The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 05, 1891, Image 3

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Ammonia Baking
Bills have been introduced in the New York, Illinois
and Minnesota Legislatures compelling the manufacturer
of such baking powders to brand on the label in bold typo,
this powder "Contains ammonia." Physicians and chem.
ists condemn the use of ammonia in baking powders as a
crime. Its constant use no matter how small the quantity
deranges the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juice and
destroying the complexion. It is the small quantities taken
every meal that do the mischief.
It is gratifying to know there are pure baking powders
to be had on the market and at no greater cost to the
- consumer than some of these so-called "absolutely pure"
ammonia powders.
Dr. Price's Cream Ba':;ing Powder, the standard pure
cream of tartar powder for forty years. Free from the taint
of either ammonia or alum. None so pure None so whole
some. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal povder has never been questioned.
riLKiii ru.i-.8i riLfcgi
Dr. WIHUrai' Indian Pile Ointment will care
Blind, Bleeding ud Itching Filet when all other
ointments have failed. It absorb the tumors,
llvi the Itching at once, acia li a poultice,
litem instant relief. It. Williams' Indian Hilt
Ointment la prepared only fur Plica and Itching
of the private part, and uothiuir els. Every
box ii warranted. Hold bv druiwists, or tent ky
mail on receipt of prim, file and II pr box.
Proprietor!, Cleveland, 0.
Deeds, Not Word. "Jenkins, dues rourwlfe
threaten you" " Ulcus you, no! Mtic)nt goes
and dona It."
TJteKnatnollrteKtovo Pollah; nodntt, no smelL
Tax Qirmfu for breakfast.
The majority of well-read phys
icians now believe that Consump
tion is a germ disease. In other
words, instead of being in the con
stitution itself it is caused by innu
merable small creatures living in the
lungs having no business there and
eating them away as caterpillars do
the leaves of trees.
A Germ The phlegm that is
coughed up is those
Disease. parts of the lungs
- which havebeen
gnawed off and destroyed. These
little bacilli, as the germs are called,
are too small to be seen with the
naked eye, but they are very much
alive just the same, and enter the
body in our food, in the air we
breathe, and through the pores of
the skin. Thence they get into the
blood and finally arrive at the lungs
where they fasten and increase with
frightful rapidity. Then German
Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills
them, expells them, heals the places
they leave, and so nourish and
soothe that, in a short time consump
tives become germ-proof and well. 9
If yo'u arching to pay a few
cents more for a strictly Ture
Tobacco, try Mastiff Cut Plug.
It is worth all the difference.
Tacked in patent canvas pouches.
I IL lHe Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
te endorse! and prescribed
hl.Mrl.iu twana bulb 111 C LiT
and Utpophmvhilr, are rt'n,l,v"J
amenta lii the care of CumMmftiem, urn
as paiauble ae mlifc
Scott's Flsar5S2
ScrofuU, Bronchi taa, Wsttmr Dis
eases, Caronie Con fin an Colds.
A fur Scott a Emulstoo and take soother
I . t.rael'.f ProHI. 4eT"W ; " J!
Powder Must Co.
Bla Deeperate and Cattqnat right with a
Bad Band of Apaches.
We were sitting one night at a
freighter's ramp fire, around which
were drawn half a score or more of the
freighters, who, with their outfits, were
in camp for the night Stories of old
times when the Indians were bad, and
of the bravery of the white pioneers,
had gone around the circle until it came
to old man Wilson's turn, who said:
Talk about sand in a man I I tell
you it takes sand in a man to try and
stand off single handed forty or fifty
Apaches when lie knows Just how the
crap will end, and that the end will be
his own death; bat that was Just the
kind of sand that was in Felix Knox
when he was killed by the Apaches.
You see, Knox was an all around gam
bler, such as the tenderfoot from the
east scorn so much and know so little
about, but lie had a heart in him big
ger than any tenderfoot's head.
WelLvitwns in the spring of 1882.
Knox, with his wife and baby and a
Mexican driver, were coming from Sil
ver City to Clifton. They got to York's
ranch, which Is on the Gila river, about
thirty miles from Clifton, all right, but
were told there that signs of Apaches had
been seen, and that they had better go
in camp thero for a fow days, but Knox
who had fought the Apaches dozens
of times and didn't know what fe&r was
said he wanted to make Clifton that
They drove on, and were about two
miles from York's ranch when Knox
saw an Indian come from behind a
low, round topped hill, and feeling as
sured there were more of them, and
that it was a fight to the death, lie
filled his pocket with cartridges, kissed
his little sleeping girl baby and his wife
for the lost time, and, with a 'goodby'
to them, he jumped from the wagon
and quickly turned the team, and told
the Mexican driver to whip them back
to the ranch, and that he would stand
the Apaches off.
