mUm bxuig to aa Art Jet. A pretty acene took place on Tuesday il the rt exhibition of Bada-Pttth. A competition tuttl been opened fur inou-tiim-tit to the lluuurimii wUofonlit fur fnxxlora iu IS 18. ami uine model are at prtTsriit being exhibited pending the de cision of the Jury. Tuesday a f.-ishion-aMe crowd wu discussing the merit of the work. when pn-tiy young lady, following Hidden impulse, took a little luticb of violet from licr drew mid laid it on the pedestal of one of the model. All the women present crowded round, applauding ber choice, aud each in turn laid the flower the waa wearing on the plater model, which U the work of a yuang aculptnr named Joseph Konaa. Whotbor he gains the prixe or not he ha crrt.'iiuly been distingninhed tu a very delicate fashion. Cor. London Newa Mite Parker, Architect. Misa Minerva Parker, the architect of the Woman's Century club building, in Philadelphia, and the Liahell pavilion of the World fair, i a (light, willowy young woman with a Madonna face, from which the dark hair ia combed back smoothly, and beautiful dark eyea Nothing In tires or demeanor would iu dicAle that ahe waa an unusual woman or knew so much more about Doric archoa and Corinthian columns than abont fancy work and cake recipe. Exchange. A Kew Lighthouse Burner. There waa recently eihibited in Dub II u a new burner for lighthouse use, po. a -suing twice the lllumiuutitig power of C.9 largest burners now employed. It is c ' ulated that this new burner, in con I 'on with a specially devised systeia of I-1' see, will transmit a light equal to abort 8,000,000 candle, which far ex cctjJj the most powerful light at present Used. New York Time. In recent Russian trials to test the adaptability of snow breastworks againttt an enemy' tire, it was found that a thick nee of six feet was a perfect protection against bullets fired at 300 paces. Packing the snow and pouring water over it to make a crust of ice was found to keep bullet out when the thickness was only three feet and one-half ' FREE EXCURSION from California, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon to Portland. We will furnish free rouud-trlp transportation t any person residing lit any ol the above named HUUt who desires to piirchsse Portlsnd real estate, This otter will hold sisal lot sixty days, commencing November 1, 11. Write us at once and net ldentiacatlon papers. Remember Itvi will be the boom year (or Port lsnd. Buy now while cheap, and sell at a big Sroflt when the boom come. For partlculsra ad rrm Cokkicrvativi Kial Eitats Si Tatier Co., ha. 44 Mark street, Portland, Or. Use Snaraelm store Pollih ; no dtut, no tmell Tax OxmaiA for breakfast. ALWAYS takes Smoking toqaccc Packed in patent canvas pouches, which retain the natu ral moisture of the tobacco and insures a cool, sweet smoke to the end. More solid comfort in one package of " Mastiff" than you can get out of a dozen others. J. B. Pace Tobaeeo Oo., Richmond, Virginia. r3erman syrup We have selected two or Croup. three lines from letters freshlv received from pa rents who have given German Syrup to tneir cniiaren in me euicujcunca r rmim Vnn will credit these. VI VtVUi v - because they come from good, sub- stantial people, nappy in wiuiug V,f u mmu families lack a med- niuv w j , icine containing no evil drug, which mrvr run administer with con fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, sale ana sure that it will carry them tnrougn. Bo. t. Wiluts, of Mrs. Jas.W. Km, Aiwa, neu. i's - o " - - , kiiiir hra Harrodsbure, Ky. i troubled with Croup have depended upoa 1a i .Maiba nf I rnnn and never aw any j "V s preparation sci uac w..- t It is imt)lT mi- ter, and find it an in- - 1 V. 1 - MMMlS Fully one-half of our customers re mothers who use Boscnee s w their children. ausu WJ wjr' o , a mininAtnhi successful with tne little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child hood, whooping cough, croup, diph theria and tne aangerous iminuuia tionsof delicate throats and lungs. OCOTT'S msion f W aL- liS 11 Cf Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites Of Lime and Soda. VS3rf4. -- H fsaMsnMWMsS MM ffftw w " nJfgim tMmr llri " this rmmm m rfllm, raawnaiM ff I wifta at it m tf CONSUMPnOW, BCKOrVLA, M MOM mini mad CBBOSIO COCflJf r UTES.M COLO, AH Drfi mrt f (M tmmtmm,m m an pr imutmtfma. TUE COWBOY'S LAST HIDE AN INCIDENT OF LIFE IN THE WILD DAYS OF THE GREAT WEST. irng Dunn Kated tha HarM-lahiug liara Hack aud Alinut Maaad Through tha IUnaa of MurdnroiM Aparlira aud