The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 28, 1891, Image 6

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Haw Wamen ftuaietlrae Chsuf.
"Sweet ar the uiie of adversity," it t
aid. If not weet tbey have proved at
leant wonderfully transforming In tw
cam recently under tli writer' nolle.
In each lustaiic tbe wife living in afllu-
eooe baa suddenly become an almoat deetl-
tut widow, and baa done a o many other
unauoDorted women bave: established
boardlua- bouse. Here, however, the almi'
larlty cease. Mr. A. in ber former bom
waa model of housekeeping strictness in
all it details of managing aervaut and
domestic decorum.
Now be will frequently answer the bell
herself, goe in aud out of tba basement
door if it seem In tbe h-ust more eonveu-
lent, call her crvant Katie and Mamie,
name that under the old regime would
hava been Catharine and Mary, aud be
trays In numberles way that ber am
bition, o far aa ceremonial are concerned.
baa fled with tba change In ber circum
Mr. B., on tbe contrary, who in prosper
Ity waa tbe moat careless and happy-go
luck of mistresses, la now exactly the re
verse, tfb came in to greet a vUltor the
other morning draw ing off a pair of rub
ber glove. "I've been helping a little In
the nantry tbi busy Monday," ibe ex
plained, "and though, u you know, I am
tba but pentou to bother over my baadit, 1
wear them nowaday to establish a differ
enca between uiy dish waahliigaud Ann'."
And aha preserve this distune rigidly in
very respect. How York lime.
Author of "Four Oakt," "IMiU Joan
na," Etc
- t
alms. Vlrot'a Romano.
There la much of romance In the history
of Mm. Virot, the moit fainou milliner
of Pari. She heiran her career when
young girl aa assistant to Laure, then tbe
moat famous milliner in Eurojw; but after
marrying M. Virot, who was s poor young
locksmith, with a passion lor art anu
sculpture, ahe established small buslnea
of ber own on a side street. The wire do
voted herself to bonnets, and her husband
to brio-a-brao and sculpture. One day tba
Empress Eugenie panning down the street
aaw a bonnet In ihop window wulcu
struck ber as being remarkable compo
. She sent for the bonnet aud the bonnet
maker. Virot instantly became tbe rage.
In abort time alio removed her shop to
tba Rue de la Pnlx, near to V orth, and lo
few year Mme. Virot was mentioned as
on of tbs millionaires of Paris. Willi
the opportunity given by the wealth of bis
wife Virot became a noted connoisseur In
bric-a-brac, bla wife sharing fully In hia
. taste and knowledge, especially In all that
pertain to tbs renaissance. New York
A Bright Literary Crllle.
Bald famous writer the other day: Do
yon known that the best literary crltlo in
New York at once the aubtleat and the
most sympathetic is a woman t I mean
Mia Llllle Hamilton French. She served
ber apprenticeship as literary editor of The
Star and afterward did excellunt work on
The Commercial Advertlaer. The bead of
one of our largest publishing housea also
told me that out of over 300 papers that
came to them hers wns the very beat
Sbel doing original work now for the
magazine and syndicates, and ber Judg
ment Is privately taken by some of the
most eminent and successful of our lit
terateurs, Personally Mlas French Is
tall, handsome woman, thoroughbred In
very line. She ia gracious, graceful and
full of the moat exquisite guilelesanes.
Socially ah belongs to the creme de la
creme. Her home is one of the most artis
tic In New York, und in It you may meet
many of the people heat worth knowing lo
all this good town. Kpoch.
(OoprrlrhUd. all rlrhu raswrad. fobltaaad by
special arrMfsroeiit wllb the Belford Company.
lie York.l
"It meansthut he lias hidden himself
out of our reach," answered the colonel
If I w ere a man," cried Muwy, clinch
lug her small Hal fiercely, "I'd search
the ulg world over.
The colonel wu hurt that Missy should
doubt he had done hi best, but hi pride
disdained to explain what unavailing ef
forts he haJ mudo to discover, for her
sake, hi sou's retreat; and Missy, ignor
ant of thl, felt her heurt waxing ever
tuore and more bitter aint her father.
She did not know that she waa miserable
because of this bitterness; she thought
she was miserable only becauee ahe miss
ed her brother.
Miav. however, had by do means
abandoned the hope of her brother's re
turn. Some day he would surely come
home, and in tins confident expectation
her energies took the form of a feverish
ambition lo improve her mind. Prer
Nicholas must not Und her the ignorant
child he hud left crying to him in the
rain; she must strive for the comnienda-
tionof the beloved ubaeut brother; for
him she studied as her strength permit
ted; for him she labored at the defeated
piano, in a pathetic anxiety that her
mind should alone for the defects of tbe
poor liltlu body, lamed in the futile ef
fort to reach him.
And How a great dreud posseed Col.
Thome, a dread leal Missy should become
morbid through the indulgence of till
insistent desire to recover her brother,
aud he suddenly determined to take her
at once to New York and put her under
the care of a physician, iih his aunt hud
rejieatedly urged liliu l lo.
This was in the summer of 1900. Col.
Thorne was one of those who felt sure
there would be no war; therefore, w hen
lie found, after a few weeks in New
York, that Winifred was in a fair way
to improvo, and that she could be con
tent to remain with her aunt, he did not
hesitate to leave her when be returned
home in October. Ilischild, he thought.
could travel houiewurd with friends at
aii time, or he could go to her. 1 '
When the lighting began the colonel,
like many others, declared that it wouk
all he over in less than sixty days; but
the war went on an ever deepening
horror he rejoiced, even while his heart
ached for the sight of her, that his little
lame daughter had been left in New York.
lie did not see Missy again until the
full of 1803.
