,1, 3EEDS AIX OI'R MEW ARE TOTED. If you want ths very beat pooils Uwt you kunw will ro, at cub prim, writ" ua. 0"c. m. i posson A ROM WarthouM 2d !rt TREES German Syrup J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' rpiscopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.! " My son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying gsveralprescriptionsfrom physicians which failed to relieve him, he has teen perfectly restored by the use ol two bottles of Bo An Episcopal schee's German Syr up. I can recom Hsctor. mend it without hesitation." Chronic r rvere, deep-seated coughs like this r re as severe tests as a remedy can I subjected to. It is for these long' i iding cases that Boschee'sGer i j Syrup is made a specialty, I ny others afflicted as this lad 3, will do well to make a note ol T. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it far less a superior. C. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbary.NJ. lj Bain la T.ll IM story Tnal Led) to th Aanartru Karolatlaa. There have Intel y come iulo tbe pot- tesston of the rational museum two article whicb are of reat iuU'reat to rery American, and of particular aiue to every ttuuviil or American Duuury. iiicse are nothing; mure nor lex Mian two of the oriknnal aiauiiaj 1 1.V -I I eugraveu m biigianu lor use in uie anieiicun colomea in act'oruauce with l ie provision of the stump act of February. KM. This was the net which caused sued an uproar among the col onies, and was one of Uie main cause cf all the trouble immediately preced insr and leadiuz up to the Involution. It was intended that the revenue to be raised by tbe stamp act should come from the "sale of stamped paper and stamps which were required to be placed upon all papers used in com mercial transactions, suits at law, pub lications, transfers "ol rent estate, in heritances and marriage licenses. Ihus a tax was placed upon Uie colo nies without their consent, and the i 'l m il i . L money uenveu irom mis lax was w oe used for tbe support of a standing army, whicb in turn was expected to enforce the Daymen t of Uie tax. An- .1- L..l;.u. 1 v iwrviuiy uu r.aiii&iiiiiuu unnuiw ui " trr For sportsmen, tourists and others who spend their time in the open air, Mastiff cut plug smoking tobacco Is absolutely the best. Packed in patent can vas pouches which retain th moisture and flavor. More solid comfort in one package of Mastifl than you can get out of a dozen others. J. B. Pao Tobacco Co Richmond Virginia. Dcrmuda Bottled. MYoa must go to Bermuda. If Ion da not 1 will not be reHnl le lor the eaiwrqiieneea." " " claetor, I can afford neither the time nor Uie money.- ' Well, II that Is Impossible, try SCOTT'S ijULSion CF PURE NORWECIAN COD LIVER OIL. I Mtrarlliura call It Bermuda Bot tled, and many ee of CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Cough or Severe Cold I have CURED with It; and the 'vantage 1 that the moat enl t e stomach ran take It. Another t nr which eommend It Is the a.imiilatlna; properties ef the Hy pnubOKDhlles whlrh It contain. S n will And It for sale at your brtisnclnt'e but see you sret the original SCOTT KMl'lJMO N." STAMPS WITH A HISTORY. I JJQy JQ HORSE THE NEW Y0RK 8H0I G'fU- WHAT MUST BE DONE TO HAVE CORRECT SEAT AND SADDLE. Why Many FMpIo Who Eld Hav fts Maeh Troubl with Tfcalr tlrrap A Bidln afmatar OIM o Rlerllaat Ruin sad Rucgeatloaa, A saddle is constructed right if it gives the rider the greatest possible com fort and the most secure seat, with al most total absence of exertion of mus cles of his legs ia order to maintain his balance. Almost every riding master prefers a certain make of saddle, and teaches a certain style of seat as the best, and his jKipiln, taking perbaw little or no trouble to study others and to in- itigate farther, have to accept his. Bnt, Irrespective of the science of rid ing, there is one shape of saddle which is tbe most comfortable, vis., the saddle which is so constructed that, in accord ance with the laws of gravity, the rider's body will and munt ait in balaure with out trying to do so. Much has been said and written about "bow you should sit on the horse." Per- Great latprovasnwiU la Hr Caadltto During Rrat Years It will be remembered