The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 05, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 7.
Ill gugcBf City tiuarl
I'ublUher and Proprietor.
OVFICE-Oa lit Ei aid of Willamette
.-'Uwt, Ulweau Soveolu and Eighth Street
I f annum. ..
hit Mcutil..'. .
'ibr mouths.
.... $2 00
.... LOU
OTjB 0!tl
Advertisement Inserted M follow:
Ou souar, ten Uaee or 1 on ineertioa S3:
itoli tuMtqiwat huortiuo IL Cah required
I advance.
Tun dvrti will be charged at tb ol
!.vi( ratal
Uu nun tbre month 16 00
Oa sauar ix month 8 00
On square on, rear 1 13 00
Transisnt notice in local oolumn, 80 erats
yor Uu lor won insertion.
A'lvertiiuiK bill will b rendered quarterly.
All lob work must b ram ro on rtsirmv,
CEO. B. D0HH13
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
rrrnx practice in the courts
YV of th Second Judicial District and in
b Snprerae Court ef thi State.
Special attention given to collection and
patter in prelaw
(KU8Bxa crrr, - - - oregoii
OFFICE Stoma 78 MoCtaren ButlJrad.
rSpeeial attention giren to Collection
and Probate buslneHs,
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugeaac, Oregon.
Attorn ey-at-Law,
Orncl- Room in Cousef's Block.
ittorney apcl Ccunsallor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Afent.
Ofllee In MmouIo Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention given to Probate buiinee
and AbetracU o( Title.
OrTlcl Over Lane County Bank.
J. & WALTER, M. D. S.
Eugene, Oregon.
Dm tal Room Willamette 8treet, oppoelt
Baker' Hotel.
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, oppoelt GtuaD offic. All work
war noted. ,
Laughing ga adminbtered (or painless ex
tracttoaal teeth.
Coffin and Casket elway on band. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodie a Specialty.
Night call prompty attended.
Keeidenoe, second house south o( ttetho
dUt Church, Willamette street.
Farm, Improved and Unimproved Torn
property for sal, on easy term.
Prcpsriy Basted aal Eenia Collected.
The Imuran Companle I preasnt are
among th OIIe and moat Reliable, and in
th Psoarr andEoumtll adjuetmest of their
omm Staid Bsooho to Noxa,
A ehar n( yoor pat caf i solicited.
oto-u-aa. arD0RRIS,
ca-t. Laci. n ff. ' - t. nrt , c sua
Eugene National Bank
EUGENE crrr. Oregon.
pirn rp riPTTAL. $30,000
Trans ct a goners! banking btwinee.
Boats or Diaicmai:
F B Donn. F W Otbum, i C Cbnrch, 8 II
Israa, I U Eodcon, C Uoer, 1 E Dan. .'
By far the largest dealer on the Coast in
Trees, Feitiilzers, Bulfis, hqsbs, fl. I. Roots Bee Sopjilles.
W art Northwestern Agent for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed
Grower and Dealer in the World.
F. L. POSSON & SON. - '
I R Lnckey&Co.
ronei; iirucies, ramis, uiis,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
R. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Enjrene City, Oregon.
Will attend to cenoral Root Eiitato bnaino
inch a buying, elliog, loaainR and renting
larmsand city property, eto. uiace on tonm
tiio of Ninth Rtrnet.
The Euj-eue Cipar Factory
Keep constantly on band th flnont brand
c( horns mad, domestic, and Ky Went
cigat. Chnrgi the lowent price for chew
ing and smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and
McClarens Buildi n,
(Oppoeite F. (. Wilkina' Drav Store.)
' 11m an txteiitiv Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Book, Cutlery, Etc.
ty Order for Book and Subacription
lo Newspaper and Poriodioal promptly at
tended to.
ivri; Bookstore
Bowel Trouble, and Cramp, Collo.'or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask yonr
drnggtst lor it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
RepairiDflr rromptly Kzeoated.
UTAH Work U arran Ud.sVJ
J. 8. LUCKEY .
Eugeae MM
E. Scliw2rzscfiild, Prop.
(Successor to Geo, Collier)
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad-
draas Lock Boa J
hi k F:i::;,
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price Paid
for Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balance in CashJ
t . w v uivvwuwa,
Creswell, Or.
