The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1892, Image 5

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    a iu. au.orw noamoga
iisa and a Frm BoUlaaf
iprta and Faat OAoa.
i been made by Dr.
mitt has produced
t it acta
prfrrtlon! II acta
rtrrljt Karmlm.
I Park Place, M. X.
"id l-rnt tump lor
wts, rtrUaa4, vr.
The freezing nights and thawing
days are liable to cause serious in
jury to fall grain. The present
weather is similar to that of Febru
ary, 1883, when almost tho entire
fall and winter wheat of the Wil
lamette valley was frozen out The
damage now would be light com
pared with that of 1883 as little
fall wheat was sown, the fall rains
preventing it
In an article in the current num
ber of the North American, . the
Hon." Richard Croker says signifi
cantly, of the attitude of Tammany
Hall toward the democratic nomi
nation: "The national democracy
is free to choose whatever candidate
it may prelcr. lammanv has no
desire to dictate or control the
choice; its part in the conflict is to
elect the candidate after he shall
have been named."
The Salem Journal, republican,
does not have the right sort of
. brotherly feeling and confidence in
Bingcr of the Umpqua. This, from
the Journal, was probably meant
forfarcasm: "Send on your dis
patches of all the good things you
can promise the people, , Mr. Her
mann. They will bo published in
the Oregon ian and duly swallowed
by those who Btill believe in your
The proprietor of the Condon
Globe has an easy time. This
is how he explains his
work: Being editor, compositor,
pressman, bookkeeper, news rustler
and a thousand other things con
nected with the maintenance of this
excellent official paper, besides
" milking a few cows, churning, flip
ping flapjacks, Btirring buckwheat
batter, wrastling pots and dishes,
and looking after a few libel suits
all at th6 same time, it keeps us "a
hustlin'." We are laboring hard
to keep the Globe up to a standard
. that should require the work of
three men, and it is gratifying to
us to see that our labors are appre
ciated." The opinion rendered by Judge
McArthur in regard to the public
squares and the streets around the
same seems very plausible. We do
not believe however that the "ten
ants at will" who are using the 34
fjet of the 100 foot street will be
" molested. If this opinion is ac
, cepted as final the new court house
f that is certain to be built at' some
time in the future will, remain in
the same location as the old one.
It is not to be regretted. c A court
house situated several blocks
away from the business por
tion of the town would compel
many miles of extra travel daily to
those having business therein.
The early fruitgrowers of Oregon
, had a wonderful market for a few
years at San Francisco. In 1854
600 bushels of apples were shipped
from Oregon to California and re
turned a net profit of from $1.50 to
12.00 per pound. In 1855 the
.shipments rose to . 6,000 bushels
; which sold at from $20 to $30 per
ibushel. In 1856 the Bhipmcnt rose
o 20,000 boxes. Even in this year
toig prices were received and for
choice fruit fancy figures were ob
- -tained, one box of Esopus Spitzen
. "bergs selling for $00. The Califor
ians planted apple trees, and after
I860 the shipments of apples from
Oregon began to decline. Apple
raising was more profitable than
gold mining for the first half dozen
years of the industry in Oregon.
An Amphibious Steamer.
um Aloe aliaU we call a steamer
that travels on both land and water?
That la Just what a little steamer wnicn
ha Inst been flnlnhed in 8weden has
done on its trial trip, and there seems
i . as n whv it mav not be a
VO UQ 11U icowu " "J
...naftii traveler on land as well as In
. v-- tv 'kea iwras
am .inTKruiilft nf tne baiuiitv: powab
aNW aawa- , m
in the pantry and made tne misraie w
-, i 4th thrr biscuit Thirty-
four others left kettles of hot water jnst
where it was most convenient ior meir
i.j tn fall into them. The
record thus far thia year w a httlt ahead
of last Detroit r ret ITeea.