Hrtng'lii( II U Hard Safa U lha Kanrh. If iu thoMe Uuv any of the bov had been anketl to pick out the coolest and bravest uieinU-r of our wild, woolly giuig, olnioNt any one would have U-en selected before Jeff Dusou. Uentlu, smooth voiced, freckle faced and rod headed, our horse wrangler was chiefly remarkable for hi love of the caballada (hore herd) over which be hud charge. hvery lnornlntr stinrlne saw Jeff swine to his awhile and drive the baud to Cajtiu cttnyon, and sunset saw them rolling the dust back to the big corral. Il was only five miles to Cajou, but the Apaches hod milled tho ranch itself, and Jell posi tion waa no sinecure. So it was that one glorious August morning, just as the sun came blinking lazily up over tho great eastern plains, Jeff and the band started for the grazing ground. Iu among the uiesqtiitea a few daunt less songxlers were protesting against another day of Arizona sun, and the earth was trying to smile in spite of the fact that another fourteen hours of sti fling, gaxping hca twas at hand. Across the broad, white, alkali ilat swung the band, raising great lazy clouds of tho pungent dust, and finally rounded the canyon point, out of sight. It was cool in Cajou, for the cedar-crowned rock walls were untouched by the sun kiss yet, and the fragrant breath of a restful night still lingered lovingly over the green grass caqx-t mid along the redrock walls. i he forenoon passed like other fore noons with Jell, the horses drank, graz ed or lay down, while ' their watcher pluyed uiumblctypt'g, or gambled with four pebbles against an imaginary op ponent for fabulous stuns, or dozed with his hand on his horses' picket rope. About 3 o'clock Jeff discovered some pinion trees on top of the canvon walls. and tying old "Uonnpart" to a mcsquite, proceeded to investigate the condition of the nuts. It was a hard climb, but after be had reached the top and found the pinions would be sticky for a month to come, he by down to gazo on the long, level stretch of plain below. APACHES ON TUB TRAIL. Perhaps lie lav thus fifteen or twenty minutes, when he saw something that brought him to his feet, wide awake. Off to the southwest, alxnit two miles away from the mouth of Cajou, came five mounted Apache, riding slowly toward him. With beating heart Jeff watched them until the point hid them from view, saw them come in sight again at the broud mouth of the canyon, watched them as they stopped and ex amined his horses' tracks, and noted two dismount and start up the rocky point afoot and the others start across to take station at the mouth and turn the horses when they camo down away from the ranclu Then he started down the bluff, slipping, sliding, jumping and clinging, until he reached the meadow below, bruised and punting, but resolute. To escape without his ponies was not to be thought of. The Apaches stationeu be low will finish the stampede that the two creeping up will attempt. But they shouldn't have his beauties, his pets, every one of whom seemed doubly dear just then. , Had he not broken muny ot them, and did he not know the faults and virtues of every woolly scamp among them, and was there one in tha lot that should be ridden, beaten, starved or saddle gulled by those red devils? Nol ftol Better death twice over than that they be thus abused. With quivering lip and sobbing breath he draws old "bony close to the wall and with trembling hand loosens the cinchaa, throws the saddle into a rift of the canyon wall, and stripping off all clothing save drawers, shirt and stock ings, hurls them after the saddle. Slip ping the bridle on "Bony" and throwing a double blanket over his sharp back, he slides six or eight cartridges from Ida belt, catches up the revolver and stands waiting. Presently Broncho Duke raises his head from the grass and sniffs the air susniciously, then with a wild snort ami a nervous stamp of his forefoot he is off down the canyon with the band close fol lowing. THK RACK FOR THE RANCH. Rhht behind them are Jeff aud Bony part, the old war horse, with nose high in the air, chafing under the close reiu. Has he not w on many a close race, aud why should his ypung rider strip and ride with only a blanket unless be meant to show these young upsturt colts that old Bonv was chief still. So they race down the canyon, splashing through the seep- aze pools, rattling over tne peowy units, swlshinz through the sage and mesquite bottoms, and whirl from the canyon' mouth like bounding bowlder. A start ling veil from the