& SON,
Real Estate Transtors.
Mary J Page to J L PugP. 50x1 fiO feet
on Olive street, in Bkinnerg addition;
J L Pago to Mary J Page, 93xl10 feet
on the corner of Seventh and Wash
ington etreeU in Packard's addition;
F L Rlrhnond to J L Pnge, 92 x ICO foet
on wiuamotte street; f 5.76U.
oottioi onovi.
M J Thornton to J V Tliornton, 1.5
acre: n'.uuu.
J W Gowdy to H G Brennan, lot t, blook
6, Long A Landess addition; $125.
J. E. Noland, Sheriff, to H. 0. Hum
phrey. UU) acres In To 15 S. R 5 W: 1100
W A Cox to Tbos W Bymons, 3 acres;
lease ol ground at month of biuslaw river
lor government improvement; flWpersn
nam. Sketch of land shown: filed.
P i Baughmen to E B Waited, 80 acres
in xp iu o, a a w; fuo.
Sarah L Panuenter to Martha J
Thornton, 1001 acre in Tp 20 8, It 8 W;
Geo 8 Ladd to C Hagar, 6.28 acres in
Tp 10 8, IU W; II.
0 4 (J R It to I) W Harding, 70.60
acres in Tp 20 8, It 8 W; 176.50.
. R. Csrtwright to Simon Duryee, 80
acres In T. 16 8., B 1 W; $100.
JRCartwrigbttoBlmonDnryee, land in
T15 8,BWj $1000.
Injured in a Railroad Wreck.
Mr. Johnson, of the Minnesota hotel,
received a letter Monday from
Grant's Pass ntatlng that his brother-in-law,
James Lavlnger, was on the
freight train that was wrecked at Wolf
Creek Sunday, and was badly cut
about the beaa, and received internal
Injuries that are considered dangerous.
Dw Huff was also on the train and
had his back hurt. The account of
the wreck is given In our telegraphic
Er.ECTT.oir. At a regular meeting of
the Y. P. 8. C. E. of the Christian
church Sunday evening, Nov. 29. three
offices were declared vacatd by those
who have moved to Mount's hall, and
new officers elected to till the vacan
cies: Howard Itowlund, president;
Nettie Whitney, secretary, and G.
Jones, treasurer.
Boss. At Ashland, Oregon, Nov. 28,
1891, to ths wit of George Dunn, a daugh
ter. Ael 0 a itril
an Imwi Urwara U
m. 9m. In.' Pru
muMt v jaw,
M ewnM
Hoa. SWIM, aUdMS,
rw tl MimtlMH
Kanpln rrn a draftej.
Sold by J. H. HECKLE Y.
Wba Baby was skk, we gav Ut C tort.
twa ah wa Chad, erid for CMiorls.
Who th bcM KJm, tfae ehmi to C r
WhsnsU had Child a, h gave Una O torts.
I Bold oa a
of aervou. 1mm
cvaof euunlerof
Ui (nerali f-
fan oi tiuurm.
betiier an
Tobacco or fH m, or Uironrk y n V, I ul I a A I
Kout ladilni K,4,araa UmM brata
Piwer , WtkHiilnM, Baarlurdnwi rln In tl
rra,MmiDJMii..arNerla, ( Prn
tratloa, Kurt J lailMlfloa, Im MrriKML
Sin", "e ! Utmnry, Lm M tntttmA lmfO
w-r, whtrh 11 awlmwl .Im VtA M yrdn.iiifW
i4ir sod In .ity. Prln a bnv, t boss
!url.i'l Ht hT!lnref?itf arlw
A WMTTT. .rBAITB la (1va fnf
. U0Sbt1 MwlnraM thioov If
Ft rnr la nt (Aarttl W.
n-1 o twiimlala Iron a4 r int.
pi both i.whhrr.b mDMlv r-i
brtbnM(apbnlUnv Ctiralar lra l4i tm
Mn ftfaock, bux 27, fuatjiK 0a
Md by I .B. LCCKKT ft Co.. Dnwirt,
Eugaaa, Oreg-w.
Convention of Christian Eudeavor.
Cina Laxi, Or., Not. 8, 1891.