Man In Ilia Iran Mask.
Tb Identity of the famous "Man In the
Iron Mask" has never been made known.
Tbe mask wna not of Iron, as has generally
been supposed, but of black velvet. The
fanciful stories of bis wearing an Iron
mask, locked behind wit lis padlock, (rained
credence during his removal to the castle
of Plgnerol lu 1U7U. During this removal
orders were given that If he revealed bla
Identity he waa to he killed on the sot In
1680 he waa again transferred, this time to
the Isle of Sulute Murguerite. During the
passage tin strictest watch wns kept that
he might not reveal himself. In im he
was again removed, this time bock to the
Bastlle, his first place of Imprisonment.
He died on Nov. ID, 1703, und was buried
next day under the iinme of Muchluti; the
place of burial, the old Cemetery of St
Paul, Paris. It is now generally aupiioaed
that "Tbe Man In the Iron Mask" waa
fount Matthioll, a minister of Charles III,
duko of Muntuu. According to the story,
Louis XIV, of France, had brllied Matthi
oll, but finding the hitter playing him
false, lured bim to the French frontier,
and then hud him secretly arrested aud im
prisoned. St IxiiiIk Itepiihlic.
Tbs Future Ifueeu of llolluud.
Princess Wilhelminn, the Dutch heir ap
parent, ia now 10 years old. The princes'
governess is an English lady. The prin
ces can exprese herself very woll both in
French and English. She has not learned
German, the language of ber mother. She
ha a pretty garden of berown, with chalet
aud plgeoncroft The princess rises at T
and goes to her father and gives him a
morning kiss. At 8 the royal family take
breakfast, th princes being present, seat
all meals.
After breakfast h receives lessons till
11 o'clock. She then goes to the oueeu's
rooms, where the time is spent in conver
sation, or ber majesty read aud explains a
chapter In tbs Hilda. Before lunch, which
I wrred at 19.30, th princess take a drive
In a pony carriage or amuses herself in a
boat on the large poud of Loo. After
lunch hs has more lessons, play with her
toys aud takes a drlvewlth the queen. At
6 dinner la served, and a few hour after
ward th royal family retire to their apart
ment. Chicago Post
Hurting as a Noble Work.
There are many womeu entering ths pro
fession of nursing whose sense of honor la
not high, and whose appreciation of th
dignity of labor ia not great, but who see
In nursing either tbe means of galulng a
livelihood or a way to escape from th
rather duj and petty routine of a single
girl's Ufa at borne. Tbey like the eclat of
duing a noble work and the independence
which la essential to It but are unwilling
to do more work than they can help to at
tain their desire.
Thar are, however, other women who,
In taking up nursing, often a a means of
livelihood, do so with th highest motives,
and who, In rendering themselves Inde
pendent bare at the same time tbe great
pleasure of helpiug others In their strug
gls through life. From this class com all
our best matrons, alatera and nurses, and
to tham Is due the high position nursing
holds aa a profession for women. Murray 's
Aa excellent cold cream may be made of
an ounce of white rose perfume, a half
ounce of spermaceti, a half plot of ma
water, and awoet atmondsenough to make
a paste; UU ail together wU
At a meeting of the Fruit Cirowers'
T'nion of Southern California at Im An
geles a motion was adopted pledging the
members to send fruit lo the nnion or
pay t cent a box (or frnit otherwise
hipped. It was also agreed to
Five rears hud added some inches to
Winifred Thome's stature, but she wo
a tiny creature still, und she still went
luiue, leaning on a quaint little crutch
with a handle of carved ivory, by help of
which she moved with a grace aud fucil
ity tliat mocked at pity. The hue of
health was on her check, whence the ob
noxious freckles had vanished; her mouth
no longer looked too large for her face;
her greut gray eyes had taken a deeper
coloring, a warmer light; the sunburned
streaks in her brown hair hud disap
peared; Winifred Thorne had bloomed
into a piquant, unusual beauty, and her
very lameness gave her a romantic
charm. Her father's heurt, even in the
midst of the. misfortune following the
war, throbbed with a proud joy when he
looked at her. She surpassed Ins utmost
hopes this dainty creature, ull spiH,
tnd fire, and grace.
Sliasv, who had seen only the pomp of
war, wa just beginning to reahxe it
misery. "Wuiust live for one anoiuer.
ahe cried, with ifenerous sympathy,
"I don't know as to that," Miss Elvira
obk-cted. with prudent hesitation
"You know your Aunt Pauline like her
own way, and we wouliln t wish 10 gne
up Thorne Hill to her way. Then those
nidi no regular nurae it
he comfortuble. Winifred. I
suppose they'll get on somehow, with
vour father to advise. Cousin Myrtilla
manaires terv well with one of the twim
to look after what is left of her planta
tion. Puul has a situation in a law ofllce
in Savannah and Judge Chadwick bus
taken the other one of the twins in, Ins
ofllce. It' lucky that Lottie is engaged
to be married to the judge's son. I hot
lies mar make as good a match, for it'i
little enough Cousin Myrtilla can do for
them now.
Winifr-d listened to all this 111 sod si
lence: she felt as If she hud come, not to
the old home she used to know, but to a
stramre new world of sorrow.
