tzjs- Drugs, Fharmacy, Clicmicals, Medicines Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Ap pliances. Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, and Toilet Articles. Also a completo and eclect stock of Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes and Painters Furnishings. We htlf the (prowr pun 01 our cuoua r-. tj parenmni m mro jHimnntBi.u e of cah dtwMiunti we ire enaoiru w give our cuiwnwri uouum price ou u ww braced la well Appointed Drug Htoro and ft Pint-Clan Faint ud Oil iiouw, OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR A GOLDSMITH, m Best Known Grocer is Eugene lias a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Chi i, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever rxifore. Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, 1 allow, &c. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Fiber's Golden Female Pills.. ForFeirmle Irresrilar I ticsa- nolhlng likelhem on tba mullet, tkvrr (nil Nurceulullriuod ujr prominent UitlM monlliljr. Guaranteed to relievo auriiiresaod tnenitruatbn. SUREItAFEl CERTAIN! Don't Ira humbninred. Save Time, Health, audmouey;take uootn- r. Bent to tnr ivMro. i lectin by mall nu If eelptof price, fi00. Addreaa, THE APHRO HEDICINE COMPAHV, Wtatara Branch, Box 27, I'D BTLAMD, OB' For Sato by E. K. LUCKEY 4 CO., Eugene. on II THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. Y BHCKI TOP IT NOW, tOON IT WlltM TOO UTI. l Umw hn ImtitilMt manr vears with dianuat of the kidney nd have tried many different rrniedle and hart Might aid from dillereot phyak-iani wit bout Rl let. Anouimeismoinpru I wia auflerlnn from a Terr yioleni attack that almoat proal rated me In auch a manner ttial I waa lot orer. When I lat down It was almoat lmpouitle for me to I et up alone, or to put on my clothra, when kind Proridrnce aent l)r. Heuley. with OKKOON KIUNBV .TKA, to my hotel. I Immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almoat nlraculona effect, and to the aston- lahment of all the guest at the hotel, in few daya,I am sappy to Mate, thai I waa a new man. I wui recommend tha tea to all aflll aa I hart been. 0. A.TDPPM, lioptletor Occidental Hotel, Santa Bum, Cal. 1 r v, r cm Icteda 1 I EUGENE CITY ILL CO. PATT1SRS0N, EDMS k CO. Manufacture Best Grades Family Flour, Rtore Grain on Ui moat favorable terms. Wheat receipt of any warehouaa north of Eu gene, properlylamigued, taken in eichanje (or flour or Feed. ETHIgkeat Cash Frioa raid (or Wueat.ty GEO. F. CRAW, TOSTOFFICK Cigar store, EogeneJCity, Oregon. Too Much Load On the Liver will break down all the nerjiei o( life, anil unfit you for Work, Raiiaeaa or Pleasure. Indication, Conatipation, SleepW yvi- . . , uiiionanesa, are tne brat alarma nature aoundi to warn you of dangor. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is KlHr of the Blood, Liver and Stomach-It hu Never Failed. Huadr of tattlmoolala like UiUt J. . Miller, Astoria, Or, writeo: "It eursd ate of a eerere Liver and Blood troable," 4"8oiJ by all draggirta. Ann. Hoiixuno. a well known mnn ufnoturer of boot, and shoes at 820 No lan Ht.. San Antonio. 'IvxuH, will not aoon fonrvt hla extH-ricnce with an atr tack of the crnintM which he relates as follows: "I was taken with a violent crump in tho stonineh which I helieve won hi hnvc caiiMcd my death, had it not Ikh'ii for the uroiiint uko of Cham Iain's Colic Cholera und Diarrhoea Itcmedy. The llrnt dose did me so much good that I followed it up in 20 minutes with tho second done, and be fore tho doctor could get to wiiere i was. I did not need him. Tills Item edy shall always he one of tho main stays or my lamiiy." for sate uy Oshirn & DeLano, Fordiurrbma or Hummer complaint In ariT form there) is nothing better than Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diar rh(ua Kemedy. Mrs Nancy berry, of Ad' am a. Lawrcnuecouuty. jveutooKT. anya one dose cured her of an attack of diarrhoea. Two or three dosei will cure any ordinaiy cane. Whi n rnduoed with water it It plea' ant to take 25 and 50 cent bottles for aide by Oabarn & Doluno, mm CENTRAL AttM in FISHER 66 WATKINS, rROPRIETORS. Will keep oonitantly on hand a full supply of MUTTON, TCRK AND VEAL Wtlch they will tell at the lowest market pri- oe, A fair abare of the publlo patronage ac- Uclted. TO THB FARMKKS t We will pay the hlheet market price (or Fat tattle, llogi and Sheep. SHOP OX WILTJIMETl'B STREET. EUGENE CITY, OREGON Meat delivered to any part of the city free of chary, Sheriff's Sale. "VTOTICE 13 HEKEBY GIVEN TIIAT i.1 by virtue of a deoree and order of tale mnA u,,,ll..n I .