waiting Apaches, and Jeff tightens his grip- and digs his bare heels in Bony' flanks as the w atcher sweep out toward the band. The horses snort and shy, but tneoia racer issirew-u-Inir his lone lew on the opposite side and Jeff's pistol is hurling a stream of fire that holds them steady. They race thus perhaps seventy-five yards, but old Bony crowds them so close that, bewildering and confused, they break and sweep be tween the howling, astonished Indian .n.l talia a bee line for the ranch. i. tha victorious borseand rider whirl past they receive a flight of arrow, Jeff topping two and the horse catching one, which he notices by a squeal and a kick .. h thunders on after his mates. How old Bony did enjoy that race with free rein and the long, level plains before theml How be showed those conceited vnunir horse how horse ran in ma aay From one side of the band to the other he "weaved," with ear laid flat and .re. fiirlv bulrinz in hi excitement. As to those Apache ever overtaking them, he uorted at the idea. So thev raced, and tho sorely wounded rider, sick unto death, gamely clung to fcis lock, though thigh and loin were crying out with their burd-n of an arrow each and the froth wa on hi purpling lips. Yet a little further and they would be safe at the ranch. Yet a little and here is the corral gate, the boy pouring out of the cabin, the home saved and, even as he old Bony with a sharp pull, his strength forsake him and the . i . T Hn..Vl.n. muaH , horse rustler oi v-roas u iu- 1 -' the divide acroea tb range, whils lU 'slH-llhe tenanted o well, and that wa called him. falU like a aack of wheat into our eager, outstretched arm. Denver (CoUx) Cor. Philadelphia Prea. Waal Hap past If To Take Art a I a. When a single dose of arsenlo In uf lent quautiry to be felt has been tnkon, colicky pains, bowel disorder and perhaps nausea result Io the rourxe of an hour after a poisonous doee ha leen taken an Intense burn ing pain is felt iu the casoptiagus and stoinaclt This spreads to the entire anterior portion of the lower part of tho trunk. A sense of constriction at the throat and au acrid, metallic taste ac company the pain. Then vomiting ud relaxation of the bowels begin. A the case progresses the symptoms In crease in Intensity. Then come thirst that water will not allay, although it apparently Increases the stomach dis turbance. The victim groan and writhe. Now he implore the doctor to save him. Then he beys to be killed and put out of pain. The extremities be come icy. The pulse is small, feeble and frequent, and the breathing is labored, embarrassed and painful be- I cause of abdominal tenderness. The surface of the body becomes dark and of that bluish color that medical men call cyanoeed. Violent cramps add their torture, exhaustion becomes col lapse, convulsions or coma ensue, and death ends the acony. This torture lasts sometimes from five to twenty hours. Iu some case these symptoms oocur, but In a modified form, and the doctor will upMtreutly get the better of the disease. The remission will be but for a day or two. Then the abdomen will swell and icy coldness will pervade the frame. Shivering will become pro nounced trembling. Then cramps, con vulsions and death. Kansas City Star. Tha Toad and tha Spldar. A story copied into The Sun reminds Die of a still more striking instance of the toad's indomitable pluck than any thing I have ever seen in print, which was oliserred in my boyhood at the door of a farm house in Fairfax county, Va. Tho doorsteps were cut from the trunk of a large tree, and a large spider had spun a strong web in a cozy corner near the ground, between the rounding curve of the block and the side of the log house. The grass had been worn from a space four or five feet wide about the entrance to the dwelling, leaving ex posed a patch of hard, reddish soil There were locust tree around the house, and bunches of plantain leaves grew rank ly in the mm grass or me lawn. It was late on a drowsy summer after noon. The spider was Dassing in ine sun waiting for flies, when a valorous young toad appeared on the scene, hop ping directly toward the spider's citadeL As the enemv appeared in sight the spider seemed to swell in size and put on his war paint, -for, whereas he was dull in color before, he now became all aglow with brilliant hues. The toad advanced boldly to tho investment of the castle, halting for a second or two below, and leisurely surveying the field. When these observations had been taken, be lened up half a