"Why they all wanted to quit, I'm
sure I don't know the negroes, I mean,"
MiM Elvira continued plaintively. "Your
father offered them every Inducement
but theT'd rather etnrve on freedom, I
. - . A, - 11 .
suppose. irapline was one or ine iirsi w
go. She is in town taking in washing,
and working harder than ever she did in
it life. I saw her last week, and she
looks as if she hadn t enough to eat
Tom Ouaah he married Amity, you
- . . .
know u a waiter ut the hotel, ana
Crifliu Jim is a barber. I believe lie
earns a goon ueai vj ouu joos; yei no
declines to tuke old Dicey, Ins mother, to
live with him. Dicey Is helpless now;
she can't wuik, and site can t even feed
herself; so Griffin Jim thinks she is bet
ter off with us. rui sure we don t want
Griffin Jim to take her away; we've
been used to her so long." And Miss
Elvira Ix-gnn to weep afresh.
"And Mom Bee?' Missy queried, anx
iously. Misav had been at home some
hours when thiscotiveraation took pluce,
and Iter heurt was burning to know why
Mum Uee did not come to welcome her.
Mias Elvira wIhh1 her eyes and stiffen
ed herself. "Glory-Ann is with her
family in town," Bhe said, with strong
indignation. "Your futher tried his best
to have her stay here. He built her a
house and lie offered her a cow and some
pigs; but Cinthy, that daughter of hers,
wouldn't agreo to It She made Glory-
Ann believe that we had designs upon
Misav burst Into tears. "Mom Bee
might have waited for me," she sobbed.
"Oh, Winifred, don t cry!" Miss Llvira
entreated, weeping herself. "It doesn't
do one bit of good. I do believe old Gil
bert himself would have left us if he
hadn't gone long ago."
"1 dou't! cried Missy. "And one of
thete days he is coming back; he is rfure
to come back; he promised me.
WWnTwasarhild. I used lo Hunk all
knowledge and power came with grown
up years; but now I am a child nn
longer, and I do not know what to do to
have my wish. I can't forget nini! I
Hiisit liftr frrittl him! I must! I must
God is g'Kxl, and surely some day Owl
will irive niv brother back to hw home
"Hush now! honey, en' I kwan tell
vniisoiuethln'." said Glory-Ann, lower
Inir her voice invstorioUHly. Glory-Ann
hud come lo Thome Hill quite as mm
for the purKwe of telling this "some
tliinir" as to wehrome MiasT. "DeT '
atranirer in Tallahassee fruni de Dig
North I done furgit his name; en' I aln'
seed him. not ter cit ieech wm nun
mini but I 'lows ter some day bom-Dye,
cause I hear tell he Is met up wid Mawse
Nicholas soinewhers in do wall.
Oh, where?" cried Missy, dropping
her crutch and clasping Glory-Ann
.- ..fln... l.im9
il-lil. "WIlT lln I VOU IOI1UW ihuji
Now. lia'n at dut chile! Allers
heady r said Glory-Ann with injured
dignity. "I'se olo 'onion, Missy; you
'unfit dat How I gwan to foller a lim
ber young geiiiinun? Is I gwun holler at
him on de streets, luk I done lef my
Oh. go Lack to town and find him
and tell him, for the love of heaven, to
eomo to me!" Misav implored.
filorv-Ann drew herself up majestl
xulle "I'ha a'nriaed lit VOU. MlHSV, 1 IS
dnt." said she. severely. "Is dem do
manners dee lurn'tyou ut the lug nortiif
Youabawnludvseniliii ter a gemnian
ter come ter tee you? Don t you go ter
... i . ii
sen II 1 III no worn wt come.
It isn't aa if 1 were like other girls,
said Missv, reddening, as she tooeo: to
pick U) her crutch. "This makes a dir
Ves. hit do tucker dilTunce; hit nicks
hit nil de w usser, Missy. Don I you sen
no word. Mo over en besides, how yo
now vo' paw gwun udiuit a Yankee ter
eit u-r sneak w id you.' I hear tell mas
ter ia 'fused ter In.' 'quainted wid him,
And does niv father know oh, does
he know that this mull has met my
brother?" cried Missy, with indignation
burning in her eyes; but this feeling
passed instantly. "Ah, no! no! she
sighed, "lie can not have heard it"
"Me don t hullieve hit, heney. En
WAy didn't yonoftou- Aim"'
Col. Thome had grown to love this
little lame daughter of his with a jeuluui
and exuding devotion, but Missy's regard
for her falhor did not exceed the limit of
a dutiful respect, and yet the marked
ehuiigua that she found in him apiealcd
strongly to her tenderness. He had been
gray ever since she could remember him,
but his hair was whit now, aud there
were deep lines in his face and he had
contracted a stoop that gave him an air
of feebleness, but he retained the sums
tern reticence, aud hia daughter, albeit
the waa no more afruld of him now than
of old, shrank from him still with a feel
ing that was half regret and half Impa
tience. It was Impossible for the colonel
not to see this, but it waa his way to suf
fer in silence.
Aud not only were the colonel and his
daughter changed in the momentous
years that had gone by since Winifred
was lust at home, but Thorne Hill itself
was no longer the tame. Missy found,
indeed, the same house, the same grounds,
but half the broad acres lay uutilled and
many of the familiar faces of the negroes
were missing.
"What ha become of thsra all?" she
asked her aunt
"Freedom," Miss Elvira responded,
with plaintive brevity, glancing up from
the page of Bishop Ken.
