The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1892, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard.
Spread of Leprosy.
In the Medical Gleaner for Feb
ruary, E. R. WaterhouBe, M. D.,
has an article on leprosy, which
gives some timely hints on the
spread of this most disgusting and
incurable disease.
He says this disease is more com
mon than is generally supposed
and that it has been proven to the
satisfaction of the majority of in
vestigators that Chinamen often
disseminate tho disease from their
various laundry establishments,
that are so numerous in all our
large towns and cities. Tho men
nrinltle their laundrv-work, by
taking a large mouthful of waU-r
and blowing it n a son 01 spray
over the garments.
Tho nun wnv to urevent the
spread of this disease, is to keep
clear of all Chincso laundries, as
well as the filthy Italian fruit
Since the year 1871 there have
been fifty lepers sent irom me leper
hoflnital in California back 10
China. The same has been report
ed from the hospitals in Oregon
though in less numbers Some
twenty or twenty-five cuses have
hwn found amonor the Norwegians,
nt Northern Minnesota, many jf
whom beine citizens of the United
States have not been sent back.
Here is a tariff lesson from the
Woodburn Independent: It is
true that when a vessel comes to
this country in ballast from a for
eign port tho cargo sho carries back
must be sold at a price high enough
to pay the expenses of tho vessel
from the foreign port and the ordi
nary profits that would have been
made had she brought a cargo of
goods, instead of a cargo of ballast.
In other words, the cargo she takes
back must bo taxed double the or
dinary amount of profits and ex
penses for a singlo transit. If tho
cargo is wheat, the foreign con
sumer pays the double freight, but
the purchaser has already consid
ered this and has deducted from
the price paid for the grain in this
country the amount of that exces
sive freight. This, in turn, was de
ducted by our grain merchants
from tho price paid the farmers, so
that the producer loses on each
bushel of wheat he sells a pro ratio
of all the profits lost and exponses
incurred for every vessel that
comes to this country in ballast for
There is a strong demand in
some places for a reduction in the
letter postage from 2 cents to 1 cent.
But it is not likely that tho change
will be made this year. Doubtless
the proposed reduction would be
followed by an increase in the
number of letters transmitted
But there is no reason to believe
that the business would be doubled
The reduction in tho letter rato is
not nearly so much needed as an
increase in the postal facilities.
There are many places in the west
which ought to be given a better
mail service. But to do this would
involve an increase in the exptndi
turos of the Department. It is
therefore a bad time to talk about
cutting down the receipts. The
first thing to be considered is tho
emciency of the service, and when
this is done it will be time enough
to talk about cheaper postage.
Some criticism has been made on
the early state convention of New
York for the election of delegates
to the national democratic conven
tion. February 22, Washington's
birthday, is tho date chosen, and
Albany the place for the conven
tion. The state committee that
made the call was unanimous for
the time and place, and it is proba
ble thejr have the situation accu
rately guaged. Tho democrats
have made few mistakes in that
state of late years as may be wit
nessed by the complete control of
ilairs for the first time in many
years. The day should recall to
delegates the precepts of our first
i.l..i- t If .11
iiaiucut iaicncu nuun.HR, wiuuii
if acted upon cannot fail to secure
Patriotio action.
New York will again be the po
litical battlefield in the presiden
tial contest of 1892. The aspirants
lor ine high honor are all thorough
democrats and reliable men as their
records will attest One must be
chosen who can give a fair assur
ance of gaining the electoral vote
of Aew York. To nominate any
other would be to commit political
The relations between Praviilent
Harrison and his secretary of state
ao not appear to be or the most cor
dial nature just at present
Blaine's willingness to allow Har
rison to take all the glory of the
Chilian episode has been indicated
in a semi publio way, that must be
exceedingly irritating to the Hoosier
statesman, who has his mind bent
on re-election.
IL- .- - II
The mugwump contingency of
the democrauo party will not be al
lowed to direct the presidential
nomination this year. The tail
must do as the dog directs else
there will be a separation.
The weather bureau promised us
rain yesterday, but old probabili
ties, as ususl, jot left when the
weather clerk did bis duty. The
weather predictions for the Pacific
coast are rank failures.
