The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 28, 1891, Image 8

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T Worthy of ImiUtlon. ,
i nnA VanAa fmn inn jiiiivu i .
i vi vvU jwvyvi vo i i
Drugs, Pharmacy.
" VSSHh Chemicals,
SCTJ Medicines,
r Physicians Sup-
JMlUOa Kf Ul jjavtaa,
Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, and
Toilet Articles. Also a complete and Boloct stock of Taints,
Oil Varnishes. Brushes and Painters Furnishings.
U iSt-W. bar the .riter Art of ou, ,ood. Eaat Br parehuln, tn la , qu.ntltie.
braced Id a well ppomieu " " " stT.
lis U Known Grocer in Eugeno
Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, China, Glass, Crock-
ery, Wooden ana wmow ryarowiaii
Pays Highest OAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins,
. m-rr l m il
ilides, wool, laiiow, c
Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care.
All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene.
Call and be corteously treated.
Fiber's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Inwilw
on tli. market. Htvtr
ail SnroeeilUily tuei
by nroralnent lllf
month If. Guaranteed
to relieve foppraated
Don't bfi hombnjrirad.
g.r. Time, Health,
nd money iuko no otb
r. Qnt tn an aiMmal.
, teour. by mill oo r
tuc ipum nmirjNE coiPiiif.
WmUto Branch, Box 27, FOBTLAND, OB'
For Sal byS.R. LUCKlYACO.,Kugene.
t have km tumbled BUypm with
' dlMaa of th. kWneya eai have
way dlnertnt rmll end nav
eon,.! .Id from different Pjy""
WtlkoUt Willi. Domui iy
I wm. tunerinf from . wry violent
i. .1... .l-L nmtfntad ma la
tuck . aianan
When I Ut down II tu .Into Impobl. for m
kli,rirIlJwl ami Pr. Henley, with In.
0C01 UDNIV .THA, to my
kotaL I tanwdlaUly commenced
aatef tb to. It had ea elnwat
ntracaloat Med, and to tb. eetoo
Jakaentofalltb gut at tb hottl,
1. fr-m Aan.1 .a ktDPT to Hale,
thai i ni a new mu. "
ncommcad tht let to .0
aal hare beta.
flBiirieteT Occidental Hold,
a mm t frtii t . t 1 1 e wall Irnnwn TT1 (in
ufacturer of boots and nhoeB at fc No
lan Ht., 8nn Antonio, Texas, will not
t....,t kla nirv.rlnnOO With ftfl tt-
KWU iwiiriuiyv"""-
tackoftno cramps which lieremteiM
follows: "iwns wKt-n w ;"""-
cramp in the stomach which I believe
would have catim-d my death, had It
not been for tne prompt uw v,".
luin'g Collo Cholera and Diarrhoea
it j rrUn Anon rlwl ma ao
much good tlwt I followed It up InSO
minutes wiin mo swim uww, u
A.Mfha rincinr nould irct to where I
was, I did not need him. This Itcm-
edy shall always te ono m ui
gtnyB or my iamiiy.- r ur w
For dUrrho) or -maimer oompUint In
inv form there u Doming wwium
Ubamneriain t vjoiio, vhuiw ,71
Amori Mr Kunrf BerrY. Of Ada
ami, Uwrenoeooanty, Kentaoky, jays on
dos. eur-d her of n altaok of dlarrbaia.
Two or three doMts will eara soy ordloaiy
oaas. When redaoea wun wawr
nl to tak. 25 and 6U cent ooiuea tor mu.
by Oibora s. Delano.
v r wa
affllcbidl 1 I
Ptor. Grain an th. moat farorabl. Urma,
Whaat rtoelDU of anv wanhouw north of Kit'
rraa, promrljaatlgnd, taken tn aiohang. for
jriotir or Kid.
ETHigaMt Cath Frlos Paid for Wbeat.tT
Cigar store,
EogenoJCity, Oregon.