that about eight years ago there was a popular demand upon the storekeepers that their women clerks should be treated more like human beiuirs than as mere automatons, thnt they should be gireu seats behind the counters on which they could rest themselves, and that they should have some apartment wherein they could retire and secure ccasional real from the constant straiu upon their nerves and their bodies. The general clamor for re form in this direction led to a most umrked improvement iu the way in wh ch these young women were treated. Ttie change came slowly, but it camo at last, and now the twprieior or tlie great stores huve inndo admirable pro visions for the comfort of their em ployes. It may have been observed by shop pers that there is a marked improve tueiil in the. personnel of the girls cm ployed iu the big stores. Purchasers are treated witn more courtesy, ami the inUrett in the purchaser is so manifest sometimes as to be almost amusing to persons who have been in the habit of shopping in other cities. any residence to" the act, and it is said hap. you have been told to gra,p the ' U an tW f:.nvill thfl m nitif Um W n, tho W flrml lth thirh. l." 8 18 UA'U UpOll erV SOUIIU UIIUII saddle or the horse firmly with thigh. or knees, to have your toes higher than your heels, to keep the heels away from the horse, to bend your back to be springy or to straighten yourwlf to sit firmly, etc, Perhain your teacher has made great efforts and exhausted all re sources of his kuowledge to impress upon you how you should sit, and yet at a trot you lose tne stirrups, yon lose yoor balance, and unless trotting very slowly, and unless yonr horse has an easy trot, you have to bring him to a walk to regain the stirrups. If you are not experienced, and yonr bone trots roughly, you are in discom foil and in danger of losing your seat U your horse is nervous and not well broken to the touch of the heel the flap ping of the stirrups against his flanks renders him uneasy and prolougs the tatsk of "getting your foot in tho stirrup. , WHERE TUB TROVBIi UiS. Examine your saddle; it seems nice, soft and comfortable: the stirrups as heavy as should be even their tread cov ered with leather or rubber to prevent slipping from your foot; but slip they will. Why? Look at the shape or your saddle, at the positions which the saddler has assigned for your seat, thighs, knees and feet, and see where he has attached the bars for the stirrup leathers on the saddle tree. Your saddle is perhaps too Ions and. as most English stylo saddles, flat; iU lowest point, instead as near as possible to the center, is back toward the end: you are almost sitting on tbe canue. In order to bnnii your knees to tne knee puffs, which are too far front, you have to stretch your leirs forward. This obhges yon to carry yonrstirrips for ward with your foet away rrom and in front of the place where they would hang by ; their own weight, and in order to keep them at yonr feet you have to ahurten the stirrup leathers and bear heavily on the Btirrups, otherwise they wiH slip back What is the result? As soon as yonr foot lose the stirrup the latter, accord ing to the law of gravity, returns to the lowest position which the length of stir rup leather allows far behind your foot; then your foot, too, having lost lis sup- nort. and with nothing Pi Dear against, together with your leg, according to the law of gravity, tries to slip back in order to hang as near as possible to the center of aravitv: and then your legs will bang far back tbe knee puns, perhaps on tne hnre horse almost behind the saddle SEKIOl'a HANGER Threat every man. woman or child llvlnn In a rvUni n( eouiilrv a hen- levrraiKl aituc In iey lent. Iiiiv Die in-rinaol imilartal iIImww an' tit halwl lmm the air ami are wallnwol Iroin the waterol u h a reitluu. Mnlttlnal uili-iciianl l baoliilvly ueer)' to nullify Una tanr. A nioaiiol fiirtlitliii! ami airlluiatlnK ilia Utn ait at to tie atile to reUt (he malarial tuition, Hoatetier'nXdnimrti KlUi'ri liK-niwmblv the beat ami the inoal iilr. Irmrnlarlllea nl the ilotimrh, liu-r ami boweU eueonrmie mala ria: tint Iheae are -ellly ipetilted by the Hit U-ra. The Innetlona ol llk'itlin suit awwllon are awlnleil