The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1892, Image 6

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Judge VcArlhnr Hold Tnat the Lease
oltne ovrooi amp aruuuu
toe Court House Square
u Not Legal.
tlX AN v iiriiiKriuuv
Itwlllbsremembescd that Ihs Count;
Conimiasiooers Court of Lao ooontv, Ore-
son, several mouths sisos, employed lnd
L. f. MoArthnr. ol Portlsod. lo prepare a
legal opinion upon tbe ownership and
auto ol th 34 feet abutting upon tbe pub
lio sonar attempted or nppoed lo bar
been leased lo tbe property holders abutt
ing tba ume on Mays', 1878. AUo b la opi n
ion noon tba Dover of tbe ooort lo dis
pose of tb vacant iqaarea now used as
parks. , ,
Tba County Clerk Tooedey received
tba oplonlon delivered by Jude MoArtbur.
It ia quite eibeutia of tba subject, and
wjuld fill, if published entire, many ool
omns of tbe Obano. We herewith giro
Tnnoik of tba opinion:
"It ia aettled law tbal all bliibwars and
atraeta belonging to tba public srs sub
ject to rgii-latie control. Therefore when
lbs coonty dedioated tbs 100 foot atrip to
tba publio ss a highway It becaui" eubjit-t
to tbe control ol tba lillature. Tba L g
ialatur authority ia not however auurem.
It may regulsts tba one; it may delegate the
regolaliou of tbe nee ol tba oily, but it can
not divet of aabjeot it to rnlauaa olearljr lo
eontiatent with the purpoaa of It dedication
or anlborita tbe city to do ao. The atata
baa not attempted to delrgala suprems an
tbority to tbeciiy." If a tenant i permitt
ed lo enter upon tbe land without oy term
prescribed or rent resumed, and aa a mere
occupier, be ia atriotly a tenant at will. In
view of the nature and ohsrsoter of the or
iginal entry and mbeequeut oooupanoe by
the aaid property boldera of Ibe prumiaea in
queetion, I am of the opinion that tbey
cannot auooeaalully invoke tbe aid of tbe
atatuleof limitation!."
"A word ai to tba remedy. Tbe city baa a
complete remedy and can cauae tba removal
of all obatruotioui upon the tbiity-fuur foot
atrip. Tba eoouty alao baa a remedy. For
Iba a contemplated the oouuty dedicated
tba entire hundred teet aa a publio highway.
It need Inooniiatenl witb tbe purpoae of Ibe
dedication il cau ind doubtless will be re
attained by a court of equity. Nothing
can be clearer than that If a grant ia made
for a epecirJo limited and defined porpoae,
the subject of tbe uraut cannot be need for
another and that Ibe grantor atill reuina
aucb an iutereat therein aa entitle bim in a
court of equity to iualat upon tbe exeontiun
of Ibe truat aa originally duolsred utid ac
cepted. Thia la a general fundamental
principal of equity jurisprudence and ap
plying thia priuoiple to tba ftota ia the
natter I am led to eipree lie opinion Ibat
equity etTorde a remedy to the county, tbe
original dedicator, agaiuat tba oa of any
part ol tba 100 foot atrip fur any other pur
pose than aa a public highway."
The next quostlou upon which my
opinion la sought, la whether the
county ran at thin Mine sell any part of
the smaller squares for the purisswof
establishing a fUnd to be used In con
structing necessary public, buildings,
audi aa a aourt hoese, Jul I, eto. "There
la no doubt but thut tlio hiiiiiIIit H(iinrt'a
allow n on the nlat were dedicated to
the use of the (uhaliltauta of Kiigcne.
by the County of Lane, aa early at
least aa May 6, lttifl, the county having
at the time tho proprietory interest In
the land. I think too Mint under the
authorities Mi la dedication was Irrevoc
able. The case of Carter, Ft al. va the
city of Portland. 4 Orvinn KID, la decis
ive of thia question. I u my Judgment
the county cannot now revoke the
dedication and sell any part of the
smaller squares. In relation to them
squares It may bo well enough for mo
at thia point to state that I believe
them to be under the control of the
county subject to the dedication
Neither the charter of 1 Ht4, which re
pealed that of Iwi nor the charter of
J HMD, which retieHled that or WW, nor
the charter of 18M which regaled that
of 188U gave authority totheclty to con
trol these smaller square In my Judg
ment. The dedication In this case did
not place these smaller squares W-yonil
the control of the county In all
respect, it can use them for any pur
pose not Inconsistent with the original
grant to It or with the dedication. It
may erect and maintain all necessary
county buildltiira thereon, but In view
of the dedication. I do not think that
the oouuty can now assert the right of
private ownership to the extent of do
fcatlng the dedication by selling any
part outlet smaller squares."
