The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 12, 1891, Image 5

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fc ;aV
Florence Mote.
TbsWest. D. 4.
u.-uts ere being mult (or a onion
t true in the Presbyterian charch,
, oo Coristina ev.
. im of new tolldlng won to b
in t'lonow that of a no larg two-
.uuuiu hall eata no small figure.
iiui-bingof tbe flrt government
bi(h took place last Saturday
another rod letter day (or Flurenos.
Uu givn oat (rom nioet relie
rc that Florence will won b
i on of the line of tbe Writern
k ;;raph Company.
. . . rr j I ti i a T?
l ie Mien eloar through thamaelvee
" in su slmost impossibility to travel
" a. Aaida (rom iba mud Iba rain In
alua baa ao awolUn tbe streams
a it dangerous fording many of
9 ou!t necessary to innff tbe oan
mora time. ' Arrangement are
i, in wbiob Geo. M. Miller Is tbe
';;alnr, to establish an electrio
i'o Florence. Oar bniineaa men
to nta a infflcient number of
,rrnt tbe pnabing of tbe project
j oomplelion. It ia proposed to
dynamo in tbe Cline aaw mill at
.nt, where tbe asm engine mat
mill daring tbe day will be utilized
of generating electricity (or tbe
f out beautiful oity by night.
jlak-el IIpplfa.
November 9, 1690.
ft'jnder if Candle heara the rain?
in Wiodom waa in Eogene last week.
quite a lot of
I'tmtn are setting oat
Ure tbi winter.
fared at J. L Stewart' last week,
j All parties doing nicely.
n Hporee and wife of llobiwk were
Saturday night and Banday.
kin are diminishing in number and
aiders bave been replenished in tbii
ttiol late.
m way tbe wlud blew last Thursday we
thforswbile tbal tne tau-ena oi i
hi blizzard bad struck us.
iu Pearl Darelln. wbo be been teach
J E iool near Junction City cam borne, ber acbool being out.
fcrK abed near tbe oburch which was
I to drive nnaer during ine rainy aea-
m blown down last Thursday, also
aer of tree tell across the road bat
I ifcme most all been removed.
Wallis Union Organized.
HiDLrrvrxLi. Or.. Deo. 7, '91
rroiGoiaD: On the first of this
b I addressed the oitizen of Wallis
p Cosst Fork, ana organizea warn
with stitoen charter members. It
!ied all tbe lime I was in that neighbor
On tbe 28th of November at Coaat
Orange hall tbey bad a publio discus-
bn the Sub Treaaurv bill and 1 waa
ad to defend the aame: after the diaous
the sense ot the bouse was taken and
all voted for tbe bill eioenl one. On
J Id it. I am invited to help defend tbe
it tbe Union school bouse on Long
audon the 17ih at tbe Willamette
ige hall In Benton county. The poo-
e wakening. JT. II. Niohswahdeb,
County utganizer.
.een Military H Cases.
itlakd. Or., Deo. 7. In the United
circuit court Judge Ueady today ten
I two desisiona. The first waa in
lass of tbe government againat tbe
is Military Boad Company et al. Tbe
cgt of the court were in tavor of tbe
and the motion to aet aside tbe order
jasinit the case waa denied. In the
Bd cam, that of tbe Oregon Central Mil'
i Boad Company et al., tbe findings of
aourl were also in (avor of tbe plea. 8o
1 tbe question of plea is oonoerned, the
liona have settled that point. These
I will be taken to tbe court of appeala
elifornia and will doubtleas be curried
j at supreme court of tbe United States
' dual adjudication.
1j) Twlc Blown Down.
to Banter Bros, and John Biiralow
Eugene are contractors for tbe
dine of C. P church at
kville In Linn county. They
ithe frame up and most of the
to and BhinKleg on when
r-ry wind Dec 8 blew It down,
ty put on more men and
i cut the frame un again
Dday, the 7th, when the wind
In leveled it to the ground. They
aot propose to give up and are tack-
f it lot the third time.
The Alfeaar Election.
Ibaky. Or., Dec. 7. The city elec-
wag held today in a furious rain
I windstorm, which prevented a full
i of the city being polled. There
682 votes cast. J. L. CoWan
pi., waa re-elected mayor, over J. W,
I Ick rep., by 119 majority. The fol
lug are the other ofticere elected
J. llenton ren.. recorder: J. N,
I Jhian dem., marehal; E. A. Parker,
,', treasurer: councilmen, nrei wara
H. HtewRrt, dem.; second ward
trleu Pfelffur, dem.j third ward, J
!rnnam, rep.
Electlwai at Salem.
Alem, Or., Dec. 7. The city eloc-
I today was a repuuiiean victory.
V. Hunt was elected alderman in
first ward, Oeorge Collins and Eber
pre in the second, u. u. nuiion in
I fourth, and Colonel Olmsted
(the third. In the first,
It waa elected over John Gray by a ma
ty of one and in the second. Collins over
tolston DaTia bv ona majority. A email
was polled on aooountot tne storm.
Carpet Weaving.
hraona duelling earnet weaving done
Vt apply either at the office of tbe Lane
" a'.j Land and loan uo., or ai my rwi
h in Fraaier k Hy land's addition
BU WUUmette btreet.
J H. Wbjxib,
1 Prune Treee for Sale.
,'have 1.B00 Italian prune trees for
0t at the nursery of 8. F. Kerus, near
" fi'lig. at nnm.
W. D. McOhek.
A Dialorve.