-I t ..I . 1. . l! 1. r . -" w.uvhmu,,. mmu vu, i,i .lie virvuib vouro of the State of Oregon, for the county of Lane, on 11th day of November, 18111, iu a auit wneroin (. nariei Anoop and l.arueat Knonp, nartnera doinv bunineaa under tha tirm nania of Knonp llrotheri, waa plaintitf and Henry Schwarer and Mary Hchwaner, hii wife, and E. J, Fraaier, were defendant, commanding me to aell the fallowing deacribed real proper ty to-wit: 1 Commencimr at the NW oorner nf th Thna. n . i j,i , vin-KK j.oauon jjtnn uiaim, Motinoatloa 6!ti:, Claim 42, in Sec 7. Tp It), 8, It 1 W, thence south L'8 chaim, thence eaat 75 chain", thence north IF., OS', eaat 27.94 chain and thence weat 75 chaiut to the place of be ginning, containing 210 acre, more or leaa, In Lane county, Oregon, to aatiafy the auto of (1347.3. with iutxreat at 10 tier cent, per aunum from the 27th day of October, 181)1 , and coat and accruing coat. Now therefor in the name of the State of Oregon, in compliance with aaid writ. I will offer for ale at publlo auction to the higheat bidder at tin Court Hmiae door In Euuena, Un county, Oregon, on Saturday, the l'.ith day of llecemlior, 1SW, the aforesaid deacribed real property, between the houra of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p, m,, to-wit: At 1 o'clock n. m., on aaid day. Term of tale, cah in hand. Dated at Eugene thlt 12th day of Nov. 1891. IAS. E. NOLAN1), Sheriff of I .ane county, Oregon. By H. J. Day deputy. w EALTHV Without Health can not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USB .nr. i - .1 It I the heat Helper lo liralili and lheloni nireoa Earth. 'e it in time tor aildisraeol the Stoaaaih, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. It cure Khmiiuti.m, Malaria, Coated Toneu and Headache, relkvea Con.tipation, Hiliuua. neas and Uyaprp'. drim all inipuritle out of the Blood and di ira up old Sores. The BiiMiieaa men buy It, the W oikiiiKnx- use It. the Ladie take It, the Children cry lor it and the Farmer aa; it ia their beat health preserver. Sold everywhere, ii.oo a buttle; ti fur fioo TMRPC ?. Cli, Inloears. Ireaehmt. llUntO, WhMslCo9k.Cr, oea Ikraat, Aatksi. sod every sAclikj of tae threat, Lenta i ttt. inrludirs CMuaitl. BATUKDAY, NOV. 14. From all parU of tba county come com plaints of bad roads. The Monroooth Democrat baa been a los ing venture and baa suspended. A second-hand store has been started In one of the Frank buildings. A larxe number of Eugene's sports men were out chasing the festive goose today. Hon. B. C. Van Houten left for his homo in BiHikane Falls, Wash., this morning. Another new house started in Fair mount yesterday. More will follow In a few days. Alei Matthews presonled this office with onie ripe raupbcrries this morning picked in bis garden. The Marine Cadets were drilling In the rapid firing of artillery and small arms today on Hklnncr's Butte. 1 hey made quite a noise, at least. The entertainment at the Cumber land Presbyterian church last evening was liberally attended. Those present loudly praise the entire programme as rendered. A. C. Vaughan, of Camp Creek pre cinct, is gaining quite a reputation ua cattle dehorner. lie dehorned 40 head the other day for Mr. Cummlngs with out an accident. Mr. Rlaina hum aealn demonxtratrd his nniiilm.1 ihrawitneM. Ha unified the Ne' York breeze for (wo day and theu declined to take a hand. Hnoe bit regrets at "insbility to peak." Rfuim tnwna in Oresou do not aecm to thrive. Down In Cooa county people hnnt Ik on Ih townaile of chat Is en I lid Otn gow, and its rival, East Marhfieltl h been leased for a cow pasture. Junction City Times: Miss Ollie May who resides near Monroe, met with quite erion accident Monday. 