The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 02, 1892, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard.
Tho Chilian war cloud lias not
iiHKiiiJicd alarming jtrojtortionH.
Uncle Sam however does not cpiihc
liirt virortH to jiluce the navy on a
war footing.
' ,Tho Oregoniun Hays the nitip;-
Vumn iournulH aro fiercely asmil
ling w hut they call the Hill-Crino-,
Gorman duinoeracy. It i'h not
j)rohablo that thorns leaders will le
n'. all uiiecieu uy mugHUiiiji oi
niti )ii uliet'u'd by a few disappoint
ed, disgruntled, alleged ineiiilx rs of
tiifir own party,
The funners of Lane county ure
losing thoUBunds of dollars on ac
count of iiiHuflieient road work.
They cannot bring their produce
to market, and when necessarily
compelled to travel the injury to
vehicles and horses amounts to a
large sum. Six months ouch year order uud a series of pImuudk and prod
is too lom a iKTlod to lx) shut oil tiiltle Morcise ooiMinuxl the evemntf.
from market. "!0,M'!!r?..
mmmmm .jiiiiru'ua wuiou wan auiy
MONDAY HW. '2-'l-M V. M.
Thu Ht-eonil Judlclul District's Uwh
rr'a convention was culled to order by
Htate Hujit. MeKlroy, with a good at-
tvn.litiK present. After the usuui pre
liminary exercises or registration, etc.,
the ehairmiiu Hindu a slmrt MMifli on
theolijeetof the eorivelillon uml gave
some irood advice. T. J. Old follower
with a good talk on "A few things In
Teaching"' and a discussion remitted in
wheh l'rofs. Aiiiierson. htruniro aim
Horner took purt. l'rof. Orton Isilng
ulwtt'iitSunt. ltHd. ol huueno hcIiooIh,
suiiiilled the Hillilcct which was well
handled, "(on Mini I l'llliislimelit" Is
an linisirtant suhject and was well dis
ciihHcii hy tcacliersof exSTience among
whom we noticed l'rofs. Jilanelianl,
Hlraiie, liken, lUgien, iiiiwtlionu
and Hupt. .Mchlroy, lln; opinion
which seemed to tirevull was that cor-
iNiral iiiinishment was the last resort,
uud that at such times thu teacher
must U guided hy the best of common
sense. After some announcements the
convention adjourned to the OjM'ru
House until 7:.i0 this evening.
At nil early luiir the city opera houso
wiw II I led with an appreciative audience.
Hupt. MeElroy culled the convention to
Portland Telegram: A Pennsyl
vania man, while walking through
his fields the other day, trippd his
toe on a tuft of grass, fell and broke
his neck. About the aine time an
Oregon man fell 1'5() feet from the
top of a nine-story building, and
w ithin a week was out on the streets
wishing his friends a merry Christ
mas. All of which gis-s to demon
strate that it is about time to desert
the eilete East and come out to Ore
gon, where the healthy climate
makes vigorous constitutions.
The "better than thou" democrat
ic imperii that proless to see signs
of abandonment of tariff reform in
the defeat of Mr. Mills should cool
, their heads and cast a retroHxt'tivc
glance to the last houso when
HtK-aker Crisp and every supjiortcr
of his who was in congress at the time
stood firmly supisirting Mr. Mills,
as leader, fighting McKinley pro
tection, Before that these same
men warmly BitpMrtcd the Mills
bill by their votes and voices.
Theso men have not changed their
rinciples but claim the right to
use another method of at tuck that
will bo more ell'eetivo than that
irojHiswl by Mr. Mills.
News from Washington still in
dicate that no general tariff bill
will Iks pushed hy tho democratic
majority in the house. A bill of
that kind would havo as little
ehanco of getting by the senate and
president, as a snowball would
nave to maintain its integrity in
hades. Protection will bo attacked
in detail by separato bills. No
combination of interests can then
bo mado and the senator or con-
with a male
rendered and
much enjoyed, l'rof. lteid, of the
KiiKne l'uhlio Heliools, extended a
hearty address of weloome to all teachers
and every one intereHled in education,
which was followed hy an excellent
violin solo rendered hy Miss Louise
l'rof. Horner, of llie State Agricultur
al School of Corvullis, responded to l'rof.
