The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 06, 1892, Image 10

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    " jfl .r-.
Fvervthine Exquisite in lrnporKMl rerfunHTV, Soap, and
ToillffiL Also a cmpleto a.,1 p-lect .Htuck of 1'aint,
Oils, Varnishes "rud.
f-Vebuythereat.'r.. n.t,,,,,, price. .... all K"i
Krult Land For Wale.
100 acres of lino fruit lam!, on- iiilk
from KuiftiK', In u tr""l 7 ' 1 .
JKfL.WIyt'U,ov,rVirHt .N.ilionnl
Bank. -
Golden Female Pills..
ForFi-mn'io Jrri-iri.lar
Iticie noili Inv liku I lit-ra
mi the market. I tvtt
fuil. Sli-l'ell,lj"lcd
lj y Til rimllifll t M'lll-i
mnnihly, Imuran!.'!
lo relievo, aupproaeu
Don't l! Ii.imt'iiwl.
., n 1 1 XI.
mid mouuy ;Ukn u oili
Q.. tn All AllllmM.
I.U IiimII fill f IP
.llnuuli, tuitf, JUTLAND. OTT
r.N halo by K. K. I.i:cKEVACO..KuKi'!i.
I h.e been troubled many year, with
ai... .hh kllnrve aud have tet
many dlfTrri-yt remnlire and aae
amoral id from dillcrent 1 hyik-MOi
wiieotit relief. Alwtil Hie iMh l Aiiril
I wai wiflcrinf fiom very eiylent
attar, that alutoet Pn'
u . M.MM.r mat I wan lent over.
.The. I i.l iluwn it almuat linrtl.le for me
to et up alone, or lo nut on my ''".
kind Province " ""'''',' h '
hotel I Immediately commenced
tinf the tea. 11 h! n almoet effect, nd to the eaton
utament of ell the inert, it the hotel,
Irm davi.I em happy lo etale,
.hat I oral a new Bull. I will'
recommend the tea to all alllKte.
at t bate been.
o. a. Turnm,
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
bauta Koaa, Cal.
Rum (iraio on the iiit favural'ln Unna,
W'haat reuelliU .if any warrlnniMt urtli nf Ku
Kne, prn.ierly aaniKueil, taken in ii' for
Flour orrWI.
Qa-Uijket ChhIi Trice I'aiJ for Wheat TV
Too Much Load
On the Liver will lireuk down nil the
pnurgii of life, and unfit you fur
Work, DuninoHS or 1'leunure,
Indigestion, Oonatipiitiuii, SlcepleKh
neu, Ililiouimi'HM, r tli first alurum
nature sounds, to warn you of dunger.
Moore's Revealed
la KlNjr of the IUimhI, Liver and
Stomach-It haa Never Failed.
UunJreJ.of tatiuionial like till.:
J. K. Mlllrr, A.toria, Or , writea: "It cure
me of a ecrer Liver ami IU.kkI tnmlile."
rp(S by all dnik'.U
Call oa Caawell tor lidewalk lunilwr.
laarlca) nt!a ir mm, .
IHM(Hni vnutt. ana lb. t.n, ,ruaj Minwaa
-- -. mm am ion. iwiug mimU
rf !-'o-t llM-iuii. ttuitar,
I wtta kia g
at tmia IWa. be. Mum' Great iorati.a
Naftf nature bTi, Mr. J. K. MinM.t
auojou., J. D Tart.-, r U.u.,..rC IikI
... v . . 'U Mr. i. A. bxrtvi. .,uu, hTiL
u OnuuMa ft-" .it nf -..T,
Dr.Mllef Medical CoEIkhart, Ind.
awld by J.pi KRi KUV.
A 4
Physicians Sup-
plies, Surgical Ap
pliances. A. .. ll.niM No. it wi ll known iin.n
ufiietiirer of ImkiIh iiimI hIum-m ut X-'i No
lun hi., Hun Antonio, Texan, w ill not
noon forget hlHcxix rii niv with an ni
twit of tin' tiiiiih wlileii in- renin ii
follows: "I was taken with it violent
crali! 111 the Htolnaell vt lileli 1 iNiiee
woillil luive i iiunciI my ileath, liml It
not been for the prompt iiw ofCliain
Iain's Colie Cholem uml liiarrlux a
).. .ly. The IW lo-i' ili.l me ho
nilleli k.kmI that I followed it lip III
niillliteri Willi 1 In? weoliil ilore, ami he
fore the iliM'tor eoiil.l et to where I
wiim, I tl let not nee.l him. This Kein
1'ily Mliall always Is- one of tint main
Htuys of my family." For wile l.y
OMIl ltN it JlKl.ANO.
