nn GENE G AM j kstjBlisueii for the ikseiidtio!. ofdeiocritic rmxcirLES. and to kiss n honest litim bt toe sweat of on brow VOL 24 EUGENE, Oil., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1891. NO. 8. Zlt &ugt&f City Guard. i POBUSHED EVERY SATURDAY. 1 LI CAMPBELL, I'tibllaUcr tud Proprietor. OfFICE-On tbEat til of WMtjietU Street, between Stereo to and Eighth Streets. TERMS OF BU BSCRIPTIOX. I'vr snnmu 12 00 Sii Month -. LOO I time mouth 75 ooaoNLi KA.TE4 OB ADVKRTISINO A dvertlK'ineot Inserted a follows! One snuara. tea line or lew one Ineertioo 13; (ch iubeiueot ioMTtiop $L Cash required ii edveno. Time advertiser will be charged at the ol- unriai rates! Due Miliar three month M 09 (t souare six month 8 00 Or square une rear U 00 Transient notice Id local oolumn, 30 ewti i . i li'i tnr each Insertion. ' Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. A ,! iob work tniut be FAID roi OK nn.rviHT. CEO. B. D3R3I3 Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. wTrriLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS II of the Second Judicial inline anu , . r k -I u. Special attention given to collection and patten in D rotate A. 0. WOODCOCK ' Attorner-at-Law, tirjaENE city, OREfiOli OFFICE-Remns 78 McClaren Building. a-rflpeoial attention given to Collection and Probate businesa. c XV OUYIUUUI IT e VWilUAll. ATTORNEY- ATLAW, -DUNN'S BUILDINQ, Eeizciic. - - Orcson. ry ' E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE. - - OREGON. Omci-Room In Conser'i Block. CEO. M. MILLER Ltfsxnoy' ani CcunsaUor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. O (lice In Maaonio Temple. Kuykcndall & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. ATE. GALLAGHER, Attorncy-at-LaWe ' EUGENE CITY -5 OREGON. Special attention given to Probate buiinea and Abstract of Title. Orrios Over Lane County Bank. J. S. WALTER. M. D. S. DENTIST. Hugciic, Oregon. Dental Room Willamette Street, oppoiU Baker' Hotel. DR. J. 0. GRAY, QDENTIST- OFFICE. UPSTAIRS! IN YOUNG'S block, opposite Uuabd office. AU wort warranted. . , , I.anhinf gaa administered for painles ex traction ot teeth. MOOBE St LINN, UEDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Coffin and Casket alwey oo hand. Pre paring and Embalming Bodie a Specialty. Night call prompty attended. Residence, second house aouth ot Metho dUt Church, Willamette street. B. F. DORMS, I DURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE lanna, Improved and Unimproved lows, property for eale, on eay tonne. Prcporty Eented and Eenta Collected, The Insurance Companiee I repreaent are among the Oldest and moat Reliable, an1 in the P bom ft andEflcrtABLa adjustment of tbetr HUM. iTIAJiU vmw - A. hare of y-mr patronage is soucitect. O(5o B.F.DORRIS. cbas. wn, pmt. w. " caamii THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITY. OREGON. PAID UP CAPITAL, blliPLCS FCKD 10,M' Transacts s general banking bueineaa. BoiiDor DraicToaa: E Dunn, F W Oaborn, I C Church, 8 H oraa, i U Hodson. C Uuer. i E Dana. F. L. POSSON & SON, By far the largest dealers ou the Coast la te,FeitiilM$,Eis,s,fl.l.R33isle Supplies We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Growers and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON 4. SON. LINN Furniture 1 E. Luckev .DEALERS L DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. R. It. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon.' Will attend to general Real Extute lmnines ' such a buying, selling, leasing and rrniing (arms and city property, etc. Ofliceonwnth lide of Ninth street. The Eugene Cigar Factory Keeps constantly on hand the finest brands of borne made, domentic, and Key West cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew ing aod smoking tobacco, Sell at retail and wholesale. McClaren s Buildi n, (Opposite F. M. Wilkin' Dm Store.) Una an extensive Stuck of STANDAED, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. L70rders (or Books snd Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at tended to. Rnwol Trnnble. and CramD. Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask your druggist (or it J S. LUCKEY, CALEB 19 Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc ReDainoE; rromptly Executed. earAIIWork Varranled.O J. 8. LUCKEY Euieiis BOOKSTORE E. Schvvarzscliild, Prop. (Sncceator to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER & SCUOOL SLTrLIES. Order by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress Lock Boi 119. Cash, b; Fries:, AT CRESVELL From and after Feb. 1, 1891, my terms will be strictly cash. Prices Put Down to Bed rock. I will Not be Undersold. Highest market price Fail for Produce. If not all traded out will pay balance in Cash. J. H. Whiteaker, Creswell, Or. lilililii GARDEN GRASS & FLOWER PORTLAND. OREGON .& SON, Keal Estate 1 ranstcrs. KUOEXE. K J Frasior to Mury A HtmlRlit, lots lit, a) niul 1, bliN-k 4, f niMcr & liy I,,,,,!' I.IKI I . II 10 .,.,,1 1! itiiKi D 11111111 11x1 , iticHi linn 11, i aiut llH'k 83, KnwiiT & IWrry's jmrt of loroiiw: f.m. K J Knwler to Mrs Rutch Howard, lotn 12 and 13, blork a, FrnsiiT & Hy- i..n.it ...i.iti: it wl ia llllltl n nilllilli'il, Hint, linn jf uiit ii'i lilm-k of Fruitier & Horry's jmrt of rioremv; iU COUSTUV. J L Pone to L D Fomut, 200 aerva In Tp 2U .S, It 2 V; f3(X). L I) Fora-st to JmnesW Slielton, four-tiftlm intenwt in 200 aerea in Tp 20 r, Jt 2 w; WW. I)tinlel P Wublie to PnvM J Gover, 370 now inTp 18 S, R4W;fl. U C Hunter to B. B. Hcott, 6 acres io T 17 8, R3W;fia00. C. J. IVxld to H. D. Wylie, 05 aert'H in T 17 8 It 3 W; A. 1). llurton to J. F. fcSmilh, 195 nervs in T 1(1 8 It 4 Wj f200. IlOAD Bl,(M'KAI)ED. MltsrH. tleo. M. Miller; J Himo lirltton, (). M. Hurd nl T. It. lU rry nrrivetl here Kundny iifU'rii(M)ii from Floivnee, belntf thn-e days on the nuul. They report that the Htorm hist week hiully' blockaded the road. They found (10 trees aenwa the road between the Head of Tide and Hale's and one very heavy elide at the roek Tilton. They think that nt least $1,000 (laiiianes were done to the road. They were compelled to walk between aaid polntH, The wind nt Florence wan very heavy, the mnitll boats faring roughly. However, 110 other damage was done. Hkalth Okfickr Ki-sioxkd. Dr. ltUHhnell, health ollloer at ,Yu(Uina hay, has tendered his resignation as such officer to Governor Peiinoyer, who will amsiiiit a sueoessor. Dr. llushnell resigiHKl Ix-causo of his re moval fnm Yaquina bay to Sun Frun eiseo, where he will practice his pn fessioll. For diurrld-a or summer complaint io any form there ii nothing better ihao Chitmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Mr Nancy Berry, of Ad ams, Lawrence oonnty, Keutuckr, say on dose cured her of an alt k of diarrhoea. Two or three dose will enre any ordinaiy case. When reduced with water it i pleat ant to take. 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by Osburn k Delano. isnsiiirariiK let oa s sew prtartple seirtlete the Irna, etomsch M bowl Urmt Uu Dm. Man' Ptlu tpfiedilf rmrt bUtownM, kirmt Irnr mi oeMtipa- a. BWM, aillde, nvetl Spdowea.Sgcta. F4mpl tree at dnuclata, k.Uil10BUaart,iai H..ld by J. II. DECKLKY. Wnea Baby wa skk, w gme her Castorl. WbM she wa a OM, ahe cried f or Caatorla. When she became Kim, ibe clunf to Oateria. When ihe bad Ckildreo, h je them Caatoria. Tba GeTeLrated Frencl? Gnre, t"APHR0DITINEw2r la Solo 01 a. poaiTive GUARANTEE Vxmreanr form o I nerrcm. d 1 teaM craof diarirdcrof the enrratlv or- f au 01 eiwerwx, whether art.itif' fnnntheeaf94lv. BEfCRt nreof StlinuUuu. AFTPf? TrArcvi or On um-or through toitiiful ln.l!nw Um.orer laaulirence. Ae ,u h a. 1mo( hrala C iwrr, WakefMlDrei, Hurler down I'.ln.lnll.e U'.ScninlW-in-.,HTiUTl. S'ertou im. ti-.tlon. Nortamal Emivions, Leacorrb'ra, Ilia sin?M, Wak Memory. LriMof I'oweratwl Jmpo-V-ncjr.hlf-hllD!liel often l-a4to tiremwura r!.l wrt au4 In.anitr. Prire lixo a tx.i, t boxes Ijrri 'rt. eent I'f m!lmjf!rto(prtrw A WRITTEN ('ABA!1IEIC ! (Im for '. err I u0 nrtrr iml rrd, V re'ind Ui mnorj II a IkrwianMt