Fall Creek Flashes.
February 4
T. B. Young aa down
this week.
to Springfield
Cbsaler Edwarda, of Eugene, was bars
over Sunday, - '
II. F. Honnicutl went to Eugtn ths
first of lbs week.
Reeves sad Bobert Edward did buaiueas
In Eugene tbii week.
atlas Busts Walker, of Buooor Hollow,
vlsitsd friends at Lows II this week.1
Miss Cells II j land returned to ber boms
st Lowell sftersn extended visit at Junc
tion. Ths voting plsos of this precinct bss
bssa changed to lbs Big Fall Creek bridgs.
Tblsplaesi mors centrally located snd
should bs soramsnded by all.
Urs. B Ian too and children of Coburg,
who have been visiting re Utiles hers, re
turned lo tbeir boms Sunday, . We are In
formed (bat tbey will soon Ire ire for U lico,
their futurs boms.
A suit was instituted but Saturday' be
fore H. F. OuaaleuU, J. P, by B. C. Ed
wards for money due oa a settlement with
James Howard. Ths Jury gats the plain
tiff a judgment for $5.50.
Aa Italian Minister I'osalas;.
Boms, Feb. 3. It is repotted thsl Slgoor
E. Catalan!, Itsllaa minister to Copeobag
ao, win bs transferred to Washington, ths
Italian government having determined oa S
omplsls rsstorstoa of diplomatic relations
with the Colled BUI. Baron Fsvs, wbs
eras withdrawn Irora Waahlagtoa during
negotiation) oncers log ths hew Orleans
aoaaaacrs, will be, II is thought, sppoinl d lo
BU Us vacancy ai lopennagao,
It is said Ibst wolves are quits numerous
la northern Idaho and Mob Una uia sraaoo
where they have committed many dprda
Uoas sgainst stock. Ia lbs fries rim
oosntry they recently treed an old prospec
tor, and It was soma time tailors as sos
essdetl ia flgbtina them off. Ths hear?
snow (all bss driven tbsra from ths to reels
to range nsaf lb settlement.
Probate Court.
Met at lbs Court House, Feb. I, 1893.
Preaent-Judgs Scoll, bheriff Noland snd
Clerk Walksr.
Ths fallowing buaineas wss transact, d:
Ealnls of 0. 0. Hurlberl; Monday. March
7, mi, ant for besring final settlement.
Kalate of i. 0. Vatta; Monday, March 7,
Wi, sst for besring final settlement.
Haute of A. II. Coon; flnnl setlliment
bsrd snd sdminiatrator, T. U. Hendricks,
dlM'bargnd, and bis bondmo tioneruUd.
Estate oi Hnrab Mmwolljll. C. Humph
rey appointed siecntor. Park; sals made disal.
lowed, as affidavits were filed that uf a sub
sequent sale more llian len per cent in ex
cels could bs obtsined.
Estats of Edward F. Stilts; sdcnlnittrator
ordered to sell tbe real eststs belonging to
ssid salste, rouawtitig of 33.58 acre ou lbs
Siuslsw river.
Estate of William Feiue, deceased; ad
miuistrstor ordered to sell real satals U-luog-lug
lo mid estate, 80 noros in T U 8, It 3
Ouardlanahip of Ceo. C. Ta)lor, su Idiot;
sslsof real property ordered spprovrd.
