co.
Sheep Inspectors Notice.
ill natinna In T.aanA Antltl
All piWU. IU " www". - - o
k .k.n .Kmi, .fflintaH with other dis
eases, are hereby notified that said sheep
munt be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill
said disease, forthwith.
Any person failing to comply witn tnis no
tice will be liable to bave his sheep dipped
by the Inspector at said persons's expense.
Take notice and save costs, .
Dated June 5, 18.1.
Oxo. Fishkb, Sheep Iospeotor.
Notice. Oo to the Depot lnmbej
yard for cbeap lumber. Andrews will not
be undersold.
n.ii - That limit laniTnid feellns
van uki - o v
means that your system is in a slate to in-
j ..J Wrioht'a romnnnnd Ex-
VIIV UWWKJ, mm .. ..K, -
tract of Sarsaparilla is what yon need at
once to expel imporitiea of the blood and
build yon np. doiq ut an urugginui.
Don't Believe It
Wben told that F. M. Wilkins, the druggist,
is not selling "Wisdom's Bobertine" for the
complexion, the most elegant and only really
harmless preparation of its kind In the
t 4..1 JnMH asiwH
world, ftna ffiTiug m uiuvuui iviui v.
with every bottle.
vr iassn. '
Portland Telegram: "Mri. W.T.Baroe;,
:a i ek. i.wiJ nfflva MA t hf-rbome.
ooruer Seventh and D. McMUIian s ad; i-
tion at 5 o clock this morning auer m
uess of several months. The deceased was
a lady of exceeding refinement, well known
in Ibis city and in Sulem, wnere sne was
born. Bbe was the youngest daughter oi
General Beniamin Mmpson sno wss w
years of age. The husband and five chll-
J . . . , TV, Inn.
dren are ien io niourn uo iu.
...i .b. nluvi from tha familf real-
DIM, Will . .
dence at 10 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Burnoy aee oimison was lonuon
resident of Eugene and bad many Mends
IT C... tmx ClV,MTA. O. Dietl.
wbo left here with hie family a few weeks
aioce for his old home in Nebraska City,
Neb., disgusted with Oregon climata and
Drospeets, has arrived home. He now
writes thai he struck the thermometer Si
a i in .am -nit vktv hard times
aud that as soon as he could sell or mort
gage bis farm, he would be back to Oreson,
the grandest country in the world. This
it tbe aame old story repeated. If a man
Uvea in the Willamette valley one whole
year he will never again be contented to
live in the East.
v.. Ri.Mnx. J. C. Ooodale will go
to Portland ia a few days to purchase the
mscbinery for a new sawmin wbkb -lands
erecting abonl 100 feet east of his
present will id Coburg. It will be furnished
with ateass motive power, conswting of two
40-hore power steam engines. He will nse
.i i i - ,11 fn nUnina mill. When the
IUV UtU IHl.l - I , ,
ew improvements are made Mr. Uoodeie
eays ne win bst h vi .u
the valley.
n n.T.r, Tha boom on Coot Bay
xwua iiwk... ,
hu bursted as lbs following front the Coos
a .ii w have heard sev-
lay bud win uw . -- -
erai parties remark that everybody tM Utr.
ina tnis piaoe, auu "
!. ... L i... uk ih.M ateamers tr
ill Bieauoera, " . ...
riving with twn Th '-
they bave to maae Dean no m. .
they sail, looks a little like depopulauor,,
bat the fewer we have tbe more there will
be for Ihe few."
the J. I. Case steel plows have always
.... i . .A mnat Tellable.
oawsi lue urw - . -Doa'lfsil
to get prices of Norton Mor
rill, Eogene, Oregon.
Tbe Railroad Company Enjoins the
County and Sheriff From Selling
its Lands.
The ( aunty Will ('ante. I Ihe C ase.
Dally Quart, Feb. 1
Dr. T. W. Harris, coroner of Lane coun
ty. Ibis morning served on Sheriff J. E. No
land, and tbe county court, tbe injunction
ud couipUiut in the case entilled the O.
