WOT urn. Drugs,Pliarmacy, Chemicals, Medicines, Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Appliances. Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery Soap, and Toilet Articles. Also a complete and select stock of 1 aints, U11S, V anUbWfB, uo v - ' healni in Urge qa.ntltlrt end Ukln S2 TaYweU pointed Dru, Store u . OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR A. GOLDSMITH, i! Em Grocer in Eugene Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Chi a, Glass, Crock erv Wooden and Willow Ware tlian ever beiore. Pays Highest CAbH price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Uides, woo VA alio wkc. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene Call and he corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH, Fiber's Golden Female Pills.. For Female Irreirtilar Itlef'DotliliiKltkethvm on the market Htver all BoiTeofu.lf uied by prominent ladlee monthly. Utiarentwl to relieve aupjircMed meuitruausa. SURE SAFE! CERTAIN! rwin'l he hnmbnnred. 6av Time, Health, andmoner;takenooUi' r. HmiI to any addreea. tec u re by mall ou r eel pt or price, wu. AdureUi THE APHRO IEDICIKE C0KPANT. Weatera Branca, Box 27, 1'OUTLAND, OB1 For Hale by R. K. Ll'CKEY A CO., Euiune. THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 3WY BKCKJ TOP IT ROW, OON IT WIIUK TOO UTt I have been troubled many ytere with ii, Mnva lad have tried many different rrraedlea and hae ought aid Irom different phytldana without relief. About the istno April I waa euficrief from a very violent .tik that almost oroatrated ma la ...,u . that I waa keut orer. When I tat down it waa almoat hnpoatthl. for m. to ret up alone, or to put on my clothea, when kind PrSridenra aent Vt. Henley, with the OkKOOlf auunnx w 7 boteL I Immediately commenced tlnf tht tea. It had an almoat mlracnloua effect and to tha atoo- lament of all tha f ueate at tha fat few day.,1 am happy to that I waa a new man. 1 recommend tht tea, to all u I hay been, 0, A. TUPPEK, mprletor Occidental Hotel, KaoUJoaa,Cal. -r-ai. amictou. I It EUGENE CITY MILL 0, PATTERSON, EDMS 00. Uanufftolar Best Grades Family Moar, Btora Grain on tha mnat favorable tern Wheat raoalpta of any warehouaa north of Ku- fena, prorttrlytaaeiirned, taken in aichang-a (or Flour or Feed. W Higkoat Cash rriot Paid" (or Wheat.tF" GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICB Cigar store, EugeneCity, Oregon. Too Much Load On thf Liver will lircak down all tha energies of lift', and unfit tou for Work, BusiueM or riraaurp. Indieestion, Constipation, Slwylpea- neaa, Diliouintiw, are the fimt alarm 1 nature aound to warn jon of danger. Moore's Revealed Remedy U KlHftt of tbe Blood, Liver and Stomach -It bu xT.r raiiej, ' Hundred, of tattlmonUU like tlib: i. E. Millar, A.toria, Or, wrhaa: ''It eured ma of a eevere Liver and lilood troubla." WSuld by all draggiata, Aita Hmwrao. a well known man' ufactnrer of boot and shot at 820 No lan Bt., San Antonio. Texan, will not soon forget his experience with an at tack of the cramps wmcn nereiaBB fv.iimr! "Iwu taken with a violent cramp in the stomach which I believe would have caused my death, had it not been for the prompt uro of Cham laln'a Collo Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The flrnt done did me so much good that I followed it up in 20 minutes with the second dose, and be fore the doctor could get to where I wan. I did not need hliu. This Item- edy shall always be one of the main stays 01 my mm ny. rurmwuj OsnuRtf & DhLano. For dlorrhfca or inmmor complaint In n form there is nothing bettor than Chamberlain"! Collo, Cholora and Dlar rbena Kemedy. Mrs Nancy Berry, of Ad' mil Iwreni eonntT. Knntiidhy, pats one dmu euredher of an attack of dUrrhosa. Two or three donos will cure any ordinaty oaae. When rodacod with water It li pleas ant to take. 23 and 60 cent bottles for sale by Osbnrn A Doluno. CENTRAL MARKET FISHER & WATKINS, pnornirroE3. Will keep oomUntly on band a foil snpply of 3ED 23 13 MUTTON, PCRK AND VEAL Wlloh they will sell at the lowest market prl- cat, A lair auare 01 via puouo pauvDu-v w Ucited. TO THB FARMERS 1 We will pay the hlgheat market prloa for Tat Cattle, Hug) and Bheep. SHOP ON WILLAMETTE STREET. EUGENE CITY, OREGON Meats delivered to any pari of the city fret of ehaiye. Lane County Bant HOYEY, HUMPHREY 4 CO. A. 0. Hoviy, I B. C. HUMfllKIT, J. M. ! t Prealdont l i Caahter Asalitant Cuhler Transacts a General Banking Business, CUQENX, OREGON. Without llealincan. not ba enjoyed. THEREFORE USB UEALTH