IThere goes Annie Rooney."
o Friendly'a to buy carpet."
. C All do ifnxa. Texaa. June 6. 1891.'
n bit nmn narafisal knowledge I can
ommeDd Chsmberlain'i Colic, Cholera
I Ciarrhm Rmadv (or erampB in the
. fcAS!h- aIm trm fti&rrhoa and flol. It
Ibeatmediemel have ever en need
lUie best selling, as it alwava gives aat
. rtion A K. BnimanX. SS and M
f botllea (or aale by Osburn DeUno
t hirn tt HnrtntrflM OrPffOD. Dec.
Ihui .ni imi Mcpherson, aged
ltfiT. rihe was a sister of tbe late
fc. McPhenwn. The funeral will take
at the Mulkey cemetery tomor-
V at 1 o'clock. Missouri papers wiu
tte copy.
'' llvnTin Th hIm af the SinalaW
stem Eilway have been removed to tbe
bd floor of tbe Hovey block.
Ifoixowii Watih Piik'i. Jiwexar
SrsoTiOLM ajfD Musta
Day t Ilenderion.
Canvas aboas at 0. E. K's.
Walton ft Bkipworth, Lawyers.
Oo to 0. E. Krauaue for foot weir.
Call on Caswell for sidewalk lumber.
Rubber bottom shoes at 0. E. Krauaae'e.
Sheet music at Patterson t Christian's.
9th St.
Mooev to loan on farms. Enaoira of J udn
Walton. .
Bee the nw atrles of Oik fuan i-i v.
Day Henderson's.
Hot and cold baths every day in the week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Ctrpeta, carpets, alt new styles for rpriug
trade at Day i Hmderson'a.
For fine suits made to order and ready
made clothing, go to Ed Hanson.
Bee the new invoice of oak furniture, all
new patterns at Day & Henderson's.
21 dollars will bay a solid, antique, oak
bed room set at Day t Hen lemon's.
(5.000 worth of ladies' shoes to be sold at
or below coat. J. D. Matlock.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole atrency (or all
brands of the celebrated Tansil Punch Cigar
Remember that Hanson k Son bave the
beat selected stock of clothing in town.
Bring your old scran cast iron to tbe Eu
gene Iron Foundry where yon can dispose
of it.
Eugene Flour (1.35 per sack. The En-
gens Flouring mills make the best quality
of roller miU flour.
If von are cettine too old for your spec
tacles, or if tbey do not exactly auit yon take
them to Watt and have new lenses nit a.
Best line of clash sod light weight cloth
wrapt (rom 10 to 35 dollars sooth of Port
land, now on exhibition at a. v. reiors.
Dr. O. W. Biddle may be (ound at hit
residence on Olive street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets one block west of tbe Minne
sots Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the best manner.
Tbe best family remedy is undoubtedly
Pfnnder's Oregon Blood runner, liarm
less, it sooomplitihes reliet where many otn
er medicines (sil to do. It may be safely
given to tbe infant ss well as tbe adult.
Peddlers are like tbe Irishman's den. nnd
often irresponsible, mj buy so organ of
reputable house, aud tbut will not (alt to
nieces with the first dump weather. Call
and see Hollowsy's.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford ties at O. E. K's.
Fountain pent at Watts'.
OvergaitersatO. E. K's.
Job work at the fluiu office.
Tennis goods at 0. E. K's.
We lead others follow. O. E. K.
Wigwam slippers at 0. E. Krausee's.
Russet shoes at 0. E. K's.
Qo to Smith k Hall to sell your wool.
Oo to Qoldsmitb't and get prices on bacon
and lard.
Beletto Flash Jackets only 10 dollars at A
, Peters.'
Men's patent leather shoes at O. E.
Blank deeds and mortgages (or sale ot the
Guard office.
Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi
country produce.
Forest City Dongola shoes only f I &U s
pair at A. V. Fetert.'
Bemember the (1 60 Dongola shoe, good
value for (J, at A. V. Fetors'.
The best assortment of children's shoes
will be found at 0. b. Krausae a.
When wantins a nice tie or anything in
the furnishing line go to J. uoua.
Blank notices far the location of quarts
mines (or aale at the Guard othce.
For all kind f farming implements call
on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth btreet.
Screen windows and doors, gloss, sash and
doors at Bioalow k Kibspitbick
Mt entire stock 10 per cent, discount for
Cash. J, D. AlATIiOCK,
II vou want to buy a magnificent organ
from $30 to $75 cheaper than peddlers can
sell you, go to W. Uollowsy.
W. Hollowav has lust received a consign
ment of new organs, without doubt tbe tin
ant toned instruments ever brought here,
Call and see them.
A larse assortment of wall paper lust re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it. .
Waktbd. 100,000 lbs. of good Willamette
valley wool. bhith at hall.
Gensine Sorgum at Goldsmith's.
Central Book Store on Ninth street.
QoU pens, best, at Eugene Book Store.
Butterick patterns Eogene Book Store.
Go tt T. Brown's for clotures and look-
i i
tug KiaiHra.
O.K. Hurd.of Florence, want to Port
land lUs morning.
ArtUlo Xmas cards and novelties at En-
gene lbok Store.
from At Billy's. They are low and good.
Albas, plush, lestber, wooden and oio-
ized ilrer goods at Eagene Book Store.
Caret sewine done on ahort notin and
aud siitfaction guaranteed, at T. Brown's.
Chr Marx has reduced the mlna nf ahi. I
l . i- -l .Z . r
lug , ui soup io io cents.
