Eugene City Guard. BATH ED AY DKCKMUKlt 8, ml. The council lias resolved to build water works and buy an electric light plant at tho earliest posmble moment Thin will probably be tho issue at the city election in April. - Henry E. Docsch, of Portland, haH been elected treasurer of tho Btatc board of horticulture, to fill the va cancy caused by tho death of It. S. Wallace, of Salem, and has filed his bond. Tho board will hold its an nual meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of January. . The sewers are performing one important function. They receive tho drainage water from the business portion of Willamette street and it is not flooded as usual. It is to be regretted that the other connections to carry off the filth and refuse of the city cannot be made at present. Governor Hill thus explains tho Democratio doctrine on silver in a recent speech: "Tho Democratic party has planted itself firmly ami soundly on the principle of b'miet nlium V Hnnounco the present Khnrmnn silver law. Tho Demo cratio party does not believe that parity of the two metais, or equal ity of all dollars, can bo attained by any law which encourages spec ulation in silver; which regards ono metal not as money, but as mer chandise; which prescribes .how much a secretary of tho treasury shall buy, and how much he shall count out to tho people; which is not coin, but a paper currency a now-fungled legal tender each dollar protected by whatever 3711 grains of silver may bo worth in the market." Now is the time for tho Oregon farmer to study tho lx-auties that would follow Blaine's system of re ciprocity if carried to a se quence. Wo are loading thousands of vessels for Europe- with food for their starving millions. Tho same process has been in operation for years, with tho only difference that this year tho producers get. better prices. Blaine's reciprocity pro hibits trado with tho nations that buy from us. With seeming Yan kee shrewdness Mr. Blaine seeks to make national diplomacy a barter ing, trafficking afl'air. He is anx ious to procure tho trado of tho South American republics, so-called, that produce, outside of revolutions, almost everything that our farmers have to sell, lie proposes to get their trade in competition with Eu ropean nations, against whom wo levy from ten to two hundred per cent, tariff prohibition taxes. Such bait is thrown to tho farmers, to gether with a tariff of 25 cents a bushol on wheat and 15 contd a pound on hops, both of which aro shipped to Liverpool for a market. It may be that the producers, through tho educational system, will at last realize that reciprocity, if carried to its natural conclusion, means tho idea of a tariff for reve nue only. BC8I3ESS PURCHASED. Th. firm of Cronor & Blair doe. larpo od luoratlve business, bat bus been In ncwd ol mot vehlolea to da their inoreaalna buxi neu. Wednesday they purchased the trnoki ind business ol Orln Moore, the vet ran of the draying bnaineai Id Engnuo. Now, Muwn. Crouer & Blair will be en. bled to handle all busfneii en trusted to them with groat dispatch. Anoth er thing about the above oumrmny, tuoy only employ the moat oartilul drivera, beuce tht-r bare no breakage. Mr, Moore and family will more to Port land where they will boroaftcr realde. Buhoknation op l'MuniY. Clins. D. Thomas, noting as a deputy U. H. limnthiil, arretted a nmn by tho nuuie of M. T. Lundy nt Florence tho 11 rut of tho week, mid