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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
u n JTLi 1 71 CITY ARD. IT it KSTiBLlMIEH FOB TH DISSEiiy.TIM OK DEMUII1TIC rSlXCirLES. AM TP MU H HONEST LIVING BT TBZSVE1T OF Oil BROW EUGENE, Oil., SATUIUUY. DECEMBEU 19. 1891. vOL 24 NO. 9 a. Jhf (Sug'fttf (City Guard. jPUHLISUED EVERY SATURDAY".) 1. L CAMPBELL, Publisher ant I'roiitit'tor. OKFICB-On tht East aid of Willamette treat, betwotu Seventh tod Eighth Streets. TKRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Vr aauntu ; is Month tirna mnntli $2 00 , 1.00 . .;s OUR ONL KATKH OB. A 13 V KKTIHING. Advertisement Inserted as follows: Out wpiart, ten lines or 1M out insertion 13: . ch inbtetpient insertion $L Ch tequirsd .U advaUC. Tiiot advtrtisen will be charged at tht ol luwitii ratee: t tat n'lar three month $H 00 (lot iirt tix muntbi 8 00 liio square out year 12 00 Transient notice in local oulumo, 20 yenta .,( r iiue lor etch insertion. Advertising hilli will bt rendered quarterly. Ail ib work must be rxii) run ox ikliviut. . CEO. B. 3 Ml 3 Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS of the Second Judicial District and in he Supreme Court of thit State. Social attention (riven to collection! and matter in probata A. O. WOODCOCK, Attorncy-at-Law, tCUOKNE CITY, - - - OREdOIi OFFICE Renins 7 4 8 McClaren Building. J-Speoial attention given to Collection and Probate business. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -DUNN'S BUILDING, Eugene, - rcjjon. E. O. POTTER, Attorn ey-at-Law, EUGENE. - - OREGON. Omct- Room in Conser't Block. GEO. M. MILLER " ttttcmoy and Ccnnssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY,' - OREGON. Office In Masonic Temple. Kuykcndall & Payton, Musicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drugstore. ATE. GALLAGHER, Attorney-at-Law. KUGENB CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Trobatt busincM and Abstract of Title, Orrioi Over Lane County Bank. J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. 0 DENTIST. Itagciie, Oregon. Dental Rooms Willamette Street, opposite Baker'. Hotel. DR. J. C. GRAY, QDENTIST- OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, opposite Guahd office. AU work warranted. 1 jmghing gai administered for painles ex traction of teeth. MOORE & LINN, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Coffin! and Casket! always on bund. Pre paring and Embalming Hod if. a Specialty. Niftht call! prompty attended. Residence, second house south of Metho dist Chdrch, Willamette street. B. F. DORMS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town property for tale, on eay terms. Prcjsrtr Seated aad Seats Collected. Tht Insurance Companies I represent art among tht Oldest aud niost Reliable, ami in tht Pmntrf aodEo.iiTABi.E adjustment of their raoes Staud SsooJin to Nose, A share of vmr patmoage is foliated. Umcs-UtuTsi.lL cHia. tacia, rar. w. 1. rrr, cawiiti THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITT. OREGON. PAID VP CAPITAL,. BL'UPLCS FUND .V),UO0 . lO.Otf) Transacts a general Unking bnaineaa. . Bos an or DiaxcToms: D B Dunn, F W Osbarn, J C t'barch, 8 U Yoran. J U Hodton. C Uwr. J E Davit. F. L. POSSON & SON, Bj far the lurgest dealers ou the Coast lu era ra Fe Trees, Fertilizers, Balfis, rqsbs, fl. I. RGQtsv Bee Supplies. We are Korthwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Grower and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON t SON, LINN UNDERTAKERS Furniture E. R Liickey&Co. DEALERS M DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. II. D. Cochran &Son, Real Estate Agents. Eiijrenc City, Oregon. Will ntirm.1 in onnnral Real Erttiitobosiues inch as bnying, selling, leasing and renting fnrmsaud citv iiropertv, etc. Office on south side of Ninth otreet. The Eugene Cigar Factory Kama .rmatnntlv nn hnnd the fineit brands Of home made, domestic, aud Key West cigars. Charge the lowest price lor cuow ing and smoking lolmcco. Soil at retiil and wholesale. University Bookslcre, McClarens Buildi n, (Opposite F. M. Wilkins' Dnn Ston.) Hai an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. fyOrders for Book and Sabscription to Newspapei and PoriodicaU promptly at tended to. Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Auk your drnggist for it J S. LUCKEY, CALEB IK Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc IleDamnir rromptiy iuecutcu. atf-AIIWork Uarranted.jW J. S. LU'JKKY E. Scliwarzs child, Prop. (Puccessiir to Geo. Cullier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL-PAPER A SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Orders by nail promptly attended ts. Ad drew Lock Box ll'J. hi Low Prices, AT GRESWELL From and afttr Felj. 1, 1891, my terms will be strictly cash. Prices Put Down to Bed rock. I will Not tie Undersold. "Highest market price Paid for Produce. If not all traded out will jay balance in Cash. J. H. Whiteaker, Creswell, Or. a p GARDEN MB 1 GRASS FLOWER y) 1 PORTLAND. OREGON. & SON, & EMBALMERS. Kt'ul Estate TraiiKtern. Kl'dKSE. Jiiiiics L Pniri1 to (Jcirst' HidiUc, 50x Kill Art on Olive Btnrt, in Skinner's mltlitlon; (l,riH. J. P. It-no et al to Maliudi Rmo, inter est in lots (I and 7. block, 1(1 of Mulliguu's donation; $1 and other valuable cousidtra tions. , J. K. Atherton to Armimlii A. Jcn kiiiH, lot 1 block 1) in (.'(illcgo 1 1 ill l'urk; JloO. COTTAOI 01IOC. O. V. Knox to thi TruHteos of tlie Firt C'liristiim Cluireli of Cottage Orovo, land; 100. COUXTKY. Win. Workninn to AtUlio Workman, acres in T 111 K 11.1 W; f liMH). Daniel P. Hliepherd to W. A. Cox, KM) acres in T 17 8 It 12 W; fX. I). J. (lover to Kvn Ii. (rtiver, 1.10 acres in T IS 8 It 4 W; f MMi. Allvrt HiiiiinoiiH et al to J. J. Pejiiot, land; fliii V. W. Harwhlmnror to William Dur grce, m acres in T HI 8 It 1 W; 4iK. Malinda Reno to Wni O Reno, et al, 239.3 acres in Tp 17 S, 11 C W; $1 and other consideration. U. S. to M. O. McCarty, ICO acre in Tp 17 H, R 6 Wj patent. JICHiiinplirt'yto LI) Forrest, 0-10 acres in Tp 1 H, It 7 W: $10. C IIii(rer to (ieo 8 Lailil, 2.30 ucrs in Tn 1!) 8, It 4 W; $1. V.Htate of J C Yntett, deccaseil, jht T (Ulemlricks to Morris nml L Lcvlin; er, acres in Tp 17 8, It 4 W; Styloo. Lonoi Elrction. Eugene Lodge No. 11, A. F. A. M.. will elect officers at the reg nlar meeting, Wedursday evening. Decem ber 18. It is expected that lion. John Wbiteakor will give some reniiuiscence of the early day of the Eugene lodge at that time. For diarrhna or summer complaint in any form there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Colic, Clmlera and Diar rbira Remedy, lira Nancy Berry, of Ad ams, Lawrence connty, Kentucky, say out dose cured her of an attack of diarrhoea. Two or three dose will cure any ordinaiy case. When reduced with water it is pleas ant to take. 25 and 60 cont bottle for sale by Osbarn Sc Delauo. E. E. BURLINCAME'S ASSAY OFFICE CHEMICAL O LABORATORY E.tatillitie d In Colorado. 1H. Basinles 07 mall 0. eipreu will rscelre rum aud careful siu-nuou Gold & Silver Bullion Kdd,'iV,aD; ill-Mi, 173C 1 mi Umut St, Bnm, Cola. Art on a tew principle PVslit tht Urer, tUnutrh and bowls through Ms Tw lf,,Mr Prt . Ijunklt am btlloasaest, orpld ltvtr tad etnstlpa- Una. BmallaM, iiliaMI, mreMI 0pdotf,2BoSk nsjnpint irm ai nruiftws. r. BJss let Uaarl, lai Ki.ldbyJ.II. ItKCKLKY. When Baby wai tick, wt gavt her Castorla. . Wntn tht wat a Child, she cried f or Castoria. Wbtn aba became Miss, tht eking to OasUria. Whan she had Children, the gaTt them Cattoci. Th9 tJelelrated Frencb Cora, It Sold o a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to rare any lorm o f ne nrous d i seaM oranf ditortlerof the t'oirauveor flirn Ol tlllKTSel. tieu-r tn'.ut fnitnthee.