dozen times in quick succession at the enemy, and then rap idly retreated to the nearest tuft of plan tain leaves, from which he nipped two or three pieces and swallowed them. Returning to the attack, the same series of operations were repeated many times, until the spider had spent all his venom, it is supiosed, anu the web was broken down and the brave defender was dead. It was nearly dark before the combat closed. Nothing could exceed the cour age of the defense unless it was the per sistency of the attack. I would not ven ture to kucss how many times the toad got a dose of virus from the spider, and can account for his resort to the plantain leaves only on the supposition that the courageous little warrior there found sufficient antidote for the snider poison. But throughout the whole of the lengthy contest it was the iruiuest assault on an Intrenched enemy I ever witnessed. Be sides this it afforded an example of per tinacity on the part of the despised toad which fully parallels the heroic quality of the snider, made familiar to us in youth by the story of the Bruce encour aged to renewed effort by the example of one of these little insects. Baltimore Sun. Seville's Clfarett Girl. One of the sights of Seville which no tourist misses is the cigar factory, in which the government employ about 5.000 women and girls. The showing about of visitor is accordingly looked upon aa a regular source of income by the porter and the matrons. After fretting permission to enter, you are placed in charge of a matron, who hows you through her own department and then passes you on to another, anu so on, until your stock of pesetas and half pesetas put aside for fees is ex- hausted. These matrons accompany the visitors, not in order to prevent the girl from flirtinir with them (nothing could do that), but to see that no tobacco or bun dle of citrarettes may disappear. Before entering each room a bell ia rung to warn the girls, who are in great deshabille on account of the beat, to put on their wrappers, and as the door opens scores of round arms and pretty shoul ders are seen disappearing, while several hundred pair of coal black eyes are fastened on you. The passaicea are lined with cradles, and the poor young girl mother to whom they belong implore us with eyes and hand for a penny for the Murillo of the future lying in them. These girls are more frank than subtle in their flirtations. There Is not one in the crowd who will not be immediately conscious of a man s gaze fixed upon ber, nor will she be the first to turn her ves away, Some will wink, and even throw kiss from a distant corner at the rich Inglese (all foreigner are tupposed to be wealthy Englishmen). They are a merry lot, on the whole, these poor girls, the cleverest of whom j make only two pesetas, or forty cents day, for which they nave to ton iweiva or fourteen hour in a tobacco reeking atmosphere. Not that they object to the tobacco at all. They are allowed to moke If tbey wWi,j and make use of thU privilege. They are; remarkably deft at rolling tr cigarettes, but not all seem eaer to make as many -1 t I . IA T. rr. " ' , 1' .iITZ: . - ..' each b paid according to the number aba HMIS. UVIUJ a. a umm w -.i n- ir t in t i 1 1 1 ,i - AMMONIA AND SUICIDES. On of tha Moat Certain Acanla for Causing Paath by How foUonlaa. Of tho number of those seeking sui cide by swallowing some form of poison, probably there are few who have sought to kill themselves by mean of ammonia. Neverthelesammoula. although it is the active agent in most of the salu sold to women lor their gilt decorated and per fumed scent bottles, is poisonous when taken Internally in a concentrated form. To attest this there have been recently in New York several rases, the most re cent being that of Herman llarowiti, of which Deputy Coroner Jenkins said that death took place in comparatively short time alter the ammonia was taken. In another case, tliat of a child, Dr. Jen kin said death resulted in live minutes after swallowing the ammonia solution. There are on record also cases of alow poisoning (nun ammonia administered with Intent to commit murder. Further more, the appearance ol workmen in ?:uano factories, where ammonia is set ree by grinding gnuno, has been noted, and in every rase there is an ununsiar iviiain nf nnianntnir. Thia ia ilia- coiomiion of the skin of ;he face, which assumes a blotched, dirty apearance. first to take on this appearance la the skin of the nose and forehead. Autop sies of those who die from