Fiat bltnd eoffrt it FUber k WillUmi.
Mrs. Lester, formerly of Harrltburg,
died at Portland yesU-rday.
i A.M., ui1 l dollar mads. Bar
groceries at Goldsuiltli'a tod taa moot; .
In a week or two the Rotteburg local
will arrive about 15 minutes later than
now In the afternoon.
Bam'l Vtatcb i now manioc
train between Junction tod Roteborg itb
bi rasidtnet at tbt former plact.
A murriaire license was Iwiued I ant
evening by Clerk Walker to Fletcher
Linn and Loulae M. 8awycrs.
u, i.W at tlio trial grounds.
.,!.. ,.., I,. l. Mfirtliwtttt.l belnnulnir
I, III I J ... . ........ , , - - - rj
to IWm's seed store, Portland, Or.
T. J. Matloek, formerly of Lane
county, and a brother of J 1) Mullock,
has been reflected innyor of Heppner.
8umuel Oltmon, of Kola, ha been ap-
nointed county coiniulwioiier of Polk
county, vice M. F. McLench, rtnlKed.
Day 4 Henderson will sell you 8-ply
InnrulnH, tapeMtry, Union and C. C,
carpets from Feb. 1st to the iWth at
John IHukely, of Middle Fork pre
cinct, went to Portland this morning
In hopo of securing advice to restore
his falling health.
The flntt clearance aale of earttetn,
picture and window shades ever
..K...I in tl.n fuwiiiln i if Knm.llM. will
commence on Feb. 1st and laat to the
2(Hh, at Day 4 Henderson's.
W. Ilolloway, the jeweler, lias com.
nienotd bit afiriitK improTBiueiils iu bis
tore, tnd today ol iu Ttrt Hut lilcci
pi. led show case fur bii ailtrwart end
which a ids considerably to bis attrsotlTt
It Is said thut the really earnest Port
land girl who consent to marry the
man who want her require him to
muke affidavit to the numbej of time
he's Ix-cn married and how many
wive ho has living, together with a
statement of their Ufre, locations, fi
nancial statu and previous conditions
of servitude. These affidavits are re
quired, not iicccHxnrily for publication,
but as an evidence of good faith. The
Portland jrlrl has as eye to buslnetw.
All kinds of garden leads at FUber 4
Williams, sn'
Fresh onion sett and all kinds of
garden needs at Goldsmith's.
We nnarsute our goods and will not be
undersold. A. Oolwmith,
Tbe Pioneer Urocer.
liutterlck patterns nn hand. Kent 10
cent sheet iiuinIc. Artist materials.
Eugene Hook Htore.
A fine new 400 dollar church oronn
for sale ut a bargain. Enquire of V.
Hollowny, Jeweler.
Revoral parties c'alm that they felt a
very feeblo earthquuke shook last eve
ning. However, they had previously
heard of tho Portland quake.
From parties who attended the enter
tainment at Bprlugfled last evening we
learn that it was a very fine affair.
The playing of M bis Helen Condi be
ing especially commended.
Fisber 4 Williams, groceries.
Bee what Inducement! Ooldsmilh gifes
for cash.
Bee date of Day 4 Henderson's clear
ance sale.
Special Induoeuieuts fur sash trad at
B. F. Duker, of Newport, cam np on this
afternoon's train.
Qrand Ussier Van Dnsen went to Rose-
bnrg tbis afternoon.
Frank Anderson and wife returned
to Portland this morning.
Mrs, John O'Brien and daughter, Gertie,
of Willows, oam up oa thia afternoon'!
train to visit relative and friends in Eu'
Coin ile to abstracts, showing the
corjwrations of Oregon, hate been
completed by tho secretary of tho
state board of equalization. Upon
these abstracts it is proposed by
the board to recommend tho state
legislature to pass a law providing
for tho taxing of such corporations,
Tho following are some of tho fig
ures taken from the abstracts: Kail.
road lands, $1,188,051; wagon-road
lands, $1,841,281; railroad tracks,
$5,955,258; rolling stock, 1043,028;
telegraph lines, $249,070. An as
sessment blank has also been pro
pared by the secretary, which the
board will also submit to the scerO'
"Little legislation is more de
sired by the great majority of citU
xens than much legislation,"
I Governor Mower, of ew lork.
