The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 21, 1891, Image 1

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VOL 24
NO. 5.
3if fcugtue (City Cuanl.
I'ubllahrr and I'roprletor.
OITICU-On tb EMt side of Willamette
Street, between Seventh and Eighth Strata.
I'er UBua,,,
.sii Month...
lure month.
12 00
, .75
Advertisements Inserted as follows:
In square, ten line or les on insertion Wi
itch lubsequent insertion IL C'h required
in advance.
Timt advertisers will be charged at the ol
luwiug rate:
n square three months W On
i .quart six months. It HO
' - squar un year 12 00
wsietit notion in local enluinn, 20 cent
out Inr ech insertion.
1 , iln'rtUinK bills will be rendered quarterly.
, U bb work must be paid for oh hkliviht.
Attorney and Counsellor
V V of the Second Judicial District and in
as Supreme Court of thitbtate.
Rm.itl .tuntinn idven to oollectioui aud
iratten in probate
OFFICE Rooms 7 ft 8 McClaren Building.
w-SiMMial attention given to Collection
and Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, - - Oregon
Omci- Room in Conner' Block.
attorney and CcunssUor-at-Law, and'
Real Mate Agent.
Ofllce-ln Maiouio Tempi.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
Special attention given to Trobate butince
and Abetracta of Title.
Orrioi Over Lane County Bant
J. S. WALTER, M. D. 5.
Eugene, Oregon.
Dental Room Willamette Street, opposite
Baker', HoteL .
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, opposite Guard office. All work
warranted. .
Jughint; gas administered for painless ex
tmctioe ot teeth.
Coffin and Cketalwey on band. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
NigbtwlU prompty attended.
Residence, second house sonln of Metno
dint Church, Willamette street.
Farme, Improved and Unimproved lown
property for aale, on easy terms.
Prsperty Eented and Lents Greeted.
ITnlMuranoe Companies I rrpreeent are
among the Uldert and most Reliable, and in
the Paoiirr and Ewiiitabm adjosttoent of tnetr
osm 8tad Siwnd to Nosx
4 share o T'Kir patronage ia soUdtt.
ca. wrr. MES1. W.i.m,ciaaup
"' THE
Iugcne National Rank
Transacts a general banking btuioeai.
BiRDor DrMOToaa:
f B Donn, F W Osborn, J C Cbnrcn.
loraa, J U Oodaon. C Lauet, J E Dm
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
Ths Most Select U' U-oI FoAiii
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
R. Lnckeyw
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands
It. B. Coebran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Cusene City, Oregon.
Will atteud to general Real Estate businei
such as bnyiug, selling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Office on south
side of Ninth otreet.
Tlie Eugeue Cigar Factory
Keeps constantly on b ind the (Spent brands
of home made, domestic, and Key West
cigiri. Charges the lowest prices lor cnew-
me nod smoking tobacco, sen at rewu ana
McClarens Building,
(Opposite Fl y Wilkina'Drud Store.)
-Ilu an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
r?0rdera for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Paul. Ask your
druggist lor it
Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Reoainnu Promptly Executed.
tfTAUWorb WarTanu4.j99
E. Schwarzschild, Prop.
(Successor to Geo. Collier)
Orders bv mail promptly attended to.
resa Lock Box 119.
6, Low Prices;
rrom and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. IwlUNotpe
Hizhest market price Paid
for Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balance in Cash.
j. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
m jl'm: jt z. x jc iKjrar jT at
;zzrzz-..z- csur its
A Row at Aciik.
Weilnogxlny, Nov. 11, siiyg tho Flor
ence West, tho UHimlly quiet burit of
Aenie wuk all wniiiKht up over a
"wrap" between (leortfe Smuulern niul
Thou. Hartley. It Heeiiw, uh near iw
ean lie learned, that the two men
possesned, Jointly, a boom of lop which
were tied up ut one of the iiiIIIh, and
which Saunders Hold to Mr. Funke, of
Florence, the nitrht before the fracas,
and it was through an untuitlHfactory
division of the money received for the
loifH that the tltit wun rovoked.