amiunioa poi soning reveal a dark hue on the mucous membrane lining the stomacn and intes tine. A an airent for causing death by slow poisoning, ammonia is one of the most certain and most difficult of detection, owing to it volatile nature. This qual ity ha led physicians to neueve tnst some of the mysterious deaths that have taken place in'the history ot modern and mediteval crime are due to ammonia. It is known now that months have elapsed between the first symptoms of sickness and the death of a person from ammonia poisoning. On the other hand, death has resulted in four minutes Irom the time a large draught of ammonia has been swallowed. It has been found in cases of gradual absorption of ammonia in the human system that there is a gen eral elimination of healthy oxidation of the blood and a consequent lowering of the bodily strength. In the cases ol Im mediate poisoning, death comes with frightful agony, as in the rase of Haro- wiU. Wood gushed Irom ins nose and mouth. Statistics in England put ammonia thirteenth In frequency in the list of po sons. Alexander Vt inter ttiytn, med ical olllcer of health in the Ht. Maryle bnne district. I-ondon. ci'es thirty cases of poisoning by ammonia swallowed for the purpose oi coinmitiing suicme, or 7. - 1 ..... ...). . !..! 1. administer!! wuu ma uurpuvv ui cuui mittlng murder, or ahorltd unconncimif lu in awl. Of the suicidal cases six were fatal. Of twenty accidental cases twelve were fatal. Of cases of murder with ammonia, Dr. Blvth notes two, both of them children. ew lork Mtn. riaatlag Prairie ol Loaillaaa. A curious phenomenon is to be wit nessed at the Atuus' crevasse, aud, in deed, is one of the can sea of the great damage it has done. U nder any circum stances the wnter from this crevasse would overflow the rich country lying be tween it aud the gulf of Mexico, causing damage to the amount of several-million dollars, but to the surprise of many, not content with running down stream and overflowing the country below, it has taken to running apparently np stream. Some curiosity wa felt over this phe nomenon, sin! the case on examination how it to be due to the prairie trem Mantes the boating or trembling pral ries of southern Louisiana All along the gulf coarft the large border of land floats on the surface of the water. The land is made by fallen timber and grasses. It gradually accumulate dirt and becomes in the course of time snftlcivutly firm to support brushes and even trees, but the oil is only three inches or little less thick, and below it is the water, upon which it floats on account of its lightness. Occa sionally pieces of trembling prairie are detached and become floating islands. There are quite a number of these In Salvador, these lands, float iug from side to side, being frequently carried at rapid rate by tbe breeze, trees acting as sails to catch the wind. The current from the Ames crevasse has carried these floating Islands down stream and torn a number of other from 'the trembling prairies. Cor.St. LouisUlobe-Democrat Mr. Tllden's UI. puled WIIL Two jutlces have decided in favor of the Tilden will and two judges have de clared against it. The case will soon be argued liefore the New York court of appeals, which will finally decide wheth er New York Is to have the p.OOO.OOO library or whether Tildcn's great beqnest Is to be absorbed by his nephews. No man doubts that it was Mr. Til den's purpose anil intention to found a trreat public library with his money. He carefully executed a trust for that purpose, ami died in the belief that the bequest waa so well guarded that hi heirs could not have it set aside by any quibble of Die law And yet a purpose so plain and unmistakable has been de clared Invalid by two judges, who Inter pret a law which is described as "tha perfection of common sense. It Is this extremely technical Interpre tation of the taws' provision on the part of law judges that justifies the presence of lay Indue on the iiencn or aew jer sey Among the lay judges of the New Jersey conrt of spirals there would not be two opinions regarding the intentions of Mr Tilden in the testament he exe cuted prior to his dath Thy would unanimously decide in favor ot the will. And so. in fact, would our law judges, who have on some notable occasions demonstrated that with them law is, in deed, ths perfection of common sen. Newark Journal. Thoae III Katared People. Clara (haughtily) I went to the the ater every night last week and bad a different escort each time. Rival Belle (vindictively) Yon should be more cautious, my dear. "Cautious r "Yes, my dear. Ill natured people all over town are saying you can't get Uie same man to go with you twice." New York Weekly. Pro ad ef Hla Trad. "nenry." tha whispered, "is tbe glua business, socli a yoars, a real nice ooeT "Nicer be declared. "Come down to tbe factory some time and I'll show 1 J th most stuck up lot of men yoo ever saw; the Four Hundred are oo- where. Harper rwuar. a..,i.