"I cannot avoid the conclusion
that we legislate too much."- Gov
ernor Boies, of Iowa.
Nksvahk, X. J., Frb. S. Last
night's explosion at the hat factory of
J. Hummel Comimny, turn out more
serious than at tint announced. It
was thought that only thrve were kill
ed, but this morning fourth body was
found The name of the dead try
Oeear Uwtch, Daniel O'Ket fo, Albert
Andenton and William Dully. Ander
son and Dutry were burned to a crisp,
iKit enough M.ntlrylng mark were
found upu them to leave no doubt as
to who they were. A large crowd hi
been gathervd about the wrecked build
ing all morning. The machine that
exploded was used to eullivt aloohollc
gaam that fmjMd fmui the hat as
they were belug drltl Tbe g were
carried by pi pus to this machine uul
then atfuWused U ahuhul aalu. It
wa the flmt machine of the kind ever
built aud wa built a an fxporimeot
The owner of the factory aay the ruen
were wholly to blame for theexploalon
and aaarrt they ought to have known
better than to carry a liht In the room
where the eomWueer was located.
Lsdie dunag mj Clranaee Sale I will
five IS pf et oaf oa tmuf UtUg Mi the
irrce uo4i epriit.
A book sgent 1 in town.
Try Fisber 4 Williams' fin tea.
1. D. Cooper, a Dsrrisburg merchant,
was io (own today.
Mis Alice BUwell ha returned
home from Halem.
Tbe Fsrmlngton, Wash , Newipaer baa
mored to Palous City.
F. L. Chambers leaves tonight on a
buslmns trip to Ban Francisco.
On hundred and twenty-tbre grades of
fine tea at Fisber 4 Williams.
Matt 4 Bchroeder's saloon opened
with a free lunch lust evening.
Tbe testimony in the case of Kline s.
Ooodate is beiog taken before a referee.
Mrs. Ilobt. Prutt returned home this
morning from a visit to Walker1 sta
tion. Mr. A. Bancroft, of Portlind, r.prent
log life insurance aud real a-Ute, is In
(,'luw. Van Vrankln, of Junctiou,
aud O. P. Jloir, of Irving, are In Eu
gene. O. W. Taylor, trtin dUp itobxr of tbe 8.
P. U. H at Purtlaud, speut lt nigbt in
D.tniol Ti is buildiug a boune in Eist
Purtlaud and will soon move to that place
with bis family.
Tbe gentlemen who be teen aotiiig as
foreman of tbe steam lauu lry left for Port
land tbis moroing.
Connty Clerk Walker Issued a aurrixge
license today to James M. Uerksbir and
Julio A. Pouthwortb.
Itola-rt Clow, of the board of mllway
commissioners. Is exicctcd home soon
from a trip to Chicago.
Mrs Eureka H'ipel ia dinnerinly ill at
tbe residence of br latb r, i . I. Duller, in
jonctioo, with peritonitis.
MImsch Cora and Mamie Linn and
James Linn, of Jacksonville, are visit
ing relative In this city.
W. T. Bellers, formerly of Lane
county, Is working In a butcher shop,
at L'kiali, (Jraut county.
Mm. Drew Orlllln has resigned her
position in the ICugcne publiu hcIksiIh,
and her place Is filled by Mrs. B. K.
John BeaTenue is goin to surprise his
friends. He will be married tbis evening
to one of Jacksonville ' fairest daughters,
In tbat eity.
Coo Ray Hun: The steamer Goo. H
Chsoo sailed Hundsy for Yaquina. Hbe
will touch at Biuslaw and uuload several
tots of freight for tbe government works.
The total Value of tbe wheat and flour
carried out of Portland during the past five
months, ending January '.0(b, was (3,053,.
676 and it required a fleet of fifty-four ships
to take it beuce, but four of which floated
tbt American Aug.