Iteid's address of welcome. The ad
dress very forcihly emphasized the hearty
welcome extended una was appreciated
by all. Ilia audience, tuon received a
treat in a piano solo rendered by Miss
UcHHie Hawyers, or J,iitfmiB.
Itecitatiou hy Miss lluhy Iieudricks,
of the hiitfciie puhhc schools. The reel
tation was biirlily appreciated and
showed evidence of internet iu school
Miss Louise Sawyers next favored the
convention with a vocal solo which was
refreshing to the audience,
Dr. liailey, of the State Uuiversity,
delivered a most interesting address,
"Education iu the U. H." The add reus
was freighted with sound and valuable
The entertaiiinent closed with a
ciiiBr rcite ami a row remnms by ntipt. (e,y mut teach morals. II
McLlmy as to the coming work of the dut ' of lbe Htato (o
OODVentioil. The OOUVeutioil tlieo ad- thinua mors than taianoa. E.1
jotirned to meet at the court house ut 0
a. ui. to-morrow morning.
Deo 211, 18'Jl.
moiinino HritaioN 10 . ru
llrgsnllrss of the tlirmteuimi rain, the
oourt bouse woi well tilled at sn early hour
At 8 JU the oonreiillou iu culled tu order
by Hunt, MeKlrov
Tbe work ol the convention was opened
oy a psprr on ins suiij.'cl ot Orlno(riipuy,
presented by l'rof. Wuliner of Eugene. A
very interesting discuion followed, tusny
pointed r marts Doing given by l'rol. An
demon of Snlcm, tttrunpe of Oregon City,
Miss C'uaseot Eugene, Mrs. Conkling of
KOHeourg, nnuotuers.
the printed form in tbe teit-book. Text
booiii or reading exercises should be uulli-
Slied o as to tisvs many new exercise.
Ir. William tnotignt It more necessary for
country teachers to adopt aoue good meth
od ol ilaaairlcation Ibau it was (or oily
teacher. UeadiUK in country schools
should le divMod into two comet; would
not cootine biunell 1o tbe textbook bat
would bave the cbildieu biiug in suitable
exeroiiwa and would bave the acbool for sn
audience; tboubt it would be s great incen
tive for Kod pnparalion on the part of tbe
pupil. Mont important reaaon (or oral read-
lnn--tu ph)lcal (raining ol lbe Tooal or
(aua and tbo proper ua ol tbe lung.
"Drawing and Industrial Work in Public
seboota," by l'rof. C. Elton Waocbard, of
CorvallU aebools, in a well prepared paptr,
auppleuieiited by a very One collection of
drawing pieparled by bia pupils. He
could give uu rulea or uetboda; every teach
er uiiiHl go into bis own bead and devixe
way ami method and then go Into tbe
acbool room aud put tbeiu iulo practice.
1'upd iu drawing learn ucutuea, care and
accuracy, 1'rol. IHaucbard Ibougbl Ibat
White Iudiitril Drawing aeries does well
but tbut iliey were interior to aouie olber
bouk. Thought they did not create uuc
onuinal uy
aupt, Muhlroy read lbe law on lbe mu
led of authorized text books aud declared
tbut Wbltea luduilrial Urawmg was tbe
only authorized book on drawing and that
tbe uae otany and all olber were illegal.
Prof, uouuon tbougbl Ibat drawing out
hue ot a leou "bould always be a co-ordi
nate part of tbe recitation just as necewiary
telling or writing llie leaaoo.