Several pasxes were made at one
another with axes, chain and mullets,
but the most serious thrust was wheu
Hartley, after warding oll'a blow from
a mallet in the hands of Saunders,
plunged a saw lilu twice into the
latter's side, once near tho hip and the
second time near tho heart. Outsiders
about this time were successful In
separating them. Soon alter Dr. Sati
bert was called to dress Sauiidcr's
wound's which at first was thought
would prove fatal, hut last night t In
patient was reported to lie improving
and will probably recover.
jFloreuce Items.
The West, Not. 13.
There is no uncertainty in the oonolnsion
that the cemented streets of Eugene are a
B. F. Alley returned from Eugene Tues
daytilled to overflowing with good words
for all Eugene.
On Droember 7lb there will be a meeting
of the directors of Ibe Siuslaw lc Ka.teru
ltailway Company at Eugene.
Enuluuer Berry has been down to the
month of the titer for several ditV" Ibis
week engaged in surveying grounds for the
new government buildings.
Among the promised enterprihes fur in the nenr future is that, of the
erection of a fine building opposite the
Westoffioeon IV !, the same to be
bnilt by Yoln jr Ilemeuway, ol Eugene
Also the ereciou in the spring ot a larxe
hardware and farm mnebinery buildinfjtnbe
built and occupied by II. Svarverud i Co.,
also of Eugene.
At the board of Trade meeting last Fri
day night the talk was principally npon the
project ot building a new (30,000 steam
schooner, to be owned aud controlled by
the Great Siuilaw. A committee was ap
pointed to solicit stock and at the present
writing the prospects are ola most flattering
natnre. The boat is to ply between the
Great Siuslaw ports and San Francisco.
She will have a tonnage, of A'jO ton and
will load out with IudjW and farm produce
and in with mercbaudise.
Keal Estate 1 ransterg.
J I Thomas to J C (ioodnle.E J of lot
8, in Harris' addition; f 1,400.
Samuel Swift to Win Kdris, the un
divided one-fourth interest in the land
and mill property known as the Ku
gene Mill Co; 1 10,000.
Geo II and II II Hnnvtt to Win
Cushlng, lot 10, block U; f loo.
William E Mitchell to AlU-rt l'roeh,
180 acres in T 11 S, II 2 W; 4i'i.
Thos (1 Slimier to W It IMierty,
29.75 acres, being a portion of the do
nation land claim of L L Dnvis;fl,200.
Jlolicrt C'allisou to W L ISristow, 1
ere; t-.
John Winwnriel to Kllalfth
James, 10.31 acres in Tp II) 8, It 2 W;
K II Hawkins to Sciiwd District No.
7, .4 acres in Tp IX H, It 4 W; $1.
L Hughes to F Haves, Ht acres in
Tp 18 H, It tW; (1000.
State of On gon to Peter ltuncy, 1'iO
acres; 1 1 00.
A P Chun-hill to II Humphrey,
19:t.7 acres In Tp 17 S, K 2 W; tH.
Harriet Wiles to School patriot No.
7, 0.14 acre in Tp 17 S, It 4 W; tin
(Ji-orw- II us lo Vlida J IVter, lot 7,
WW Baby was sfclr, we five fcer Castorka.
Wasa she was a Chad, she erW f or Castorts.
Thea she fcecame ", she dusf to CasUrtL
Wkaa she had ChiUn, she w timt Caatorta.
A Mr. Schrlver, of Crow 1'reciuct
Dangerously .Wounded.
IisHy (luanl. Nor. 11
Yesterday afternoon, alxmt 2:30
o'clock Mr. Schriver, who lives near
( row iNwtolilce, nlsmt 1 mill's south
west of F.ugcuc, shot himself. It liar
lH'tUHl iu this highly lllterestillg man
ner: He was out hunting with his
brother and had wounded a pheasant
and both the parties were pursuing it,
His brother espied the pheasant and
naiioocu lor Him to tnnv lilm t lie stmt
gun, which was loaded with No.
shot. He took the gun by the barrels
and threw it over a pile of brush, about
iiilccn ftvt distant, wlicn one of the
oarrels went oil, the charge striklnir
tlr tree, and three of the shot glanivd
otl, two of them entering his right
groin niul the other entering the oute
edge of the right hip. Dr. Smiley was
caned ana returned nvtsiuorning, un
dressing the wound. He reisirts the
wound a dangerous one, but not nec
essarily fatal.
The Messrs. Schriver have recently
moved to that section from Portland.
One Step Further.