L. .l;..rl...ii ,ir kiitiiniMr f.iinl)liiiiil III
nnv iIh'Oi it ! . 'U t'.HT iliuii
t ImmlierliilH i i.nnr, iiiunrn aim ii'-
li........... IIpm Vu,i,.v l(i.rrv. .if All-
hiiih, l.avr.ii.eooiiiily, Kfulutkv, mijs una
iIiihi cured uer oi an auaua u. ui,n,u.,
To nr llir.e (l')fH will ili any Ofliimiy
CHM.', Wlii't) r'.lur... win. wnii r u ,''
Hi.t lo Ink". 2-i ami 'M ei-nl Ik.III'H for miI
liy Onluirn iV I. I'"1"
With U'tter weather the romln
liavo become passable tliouli in
man v scctioiiK not with loinled ve
hicle. Tin firmer who lian pro
duce to Hell ix heavily liuinlicaiM'l
lV lack of Kood roaiU over which to
convey it to a market. Now in the
time ol'jjood prices, and pod roads
would mean many dollars in the
piH'ki ts of producers.
Jacksonville Times: lion. Rob
ert Watch, of Lane utility, appears
to be the favorite of the democracy
of this district for the nomination
fur congress, and, as there is n fair
probability nf his election if nomi
nated, it would not be it bad idea
at all to tender him a nomination
by acclamation. The farmers of
the Willamette section want him
badly, nnd tin1 man who gets the
alliance vole at tin' next election
will be elected almost licyond n
doubt. Watch is an able, honest,
practical man, and has the confi
dence of till wlio know him to such
an extent that it will lie an impos
sibility to Ix'at hint with nny re
publican not entirely unobjectiona
ble. '
Albany Democrat: The course
pursued by Multnomah county in
reference to t lie tax nnd assessment
oucstion will not contribute to al
lav the deeply seated belief in the
.J i' 'll il 111 a ...1.-
cow counties max. mat county is
determined by hook or crook to
dod(i! their just proportion of taxes
necessary u maintain me siaiu tui
ministration. It is nothing short
of dishonesty to iittcnipt to reduce
their assessment on inortjai;es from
1(H) cents on tho dollar to f0 cents
on the dollar while other counties
in the state tire assessing mortgages
nt 100 ccntH on the dollar. Port
lam! should have been the last in
the state to make u breach in the
due execution of the findings of the
state board of equalization.
What every man who believes in
fair dealing in bearing the burdens
of taxation, should do would Ik- to
labor to have proicrty assessed at
its true value. And when property
is assessed nt less than its value.
seek to raise Mint to its true
nne not to bring that down
has been assessed at its cash
The Portland Telegram com
menting on the convention club
rows says: The wrangle in the
republican convention dill'crs from
that in the late democratic conven
tion. In the latter tho tumult
arose from a desire of the inctnl'crs
to crush out nil apioaraiioo of boss
ism. There was no scramble for
fictional power. It was simply an
effort to have an oen and square
deal, and it suecenlcd. Put there
is a marked ditlerenco in the repub
lican row. Mere it is a scullle
among the bosses who wish to es
tablish ring power. Mr. Aver
frankly avows that all he is after is
the glory of political leadership.
When the republican convention
was called Mr. I.otan and Mr. Si
mon commenced writing letters to
their friendx in the country to send
delegates who could be relied UHn
to dethrone Aver and to remit the
control of liartv utlairs to the old
hands. They were not willing to
let the old machine rest in idleness
while a new-lledged lmss was work
ing the party machine in his own
j interest. It is simply a war of
i lises, mill, regardless of who wins,
j the republican party in Oregon is
I to lie kept in subj.vtion to ring
' domination.
NilTIt'K Kolt lTr.l.UWTlON.