The West End electric railway sta
tion la Boston is to have 18 engines of
1,000 horse power each. They are to be
triple compound, with cylinders II, M
and 19 Inches diameter. The power is
transmitted by two belts for each en
gine, each belt 5 feet wids. Bteam will
b furnUhsd by M water tube boGawa.
eacb rated at WO bom pewtf
Five proaliu tbt couutt laii.
Considerably It erliD ia rannrle.t In
Prof. llawihorue aud fuuilv tie reoover-
ins nico-lr. -
Bm-in-iM U reported doll in the Jntliet V
Trtl IKlfH moo trtnv flwl f Millar Arm!
opened a real eetate uflioe in Engeue.
Lt-e YValiu h (.tool Auisbed planting
ten autre of eherrita, fuui mile el of u-g-ue.
A number of Eugine people tie oonteuip
Umg erecting dwelling during the ensuing
Thos. L. llolrunn, proprietor of the
electric light works at Kuluiu, was in
town today.
John Patterson, of Rosebutv. has
been declared Insane, and placed in tho
asylum at Salunu
The voting booths for Lane county
are now being constructed at the man
ufactory of W. L. Dyslnger, iu this
About time that candidates for city
ffflos mere pntliug In their appearance.
Tbt ulurUuu occur, tbt nut Monday in
J. D. Boyd and family returned to
inetr om nowe m iowa, mis mornin
where they intend permanently real
Mr. H. C. Hlnililcn In now vUttlnir
with her sMcr, Mrs. Gardner, at Los
AnovlcH. It la milil that aim will shorty
ly visit In Eugene.
II. N. Cockerllne returned from
Purtliinil lnnr. niirlit Jinlcrincr fmm hia
w" n - " " o ra 1
v.ttra ttia trt ln hurt
ft bad effect ou Bert.
The sheriff's office in now busy serv
Inir election notion. and uostine
tax paying posters in ' the respective
precincts of tne county.
A. B. Seal and wife, of Albany, are
In V.iirenn nt thn Hnffnmn House.
Beal is always the same happy pleas
ant, handsome commercial tourist.
Pmf. J. W. Jnlinsnn returned thli af
ternoon from attending the funeral of
Prof. B. L. Amold. lute president of
the Agricultural College at Corvallis.
Another dnilv evenlnor newsnaner Is
to be started at Astoria next week, and
the following week a second morning
journal Is to "float out upon the sea.'1
I'hn nilf-tail lava aairla IraalllAfta and til
other milter when their New Year come
iron mi and devotes all Ibeir time, money
ind energy to tbt enjoyment of tbeir fentiy
Mim u. Dell Walton left , on but
night's overland train for few weeks' visit
in Ssu Frauoisco. Miss Colia Ooldsmitb
will si tend the wsnti of her customers dur
ing bet absenoe.
In a abort time Geo. M. Miller will be
gin tbt pnblioation of monthly paper to
ha nulled the "Faiimonut Buale." It will
be chiefly devoted to real-estate interests In
Lane county.
HAntuhnM nnrr Aannndtinfl t Ollf HV
mill folks now have on tbt banks of tbe
McKenzie river 3,000,000 feet of saw logs
which they will drive upon tbt first suit
able stoat of. water.
The Salem Grand Army post is push-
inor arrftneremcnts ior tne enusruuu
nf tia rirnnil Armv nf Ore con
which holds its annual encampment at
that place, February 12.
PriuevilleUeview: Indian Agent bncaey
of Warm Springs Agenoy, accompanied t
. .nml,i.. TnilUna. wax in town this wtel
for tbe purpose of pnrobaainH potatoes for
use at tne sgency. He bongbt 300 bushels.
Albanv Democrat: An oldgentle-
nmn hv the name oi I'oner wa
hrouirht down from MarnsDurg tnw
in iu PTAinlned on a com
plaint of insanity. He willbeexara
fiied tomorrow morning. He 1b said to
Ia ditnireroug at times.