Cherry, David
rK.iMni.n nit
8ubibe for magazines and newspaper Cooner. Martha" W
at fcugoe liook Store. Coleman, i B .
Buyur holid.y good, across the .tree! coh"
meaner. r..
Dunn, F B. .
Douglas k Levinser
Edmunson, E Estate
Lugene Water Co
Edward-, 8 H
Edwards, T D....
Friendly, 8 U..
The), p. B. R. naid ita emnlovea thru r.iitLi.' i k
mnnll.k..b ... -....-,..,
v. iwunjr. i uoodale, i U.
r.VChauase. editor nf tha fV,tt I Horn. J if
uroveader, was ia town todsy. Holt, S D.
M hi V l-sliv nt ).. (VH,m noil, b
Leacli font-, ts vlalMno- Viumno Huddleston, 8 A
' . . ' . I )
m ' UUI11I. niLUIUBI UUUlHin I in MTm
tendais upon the circuit court at Boae-
i . . .
iiit uiri. wuiuows filmtir tnu-n nna
being Led with goods for the hollduv Hovey, A G
iiovev. iinmuDreT.t
A mie orchard of 10 acres, n.-ar ?y, ueien t
Vnniwer. Wash., has been aolil fur
1 lets frames made to order at T.
What If It?
TVat rmdncea that beautifully soft com-
nleiion and leaves no traces o( its applica
tion or injurious effects? TheanBwer, Wis
dom's Bobertine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounced by ladies o( teste and refine
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Warranted hannleos and
matchless. F. M. WUkins, agent, Eugene
Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctloueer.
When you want your goods, houauhold
f..rnitnr or land aold at auction, call oi
Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and mont suo-
.U.1 nntinnmr in liana onuii. wiu
.tt.nil to all tale on a reasonable com
nTk.n ..nllno nainnterf Work BO tO E.W
Aohison 4 Co., who are prepared to furnish
-n k;nA. at lowest Di-icee for first-class work.
On, Portland eemeut walls for enclosing
cemetery lota are the finest yet put upon
tbe market, ana are iuroisueu .iu.
Ike cost of itone. Call and see our beauti
., a. Wmterlv eranites and best
j.. f T.rmnnt marble. Offices at Al
vraumvi , .
bsny, Eugene and Roseburg.
Very Respectfully Tours,
E. W. Aobiubom k Co
Sheep Inspectors Kotlce.
All persons in Lane county owning scab
l ...t,n with other dis-
Js, are hereby notified that said sheep
must be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill
said diaeaae, forthwith. ......
Any person tsiliog to comply with this no
tice willbe liable to bave his sheep dipped
by the Inspector at asia perauu. .
Take nonce aou a
Dated June 6, 1M91.
Geo. FtsBa, Sheep Inspector,
The cheapest place to bay your builders
hardware, tinware, glass, rope, and all kinds
of machine oil, c.. ia ai
Vaicdiubcbo k Ksapt-,
. Matonio Building,
Oo to tba Depot lambM
lumber. Andrew will not
tvu r ,
b undersold.
FABMtB, Arriimos. All kind o( ma
chine oils at bed rocs pncea
Va.iubcbo Karr s.
Call a Halt-That tired languid teeling
mean that your aystem is in a aUte to in-
j;.-A Wrichfa Compound Ex-
.' .i CMaarilU ia what Too need at
Obo to expefimporities o( the blood and
tai Id JOB up. BOia DV aai
. - -
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. WUkins, th drnggist,
liir. -Wiadom's Bobertine (or the
complexion, the most elegant and only really
harmlea preparation of It kind in the
world, and giving a beautiful picture eard
with every ooiue.
Wt publish today a list of person and
firm who ar asseaaed on tbe 1801 roll for
f 10,000 and over. They number 79:
Armitage, O and 8 J tl7,l 0
olair, e r and L 0 l'J.400
Bailey, John 10,340
busbnell.J A and & E 17,'AHJ
Bond, Allen 10.M5
Busbnell, J 0 and i II 1J.1W5
Balfour, Gnthrie k Co 4SI.2O0
Bank, t iral National 30,000
Conser, Mrs E 31,515
Howe, N AW.,
Hsdley, HO...
Harpole, J W..
Hill, H N
Jenning, Bell.
Jarvis Conklin Trust Co ..
Kelley, John.
Lackey, E K..
T . m Ph..
Tlutiinrd of Trade lneetlnir hut eve-1 LombaM Investment' Ca"
nitiK vi not held, for the want of a Matthews, A
quoru. Miller, Geo M
Eug Book Store opposite the Regiiler f, bJf'D !'!d
Matlock, J D
Mallory, Rutin
Meek, Sam'l Estate
McClung, J H
Nolaiid, PC
Pattison, B bt
Patterson. Edri kCo ..
Sharpies, A
Stewart, John
Stewart, E
Bladden. H E
Boverus, Geo.
Smith, Wm
Soott, W J J
Sunford, Ja.. ,
Sternberg & Benders
Bmith, Mary A E ,
Bbelton. Jas W
Buelton, T W and Ada
Vanduyne, Isaao
Wallis, M ,
Walker, Mrs MJ
Waiibburne, C W
Felt k Cherrr. Eichth street, aell oele.
bratedaudard horse food and medicine,
nay aueed oi all kinds.
Ob auina, just go aud see those nice
books the Niuth Streot Hook Store.
Doluul dolls and dolls nt RauniV
All kils of dolls. The largest assort-
nieiu xne city.