A statement of tho resources of tho
country trlhtitury to tho Biuslaw river
was sent to our representatives In con
ga's yesterday, to bo used In present
ing tho claim for an appropriation for
tho Improvement of the entrance to
the harbor.
Woodburn Independent: Tbe new steel
rails for tbe Woodburn-HpriDgfleld branch
are being distributed aloug Ibe road and
art Strang along to UcKee station. It is
expected that the new rails will be laid to
HpringBeld In about two months. WVu
lb new rails are laid tbe trains will double
tbe track each day.
Florence West: Col. Hrltton, who Is
now in Pingene, writes Engineer ller
ry thusly : " ou may say to the eo
plo of Florence, that I am still In Lane
county, and you may further say that
I shall remain In Lane county until a
railroad in built from Florence to the
East. Buy that the road Is sure to be
As the month of February ia gent rally
the dullest in the whole season for business
oar people have moie time to give to pleas-
are. Always on the alert to ulre his pa
trons what they most appreciate, Manager
Ublnenait Dae taken advantage of tuis lad,
as a reference to the "coming attractions"
will show, and will plaoe ou the boards
during tula niontb several ot tbe Buest en
terlainuients tbat ever visit placet Ibe size
ol tbis oily
Mr Oeorge V Piper, of the Seattle
Press-Times, was la this city for few
dave. lie reports that tbe republicans will
win in tbat Mate with both bauds down
He tlso asserts tbat the alliance in Wash
ington ainc tbe tleolion in Nebraska and
Kansas last tall it on tbt down grade and
lit members returning to the republican
ranks. At Georgia is not old enough to
oast a Horoscope over tbe political field of
Waabiogton with anv degree of oertainty,
bis assertions will be looked upon with
surprise. He should take souit catnip-tee
or dose oi verm Huge . 1'ortland Uispatcb,
The Albany Democrat quote the
law and argues at length to show,
which It perhaps does to its own satis
faction, thai Attorney (lenernl ('Imiiilw
erlaiu holds his olllee, by appoint
ment or governor reunover, un
til im. Wo thought the ilemocmt
were In favor of giving the iteoplo the
right to vote for their olttcer. Eugene
It's too bad to deprive the Journal of
a "point" nut it must be done. This
law creating the omeo or attorney
ireneral wa naascd bv a renubllcim
legislature and that party Is resjKUisible
ior h. Aioany i icium-mi.
Umg Creek Eagle: "8. P. Bhutt,
editor of the Condon (UoU and F.d.
Putiinm, are under Isinds for libeling
tbe person of H. H. Hendricks, an ut
torney of Fossil. We have Uen In a
similar box ouraelves, and while It is
not presumed that Hendricks will con
duct himself a Hellman did In this
county, It Is our hope that matter enn
U satisfactorily settliHl without the ni
pllcatlon of any law measures."
Mr. Hendricks I a graduate of the
normal uenartment or the state univer
sity. Ni lT Dki iuku. At the Oetolier term
of the Circuit Court the ease of Daniel
Harklnt, plaintiff, vt It. E. and It A.
Campbell, defendants, to cancel deed,
wa heard. The caae wa taken under
advisement. Judge Pine now decide
that the equities are with the defend
ant, and that the plaintiff complaint
oe dismissed, and that defendants have
Judgment for their cost and disburse
Nsw Coins. The Kimi K.ii.m.l K.,w n
tbiaciiy haa recrlv.d tluisJ wunh ,r ik.
new silver eoms--50, 23 and ID cent pieces
from the 8n Francitcj uiiut by eiprn
A full drai'riiition of tlmm , .unii.
given in th. Ciriai. This is the Brt con
igumrnioi me new mosey received here.
Dun. At her Me residence ie Eucene.
Feb. J, shortly tfur uoou, of consumption,
lira. L C. MotTUin, about 3S Tears.
The fuueral will uke pUce from the fiimilv
reaiJrnce on South VYillamettestreet tomor
row afternoon at t o'cloik to fe I. O O. F.
A Tsu.-)Ln7 k. Pay traaVl ait
share of cannery stock. Ibe par Value be
ing fJUO, ihit norning, io T. J. CrW (of a
lot in Colleg. U ill Pert.
