The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 07, 1891, Image 5

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BATpPJJAY . . . NOVEMBEIi 7, 1891.
Little Change From Yesterday A
Full Vote Polled.
Iu almost every state (hut belli elections
Tuenuey the vote wu above tbat polled Id
off rent. New York U ileinocralio br 45..
!u0; Ohio republican br 18.000 or 110,000;
Msssacbuaeit elects a democratic governor
by 6,000 majority, the rest of tbe stale ticket
republican. Iowa elect a democratic gov
ernor bv 9 000 majority, and tbe lull ticket.
New Vort and Iowa legislatures are in
A Democratic Jubilee.
Des Moines. Ia., Nov. 4. The dem
ocrats are, having a regular old fuxhlon
jubilee over tho success of Boles. Fires
tire burning all over the state. Demo
crats aro marching the streets with
brass bunas, celebrating their victory.
Governor Boies arrived In this city
tixiay ironi waierux), ana nut carriage
was drawn through the streets by en
thutsloatlc deinoeruU. A great jolliflca-
i ion mining win ue uem tiero batur
ilay night.
from Kansas.
Kansas Cm, Nor. 4. Return from
Kansas are coming iu very alow. Wes
t-em portion of tba state not beard from.
i;i turn from eastern portions abow Peo
- 'at party bits lout prentice. Out of GO
counties only six will elect People party
tu : ola. i
Kusaeli'a majority 8,000.
I jwroN, Not. 4, 1 p. m. RnseH's plu-
ruli'y la about 6,000. The Lieutenant
Governor and balance of state ticket re
Pennsylvania Republican.
ruaiDiLPHiA, Nov. 4. The atate offlc
eta, except Auditor and Treasurer, republic
enn by 60,000
Tlie Ohio Legislature.
Cixoinnati, Nor. 4, 2 30 p. m Deport
imlioate tbat the republicans on joint ballot
will bave 38 majority.
Cincinnati Itepublicona claim legislature
br 37 on joint ballot. Democrat concede
ITIcKlnler Wins.
Colcmbus, Ohio, Nov. 4. McKInley
Is elected Governor by about 15,000
majority. The legislature is Republi
can on Joint ballot.
Other Slates.
New Yobk, Nov. 4. In Virgiuia Leglnla
ture Democratic; also New Jersey; Colora
do, Republican; Nebraska, Republican;
Maryland and Mississippi, Democratic;
Michigan, Republican.
New York, Nov. 4. The latest re
turns this morning show that Flower's
plurality over Fnssctt in the state is
40,055. The whole democratic state
ticket is elected. It this city Flower's
plurnlity is 68,857, showing a demo
cratlo fulllng-ofl' of more than 10,000
from the voto of Hill in 1888. The
assembly goes democratic by eight,
although the republicans claim they
have It.
Indictments Never Dismissed.
Ban Francisco, Nov. 3. The suit
of Mrs. Bailie Hart against William K.
trnirnra in rrenver ,"000 for services
rendered by her deceased husband,
Attorney Jesse B. Hart, !egan before
Judge Finn yesterday. Kogers is the
assumed name of William Klssane,
who had been indicted in New York
and Arkansas for various crimes.
Thirty-five years ago he was convicted
in New, York city on ono charge of
forgery, but influential friends secured
his release after a few months' im
prisonment. Another charge of forgery
was compromised by the payment of
$12,000, but by some Inadvertance both
indictments were never dismissed, but
remained In full force. Kissane.came
to California in the '50s, changed his
naino, took part in the Frasier river
mining excitement, accompanied
Walker's expedition to Nicaragua, and
returned to settle in Sonoma county,
where lie married and has acquired
considerable property. In 1887 he be
gan receiving annoy mous letters which
disclosed the fact that his identity was
known, and gave him to understand
the indictments were still hanging
over him. During the trial yesterday.
Rogers stated he had employed Hart
to go East and secure a withdrawal of
the Indictments. Instead of so doing,
Hurt gave the California papers a clue
by moving for a dismissal of the in
dictments in open court. For this
reason. Rogers claims he owes nothing
to Hart's estate. The case will go on
this week.