by Iu m, ami a Miionnn a well a reuuUr (-oihIIiIoii ol the iviiem nromoteil by II. I'otmitluliim anil pliMtlijue an Ihnit ileli'iiiktl ksIiikI the InniaiU ol' malaria bv Ihla man hleu revenlle, hleh l alo a eeruln anil Ihoronih reuieily in IheMornt raaea ol lulvriultlenl ami remittent luTera. The man ho aanta the earth need not exiieel to Kit it unleaa he ailrerllx-a. ALL ItKPOHMKKH Art, Itelliilon nr Selene Slnra lha Ho nrlil llesan that Orenvillo, the minister under whom the uct was pasMed. afterwards made the statement that he would have staked his life on the obedience of the colonies to the measure. Of course, however, there wus a decided resist ance, as every American knows, which led to the repeal or the act m alarcli, 17G0, under the Rockingham minis try, i The (tumps themselves were hand somely engraved, and ran in value from a InUf-penuy up to. several pounds. The two sumps now in the museum are of the value of a half- Deunv and a ueuny. They are uncan celled and are twoof eight which were preserved by the heirs of lion. V el bore Ellis, who whs contra issioner of internal revenue for Great Britain iu the year 1765. ' After his drath they came Into the possession 01 nia son, Welbore Ellis. jr.V'who was a partner in tho famous bank inn house of Walk er. MaltDV. ,vcreii cc cjiis, wuicu failed in the great nnancuu panic 01 1827. . These two stamps rt'niainod id the Ellis family up to few jears iujo, when thev Wert ffiven to Mr. E. J. Wnlbov nf nuicnt ln-oivT vno. bv his grandfather, the senior mouiber ol Uie above mentioned bunking firm, who wiw interested in antiques and curi osities. A short time ago the two stamps were given by Mr. K J. allc er to air. Joiiu a. uriu oi l uuauci- plna. Very Boon after Uie stamps came into his Dossessiou, Mr. Drill received nn offer of 10 from an ' English col lector for the two, but declined it at once, whereupon uie rugusuiuau cabled him an oner sererai limes as I nem which was also declinou. Air. Brill came to the couclutdon that if the stamps were of that much value toau Englishman, they would be of mni'h mora value to an American mu- seum ol historical runes, auu no promptly presented them tolbefta tionuJ museum here, where they will Iwi nnliivf inii-il nnil tironerlv nrcserved. They will be installed in a handsome frame, wuicn wui nave pictures u proper legends that will help to tell the storv of the causes that led to the . T A. I . 1 American Kevoiuuon. w asuiuguju Star. ; Th Teachlnn of Death. There ia nothiiifl'. no. nothing, inno cent or good, that dies and is forgot ten ; let us hold to mat lauu ur uune. An akfiniL a Druttliiiir child, dyiug in iu riiiilln will liveauuiu in the belter thought of those who loved it, and play its part, through them, in the re- thu b mua., exertion deeming actions of the worm, tnougii t forue ,lgg np Bnd its body be burnt to ashes, ordrowned ' ' jon tirnome to milin. ,u the ,nt,.hri,tnfhflawnb But if you, according totheUw Ucra fliey are given a big apartment K!f ineU Srttta of Uit. he the lowest poit of the up8Ulirg JL. Mo fresh saddle in it center; U you nave tms air they desire, and also the opporui ceuter as close as possible to the hone's nity to obUiin warm food from the ad back by reducing the thickness or tne saddle to a minimum; if you drop your suli into this lowest point of the saddle tQ stay there; if you drop your legs to where they will stay by their own weight in.twul of holdinsr them forward and cial rcusons. Several of tho big shops have entered into au agreement with their employes to trive them a certain Borcentaceon their total daily, weekly or monthly sales, small, it is true, in each salo, but in tho aggregate a very handsome addition to their salaries. The result of this is a decided eager ness on tho part of the clerks to wait unon the customers and an anxiety that thev shall be pleased. This is an improvement founded upon tho inter est of both employer and employes, and gives the latter an interest in their work which deprives it of much of its drudgery. The question ol seats in uie siores has been always an importunl one be cause of tho necessity for room in the aisles between the counters and the confined space within which the clerk are