Miss Elvira was much lea changed
than Col. Thome. She till wore the
same gentle, helpless look that had
tempted the childish tyranny of her
niece, and she still read Dishop Ken
to the neglect of otiier duties. However,
she did now lay aside the cherished vol
ume long enough to give Missy some
account of the Thorne Hill slave.
"They didn't all go." she said; "the
old ones who can't do much staved, and
ouie of the most sensible signed con
tracts to work on shares. Dut we are
better off than many others. I'm sure I
don't know how your Aunt Pauline.
I with Flora and two little children, is to
"Winifred? What do you mean?" ex
cluimed Miss Elvira, startled into an en
ergy of emphasis most unusuul.
It was me sent him awuy, W mitred
declared exultingl v, reck less of grammar,
'It was me wrote him a puss. And I
gave him my gold chain and bracelets
for Brer Nicholas to turn into money.
Yi hut did I care for trikets, and my
brother, my dear, dear brother, in need?"
"Winifred, you surely never did do
that?" cried Miss Elvira, aghast "Your
father's gifts!"
"I did more than that," Winifred re
turned, with a proud, sad smile. "I
tried to go to him myself."
"I trust you have grown wiser, child,"
said Miss Elvira, primly. "One rarely
meets any return for such sacriilces.
"Oh, aunt Elvira? Don't you know
that love pays itself in loving? If I did
wrong to try to run away, I bear my
punishment a life long punishment;
but I can't, I can't be sorry for the effort
I made to nud my brother."
"This Is rebellious," 6uid Miss Elvira,
reaching out her slim hand for Bishop
Ken, as for a talisman. "You oughtjto
resign yourself to his loss.
"If ho were dead, yes," stud Winifred:
"but until I know that he is dcud'Vshe
faltered, with blauching lips "Oh, aunt
Elvira, did you never know the might
of a love that is stronger thun life,
stronger tliun ueatiir it seems to me
that my brother must live until I see
liuu again, or ho must send us a message,
even Irom the grave.
"Winifred, you sh(K;k luel" said Miss
Elvira; and immediately she took refuge
in Bishop Ken, holding; the little worn
book close to her eyes as was her liuhjt,
and pretending to read, while she glanced
furtively over its top ut her irrepressible
niece. "Winifred, sighed she to her
self, "is going to laj no easier to manage
now thun when she wus a child.
A few d,iys litter Glory-Ann visited
Thome Hill in great state. She arrived
in a hack, the recently, acquired prop
erty of Cinllhi Jim, who expected to
make a fortune out of the traveling
Mom Bee hud grown older, and she
looked more stately than ever in her
Sunday attire of black alpaca; but she
forgot her age and her dignity, and took
her nursling on her lup, and shed tears
over her.
"My po' little honey been gone all dese
years, en' I ain't sited her no mo' oniel
lie wus plum growed up? You ain' fur
got yo' ole mammy, is you, honey?"
"No; I've forgotten nothing," Wini
fred declared, between tears and laugh
ter. "You know how you used to tell
me that I should 'hone' after this old
plantation; and it all came true, I
dreamed about the blackberry patch, and
the spriug, and the cupperaong arbor;
and nothing ever tasted half so good as
your corn dodgers and buttermilk." '
"Dullaw chile, don't talk!"
"And you said once that I should never
dunce," the girl reminded her, with a sad
little smile.
"Don't luy that up beginst tue, Miss
Winifred, now don't," Glory-Ann en
treated. "Fuc' is, honey, dese ain' no
times ter be dancin', wid your paw
agittin' gray In trouble, en' Mawse Aleck
Gage done got hiase'f killed in de wall,
en' Mawse Nick ain' nuver heerd fuin"
"What has become of the Furuivals,
Mom Bee?" Missy Interrupted, suddenly.
"Gawn, honey, all on Vm!" said Glory
Ann, with solemnity. "De Lawd is done
wiped 'em clean otfen de face o' de yeth.
Mis Fumival, she done dade, natchul
lak, but de res' on 'em u men folks, en'
de perished in de wah."
"Doi.t tell me any more about the
war!" cried Missv. turtiinu imle. "I had
hoped they might know something of
Brer Nicholas. Oh. Mom Beel Mom Bee!
what has become of mv brother';"
"Honey, don't you tote aorrer 'long
d' what is pas' en' gawn,"
hat he don't hullieve lie won't bullieve;
ou't you know yo' paw?"
"Then I shall inquire into this matter
myself," suid Missy, with decision.
Don t you go sen no word, Missy;
dut uin' no way fur vou ter do."
The habit of submission to Mom Bee's
huke wus not yet extinct in Missy's
breast; she blushed, she sighed, she
rung her hands in angry impatience,
hut she did not insist. "What then am
I to do?" she cried.
"Ain't I done tol' you I 'lows ter git
speech wid him bom-bye?" said Glory
Ann, reproachfully. "Why n't you wait?"
"Huven't I waited for years?" cried
Missy. "Promise me to see him to-morrow;
I will have putience until to-morrow."
"I ain' gwan back ter morrer; I'se
come on a wisit, en' I ain't in no hurry,"
Mom Bee declared.
"Oh, dearl oh. doar!" cried Winifred.
"You might coino back, you know, and
toy forever," she coaxed.
But Glory-Aim wus obdurate. There
was a certain distinction in being a
visitor at Thome Hill, and this old lady
of color was disposed to make the most
of it
Had i but known!