Married. Monday, October 20,
ISM, by Rev. P. P. Underwood, at the
residence of Henry Darneille of Eight
Mile, Wasco county, Mr. Newton Pat
terson to Miss Amy Darneille.
Call a Halt Tbat tired languid feeling
means that your system is in Hate to in
vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex
tract of Baruaparilla is what you need at
once to expel impurities of ths blood and
bnild you up. Bold by all druggist.
Geo. W. Klnsey, Auctioneer.
When yon want your good, household
furniture or land sold at auction, call of
Goo. W. Kinney, the pioneer and most suc
cessful auctioneer in Lane County. Hi wiU
attend to all sales on a reasonable com-
. - -y.
1 Notice.
When wanting Cemetery work go to E.W .
Acliison Jr. Co., who are prepared to furnish
all kinds at lowest prices for first clsae wora.
Our Portland cement wall for enclosing
ceinotery lota are the finest yet put upon
the market, and are furnished at about ball
the coat of stone. Call and see our beauti
ful Barre k Westerly granites and beat
grades of Vermont marble. Office Al
bany, Eugene and Roeeburg.
Tery Respectfully lour,
E. W. AcHPaox k Co.
Sheep Inspectors Notice.
All persons in Una oounty owning cab
by sheep orsbeep afflicted with other die
eLe. are hereby notified that said ebeep
murt be thoroughly dipped, aufficient to kill
aid diseaae. forthwith.
Any person failing to comply with this no
tice will be liable to bate hi abeep dipped
by the Inspector at said persons expense.
Tike not ics and save costs,
Dated June 5, 1891. '
Gno. FisHta. Sheep Inspector.
Don't Belie It
. . mm .? wr 1 -l at., AwnertnttL.
When told that r. u. um, .
is not selling "Wisdom'. Bobertin. fori he
connexion, th moat elegant and only really
hanuleea preparation of IU kind In the
ii j . twntifnl Die ture card
WUT1U, IUU Kl v a
with every bottle.
- ImiM-ira
The cheapest plaos to dot
hardware, tinware, glas. rope, and all kind.
UI nCOIDfl (Ilia, AC. ,
VIaote Building.
LrvBta Nonct.-Go to tba Depot lumbal
yard to cheap lamber. Andre "
L aadenold.
ritxEia, AtTBrncw.-AU kinds of m
cl id oti at bed roc price
YusmcM Kjurf
Ilouowar WiTcHia, Cuioks, Jiwilbt
SrmracLH mo kluaio.
Day k lUndorion.
Canva. shots at O. E. K'a.
Walton k Bkipworth, Lawyer.
Go to 0. E. KrausM lor toot wear.
Call on Caswell for sidewalk lumber.
Rubber bottom shoe at O. E. Krauase'.
Sheet music at Patterson it Christian',
Oth Bt.
Money m loan on farms, Enquhwot Judg
Bee the nw style o( Oak (ami tor. at
Day tie Oder sou s.
Hot and cold bath every day In the week
at Jerry Horn barber shop.
Carpets, carpet, all new .tyl for spring
trade at Day k Henderson .
For fine suits made to order and raady
mad clothing, go to Ed Hanson.
Set the nw invoice of oak furniture, all
new patterns at Day k Henderson .
24 dollar will buy a solid, antique, oak
bed room set at Day k Han tenon .
C. Marx, Barber Shop and Bath Rooms.
First door north of Dunn new diocju
Blank deeds, mortgage deeds and chattel
mortgage tor sale at tbe usaan otnoa.
$3,000 worth of ladies' shoes to be told at
or below cost. , i. V. Uatlock
Mr Geo F Craw has the sol strsncy for all
brands of the celebrated lanall fundi Ulnars
Remember that Hanson k Bon bar ths
best selected dock ol clothing In town.
Brins ronr old scrap cast Iron to the Eu
gen Iron Foundry where yon can dispose
of it.
Eneens Floor f 1.35 per Mck. Th Eu
gene Flouring mill make the best quality
of roller mill noor.