obliged to work, liut an ingen ious inventor solved the problem by providing a queer littlo stool, which resembles an artist's sketching stool in many respects, though more solid and comfortable. This in many store is hinged to the lower part of tho coun ter ami the rules of iho store Denial any clerk when she is not actually en gaged in a sale to use these stools at will. As most oi uie snoppiug is uone between 11 a. in. and i. p. m., this would seem to give the clerk five full hours durinir which there is little chance for rest, but this is obviated in this way: The clerks iu each depart ment are divided into wuni on snip board would be knowu us "watches." IlniiiKr tlm hiisv hours in a depart ment where there are lifteeu clerks not more than twelve are, with few ex- rentions. behind the counter at once. But these twelve are understood w uo the full work of tho tlftoeu, so that at hourly or iifteen minute intervals they may in turn huvo a rest Formerly the clerks were compelled to tret a bite to cat whenever they could between the customers' demands. Now, however, things are chaugod no that each girl or set of girls ha a half hour iu which they may eat their meal in quiet. Not only thie, but in the big stores a room is proviuou lor them with tables and condiment where they havo almost as mauy com forts as thev would huve at uonie. These rooms are usually in the base ments, for the employers are com pelled as a rulo to utilize every bit of space above ground tliut tlieycun se cure, but they are kept clean and com- fortuble by women who also care ior the cleanliness of the main store. There is, however, one exception, in a srreat store in fourteenth street, in which the clerks are not oongeu w go below irround to cat their luncheons. Have at ome time been called bitots. fa natics, rcneKSile. Ami a people hsv Ktonnl s prophet to whom) memory the next itineration liim ruined s monument for the ;reiitne ef deed. Snohomikii, Waili., Aug. l!, Wl. V. J. Kimriir Jiii-iiiii, Srtittlt, limn. IKA IHhtok: Will have to write you that 1 sm surprised to Mini myelf Hoirreatly improved in so liltle time.aiid am pleaard tossy thai I could not Kive vnur medicine too gn-at pruise. My lieallh was gone. I felt thut medicines 'could do me no good. 1 wa hopelesa of ever recovering. I tlio'iRht too it to In- vnur iniMlielnea. but with death staring uie iu the lace I determined to do an. I am pleased that 1 did it, for at till data 1 have received tenfold the price ol the medicines. If 1 should any one aiimireu fold, it would not Ih- overvaluing llie dif lerence lit my health. I feel like mother man. Yours reaped Ailly, J AMU II. Hymim. I TKI.r (Rd'Hr lt'S PAR ALVHIH, Following ia an Inlerenting letter from W, H. Casaell, on of Hie malingers of I tie Wealern riilon Telegmpli l o.i " Hldonisiitok, hid., Jan. I'.', lsil, " I have lnvn Iu the telegruph Imsiin-si fur Inure than laeety yearn, anil' fur the past live year have been troubled with what ia culled Writer' t'ramp, or Tulcgin pher'a P.-irnlysia. A I times my arm becmne an weuk thai 1 could not uw it in sending diapalelies, and hud to use my tell. Hate pent inuiiy reslleso niitlita, the pain reach ing trout in v hand up into my sliiiulder. Tried everything I could hear of, but with tennely any relief. Having alruined my left aide a tew wee III ago, I gut one of A i.i hh'i'i I'l AsTiaa, us I usually do in aurh rnset, and uivnlenlally liii-iii-d iu ai-a where some one had cured a weak w rist by using one of these Plasters. I got another at once, and on I il in two and put one-liulf snuind my wril. Inlesa than two davi alter the "piiln had entirely left my wriht and arm. and iu two week 1 could semi nearly as well as ever. 1 write this hoping it will reach the evea of others who may I Hlltictcd as 1 wsa.sa I know there are scores of them." We honlil alwayn fou'lvi our enemlea-especially those we rant w hip. "ftrorn'i Itnmrhinl Tivrkft" re eicellent fur the relief of lloursenena or More Throat. They are eieeedingly ellirtive. Mil ony in boxti. J'rice. 'i' cents. ol ua the tfissl aeals huve a it show , ami to must ill lieen luki-n. - East Hoc M. Wash . Aug. M. lil. ' Dr. J. Piionw Jiinliia, NuMr, H'imA.