Anrrmnondent: BeV. Mr,
n'ii.. rn.muriv nf rittAim Orove has
T Ur J , iu.iuviij v. p - ----
been employed as pastor for thethrlstj-
lancnurcuoi mis city .nu
hia flrat aormim tliig last Sabbath to a
large congregation who were greatly
AIAA .ml hifyltll Tllloopd.-
J. M. Weaver and family left on last
night's overland for their future home
trjn.H Thoo xamn here from
M lUCUlViUt 1,v J -
Pennsylvania about two yers ago and
Tnoa w.n bikini advantage of
o.nollont anhnnl HVHtem. The
niahv friends they have made during
r.uuruc D cav..'"" ti
their stay here wish them success
knnnlnoafl IT1 T 11141 T 1 1 f W SBSIBSITJ.
6ut of the knocking down of one
Thos. Holland by Wm. R. Anderson
n hi. aninnn lftxt full, there erew a
olvll Hnmftcrfi auit for $10,000. NOW
. a narann ami imea Holland 2,
000 better, suing him for $12,000 fo
kuocking Anuereou uuwu -"v"
A . v"ti oftni- Tr. will be a case
Direct BUU1UJ "' . , . V..A
r tu tn aottln which knoCK-
down shall be the more costly .-Salem
Journal. . . . . -
nn.. HHui r ha i.nnina imisi siiuaj
-k.,t, .111 iiiMaiMU ih differeooe between
eastern nd wentero Oregon. Awjut wo
ears ago au uiu j - --
i- i... tn tha vallev. and friend
..1.1 I H fM M1 1 1 1 n UIH MU
aims ont: Hello. Mrs. Blank; where are
voufioinflf " "Going where there is wt
to wasn my oioiuca, - p
of that in Kastern Oregon," waa the reply,
about a month after she was a passenger pn
the LurUne going Uok. Thj 9"
"How do you ao, !! "'
got your washing done?" Yes." aaid tbt
old lady, "l have, and now I am going back
east of the mounUina to get my olothu
The remains of Miss Emma Daven-
nort. a student of tne normal c'i"'i
, .v. nh a late irldav
JUUIimUUlll, nil" .
't ...i,l,l fver. were taken
to Portland for Interment. This death
u a peculiarly sad one, leaving as It
doesfthe mother, the onlysurvlvlng
member of the family. The young
lffdy's father and brother both died of
the same disease within a few years.
Mrs. Davenport had but lately remov
ed here for the purpose of sending her
. ... v.V.l Tho romnina were
accompanied by Professor pbeU, of
the Normal school, and other friends,
teaspoonful of bakir.if ponder v.itb'c J
- v l "feu
teaepooniui or water in a iin cup; l'' -;aoat ana nosi aca uum w ""s -thoroughly
for a few moments, stir to I near ia parson, who aUndt a Ulr ehanet to
.nunl nn ran aniRll It in the rising .
.tam Or nlai-e a can of the guspected , '
....inmlmniMi a hnt atove for a,
hen tat otf the cover
and smell.
To Ht'fd Alum. Alum powder can be
.-ii- .1 .. . A v m.tfiniT a mnnla of
usually urtcuru ui u.....n
'ii. i ,1.1 L.-A, in a slaaa nf
cold water. If no effervescence tbat is,
cold water II no effervescence mans,
babbling or .tanhering-Ukes place, j
condtBii tiltwder aid rttori it at
W. F. lisrger U borne from Sodavllla.
Chinese New Year thing of the past.
Several ImmkranU arrived bv todav'a
H t
E. P. Bedford, of Cottage Grove, was in
town today.
J. O. Watts removed to his new store
this morning.
Mrs. A. V. refers went to Oakland, Ore
gou, this morning ou a vinit.
Tbe revival at tbt M. E. Church ba
been discontinued for season.
Frank Witter remaiuaat McKenzie Bridge
and bis health ia tonatantly improving.
