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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1891)
Drugs, Piiarmacy, Chemicals, Medicines, Thysicians Sup plies, Surgical Appliances. Everything Exquisite in Imported Perfumery, Soap, and Toilet Articles. Also a complete and select stock of Taints, Oils Varnishes, Brushes and Painters Furnishings. . braced la well eppowica urug more ,u.n, v...."" OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR 19 1 TUB GRAXD Jl'BY. A VhuhI Condemns Den.-ete. Uue eter County' A. GOLDSMITH, U Known Brocer in Eugene Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Chi h, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow ware tnan ever Deiore. Pays Highest C Abll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, Hides, Wool, 1 allow, die. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All.Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene. Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH; Faber's Golden Female Pills.. For Female Irregular Itlui' uollilngllkethem on tbe market. Never (ail Successfully used y prnmluent ladle monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SUREI 8AFEI CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged. Bare Time, Health, ud mouoy ;Uke ou oth er. Rent to any address, (ncure by mall on if ovlptof prioe, 12.00. Address, TUP aPHRfl nCMCIKE CQRP&NY. Western Branch, Bos 27, rOBTLAND, OB' For Sale by K. R. LUCKB Y A CO., Eugene. T?iwl)iirir Plnlndenler: Mr. A. A ril.,-1, Atvrtln tack, wna In the fltv Baturday lie says the ditches for the operation of tho pincers are no nearly completed that ft is probuble mining will oe unaer way on ix-oemuer im.. Brick. Brick. WkitAnn.K . ttiFni. nnntraotora and builders, haw plenty ot the best quality of brick at tneir yara iy. miies ran ui and will supply the demaud at reasonable pnoei. iney also contract ior an iuu htnk wnir ani onnrnnrAA aaiiaiaauon. n ui deliver brick on order to any part of town, THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH.. JUSY BKCKl y TO' IT NOW, SOON IT WHIM TOO UTI. I have been troubled many years with ' r . i. bUM .ltd have fried many different remedies and bar without relief. About the 15th of April stuck that tlmort proitratrd m in ..... t I..H, turn manner ,"-""; When I ut dpwa It wet elnioat Impossible for me B II 1 LAM OKKGON KlDNKYsTKA, to my hotel. I lmmedUtely commenced urine the tea. It had an almoat miraculous effect, and to the eston i.kii nfmii th vtiMta at the hotel. in a few Oayi,l am sappy 10 ewe, that I wat a new man. 1 recommend the tea to all aH ail have been. 0. A. TUPPM, rropilftor Occidental Hotel, ' " ruiw atwiawa vmi ret up lont, or to put on my (r.w? Ictedl 1 1 IHf Aim ITiUKtTNri. nu'i'U known niHn- r..t,m.r f l,,uito nml Hhnea nt 8'JO No- uiitvu.i. v. ...... - - - ... .. . 1 , rn ...111 ..n. Ian pt.,Mnn Aiiionio. icxim, mu goon forwt IiIh experience with an at- taOK 01 1110 Crnip wnif u 110 ruiuw-u an follows: "I was taken with a violent niMimn In lin Qtnmiu-h which I hl'lluve (.11,1111. UH....WV.. .. would have eauned my death, had It not been for tno prompt uue 01 v,uum liiln'g Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea rrl.n 4tt .l,uu. .11,1 rtwi an iVUlllvUjr Alio .,inv uudu much Rood that I followed it up in 20 minutes Willi tue seoonu nose, auu w fore this doctor could get to where I .na T 1lil tint nmxl him. ' This llelll edyBlinll always be one of the main stays 01 my ianmy." ror mun vy For dlarrhnia or aommer ooruplalnt In any form tbere li notulng Doner man Chamberlain 1 ( ouc, uoolera ana wir Uum,lff M Vanrv llflrrv. of Ad I BMiiA.Annnlv Konfnrkv. aavg one aiua, jw w. , -. - j , rf done oured ber of an attack of dlurrhuea, Two or three done will cure any ordinal; onus. When reduced with water it it plena- ant to tube 25 aud 60 cent bottles for sale by Otburn & Delano, EUGENE CITY ILL 0. PATTERSON, EDMS 4 00. Ylanufaotire Best Grades Family Floor, Ptore Grain en the moat favorable terme. Wheat reoelota of any warehouse north of Ku- gene, property aaiinued, taken in ei change for ilour or teed. tynighett Cash Frio Paid for Wbeat.tF GEO. F. CRAW, P0ST0PTICE Cigar