As the wagon turned and was furi
ously driven away the Apaches, who
now came in sight, fired a volley, but
killed no one. Then Knox faced his
foes and pumped the lead from his
Winchester Into them. The Indians
gradually circled around Knox and the
end came. The Mexican driver lashed
his team back to the ranch, where both
of the horses fell dead from wounds re
ceived from the Indians' first volley.
A party, after a little delay, was
made up and returned to the place
where the fight took place, and there
they found Knox's body, and the In
dians, contrary to their usual custom,
hod not mutilated it In the least, but
had taken a clean pocket handkerchief
from Knox's pocket and carefully
spread It over his face, and had fast
ened it there by putting a small stone
on each corner of it to hold it in its
place and keep the sun from the dead
man's face. That was their tribute to
the sand in Knox. Seventy empty
siiells were found that hud been emp
tied from Knox's Winchester, and one
of the raiding Indians afterward said
their party numbered forty-two, and
that Knox hod killed seven of them.
Arizona Republican.
The 81m of Uate,
Raid a dealer in gents' furnishing
goods: "Men's heads, or at least their
hats, are growing smaller. 1 have no
ticed it year by year In my business,
and where a 7 1 2 or 7 34 hat formerly
was not a mirucle. today the average
hat is a 7, atid it is seldom we have a
call for s 71-1 However, there is
reason for this. Besides the custom of
wearing the hat perched ou the comer
of the ear, it must also be admitted
that almost all of the men wear their
hair closely cropped nowadays, and
this maki a great difference. I don't
believe people's heads are growing
"In olden time the men generally
wore long, bushy hair, and drew their
baUdownso that they always left a
mark on the locks. Another thing
worthy of notice is that hate of English
make always run In larger size than
American bats. A 6 3-4 hat of English
make equals a 6 74 hat of American
make. You can generally tell an En
glish hat by the eoat-of arms in the
erow-'-Bay City Tribune.
Ma rim Like Ha at a.
To the Cape Codder, like the loelander
and the Swiss, his native province is the
best the sun shines oil So unique, em
phatic and personal the rape and its
towns have become to those reared here,
that a cape man finds nowhere else so
glorious as home, so full of such sweet
memories. The cape colors him all his
life the roots and fillers of him. lie
may get beyond, but he never get over
the caie.
Make him a merchant at Manila or
Calcutta, a whaler at the north pole,
mate in Australian waters, a millionaire
on Fifth avenue, a farmer in Minnesota,
and the cape sticks to him still lie
will feel in odd hours to his life's end
the creek tide on which he floated in
elmre as a boy, the hunger of the salt
marsh in haying time, the cold plash of
the sea spray at the harbor's mouth, tha
spring of the boat over the bar when he
came home from fishing, with the wind
rising on shore out of the gray night
clouds seaward, the blast of the wet
northeaster in the September inorning
when under the dripping branches he
picked up the windfall of golden and
crimson apples, the hig flaked snow of
the December night when he beaued his
first sweetheart home from singing
school; and ho will see in dreams per
haps the trailing arbutus among the gray
mosses on the lliiu edge of a spring snow
bank, the bubbling spring at the hill foot
near tiilowatcr, the fat, crimson roses
under his mother's windows, with a
clump of Aaron's rod or lilac for back
ground; the yellow dawn of an October
morning across his misty moors, and the
fog of the chill pond among the pine
trees, and above all the blue aea with its
headland, on which go the white winged
ships to that great far off world which
the boy had heard of and the grown man
knows so well. New Engluud Magazine,
A Japanese TrlaL
The following details of Japanese legal
procedure will be of interest. The court
is held in a room, the largest portion of
which is covered by a rostrum usually
throe or more feet high, the remaining
part of the room siuce being flagged.
The object of the rostrum is to accom
modate the judges, who sit Miiml small
desks or tables, each table being covered
with a green baize cloth. The number
of these tables varies according to the
court, in the common pleas thero being
generally three of them, but not all are
occupied by judges, for the judge only
sits at the center one, at his right hand
being the prosecutor or prosecuting law
yer, and at his left the clerk, each with
his table and a little paint box for writ
ing in black the Japanese symbols, and
of course such a person as a stenog
rapher is unknown.
