The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 28, 1891, Image 5

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Pleasant Hill Item.
Sot. 24, 1891.
Mm. B. B. Httdsakt-r ol Junction, l
Is rued bom today,
Mr. ul Mn, John West eipeot to attend
tat mtminom snow in thiotgi lu "jj.
Mr. Louis Bandy, a former cilizn of
Junction, ti now a residtut bers.
Mix Miunit Jacknian, of Cottage Grove,
is staying to Aunt Alum UrMow family,
If Willi Davis or H. L. Pine will call
oa lb potmastr here, or tend th-ir ad
arti, they will receive tome uuil niitlti r.
What it (be nutlet that we cannot
road but more ipluy item Irom some of
yoor uiaoy reader at Deitei and Creswell?
Died, io Portland, Oregon, Nov. 8th
Art It b tdwins, Infant daughter of Mr
and Mr. A. E, Stearns, aged 8 month.
Mn. Stearns la a lister ol Mm B. I. Pen
grt and wts former resident Ol Lane conn
A Ibtukagivlng entertainment will be uiv
o by the pupil of our school on Thursday
, evening, to wulcn ail are cordially invited.
This will be under the efficient management
of Prof. Hunt and bi efficient assistant,
lira. Ham, which I sufficient gusroutee
tQat a splendid time will to bad.
The remark wa mad in the Daily Gcaro
day or two tgo tbal the fall own wbeat
i wa looking fine. Yea, and yoo May add.
ft it tbe benefit of your reader who do not
r aide in the beautilnl Willamette th
thai the grass ia green and fresh aame a in
th month of May, that tbe tomato Tines
ait itill green, and tbe proapeot lor another
crop oi volunteer pear u Buttering, straw
, barries are In bloom, and tbe lark and oth
r oiras are imging ineir neat, while aom
ar growling because we have more or lea
mud. Do they aver stop to think what
glorioaa country Oregon ia, and what would
we do without tbe abundaut rain?
0. K.
Hadleyvllle Itetrni.
Not. 21. 1891.
Mia Edna Uadley has gone to Eugene to
attend acbool.
Carl Bender ba returned aflet an ibsence
of lit month.
Ralph Wren paid a flying visit to tbi
piaoa taut Saturday.
Mrs. John Gates' fuller from Pike Co.,
mo., la payiug her a visit.
Mis Halloa Brlggs is visiting with Mrs
Frank Badley of this place.
Oor worthy P. M. has a "handsome" rub
ber coat, but he hasn't got any dog, as it
got "fUn."
B. J. 0. failed to make a raise oh of bis
hop and ha ba now gone to hard labor
tnrning tbe aoil.
Not much fall grain has been towed
In tbi part of tbe country on aocouut of
tbt ttormy weather. ,
Mia Minnie Coryell has returned home
from Floreuoe, where she has been visiting
lor several weeks.
Wt are pleased to learn that JoeLiles baa
returned boma from California after an ab
sence of two years. ,
" Wt regret to mis the pleasant counte
naooe of Al. Lfpp, who has gone to visit
bi mother in Denver,
Mr. and Mr. Marry Hayes have returned
Irom a visit to Linn county. Mrs. Hayes no
companied them home.
Mist Susan Abbott of Elmira ia speuding
the winter with her alster,' Mrs. Johnnie
McCullooh, of tbi place.
Mr. Wm. Eollandsworth and Miss Bar
ah MoCnlloch have gone to Washington,
wnert tbey will visit for several month.
Can any on explain where Clark goes
every oundayr He ia seen every bnnday
forenoon going up the road but is never
teen going back.
If our acbool directors would pay one
tnort visit to our tcboolmaam tbey might
stop her sewing in acbool and
cause the lessons to be recited oftener.
Tbe string band of this place consists of
Henry Briggs, Homer Hayes and Sam Lu
oa. Tbey will furnish musio for the neck
tie party at Central school bouse cn Thanks
giving. Mr. Sovern, wbo was once a resident of
this place, but wbo hat resided in Califor
nia for tbe past two year, ba returned for
benefit of his family's health which is
B. D.
I Will Not Be I ndersold.
18 ft Granulated Sugar tl 00
Si ft Extra C 8ugar 1 00
23 t Golden C Sugar 1 00
25 fca Choice Dried Apple 1 00
35 . piums 1 00
Arbocklt't Coffee 25
10 can Corn 1 00
6-fc box Tea ; 75
12-i box Soda 50
cans Good Table Peaches 1 00
5 cans Beat ' " 1 U0
( gallon oao Beat rearl Oil 1 10
The Ballon Sea Drying op.
Lo Anoilss, Nov. 24. A gentlemn who
rrived from Saltoo, yesterday aaid: "Sal
too lake i fast drying np, tbe water having
needed to such sn extent at to show very
clearly the old locomotive which wu sub
merged at the end of tbe railroad spur near
tbe salt work: This it three mile south
of Saltoo set. Tbe spur to the mines i
partially rebuilt, and will be completed in a
few day. A great stretch of desert, which
wa submerged, i now dry tnd ia covered
with a glistening coating of salt. Tbe salt
company will resume operation very toon,
takiug obaooet of tbt high water season
B-?tyy-'' "
llrripnfort . tt.Jfadre.
Portland, Nov. 84.7rlt bj under
stood that Hon. Joseph Simon is a
jjiindldata for the new circuit judgeship
of the Ninth Judicial circuit. It is
stated that he it supported by Senator
Dolph and Minuter Hirsch.
Caddo Mom, Teaot, June 5, 1S91.
From my own personal knowledge I can
rtt aimend Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera
an J Diarrhea Kemedy tor cramp in the
b macb, two for diarrhoea and flax. It
le best medicine I have ever teen naed
. ,i iu k.-i .liinir aa it alcava irivet tat-
,n ' A k'.ly'lMMiiX. ti Sud W
i. t
f; ,-nt no tile
lot tale by Osbum & Delano
i - : -
jk Vor Sale, '
Wl tore f land, located 8 miles wt
of Junction City. About aorvt of
ci.rvd land, the rest can eaaily be put
la cultivation. Almost all under feuoe;
do ot her improvements. Will tell at a
bargain. For further particular call
at my residence mile west of Junc
tion "City, or on L. Bilyeu, Eugene.