Editor Giuhd. A crain ot mustard seed
is to grow up and become a tree. Is it so?
At yon know bv "Adiutor." who favors
nospiial, some mud utnllemeu ollereil ac
ceptable donatious iu land. One promised
iv lots in rraxiers adilitiou; anoluer
acres iu Fairmoiuit. it the Sisters make un
provemeuis ol m.ikai worm; a tlilnl, oue
whole block on College II ill, and if Ihey
waut more eaeli lot at a reduced price.
Well, the Sisters will be advised to come, to
get a pleasaut choice aud to look out for
Luanciui support, namely, to be sure,
whether tbeie are liberal "Yillurda" here
Here I uive tou some short explanations.
1 tuink tbe Pinters Intend to erect a very
lurge cbiei Dulliiiur' witu many otner small
er ones; they will bsve a plan drawn and
will send it here. Though tbe Sisters be
long to a reliuious order of the Calholio
Church, nevertheless they do not influence
the sick people iu Mich regard and every
pastor of different denomination will have
admittance to tbe hospital. They also equal
ly take care of all with the samo obarity, be
Ihey rich or poor, C'utholio or not. God
bless this work 1 Laktitu
Tho Gunie Law.
Occasionally Ihe loelo of events brings
retriliutiou. Mr. ticliriver wbilo bnntins
Cliiua pheasants shot himself, ol course ac
cidentally. The law says that grouse
pheasants of all kinds, quails, etc , shall
not be killed in this season. Tbe true
sportsman will (orbo ir hunting and fishing
iu the close seakons. The game that plen
tifully lives ou our prairies, valleys aud
mountains, should be allowed to rest.
Law vaunot euforco it, The spoilsman's
instinct ot protect ion lo the weak taunt be
relied upon to maintain the preservation of
our game. Ihe law la openly violated
every day, ami to man will take the dis
graceful rolo ol an Informer. No one ques
tions the right of tbe settler to kill game for
subsistence, but outside of that our game
hould be allowed freedom. It disturbs no
one, and tbe man that wantonly kills and
estroTi came for which bo has no neccs-
ity violutas Ibe law iu spirit snd intent.
Won the Prize.
A telegram to Starr k Griflin slates that
the prize steel range of tbe Peninsula Stove
Co. bat been drawn by olirt Henrietta lean
er. It ia valued at $100 and as competed
tor all over the Uulted Statet. The price
was for making tbe most word from tb
word Peninsula. Mis Lauer made C50
Mity-flve Hood Iteason.
We have sixty-five good reasons why
Fairmotint pmperty is the cheapest
and Is-st on the market. Drop In and
hear them.
Geo. M. & Co.
Blue Rivkk Mixer. Lebanon Ad
vance. Nov. 111th: Mr. Loveall re
turned from the CallsHiia and Illue
Kiver mines Inst Friday. He brought
us some ore from the tunnel tliut Is of
a good quality. He says snow fell in
the district to the depth of thnni feet,
but the rains melted it oil' until it was
not dccis-r than eight inches when he
left. Aleii were ut work on tho Poor
nian, Lucky Doy and other claims,
and all are of the opinion thut the
mines are good.
EAsTeiis CiPiTALUTs are buying property
in Florence aud every citizen of Lane coun
ty ought to get on or more lota there be
fore tbry get too blgh in price, Flore no i
certain lo muke a good sized oily in tb
near future,
EsTntt NoTica Strayed, one brown
horse, 7 years old, branded "II on one
bip; one white hiud foot, on star in fore-
bead. Anyone giving information or re
turning the same wili be liberally rewarded.
Ltti.z k Howlsm.
CatoHa premotas Dlgwtfow, and
wverouuMst Fialuieucy, CousUpatUuii, Boor
Htonwh, Diarrhoea, ao4 FererUioeeav
Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its
alf sataraX Caaioriat eooUitsi bo
Morphia or other narcotic property.
" Caatorta h so w!l a4aptnl to ehlMnn that
t reeomnxiad It aa superior lo any pmcrrptiua
knuwa toaM." IL A. Asr ms, M. I)..
IB Portland A, bruuklya, W. T.
" I aa Caisorla In my pratlca, and And It
pciUy aalaAMl lo iffwli'. i chil'lnw.-1
Aixx. hrTm, at. !.,
sd Ira, Kaw York.