Below this rostrum is what may be
called the dock, where the prisoner
stands supporting himself by a low rail
ing. The only seuts provided in the
court beyond those appertaining to the
tables on the rostrum are one or two
benches at the extreme end of the court
for the accommodation of visitors,
though prisoners awaiting trial are per
mitted to utilize them. A jury is appa
rently unknown to the Japanese legal
procedure. At tho trial the prosecutor
states his cose, and then the judge ex
amines the prisoner, who may, however,
employ counsel if he prefer. On the
completion of the case sentence is pro
nounced and tho next prisoner called up.
Law Journal.
Origin of Jimnee of Fabrics.
Everything connected with one's busi
ness is of importance. Very few dry
goods men know the origin of the names
of many of the goods they handle. They
may seem trivial points, but they are of
interest to tho man who seeks to be thor
oughly familiar with the merchandise in
which he deals, tor the information of
such we give the derivation of the names
of tho following goods: Damask is from
the city of Damascus; satins from Zay
town, in China; calico from Calicut, a
town in India, formerly celebrated for
its cotton cloth and where calico was
also printed. Muslin is named from
Mosul, in Asia. Alpaca from an animal
in Peru, of the llama species, from whose
wool the fabric is woven.
Buckram takes its name from Fostat,
a city of the Middle Ages, from which
the modern Cairo is descended. Taffeta
and tabby from a street in Bagdad.
Cambric from Camhrai. Gauze has its
name from Oazu; baize for Bajnc; dim
ity from Damietta, und jeans from Jenn.
Drugget is derived from a city-in Ire
land, Drogheda. Duck comes from
Torque, in Normandy. Blanket is called
after Thomas Blanket, a fauioas clothier
connected with the introduction of wool
ens into England about 11)40. Serge de
rives its name from Xergn, a Spanish
name for a peculiar woolen blanket.
Diaper is not from D'Ypres, as it is
sometime stated, but from the Greek
diaspron, figured. Velvet is from the
Italian vellute, woolly (Latin vellus a
hide or pelt). Shawl is the Sanscrit sala,
floor, for shawls were first used as car
pets and tapestry. Bandanna is from the
Indian word to bind or tie, because it is
tied in knots before dyeing. Chintz from
the Indian chott Delaine is the French
"of wooL" Trade Journal.
Frenchmen Surprised at Bnwwkalls.
The first snow of the season reminded
an artist friend of a snow storm which
he experienced at Avignon, in the south
of France, a year or two ago. No snow
had been seen at Avignon for twenty
years previous, and the surprised French
man knew not wiiat to make or 1L An
amusing sight it was to see them try to
make snowballs aqd pelt one another.
Experience had never taught them the
art which every New England boy learns
as soon a he leaves his cradle, and they
bandied the snow as daintily as does a
cat when she lifts her paws one by one
in a surprised manner, and shakes them
Defuse she puts them down again. Two
American artists found great delight in
making snowballs and engaging in the
frav, anJ they soon put the entire village
of Frenchmen hors du combat. "Vou
pat stones in tliemP tbey cried when
they felt the power of an especially hard
snowball. They were shown that this
wae not true, hut tlw-v coiilJ not under
stand how the Americans could make
their 'missiles si hard or throw tliem
with such force and accuracy. The Til
lage of Avignon will no doubt long re
member llieir Waterloo at the hands of
tb4 two American artiste, Boaion Ad
vettieer. ! Taiaabla OIL
rW-Well, bow did that kerosene toil
yow that 1 sold yoo toe other day I
"fin rata. It oared em a good dea 1 of
"Mm. my aouaa took fir the other day and
I put out U Uaj with aaes tha. a a quart of
ik1 .Nebraska blais Journal
la Our Bread Shall Wa Itrlve Mow
I'ulaoa rruin Our Hrea kraal Table?
A nuisance that troubled Kngland fifty
yean ko is now rapidly spreading in
this country, that is, putting alum in the
bread we eat. This question is causing
great deal of discussion at the present
moment, as it is revealed that alum is
being need as a substitute for cream ol
tartar in baking powders. A story is
told that a very Urxe rvciitaie of the
baking powders sold on the market con
tain either alum or ammonia, and
many of them contain both these per
nicious drugs. Much timely alarm is
felt at the wholesale use of alum in
bread, biscuit and pantry. To young
children, growing girls, persona of
weakly frame, alum bread eaten morn
ing, noon and evening is the moat
harmful. It is the small quantities taken
at every meal that do the mischief.