Lane County Convention of Christii
Endeavor of the Cbruiian ohurch met in
oooT.ntloo at 11 a. m. After a eoneeortt
uon asrvioa. leu dt t u ai
port from th Minnenpolia Covnutioq wore
L 1 , : 1" 1 I . ... ...
kitpo ut oiini Doeuon ani Air. ilobert
vicaiurpuy, 01 1 oriiwj.
ai a p. u. a duilk ifioB wis pallet
bv th Vic Pruald:'l:L Mr. K H II.i, I.
aker, and attar several addreo, reporu
were given from the vatlons ooittic, and
it wa decided to ak the aocletio of other
dem tarnations to join th aniou at a oon
veution in Janotiou City, on th first Sat
urday and 8uodar in alnr. 18,12.
Oflioers wer eliotd s follows:
dent, Latter Whoslor, Plemnt Hill; viot
prtiidcnt, Daisy Bond, Clear Lake; trnae
arnr, Anns Crain, Jnuotlun City; aecrelarv,
atovrts BUBiton, Eugene.
Prohibition Address.
John Llovd Thomas. 8cretar of the K
tiou.l Prohibition Cuiuiuittn. imr annnuiuw.
uenl, add;iied a very large audieue at
in tonii itoiiM, aov. iJtu. ue I
n eloonent. forcibl ami ev aiwwV.r
and be was entbntiantloally pplandet. II
said th Prohibition Party w here to stay
ana mat in tiuie tbey would elect the om-
oersonueoouuer. A onoir lurulsbed X'
eelldnt musio for th oonuion.
A olub was organised oonnlstios of U7
oiemoers, u oeing voters. In follow
ins omeerswer elwLnl: P. A.Tozi.r. Pnu.
Ideut: Calvin Hanns, Vice Fmident; L. B
ttowland. becrvtarv: Frank Tav or. Triu.
urer. An executive eommittre. ennil.tlnff
oi in aoov. omcers, ana uev. M. s. Kid
re. wis se feted.
Mr. Thomas alto atntnl thtt a mmlu nr
gunlii r would prohiibly be S'ior(ed to re
main in toe dii tne year round.
A 8xRpnoL EdItos. Rev. Uorcan and
family who held forth at the Court Hons
in btinna lent week Rave ltowlmro a call
Totwday evening. The riuindcaler is kep
tlosl and sl'.nde to ilr. Morgan followi
-Uo ha set tbe 29th of March next for ths
geueral conflagration of -this poor little
world, loss total and no insumupe: and if
the fire fails to eventuate there will be ons
man will b disnppointed; thereat are not
so ninch it!terentd. The oonilict of author
ities ot these dtudruollouiete rondure ths data
of th inoloeration a matter of horrible un
certainty. Llentennnt Totteo ha made it
sometime in 1397; Schwinefnrth is disponed
to 1891, bnt he is so welt fixed in a worldly
sense mat ne oouta stand a postponement.
Kogers oi aorin usroiina thinks the tliumt
nation will nut com off nnlil 1910. Old
msn Millvr f all down the 'iO't, '30 's
snd 1U . but bis disomies hare keDt cnosa-
ing ths date as cheerfullv ever siooe the
original eoulliigration 1st "went over to the
majority." Friend Morgan ii cock-sure of
bisdav andsavs: "When Benrr Morcan
tells yon a tLlnj, be knows it" whioh does
nut exsotly agroe with the aooient asaertiun
oi that dav and hour knowotn do man
Morgan is an exception.
80 Days. Walter White, one of the
brothers who recently cut timber on
povertinient land in Chewher nrcclnut.
nieaa guuty uuinre Jutlgo Demiy lu
I'ortliUHl, xsor. lijtli, and was sen
tenced to pay a fine of $100 or be in
prisoned lu the Lane county Jull for 80
days, tie ciioso the latter and was
brought here hud evening by Deputy
U. 8. Mamlml Siunott and Incarcer
ated lu tho Jail.
SrrrtXD tit Higrs. Mr. 4, A. How, of
Springfield, reported a loss by lire on his
residence to E. J. frailer, agwit oi lbs New
Zealand r Irs insnranoe Co., Nov. 'i7th, and
next day received a obeek for damages sus
tained, in foil. It pays to insure in old
reliable companies like the New Zealand.