Coodon illiiHtrated bis statement by show
inn that in the study of Ueogiapby, lby,
sioloiiy, liotany and lliatory nothing con
veys aucb laatiug aud effective retults as
that ot drawing of the outlines on the
Prof. Vlanchard's paper caued much in
lerest. a the subject, wai presented in
new and strikiug manner, oo uiucn In
lereat was taken that a reoeas was ordered
(or lbe examination of 1'iof. lilaocbard'e
exhibit. During this recea a aocial time
wan enjoyed aud arrangements made to vis
it tbe University on tbe following day at
3 o'clock.
Tbe subject. "Do our Public Schoole
meet tbe wants of tbe oomuiuuity iu regard
to teaching of morals and uianuers," wan
next taken up by Prof. D. V. H. Held, lie
said that tbe character ol lbe student abould
be more carefully looked after; teach mor
al at acbool and there will not be so much
trouble to aud from acbool. If we allow
our children to have immoral habits, bow
oan we expect them to grow up to be good
nd moral men? He thought that a teacher
ought to teach lbe parents ss (ar as possible
in regurd to moral, lbe same discussion
was prolonged by Iter. Bates o( tbe Congre
gational cburcb. The Htate for its own
is lbe vital
teach soma
tningi more tban wienoe. Educates man
without moial and you make him no bet
In the ubsenee of Hupt. MeKlroy
l'rof. Held culled the convention to or
der. The first work done this morning
was the opening of the question Uix.
C'oiiHlderuhle Interest was manifested in
some tonics. Corporal punishment was
again dlscuseed. Text Issjks was al-o
mentioned. Kupplies furnished by
isiariis, ami other questions were an
swered. "1'rlmary Heuding, or Hels
Without Helps." bv Mrs. A. Hunt.
I'leasaut Jlllf public school, wasaimjs-r
nun iavorci uu metiious.
A recitation by a public school boy
of Eugene.
lteeess of five minute for social In
tercourse, after which l'rof. JlMer,
priiielpul of Harrison street school of
Portland, took up again the subject of
"Percentage," and presented a plan
whereby the difficulties of the suldcct
can I removed. Arrangements were
completed for vlsitlm: the sUtte univer
Adourncd until 1:30, the last after
noon session.
Fairmouiit is tlio center aixl "in tlie swim.
Think of it;
' liiliis Coiisfiiteil t ic I'irsf lw!
.. FTs A 1J. . r-- . I
t J .l':-''-."-'i,t'y yf- --
Eugene, Fairmouiit ami - ( !j v N
Sprluslli-ld are lat grow- ' .' .-,! fj
lug Into one larnu city . (..-J n
with r'aiioount In the " J II
center. ' 11)
The Guard wisheg its readers
and patrons a happy New Year.
Farmers in Kansas have in the
lust eight months reduced their
mortgages $10,000,000.
lion. Aleuorum Crawford, a pio
neer of 1842, died at JlcMinnviUe
on Saturday at the age of 71. He
was one of the best known of Ore
gon pioneers.
The New York; Court Appeal !
Aliia.vv. X. Y.. Dec J 111. A de
cision was bunded down this afternoon
hy the court of anneals In the contest
ed election eases which apiK'urs to give
me ucmocrata control of the state sen
ate. The court decided that a certitl-
ute of election should be iriven to two
democrats and one republican, leaving
one ease tor me state ismrd of cun-
vassers to settle. The decision caused
rent consternation unions the rcnub-
leans, nut mey nuve not itlven uo the
iigiu, lino ine icuaers are now in con
sultation uu to what is to be done.
1 lie democrats now have complete
control of the state government, and
thecnumerution bill will be rushed
through, and at once will lie followed
FAIKMOt'ST la in
tlieeent.-r o( the com
ing eliT. The way
the railroad are now
b u 1 1 1 will make
Sprtuglield rival
point lor bunnexa,
and Kugene, Kalr
moimt and Spring-
Ik-ld are growing imo
one larxe cltr with
Kairinounl In theeeii
ter. I'roiwrty in Fair
mount (or
will advance ill value
lamer than any other
ioeallty around tu
gene. FAIRMOINT ha
made (aster growth
the put year than ail
other in liurlm of Ku
gene put togvther.aud
will make till more
rapid advance during
the years to come.
