Eugene City Guard. HAiUBDAT iANUABY U, Mi. The Chiliun troublo n-enm in a fair way to bo nettled by diplom ncy. ' TliiB winter lias been a xplendid olio for Btoek. (Suod fat lieeviu uro easily secured from the range All kinds of stock aro in good condi tion. The grass has hardly lcen checked in growth by cold or front. There was almont as much ki ting in Washington on the race for tlio FjeakcrHhii as there is on an ordinary how-race. The largest winner was W. T. Black well, of North Carolina, who is rejwrted to have won 10,000 in buiiih from 9500 down. The ncwxpajiers of the state hard ly with an exception aro devoting gpaco to the road cause, I ins may awaken the jieople to a realization of the necessity of changing our rond laws to secure good highways that can bo used with profit during the winter season. Russell Sago has resumed busi ness at the old stand, but he lias set up a bodyguard. This is an in novation that is not unlikely to lie imitated by other millionaires, and IHThaps wo shall soon see our money princes habitually going about with arctinuo jf men-at-arms, like tlio feudal nobles of mediaeval times. Independence West Side: The Engcno (ii'Aiii) ami East Oregonian aro now having quite a tilt about who ore good democrats, and who are not, as too leaders of the party. What tho East Oregonian calls "indciend(!nep," sounds inoro like reckless speech for a puroso than 11 candid statement uUiut those whom ho assails. Tho Guard is conservative and is nearer tho facts in the case than the East Oregon ian. Ringer Hermann is a sly one, Ho had it telegraphed to Oregon that ho was not present in Wash- J1UKNF.D TO HEATH. The Infant Nnnof Jel MrCoruack and Wife the Victim. The timiiy friends of .Mr. niul Mrs. Joel Mi'Cornuek, who reside near .Flor ence will lie pained to heur of the sml afllietion that overlook t hem Christina nioriilnir, by which their Infunt sou limt IiIh life. A forreHitfiiitlent bus fav ored uh with tlio facta in the eaxe as follows: Kmtok fli'Aiili: A fatal accident occurred at Clover Lawn, the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mct'ornaek, early on ChnstmoH morning. The ehllilren, hapiiy in their ('lirintniiw Klfla, were by tlieniselveH for a brief time, the youngest Hitting In Ids lifh chair by tliosUive. The mother, busy with household ciireH in another room, wan won Htartled ly the iikoiiIxIiiii cry. "Mu, tlio baliy'n elotlir are on fire." It wiiM too true, and iverythlnjf which love eon Id do wan done to relieve the cruel pain. Jiut all wuh of no uvull, for the next day the eyeH of the prec ious and lieuutil'ill Ixiy were cloned to nil earthly scenes. J)ear little bahy Itay was gtme "from empty arum and lonirlng eyes away." Good bye sweet balie, " Tor when with ruptures wild, In our embraces we iigalu enfold thee, Thou wilt not lie a child." Installation, fesLfT liepairiD? E. E. KNIGHT, FAIR'MOUNT. HEART fllSEflSEf 0TATfT.ibowthuonla nn m hu m wmH or dlftoawKl limit. Tri flrt if mitom tr fcrt hmmgrf ... pal !, thrl, wollrn, ttrmpwy (and death,! fur wtiicbllft. MILKS' A JEW IIKAHT4 C'RH Tin M d J J(jy Fairmount is tho center and "in the swim." If S MS 01 Think of it; k First Mr! Il a marveloua remedy. "1 bare bQ troubled lib. heart diaeaae for reara, nir lelt DtilM wu Terr wea. could at llmee Kamlr feel It, lb emalleu excitement vould alwara vaaaeo mf narvea and beartand a fear of Impending death aured ma In lb fact for hmn. UK. MIl.KaV NKUVINK aad KCW HKAIaT (111 li lb only medicine tbat baa prorrd of any bena fltand cured ma. L. M. liver, Cloverdale, lid. Itr. afllee' Liver Fllle are a aura remedr fur Hlllaaiaeae aaa Tar.M Liver. Ieae a eeate. fine book oo llaart Dlaeaae, witb wonderful euree Vre at druwlita, or add rata DR. Mlklt MEDICAL CO., tlkhart, Ind. Sold by J. If. BECK LEY. Pally Guard, Jan. 0. The officer of the Hpencer Hulls lorle T II I 1 I.' J V 1 ..Ikj I . afcnioff bjr Geo. N. Fraer a follow,: I. iKKll II LL Pt , V. li ; nvvni vinub W. liollowar.N. 0. Horn, Jorrr J. J. Walton, K. 8.:A. H. MoC'lurn. I. H. A. O. Horej, 1'renn.; H. Ilullor, W; Tbot. Ilar-ir. (.; i. W. Ch-rrv, It. 8. N. 0.; J. M. W Miami, L. H, V, O ; Wm. HurknMI. O. Q.; Horn Offnif, I. (J.; P. T. Oiltwrt, It. H. V. O.; Wm. Willim, L. 8. V. O ; K. Couluey, It. b. 8.; Fred 1)IIoiiid, L. 8. 