Likd Sold. T. J. Dnokworlh this Satur
purchased at guardian's ssle the in-
tetest of tne minor heirs lo and to J acres
of land in T 17 8, R 6 W, for the sum of
Mibbixd. Oakland item In Bosebnnr
Review: "Miss Alios Bufflngton and Mr.
A, M.Uray of ugene were united in mar.
risgs at the residence of J. 0. Gray, Oak
land, on last Wednesday at 3 o clock o. in.
we are Informed br one roiled tbst Ibis
is in intra marriage oi brother and sis
ten from the two families, three brothers
hsvinrr married three sisters. There are
some girls left, and Johnny Gray lives in
Rats Ridccib. The rate on craln be
tween EaR.n and San Francisco. Port
Costa snd Oakland vis the Southern Pacifle
railroad in ear load lots bss been reduced to
30 cent per hundred weight or 18 cent per
Ths W. R. C. Discs. This organiza
tion sives tha finest danoes of snr society
in Eugene. The one Nov. 27th wss no
exception. The manacement was th best,
musio excellent, end everything passed off
as nappy as anyone oon id wisu. vuite a
neat sum was netted lor this cnsrttabie
CafUrta SFflStstsi TVM i mnA
owconn Filtuiaucy, iioaAifuliua, Boar
Rtonach. DiajrboM, and Pavwiahne.
Thos th ehBd 1 Merd health y and iU
sleep autsvaX Caatarlat eontains no
lorp or oiiier narootic propty.
I rtmmmmxi It u mpror to rr ptwHptioa
know tola..- H. A. iuu, M. D..
rorUand Atv, kruualo, S. T.
f . r.i.I. fa m TmMb mrjl thiA I.
9daiJ adapted lo aTcKtL '4 rhil-lnsv"
aiai lyw.aiaua. ai, v.f
lt7MAfc. law York.
To Csaraca Ox. TT If a ay at, V. T.
The Junction opera house Is uud
R. V. Howard ha sold th Elmira
mill to Curvullis parties.
AI Auteo, th genial naltorvlll mo
chnnt was iu town today.
Fred Bellman is all to be about th
streets, having eome down town yetorday
A dull Saturday lu town tmlay. The
fnrtuer are all buoy putting iu grain
8om mlscreanl broke one of lh glasses
In Uankin ft Co s pbotogupbie show case
nigs i.
0. 11. rurchsas and wlf left for River-
aide, Oal., this morning, where tltcy will
liereaiter reside.
Tbo United Brethren ehurvh buildlns on
Ferry street between 11th and 12th street
is receiving Its roof.
Cuas UoIUsmltn baa severed bis eonnoo-
tion with the Gt'iSD and resumed bis post1
lion in nis latner store.
Joint Stewart, of Euirene. shliMK-d
rour cars oi snoop to j-ortiutui iiM
. .V. .1
1 ucsday from Junction.
Shannon Conser ha cons to San Francis.
co to oonsutt a surgeon, eoureroins nts in
Jutcd leg, e hope be may find relief,
Harrisburg Courier: Mrs. Jennie 8. Bar
nard, oue of Eugene's moat successful pby
Mclaus aud wile of our townsman, Or
W. Baruard. spent Thsnksuiviuu iu th
Dr. L.M.Davis, of Portlsnd. has been
calltd to Laiwer. Mich., owiuo to tha and.
dun diath oi his lather, who was 77 years
old. lie expects to be absent two or three
HiirrLsburg Courier: Mr. Itenshaw
who Utught a clans In pcninaiixhln hero
iaxi spring, was in tno city uwt wwK
soliciting orders for Eugene tailoring
Ira A. Mills, at one time editor of th
Junction City Pilot, is now managing edl
tor oi ins r.pwortmsn, a neat and bright
utile paper puoiianed at fort iowneeud.
wath. lb paper is a religious one.
lleppner Record : Of Bsrnstt and tarn llv
will lesv soon for Lane oouutv where they
will make their future home. Mr. Harnett'
family will go by way ot Tb Dalle and he
will go over the mountain with a band of
Albany Herald: Mr. J. M. Tavlor.
president of the Anna- mlno company,
n the Itohenila district. Is in the cltv
selling stock lu the mlno. He lias
some very rich samples of the result of
incir new nun.
E, 0, Pentium, Secretary of ths Oreeon
Press Associslion, earns np on this after
noons train and will spend Sunday la Eu
eene. Ed was formerly a student in the
State University. We acknowledge a plea
sant oau irom nim.