' Flora A. Ma va.
rva told that F. M. VUkiua, U dn(i.
n t tuning "Wisdom Bobertine" for th
tomi-lexion, th moot legtot tnd only really
tarmieu preparation ot U kind ia the
yorid, ted giving a beautiful picture eard
.U every bottla,
CU a net-Thai tired languid feeling
xesaatthAt your it stem it in t ttaU to in
v;t d iwato, tnd Wrighfl Compound Ex
tact of Lanapanllt it what yoo need tt
ox - to expel imparities of the blood and
l lysp. Bold by all drngsitta.
' Brevities
SrccTA'i.n mo Mcsio. k
Day t Henderson.
Canvas aho at O. E. K'
Waltou & Skipwortii, Lswyeis.
Go to O. E. Kraosa for loot we r.
Call on Caswell for sidewalk (umber.
. Rublr bottom hoc atO. E.'Kraussp't
Short monlc at Pattersob t ChrUtian's,
Bib St, ; i
Mouey to lcian on farm. Enquire of Jurist
vt aiuw.
See the nvr stylos of
Day & Uenderson'a.
Oak fumiturt
Hot and cold baths tvery day in the week
at jerry uorn t barber anop.
Carpet, enrpets, all new styet for spring
trade at Day 4 Henderson f. s
For fine suits made to order and ready
made clothing, go to td Hanson.
. See the new invoice of oak furniture,
new patterns at Day & Henderson'.
21 dollars will bny a anlid, antique, oak
bed room set at Day ft Hun it rsou's.
C. Marx, Barber Shop and Bath Booms.
First door north of Dunn's new block.
Blank deeds, mortgaje deeds and chattel
mortgage lor sale at tbe'GUAip office.
$5,000 worth of ladies' aboes'to be. sold at
or Ulow cost., .... J.J). MATLOCK
Mr Geo F Craw has tbe sol atrency for all
brand of the celebrated Tanail ranch Cigars
BemembeMhat Hanson k Boo have the
best selected stock of clothing in town.
Bring yotrf old scrap ckst iron t tie En
gene iron Vofmatf .vriiere, fob enb dispose
01 11.
Eugene Flour SI. 35 per sack. ..The Eu
gene Flouring mills' make the best quality
oi roller mm nour.
If von are getting too old for your apoo-
taoles, or if they do not exactly suit you take
them to Watts and bave new lenses tilted.
Best line of flush aud light weight cloth
wrap from 10 to 35 dollars south of Port
land, now on exhibition at A. Peters.'
Dr. G. W. Biddle mav be fonnd at his
residence on Olive street, between Fifth tnd
Sixth streets one block wed of tbe Mmne
sota Hotel. He is prepared to do til dent
tl work in the best manner.
The beat (amily remedy is undoubtedly
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm
less, it seromnliahe rebel wbeie many oth'
er medicines (ail to do. It may be safely
giveu to the infant as well as tbe adult.
Peddlers tre like the Irishman'! flea, and
often irresponsibly po buy an organ of
remi table bouse, and tbal will not fall
pieces with tbe first damp weather. Call
and see Holloway's.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford ties at O. E. K'a.
Fountain pens at Watts'..
OvergaitersatO. E. K'l.
Job work at the Otjasd office.
Tenuis goods at 0. E, K'l.
We load, other follow. O. E. K.
Wigwam slippers at O. E. Kruusse's.
Russet shoes at 0. E. K'a.
Go to Smith & Hall to sell your wool
Go to Goldsmith's aud got prioes on bacon
and lard. '. '
Selette Plush Jackets only 10 dollar al A.
V. Peters.''
Mfeo's' pateut leather . thocf at 0. E,
Blank deeds and mortgage for sale at the
Guard office.
Goldsmith pay the highest cash price foi
country produce. .
Forest City Dongola shoes only $1 60 a
pair at A. V. Peters.'
Remember the $1 50 Dongola shoe, good
value lor t'i, at A. V. l'eters'
Tbe best assortment of children s shoes
will be found at 0. b. Krausse s.
When wanting a nice tie or anything in
tbe furnishing line go toy. b. Jiouu.
Blank notices f jr the location of nuartx
mines for tale at the Uuahd othce.
For all kinds of furminii implements call
on J. M. Hendricks on.ruutn btreet
Soreen windows and doors, glass, sash and
doors at - Bioalow & Jurkfatbick.
Mv entire stock 10 per cent, discount for
cash. J.D- Matlock.
II vou want to buy maguificen! organ
from to i"o cheaper than peddler car
ell you, go to W. Holloway.
W. Hollowav has iuat received t consign'
ment of new organs, without doubt the fin
est toned instrumeuti ever urongnt nere.
Call and see them.
A large assortment of .wall paper just re
ceived at tbe Eugene Book Store. Call aud
tee it.
Bangs' McKenzie Springs Stage Line.
Eli Bancs is now running bis stage line
op the McKenzie river to the Foley and
Belknap springs ana miermeaiuie poinis.
The stage leases Lugene, on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays returning alternate
days. The trip will be made in twelve
hours. For tickets arid further i nformation,
call at tbe Hoffmau House sublet on Ninth
Wanted. 100.000 lbs. of good Willamette
valley wool. Smith & Hall.
yVhat It Itt
That croduce that beautifully soft com
plexion and leaves no traces of its tpplict
tion or injurious effects? Tbe answer, Wis
dom's liobertine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine
ment to be tbe most delightful toilet article
ever produced. W'arrauted harmless and.
matchlesa. F. M.. Wilkin, agent, Engen
City. . ' i
'. Geo.,W. Kinspy, Auctioneer.
u'l,an mn want vour eood. houtebold
furnitnreor land told at auction, on I of;
Geo. W". Kinsey, th moneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will
attend to all tales on t reasonable com
mission. ' '
-r-r :
Kotice, '
When wanting cemetery work go to E.W .
Achison t Co., who are prepared to furnish
all kinds at lowest prices for tint-class work.
Our Portland cement walls for enclosing
cemetery lots are the finest yet put upon
the market, and are furnished at about half
th cost of stone. Call and see onr beauti
ful Barr A Westerly granite nd best
grades of Vermont marble. Offices at Al
bsny, Eugene anl Koseburg.