8. About Iwanty-flre members of the Irving lodxe were iro-nt, nr a fn from Hpnug fielil. After the inaiallation the meiiilwra nf the (xl( tod tLifir (jiiel adjourned lo l'ool'a roaianruut, br the wmiti of the inner man were amply ollended to, Heal Estate 1 rausters. E. E. BURLINCAME'8 CHEMICAL o LABORATORY FjUblUhtd In Colorado. IW. damnlrf br mail o erprt-M wni recelra pruuipi and car(ul atuuiioo HJ:wi, 17M I HI Uvmci St, Saw. Oek Dk. II. L. WILLOUGHHY, DENTIST. All Work Warranterj to Give Satlsfactloa. Nllroiu Oxldo Gu and local anirmhellca for (he palnW-aa extraction of twlh. OFFICK Over Matlock'i atore, Eugene, Oregon I COl'NTBT. K I) JudkiiiH to HpriiiKlleM Uhw, No 71), 1(1(1 K, 12 uereic fSM. James I'urvln to JI M I'arvln, 45 aenn In T 1 Jt 1 V; f!)U). I'MNONKM). John Kelley to lil..le Parker Kelley, lot , bliN-k 1), Kelley' nddltlon; f 1. nTT Daa. John Kelly to Kate H Kelly,' lot 5, Ulty ITOPGrty. Shop In I. O. O. K.buiMinjr, rear of Mitch 1! a Stova Kmporiuir. I Guarantee all Work. FAIHMOI'.NT la ill tlircenu-rof the coin ln cur. The wajr the ralirrwiln are now hullt w 111 make Sprlngileld rl ral Milt nir ;uiinM, ml KuKi-ne, Kalr nioiint and Sfirlng tleld are urowlnx Into one UrK eltr with ralrinomitln there li ter. I'niwrtr In Fair motint for thlirraxni Hail ranee In value faater man anv nthi-r liwallty around Ku- "."?. - ... r Aiiiwi i i n a a made hutcr itrowth the nat vi nr than ail other a ihurla of Ku Itene p it UiKethcr.Hiiil wilt in ike inn more rapid idvance durliiK the jri-ara to rome, You can't Ret around It. EUGENE, FAIRMOUNT AND SPRINGFIELD E Are Fast Growing Info One Large City Willi FAIEMOUNT In the Center. KAIKMOUNT la convenient to the Inauiifacturlna p,)r. lion of both KuKena and Sprintfltld. It fiily fiur blMka from the I'ulveraltyof Ore. iron (free), ana th ground ha bean boiuiht for a uhlic tuhool bi.llH. UK onli alx blix-k. UIHlMIlt, Theownera have 18 acrca of river frout laud that they pro pom to donate for manufacturing, which fact li iur to wore the location la Falrniouut . of larite fBCtorlei. Lota are C6 feet Inchci by ICO, and art ollered at f lr to I7, on paymenta of io down. 10 per month, and 5 per cent dla count for cash. CONSUMPTION In its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayefs Cherry Pectoral It soothes the Inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. POPULATION INCREASED FROM 7. TO 114. Over $15,000 worth of this property sold the first year. Prices will advance $25 per lot on January 1st. More lots are selling now at $125 than were sellinc six months aco at Get in tho center if you want to buy to make money. IWoflico with two daily Two daily passenger trains, and has horse cars within four blocks, $100, mans. ALL SECURED IN ONE YEAR. A motor line la certain to be built through FAIRMCUST in a very ahort time connecting it with Eugene und Sprlngileld. IN THE CENTER GEO. M. MILLER & CO. J. L. PAGE, -DEALER IN- CLOSING UP SALE. Acreage. QROCERIES. Tho vnluo of an investment in property depends ujion tlio actual Tiik Ha i, km Hunk. Tho Htciiincrl . . . g. it piuriii, wniir in iiiu hi niw uiu ioit inrtou when tlio Oreion dolci'iition ... n. , .....I r ' - a - i 1 in wirui i i, t hi ii mi, in mi ii v in .. ..... endowed Jo. Simon for circuit I TuIIh, whm ituiKlit liv thuHtninirciirrciit, I nicr'a winch it pohhchhch, and the prospects of its inerenflinar in value. carried lo tno hn-kh licitr tliu iiriek mill, ami would