-IisabMis: It bat heeu aoine lime sliiiv I liHiewrllU'H to you, lint I nave neen iteiiuiu ai.um so mst did not think tl iieceaMrv. I hsveslosltHklna tho treatment now , anil 1 believe I am enure well. Your mellelHc have done what you told ua they would do -thev huve made new woman of me. 1 now (eel like mysell sushi, Kfter ant lerhiK (oreliiht years wllh ealsrrh ol I he head and hniiirhl. ami that very palniiil lhlin-neii; might ol th atiunacli. I Iikis inn monuii medicine. Holh my huiluinil and mysell fad at thongli te eaunol be thaiikfal euoiuih to you (or what vou have doue (or me. I hope thai every on who Is auflerlng I wat will hear ol lr. Jonlaii and his most valuable inedieliiea. our moat rwi.eUiilly, Mua. I!. AhsniuoNU. Dr. Jonlsn's olttoe is st the residence of ex-Msyor Yesler, Third and James streets, Seattle, Wash. - Consultations snd prescriptions absoluts- ''rleud for free book explaining the Histo genetic system. ,, , Caution The Histogeuetio Mediolnes sre sold in bnt one agency in eanli town. Thalalxl aniinid the Utttlo hear the fol lowing inaoriptioii! "Ur. J.Kugens Jor dan, HIstOKenetio Medicine." Kvery other device it a fraud. ritKK r.xciitsuiN California. I lah. Mniilana, Idahn, Washington and ron Iu I'orlland. We will furnish tree round trip transportation ... ..... n.l.lln in anv ill th alsive- iiHtneii Slate who disurea to imn hsse hirlland realeslate. Thisollcr v. Ill hold go.Hi lor auly .lui. n.iiiniieiiiiliu NoVfllllli-r 1. S'.I. A rlie n at ntie and irel lileiililleallon naiwra. ItemeiiilKT ISW will le Ihe Ihkiih year lot hr- ami. Iliiv now while euciui, auu aeii ai a uia prolll when the Isanu cnine. For irllcular sil- iirena i:iinskrvtik iri. i-"ini No. MSIark stwt, lHirllaml, Or. r . o o In 15 Minutes. f 1 I suffered severely -'i::.t''2i witn lace neuralgia, but in 15 minutes after applica tion of ST. JACOBS OIL was asleep; have not been troubled with it since. No return since 18S2. F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo. "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." O O UDSOU Dynamite l POWDER CO., . II CALIFORNIA ST., IAN FRANCISCO. If vou wsnt l'OWDKR lor Minimi, Kailnisd Work, Rump Wnsting prTreo Planting, send for Trice List. It is ssld thut the scale used hy the inaniirufiturers of Star l'lug for weighing the tohacoo fur a plug of rjtur are so con structed thut, if anything less than sixteen uiiiioesis put Iulo the scales, an electric hell rings automiiticullv. .Moat lonacoo chewers throughout thsVnlted Rates use Rar l'lug, it being the best. Innnhrln mtnKlmw the KAMll.V OA&KTTK. Ilielinalilesl iwrlmlieal III America, we ulli-r llie lollowliiK prise In any pe"""' seii'll" ' ernts silverifur Hire niinun suiimriiiiiiiiii 1 1 hi he iieniiiii uiultlii Hi eloseal aiiws Hi Hi iniiiiUr if uullls III a iHio illillie; Vl In seenml elnaeat i"l :ifiO 10 III linrd Aililress FAMII.i UIMH Ft n. CO., hail rraiicisco. v ai. Ds IssmellusStov Polish ; so dust: uo smell, Tsy Ghsmia for breskfust. does its blessed work on earth iu those tai it lnueil MPKL Forgotten I oh, if the good deeds of ruimau creature could be traced to their source, how beautiful would even death appearl for jow much, charitv. moeev and nurifleil atlectioiv would be seen to havo their growth in dusty rave. . Wheu dcaUl uike dowu Uie 111 nocent and young, for every fragile raising them by muscular exertion; If form from which ho teta tlie pauUng ybq . have the stirrup leather bar anieit free a hundred Yirtuea' rts. iu fWhed far enoiwh back to be in a line shupes of mercy, charity and love U) Ui that place where your feet meet the walk the worm anu mess iu u cjci j gtirnips. witn stirrup leamers ao iohb am tear that sorrowing nioriais suuu o" to raise your toes high enongu w give IIOYT & CO. town In Oregou, Wash- Want n spent In every liiKum and Idaho to sell Wu.le teacher preferred. Bpecial rale on au goods. Write lor particulars. PORTLAND, OB. Portland. Or. A. rAmmtronf. . Braoch school : Capit.l Bus. Coiinis. h. ;""' MnxoourM of study, sanj. rata t Ui.Uoo. Business, Shorthand, alnloaUirolhoulthyar. Stuo'n" lnn ElitltaEST PILL IN THE WORLD I ft o TUTTs e CtTOY liver pills" Oeiually erTeellvet purely v. eUU)le. j Kt .U- l.owo In tin. border. nr, ft OOOOOOO r yww v Ft N D I