- . flood. ' Mabel described graphically ber enaatioo on striking ber elbow oo tb bed eanrlntt. "Oh." aliengbed, "main strocked my anu Just where It i anjLiM axara ui in t ua"i. - - I - - ol Kdueauuu. Ce.tly Lltltatloa. A case involving seventy-five cents claimed by man In Toledo to be due him from another Toledoan for cow feed baa just been appealed from a justice's court In that city to the Lucas common pleas. Tbe plaintiff say he will spend his last dollar to collect the money by process of law, and the defendant say he will sacrifice every cent he ha in the fight to resist payment Tbe result will probably be that the hligaul will spend several hundreds, perhaps thousands, of their own money aud involve thecouuty In the expenditure of a large sum, all to gratify their persons! ill feeling. There ought to be a provision of law covering uch petty cases, making the decisions of justice final It i an outrage on the taxpayers to permit the appeal of such insignificant case to a higher court where valuable time I consnmed by them that should be devoted to more im portant matters, and the county is in volved In a great expense simply to gratify the personal spite of obstinate litigant. Sandusky Register. A rraclleal View. Mis Amy Too re I had no idea, Mr. Blymwytt that you were o fond of the plana Slymwytt A a musical Instrument It is a boult. But as a means of flirta tion and of tlie Isolation of two an young people. It Is-ah the most we- lunrkablu r quadruped In the world. -rittsburg Bulletiu. rtrtr-nlae Tear la Oee Houaa. Henry W. Miller has completed the fifty-ninth year of continuous residence in ths house at tbe comer of Pearl and Cliestunt streota. He moved into this bouie the first Tuesday in May, 1833, tli locality at the Urns being given np to farm. The first coal burning furnace vox used la Massachusetts waa in scrv- kat his bouM during Ui winter of 13J1-8. - Worcester Spy THK WtCNTKKN SKTTLKK'I CIIOSKN SPEC inc. With every advance nl rmliiratlnn Into lh Went a new demand ! prenled (or HiwU-Uer'i Stomach Hitter. Newly peopled n-nloiu are Ire oiiently Iwauliilirtoiiitlian older M-llleil locall ura on aeeniml nl the minima whleh rise Inns recently cleared laud, partleiitarly alotiK the iMtika ol rtvri that are atilijecl to (rwtheta. The iirtrtillural or mliiln rnilxranl soon irarna. alien he doe not already know, that the H Ultra tlonl His only mre protection at.aliial malaria bowela, to which climatic rhaiixea.eipoaurc and miaccunlonied or unhealthy waleronllet ulilect lid moo illanniera nl in aiomarn, liver ano him. t oiiaetieiilly he places an animate iiu ilila mil houat-hold uecttto and preventive eonimeiiiiirate with lla Intrinsic merlin, ami la careful to keep on band a reatoratlve anil pro moier nl neann an luipin-iuy h ne reneo. upon In lime oi neru. A l'J Ullll willvw, iiimi.v w. a an aiiKci la annnicii oy iiif eigairue. liBoxi-HiTi. For Hoarseness and Hore Thrust "ffrou-n' fitmraiaf 'i'rorW are a pecilic. Sober second thoimhu are irui'tally preceded by net dacliea. ALL KEFOKMKKM la AH, Religion or Helenr III nee the oriu negau Ifava at amtili lllno IwXMt c.hIImI hiinita. fa- natics. renegades. And a people have toned a prophet to whose memory the next generation has raised a monument for the greatness of his deeds. Rnoiiomisii. Wash.. Auk. 11), IKit. Dr.J. Kuarnt Jnuliin.Srntllt. HilA. DkA Dntrroa: Will have to write vou that 1 am urpriaed to llttd myself so greatly improved in so lime lime, ana am pu-twu ionny mm I could not give vour medicine too great praise. My lieultli was gone. I felt Unit medicine could do me no good. 1 was hopeless of ever recovering. I thought tm) late to trv vour medicines, but with death staring me in the luce I determined to do so. 1 am pleased that I did it, lor at this date 1 have received tenfold the price of the medicines. If 1 should say one hun dred fold, it would not be overvaluing the dillerence in my health. 1 feel like another nan. ours respecuuiiy, jams 11. 11 num. Kast Sue hi., Waah., A HI. 11, Isul. Rr. 7. r.imtnr JmMa. tralllr. H'ms.