-e;v nwol MimHlaiiU. A FTTH TouacroorTiiim,ortriruuirn )cuiiiful ioliarr rJon, orer tndtjieiK, d-T . siir b as lmio( hrmia M, Kff iUvM.l'.fariDfdoirn falnslnll.t bak. Seminal Weaj ns. li r.tcria. Kerroxis hri truUm. S'lrtu-Tial Emiwions, lyiiorrb'ea, D s tlDeas, HVak Uvmnry. lymn of I'oweraod Imrv Iwj, whirb If nefflrtH often 14-a.ltii prtfrnarart eM an and lnaoitT. (Met tUA 1 box, boxct JurfO. pm It ma;l oiirwit.iof prr A HRIlTr.xi.i AKA.nrr. liriveofnr nenr'iU)on1rrr!iwl.i'ind t'.eriOnT If Ikrasseal en re Is not rlfrriiA. btt t!30WD'lsof tlnvpniais fr.m oid and yor:or, of both ntt.whrthart bei pniarirniT etir.d by the ow of AphrodiUn Cln-nlarlrc. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wasurnjuauca, ilux fuansb. Oa, Sold by E .R. LUCKEY A O., Dinut, E igent, (Jren. Dea ers Si 3 Bfrnor MONDAY, plV.U. l'.ugeue Euint Coi iny thit evening at7 D'ckHi;. , has drill Tbot. E. Ruscll,.wli I it eohtiued in the county jail, 11 oa the s.k lit, S, vrinl cases of ty ibnl 1 fuVnr icported In the norlheslcrn puit ft toon. ( Jim WooU. t Engeue, l caidi.lute tor Ut-h! .f lVuirvilie. "Capt. al. Allll!k '.d I.tiuilv n uiov- eJ to Albany ted.'.v A y oA tl.Kl .me. T. W. lllew h- lw -u K)tuintid niarxhal Ol Junction, vitv J. . Kuk, 'tvsigued Col. Isaaullntt'U.T. K. lixirv uiid 0. M. llurd loft lor I'Ur.-nce tins iiinriiing by the tinge. Mis Estella Stitc has nue to Albuny to pend a niontli or to ti-itiuj with tela' lives and The total taxable pro; rty in Union enmity as returned y llie ussesMir for ll Is fr,H7I,'.. ' Misa My Shanks, ho I'd the IrouU rec ntly at the Full Cr vk p-iaolliw, is sick wuu scarlet luvtr tt Qi-r fc'uie The blue tbtg iudicatiiijt ran thnt has d"ii ervire on the ltttKo'.arT at the City Hull It gutting somewuul IMten it. 1 If ciit'u MIiIl'Ii'V lias n't iii-ikiI fiiini Portland, wheri'lie lias I ceil working 111 a iilainng mill tor si'venl iiiontlis. (lovernor l'eunoyer bus refuHed to coin mute the dentil tu nteuce of Ming Ho, the ttmut rouuty ( hiuuuiiiu, nu ho will be banged January 0. The aveNge raiu f.ill in this section, for the month ol NovemlH'r for lie hit fifteen year ha been 3.9 J inches. This year the (nil has been enormous, 7 32 inches being the amount. Ed Went and Will Soreru, went to Cor vnllis this moruiiig 10 "uail up" a laive amouut of work liuished by Dyainger' factory for thu tortallis uisjon maiiulac lory building The name of one of the client cities of China, when literally trauluti',l, is ClirjKSf themum City, and Confucius, WO years tie lore Chrixt, noeaks of this UiKilu dower that the world makes tho mgo at this season of the year. T. W. Walker uropnaed unirritgo to Mix Julia Runiidiill, ot Ilepner, was re jected mid took eight ounces l eipinl parts, laudanum and cmupbor. lue caiuphor prevented the laudanum frnn aeconipiinh hilt it iutended mission, to hu cot nothing but a headache and a sick stomach. The Daily Miner of Tark City, Utah, of Nyv. 27, says: J. II. Ittumley, of Eu gene Or , is iu the I'ark for a ( w days, nlwking bunds with old friends and making himself well liked. Mr. liruuilcy is one of thohe pleasant geutleuicn froia the eitreiut northwest who Uud Irieuda wherever they 80, Tho ixistofllce (lciiartmeiit lias Issued orders that hereiifter circulars having; iiiivthlng priliteil on tlicm with 11 ruli- Iht stamp will nave to Ih juilil lor as Hrst-class mutter. TI10 order is passed on tho principle that tho stamp Is nothing more or less tiuin writing, from the fact tliut it is tixcd u.s alien and tho legenils it linxlilirs nro us iiidiviitual us those of u hmi. Jacksonville Times: Sun Francisco pur- lies are again in Southern Oregon lor the purpose of purchasing choice apple. As