The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 05, 1891, Image 5

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Springfield Items.
TW.'1 1 Oft1
Tho town election comet) off In a lew
a. ana candidate are on the qui
:.ihs Clara Pengra wai taken quite
it the dav after Thanksgiving and la
nnea w ner Dea.
i. J. Penirra la again araonest us.
-,i is as enthuslastio aa ever over
.rjnjrflelil prospect.
'lit. Yerriugton has been laid up for
tTcrtti aays wun a very baa loot and
with hla brother In Eugene.
Uart Jackques was quite severely
nrt Monday by having a lumber pile
:i over on him, but luckily no bones
r broken.
Hies Jottings make me think of
' it one of Dicken'a characters
'aims: "It's a' a muddle;" Joy and
-DW are pretty well mixed.
tn Saturday evening some friends of
e umiiy or Air John luMiy were en
'.billed by the Mistiea Kelly and a
-y piquant evening spent at that
y residence.
...iinor has it the postofflce drug
e Is about to change hands, and we
to have a resident physician and
- - :UL both having tanillies. which
1 undoubtedly be a good move for
julre Bowerman went up the Mo
Ao about a week since to tie a nup
knot, and must have struck aome-
that he thinks will pay him
..i-r than sawmill work, for he left us
...nday and his towering form will be
Thank giving day for 1891 has come
ind gone since my last budget, and
nany plt-asant remembrances of the
lav wlu long; remain in the minds of
not Hpringfleldltcs. A union service
naa held in the Baptist church in the
norning conducted by the pastor. Rev.
.Vllwro, assisted by Rev. Taylor, of the
,i. i cnurcn. rue entertainment in
he evening was a success In every
ray. The literary and musical pro
ruinme waa well rendored to a very
riwl&tlvs audience that literally
ckod the hall, and when the sale of
ieketa took place the bidding was
cry spirited, and with supper tickets
ummea up about sixty dollars, i
nuat mention one basket which for
rijjliiality of design waa a stunner,
t was a turkey, the body a huge
mmpkln, the neck a very large coru-
ob, and "the beak a beet that couldn't
e beat" by a real one, it had wings
nd tail, borrowed from an immense
ufunct owL It was indeed a fine
joking bird and looked ready to gob
le instead of being gobbled. Miss
Cate Kelly was the manufacturer,
'he fun over the salo of this basket can
e better imagined than described, but
put it mild when I say it caused
xany side aches.
J. E. T.
Gwehen Items.
Dee. 8, 1891.
Benj. Mores, 8r.i bss returned to Cres-
ChM. Smith, of Chritmao, is here work
)g (or Ben Keeney.
The series of meeting! which was con
uoed by Rev. Olds, hat been terminated.
Farmers Allianee of Goshen is seemingly
ourishlng Judging from tbs Bomber seek
tg membership.
Mr. Thompson, who porobaiied the Jacob
Premier place, bs arrived and taken pos-
;slon of Ibe same.
Oar debating society will meet next Bat
rday, Dee. 6th, aod a floe time is anticipa
d. Cams and bear 0. H. M't stamp
Tbe rile of of Baptism was performed by
United Brethren remitter at Iks Coast
brk bridge last Snodty. Two person
ere baptized.
Chat. Jaekaoo and family, of Washing
o, are here viaitlng. An item overlooked
y ns In recent reports. Mr. J. will seek a
oms In this part of the Hate.
Cohbkct, Bbotbxs, Roaeburg Plaladeat
r: Tbe Eugene Dailt Gcasd In reprint
ig tbt Plaidealer't comment on Roeeburg
limatesays "All the tarns in Eogeos."
ifay not? Tbers are at good folks Tn En
eness In Bosebarg, and being a neighbor
i in most reapecta entitled tn as beautiful
either and aa good a time.
Aairs DracHiaoiD. A. J. Lsngworthy,
ho waa tried before J actios Hendenoo
'ueaday afternoon, on the charge of ob
truding s public highway, waa found not
oilty by the jury, and be was dlaoharged
roin custody.
A Correction.
The Annual election of chief and
distant chief engineer of the Eugene
re department will be held the flret
londay In December, the Tth. instead,
f the 1st of December. By order board
f del gates.
Secretary; President.
For Sale.
80 acres of land, located 8 miles west
f Junction City. About 40 acres of
lea red land, the rest can easily be put
l cultivation. Almost all under fence;
o other Improvements. Will sell at a
argain. For further particulars call
t my residence R miles west of Juno
ion City, or on L. Bilyeu, Eugene.
Flora A. Mays.
Ladles, Attention f
The Buterick Patterns have arrivta sad I
tn supply any pattern wanted.
Orders by mail promptly attended to,
ostage prepaid.
B. BcBWaaucaoD.
Eugene Book 8on.
Estray Hotloe.
Cunt to my place in Coon Bangs X
llloa north of Eugene, In August, a black
nd whits heifer about S years old. End of
;ht born broke off. No mailt or brands.
)wner cat have sama by paring sinenses
nd paatorags. Xawia Baiaauw.
Ctrpet Weavlag.
Persona deeiiiag carpet wearing dons
ill apply either at tbeofflos of tbs Lane
ounty Land and Loan Co., or at my rati
ens in r'raaier k Bjland's addition,
outh Willamette Street
H. Wsnaa.
For Sale.
A complete sawmill with or without
imber at a very reasonable rate. (Jen-
ritliy located.
For further lnformstlonaddresi tbe
3CAR.1 oftlce,
Frnne Trees for Sale,
I have 1.300 Italian prune trees fur
ile at the nursery of a F. Kerns, near
Aii-ne. Call at once.
W. P, McQhke. Mais. Taws, June , 1881.
rom my own pertonal knowleOVe I oaa
wmmLd Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera
od DiMTb.ea Kemedy (of oramps la
tomach, ale fur diarrhea aod flat. It
tie b-tl nirdicinel bae ever seen sad
nd the bel telling, at it alwava gives sat
fctioo. A. K. gniaaux. ti aod SO
tnt bouits for sals by Osbura DsLaao.