bnniirht him heiv Wed nemlny and placed hiiu In tho county Jail for tcniiHiniry IuhmiIiic, on a charge of subornation of perjury. It is hii- Ixwed that Lundy Is an alias and that ils true name is Wont. At least lie lieara a striking nvciulilance to Vest's diwcrlptloit unit was amuied us Mwg Raid party, llo has a portion of his loft forvlhigor oil', Iuih lontf, curly, black hair and answers tho Wrlitlon in liehrhtu, etc, Lundy clahns that lie In a victim of mistaken Identity, llo 1m wanted for locating a manlier of Kaso luirjr and Cooh county people on titular lands. The U. H. iuanshal will Ik! here tomorrrow for the purpww of Identity itg him. If ho Is the right person, then he will lie given an examination ln'foru U. 8. CoinmlHMloner J. J. Wal ton. Dwch.boid, Claib P. Uoualon, who baa o long and ably filled the portion of aU tlon agent at Junottoo wag Wormed of his removal jeaterday by the 8. P. U. K. and the appointment of Mr. Harper, u hia ano oeeeot. The people of Junction are aorry to aee Mr. Ilonaton removed a he haa jiv a general satisfaction to the people of that titan an A mimaIs! Iv tfi thrum jl..tnr. K.iul. iieaswithth.oompanyat that point. The wuiwDj giT u iue reason tor m remov al, that he haa not attended to the Weatom Vnioa telegraph bnaineaa acceptably to them. It U generally believed, however, that the real oaoae of hia removal, U be eauat he joined the AaaocUtion cf Btatiun jtgenia. Nor a Hobo. Itoeebam rialndealer. Doe 8d: Tht blind baggage passenger, who wu nan id ounusy nioruing aacculeut Dear tunnel wa not a "hnhn." .t ... ported, but man worth ail or aevno thous and dollars. He U a brother-in-law of Johnson of Eugene, proprietor of the Minn eaota houae there, and aaa enlni? nn . viait partly ol aocial aud paitly ot a busi. neaaa nature. Inataad of paying hia f ire he notioed the eeUar of the cabooae open and crowded among the tool, with the rame otaij arnaaued up. The State Fair lloARa-Govcrnor Pennoyer Tuesday uiadetwoappMiiut menu to fill two vacancies In th mate imam or agriculture, the tenna of T. (i. jucunmmi and Van de IihmuU linv and CiuiiKu Fisher, of Aluitnoiimh, were appointed, their t.rnn i,r ..mi.,. Ueiniilng with Dwmlar lt, lstl, and ending two year henr. and five In obll mar. blm 1. Thou. Pope, Dead. nunwMD. Or.. Nor. 28. 1891 to rwonl the death of Tboa. Pope, postmaster of tbla plaoe, a pioneer aettler here and one of our moat neeinl reapeotful oitimoa, alter an nineaa oi lua II had beta i.-.l l..lih Inr unm veara. Ha waaknOWB aa a practical chriatian, and waa a aoldier In Die late war. tie wbb uis isiuer vi i drin, 1U of whom are atill living; wee ried twice, nla aecona wue iimyi" 7. IH'20. died Nov lum tfM iaiu nA fnmilv have the Bvm n.ti, n( ilm entire eommunltf in their aad ,..., . bereavemtint. French Tausy Wafers. These wafers aro for the relief and cure of nulnful and Irregular menses, and win remove all obstructions, no matter what the cause, aud are sure and safo every time. Manufactured by Knierson Drug Co., Run Jose, Uil., auu for salo by usnuni uvimhu. A Dialogrne. "There goes Annie Kooney." "Where?- .. "To Frleudly's to buy carpets." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. M. A Mdchlt Mabbiko Pub. CorTsllla Times: Cupid's little arrow atrark an target Thursday. Abner D. Llmbock ..!.,.( r.'