high ss $1 a boi for future delivery hat been paid. Big red apples alwnv tell the bit, aud our horticulturists nhould give this variety the preference when planting trees. There is a never failiug deuiaud for choice apples, by which we mean perfect apple of good i.a and tree from disease of any kind. There have been thus fur six damage suits on account of the Lake Labish disas ter brought against the Southern Paoillo Kailroad Company in which judgment have been obtained. These ease are: Hi-, las Leonard, 37.r0; Julius Kumli, flSOO; W. Johnson, S22.VI; John Kaub, 110,- 000; June Clsrk, (2000; Grace P. Isaac, $11,000. Two mors sum are yet pending sgainst the railroad company, brought by Dr. llammell aud wife, ol rtiiladelpul. Plaintiffs in the suit seek to recover jointly the turn of $U5,000. 80 far as now kuowu these ara all the suits for damage that will be brought. It is stated that the rail road com puny basaettled and compromised every cuse where persons have austuiiied (Unlives. First aud lust the Lake Labish 1 disaster has cost the coiupmy a large sum of money, Junction Times: A stranger who gavt his name at 8. M. Johnson is now serving time in the city bastile for "monkeying with a Run." A gun was Handing on the depot platform checked for Eugene. The stranger happened to notice it and picking 11 up, nourished it around rattier promiscu ously. . lie was cautioned by the owner to be careful as there might have been a little powder left in. The gun being a muzzle loader be borrowed a cap from a boy and hang the went like all unloaded gnn. Marshal mw took him in charge and Re corder liutler imposed a Hot of $10 Not having thstamout of catfa about hi clothe he was placed In the lock up. He will be credited with $100 for each day confine ment. Unless the city has woik he can do, ht will oomt out ahead after all. . "0 TOR PITCHER'S a Ctorla promotta DlgasrtliTn, and ovorcuuKa ihuuloue, ContiUon, Sour Htomsy-h, Diarrhoea, and Fereriahneaa, Thu the child it retxlurwd healthy and 1U sleep aaturaL Castoria contain no Morjiuiua or other narcotic property. " Oastorla Is so well Up4 to ehfUrea that I ranuiuoirnd ti at superior lo any prwrlpOuo kauwulntat " Jt A. Awutt, sLli., U FortlaDd A-., bruvklyu, N. T. " I w Castoria In my prartJet, and find U ptciaii adsptrd to afT.-rti.Kis of rhii.lron." A.IMX. knacimr, M. l ., l.r,T ltd Arc. Kew York. Ties Carrara Co, 77 Murray Bt, jr. T. 11 1 Will Cot fa ire (rove Item. Loader. Drc. 12. A nis.ipuradt ball will be given here Dec. 2Jlh. The citizens here have decided to have Christmas tree on Xmsa eve. she com iniltee on iieneral arraueetuetils arei J. IV Cutriu, lWm Hristow, O. F. Kuoi, J. A UeUMiu and O. II. Kline hheruisn'a opera bouse it tht place arlcctcd for the tree. Mr. Wru. Hemenway. father of ths three Hcuienwav brolhera here, and family, Mr. A. Lincoln, family and psreut". als.i re Is lives, strive,! here Tue.dsy from There were niue persons la all, ami they will make Cottage Urove their future home. Thos. Allm commenced cr.i.lii ir the street in front of bis busiuess l.n ll.lini;-" en Main street. Friday. It would be a very good idea for others to follow his etsiuple while the yrouud is soft, and can Im ploaed without difficulty. The streets Uccd a grrut deal of work to place them on a ftr 04 sis. Willie, the 5-yesr-old ton of H. Thoin. son. had a verv oainful and severe aivl.lent Thursday uiorulngi He wss playing with tome other small boys on tun nriiiw" "e twmn Chrismau't and Eakln & lliistow'i aud fell from the center bauister between th walk and the toad mstaiuiug the above iniurv. lie is rrstins rar now aud will soon be around agalu. The new Christian church recently eoni pit ted and fitted throughout lu a very neat and amininriate strle. wss dcdldUd last Snndav. Rev. David Wettvll of Portland preached two excellent sermons to Isrge 1 1 h I j.i n,.l auu appreciaioo smnrm. au appeal to the nublio (or contributions to pay i ff the ohiiroh debt and the generous people respouded with au appropriation of nlHilit JiUXI, leaving in ennrrn ir imiu all inciiiubrances. Qn ite a large uuuilwr of rusmla from Euifeiie aud Dram were In al teudsnre, while the total attendance num bered about JM persons. Fire Alarm. ' Dally (iuard, live. 1'.'