Alum is cheap, costing but '.' or 8 cents a
pound, while cream of tartar costs ;0
cents, and the high price of cream of tar
tar has led cheap baking powder to be
made of alum. If the reader wants to
know something of the corrosive quali
ties of alum, let him touch a piece to his
tongue; then reflect how it acts on the
tender, delicate coats of the stomach.
The Scitntilic .lmriVin published in S
recent number a list of alum and am
nion. a baking powders, which is of great
value at this time. Following is a con
densed list compiled from otlirial re
port. 1'owders marked with a star
seem to have a general sale, as they are
mentioned in at least two of the oillcial
ll.Wlh' O. K,
There are, in addition to the foregoing
list from the Scientific American, a num
ber of such powders sold in the Western
that were not found in the Eastern stores.
Following is a list of the most prom
inent: ASMtKWS' I'KARI. I'nnUina Ammonia
(0. K. Andri'H A Co., Milwaukee.)
AI'MK CnnUlim Ammonia
(Thus. Wood A Co., l'hlladvlplila.)
HON lloS t'onlnlna Alum
(J. I,', tiraul IUUiik I'owder t o., CltlrsKii.)
CAl.t'MKT Contnliu Atura
(l ain met Knltlng Ton iter Co., Chicago.)
('UMAX .....Contain! Ammonia
(Climax HikliiK IVmli-r Co., iudlaiiHoll.)
FOREST CITY Contains Ammouta Alum
(Youwlc lln., Cleveland.)
IIOTKI. Cotitnliia Ammonia Alum
(J. C. (.rant link In I'owder Co., I lilcRo.)
ItKHen.KS Contains Ammonia
(Uereulca llaklud 1'owdor Co., Bun KrniiftM-o.)
(INK HltHiN, TAYI.olt S Ammonia Alum
(THYlor Mlii. Co., St lAiula.)
KIS1NH SI N Coutsliia Ammonia
(I'ho'iili Chemical Works, Clili'iwo.)
liOYAL Im Ammonia
(Koyal llakiuif Powder Co., Sear York.)
A Hallway MisUks.
A man went to a certain railway sta
tion In New Jersey to buy a ticket for a
small village named Morrow, where a sta
tion had been opened only a few days pre
viously. "Dues this train goto Morrowf" atked
the man, cumiug up to the oftlce In a gnat
burry, and polutiug to a train on the track
with steam up ami every Indication of a
speedy departure.
"No; It goes today," replied the ticket
agent, curtly, lie thought the man was
"trying to lie funny," as the saying goes.
"lint," rejoined the man, who was In a
great burry, "does It goto Morrow today?"
"No, it goes yestenlay, the week after
next," said the aiient sarcastically, now
sure that the inquirer was trying to make
game of blm.
"You don't understand me," cried the
man, getting very much excited as the en
gine gave a warning tout; "I want to go to
"Well, then," said the agent sternly,
"why dou't you go tomorrow, and not
come fooling around here today r Step
aside, please, and let that Ituly approach
the window."
"But, my dear sir," exclaimed the be
wildered Inquirer, "it is important that I
should be in Morrow today, aud if the train
stops there, or if there is no train to Mor
row today"
At this critical juncture, when there was
some danger that the mutual misunder
standing would drive both meu frantic an
old offlclal hapiMUied along aud straight
ened out matters lu less tlmu a minute.
The aurnt apolouized, the runn sot his
ticket, and the train started for Morrow
today. Youth's Companion.
A4TanU(e ml Baaapnad Tallow Plae.
Workers la ornamental wood now
assert that yellow pine, hard finished In
oils, Is the rival In beauty of any wood
that grows, not excepting the costliest
of the hard species, it being susceptible
of receiving and maintaining as high a
degree of polish as any known wood,
while, when Impregnated with oil, It Is
almost indestructible. In such a con
dition It is Impervious to even hot
grease and other substances that leave
an Ineffaceable stain upon white pine,
maple and various other woods.
The yellow pine referred to Is the
long leaf pine the Pinus austral is of
botanists growing so abundantly In
East Texas. Trees can be found In
this species with a curled grain a little
on the plan of. "curly maple," No
other wood can be made Into more
beautiful cabinet work. There are
few small mills in the long leaf pine
regions further east that cut this char
acter of pine exclusively, shipping the
product to northern cities. ftew York
Olftad. '
"What does your husband dor asked
a traveler of a slatternly woman whom
he found living In a little old cabin In
the backwoods.