Lam. Ortut at eu, Okiuok. I
llmvuilirr, ill, ls'... (
tli f"ll.iwin nan.l arttlrr liaa tilnl
nti, i4 bia imnth in maka anal m. In
au,at "( bia rlai.ii, aa l that mu.I inf will
I uia.1. luf r the Ju lk- r ChiiiIt t'lrrk of
jn. cvunlv, (n-.., at r!ii,-rm, O k-"n, on
M'Siilav. V'l. l Is!.', vii; Pre rni.l.. ll,
S. .Nil i. '.C. .rf V, T. ( 'aniplirll, the
W t irf SW . rW SI, and K 4 l i K ,4 S
JO, Tp IU H, K 5 K.
11. aaiiM tbv r.ll.iain,' kitarura to im
kia cmtmu'Mia rv. drn.a u- ati.t utti.ati,w
I aai-l laii.l. vii: .law It. IWIVnap, .1. ho
A. laham, I'any Tb m, Jama K.
oe, '4 ilMaiati. lne chidIv, Oif,
JOHN II. Sill TK, lirvutrr.
J( Co., O. N. of Abul ia, lias !--Imiiiled,
Hiits lire U'luir put in lln new ('lilt
ed brethren chmeh.
J, M. Weaver nnd finnily will remove
next week to their old home m ar Med
ford. II U a'ateil that Eu-nn it llii lime
nearly Jno CUiut-aw riBiiliiiis. It uliuultl
Dot Lave one.
Mrs. Feiilon, mother of Win uml Kd
Kelltoll, of Ktlgene, Is (plite III lit t'lis-
s k, Wih,
J. ). Walls Is having the room vn
eiiti d hv Fi-lier it Co., li pniiili 'l and
eleiilieif Kelierally.
J. C. Ii"l"ii, nt eii tini" arl'iei-i f
Eur-iHi uml S"hniil Suf.TIiit' -nil' nt "' L'Oi.'
couiily, i in- bruin! t h- f'-ry, Kiiimim.
I.o in- y Smilti bus fi!".l iw ib "oneiy
cli-ik'n "ttt a HI "if ll'' Oiw:l nl N ei.ili.
local"! uliof Sirmu!i'M, Oi" lniiiHM o
tin- Or'H"liinn liailwHV. It ' "IiLiIhh I'i
Tbo f.innern "I W c'Mii:i e-
titiona 'li- riiunijf f.-irt In h
lo T.y III" Iril.-p Arlll'.i Ml Con
cniiiuii I" irn liii!" r.iin to i nv. r 10 M'(l
il,ire lull' tin Min, i 'i
III the Slate Convention of Republi
can Clul's at I'mllau'l, .liilielioii il V
WHS repreellti 'l by the following dele
gates: K. Van Viaiikin, K R I land
saker, C 11 Wn-libm ne.
W. 11. GaNmii J.I'. Hmliii mul N-.tli-an
1'ierre, in' int-aT-i nf ill" n ili ciilrsl
Cliiinil'i-e "I Hi" I'l'i'pli 's mrty f r llic
alnlH ol Oiftfiiii Iih' la-ie 'I a fall fur n liil
cohU Lli ia I" I'" ln'i'1 ' Or' K 'ii ''' w"l
h.s l,,), Mhk Ii I'i, li:i.'.
While ..riling iliian kll'fs ill ll"' r-i-iili
lire of ll' I hll-luo 'I mi" ml'" w -I I'"
U' in1. y Ht.-r.litv, Mrs Kilrlii" Vuiit li n, i.e-rul'-tiill)'
I' ll mi ii'i'iili'iii "f s
IIIMIllllS Il.-'IIS WIH lini'lllClll. Tiltl t.t"t V Hi
ill a .rllicul conditu n for a lime
.Corvallis Tillies: T. T. Ifaiiihait
uml family left today for lilmiiii, Lane
county, where they will ncike their fu
ture home. Mr. Itariihart has bonglit
mi interest in a saw mill up there an. I
will try his furl u ne n iilaetiuing
III 1 1 1 1 H -I'.
I'l.iteiw.' W.'il; W.K. riii.i. ' nr.
nir to l.-iiMi, in. I ltli n r (I. nl tli"
w.-.-k nli n li rmi-il linn uri'it -iti
in .)' KClb!y l.iy liim 'lj' lr k. it.:, lime,
ll,- wi.a ilnvit.K i-nllle mi l by t tni.-l-1
m ihli (I hi- I' n in Miili 1 ii. iini r us I"
brink a ril of tim be.