Day 4 Henderson will tell youVply
ingnUius U-try, Union and CAc,
caxU fhuu Feb. 1st to the 201
ert. '
list Oil WllkanaSeaucea Prl
Ian tilrl.
Si Fsictsoo, Feb. 3.-T. F. Hmitb, a
real tstatt man, foimirly in business
in P rtland, Or., was taken to tbt eity pris
on yesterday afternoon and charged with
tbe betrayal ol Gertrude Ooollen, a 17-year-old
gill, wbo wat found with him. 8bt wa
also taken to tbt nation and will be held at
witness. Tht girl is as id to be quit well
connected, and to have a wealthy father ia
tbt trait of Wt.bingloo. Bit was living
with her mother, aho it now Mrs. Harris,
inPortlaod, but tuft tbt eity with Bmitb,
two weekttgo nuder'a promUt of mar
riage. On arriving in Sao Franoiaco,
Hoilth started lb tbe real talatt business..
Tbe girl's mother In Portland wat much
worried, tod consulted tbt chief of polios
of that city, who advised her to follow ber
daughter to California and see Chiif Crow
ley. This Mrs nrris did with the retult
ahead) stated. 8m lib lays bt would have
married Ibe girl today if be bid not been
arrested. He aaj a be is willing to merry
ber at any lime. This being I", th offi
cers eiieot lo k- a wedding ceremony
tnd tht east,
Rinllh't Career In Portlans.
The above dispaioh wat shown to Chief
of Detectives Oritzmtt ber, wbo tiguifictnt
ly remarked: f'lluui, np lo his oi l tricks
sgin " He said it was very improbable
tbat Chief Parixb bad given any advice, bat
would bve rrjerrni Iw either to himself or
Offioer Wood. H knew nothitg of Smith's
actios in tbt present cave, but aaid bit
repuiutiou while in Portland wat not of Ibe
liest. Smith is aaid lo navt vh limited bit
partner, B H. Leik out of ill tht money
be put Into the firm of Smith 4 Ltiak. A
man in t position to kuow aayt tbert ie
ch.irg- of abortion bauyiug over Smith's
head here uow, and tbat the fetus it pre
served ts evidence, but Ibat tbt victim
would not testify against blmiodno tase
could bt made ont uulei tbt did. It it
surmised that Qortrude Goullen it lit tame
tbat bt teduoed here, Chief PeuUb could
Dot bt found to dtny or affirm tht state
ment tbat bt advised Mn. Uarrli to go to
San Francisco.
An Increase Acreage an Belief
Quality (bit Keaaan.
Sin Fiinuisco, Feb. 2. In a circular is
sued by a promlneul firm bert, tbt bop
oropt of tht ooast are given by way of com
parison, aa follows: 1891 California,
bales, 30,161; Oregon, 18,4h6; Wstbington,
3'J,3'J3; Uritisb Columhia, 150. Total
bales, 04,180. Tbt total for 1888 waa 02,-
IC'2. Tbt clrculur statel that it ia remtrks
ble tbat tbt crop tbould have run so nni
form during tbe past fouryeara, aa tbe di
minution in 1889 wat solely dut to tht
scarcity of plckert. Tbt season opened
with t very small stock on band, and ship
ments from tht 1891 crop were rtither slow,
because ol tht latt harvest, though we
shipped the first bale of tbt 1891 P.ciflo
coast crop on July 21 from Sacrnmtnto, be
ing the aamt data at wt thipped Ibe first
bale In 1890. Tht stock on band aggra
gates about tbt aamt on January 1, 1S9 2,
at tht year previous, and it almost entirely
of tbe 1891 crop, tbert being only 40 bale
of the 1890 crop. The ttock Is concen
trated in a few hands, composed ot 1806
bslet iu dealers' banda Iu Sao Francisco,
1530 bales still held by growers in the Sao
ramento aectlon aud 904 balea by other Cal
ifornia growers. Brewers in California will
taka about 2000 bales of Ihit stock for their
requirements before their new crop comet
in. Begsrding tbt 1892 crop t eta say
nothing at (bit timt, ttcept tbat Ihert will
bt an Increase of acreage. Although few
contracts have been made, groeert are not
favorably disposed towardt entering Into
contracts thut early, and are likely this
ytar to hold until picking time. Growers
iudioate an intention to tiercise special
eart to improve the quality, which wat gen
erally unsatisfactory in tbe 1891 crop, tnd
not equal to tbe average of previout tea
tons. Te Visit thle Coast.