Very Respectfully Yours, ;
"f'' E. W. Ai.ita.oirA- Co. .
Sheep Inspectors Xotice.
AH persons io Lane oonnty owning scab
by sheep or sheep slllicted with other dis
eatat. are hereby notified that laid (beep
must be thoroughly dipped, ufficient to kill
aid disease, forthwith.
Any person failing to comply with this no
tice will be luble to bav his sheep dipped
by tbe Inspector st said persoos't expense.
Take notice and v costs,
Dsted June 5, 11. -
Gso. Fuhcb, Sheep Ioapector.
The tbeapxt ptae to boy your builder
hardware tinwai. gla, rope, nd all kind
of mar bine oi i-. is at
VanKxscao k Kxapt,
Mtaooie boUJmg.
Lrwtra V'orict. Go to the Depot lurabej
Lard for cheap lumber. Aodrasl will not
t ondertold.
T Arnumot. All kinds of ma
chin oilt tt bed rock price tt
Yiic-o & Ka-rr't.
An Adjourned Jleetliiff Held Sever'
al Important -latter. Considered.
Th Common Council met Monday even'
big in adjourned seaaiou.
.Present Mayor McClung, Councilmeu
D.irria, Walton, Gritlln, Tage, Oabiirn aud
Tbe following busiueas was transactetl
Councilman Preston, from tbe street com
mittee reported favorably on tbe petition to
improve Ninth street from Willamette to
Oukr report adopted and prayer of petition
Petition of the Steam Laundry to couuect
ilb sewer read aud referred to the health
Dr.T. W. Shelton, President of the
Water Co., stated that any connection at
this tuna would b- injurious to the com
S. W. Condon, nttorney, in behalf of tho
company made a few remarks, slating that
any connections with the sewer, before the
company cu provide another pumping ala
tion, would be iujuriona to tbe Water Co
tne .oiupsuy could not state when tbey
won in do euauiea to move Irom tbelr pre'
sent locauon. it migbt be three, six or
twelve mouths.
Petition of I. H. Harris, to be allow, d to
connect bis premises with the sewer; re
ferred to health committee.
Ordinance introduced exempting the
west 100 leet of the block bounded by Olive.
Eighth and Ninth streets from the fire
limits; pasted.
Report of City Surveyor on street asses
nieuts; referred bock to that officer for cor
rection.' Councilman Walton read Section 10 of
Ordinance 1 13, referring to the running of
street earn, as follows: "After that portion
of the railway provided iu Section 7 ol thia
ordinance shall have bwu completed, thn
same shall be operattd daily as follow, to
wit: Every 3U miuutes from 6 o'clock
a. tn to 7 o'clock p. ni. aud every 40 miu
utes from 7 o'clock p. in. to 10 o'clock
p. m. and on all other lines ten or more
trips shall be msde daily, except in caaea
of emergency, and upon the failure of said
Holden or asst. us to comply with the pro
vision ol these sections, they shall .forfeit
and pay to the city of Eugene) the sum ot
(10 for each dav it is not so operated, to be
recovered before auv court of competent
jurisdiction." Referred to tbe judiciary
Ordinance amending the ordinance pur-
ithiug vagrants; passed.
Ihelliiuor license of James McLlaren
transferred to J. R. Hayes, bis successor.
. On motion, adjourned to meet Monday
rvemug, mov. so, at 7 o dock.
A SpbciaIi Mbktino. A special moot
ing of the Board of Trade whs held Inst
Mondny evening to coufor and take such
action as was thoiiL'lit best looking to the
opening of a wblmu road to tbe Blue
luver mines. A proposition was miulo
by Mr. Murrny to opou twelve miles of
road forsbiHi. -The board baa already
doue considerable preparatory work
towards opening the road, and a Coin
mittee has' been active 'for several
months past aud it is already prepurtd
to take part with nil others interested
and open the roud at an early day. The
board ot trade does not deem it beat to
go at it and meet the full expenses of
opening the road, while those who own
the mines or nre otherwise interested
stand aloof. The business men of Eu
gene realize the importance of these mines
ami they are ready at any tim to join
with tho Browusvillo Mining Co. aud
other companies or individuals to open a
way to the mines. The secretary whs
instructed to correspond with interested
parties with this object in view. There
is no doubt but valuable deposits
exist in this dixtrict and will give good
returns for development.
Btii.l BKAitcmxo. Tuesday the
electric lights were again ued iu limits
ng for the hotly ofM. 1). Baldwin, but
were not suueesKful. Lines with hooks
attached havo Int'ii stretched across
the river, so that If the body raises It
will surety he cnuirht. Xlirht and ilnv
details from J. V. fienry Post will
watch from the river banks. During
the night time huge fires will be kept
burning on each side of the river so a
full view of, the same can lie ol. tallied.
Dally Uuard, Nov. 'Ji.
A Litky AmnKXT. Last nlirhtas
the Irelglit train south-unum wus pul
ling out of Kuirene, a truck under one
of the box curs JuiiiH'd the track at the
crossing on reari street. Jt ran over
the tics until the cannery was reached
when it broke loose and the car was
side-tracked. The coupling supporting
tne car after the truck irave wav. If
the car had lieen heavily' loaded, a bad
reck would have occurred.
Dally (Juard, Nov. 21.
To bi MaBBiBD. Mark Bailey, Jr., t
graduate of the Htate University, will be
married at Seattle. Wash., on Thanksgiving
Day, to t young lady from Iloston. Mrs.
Bailey, tbe mother, left fur that place yes
terday morning. Prof. Hailey will go there
tomorrow and will perform tbe marriage
OrricTM ELKcrso. At a regular meet-
meeting ol Spencer Butte Lodge No. U, I,
U.t., luesday evening the following
officers were elected for the ensuing term:
w. Hollowav, Jt. U.; Jerry llorn. V. G.;
J. Walton, Jr., R. S.J A. S. McClure, P.
; A. G. Hovey, Treaa.
Carpet Weaving.
Persons desiiing carpet weaving done
ill apply either at tbe office ol tbt Lane
County Land and Loan Co., or at my leni
ence in r raster t. Uyland s addition,
South Willamette Street.