8he wuh stand' log up in a wagon when the team started snddenlv throwing her out backwards Her arm was broken si ine eioow ana i very terious fracture. Dr. Buff was called and sdiustcd the fracture and while it is ci oeedingly painful, lbs is getting along nicely. The Roicburg Review which geDorally is correct iu is statements is sadlv off from tbe truth when it sayst "H. W. Ilolden wi nt dowh to Eueene Sunday and discon tinned running bis street car line there. It has never Daid operating expenses, and some time since he took up a mile of track, The citizens of the town have petitioned biui to put it in opeiation again but he is not likely to on til it shows some indications of Duving expenses at least. Eugene seem to be in bur (I luck just now. Tbe use of its sewer system baa been enjoined by the a ater company because it empties into the liver above their works, and tbe expenai ture ol 20,000 will probably prove utterly use ess," Only about COO feet of track was taken up and it is likely that the line can fully oDeruted will pay a small profit on the in vestment. The sewer win oe used lor tue purpose intended. Tbe Water company ailed to get water wnere toey expeotra ana tbe delay in making connections is to al low tbem time to get a new source of .sup ply. Tbey are pushing work and aa soon as tbey can finish it tbe sewer will be ukcjL MONDAY, NOV. 10. Sheriff Noland went to Salem tbii morn ing. Henry Lamliert, of Portland, visited here over Sunday. A Ooldimitb returned this morning from visit to bis son Julius, at Uedford. Geo Colter left for his home in Glenods on the Siuslaw stage Ibis morning. Bnmuel Garrison went to Drain this afternoon to work on a dwelling house. J. H. Hockley left on the local train for Drain this afternoon on a hunting trip. 8, P. Sladden and wife and Mrs. T. A Henderson went to Portland on a visit this morning. R. F. Baker, of Yaquina bay, who has been bere for several days, loft for bis home this morning. J. II. Wait, roadmaster of the S. P. R. R. from Junction to Roseburg, was in town over Sunday. J. G. Kelley and W. H. Holden left for Boise Citv, Idaho, this morning to look after sewer matters in that plaoe. Rev. Morgan and family are holding ser vices at the Court Bouse each evening. The song service la very One. There ia a young lady in Albany so mod est that she will not cross a potato patch in daylight because the potatoes have eyes, Tbe grand jury at Corvnllis failed to in dict P. P. Watson, of tbe Sunday Mf rcnrv. on a charge of criminal libel for publishing articles retlecting on toe character or J. It Bcrafford. Two tiBters of the Good Shepherd are in Eugene canvassing for the borne for un fortunate girls in East Portland. This is a charitable institution and all should con tribute their mite to sustain the same. At Itoseburg the new court house ill have steiis of ltosebunr marble. from the Deer creek quarry, and the floor of the portico, and also the col umns will be made of the same kind of stone. Iowa. If Boies had been beaten as many votes in Iowa as Campbell was beaten in Ohio, the Republicans would have had no grounds for bragging. However small his ma jority would seem to be, the fact that running as a Democrat for governor of that state he is not beaten, is a curious and pleasing fact. In 1870 the Democratic vote was 00,888. Last Tuesday it was probably 205,000. Twenty years in growth and in population and in Democratic . sentiment have pro- lunod this nrndiffioUS rC8Ult. The . 1 CJ r lowing YEAR. 1872.. 1876.. 1880 progress made is shown by the fol- DEMOCRAT1C VOTE. .. 71,134 .. 112,121 105,845 Independence West Side gan and wife, who have been A Rev. Mor- preachiue at Corvollis, says "that all of you who are not saved by March next will be everlastinelv eondemued," and that beginning with Match "we will have to endure aeven years of war and destruction." If you owe a man a note and it falls due. say about April 1st, rest easy. Tbe chances are that he will go up tbe flume. Marshfield News: H, M. James has secured a myrtle log about 30 inches in diameter and 8 feet long, which lie will whip to a piano manufacturing ifhu In Huston. It will Ims used for veneering. Tills log Is sent merely as a sample, and we predict will be the forerunner for large orders of this valuable wood, which is susceptible of such