- A u..l...n-t IlMnMHW
Mr. Uronsoi. Howard the dramailst, to
...,v f.iml of iricvcllng. ' lu owmru.,
no. louring with "-'"' M !,ftjr D1"?
from Loudon, auu tiiey ioi
laur to uct something lo eat 'i. Vf;" ' u ' ill .how tlwt It in
biviunu w i(-roiUI ramus a
Tb. Bojal ttakln Fowd.r Condemned
la Hi New Vork l..fl.lfr..
Last Monday Mr. Kelly Jntrwl.rcwl
th following bill In the assembly. A
- ....... I....sirullt flDD !
a very -'- " nmM . nil1I1.
AN Act lo prevent i- -r -
. . i.Ji ...J null In hull 1 1 11
i ooi ana injurious inKt." r
P".W. t ut.. Pnwilun inanufsv
WIIKIUAS, lsni --
i. i,im atiite. known aa ttio
1....1 n..iti.wl iiiiK-h a irrave cent
the village came to Mr. Howard and said:
baby how here.
Would you not Ilk to stop ana s me
tnildrenr" . .
v.., i,i wnii til ulveine urenuir uiciv
. 1 u ...... f. , . , . I
... . ... ....I l. .ml hi.
hm mmiii i iih urniunvisb. mm-. - i iuiqii -- 1 . .. . ,
,,, . ....... .k. .Id mntkmin li ull' J I alum and Other llUKing
LTiT th. rowdear. vertised tor .aie.. .bso-
uroiindstlieomclalsuidtoMr. Howard: lately pure; nd,
Wouldn't you kindly act aa a Judge in Whehkas, OIHcial examination aliowi
this lhy showf" them to contain anionia nu i-
.i. u:..r.i .k.wkiwI that if there was inrinn.lnirredienU: therefore lug 1 ko-
one thing In life that be yearned for It waa rLK or TII1C 8tat or NkW York, repre-
to be a Judge In a baby snow, ana so wj lent,d m Senate nu abooiuu.j, u
.I..- M.u..l.iwl ilia irrannda. '' .n .. fallniva ;
"Vou see," said the olUcial, "Ihavsacted Section 1. Every can or package of
.. ynrnwl several times, auu niyus- hklnir now.ler containing
.i.i ui. I with some dissatisfaction, so nmri for ala in this State ihall bave
I thought It would be better If we had a. , conspicuous label thereon with the
tramrer." . worthi, "Contains Ammonia," printed
Thi. waa encouraiiluii. so Mr. Howard ti,ornnn ..lain tvte. not smaller than
told bis Wend to get the tricycle ready, so gt primer, and any person who shall
that they could escape tbe uiouieut Judg- ej or naye or 0(Ter jor ale, any such
uient waa reuuereu. . . can or package OI oasing powuer wiui-
When tbey came to tb grounus me om- out (ueh iabel thereon, shall be guilty
I Aa.
5 8i.,
Tk Romantle st!!HT
tilrl Who u.. .-. a
About five
Arnold, a son of old pa
known in Shelby and ...7
""'Hi L
j ears ,.
Tin- . '
of Alabama, whll,"Z,W
...uiu. r, Mr. jNancy Ars u' L
Shelby county.
ii-r, muiiuia J,, stolen I.
Arno.dle.r,,edh;teTl . wnncrt, and mhiCr
X lv taken .... wwNavt
. .
the railroad office at Csl-L
Lint a. to the direction
jectiv, point of th. chi W , "
-l.l uld In a loud voice:
"Tbe eentleman from bonuon naa eon
aented to act aa Judue."
However, Mr. Howard managed to get
nut of ths dilemma very diplomatically,
An old woman of ninety-eight wa Intro
duced to blm aa tbe oldest inhabitant, and
the gallant dramatist at once said that she
was the very party to act aa Judge of the
haliies, as she bad ever so mucn more ex
perience iu that line thad he had. So
while the old lady was chucking the
babies under ths chin, Mr. Howard and
nf miatnmAanftr.
Ration 2. This act ihall take euoct
Jnly 1, 1891. New York 1'ress, April
13, 18U1.
Edltawtal trttamncM Reprinted by th
s ' trolt Fre fret.
W extract th following from th last to
rn of Tb Arizona Kicker
A DocsM Hit laut week certain folks
who want toss us downed were chuckling
his friend escaped on the swift aud n6W beoaus w wer not Invito! to tbe grand att-
leas tricycle. Detroit Free Press.
annoim , . . i l .... . . . r u..
a.nia at Chi., .ml ,.ih-, i.." auiea ai i lucaa-1
rn centers. . you know." And Hit Elvira I "Oh. it isn't thatr cried Missv. is-
1 wtpO bres. 1 ikinate. "It I the rageof hellussneas.
Winifrtd went to Sim and put her hand on
nit arm.
The next duv came Lottie and Bess,
with their grandmother; like Mom Ben,
they came in a hired hack, for Mrs.
Herry had lieen glad to sell her carriage
and horses.
Cousin Myrtilla looked old and worn,
the more so, perhaps, that she no longer
indulged in the coquetry of dress. Her
granddaughters were young ladies now,
and it taxed her straitened resources to
the utmost to furnish their simple ward
robes. But Lottie aud Bess carried light
hearts in spite of empty purses. They
rejoiced over Missy, and they rejoiced
also over her New York outfit These
sisters had gloried in wearing homespun,
but now that the war was over they were
not proof against the attractions of silks
and velvets, and Missy's pretty dresses
offered such brilliant suggestions for
making over certain old finery their
grandmother had stored away.