Houowit WarcHts, Cuxxa, Jtwaui
orsoranLca axo Music.
Day A Henderson.
Canvas thoet at O. E. K't.
Waltoa A Bktpworth, Lawyers.
Oe to 0. E. Kranaea for loot weir.
Call on Caswell for tidewalk lumber.
Bubber bottom thoet at 0. E. Eranaae'a.
Sheet mtuio at Patterson A Chrlatian't,
9th St.
Money to loan on farme. Enquire of Judge
See the nw ttylet of Oik firnitire at
Day A Qendenon't.
Hot and cold baths everv dav in the week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
Cerpett, carpett, all new ttyltw for tpring
trade t Day A HrnderHon't.
For fine suits nude to order and ready
nude clothing, go to Ed Hanton.
Bee tbt new invoice of oak furniture, all
new patterns at Day A HondeMon's.
2t dollars will boy t nolid. tntiaue. oak
bed room set at Day A Hen Unon'e.
$5,000 worth of ladiet' ahot to be told at
or below oott 1. D. Matlocx.
Mr Geo F Cnw hat the tola aireocv for all
bnnda of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigara
Remember that Hanson A Son have the
but selected ttook of clothing in town.
Brtna yonr old scrap cast iron to the Eu
gene Iron Foundry where yon can din pose
of it.
Eneene Floor 11.35 txir sack. The Eu
gene Flouring mills make the beat quality
of roller mill flour.
If von are netting too old fur your apeo-
taolee, or it they do not exaotly auit ron take
them to Watts and bars new h-naet fitted. .
Beat line of pluth snd light weight cloth
wrapt from 10 to 35 dollar louth of Port
land, now on exhibition at A. V. Peters.'
Dr. O. W. Biddle may be found at bit
residence on Olive ttroet, between Fifth aud
Sixth atreets one block west of the Minne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent
al work in the beat manner.
The beet family remedy is undoubtedly
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm
less, it socompliahes reliet wnere many otn-
sr medicines fail to do. It may be safely
given to the infant as well as the adult.
Peddlers are like the Irlebman'a flea, and
often irretponiible, buy an organ of a
reputable hones, and that will not fall to
pieces with the fint damp weather. Call
snd see Holloway's.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford ties st 0. E. K't.
Fountain pent st Watts'.
OvergaltersstO. E. K't.
Job work at tbe Ocasd office.
Tennis goods at O. E. K't.
Ws lead, others follow. O. E. K.
Wigwam slippers st 0. E. Erausse's.
Basset thoet at 0. E. K't.
Go to Smith A Hall to sell your wool.
Go to Ooldimith't and get prioet on baoon
and lard.
Belette Plusb Jackets only 10 dollars at A.
V. Peters.'
Men's pslent leather thoet at 0. E.
Blank deedt and mortgages for sale at the
Guaed offioe,
Goldimith payt the highest cash price foi
oountry produce.
Forest City Dongola shoes only f 1 60 s
pair at A. V. Petert.'
Ttemember the tl 60 Dongola tboe, good
value for 2, at A. V. Petert'.
The beat assortmnt of children's thoet
will be lound at 0. E. Krauane't.
When wanting a nice tie or anything in
the furnishing Hoe go to J. E. Bond.
Blank notlcet f the location of quaiti
mines for salt at tht Guard office.
For all kindt of farming implements call
on 1. M. Hendrickt on Ninth Street.
Screen window! and doors, giant, saah and
doors st Biqalow A Kidxpatbicx.
My entire stock 10 per cent, disoouot fur
CMo, i. u. JUATLOCX.
If von wsnt to buy a magnificent organ
from 150 to $75 cheaper than peddlers can
sell yon, go to W. Uolloway.
W. Hollowsv has iut received s consign-
mentof new oreani. without doubt the fin
est toned instruments ever brought here.
Cell snd tee them.
A larse assortment of wall paper lust re
ceived at the Eugene Book Store. Call and
see it.
WurrlD. 100.000 lbs. of good Willamette
vsllty wooL Smith A Hah.
What Is It?
That croduces that beautifully softoom-
plexion snd leavea no tracca of its applica
tion or ininriont effects? The answer, Wit
dnm'a Kobertine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounoed by ladiet of taste and refine
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Warrauted barmleas snd
matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene
Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctioucer.
mn von want your Roods, household
furniture or land sold st auction, call of
Geo. W. Kinsey, tbe pioneer and most auc
eesafnl auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all sales on a reasonable com
Vk.. B.ndnft AAmAtAfV WOrk HO to E.W .
II UVH W J - -
Achlaon A Co., who sre prepared to furnish
.ii .ia. .t inaaat nriiH for first-class work.
Our Portland cement walls for enclosing
cemetery lota srs tne nnett yei pui upon
market, and are inrnisneu ai auuut uu
eott of ttone. Call and see our beauti
H.rr k Westerly Granites and beat
gradea of Vermont marble. Offices at Al
bany. Eugene and Roaeburg.
' n it.,II.V.nH
very jieepw-'vimi
E. W. AcHDiaos A Co.
Sheep Inspectors Kotlce.
All persons tn Lane county owning scab
by sheep or sheep afflicted with other die
saies, are hereby notified that aoid sheep
mast bs thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill
said dlaeaae, forthwith.
Any person falling to comply with tbit no
tioe will be liable to bave bis tbeep dipped
by the Inspector st said personi's expense
Take notice and save costs,
Dated Jone 5, 1891.
Gao. Ftsuta, Sheep Inspector.
Ths cheapest place to boy your buildert
hardware, tinware, gla, rope, and all kindt
of machine oils, Ao., is at
Vadk"boso A Kiupp,
Mstonie Building.