Railid lantern and all other kinds (rom
25 cts.u Extra globes aud burners of all
sinus. I c. Ia. Cbambkb.
Perl C'lwtile sIiIdimhI five dozen
drcsMciild ducks to Portland this
niornl lie killed them yesterduy.
ner extras of all kinds. No
churgur repulrine.
Albuand scrap books until further
orders, the Central Niuth Street Book
Store, i
lltui botiKht his holidny stock
direct d his stock is so large you are I Ward, G R
assuruf bottom prices.
a nuer oi telegraph and electrio wire
were bn down last evening. Tbe aro
lights not turned on nntil nearly 10
Agn Aura I Acra carnets at
FrienrV. It will take but little of
your It to examine them.
Fecef all kinds dullvcrcd by the
WUkins, M J and A..
Whitney, C E
Young, 0 W
Zamwalt, A J
C SO Land Co
. 21.UJ5
. 1J.307
.. 1I.SO0
. 10,000
. 2M&
. .'2,310
. 13.020
. 13,770
. 12,030
. 14,050
. 12'625
. 21Si0
. 16
. 16,555
. 14.780
. 13,665
. 10,575
. 22,535
. 10,550
. 13.655
. 30,000
, 11,600
. 10,880
, 18,835
, 11,635
, 10,740
. 13,765
, 72.200
, 13.450
, 11.1S3
, 11.165
, 13,705
Eugi'douriiiK mills fn of charge to slowly
Tbe river ia at a 14-foot ttage, and raising
any jwof the city.
Ed Baum's is the place to buy your
Con4d see what I am going to give Christmas toys.
Ducks are reported plentiful -lulendid
weather (or them.
It dellirhts a net-son's heart In vlnur
Buum's Christmas stock.
Any kind of presents for rich sirld
poor, large or small, at ISaum's.
Mrs. W. Hollowav will shortly lesvs on a
visit to her old home in tbe East. -
Ask your drusnists (or Nature's (look and
Receipt book. Try Nature' Catarrh Rem.
Plush toilet sets, albums and thoua-
turcrt Is likely, however, that amis of other Christmas presents at
Lunelity booths M ill be manufao- Baum's.
From our exohsnges we learn that enow
prevails in nearly all th towns of Eastern
The streets of Euirene looked vprv
1 sorely top desolute lust niirht without tl.n
tomeu arc light.
grand male chorus Hon. E. P. Coleman ba nnrohaied the
away (atmas eve.,
I Ninth Stbebt Book Stobi
Capt L. Packard is still confined to
his roijfter a ticknesa of several weeks.
The Can's friends, of whom be ha
many,l for hi early recovery.
I ca! afford to "sell out at cost."
The okestnut ia oraoked; but I am sell
ing as 'as anyone can and live; come, and
see, J. W. Ciibibtian.
Bttii election booths are belnt ro-
ceiveff tne county, trom manutuc-
A yi man who went to church with
the mer's dangbter, became very indig
uant Use the minister took the follow'
ing ti "My daughter
uientatb a devil,"
Contd hear Ihe grand male chorus
Walklphn by that celebrated Bussisn Coborg butcher shop. He is packing a
oompvKoskanonovitchvonnnonsuch a u'uol oi por
sung te Glee boys.
Pold Telegram, Deo. 7: The case
of United Htatcsvs. Emma Snauld
lug, etei lorsenuing oucscne mat
ter tlgh the mails, was to have
been J toduy, but waa carried over.
owiimio pa-ss oi juaiciai matter.
Yiill And even-thlnir In tovs or
7. . . . -aft " . 7m
lioiiiirewiiu at ai liaum's. You
nceillo further.
Twtoma girls, sisters, nnmnl ITerm
sen, id and 14, were driven from their
bomineir father because tbey osed
iboirhigs to purchase clothe (or them
selvit soon afterward (ound other em
ploys Then the (ather wanted them
bacMbey would not go.
J. Wxon and wife left this morn
lug foodburn and will probably
Icx-utumt enterprising town. Mr,
DixdH been in Eugene for a con-
sideilength of time, and enjoys
the ft of the people. He may ac
cept sitioti as the Wood burn agent
of Jurveruu & u.
Geo. N. Frazer bnllt a dvnamoaoma time
sinoe for Goodale's Coburg sawmill, and it
now putting np a twelve-inch turbine wheel
to run it.
The northbound overland train did
not arrive here today until 8 o'clock.
on account of a slide in the Siskiyou
HR EVI"Tlt:i.
Wllloughhy, dentist. "
Pumpa, pip and gas fitting at Miller
D. Linn k Son, furniture and nndertak
Cook stove from f 1.50 to $00 at Miller
k long s, Vth street.
Kir assortment of hardware at Miller
Oats bought and stored by the Eugene
aiming uo.
Miller k Long I th cheapest place for
stove and tinware.
Genuine Sorghum made In Southern Ore
gon at Goldsmith's.
Koen saTinc over to yourself. "I can eel
naraware at aimer Long t."
Th best buacrr mads for the money, ia F.
ai. vnamoer tu pleasure wsgons.
Attention Fanners. Call on Miller A
Long for btoves, Tin and Hardware,
Owner of (arms desirous of tensnls call
on the Eugene Improvement Co., Register
For choice Spencer Butt nursery spple.
pear tree, Ac, writ to Orville Phelps, Eu-
Why! ! Sleen on th floor when ti
win boy a double txdstcad at Dar A Lion
i :
uerson a.