a flue polish. Hums Herald: The following is re ported by Chas. 7Algler: Hay crop of Harney county; Trout creek 180 tons, Silviee valley 600, Crano creek SiOO, Silver creek 2ri00, along the foothills Uli'i, Island 10,000, Malheur 50(H), Dia mond valley and vicinity 7400, aggre gating 2!),S0o tons. The potato crop of the county will average 00 bushels to the acre. Grain lie hasn't yet report ed. Plowing is now the order of tine day with the farmers. Governor Pennoyer got in ahead of President Harrison this year with his Thanksgiving proclama tion. Mr. Jones of Binghampton will not have to pay tho freight, now. Flowers hat a few dollars left and there is no freight anyway, Quay won his victory in Penn sylvania with "Blaine and Reci procity" for a slogan. It was a distinctly anti-administration campaign. 1883 139,093 1884 177,316 1888 1W8' 1889.. 180,111 1890 188,240 Here is a steady and most grati fying advance, which exhibits health and endurance. It is diflicult to draw too dark a picture of the suffering of tho people of Kansas through the borrowing of money. The Howard Citizen says that in Elk county, from Jan. 1. 1890. to Oct. 15. 1890, 175 mort gages were foreclosed by the sheriff average of 14 J per month. Near ly all of these judgments were for interest only, on the second mort gage given to secure tho payment of the interest coupons. These 175 sheriff's sales brought $44,025, but as the amount of the judgments was $134,348, the farmers that have been sold out are worth $99,370 less than nothing. Either parts of Kansas are too poor to support even grasshoppers or the settlers have borrowed recklessly. There will be a hearing In the United States Supreme court on Jan. 11th, next, to decide several important cases governing timber locations. Tho object is to define what timber land is under the law. Land covered witli heavy timber, on which agricultural crops could bo raised when the timber is re moved, is believed to be available only as agricultural land, but such land has been taken m large tracts as timber land, on the ground that it is "chiefly valuable for timber. Bad . roads are the complaint throughout the county. It Bliould be remedied. Tho road tax, intelli' gently expended, would give far better roads than we have at pres ent. The theory that obtains at preHents is patchwork. If the supervisor ot every ljnua district would build a small piece of road, where most needed every year, the road problem would be solved in a few years, and teams that are now pulled to death on bad roads could be kept at much less expense, A Washington special Bays: 'Clarkson is very much 'down in the mouth.' Ho feels that his last chance of becoming a cabinet officer ias been destroyed by the result in owa. Campbell and rattison seem to be eliminated as possible presi dential candidates, and Boies looms up for the vice-presidency. Nearly all Republicans and Democrats be- leve that Cleveland s nomination by the Democrats next year is now nevitable. " The Republican national com mittee will meet in Washington on tho 23d of this month to fix the time and place for holding the Re publican national convention next year. San Francisco is making great efforts to have the convention lcld there, as well ns the Demo cratic convention, and has offered to pay tho transportation expenses of the delegates across tho conti nent. If so able, acute, clear-minded and far-seeing a lawyer as Samuel J. Tilden, aided by tho best legal advice that New lork affords, was unable to make a will that would stand when brought before the courtsj it is obvious that there is something wrong somewhere. Is the trouble with the lawyers, or with the judges? N. Y. Tribune. Senator W. R. Forrest is back from his trip to the East. He was on the streets yesterday and was given a welcome by his friends. He told a Telegraph man last even ing that' in Eastern politics there are but two sentiments, one for each party. One is for Cleveland and tho other is for Blaine. Seattle elegraph. Calico printing originated in In- ia in very ancient times. The art spread westward to Asia Minor and the Levant. It was imported into Iolland by the Dutch East India Company, and ppread into Ger