If von are settlne too old for your spec
tacle, or if tbey do not cxaotly .nit you take
them to Watts ana Dart new lenses mica
Best line of plush and light weight cloth
wraps from 10 to 85 dollar south of Port
land, now on exhibition at A. Y. Peter..'
Dr. Q. W. Biddl my be found at bis
residence on Out street, oetween f utn ana
Sixth street on block weit of the Minne
sota Hotel. He la prepared to do all dent
al work In th best mannsr.
The best family remedy- l undoubtedly
Plunder's Oregon Blood fanner, uarm
less, it aceomDlishe relief where many oth
er medicine fail to do. It may be safely
given to th infant a wall a th adult.
Peddler are like tbe Irishman' flea, and
often Irresponsible, o buy an organ of a
repntable house, and that will not fall to
nieces with the first damp weather. Call
and see Hollo way'.
Henderson, dentist.
Oxford tie at 0. E. X'..
Fountain pen at Watte.
OrergaitertatO. E. K'.
Job work at the Guiao office.
Tennis good, at 0. E. K'a.
We lead others follow. O. E. K.
Wigwrfm slipper at 0. E. Kranaae'a.
Rusaet shoe, at O. E. K's.
Go to Smith k Hall to tell your wool
Go to Goldsmith' and get price on bacon
and lard.
Belette Plush Jaoket only 10 dollar atA.
V. Peter..'
Men's patent leather shoes at O. E.
Blank deed, and mortgagee for al at the
Guibd office.
Goldsmith pay. the highest cash price foi
country produce.
Try soms break fast bacon from Southern
Oregon. A. GowemTn.
Forest City Dongola shoes only f 1 60 a
pair at A. V. Peters.'
All kinds of mill saws and file for tale at
Richard Mount', saw .bop.
Remember the $1 60 Dongola .hoe, good
value for $2, at A. V. Petera1.
The best assortment of children' shoe
will be found at 0. E. Kraaese's.
When wanting a nice tie or anything in
tbe furnishing line go to J. E. Bond.
Itlank notices for ths location of quart.
mines for sals at th Guabd office.
For all kinds of farming implements oall
on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street.
Screen windows and doors, Ritas, sash and
doors at Bioilow k KnuuiTBtc.
My entire stock 10 per cent, discount for
cash. J. D. MATLOC.
II yon want to buy a magnificent organ
from (50 to $75 obeeper than peddlers oan
ell you, go to W. Holloway.
W. Holloway ha just received a consign
ment ol new organ, without doobt tbe on
set toned instrument ever brought here.
Call and see them.
A large assortment ol wall paper Just re
ceived at tbe Eugene Book Store. Cell and
see it.
Bangg'HcKentie Springs Stage Line.
Ell Bangs is now running hi. stage line
up the McKenxie river to tbe Foley and
Belknap springs and intermediate points.
The .tage leaie. Eugene on Moodaya,
Wednesday, and Fridays reluming alternate
day. The trip will be made in twelve
hour. For ticket, and further I nformation,
oall at the Hoffman Hons, stable, on Ninth
WiwriD.-100.000 lb, of good Willamette
valley wool. Bum k Hux.
What It It!
rrv.t thai beantifnllv soft com
plexion and leave no trace of it appli-
non or injurious euncw i .
dom' Robertin ocompliahe ell this, and
i. h hutiM of taste and refine-
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced, warraniea narnuej. auu
matchless. F. M. Wilktna, agent, Eugene
A Rial Caixcs. -E. J. Fruier l giving
the public a rare cbauee tor an investment.
He is selling a r idenoe lot on College Hill
only a tew block from lb postoSo
and on in Florence for $35. o nly $10 cash,
110 in ix months, and $15 la on year
without Intern., besides he U giving with
the two lots, two caah prixe of $1,000 and
500 in gold coin. Thia 1. without que.
. . , In. 1 n
ti on in nest ouy bhuw .
or t home m the Eugene market.
C S Taut. Jcioas. The following
jurytn" fro" L10 eountv hse been .urn
moned to appear before lie CnlUd Btatee
district oourt at Portland: J.QVaoghao,
of Coburg; Wm. Edri. Eurm; F. W. Fol
aom and R. P. Caldwell, Junction City; P.