. 0. K. B. Co. vs. Lsne Couuty and James
E. Noland, ss Sheriff of Lane county. This
preveuts tbe selhug of the railroad lauds
lor the prenent, that were to have been sold
by the uenfl tomorrow at 10 a. m,
Tbe couuty will content tbe case to the
bitter end iu tbe courts, having retained At
toroeyn Ueo. A. Durris and A. C. Wood
cock, to represent them.
TUe complaint is as followa:
Int. That plulntitris now and dur
ing all the times hereafter named, has
Ut-ii a corporation, duly Incorporated
and organized under the general luws
of the Nute of Orvprn, and having Its
principal office ana place of business In
the city of Portland, In said Htate.
-nd. That the defendant, Lane
county, Is a quuni corporation of said
Htate, and the defendant, James K.
Nolund, Is now and during all the
times hereinafter named hus been a
duly elected and qualified and acting
Sheriff of said county of Lane, and- as
such ex-of!lelo tux collector thereof.
3rd. That the plulutif! during the
year 1S!H), was the owner and In ixmn
slon of certain property In Lane county
aforesaid, known and (IcMiirnuted irener-
ally as Its Interest in the binds grunted
by congress of July Ii5, lNM, and cer
tain other and subsequent iK'ts relutinir
to said land grunt, that at said time
and during said year, the duly acting
aim quauneu assessor or said l.nne
county and the duly organized and ex
isting hoard of Equalization of said
county, assessed to this plaintiff the
whole of the said land grant for the
year lSIM), then subject to taxation and
assesed the said lauds at the price of
iou,wh. inai inereaiier ttie county
court of said county duly levied upon
said assessment of the said land grant,
a tax of 22' mills on tlie dollar, amount
ingtofmm.M .as well as a tax uwn
certain other lots und deinled lands
owned by plaintiff" other tliun said
lund grant, making an aggregate
amount of taxes so assessed and levied
aiminst this iilalntlll' by said Lane
county for the year 1S!H) of all kinds,
state, couuty and school, amounting to
4th That thereafter and on tbe 17th day
of March, 1891, this plaintiff duly paid to
tbe Bald Jamea Nolaund, as sheriff aud tax
oollector aforesaid, tbe sum of f 2.701.12 iu
full payment of all taxes ol said oouniy or
assessed by said Lane couuty or its ssneNt
or its board of equalization for the year
law, on ine property oi tne nam piaiutin;
that for 1800 unimproved real entate iu aaid
county waa uniformly ansessed at not to
exoeed 40 per cent of its oasb value, and
plaintiff s lands were wholly nmmproved,
whose cash value did not exoeed $1 per
acre and if sasensed like other property in
aaid county, tbe assessable value thereof
would not exceed l(Xi,wil.
6th That thereafter and on or about tbe
first day of April. 1891. the said delendaut,
Jas. E. Noland, without authority of law,
attempted to alter and did alter and add to
assessment roll of said Laue county for tbe
year 1890, oertain property described aa
real property belonging to the plaintiff
which is described and more fully set out
in Exhibit A, hereto attached and made a
art of this complaint, which includes tbe
ands assessed by said county at 63,332.12
sores and which were patented.
Exhibit A ts tne land sale as puDitsbea
by the sheriff in the Guabd. Ed.)
6th. That the said Sheriff thereup
on having placed the said description
upon the said assessment roll attempt
ed to return and did return the said
roll so altered as aforesaid to the county
clerk of said county and attempted to
return and did return the said property
so described in said Exhibit A as de
linquent for the taxes for the year 1890
In the sum of 19,352.87.
"th. That thereupon and thereafter
and on the Oth day of December, 1891,
thu eountv clerk of said county pre
pared and returned to the sheriff a pre
tended delinquent roil witn a preterm
ded warrant, regular on its face, com
manding the said sheriff to levy upon,
seize and sell all said premises de
scribed In said Exhibit A to satisfy the
said sum off 9,352.87.