Tax Coram Oo, 77 kt urray St, V. T.
II. II. Stone purchased tbe G. II. Pur
chase piauo (hit morning.
Gin1 are reported quite plentiful on
the prairie west or town.
W. B. Ystes and family, of Irving, bar
removtd to Sod.ville, Liun county.
State ItcpiYseiitativo Hardy, orliakcr
eounty, has Ui-n arrestl for etnlH.'z-
Robt. Pool at one lime a student In the
University, is here today representing tb
Brown Tubaccw Co.
Ths Nallnnsl Park Bsnk, of New Yolk
city, last week bad MI.OUO.OOO on deposit
the higheal record of any oonmie'olxl bank
in auertcs.
Lebanon Advanoe: W. P. B.irger of Co-
burg bsa been awarded the contract for
building the C. P. chinch at Hodsvilla. The
structure is estimated to post wheu ready
for uh from II 100 to fl'il'U.
The ss.ewied gross Tslneot the Oswego
Iron and Steel Company ia 155, W0, but it
claims u Indebtedness wilbia the state of
liiN.518. or in excess ol Ihe value
ol itt property, It is a pauper. Oregon
Citv Courier.
The damace esse of the edllnr of the late
Lebanon Dailv Effort, against II. V Kirk
Patrick, first thrown out in Lelwt.on justice
court, was, on Satmdav. brought beloro a
ltrownsvill justice aud decided again in
favor of Kirkpatrlck.
Tbe editor of the Long Oieek Eagla took
batter from an old aubscrlber to settle hit
arrearages. When he came to use ibe arti
cle hesaytaile greuso would have been more
palatable. This ia a sad commentary on tb
butter-uisker of tirsnt county.
Tb "green goods" men who htvs so In
dustriously flooded ihe entire country with
tempting crculars explaining bow easy it ia
to get nub by purchasing their munitions ol
genuine money have at last tell into tbe
bands of tbe New lork police.
On Monday, at Ashland, Max Pracht
purchased Tbe Oregon hotel furniture from
Or. lielu and took possession ot til prop-
erty, assuming active personal management
Immediately. Mr. 1'racbt now owns a con
trolling interest in the hotel company.
A Marion count v boy was oom milted to
the asylum yesterday, who I a rare mon
strosity. He Is 27 years old, four feet high
111 bead it forty Incbet in circumference,
requiriug alwut a nnmber 13 but, while hit
eg are bunt and weak, and be cannot
Gut Taylor, county clerk, tavs he twore
tl; bul be doesn t say wnat. Ilu uoesn l
rink, nor use tobacco, nor stay out late
Mils, nor swear, nor go to lodge, nor
nothing. Can it ba be has quit going to
Sunday school? Hoseburg I'laiudealer.
William Itoesch and Pete Johnson,
wo Pendleton saloon kceiiers. were
lined (-( each in the circuit court
lust Tuesday for selling liquor to
minors, and their licenses which they
had at the time or thu indictments
were declared forfeited.
Harney Times: Two more wsgonloadt
ot men came in this week lo the Harney
cotinlv eold dinning. There are now ton-
rekentttives from Grant, Malheur,' Baker,
urook, uuium, u mat ma, wasco, union,
Lake and Klsiuatb oouuties, and till they
arriv. Tb number it variously estimated
at from three to Bv hundred wen.
It it laid that the process ol whitening
mgar was never known until a ben walked
llia.i((.l( ta Al.ia aiil.llaa ataa.l ll.a.M stttsawisafl in. I
.UIUuKu . pUU,n.,, ,u.v "-
io a sugar nous, ucr traca were, oi
course, leri in iu. pue. oi .ugar.anu wnen
wa noticed that Ibe spot where h
KT'r T'. "
. i. .. .1 .
The last legislature passed a law requir
ing that in all case where any will Is ad
mitted to probate in the ilute of Oregon,
in addition to having tb sain recorded In
the counts where it wa admitted to pro
bate, the executor or adinioittrator to bav
inch will recorded in every county in the
ttate In which Ibe testator left any real
mw iMuiiiKn uh 1 1 n5 iiiwmiv iimiui'
ere ehlpiied from Ohio on tho 22nd of
ctoU-r, l!y way of the Southern Pad-
i,;,u !.,.., ,i.. i.. Ati
Steel casings for the Albany bridge
e, and hence arealsuitduo In Alliuny.