LruBta Soncs.-Go to the Depot lnmbei
ysrd for cheap lumber. Andrews will not
be undersold.
FASMXas, Arrnmos. All kinda of ma
ohins oUa at bed rock prices at
VAiDincao A KiArr't.
Call a Halt That tired languid feeling
means that yonr tysUm is in a aUto to in
vite disease, and Wright 's Componnd Ex
tract of KaraaparUU U what yoo need at
osca to sxpei impurities of the blood and
nild yon np. add by aU droggiaU.
Oonl Believe H
When told thai F. M. Wilkins, ths druggist,
it aot selling "Wisdom's Eobertioe" for tbe
eompWxlon. the moat elegant and only really
harniiaas preparation o? its kind in tbe
vorld, and giving a beautiful picture card
wuh every bottle.
Council met Monday evening, Nov, 30,, st 7 o'clock.
Present-Mayor MoClung, Cooncltnien
Walton, rage, Urima, rreston ana ui
burn. .
Absent Councilman Dorris.
Tbe City Beoorder being sick, Geo. A.
Dorris acted as recorder pro tern.
Tbe following; proetedinga ware had :
The committee on health to whom waa re
ferred the petition of J. B. Harrit and
otbert for permission to oonneot with tne
sewer reported favorably, snd on motion
of Councilman Wslton ths report was laid
on tbe Uble.
City Attorney Skipworth reported that
the city had been enjoined from making
conufciloDi wun tbe sewer tn a wnere-
in the Water Company it plaintiff.
Oa motion of Councilman Walton ths
matter wai referred to ths judiciary eom
niittee with power to lake inch action ss
iney deem neceeaarv.
Petition from W. T. McOraft and T. C.
Short and others for a sidewelk on ths saal
side of Washington street from First atreet
to and a croni Fourth ttn at read, and on
motion of Councilman Otburn referred to
tbe street committee.
Petition from Charles Baker asking for
permission to connect with sewer read and
referred to the health committee.
Ordinance pasted by the Council to levy
atxessmentt on the following streets:
South Willamette street from 11th to 17th
atreet. Total, $609.84.
Eleventh ttreul from Willamette to A
street. Total, f 508.02.
Madison atreet from 8th to Cheshire
street. Total fI,6M.
Petitltion for tidewalk from J. E. Piok
ens aud others praying for an arc electric,
light at tbe corner of Eiubth and Olive
streets read aud referred to the committee
on fire and water.
The following billt were read and re
ferred to the committee on finance: L.
Simon., $3.50; J. B, Stowell, $39 50.
Councilman Walton offered tbt following
resolutiou which was unanimously tdopted:
Uksoiakd, That it it the sense of tbe
Commou Council of the City of Eugeni
that the city should hsvs s system of Water
Works aud ao electric light plant;
Keholvcd, That the City of Eugene take
the neccsHiirv meatnret to put in a system
of Water Works and an eleotrlo light plant
at the esrliest possible time.
The Mayor requested the oommittot on
sewer to make a full report of ths expendi
tures of the sewer fund.
On motion adjourned.
The entire neighborhood of Fall Oraek It
ttirred to itt deptbt by a row that occurred
(hire the day before Thanksgiving. From
the account given us, Misa May Sbankt
went to the postoffloe al Fall Creek kept by
Wm. Wilmot. He ordered her sway but
she refined saying tht wanted her mail.
Then a general row oocurred in which Mist
May, ilmott and bit better half, a Scotch
man aud New Griffin took an active psrt.
During the melee Mil. Wilmott's hand waa
bruised and Miaa Shankt waa thrown to Iht
ground t distance of nearly eight feet. Af
ter the row, all retired in good order, still
bad feelings were engendered, which result
ed in s warrant being sworn ont before Jus
tice Huunicut, chsrgiug Miaa Shankt with
assult aud battery upon Mrs. Wilmot. She
was given s trial before s jury who found
her guilty of the charge, but recommended
her to tbe lowest fine. Ths Justice assess
ed the Hue st $50.
Desiring to further contest the awe,
she refiiM d to pay tho fine, when she
was ordered committed to the county
Jail for 25 days. The constable, Chas.
KiraeiiKcr, brought the young Jady
here Thursday and dullvered her
to HIierill'Nolund. Friend have lire
cured Attorney Geo. A. Dorris to look
after the cane in her behalf. It is
claimed the jury was not sworn and
that she did not have a fair trial. It is
probable that other parties will be ar
rtwtcd in connection with the case.
One thing is sure, the jail la an unfit
place to incarcerate a young lady, and
that she will not be committed to the
The young lady Is only 14 years of
age. It Is very likely that she will be
rek'aHcd on a habeas corpus proceeding.
Mabel Murmurtngs.
Deo. 2, 1891.
lluruh for the beautiful weather we
had lust week.
C. F. Cleaver, of Springfield, was
here Sunday last.
Air. Wortman has not been running
his sawmill of lute.
A. P. Churchill, of Eugene, was In
this vicinity last week.
Kate and Anna Drury were at home
from school Thanksgiving. They re
turned to Eugene bjunday.
A Mr. Hnively, of Eugene, was up
the Mohawk the 11 rut of the week look
ing nt the country, with a view of pur
chasing a ranch. Come one and all,
we are sure you will be pleased with
the country.
I Will Not Ile I nderswM.
18 lbs Granulated Sugar
22 Hit Extra C Sngar
..$1 00
.. 1 00
.. 1 00
. 100
.. 1 00
.. 29
.. 1 00
.. 75
,. 50
.. 1 00
,. 1 00
.. 1 10
23 Iht Golden 0 Sugar
25 tot Choice Dried Applet.
25 Ibt " " Plumt.
Arbnckle't Coffee
10 cant Corn .'...
5-J) box Tea
12-15 box Soda
6 cana Oood Table Peaches
5 cant Best " "
5gallon can Beat Pearl Oil.