B. It Complaimts. In lbs mutter f
Do'ial Mclveod suainat lbs rioutberu I'u-
oirlc railioad, alleging an oeii hargy.for lbs
trHiiaportation of oerlsin good) Iroio AUtua
yille lo Hpriritflleld, Line couuiy, the com
pany baa tiled an auswii wnu me
ul railroad oomiiilaaiiiuers. aiOLieoa
ooiiiiilalue'l lo tba board that ths company
bad charged bim IB in eioo s of Ihs regit
ulur rates sud the company has
replied thst such is not Ihs etas, re
ferrlnii lo its MiuLir lurid, il claims the
hipping ngi-ul gave him at $U, lualind of
fM, the legultr isriff. Ths outtur wiM be
acted npon by the board next Monday, The
ltogiie Ulver Valley Hallway Co. baa ap
plied lo the boaid for an advance of freight
ratea, snd tbey bun filed s new Isriff sheet
(or stiproval. This road ruua between
Jsuksouvills snd Medlurd snd is four su I
Ihros-quarter miles in longlh, standard
gangs. Ths presidents letu-r, ouimiug
thst Ihs couipat y is mil Making expmus
bus been tiled sud will be scted upon Mon
day at the regiilsr meeting of Ihs board
Cot'NTV Wahkanth. County
TreasunT Arrlngton inform us that
there are now IM.OOO In county war-
runts lield by resident or JAiugias
county who have bought them at par
for the auke of the Interest they draw.
lie nearly always hits money on liana
to take up the script aa fust aa it Is Is
sued, which Is of great advantage to
the county us It cuuiilcs tliu olllcluls to
mirchoso everything at cash price. It
also U'tiellts isHitile ieoilo who have
warrants to tie always auio to gel me
money on them. Mr. Arriugtou Is
certainly entitled to much praise for
his successful cllorts In kwplnir. up the
credit of the county. itoseburg lie-
(Iamk Hikdh. Horn A 1'alne, Mon
day, received two pair of shnrp
tall grotifc, or "nsii nens" aa tney are
cominonly called, from A. C. llrown,
who Is In Iduho. They are some
smaller than our grouse, but the gen
eral color Is about thesamo. They will
probably lie turned out In some section
of the county, where hunters do not
generally frequent.
HoMi'iTtNci Huiihckiitions. Some
men were about town Monday solic
iting siitNtcripMnna for Jesse liolbrook,
whose house and all of Its contents
burned a week or two ago at Fall
Creek. Quite a nice amount was con
tributed by our IIIstiiI hearted cltlxena.
Ofxsa Hocsa Imfsovsuskt. Manager
Bhiueharl has just put iu s number of fold
lug seats in the logos of ths opera bouse
thus sddiug considerably to lbs sosting ca
The new county printing law ia a good
one In'itaelTevta. Itapreads before tbe people
ths suiallut details of oouuty bmiuoaasud
eipenrtilure. Ths peopls in every county in
ths stats srs rducsted aa to Ihs distribution
of pnlilio tsxea in a most effective manner.
Tbs looas snd csrelrsa method) of oounty
eipeudltures will bs n'msthed somswhat
thereby . In many oountiea olalo-s sgsioal
ths county tressury sis not sworn to snd
vouched by suy ouo, in uisuy iiuttuioea.
bs semi snnusl atsteraents of county
nuances srs wans oui prompiy on lime.
There is litils or uo ordur in filing cIhIius
sgaiust Ihs oounty, snd tbs records of lbs
oouuty cuurl srs uot written np for month)
alter mey srs made, ins Journal is in Is
vor of giving Ihs tsipsyers Ihs fulleat do
tsils of couuiy eipenditurss. It favors
turning on sll lbs light possible. Tbs light
will nol hurt ihs good record ot our pub
lio offloisls. Ths people art entitled to
bsvs it. Tboss who cannot bear lbs full
light of dsy in our oouuty affair must get
out of lbs light. Tbs light should bs
turned on our county expenditures, snd ths
peopls should see wbst is dons. Sslem
II. U. Miller, say ths Aahlsnd Bsoord,
is laying hli plaua dsep for ths cony reason
si nomination lo moot! Congrsssmsa Din
ger Ueruisnn. Ths Istsst feature of his
campaign occurred recently at his boms
towu, ursni s i sas, wuen ns sited jerry
Nunsn, editor snd proprietor of tbs Courier,
Ibe only paper in Josephine oounty, to sup
port bim through his fight for ths office.
Although Mr. Miller and ths firms whom bs
owos in Grant') i'aaa pslronlts ths Courier,
ths owner of thst paper (which is Indepen
dent in politics) has souis eonsciencs sod
told Mr. Miller Ibst bs wouldn't do It.
Mr. Miller bss now advsuoed lbs money
whireby tbs Oakland, Douglas oounty Ob
server, which suapsndsd publication re
eenlly, is to be moved lo Ursut's Psss and
act ss Uarry Miller's county organ.