many, tal tco printing was intro duced into England during the seventeenth eentuary. Plowing is proceeding rapidly throughout the country. It is sel dom that the Willamette valley is ft without tho moisture needed to render tlio ground fit for a crop, and after planted bring it o fruition. How would t!.e title "Senator Sylvester Pennoyer" look? He would care but little about the title, but on every economic Question. xu voica would be found true to the interesU of the people. Almost any thing will do for a summer street or road. Now is the time to take notes, and olerve what method can best be used in their treatment To All Frieuds of Freedom. Tho following aptieal for finan cial aid, and call for a state conven tion. havelbeetl issued by a com mittee of the People's party: Fellow Citizens: We, tho un dersigned, of the National Central Committee of the People's party of the United States, for the state bi Oregon, hereby appeal to all friends of freedom to render us such moral and financial support as will enable us to thoroughly organize the state, in order that its jieoplo may become free from the chains of the tripple oppressor the land, .money and transportation monster. Remem ber that your opponents have the entire demo-republican governmen tal machinery, as well as the back ing of its monopolistic creatures the homo and foreign syndicates. which are fast destroying our liberty aud our homes. The com mitteo entrusted with tho people's cause for this state has no such ad vantages, and your assistance and active co-operation are absolutely necessary if anything at all is to be accomplished in this line. No one who is true to himself, his fam ily and his neighbor, can consist ently or honorably remain inactive at this hour, when poverty ana ruin are staring us all in the face Now is the time and this is the hour, when you are called upon to decide as to whether we are to be free or completely enslaved by an oppressor whose existence is due to cruel indifference and imaginary traditions of the past. Send all remittances -to Nathan Pierce, Milton, Umatilla county Oregon. Do not delay; contribute whatever you can now. Yours for Freedom, Wm. H. Galvani, Clim. ' J. F. Hendrix, Sec. N. Pierce, Treas. P. S. The Btate convention wil be held at Oregon City on Wednes day after the second Monday in March, 1892. A state platform is to be adopted and plans for an ag' gressive struggle for freedom agreed upon. Let each county be fully represented by the proper com mittee. Portland has a free bridge at last. It will have more. Nothing could have been done more essential to the prosperity of the metropolis than tree transit across the river, densely populated as it is in some places, the earth' has room for a great many more people. It is estimated that there are twenty-two and a half acres for every' living person. mi 1 a 1 a ine position oi policeman is a rather dangerous one in San Fran cisco. For several weeks the force has averaged the loss of a member a week by a violent death. It seems to have become epidemic. For many years bachelors have occupied the executive chair of the state of New York, and therefore no wife has graced or presided over the govermental mansion. But Mrs. Flowers will now do the honors. STARR GRIFF Sells the Celebrate NON-RUSTING , 'ih' iWjf GENERAL DEALEIia.v ' If f HARDWARE, STOI ETC a It now transpires that the reason the czar of Russia slighted the fresh young emperor of Germany, going through his territory twice without calling and paying his respects, was that the royal booby told off-color stories in the presence of the czar's wile. Gen. Jackson's old kitchen at the white house is now utilized as an elevator engine room. But the old fashioned ovens are still there and the niche in the wall remains where the big crane was suspended in the old days of primitive hospitality at ino executive mansion. The British war office is bound to practico economy, and therefore wades in on that line to have a great saving inaugurated. This it accomplishes by cutting off the gold lace upon the uniforms of army officials, thus making a sav ing of the enormous sum of 100, It is conceded that Minister Egan's usefulness in Chili is