Imve mink liml not wu oonoliiilcd ' judge. Uowburg Review. The Oregon Henutom guvo it out Unit they did not act in the promises until .Mr. Hermann arrived. The Oregon delegation seem to lie unit ed and enthusiastic in their sup port of Mr. Simon for tho judge hip. Salem Journal. Tho act of congress, forbidding 1m tiinilki ir tint I .miiui liin I viHuri hu cost tho government the Iosh of (fi WiC'C over ono million ooiiiirn in iMistago 8tanip8 from September It), IH',10, to Juno 30, lH'Jl. This is oilieial, and will givo somo idea of the enormous business done by that gigantic scheme. It shows that 500,000 letters were not sent. How many were? Tho McKnery element of tho democratic tuirtv stands for the Autlton talloi law; muke the tax lottery. Ho was the governor of tho red shirt outfit that stormed the stato and carried it riflo in Jinnd. Sunilav Welcome. the steamer Jlentley gene to tlio res cue ami made rust to her. Hliu wuh toweil to the brick mill dock, where she sunk In ten feet of water. Three thousand dollars will cover the damage. Tint Injunitiom Kuit. The atuunicnt that t gun in (he city injunction auit luxt Monday at 'i 'MI p. ui., teloia Judge Pipea, TutiailHv evuuiuir at 8 o'clock, Judge ill be de cided in nhout two wecka. lie alxo in forma u that the nrutimeut wm the niOHt learneil and eilimintiva tkut he had lUlened to In the lute. That is why UNIVERSITY ADDITION. Property Is the best Investment In Eugene, especially if you wuut a beautiful place for a home. Adjoining tlio University grounds and the city limits on the Foist, with street-earn, city water and electric llghU extending to It, it is the most eon ven lent and desirable property on the market. Never mind the weather, UNIVERSITY ADDITION, Is high and dry and naturally well drained. Prices low, and on easy terms. Call on or write to A. N. Coekerllne, Eugene, Or. OfHce In Register building. TTAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE XX etock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, oougni in me neat mariteu EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer the publlu better prices than any o'ner uouae EUGENE. Produce of all kindi taken at market price. DAY & Comuihhioxkbh' ColbT Thli conrt III . i j i i . i . . i iiow in aoNHou, aim a long utoj ia certain. - j T n :tJ ft-- Fruit Lands. ....... .wa. n. , ((.(.v MWW mrv JI.IJUICU.I uivme ma imioinuta at oontuuiplalod by tne Auatrallan ballot law: niuke the tai lew: iuapect and appoiut road luporviaore for the coming year, uealdus liauaaot the regular routiue uuiinoaa. AND - Farms. Senator Hill has btH'ii subjected to violent abuse from somo of the ultra organs because ho jircferred to remain in tho governor's chair at Albany, New York, until his time expired, instead of taking his seat as senator in congress. Kea Hoiiablo inon do not consider such Jtartisau criticisms. Tho senate luring tho time ho failed to appear wuh in session two weeks and did absolutely nothing hut apK)iut coiumittecs. Hill stayed at his jKist of duty, and the highest court in tho state suctained his views of the political situation in New York. For nine years the state lias been Hilitically ridden by a corrupt ring that by an unjust apKrtionmont maintained control of tho senate. They violated tho law and constitu tion by refusing to niako an enu meration as required. For nine yours the apiointeH of Governors Cleveland and Hill, republicans and democrats alike, were uniformly re jected whenever old appointees were to bo sujierceiled. A man of Hill's courage and nerve was needed at tho helm when there was a chance to oust this ring, and give tho ma- loruy a cnance to rule. It would Clikoiini Cattle, A ipeclal train of (southern C'aliloruit beef entile puaard through hire for Porlljud Wedneaduy. Nearly foot of auow were on the top of the dun, the reault of panning over the Hmkiyon uiouulalua. 