A.a.HoviT, ! : : : : maldont
H. C. HuMPHiiY, ! ! . : i Caiht.1
J. M. AiUMt, : : I Anlitant Caahler
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Will keep oonitantly on hand ft full ropply of
Which they will tall at th. low market pri
om, A fair thara of th. publio patrrnag. to-
W. will pay th market prist for Fat
Cattle, llogt and Sheep.
Meat, delivered to any part of th. dty fm of
Too Much Load
On th Liver will break down all tht
nergies of life, and nn6t tou for
Work, Baiiaeat or Pleaaare.
Indigestion, Oonttipntion, Bleeplew
nets, Billoainesa, are th first alarms
natura sounds to warn you of danger.
Mooro's Revealed
It Klif of the Blood. Liver and
Btomac h It hu Sever Failed.
Nervous Prostration,
aiMvlaMaiMa. Mirk a4 W
II !, liMkach, Ilaalaaa,lirv
pi if.n, nv viuHH, n.rv.H
fta,t;ita. at. ! Daa, Oplana
Uakli,IratiBnaMa,li., ar. mrA
r MUm aiMiaraUT Kervta.
Jt Sum not eoataia oaiaiM. Mr. a.,pi C
IrowalM. VeUnd. n, tuterM wlta Cpll.
V" w rn ana mmibm to a ejaipiewrar. Jaeua
Pu. Bll. Ongva. kad twu euOvrtna with N
ou. lru.tnuoa fut four ywn, eo.14 But elea
Bathini a.iDH kia an ill a Md Or. Mil1 -atoratlta
aianlaai k. a wu. rux tooat
tr at dmniMe. Or. Mllaa' Mar and
lw nil., M oom. for M una ar IM Mt
waady tot BUioaaaax, TursM Utw, .la, M.
Fold by J. H. BKCKLKY.
Hoadradt of tartlaMaU. like thlai
3. K. klUW. Aatoria, Or, wrtaa: "It cored
Saa af a aerart lirar and blood trouble."
TSold by all drawiiU.
not be enjoyad.
h la tht bm Mlorr lo Hralib and thuic!i
cure on Earth. Vaeitm time tor alldiMaaaaof
tb Stomach, Liver, Kidney, and Skin. It
curve Kheunuti.m, Malaria, Coated Tontna
and Hradarh. r.lieVM ConltinatMill. Bllluu.
art. and Lytwia. drivr. alt itnpuritlra out of
the HiwdanddtiraupldSum. ThtllniMaa
awntHiy it, th Wm kmc men ldta
Uk it, the t'hildirn m lur it and the r'anaera
aay M 11 thetr bct nr. 1th prrarrwr.
old every here, m a botUw; aia far vea
Bobart Htyas was on tb streets today.
Jobs Bromley bas Wit for Park City,
Cub. t r
4 marriag lloen. was granted to OnllU
Edwards sad Ella Downing today.
J. If. Kilson laat for a ibort rltit to tb
PalooMeoantry, Wath., tomorrow morn
log. Section .Foreman Patterson has
planted a few young fir trees at the
deppt. Agooa tuea.
lira Jlimmw vw- . , i.
third story of the Matlock building for
an armory ana gymiiawuiu.
Large congregations attendt-d the
dlflerent churches yesterday. Eugene
Is certainly a cnurcn going jwutuo.
w n pn! i h Rnrimrfleld barber,
has moved his shop into a room in the
ttprmgneia noii. u -now
J. V. Buoob relomed Banday morning
from a tbrea) wwkt trip to Cooa Bay. . Hu
ton Fred and staUr, Ifrs. Hatti. Alrey
nmi hack with him.
Mrs. M. A. Rankin, of Portland, who
. . i . i 1 1 drwl Anin
hu been v tolling reiaiivwBnu wrcuw
turned to her home
MUI r . . .
on this morning's local train.
A force of six carpenters commencea
Io.afIt nt thn United Breth
ren church this mornlnir. The work
will be rushed untu me uuiiiuiig cu
rr w TT-I4.n matnwnmA from HOI. CUV
n. n . uuiuou .w.w.m" " :
Idaho, lt mnlng. H was nniuooeaiful
i- ....uinn iv, nnntraot (or th aewer work
at thai Dlaot. bit bid bring W abovs tb
IowmI. Tk. tucotaafnl bid was ft9,87B.