end ed. The present government bit terly condemns the policy he fol lowed when Balniaceda was in power. Egan is an Irishman, else ho would be recalled. Blaine can not forget the Irish support he re ceived in return for his alleged love of Ireland. The Kansas City Times says the rebate feature loi the tariff was dis cussed Bomewhat at Ada. To un derstand this rebate it is onlv nec essary to know that last year gran ulated sugar refinqd in New York was retailed in Scotland at four cents a pound. Its wholesale price in new York was six and a quarter cents. Solve that fact for it ia a fact and you will comprehend the rebate feature of the tariff. A street superintendent is needml in Eugene, the condition of cross walks is disgraceful;- and it appears no effort is made to keen them clean. No one can expect the street committee to do the wook. They serye the city without pay or re ward. A competent man should be appointed to conduct street .work. At present gum boots are neelel when one desires to cross a street walk. The Salem Journal sava that Governor l'ennoyer is a newsimper man. He looks over as hieh aa a hundred papers daily when he is in his office at Salem. I i ii ii I I l I l , ,i m 1 liaSirS nr Jin i nu I Ufl'l u . " BUT Cl.0e.' S22!2S PlfF v. -was 171 and get MORE POWER, ana use Lcoa vATB Write for our Mew Illustrated Cataloru tor im t Turicccn uitcd uucn t. ruciuc tn HFrvar" int Ltiiu. iiiiui iiiilu. u Lnumu uu,, aeiiuhrliij . NEW GOODS. i aawaaaaa Maaaavaaaaaa A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS COM From the Cheapest to the Best prices according to quality, A LARGE STOCK OF lf - mi From the Cheapest to the Best . All parties J i .i x n ! f !. i oe suited euner as to rnce or vuaiuy, : Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Ptm the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call- OUR STOCK IS SifFrcc new and Stylisli..J3 Look us over: if we do not save you money, we will make kdi sell to you low. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES ' , F. B. DUNN MS. Boot& Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a oomplete stock uf Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS&SHOES ' And in fact everything In the Boot and Shoe line, to which I intend to devote my especial attention. MY GOODS ARE FIRST CLAS8. And ruarantewl as represented, and will be sold for the lowest prices thata snod article can be afforded. A. HUNT Important Mice. My Patrons and the public are notified that I will sell all Goods and Merchandise at my Creswell Store! FOll THE Lowest Cash Price! Will nav tUm Tr;.4..a f..1raf T-. tv-p ----- t J "Hiivei as m. mm 1 '1 1 UI 111 Pmlno Tr u1t.n n... lUM. - 1. ...:t " ' wm. 7 inn irai kj atl. Will riv., SPEPTAT. IVnTTPimvv r ... nk or Produce. L D. SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL. JAMES McCLAEB CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS arid . Willamette Street, bet 7U ai Sportsman's Eporitr HORN 4 PAINE, . Practical Gunsniitl Dealer! ii GUNS, RlflE tflthm Tarklr. Dlllf f All - Repairing done in the nested )! ranted, l Guns Loaned Si Ammunition Store on Willanwtu ro s MEST (intra fr1' lrvriTEMEST .. - c.f.m I Huns hlirh in this cny ov ;-7lhlS everybody is usini It for taw r' t Dyii)psia, Constipation, I"'P?T, build up their system. Try friends about it, It mujt po . merit when all speak well oi it. -j SAVED eatf?.'- ......,. aft From a terrible aeain, u """Tk-ii'. being cured of catarrh by 'Z Positive and Negative "s.,' uevcrr ion. w v ... . TnW Dirk. Sure Throat. Headset l"""" Try It ' wanted; WOOL, HIDES AND FURS AT COLDS MITH'S. Notice to Creditors. NPTiIC? i?, HKREBY GIVEN THAT eeaM. hr ,h. iv,,.,. f . . . Btate of Oreifon. AH person having- claims aninat M .... v i . . ' . .V urrcov nnunea to pre -"ui.mauauir at juunro. Oregon, orto 0. B. Drri., attorney, at 7 T . monui irom to date of thranotic- J'ated OrtoUr Jd, 1801. ?t- lmj". J. J. Won,. Attorney for esUU Administrator. :: - f Teh Small Faff -t , ' f FOR SAl J Situated from three W'j ' ALLFIKST-CWS Finil Grali ail tfj, The entire tract of l,! j DIVIDED INTO SMALL ft From ten teres up. f Op Reasonab!eTerfi Inquire, tot fiutber partlcoM" ; . AT THW JOS. W.