Itv tl.. tltiiM tliiiwt firii In vuwltliiii niul
tilled with the is-st Jhlglan cement,
thesU-el for the fnime work will no
louht Is) here. So the work goes uhead
rith mi ill lit v aud smisitlim-ss. Al
bany Democrat
Captain J. It. Do Lamar, recently
resigned as Idaho's world's fair com
missioner, In a letter to Governor Wll-
V, lias ollereil to pay a salary of f.'.WK)
r annum to the is-rson succeeding
Ini, The sole condition that ho lin-1
isiscs is tuiii. me o ipoimee mum wi
man congenial io nimw-ii one in sym-
painv wun nimscii mm wun wnoni ne
can ire!iy ewis-niie.
Tho new Magdalen home at I'Jist
Portland, has consented to take charge
oii,iuiau xouiig.iiio io-yeur-oid t or-
aius gin, who reix-uuy tioiM'd witu a
negro nameii uiti, loung, iroui ai
, - . . i
haiiy, and was found living with him
n Astoria. I n n-pty to a letter written
under date of Nov. lltli, Sister Ai-
honses wrote in n-ply as follows:
The article that recently npis an-d Iu
the On-gonlan to the ell'ect tliat there
-as no place for a girl of 15, does us an
Injustice," said Sister Alphonsea to a
sirt--r yi-su-rduy. -uur institution
has been in existence but a short time,
and iH-rhniis everybody don't know
hat our work Is. We are always
ady to take girls of all ages If they
eslreUn form. That Is what the Mag-
dalen home was establlshi-d for. Youth
or old age Is no barrier to admittance.
We take them at all ages. e aln-atly
have several girls in our charge and
we have the facilities for earing for a
gixsl many tnoro."
Warranted Ilk D U R ft H I T I N P " ormm.e
tocur rtt iiiiwwiiii.i. reruudea
toeureanv form
or any diwadcrof
tbe general! ve or
(uiaulaltuerwa, whether arUIn
fm.n lhnrn,.l ,
FFfHRF tuaol stlinuUnu. AF TTO
lobarcoorOptom.orthrisiich voniliful lu-llws-tloa,
ou r li)'fijlr,-Do, An , such as IxhoI Hrmla
I-(iwer, Wsk.fiiloess, iharlncdoaa -alnalntli
W-k,rtemlnslWeaSnramll)rMrla,Keniaua -tratlna,
.Kurtamal KmlMlout, Leuearrtwra, Ills
IlneM,Wrak Memory, Imso( Foweraud Irnpo
tenrj, which II nrrl'ne'loftn lrl Ut premalur
old sn and Innanltv. Price 1 1. is) a boi, thorn
lur ,i(l. Sent l.y mslImiiwTl,tot prlra-
A M'RITTE.W lil'ABAsTKR Is alvea for
every riUlonlerreeelved,tn refund tlx innnev If
a r.rasMsi rnr. u Dot ertwtMi. VI. hai
thotnttmls of tMtlmonlals lrt,roll and fount.
of both wxsj,whohave been prmanmUy eun d
hyUxuMof AphrodiUiw. tln-alarfra. Add ml
Vstra braixh, hul 27, J-uBTLasb. 0a,
Sold by E .K. LUCKEY k Co., lhTirurt,
Kiigen, vrtfit.
A fill u Iu Trouble.
Portland Dispatch: There appeared
tbe police dock today a one-ban I man,
swering to the name of I. C. Callahan.
was arraigned un Ihn charge of grand In
ceny, having stolen tome blankets from bli
lodging bouse and pawned them at a se
ond hand ttore. When asked If he plead
guilty, be arose and said that if Ihe court
would withdraw Ihe charge of grand larce
ny be would plead guilty lo pent liircen
I tie Judge, turning to the tinsouer, said;
" as not your four years in Ilia eenilin
uarv euoucu lor yon to qnlt steal ing."
"Yet. air;" he replied, "but I had ton
dollars and lent was more money than
kuew what to do with aud I got drunk, and
took Ihe blankets while drunk. I don
wsnt to go back to ths pen for if I do Ihey
win am me.