'lbla li nut a good adtertlte- nieut lor Oregon itock ruiavra. rUKi I)HAwn.-The following purchaa- era aecuren lue pruea ollered by Watt; Mra. Walton. 0. O. Matlock. mmw CO., Fl'HMTlRE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. G.IlKNtmirics, President. 8. B. EaKiv, Jr., Cuhier Fletcher Lkun, Geo. Hill, W. 0. Johnaon, J. K. Hporei, Chan. Goodnle, J. N. Hunch, Hert Lake, Mr. Frauk, Ma Hurch and Mra, Thoi. WaruUk. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1)EALERS IN Coi.i.kur lltt.L Imi'rovkuknth. Ara Ilig- glut ia building a five room bard finished outinge in College Hill Park. iLri. Pope'e una reameuoe lu the ram la almoal oonj lileted and will coil about 93500, Prealey imuau ia uaunug lutuuur lor nil uullilma. Mbshu. In Lane county, Oregon. Jun. 5, IH'.U, by ltev. U. A. Blair, F. H. Hweel to U. L. t'olter, all of Lane county, Oregon, Tho banking house and loan agency of Portland that writes to an exchange that loans will not bo Hindu on country roierty by reason of tho ooaru oi ciuaiuuaiion assessing mortgages at their full value, must havo done Iittlo business in tho country and is not posted. In al most every county, except, Multno mah, mortgages havo been assessed all tho time since tho passage of the law at llieir lull value. We have have been the sheerest folly to trust yet to hear of any loan linns rcfus Miiveiniiff old crannv like (111 111 111 111 OF ALL KINDS. First National Bank Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Caoltal $50,000 surplus ana Fronts, $50,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A U'eueral banking burineaa done on reaeou able term. Sight drafta on NEW YORK. v n n nuu, bah r liASi uiauu ana rtiiti LAND, OREGON. Uilll of eichanue Bold on foreign oontitrtM. DtH lta received aubject to check or certifi cate of delimit. All collectiona entruied to ui will receive prompt attention. ' I am now odi-rlng my ill i7 M i GOODS AT GREATLY REDIT'ED I'RICES. I have a large stock of - Which I will close out BKI.OW COST. Other Shoe Wear at Away Down Prices. J. D. MATLOCK. $10,000. $10,000. $10,000 SELLING AT COST. L. D. SCAKBKOUGrH, At Creswell, Oregon, For the next sixty days, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Carriages anil Carts Lieutenant Governor Jones.' Tho Southern tire eaters of the Courier Journal and St. Ixmis Ke imblio have cooled down ivnsider ahly sinoe the chvtion of Crisp shaker of the house. Tho Eugene brass bund is to coniiucnded for its jmlilic spirit in furnishing ohmi air concerts. Citizens should seo that it is BUrtained when financial aid is needed. It is to to hoped that the iinnii pration scheiuo to bring a colony to Kpringfiflu: and vicinity will nuc ceed. Lane county has the resour ces to easily sumiort twenty turn as great a population as we now have. The infusion of new Mood and ideas anions our neonlo cannot but be beneficial. Roscburg imjioses a license tax on almost every line of industry and business. There is a move lug made to secure revenue from some other source. The I'laindcal r ay that "'the demand that everyone, who comes here to go in to trade, earn a living, help build ip the ton and add to the com mon prosperity, shall pay a whack- J"KK""' laxpcrannum lortneprivi' legeofdoingitw rankly alsurd.' nig to loan money on Lane county farming proicrty where the securi ty was aleiuate. The Ashland Tidings savs: It is now safe to howl "I told you so!" to the enemies of the A us titilian ballot law. The virtue of the system was lately tested in Sac ramento, and declared to lie some thing mighty good in state govern ment, in every really essential feature the ballot law is the same in California as in Oregon, Says the Ktvord-Vnion: "There was no contusion, no tieket-iod-dling, no old-time rushing up or crowding nUmt the jiolls. Voters received their ballots, retired into the