Tt,. AHn a( tha Oakaadal. Waab.. Ban
tnnonnoM hit marriage in on itaa of bis
paper and in IB next onroowioe iu
of daughter. Tbey alto raits 100 baabelt
of wheat to th acr to Ibat eonutry. Ex.
J. N. Bunch received a sliver medal
for the best washing machine, the Pa
cific exhibited at the Bacramento
state fair. The medal Is of handsome
design and Is the highest honor con
ferred upon exniDicors.
n. f th. Oleoma oaias In th Benton
county circuit oonrt was that for lb ditto
lutlco of tb marries of Mr. and Mrs.
John Fetter. Th marriage only occurred
a few months ago and attraoiea attention
on aoconnt of lh brid being 17 and th
groom 71. Boob marriages sre simply
rldlOUlOUI. At tne Brouui ia wimu
bly om 1100,000 II Is safe to say then
will b a big fight over it.
The Astorian says: "The superin
tendent of the state Insane asylum
n..ns am. TiowanarwF nuhlisher in
Oregon to send a copy of his paper for
the 7UU mmaies w reuu. vreguu ucno
UiAnA from tha rvpniton-
IWUCIO BIV vavtav ... -- r -
tiary as having a tendency to contami
nate the morals of the convicts, but
4Ua In.nnA airllim ftlinpHfl tPTldpTlL evl
dently thinks the Oregon Journals good
enougn lor crazy peopie iu reau.
Work on the north Jetty at Coos bay
Is progressing rapidly. The assistant
engineer, who is in charge of the work,
is J. 8. Polhemus. About forty men
have been employed since the work
commenced In April, and about 4000
feet of piling has been done, ana me
feet of piling nas Deen aone, nu me .,...,.......,
rock work been completed to about half or individual Interett mutt be allowed to
. m.. n. la tn ilAnMa thia nneHtion. How tht road will
this distance. The entire project is to
hA hnilt out much further. Wo more
urnrb- mi nHino will be done on the end
nt tha Miv durinir the winter. The
appropriations asked for amount to f 2,
M mBe i'inlKS Irjg conditions which are better security to
eppu Aguuuiuca. firtt tney tnowoa at iruui ------
The Marine Uarleta have rented the mad by Thomas Prlc. ft Bmi. tbj old
... ftt, no- for S-a .ithlaat nt mnut reliable firm in
) Lux rWi A tottv will be constructed
at the south side of the entrance also,
but work on that has not been com
menced. The appropriation for this
year amounted to 1125,000, ana ir ail
that Is asked for Is given by congress,
the work can be finished in a year or
more. Already the Jetty is woo reel in
length, and has acoompllHhed much
good. Two montns ago mere was dui,
fourteen feet of water on me Dar. in ow
thore is a depth of twenty feet at high
watir. The iettv has stopped up
several small channels running to the
north. The idea la to have a channel
rv ftior. In riivnth at low water.
Several times when the Wilmington
was on the Coos bay route, months
ago, she struck when crossing over in
rough weather.
General Slocnm'l Joke,
From the Richmond Times.
In the course of the conversation
Governor Hill said: "I was talking
with General Blocum at breakfast just
above Ashland and I asked htm how
many hours It would take to reacn
Klehmona. ,
"I can't tell you," he replied. "I
started once for Richmond and tried
hard for four years, but nover did get
Carter Harrison, the new editor
a nit nmnrintiF nf thfl nhlCfttro
Qtt.U S1 VLSI AW W V -
Times, will substitute "I" for "we"
the editorial columns or that
paper. "1" is a great ngure in uar-
J. Sloat Fassett. Republican can
didate for governor or New York,
hn filed his certificate with the
county clerk of New York county
showing thai ins election expenses
amounted to the sum of 18,450,
and then suffered defeat Flowers'
expenses were a little over $5,000.