Lebanon Advance: Walter and John
llargcr and Guy lilgalow, of Eugene.
came in on Mouduy's train. Thtwe
young gentlemen will enter at once
iixin tno worK or building the V. l
hurcii in Sodavillo.
Roseburg Review) EnsineerJ. G. Eel
ley loturned the first of th week, having
been called there to look after the letting of
the contract for the sewer work. He ex
pects lo practically finish work here in about
tnree weeks when ns returns to tbst eity to
personally superiniena iu work mere.
A letter from Qeoree Belshaw. who is
visiting bis son Marsh at Farmlngton,
Wash., ststos thai tbey hsv hod a half inch
of ice, also hall an inoh of mow at that
plao. but it bad all disappeared. Uncle
George should be back to the Willamette
valley where (be flower (till bloom and
berries ripen In open air in th last week of
All the sme in Etiaens Bro. Plalndealer:
Roses, fuchsias and elorloushned ehrvssn-
themoms art blooming today In the open
sir In Roseburg. The mornlua asems a
little on illy but tbst Is only In remem
brance of yesterday's warmth and anticipa
tion of today's sunshine, The thermome
ter has not been within 10 degree of lh
water-freezing temperature, 92 degree, thl
fall and it may be week before th tern nor-
ry freer eome in. This oontrost rather
vividly with billiards, snow-drift and 20
below cero in the East.
Mr. Duck of the Journal force ho
returned from tlio McKcnxle.
O. C. Wilson is worklmr for a coffoe
and tea house In San Francisco.
Tne Bprinitfleld eity eouncll has Inst or.
oerea over a nine oi sidewalk null I.
Graham and Bowman will civ a srand
oau at npringneia, martday, Use. luth.
Henry Kissinger hssault drlvlna tracks
or uroner a uisir ana gon to work driv
ing for Thos. Cbsppoll.
We acknowledire the receipt of the
Oregonlan's state sectional map, It Is
baudgome and correct.
Mrs. Ida Nelson visited her narenta
here over lost Sunday, returning to
Portland this morning.
Dickinson & Keenev have moved
their barber shon Into the room at the
rear of the Lane County bank.
The seoond same for th baseball ohstn-
pton.btp of tb faclfio toast, wss won by
the Portland Club. Tb nor stood. Port
laud, 6; San Joe, 4.
F. M. Mnlkey. of Portland, spent Son-
day In Eugene visiting relative and friend.
Us Is gradual ol the Mat University.
Bon. B. J. Pencra returned to hla horn.
In Springfield yesterday. We tr pleased lo
tat tbst h 1 greatly improved in health.
Th Miste Viol and Amanda Brandon
and Mia Leth Duncan, who (pent
Thtnkigiviug at llalsey, returned to school
Last year notutoes were scarce and
b ar lu California. This year, in one
aliforuia dbdrict near Sacramento,
60,000 bushels of potatoes were not duir
D because It would not nav to market
Hepnner Record: Wm. Blolr. of
Lexington, has so fur this season
bought 64,000 bushels of wheat, and
expects over 90,000 bushels before the
season closes. Ifcppner ami other
buyers have also shipped coiiHlderable
er the Lexington plutrorm. and the
tal nutkes a good showing for thl
W. W. Statesman: Oneof the slick
est swindling games practiced on a
gullible community is through the
alleged collection agency. It is safe to
say that every merchant In town has
some time or other been taken In by
these smooth talking gentry, who
promise anything and everything, to
get a memberxhlp fee out of your
N'ket. The safest wav I to iri ve these
uklrs the cold shoulder. This town
now has the reputation of being the
blggntt sucker town in the state. Let
us change It,
Joe Coggan Arrested at Albany, on
ouepieiuu in naving jiaraereu
jonn Awing,
Daily Guard, Nov. aU
Sherltr J. E. Noland. this mornlnir.
arrested one Joe Coggau at Albany, on
suspicion of having Un?n Implicated in
the murder of John EwiW. aliove
Cottage Grove, hist summer. It seems
Coggtu had told that the young man
f.wlng was dead and that his bodv had
IsH-n sunk In a stream with rocks at-
taehwltohls botly. He was brought
hero this afternoon and lntrcerated In
the county Jail.