mr I. not effn-tML w ba tiouaQjol ttlmnntal fmraoJd aod youoc. H bith wxhi, wBhav been fwmaDoUr enrrd If the uk of A pbmdiUoa. Clrr-alar Ira. Addrue THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. VeMeraJtraaco. Hut 73, Jromab, Oa Sola by E .K. LUCKEY At Co., Drnorut, Eug-tn. Oregon. Dealers Mo Oregon State Weather Service. souMiar. Station, Vuireniiiy of Oregou, Eugene, uuuin ol November, km : Mean barometer, i'i 033 inches. UiCht'Nt barometer, 'i'SM nn'btn; date and -IM. L-wt barometer, 29 15 iuehes; dale, 30th. Meau temperature, 4'J divietii. MHXimum teuijvriture, 7t degres! dat, Mitilniuua temperature, 32 decrees; date, Meau o( uiatimuui It mperatntv,' 58 d gree. Mean ot miniuiuui cree. t nperHture, 41 do- No. times maxiuiuui temperature 90 de creet or above, v.- No. times uuniiiitin tuuperalure 33 de gtw or N'lo. 1. .., k Total nrrciuitatiur i SMnehes. Detiailuie (rum nuiujal, .15 inches defi cit. Prevailing iliitvlinn of wind, southwest Totul movement i( wind, 'I'M mile. Number of cUimOu dnys, 0. No. of partly cloudy diy, 5. Noo( rioiiily (lav.. 25 Nj. o(diysou h cli rui.i er a'w (ell. 17. Dates of lil-l (rnhtM, 111, 17, 21. S. E. McClusk, Olihcrver. l'ailjr (iusM, Dee. 4. A China ltow. A couple of Chinnnieu beHtili the HHiiiemif Louie nnd I.un Suit! hail a row ut tlieii cimu on the Milroml alnive 8prii)(;lii Id Ih1 evuuiiijj. It appear Ib'il Louie un tbe ceok (( the' K;l"K ami bml diilertil lue uluer oi.e to procure wood who relus'il. 1 hen Lome took lite law in to bin own buildi nail aonnlti d the oth ChiiiHniHii, In n Liiiil' iihoiI a Inn.'. dAiii'er- ons kuile, cuit.ej; Louie iu I lie uVby putt of hla Itlt leg hIkivu the bin e in nn tily man ner. Ihe other Lhiuniucn in tue K"UK bronubt their two erring brethren bere Ibis morniUR ititeudiiif; to tiike them ti l'ortla'id to lie tried by the Chinee tribunal at that place. Deputy Sheriff Crouer cams across ihem at the riei-ot, and Ihe ii'lnrnl I bum man bleeding badly, arrested Iho peri(,lra' Uir, and sent (or l)r 1'niue, the S. P. It. It surgeon to attend Lang. Dr. Puine dressed tbo wouuil and tbe. injured man wits tnken to one of Ibe China wnhhhoue. The olher Chinumau was tried before Justice Kinsey for Ihe crime, but tho evidence be ing conllictinp, he was discharged. GtrriNO Evxn. It it said that Pry Wil son, who waa sutiiioeunod as a wituexs in the Lbureh murder case, having some cut lie businexa which di iniiiided his atteullou t Peiu'leton, concluded it was of more iin portauce to him than the (act of a man be ing on trial (or his life and consequently struck out iu the directum of the former place. Sheriff Crtwap, heuring of this, armed binnwrf with a bench warrant and tarted iu hot pursuit. When he overtook Mr. Wileon, his teuui was so exhausted that it could not travel and they were compiled to return iu Mr. Wilson's team. Arriving at Canyon, Pry was hauled np before tbe mill of justice and fined $25 and costs. Whereupon Pry turned around and cburged f ia lot the use ol bis team. John Day sentinel. Statu vs. JUkkk (Vn'rv. Nearly all counties are out oruci to tue. state for tuxes due except linker county, and the suit of the statu vs. linker county for taxes due, some of them from 1H78 to 1H.SO inclusive, is of interest. The sums are: ror iht, fin.tii; ih,m, I11.V.7; ISSO, KMin.ot;lNH1,KiKH,(lii: tiKl, "Ji.bd; isnu, Mtiii.Tii: 1M.S4, a.i7; lSH.r, f2tHL'.ltl; 1NWI, f7llll.H.i; 1WK). N.5.0.5. Total, f ll.iSK.INf. The pamTs aru now lielnir lireiiafeil liy Attorney icncral t iiaiiiiK'riain, ami huh win lie begun in the circuit court of linker county to recover in a few weeks. Gbifton, W. Vs., Dro. C Josiah Car penter, tba oldest iubauiluut ot W. irgiu ia, died at his residence in 1're.tou county yesterday, bslimatca of Uarpenter age varied, but none placed him under I'iO years, lie claimed to htvo been born in London comity, Virginia, in 1732, and was, therefore, loJ years old. Uo claimed to re. member Braddock's defeat and to have served as a teamster at tbst time. Carper