A MDE PJREO A 1 1 0 M i brssiON I PATEHT3 i i w n V MOMFSTEAD T POSTAL LAI MS -CIIDBB tub DiBur-no or- San Franoleco Examiner. auS U speeJUr a-ljud.raied, Wrr JOH! WEODEKBIB!. !. .,. r w . W. W..hlnsUa, D. C Q !J2fl. Odall Typewriter. $20, al li itj JIB Ite X. .laa ImrsSWMlion: .ITAllt . A ret : mnl A Tf ' ' ten KranriMvi K . fcal a such graves, some good is ooru, aoiue M gjtie tread on the stirrup with gentler nuturo comes. In the destroy- out crft,nptng the muscles of your thighs ctnn anrincr un bright Creation .. . , l.n ,,.. Iwlr loira (mt a bv. m -1 a ,1 ami auta-, w j - - j i o that defy his power, and Ins dark path an4 itirruTJ, niiutain their becomes away of light to Leaven. tioM Dy jheirown weights accord Charles Dickeus. posi- according to the law of gravity; after each displace- Went reslauruiiL do lar as me accouuiuiuuiioiiB iur storing wrap and any little vuluuhlos which the clerks may have some de sire to keep in safety while they are attending to their duties, they are pro vided iu most stores by small rooms where these thintrs may be kept under lock and key. and which auswer at the same lime as drvtsing rooms, where the clerk uiav keen a store dress, and iu the morning change their street costume for It, to a very maui fut anviiio- of the hitter. The routine of the employment oi nnrsons in the trreui siores is oasuu to a great extent upon civil service principles. The depurtruent chief is selected because of his or her peouliar A Sort of Joint Propwial. A l.n,.t limn since, lii .- a wcdil i U 2 ia A OUV. 1 i South Carolina, a lawyer ' moved that one man should ber elected P'1- o-oni. i mi this nresiaeni snouiu vo Jail ewnun secret all the com mniuotinll8 LI1UL HIIOU1U Uv IVI nuiuw tn, him in his offlcial capacity inai nieht: tliat eacli uumarnou genuo- man or lady should write the horse your body will fall back into tqe lowest part of the sauuie; your thighs, knee and feet will not become tired because you are not using niuncu Inr t-xertion to hold them in their places. By the Uw of gravity they always ru hark Into them. Yourtirrupnd feet. rcn if cliserurasod from each other, will, his or her as it were, meet unintentionally at weir . ,..iB, nlrM. If taroiiur your toes slightly to- ?ZKiZ r ward th. horse the stirrup will by iU wiihed to marry, then hand it to the 0WB weight try to Bnd its place and slip niflnt for iusDectiou.! aud if any on your foot The displacements from Lind pentleman had reciprocally their positions of your body, thighs. chosen each other, the president was knoM (w-t aud stirrups will be followed . ;feni each or the resuiu anu uio hr ihKir invoiuniarv moveumuw w , : , , . V I -J " . . - . . , . name of those who nau noi oeen nr g to uie uv 0i gravity 10 iui vm ciprocal in their choice were to be kept uM the place which their weight as- entirely secret, m i-i: ugrj w uiem tne at resulting from the movement of (j,e8g for the position. But none of i . i . , in ..n lnin I r. .i :u these vice regcuta oi uie piopriumr eiven Dower of dismissal over au em ploye who mi fjeeu more inuu a jwr in the store. Each one of these has the ritrht to be beard, and if the excuse are satisfactory the person couiplain- no- must o-ive trwxl reasons uciore they are discharged. Another tiling that goes far toward making the shop girl more content wiui ner 101 is mat in several of the store her wage are veurlv increased in proixirtion to her time of service. New York 'iinie. At a the conclusion A Chemical Ballet. banquet which was given of the German at con- fremuof nftturali.it aud physician at Cologne, Dr. liollnian alluded to Hie fiittiru iv exnerienceu vy siuucuu m understandiut the constitution of or ganic compound, and suggested an original method of fixing these iu ' l Tl.. n.f!ifn.di araa (lion inn p n nua inn treated to a ballet in whicb the dancer were dressed in ditlerent colors, 10 MmeeawnL the various atom. At his t .1 I.-ultI fumola Bismi lm ef Phiwm f IW1W WW iuwob. yviu av.- CO 111 ma UU lfe cuiui ...m. . . 1 I . , . a . t . . ft 4nA W..m fsiMir I . 