store, . EugencClty, Oregon, HOVEY. HDMPHEEY 4 CO. , A. 0. Hoyst, i i i , : s Prealdont II. C. Humphrky, i i . : : Caahler 1, U. AisAMl, : : t Aaalatant Caahler Transacts a General Banking Business. KU0ENE, 0KBQ0N. m 53 Too Much Load On the Liver will break down all the energies of life, and unGt you for Work, Business or Pleasure. FISHER & WATKINS, PROPIUETOKS. Will keep oonatantly on hand a full supply of 1Q X3 1E3 LEY MUTTON, rCRK AND VEAL Which they will tell at the lowest market prt oea, A fair share of the publlo patronage to- licited. TO THB FABMER3 t We will par the hleheat market pries for Fat , : Cattle, Uogs and Sheep, SHOP ON W1LLAMETTK 8TREKT. EUGENE CRT, OREGON Meats delivered to any part of the city free of onaive. w EALTHV Without Health can. not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USB Q'HALTH RESTORER. Ilrr . v t It la the best nehwr lo health and lite tiuicketl ear on Earth. I'm it in lime Iur til diiruet of U. C. k I L" . I LLi. t. oiwi.iii, i,rc)a aim 0.1m i, curee Khrumatitm, Malaria, Coaled Tongva and Headache, relieve! Constipation, Bilious neia and Dysneptia, drirt all impuritiea out of the Blood and dries up old Sorea. The Business men buy it, the Wotkiiigmen as It. the Ladies take it, the Children cry lor it and lbs t erasers aay it is their best heal'.n preserver. Sold evetyw hr, a bottle; aia for f vsa Indigestion, Constipation, Sleepless ness, Biliousness, are the first alarms nature sounds to warn you of danger. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is KUfc of tbe Blood, Liver and Stomach-It hu Sever Failed. Hnadreda of testimonial like this: J. . Male, Astoria, Or., writ: ' It eured sne of a senses Uver and lUoud trouble. Bold by all dreglata, PtirrP Css. Cs. Inlnara na4M. KUntO Hesrssasea, wheeeiae. C,t,Crsas. l-a larsst, A.Ik as. sod snry sUarlaai of the Threat, leass si Ckeet, iarhidini Cesssssstlsa. rif -sat 1 naiMMsi. Veamiaa)4al-Ut,i, Jo the circa It court of lbs Stats of Ore gon for Lane Coanty. Tn lion. 1?. L. rioe. JuJee of th tW. mni'lkd ivinrt: We, the grand jury, submit this, our fins) Mnnrt. We have dilllgently inquired Into crimes triable in Lane county and have returned indictments whers iu our judgment th evi dence brought before n jitHtiued sncn ae ' V lmvB examined Into the conill tlon and muniiKerocnt of the oillces of the County Clerk, County irettsurer nnil Hlifriff'nnd find the onices and recordH well kept,, but find tlmt the county records huve no place for mife dc)OHit and are liable to be totally de stroyed by fire ut any time. We find the county jail totally unfit for the uue for which it was denned, end sor seat that if longer used ventilation ibonld be provided for tbe cells and that water should be procured from some source away from tbe jail building. And now, h iving finished our labors we sk to b finally discharged. i, C. Chdscb, Foreman, Real Katato Transfers. EUGENE. 0 M Horn lo C H Bandera, 23.72 acres lu Horn's addition; 1800. Kiirlow Mulkev to Mrs E J Price, lots 1, 2 and 8, block 0, Scott's addition; fieA M Miller to D M and A Thomas, lots 14 und 15, lluddltnton's addition; $550. Johnnthun P Ewinir to Jennetla Bond, lot 4, block 8, fehelton's add! flmi-1. E J Frtwicr to Laura F Walker, lot 17, block 20 and lot 10, block 23, Frasler & Hyland's addition; 0. U M Pratt to M A Barrell, E ) of lots 2 and fractional lot 8, in fractional block In Mulligan's donntion; $2000. T L Bees to Mrs E F Travis, 5 acres In the northwest portion of Eugene $2,500. OOBUBO. Wm DeLnnev Sr. to David Blunton, 807x402 feet In DeLaney's addition; $125. OOTTIOI OBOVI. Morv E Sherwood to Fred Sherman, lot 8, block 1, in Shield's addition; $1200. . OOSBSN, E M Warren to D W Dillard lots 5 snd 8, block: 78. U W Dillard to E M Warren. Iota i and 3, block 3; 75. JDNCTI0N. Fnnnlo A Hawkins to the trustees of tlio Church of Christ, lote 9 and 10, block 61; $230. COUNTRY. A L Lane to James Kennedy, 55.05 acres In Tp 17 8, It 1 E; $5oa T A Miniorn to Virginia V Kelt, 41 acres in Tpl5 H, R4 V; $400. Peter Ituney to James Holmes Burr, 100 acres In Tp 10 8, K 6 E; $18,000. Jomes Holmes uarr to uimries my- tm Mulford, Interest in 100 acres in Tp HI H, It 6E; $9,000. 