ter bad a vn who died ten years ago at the age of 80. Until recoutlv his health hat baeu reasonably good. He hus one daugh ter still living who U over HO. Nkwi.y Madk Citi.knh. Itoht. II, 'arker and John liovllle, Isith natives of Urcat Jtrituiu. have tnken out their citizens patHTs. Thus two more cltl- H'lis of the United Htates uro created. Diki. At the family reeldenco near olin Aiidersoirs, on tlie Alclen.ii December (I. iHtil. iMntildu 1'.. wll of Win. Wetzell. Hired 7 years. Tho funeral tsik place Uslay nt the tump reek cemetery. t Wii.i, Oravkl. Wu underNtanil that the railroad company intends graveling their yard here soon. It is badly needed; iu fact it should have .it'll done years ago. Oitai FOR PITCHER'S a Cawtwrla wroatoia. TXrartfow, arid OTerouuiH Jr iaXulMK , CunstipaUooV Sour Btomarh, Diairboa, and fevrriahne; Thus the child is rendered healthy and its alwp BataraX Cartaria contain no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Caatorla I o wvtl atar4 In children that reennuanod It aa auDrrior to anr Dmrrluiua known to sua." H. A. A arma. M. Ii., B Portland Ate., brovkln, V. T. ff IM. ValA I. n A ..1 1, pedaiiy adatitrd Io aTnrbu at rhil'lraa." ALU. Knnii, m. U . I'M ad A?., rtmr Tort Twa CavrasB Oo, 77 Kurray St, V, f. 7M R MONDAY, DEC. 7. Short day. Holidays will KXn be here. Snow is rciiortcd throughout Eastern Urvgon. Elder V nu, ol Snlrui, prtacbed at tbe M. E. Church yesterday to a large congre gation. A mnrriairc licenses was Issued Sat urday evening to Mr. William Flshe and Sarah A. Zchner. Twenty drnmmert spent yesterday in Eu xene. Tbey any Euiieuo ia still the best towu iu the valley lor trade. E. P. Dorritand M. VY. Bolshaw, (ormet Laue couuty boys, are candidates (or coun cilmen at rarmiugton, nann Bostibnrg Plaiudealrr: The Eupene sleaiu Isuudry tihould be patrouued by op ponents o( Chinese cheap labor, (irovar B. Sinin.oo, at one time rrti duul o( Eugene, is now Snperiiitenilent o( Ihe Nebraska division o( Wells, Eargo A Co' Exprrss The concert at the First Presbyterian church last evening, was liberally at tended. Each and everyone on the iiro.nimmeacipiitted themselves with Honor. A Kentleman from Dig Prairie, on the Military Wagon road, 45 miles east of Eugene, rcisirta two fii-t of snow when he left that place and the ticaiititur' wassliu descending I tide Jesse I ox brought In a com stalk that was taken from his garden this morning growing fresh nnd green 1'cw countries can boast of green corn stalks in the month of IVcciiihcr. This morning a small piece of wish! from the wrecked caboose was taken from the back of Jimmy Lavlnger's head. He feels Utter after purling from the iiiinctvssary companion The charitable ladles of the Women's I teliel' t'oro realized nlsiut flo at the t iirysantiiemimi lea siipsr Niiuniay evening. A line display of thes lino llowers that an now at laTtectlon In our Oregon climate, greeted the visl tors. Here's another industry fur Oregon open ingnp. The Pendleton East Oregnuian siys peauuttare to he extensively fjrown by Ur. Llmer on bis ranch on the Colnmlna xt year lioiuailetn experimental trial this year which proved a success, Salem Slatesmnu n entertainment will Ik given in Villard Hall on the evening of Friday, December 1st h, by the (ientleiiien's I niversity Dice Club, assisted by tho Ladles' (lice Club, Pnf. Mary McCor- nack, and the Misses Sawyers. Ad mission i cents. Here it is before marriage in nmo cases out ol ten: Two croouing lover on a door step spoke of their heart and their happiness: "I Just know no oilier girl has as uOchI a sweol heart at I ve got. And 1 am equally sure there never lived a sweeter wonisu on earth than you are." Then, to getber: "Oh, am t we bniipy. About a year afterward it will bo 1 I t t ? You old hag. Ileppuer Record, Deo, 3; . Cy. Bennett, it tiems, Imhibed a little too much "red, eye" lust Monday, and it looked for a time as if be wanted to corral tbe entire popu lace o( tbe city, but after a (vw barehanded contest with