'Well," was the reply, "lie's one o
these bandy, gifted sort o' persona, my
man is. lie kin jest turn his hand to
"He's a blackfmitb by perfeasion,
but be cooked in a reot'ront In town
most o' last winter, and he done kyar
peuterin' and paintin' all spring, and
then he lectured on teiup'rance awhile
antil he got a chance to run an ingine
for a month or two, and then he dug
wells and bung wall puer until he got
a etianee to lay brick at tlireo dollars a
"And what is be doing now T asked
the amused guest.
Teaehlu' aingin' school, but he al
lows to give It up pretty soon and go to
practiein' medicine. He kin do any
thing he's a mind to turn his hand to."
Tooth's Companion.
Hot All R Mtw4.
Ethel Who was that jolly old fellow
that kept the table in a roar?
Edward That was Nophlowers, the
obituary editor of The Weekly Casket
Pittsburg Bulletin.
WkaS a lcsat Shop la.
Tom Say, Jack, whats a bucket
Jack! guess it s whre tlie brokers
get their outlet to water the stock
w ith. Li iqnccoit a.
Taa Hay with a Mollis.
A buy about ten years old was going op
Second avenue wiiuaqusrt nottle In bla
baud labelled "llUli ink" In big letters,
anil be was handling It so carelessly that a
fat and fuay man, coining dowo the ave
nue, stopped hiiu to any:
"That's Juat exactly like a boyl Why on
earth don't yon carry that bottle as yon
oui(hl tof"
"I ami"
"No, you ain't! You are just aching to
have It drop ou the sidewalk and spatter
all over some one!"
"I gneaa I know how to carry a bottlal"
growled the boy as be awung It around.
"No, you don't, unr no oilier boyl What
are you doinx nowr If you let that bottle
drop and apaltermewitb Ink I'lleaneyoal"
"Who's lettln' any bottle dropf
"You srel"
"I hain't neither) I guess I can play
catch with a bottle without killiu' any
body!" "Isxik out!"
"There hain't nuthln' to be alarmed
about. Anybody ran tosa up a Imtle and
"1 knew ll I knew it!" shouted the fussy
man, as the bottle came down with a
sinruh and he Jumped halt way across the
street, "Boy, you ought to be licked 'til
you oould n't get home. 1 told you"
But eight or len people were laughing at
him. It was an empty bottle w,hlcb the
boy bail let fall: New York World.
The Kailauralrur'a l)lea.
One of the ueweat ut the swell rmtaora
teurs la town has hit ukjii a novel way for
securing high claaa customers. His plan
is to ask the rich men and gourmets who
dine at his place w hat dishra they are es
pecially fond of and lu what way they have
them prepared at home, lie thea has his
chef make the dishes, and he calls them
after the customers who recomiueud them,
as if, for tha sake of example, be should
stew oralis In cream and call the dLati
"cralis a ia Chauncsy Depew,"or as If be
should put acrustlug of baked powdered
cheese on stewed cauliflower and sboold
name It "cauliflower a la Colonel Kellowa."
It takes In nine cases out of ten. ' Men
who like good living nearly all have a
knowledge of cooking and are proud te
have it recogniied. New York Sun.
speci no.
With every sdvsnre of emigration Into the far
Went a new demand la created for Huateiter'i
Stomach Itinera. Newly peopled reglona are Ire-
uiienuy iraa aaiuorioua man oiuer eeitieo lorair
til's ou account of tlie nilaime which ritea from
recently cleared land, particularly along the
Iwnka of riven that are tulijeot to Irealicta. The
aitricullural or mlnluc emlxraiit soon leania,
w heu aedne not already know, that the Hitter
altonl the only aiiru prntccUoii aKSliwt malaria
and theme dlMirders ol the alomach, liver ami
bowels, towblch climatic chaiisea.rxisiaure and
unacciifttomed or unhealthy watttrorolet subject
htm. CoiiMNioeiill)' ha platw an estimate
till areat hiHiaehnlil anectttc ami lireeullva
eommeiKiimUi with Ita liitrluale merlin, and la
rarulul to keep on Hand a reaUirallve and pro
moter oi ncaiin au impunity io ne nuieu upon
lu time of nerd.
"Strsiise, but true," ninaed the victim of un
toward evetita. H that enioked management too
oltnu pnalucua atralhteued cirvuinstaucea."