II . Wm ub.
Mcsio FrjuuinED. Tbe Eugen Brast
tnd String Band is now ready to furnish
first-class string or brsss musio on short
notice and on reasonable terms. Inquire r.t
Linn k Son' store for term, etc.
Vacations. The Htate University
has taken a vacation until next Mon
day morning. The public school takes
a lite vacation.
Beict Bcii.umo PctcRwn J. L. I'sge
ha purchased of F. L. Richmond, of
Portland, tbe brick store oa Willamette
strret, occupied by bis grocery store. The
lt.n.n.lnr. ..1 tl.i- lot im 90. I, VI .nJ II..
price psid was I i," iO.
We regard this a t
rare bargain.
A Lialoeqe.
"Tliere gts Annie Itooney."
"To Frleudiy's to buy carpets."
Married. At tho residence of the
bride' father, near Irving', Nov. 15. by
IU-v. V. L. llliu kwell, Mr. H. K. Mc
Clure and Mint Martha Ituyburn.
Wxvrr.u. An experienn'j gtrl t)do
-ntral 'rKacwiirk. Iniitlrej at Mrs.
rjkipworth', on 8th ttreet.
Don't waxte your time in looking
for a Mter you cannot find it.
Iloilowsy saved you this trouble
when be bought the ayaida he now
offers ymi. tvm and frvandne
tiiftii. t-rtaiu the pri'V and you will
nod that 1 am right.
Aaslosr.o. J. W. Da. an, t Springfield
drnggist. La taained io E. Mariio. Lia
bilities, asseif, about f 75.
Eugene Itollnrk Struck on the Neck
by a Mick ami Moires in a
Short Time.
The following; l tho telegraphic- no
count or tiu kiu tiiriiii-iit iv wiiii'h
Kiigviie itolliu'k, n Hix-venrxtld gnuul-
. .(.ii f.i. - i
SOU OI MT. A. WOIUXIUIUI, oi r.ugviio,
let hi Hfo at Sixikiiiio, Wash., Mon
day: The (Kveur-old son of Max Itol-
litck wart killed today In n peculiar
vy. rNiiiio uoyani i-raiiKivu wnooi
were pltiyin xlp tiks. tine of the
sharp nkewcix (lew into tho air and
struck the little !nv in the windpipe,
lie stanp'riHl toward his teacher and
fell dead in the hnllwnv. Several
children who witnessed flio neeldeiit
which iwl little KupMie Hollack hin
lifesav lie wan n'ttiriilni; from hineli
at noon, when wvenil Uv
wetw eiiKittrHl in tho intnio of
"zip ulieka." Tho guine Is
played with two sticks. One about five
inches long, sharpened at each end, is
placed in hole made in the ground tnd
causing it to fly iu the air, the trick being
to strike it before It reaches the iirouud
As Eucrne passed the stick was struck by
one ot tbe lxys. and in Uvlng It struck bun
in the windpiiM. The little fellow immed
iately started to find bis teacher, aud got as
tar as th hallway, when be (ell to tbe
floor. His teacher's first impression was
that hs bad fallen in lit, biit when she un
buttoned bi thirl collar lo help him
bnntba freolv, ah noticed a small blue
mark on bis ibrott. On learning what had
bapiiened, several doctors were snruruoped
who arrived a eixm aa possible, but it wa
too late, in about ball an hour trom the
time be received the hurt, he was dead. He
was conveyed to the Ismily residence, 4ll'J Front street, where the news was told
to the half distracted mother. Mr. liollsck,
whoisiu Wallace, has been, telegraphed
liolieiuia Mining Prospects.
The Anuiu Consolidated Miuiug ConiiW'
uy, receutly incorporated, with liead.niar-
tela at Cottage dpive, bave purchased the
property of tbe American Mining and Pros
peeling Company. Among these is tbe now
cvtetiraled Lftlgei sa well ts the o stamp
quarts null bich has been miming a abort
time thia aeaaon, producing $7,l;)3 ND aa tbt
result of 'ii'i hours run. It is the
intention of the new corporation to proae-
cute development of their purchase during
the coming winter to the fullest extent, by
running tunnel and finking shafts to t
depth of st lea-t 'Ml feet, tapping the ledge
in a number of places and getting out suf
ficient ore lo start in tbe spring tnd run
without interinptton during next seaaou. It
Is also their Intention to increase tbe canao
ity ol the mill by adding 5 more stamps,
amalgamating pans and settlers, making a
larger perueiitnge of saving of bullion than
has heretofore lieen possible without these
auuitioual appliauces. In order to meet
this additional expense they have deter
mined to place a limited amount of their
stock on the market.
It is prophesied that this district will in
tho near future develop iuto one of tbe rich-
eat aa well as largest mining camps on tbe
Puoillo Coast, and we would call the atten
tion of our reader to the desirability of
making some effort towards scouring st
least a share of tho trade which naturally
follows the business of mining. A good
wagon road can be built tt t small cost
from the Military Road to these mine.
Junction City Items.
Times, Nov, 21.
The sections on the S. P. between (hi
place and Roseburg have been rearranged.
and w. is. aietzler has moved to Lugene.
Howard Bros., have commenced to kill
hogs. Yesterday morning dressed bogs
were plied up In the packing boost like
fence tails, '
Hon. A. C. Jennings, of this county, it
prominently mentioned for congressional
honors. Laue county should furnish t
candidate for one of tbe tickets, tnd we tre
not caring t oontiuental which one.
The new residence of N. Gilniore ia much
larger than one would tbiuk to look tt it
from this side. A visit to the premises Sat
urday fonud t dwclliue, which, when com
pleted, will contain twelve rooms.
An engine was wrecked Wednesday night
at about 10 o'clock on the divide on the
boundary line between Lane and Douglas
counties, there Is t switch and turn-table
at that place for tide-tracking lbs extra en
gine ued in coining np tbe grsde. Ths
switch was left open, and when the exlrt 82
cams tloug sht run onto the turn table tnd
jumped over. Engineer Hendricks was
bruiaed np considerably, but the fireman
jumped and escaped injury. Engine 8J
was being Drought north to work with t
grtvel train, that ttving tbe overland from
a fearful a reck.