Exchange: A young lady on matri
mony bent wants to know if it would
he In accordance with etiquette for her,
during leap year, to propose a eonsoll
dntlon with the one that, outside of
the family, she low best UwUlnlv,
provided alw ays that she has or cau
mine the wherewith to support a hus
baud. I'UiodMlsr: The litest fed ot Bosebnrg
young ladies is ths counting of wblts
borer. When ninety nine whits borees
snd oo while wale have been counted, tbey
will marry willy nilly tbs first gentleman
they baks bands with. Toung men, be
ware' ths whits mule wss coasted Ust
Monday, and several of tbs ladies haw
counted apwird of ninety bores,
PrlosvillsBsvisw: On tbs 21st Govern
or Ftonoysf pardoned John A. riock,
senUoced to tbs psailsntisry from this
soonty s year ago Ue! IsU for Iks killing of
Oeorg Cbsmberlain on Mountain eretk.
Flock wss confuted of manslaughter, sad
was sentenced 10 tbs penitentiary 191 two
jssrs. 1
1 500 rails In fair cutiditioo for sls
Apply at this offioa.
A ISsW tee ! be FlnaJe lilts Arc-
mails wwew. - .
lloia ClTT, Idaho, Feb. I.-Borfil L
iug, a reaidentof UoiasCity, has mads s
diacovery which may be of great value to
Ihs sege brush dWriots of Idsbc, Utah,
Km.A ... I .ut,. Rnmi lima aco
bs became imbued witb lbs lilis (list snge-
urnsn nilgut a oouveruxi mui ovni-n
I... nl 1 .... . Wtt u.nMil a a.unH load
of tbo snpKsod naeleas stuff sud Ix-gan to
SXpsrlrsent. Iy using s ume prwtw "'
t..n.. il. llmKa nl it, lim.h In imttreat-
ed boiling, be secured a pulp thai more
tbau asinneo ms eipeoiaiion. 11 "H""1
tl.M WMtrw iiamt won.l nntu end tLe orS-
W ,u. wwww I 1' r-
tenee of a long and strong fibre wus plaiuly
demonstrated Mr. Laing states that bs
can msoufsoturs sage-brush paper st a
.. . ... .1 I. - k.aII
amsn ooei, sna inei ue cau uiaae
by aelllug it at X cents s pound. Hs will
atari Kwal on Monday, bis ides being lo
Iutereat capitalist lo sld bim In develop
ing bla discovery,
O III lather Was Neutralise.
Wahiunoton, Feb. 1. Tho United
Htutea siijtreme court t(Mhiy decided in
fuvor of llovd In the Nebraska govern
orship case. All the Justices except
Field concurred In tho conclusion of
!. n,.rt Hint flilfll Una It cltiZCll (if
the Unlteil KtuU-s and ciitltlcl to the
olllceof Governor of 'lniHka. Jus
tices Harlan, limy ami Jtrown con
curn:d In that purl of tho opinion
which held that Jloyd was a citizen
because, from the ntord In the mii it
must I considered as established that
Hoyd'a father had exercised all the
rights of a citizen, and hud In fact, in
i-m ..nt lilu llnnl mitursllzutlon
papers, notwithstanding that he did
not have a record of such final naturali
zation miners. Tho court ulso held
there was such a thing as collective
naturallJitlon; thut the enabling act or
tl.n Vi.l.niulsil oiillytltlltldll llatlimllZed
all Inhabitant of Nebraska at tho time
of its admission except sucn as ucsireu
to retain tnetr lorcign rigim, nnu umi
lt.,i..l'u ai,rlui 1 if viirloiia olllces
showed his Intention of Isn'omlng a
citizen. Tho court reversed the Judg
ment of the supreme court of Nebraska
and ordered it to take further proceed
ings In conformity with the decision
that lloyd Is a citizen. The opinion la
by Chief Justice f uller.
Mrs. Dunnlway Bella Out.
PniiTf ivn. PhIi. 1 Mr. A. H. Doiltil-
way baa sold her entire bimiueKS lntreHt in
k. r'nM.I, n t'l.ninr Pnhlinliitiir (lumimnv.
oonaiatiug of seveut)-six ahsres o peid-up xnnk In ( P. Whmtler.