Yuu can't get around
convenient to tot
manufacturing por.
Iloii ol both Kugena
and Si.rlngtield. a la
only four bloek from
the rulvvraltyof Or,
gon (free), and th
ground has been
bought lor a II Ado
lubllo school build.
Ilg olllr ill bln. li.
'I he nwnera have IK
acrea of river front
land tlmt they pro
pose to donate, for
which fact li ure to
u re the location la
Fainrioiiut of large
Ixita am OS feet
Inehe by Iffl and are
ollered at to 1175
on payment of
down, 1U per month,
and & per cent di
count (or cash.
Over $15,000 worth of this property sold the first year. Trices will advance $25 per lot
on January 1st. Moro lots aro pelliiy: now at $125 than were gelling six months agd at
$100. Get in the center if you want to buy to make money. lWoflico with two daily
;i n .i i ii i . fi i
Two daily passenger trains, and has horso cars within four blocks,
A motor line I certain lobe built through FAIRMCl'ST lua very nhort lime connecting It with Eugene and Sprlnglleld.
a reainsirtionment and redistrlcting
Sunt. MeElroy ordered that tbo institute
take up the subject, "Oreiiou'l Educational
Exhibit at the World's Fair iu 1H',I3. The
Hupt. read a auuiDer of bulletin from Dr.
I'eabody giving tbe Iuatitute information Id
regard to Oregon' exhibit. Dr. I'eabody
any that Oregon will redeive not leas than
4 XX) feet at tbe World's Fair for it exhib
it, l'rof. Kisler of Portland, lead iu (he
diaoQHNion. lie thought that Oregon abould
have 40,000 feet Instead of 4 W0. Portland
abould not furuiab all the exhibit. Tbe
rural district abould give to tbe exhibit a
tar a poaalble. liev, j , k,
A man was fined (10 for currvinir a
concealed weaism In l'rineville. where
everybody issiipjKised to carry a revolver.
N. Bell fol,
i j j : .
l'rof. Wilk nf Hh.d,l. Ih.n . ". "'""'uu "'U.K mucn IU
,,..r i. 1,1, ... i.iT.1 . .V,...L.rr -.r.i Uvor lnal n '" snoulU be made, l'rof
paper which wa bigbly appreciated, (euli
lied) "Are we valuable Teachers."
Alter a recea of ten minutes Prof. It hi
ler, of Portland, presented bia method of
teaching Percentage. Tbe remarks were to
the point and much appreciated eipeoially
by the teacher who bave made s cloae
tudy of mathematical teaching.
lua ooDveniion again took a bort receas
grcssnilin must face llis constituents duriug which tiiuj all enjoyed aocial ilt.
m an issuo aisjut w inch tlieir un-
ilcrstantlinRs aro not Is fofrgcd by
snwioiis tilcailuiRs. J lio trusts and
combinations made Kissiblu by
ingu proti'dion will no given spec
ial attention.
Our attention litis Ikvii called
most forcibly to tbo need of a max
imum rata freight law, for Orcijon,
and a commission tliat would have
Prof lllaucbard, of Coivalli. then onen
ed lbe diacnaaion of Pbyiology and Hy
giene. Tbe ulject proved ot much Inter'
eat, and energetic remarks were given by
l'rofs. Homer, t'orvallia, Anderson, Maleni,
Mrs. Collkliliu'. of Itowlnmr (luelnml
of llrownsvllle, and Htate HtiiHTinten- JJ,,(m Louie, of Corvullis.
ilent MeKlroy, of Halein. Ml"s I'lc Is a fine siieaker and held
At VI m. the convention ad ourned m" auuienee sin-u ooiitui cuirinir the
Htrange followed giving hi wUbes tbal bis
dintrict, Oregon City, abould take part.
Prof. Iteid apoks for Eucene. Diving hia
deairo to see Us exhibition iu the circle.
Adjourned until evening.