. At 11 :.'( a. m. today n lire nlarni was soimdiil bv the larL-u Is ll. The entire leiuirtnient turned out in siilenillil time. I lie lire iiiinarattls Udng attitehed to wagons ami hauled to the hooiio of the tire. The lire proved to W in W. L. Dyslnger's dry kiln In tho rear or 1.1 . 1 ...III I u'nu luirrilntr .ill 1 1.. lirlskly, hut had not yet broken through Ills llllllllllir mill llii'i tw- tii walls of tho huihlinir. 1 In isiys went to work, one 1 lie of hose Ih'IIIKUI- tuchod to the hydrant nt the emer of Fifth and Lawrence stns'ls ami the other from t tie corner or Mllamette and Fifth. In a few minutes the lire was entirely siushied. nlthotigli, ll was hard to get ut. The daniago to Mr. Pyslngcr will prolmhly not amount to over $H". If thu tin- had started at night, it large lln would certainly have Ihh-ii tho result. Kugone Is Justly proud of her fire depurtment. 81ie lias 0110 of the liest ill Oregon. Thu water company furnished exivllent, power. liftter List. December ll.t A nderson, Harold Allen, HI. , Ahlrteh, UlssEU Ayers, Kitwam Heck, Win linker Lawrence llarker. Miss Minnie Marlon, (Ire nbvrry llleiiiiuons, Mrs Coy, Charles0 l oiicaiiiiiiii, 1 hot iniran, J J Kilinlatou, ieo Kdmlii.ton, Geo I. llarrlMiu.A U liordon, Albert llemlrles. (ieo llall, J K Hies. A K Mown. Sola Joliinum, A N Keilcms, l.ulu hulluius, Mr I' K heniii'l, Mlu Tresa Kyle, Anluleola l.ymsn, Clara ' McCanu, t'has Martin, Slllla A Maltian, Herman Miller, May Melan, Miss Jeunlt Poller, Mary P Kasalll, Mary K lteel, Miss Mollle - ,1 . I.,, f kiL.,11.... i, 1 Saiitlierland, J Stevens, Win II Stevens, Mrs Jane Taylor, F W Van Seoy, J II Wallace, C II Wslton.'WW Walker.t'ella 2 Williams, llr A R WiskI, Ansel n niiraser, ncrtiia A charte of one cunt will lie made nn each letter given out. Persons esllliif for letters will please say when aurertlsoi. aun.MA naniiuuHn, r. i. Howell Acquitted. From (llstiatclicM wo learn that John (I. Howell, son-in-law of Oeoruo Del- shaw, was ncqtilttcil Dee. 1 1 Lit of thu crime of killing It. 8. t olvln, a news- piicr puiillsher of Oiikltind, t aliroriilu. A daughU'r of Mr. Howell's hail been IK'rws'Uted liy tlie victim of tho Mllniy, and the father was set free) on thu grounds of self defense. A Fmai. Haloor KiKpaa. Balem Statesman: Recently the titatesman made mention of the fact that the ownership of a Hnlein saloon was vetted in a Halein woman. The following letter vtrbutlm et epellalim, was received by tht Btatesuisn Monday aud atteoiptt to txplain itttlf. The laloon in cpiestion, however, i owned by a Halem lemale "lady is not the word : "Al edi tor of the Statesman pleas let Die call your attention to a little Item that coul.i out in youre psper last week aboa a cirten lady in this tonn being the sole oner of a taloone, now Mr. editer pies let me say that dose tht one that rote the etira, Wish to slander the lady, or does be no What h i laying lhate it no lady In Halem ho owns a sloon or any interest in one such talk is frauds and oogbt to be corrected by one bo note, citezen of Bslem." Kuit Commenced. Joseph Thelmer has sued his wife Anna Tliciiner, for the sum of (1,5H). Thclmcr claim that lie i simple minded and tliut his wife threatened him with Imprison ment and thereby couiicllcd him to sign a deed Ut the i-csldeiicu property ou Seventh street. The suit Is brought lv