Ntw Yoas. Fth. 5. Andrew Carnegie
has made up a pxrty to visit Southern Cali
fornia and Oregon. The trip will occupy
month or aix weeks. The party w ill con
sist of Mr. tnd Mrs. Caruegit, Andrew D.
White, Sir Edward Arnold, Mrt King tnd
CharletSttwartSmitb. They will travel
In a private car furnished with every con
venience. Tbe start w ill be msde from this
eity February IS.
Are you going to buy
' mm warn m
this year. If so don't fail
stock, get our prices and keep up with
the times.
We shall hereafter import out gixvls
Call or write for our Caj
Iiitutrit "rropon
Vlllartl Will Have lUllre.
New York, Feb. 8.-The report that
Henry Vlllard is to le compelled to re
tire from tbe presidency of the Edison
Oenend Electric Company bat been re
vived again on Wall street. It I said
to be sn ansured fuct that Mr. Vlllard
will be compelled to tep out, ow
ing to the dissatisfaction of some of the
largest stockholders, among them
Drexel, Morgon 4 Co., with Mr. VII
lard's methods. The annual meeting
of the stockholders and election of
officer will take place next week. Ac
cording to the programme, Mr. Vlllard
will be elected president, but only on
tbe ui dei-standlng that he ts Immedi
ately thereafter to send In his resigna
tion, As to who his successor will be,
there is some uncertainty, but J. Had
w right, of Drexel, Morgan 4 Co., Is
said to be the coming man.
Colds and Coughs
sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
and hoarseness
cured by
fyers Cherry Pectoral
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be In every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell. Mass.
Land Orrics at Rosibubo, Orioon, I
February, 2. 1892. f
the following named aettler baa filed
notice of his intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that aaid proof will
be rue-1, before the Judge or County Clerk of
Lane oounty, Oregon, at Eugene, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Marwh 16, 1892. vis: J Reeves
Holbrwk, hiimestetd entry No. 6207, for the
W i if 8E i tnd E J of 8V 1 of Sec. 26, Tp
18 a. It 1 K
He names the following witneaaee to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vii: Reeves C. Edwards, Henry
L. Carter, Looney Smith, Miller Blackbura,
of Lowell, Lane count. Oregon,
JOHN H-SHUPE, Register.
Ettabllihed la Colorado, ISM. Bssiples br msll o.
siprtit will rscelv. prompt end csrcful stleDilou
(old & Silw Bullion RLt'";A?:X:
AliiM, 17M 1 1751 Utfmm It, Smvm. Colt.