F Datie, Bmslaw; J. BaehaeU, Junction;
E. B. Luckey, Eugene; Geo. Armitage,
Spiingfleld precinct; A. D. HyUnd. Lowell.
There I no danger of a cold resulting in
pneumonia when Chaaiberlaln's CouRh
Remedy U used as directed "for a severe
cold." It effectually counteracts and arreate
any tendency ol a eold to result in pnen
monia. Tbi fact was fully proven in thooe
and ol during the epidemic -
cnxa laat winter. For sale by P. M. Wilkine,
Druggist L
AaBiarroro BiDCenon.-Leater Swag
Imit, who Uve with his parents near Gceh
en, was arrested Saturday eveniag by Offi
cer Wood, ol Portland, and Depaty Sheriff
Croner. and we taken to Portlaod Sunday
morning. He I charged with seducing a
yonng Udy in Portland, named Ida Moore.
PtiRTPONin).Th sale of property for
ecbool taxee for DUtrlct No. 4, adver-ti-d
for Tuemlay at I o'clock has
been postponed until next Tuesday
1,500 Citizens and Students Turn Out
to Welcome Hon. Henry VilLtnl.
Pally Guard, Nov. tth.
Thia morning a dinpalcb was r.-et ivitl au
nounciag thai Hon. Heury Villard uud'y
would pay the State I'uiveraily a brief viitit
at neon. Although it waa raiuing banl, the
800 students in the public school niiiri-bed
to the t'nivemity, aud many of the promi
nent citizens ot Eugene, beaidea tbe Mil
dents in the University. It was estimated
that 1.5U0 Peoole were tm-aeut in the amli.
torium ol Villard Hall to welcome ibe man
who gare at least $75,000 to tbi rfMud iu
The train bearing tbe diktini!lb d iur(v
srriied at 11:15 p. ui., aud Hopped on the
tract to iront ol tlie I nivcrxity. Tne pnrty
waa escorted to Villard Hull, where Prof.
Johnson Introduced Mr. Villard in a few
bsppy words. It is necdlens to sny be was
most eninustaotically welcomed ly tbose
present, air. nurd said:
Ladles and gentlemen of the
Faculty, citizens nf Eugene, and niv
young friends, for I hoi' I mav W
permitted to fall you so, though I
nave, l suppose never seen anvof vour
faces. It is a loinr time simv i luul the
pleasure of standing within these walls,
and greeting the Alum Mater, of Ore
gon. I U-lieve I wus here lust in the
spring of 'S3 nioretliaueluht years ain,
Itake It that 1 may infer from the
numerous young luces iK'torv me that
not only Eugene, but the University,
lias grown iu population and atten
dance. I had a conversation, yesterday,
with your life-long friend and patron,
Judge Deady, and he me
that the University was In much more
flattering and nourishing condition
than it was ten years ago.
I would have been surprised had it
not been so. Orvuon has now. I !-
lleve. a population of between S.10,000
anu 400,000 souls, wnen 1 lirst visited
the state, there were only 70,000 people
within Its limits. Tl icro were oulv
7000 or 8000 in the city of Portland,
and I believe only a few hundred here.
It is meet that the educational
interests of tho commonwealth should
keep pace with tho material interests.
I am sure as the general wealth nud
well being Increases In Oregon, that
the people of the state will do more
and more for the promotion of the
higher Interests of Education.
It has been a great satisfaction to me
to be able to contribute somethiui;, to
contribute largely I think I may say
without boasting to the material
growth of the Pacific northwest, but 1
have always considered that what 1
have been permitted to do for tho high
er education of this state has given me
more satisfaction than what I have
been able to do to make Oregon a great
growing commonwealth.
I tried to set a good example by the
money gift It was niv pleasure to make
to the University. I regret, however,
that my example has not kt'ii follow
ed by other citizens of the state. I
hojie that a few are excepted. The
longer I live the more I see of human
affairs and esiwiallv in the material
and political developments of this
country'i the more I am im pressed with
tlie truth that the most solid founda
tion of human happiness is higher
education. In this republic and cic
lally, and more particularly iu the
Northwest, I do not'hesitato to say so,
the people need the guidance of higher
cultivated intelligence.