T. J. Oelslcr, a Portland lawyer, flic truth of the mutter Is that Thelmer sH'nds hi s iimiui for "n il liquor" and has been stipporU-d by Ills wife ami children for years. Ho I t lu.y to work. He could not procure an at torney In Kugeiio where hu Is known. Qcrrs Lakj. The Ocbooo Review it disposed to brag a little. It say that Crook county is faal rotuiny lo tht front at t place of great production. The latest pro duction of importance is a pair of twins born to the wife of llarue Poller, of bkpiiw creek, on November 22d. a girl and a boy, whose aggregate weight ia 15 pounds. Whera't another county in the stale In at c id beat it ? A $.'(no,(sHt Estimate. In tho Secre tary of YVur's reairt to congress of B propriatioti that should le rnutlv for (he wisulng year, Siasluw bar aud liar Ur is put dowc for tHXi,(X)0. A Ri tTLia.-Tbe Dally Albany Demo crat of December 10th, tayt thai "HusnfT Nolaod. is one of tht biggest rustlert in bit offl'-e in Oregon," Correct you art, broth i r Democrat. MtaairD. In Lane county. Oregon, Decniber, lS'Jl. by Rev. 8. E Milan, J. D. FoosLesand Ruth Aret, all of Laut coun'y, Oregon. Coninilssloners' Court. AI.UiWA.M'M. W F Reed, " 1 00 K P llendi r.son, J P 1 H-'i ( W Kinaey, J P i7 ( "m lariner, jury meal 3 &' uihletlx r j ,V hmiiip. Court House Supplies G 65 i L l'sge, jail supplies 'J 20 t'rnner A liluir, J ill hauliug 2 7o C II llelsbiiw, supervisor tt 00 A Vt l'alleisou, esamiuation teacher 1.) 00 Atlliiista Pultersou, 15 00 15 00 Ida I'atter.on, " S W Condon, ixumiue iuaane... W Kiiyketidsll " ' ., II F McCoitnick ' .. 8 W Condon, Dtst. Altoruey.... H 11 Loomis Maggie McMurrr Nancy Stowell U.itlio Stowdl . 5 00 . 6 ISJ . 5 00 ,4'JO M . 28 NO . 4 20 . 4 20 2 20 ' 4 At this limn the court ordered a warrant drawu iu favor o( L. N. Roney lor work on l.Hlle t all Creek briilge In the sum ol IM 1' L ('rail, cougar w.ilp 2 IHI E HchwartitchiU, stationery Ill f7 tilass At Prudhume U 00 ItcvMvr, 1'iiuliiig 17 60 P J Roweriiniu, J P 2 00 E C .Mnrlin, Countable 2 10 K P llsnderson, J P. 4 30 P J ltoweriuan, J P 3 :t A J Pickaid, witness 1 70 (ieo Fisher, " 1 70 Alex Davis, ... 170 It llviiian. " 1 70 E l'llenderson. J P 7 10 P Cnmegv, juror 1 00 (leo Fisher, juror 1 00 It Henderson, " 1 00 llllarns, " 1 00 F A llrowti. ' 1 00 I urniHliiiig modieiil atUndatit6 to pau pers aud criminal: Dr. L. W. Drown given contract fo furnish tuedieinea aud attendance ou all pauiiera in Kngene aud person con II tied iu county jail from Dwo. 10, lMUtolVo.10, lSO'J, at the tun of $1.1 per month. At tin tune it ta ordered by the Court t It tit an allowance of 9$ per month lie allowed for upsirt of O. W. Clnrno, anid nniouut to bo expended by Mr. Knowloa, of Hcnton. At this time it ia ordered that n war- f nut bo drawn in favor of W. H. Miller to be expended hy him toward the auPDort of Mrs. MeCullister, a county ohargo. ALLOWANCR9. J L 1'ngo, Rttppliea for pauper. , .$1(1 70 James rarvtu, " " ... O IMI KOKrausHo, " ...160 Portland Hospital, keeping pauper 30 20 Frank Harrington, supplies 12 oo 8 IK) 4 (X) H IK) 20 IN) 10 00 15 00 I, l'Hciirlirouuh, " " W 8 Miller. " " CIihi Orosser, keeping " Wm lloKiirt, Henry Wortbley, W 11 Rowland, medical attendance on luitiiiera Perkins, iiipplioa for paupers., YV 11 KunolT, kwping ot " Mr L J Hill, " M " 10 !)7 4.1 00 S3 00 11 70 Vi 00 8 00 J 1) Howard, iitpplios for " Auu Wilmott,, keeping paupore.... )arwin Dristow, .... Mrs Lou Pingrii, suppliea for pan- IierHH 10 00 10 00 8 00 80 00 (I :io 4(1 AO 7 60 A D llylaud, supplies for paupers. WSMillor, " " M Oeo 1', Lyue, work on bridge W 11 Kiiuolr, lumlier for liridgo. . . YV D l'engru, work ou bridge EHl'eugra, " 1) Dniiniiiu. " 14 DO 0 2 10 60 Eugene Lumber Company, lumber for bridges w Jus M (Joldors, lumber for bridges 17 Kl "14 (X) , " " 5 84 " " 81) 00 l)Kitiu, " " F L Chuuibors, powder, tools, eta fur roads 11 70 D P Powers, viewer 5 (X) A YVheolor, nails for roods 11 82 YV O Spencer, gravel for roads. ... 