Airalii the ois-ra house wus coninlete
lv packed when at 7:30 tho suiHTin ten
dent called tho meeting to order. The
.Misses Hawyers airaln irave one of their
eiitertaliilliK pluuo duets,
A letter of regret fnun Mr. Adair
was read hy Hiiis-rintendent McKlrov
a n-eitaiion, "iililie fliauel" was re-
Mil (t liter Goods.
Lano Orrag at Kohebibo, Ohkoon. I
December, 30, lH'Jl.
Ll the following named settler haa filed
uotice of hi intention to make final proof in
upport of hi claim, and that said proof will
be made before the Judge or County Clerk of
Jjtne county, Uregon, at iugene, Oregon, on
Monday, Feb. 15, 1SII2, viz: Pre emption D.
S, No. IKW7, of William T. Campbell, for the
w a oi nw j, neo. Zl, and E 4 ot n fc, i o! See,
S0,TplS,K6K '
lie name thu tollowing wimeaae to prove
hi continuous retidence uiwn and cultivation
of said land, vix: .lame 11. Belknap, John
A. Ialiam, Carey Thornton, Jams It. Mag
na, of Tlioinaun, Lane county, Oregon,
JOHN" II. SHUPE, Kegiater.
to convene ut 1:30 p. m
mobninu sianioN Conoludud.
After some lime spent social lv and tbs
securing of mimes by secrelsrius Auguata
,x,wcr to enforce it. Tbo other day $SZ ,he
we paid a freight bill on lmpr from Arrggsooa i.os
Chicago to I'ortlitud, 2310 tuilcs at Th paper, "The Teacher Work." h,
f lilt Sail t Ik r ! Ill av..aa I..... I-.. I t IS tl II . J .a . . .
llie rate Of fl.lU per hundred J, P. Ilollaud ol BpringHeld omitted dur
isiunds; lrom rortlatul to huircnc. "'s morning was the tirsl called,
... ... . . " ' I "llnl.m II ttnrv "
x.i niiics ai i no rate ot 01 ccntd
- 1 1 HII a..
jki nunurcu ikhiiius. iiius it is effort,
that Urcgon jmyg enormous tribute "Oeograpby," by Mis. R. M. Conkling,
to tho coriiorations that liavo no
Modern llintorv." uaoer ureaented liv
Prof, Anderson, of Haleui, wa a splendid
I of Roaeburg schools demonstrated
houI or coiiscicnce, and cl.argoevcry ?uS SS w"l .i in
IteiuhuH circles sud louruala aa ilia,
cuased by Prof. Riulur. Hawthorne. Oil
interest Ui tbe limit of its endur
ance. It remains to lie seen wheth
er or not tho next legislature will
trucklo to tho railroads like its predecessors.
l'atronuo the street railway. It
is deserving of a liberal sunnort
from all.
Ad Inniiluratlou Kuterprlse.
Ait limn Ignition llourd has liecu
formed at Hirlnirlleld that haa for tlx
aim the development of this Hirtim of
bert, Keid aud other. Following tbi di
ouatioo a large number of subscription
were taaen lor tue uregou Hcuool Journal
lbe Opera Home wa filled to overflow
ing wbeu Huperiuteudeut MeElroy called
tbs meeting to order. Eugeue people man
ileal much intereat iu educational mailer.
Tlio tlixt uuiulx-r on the proKruninie
wan a Winn uy a mixed quartette.
A lad fun 1 1 the puliHe school, Julius
neiiwurzcniiu, recited, iileaing the
leaehera Very mueli.
ine urture, "Hoinething or Noth
l ho lllamettf valley liy emimragliiK lug," by Win. H. (llllK'rt, President of
too iaiwr enwa in niiuiij;ra(lon. ilm llie I'lillolnotll l'ollegt, was llatelied to
ini riiwu voiony organi.aiion now tiiroiiKiioiii with grvut Interest. The
inu urenenes in u muuisTor the Kitht- Profewsir Is nit orator ami knows bow
ertl state and is securing a large lo bold nil audieiuv eonipletelv.