several of the boy and vain attempts to procure a pistol, he repaired to Hie "city cooler with alarsbal Kaamu. Mr. Bennet led Tuesday (or Lane county where be will tnuke hi future home. Henry Senrcy, who lived at llalley II, near Cole's station, Cal., died in the jury mom at Yrcku on tho 1st, while considering tho case of the State s J. H. and (). V, Whltcomh, of llutte crock valley, charged with larceny of cnitiu. Jlo was taken nudtieniy in with neuralgia of the heart and died soon fterward. The Jury was theretiiMiii dismissed without reaching a decision. Jacksonville Times, Dee. 5: Itcv. utiles Hummer and family left Ash- autl last week for Cottage drove, line county, having dismiscd of their oldlngs Iu tho upiMT valley, They xiK'cted to return East, when they V ii.... r.. 11 !.. I I ...li.. ..r 'iu jioii. uco. li, jorimuiKi woe, oi .tigene, aril veil in Jacksonville last Suniluy evening. The former returned oiue soon tiricrwurii, lint Mrs. J), will remain a few weeks to visit relatives and friends. The Portland Welcome ventilates the id estate in that city as follows: Sui- Mising each lot to have a frontage of 50 fei't and 100 feet deci, each sipiure mile 'onuiins u,vm lots, or iKo.ooo in tne latted areu. A family or five uimhi nch lot would give tho city 1,(100,000 Miptiiation. I'roviiiing iiio city and Is, "additions" contains a Hi)ulatioti of M,000, there ait four lots for each man, woman anil child or Portland ml Its environs. Benton Leader: Judge M. L. Pipes was in Salem this week and in chamber beard ruument in tbe Philomath college case. This collre is conducted by the United llrelbren Uiureh, of wblcb since IWJ ben there was two distinct conferences thore are two wings, the "radical" and the liberal." The suit now iu court ia for the purpose of determining to which wing of the church the school belongs, or by which it I Io be conducted, both having chosen trus tee (or lis mansKement. Geo. II. Wil liams, of Portland, snd L. Flyno, of Albany are representing the "radicals" and Messrs. Mi rielilcu and liurnett, oi ibis city, and Mr. Hurley, ol Portland, tbe "liberal." The Maxwell Will Cd8 Judtf Bodncy Scott Monday in tbs Msxwoil will esse, made an order selling Monday, January 4, IH'J'i, at the hour ol 10 o clock a. m., lor probating and proving Ihe contei Is o( tbe will ot Sarah Maxwell, leceased, and (or the appointment of an ex ecutor thereof and for such further order, and proceedings aa by law may be required, id tbat a citation issne to eacn ol lb hildren of John aod Henry MaiweH, and 10 themselves to show canae If any they ave. why aaid last will and testament bould not be proved and admitted to pro- ite and an executor tbereol be appointed. At Ibe time appointed the real contest In the ca will commence in earnest. Both idea toe in to be confident ul winning. J'kizk Winnkks. At the Chrysan themum Tea stip'r Suturduy evening the following prize were awarded: Mrs. Jsd Waru for the nnwt artistic collection of the (lowers. Mrs. A. H. Patterson for the btrgi-st collection. Mrs. J. H. Luckey fincHt colkftlon of the (lowers. The prizes Were two rose nt and a flower Isu ket. A tine lunch us served at the entertainment. 1 he theatre wms lighted for the first time by a Cntuch-Hoiistou dynamo. Mtaairb. At theenidenc ot th bride' parent, al Usk Hill, oa December 6, 1HJ1, by Eld N. B. Alley, William F. Fisher and Miss Sarah A. Zeboer. I ANOTHER VEKSI0N. The Fall Creek Row In Different Light. Pally Guard, Dek. 6. Last evening Constable Kisscnger brought the young lady, May Shanks, here who was sentenced to pay a One of 150. After a consultation with the officers and lawyers, it was determined to tako her home this morning, she agreeing to pny a tine of $5. It was a technical error that she wrw fined more than that amount In the tlrst Place, as Justice Huntilciit thought that $50 was tne lowest line, Having got Hold or the circuit court section of the statute In stead of the hist Ice's. It was a mistake about tho constable coming without commitment