Dut the cut of a sleeve, the adjustment
of a flounce, could not rivet Missy's in
terest while her heart was burning to
learn whether, by any chance, her cousins
knew anything of the stranger who had
met Nicholas.
"Oh, take ull the things home with
you, she said, impatiently. "But tell
me this, have you met I mean, do you
know anything about a stranger from
the north" And Winifred faltered
forth the information Glory-Ann had
given her.
Lot t ie aud her sister exchanged glances.
but did not speak.
iou are keeping something from
me, cried mitred.
He was in the Yankee army." said
Bess, with chilling brevity. "We don't
know him." And again her eyes sougjit
her sister's.
But about his meeting with Brer
Nicholas?" persisted Misav.
"Well, Miser, you know if cousin
Jasper don't concern himself alout it,
there is no reason w hv we should." said
Lottie, and she would have talked of
something else; for her cousin Nicholas
had long a0 fadis.1 out of her interest o
completely that she could not divine the
strength and the fervor of Missy' devo-1
lion. But Missy would not allow the
subject to be dismissed.
" What is his name?" she asked.
Daniel Webster I Good Cook,
Daniel Webster is the name of tbe col.
ored "pusson" who acts as porter, chef and
waiter in Austin Corbln'a sumptuous pri
vate car. tbe Oriental. He is clever In each
capacity, and Is a great favorite of Mr. Cor-
bin'a. It is as cook, bowever, mat no no
won bis greatest honors. He is. such an
adept in the culinary art that Mr. Corbin
takes particular pride In having his friends
dine with bim in his car. "Now, Daulel,"
be will often say, "I am going to bave Mr,
dine with me tomorrow. He is a gas
tronomic crank, and you must put your
best foot forward."
Duniel will thereupon grin broadly and In
dulge in a quiet chuckle that means much.
diuuer la served the uext day that
would do credit to the best hotel lu town
well selected, well cooked and daintily
served. Mr. Corbin' car affords every
possible facility for preparing aud serving
such tuasls. Perhaps Daniel's proudest
day waa the first occasion ou which he pre
pared a luncheon for Mr. John Hoey, wdo
is an Intimate friend of Mr. Corbin and a
most competent judge of good cooking,
In tbe first place be paid tbe luncheon
the compliment of eating everything that
was placed before him, and then, aa be sat
back aud lighted a cigar b remarked,
"Corbin, I suppose you bave a yearly con
tract with Delmouico for this service?"
Daniel Webster would scarcely nolle
tbe ordinary employes of the Long Island
road for the next two days. New York
Times- ',
'.A Trick of th Newsboy.
It was raining. - She asked bim for an
evening paper. --He drew hi coat ileev
across bis face and said: , . .. -
"Will yer have a clean one er a dirty
oner - , i
"Clean one or dirty oner Why. a clean
one of course.' . :
"All right Yer see, soma folks don't
care, an' a kid can't keep papers clean
when it sozzles all day, an' he can't sell de
dirty ones aa quick ua der clean ones, so 1
Jes' asked.'' -. ;:
He had folded th paper carefully, and
be took the peunies with "Thank yer."
Another newsboy standi ug near said:
"Hi! kids, did yer hear de style Blokey
Is sluigln'r Clean papers an dirty ones!
Why didn't yer fold de dirty ones de clean
side out un' sell'eint firatr"
"Hold on tlerel Don't you go to gettln'
fresh I I knows what I'm about"
She went on, and mused over the fact
that even dirty faced and ragged and self
brought up newsboys seemed to pick up a
sense of honor, and know Intuitively the
principles that make a success of business.
When she arrived home and opened the pa
per she discovered that the newsboy did
know exactly what be was about The pa
per was clean only on the outside. Teresa
Dean In Chicago Herald.
1 , . .
Th Marvelous Boy. '
Bulwer was a Spiritualist Jong before
Spiritualism became an accepted term,
which only began with the Rochester
knocking, in 1848. I dined with him when
he was living at Craven cottage, on the
banks of the Thames. Brougham was of
the party. We were to meat Alexis, then
a lad known us a clairvoyant When the
bell rang Bulwer, accompanied by two or
three of bis friends, left the room to receive
bim. In tbe hall was tbe card tray. . Bul
wer took from it a dozen or so of cards and
placed them in bis pocket
After dinner Alexis went Into a trance.
Bulwer placed bis band in his Docket and
before withdrawing it asked whose card he
held. The answer, after a brief pause, was
given correctly. Tbe experiment was re
peated at least a dozen times always cor
rectly. Alexis was a French boy who had
been but a few days in England. The cards
were all those of Englishmen. Clairvoy
ance was a term that probably most of tbe
guests there beard forth first time. S. C
Hall's Book.
tumo solre given by Mrs. Judg Gilder-
sleeve, of Jackas Height. It waa a social
tnnb on us, we'll admit but th aforesaid
chuckling baa ceased. It broke short off day
before yesterday whu tb therm arrived
from Omaha and tapped th judge on tl.
shoulder and asked bim bow th business of
cow stealing got along.
WVv bad tb biography or th Judg In
band for om months. Me rolibed a post-
ofllo in nilnoi, tol bogs In Iowa and em-
beaded from a toll bridg in Indiana. On
top of that b stole cows in Nebraska, and
when IU Wife mad cold mutton of us we
want down to th telegraph offic and dis
patched th sheriff to com on. W think
w ar about even. It is not tba policy of
this paper, as w bave often Mated, to de
plete our population by "giving away1! our
citizen, but no on must try any monkey
shine with us. V are ber to stay.