iiieiiiia'rsliip. Its olijtrt la to aeeiire Iilstruiiiental iiiuhIc by Mlxa ltesnle
amnions lor colonies tlirotlglt Its hoard Haw vers.
of trtiHte, Valentine, J. Hlee, J. V, lvlutv, by Professor Kllx-rt X. Con
.Meumtoek aud J. U. Thoinpaoii, uf dlt, followed. The Professor tMik the
, ! W . proveri.lnl text, "Can a ruxb grow up
una laiani tuniiiL'U Its liiiinlK'nitio:i without inlrv"? President Condlt 1
npui, j. i. Jiojo, lias aeleehtl the ways lias aoiiiething to aay wortli
country about Kuirt iieand HprlugtUdd hearing, and tonight was no exception
.... ,un,i.rA-mi iu nrnve mioeiuie.
In May or Juno. The I'nlon lVilie A duet hy the Mismn Haw vers,
railroad company, will at lis own ex- A few remark l.y Suiieriiiteiident
is-iisc, print and diMrlhuto, MeKlroy, and a pretty Utile mimr hv
iinrty-nve-age aiiiplets, descriptive
of tlio towns and the nnounxn of the
Sit better location could lie nclvtcd
for a colony. Around Kugenc and
Hprlngllcld are abundance of couiiani
lively cheap land adapted to the etilti
vntlou of ivn-uls, frulla, veg tabh'a and
tho priKlucllon of Uvu utoik. The
waters of tho Willamette and Mc
Kenzle riven, and their trlliuUnies
ull'ord unlimited power foriiiaiiufacu
lug eiiU-rniia.. The inoiiiitaiiia are
covenil wltli a wealth of Hue Mr and
pine titula r of the bent qualities tlmt
kiii iii nine lie worked into urn .P
male quartette closed the evening.
The llrst subjeet, "(leogrupliv and
History," was Introduced by J. (1.
Htevenaoii, l.imc county, and diseua
niou by Prof. Higler, and K. H. 1 loll In-p-r,
SiiiaTlnteiiilcnt State Institute for
the blind, Salem, J. It. N. 1U-1I, the
hitler of whom eaustil mueli mirth es
riully when, Hunt. Held Inveigled
him Into the huge judge's chair of the
court room.
"High Kducutlon," a paper given by
Hupt. Um. K. ltussell, of l.iun county,
was llsteiieil to vt lth enat lin.,r.r
lies Cli, Flannel S
iii all Witter Dress Goods.
Theae sre no alielf worn atoek hut treih and
new, lamght for tbi winter' trade, and are all
dealmble gHMl. It la Mldom uch an oppor
tunity la ottered to buy good under value, aud
T, Q.HinnBiOKs.
Q U Patrtlf Td
entire recital
Miss Fniina Iioretz recited "Hobble
llreon" splendidly.
Aiioiiier piano duet was b veil then
hupt. h. H. llolllnger, of the Htate In
stitute Tor tho ltlind, was Introduced
and gave a lecture "Our Hoys What
( lood are They?" The profesHor cited
the aiiclent.custom of Home iu calling
liarticular attention to tlio Isiya. Much
laughter was caused by the picture
drawn showing the contents of a Isiy'a
pocket, stomach and mind. The
speaker also held tbe attention by the
reciting of scenes of what Isiys might
have Ikhu.
The violin nolo by MUs Louise Haw-
yer was goml.
Hecltatlon by Miss Wentworth, of
Lane county. "How Itulsdistein nlaveil
the Piano," pleased all.
1' mill) solo hv ItesM Sim vi. r
Miss Nettle HiK'tKvr. of t'orvnltls. re.
clt.Hl "Tbe HugleOall," In which much
skill was shown In the who of the bu
gle call.
Address, "The Public Hcbool," by
Pres. Campbell, of the stnte normal
school. Prof. Campliell Is a verv
bright sHaker and made a strong plea
for the public school.
Miss Sawyer irave niraln a violin
solo by sptH'lal reiiuest.
j. ik. iM'ii gave a snori sisirn
.....II oil. ..I ...t.l. r.... I 1 ii,.