881 A YVheolor, lumber for roads 5 82 1) M Parkeson, gravel for roads, . . 0 00 VV J Dingo, juror 28 00 David Thompson, juror. 28 (X) 27 00 28 40 Jus Uuddleetou, " , Jatne Sears, , Wm Driskill, " . 27 00 28 40 Oeo YVhitmitt " . Ell Perkins, ' juror,... 20 00 1 F Kirk, C F lluojphrev ' . . 27 CO 20 CO It liolhronk, " .... Hen Cleck, " Wm. Htowart, 11 20 20 28 00 25 40 30 80 6 40 2 20 2 20 8 20 2 20 87 00 25 80 2(1 00 25 40 20 80 20 40 28 00 28 40 8 20 8 20 8 20 8 20 a 20 J no Addison, " Henry Matthew, "... . Khellon Jenkins, 11 E It Hollenlieck, " 0 W Jtolwrts, " Ellia WhatUui, " Frank Jackson, " 0 A MoMaboD " .... John Hellers, OeoMuiitb, " Henry Oate "... . John Jenkins ' OeoNeet, " OWOuiley, " ATrsil.r " OenHollsnd " MMcCoi.ull John Biown, ' "... . UHFIsk. " , oaiSD JOtT WITNSSHU. J C Pr. l ie 18 60 TMHoiiilton 2 20 Cba Cochran .; t 3 CO F A Ot lehell 2 20 Henry Kissinger 2 20 A Sharpies 2 20 Nsncy Miowell 4 20 Maggie McMurray 4 20 Noble Km iker 18 20 Dan KiMiton 20 20 Lou Ft tir 3 00 W W Coobrtn a 20 WR Walker, clerk 3K4 30 A J Keeiiey, gravel 31 02 John Holland, 6KH Jos Kerkup, witness 1 80 Faunio Sniitu, " 1 25 Jaa Prasure, M 1 30 N UO'iilln, " 1 10 Jessie Mo Lice, " 120 Mtthloit Curter, '. 1 15 Musoti Warner, M 1 25 U 8 ilyhiud, cotiimiesioner 15 00 Jas Purk. r, " 1100 At thii time it is ordered by the Court that a wi.irant be drawn in favor ot Peter Weaver ', r rebuts on tax ot 85X2. A J Job:, .ou, cnyot scalp 6 00 Oeo V i'.erunrd, stationery 25 50 OIhss Ai I'rtnlhome K5 H U Kioc.iid, printing. Otlliri), W 11 i',ts!,iy, witness... Chus K YVise, " ... Frank .'.Ll-s, " ... LO 1u.Kwortby " ... Oeo W " " ... A.ll.o " ... AJ " " ... W ii I'usley, " ... Fr .ii. Miles, ... CV.iu I. YVise, " 4 60 W 10 6 50 0 60 5 60 ' 6 50 5 50. 6 60 5 60 1 70 I 70 1 70 Jiitiu Holland 14 Shelioa Jenkins, (1 F Croner, (1 W Kiusey, -O W Langwortliy " Addie " -Jamea " " 1 70 1 70 CIih Kissinger, roufltuble , 40 75 A E Wheeler, preiwnt owner list. CM 20 Utigeue Light Co, light 24 60 A Sharpies, fxuiiiiiuiig insane.... 6 00 J Smiley, " " .... 5 00 F W Prentice, " .... 5 00 SWCVindou, " " .... 6 00 T W Harris, - .... 5 00 K O Potter, district attorney 25 ( Mrs F Harrison, reporter 80 00 Steve Jones, bailiff..., V A tletcholl. - .... 11 Vaiiifluin. viewer... 80 00 30 00 6 30 G 40 8 10 JHPaxton, " J It West, W II Dunn, surveyor 20 00 (Irani Yaughan, cluiitiman. 4 10 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 J Alisirehouso, " O W Vnnglin, " M H BootL marker 8 ltimaell, At this time tho court ordered a war- rant drawn in favor of P J MoPheraon. for service a aBHoaaor, in part, 200. JierK directed to issue a warrant to the sheriff commanding him to make oollexi. tion of all delinquent taxes due the county. A w l"ttersou, school supt 60 00 it Scott, for Daunor. 1(100 Mr llowlsby, for pauper 12 00 1) II Heminwav, witness. 12 40 L O Iuman, M 11 10 ! S Lnokey. treaaurcr 41 00 H Hoott, judiw 68 85 YV K Holdridire. Daunersunnliea. 7 05 J M Tetlrow, witness. 1120 Al U Tedrow, 11 20 Claim for Lnban Hundora for rebate on tox was continued for the terra. Dill of Marion Nelson was continued for the term. J K Nolond,Blieriff 418 59 II P Hunnioutt. J P 6 00 Sam Mel lee, witness 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 15 1 25 1 20 Maggie Luokey. " AHOiheou, " It N Onllln, Jno Kiasenirer. " Ellen MoBee, " , DR. 8HAMDR00K DiAwSED. That In the Report which Cornea From KellotreM. Dally Uuard, Deo. li Itoanncao. Dee. 11 A renort that Dr. J. 0. Hhirubrook was drowned in the Umn- ona at Kellogg, reached here last night. The first new of the occurrence was a tele gram to the doctor' father-in-law, John 