Y.,terdy. Mr. LeKb Harnett. UD
po,of Portltud. and Mr orr.,.-
Uin owner irom uoiu r--- - n. !
it and tha reDort ther make ol th .
protpectt ol lb dittrlct ar. wry gra"J'2f
it wimt now, that all Mr. Harnett, to Uw
faoa of advent, ciroumttancet auu uj..--.
predicted for lb mine two year ago.
when h. wrot. then;
ftbout to o. realized ana u -- -
publlo man, wno tooa a oom .
Bin Birer dittrlct. .
-Flrtt they tbowed at from ataaj.,
and wealthiest and moat reliable firm in
that line in Ban Franoi.oo, which In nni.
tormity ol big pay, exceed I tnytb toff
yet teen or beard of In th dlatrict-lhea
aatayt run at followtt
an,, OoMfat ToUlToOo.d
m,. rn.ff 4 2 10 $ 84 13
n. .-.. tn 9.m !. 211 bo
ToUl Wreck.. ..10 WW v
BigBeJ, Thomas Paici A Son.
Tka .Kawa Annrofi r normaut ftnil
ij atiiA. li.t-d AHnniinn ailti luth v9
WVU1U IMUW a a.Ha - . .
eapeoially good; but, In thia caao they hy
tn additional value, in th. faot that wilb
.u. i.i tha nfnfiia. una ol the
nMit mine, on Gold Hill, the otlieri are
all new locatlona-thua giig renoweilaa
ni tha richiietM 01 the dlttlict.
When w reoollect the Blue River mine
ar. chiefly tributary lo Euguu. w at ouc.
tea tb Importance ol tbia infortuaiion to
our people. . .
Fortunately tbete aanayt, ar tupported
to their full meaning, by recent derelop
menu on Gold Hill and lh ipirit of oonfi
denoe, preYtiliqg among th owners of
mine. First of ibete the Poorman may
be mentioned. Tho tnnnel her I 300 feet
In length, and at the end the vein flllt the
breattotth tunnel. When Mr. Murray
left tb Hill a croatcut wat in progreae,
but though in or. the precise width ol the
vein wat not ascertained but it wat then
enormout. All th. or wherever tapped
in th. Poorman proapeot very high. The
company next tpring intend to put up a
good mill. They know now they have got
a mine of great value. Then
tbi pxmou,
It proving up in the same way. The tunnel
i. vn 7au) with tha vein IncreAtioe
W MVW w .www "
very foot to that in a few feet more it will
be wider than tne tunnei, certainty o uet
a.;.ia ruirhana more. A larse amount of
or it now on tb dump and as it assayi
9214.85 a ton, not teleotea speoiment, me
value of th mine can be correctly esti
mated. Th
Formed Drincinallv by oilizentof Eagene,
btv dont muoh work this inmmer on the
Sitters and Durango and hav mad prom
liiirn nmnu. Amonc the new locations
made thia summer, tboae ol Chauncev Dale
ar remarkably good and those ol Meaart.
Murray and Butler equally to. Altogether,
tb camp never presented tnoh a prouiining
aspect. It hat pasted from uncertainty
into a veritable mining camp worthy of
capital In every respect. Yet it's real mer
it or extent it not nan mown,
All this rvives. with ocrealer iutensitr
of interest th question of
To th mines. It ia very evident no local
. i ,
; ; Sells the Celebrated
deoide tbis question. How tht road will
bett insure to tb publio advantage must
tlone decide th route finally. A proposi
tion it now made by Murray and Maugoz,
lo col ID roao irem air. repioit up utile
r, I I 1 1 . & I'fM I I
Review: Charles E.
a prominent Albany
lawi-nr i' f hfl latest PJindidfttfl men
tioned for congressman in the first
district on the Republican ticket
it is Haiu taut no nevas win iiuuur.
and he is certainly the strongest
man yet brought out against our
nwn Ri noor. The rxiliticiana of
the distriot generally concede that
Hermann is out or tne race since
his letter to Miller has been pub
liHhed. The fight will be between
Miller. Gecr. Wolverton and rroba-
bly Jennings of Lane, and there
are numerous dark horses besides.