A Mutaks Tbs Board of Firs Delegates
tome time since called ths annual
Firemen's election for Chiof Engineer snd
Assistant, to be held today between tbe
boars of 1 and 6 p. m. It now appears that
the board made a mistake in calling ths
election, aa ths city lawt provide that laid
election shall occur on the first Monday la
December, and that ten days notice shall bs
given in one of the city papers. Ths na
nce wai given but tbe wrong data was
named. It ia now too late to give a legal
notice, hence it it tbe general opinion that
an election next Monday would be illegal,
and therefore, the present offloars will bold
over until Deoember, 1892. This la nnfor
tnoate s both of tbt officers now ia power,
Messrs. Bellman and Drake, are on tbs
sick Int. Tbs best wsy to solve tbs mttter
would be for the gentlemen to resign, then
s special election could be held.
Hinre the above was written the
lloard of Fire delegates haa ordered the
election for next Monday. Tbe City
Attonit-y says the election will be
legal i
IxmviiwiD. Monday's Portland Dally
Telegram aays: Charles E. Lockwood, as
sistant United States prosecuting attorney,
returned ibu morning iron) a short trip to
hit old himt in Eugeue. To a reporUt bs
said: "There hat been a great deal of rain
fallen up ths Willamette valley this fall,
but there has been s sutpaosioa of raitv
making' recently. AU along tbe valley I
saw the burners were very busy plowing snd
E siting to. their crops. WfciU I waa in
ngeae 1 Saw but let faraara, thty being
too bey plowing and towing to sots lo
town. Time are indications of a large
acreage nri I season, judging front present
ecti'ity ill tanning, prospects sre looking
bright lov Mane. There a a good deal of
activity now ia the building line. Ths
build in, however, is principally confined
to dwelUtrfS, there being bat lew basinets
blocks goibg up just sow. I look for lively
times this kceaoa at Eugene."
Leo Oerhsrd, of Alblna, It in tht city.
Centralis had a $50,000 Are yesterday
insurance, iuuu.
Mrs. M. A. Brnmley, who bst been ill
lor a lew dtys past, is now oonvaieactog.
Mrs. West is si present nnable to fulfill
her duties at ths poblio school on account
01 aioaneaa.
An sunt of Mrs. A. J. Nichols, of Fair
mount, returned to Sacramento, Cal., last
night alter a abort visit.
Ths dnck liar haa now attained such nro-
fiolency at to oast the trout fisherman into
ins tbadet of oblivion.
Mr. Hsle. tbs Ninth street saddler, bat
purchtaed five acrea In Hendrickt and Uoff
man't addition to aet out in (rail.
Miaset Garrison and Learned have moved
their millinery and dressmaking parlors
iron tun itreel to wuitmettt touuj of post
A pretty Hennner widow named Wilson.
who bad a millinery shop in that town, hat
eloped witb. a hotel-keeper named Uayte,
woo oaa a wilt and several cbiidren.
J. F. Moore, who has been occupying a
position in Urty & Bon t arocery ttort letl
on the overland last night with bia family
lor bnreveport, La., nia tormtr Dome,
Dow Huff came down on this morning's
local train. He ia only f lightly injured in
tbs back. Ht savs thai James Laviuger ia
seriously injured, bat bs does not tbiux, te
Tbe board of directors of ths Eugene
Beading Boom voted lo extend their sin
cere thankt to tbe young ladiet of Iht Y.
W. C.T. U. for their generout gift of furni
ture to tht Beading Boom.
About fortv half callon fruit larl of
umerent varieties or milt were stolen
from J. M. Sherwood's new cellar Sun
day nluht. No trace has vet been
gained of the guilty parties.
Janice Law. of Creswell. Informs us
that ho killed an eagle la.t week, with
a ritle, that measured eight feet and
four Inches from tin to tin and wclirhcd
eight and one-half pounds. Ho killed
tne mm on mo wing.
Mrs. F. J. Crouch is now prepared to
give letwons In painting, at her resi
dence, Eat Oth street, every afternoon
from 1 till 6 o'clock. Ladles are
respectfully Invited to call and Inspect
her work.
1802 catalogues sre being distributed.
Lebanon It trying lo tnforce ths Oregon
Sunday Isw.
Albany and Salem have city eleotiunt
next Monday.
Recorder Dorris is confined to hit room
with siskneat.
The hog crop it being harvested. It It
.id lo bs light.
J. W. Egan It now conducting a restau
rant al Stockton, Cal.
Mr. Hardeaty snd family returned this
afternoon from a trip lo Yaquins,
A marriage lioenas wit Issued yesterday
afternoon lo D. Means sod M. B. Huston,
The river today reached an eight-foot
stage, the highest yet this winter.
W. H. Vanderbnllt, tbt bilk painter, it
now plying hit avocation st Sacramento,
Julius Goldtmith advertlaei that he will
oloae ont hit butineii at Medford, Oregon,
by February lit.
Railroad lantern and all other kinds from
25 cts. np. Extra globes snd burners of all
kinds. F. L. Chambms.
Tbs name of J. W. Cusiok is mentioned
In connection witb ths Republican nomina
tion for mayor of Albany,
Since the last rain geese and ducks
are reported to be plentiful on the
prairies west or eugeue.
John Baker who hat been working in a
lumber yard at Salem, will soon return to
Eugene snd aooept a like potition hers. .
Tht Register mentions Hon. 8. W. Con
don at s proper person In receive ths repub
lican nomination for Circuit Judge In this
Jjong Creek Eagls: J. D. Sellers of
Laneoounty, brother of W. T. Sellers It
visiting lo Camas prairie. , lis thinks of
locating hers.
Wheat is worth in San Franolsoo 11.02
per cental snd only $105 in Portland.
What is ths matter with Oregon's "great
seaport" town.
Bpenoer't Butte, south of town, was cap
ped with snow Ibis morning. Ths McKen
sis hills were also covered with a oostlng of
tbs "beautiful."