Judge Carey grunted his request and sen
tenced him to uiuelv dsrs in ihe couutv
l ellahan is Ihe tusn who deliberately cut
bis hand off while serving a term In tbe Or
egon pen, lo get out of woik. From the
appearanee of the man ha Is a natural bom
Held Without Hall.
Albany Herald
The case ot ('barbs Louden, arrested
ol being accessory to the uiurdo
of Henry Ingram, came un in Justice Hum
purey court .ov. lltli.
r.. A, Milner, Fred Ooillet and C. W
Walts tcstith d that wheu Louden csmo lo
(own on the night ol the murder be exhib
ited a revolver, say iug: "This is tbe boy
.l:.l il... i. m ... ....,. ., .. ..r
tun, un, iuu wuia. air. iouiei hiku lesu
tied that lis loaned Louden one of the re.
volvert which wat Introduced iu evidence
in tbe trial at one of tbe weapon wbi
was used in Ihe murder, lie had loaned it
to hi ai a short time before tbe killing.
The witness also testified that when
Louden came lo town on tho night of the
murder be said that Frank lugrarn told
hltn before leaving that be guessed Ihe tuan
iinea was iicnry Ingram.
lb case was argued bv the counsel for
Ibe ttato and defeuse, and the court held
the prisoner lo await tha n-l ol Ilia
grand jury without bail
, - - -
Plant. Cottage Grove Under: The
city council grunted a franchise at their
regular meeting Monday night to
Messrs. eateli it Stone to nut Iu
system of water works and an electric
light plant. The franchise is for
twenty years and is not an exclusive
right, ns they only asked for the iht-
iuissioii to llso streets unit alleys mr
that fi rm of vciirs. S.voii-.dclillii nfn
mile of the pljio for (lie water works Is
to lie laid in eighteen months. The
electric light will also lie put In by that
time. The isiwer to run thu (Iviiuiikmb
and pumps will lie furnished from
their water power, which will also
turn the mill whirl. This will un
doiihtcdly Ik? a great advantage to our
thriving city. It will furnish asveteni
of water which would lie of valued im-
portance should another lire break out.
Water Works and electric liirhts are
the two great Important Improvements
needed undisplace til the present time.
Something that ho thriving town call
dlsiicnso with. Tho town has Iks-ii
furnishing lariro street liinnis for thu
ruist vcar. HuL tliiwi nrit iu1i1(ttii lit.
and when they are they are always
at a .
getiiug nroKc. ami it costs the city a
fnp,,,,,,, i b,u. .i,, i n,i.
U),, U WOn't be such u lomr time until
i.,ii,, i... ...m .7- ...i,i. . i...
vihiirii .m,,u n ill ni'in-iti null lilv
lmiiortaiicc. This is a commendable
move on the part of Messrs. Veatch
Stone, as they have great water ower
which snouiu tie utilized,
The Way to Raihk Fiii it. F. R.
Andrews has an orchard on the bank
of the Willamette, n short distance
alsivo Ciinemah, that he Is making
money from by using brains In the
cultivation of it, It was an old
i i i i
m:lmr,1 ''"
were rritigl.-barke
and the ground li
io took It. The trees
d and inoHJWovored,
ground had been piled up high
about their roots so that during the
dry season they nearly crishcd, Mr.
Andrews cleureil tno tmsli from aiiout
the tni-s, plowed the ground ami
stirred It well about the roots, senisi
oil' the moss and rough bark and put
tno trees in good growing condition.
Then when thu tiroisr time came to
deal with js-sts that attack the de
veloping mill, he sprayed the trees
with a solution of Paris green ( London
,mii iin.t ns,.,! i,.,t illfy .,r.,.n
;.r.l...M..i iu.n..e eintiu i n ti,ir..rt
,f m..i. Mr a..,i.u r,,tu.wi oisi
ilui.u ,.l- r ,.t ,..r,.,- ..,..1
,H,lllltlruIy )f(,v,,0,H.(i hih-cIiiiciis of
frllt n H-rtiiln that h a treatment
if iM-rslsted in bv fruit raisers irenerallv.