. n,1 Mm. nnlvail. BDed I were nnited in wedlock. This la the fourth time Mr. Llrubooker baa taken the "Impor taut alep anu ira, duitiii u i. ..j i,n air tmuliumlii. llinT tart oat i: Tn i ii u mim mm""'- J life rich in experience, but likely Copid Will Itrlllg nia DOW lor auoiuer arruw. Tho hidy In the transaction was form erly a resident or Eugene, wing am I'arker-JJrigni-iieuvaii, uunug brief stnv here. old ker, 07, her SPECIAL SALE -OF- Clotlii 4 Mr Goods- iny 1 have m irked down ftU clothing from 20 10 2j sr ceiu; niitxitHiB $20 Suits ... .. $15 16 " - 12 12 9 Also largo lino Youths Suite running from 14 to 18 years at correspond ingly low prlees. riiiMivW Snli. from 5 to 12 vcara from It up. Kiimj nanta write iwr pair upward. Over- enntii, lolli Men end Uoya, Uudertrear etc., in cluded lu tM aale. . ALSO : Talemifs, Lais' Cloth, Flannel And all filter Dress GeoJs. Thnte.nnjiihAlfirnffl atnok hut frolh and new, Ixiught fur tlila wlnter'a trade, and are all desirable gixxla. It la auldom auch an opimr tmilty la oauriHl to buy (rooda undur value, and nil are reiuuuu vo cau earij iwiura tun nuw I broken. J. H. McCLUNG. A CARD TI I lu tn inform the nmnla ot Eueene and aur ronnillniri, that alnco I have been In New York 1 have ouuio wrmt amall manufaoturera and otliera who wuru In urifunt nl of caah, and hav- liiK the nwljf money on nana, i nave wugni awl liled rimhIj which 1 am now In a poal tlon to hiiudIv the people at prloca that will ault everybody, (live nie a call and you will be con vinced that W. Sunders la eelllng gooda cheaper than any other atom in tue town. A partial Hat of prion for flrat-claaa gooda: Mon'a aulta. Rood rooda. good value for 110, j.75aaiilt. Moira auua, diagonal gooui, gooa vaiue, an, price, I7.i'aitlt. (irand Army aulta, fine goods, good value, 118, price, ts.l") a ault. And lutaot other clothing at greatly reduced prleea. uoyH' anna, gooa annua. ii.w, I. l.i, im. yoi noya Uru iUHiitl heavy ahoea at 63 oenta a pair: iih) value, 11.25, Meu'a aolid workliiK nanta. tS ceuta, 73 oenta, ft a pair, Men'a underwr 'vwe quantity on hand, good value, It ar thirta aud drawera, price M ot'iita a ault Ladlua' IKniKOla .Oahoea, fl.83,, 1.73, 1.H7 a pair. Men a II ne ahoea, tmtirtn, gaiters and lace, $1.57, 1.07, 1.7S, Mi lwlr. Men i tine uall ahoea, 17.03 a pair. ' Meu'a work ahoea, 11,01, 1.13. 1.38, 1.69, 113 a pair. Men aud Bova' hata and caps. Vk 31. 24, 87. 51 and Kl ccnta. Uilles' hoae, o, 7, 11, 1.1, 15, 31 aud 23 oenta a pair. uenia aocaa, o, a, ii, n ana II oenta a pair. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Return ail gooda not approved of and I Will Refund Your Money! WITH. PLEASURE. Youra, anxloua to pleaae, W. SANDERS, Opposite Postofllce, Eugene, Ongon. Colds and Coughs croup, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and hoarseness cured by Ayers Cherry Pectoral the safest and most effective emergency medicine. It should be In every family. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass. Dn. K. L. WILLOUGIIBY, DENTIST. All Wort 'Wimalel ti GIti vsmsl Mlroua-Oxtde Uaa and local anwetbetloa tor the aluli extraction ot teeth. OFFkK-Ovet UaUoek aetara, SogsM, Oreguat Uxn Orrict at Rosreuao, Orkoo.r lov. 13, laul. ( ,ililii.l, lvi n that the following named arttle r baa filed iif)tlc o( his Inleiitioii' to make Bnal proof III aupKirt of hlacUlin. ana that aald proof will be made belore the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Lane County, Or egon, on Tueadav, January 12, via: V. T. Carter, Pre-mptlon U S No 7H4, lor the