Dr. Oglesby aud ItubL Cathey, of
CotUigc tirove, were in the city today.
J. B. Beavenue loft on the overUud train
lant night (or a two weak'a visit to Jackson-
Mrs. O. Bottman returned yesterday
from a nionth'a vlnlt with Portland
Tha Drill if ,.orl,r.ii,r)i I Tin'imv at
Cruawell, hua beeu dissolved, Mr. Tif
fany retiring.
W, A. Gerow, aase-Hor of Crook county,
died at Prtiieville, January li7tb from tbt
effects of au abacs.
Walker Younor la haullnir his honato
the depot today. He obtafneU 20 cents
per pound for theru.
' Ao attempt was niadt to blow up tbe
house of the City Mambal of Prinevitlt with
dynamite Domo, Mat weea.
Ground hoc dar tomorrow. However.
the people burs do not care, as we have no
ground hogs to get soorobeu.
Tha Miasu If iser. who have been visit-
Ins bare for soma time, hava returned to
their home in Southern Oregon.
The military ball at Day's Hali Saturday
evening was attended by about thirty oou-
pies. A pieassut evening was spent.
The Snrinsfield Mill Co. is loading a ear
with flour at the depot to be shipped to
Han FraDcUco via tbe Yaquina ronte.
The funeral of Misa Jeukioa took place
vesterday to tbe family cemetery ou tbe
Cojote twelve miles westerly from Eugene
Dav A Henderson will sell you 8-ply
Ingrains, tapestry, Union aud C. t,
carpets from fct. 1st to tne zutu a
Tha J Minn Iliuh Taa Social at the Bao
tliii f!hnnh rlundav eveuinu wa4 lamelv at
tended. All present speut a. enjoyable
even ins.
Fred Patterson, of Boseburg, waa in
An inlav. Ha will mnva hia familv here
next week, but will continue to do butinee
In itoseburs.
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass, spent
sunday in fcugene no imuss ouanoea
(or ihi Republioan nomloa ion for Con
crees of this district, is good.
Insurance rates in La Urande nave
luann H vi. ii rod fui-ntr-fl Vft TWT 0?nL
owing to the poor protection against
tire, tne city naving no wausrwuras.
II. Bvarverud returned yesterday from I
hnainaaa trio to tha East. He reports bar
ino had a nieasant trio, but is elad to set
back to tbe land of flowers and red apples
H. O.IIumDhtev returned Saturday even
Ino from a week 'a triD to Folev Springs
Um Mnnrta nna (nnt nf aniiW at that Dlaot
which does not entirely disappear until
Blue river is reacned.
Tim ninrb nf liivlnor heaw Bteel rnllg
In the rjlace of the liifht ones on tbe
Woodburn-SprlnKflekl branch has been
commencea. mis m uuiMsrani
bed as eood as the main line.
Tt I. ..nnrl that thara will ha 200.000
awes o( land in tbe Bilets reservation open
lor location aitor ine muians ua,o ra ai-
IntaA thai nnvllnn In BAVAraltV. Allofinff
agent Msyhughes npects to have them til
located early in int aummer.
. Rmith A Hall have received soma
mn snnmloa nf linixi oma'n near Puv
oiinrv fnr inminetinn. Although these
hnrw tins season are iiuenor . w iuo
T mm nnlin iv TirnHiiet thev have
shipped several car loads from that sec
tion. ..