1..1.- II Wkuu n.l lUlnh P.. Ilunne
Tbe board of directors of tbe company uow
srs lUlib b U iuua, pieai.ii ui, soon urni
S, vice preiiieni arm irenurer, ,u i
P. WheeliT, scontary. Mrs. Duiiuiwiiy is
taina her position a editor of tho Coming
Century, but bus uo connection with Ibe
bnaiues itfuirs of th corporstion. ;
Ths atal Tas on C'orperstlelis.
u...u n. P..I1 1 -Th luurrlrtrv ol
tbe Htute board bf cq'ialisntiou ha com
liletol sbatract showing tbs oorpursrioua.
1 .. . 1 L I .1.
ID Ur'gon upon wnicn il ie imqionej uj iiiv
iHMrcl to recouiiueud ths It'glNlnture to psaa
... i.ii.. 1... ...!.... i .,
a IAW JJIU III K 101 mo nii0 v. -ui. vv.-
piirattnu lor atats purposes. The abstract
abows that ripreas companies doing bnai
nets Iu (hi flatc pay no liceuao or tux to
t lie Stat excepi iu S low coiiuiie, wucreioe
nSrw fnriiitur in KHaHaai'd. The billnwiua
are aoine flgurei taken fioiu tbe sbatract:
Riilrosd lands $l,lN0ol
Wngon road lands l.Hll.'inl
llsilroiid trsoks 6,lj5,'2o8
llolllng ttocks Ci;l,0'23
Telcgrsph lines 21'J,a7U
Figures are alro given for premiums
.ml rlulia u'rltloll nil II n- ln lllllt llllt-
rlue, life, and life ami accident insur
ance comimnles. ' : 'i
The secretary ha also ptvpurvtl. an
assessment tilling, wnicn ine uoaru
will submit to the secretary of state.
Tho abstract shows the following tg
urea for Multnomah county! ,
Kallwad lands, 14S0 acres f 4,aM)
lf,.llrv.,i.l lp,,.,lu 7.VS1 mil. .a . ft.Vtl
Hulling stock...! 8S,6I8
v.l 1. II Iliut.l ...M.u. 1TI.IU
leicvropu linen, innu uiiii-n ii,w
TVIeplionc linen 8,000
Cigar Dealer Asalgua. ,
LA Guaniik, Or.. Feb. 1. Scott A
Fisher, doalcr In elgars, tobaccos and
confectionery, made an itMslgnmeut
this morning for the benefit of their
creditors. Their axsels are given aa
!3H, with liabilities of flUKsJ.
1 In iwsuine his call for tho next
National Dctnocrutio Convention to
lo held at Chicago, Juno 21, 1892,
Calvin 8. Brice, Chairman, gives
tho following representation of dcl-
ecdtcs; Euoh state is entitled to
double the number of tho rcpreson'
tation to which it ia entitled in tho
new electoral college, and oath ter
ritory and tho district of Columbia
shall have two delegates. : Ho then
concludes his call with this para
graph: All democratic conserva
tives, oitixcns of the United states,
irrespective of pitst litietu associa
tions and diforences, who can unite
with ns in tho etVort for pure, eco
nomical and constitutional govern
ment, are cordially invited to join
us in sending delegates to tho con
Senator Palmer's head is level on
tho ejection of United States ' scna'
tors bv. U10 jHJople. We will have
soino liOQ for the K'public if there
can bo found in the senate and
house patriotism enough and in the
preaidont indetH'tidencc cuough to
fcivo the peopll ai clianco U' remedy
the evil. . . ' - '.
The Buffalo, N. Y Courier com
plains that Snator Hill "goes after
what he wants in a business-like
way," J'erhaje that accounts for
his success. ' The senator does not
go hunting ducks with a brass band
accutujmuiiueut. -
The sheriff of Marion" county la
considering the advisability of put
ting up the voting booths for the
school election this spring,- to edo
cats the voter. . -
CtBrrrtCorHT Dockkt. The' Cir
cuit Court docket A the March term
I'M alreadv sixty-four isum udoii IL
iThlrty-oue of ihem are to recover
money, and all for divorce.
r.ral Wasdea Vene Went Oat
rignreheade la Ship
When the Phoenician sailor stuck a
needle through tbe stern of a feather and
held It ont In the wind, be invented tbe
first weather vane, or feather vane. He
was nearly equaled by tbe Indian boy,
who was taught to moisten bit finger in
bis month and to bold that finger aloft
In ths air. When that finger grew cold
on a certain side the Indian child knew
that the wind came from that parlftenlar
direction. Tbe Phoenicians, however,
were probably the first of all drttijed
people to pot tbe vane of feather into
practical nse.