Ir. Ims a bu . ,.,1 1, , ' mXZ M. .W .YOKK,
bin, always a wehnune gtu-st. llejjLANO, ORKOON.
made a splendid reference to tho naner, bill of aicban. .i,i :..- j
on "Drawing" irewnted at the eon- fP"lta rooeiyed ubjeot to check or certifi
cate ot depoail.
All collection ectruaed to' ua will receive
prcmpt attention.
Land Omce, at Roseburu, Oub )
Ilecember 3d, lKill. f
the following named settler haa filed
notice of his intention to make final proof in
unport nf hic'aiuiand that said froof will
ha mads before the Judge or County Clerk, of
i.ane county, uregon, at iugene, Uregoo, on
ftloncay, eb. Iu, ltw via: 1're-emntioo V
. No. (MHO. nf Jainea IL Mairneu. for th
Also large lino ouths Suits running NW J of NW J and lots 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 19,
I 'I'.. 1, U 1. 1
He names the following witnesaes to prove
hi continuous residence unon and cultivation
of aaid land vis. .lame 11. Bellman. Wm. T
Camnbell. John A. Ialiam. Carev Thomsnn of
n-u. .. i ..
iiioiueun, i.ane counvy. iregon.
JOHN II. SHUPE, Reglater.
. In order to reduce) my utoek before the Holi
day 1 have marked down all clothing lrom JO
ierueiiii niaraiug
$20 Suits $15
i6 " : 12
12 44 9
I nui now ollerlnii u:y
1 have a large stock of
from 14 io IS years at correspond
ingly low prices.
Children' Suit tmmfi to 1: year from It up.
Knee pant a conta per pair onward. Oier
cwl, liih Men and Hoys, Underwear etc., ill
eluded In llila aaie.
Land Orncg at RosgacRO, Ohroon, 1
December, 30, 18!U. f
the following named aettler haa tiled
notice of hi intention to make final nro-f in
upport of hi claim, and that aaid pnx.f will
be made before the Judge or County Clerk of
I.ane county, Uregon, at fcu,'ene, Oregon, on
Monday. Feb, 15, lS'.r.'. vis: Pre emi.tion V.
S. No. ti'.s.l'i. nf Jamea H. llelknan. for the
SE of N K J, lota 5, . 7, of Sec. 20, lot 2 of
aec. i, ip io s, jt o k.
He name the following witnesae to prove
nia cnniinunu reamence iitsm and cultivation
.,,blrokeeI','"0"tt', ,U l"" rl? Mutv ,UK'k "f "4iJ Ul"1, vU: Wm T- Uunpbell, John A
r ir ir -it TTXTl I '"'1,n '-'rey Thomson, Jamea R, Magnens,
of Thomson, Line county, Oregon.
JOHN H- SHUPE, Reglater.
First Ilaty hi
Of Eugene.
All IVflri Warranted lo Give Satisfaction'
Mtrous-Oxldo Oaa and local aniesthctlc for
Paid up Cash lanital 50.000 1
sn " s n. . - T. .' I
SUrDIUS Anil I'mntS. S3 I Ulm hepainle. extraction ol teeth.
- mmmjj isyvvwv I
Eugene City --Oregon.
muinu nanaing ouaiussa noi on reason-
IKFICE Over Matlock' tore, Eugene, Oregon
vetitlon tliis afteruiMin
KvenltiB senshui flowed with sotnr bv
A g r a
Which I will close out IIKI.OW COST.
Otlicr Shoe Wear at Away Down Trices.
$10,000. $10,000. $10,000
At Creswell, Oregon,
For the next sixty ilnys,
Dry kk, km, Boots and Shoes,
PuintM. Oils, Drupi. Hani ware, Tinwiuv, WMk'iivan', WullpniKT.
And evervthliia In the nuTt'liMitlijw lino u ill 1m aiihl t otwt until ikA nnriM ..-.,.1. - v
ro .rKlUTO, wheat oroat. 1 " "um ,v'-':"a
Call First and Secure Bargains.