Freederlck Zorn was convicted of
murder in the first deeree, at Pendle-
r. Iut Koturrlav Ha killed hifl wife
wu. mi. m..wwj
gome time since. ine rencueion
apers say that John Leasure mauea
ne defense in the case, but without
avail. i
Physiciaua say that tho drinking
cups in the public schools are a frultfu
source or contagion, aim luat uinuy a
iniUmiaii Iniiivnlfttiid with disease
by using the cups touched by the llp
r those children should be kept at
A letter received from W. W. Wilson, by
a friend In Eugene, nnder dstt of January
auk fmm Tfnahnnr. Tenn.. states that him
self and family are welt; that the weather is
told and snow oovers ins grouna. . am j
k!'uK mr aatllnif rirv and the most on
hia hack is wuharias. and he often thinks
nf fireonn. ,
The bill for the funeral of Senator
Hearst, of California, that the senate
has ordered paid was $20,456. There is
!... anant xntllflirt til llA folind in tll6
rumor that it cost the railroad people
nnnsidernb v more to eieci nis iuco.
nr the nresent mult-milllonaire Fel
-1 .
' a p.m11ifnn vnunir man. In a
nt tnn trrt'ut orpnerOHltV. PflVe'fl
young wiaow a goia wau;u. uu mum
afl.if. whan hia nnlnr had cooled.
he demanded the return of the gift
The lady reiuflea w give iv up, uu uo
m.nal in nlitaln ruvwesHion of it. and
liuiiinft"' v" " " I . . ' . ,
keot it. for which action she had him
arreHleu ior uirueujr uhu m woo imm
kuaiiina iminir nlilloml to return the
watcli. Next time he will be sure that
h love a widow for keeps before he
makes her expensive presents.
Cottace Orove Leader: lor some time
.... ha takins a visas Out of t
window and entering Harry Thompson a
aalnnn. tatlnZ S DO 1 1 IS OI IUm BID. m i
l.. tn mnMiad aa nftan that Mr.Tbotnp
son piled up t lot of tin pant to that they,
would be thrown down whea . the burglar
..mA ihroush tht window. Ijatt Tuaa-
j it., ihlaf lrifct fa pet in acain
j .ininff sn. fivik off hu idom ind
UU Wavsti - '
eoftt fttai pUod tbam under tbt doom. Tb
I . . M n J 1.. AJ
Boise swots air, isenipHii up uu
another peron first found the shoes and
. .. Bn.lli tha thief, but the COuld
nit sat near snoufth to detain biffl. " Tht
. . ri u.t .
115 7ears', At Xfrnint Idaho. Idaho,
chnrch nntu , tinl!h. aired M
then immei. rv.rnu.rlv a mildent of
lite, bT 8 -inty and was a brother of
years of age. th( thja city.
. . .
f .
MlS Mail
nounowi w u -wro eoiwr or ivuir y I
Far, a journal to be ttarted In thi J; tbe d
ttreat of tbt Working OlrLy el nbe. ffhmi m
Fairmount is tho center and "in tho swim." Think of it;
m w w i v n j j l j
aw iii rtinir? iftiwi t ft m
theoenterotths coal
ing city. The way
Ih. Mllrnaili ar nnw
built will make
Hpriufneia a rival
point for buiinees,
and Eusene, Kalr
niount and Spring
field are xrowlug into
one lame eltv with
Kalrniouuttn tneeeu-
tvr. Property In Fair-
n.mmt lir Ihla rumit
wllladvanoe In valut
faster Iban any other
locality around Eu
sene. FAIRMOUNT has
mad faster growth
the past year than all
other ioburbi of Eu
gene puttogelher.and
win dih 11111 more
rapid advance during
the vears to come.
You can't get around
It. i
r It 4 C AAA it. .fll..'
wver tu,VAA7 woini ui una jirupoiiy buiu 1110 iirsi yvur. a uvva nin omsum v i- v
on January 1st. More lots are selling now at $125 than wero selling six months ago at
$100, Get in tho center if you want to buy to make money. Postoflico with two daily
mails. Two daily passenger
A motor lint Is certain to be built
Plumbing, Tin M anil
Shop in I a 0. F., building, mr of Mitch-
ll'i Btov Emporium,
I Guarantee all Work.
day mm
Eugene, Oregon.
T. O.HtvDUOKa,
8.B. Kaci'.Jb..
, rrtsldenv
Of Eugene.