Mvius mm n from superstition and blind
idolatry of isms and lea- allopathic in
cluded. It leans tonnnl universal, all-detor-
mining law; towards facts, not lancioe. it
lions towards immutable principles and In
vulnerable truth, and away from superan
nuated authority, oritiinixed liruoiance and
dyed-in-the-wool prejudice. RHnd empir
icism in medicine has, witn oilier lossiuxua
bivalves, hint itstlsy. Yea, there are plenty
of " bclnlcd oralis," but being born of dark
ness anil tear twin sisters of Intellectual
iiilimcv tbev rimnot much burner with
stand the civilising inllueiice of advnncing
science. Tbey am slowly but surely "dy-
lu g r.gypl, dying," twiore tlie "seanm
light" of investigation. The advancing
thinker wonders how It was possiblo for
that monstrosity the medical science!?)
extant now to have survived to this late
clay I Hut where wus the reform to oouie
Iroui T It is not only passe to attempt re
form. It ia outriulit uanirvrous. it reouires
a boldness skin to recklessness. Legion is
the name who have tried; they have left
their blenching bones as a warning. An at
tempt at reloriniiiK theology brands you a
l.UM.ti...O In w.l;in. u.,.i urunl.uruA.ltt.ltl,
every Infamy under the sun, and in medi
cine every duck intellect " (Hacks " at you
and you are accused of having no diploma
w lien your (upturns is ou nie in me cuuri
house under the very eyes of the slander
ers. All this is caused by besotted ignor
ance, and since books are sent free of charge
to every applicant and we pay tlie postage,
there is no excuse for icnorance when it
mints nothing to be Informed. People who
berate tlie llistogenetic system or medicine
are either intellectual nafiahs incapable of
counting live in succession or understand
ing any ix problem, or they are menial
biKKards ami cannot screw themselves up
to the point of information by reading up
and forming a conclusion. In either case
their opinions are as valuable as that of
ruget Bound oysters,
lr. Jordan's otttoe Is at the residence of
ex-Mayor Yeeler, Third and James streets,
Beattle, Wasb.
Consultations and prescriptions absolute-
'fdd for free book explaining the Hlsto
genetirj system.
Cavtiom. The Histogeastlo Medicines
sre sold In but one aireiioy In each town.
The label around the bottle bears the fol-
lowinc Inscription; "Dr. J. Kturene Jor
dan. HiUKenetlo Medicine." Kvery other
devioe is a fraud.
A red lUht and a red now are both signals to
slow up.
A continuation of a oouifh for an v lenith
of time causes irritation of the funics, or
some chronic throat disease. "Hrown't
bronchial Trocket" are an elleotlve cough
remedy. Price, ' cents. Mufti only in bout.
The man who wants the earth Is saU.Sed If be
secures the dust.
-trxnaa vss oiaacrioa or
San Francisco Examiner.
If yoa have a elans of any dMerlptloe whatsoever
wlib ll epa-dlly eUudltai4, address
JOriN WEDUERHtlKH, Manaaer,
ill P atrt, K. W. Waahloctoa, D. C.
tub Skill l rt T eil f IM TMEHrORLO! -
0i"- ' - i
m yt mm) O V
x U X X O si
Ohin all 1 n i" nee oi i wt i a.
oiinally errxetlvei pnrwlr ctalUh V
laci eta ehowa In tliU border.
71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
nrgei lOfl. Kt
IS eenta per double roll. rVnd J-eent lump for HOriHJ) A MOKOSjt.
W Third elrret, fortUnd. dr.
fjiu rruCDCurtto to lur cweo.
fin I I LILlI We want lb mom and ad
drtaeof erery Kincfrr ia tha
&10TUF1H U.S. and Canada. Addroa,
Ad I lilllA riii-Ure.fc-e.l f.
N. P. N. y. No. 41-. F. K. B. fifo. 4M
C. Middlehrook, '.'10 lledfonl
s venue,
Hrooklyn, N. Y writes:
"I have used Alu(m k's I'iiioi s I'i.ahthm
for the Ut twenty years. They are truly a
household remedy, If one of my children
has a cold and wheenes, I put an Au.eors'i
I'osors I'LtsTKK on the client and one be
tween the shoulder blades. If any of the
children have crospy coughs, or coiikIis of
any aliiu. I plane tlie plaster close up
around the throat: the soothine rtlect is
apparent almost alwsvs in two hours. If
tbey have a disordered stomach, a planter
pisccti Jtisi neiow tne client Donee makes
digestion perfect in half a duy. If there Is
any looneness of the bowels, acrotupsnied
by roldnesa of the skin, two All.nrx'e
roRol'a I'lastxhs applied over the stoniacli
mire in from two to rive hours. 1 notice
particularly that these plusters never abrade
incssinor cause me siigntest irniation.