Y Y THEREFOR It U tha best nclper to Hrallti and the!Ficte cure on Eartn. t'teitn time for lldiscnfof III Stomach, Liver, Kiilneya and Skin. It cure. Kheumillim, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Headache, relief-.. Constipation, Bilioua neu and Dywpjla, drirei all impnrillea out of the lilood and drlei up old Sorea. The Busineu men buy It, the Workiugtnen ut it, the Ladiea take it, the Children civ lor it and tha Farmer, any It la their hett health pmrrvcr. Sold everywhere, Ji.oo a bottle; ail for $m i CU81 HEAR? ciSEis'f.r. Anm. aaw. .eiik. fwajl.a iiKkifftae mm4 wwwekawiaa) pn. aViwav W4 K r. an Palpiaatrrm M aif. Skaail.W aa. ra. KMT. mt ! .,HMIai, A. rr4 by M. 0. K4 ftf OfJRtJ. MtlWrxart If .lM.aat kaUaa hut wiaa ba kaa fe .4 yyai. "tW ftirtf jr tw?KtW to ixriz w3 ""'J. , baa tana 9L ILk HOUlf CUKa aMMWrnklawnf akaaMal aat Har, riuin .k , ww til aw M ran -ua v. auaaa i a4Aaw aaa. aalna laA aaai a-A - La as. IlaarlaWaaa.aaa I av4 tuol i an aa kaa, Iraa a, awarairti a.4 lllttair.t4 .-. FRS a. a. a4tnaa Or.Mit MadioaT ia..iihaw,Titoi. roll by I. H. BECEUY J. II. UoClung baa an Important adver tl.anieut lu tbia iatue. Uartuiu. are of- frd that clef compelilion. bcail bis al ytrtlntuiotit and boy at ouce. Prioavllle Nawt: Mr, W. A. Dclany, of Walla Walla la in town. Mr. Delauy need to reside in F.nipne, and is an old Iruiud of Treaanrer Wbite. Tbo gDtU-uan eipeeU to remain with as at luut a portion of the winter. Prof. J. B. Ilorner, principal of the Albany public Bchoob, has tendered hla KHltrnatlon to accent a chair in the state agricultural college. Ills realfrna- t Inn was accented by the board oral rectors., nnd f rof. J. W. Crawford, of McMlnnvlllo. waa electoa to nil trie vacancy. Treks. Cel.. Journal. Not. 25: O Ilnintibrey. wbo with Xbortoa TbotouH, disooyered the rich Spencer mine at Hum- bna. and sold oat for $10,000, was lo town lest Sunday from bis borne in Eugene, Oreeon. on a Tl.it, and retnroed Monday His mother, an old resident of Fort Jones, also re.ide at Eugene, making that pi her borne. Aibland TidiiiKs: There are Tarions rn mors flvins alooz tbe line of the railroad about changes that are to be made by tbe 8Uth of November. It is understood tbat tha anrjerrlaion of tbe motive power on tb Oreeon lines of tbe S. P. is to be directed from beadanarters in California, and tbis may probably mean a little shaking np amooa tbe Onsoo employees in that department. The Narbow Gauob All Riqht. The state board of railroad oomntLs- sloners has finished its inspection of the west aide narrow tr autre. The com. mlasioners aay they found the road In cood condition, a mat many new brldires and only two old ones. The Union Pacific will be the next road they will Inspect. Lot Dsawk. Mrs. Itine Blachloy re eeived Information Nor. 30th tbat she bad drawn a lot .5x100 feet, located in th town of La Boy, Florida, she being lucky in tolring a riddle, in a paper. Encampment Election. At remilnr meetlnf of Wlmawhala En campment Ho. 6, 1. 0. O. Wednes day evening, inov. ao, ine iouowmg otllcers were elected for the ensuing rear: I. W. Holloway. C. P.: A. H. fcXHure. B. W.: J. C. Goodale. H. P. 15. F. Dorrlu. J. W.: J. II. Campbell, Kcrlbe; A. u. iiovey, xreas. flnnm Rrrra. Tha Eiionne Board of Trade Is deslrions for all porsens baying raised sngar beets tbls year to st onoe bring a sample of the same to J. D. Matlock's store. G. W. sbaw, ebemlst of the State Am-ionltnral Colleee. has made an analysis of ono beet sent from here last week. It Is is follows: Per oent. sugar in beet 11.87; er oent in jnice, 13.00. Purity coettiolent, Ibis is the ratio of sugar to othor solids. IssiMi. Wm. Tentscb, of Oreiwoll, was examined and found insane Nov. 27th, before Jaatioe Elnsey, Proaeoutlng Attorney Condon and Medical Examiners frentioe and Harris. Tba unfortnnate man was ta ken to tbe asylnm on the local train today He recently returned from a visit to the Eait, being insane when ho arrived here Tbe form is of tbe melanoholly order. Bob. To the wife of J. F. Starr in Eo cene Mot. UUtli, a lU-nound dangnter. Flotobir now wears s smile and steps blgh. MiiBiro. At the rosldenoe of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilion on the Mobawk, Not. 125, 181)1, by Rev. D. A. Watters, Mr Edwin 0. Test and Misi Mary E. Wilson. . Thanksfflvln? Services. Dally Guard, Not. S7. Thshkselving was mors generally ob served in Eugene yesterday than ever be fore. It was a beautiful day, being olear, warm and pleasant. Tbe churches held