To Handle Wheat. A Salem dis
patch says that Frank II. l'eavey,
the millionaire wheat man of Minne
apolis now at Fort land, is uiideintood
to have In contemplation tho erection
and ois ration of wheat elevators at
Suleiu, Albany, Eugene and valley
points. Mr. l'eavey, when in halem, a I
year ego, exmvHsci
i a wish to establish
a large elevator here, Ills rciisoll for not
doing so at the time being that he
could not find a suitable man to put In
charge. Through his agents hero ho
has this year already purchased a great
deal of wheat. J le operates all the ele
vators on the Northern Fuclfle and
handles the grain In bulk.
Excitkd ovkb KoTHtxo Some exoite-
nient was caused Sunday morning about 8
o'clock by a young lady walking up tod
down VVillmuette ttreet with t boggy whip
in nt-r nana, nome men who guilty oon
sciences, probably, imsgined she looked at
if on the warpath and was waiting to sd-
. e..u..r. ,u.i
rowor spread that hortewhipping had ae-
many taken place. som jokers pretending
to describe the event. The yuuna Isly was
Miss Campbell ot Camp Ccwk aud sb wss
only waiting for ber father to com with his
team to return.
Carried U.v a mmoubly. The
Willapa lb-publican editor says he Is
lieves that there is something wrong
with theeteriiul litmus ofthlnirs when
a minister gi ts ( and a gssl supS'r
for performing a marriage ceremony
widen takes only live minutes, while
the editor, who writes fulsome
society Item" and the printer who
takes two hours to set up a list of wed-
ling pm-K nts only get a plcco of cuke
A CokurcTiox. Io tht Wt ttxt Goinn of
Nov. 7, there appeared t roarrl iuo notice
ol air. uutinga to Mrs. Hall, it should bave
reM lot. htnith, the uiiiss having been
made in thia rdfcce. Ibe ceremony was
prformrd at tb residence of Mr. Billing.
That gentleman has been married thirty
years and of course objests to being placed
cn the hit attain, especially aa Mrs. Rib
inus is alive sod is a satulaclory contpan,
Atiruri.-l"i,uiy ehsrilf ar
rived here Sunday with Walter White,
whom be arretted al Lis home oo th Wild
cat yesterday morning. lis it wanted by tbe
U. b oonrt lo 1'ortiaDi lor ratting tiniuer
on government lands. II was placed io
the county jail for aaf keeping.
Into At Crcswdl, Oregon, Sunday,
Nov. 22, 1VJ1, laaao W.k, k'td IJ year.
The (uLral tock pUc Tueaday after
noon. No mattiT how trillion the token
no mutter how valuable the prcm-nt
Holloway U prepared to meet your
Pumps, pipe tnd gat fittings st Miller
D. Linn & Son, furniture and nndertak
Cook stoves from 1. 50 to o0 tt Miller
Jt Long , Vtb street.
Nice assortment of hardware at Miller &
Long s.
Oats bought aud stored by the Eugene
Aiming .o.
Miller Long Is th cheapest place for
stoves tnd tinware.
K.-ep aaying over to yourself, "I can gel
uaroware al -inter X Long a.
Tbe best buggy made for the money, is F,
l. voamoers ou pleasure wagons.
Atteution Farmers. Call on Millor A
Loug or Moves, Tiu tnd Hardware.
Owners of farms desirous of tenants rail
on the Eugene Improvement Co., Register
For choice Spencer Untie nursery apple.
pear trees, c, write io urvnie rnelps, t.U
Why I I Sleep on the floor when tl
win Miy t double Udatead at Dav A lien
ueraon t.
Carpeulera tnd contractor will save nion
ey by getting tinning and plunibiug from
Miller A Loug.
Tinuiuit. itluiub oa and lob work of
all kinds done cheap and on short notice at
-inter a Long.
Miller ft Lorm are sole scents for the eel
etna ted Gold Coin tud Gordon Stove tnd
Ranges in Lugene.
Remember that lh Fncen Milling Co..
is otiyins oats, and storms them also. Lib'
eral prioee offered.
Ax Ditly'lbe reduotion on
staple art!-
Cheap for cash only, Ax Billy.
Ed. Baum, clothier.
Ax Billy the prices on tinware,
Don't pass by D. Linn k Sou's furniture
tore without examining their flue new line
oi lurnlture just received.
Oak bed room set tnd til other kinds of
furniture, shades snd carpets tt Day k
iiennerton s, enraper man tver,
If you want a suit of clothes or pair ot
pautalooo go to Dn l, Ibe tailor. He gusr-
auiees saiiaiactlou ami low prices.
Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without
seeder, best aud lowest price in the market
al i . L. CiuuuKu.
uuver unilled flow, a so V liters new
steel plow warrauted to tconr in ajiy soil.
Walking, Sulky or Gang Plow aud any
thing you need to cultivate the ground
u. r, Jj. llUMBIM.
For watches, docks, silverwar and lew.
elry go to Holloway'. All new good cod
W. Hollowav slock I aualn complete
who me newest novelties ol the season,
Prioe are th lowest.
There are no flies on Hollowav or
specks on his goods. They are all brand
new and the prices are like the coeds. Call
and see his watches, clocks aud silverwsre.
Eugene Hour at Henderson's.
A II mny Hour at Henderson's.
Medford flour at Henderson's.
Junction Hour at Henderson's.
You pays your inoiiev and vou lakes
your ciioice.
Ax Billy for new bargain.
Sugar and flour are down, Ax Billy.
We make a sneolaltv of fine drauohtlni of
an sinus, ursy a lirouse.
-1111. n . ..
Flno weather for tree planting,
Go to T. Brown' for cloture and look.
mg glasses.
There tre now five bovs In th State Re.
form school.
Ihiniro cattle are In better condition
than for years (Hist.
Mrs. Frank Crnw. of Albany. Is vlxtU
I.... ..l...l.. l v.... "
iik it--muvcn in j-.ugciie.
The fnimo of the new United llreth-
em church has been raised,
Sid Horn baa told hit fish and ooultrv
maraei io jur. newman ma Hon.
i . . ...