0 H Banders to 0 M Horn N V, lots 1 and 2, block 15, Packard's addition; $1000. Jeremiah Atkinson to Alex HcKenzie, 78.75 acres in Tp 20 S, B 5 W; $1. Alex McKenzie to Geo. Fornian, 78.75 acres in Tp 20 S. H 5 W; $0.r0. W T Poet to Mnry Edith Money, 100 acres In Tp 18 8, K 4 W; f75. Ktnte of Oreiron to Andrew Harris, 63.08 acres In Tp 18 8, R 11 W; $07.48. State and Northwest Notes. Down the Columbia widgeon, teal and mallard duck are now coming in iucroam d numbers. The oanvas back is still con spicuously absent. Wild seese are winning their way south ward to torment the California farmer, pull np his growing wheat, snd be slaughtered by men who ride around the big California ranches, paid $25 per month to shoot geese, The amount of freight handled by tbe Southern Psoifio for Jackson oouuty is about 100,000.000 Dounds annually. The average freight rate from San Fraucisco is about f I 70 per hnndred. Tbs averngs rate from Ban Francisco to Albany over the Ysquina bay routs is 20 cents per hnndred. Ths work on tbe sarvey ot tbs big Uma tilla Irrigation ditch is progressing well. It is thought that the engineers may be abls to complete thoir work in another month. Construction work is siso in progress. This enterprise is probably the largest of its kind ia the state, if not in tbs entire country. Ths Lewis river has been on ths rise late ly, Last Saturday it was sufficiently high to bring down a large drivs of logs which were safely landed in ths boom at the mouth ot the river. The plan of putting in substantial booms at the intersections of tbs smaller streams with the Columbia for tbe purpose ot ostohlng and rafting the logs In safety is a good one. Millions of feet of logs nave been lost along tne Columbia for want of strong booms to hold them in oass ot flood in ths small rivers, . Whim fh flnr Is tiliiccJ 1,120 feet above Chicago, will it 1 ut f the reach of Iter anarchitds? The tariff duty in not a tax on Mr. Harrinon'8 Cluny CuhUo whis key. Laird Carncgio puU it up out of his Pennsylvania profits. Mr. Harrison has undertaken to convince the country that Chili b objections to Pat p:ganiHin aro in sults to the American Hug. It w a very largo contract. Itoscburg Review: Judge Pipes has done his dutv in the Oregon Pacific matter. The road will be sold according to his decision, and the proceeds will go to pay the laborers and other liabilities. Al ready the receiver has paid for three months work. Amicable relations with the Chilian republic can only be main tained by recalling Minister Egan. His sympathies with the , Balma ceda government render him un acceptable to the present rulers. Tho only reason that Secretary Blaine has for his retention is a de sire to gain favor with the Irish voters. m It is not probable that the term of circuit court now in session in Eugene, can be completed this week, necessitating a special term, as court meets in Beuton county next week. Tho arrangement of terms should be changed to allow Lane county at least three weeks time. Tho extra expense of special terms would then be avoided. The leper case at the McKenzie bridgo has caused considerable com ment. Tho unfortunate man who is tho victim of tho disease deserves little svmuathv. Aware of his condition and the disease that had fastened itself upon him, he wap willing to link an innocent girl's life with his own with the proba bility of entailing tho horriblo dis- easo on her and the offspring of the marriage. Postmaster-General Wannamak- er is finding that the $10,000 ap propriated by the last congress for free postal delivery in growing cities and towns which have not heretofore been entitled to that pub lic convenience, has worked with satisfaction in almost all of tho 47 places where it has been tried, even netting a small proht, so that there will be good grounds for asking congres3 for a larger appropriation. Mabel Marmurlngs. November 1891. Tom Field did business at the capi tal of Lane couuty, last week. A coiicer killed and carried off one of John Wlndoiu's sheep last week. hut's tho matter with the Regis ter's correspondent from this plitee? lie lias not been ou deck of lute. William