The Second Judicial District tjos-
sesses a considerable Republican
mninritv. and with a capable can
didate in the beld they will elect
the next circuit judge without a
doubt, against any man the Demo
crats can produce, unless it be
Judge Pipes, who has made himself
extremely popular in Republican
t g .
rnnntim hv hia atra.itrhtrnrwa.rd
dealings, fair and impartial rulings,
i i . ' a l v . . :
ana ms aigmnea uut unassuming
and eentlemanlv bearine. The
Democratic party of the Second
District may be assured of this fact:
With M. Ix. Pinna as their candi
date they have a possible chance of
retaining me circuit juugrsiiip.
Without him ther may as well let
the nomination for the position go
by default uold Reach bazette,
L3rn, T
and get MORE POWETi
and use LESS V'atec1
" Writs lor our New IUuatrated Catalofue for lgaj,
iii"i'i. . . .
CUT r.ticre1
?lROTli CIS!
VI vvalf iwsiis aaivw vS - . .-v..
ing conditions which are better security to
tb publio tban any bonds that oould be
given for the completion of 'heir contract.
These men are both large mine owners on
the bill, ask for $100 lo start with, for
grab and tools, and then, another iuu on
tha nnmnlntlon of every two miles until the
$600 it consumed. Tbis will take the road
to the toot ol tb Uig JSiepnant, as it it
otllat. anil Irian!! tha thrna miles lo tha
center of tb camp, there is now every rea-
.. kll... T 1 . n Mnut- will Bomuf tn
BUU IU WIIVIV wtuu wuutj " . . -""'- w
complete the remaining three miles. Tbis
it not merely an assumption but a fact,
based on the people of Brownsville owing
at much interest in the mines as the peo
ple of Eugene, and also because the
Brownsville people hav ever been earnest
in their exertion to get a road aud because
thia route will to the and be cheaper and
better for Linn county, for all purposes of
naming auu irnrtn tuau aujr uiuar turn, vnu
be selected. This Important matter will be
hrnnohr riuht awav hpfnra'nnr lonal Board
of Trade tor a thorough discussion. In the
meantime, we nop our citizens win tnius
It over carefully. Let it be remembered
first that a road hat to be made into tb
mines; next, that this winter it the time to
mik It! rait, that Messrs. Mnrrav and
Mangos will not make a dollar in cash by
th transaction; ana lastly, mat it is an op
portunity which may never be presented to
tb people again.
The nrorjertv-owners of Wil-
1 x - t
Inmnttfl street have lust cause to
complain at the manner in which
tho alleged improvements were con
ducted. To commence with the
rnn tractors were allowed to fill
with sand, loam and largo gravel,
. t . 1 . 1 13
wnen nniv nne cican travel hiiouiu
have been used. Then, to improve
this, a mud coating was given it.
Treble the amount charered lor
this would have planked the street
a 11
in good snape.
When the slush became unendur
able city money was wasted by
hiring a large scraper to remove
about one-tenth of the mud coating,
Thia left it hnt little better, and
aeain the city took away a larger
proportion with shovels. The
. .
street was rendered more passable,
A i!ll 31 ... 1.
DUt sun was a uisgruue iu uiu tuna.
Now the sweet privilege is given
a Tirnrierf v.nwnprH t sernne nnd
sweep the street at their own ex
pense, ihev must pay lor work
that the money expended by the
city in makeshifts would have
amply provided for. They pay an
exorbitant price to have mud
hauled on, then must pay to have
... i , n
it. noil inn nn.
Thia rnrtr nnrticnlftrlv refoin tn
blocks between Seventh and Ninth
streets. The other property-owners
on both ends of the street have been
wnrse tTpntpd Owninc lftrpe front-
- o .
ages, their bills for tho privilege of
naving good, naro, setueu streets
torn un and replaced with mud and
siusn are neavy
n. . n nrilflinn 111 lit,,
man, Rep., ol ootn jrt ;
' r..L f.,1 liirlo-es who Will aC
?r, " Atthe lateelec
cep. -------- . fl,mrfime
tion.mrvo T- - . ,
court were renominated by both
particB. Tho other canuiuatco, vr
1 .it.... in onnther district
rCPUUllt.ailD, " " , rnu ,An
J nkn unopposed. The judge
in still another district, a
i nn nrmnnent. Ham
ilton Ward, who was ewewu y
eighth district, witnoui
b l.:,.l,1., rnn-nrAnA that UOV
was bo i ii H" i -6-, . ...
crnor Hill, in spito oi u i"
air. ui - vr i ,
pointed him to the bench when a
1 These are pleas-
vacant un,m.v.
ant incidents to record, and they
serve to Bhow that the people of the
i? i. oiora hove n iust pride in
their judiciary, and strive to keep
it disconnected irom parwoa.!
n.ilw flnnM. Nor. 20.