papers, as lie had a reg ular set. Hu gives the following version of the nuuir, which plait's it in a much dim cut light than the other report; jgcar. let fever lielng prevalent Iu the family oi .ii iss .May Mianxs, tno postmaster, Mr. Wilmot, informed the young ladv that she would not 1st admitted Into his dwelling, where the lsxtollleu was kept, hut that the family's mail would Ih placed In a box outside or handed to tier, i ne young lady on the morning iu question came to Air. Wllniot s and found the door linked ngalnst her, She then agreed to pay a small Uy sum of money if ho would unlock the door, which ho did. Then Mm. Wil mot remonstrated with the young lady lor coming into tlie house, ami for lie iroiinie received a blow on her eye. gentleman, who liapjiencd to ho pres ent, then led her from the house. This Is alsmt all that hnniichcd. The guilt of the young lady was plain, and the jury so lotiiid. Tint Di'l.-rTbe following is a 13-year ou gin s conception oi a dude, aa ex pressed in oue of ibe compositions written in me cuy scuoois, computing lor apnte: J Behold the dude I All he needs to make bis conception of a man is vauity. Hi nnnts are uot like anything worn yesterday, lie lives somehow 1 dou't know, Do you? Still be is bere and be appears as l( h wanted to marry. Why should a decent, houest, ensihle girl go before the minister and affirm that her life will be devoted henoelortb and (urever to the cure o( the puppies! The best man in the world uoue too good (ur any of you girls. Some of these day sum ol you girls will be ooming before your parson to have your hand tied in matrimony, lie careful that your feet are not tied to a dude. Ask your mother what kind of qualities you should look (or iu your best man. Beware ot the oallaut who declare be love you better than him. self, and yet count on you darnlua hi locks, while b is off wasting hi tint aod money Id dissipation, Girl r loo preci ous to be wasted by transforming Ihem into sorrow-laden wives. 11 oarelul of tb dude. Tillamook Headlight. Not tub Man. M. T. Lnndy. who De pnly U. S. Marshal 0. D. Tbouia arrested at i lurenca the first ol the week and brought here and Incarcerated in th county jail, on me supposition mat n wtt one west, wanted by tb government (or subornation of perjury in oouueotion with limber lands, proved to be the wrong man and ha was discharged (row custody, It was dearly case oi inieutien identity, Deputy u. a. Marshall Siniott and two eentlemen from ltoseburg were ibe parties brought ber to pas on nil identity. dooii Knouuk. linker City Itevllle: At tho recent term of Circuit Court held lu Canyon City. 1). I. Ashurv. dltor or the iSews, recovered damages r fiWHKi against a v linn bv the name of M. H. llellmnn, for Invading no sunnily or the niaintni'a Home, We uiidcrsUnd that Ilclliiian has iroiierty to cover the amount, and we iosj Ashiiry will get every cent of his money. Hanging tstoogoou Turanian iiku iieiiman. Biooett Cunts., The following from the Idaho world surpasses all case of eheek yet reported, and in tbat line i equal to the idtuo uar wno loid about tbe barn ol t corn burning: "Frank Perkins, who 1 been a resident oi Bquaw oreek ten year eloped wllb a girl adopted about two years ago by the Parkin family, detailing bu wue ana seven mile oniidren, A abort tiiu ago he had th adamantine cheek, bra. zen audacity, undiluted, nnadulterattd gall, or whatever you please to call it, to write to bi wue, asking ber to lor w aid th girl s trunc to weiser. Cacsi or th TstoKDT. It transnlre that 11. C Cook, tbe narrow gauge lection bos who, last Saturday, killed Editor J. II. Htlue aud afterwards suicided, was the man bo several yean ago ran away (rom Mon mouth, accompanied by Mri. Boo Churob. bis woman uever married Cook, althoneb leaviug her family (or him. Htiu knew all bout tbl and on Saturday was iuklna Cook abont it. This if aaid to Lav been the occasion lor th bloody tragedy . No Com u ittmknt Parens. After the ar rival ol Conittble