8tb. That thereafter and in pursuance of
said pretended warrant, the aaid sheriff did
on and between tbe 21st of Deo., 1891, and
the 6th of January 1892 levy upon tbe said
real premises described ia exhibit A, to col
lect tbe said delinquent taxes, and will un
less tettrained by this honorable court, sell
and threatens to sell tbe said premises on
Feb. 6, 1892, and thereafter at the court
boose door in Eugene, in said county to
satisfy said warrant with costs and scoru
ing costs.
9tb.-Thattheplaiiiiiff during the year
1890 was, has ever aiuoe been and is now,
tbe owner of certain parcels of the lands
described In said exhibit A. which are pat
ented by the United Slates to the amount of
62,332.12 acres, and is entitled to have
patented upon compliance with tbe terms
of the grant as selected and in place of the
lands described in the said Exhibit A, 34,
556.39 acres, and of the eeleoted indemnity
59,369 88 acres, and is entitled to select un
der tbe terms of said grant of tbe lands de
suribed in said exhibit A in place of
90,371 23 acres of the indemnity nneeleoled
IGOacrea. That of the lands described in
Exhibit A which bave been patented to
Slaintiff, there as sold by plaintiff, and
ceded to various persons, prior to tbe year
1890,4,451.05 acrea. That in tbe aaid
landa so described in Exhibit A, assessed
to plaintiff, there are 6,440.24 acrea which
do not belong and never did belong to tbe
10th. And the plaintiff alleges that
the said assessor of Lane couuty and
the said Board of Equalization acting
for the year 1890, construed and took
into account In the assessment of the
property of this plaintiff for said year
the said several classes of lands of the
said plaintiff, under the said grant and
found and assessed to this plaintiff' the
said tax as aforesaid, and found and
determined that the said plaintiff was
liable and subject to taxation upon 63,
832.12 acres, of all the landa so included
in said graut, but described the same
in a gross sum without any description
In section or townships.
11th. That aaid defendant, the (Sher
iff aforesaid, disregarding the said act
of the said Assessor and of the Hoard
of Equalization, and without notice to
this plaintiff attempted and did put
upon the said assessment roll the said
land as described, and did attempt to
levy and assess a tax thereon of 22)
tuills on the dollar, and did attempt to
arbitrarily and without consideration
of the value of any particular tract in
said land, or without view or in any
wrv filiwrvine the laws relating to the
assessment of property, and without
notice to plaintiff, and intending to
wrong this plaintiff, thereby, arbi
trarily, willfully and intentionally put
a prelenoea ana exetusive vmuuuuu
upon each acre of said land, described
In Kxhibit A of 12 per acre or the ag
gregate valuation of 1523,517.02, or
201,758.31 acres in all.
13 And the plaintiff allege that the
aaid suerin in so altering aim cubuk
inir said roll and so adding to said roll,
tbe aaid property, and in so attempt
ing to aHsess, and levy a tax thereon,
acted wholly without authority of law,
and that his acts in that respect are
void and of no force and effect, and
for that In this, that the said attempt
ed levy and assessment waa made in
violation of law, in not assessing the
property In leiral subdivisions and ac
cording to its value in separate parcels,
and for that In this that the said sher
iff placed an arbitrary and uniform ex
puumIvh viillluf Inn ii f' mum i.aiili a,it
without regard to their rcul value, ami
.1... 1.. .1.1.. .1.... .1... I K..II.
it iiiui in mis. null mi- iiiwiuuy con
stituted authorities of said county had
uciorv exercised all jiower aud au
thority In the assessment of and had
assessed the property or this plaintiff
and the sheriff' had not any authority
or power to make any assessment or to
add any proierty to said roll, and none
oi said lauds, other than those patent
ed, arc subject to assessment and taxa
14th. And the tdaintltf alleges that
the said levy and seizure of tiie said
lands by the said sheriff under the
said warrant, as aforesaid, constitutes
and is a cloud upon the title of the
plaintiff' to these hinds and unless re
strained by this honorable Court, the
said cloud will lead to aud necessitate
a multiplicity of suits, and the taxes so
sought lo be collected and the said
levy aud seizure of said lands will lead
to a multiplicity of suits by the pluln
tiff' by ami on behalf of the various par
ties and persons holding contracts for
the purchase of said laud under this
piuiutltt and other persons Interested
15th. That the plaintiff has no
mum, speedy and adequate remedy at
10th. Thut the said sherlff'unless re
strained will sell or attempt to sell the
said lands, and thereby cause this
pminun great and irreparable loss
and diiiuugv.