Carpenter and contractors will sav mon
ey by getting tinning and plumbiug from
Miller k Loug.
Tinmnir. n umbins and lob work of
all kinds done cheap and on short notice at
aimer lying.
Miller & Lous are sole asenta tor the net
ebrated Gold Coin and Gordon Stoves and
lunges in Eugene.
Remember that the Enoene Mil lino Co
Is buying oats, and storing them also. Lib
eral prices offered.
Ax Billy the reduotious on
staple arti-
Cheap for cash only, Ax Billy.
Ed. Bauni, clothier.
Ax Billy tbe price on tinware.
Don't pass by D. Linn k Son's furniture
store without examining their fine new line
oi furniture Just received.
Oak bed room sets and all other kinds of
furniture, shades and carpet at Day &
TI 1 I . .
ueuueroon s, coesper man ever.
If you want a suit of ololhes or a Pair of
pantaloon go to Davis, the tailor. He guar
antees saiisioctinn ana low pricex.
Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without
seeder, beat and lowest price in the market
t . h. ClIAUlllCBS.
unver un Hied Mow. a so Ulltors new
steel plow warranted to scour in any soil.
Walking, Sulkv or Gans Plowa and anr
,ki ..... " 7 .. '.
uiuh ruu ueeu 10 cultivate tue ground
with. F. L. CuAMusia.
For watches, docks, silverware aud lew.
elry go to Hollowsy's. All new good and
W. Hollowsy's stock i aaain eomnlete
ith the newest novelties of th season.
rices ar tbe lowest.
There are no file on Hollowav or flv
tpeck on bis goods. They are all brand
new and the prices are liks ths ooods. Call
and sue hi watches, docks and silverware,
Eugene flour at Henderson's.
Allmtiy Hour at IleuderNoti's.
Medford flour at Henderson's.
Junction flour at Henderson's. .
You pays your nionev and vou fjikes
your choice.
Wildwood axes, cross cut saws, weduns
and sledge. ,
F. L. Chambkbs.
Buum's toy department contains tho
largest assortment this side of Han
Tbe Lawrence (Kansas) Record, a re
publican paper, hs the blue. It say:
'The red flag is the harvest sown by tbe
McKinley bill. There is scarcely a county in
Kansas today that could not be carried b "'
dose union ot democrat and peopl;,::;.
m.n.ealn.t ,.pabliT. TI& aatta by
left for tbe fsrmer but the nrivi., J.i.i if,
Ingthe tsxe thegovernmentpiniuim are as vuluulilu
nui iur iue ueueut oi invet nouiitl oVBU-rs
The farmers deserve eaus'
?'.Bli1l,l0M riKh!, suffice It at the reeldeno of
I' V"J Yealer. Third and J tines streets,
ed for relief uswer,Vasli.
of drunken aoclajuiutious and preeorlptioni absolute
of a policy wbiw.
more for the lend fur free book explaining th His to
ed classes." letto systeni.
Caption. The Hlsuigenetio Medicines
ilow the AssesHinciit Koll of lll'Jl
compares with that of 11)1)0.
AtHossor McPberson completed the at.
sessmeut roll for In'JI, Monday. W
publi.h the summary of the rolls fur lH'.H
and IN'.K), below, for coniparisnn. The as
sessor fuund this yesr 210,361 acres more of
lend Ibsn last year. Tbe direct cause of
this Isrgs gain in acreage was on account of
tbe abatrecl procured by the county. There
is an increase in tbe value of town lots of
(111,412. A slight increase is noticesble
In mortgages, but a decline in improve
ment. The number of cattle. shecD and
swine hsve decreased, while ths horse and
malet tbow an increase. Merchandise and
implement! and household furniture, eto
show a healthy increase. Tbe tstslil
property shows an increase of 852,V15,
which is a good showing: the iudubtotlnesa
na increased r, j'ji.b'jj.
total roa 1801.
Acres ot land, iv.i,u'j, average
per acre, f3.55 3.826.2.'W
Mortgsges 063.723
Town lots 1,3I1,725
Improvements t. 2l2,6iiO
Merchandise snd Implements... 611,812
Money, Notes, Aocouuts, etc.... 663.624
Household luruiture, tarrisges,
Watches, etc 287,233
Horses snd Mules, 6663, Average
value, 15 46 302.KH7
Cuttle, 22,331) 2i'J,6uO
(average value f 11.17)
Sheep, 17,650 31,700
(average value f 1.80)
Bwine, 0,400 19,121
(average value, (2.03)
Gross 8.318.424
Indebtedness l,QIN,i jj
Exemptions 616,08
Total taxable
Number of polls
Acres of Kind, 4
Morlgsgt-s , . . .
Town lots
mproveuieiiU ,
MrrchsndiKe and Implements.
Money, notes, aocouuts, eto...
Household furniture, eto
Horses and Mults, (1,011
Cstlle, 22,063
Sheep, 2I,3(S'J
Swiue, 0171....,
Exemptions 655,321
,.tl 871,790
.. 027,712
.. :W,313
.. 328.081
, . 4C(l,3;iO
. . S2tl,667
. . 2.V.,03.
. 289,1)118
.. 0,882,3;
Total taxable ...
Number of polls.
Klrcmcn's Election.
Considerable interest wss tnken in ths
fire department electiou Mondsy, al
though a full vote was nut polletl. The
following wss the result:
emir INlllNKB.
Sherman Heller
rsou Mutthews
Majority g
Iufoi-matioii Wanted.
Comuiliwloucrs' Court.