It appears that tho vonno- mnn
John Kwing, wan working in a
saw mill altovo Cottage Grove last
June, when one day lie took a gun and
went to the woods to hunt for deer.
After ho left three shots were heard
about one-half mllo distant from the
mill. Ewlng did not return, and for
the uext. several days search xirUvt:. VimonZ'mU' molt
were orgnnlKed and thorouffhlv iWXd ! PP.
the wood for him. but found . tr.T
and nothing has' been heard of tie
miHHing man slnco.
1 lie people or that section have sua -
pleloned that ho has b,en foully dealt
witn, as he had no cause to d Minnoar.
and then he left all his belonirlmrs. not
et-n taking hla coat. ;
111 00 to the Slualaw River for
Uovernmont Work.
Pn.ll.n4 fr.l.. v no '
Portland Telegram, Nov. 88. :
Th (mail locomotive, th Sluslaw. for
work on biuslaw river, reached here yester-
day from the II. K. Potter locomotive
work in Pennsylvania. It wo removed
loday from tb onion depot to tb foot of
0 street, where it will be rut on board th
steamer Willspa. It required about three
honr takito9onof th O. T.
Company a heavy trucks, and it wa merely
an accident that t lit locomotive did not be-
com damaged. Whon It was being lowered
down the iuollne to th wharf th smok.
stsok cam In contact with several stringers
overhead. The smokestack oould not b
removed, soth engine wa hnled np th
hill again with th help of several bone,
After a eoupls of hours' work it was re-
moved from the track and slid down the
Up, where it now tie in th mldill.l
ot th driveway, and will probably this plaintiff irreparable damag by destroy
remaln there to blook the pssssgs of yrv ing IU profit a a water company, but will,
team till lh steamer leave, December 8. a I verily believe, so collate the wator
ine locomotive weigns nine tons, and will
be used in government work oa th Biuilsw.
This is the first that has been used in th
oonstruolion work there. A lively lim Is
sxpected wbon It I attempted to remove
tne sngins irora tb steamer at iU destina
tion. Unole Bam will be lucky if the pre
-.' 2 , . . 1 1 . "
oiuu uiu. ton ao not rau overooara
set Flnnrlng mnt Bwraesl-Lass
iu,ouu, stissirasic sji.aoo.
Bpeolal to th Gdd:
b'ixix. Nov. 27. At 1 30 this morntno
th little) town of Solo, in th Fork ot lh carried out as therein required, this plain
Sautiam was visltod by the fire fiend. Th tiff has purchased valuable property, real
principal building of the town ws th Solo snd personal, necessary to carry out it ob-
luuiuiH aiuw, to propeny oi &a LrOlos, I ligation unto aaid pity, ioat tbt( plain
hloh were totally destroyed by fire. Th I tiff I unable to aav iUelf from oraaf and
fir darted from th dynamo whioh furnish-1
es eleoirio ligbu for the town. Mr. Go ins
left th mill at mldnkht and nut it in I
ohargcofa young man. At half put on
nr was discoverer near the dynamo and
had water been bandy on bnoketfu I would
bar saved tb property.
l h Soio Mills were built by McKinnev k
Turner aometlm in 180T and did a larg
business In those days. In 1878, B. But-
land of The Dalles enlarged and Improved
them. In 1885, upon the death of U. Rut-
land, they posed into th hands of their
present owner. In connection with the mill
was a large pump and tank for furnishing
the town with water, also sn sleotrie light
plant ran by lh water power. D. Myer's
planing mill, and a wagon shop, were also
furnished power. There wer several
thousand bushels of wheal in th wars-1
house of whioh a great deal belonged lo th I
farmers. The mill had been running night
and day and was doing a good business. Only
$7,600 insurance wa carrid at the time of
lliflr. Th loss will fall heavily on Mr.
Cottage Grove Itemi.
Leader, Nov. 28.
Mr. J. W. Shcpard Is now preparing
to build a rcsideuce on his lOntcre farm
ln the Gowdy tract west of town.
James Homcnway Informs us that
he la looking for a number of his folks
here from Kansas ln about one week.
Three families in all.