I lieexple-sion " 't ill ll" is Slid to
have been originally u-ed by an editor
wlioilie.l and went lo heaven ami
tliell lisiked iil'oiinil for the mall who
took his paper for three years ami I lien
left il III I lie poxtolllee marked "re
fused." lie had gone to (lie other
place lie "wasn't in il.
About twelve men a day are new
taking out iiatiiraliaiiiiu papers in Hie
county clerk's olllee at Astoria. This
is In accordance w ith n recent statute
of the legislature that no one mil n
citizen, or who has not given notice of
his intention to be a eiti.ell of the
Culled Stales, can lisli fur sal u in
Hie Columbia river.
Florence West: The la'.' rc-iil' ii.c limwi
of Ake HnriHrnin 's recently nti-i'-il hv
tlii. V'-R uml nbniit !,"ill wurlh of liiiu-eliuli!
and other gnnds Ink. n Mr. A Uml M-im.ii
beiiiK a.liiiiiiislrnlnr of 111.) ib-censril hiiii.'h
ell'ocls, llio loss will full iihiii Lun It is
nlioilt time we linre ellicerK who will ft ru t
out ami lirins to jubilee a 'ci'miiily bninl ol
Ibieves iu Ibis community.
During a irccnl visit In tin- Sound, Cup
t tin Sjukiiis honijlit at Tie'oimi n iiiiilb
luiiticb, twenty ftct in li-ri;lli. fur tl.c use
of tli rusisliint .iiiiii cr at Yiiipiiim 11 ly
Work is goii'K "a tliero on tolb ll e
jetties, am! the ihmmUhI eaii).-r is kept
cntislnlilly on the move liml will hnve ieu
ty of use (or such a launch. It will boxcni
over by mil in a few ilnys mi. I will un
through to Allrnny on a Northern l'nc.l.o
car, and tbcuce oyer tbo Oreui lVilio to
As time pauses wnt. r uilrln s'u n
firmer lit. I.l in tlis iilF-rlmim'
dt'iitH of I he Dig ll. ii. I. Tho Int. st r.nivcrl
to a belief in (lie illieacr of tlila meihoil of
finding wiit.T is thus lul.l about in the Wil
bur Kepister: "After iligui'1!! tour wi lls on
Ibis pine, .Mr. von ll' hreu liecHiuu di-n-tt-e.l
with bis jinlincut ami securi.l the ht
vices of a wnter witch. After sumo time
the witch auccreilcd in lecuting water nt n
depth of thirty feel. Mr Ton lii lircn is
now a continued believer in thimi;icnit, us
the exact depth was fotelold."
This ia a Rood year for tbo people who
work (or a weekly sdnry, us there sr.. fifty
thee liny iluys, or ut leat tlflv thiee I n-
ilays und fifty-three S;tiinluys. Five
months have tivo Ssturdnvs each, m:.l the
other seven four ench. This is cmisiil. red
a very uiiiihihI and uiiii.'.Tssnry Iliuii; by n
umn who bas a lnri;e iiiiinh. r of employes
topay Bvory Sitnr.lsy ni;bt. Tiiere nre.
however, in every li up year lltly Ibr. e ol
ioiub of tlis da) a in the week, but the b.ct
Joes not attract so inurh nitintioi. when
Ibis h.ippons with nny of I ho etliei .Ixys ex
cept Su.tur.lny.
Jacksonville Times: Mr, Sullivan,
the old man w ho was lost and H'rislie.l
in the snow in Lost envk precinct
some weeks ago, did not gel far
uway from h nne the day he went
hunting, his In .ly being 'found not
more than a ipiarter of a mile from his
house one day Inst week, lie had not
tired a shot from Ids rille when lie was
overcome witli fatigue and sank in the
snow for his last sleep, the same niiin
Ikt of cartridges kdng found in the
gun Unit he took with him when hav
ing li.niie.