Workman recently sold his ranch, aud the purchaser, whose name we did not learn, has taken possession. In this neck o' the woods there seems to lie more deer than dear's. especially since the recent wave that swept up the Mohawk and drifted some tnree or lour couples out on the mntrimoniai sea. The young man who was so music ally inclined lost Sunday that lie could not come iu the house during Sunday school, but staid outside and persisted in plnyinR the French-harp, had better look a little out and break away front such backwoods hoodlamlsm before It's everlastingly too late, for such conduct will not lie tolerated more than once. A word to the wise Is sutUcieut. UltSKRVEB, Fall Creek Flashes. Mrs. Demmett Is very sick at this writ ing. Th attendance at the quarterly meeting was smaii on account oi in Dad roads. Mr. Uilo Taylor, from near Springfield, attended me vuarterly meeting at Lowell. Th time of ainging ha been changed ii om Datnruay nigbt to Sunday af ternoon at three oclock, - Mrs. Elizabeth Hannicntt, wit of Jamea llartwell liunnicatt, died at her horn at Fall Creok bridge, Tuesday morning, Oc tober 37, at a few minute past iht ciwi. urn. uuuuicuu naa Dn an in valid lor many Tear, bat bar hat illness wa very brief, luting a week only. D eeaaed was universally known and loved by all. t antral aervieea wer conducted Wednesday uoruingat 11:30 o'clock by Ear, J. U. Sweeney. Th remain wer eon' vejed to Bpringfleld Ld th funeral ser non preached Thursday mora ing, after wbka tb burial took plac in th Spring field cemetery. Tbe beloved husband and children have th heartfelt sympathy of the en lir community ia this sad bereavement. At a little Ohio town called Cald well, Governor Campbell spoke last Saturday to an audience of 12,000 people, and in the escorting proces sion were 12UU men on norscoacK and 350 farm wagons crowded with neome; and this is only a sample of the crowds that have attended his meetings the last week or two. No wonder the McKinleyites are scared. Campbell is now making as many as fivo speeches a day, somo days. The Portland World says: While I. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass, and T. T. Geer, of Salem, are wrangling over who shall succeed Bingcr Her mann, Senators Vcatch and Bilyeu, of Lane and Linn counties, are quietly fixing their fences and will probably be heard from before the plum ia awarded. Oregon has too ong been represented in Congress by corporation attorneys and rail road lackeys. What the country demands is a clean, able man, whose private or pubbo record ghows him to be a man of the people, free from entangling alliances or corporate influences, and willing to do his plain duty, buch a man can be elected in either of the Congres sional districts, regardless of politics. The Gervais Star suggests the namo of Col.' J. A. Straight as a suitable nomination for Congress man. It says of him: That there are many other good men in the republican party is true, but we question if one can be found posses sing as much real merit and solid business and political qualifications for the place as he, or one who could wield moro influence in the next campaign, or who could roll ud a lareer maiontv. e are not of the republican party, but we be lieve in all candor that we are suggesting to them tho nomination of a man whose election would bring honor and strength to the party and who would be of great use and benefit to the wholo people, and before they place a name upon their congressional ticket they will do well to givo his their careful and earnest consideration. In one of his recent speeches Governor Campbell drew tho fol lowing parallel of two farmers with 10,000 bushels of wheat each. One started out from Bombay, India, and tho other from Ohio, .with Liverpool for their destination. Each received for his wheat $10,000. Each purchased with his money such goods as he wanted. The man from Bombay returns home with his $10,000 worth of goods happy and contented. I he man from Ohio starts home with his $10,000 worth of "oods, but he is stopped at the cuts -mhouse at New York and forced to give up $5000 belore he can have them admitted to the