17th. That prior to the commence
nieut of tills suit, to-wit, March 17,
ltwl, plaintiff' paid to the said Lane
county all the taxes on its property
which the said Lane county bv its con
stituted authorities had levied or de
manded, and said sum so paid was a
full and fair proportion of plaintiff's
taxes upon its lauds, If assessed at their
fair cash value and as other property
was assessed.
Where.ore, The plaintiff prays the
court to grant a teniKrury order re
strniningsuid defendants or theiragents
or servants from selling the said lands
or anytmrt thereof until the further
order of this court; Second, that upon a
final hearing of this case the defend
ants, their agents and ser
vants, and each of them be forever
and perpetually enjoiued from collecting
the raid preteuded tax or Irom attempting
to enluroe Ihe same; third, that tbe said
protruded assegtnient be adjudged and de
creed lo be void, and that the apparent lien
caused by tbe placing of the aaid property
oo the ssid roll oud the apparent levy of
tbe sid tax thereon be cancelled and held
for naught, and for such other and further
relief as to the court shall aeem meet in
equity aud good conscience, Including the
coats and disbursements of Ibis suit.
Messrs. Bronsugh, McArthur, Fenton A
Bronsugb and E. B. Skipworlh appear as
attorneys for tbe plaiullff.
Judge M. L. Pipes ordered that the de
fendants end each of them, their servants,
agents and officers be restrained and en
joined from selling or attempting to sell tbe
lands described in the complaint or any
part thereof, under the proceeding described
in said complaint until olherwiae ordered
by aaid court.
Republican State Convention.
Tbe Bepublioan Bute Central Committee
met in Portland yesterday and fixed on
Wednesday, April 6th, as the dste of tbe
state convention. County eonveetiona are
recommended lo meet on March 26th and
primariea March 19th. Portland was se
lected as the place of meeting.
Tbe apportionment gives one delegate at
large for each county and one for every 200
votee or fraction over one-half oast for Her
mann in 1890. Lsne county Is entitled to
11 delegatea. Tbe vote of the second judi
cial district will be equally divided between
tbe northern and southern counties, Lane
and Benton having 18 votes, the aame as
Douglas, Cooa and Curry.
H. B Miller, of Josephine, and J. 0.
Fullerton, ol Douglas made s bard fight to
have the 1st congressional convention held
at Sslem but were defeated sod all the work
will be done at Portland. Mr. Miller is a
candidate for congress and olsims that the
district convention should be held within
tbe dintriot for which tbe candidate will be
nominated. Itia also thought that Port
land will nse undue influence in favor of
H. C- Humphrey represented Lane coun
ty in the committee
Seed Purchasing a Hatter of Con
Tt Is entirely so. The man whobuvs
dry goods, groceries, etc., can, to a very
considerable extent. Judge . of the
qauality and value of the article. Th is
ts not the case with seeds. Bimply be
cause a dealer says certain seeds he
holds in his hands are choice, it does
not follow tnai il is so. ne muy nave
been deceived himself.
No one can tell till valuable time and
labor have been expended In testing
the sped. Iioth as to the vitality and
strain. Every dealer who handles our
goods is furnished with a pnoio or our
trial grounds aud a certilleate giving
date and what per cent, his goods testr
ed. If he cannot show these, send to
us and get good seeds at cash prices.
F. L. 1'onHON 4 Hon, Portland, Or.
Pacific Coast agents for D. M. Ferry's
seeds and A. I. Iloot's bee supplies
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice ia hereby given that the partner
ship heretoforeexiating'betwven Scarbrougb
and Tiffany at Creswelf, Oregon, Is dis-
1 1 KM n .. I .nnnl I . TV ftrr.
brongh will collect all botes and aooounlp
due tne nrm.
Dated Jan. 27, 1892.