Astoria aiilh.nilies l.uv. f. .!!,.,. I the an tli-
o.l h ug in in l'.Mgriie, th.-il of iirreli' g
all uieihcul fskirs who Iisvl not the ir. ii.
lie Th Aslmia Town talk ki.j v
"Ir." W. II. True, a aide awnlie pf mien
of tliat nn.l lo.piscious cl-s ni
Work Ihn w.irhl with Iheir wits an, j,,,y
upon baiii in cre.luliiy with marvelous sue.
crss, who huiiil.nuii; the public
with bis jiw. and fouling tln m out ol th'ir
Uiotiey w ith his hiinul-'M. elt .r. miuln.i
ami li' msiii trn ks wits "tnlx n in"
Sutiir.Uy nljht by i'ouns.,bi. Obrru fur.
i listing the state Inw. II-' was a. lling
nicilicine from sn r.r, ss w.i;.,n on Cuss
atrett, opp.mle t'.ise's bank, to mi aiiilienco
Ihst bbvk. il thes'teel for 100 feci around
him. In the ws.m una a noimiii, two
ainsll chil.lren ami a niiiistu I l,nk. y. who
helped the children to the' crowd
when i he "iloclot" was nut woikjii it with
hisiidts. I ll" main r was the.) up by the
payment e( fHHI f .r a lictue uml ) j 50
Costa. ,
W. Lair Hill has returned to Seattle,
from YVa.shington, I). C, without the
fisleml Jll.lgesliip in his p... ket. Ill an
Interview with the 'Scuttle Crew. Tipies
of Friday, he says: "I have received
this morning nd'vi.vs to the etl'eet that
the Oregon senators nre still preying
the claims (.' Mr. Joseph Siiuon, and
the Wii.-diington senators are still
standing by their recommendation of
mystdf; and that, w bile nothing can he
predicted with liliicli latMiiivc nc, my
npsiiilmellt is probal'lc. Still I alii
not (stunting much iis.u It; inn not
going to Iv greatly tlisapsiinttsl if tlt--lenttsl,
mid inn not going Into the cave
of A.ltdlaui In nny event, Ist aiiM' tlien1
Is too mtieli fun it I km. I in a-hillgtuti ,
for nny sensible man to go into a enve -with
unfunny associates its long us lit j
can In Ip It.1' If a trip to Wnehlng-!
ton for the oftlev dis-s not kill a Hindi-;
date nit Interview Inlnslueiiiif the!
won! "unfunny" hhoul.l. Mr. Hill
would no doul.'t make a d.i id.-div "tin
filliliy" f.d.nil judge. Judge Lord's
friend's say lie Is in,! bk, ly to n-ix lve 1
the Bpsiiiitiin nl. i
Ik' in
TbcStatcsinati was one of the news
paper that printed tin "siieeeh,"
that was never delivered, of the
"kid" Isish of Portland republican
Young men's democratic and re
publican clubs are being organized
through the valley. Jn their ranks
you will find the "most enthusiastic
workers and the leaders of tomor
row's campaigns.
Riwburg Review: Speaker T T
(icer is attending all tho farmer's
institutes held in the state. This
is an indication that he has an uot
ivc congressional bee in his hat.
When a politician puts hayseed in
his hair it is an indication that he
wants an oilier bad.
Tie; Republican (-Hub meeting in
Portland rivaled the Democratic
Club meeting in disorder. The lat
ter had the excii-e ot'lt banquet the
previous evening. Wo expect our
republican brethren to bo equally
frank and tell in " hat part of tho
town tiny had been roaming.
At the .-nine time and place of
holding the national ilcmocratio
convention will lc held a conven
tion of democratic clubs of the Un
ion. This will make the largest,
most important and must influen
tial gathering of democrats ever
held in the country.
iiia m - " "
The .1 unction City Times truth
fully says: "The Independence
West Side is 'ferniiist' Watch for
emigres;1. Tho whirligig of politics
may cause our gifted neighbor' to
eat bis words. Watch may not be
very popular with politicians but
he stands high with tho masses.''
The curious, have had another
opportunity to study mind read
ing, hypnotism, animal magnetism
or whatever it may be called. Tho
practical purposes they conserve
arc not observable, ami persons of
highly strung nervous organiza
tions arc. liable to receive injury by
d illviug with them.
No more war talk. No one ser
iously injured but the president
and diplomatic part of the admin
istration, who have had their paws
badly scorched endeavoring to get
the chestnut out of the fire. Every
impartial reader of the correspon
dence so far submitted will not
question the statement that the
warlike attitude of the States was
without reas n or justice.