Commissioner' Court met at th Court
House in Eugene, Wednesday morning,
December 0, lhOl.
Present Judge Scott, Commissioner
Parker and Uyland, Sheriff Nolaod and
Clerk Walker.
The following butineu was transacted:
At this time lbs court ordered that a war.
rant for (21.60 be drawn in favor of Daniel
Test, for rebate on tax. A Iso a warrant in
favor of 0. U. Sanders (or M.S0 (or rebate
on tax.
Tbe Colter road: continued (or the term.
The Florence and North Fork read! eon-
tinned for the term. -
Court accepted the resignation of P.
Howerman. Justice of the Paarw for
Springfield Precinot.
Al. V . Bee was appointed Justice of tha
Peaee (or TbnrstoD precinot, vie Benjamin
F. Kutsell, M. I)., resigned.
The court appointed C. M. Dority. Jna.
tic of the Peace (or Springfield Precinot,
vice Howerman, resigned. '
Boad District No. 7 established with
boundaries as following: Beginning at tha
corner of Bece. 23, 24, 25 ami 2(1, in Town
ship 18 T. B 8 W, being the N E corner of
Boad District No. 95, run thence east along
south boundary of District No. 80 and 92 to
west boundary of Dist. No. 00, theno 8
to corner to Sec 7, 12, 13 and 18, Tp. 19
S, 117 W; thonoe wost to Siuslaw river,
thence down aaid river to 8 E corner of
Dist. No. 85, thence north to place of begin
'I'l... I. tr i.
. Jirmeiiwiiy runu: jonn jiail
ey. 11. C. Perkins and C. VVldmer ap
fluted viewers and C. M. Collier,
surveyor, to meet Dec. 17, ISM.
TheM. 11, 8cott road; rond Icstiibllsh
ed iw viewed and surveyed, and 8ujer
visum eiiipowenni io open tne same (or
In the matter of tho California A.
Oregon Lund Co.; petition of company
mr rvmiic oi nix. it antH-arimr hv
vltlelliv tiled hen-Ill that a consider.
iililo (xirtlon of wild IiiiiiIh hud Uvn
wrongfully asweKmtl, It Is ordered by
the court that tho sheriff receive frnin
mild company tho sum of (.liJ In full
mynient ror all taxes duo Tor the year
SMI and Ihniic a receipt for tho mme In
In the matter of road croNsimrs over
the Orvgonlun railroad track; ai-ocptcd
on said line U-tween Coburg and
Probate Court.
Supposed to hsve ban ei.tlneil I mm hi.
home Thursday, November 26, by a man
selling glassware oement, Uarley 0. Miller,
iged eleven years, red balr. had on a new
ult of dark plaid clothes, knee pants,
black velrot hat. black atookinua. Otfnr,l
fhoe. Any iuformati-i"ply. "d reliet
whereabout . -WAired lliat insiilunis diwsw
fully reoeivtidflimption, ur it. Ask your Druggist for
PetiWIi-1 SIIHjOH'S CURE, Price lo ct., o cts. and
inciipa- tl.oo. If your Lungs are sort or lack lame,
or muter- usa ohiluh forout Hauler, nice t cts.
iney ure
The following nroccedlinni wero hnd
u probate court this week.
UtiarillailHllin of mlnnr lulm nf C. if.
Van HIiht: llivnse to sell real estate
A. II. toon eslute; final aiount
filed. Feb. 1, lWHI set for liearlmr said
J. V. Yates CHtnlc: snil-utiniiul c
omit filed and confirmation of real ro
.11. H. Wills-r estate! (lnnl tlbnuiit
matlciind adiulnlstmtor ordered dla
ImrgiHl on filing receipt of heirs.
Adoption Of Lena Mnv niul Afnev
'iLstlenmn by P. F. Castlemnn. tlieli'
tun. II. Park estate; order authorl'
ing iitlinlnlHtrutor to sell real estate.
Will of Henrv Coolhl
probate nnd Hurrlet Coolldge appoint-
I-jttato of E. F. Stlli-s; order of clta-
tiunrd allHhln of (Un. C.
Idiot: order to sell real property.
rotate of It. J. re.""X Inwiiie- nnloi
a..ll I Vaara. '
I'iJp, l irf tt n)r umt. l'ul
from ner
J ur
El, .WhS
. .
jbt to be
Tho sewer has ben of nartlal benellt
relieving a part of Willamette. 7th. 8th L-.
and Uth streets of tho larire amount of .
surface water during tho storm of thehe brown.
lasi iew uuys. Aiu TOu can
A civil cats j beins tried before Jnati. tbs people
Kinsey this afternoon, when we go to pre
wherein J. M. William is plaintiff an In tbe nit and
N. Bunch is defendsnt. The amonn'aud looked sol
volvsd is 30. rould (eel sorry
One hundred and twenty-nine nerso P1"1" tor th,ir
wheat stored in tbe Boio mill, h York Eveuing
burned, making an average loas of oi
ty or seventy bushels. Charle J.
lust the greatest amount 621 bush" Kdlu"-
Persons wishing fresh patrr,,0,! UT
horses will apply to J. M. Hl r Plr w
MMi Straw on the 11 'k. ' & Z?-
stn-M-ps down the dust in summer A r irRVTrs in tboss days,
aud ,to the depth of the mud In T """ o three or (our In the
the v, unless the streets are prop- , , troucn is now pnp tbelr wlu & MlM
crlvrd thrown up in the center Kve k-ssona In painting, at , had to be paid, and
.'. . . .1 , . . florid, haut UtU ulmul uiu. . ... '
wittSKi siope io me gutters, wnicn i , "77.,"-' y night it wasorun
havti nougli to carry oH tho rains. " .y?" .. ""sd to wait (or a good
icn-uunjr 111 V lieu UJ Uill Bill WSgOS.
her work. ... o,rolli.