...I -
Strayed or Stolen.
A dark sorrel horse about 15 hands high,
6 or 7 years old, disappeared several weeks
ago. Any person returning him to tbe nn
deraigaed will be duly rewaVded.
Dated Eugene, Feb. 1, 1892.
A. W. pATTEMoa.
Proulng and Grafting.
I will prune, gralt and bud trees in the
best manner at reaarnub' terma.
P J. Fools,
at Bsfcer't Hotel.
Votiwo Booths Wro. Dyninger baa
completed tbe election bootba for Lane
county, and they are now subject to the or
ders of the court. It is not probable that
Sheriff Noland will deliver them until a
abort time before tbe election.
Makkied. At Maker's hotel, Eu
gene, Oregon, February 3, 112, ty
Judge O. W. Kinsey, Jamea M. Herk
shlre and Julia Southworth, all of
Lane county,
Pnsaon's seed store Is to! be congratu
lated for the enterprise In equipping
and running the first "trial ground"
and "test house" In the Northwest
Hee photo In this bue,
Willoughby, dentist.
D. Liun A Son, furuiture and undertak
ing. The best buggy made for tbe money, is F.
L. Chambers f tiO pleasure wagons.
Don'l pans by D. Linn Son'a furniture
alore without examining their fine new line
of furniture juat received.
If you want a .ait of clothes or a pair of
pantaloon go to Davia, tbe tailor, lie guar
antees satisfaction and low prices.
Golden Age Diet Harrow with or without
aeeder, beat aud lowest price in the market
' F, L. Cuamukbs.
Oliver Chilled Plow, also Olivers new
steel plow warrauted to scour iu auy soil.
Walkiua. Sulkv or Dana Pin nn.l mi
thing you need to cultivate tbe grouud
Kugene flour at Henderson's.
Alliany flour at Henderson's.
Medford flour at Henderson's.
Junction flour ut Henderson's.
Yon pays your money and vou takes
your choice.
Wildwood axes, cross cut a .I,,,.
and sledges.
Bailroad lantern and all nthr kin, In (mm
25 cts. op. Extra globes aud burners ol all
"" i , Li. CHAMllKlla.
Persons wlshlnir fns!i
horse will Hlinlv to .1. M Mi.iiilrli.ka
or at First National Hank, or at prem
ise near v lovcmuic.
A. M. Hkndku'ks.
(let in the swim mill chew "Wludo
Peters Cberrv at tlinir fil lnr nn
West Nth St. have choice fruit tripn from
0. Phelps, Speucer Butte nursery, also
bUKiiNu oruameniui morn.
If you are a democrat, be a democrat
-chew Whoi.k Hot), or none.
The liesl tobacco In the market Is
Brown's Natural Leaf."
Ax Billy for onion sets.
Ax Billv for 2 lh lmiMTshelleil u III-
nuts, 25 cts. Try them.
Chris M.irx ban reduced the nriim of shav
ing at his shop to 15 cents.
The Bissell Chilled Dow in mi,.r.i, ,1....,)
lo be tbe lightest running hum n,.,,,!il,,,,
and chilled plow iu the market, fry one.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Norton A Mor-
The J. I. Cane ntffl iilnw hnvm
been tbo best and most rrliln. Dont fail
to get prices of Norton & Churchill, Eu
gene, Or.
The Minnesota Ilol.d h ns Iwn.ll ro.
paired and refurnished. Terms $1 per
uiiy. uniy one mock from the depot.
All white heln. .
An Entbosiastiu Mkktino. A lures
number of young democrats met at the
Court Houae Saturday evening aud orpau
ized a Young Men's Democratic Club. Tho
following officers were elected: Churles
Wilkinson, President; E. A. Reamea. Vice
President; Roes Matthews, Secretary; K,
K, Kubliaud U. C. Osburn, Executive
Committee. Eighty members signed the
following call: "We. the nndersigntd, be
lieving substantially in tbe principles as ad
vocated by tbe democratic party and fur
ther believing that tbe interests of Ihe de
mocracy will be best subserved by organized
effort, agree to form ourselves luto a club to
be known as tbe Young Men's Democratic
Club of Lane couuty. A ooLstitution waa
adopted. Speeches were made by Cbarlea
Wilkioson, K. K. Kubli, E. A. Beames, 10.