Miss Berth Goldsmith left for Spokane
Falls, Wash., on this morning' train
it is aoont the riubt time to commence
planting your holiday advertisements.
Geo. Melson has his new blacksmith
shop well under way on Seventh street.
Rev. Cook, of Jefferson, but formerlv t
chiton ol Lane county, tptnt last night in
(loo. M. Miller left for Florence this
afternoon. He will bo gone about two
Th uoann lob olJlo I eneaired printing
t book of oonititulion tnd bv-lawa (or
Springfield lodge I. O. O. F.
Mrs. Al Goodman and children, of Inde-
pondenoe, wbo bav been vlsitiug relative
here for several dav. returned to their
home this morning.
Harrisbnro. will le.v In a few Hava .io, I
w. u. Juovoy and w. K. McUan el. ol i
- - . . .i
their families for their future horn in Los
iinirisuurg, win leave in a lew oayt Wltn
. -. . ...
Angeles, California, I
l)r. C. R Loonils. wife and dauirhfa-r
returned froni a trln tn JiuUmmm .,,., ntv
this morning. They took un timber
claims in mat section.
Judge Kinsey presented this office
May with a bunch of very flno rusp
berrfes. On It were huiro rlno oiks.
am, outers irom green up,
In the case of January vs. JI III. tried
,n justice Kinney's wiurt yesUiriuiy
ls-fore a Jury, the plaintiff wasawardec.
a judgment for 1. Tho amount sued
for was 24.
Persons wishing fresh pasture for I
horses will aonlv to J. M. lleiulrlobs I
or at First National lnk, or at prein-
iset Hear C(pvetdle,
A. Al. llKMimiCKS.
A KI,,r,,, ,,, t,u ,.
vr.' I""," v.- " i " Tw,"
asasitv, iiui v a t liviiv s uuiiiiit i Hliu iUiflf I
cay evenings, ine nrst evening
evenings, ine first evenlnir a
large nuiiiUr of people were present;
the next evening the attendance was
light. Tho show was of the usual
Tbe Exempt Fireman' Asaooialioa held
t meeting last eveniuu, President Friendly
in tbe chair. A oouiiullUs, coniistlng of
11. J. Day, W. II. ouittb and Clem itodet,
wss tppoluted bj coofvr with tb aeven.1
Are oompsnic io Eueent lo teirard lo lb
annual reunion,
i - -
Yesterday w mentioned th dlvorot oas
of Mr. John Fottof ia th eirenit court In
Benton oounty. Tbe divorce wu granted,
it twins reported tbat Mi, roster consent
ed to it io consideration of tbe sum of
17,000 which certainly wa chep, consider
ing tbe wealth of Ibe groom.
Deport of School District No. til. Mabel
Oregon , for the month beginning October
2Cth snd ending November ItOtb. No. dav
taught it", somber of males enrolled,
femtlet 12; total 19. Number Jw alien
dance 233. Avra;; Ofi) attendance 11
3-W. These t it r lardy or absent were
I tuUa, Mabel tnd Murgao Wortmsn.
Number of vUitort 6.
Fsi MiTTcaos, Teacher.
W. P.Ely, of Castle Rock, Wash., and
B. D. Pearson, of Cottat Grove, Oregon,
bave met al work prospecting a quart Vd
ot Coyote creek, about 1st mile fom
Wolf creek, Ureuou. wbub la creatins some
neiletueot oa tocount ol tbe rirhneaaof the
ore which average $100 to the
ton in gold. Several parties have vis
ited tbe mine and report ibey bave a
tneni drivn io about fifty feet in a five
foot lead of partially decomposed quartz,
snd tbal oos ean scarcely pick up a piece
on tbe dump without discovering gold io it
with the naked eye. It ia estimated that
there ia IVuKl worth of or on tht dump
tod fully 111 .000 intent.
Hon. Jasper Wilkin, of Cobnro. was In
town today.
Picture frames made to nnler at T
urown a.
Darwin Rristow. of Cottace Grnv. wu
iu town today.
L. II. Rossman is
now janitor of
Geary school house.
Dr. Kuvkeiidall
went to Cottage
drove today.
Postmaster Roner.
of Goshen, made
ctiReno t visit today.
Mias Celia Goldsmith
returned from
Medlord this morning
A marriage license has been granltd to
Wm. U. Cox and Mary Dlckiusou.
Charles Horn weut to Miid.l r.i.m
oounty this morning on huntiug trip.
Carpet .wing done on short notice and
tud satisfaciiou guaranteed, at T. Rrown's.
A msrrisge license was issued Wednesday
bv Clerk Walker to Edwin C. Test and
Mary E. Wilsou.
S. II. Frhudlv snd faniilv went tn b,.
i... i .ti . . -.
wmi uu mis morning loesi to spend
ngni : : a era I Am cnnula m
. . . . .
rriemlly's. It will take but litle of
your tune to examine them.
Herman preaching Sunday, Nov. IS),
at 11 o'clock at the Court Iioiimc. All
luvitea. rius, WAKIII.TK. lWnr
Mrs tieo. rriaatll and Miaa Tin it. n
aicrteniie Hrldge. left on t ha o.rl..,.l
train last night for San Jose, California,
where they will spend most of the winter
.Mr. Jas. Sanfonl, of Hazel Doll pre
clnet, is in Kugoim for medical atten-l
inssMor. K "i: M.m,r.
i.i. i.i... ' i
, ,, , .
v. rriaaeucame aown irom McKenzie
Hrldce vesterdsv
tnol,i.'!i.l",,',,,,i,,.? .:h,,.1l,rU'" a
temporarily "baching" while himself tud
yvuu.g. im n-porw
lion. K. II. Hays, of Bnenir nreelnnl la
t-laniina aoot itaiian . . V7 . '
CKikS MrPTi .ni i .1?'
ths'Donat rt ui .'(.rt'tchtM
and within eve year. L. will derive S S
tome iucome from bit venture.
Nierlll Poland says quite a numlior
are now miylng tlelluuuent eountv
taxes. Such action will save said imf-
ties eosts, for the sherltl' will be i Jund
to levy ou i.roiKTty In the near future.
per orUer of the county court "'
Tl.- T i. r . . .
a uv aju iiu rrvai. itrftiii ronniv kruu ia
im to say of young man who 1 well
r( a
Known in l,no county:
ouiiuy naeney will superintend t
ing the fact that Johuuv it
glide over th floor with tt much grsoe t
mv ujoat ui tueiu.