Krom in v own exiierieuce I know tbey
never fad for rheumatism, pains in the
nei'.a or niuinaKO.
The hotel waller ran alwajri pulnl nut the lip-
ptcai (tieai.
The luHiiufncturera of 8tr I'ltttr chewing
tobacco have built up the largext tobaeco
business the world hits ever seen by giving
the consumer the best tobsiro aud full
weight siitccu-otince pound plugs, proving
conclusively tluitgood tobacco and pound
plugs are wanted by most tobacco cbewers,
A group of mechanics was seated
In tlicen.nliie-rooin when one said:
"How was it Tom 1"' "I was
raiiKht up. slnntied 'gainst the
celling and whirled down to the
floor. I lay thero like one dead,
and every luiisclo was sprained I
was cured III one day." What
cured hiinT
with equal fsrllity and certainly
has cured promptly end perma
nently worm eases. Here is one
aitcr suucniig nan a int-ume.
U "umnerft., Clerelanil, 0., Aug. 11 ,'SS.
in l. sprained my arm riuniiing
rtieklnulx: could not lift mr arm:
eoumant pain until lssu, when rt.
acooa (fit cure! nie.
Jacob ktzenstf.R(!KR.
The mccesi of this Great Ceueh Cure it
without s parallel in the history of medicine.
AU dnigK'' sre autnoruea to ecu it on a pas.
tive guarantee, a tett that no other cure can mc.
essiully stand. That It may become known,
.he rWirieton, at an enormous expense, ate
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
tn the United States end Canada. If you have
i Coutjh, Sore Throat, or Uronchitls, - It, for
it will cure you. If your child list (he Croup,
r Wtaoopintf, Courh, use ll promptly, ana reiiei
; turn. If vou drrad that iniuilious ditesse
Connimntion, ue it. Atk your UruBlli' f"
SIllLOH'S Ct'KE, Price locti., 50 cts. and
,1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Hack lame,
ate Slilloh's Ponwi rianter, Trice a$ ctn.
Of all kinds and In sny quantity whole
sale slid reull al bed rock prinea.
88 Front Street, Portland, Or.
Mend for catalogue.
ft Ok! !.
pacific Medicine Co., Bit Clay HI., Ban rranclwo,
Portland, Orefna. A. P. Armitront, Pria.
Inorb Sthnal : I'.riTiL Boa, (Wi.un, Saln Ornjaa.
SsmaoounM of Mwly, lain ram 1 Wltloa,
HuslneHH. Hhorthand,
TyPlritinC, Ptmmmkip, n4 EmgiilK l)tftrtmtntt
SdlnMailoa thrmjhoul Um rtar. Studruia atltnlt
ltd al any una. Catalogue from tlUw acUuol, fna.
Want an agent In every town In Oregon, Wash
ington aud Idaho to sell
On eommualon. No (lock or capital needed.
Hualo teachers preferred. Special rates on all
goods. Write for particulars.
-waoi.aaii.aaRD aaTAii
Plsaibers' sd Inslseers' teeelles, Ntsi
and ttaani fumes. Ires Pipe, Rama, Pipe
Cevertna, Lvkrlcalere, Water Mrhn-a,faas
snS Vsstllalers, Calk ReaieMra, lie.
Wrlu for prices,
Contraotora on heaUng and TMUlatlnf
kulldluaa. KaUmalaa rurnlahad.
leeke Marker thus. PerHssg Cwest, S.
aa Site ane UUk Platter, Hair, fir Iris
SS Pits Clay. LAND PLaSllfc.
M Worta rroat ttrMt, Cwr. O,
1 0 r M To 1e 7I in lour day on ay Klartrle coraaie
JiI.RIMdapenalllea. inOperoMlproSlenacaab
pnaaa. hampla fa. Sr.Hnlauiail.llraalwar J. Y.
ClfSJ lath net nnvlwwna
mini ramarty for all ise
annaiural Slarbarfaa aa4
Br1-taetMm6l oiB.
I enla ear tor tar SaMII
1 tatlnf aakaata uaooUat
to wonire.