-1'kab His: It hai been some time since I have written to roil, but I have been selling along an well that I did nol think It necessary. I haw atopped taking treatment now, ami I believe I am entirely well. Your medicines have done what you tolil they would do they have made a new woman ol me. I now feel like myaell ausln. alter aul n-rliis lor eluhl yeara wltb ratann oi tne nrau and bronchi, and that very palnhil thlug-ueii- ralgla ol me ttnmarn. I unib inn-e iiinniiia medicine. Moth my hiiahaud and mvarll feel aa though we cannot be thank In! enough to you lor what vou liavi iloiii for me. 1 liuiie that every one who la aufh-rlng a I waa will hear nl lr. Jordan and hla moat valuable nieiiiciuea. 1 onra moat reapec-tlully, Mas. C, Asawrsosu, Dr. Jordan' otnee 1 at the residence ol i-Msyor Y osier. Third and James (treet, Heattle. Wash. i;onultt!oni ana prescription aDoiui- 'ftend for free book explaining the Hlsto nnetio system. Cautio". Th Hlttogrmctio Medicine re sold In but on agency in each town. J he lahel around th bottle bear tne 101- lowint inscription- " Dr. J. Kugene Jor dan. Hlstogenetio Medicine." Kvery other devio 1 a trand. laitv or eviiilrmau wanted to renreaent l" clatlnu of portrait palntera. Permanent poal Uon. Knr jiarttculars address IMnardo Associa tion, 101 weal Hal, Mew lors i lly. C T 3 O LOST TIME. Newton, 111. pROM 1863 to 1885 I about 32 years j I suffered with rheumatism of the hip. I was cured by the use of ST. JACOBS on, t. c. DODD. -iLL RICHTI tirf i DID IT." ai r a. f w SI00 FOR S20. (20. Odall Typswrttar. .20, Equal It tij 1SI Mx Sliced; clean Impn alon; manl loldlnc perfect aMfiimeiii: hard metal ltt: simple: durable. II liutrated circular Iree. A rral llnildav art f a. iiAt ,.'! MnntrnmeryM., Ban Francisco. Aenle nantcn. WALL PAPER vrrnupriiimivi. i , - . - , . . . ui.....!. ! ft A. U..1.1 . .......1..11 ..! rent sump lor aampies. " norir.i.i "". LAN. IV.' I Dim Birr., riiruano. " II IV CCVCbwEO to itm euwo. HQI r r I ril 1V n ! oaeuand ad- dressol every auflerer in th &IOTUF1I U Hand Canada. Aodreea. IWITATOH. aM IMPOSTURH, The uiiequsletl iiitccss of Aurora's I'o ani'a I'l at as an external remedy has stimulated iinai riip;il..u partii to put forth imitatinna, which they i-iidisvor to II un the reputation of Amcim kV It Is ail sliauntitv to apeak nf tlieni In (he asm catcgor)' as the genuine and original puma plnnler. llieir preiciiMuni are unioiinileu, tlu-ir van mill merit unsupported ly faUa, their alleged iiriiirity to or einalily with Ai.u is a s a lalM' preiense. The allies! incdirul practitioners Slid cliemista and tliiiimunil ol grateful pa tients untie in ilis'ianng a i.u n i l roani'i I mrtskx the leat external remedy known. Marlly to wed and advertl inakea s man wealth) , envied ami a lac. The Hank of Knglaiid receives ami nays out gold by weight, Slid every plug of Mtar tobacco Is curelully .weighed to see (hut It is a full sikteeii-ouui'.s pound U-fore being packed in the box, it would seem that the insiiufiii'turemof Ktar Plug are de termined to give cousumi'ras sixteen-ounce plug. W1LKV H. ALI.KN A ., -II Kirvt HI., Portland, nr.. haa aimien lha eon. trol ami litaiiM-in'!i "fill nlrlnway 1'lalnw. All tiirilini-rent ! li-n rnun CiniiTrt lraml dimnwlll 1-kt-pl In aliN'k ami rauruMi-lerina alven to any tun- Hani Ins Hie fc-i kmc ol all Inauiimi-iiia. Both ths method and lesulU when Sjrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant aud refreshing to the taste, aud icU null yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and liowels, clcauaes the sys tem eflertually, dispell colds, head tches aud lovers and curea habitual .'oiiBtipatioii jxTiiioiieutly. For sale ia 60o and II bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. m wahcisco. cm. uwtviut, nr. tw ton. .r. 3EEDS OI all kinds and In any iiantllr whole aalu ami relall-at bedrock price. E. J. BOWEN, OS Front Street, Portland, Or. end lor catalog tie. 09 OO OOOOO 00 THE SMALLEST PILL in mtwunLui 0 TUTT'S " TINY LIVER-PILLS" OhavenllthvlttUimoniwrermi rmmlly elUrtlv purely veaelaole. .m-talwaliiwiiliitlilborder. OOOOOOOOOOO Have Been Imitated, But New Excelled Tbey Are Beyond Comparison I la. Iirt at We Make UO per cent, or th Wire Mats Sold In f ii'UlUTMtNin F KIHI I ' America. iVrtye.viVevtis.Awv.illiiiiilil.ll(i HARTMAN Mro. COMPAHlf, BAKER A HAMILTON BAN Win"" wlmmoal Bonk let av wnurnr-( tumitM. .fc m v . . TMt esiainai ANOCUIS)C la4lM. ilruariat tW LlUalMlr I fcWM AM 14 Vllk iiikLaw riMMi. TtikatM 