B. Skipworth and L. Bilyeu. Tbev were
all enthusiastically applauded This club
stsrts out under very favorable olrcumstan-
BraraonirLD Elrotrio Liobt Co. Arti-
eleeof incorporation of the Spiingfield
Electrlo Light Co. bave been Died in tbe of
floe of the county clerk by J. C. Boyd, Geo.
H. Thurston, B. J. Pengra, E Mauds and
M L. Wilmot. Duration of corporation
perpetual. Tbe business of tbe corpora
tion is to engage iu buildine. enulnulnu.
holding, operating, purchasing, leasing, or
otherwise disposing of electrio lights in all
fiublio plaoea, houses, stores or other build
ngs within tbe city of Springfield, Glen-
wood, tatrmonnt end Eugene. Ciioilal
stock, $10,000, divided into 1,000 shares of
$10 each. Prinoipal place of buniueas,
Springfield, Oregon.
Taa Eably Bibo. -Cottage Grove Lead
er: urd rostofU. A. 11., with tbe co
operation of the oitizens of this town aud
aurronnding country, will oelebtate tbe
Fourth of July at Cottage Grove. A
aplendidtime is assured for tbe people
here, don't do things by halves. Manage
ment, programme and 'arrangements will bo
announced later.
DD. In Ban Frsnclsoo. January 13.
1892, of cancer, W. B. Schroder, a unlive of
Germany, aged 69 years. He was quite
well known in Lane county, having pur
chased a great many "cattle here a few
years ago.
Cattle Sold. A. M. Ostium hns
sold 100 head of stall fed cattle, which
he boa been feedinir. to Henrv Uros..
of Seattle. They netted him f28 per
To as Dcdioatsd. The new Culled
Brethren church will be dedicated on Sun
day, February 21st. It is a neat,handome,
comfortable house of worship.
Bots Bctdbnid. The two runaway In
dian boys from tbe government school kt
Cbemawa, who were arrested here Friday,
were taken back Monday morning by O. G.
Savage, an employe of the institution.
Several seedincn who buy their stock
In California, claim to "test all their
seed," but Posson's seed store, Port
land, ur., come right out and say
thelr's Is no "damn cloth" or wet cot
ton" test and send us a cut of their
whole trial grounds; see It in this issue.
If planters would encourage such
enterprise more, they would have no
occasion to complain so much alsuit
"California seeds" and "oor seeds."
roillllli-slunel's' ('milt.
Met at the Court 11. m e in l'u' tie, On -
gou, Wrilni-aduvuiMMiiit. iM rmiiy 3, lit.'
at 10 o'clock.
Presetit-JudrfH Keolt, ('.imiiiinMoin rn
Parker and II) lund, Sin nlT NoUud, C'li rk
The following proeeeilil.K's were bud:
The following ulia'iii'H mu le:
siThuwsi ih
J P Langtlun $M no
TM Krunhsw 4 IM
J U Young 21 on
Jobu Gut-rle :i (Ml
Clarence Taylor 2- Oil
Thoa Broughton 12 hi
J 11 Crow . '!" Oil
N M Woodruff 4 oil
Juo Hill 12 on
J H Fnrgui'soii hi ("I
K Wells 12 HO
D tl Palm I DO
W T Corneliui !!ll I 0
J K Vertrees C.i CO
BBKelmiy 12 0(1
Win Thiirnuin mi
C W Shurl ridge 27 mi
The J Tlioiupoii road; John II liarr
II led claim of jdisi iliiinaircs to premises
by reason of said road paving through
premises. Court appointed John '. Me
Malion, William Tucker and J V. l'.l
licrt as viewers to ns-ess damages; to
meet Feb. in, l"U2.
Wiimint ordered drawn in favor
Richard Moss, Siiei iior DUt. No
for 14.
Warrant ordered drawn in favor
1) (i I'uliu for cayolc scalp lor ?".