MrolfSf Inreacrifceltaaefeeliafe
ttnaauus'eii'Vi. In rreonianniiias aw
CSMHI.S.K -M ""77- k.
ai enp.'w, u tUTnaTTjutB
Val a k ItrasvUia.
M f ITtlf fa W
I Utt4e-1
I m mmm rks"
lUieWeafc, ss rMtM ftsr CUUf At-alfs mtm4 aVoasat 1 U4 9eNl BVM,im
We eemfaae) villi Ma rl . Ta-e) mmmkm km4. A 9toMm ewU fceti-iioskj
All pU tm BsTiiitiiiFel kweMeV (Kai rs4isr. 4yesrasiei ki stWrrVlUk Al Unmariea-. er mi t
4 la mmsi a ir, tsutaioaiakt, A4 atit tW LakJIra," m Usoor, by r4mr MiL
beet Couch Medicine. liom mended by llirsieisns.
Cares where all else fails, Heaaant and agreeable to the
taste. Child rea take u without
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cske and Pastry, Light Flake
Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
and Wholesome,
do other baking powder does such work.
huktes a tau phhiti vJUl
nthinf Tacaie, iiimi varl-t. Low Prip-i,
Old ilioia taken In iraile. a nd Air l atainaua. utiO,
W, HliHKt K, S heariiv M., Haa Krancltou.
If you want ItlWDKR for Mining,
Railroad Work, Htiimp Wasting or Tree
Plan ting, send for Price List.
O 11 K VTK8T
a t reei t Cklckrn l it Killrr.
Ayeiirdeelrrtorlt.4,racnd lor Kr circular to
I'ctaluma Incubator Co., PctaJ:-na, CaL
The Speolflo A No. I.
fnra, wltrmttr fHll.all ewiea of
keM 1011I Wlrra, no matter of hin iier
dtuitdliis. pK'ventn ttrltiire, II hel-14 ... in .
leriml remedy. t'lireawUeneTerylhiic Mm
liiialiille,!. M.ilrtln nil lruKHlt.
uaniiiarillrrrai 1 Do .t.imeiiliell mnliciihi
frlrr. M.e. ( u, rwuuoM.llu.
Sportsman, Attention!
if you want In thnnt aeenrahiiv. don't fall to
tlahtyour sun with the ueleutated
Made to ttl sny rilfe. INp lionr Bead
Kruiit Hlichi, 11; Ivory IIUI1II114 Kront Sight, Mt
reiita. NVot hr mall ou receipt of price.
R. T. HUDSON, 13 First Street, Portland, Or.
Hand Air new Illustrated Catalogue.
We have a bis etork of Rubber Uoods bought
of a ieadliis house rvtlriug fruin butluew on
thlt eoaat.
t'hild't rublier ihoca, A to 10 2fte
Mlinea' f(Hihiild, lOUli. I'
Miars overshaee We, Wo
MlMsw' arrtlei aud hluh rula. tl.uu, 11 24
Idlea' overnhiwa, all ttylea 3.r, aie, ,41c, 60c'
Udiea' arctlitand mow eicludert. .. II 1x1, ll.'.'A
Udlea' blsh CHI paiteit II.M, 1.7r
ladles' boiita, tpeclal barxalm II. M, 11.75
t'hlld'a txsila .' 11.00, 1.2ft
MlMea' boots..
Hojr'a koota
Men't thort hoota, eitra..
Meu'a bin hoota
11 ,1) tot 00
t!W to !..')
Kl.90 to Sn.llU
Men's overnhovs, elKht ttylea
Vie, Hoc, US', 7:o
Men't aretlca and mow excludera II J.V 11 .:
Kiihbrr t'lothlns of all klnda at a bis dlaeount
fnun remilar prlcea. Atk for our lull list ol
Hubberitoodt. Addrete
4ia-4t rroat Street, Saa Frauelaoo.Cal.
The most popular brand of
smoking tobacco in the United
States. It is made from to
bacco at least three years old.
Its rich mellow smoke has
never been equaled.
leal of North Oarwllaa is now packed
In Patent Cloth Pouches, as well at in folL
Set tti! Esniiins!
Said Eterysrsl
- vim it.w em nywMpw
ftfO C(M Dumoho 8lt
iU Y 11S m
Ttw ty WiV fcsr net 1 -tails flU tof os-t, VV
ej, - I
objecttoa. Bj drurista.
mm &. Aaiki-
s mimw-