a union service at tbe First Presbyterian cbnrcb, Roy. M. 8. Rid dle preaching. Tbe large church room was filled to overflow Ine. Beautiful flowers, In boqntts, vases and pots were plaoed around ine alter. Tbe invocation was offered by Rev. Wat- ten; the Scripture lesson read by Rev. Blair, and the prayer was offered by Rev. Travis. Bev. Bates delivered the sermon. It was a very interest inn address, and bowed much study and research. Tbe muslo by the choir was excellent. At 9 p.m. toe Epworth League held a meeting at tbe M. E. churob. It was largely attended and was very interesting. , Occasionally we get a gem from our exchangos. The following from he salcm statesman should cause every farmer and laboring man to to esohow tho services of that organ in the future: "The 'accreditor! representatives of the farmers is what President 'oik is pleased to call the Farmers' Alliance. There are a few tons of thousands of farmers in Oregon and hundreds of thousands in other states that would like to see the credentials. Accredited fiddle sticks ! " The full returns, of the vote cast by tho Alliance or Peoplo's party in Ohio in the late election show 23,000 votes. Careful investigation shows that nearly 16,000 of these were cast by Demoorats. Most of the Republican Alliance men wera driven back to the Bupport of Mc- Kinley. They are using the Alli ance for all it is worth to them. all's o 2 il 1 1H &iiiii 11 if mm 3a mm a. -aa UaM wjr7 - MCI n miuw nil's a The fiirmera are making the moat of the good weather and are buoy in tho fields. It Is not probable that any cityi outside of New York will be selected for the meeting place of tho na tional Democratic convention in 1892. A boy of seventeen and a girl of thirteen were married at Columbus, Mo., the other day. Among the wedding gifts were a doll and a f lobert rifle. Thanksgiving was appropriately observed by tbe citizens and busi ness men of Eugene. During the middle of the day nearly all the business houses closed up. have few holidays and the people can well afford to drop business cares when they come. This, from the New York Tri bune, is not just to our New Jersey brothers: Amongjthe papers read yesterday before the American Or nithologists was one entitled, Why the Mocking Birds left New Jersey. It has been commonly supposed that the reason why the mocking birds left New Jersey was because the mosquitoes crowded thorn off the perch. ' The crosswalks in Eugene, with few exceptions, are covered with mud from the roads. Ithaabeen suggested that with littlo expense they could be Kept cican. nam the slush and mud off eight or ten feet from each side of the crosswalk and the nuisance will be mostly ahated. This should be done at least with a number of thi princi pal crossings. Governor Boies, of Iowa, is 64 years old and i8 a native of New York. He was admitted to the bar in Buffalo, and practiced law in that city with Cirover Cleveland. He settled in Iowa about twenty- five vears aeo. and ud to ten years " : . -r 11! aeo always acted with the KepuDii' can party. He broke away from his Tjartv on the prohibition issue, and his particular hobbies are local option and tann reform. American ordnance and armor has been shown by tests to be su? prior to any other in the world. With a few more ships and a num ber of American seamen the navy would be superior to anything afloat. In the army the govern ments of Europe have paid the expense oi experimenting, ana American inventors are at work on what will be the greatest magazine gun in the world. Harper's Weekly, that gave such strong support to Fassett, the Re publican candidate for governor of New York at the late election. speaking of the elections upon the presidential contest next year, says: "Despite the lammany victory in New York, there are in the whole democratic prospect signs of prom ise, uul in the republican pros pect they are not visible." A widow with two girls married a widower with two boys, and had a second family by her new hus band. When a terrible rumpus was heard in the nursery one" day the nervous husband shouted up stairs: "Whatever is the matter?" The little .wife answered sweetly over the ballusters: "It's only my children and your children having a row with our children, dear." . A Victoria Chinaman recently married "a Melican woman." But he soon wanted a divorce. In his plea he complains that she has "too muchee talkee with neighbors, too muchee paint face and eyeblows, too muchee dlink Yulepean blandy, too muchee fight, too