Junction City Times: L. Rilyeu,
of Kugciie, is mentioned in connec
tion with senatorial honors from
the democratic side of the house.
Mr. liilyeu is an able attorney, fully
ulive to tho wants and needs of
Luno county, and would reflect
honor and crodit to Lis constituen
cy. Ho is a whole-souled gentle
man and recognizes his friunds oGo
days in the year. Tho democracy
could go farther and faro worse.
Tho Interstate Artificial Rain
company, of Kansas, have entered
into a contract with parties in Tu
lare county, California, to produce.
during a period of thirty days, an
average rainfall of not less than
three inches, within a radius of
twenty-five miles from the point of
operation, the amount of said rain
fall to be determined by true and
correct rain gauges located nt differ
ent points within said radius. The
consideration is Jf-'loUO and in case
the party of the first part fail to
bring the rain according to con
tract, then, in that case they shall
receive no compensation for nny
work they may have done.
Count I ,co Tolstoi will print in
the World, over his own signature,
an article on the Russian famine,
its extent and the methods em
ployed to relievo suffering. He
says the people are awaiting their
doom with the stolid inditl'crcnce
of despair. lie acquits the general
government and the local func
tionaries of neglect or procrastina
tion in dealing with tho problem,
nnd says that tho work of relieving
the famine transcends tho ability
cither of the government or of w
people to perform it. This is in
striking contrast to the alnu st an
gry assertions of the czar, that
there was no famine in Russia, but
only a partial failure of tho crops,
whi di could be relieved by trans
ferring f.Hxl from some provinces to
others. The world will be likely
to cret'.it Tolstoi rather than the
Hermann has never cast a vote
in congress in favor of a tariff that
would cheapen the necessities of
life to the ioor man. On the con
trary be voted for the McKinley
bill that made an increase of from
10 to oOO jier cent, on many of tho
lnvcssiths that enter into daily
consumption. His record lias been
niainlv one of promises, self gratu-
l.ttious through a paid bureau of
correspondence, interlarded with
handshakings and luxl bless
y ou's" w hen Lome in vacations.
Yet .one of the parti iants oi his
favors would sse 1 . it as the "far
mers friend," as witi.ess the follow
imj from the Koseburg Plaindealcr:
The democrats of the first con
gre i.mal district will doubtless
p.:t up Watch of Lane for congress.
Well, M them juit him up, Her
mann can knoek him down as easv
"as falling oil n log." Yeatch poses ;
as the fanners friend. Hermann!
is prove. I to 1m the farmers friend. J
The city will
again for n time.
The farmers on uplands in Lam;
county are rushing the plows dur
ing the present weather.
A l, umber of county courts made
levies the proceeds of which are to
be expended on county roads under
Fugeno will improve as usual
tho coining summer. Quite a num
ber of residences have been built
during the winter.
It will not be lung before the as
pirants for public ollices begin to
bore tho weary citizen. The impor
tunities of ofliee Beckers are rcsjoii
sible Tor many good people break
ing the commandment which forbids
departure from the truth.
The Chinese pay extra attention
to the China lily to have it well
and i.ewly in blossom during the
beginning of their new year. It
should not blossom before that
date. They suppose the number
of blooms indicates the degree , of
good luck for the year that will be
enjoyed by the possessor.
Th.; largest land holder ill the
world is Raron Hirscli. Jlorecent-
lv l.urchasei lT'So.TOO acres of
land in the Argentine Republic.
The price paid for the land was not
quite eight cents per acre. Ho will
use it for the colonization of his
race. Thousands of Russian Jews
are already settling upon it.
Th1.' reciprocity we will get from
the brilliant diplomacy of the pres
ent administration is the hatred
and ill will of nearly all our South
American neighbors. All practical
results of tho great Pan American
congress, about which such a blow
of trumpets was made, have been
killed by that "aggressive foreign
policy" of the man from Maine.
X. Y. World: The government
is now t ) pay a large sum in boun
ties to sugar-growers, but the work
men on government contracts can't
get their money. Pounties for the
rich the poor can wait for their
wages; that is latter-day treasury
policy, brought about by the ex
travagance of the billion dollar con
gress. Oi e poor planter in Louisiana
will this year draw from the Unit
ed States Treasury a bounty of
tSo.l'OO upon a sugar product of
1,20(1,000 pounds. There are other
beneficiaries of the McKinley tariff
who indirectly draw a great deal
more out of the pockets of the
American consumers. The differ
ence is only in the process.