1- reyer, who wt in this oity His mother, Mr. Qtorge Bhambrook. of UmDaaa Ferrv. and her daughter, Martha, wtre also in Koseburg, and on receiving the sad new the former took the overland train at mid night for Oakland and the latter returned home this morning. The telegram they re ceived gave no particular, and the only authentlo new we are able to give ia the louowing uispatcn: Oakland, Or., Dec. 10. Dr. Shanibrook on Tuesday crossed the river to see a pa tient, and started to return home at 3 d. m., and np to 5 o'clock yesterday evening neither himself or boat had been found. He crossed the river near tht old Kellogg place, aud It was very high and rapid. A paity hunted for lilin all day yesterday and more will go lo Oakland today. sodt axcoviacD. Rosiuono, Dee. 12. The body of Dr. Shanibrook has been found close to the bank near tht place where be was drowned. Mrs. Spauldliif Pleads Guilty. The taysi Portland Telegram of Thursday This afttrnoon Emma Bpanlding was brought in tb Uunited Btatej court for ar raignment. Dvfendaut i charged with having written aud sent obaoene letters) through the mail. These letters were ad dressed to a young woman who lives at Eu gene. One of the letter abounds in dis gusting and obscene language directed against and applied to the woman who 1 unfortunately the object ot the writer's malice. There is a strong impression that the Bpanlding woman i of unsound mind, and that greatly mitigates tb degree ot ber oriminal responsibility. On being arraigned defendant entered a plea ot guilty. A brief statement wat mad by Mr. Loo.kwood, as sistant district attorney, regarding tb case, tending to lessen the measure of the defen dant's responsibilty under the law. On tht recommendation made, Judge Deady sentenced th woman to pay a tine of 9100. It wat alto ordered that action ot the sen tence be tuspended for three day nntil th defendant could communicate With ber friend at Eogtn. ELECTION CONTEST. The Recent City Election of Junction to be Contested. We understand that the citv election held In Junction recently will betaken Into the courts and contested by tho "outs." The grounds for tho contest will be that the judges of the election refused to receive ballota of those who puid no taxes, the charter of said city making such provisions, claiming that said portion of the charter la contrary to tho constitution of the sUtte, Attorneys Walton & Skinworth have been retained by the "outs" and Attor ney L. Hilyeu by tho "Ins." . Dam Waahed. Out. bally Guard, Dec. 11. Mr. J. 0. Ooodale. of the Cobnrg sawmill, experienced a considerable loss Wednesday night ubout 11 o'clock by th central part of his mill dam, about CO feet wide, washing out. The mill had lust Inithed sawing th order for the new bridge of the Ortgonian Railway across the Calapoola at Browns ville. It will cost several butdred dollars to make the necessary repairs which will be delayed nntil a lower etagt of water. In the meantime Mr. Goodale will get an en gine from tbt Eugen Iron Work and con nect it with one already in nse at the mill thus (tearing power to contina work. No log were lost, they being stcartd by a strong boom above the dam. VeiiyIll. J. B. Rhlnohart, Friday morning, received letter from his brother, J. O. ICliitnhart, who Is at San Diego, Cal., bearlm; tho news that his wife was lying very sick, and her lifo had been despaired of. Shippiso. The Eugene planing mills each shipped a carload of material away Deo. day, one going to Bodavili and the other la Junction. Eugene's basisee men art con tinually reaching oat for foreign batines. This k th correct idea. Tau Nones. All vehicle belonging to the fitm have the namt of "Croner ft Blair" painted on tame. If yon want hauling don in flrtt claaa style give them a call. i u 70 70 70 70