muchee snore, too muchee boss, too muchee dleam, too muchee say 'kilium husband,' and too muchee no good." But the court held the Chinaman . to his contract. The miners on the Ochoco are striking some rich prospects, and we feel safe in saying that before six months pass away there will be strikes made in that section that will put in the shade the fabled "Blue Bucket" diggings.' That there is gold there has been known for years. That it is in paying quantities cannot be questioned, and that it is all but developed cannot now be doubted. Next Spring will see such a rush for the then famous mines as has not been seen since the Canvon City excite ment. Prineville News. That there was reason for the creation of the state board of equal ization is seen by a comparison of the assessment rolls as received from the several counties of the state. These rolls come to the sec retary of blate in all conditions, showing that no two county assess ors have the same understanding of the assessment law, perform their work in the same fashion, or put anything like the same valuation on property of tho same kind. In adjoining counties horses are as sessed at t(S or -jO, as the whim of the assessor in ty dictate. In somo counties horsts are assessed at 153.44 and in others at only $19.43. The highest assessment per head on cattle is $17.35 and the lowest $10. The different assessors value sheep all the way from $1.05 to $2 per head and swine from $1.40 to $4.09. Is there any justice or equity in this? And the assessors are all cperating under the same law. Statesman. l ,;i puti mates tllltt in Ohio at the last election 30,000 negro votes were cast for McKinley. As the negro becomes more inte h gont the race will vote with tho Parties instead of with the party, as now. Intellijjence has a ten dency to break up combinations and classes. The Salem Journal justly re marks that a public newspaper cannot help at times to print mat ters that cross the private interests of individuals. In some cases the person aggrieved has just cause, but quite often he helps his cause quite as much by a judicious letting alone of the subjest. says : wants Gov- Daisy, this in a with Live of rel The Portland Welcome Tim wn ..not. TCrnENE Guard X UV 1UUM a-- the Democrats to nominate tho Orceon '. ClUUl A tUVJ . a t, for United States senator, and paper believes that his name .xnin- pwtion would carry it a majority of the legislat: districts. With the permission t,n Australian billot law. tho W come seconds tho motion. A pin manufacturer in Ansonia, Ct., is about to utilize some twenty barrels of imperfect pins in build ing a sidewalk in front of his resi dence. There k in that town a cmnll m'ecfi of sidewalk built of Bcraps from the pin factory which a t 1 J ... by corrosion nas Decome bo uaru m a "few years that it required much Wrt work in drilling and blasting with dynamite to make a hole large enough to set a telcgrapn poie, al though it was but three or four inches thick. It bida fair to last as long as a sidewalk of solid brass. The Albany Democrat editor was classed as an onulent merchant the other day by an Oreeonian reporter and justly got maa. rrommeni citizens of Eugene have Buffered from the same luck of distinction by the reporter. To ease their wounded feelings we reproduce the criticism of thu Democrat: The following is the exact situation in reference to Albany also, as well as other points, and it has become ri diculous. The man who gets up tha Orcffonian's Dersonals from D j hotel signatures making everybody prominent merchants, should re ceive some private instructions. "Tho Salem merchant" in tho Orc tronian's personal column' is grow ing to be a great chestnut. Every body who regisw rs at a Portland hotel, from a leading minister to a bootblack, is reported by the Ore- gonian as a merchant. A fight betwee i a water company and the municipal corporation that gave it being ct rtainly cannot be frofitable for the former in the end. t was only a f )w years ago that the Portland woter company was compelled to dispose of its plant at actual cost, but far less than its actual value, on account of the city taking steps to put in water works of its own. The Eugene Water Company has made an effort to obtain another source of water supply from arte Bian wells, but failed. Still there are other means by which pure water can be obtained. Jt was a mistake to locate the pumping sta tion at the poinf now occupied by it. If the suit .gainst the city is brought from any other