An exchange says: Hon. T. T.
(Jeer, of .Marion county, is an active
aspirant for the republican nomi
nation for congressman in this dis
trict. It is stated that he has a
similar letter to the one Hermann
wrote to Miller, and considers Her
mann as sincere in saying that he
is not a candidate. By the way it
is a t-ingular thing that Mr. Her
mann's closest friends are those
who place no reliance in his own
written . pledges of withdrawal.
They apparently best know the
value of his word.
An exchange says if skunk skins
and sheep skins circulating equally
constituted the currency of this na
tion the price of skunk skins would
be doubled in price by simply pass
ing a law declaring sheep skins il
legal. There are two billions of gold
in tl is world and about the same
amount of silver coin. For centu
ries they have circulated about
equally and at par with each other.
Py demonetizing silver the pur
chasing price of gold was doubled.
Hence tho decline in values that
now swamp the merchant nnd bur
den the people with extra taxes.
Portland Telegram: Tho best,
the right, the honorable thing to
do, is for Multnomah county to pay
its taxes, as assessed by tho state
board, and if it has any grievance,
go before the board next year nnd
not "squeal" about a just and law
ful assessment, but simply ask that
other property, all over the state,
be assessed as the law requires, it
its actual cash value, lhen Ore
gon would Ik- worth $:(X),000,000,
and perhaps everybody with four
bits vould not lie trying to dodge
his little share of taxation, ns they
now. and nowhere so completely
and successfully as here in Multno
mah county. To tell the truth, we
can't blame the bo;ud for making
an example of us.
An ingenious hop grower of L'ki
ah, Cal., put his kiln to a novel use
the past summer, while waiting for
the usual fall curing of his crop.
After beating the great furnace un
derneath the wire dryer and then
spread freshly-laid eggs uiam tho
screen thus changing the building
into a gigantic incubator. At first
trial tioOO eggs were tirelessly
watched during the incubating per
iod. There was much excited in
teres by the ginul towns
jH'ople when it came to tho hatch
ing .-ut of the chicks. The capa
cious boo kiln was invaded by mis
cellaneous crowds of amused, cur
ious visitors, and finally at tho so
licitation of prominent citizens, a
regu'ar exhibition was made of the
multiplied broods. (hi this occa
sion there were exosed at one time
on tin' raised platform of the kiln
2"l dewny, jieeping mites of every
conceivable shade jsssible in infan
tile thickens. Whethi r theextcri
ment, suovs-fully demonstrated in
this instati'v, will le reinatcd by
ither hop growers, remains to l
set n.
L .""aa li 11 L J f Hi r f I m.
u n u "nj " .v i t, a a-w l i e uj
m m fc- at mmmm -m m 1 a, r av. . hj . v a r' ti
I 1 l-PW I ' BUT CURES ft
ft A
and eet
Write for our
tuc 1 cccci uiTto
From the Cheapest to the Best a
prices according to .quality.
From the Cheapest to trie Best. All parties car
be suited either as to Price or Quality.
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowed I'riceupt
the Finest; can suit' you if you $ivc-ius a culL
. . .' OUR STOCK Ls
KfFrec New. am! Mlj-Sifh..-
Look us over; it we uo not nave you
sell to you low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a complete stock of
Ladles' Misses' and Children's tfilOF.S.
Slippors, WHte and Slack Sandals
And in fact everything in the limit anil
Shoe line, to which 1 iiitou.l to tlev.ite
my eKKiul , . (
Anil eiiaranleml as represent-H, ami will
lie aolil fur the loweKt prices tlmt'a L"".il
article can he atfiinle.l. A. Hl'NT
PIIDCC Cought, Colds, Induenta, Bronrh'll).
uUnLu Hotrene, Whooping Cough, Croup. '
Sort Ihroit, Althma. and every aifr.tna of the
Throt, Lungi and Cheit. iiK-ludinj Coniumrtlon.
acedy aiul pcraiancnL OcquUio kiacd 11 iiWl.'
Cigar store.
Engene City, Vn u-.n
. n.un:ifcT'ii:s.