There Is but one University so far In
Orearon. One institution under the
particular cares of tho state.
I hope that before long this institu
tion call assume much larger propor
tions, and others will bo founded uud
maintained by the state.
I regret that my stay cannot lie
longer. The train Is waiting and 1
must continue on my Journey to the
Though I do not come here as often
1 1 wish, still my thoughts are fre
quently with this Alma Matku of
Oregon, and I U'g you to accept the as
sunmce that as long as I live, my in
terests in it will never fall.
Mr. Villcrd's atav was limited, oulv bolus
from 13:15 to 12:45.
Mr. Villard' party comisted ol himself,
hi. wife, aud Mr and Mr. Koebler. of
The Senior Clans through Mr. Young, Ibe
Junior Class through Mir. May Dorris. the
BnnhnmAM HIam thrnnoh Miun KHith
Tongue, aud tbe Freubmen Clans throuRb
alius veszie, pressmen ine laaies oi tne
party with beautiful bouquets.
Elmlra Notes.
Nov. 4. 1801.
R. V. Howard's family has moved on
their farm near Junction. ,
Stock of all kind look. well, and crass
nd grain are growing fast end look, like
J. D. Howard ha. bought the store owned
by M. E. Bollman, and is doing a good
business. Success to him.
Mr. Fied Tate and Miss Llllie Inman
were married at tbe residence of the bride's
parent. Sunday, Nov. 1, by Rev. Kellems.
Erervtbins quiet except tbe rain, and it
Is bnsilv Douriua down. Roads sre getting
bad between here and Eugene and some of
th bridge tre In bad condition!
The travel on the itaga to Florence la not
i treat as before the rains, as the road is
rooL-h and muddr. but if tbey want to co
John and Jo will take them all O. K.
Uio IToot,
For Larceny. Deputy Slier HI'
Wain, of Marlon county, Monday
arrested Adam Drcese, aged 11 years, of
Halem, at the farm of Allen lloml, near
Irving, on the charge of larceny by
embezzlement, and took him to Hulem
on the local train. The complaint Is
made by the boys father. The lKy
savshe has not stolen anything, and
alleges inhuman treatment by his
Junction Election. The citizens
ticket was elected at the Junction
election Monday, as follows: For
mayor, F. A. Kay lor, Kr; for council
men, H. 1. Ollmore, II. Itumly, M. M.
Ecctadon; for recorder, J.J. Hutler: for
treasurer, J. M. Ileebe; for marshal, J.
W. Kirk.
buildings In Eugene should at once be
ordered numbered, by the City Coun
cil. It would I a great accommoda
tion; In fact, It Is nearly a neccwiity.
This matter should be uttciidcd to at
' Ecowf. Or . Oct. 22, 1W1.
Tbe firm of Bunch A Williams, formed
for ths sale of the Paeifio Washing Machine
and territorial right for Ibe same, is this
day by mutual consent diaaolred. 4.U.
William is to pay all outstanding account.
I. N. Beam,
Postmiatma Waubborne, Hi Pogne
and B. M. Walker went to Portland
Monday morning to appeal h witneMee in a
case in tbe I'. S. Court Ti"- !.y. in
which Mr. Spaulding, lormerlr of tl i
place ia defendant. ue is ircnv-d of cir
culating iodeccut literature through the
Commissioners' Court.
Met at the court bouse in Eugene. Ore
gun, Wednesday uioruing. Not. 4, 1801, at
10 o'clock.
Piesint Jude Soott, Commissioners
UyUu.l and Parker, Sheriff Koland and
Clerk Walker.
Petition of Wm. Naylor, for license.
Ordered (hat liivlise Ik) Issued to said
Win. Nnylor to sell malt liiiom In
lesji quant it ics than ono quart, In Co
burg, for the term of oue year, ho hav
ing paid $M0.
Tbe M. II. Sou It road: Junes Paxton.
John West an Kudo Vaughan appointed
viewer', and CM. Collier surveyor.