motion than to obtain a reasonable time in which to locate a new pumping station, the Water Company is certainly making a mistake. A law has been nassed in Miohi- gan relieving the owner of mort gaged property from paying taxes on the amount mortgaged; this part of the burden being placed by the same statute on the money-lender. In passing this law the Michigan law-makers, taking warning from the Massachusetts monev-lenders. inserted a claue invalidating all private contracts requiring the mortgage to pay these taxes. The experiment in Michigan will be watched with interest. The object of the law is to favor the man obliged to borrow money, but it cannot compel the lender to put his money out on these conditions, and already there ha been much com plaint against the measure in that it drives capital out of tho state where meney can be lent to better advantage. It will doubtless re duce the number of mortgages on Michigan propeity, but whether-it will prove bemficial to the people it is intended to benefit ia another question. The assessor of twenty-five counties, out of the entire thirty one, have handid in their assess ment rolls to tho secretary of state, and all show an increase over 1890, with the exception of Grant and Baker counties. The total receipts by the twenty-five assessors show a total taxable property amounting to $102,081,578, and estimating the six counties net yet heapd from, Yamhill, Morrow, Lane, 'Douglas, Clatsop and Benton, tho Isame as 1890, there will be a sTand total of $122,150,498, as against 4 total of ?114,0i7,787 forthe31cohnties jn 1890. From reports received, these countief will shiw an increase, and it is presumed the aggregate taxa ble" property returned t the state board of equalization for adjust ment and equalization ai its Decem ber meeting will fall littj short of flsu.WU.UUU. After thtf board have done their work, the governor, sec retary and treasurer will figure- up the running expenses ar.d make a levy of the state. i . aw -WI-Wa It -afSJ - "OS. ST AIMS' q-'brlUM' Sells the CclcW NON-RUSTING CFWTrtlT rvr.. ill mm EUGENE, msm and get MORE PoWg Writ and use LESS mi ta tot oar Maw lUoatratad Catai '."li THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL L ENGINE CO., ffisgi - J! cuss HE .IDA! v BUT CURr? jJWTHlimij!1 NEW GOODS, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS From the Cheapest to item prices according to quali A LARGE STOCK OF 1 mi ili From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties be suited either as to rnceorvjuaiiti, Our assortment is Complete, from the lowed ii the Finest; can suit you if you give us ad OUR STOCK IS 62TFrce. IVeir and Sljrlisb.3 Look us over; if we do not savo yoo money, we will make awi eel! to you low. . . . .air n r fnffe01CC A rULL LI iMc, ur unuutnitg-n f. b. jm i Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete etock of Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals jim KID 8H0E8, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And In fact everything in the Boot and Shoe Hue, to which I intend to devote my eapectal attention. -MY GOODS ABE FIBST .CLASS. And guaranteed aa represented, and will be mid for the lowest .prices tliaa good article can be afforded. A. HUNT Important Ik. My Patrons and the public are notified that I will sell all Goods and Merchandise at my Creswell :-: Store! FOR THB Lowest Cash Price ! Will pay the Hujheat Market Price forFarm Produce. To induce nnr lursre atock wUl give SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS foe Caab or Produce. L D. SCABBROUCH, CRESWELL. JAMES McCIi: CHOICE WINKS, LIQCOKSi Willamette 8trwl,b(t;i! i Sportsman's If HORN 4 Practical Gun TWbii : J GCN5, iw-( FiBhinC Tarkle and Vfc Sewing Ml "'J All MinaalM"", Kepairin(fdonelnla,i Guns Loaned &Ami Store oo WllWW"-, EXClTXMESt Rnnihtfhlnthl.ltrojJ,.; everybody l "lnP "J" im build up their ayaten. bOlld up their "? a, friend, about It, "fflt I merit when all ipe Uo"1, J BAVB .J Fromatcrrbledih.;t.i beii cured of catarrt i W . j Positive and .r k11 to cure BbeomB' ... ck, bore Tin. Be- t WANTED WOOL, HIDES AND FURS AT COLDS MiTH'O. ', rrnrc Caaafca Calria Iftff narv.. pMHLtlla yUl.Li) Haranta, lliaaii Cun,Croti, lure Itiroit, Aaiaita, and tv.ry at.n.iKja o( ia Tliraat, Lanoa ami Caut.iocludin( C.-n'urgtbl. Ten Small for sAl Situated from three W" Fruit, Grail al The entire tract ...ill t DIVIDED INTO JPJ From ten acr f On Reasonably Inquire, for fnrtb 11 AfTl i. ATTfl" r Onthepremi..-'1- j JOS. V. P.