Hi Stippid In our last issue we called at
tention to the fact that William Parton, fa
miliarly known a "Baldheaded Bill," bad
succeeded in securing tb nomination for al
derman of the second ward on the People's
Reform ticket W didn't go much on the
reform business, to begin with, and we went
considerably lea on William. W kindly
mentioned tbe fact to bim that he waa an
old soaker, a man who never paid a debt,
and that he escaped Indictment for dealing
tb bridge fund by a Daw. In a brotherly
way we asked blm to itep down and out but
Instead of heeding our well meant advic he
cam banting for us with a shotgun.
Then w bad to exhibit certain documents
to the good people to prov that William's
true borne was in state prison, and It was de
cided to get a move on bhn. Soma on gave
tb snap awav, however, and b was a mil
or mora away when th people colled at his
cabin and asked bim to com out and play pen
We ar heavy on genuine reform in poll-
ties, but we can't be made to believe that lb
way to eegin it is to nominate a thief to of
Vb Weatheh. Our subscriber hav
been both surprised and pleased at th way
w hav hit tb weather for the last two
weeks. We didn't expect to do so well in th
start off, as th only instrument we had was
an old bora shoe, a two foot-rule and a war
map of th battle of Gettysburg, but w mad
no mistake.
Our first prediction was that the following
week would be cold, clear, cloudy, warm and
variable, wltb possibly rata
We bit it even to tbe variable. Sue varied
from a frost to such a hot night that every
body kicked tb quilts oft The rain didn't
last but three days, but that wa sufficient t
let n out
Our ncond prediction also bit It pat W
predioted winds, culms, sunshine, clouds,
high pressure over th Arctic ocean, and low
pressor around tb mouth of tb Amazon,
with a considerable wobble between here and
th Pacific. She wobbled. W got just
what we expected, and from this out we ar
going ahead like a scared jack rabbit bunt
ing tor cover. Watch our smoke. Detroit
Fre Press. .
Aa Impassioned Appeal.
A young barrister in hi first caa was
called upon to defend a couple of deep dyed
villains, for whom there was no chance of
eat ape. He wound up his address to the jury
as follows: "Gentlemen, there Is, in the south
of France, a small village of 200 inhabitant.
In that village tber stand a house. In that
house there hv an aged couple with their
only daughter. The old man i perusing a
paper with feverish anxiety, the old lady ia
shedding tear over ber knitting, th young
woman ait at th window gazing wistfully
at th sky. Tbey ar waiting to bear ths re
sult of tbi trial, which will causa them im
mense delight or profound despair, according
as my caa is won or lost, for that old man i
my father, that aged woman is my mother,
and tb young person is my slater I" Lt
Voleor niustr. -
Th Postal Service In SwItMrland.
Whad sent our baggage, as wa bad
been advised, to tbe postolUce, where we at
ouce went The bag which we wished to
post to lerraatt seemed to us very heavy.
nut scytnes and barrels and bundles ot old
Iron, labeled and addressed, were lying on
tbe floor, and we supposed it must be all
right though the postmistress, as soon as
we bad paid our money, turned away with
out giving us stamps or receipt, and bad
nothing more to do with us. We need not
have worried, for the Swiss postofBcbtaLe
anything and everything that th express
companies at home would carry, and if or
does not bother about his baggage it is as
certain to turn up at but journev'a end
it would be to disappear in England if on I
ventured to let it take car ot Itself. Cent
ury. .
' i
Consoling to th Patiaat Tfc Small One Say, If a man should eab
Tha fnllnvlno il!lnni ....., ll.. TOO a Mar. what would vou dot
- - - - - - HiwwSuv.,iwilj IMUIIW I - - -
In tha Boston city hospital
Nun (to patient who is too long for hi
cot) I should think the authorities would
furnish beds long enough for th patients.
raueniiwno naa been nat on bis back
for two months and L very feeble) I
abould think they would. '
Scrubwoman (who is washing th floor)
Its a nic long coffin they'll have to mak
for yon, m by I Pro videnc Telegram.
By H Mean CraeL "
Mr. Fluffy Say, old man, that friend of
yours, Miss Goods, ia a kind, genttonrt of
person, is th not! -
Mr. Waterpat (rapturously) Kind and
gentltt Why, Fluff, m boy, that girt
wouldn't (trik an aa attitude! Tim,
Wsll Raited.
Summer Girl That Mr. De Saltl doesn't
talk about anything but th sea, and h
use so many sailor terms that I can't un
derstand half b says. Doe h own a
ljidsipaa No, but b baa a trin4 wb
own a eat boat. Good Kwa.
Tb Large On (with emphasis) IM knock
him down.
Tb 8mall On Thanks. I wss just gofcig
to address a few remarks to you, but I'll wait
till I get ia Europ and then drop you a few
usm ui.
. j
Ka a Spendthrift,
"lam dying bf hunger," say madam to
her husband on returning from a shopping
tour. "Why didn't you stop at a restaurant
and got something r "Ob, f doot like to
spend money uselessly. "Well, did you find
what yon Wanted r "Yea, indeed; some
lovely little bata at ninety-flv franca." After
a paua "I took (our of them." Pari Fi
garo.. Hospitable.
"Com and din with m this evening. "
"leant- .