In tbe mutter of J. H Uabcook, leper:
The pbyaicians appointed by this court lo
make hu exaiuinntiuu ol J. 11. llabcocK,
HI. tl thiir report, chowlug that tbe said
iien-im inaillictrd with leprosy: it ia there-
tote ordfted by the court tbat all person
be and they are hcrotiy wained anil lorotd-
den from vuitnii: the premise ol said UaD
cock or having auy coiiimtmiraliou with bim
a hiitt ver, mil. n- employed or authorized by
the county c iurt.
J. li. MeConl. county charge: The sum
off 12 por miwitb ia appropriated for the
support ot J. U. MoLoru sua lamuv, anu wiirr.uitH ioHtie each month lo Mr. F.
E. Brown, president of the Ladies' Aid So-
CKty of Moreure, said amount 10 De ex
peulli d by her for their benefit.
Circuit Court.
Stiito of Oregon vs H II Moore; dairying a
concculetl weiipou. umna jury reported
lint n true lull.
State of Oregon vs H J McDonald.
Obtaining money under false pretenses,
Ik'lciiiliiiit this morning entered plea of
not guilty. Judge rii's amxunu'a t
H Skimv'orth to defend. Case set for
State of Oregon vs F. S. Philns and
Charles Maker, larceny by stealing two
mures. The grand Jury reported a true
W Ii Campbell vs W H Baber.
Writ of lieview; A C Woodcock for
pltf. Order to complete transcript.
tU Amv DHurllmrtvs C K Hurl
hurt adn'i'r. and Emma llurlburt,
Administrator ordered to make deed to
A 1) llull.urt.
85 State of Oregon vs Thos E Itus-
se . Assault w th a dangerous weapon
The grand jury rcwirted a truo bilL
Jurv brought ill a verdict at 0 o'clock,
Wednesday evening of "guilty a oharged
in the indictment, and respectfully recom
mend him to tho greatest mercy ol tbe
Tho court fixed Saturday morning t 9
o'elock as time lor passmB sentence.
The penalty is from 6 month to 10 year
in tbe penitentiary, or from one to 6 month
in the county jaii, or by flu from $100
to f l,0ii.
01 ( leo C Whltliock vs J C Goodale,
To recover money. On trlaL
The following inry was drawn to try the
cause: John Sellers, Wm Stewart, Ben
Cleek. Dnvid Thompson. Wm. Driskill,
John Jenkins, ATrmler, Oeo Holland, S
Met'ounell. O W UoUerti, E U HollenoeoK,
81. Suite of Oregon v J W Herold.
Aidiiir; nrisoners lo escape from oounty
iuil. Bunch warrant ordered issued.
... . . . . i, ii "
VI. hlHle oi uregon vs iiurreii vuuK"f'
Burylniy: lieuch warrant ordered issued.
Wm, A. Lnce. a pioneer of Oregon, and
a prominent citizen of Graut oounty, died at
Ins noma in Jonn uay procinci xuesuay,
Nov. zt, of patnlysi after several day
sickness Il wus born fn Muhlenberg
oounty. Kentucky, Feb. 21). 1827. With his
piireutM and family csme to Oregon in 1853,
the former locating on a plsoe about ten
miles west of Eugene. Tbe following year
he went to tho mines in Northern Califor
nia, and for several year engaged In farm
ing, nntil tbe disastrous floods of 'Cl-'6'2
swept his farm ou a tributary of tbe Klam
ath rivc-r, out of existence. He moved to
Gr nit comity in 1NG2, and for t short time
kept a mineis retail and provision store.
After that engnged in farming and fruit
raising, being one of tbe most prosperous
farmers of Uraut county. For year he had
boeu suffering from a white swelling un tbe
leer, mid inst before bis death spent several
mouths in Portland, obtaining medical aid.
It was of no avail. Surrounded by his fsmily
and relatives bu passed away without pain.
He leaves a wife and five children. The
former was Miss Maria Fisber of Fern
ItiiVe. Mrs. M. A. Uunsaker of tbi city
is a sister of the deceased. A pure and
blameless lifo is loft a a boritage to hi
Almost Drowned.