Mabel liiirnwiiiies.
November 23, 1891.
The rain descendeth and the
iaH uuiiiuio.
There are tome bridge in this vicinity
iu need of repairs.
Mr. Tarnalt bonne ia nearlno Kimni
- o
Georgo Drurv. of Mill IVaaIc mam Ii.m
ibsi inuraday alter a load of h ingle.
. -
James liarton went to KaaUm Dmnnn I-
September but returned Inst week. He,
bke a great many others, found that thia
oountry offer as good, If not better induce-
monts than can be found in my country.
M. A. Holy Grange met tt tht school
house last Saturday, transacted the regular
business snd carried out the monthly pro-
gram. Owing lo tbe inolemenl weather tbe
ttiendtnct was not very large.
Bob F u da In nm t.
Free Heading Kooiu.
Th Free Retdina Room which is now tu
welt MtabtiHhed was opened omitthliiff
over t y w nj;o by th Utf of tb W. O.
The Isdies hsve been painstaking anil per."
I . 1 . Attit V W II 'I' IT l. ..I
cmiim hi uieir enaeavor to make tbe
rooms oreditable both to the organisation
and tbe city.
i Tbe literature provided I choice, tud th
variety Includes most of standard narindl.
pais, ths best weekly psper published and
iue leaning uuuies ol this Ouasl. Tbt room
It well patronized. Th attenilanoa hl,,o
between seven tnd eiuht hundred aaeh
month. No town ot thia site can afford to
d witnout t r rot Reading Room, tnd tht
ladies should bs enoourtucd in Dernelimtino
SKARt'IIINCl WlTIt Elkctkuty.
Heard, was made for the body of llald-
win, wno it is stl)sse(l suicided by
drowning iu the river hint Tuesday.
Saturday evening with electric lights,
a ,i.m,kiA i. . . i
i mo vrouuii-jiouatou iiai-i
out wu. I.I...U.I I.. !. .1 I.. 1 . .- ill I
cut was placed lu
""? " mu bihiikio nun,
w bid, furnished isiwer for the same.
Then the wire was placed In a boat
nl ,TW Htto the river. Then the
elceirio light was sutiken to the bottom
In a tin tulst. On account of the river
being muddy, only a small radius of
territory oouia lie seen,
not yet been found.
i ho body hat
Taken Hkuiw. Walter While, the
mun wlio was arrested Huudav for cut-
nog tinnier on government land in
(.'hesher iireelnct, ass given a hearing
before U. H. Commissioner J. J. Walton
Tuesday, I was bourn! over In
.i i . . .
the Mini of liOO to appeur before the U.
H, court. Not having money or fronds
to ,Mlt UI) the Isinds. Im was tjilten tn
I'ortlaiid by iVputy IT. K Marshal
Slnnott, where he will likely plead
guui y aim ue senieneeu to au days in
tho Lane county Jail. Two brothers.
who reside In the lieldilsirhood of Lel
anon, are still at large.
Isnatiff PuacBAssa. Joha W. Cbria-
tiau has pnrcbsssd of A. S. 1'sttersoo bis
Interest in Ibe Ninth Street Bookstore. Mr.
Christian has Jisl secured a complete oon
slguiueiil ol the Onesl holiday goods tver
brought to Kugent from the East. Call
tnd examine them, lie also keeps in stock
a fall line of standard good, which he tell
tt tttonlshiogly low price.
PnoraiTY Purchased. Frank L.
ChumU'i-s, Tuesday purchased of
Mrs. tieaver the east oOxhhi reet, front
ing on Seventh street. The price paid
was, t-'.liV). Mr. Chamber will im
mediately construct a hui; warehouse
on the Mir of tho tls and lu a year or
two win nu una brick mock on the
front vftb same.
Acitoas the Mountains. ft,
Dunn and wife, of Chlco, Cal., Murn
ed hen- from l'rinevlllo Hutunhiy after
niHin, via tho )lcKenil.iute, by team
and wagon. They found only one
inch of snuw ou the summit of the Cas
cade mountain, something unusual at
this mtHjtn of the year.
M t m urn 1 n Eugene, Oregon, Nov. 21,
WJ, by liev. E. P. Ilsndersoo, Ar
thur Phillips and Mim Annie Smith. Bev.
110.1' raou informs as tbal h had retired
for the night, but to accommodate tbe rot
pie hi arose and "lied tbe knot."
Du-HAiiuiD. John VineyarsV who- wa
to hate been tried at t'roawell. Saturday
on charge of threatening to kill, oo mo
tion, of liepnty procrcuting Attorney Pot
ter was dSH-barged from oustody. Each
tide paid their owa witnestea by wy tt a
ThaiikgiviiiabsH stIon u,M.Tm,i. 1)m "ceier arnved home unex
on!,.lt;V:"Iin,: "ill yy Um, Salem, and the
ins the fact that j..i,.,... i. 1.11...1 i." arm greetings which he received
Springfield Notes, ,
Nov. 24, 1891. ,
Mrs. Arthur Klrklnnd'g brother, Mr",
Joa. Lconls, Drain's poHtnwU;r, wa
vLiitlnn bin slHter and uncle acroa. the
river bunduy.
Meuara. ChciwmAn A. Tntv mhn
tbe eamo anions us hint spring and opened
up b Kviicrai jrroeery More, are doing a
giMHl buHlnesa and are well liked.
Henry Stewart, station aimnt at
Conmtovk, has luU'ly been riHlting
Hpriiitrfleld. and will tie hero again be
fore his furlough expires.
Mr. McMlehnel has severed his con
nation with Mr. Wlhnot in tho pout
olllee dniKKtore, and hns opened out a
HtH-k of hi own in the bulldinir for
tnerly ooeuplod by Mrs. Btearna as a
"' f i,0p-
I ho Society of ChrUtlan Endeavor
",nd 0 '"'"K unilny evening. Th
,'"rtk,' Ju w caused a spirited de-
1)1,10 1,1 which all took part. The meet
ings ot tins society are largely attended
and tho Intervtit in them la growing.