Taxpayers willtakt notice that I will he at
the usual voting ulacee of the respective Pre
cincts, iu Lane oounty, Oregon, from 10
o.clock a m. until 9 o clock p. m. of each
day, fr the purpose of collection of Taste,
lor the rear 1SM1, aa follows, to wit:
North Eugene Friday, Feb. 12, 1892
South Eugene Saturday, " 13,
Mabel Monday, IS, "
SiiuUw, Monday, 15, "
Mohawk, Tuesday. 16, "
Camp Creek, Wednesday, 17, "
Davin, Thursday, 18, "
Spriorfeld, Friday, 19, M
Cobnut, Saturday, 20, "
Jasper, Monday, 22, M
Kali Creek, Tuesday, 23, "
Middle Fork, Wednesday, 24, "
Iiat Valley. Thursday, 25, "
Pleaannt Hill, Friday, 2r,
Goshen. Saturday, 27, "
Creswell, Tuesdar, March 1, "
Junction, Wednesday " 2, "
Irving, Thursday, " 3, "
Coyote, TueedaT. Feb, 16, ", Wedniwltr, " 17, "
Chesher, Thursday, " 18, "
Glentena, Friday, " 19,
MapL-ton, Saturday, ' 20, -
Florence, Monday, 22, "
Friday, " 19,
Saturday, 20,
Monilay, M 22,
Tuesday, " 23,
Wsdnetday, " 84, '
Ihunday, " 25, '
Friday, 26, -
SatuMay, " 27. "
(ate Creek,
Hasel Dell,
Ijike Creek,
lng Tom,
Cottage Grove,
Monday, " 29,
Tamarers will Uke notice of the following
law, page aectlon 2,790, Laws ol Ore
gon: "Ifanypenam residing In such precinct
shall fsii to tttend at such time and plaoe
and pay his or her taxes, auoh delinquent may
pay Ibe seme at the County Seat to the
ShsritF, and if he fail, to pay wlthia SO days,
at aforesaid, and tht Sheriff vlaita hit resi
dent, ths Sheriff may collect of such paraoti
for his own use ten cents per mile, going aad
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Last County,
Dated at Eugene, Oregon, January 30, 1892
to call on us, see our
in C "
Great : Annual : Cash : Salt
Begins January 20th, lasting
nc I 3EZ. "X" "V
During this sale I will olTer some of the Best Bargains ever given i
I want your custom and will now give you the chance of selecting
from the largest ana mosi comjueie
the end of tho fall season
Please Take Notice of the
Rpaiitifnl White lilankets. all
Good G-pound Gray Blankets, $2.25, sold all fall for $3.5(1
Large all wool Colored .Blankets, $5.25, former price $7.5(3
In Ladies and Gents Underwear
I offer 500 suits, gent'B vests and drawers, at 25 per cent!
off lowest cash price; 100 ladies' natural wool vests and
pants for 0 cts., old price $; jersey vests ior oy cts.j
formerly $1.00.
400 pair ladies' fast black hose for 12 J cents per pair; alsa
A af..11 1!va Misti'n erv Snnr.n n A rAaVa of l:af 1
a lull liuu ui ciitD, iiusacB auu vunuino a.v vvod,
.16 yds apron check for $1.00.
16 yds Indigo Blues for $1.00. 20
cneap rnnis ior
15 yds Cabot W. for $1.00. 17 yds
w.. m .a. An A 1
bleached for fl.UU. 16 yas nope uieacnea ior f i.uu.
2 fine Emb. dress patterns
1 fine Emb. dress pattern;
2 fine Emb. dress patterns'
Broadcloth 95 cts. per yrd; sold all winter for $1.25 and $1.50.
Velvet, Plushes, Silks and all dress goods at correspondingly low
figures. Don't forget to look at my fine black and colored
Henriettas in all grades.
500 pair of styllxh pants from one of the best tailoring manufacturing- esfab
llshments In the East. '
$6,000 worth of gent's, youth's, boy's and children's suits) all nice fresh
stock. Must go to make room for Spring goods. j
Don't forget the shoe department, at fabulously low prices. Ladle's heavy
oil-grained button shoes at $1.15; former price $1.50. Ladies fine Dongola
button shoes f i.zs; former pries si.75.
Germantown Yarns, 75 cts. per Pound.
Farm aid Spring ffap,
FARMERS: If you want anything in our lino
you cannot afford to buy before examin
ing our stock and get Our Prices.
Harrisburg and
Db. r. l. WILLOUGHBY,!
biw. ui gwuo tr ounu ucro a
Following Goods Prices
wool.tC.75. former price $9.0
12 yds dress ginghams, $1.00
yds good Prints for $1.00. 24 yds
L. L for $1.00. 12 yds Lonsdale.
TV -V-h 1 1 A t AA I
$7.50, 'former price $15,
9.00, " " 16.
11.00 " " 18)
Bop, Carriages and Carts.
Stock Bsisers Learn Economy and
k. . 1 1 wkA V . ... 1. I. '
ements MachineFy
,hr -brltrrspenl money by tbosa own orolu tri
'1',. VT. r .. i
vt iuvrDtlua hw
iMt eminent rh
Imitatm nntnr t
utnnronalT ami I. j
p e, . Offlre, a9 4
lentsT4oaaltmn (
taHa. SCHOn