.loim 4Viia tn Te an aee of in-
atn11iiva-ilA art3 nil ili7.fition and point
scornfully to the superstition of
the dark aires. Yet the court house
throneed every
nicht for the week past to listen to
1 4.. 1 kn I
an enthusiast, wnoee uwuwi uai
lieen touched, proclaim
that after March next seven years
of tribuhtions, wars, iammu miu
pestihnce would ensue, then the
millennium, rreuiunoiis ui
heen made for years
past, and many are the times that
I . .... ii . r. l
have been set ior mo uiim iw
miio vet nlil earth continues her
revolutions and pursues her flight
4t.rmifrri onnpo while manv of the
would be prophets have found their
resting place in ner posom.
The fin-M liet.ween the Union Pa
cific and opposition line becomes
more intense every aay at aub
Dulles. As an illustration, a Union
f nfTnrprl in tjike ft man
atawff.VFrom the Cheapest to the Best
lator" agent got noia oi mm arm
changed his mind, when a Union
nffered to carry him
for nothing and give him a dollar
beside. A Dalles paper is respon-
nihle fnr the fitfttement that if he
had accented the Union Pacific
AfT.ii ha wniilrl have found
agvuv o vuvi tiv iv
himself mulcted for about $15 at
or fight the company in the courts
Statistics received by the Bureau
of American Republics show a
crrnwth in the -nnnulation of theAl-
trentine Republic since 1861 from
9 r . r . nnn nnn . 1 ' IV.
l.3u.uuu to 4.UUU.UUU. ana in mo
number of acres under cultivation
frnm 400 flHn t 7 000 000. In 1861
the only railroad was Buenos Ayres
T. lllt'rtO. H. fllHUllllB Ul lO UllAO.
Over 5,000 miles of road are now
nnen to traffic, and 6.000 more in
emirsn nf enn strnetinn. The Dublic
debt has increased from $17,000,000
to lUl.uw.UUU, exclusive oi ceauias
and the paper currency, which
raise it to $613,000,000,
Governor Boies is quite right,
Not onlv in Iowa but in every
other agricultural state of this
TIninn the farmers will insist upon
making " an intelligent comparison
ii nra i aa?
prices according to quality.
limseif mulcted for about $15 at p th cheaoest to the Best. All parties cr
orfland, , which he musteither pay rrom. l' l" . ther ag to priCe OP Quality.
uiu&ing uu lutviuguub uuiiniaiiDuu - nt?a
of the effect of our protective ByBtem Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES.
v.a. 4V.n!a atwth An1 tVa ' 1 Tt 4 11 I w fSma
ujiuu Liiuii uvvu auu uuici iuuud- JtJUlTUii JJUUlOi .
USTS&SX Sllppars, White udBbck
i x; i i I r. umrif WTTt BHfVF.rt.
John Sherman has served Wal
street too long ami well to doubt
his own pleetinn. Tie knows Wal
street will be gratu.d as long as it
expects future benefits, and Mr.
Foraker s mouth is too large for its
During nineteen vears, ending
18S3. the capital of' the National
banks was 4S0,712,940. The net
earninps during the same period
was $5,517,418, or about 10J per
cent on the capital invested.
be suited either as to Price or Quality.