1 . . I ! a . M . i a, f nu Vl. TTonr-r " cried air. tMnimeni, i cnue. witn me sum ynuia w i roupeu iirt-niseivea in ucurj, - . ... , . . . .. ,11. . , uml r ; ., . .1 l,An,;nAl nnutitntiin u.1 . Lnm DH in UIO DOUSG I U with UM ajuluie DBU WBluai ivu inns LO SHOW IHO tin:"""" vi...w. rhTht ud aud Kodownstair" f incbas above the horse and with leather 0f particular compound and their re t. v' - .1 J:- MrfneriMtrlia rever- L4 .u.. ts built UD hiirh be-I.Mu.na The comnosiUon of benxole. - no. iur ucw, . .... .- . . i kuij - - i w--- . , - i . ' . ... 1 . A l . i A Ih. I m.nt of the presiuenu couuuuuiw.- tt.-, vmT udoie nun. so ina. do tionswere accordingly Lauded up to mniCIli exertion be required to keep the chair. It wa louua vnai le" you in it lowest (centre) parti that your onnno- adic and eenuemeu nau - ,i.ii,. vna. fet and stirrnn re made reciprocal choice, and eleven WJtition, by their own weight, of the twelve, matcuea ware . aoiem- . that which nized. .no can never hud iu a flat saddle wtih th lowest point back at the end gentleman. "Ibearinem n uie tw8eQ your leg. Uave tne wee oiu tudr now. : Perbap thef Ul,'ayet jonptudinally in tlss center from the away with "a few of those dressing to aaiddle, allowing circulaUon gown and pieces oi nnui v..v " . , of air between you auu nin" i have received. ! I do't kflost what ,,, a more eMS yourself and La a.,ri hacks for vour horses. U Brossmann tn Philadelphia Ttoesi Aa Aattoa Thai rairly Tlld. A sneaker on Uie affirmative side of question. "Resolved. That fanning pay In K"" nso juai luaru uio OXI5 KlVJOVO Both the method and results when Syrup of l i taken; it ia pleasnut and refreshing to tho taste, and ict jeuOy yet promptly on the Kiduey, Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys tem eflectually, dispel cold, head ichrs and lever and cures hahitunl lonstipation permanently. For sale iu 60c and $1 bottle by all druggist. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. ' HI MACC0, ( '.' tOUISVIUI, St. ml I0M. H.T SEEDS Of all kliiilsaml In anriiiatillly-tiolo-' nlf awl raull-al U-tlMi'k prlcw. E. J. BOWEN, OB Front Street, Portland, Or. fW Hpiiit for otlrnii. f B LT B B B a I I I .m T1IR ORP.ATKST lrj f fitrArn i.lrn Killer. Ask your il.lr far It, r otmI kir Kre Clrrular to i'etaliim.1 Incubator Co., Pctalnma, CaL ft NUNTES f EQUIPMtNTI -J CO VI'hlntTa.lilp.KI-. drrat VarMr. Low Prle. (M.lil i"i'' n In trail. NMid (iirlaWloiriHt. UKU, 4. sillllhVK, 1S Kcarav Mt. , (hut Vraiiclauo. Season Opens for Trout April lit ZZTACKLEzz Balling Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cske snd Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cskes, Palsubl snd Wholesome. , Ko other baking powder doe such work MORPHINE HABIT ! Book fnw, else to do with them.-IIarper s Ba- and tbe tbrtnatioo of aniline and its turiffs.livHB. were narticularly applaud a Thai Ka.llt wound ud by a repre sentation of the formula for robunU the new explosive- the finale bein? a formidable explosion. Annal of Hygiene. . A AMl4'as Tisaaai.") O l krrv of ol?itv. propoaed by L trn nwntlv. nd desrnliHl before the Societe de Bio'logie, i that it is a nervous disorder, and to be treated by avoidance! al t mteting of a debating oci of mental and i-hydcal fatigue and a diet of ecCT, araip, milk, rios and pctatoo. Ccientdic Auieiican. luau far Caal Dttatcn. Taking into consi'lerstion tlierraaWlT diminishing ra-liating surface, the cmv . i... i.. at thai the sun ety in western Kansas when a fellow on the negative side opened the tov door and (hoveled in three or four peck of eorn.-a'ansas City 8tr. . sWaaathla Istf. Oaaat fto wsiteO-Waa 60 yoa saaaa by brincin bp such asmail raacaos' SMaif iiav as noUiitif largarl ffah-Ofc, yat, ni go aaal p your bill. -5w York Boa. Tbe epoch of bigness ha extended to every phase of neckwear. Borne of tbe dress bow even are of unusual aiae, while the big ascot butterflies simply break the record. , Periqne tobacco, which, it is laid, grow to perfection only tn St James' parish. La., will be bat a scant crop Uiis year, owing to the late flood. A boy of 17 and a girl f 13 were mar ried the other day at Columbia, . Among tbe wedding gift were a doll and a rWtxsrt run. SURE CURE ParlSe MMlWn Co.. B'i Clr HI.. Han Krancls. JOHNSTON i t LAWRENCC, waul aati.a i arriu Plsmbtt' sn InoJaMrs' Sunllsi, Hsn snaUtaas fiH. Ira Pla. . riM CttrlM, UkMcators, Wait NiHars, Fans s4 Vanrllatar. Cask ksflslsrs, tie. Writ for prlrM. (32 IHI IT., POSTLiNO, OR. Contrartor n halln( anil vmtllatln buildiaaa. Kstluaura rurniabaS. FiZED AXLE BBstiBtheWorldinnrADr Bet the 6enuine!h MNr VI, - V Vlr''Jv' 'iiiii,inii,i;i' nf t . I'J.i t ,TTf i.i i J i iiiu rrurncuscB to stay cubed. HAT rCILil WtwaaSlhasaaatsadao. Iin S a.1 a.a. oi.wj.rCTWina O IOTUF11 U S anSCaaaa. CI r0 1 niiin .israiir.i i,wa,i H. P. 5. U. No. 412 -S. I. F. U. o. 489 E: , o . 