will rid the orchards of Insect nests
and restore the mine of the im-gou red
The New Mima Cottage Grove
leader: Tho work on Messrs. Veutch
& Stone's new grist mill Is Is-lng push
ed uloug nipidly, They have thu forv-
bay now under cousiruciion, which
when conijiletisl, will give them jsiwer
,,,1()mf, i( ,s rnt an inn so
use loioi
niaebinery, and under the p
lie Iniu
prort will be ready for tin
..i.iiu.rv. whlel, thev am i-netiiiu- tn
Lrrlvo mum. Loin's mill startml un
w-u mul torneil out Its ilmt Imted
f ,mir wlltllr(l11v. Thev have Ih-. ii
L - rliulinu - nil thl u k and nriMiiiikiiiir
Hn,t class flour. There will lw no
,,wvssltv ofshlDnlng any more wlieut
out ( ,tlH ,,i,K.,. fr ,wo iltrp) mlng
nmllla will turn out quite a number of
imrreU i r ilu v.
"s0 imo Coarrs-Evs Gray and Dickie
Woods, who live at the corner of Oak and
Seventh streets, r arrested Monday
by Marshal EoaiUnd on a warrant charging
them with disonleilr enduct, Saturday
evening by firing off pistol and other riot
ous conduct. I hey went t.'K-n Doiore tie-
ooriler Dorris, when they plead guilty and
lined f-5 each, whi h Ihey paid and were
discharged from cutody.
A Womas' MoHmtNT Tb National
Marr Washington Memorial Association,
eb.rtrred February. 22d, I s'.Kl, In tbe Dis
trict cl Colombia, ippeal to tb women of
America, for a moouuivnt for lb grave of
Mary, the mother ol Washington. Tbe
Vice-President for Oregon i Mr. J.
N. lloloh. Tb women are urged to con
tribute to tbi memorial.
Sunday Welcome: Portland is to
have another weekly publication
purely library with Mrs. Abigail
Scott Ihiulway at tbe editorial helm.
Ihe managing stockholders are Mensm.
Can-y and Wheeler, Mr. Can-y Is
from Seattle, and Mr. Wheeler is from
Astoria. 1 he tlrst Issue will ttpi-ar on
December 1st
All Iuvited to Give Thank-.
VAmxoTOM, November 13. Tbe full text
of tb President's Thanksgiving proclama
tion is as follows:
By ths President of lb United States of
A Psoclauatiosj: It is a Tenr clad Inch
doul ut the m irveliiut proiperily which ha
crowned ins year now drawing to a close
that its helpful and reassuring touch hat
been felt by all onr people. It has been a
wide aa cur country, and to sceciul tbat
every home bat felt its comforting iuduenoe,
it is loo great to Is the work of biau t now.
er and ton particular to be the device ot hi
uiiud. To Uod, the beneficent and the al I
wise, who make Ihe labori of men ta be
fruitful, redeems their losses br Hit graoe.
and tbe measure of his giving Is at much
beynud thought of niau a it It beyond
hit deserts, the pralsa and gratitude of the
people or true lavored nation are due.
Now therefore. 1, lienjainm Harrison,
Preiideut of tbe L'uilod HtaU' of America.
do hereby appoint Thursday, the Ulitb day
otXovemlmr, to ba th day of Tbaaksgtv.
ing to God for Ihe bouutiea of hit Provi
dence, for the peace in which w are per
mitted to enjoy them, and fur tbe preserva
tion of thoao institution of civil and relig
ions liberty which be gave our fathers Ihe
wisdom lo dovise and establish and ns Ihe
i course m preserve.
among tua appropriate observances of
the dity ere rest from loll, worship in tbe
public congregation, tho renewal of family
tie alwut our American firesides, and a
thoughtful helpfulness to thoso who suffer
lack of tbe rody or of Ibe spirit.
In testimony whereof I have thereunto
set my hand aud canned the seal of the
United States tn be affixed.
Done at tho Citv of Washington this 13th
day of Novigtiber, In ihe year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and ninety
oue, snd of tbe iudepeudence ot the United
Stale the oue hundred end sixteenth.
Bkkjamin Uabiiisok,
By the Pretidcnt. Jamea G. Blaino,
Secretary ot 8 late.
Indian War Claims.
tTllder tho Indian Depredations bill
the claims against the government are
about -1l,(al0,000. IL'.IKHI.OOI) of which
have Ihtii put in by citizens of Oregon.
Douglas eounty soplo claim looses
which will probably aggn-gate over
tltiO.OOO. Home of them date back for
many yean and others are of compara
tively recent date. Judge W. C. Shelly
was recently sent west to tako testi
mony for tho government In theso
uses, ami lie sla nt lust week in Jtose-
burg on thut business. Ho states that
the claims here are more numerous and
foot up a larger sum than In any other
oiiHty iu thu state.