A Bazls Dell oorresnondent nm never intended to
of tbe 2d, write: Snow (ell to ttbe time came when
of three inches last night E. V. debt Increased,
will commence to gather hi cattle, 'he sbariff was sent
row (rom tbe North Fork, a distancclatt. bearinr of it.
will bhed by a amall force a lb mun lc" 10 ln, meun'in. d unbeid it, and
weattrrmitt unless It become too A lodge or A. O. U. W. was tuirs, ui omy n-
storutbich case It will be postponed ized at Hums recently by Urandeo the sheriff got
tillir There are aeveral alley yet to turer Whltmore with twenty (uuud tbeediUs-
menibera. Our old friend and f e'K"" c,0
townsman H. A. Dillard was e- BrUtt said:
master workman of the new lodg- M T m
Oo Bosebnrs firm burned nearly " . .
000 brick this year, and will carry on" vy.-raiau
000 for next season. Tbey think lbs
building prospect is brighter than ev.
fore, and are figuring already
quite a number of business bouse (or- w,u k"0""
year. uowuif story id
Kfiitlutlra aav that XI ra-p .n i.l vm: Juat
men who engage in busiiieHS fail to (
carry off the rains.
Wliius made and strewed the ideal
sumuid winter street are made.
Bog Beview: The sewer work is
draw a oloae. Foreman Holden and
bia iteams returned to Eugene thit
week! tbe men exoept those hying in
town been diacbsrged, and the work
seweiSlOOO will be reserved as a
of ical fund.
Centook Store On Ninth Street.
Jo thing I here will mention
whicbe sure to attract your attention:
Callils. call bells, picture frame,
bistoarmonicai, and humorous game,
recalls, rubber band for sling shot.
Inks.nd. index and whatnot, station
ery, ana and good toys, tablet, tid-
died th prid ot th boy. I I
anr (ill please you, so com and
look uns by the score and any sued
book picks In a bios plusb eaae.
i J W. Cbbistlui,
ti street. Bemember th place.
been out for a
tbe maa wbo
til, bow did tbe
ceed; and yet there are people v
i . a . ui. ruiw nio lauaw
imagine wiat every time iney imj ' .
dollar's worth of goods they are vUV.'ZZz: .Iz
ed to the extent of 25 cents by i 'SIZH
mpn-hanta ' goTimea,
8aleni Journal: Tliere were nmrHm. t
at Albany on Dec. 7, 1801, at the resi-t 0 eccU4.
dence of and by Itev. H. (i. Irvine, D. , tb fltb
Tiartc-r, TKa Pk A r ilnvw.n
c-a-e InmiH-tHl yesterday by tbe V.1" my ofnsULn"uniy,
Mil Ith muntv f rent oollrt. . UvU,.u.i.ihiuiu, iiichiu-
1'nrtlanHrsav.r "Tl Aniimon- Pte 'ft on t"e trahl for their fu-
IWi blulLerr raw mvlved ita ture ""'" me niouniains, nrwl
d.-atCin the sUte circuit court win io visit relatives.
TupiwIistrk-t-Attonipy Htephen Albany Herald: Falern thorougli-
statea conviction could not be lares must r in a tern tile cnnuitlon
A deli wry wagon becme so Udly
mired down In the "pavement" last
Halurday that It was Impomibie to get
out and tbe horse were unhitched and
the woods distributed by a boy chartrr-
tn lor me occasion. Albany's street
had itase of Anderson, and at
his ile the Indictment against
him wdIshhL
Ei.sf aiob Pendletoa htld its an
nual Uu ilonaav. Jobs C. Leaa-
are, at Lane county boy, wa tltcted I are ld enough, but this goes Us one
Burets cast. cil. ' uetter.
valued at
or Deaf
Vt aacra
f' Many
v. Lour-
are sold in but one agency in eanh town.
Tbe laliel around the bottle hears the fol
lowing Inscrin"'-." " Dr. J. Kiigene J
dan, HiiUiKtiiii-uuiledlr.liie." Every other
devloe Is a fraud.
"The coining man "Is the fellow who boldt
your uol.
For thront diseases and coughs use
"(frouVt Hronrkial Troekfi." Pric. ii
cents. Hold only in botti.
They sre telling some big insks lories about
the Ki-i-U'X treatment.
Tsv Oeimba for breakfast.
Of all klnils sml in sny qiiantlty whnlw
aale snd retail at bedrock prices.
OB Front Street, Portland, Or.
1 Bend for catalogue. '
plug M;
Milcli.-st, purest
smoking tobacco made,
not bite the tongue. Mastin
gives more solid comfort in one
package than you can get out
of a dozen others. F'ackrd in
canvas pouches.
J.,B. IVe Tolaceo Co., Richmond, Virginia.
CAMP H6MfgTrA0tft;T(
csets va aarriow or
San Franc I oo Examiner.
If Jim aara elaiai nf anf aarrtel wbaunarar
aesJoM Ua t'siiad Stava f.--mroaol a4
wlak u apaamir aJuOK-ataS, adOnas
ail I Maai, a. w. Wasklaasaa, It. 9.
or of sil ail'liiioii to ona'a lllnurr, di-nmii-a
snd uwriilni-M will Iw louml iKiiiilmiril n
1 5 f WEBSTER'S gS
v y s
0 X '
'Ian yaari rsvlsln. Ui sdllora emphnreil.