Several families arrrlved here the
first of tlm w,k fmm A.l.l.Twt ..7,1
h. ,,, ". ,i, i , r i . T r I complete system ol sewerage but Is csl
e.".7ri,h? 0ld TS?,0f P109 Houltd and intended to serve only a por-
m,u , ww. luvy uiuveu out
voineiarm iuursuay.
A letter received from Miss Ella I
Colo, formerly of this place, who went
to laiuornia with J. u. llhlnehart and
family, of Eugene, by private convey
ance, savs: "We arrived at Han Dlpiro
Nov. 19th. I am deliffhted here: it la
Just lovely. As we drove into town 1 1
saw a largo steamer leaving the harbor,
mm several more snips lying at ancnor
and such a beautiful sunset. It was
the loveliest sight I ever saw. We
went out to Chula Vista yesterday and
saw young potato vinos almost large
enough to bloom, peas about live
Inches high and tomatoes fust begin
ning to bear. I could hardly believe
uoueve i
my own eye and to think, it was No-
VHldlsT. Am IU II tiluAuurt wlfh All, I
new liomL Wa travelivi tnlli In I
32days." " ,.
A Brakesaaai KllleA.
Wots Csssi, Or., Nov, .-Thls morn
ing a north bound freight' train, No. 48,
wtiil coming down the grade north of tun
nel 9, two ears back of lh engine of the
rear section ran tola the frost section.
Tbrs ears wer smashed, -a brakeman
nsmsd John Caughlin was -k filed, and a
man supposed to be a trans seriously In
jured. Several more petsona' were ilightly
injured, out tneir nonius oould not be learn
ed. A relief train started from Grant's
Pas ibortly slier tb wreck. Th eouth
bound pssMoger train will be delayed sever
al honr. It Is now at Olendala. waiting
for lb wreck lo get ehiared off the track.
Ifaxwsu, Wnx Cass. Th evidence la
the Maxwell ease wsa concluded before
Jodg Boott at noon Nov. 30. Then the at
torney for tb plaintiire asksd that the
Judce appoint an administrator,' ; The
Judge took the matter nndradvlmal no-1
til next Monday.
Lickwu. The following matrlsge li
censes wer issusd Nov. 27th by Clerk
Walker: 8. H. Cllieon snd LiUi Powell
O. L. Weddls and kL E. Whited.
The Eugene Water Company Asks that
i ine city or Kngeue be Ke-
ttra ned from Lslnir
I tha MBi
- - v..
On Saturday. Nov. 28th a eomnlalnt wa
"led in th clerk's office of Lane county lo
wherein th Eugene Water Company
is plaintiff snd the City of Eocene defen-
dnt. An undertaking for an injuootioa
" fld ln ,h um of $1000 with
I itooinson and u. II. Cbrisman snre-
, , . , , , ,
. iMoomplalnti long and as the affldav-
" ,or f" lujnooion stale the material points
tba Plslntiff eorporation is engaged of furnishing tb inhsbi-
'J1'0' Engen good and wholesom water
U boond by eonlraot by the terms of
" ofdinano o to do. That plaintiff in
Xf in order to enable it to eom-
P'T the term, of said contract, ha ex-
V!"r'. ?"u' " or
milSl?.JL.ZJ ..
i m iih iu. iuu uuun wuicu 10 erect ana
Uslnuin th sam. That th. wui.m.n.
1 ViVslP 1- ih nnl nn wvt rt sava tarn annnlit Inst
said eity except private wells and a Urge
nnmh ni h. i i.i .u.
aald water nmvi,it h ni.imirT a ,.
no other water to nse whatever. That said
water now used by said people and far
I alnhti s000 wholesome water.
to. out oi cugen oy saia ortiinanee
mkhIm. IK. mUI-M u Ik. l-k.l.
iUnU of said eity good and wholesome wa-
ter for the period of fifty years. Thai
piaintui under raid ordinance and in ao-
I k. . . - , 1 .. 1
I "'l""J" Ul iu total tuenioi no euierea
nDOB ,h. wnrk . i.Mn- .u. ii,.w.
itants of said aitv with mvl .Mnm.
quality of wster. Tbst the profit and in-
eome of plaintiff depend entirely upon it
ability to furnish pur water to it numer-
ous consumers la said eity. That said eity
iaahont to .mnt th. sith nhu .ui.i.
ons and noisoms matter from the cess pool
and privies within it corporate limit-i,
through a sewer reoently construotrd and
Into the Willamette river at a point above
the point on said rivsr where this plaintiff
lake It water ropply for said eity and its
inhabitant. That th Willamette river at
said eitv of lunni an. fnmlah.. onrwt
wholesome water so liable for drinking and
til domestic nse. That (aid fewer when
opened will by mesni of the impurities dis-
ebarged through it. render th said water
nttarl nnflt in. nt,rf m nni
supply of said olty as to beoom a publio
nuitauo and a menao to the lives of the
Inhsbltants of said eity rendering the water
used by them poisonous snd unsanitary.