Since those early days weather vanea
have been used in every form and by all
races. Modern vanes in their present
shapes were first made of wood by
traveling carvers and later of copper
by tinkers and smiths. They were used
on poles, churches, public buildings,
ships and were placed on rocky points of
land aloDg the seashore. They are now
made in every conceivable design and
pattern. Ilorsea, cows, deer, eagles,
abips, roosters and even pigs are ham
mered oat in copper and ased to register
tbs direction of the wind.
The newer vanes have rain caps at
tached for catching water daring a
storm. Tbe amount of water that falls
is measured by the square inch in a tabs
under tbe vane. Wind gauges also are
attached. These indicate the speed of
the wind. The gauges are small cups
bang sideways to the vane. Tbe wind
blows them aronnd in a circle and tbe
revolutions are registered by electricity.
Nearly all tbe large weather vanes in
town are connected with dials la the
buildings below.
The dial Is round, like tbe face of a
clock, lettered like a compass, and a re
volving band shows tbe action of the
wind on the vane overhead. Vanes are
no longer sot in sockets, as it is nearly
Impossible to keep tbem properly oiled.
They are hang loosely, like a cap on a
pivot, and the hollow stem of the vane
bangs over the bead of tbe pivot, cover
ing it from rain and nut
One of tbe largest vanes ever seen In
New York was placed on the postofflce
abont fifteen years ago. It was ao large
that it was considered unsafe and was
taken down. A good drawing of It is
atill in existence. The arrow, scroll and
banneret seem to be tbe favorite shapes
jn vanes at present. Tbe fence jumping
horse and the plow are yet fonnd 00 the
grounds where country fairs are beld,
bnt tbey are not in great demand. Tbe
tobacco leaf vane is fonnd largely in the
south and in Connecticut Tbe spread
eagle and running deer are wind signs
in the western states, tbe deer more par
ticularly In Canada. Malt barrels in
copper are placed on breweries through
out the country. New York Recorder.
The Illatory of Tweed.
I had not been many weeks in Edin
burgh before one of my friends ia tbe
cloth trade wrote me from London in
quiring about a "coarse woolen black
and white checked stuff, made in Scot
land and expected to be wanted for
trousers," and asked me to send some
patterns of it. This was easier asxed
than performed, for at that period shep
herds' eliecks were only made in plaids,
or mauds with borders and fringes. I,
however, contrived to eut a small piece
from the seam ef my brother's cloak and
forwarded it. The postage in tboee days
cost 3s, 8d., as the small pattern consti
tuted my note a doable letter.
He replied that the article was just
what he wanted, and asked me to for
ward bim half a dosen pieces, but at
tbat time I do not believe there was one
piece in all Scotland) I, however, soon
got them made, and I believe these were
the first Scotch tweeds that were sent to
London in bulk. My friend was in a
position to introduce them into influential
quarters, which be did tnroeearuliy. in
creased orders followed rapidly, and he
and the firm I am connected with had
almost a monopoly of the trade in Lon
don in thflee goods for a considerable
time, Border Advertiser.
Th rirat Iroa Snip.
The first Iron ahlp has more reputed
birthplaces than Homer. Doth the Clyde
and the Mersey claim pre-eminence in
this respect. Sir E. J. Robison, of Edin
bnrgh, designed an iron vessel in 1818,
which was not launched till three years
later; and it la said that an lroa boat
was worked on the Severn even as far
back as 1787. Steel was not used In the
construction of merchant ships' hulls
until 1S30. Old salts were not alone ia
their belief that wood was meant by
Providence to float, but iron to go to the
bottom, A naval constructor of some
repute once said, "Don't talk to me ol
iron ships; they are contrary to nature."
Now none bat email craft are built of
wood in this country. Chambers' Jour
nal. Hew Msdora Croaks
In Greece at the present day the bal
lot Is a little lead ball. There is a box
for each candidate, divided into two
compartments. A clerk goes from box
to box with the voter, carrying a bowl
ful Ot these balls. At each box the voter
takes one, puts his band Into a funnel,
out of sight, and drops hla ball into the
ye or uo compartment, making a vote
for 'or against the candidate. If he
wishes to vote for more than one party
there is nothing to prevent him. New
York Evening Sun.