1 ho Lhoral Union met for practice
Mondny night aud wereenU'rtained by
Prof. Millard, who Is a 11 no vocjilkt.
mid Intends Ui give a concert in the M.
r.. ciiurvii next lriaay evening, tbe
Union giving up their regular meeting.
Mr. Yorrington, a Into arrival, has
taken thottlaoe of Mr. MeMb hud In
the poHtolllea drugntore. and the lnd
iioys are very kuuI of the acquisition,
for Mr. Verrincton. besides beinir
pKid dmgglst, Is also a good clarionet
lt and hell tho band very perceptl-
Ai-! contracted, to build
v me town oruiire across me mill race on
i . i i. ...i. ... "i
iiio om-i i. oiiu uun.n vuKi mini me nour-
ling mill, has it we alotur towards
veiiieiu to the townsieopl0 is well as
tn tl. trv.dlli. m.l.n J..;.n .i.-
completion, nnu it will be a irreat eon-
public generally
1 1,0 m"y Pa'Wr train, arriving
1,1 evening, Is cuistantly bringing
? Xm"V Tl thdr
m, ,?"?
Tho daily passenger train, arriving
pleasant lnnd In this great Willamette
valley? Surely yes; considering every
tiling no better ou (Jod't footstool
, A very enjyalIo dinner was i.rye(i
l .M1?', Bn(l, M "? .Kl
A very enjoyable dinner was served
10 a fl'w V1';"' ,V,whlc.Ll the
writer was pmud to call himself one,
give ninny such, though she wants to
make a visit to boiuilo Scotland in the
"tit ista rs w iva
conclusively the es
teem In which he ia held, lie la to
remain this week and then return to
his duties as manager of Ooodale and
Heeler's lumber yard at the capital.
A Chance fur AH.
It It human nature it all timet to want to
better your condition. You tre alwtyt look
Ing for t chance to get bargains, especially
In tbe lint of tbe necessaries of life. Ed.
Baum, tbe olothier. it now offerins tht best
nargaint ever ottered lo tbe people of Lane
oounty. He it preparing to deal in another
tin nf 0IUI.1. .1..ll.i..lH . Vl .ulnU nf
o " i vii, .ui. W.I.IUI. v-
! hi. ni .iw n .lh.l.
cost. Thia it no hnmbug, but an actual
oloalno ont aula. All nlnihinn v.11, k. anM
AT COST tnd all other furnishing goods tl
remarxablv low prioet. Do not losevonr
ebanot for bargaint, but mtkt hty wbilt th
a ehinet. Such chance do not com often
and do not last long, o take advantags at
onc' " Du 00 shelf-worn good, bnt
naving neen in th Dnalnet only two year
ns iresu, ciean tioct, puronasea in tut
East tt low prioet for cash.
The wit will
need at onot.
Real Estate Transfers.
evoenb. ,
Susnn C Cleaver to F L Chamliere.
60x100 feet on Seventh street; $,lirX).
Thoa P IlnJetou to A L Hazleton.
IntcrcHt In l.'.U.HO acres; f 100.
Nellie (lllfrv to Ueorire Thoninson. I
Interest in 1511.80 acres; f 100.
Ida li Hendricks to ueorire Thomp
son, Interest In 150.80 acres; $100.
Lulu 11 llnice to Edward Campbell,
100 acres In T 17 8, It 1 W; f X00. .
Shite of Oregon to Ella E Hopes. 40
acrts In T 17 S, 111 XV-.tM.
u H to f R'acrlclt fisher, 817.10 acres;
Hazle Dell Items.
Nov. 17. 1891.
J. Parker it working kt Banford'i.
H. N. Carter came op from Eugene Ban
i i i wi i- .. ti.
Oneninus this fall.
iui VI uuumi IU Ul a luw
Mist Mty MoCltint it teaching, acbool al
tht North Fork acbool house.
Dr. Paine rain! no todav to see Jtmet
Banford. They will move Mr. San ford to
Eugene toon for medical attention.
Dexter Ctrler killed three bear last week
but tb old bear got tbt sesl ol bi overall.
wu. no. a.
OiiEttoN Climate. This haa been a
typical Oregon day, sunshine predoml
nutimr. warm aud pleasant, Orassand
other vegetation green and growing.
Upon our table there Is a cluster or riie
niMplierrles Just plucked from bushes
growing In the open air. Western
regon climate, soil and resources pre
sent attraction equaled by few other
Orwion os Wheeia A letter re
ceived from Harry Welder, dated at
Ottumwa, Minnesota, states that the
exhibit car, "Oregou on Wheels," with
which Mr. Welder Is eonnectea as
electrician, was getting ready to Wave
for the south to And a warmer climate.
At the time the letter waa written the
thermometer waa at zero and had been
13 degrees below.
AOoodMam Oosi. Bosebure Eeview:
The death of (leo.W. Gotrellwa a lever
blow to th community io which be lived,
and all hi old neighbors feel it keenly. lit
wot a good eltizeo tnd wtt universally r
tpecUd. lit leaves a wife tnd children
well provided for. bavins beeidei bit farm
oo the Calapooia tnd toms city property io
Eugene, a f J000 insurance to tne a. u. v.
W. of which order hi wtt a member in good
The Loral Market.
TW fnllowlnt quotations for th local market
are of retail prices oaly. They arw eonvcied
weekly, and wl), be found aa accural aa suchi
s report can M maue:
Whsst Net market
2 M
u6 m
M (4
OA (
OS d
(n i
i ow a
I -JO (g)
7 US
(Ura-IVr lmhel, nst...
ruH-a Psrluusle
Hssr-IVr n
post Per n
Ssoi'Luass fern
Hidh ,'er IS...
I.ia-eer Ni
Herrsa IVr roll fa Bis.)
lis Per dmea
CUK- Sssa eiin, Per dot
Old baus, Par dos...
Risks s
Pirvavosa New y Buihel
Sciiia Pry tranulalrd, ft ..
KxtrmO, f tt......
Golden, Bi
Corrst -ia klco bast f tt...
Klo f tt
Java ft Ik
Soars Pi r box, 2U bar
Chssii Per Ik
Hiws-er B
t (10
4 W