That th sam would cause special dam
ag and injury to thl plaintiff a a water
company and render valueless almost, a
larg amount of property ot plaintiff pur
chased and nied by it for (applying water In
good faith and long befor said eity planned
or contemplated said sewer, and by reason
of an offer on the part of said city to said
Urml 0I hloh b-nuin.
I tiff ln sood faith and nUra nnon and aver
Irreparable Injury unless by a restraining
order ot this oouit enjoining said eity from
mptyinB it sewerau. aforesaid. That
said defendant is preparing to turn its
wrge into said river a aforesaid through
said sewer within It corporate limit and
has informed tbla plaintiff that it will do
so. That said ait of Kucr.n. ennt.ln
larg population to-wit, about four thons-
and persons and the sewsr aforesaid
operated, discharge a very great quantity
of filth from a large area,
Tbal if the said sewerage la turned into
the Willamette river at the terminal point
of aald.sewer a threatened by defendant, it
will ronder ules the property of this
plaintiff and destroy IU right, privileges
and profit.
That said asweraae will oollnte the wa-
ter of the liver aforesaid at the oolnt where
plaintiff secure water for th ns of said
olty, adjoining ald eity and render it unfit
for domestle use. And said aswersg will
through (aid pollution of said water neos
sarily affect the Dublio health of said city
I and render ths said
water nnsanltsry and
J. F. UosissoM,
T. W. Bhsltom.
Subscribed and (worn to before me this 27th
dsyot November, A. D,, 1891.
is. v. form,
Notary Publio for Oregon.
Ths complaint also avers "Tbst when
the water ln said rivet is high said sewerage
eannol be discharged into the rivsr bnt will
lall lo flow freely from said sewer and be
crowded back Into the some by th back or
alack water."
tloII o( ma it. the eastern ball."
That the nstnral dip and drainage of
the land on whioh said eity Is situated is in
dlreotioa oppoit to that in which the
sewer runs,
tKtmcnov oaurriD.
Judge it L. Pipes Is chambers at Cor-
"111 granted the pmyt for an injunction
"a " tuTomur aua nnm w
made on Recorder Dorri on the 28th at
o'clock p. m. . . ...
A motion will be needed by tb city to
dissolve th ;i iojunotioa. at . some
future date. In the , meantime
Eugene will :b; dobarrod from .nsing
her tM.000 sawer, E. O. Potter, of Eu
gen, and 0. B. Bellinger, of Portland, sp-
- ... -
X.. li.
-Daily Guard, Kov. 'JS,
Aotntw TaooBLS. A. J. Langworthy,
who Uvea in Not! valley, is again in trouble.
A few days sgo N. O. Fisbar, road super
visor ot district No, 90, by erdet of the
county court, attempted to move a fence
stretched across the county road on JLang
worthy' farm, when thst individual ap
peared on tn leco with a shot gnn and
tbraateoed to "blow the top ofruher e
bead off" if he did not desist. ' Of course.
Fisher retired, and oame to1 Eogees and
swore out a warrant before Jsatlce Einsey
for Laagvorthy'a arreirt, on tb rbarge of
assault with a dangerous weapon. - Deputy
BheriffOroner left this morning to arrest bim
and sabposoa witnesses. Langworthy is the
Individual who a short time since, bad
trouble with bis wife, after which she was
committed to the asylum.
Blood ro Colts, E. J. Frnsier recently
bought two handsome "Dawn F." oolts.
They are direct descendants of Nutwood,
tb noted Eeutui-ky trotter. IasI week be
Doneht "lours t rrjer! -t a four ytar olJ
gelding imported from Utah, lie b a fall
brother of Errlckson with a record of 2:H.
Tb former Iwo b has named ''AHha" and