Cntii-sl sisnilnalhin Infllail. Cat hs last.
H.1I1I hy all KmiiMllni. I'amplilri Irra.
. A C. MIRRIAM k CO., Hprln.ll-1,1, Mm..
The Greatest Temperance Book
AVJ m.
I in mr use Sales
I ,ra,
i-nl wsiitsd every
vlii-ie oprvlollMes
wrli-m r BecuMiiry For
leniM anil lerrltury ad
nrM, 4 Stvast & ( .,
1170 Market Hlreet, Hsu
KrsiiclKii, Csl
Asents lo suit the
"Ufi- of Pamell"
eiiuuliiliis a iilor
aa aaaaa rnpliy of W. F..
illailaloiie. 1 he imwl imMilsr ami brat selllns
tynik now olTun-d. I'mliisxly llliiairsted. AsenU
areinaklnir over 110 per -fliiy. Apply iilli-k (or
terrtuiry. ( an itipply any book ptibilalml. leu
lion thla Mir.
San Vranniaeu. t'allfurnla.
!(j r WTniaite pi to roar Saysoa myKlertne Oorsau
l L I an1 HM-lalilH. 1W par eanl proSt anil i-ar-Mm.
Sample rrea. llf.Hnilaman HmadwaT.N V
uvtxirt aud
Want sn asent In every tow
IukUiii ana Mslio to sell
PIANOS and OT11'
On itiuimlMluii. Ni, SUK'k or csula.
Mualc UuM-hers prefermi
foods. Write Iur psrtluulan.
Special ralSa.
wHULsaaLa sue sictail
Plumbsri' InS Inalnssrs' luspHss, Hind
SnS Stasm Puiapl. Iran Flpe. Rams, Pips
Covsrlnf, Lukrlcstsrs.Wttsr Motors, Fsns
nt Vsntilsttrt, Calk .
Write ror prltw.
(Vmlrai-toti on taaallnf and Taatllallo
builitlnss. KtllniaU-a rurulaliwl.
71 Morrlaon Strwwt, Portland, Or.
box tog.-
laeae Harssr Lima. Fsrtlsss Csswnt. Bal
San Oale snd Utsk Flaatsr, Hair, Fir Brisk
nFrr0ls. lN0 FlAltaR.
M MeHh Front ItrMt, Cor. D,
OH CAUKOHNI A nrvatilsfkil wH A-U, f7,.
41 lUti. lit pitt tlm- trnnUilm, ;i,;6,7am li.
ln of Ih nil). mM'PfMf'ut itrw liiHitmiH'tt rin.iHir
niM of thf Mt. Hulii-tu kh hiHintM up m Ita
rrpiilntlitii for fwill'lity. EtfvnrHll tirtaJiMK. nhiuii
fj)iif4iruiil ftiid pnmini piiyiurnl nf tirt to.
AKt'iiU At bJI irtnrlul tMiliiln. Oftlcw t'nmwirj
htiildlnf. PurllAixl.Ur. U B Himh. MiiMir Ninth
wn4tii iN-purdiiv-nt; Arthur wi,Mt.( hVy; Jim,
V. H. Wfb.wr, t'suhlfr. . H. Wtwm. elx.aj Al.
fin I iCILll Wt want th Mint and 4
drtmot trety iUiTertf in th
D, QTIIF1 A U.S.nd CaivadA. AMrtm.
Suns, Rifles, Sporting- Goods 'and Fishing- Tackle. Caririte
fieroy Purkt, Diirk Palla, flaylNK CaHi, Indian riiitw, BoxlriST (ilnvea. Poker Chlf. THee snd Dice
Hoses, r'nraa, Ctiw-kera. tX'aT llars, Money hviu, Canvas dora, Alhlrlii-, Thrslrlral
snd ityiunaalum Oonda, TlKbU, lireaae I'aliiU, ilsaks, Foils,
172-174 Third, 65 Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon.
0'8 REMEDY FOR CATAR1UI. lU-st. Kaai. p'
est to use. t'brspest. Relief is linmeilitte. A t 1
is certain. For Gild In the Head it has no equal. 1
cure I
It 1 ao Ointment, of which s small particle is applied
to th nostrils. Price Mc. Pold by druggists or sent bj
Biall. Address: K. T. IIaxfltimb, Warren, Fa.
3uy Tour On Goods il Tour Dealer Bess M Carry Then.
j . . "rtwtw-
t and Chwapwst In th World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wasns,Plfp.
Cbemlral Firs Inline snd EttUrnlahei
Siarkimllh Drills and Fora ea. Buttles, Su
tfsrkluary. Humps ni sit kinds, Unas tamli
Beiuns snd H'M, Vireni-lww, Lnbn-atln
, Fin Hoaa snd Department Hnpplles, Steam tsnndp
a, rips anil ritllnsa. llHn'w-k in.olrmUira, Marina worl
Oils, rbun-h, Srhooi and Fare, Bel-a, Kn(tnesaud B.Hera.
nm-iM-k rmUira, Marina Mora
irrlas. SDrlns snd fcjrreaa Wajroua. tha iaraai aaaoitiaaui
M Carta In Portland. Dwa.ars, writ tor prlota. For furttaar laionnasloa oall on er addiwae
L T. WEi!IT, h: t M::u Strtst, P23TUS3, CI