In order In settle with Mr. William Tlflanv. vIiih tima i. i .
the above aalea. All li.dehle.iues must mUl imined a elv: ' mxnwJ w
a 'an ti ti r n
Something entirely new in the Carpet
Eugene, Oregon.
mid other wanufaeturtsl articles Mml ? '' uriHaan ut II.mhI IJiw.Una," ,y
utily lalsir to iiuinv wlllliiir haiuk ' 1 u'' of "P'l'c M-liis.k
It Is only qiktiion of .hurt time J. w I"""7L.
when aihlltionnl railrtat.l e.iin tiMia ,1',JI""I,'. ',Nllunn In Teaehltur,"
It is the sujicrinr of anything inaile in the Ingrain Oii iH'tlinc.
examine it at
wiilKivetliUiieetliin cheaiier fn-lhU'
bikI fann, ami (lenlinble iiiiiiatition
liixl eolliiiiunleatl.iii with the (avail
and other eetoii of thecoutitry. The
snn-ey for a railroad has Urn niaile to
r'l.m-iice at the mouth of the HIiihUw
river and gentlemen of ample means
connected with the enterprise plve the
amunturt- inai it will 1 limit. An
other railniad will erowi the niountaina
thnsjKli the Mid.lle f ork )nm giving
us a more direct communication w ith
tlieeaat The iwuml railroad win
neetions, a mild and benign eliniale
witli fertile Holla renders this sect loll of
Orejron mmt deairalile to the imml-jrrant.
il 2 t. in.
oHMied by Triiieipal Siruinn', and fob
iuni nj inner, j. if, ., tN,. to iuat niiieh mirth, and made
ax well some verv good laiinta. 1'n.f.
niniiehard's auhjirt wa enrrliil over
u in ii aiteriiiaiii.
Adj.Miriuil until
1 he flrxt tonic ua "laaik. In..
by l'rof. Conklliitf of Kiwbtirv, aiid
was very ably hatiilleil.
J. M. William JiaciiuaJ Ra.liti((," io
th several grade. IU aaaaoied Ibat the
word oielhod i the best and Ibat srripl
shonlj be B.ed eblirely st Aral ruing tbe
word on the blackboard from tbs orj
nielhod It ia easy to drift into th eeoWnr.
Wbea lbs swipt bscomet Uaihar taks op
We sr the peU that fivt harfaliu Iu
Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods.
Such as Neglipoo, Satoon and Woolen Slants, Dress Sliirts,
Uiulerware, Nockware, Socks, Etc.
Hats. Hatss -
The latest st;k sod shape.
Il.nk..h m i . . j
r k - 7 . ...... ... .u ,!,, mr
ai as um tbal rannot bs under sukL Com and
CapSe Caps
"' TT'rrlnlliio(mankrt. and rannl. dim! fnm Ih. S.l.m vol.
Opposite I'alTfMli; R,mk Srnrv.
sVJL tock of Htaple and f ancy Groceries.
oougni in um Mac saarasta
Caa offer thepoblk better prices
ott bouse
rrodncei of all kinds Ultra at market price.
Hoiilar riijsicinns.
For Elegant Homes You Want Ioth. ..... .
The University for the family, and a ('hoick Location
for your residence.
Lots are larf e, on a nice elevation and naturally well dralncO. Soil rich and WELL CULTIVATED
You eau mrroun.l jour home with
Call aud get prices and terms and have the property hown you.
Offioo, register Block, Kugcnc.
3 ii m i
8fBCIALTIE-Kldi.ev and
Oj moUtj and Obstetric.
Liver IlMUi,
(UTU'E at resident ea Olive atm-t briwei
91 h a id Mk Slrrru.
Tin and Granite Ware,
Etc., Etc.
'Jliiiiife Tin and Sheet Iron Work
" Stos and Ranges,
JACOB MITCHELL (0,1.1 Fellows P.uildin-), - EUCENE. CR.
Soli; ipnl for llie "Supfii