Kissinger, o( Fall Creek precinct, with tb prisoner, Miss May bbauka, Deo. 3, Sheriff Noland found that he brought no committment papers Irom Ibe court, therefore be eould Dot legally hold her, and rofused to accept her. Tb Constable will bav to return to Fall Creek and obtain tbe necessary paper. Then tb young lady will institute, by ber attorney, baoom corpus proceeding. Dollar a Bcsiikl. Albany n.rald: A slight decline has been tell in th wheat market In Ibis city. Ninety and tbree fonrtb oents ha been offered until yester day, when tbe price declined Io IM). Little is being sold. A pool is being msde up by tbe farmers, which, it Is aaid, will contain 00,000 and possibly 80,000 bushels, which i held (or $1.00 a bushel net to tbe farmer. The owner of th pool era confident that they will receive a big round dollar a bnsb el (or (heir wheat. Boi'SKua Jddoi. Tb term of Judg Straban tipiring next hi tucenseor will be chosen i the next election. It it not know whether be will be a candidal Io succeed blmseK or not. A prominent democrat in tbe city (rom Portland today says that city has no candidsta. John Bennett, lata cir cuit judge at Th Dallea and Judge Bonbam, of Salem, ar mentioned a possible candi dates in H, e sense that tbey may be nomin ated on the democratic ticket Ex. Axotbr Cmosch EDnrtca. Albany Her aid: Ber C. A. YVooley is in th city tolic iiing aid (r th purpoee ol building a Cumberland Presbyterian church edilloe in tbe eastern portion o( tb eity. While there are a goodly number ol churcbea in th cily, Mr. Wooley thinks tbr is need of a rbnrtb in tbat locality, and ays he I meeting with good luccea. M.suiib. At to. resilience of Epbrain Wbiu-il, Pleeanl Hill, Oregon, Nov. VJ, IWI.tr W.H. Btughman, J. P., Mr. O. L. Wrddle, o( Marion county Io M ua M. E. Wbittd, oi Laut oounty. Eugene Churches and Sunday Schoolg. Th Eugene correspondent of tb Cottaga Grove Leader Dive a summary of churob and Sunday school membership In Eugen as (ollowi: An inquiry Into condition of th Spiritu al lurroonding, reveals th (act tbat wa have among nt nine churches with a mem berahip 0(1383 and light Sabbath Schools with en attendance of 708 divided aa fol lows: Th Firat Presbyterlsn Church on the northeast corner of Eighth and Lincoln street. Ber. VI. 8. Riddle, pastor, baa a membership ol 115. Th Sabbath School number 134. Th First Congregational Church on Seventh street between Olive aud Cbamelton. Her. Henry L. Bates, Ksior, has a membership ol 63. Tb Sab tb School number 100. St. Mary' Church, Episcopal, on tb northeast of Seventh aud Olive street. Bar. D. E. . Loverldge, rector, ha a membership o( 79. Th Sabbath School number 75. The Cum- ' berland Presbyterian Church on tbe south east corner of sixth and Pearl streets. Ber. O. A. Blair, pastor, hsa a membership of 130. Tb Sabbath School numbers 90. Tbe First Baptist Cbnroh on the northeast corner of Eighth and Pearl streets, has no raitur at present. Uaa a membership of D5. Th Sabbath School numbers 150. t he Methodist Episcopal Church on tba onlheaat corner of Tenth and Willamette street. Ber. D. A. Walters, pastor, has a membership of S50. Tb Sabbath School numbers 3(4). St. Mary's Church, Catholic on tbe northeast corner of Willamette and Elerenth streets. Ber. Father Beck, priest, has a membership of 150. The Sabbath School numbers ill. The United Brethren Church on Ferry street between Elereblb and Twelfth, bss a membership o( about 50. Church edifice in progress of erection. Tbe Christian Church on the northeast corner ol Ninth and Pearl streets ha no Swatorat present, has a membership of 50. Th Sabbath school number 125. A Road to Bohemia Mines. , Pally Guard. Pec S." Dr. J. M. Taylor one of tho owners of the Bohemia mine Annie, waa In town today, interviewing members of the Hoard of Trade nnd citizens of the town for the purpose of securing their aid and co-nporution in building a wagon road into the mines. It will require about 12 miles of road to reach the mines from the terminus of the present