Warrant ordered drawn iu I'avor of
James (1 Hurst, rebate on lax forjii.wi.
Warrant ordered drawn in I'avor of
1. 11 Young, for balance us supervisor
of District No .VI lor $
Warrant ordered drawn in favor of
Lew Is Hacllon for IiiiiiIkt for lit
No 2d for !M1.."2.
Sfl'I'.UV lol;:
J M Tedrow, li-lric 41..
Palmer Ayres
John West
John Inghaiii
A () Stevens
n Vitus
Warrant ordered draw 11 in favor of
K It Holleiilieek, for Irausiiorlatitui of
paiiicrs, for $7.
Free scholarship In the Stale Agri
cultural college at Corvallis aw arded to
Miss Jennie Taylor, of Cottage (trove,
on recommendation of State Senator
H II Kakiu and School Suiriintendent
Dial. No.87.--Iobu tiiiertu
" 91. J L Famish
i 7J.W A Cuton.
" " 15. J C Wulluee.
" " 10.-J H West.
' " 58. John MeMuboii.
" " 61. -J W Hum.
" " 1. A Siniiuuns. ,
" " 77. I W Petrie,
" " 68. James Toleiniin.
46, Craig Hayes.
" " 73.-S Milne.
" 32.-C. lions.
" 51. Simon Diury.
" " 90. J It Vertrees.
' " 21. T. M. Bensbaw
" 25. J J McCulloch.
100. A O Miitthews.
" " 63. J B Young.
" ' 66.-B B KeUy.
75. Wm Goodpasture.
" " 02. Jobu Cbustine.
' ' 8(1. J L Atkinson.
" " 6. Jenso Cole.
" ." 44. John (Irons
" 11. Robert Hchmulz,
" " 45. Joa. Stiome.
" 07,-Jobn Hill.
" " 1)5. A PCoudry.
" " 27-A 0 Stevens.
" " 2H-J W Bond.
' " " 10-L (leer.
" " 70 J il Bond. '
" " 80-l'hil Merkshlrc.
F H Warner, cougar sculp ....
J L Furnish, supervisor
J 11, "
2 00
21 00
'Si (H)
V'olney Heinen way road; t'X'i dam
ages assessed to W 1 Fisher's lund, the
amount paid and road ordered estali
llshcd. Jackson road: ordered established.
BUI of Chits Moore, for paupers sup
plies lie allowed; fl.
AM Bailey, supervisor $18 OO
EnosHarpole, " 20 (K)
Ordered by the court that allowance
of $8 iht month granted by the hoard
at January term lo W Holloway and
wife for their sllp)ort he Increased to
$12 mt month until further order of
court to lie drawn by .1 Simmons,
French Tansy Wafers.
These wafers are for tho relief and
cure of painful and irregular incuses,
uitd will remove nil olistruetiotis, no
matter what the cause, and tiro sine
and safe every time. Manufactured by
Knicrsnn Ilrug Co., San Jose, Oil., und
for sale by Osburn &
Sn iiigllcld Items.
1 fiiterpriCB are upoken of SI
'0 juu j,,,,
I A Mr. rlnlliH and futility arrived on Ihe
truiu In-1 ii';;ht an l bijs he has come to
The linl. Is ure cicud. d. Sixtien trans-
'p"'s st" bri'ukf it ut tbe Eiiichou House
this, I liursd.iy, morning.
The Kepulilicttu Club purlecttd their or
guni.itiou ou Motility night as already no
tod in the (iLMIIII culuuius.
It is suid urr.iii)-i'iui tits uro ntiotit com
I'leti'd for oriMiiiing n cunqmny to operate
u Spiingfield Wuuleii Mill's Co.
The fiilert.iinun ut giveu by tho Chora)
I'niuii l.t niliI wi II rendered but it
wus not us well utruui."d ua il diH'tved to
Thu PeiiiocMtie Club met Mouduy night
bat owing to Ibe ui.iivoid ible absence of of
ficers it is prciiiiuied tbo lueeliug was not aa
litelr lis dull hud bull ou deck.