Fisher A Watklns purchased this
week forty head of fine beef cattle from
K T W. .!.,. I T 1 Tl.n., ...Ill
A. U. iijiuiiu. uunvii. . j it j .....
ship them to Portland.
Wednesday's Albany Herald: J. L.
Bcott and family leave today for Lane coun
ty, where Ihey will visit a few days before
departing for California to tpend tbs win
ter. Boieburg Plalndealer, Dee. 1: Dr. Ds-
vore and wife, of Grant's Pasa, were regis
tered at tbt MoOlallen today. Dr. Devort
it en route for tbs northern part of Douglas
snd Lent.
A mistake occurred In the names of
the attorneys retained on behalf of the
Water Company. The name of 8. W,
Condon should have been Inserted In
stead of E. O. Potter.
Houses are very scarce of late In Cot
tage Drove. There Is not a vacant
building to be found. A few thousand
dollars Invested In mora buildings here
woukl pay big Interest.
L. Bilyeu s member of the State Board
of Equalization, went to Salem ibis morn
ing lo attend a meeting ot that body, il
eoveoenet thlt morning, and will be in ses
sion for a term of thirty daya.
A. J. Acthison. who has been running s
small ttore opposite the Bust House al
A Ibauy for a lew months, has made an as
signment for the benefit ot bis creditors, to
JHW. Achlaon. Hit liabilities srs placed
si about $300.
PrinavlllsNews: Burl Conger, whose
nsme hss appeared in print lu Ibis paper
several timee lately, baa suffered the trouble
and ex petite that attend a ahsrifTs sale
here. Some ons attached bis property
soms horses here snd they were sold si
giveaway prioes on Thursday No one
knows or cares, meantime, where "Burl"
Thn enltlft ernu contentedly on Hkln-
ner's butte within the limits of the
city of Eugene, Urecn fields, full
nowers, grwv tne vwiiors u our u
lamette valley. Western Oregon, from
lh annthprn limits of Jiu-ksnn and
Josephine oountlre to the northern
boundaries or tne uiutuma river can
not be surpassed.
If ths federal snthorities want lo enforce
ths Isw about newspaper! publishing, lot
tery sdvertitmeals why do thy make fiah
ol out endUUsb of another) Wby Use a little
newspaper in Oregon $50 and let a bit; Cali
fornia newspaper go annoticed! The Ban
Franoisoo Examiner of Ibe 121k inat. bat
a big Louisiana lottery ad. over a column ia
length. If one is stacked, slosh all Treat
sll alike J that's tbs esly fair way.Astot.
PrlneyUle News. Nov. Ui Tbs bruising
match that ia to take pi see this evening be
tween Billy Boat sad Jimmy Woods, gives
tbt boja ' plenty of food for talk, and it
believed bv many to be gotten np for specu
lation: baoee there will be bat few aide beta
oa lbs result. Next week ws bops to bt
abU to give tbe facta, tnd possibly an opin
ion ia Ibe matter. Bat, aa ws are not a
prise fighter, ws take but little Interest in
Wlllmighby, dentist.
Pnmpa, pipe aud gaa flttlugt at Miller A
D. Linn A Son, furniture and undertak
Cook ttovee from $1.50 to $00 st Miller
Long a, 1Mb street.
Nice assortment of hardware at Miller A
Long t.
Oats bonght and stored by lbs Eugene
aiming io.
Miller A Long it the cheapest place for
tioves ana tinware.
Ken saving over lo vonrself. "I can cet
nardware at Miller A Long t."
The beat buggy made for the niouer. la F.
L. Chambers $ti0 pleasure wagont.
Attention Famiert. Call on Miller A
Long fur Stores, Tin aud Hardware.
Owners of farms desirous of tenants rail
on the Eugeue Improvement Co., Register
For choice Spencer Butte nursery atnle.
pear trees, ao, write to Urville l'bolps, Eu
Why I Sleep on tht floor when $2
will buy s doubls btdstesd at Day A Hen-
Carpentera and contractors will save mon
ey by getting tinning snd plumbing from
aimer ot LiOUg.
Tinning, plumbing and lob work of
all kinds done cheap aud on short notice at
Miller A Long.
Miller A Long are sole sgents for the cel
ebrated Gold Coin snd Gordon Stoves sud
Ranges in tugvne.
Remember thai tht F.'uena Milling Co..
it bnyina oats, and ttoring them also. Lib
eral prioet offered.
Ax Billy the reduotlont on ttanle arti
Cheap for cash only, Ax Billy.
Ed. Bauui, olothier.
Ax Billy tbe prioet on tinware.
Don't past by D. Linn A Son't furniture
ttore without examining their flue new line
of furniture just received.
Oak bed room sett and all other kinds of
furniture, tbadet aud earpett st Day A
Henderson's, chetper iban ever.
If yon want a suit of clothes or a fair of
pantaloon go to Davis, tbe tailor. He guar
antees satisfaction and low prices.
Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without
seeder, best snd lowest price in the market
st F. L. Cusiioxna.
Oliver Chilled Dow. also Oliver! new
Keel plow warranted to tcour in any soil.
Walking, Sulky or Onng Plows aud any
thing you need to cultivate tbe grouud
wun. r. L. CDAUnxna.
For watches, clooka. silverware aud lew-
elry go to Holloway's. All new goodt tod
W. llolloway't stock is ssaln comnlete
with ths neweat novelties of the season.
Prioes are ths lowest.
There sre no flies on Hollowsv or flv
pecks on his goods. They are all brand
new tnd ths trices are like the goods. Call
and see his watches, clocks tnd silverware.
Etigeno flour at IleiulerNnn's.
Allwny flour at Henderxou's.
Medford flour at llendennn'R.
Junction Hour at Henderson's.
You pays your money and you takes
your choice.
Ax Billy for new bargslns.
8ugar and flour are down, Ax Billy.
Wlldwood axes, cross out saws, wedgot
and tledget.