5 H. T. HUDSON, I rirrt ltxt, FerilMd, Or. DIAUUI 1st II IS, IITOLTEEJ I SPORTSMEN GOODS. taad tot hi 111 maraud eaialofs. Have Been Imitated, Bui Never Excelled Tbcy Art Bcjood Comparison ! W Make IV per cent. Ol the Wire Mais Sold In .- t - 'V,'; . ' A .ir. taUtsUa. .aMvi r 1. i H AHTM AK ATI rKIRI Fw'iti 'Wklk.MWiJMaf,'.vltiliii,l,iiilli'i .) ..latiia. rt ny r Becauss . " . -I''a'n ' (Morlesa. I EvrrlanliiiR ll And'Tlfst. llABTHill.'- Aiiicrici a HAm MAN MfC. COMPANY, Work, Bt BAKER A HAMILTON .. . SAN FNANCISCO CAL WHl (r otir Ttllnii-tiistl HrnklM I llutti hu, niriitvti- Mnlli sT H4n tit hi vnur timl hai hrriM im: fctln IhmI 1hmuM ' AVtK FALLS, PA. FORNlA. l-'rr. CmoHfsnft Enoum, Rto Cross Oiahodo Bmo A TNI diMiaii Ian uauiai. Th. i.iiji.iiirinMi. 4t llr.il,l fc IMIalol trntH IHammt J-.mU la Nml Mvl IM4 a: 4liaUirlMa. Taba aa wkar klaa. ka Mmmm, i tawmt V LaaiN,. aua . All ,111. HI BM.Mr4 plul raii,a. r. aaaaarnaa aaMIrrrlla. AI DruaflH., r SMMt aa Sa. la Maiai kir t-rUr.lM., wu.al.l., ao4 "ll.li.i Im- lalaa," Mi im, M. rvlani SJalL is.ao rmiamiau. mw. CxiCHiana CHtaiicai Co., aaa S.U bi aU ImI SnsabUi l'lm.lltl.l UlA7V. BestCough Mmlicin). Itoromoiradod by l'hyaicians. Cure whirs sll else fails. Pleasant snd sgrresble to th taste. Children take it without objection. Hy druggists. Bill Tour Own Boods if four Dealer Diss M Carry Tt:i EI THE 'BEST lltaWIIBaSlafa IN AMERICA. flBBICiSTSUDBOlDlflGCSS, est and Oricapaat In th WortdL Carts. IIS If. 1':.". O r . . rir Boas and DaaaKiaaal a la. Ctaaateal fir BnftiMS and Kmafti! kalUa and Hnaa, Wrannlam, Uibrioattuf OUa, thorra, tnka3 and rna Balla. t ateauailU Drills aad Kanraa, Baati, Surriaa, IfwtDf snd ttpnmt Wafoa. Uat tl Oaaat ha rarlUaaL raalata, vha 1st prtaaa. fw ronsaw Usrartaia aaal aa rnlahan. I Goods, hps and fltUn nrlla, atasoa Laaadis uplralora, Marina Waafi l Xnfftn larraata afoa. Uat au ktaaaalaaat L L irJI. Fd if Ca lind. VMn. Q 0M' NTHEPIPE Leading meilical authorities state that new and improiierly cured tolwcco when heated in the pijic produces a rank vege table poison. roban-o Ilk liquor ran onlj b li;rnl Sy agt. This is the reason why "Sail of North Carolina" Is the most lopular brand of smoking to bacco in the United States. It is made from tobacco, at lrast three years old. Its rich mel low smoke has never been equaled. tail at lartk Caralln la now Marled In Pattnt CioU t'oiM lua, a a eli aa In foil. DRIED FRUIT "will mi pltnrf aad chtap this . NtwAmcort, fsAAHas N atTAaiaas. Arnaa, CMBaaias, tluca taaaiaa aowolTuui. Wtqutat ApHcotl, ftiw ,.,,.., ..,7,, 10, Paachat, cboic .... Naclarln. aatra.. Saolaa. Iwialrf Aaplat, altlco dranl. Orapaa, gfiod.... Ralslna, 1&V1, par lb... Prunat, 1S90. goni... a. 10. 12 a, 10. 11 7, . 10 10, 12 a, 4 . . 1 7. 11. ia 10.25 4. sarHTuuwIafTI In four Sara na mrKlrrlricft'waats at- ' awl apwialua. I. r rul pmSt aad t-aali rink BauiDKkaa. ln.Hlldwaa,Brua4a,3.V. BUckbarrl.a, 1I41, Una,. Charrlaa, pitwd, itoi.... Flat. ilouLUJi CaU. Othairruitilnrarlatv. Tntstawtaiefwlnaqualnin daik. oU. lufrno. Ion a ofi lowar. baall diacgma 10 H.4.U. BoaMmi Hoasta, Daakn, and atbai lain buyat. Cani rixh a leawr. M naal apI. olfn a naral aarlatf of Baoda for family aaa at cIom prkaa. and want a Shai t r "d. Aak for ao-baga caUliajua fraa. aWdrtaa SMITHS' 0ASH STORE, 410V4IS Front Bv. San VNsavoteioo J. McCRAKEN V CO., DIALERS IN lackt NarlMf llata. Pardand Csawat, aaa Sal and UU PI Mar, Hair, Fir iMk tad h Cla. LANB fLAHCR. SO Horth rronl Htraat, Car. D, rOBTLAND, OR. PIAIIQSOROAUS. 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or life on Uie earth aiu u 141 w, OuO.000 ytars.-loU-U!tioorat, v NT - ?71Zr I . uBiumm sWasWcff---Bg--- - " - lt'v ' "', --m- '- " ' - "' -.- ---' rn JIB-.: t-- v - , B , I II II "" " " r . ----"