country. Thus, though they both received the same price for their wheat, it takes 15,000 bushels of American wheat to equal 10,000 bushels of the India man s wheat at Liverpool. All this comes from the beneficent policy of protection, ritl... ..i..iu if Vow York deposited j ne own. " . - 85 000.000 small fish in her waters during the past year. There were m cod, .melts, yellow perch, lobsters, pike, white fish, frost fish, muHkalonge, shad, brook and lake trout, etc.; this should help to in crcaso the food Bupply. Prominent ecclesiastics who havis been interviewed on the subject of the possible election of Cardinal Gibbons to the papal chair, decline to talk on tho matter, but receive the suggestion with a smile. There is not the slightest doubt here that an Italian will be elected to suc ceed Leo XIII, and the queries from America in regard to Gibbons have not excited serious interest. So far as the sentiments of the sacred college are permitted toes- ,,hiin l-nnwledfire. there cuiiu w j""" o-, seems to be ground for the belief that Curuiuai Arciiuioiiup- j Felice, of Naples, is the coming man. Ti,T?,.aidiirir Plnindealor takes lltV fc.VWWM.. fy - exception to the statement that the Bohemia mines are in Laneoounty, and alludes to the fact that the mining district records arc made in Douclas county. The fact is that lU.nmin nnnxtz district IS BltU tut; jivi. i. . ntfid in both counties. The water shod determines boundaries. On tho north west, and east of Bohemia mountain the streams empty into branches of tho Coast Fork of the Willamette. On the south and cast Steamboat creek, a tributary of the Umpqua, drains tbe moun tain. All these tributaries carry nrosnects of gold. Bohemia is the highest point of the rough and mountainous Calapooia range. When Lord Carnegie made Pres ident Harrison a present of the 18 gallon keg of old Sootch whiskey hn sent the tariff tax. $54. along with it. Carnegie can afford it He has amassed millions of dollars from the Pennsylvania iron indus tries by the aid of protective tariff. Hardly a vear Dasses that some large strike of his workmen is not witnessed against the steady effort to reduce wages. It is seldom tne wnce earners ' come out on too. Their dollars avail nothing against his millions. He shuts down the works and starves the men into Riihiootinri. takincr a turn over to the old country occasionally and importing other men to take tneir places. In several districts in Russia the people are, according to report, at present experiencing the distress of famine. The local governments are to all appearances unable to cope with the situation, relief is slow in reaching the remote dis tricts, and its distribution is not properly organized. According to the latest advices, the famine is extending and has spread to Si beria. Supplies from Caucasia are improving in quantity, and it is hoped they will be sufficient to avoid the worst effects of the fam ine. In some districts the distress of the people has led to rioting. A gleam of light comes from south em Russia, where it is reported plentiful rams are falling and com pletely changing the prospects for next year s crops. 1 he work of plowing and sowing is proceeding with vigor and there is no longer despair of a good yield from the fields. , Portland police circles have been stirred to the center by charges made by two gamblers that gambling ring exists and that Chief of Police Parrish and other high police officials are paid money to protect it, while gamblers not in the ring are subjected to arrest and prosecution. It seems to be in line with the state of affairs that existed when Sandy Olds killed Emil Weber. The latter was not in the gambling ring and swore that if he was not allowed to keep an open house the others should not. The gamblers compassed his death and immediately gambling commenced at full blast. The police force was in sympathy with "Weber's murderer and on the witness stand did some hard swearing in his favor. It will require more than a mere denial lrora Portland police to convince the outside unprejudiced observers that they are not recipients of bush money from houses where vice, gambling and prostitution