F. L. CiMMnxas.
No matter how trlfllnir the token
no mutter how valuable tiie present
Holloway is prepared to meet your
Don't waste your time. In looking-
for a better place, you cannot find It.
Holloway saved you this trouble
when he bouirh tho Roods he now
oilers you. Come and examlno
them, ascertain the price and you will
find that I am right.
Herald: On last Satorday night William
Bawl, confined in Malheur couuty jail at
Vale, on a charge of burglary, made hit es
ospe by Ibe sssittanot of s friend who stole
ths key to Iht oell occupied by Bawl from
Sheriff Feel's detk snd while that oHioer
waa at anpper, mads sn entranos through a
window in lbs sheriff's office connected
with tbt jail snd gave ths prisoner hit
Moro Observer: The school teachers
In Morrow county have struck for
higher remuneration. At the Institute
recently held there they orirunlwd a
tcuchcr's aHoclatlon and passed resolu
tions limiting the minimum salary to
lie accepted by any member of the asso
ciation to $50 per month.
Ths Portland Telegram sayti Tilt data
of Iht Bochefnucsld-Mitchell wedding has
been let for the early part of January.
There Ir a very pretty tnd romantic story
going the rounds that the match la sn out
growth of love st Aral sight, when tbe oou.
file met st a dionur some six years sgo, II
t said that reasons of a private 'nature pre
vented tbs marriage; on ths duke't pari,
bnt this is not so. There were rumors of a
secret engagement a year sgo, but ths fami
ly stigmatiwd it at false and unwarranted.
The auks bst tlwtyt teen bard aervice un
til recently, when bt wst promoted lo tbe
rank of captain snd was assigned lo the
Paris ttation, which was, of course, a wel
come change from bis last oainpalgn in Al
giers. Florence flewu.
The West, Nov. 27.
A new eniflne house Is being built
over the engine of tho Lillian.
For a short time (ieo. M. Miller lias
withdrawn his Florence property from
the market.
Hteumer Chance on her last trip took
out 10,000 feet of clear cedar lumber
from Mr. Hautiert s mill at Acme, t his
lumber was shipped to Portland where
It is worth from $U3 to t.'iO per thous
Co . Hritton Is "in It." that Is. he has
been "In It" the water, down where
the Pacific ocean empties Into the great
Hi unlaw. He knows the depth of the
water at that point to an inch, because,
as we before stated, he's been "lu It"
clear to his whlxkers.
Kix months airo the man who took a
claim out neur the mouth of the river
was not considered right wise by muny
of our townsjieoplo. What a change a
few months' time has wrought! These
same townssxpk) are now fulling all
over each other lu tiiekr mad scrutnuie
to find any kind of a piece of hind out
that way upon, which to file a homu-
T. K. Merry "That Is an almighty
fine road out at the cape, but the con
tractors that took the work for $fi,30
are very nicely 'done up1 on the job. I
should estimate tliat at least $0,0U() or
$10,000 have aln-ady been expended,
ami It will cost from VSm or tOOU
to complete It. . The bidder that put
but ngures at iim.uw rumo m-arer
knowing the owt of such work than
the td,ua man."
li-rwina wialilnff fresh nasture for
horses will apply to J. M. Hendricks
or at First rational xiank, or at prem
ises near Cloverdale.
A. M. Hn.N'UKrcKfl.
Th nt.-amer that tilv between Flor-
enceandthe Head or fide are loaded.
to their full cajittcity every trip,
WATaU.-An experh'wvd girl to do
general tiouHcworx. inquire st jint.
f klpworth'S; on &Ui street.
The river Is out of iU bunks.
Picture frames made lo order st T.
Go to T. Browu's for pictures snd look
log giasaet.
The lady drummer arrived today on her
tegular trip.
Genuine Sorghntu made In Southern Ore
gon at Goldsmith's.
Chris Marx has reduced the nrlca of aha.
ing al bla shop to 15 oentt.
Carpet sewing done on thorl notioe and
tud satisfaciiou guaranteed, at T. Brown's.
J. (I. Keller. Iho civil engineer, enmo
nou n irom itosetmrg on this morning's
t nu u
(Iconic fiilfivr. J. V. Mccksaml Ln-
fayetto Hendricks, of Creswell, were
in town iiHtay
John W. Doak la down from Grant coun
ty aod will spend Ilia winter visiting rela
lives and friends.
George Colter will furnUh Ibe now Glen.
ada Hotel tud open It for guests about the
nrsi oi tne year,
More lots are selling now In Fairmount
at $25 advance Iban were avid .'ast year at
iue ungiuai price.
Feed of nil kinds delivered bv tho
r.iigene untiring units live or charge lo
any pan oi me city
The people of Florence! are making an
earnest effort to build a steamer especially
for the Siusluw trade, aud tho outlook ia
very encouraging,
Tho pile driver and scow for government
woiasat rioreiicn was launched riiitnriiay
and U ready for the machinery which will
be soon lu place.
Geo. Yerriugton, who haa been detained
in Migene a few ilnyt on account of tick-
net has returned to his duties ss Dhsrmt.
oit si the Springfield drug store.
E. O. Potter went tn Corvsllit thlt morn
ing, to take part in the McMurry contempt
iccceiliiigri, wlilcn will be heard by Judge
1'iprt tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'cUck.
M. S. Wtillis received n dlsnatch last
nlht Unit lie It it. 1 liecit appointed a
clerk of tho State Hoard of Kqimllxo
tlnii. He left for Salcin tills morning.
The boy stood on the burning dock.
Whouce sll but bitn bad tied;
"Buy your groceries of Ax Billy"
The sound oeuie clear. "1'wat til he
A State Prohibition Convention was bnl.l
In Portland this week. Hon A. 8 Pali..
son was appointed ohairinsn of the Ijna
couu'y ovutral committee. An enthusiastic
meeting wai neu.