Aa Kaloaa Ma.
t Moat men think that the ways ot that
woman is past finding out who rails
against tbs male sex for chewing ten
cent plug of tobaoce and expectorating
on th pars meat, yet who goes herself
and deliberately wipes np that same
Savemenf with a twenty-fiv or fifty
ollar gown that ber father or boabaad
earned by the sweat of his brow. Al
bany Sun.
BeaUy composed after playing a pre
lade oa the organ, or while taking bis
"ante jsotacular or "post prandial"
walk w found in th oiitud. 01 th!
dns forests something inor profound !
anl auKgeaUv than anything h cooid
and tn books.
Cedar Flat.
February 1st, 1802,
En. Uuakd: It has been some time
taluce you have had any Items from
this part of Lane county.I thought per
hajis it might not be out of place to
send in a few.
Our school, taught by . Miss Haden,
ended last Wednesday.
There has been some few cases of la
grlpiie In the mountains. None of
them are dangerous.
There la no show here and stock is
looking fine, some of tbe cattle make
their living out on the range.
We have a new church organized
here. It Is the Free Methodist, I
believe. Rev. E. C. Putman preached
here Sunday, the 81st. He lives here
on the flat.
Chapman and Son, of Road District
No. 81, have had a crew of men work
ing on tho roads, in District No. 81, last
week. The corduroy east of the old
Coggswell house, that was burled last
summer by Mr. Geo. Milllcan, became
almost Impassable and was dangerous
to man and beast to pass over It Chap
man had some of bis crew shoveling
the blue clay off again, and took out
the broken rails from one end to the
other, and replaced them with good
new plank 2J inch thick. The cordu
roy bridge at the high bank opposite
the old Barney Wood cabin, over the
slide in the bank, gave out while haul
ing material for the road, and became
very dangerous and It also had to be
re-covered with new plank. Now we
ire prepared to announce to the travel
ing publio if they wish to come up this
way they can travel over that piece of
road with some comfort. As for us,
we extend our heartfelt thanks to the
county judge and commissioners for
giving us assistance in the repairing of
one of the worst roads in Lane county,
the Pass creek road not excepted.
Now if our supervisor In road district
No. 8 would take up the ball and keep
it rolling and repair the muddy lane In
front of Undo James Sever's, it would
nien communication between here and
Eugene. If they cannot gravel now
they have plenty of old straw in their
fields, which If put on one foot thick,
would make the road passable, and
would not hurt it for graveling In the
spring. I for ono will vote for a man
to send to the legislature next fall who
will work for better road laws, no mat
ter what he Is, If republican, democrat,
farmer's alliance or prohibitionist, for
the time has now arrived .that Oregon
requires good roads. JNew people are
coming In all the time, and there Is
more isxilo now to travel the roaus
,inl of courne there are more Deoule to
hclo build our roads. And if we had
good roads this state would get more
fowl solid men witn capital 10 c-uua
up our state. But If they once see the
condition of our roads In winter, or
even in summer, they are apt to say,
those people living in Uregon must go,
either in boats or on horseback, in
winter time to get In to their county
seat. nespecuuny yours,
Thinks She Shawl Ue Hesala.
Washington, Feb. 3. Mr. Swift, wife
of the dsreant-d minister to Jspsa I Iu tbs
aity, sud bss s olalui of $12,000 Iff ore con-
gri fur mouty sxpoded f rom ber pi ivst
income f..r imurovtmtDt msde oa the cew
Utilttd State legation si Toklo, Japan
Ihs old Uuitid btates legation tber wa
such s poor atruotars that it was an objeut
of ridicule smong European residents, and
it wus through tbe energy ot ths lats Minis
ler Bwift that an appropriation wss mads
lor the siection of a new legation. Tbs ap
propriation was sol sufBoicnt to complete
the atruotars, sud Mis. Bwift used $13,000
of ber private funds, to An tab It. If tbs
minister bad lived to complete bis term of
offloe, thereby rnabliug tbs family lo tn
joy ths bruttits of tbe improvements made,
no claim of $12,000 would bar beD made,
bat si th minliter died snd tbs family wa
eonipt-lled to retarn borne, Mrs Swift think
th money should bs refunded.