"Why notr
"I am going to e 'Hamlet'"
"Bring bun with you." Journal niustr.
wa an infant. !... . WH"!,
brother and sister iti liTi i
panion at the time of uJ , aNI
inogiri. .--".
A search for the toL, j
proved fruitier .nd f V
elapsed. In the mesWiB(f
had moved to MIssiMippiM
again to Tuskuloosa ccW.N
livett when his duughteiwu'
where he has resided fw ffi
years, since Ids return from k! i
In 1887 John C.Arno.?.?
sixted hia limn... 1- ' wni
lost child, received, rj
Jan. 14. from Key, Als.,,1
iu. uiiuLrm. inriieiniw . '
ties" he had inquired bo?.
mail at that office. Fro. ft, &
... Miumrr uuuunuea nil sw !
quiriesand correspondence iZ
to discover the whereabout
Nearly three more jm, t
spent in trying to unravel tbni
mo eioien ciiiiu, wiienat la rW
pearedto bo a fruitless effutt'
wurded by a substantia) ct,
girl's probable whereabnuu, j,t
recently set out from hit hoa.
twenty miles south of Tiukiku,.
to trace up the information ht
tained. On reaching St, Chi ,
lowed the windings of tlie &
flifWfiRnfirfc nml II. m
uneroaee-iiie county he set out
nan learned mat a little
been left with a JIcAl
ubout fifteen to ciehteen ml. f
uoioma. A description of the cii
vinced Mr. Arnold that ibet.j,
(laughter. On reaching Mcihi
convictions were confirmed a m
his eyes looked upon her tMm.
McAlva said the girl had mV
his house by a woman calliij IrJ
8ul Wheeler, who wasfuuih: lor
by the alias Sal Colbert, and tki?
ward came buck after the chikV
fusing to give her up, but let I;.'
the latter's clothes, whichiheiiox
The girl had been called fow-i
woman who stole her, but mu-f
memory of her real name, L.
now about 9 years old, and i
features, bright and intelhgmilr
by no means of an unprtpowsg
pearance. Asliville iEgii
lie set om j
' wilfrJ
ti b CWf
Some Fact About "Idle'
Charley Howard was talking li'?
the old book store, man a Ittni
ago, when a stranger fresb trtl
urieans suppea up, raying wv:;
"What will you give for i kp
Jefferson Davis' hairr
"Alii I have plenty of It," b
Mr. Burke. "Quite a quanbrr.
Then as the stranger walta
surprised thU any one sbouU if
treasure he thought ao vain
Burke said:
"The truth is I haveererrtfe
Imnfar wnnta. I have hailM
head of many distinguishednvtif
alive. Maybe you wouldn't It-,
but one-quarter the moneylpds?
house came from thedli
Oeorge Washington's head." f
'Do you know," Mr. Burn";
"that the relic hunter ii the k? .
on earth. Any relic he nuj"
no value. ItissimpIjaqraMi
much he is able to pay. l)
size a man up as he cowib'i
therefore able to hit him jBtif '
'Take a battlefield relic
Riirbn after a Da USB. "1 S
and get my wife to marks
pieces of ribbon si I want M
pound two bullets together'
the ribbon. They are biuiea'
which met in mid aironw
field. I put one in tb
h .or,! nml the otliers inai
relic hunter buys the onlj
soon as he is gone the an -and
another takes lam'
about a dime and bring iJ';
lanta Conatitutioa
A 8
of N
! As
the 1
cuts I
lies i!
can s
and u
for s
her en
to enr
a prot
and oj
do no
said, "
In New
"And t
coi r
sive di
' To Keep Trow
A well dressed man i' i.
couii'a, ;
to be shown suspenders, rw
due investigation he id,
style and inquired of t r.
many pairs he bad in . ,
the number and he to
c,Ierk meanwhile looking
er with a suspicion ,
Jre was method a
ness. "xou see,
has a pair of suspenders
trousers and one h
h,a ansnenders from tn
defendant weight keep
shape and the W V pend a I
mr mntinued r t Alreaiiw
myipnm) mf J
Urdayau Dr
waste u
One c
who is
here ne
of strenj
aim of I
uiulate ,
buy a fa
der of hi
ago, but
liv on I
... ART
In of one' suspend..
changes one s trou.
wilier. .. i. i
..d then consider-
wear anu tear j
trousers, uesiu' .
flinls LU
more uic
Vork Tin
was roast
. iria a rt.l.
niav be longer or in? ,M J- ...
OJid the suspenders, " y.- cjiuken ,
be changed, once anj d ,
causes Mexpenditur i, fc
tience, is done r-. fl)ljd of a
tiniteiy pieas"- ,i0f
iu the end to have
on hand,"exclain,d ,f
toff in a tone of ce,
up his packa(?
i- Trn affect lorn.
Envelope What do yon wantl
Kuunp Do not rvpol ids; 1 am stuck oa
oul Lawrcnc Amwricaa, "
A New Brunts- "-r.
guilty of
f'sn.H una WOO t l.
He '
alwut eat
holes b tl
bak oven
niatter ho
a f
Canadians won
anmebodV else.
U nn
V.'hen a
out it is a a
thinking al
1. 1
it over" and 6 fc,
mate is differew. ;
Free Press.--'
Inquiring B7"f!U j
Pa (worried om
They mean,
hcOem itlik-is'
cuUl has niJ
f'K"t A
while taikir
tie ajuorou
t.Q mama
"I in chi
Catholic an
ru's ira
t-THi tjie ee