Corvallia Timet: Ed Brvson and Johnnv
riprt, our brace of representative! it the
state university at Enpcne. snent tha Rah.
bath with their parents in this city. They
are both pleased with ths school.
Kosebnrg Plalndealer, Deo. 2: The
forcfl nn Ilia anwnr htillillniv la luilnft -
duced ai tho work ia nearly completed.
roreniau iiolilen left lor Eugeue this morn
ing. He has rendered good and intelll.
geut tuvices here.
On Katiirtlay evening of last week
thirteen of the hrctlicrn of Florence
lodge A. O. U. V., paid tho (lardlner
lodge a fraternal visit. riccch mak
ing, exemplification of the work, and a
flue bampiet kept the boys busy.
Ijuic county should put n gunge on
the bridge nlcr of the Ktigeno bridge
RCI-DHM tho Wllliiniettn u-hi'ii lnur u-ntur
comes again. There Is almost constant
liKpilry for news concerning the stage
of the river and In the absence of a
guagu It Is guess-work.
The ttnte board of ennaliintlon mat al
Salem Tuesday and organized by electing J.
n- pnennn, oi union county, president,
and appointing J. M. Carroll clerk. Five
ronutv rolls sre still out. belno Ihnaa nf
Lion,' Lane, Bonton, Clatsop sud Yamhill
A family la living in a tent back of ths
Eugeus flouting mills that deserve ths ohsr
itv of our peoiilo. Tht husband it sick, tbs
wifo blind snd tbe children suffering from
lack of necessary food and clothing. In
this land of plenty no oue should be al
lowed to sufler for lbs necessaries of life.
It is probable that thu removal of C.
P. Houston ns stat ioti agent at Junc
tion Is In lino with a policy recently
Inaugurated by tho Houthern 1'aclllo
railroad company of keeping no man
In their employ who Is euiraired lu
other business. Mr. Houston has a
largo interest III tllo Junction flouring
mills and the Crouch-Houston electric
J. O. Keller, superintendent and en-
irlneer of tho sewer now belnir con
structed ut Kost'hurg, Informs us that
most or the work is done, $in,riO0 of the
amount appropriated having; been ex-
sMiiieit, leaving nut, fxooj, ii, w.
lolclcn has completed his contract.
Frank Oliver remains with a force of
twenty men to complete- tho work.
Mr. Kelly leaves soon for Cor
vallia and McMlnnvlllo to Interview
the authorities of those cities on sewer
age questions. Mr. Kelley'a work at
j'.iigeiio mis cstuiiiiHiicu ins reputation
us un expert engineer.
The Corvallis Times sayi: A story comes
from Yaipilna City that Ernest Smith, sged
17 years, tried lo ravish Ilia l'J year old
daughter of Lafe Manning. In fact ths en
rsgud father caught tht boy In the act and
bad ample proof to send him to lbs peni
tentiary. Hut by some peculiar compromise
between tbe father, tbt justice of Ibe peaot
and Ilia boy't mother, legal proceedings
were dropped and Mr. Manning was privi
leged to punish the boy as be thought best.
So he took tbe boy lo s secluded spot snd
tho Justice accompanied them, as a referee.
He was stripped and lashed until hit body
looked like s revised map of Africa, and al
thought tbe punishment was not strictly
socording to the letter of tbe law, It wat
both severe tud eftectlve. Of course (ht
firoceediugt may have beenatrlitt lrregu
ar, but we never like lo question the de
cree of a court,
. Heal Eatatfl Transler.
Goo M Miller to Wlllluin Edwards,
lots 5 and 8, block 4, lu original town;
James Hodman, et al, to D T Aw
brey, lots 5 aud 0, block 7, College Hill
Willamette Heal Estate Company to
George Townscnd, lot 10, block 0; $05.
Milton W. HtnltU Ut U N Hmyth and
II H Utinlap, Sil'J acres in Tp 10 8, It
a V:$x:l.UO
H It Fjiklii, Kr, to W T Eakln, 100
acres In Tp 17 8, It 4 W; $3,0tw.
LDForrnitto James W ebeldon, 200
aeieainTUOBJ W $300.
John It Edwards to A and M Bauer mann,
120 acrea in T !W S, B 4 W; $700.
Byron Murcb to U II Cochran, Interest
in ICO sir. s in T 10 H. B 3 W; $1400.
State of Oregon to J L Pse, 200 acres In
T 20 8, U a VV; $ir0.
' W. L. Houston lo T.' A Milllorn, lot J,
tlock 3, Minium s eoiiuion; :jou.
I. arte ( wnaly Peeple,
Tbe Doiiglat eoonty circuit to art eon
venee in Usburg next Monday. We no
ti the fullowing cast in which Lane
eilicn sre iuUiertcd :
L. J. Mill va Wm. J. mil. divorot; L.
Dili m for pltff.
1 O. N. Fraxer vt E. C. Palmer, mechanic's
J. lie Att vs . W. Atl, divorce. Full-
, utou aud Geo M Brown (or pltff.
Bine Hirer Items.
Ihtlnlng very hard today.
Mr. George Friseell returned home
from Eugene today.
M. J. Andrews Is on Gold hill look
ing for placer minus.
Frank Menzlca made s dying trip1
from Gold Hill today.
Mr. Finn hi un the river lookina- un A
location for a sawmill.
Hnow six Inches doen on Gold Hill
today, and still snowing.
Mr, Al Powers and son Lew started
to Eugeno on (Sunday last.
The stniro arrived on time, but we dd
not know whether Harry had to swim
or not.
Tyu,l r' lollnn . Ml
(he proprietor going to Eugene last
Lhurllo Guerlngcr returned from Eu
geno Inst rjundny aud reports roads In
a good condition. ,
C. Martin and L. Pettier have com
menced work on their claims on Gold
Hill and will remain their all the
We are sorry to say our school closed
lost Friday, It being too muddy for the
nuplls to attend longer, our teacher,
Miss Mary Campbell, returning to her
homo on lust Saturday 'a stage, all be
Ing well pleased with her. We hona
she will return early In the spring aud
m uch auoiuer icrui.