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Frimr
the Finest; can sum you ij ymo
t-Free New and Stylish.:
Look as over: if we do not save you money, we will make omr m
sell to yon low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
Will hereafter keep a oomplete stock of
WUlnmette Street, het 7th nit
Sportsman's Epork
I o V
the comparatively barren manufac
turing states piles up at a rate from
anato yv VAt timnn n O vnCt O a IT.
the fertile producing states of the gQQ'JQ SHQES
The lareest warship in our navy
O A -
A . a 1 .. H. If! i 1.
at iirtm'iit i tnu lUiuutuuouiait, a
heavv fitrhtinff vessel ot the JUonr
tor type. It is armored with iron
nnrl steel nlnteH. The Miantnno-
mnVi Vv olippr fnree nf lta weicht
tllltllj J Wa'-'-' V W Va a WW " V(J"
and size, could run down and crush
any ordinary naval cruiser that it
come near enough to. It is meant
for sea battles and coast protection.
Tn the Hnrinir there will be two
more of the same type completed,
ai nr .. i t
tne i error ana x'untan.
And In fact everythinst in the Boot and
Shot line, to which I intend so oevovo
my especial attention.
And guaranteed aa represented, and will
be told for the loweat pricee in".,'t7'
article can be afforded. A. HUNT
Important lice.
Mv Patrona and the public
. . . . -w 111 11 11
are notified that l win sen an
Goods and Merchandise at
The T.nne nnnnfv TTnrt.ienlt.nrn.1
Soeietv seems to be cither dead or
sleeninfr. Thia society, if nronerlv
i D ( X I I
managed, would be capable of doing my
a prent. work in this Reetinn. lreesl .
are being planted by the thousands, CreSWell X btOre!
and tno iruit-growers snouid comer
with each other, for the suggestion I FOB THE
given oy eacn individual wouia oe
valuable to all. Then, why not
tVio resident, enll trie oneietv ti.
gether and reorganize it, or form a
new one.
Lowest Cash Price!
th. TT!rr.a.t Murkat Price fnrFartn
TJ.. T U.. lurtrA .tnck Will
. IWUTO " iciui. ..... - -
O TT'11 i XT ;n A I
i riiv. riiii ur iHW i or it win nm. i .
take his seat in the senate when it L D- SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL
meets in uecember. lie will not
vacate the eovernor's chair until
several weeks later, when Flower
will be inaugurated. David B.
looks out carefully for the welfare
of the Empire state, and does not
TirnruiQe evon art aVinrt ft fim in
take any chances by leaving the
neim oi state 10 cranicy Lieut, trov.
Jones, who was supposed to pay
the freight.
The Star bavs that Jnne
next will glow with political heat
all over Oregon. The election of
nine district judges, a supreme
udge, two congressmen and a fresh
Iponslntiir. will r.iisn the nnrtiRnn
-n - i
. a i . . is a i . .
u'iuiH.Taiure ana put s one uusaoa
party editorials, and the campaign
iur rtui imve a sore viiroaw
Practical Giurf
i Dealers in
1? ' ,
D!.l,.ni, Turk n Hill JlJltii"k
SeWli.BMchl.u'"s t
All liinu.i i- - i
. .. ........ .i.VbI":
Repairing done in J1 '
Guns Loaned & Ammunition
Store on Wil W"""'.
high in thia city oy.ffiih
Doay in ukiiir - . ,-, i
,'lisia, t oiisui'"1""' it uiu .
ud their tyateni. mfV-
Runs 1
(r enda amut it.
merit when all wellol it
y ..i...t wnnin?'
Frn a tcrriDie aeaui. - - j . mt
bcilig cowd ol catarrh lr
Poitlve and Ki-itittiw t,nw.
never laila to cure i , l0lHtn
u.ab unra Throat. lleailaCDe,
It has been officially decided that
letter carriers must not be in the
habit of betting on horse races.
This, for reasons not .necessary to
niDCC Ceafht, Celda, Inf aertra. BreaedWa
LUriLO Ha.rt.wt, waa9i Ce.g,Cro.a.
Taraat, Leaf t and Ctatt. atdudina Con.ow.'loa.
phi mm
Jen Small Fart
1 J
SitLated Irom three .to m
Fruit Grain
The entire tract ol U
From ten af rc CP- ,
On Reasonable
lnqnlre. lor farlBer partif-
On the premitt, 4 mil"
JOS. w.