wagon road. A trail has been built over a considerable part of the road which would be of material bene fit when building was commenced. It is pmtmiiie that the olllce of the com pany will lie moved to Eugene if a reasonalilo amount of aid la extended by our citizens. The company intend to put lu a now mill next summer and work the mine to tho full extent of Its resources. A large amount of supplies have been taken In, and development work Is now being prosecuted and will be continued during the winter. It is probuhle that the recent storm has left several feet of snow on the mountains, but this will uot Interfere with work. as tho men are prepared for it. I h Hoard, or Trade will hold a meet ing Monday evening when the matter will be discussed. It will be good policy for Eugene to secure the head quarters of this mining company. Prices Elevated. If w remember rightly It wu John Wan- namaker that intended giving the country a on oent poitag rata; instead of that ha i now raising tbe rent of postofiic boxes throughout tba United States. Postmis tress YVaahburna has received th following order, which ia sell explanatory: Post OmcB DmBTMnrr. I WisaiNOTon, D. 0., Nor. 20, 16111. Postmistress, Engine, Oregon: Yon ar hereby authorized and instructed to establish tba following rental prio for box in your office, to take effect from January I, lH'J'J, ris: Call boxes (4 35ota pet quarter, bock boxes (is 7ucts per quar ter. Lock drawer (i II per quarter. Very Bespectfully, 8. A. WarmsLS, Firat Aeelatant Postmaster OineraL Nun a Camnsiy. Jacksonville Times: There could ba no mora eoooluiir argu ment why a cannery ihould b established ber before another year goes around than tbat established by tba laci tbat a large amonut of oar own fruit waa shipped to th Eugen cannery tha past season for preservation then. Tb further (act tbat it alto afforded a local market (or nearly 210 ton ot tba irolta ol tb aurrouuding coun try la infUetent guaranty tbat a properly managed Institution of this kind here could not fail to allord a good market or our surplus, U-sldes proving profit- ante rrom a nnanciai point or view from tho very shirt. CoootM DwcHAtaiD. Th man Jo Cog f;sn, arrested in Albany last Monday, aa ba ng inspioioned with the supposed murder ol John Effing, at cottage Urove, last sum mer, was discharged Irom custody Dee. lib. Although Coggan hu plainly howa by bis remarks that hi know some thing about tha disappearance of Ewing, and of bis probably being foully dealt with, (till without being able to pror be yond doubt tba death ol Ewing, and having no otber evidence beyond bis own remarks. it would be unable to convict him, beno bis discharge. Pally Guard, Doc. 1 Si'kinokiki.d Election. The city of Springfield holds Its annual election next Monday. Two tickets have been nominated, aa follows: Citizen's ticket Mayor, A Wheeler; Aldermen, h. Collins, 11. A. Washburno, W. W. Chessman, E. S. Anders; Kccorder. E. K. McMlcliacl; Marshal, J. J. PoilL ludcriendcnt ticket Mayor, P. B. Heatty ; Alderman, J. W. rjtewart, A. H. Walker, E. 8. Anders, E. 8. Collins; Iteourder, E. K. McMlchacl; Marshal, Henry SmiUon. A Lira Town. A correspondent in tha Prinevlll New: Forth benefit oi tbo not acquainted in the parts, I take great pleuure in describing our town and post- office. Crook ia surrounded by low hills, sage brush and a rail leooe, and la situated 31 m'les aouth east of Prinerill aod about six miles aouth of Salt oreek. It ia th county road that leads Irom Prinevill to any part ot th state or Atlan tic ocean. Tb town ia not laid off in lots. yet there is one lot (a cow lot), but not for le. Pwzra. The number of seeds In the rlzo souash at dray 4 Son's grocery store was 8X1. The exact numlrwaa not guessed but Mrs. Fox came nearest, guessing 333, and carried on the urn s'lla stand prize, valued at It. 50; Mrs, II. Wilson came next with 350, taking the two vases, valued at 2.50 and Mrs. C. C. Croner, third, guessing 3, tak ing the card receiver, valued at $1. 4