Paid nn C&sh CiDltll 1.0.000
Surplus ind Profits, 140,000
Eugene City - 7 Oregon.
A cenaral bankink bustaeaa dnot on reason
able terms. Bivtit drafta on NEW YORK,
Bills ol siohanga sold ot fortlrn ooon tries.
DepoeitJ received subject to chaok or otrtifi
cat of deposit , ,.
All eollaotlous ennrusta to us vnu rawri
pnmpt attention.
atock of Btaola and Vaacr Grooariat,
bongbt la tbt Dae auanavi
Cat) offer tht public better prices that any
Prodaet ol all kinds takes at auarltt priea.
Caaaaalttet Wart Htaat
Wabhinotoiv. Feb. 1 Springer's
free-wool bill la un4r consideration by
the de-mocratle majority of. tbt) ways
means eximmlttee. sso eoncJusion
Kujene, Falrnwuntndl' J v S (
Uprinjfleld are fat grow tT alvlll I
tn Into one large city I , IfV- . ' S tL..J iff
with ralrwouut In the I I M
-t.. 1 1 it. f. I ..... 1: ...111 n An nnn 40 ,,
trains, and has horso cars within four blocks,
-AIjIj seoubed in one
through FA1KMCUNT In a very short tlmt eonneetlog It with lugene and Sprlngfleld
City Property.
The value of an investment in
merit which it possesses, and tho
That is why
best luveatnient In Eugene, especially If
Adjoining the University grounds and the city llmlta on the East, with
street-cars, city water and clectrlo lights extending to It, It Is
the moot convenient and deslmblo property on the niarkot.
Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, Is high
and dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, and on easy terms.
Call on or write to II. N. Cockorllne, Eugene, Or. ' Office In Register building.
Fruit Lands.
$10,000. $10,000. $10,000
At Creswell, Oregon,
For the next
)rv Ms
171! UVVUI
Paints, Oils, Drugs, Hardware, Tinware, Woodcnware, Wallpaper,
And everything in the merchandise 11ns will bt sold at eost until the entire stock Is sold forlcssh
ro prouuee, wneai uruaia.
Call First and
tn nnw in att1 with Mr. William TlflanT.
.a . i II ka nalit
L. D.
We art the people that give bargains In
Furnishing Goods.
Such as Neglicee, Sateen and
. t i
Underware, iNecicware, docks, lam.
Hats. Hata. -
r . 1 Df aw.1
-i v aiin.i ni.nVti anil
Everything marked at Sgures that cannot be
Opposite University Book Btort.
!m!!kW'l''mjfg asaSawav)
Sole Agent for the "Superior" Stora and -Ranees,
JACOB MITCHELL - (Odd Fellowa Building), - EUGENE, 03.
convenient to tha
manufacturing pnr-
tlon nl txnh Ku
and iirlnBriflil.
only fuiir TiliH'ks from
the I'tilvrnltyof Ore
gon (free), and tht
t round has been
ought for a lU.UK)
riubllo Khool tiulld
ng only tlx blocks
Tbe owners have It
servs of river fruut
land that they ro
puae to donate for
manufaeturl ng,
which fact U iiire la
retire the location la
Kalrmouut ol largs
Lola are M feel
Incbel by Ii4), ami art
ollerrd alfli'ilo 1A
on payments of III)
down, 110 per month,
and 4 per oeut dis
count for cash.
tear. -
property depends upon the actual
prospects of its increasing in value.
Property 1b th"
you want a beautiful place for a home.
sixty days,
Secure Bargains.
whose time Is no, tt becomes neees.ary to msk
ImmarllaLslw .
Furnishing Goods.
Woolen Shirks, Dress Shirts,
ft t?a-
- - Caps. Caps.
uu wi.i
Flannel, direct from the Salem Woolen Mills.
firncwifts Ms anil m.
XJII lu iv ii va. uuvvui
under sold. Come and see us. "
Tin and .Granite Ware,
Etc., Etc.