are allowed. The claims made by a partisan press that the . recent Michigan legislature acted unfairly in pro viding that presidential electors Bhould be elected by congression' al districts is without a Bubstan tial foundation. It is far better and fairer than by the present methods of a state vote as whole. Under the present system largo minorities are practically disfranchised. For instance New York was carried by Cleveland for president by less than 1600 votes, 000,000 voters that cast their ballots for Blaine lost heir votes because a small majority was against them. At the next election Cleveland's supporters to the number of 630,000 lost representation because they were outnumbered by less than 15,000 votes. The plan of voting by congressional districts is in finitely more fair because the min onty would obtain something like equal representation. The whole electoral vote system should be changed for a popular vote where every man s suffrage would count the same. STARR GRIppjjj Sells tho Celebrated NON-RUSTING Tin, ail GENERAL DEALERS ij HARDWARE, STOVES ETC EUGENE, - OREq. g)TRY mm and get I710RE POWER! and use LESS WATER Write for our New Illustrated Catalogue for lmi 1 THE LEFFa WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO, Saf W k VsJ NOTHING ELSE. I USTT NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties cat be suited either as to Price or Quality, j 1 - Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price ' the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. OUR STOCK IS CifFree New and Stjiish-Jg Look as over; if we do not save you money, we will make some om toll to you low. A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete stock of Ladies' Hisses' and Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals FINS KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And In fact everything In the Boot and Sho line, to which I Intend to devote my especial attention. -MY GOODS ABE FIBST CLASS. And guaranteed as represented, and will be sold for the lowest price that. good article oan be afforded. A. HUNT Important Notice. ' My Patrons and the public are notified that I will sell all Goods and Merchandise at my Oreswell :-: Store! FOB THB Lowest Cash Price! Will pay the Highest Market Pric forFann Produce. To rednc rrar larg stock will five SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS for Cash or Produce. I L D- SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL JAMES McCLAKEf, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS ndCIGAI Willamette Street, bet 7tli ud 3d. Sportsman's Eporiuij HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsmiths GUNS, IUHtH f Plthm Tnrkls nnil Jlilttriall Sewing Machine and a"11 J' 111 Kinda For hah-i f Repairing done in the nested itylt " I ranted. t Guns Loaned it Ammunition Fun Store on Willamette street is; . EXCITEMENT if- Rnni high In this city over S"u'hW' ' everybody is using It for Catar rhj f "J uJi,. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Impure m j f biild up their system. Try friends about it. as it mmt iw8"" r merit when all speak well oi it. t SAVED ..,-tiS" From a terrible death. Is what to being cored of catarrh by using the Positive and Negative t'l.j.! never falls to cure Mheumstiim,.Vojw Back. Sore Throat, Headache, I"" i Try it. " FOR El WANTED. WOOL, HIDES AND FURS -AT- COLD8 MITH'8. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. J. Vi'ina has bew duly appointed administrator of th estate of J.H. V inn, de ceased, by the County Court oi Lace county, Bute of Oregon. All persons having claims against ssid,ssUU are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the administrator at Munroe, Oragaa. or to ttto. H. Dome, attorney, at Eugene, Oregon, within six months from the data of this Botioa. laUd October Id, 189L. Geo. B. Dorm, J. J. Winr. (- Attorney for aUt. Administrator. Ten Small Farf FOR SALE. Situated from three to five mile non, urns"- M Grain ail SB The entire tract of M ere"3 j DIVIDED INTO SMALL From ten acn-.op, and OnReasonablcTerj j Inquire, for further particn! ATTHWorncs-11"' ; DB. On tbe premises, 4 miUs west of J'' JOS. w. JIAB0