liooth compartments, stanicd their ballots and east them without anyone save themselves knowing their contents." FARMERS: If you want any thing in our line you cannot afford to buy before examin ing our stock and get Our Prices. NOTICE FOK Pl.'BLICATION. I.ANii Orrjci at KosmuRii, Oiucion, ) December, 30, 18'.l. ( fOTICK 18 HKREBY GIVEN THAT XI the following- named aettler haa filed notice of hl Intention to make final Dnvif in upport of hia claim, and that aaiit pnx f will I made before the Judire or County Clerk of Lane county, Uregon, at i-ene, Oregon, on Mon lay, Keb. l.r. lSW. vii: Pra emi.tioB n. S. N i. tilltf' f Jamea II. Ilelknan. fop th. SB 1 of NK i, lota 5, , 7, of Sec, 20, lot 2 of Sec. 17, Tp lli S, R 8 E. lie namea the tollowing witneaaea to prove ' hia cmtinuoua rvaiilence nnnn and rnltlv.ii.m of ui.l land, vim Wm. T. Campbell, John A. Iaham, Caray Thomaon, Jamee K. Matineaa, of Tlioinaon, Lane county, Dreiron. JOHN H- SHUl'E, Rei.ter. BRANCH HOUSES: Harrisburg and Independence. If the proper push and enerirv is manifested bv the iieotde of Eugene and Lane county, lieforo another year, tlie Kailway will be constructed to this place." EES. I. W. i Km I Itfgtilnr 1'lifiiiriaiis. sCEi'lAl.TIKs-Ki.tnrv aoj Uver ll im-ui.j auu uuatririra. orri.'KatrMldraotoa Olive etrvrt fart vera th aud UHu atno-ta BARGAINS. - - - BARGAINS. Wa are the people that five barfalna lu MEN S, BOY'S AND CHILDRENSFALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC. Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. Such a ht SaUn-n and Woolen Shirit, Press Shirts, Uinlorwaro, Nprfcwsro, Socks, Etc. uats. iiata. - - - Cops, Oops. Tne laical atrloe end ihepe. HOWE & RICE. OppMll t'Blrenit; siopa NOTICE FOR rur.LICATION. Land Omi i at KoxtRi'ita, Orkmon. I December, 30, f -0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 the following- named aettler haa filed noti, e of hia intention t make final pnMif in uuixirt of hia claim, and that aaid nronf will le made before the Juile or County Clerk of l.ane county, Oregon, at Kugene, Oregon, on .Monday, KeK 1 lr., vit! l're emptton 1. , No. tC. of William T. Campbell, for the I Wiof SWi. Sec. 21, and E J of SK of See 20.1 pi 8, R5E. 11 namea thu tollowinir wuiimmm in nniv. nu continuous reanlence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vix: .lamea li Ualknap, John A. l-hm. Cany Thornton, Jamea K. Slag, no., o( Thomaon, Lane county, Oregon, JOHN" H. SHnE. Reciter. Drj kt imiifi mm m I A I mil I I ii. ; vivv.vuj svj.K ii ii u IVilUVUt Paints, OIIh, Drugs, Hardware, Tinware, Woodcnware, Wallpaper, ro i!rUhwhe otrho.CrChnd'l,e "ld 0t C0St n",U the en,lre tock old 'or:t'sh Call First and Secure Bargains. , ttaSln'SM " be"- ncccaary to make L. D. SCARB.ROUGH. MAMMOTH STOVE EMPORIUM. STOVBS, Tin and Granitp Ware, PUNTS, PIPES, HOSE, Etc., Etc. IPIumbin?, Tin and Sheet Iron Work A SPECIALTY. Sole Agent for the "Superior" Store and Ran AND TOR THE INDIANA STOVE WORKS. JACOB MITCHELL (Odd Fellows Building), - UCENE, OR. ft NOTICE FOR rUHLICATIOW Laxo Orrii-i, at RoaiHi'Ru, Oh, ) lecemher 30, lSi'L ) "VOTICE 13 IIERVHV niVEV THAT 1.1 the following named aettler hat filed notice of hia intention to make final proof in :eupport of hiac'aimand that aaid frnof will ha made before the Jmlte ,r County Clerlr, of Ine county, Orey., at tuiena, Oregon, on Mondar, Kab. l lWi. via: I'ra-empti. I). S. N.i. b(N. nf Jamea IL Mumx l. tk. X W J o X W and lota 2, 1 and 4 nf Sml 13, Tp 1. 8. Kit. IU namea the fullomini: witnewea to pmr hia eontinuoua miilrnoa nm and rnlliiation of aaid lan.1 u. Jamaa 11. Ilelknap, Wm. T. ariipbrll. Join A. Il,au, Cany I hoeoaon of Thnuaoo, lne d unvr, t ireyun. luiiv ti uiiirii? i . in Agra Something entirely new in the Carpet Department. It is the superior of anything maile in the Inerain Carimt line. Call and examine it at .sii( i nrciw.