Dr. Spargean Dea.
. Mkktone, Eng., Jan. 31. Mr. Spur
geou. died soon after 11 o'clock to
night. Ills end was painless. He re
mained unconscious to the last. His
wife, Dr. FiUhenry and Mrs. Thome
were present when he died. The body
will be brought to England for burial.
t am now
I kav
Wak I will aloe
Other Shoe Wear at
Allaw HI PrUaner rcap
When Near Ills Desllnalian.
Tsnrroii. N. J , Feb. 2,-Goveruor Ab-
belt bss ordered Ibst DrU-ctiv Dultoo, who
allowed rmbrzzler Hyer lo essaps from his
enstodyat Pittnbarg, 8starday nlgbt, be
suspendeJ, peuding so Investigation iuto
tb ssespe. The Jeisey polio bats noeiveu
no li lings of ths young bookkeeper who
iu srrealeu ia Baa Fraaeism, charged
witb having embeizled $0000 from William
Barney, hi employer and ooutln. When
Dslton arrived at Jerney City Sunday night
be bad bis prisoner' pretty young wile
with bim. Her father, Haperintendent
Msrshof lbs Adsms' express company,
took ber to ber borne. Bb wa received
ber witb many macife-t ition of joy. Bbe
is believed to have Urn s psrty lo ber bus-
band's ctcspe. Dalton permitted ber lo oe
copy tbs same berth with tbe prisoner, snd
tbe marks of hi shoes 00 Ibo window show
tbat b escaped through that. Hs oould
soaraely bsvs done so, however, without his
wife's oonnivsnoe. : Dslloa was much de
jected, or al least soeuud to be when bs
rsiobed Jrey City, sud yeaierduy was eoa-
fiued lo bis bouts ilh pbiuiun in attend
anceonblui. Th Vol lulls th Camsnllte.
Washington. Jan. 29. The demo
cratic majority of the ways and means
committee, bv formal action, this
morning adopted Springer's policy,
and decided to attack the McKlnley
high tariff by various separate bum.
Upon this policy the democratic mem
bers of the committee decided to act as
a unit.
This conclusion was reached this
morning by the democratic members
of the ways and means commltte after
a conference lasting several nours.
When the vote was taken. It resulted,
by 7 to 3, In favor of separate bills. The
three dissenting members of the com
mittee gave their adhesion to the policy
of the majority of their associates on
the committee and will act with them.
thus making the democratic part or
the wave and means committee a unit
on the policy which It was decided to
adopt. jNoining wassaiaaooui wnicn
particular feature of the present law
will be first attacked and this is left to
future determination. After a lengthy
discussion, Bryan, of Nebraska, offered
a resolution declaring it the sense of
the democratic members or tne com
mittee that Its policy with regard to
tariff legislation jn the flay-second
congress should be one of revision by
separate measures, instead of a general
revision of the whole system. This
motion was carried by a vote of 7 to 3.
Those voting In favor of it were Mont
gomery, Whiting, Shlvely, Cochrane,
Stevens, Bryan and Springer, the new
members of the committee. The nega
tive votes were cast by McMlllin,
Turner and Wilson, members of the
committee In the previous congress.
The general policy having been de
termined upon, all the members pres
ent agreed to abide by the conclusion
Searching far Concealed Arm.
Baowxsviua, Tex., Feb. 2. A sensa
tion was created yesterday In Mautamoras
by tbs searching by Ihs military author
Itiei of th residence of Don Inrique
Viuiys, a prominent merchant doing busi
nes at Mler, Mexico. His family realde in
Matamorta. Tba military received infor
mation from some source Ibat Tixzaya bad
arms and ammunition foe thi rsvolutlo nitt
concealed In bla boo. , Tb rqimre in
which bis bona is situated was surround
ed by troops, snd lb premise searched
from oellsr to roof, but nothing was found
Mr. Yizsaya is so American citizen, and
United States consular agent at Micr. - "
. : AT
You wlU find ths Standard
Horse : and : Cattle : Medicine.
No Ararat as AaUmony Guaranteed lo keea
your (toes, la Uoe4 Condi Hon.
Mr ul Better tlu Cfliiiaoi Poiloi
Serine my
larf stock of .
oat BELOW C0T.
Away Down Prices,
Peters (feCherrys