4. la mt ht Muutvf, (MUtMikU. All -1IL. aa aaiaral aaaaaea. blnk Wf lo.ftn Tm IM4 ht mil Lmi Utmost t) a L. iKTA VUrAll niniiDiiir, Cure where all els f sll. kJl taste. Children Uk II wltnoui otrjeciion. lj aru(f)?isHi. ZAWTHOW A Novsi, II y Janus IhiSAK, MO pp. Illumlaatetl Pre per fevers, 1 I'fali; t all t'latbt !. Thia wnrk ahowa remarksble nenliil of eon atruftlon, Imve of eliajiienre. fsmcr of dcacrtp ri.,11 tiieKilier alih wit and hinis.r. Ita theme la emotional. It alma at the rw-iini'lllalton f classes throiiith the liiatriiRiiintallty nf li.w. Its paxea are full ot lllersrv beaut) , not iiiriutaaed by any writer of fli-llon In nimli-ni llmea. Kor asle l.y all Iss.kiwlli-ra. Hmd by mull, t paid, on receipt ol price, by ths publishers. THE BANCKOr T COM r A.N I, Ttl Market aireel, Nan Kranelaeo, Cel. HOYT & CO. Wnt n Mnt In verrtowD In Onf on, WMb- Ititrtiin anil ItUhO tO Mil PIANOS and ORGANS On rainuilaaiou. No stock or eapiul nm.Ie.1. Music u-srhors prelt-rreil. Hwciai raiee on an fissls. Writ lor partlculara. PORTLAND, OK- J. McCRAKEN CO., -UKAI tttS IN locfc Marker lla, Parties enl. aet- Sale an Ulak Plaaltr. Malr Flr Irle in rlr Clef. LANS Plallia. M Morlh Front Street, Cor. I, rOKTLAMU, OH. PIAIIOSORGAtlS. 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. BOX 0. PCWOER CO.. II CALIFORNIA II . I FRAkCIKO. If nn want I0VDKR for Miniiiit. Railroad Work, Stump lilasting or Tree I'lanting, tend tor nice List. r mtmltrrn, uhanilth Nw Pat Chamlrai atkru Uraaar M ff Lv, LaCnaaM, la. tea Wi. MincnM Dynamite UUUUUII i iP5 Balling Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Fowder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and l iutry, Light Flaky Bixuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder doe luch work. . The most popular brand of smoking toliacco in the United States. It is made from to bacco at least three years old. Its rich mellow smoke has never ln-en equaled. Meal ef North I arallMa Is Bow packed lu Patent Cloth IVmchea, aa well si In foil. DRIED FRUIT Will be plenty anil rhtap thia rear. New AMtKOT, Pa ac Has, N si Tasinis, ArrLta. Casasiaa. Huts aasaiai now orTtiing. vvauuvta Aorlcolt, nn. 7, S, 10, 12 1 Peaches, choic 6, 10, 13 Nectarlnea, ui , 10, 12 Apples, bright T, B, 10 Ap ilea, alilan ilrwl. 10, 12 QrApea, igs guod 3,4 Ralilnt, il, rwr lb 6, , 1i Prunes, iSa, goad H...H. T, 6, J BlacktoerrUs, ittqi, Sue 12. IS Cherrlea, pitied. iyi....... 20, 25 Flga. tUgi. black Ola 4, , Other fruits In variety. The above are for fine qualityl lark, old, or inferior Inu we offer lower. Hmal' UlM-ouiit :o llut.U. Huanling Hooks, Dralrra. and other large bnver.. Canned gmsl. are lowcri see neat oaper. Vte jfler a general variety of goto, for family use tt clots price., and want a share of your trade. At for ao-uigc ciulugue free. Auureu . SMITHS' CASH STORE, 4IH-4IH Front St., San Franolaoo I R CBTmadefVI In frmrdavannmy Klrs-trlet'nrsMa Jalll I uui .prvlallii's. HenercentpninianSnaak prwa. Haiuiile free. nr.lln,lgiiin,llnlay,N. V. V 'V -i And 44 Best." Work., BEAVER FALLS, PA. FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA. lllii.lral.-d falaTiniie-Malle.1 lie Rro Cuoat ' DlAHOMO BliMO ---- - - . a ai . . TW wmlf Saft Sere. aa reS.IU nil S JalfWa lH4 04 is Ke4 u4 thtd . ht4. J(AaH efcWHrWwi wU tmutmamt. aU.Mfa. AM aleaalMMfaial M B Lair fA If A. Ai Draftl. m4 MkelW iW I.!" tm Umwr, ? rHar MaUL CHICHttTin CHKMICi CO., V-tllatia btift Uawr.miitatiilaM4 h Ph vir i ana. I um a.e.. VJ Pleasant nd agreeable to lh ''.'i;,'riiiiT-'Voi;f-i 'iiT? ' - ' eseeejafli e e.n MORPHINE HABIT I kxka tm. SURE CURE fucito KMndiM Oon lt Cla HI. ten Tmiclo YOUNQ MEN! The Specific A No. I. CnrM, wUtintil fall, all rvn of rr iri. utMl 4i I , l ui uiHitr fil Ik'W long Nl.UHltlikT- fX'Vrnl Ktrls'liir-, It rv-li-kt an lu- ri-ii r- mtNiv. 'ur when frrryiiuiic ll.f i-d. K.lttiVJI iT'liiUl!. ,l4tiiiictHrf;1 LwA.H. li.sfiihHt Mh11cIh THE fx n V! ATKRT -.. A. Cki.l.M i a tilllrr. m , w i w ear -- - . ... j , I. MJ Am. Im Cih-ii).p In Tctaluma Inctiliator Co. fctatoma, CaL nhlfi-rTai kla. Kf. Or-l VarVtr. Low frt. - f'.i -'nfl'av'nln ttV. ftnd trial'n, iKO, 4. WHIlK He lUKfliliy -.Bal Tnci-K I ni?sr31aihatbqnwMlM if ixlinf foieiT for an ut uniifftinrai dwwhart aa4 privfttdiM-l nia A pHiartjr lor tb dni! Utuif waaskaaaa cuiii iTi.iAy. kriMii w I nraarr ba(aa1 faattf . ft,! I - aav.w4 S. P. K. V. So. 414 -8. F. N. D. .No. iai few ,nnjt BecatM They are : 1 Oilorles, Averiasiing j V mmm ISeaaS.' MOTHS tQUIPMENTS Sa-JCD I 1