Imt. ISuniluy evening- one Week
ago Mr. M. and a fair young lady
started up to J. Isham's. Of course
you all know ho hi Justice of the peace.
For what purpose they started we ca n-
not say, nut it being late in the even
ing and the fog mUlng earlv thev were
lost in the midst of it. Air. P. waa
forced to take his eun and lantern and
pilot them back to the Davis House.
A Chance for All.
It it hnrata nature st sll timet to want lo
better your condition. Ton are always look
ing for a chance lo get bargslns, especially
in the line of Ibe neoessaries of life. Ed.
liaum, tht Clothier, la now offering tha beat
bargains ever offered to ths people of Lane
couuty. Bt is preparing to deal In another
line of goods exclusively, and therefore of
fers his entire stock of clothing at actch,
cost. Thlt Is no humbug, but an actual
closing out sale. All clothing will be sold
AT COST snd aU other furnishing goods st
remarkably low prioes. Do not loss yonr
chance for bargains, but make bay whils the
sun shintt. Such obanoet do not eome often
aod do not laal long, so take advantage al
once, lit has no shelf-worn goods, bnl
having been in the business only two years
haa a fresh, olean stock, purchased ia ths
East at low prices for oath. The wise will
heod at once.
Tbe Lanfworthy Cage.
Dally Ouard, Dee. t
A. J, Langworthv. who was arrested bv
Doputy Sheriff Cronet last Saturday and
brought hers on Sunday wss given a trial
before Judge Kinsey Monday afternoon, on
tht charge of resisting an officer in tht dis
charge of his duty, the officer being a road
supervisor, After bearing ths evidence
Justios Kinsey discharged Langworthy.
After hit discharge a warrant wm sworn
out in Justice Ilsnilarton's oourt charging
mm wun oostruoung a puDllo otgnwey.
A Prise atjamtk.
There It displayed In E. J. Fraaler't show
window a tquasb that would take the first
prlxs most sny place. It weighs 103
pounds snd wat grown by N. Humphrey in
bit pruns orchard 4 miles below town. No
irrigation or extra ooltlvstion was givsn It.
Tns Amissjient. County Assessor
Mcl'heraon lnformt nt that the ssaeasment
rolls of Lane county for 1801 will probably
be finished Saturday and a copy sent to the
Secretary of State st Salem Monday.
Tbt rollt will ibow quite an increase over
last year. We will try snd procure for
J indication a summary of the ataestment
ur Monday's Dao,t Ocasd.
SxATrxa Rnti E. P. Dorris has turned
philanthropist and proposes to furniah the
peopled tanning ton with free tkatlng on
Int. He is now al work banking Dp around
the ball ground and piping ths water from
ths artesian wail to flood the grounds. Be
thinks It will be a great tuooeet. Farming
ton Newspaper.
A Rccckbh. The silo nut un by
Douglass dt Lcvlngcr, on their farm
above Hprlngtiold. a few days ago was
opened. The 100 tons of corn ensilage
was pure ami rrcsn ana was greauy
relished by the stock. They expect to
iut up a much larger one next season.
lit Dopbt. Those who hsvs been search
ing for ths man Baldwin, who was sup-
fiosed to bave committed suicide by drown
nglnthe Willamette river, hsvs about
come to lbs oonolnsion that be baa left (or
soms other psrt of ths oountry and not sui-
Beino Triei. The trial of John O.
Howell, who shot and killed R. H. Col-
vln last August In Oakland, Cal., Is
now being held In that city. Howell
was a resident of Eugene for a year or
two, and married a Lane county gliL
Takw a Ar-mi. In ths ease ot Ivt
Temuleton. whose suit for damages for in
juries received st ths falling of lbs bridge
sbovs Crawfordtvills a lew years ago was
decided again t ber, an appeal has been
taken to tbs tuprtms oourt.
Ssttlid is Haiti. Mr. J. A. How, of
Spring field, reported a loss by Are oa his
residence lo E. J. Fraaier, agent of ths New
Zealand Fire Iniuranc Co., yeateiday, and
todsy hs received a check for damage sns
taiued, in in full. II pars to insure in old
reliable companies like the New Zealand.
Lard I IonawiirixD. Tuesday Mr.
MoCann bomeateaded 70 acres of land only
three miles north of Eogens. However, It
is composed principally of oil rlvtr beds
and sand bars.
Fob Chih Esoisisb. The Oregon
Dose Team hat nominated Virgil Bowland
at their candidate for Chief Engineer, to be
voted (or next Monday.
Fait. Oo (o F. L. Chambers' Hardware
Store and get a (re ticket in the drawing
c( the beat plow on strth Oliver Chilled.
The Local Market
Tbe fellowtng quotations for the local market
are ol retail prices tin I jr. Tbey are corrected
weekly, and will be lound ss accurate aa sucn
t report cau be nails;
Wm bat Net market I S
(UT-lvr bunhel, net. SO
Klcb Heriuuikt I
Hrar-Fer l 08 9 lw
Mutvos Her tk 06 10
foas-l'er 0ft 14 W
VSAV-ferla, M0 10
HAMS-fer B U
shod aMS-fun 10
Uit-fMS....' "9 1
burus-rer roll (2 las.) W 9
KM ferdrwn
Cuuaass-sprint, Pevdoi I do 9 I OO-
Old hens, Far dos I OS If) t iO
Bsass-V Ik 0
hrvavuta New S Bushel M
ScuAS-nry trannlaleJ, $ H
KxtraC.y '.
0Uleo,B Ol
Corns-Costa Kloo best l It
Klo t..
Java B...
Mr aa-
m-y r..
is ( l so-
Si ia ra hr box. 30 bars. .
75 (gl I SO
lS u 9 U'
( hisi Per n
Hurt far