Mr. tiilntrnp ii nd bis (uiiuly moved here
on Muiiduy from Engine aud areoccupying
thu Law house, lately vacated by Mr. Arm
strong who is running tbo old livery stable
in Eugene.
1 am going to (.ive j uiir renders a cure fi r
J the giii'pe tuki a limn the Seieulillo Ameri
can mid vciielud for by the uudersigtied be
''' j leivieg tiie.l it in ,! pienti its itficary in a
,! very nevi re esse. Here is Ihe cure: 30
' giuiiH I i cuilioiute (,( potimh iu a glass and
milk, every (oar hours; from two to four
j, j(i 1)
J. E. T.
Hevtcr Notes.
1. S. It ILll-uker lllkl ill) WCl.t lO tioslll U
lt' v. W. A. Kemp an,) wife spent Satur
day und Sunday ill lcUr.
Mr. K. t. ('iillit-i.ii tu.uU a short visit
mound through tho valley today,
i Mr, Lew Kemp hud a breiikdowu at bis
mill hut ii v.. i . quickly rc paired ut T, II.
II Mill Ilk, 'r's hlllip.
I Dan lloldiicb is plow ing on the 1). H.
Il.iudsiiker fuitii. a part of which ho bus
Wm. Williams our toad "boss" is put
ting in a bridge ou Aulbony creek ueiir
Paiviiis store.
Mr. II G. Vincent bus returned from the
McKeiiio where he bud gono to tuke Mr.
lluskius and wife.
Al Mcixil went to Ihe McKtuzie to work
in a logging c.i in p but from home luuse un
known to iu hns returned.
I'ticle Johuiithim Yinceut bus greatly 1m
provtd thu looks of his furm by a new
plunk (dice and clearing and plowing a new
piece of ground.
Quarterly Meeting.
Tha Free Methodists will hold their
fourth quarterly meeting services at their
pluee of worship, iu Hovey's hall ou tbe
comer of Eighth aud Olive streets, com
miming Monday evening, February 8, con
tinuing over tho 'Jib an 10th, Iluv. J. C.
Seolt, chairman of Dist. will be iu charge.
Everybody cordially invited to attend. Ser
vices every Sunday, Suuduy School st 9:15
a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. aud 7 p. m.
Seuts free. Cotuo oue, come all.
K. II. DoLLAiiaiux,
Iliirlliquiikn Nliorka.
l'oitTl.AXD, Or., Fell. 3. A severj
earthquake shock occurred here at 8:.'t()
o'clock tonight. Brick buildings
swayed and windows rattled, terrify
Ing the lumiitesvho in instances rush
ed Into the streets. The shock lusted
about 110 seconds, and was probably the
most severe earthquake ever felt In this
city. Ho far us known no damage, was
It was also felt very distinctly ut
Salem und Astoria.
Maiibikd. At tbe residcuoe of the bride's
parents, Col. aud Mrs. Sawyers, In Engeuo,
Orogon, Wednesday evening, February 10,
WJi, ut 9 o'clock, by Prof. Mark Bailey,
D. D., Mr. Fletcher Linn and Mist Louise
M. Suwyers. Only (he immediate relutives
of tho couple were present. A flue luuoh
eouwasset.. The eveniug was spent in
congratulation aud plcusnut social converse.
Severululightful pieces were executed on
thu piano forte by Miss Bessie Sawyers, e
sister of tho bride Mr. Linn and bride
have lots of fiiends in Eugene and through
out the stale, who wish them a long and
pleasant matrimonial ulliauce. For the
presitt they will reside with Mr. and Mrs.
Col. Sawyers, ut tho family residence, cor
ner ol Nin 111 and High streets. ,
On Monday, Feb. 1st, Hay A Hen
derson V ill coiniiiciicc their clearance
sale of cartM ts, pictures and window
shades. All will be sold ut cost to
make room for our large stock of spring
gissls to nrrivc soon. Sale to lie con
tinued to Feb. 2m h.
(I, nii'oi preaching Sunday, Feb. 7 lb at
11 o'clock ut Iho Court House. All iu
vit'd. C. Wakiiltk.