LoU i ana 4, Be 2, Tp lu S, B 1 W. He namea the following wltneaaea to prove till continuum realdenee upon and cultivation of aid land, via: O U Walker. John A Taylor, Oeo Warner, (leoMNoet, all ol i"all Creek, Lane County, Oregon. To Krank hhulta, Pre-emption claimant under D 8 7141, you are hereby aummoued to appi-er and ahow cause. If any, why aald final proof abould not be accepted. JoUN H. SUl'PB, Register. DES. I. W. 4 JENNIE S. BABNAED, Ilegtilar I'liysicians. SPECIALTIKS-Kldnev and Liver Dlscaaes, Gynecology and ObaUitrlcs. OFFICE at residence on Olive itrect between 9th and luth atreeta. 1 th 8TBEET, EOUENE. OREGON. Opposite N. Y. Racket Store, If Interested, Send for Catalogm a rou urn or Guns nnd cporllnff Ooods And dandy repair shop In connection. Frtah Timothy, Orchard Oraaa, Flai, Bed, White and Alsik Clover, Alfalfa, Velvet, Cheat, Bye, Grata, Kentucky Bine. At GOLDSMITH'S, ANYONE WHO WANTS TO PURCHASE A Christmas Preen t, Can make the best selection by looking through our complete stock of HOLIDAY GOODS Carefully selected and especially adapted to meet tho requirements of Holiday shoppers. POPULAR PRICES, REASONABLE PRICES, Prices within your means. sWE PLEASE YOU AND SAVE YOU M0NEY. GO TO HOLLOWAY'S. 1TTI1TI0II (6Cookinff Stoves A Big Cut in the Price of FOR THE NEXT DAYS ONLY. TO REDUCE A LARGE OVERSTOCK AT i mm Heatin nnniini Ullllllllll a jJiiuiiimui wiuiv s uitiyviiuuii Odd Fellows Building, Eugene, Or. An Agra Something entirely new in the Carpet Department. It is tho superior of anything made in the Ingrain Carpet line. Call and examino it at ZT TAKE NO OTHER S - Knru nuaif -x: m tlic rrajniajr m. tnmm rnUNlaTTsv. U int. uliiiiii. ACKSON CORSET WAISTS kTv w atiw riwiv nv Trrw JACKSQK CORSET CO., Jackson, Micti.j Toe manuntciurcri name la prmtra upon me boira, and atamped upon Inalde of clasp In each valak Thfjr are trie meat fopalnr artlcln of tbe kind now on Uie market You abould have one of them. BE SURE and GET the RIGHT THING For sale at the RACKET STORE, if, v tVvV own -J i.'Ta II P. FRANK & SON, Proprietors. Eugene, - - Oregon. THE UNIVERSITY FOU EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY : : ADDITION -i For Elegant Homes You Want Both. " Tho University for tho family, and a Choice Location for your residence. LoU are large, on a Dice elevatlou and naturally veil drained. Soil rich and WELL CULTIVATED You can turround your home with -FRUITS AND FLOWERS- Call aud get prices and tenni and have the property shown you. H. N. C00KERLINE. Office, Register Block, Eugene. BARGAINS. - - BARGAINS. We are the people that five bargain In MEM'S, BOY'S AND CK1LDREKS' FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIKC. Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. Such aa Negligee, Sateen and Woolen Shirits, Dres9 Shirts, Undenvare, reckware, Sock9, Etc. Ilats. Hatse Caps. Caps The latrst atylre and ahape. We also have a very fine line of BUnkxta and Flannels direct from the Salem Woolen Mllla. veryuung oaraau ai ngurva mat canuut oe unacr auiu. ionic ana are ua. HOWE & RICE. Oppoalte Cnlremlty Book Btora. FAI RMOUWT Fairmount is th ceiter and "in tho 311 swim." Think of it; fAIBMOUST tl B the oenterol the com ing elty. The way the railroads are now butlt will make Springfield a rival point for buslneee, arid Eugene, ralr mount and Spring field are growing Into one Urge elty with Fairmount In the cen ter. Property In Fair mount for thla reaaon will advance in value faster than any other locality around Uu- 'IpAlBMOUNT hat made faster growth the paat year than all -.V.... a.ihtirltf nf Ktl- gne put togetlier.and Will IHBV ..ill ranld advance during the ycara to come. You can't gut around It i t m Xugens, Fairmount and jj0 v v . sli " Q Springfield are feat grow. V.' H, ,; i l j H lug Into one larga city J I.aV ; lyi--- J H with Felnnouut in the? , ff "ntCr' ?i -u-,-;'--rYi.i.,i.i- .f.