Will kn-p it i.i.lai,'.ly i... I. an,! a iu, n pl.
ti l ;.-li ;n il ... ,l . i... .. -.1..
om. A fair ahare nf the ..,bbe V.mi.w?
W e will lT the hi.-lot maiVI pri. f, r Ft
t attle, lb I., mi l Mi.-, p. nV mil o;nu' -n-n
s.. . . ' ...... , i. . i i.
MU .lflirere.1 to atiT pa.-t .. t!.e .-ity fwf
Sells the CVlchratod
UKNKKAI. I)I'AI.i;i;s i.
KUGKN'K r Ol; 1
I L f a V IM " - M
Mew Illustrated 1'iitnlogue for lsiu,
wurcr t, fiicine m '":'t na
llllLLL uu knuinu vv. M-iii..r .11.0,0, i.i,
money, c win uuikc M ine oiie m
SiHjrtsiiiiin's Ejjoriuni
Practical Gunsmitlb
, v ' Dealers in
I'islmi" Turkic uml .Halrriuli,
Setiint; MaeliiiicN mul oi-IIfmI
All Kimis Tor .Sale!
rti-iairiiii (lone iu theaiatest style and
Guns Loanecf Si Ammunition Furniihc
Store on Willamette street
Wil'.loul n..i;uo'J
nut tic
;i Jflxnclev's
1. IS I IU IU 1 '. I li l I 1- .'.1. 11 .IM' i I-" i
curt on E;iilli. I il iiH.nir lor '! 'li""1?
Hie Stomacli, I.i-Tcr. K'.lne an.t S'tm.
cures Khrum.tti'i.n. M:.:.:ti:i. r.-.e.-l 11'',,V i ....... i-.E.;n .1...... I'.i na
1 ..: ...... : ".,'.', .v,.!
the':ui.l : t -5 iij. . Sons.. Tlicl'-!l
m.-n buvit. fie ue n.tb
t.ikc it, the I'h.Mmi crv Ml it .nut th'' 1 J"nt
av it is tin ir '.iet l-.raith iir. s.-rcr.
Sold evcrvnhcte. a bottle; mx h r
I. ami (oki. ' it Ki.srnn. .. I's I
ii-.Tiiiher 3t', 1 '
il llie Milne, un; Milncl miocr -in.ti.
e of his intuition to mike ti' ) I r'""
Hiti.tM rt. of hi, o 'aim ami lli.K lui'l "1"''.
. .. r .. . ..I - ! ... R
be iimi!h I-. fn.e tli" ,li;tl.e "r ('.unity 1 -1'"'
I. nne rfu!.v. Hr.-in. at Ern-ene. I 're-1'11.
M -ii. lav. Feb. 1. .'-J. viz: I're '" 1'"""'.
S. N... I'is.i. f ,u,. -j;. Meiii-s. '"r .'
N W of N W ami -U :'. 3 an.l I "I rC-
'l i- ir. s, i: r. r.
He iianiv the' witei-"- '' ' '
h's .-" riMil.-. cc ni-i-n m '
..f aai.1 ln.l Juti H. IWlli e. "
VHnipbH. .I.'hn A. 1-1 am. t'ao.v U' ""11
Thnn.. n, l.nre c urn v. I 'r.l-.-t..
.li i JIN H.MIVFF. i;!"
N' TICK YOU I lT.I.l' A'i l 'N
I.a.mi ri':cc at Ki.srnrK'i. '
I V't'inlr, '. I-1'.
: V"'"' K Hi:;:ri;Y i.ivf.x TH.V
: J.1 ti,r f..l!, u,v u.iiir.l fUr !
! a.itii-r , ! h- fi.,n t. .., .V" I i.'" 1
i ip-rt."f hi ilaim. Vl il. -t "' I ' . l
1 1 ina.i if-.- tj.e .tu.:.-e nr I'"' 1 1 ,
l.ane c..ii'.t". 'r-k-.-n. at E l ". 1 'i'-'.'"1
I'. I. 1.-,. lv..i,i: J'r- - nl;' -
V.. .'! . f II luiL, t: I''
SK ..f N K . l..t-. 7. f S- ' ' ' '
.x-.-'i:. r ); ' , U i).
..." i-i-u fl.e t..l'. win , - .
. ; k .-. r- .1. 1 J- 1; '
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1 r
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' '" 'HN H SHITE. - 1
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