Among the principal old claims are
those of the llallcy brothers (John and
Isaac) anil the estate or Samuel i-.vans.
teecased, represented by S. I). Kvans.
administrator. It seems that while on
tho way from Douglas and Jackson
counties to Virginia City. Nevada,
with a largo liaud of cuttle, tno Indians
attacked their outfit, killing Joseph
lliillev niul Siiniiiel 1'vnon niul 1 .
stroylng nit of the stis-k. This mns-
saciv ocetirred in Kern county, Cal., on
rut river, In the early 'sixties. John
llallcy, who Is now a resident of Lane
county, and Isaac llallcy, of Canyon-
I lie, suo for about IIO.Oihi iu all: and
S. D. Kvitns, as administrator of his
father's estate, claims a loss of f2o,000.
Suit Instituted.
Mrt. Amelia It. Combes, Nov. 13th, com
menced suit in the Circuit Court of Lane
county, Oregon, against B, 0. Van Uouten,
ol ripnkane, rails, wash., for tb snm of
13, loO with interest thereon at tb rate of
8 per cent since the year 1M77. The oom-
plaint allege, that defendant, Van Iloaten,
a agent for plumtiu", collected money due
plaiulln amounting to tb above sum; that
plaint iff was the owner of laid money cob
ected by dufendaut and wat entitled to
have said sum o f money paid to her ss soon
at delendant bad collected the tame; tba
plaintiff has frequently demanded of tbe de
fendant payment of laid turn of money and
Jilalntiff ha not paid the same. Wbere
ore plaintiff denmudt Judgment tor said
A demurrer Las been filtd by tbe dufen
A. 0. Woodcock has Men retained by
ibe lilomtiuT aud Geo. A. Dorris by tba do-
Juuction Cily Times.
It wot our pleasure to visit Eugene Mon
day after an absence ot about live weeks.
The "dupe" whirb wat tpread over tha
gravel ou Willamette street did but pack
and solidify at Its promoter loudtv claimed.
Not much Mary Ann. The mud was as
tbln at boarding bouse custard and about
the lame color. Hones are not driven
foster than a walk in order to preveut tbe
buiiuess houses on either side of the street
from being spattered. It was about the
muddiest )lac w ever stunk our No.' U
shoes iuto. Willamette street ii tb princi
pal business street in the city and a pretty
si rot t loo, aud il i a ibsme that something
it not done to remove that quivering sea of
mad. The beauty of uue'i summer
streets txoite tb admiration of every vis
itor, but if these visitors wura to ttop off
there today, they would leave on tbe first
As Oi.n Sroiiv. Tho IiideiH iidenco
West Side wfys: How many of our
iwlers know the origin of the name
Lomr Tom." triven to that stream
emptying Into the Willamette south or
;orvuitis: iionginauu inus: a puny
onilng from California to Oregon In
Ik.1I. Iuu I In coiiiouiiv a lomr. slim
Irishman nlck-namcd Long Tout. One
morning, is.'rforming Ills nlsilutlons on
that strviini. he fell In and got a good
lucking. Afterwards, any of the party
ferrlng- to that atrenm, eaiiea u tno
Lomr Tom. This is the origin or the
name. Soup crit ic uenveu us name
from the old bachelors living In that
section In lMl-V from their being desti
tute of soap for the washing or their
clothing. Among these bachelors were
Kit unmet. David btuuin and "Pica
yune' Uwlxirn.
TasFiasi Wuirt Child. The Myrtle
oiut Brass Band raised a purse and pre
sented Mrs. J. Fred Schroder with a line
gold watch on pioneer day at Coqnille City, '
because of bet being nearly u not tne nrsi
bite child born in Oregon. Sh. was born
on Clatsop Plaint, Oicgon, October, 1S13.
Mrt. Finn ie Dixon bat furnished this of
fice with data, however, tbat relates Ibe
proposition that she ha tho houor ot be
ing tb first white baby horn in this favored
region. Myrtl Poiut West Oregouian.
Tb root is being placed on ihe new
opera bouse at Junction today. The plas
tering il about completed ou the hotel at
, that place also.