--.. he lol.,,,' " l'ras)2? iron n if? t, i-"ght (.' -'vu IK) tlwlM. " Lets Inches l i, J on pa,;i7"W down, tm ,! -'0 i wtiri POPULATION INCREASED FROFfl 7. TO i mails. It it 1.1 it-., t r,l mmnV TT1 AAD 1 T' 1 1 1 .-1 n . At n oirvvi nmrth nr T.nts nroneriv hoiu uio mai yuai. xnwo m auvanco svn m. .. on January 1st. More lots are selling now at $125 than were selling . six months ago J 8100. Get in the center it you want 10 Duy 10 mai-u uioue. i vbuwwo . wnn two diilt a X ? -v .3 l V. .a, intln Va-WVtin fntl VI n n 1-. 1 Two daily passenger traintj, unu uas uuinavait hhuiuiuui uwum, : ALL S3EOU23ISD IN ONE YEAR.: A motor line Is certain to be built through FAIRM0CKT la a very short time connecting It with Eugene and Sprlngflald. IN THE CENTER. GEO. M. MILLER & CO, T. O.HiirniuMS, 8.B. Jtiif, Jr., FraeideDk Cashier. First National U Of Eugene. Pfllii nn fash fanllal $50,000 Surplus and Pronts, $30,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. k (naaal KanVln nr Itttaln-MM In ft at nn MaKaintl able tenna. Sight draft, on NEW YORK, CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO and PORT LAND, UKUUJN. Dlllaa nf avnVianna anl4 An nMlirft AAnntipfAal- Deposit, reoelyed aubjeot to check or certifl cat. of depoait, All collectiona entrnaed to Qi will reoelve prompt attention. DAT & AND FURNITURE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. J. L. PAGE, DEALER 117- GROCERIES. HAVING A LARGE AND COMPLETE stock of Staple and Vane? Grooeriea, bought in the neat market. EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Can offer.thepubllo bettor prioe. than any orner houae EUGENE. Produo. of all kind, taken at market prioe. NOTICE. C 8 Land Ornci, Rosibpro, Or., November 14. 1M!U. I Complaint having been entered at thla office by Oeo W Patrick aealnxt the heir, of Harvey Padgett, deceased, fur abandoning the home stead eutrv No. 4t74. of the aald Harver Padg ett, deceased, dated March 11. 1HH6, upon the ion no a, . ana ana niom w oi sec. W, Tp 17 8, R 9 W, In Lane oounty, Oregon, with a view k me cancellation oi eaia enirv: ine aald parties are hereby aummoned to appear at the office of VY. K. Walker, count! clerk ol Lane county, Oregon, at Eugene, Oregon, on tne Wtn dayol December, Isnl, at 10 o'clock a m. to re- apona ana lurnun teatimony concerning aata ai leced abandonment. Hearlni to be held at thla otiloe on the teatimony ao taken on Saturday, January 9, 18itt, at 10 o'elork, a. m. juiiri. n. out rs. neinater. A. M. CRAWFORD, Receiver. Bufllotent evidence having been filed to ahow that personal service cannot be had It la hereby ordered that eervice be made by publication ac cording to law. junn. m.bmui'e Hcgiaier. A. H. CRAWFORD, Receiver. Sheriff's Sale. rOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a deore. and order of sale and execution. Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stat. oi.Oreiron, forth, conn ty of Lane, on 11th Hay of November, 1K91, in a auit wherein Charle. Knoop and Earnest Knoop, partner doing buaineaa nnder the firm nam. of Knoop Brothers, was plaintiff and Henry Hchwaner and Mary Schwarier, hi. wife, and E. J. Fraaier, wen defendant., commanding me to Mil the fallowing described real proper ty to-wit: Commencing at the NW corner nf the Tboa, Gregg Donation Land Claim, NotiRcatlna 6983, Claim 42, in Sec 7. Tp ltf, 8. R 1 W. thence aonth 28 chain., tbencw eaat 75 obaina, theno. north 0., 08', Mat 27 4 chain, and tnenoa wen 7o chain, to the place of hav Inning, eontalning 210 acre, mora or teas, In m county, Oregon, to satiify the aum of 1S47.3A with InUreat at 10 per cent, per annum from the 27th day oi October, 1691, and on and aocrning eoata, Now thanfor ia the nam. ot tb. Stat of Oragnn, io oompliana with aaid writ, I will offer for aal. at public auction to the hiii'ieat bidder at the Court Houae door tn Euijarie, Lao. county, Oregon, oa Satvrday. th. tli day of December, lsil, tho afonaaid deanribed real property, between tht boar, of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., to-wit; At 1 o'clock p. m., on Mid day. Tarma of aala, caah in hand. j Dated at Eupn. thU 12th day of Nov. ISO). JArJ. E. NOLAND, Bheriff ol Lan. oounty, Orecoa. By H. J. Daydepnty. , JUST ARRIVED!! 75 Pairs 10 4 WHITE BLANKER Direct From the lilli r'0C 1.45 A PAIR $10,000. $10,000. $10,000 SELLING AT COST. j L. D. SCARBEOUGH At Creswell, Oregon, For tho noxt sixty days, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and S Paints. Oil. Druirs. Hardware. Tinware. Woodcnware. WallpaF'' k-A t- ai v J j-1 ii in l 1 A a Mll fVir. antim BtOC- I i aiiu -vrryiniiig in iue niercimuuiBO iiuu wm ua buiu m umu v v- ro producei wheat or oats. Call First and Secure Bargains .. . . nMrfa1' In order to settle with Mr. William Tlffanv. whose time la np, it becomes necePerj in. auov. seica, All maeoteanes. lauet ne paid lmmeaiawiy. L. D. SCAKBKOUGE CLOSING UP SALE. I am now offering my STOCK OF G TIw t " i. a '. I. IHS it the 1ne II. J. il U ':.:t. i is vrlth ) nrt M ! A ovei bn lliuw v ' .t i c jtim i ow t Un ' ' e fcin .tiue -y pi ,y r ..JUKI . :e la i i to b T 1 UE 1 ' '.'jUil r do i ( kno t ?t: l ...rtl i...)iidijl nii"t',l. Than! and goi many ' day wil, most Hp was heli mnminf M. K cl the eve way. 1 gramme apjimla j Hckod t ticket very spli gummed must m originali It was pumpkli cob, and 1 beat" and tail, defunct looking 1 ble Inst Kate K The fun be better I put it many ait Bnj. I well. Chu. 8 ihx for B Tbe ser daoed by Farmen Sourishlni .ng memt Mr. Th. Bremasr t evasion of Oar del nrdav. De ted. Com .peecb. The rile a United I Fork brill were bapti Cbaa. Ji too, an hi by ns in r bom. ia t Counsel er: Tbe ing th. P! climate aa Why notr ene aa In i. in moat weather ai Aam who was Toeaday i atructiug i guilty by I from cu.sti The at assistant fire depai Monday ; of the lut of dclgttt C.F.I 80 acres of Janet cleared 1 in cultiva no other bargain, at my rw tion City Th.Sni can snppl' Order, i postage pr Cam. to mile noit and whit, right horn Owner car and paat a i Person, will apply County Li dene in I South WU 1 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- -1 have a ckof - 3 -X33 IBS' S .aCIO 3E3 S Which I will doee oat BELOW COeT. A com timlier at 5 triiliy Joe ' For fui I liave sile at th tu'-cne. Other Shoe Wear at Away Down CariDO From my feoommo. and l)iarrr t atomach, a p-f the b-al ni I f 11 . and th. b , -faction. cDt boltls