A dispatch from Albany yesterday says:
A uanow escnpe from wholesale drowning
occurred iu this city today. A. 8. Miller,
who has been superintendent ol wora on
the bridge across tbe Willamette during the
absence of his aon, Superintendent F. J.
Miller, and sUirted aoros th river in a
small boat at noon. The boat waa a frtil
craft and capsized. Three of tbe men got
out without dilliculty, but Superintendent
Miller and 11. A. Love were rescued several
hundred yards down the river in an ex
hausted condition. Mr. Miller 1 th fstber
of Hon. II. U. Miller, of Chants Pass, and
bis son, F J Miller, 1 clerk ol the s'.at
railroad commission.
A Chance for All.
It is hnman nature at all time to want to
better your condition. You are always look
ing for a chance to get bargains, especially
in the line ol the necessaries of life. Ed.
Damn, tbe clothier, la now offering tbe best
hari'Hiiis ever offered to the Deonle ol Lane
county. He Is preparing to deal in another
line of goods exclusively, and tberelore oi
lers bis eutire stock of clothing AT aoTCU.
cost. This is no nuniuug, nut an actual
ciosina out aale. All clothiog will bs sold
AT OUST and all olhor furnishing goods at
remancablv low price. Do not lose your
chance for bargains, but make bay while th
sun shines. Such chances do not com often
and do not last long, so tske advantage at
once. lie bus no shnlf-worn goods, but
having been in the business only two year
ha. fresh, clean stock, parchaaed in tbe
East at low price for cash. Tbe vise will
beed ut once.
A Mistake. The announcement
that a pair of breeches had been stolen
from the linker hotel Tuesday was
not true in fact, illval lnunifrymen
visited the room where the gentleman
was domiciled, and tho result was
that a package destined for the tailor
found its wuy to the luundry.
Will IIkhimk PitAcncE. Dr. J.
C. Gray, dentist, will resume practice
on iu il Momluy, at his office in the
Young building, optsmite the (iCAKD
office. Work done In first cluas atyle
ut reasonable, price.
JUS iOUU J1I. un H'm vi in, uiu
Todd mining pioirty, from II. C. Humph
rey and wile to John V. Wilcox, trustee,
CI. .1 : 1 1. .. . . . , ., .I...L-. Tn-
. T- . .. tr Tl . .1 -,1 ,.1 .1.1
WIIS llie'l 1U 111. tuuuij -ict viuvw . uvw
day. The coD.ideraHon is $18,000. Wed-
n.Auf'm 11, nm IMair.Hia!etV-
CsmD r.r.r.Tnr Cbc h. The plan
for tbe new Cnited Brethren cbareb have
been adopted. Tbe church will be erected
by tbe days' work plan. The machine work
bas been already let. Tbe church will be
built during lb winter.
ITn.vr V.i-MtmuM Th reoaibt al the
EuK'tie d'-poi fi r Ibe month ol October as
uris'nl Itu.'-Bi.t'i. From tbe above It
aillbeaetu that hnguM does some boat-
Mistrso In Lneejuntyt Oregon, No
vm'ierl, ll'.'l, by Bv. U. C. Kellems, T.
F. Yst.s aiid Liili Inman, ell ol Lena
county, Oieyon.
Pump, pip and ga fitting, at Miller k
D. Linn k Bon, furniture and nndertak
Cook .tove. from $1.60 to $80 at Miller
k Long s, 9th street.
Nice aasortmont of hardware at Miller k
Oat. bought and .tored by tbe Eugene
aiming to.
Miller k Long Is the cheapest place for
stoves and tinware.
K"p saying over to yourself, "I can gel
hardware at Miller k Long'."
Th best bugsr made for tbe money, 1 F.
u. uiiauioers foil pleasure wsgon.
Attention Farmer. Call on Miller k
Long for Stoves, Tin and Hardware,
Owner of farms desirous ol tenant call
on the Eugene Improvement Co., Beglster
For choice Spencer Butte nursery apple,
pear tree., kc, write to Orville Phelps, Eu
gene. Why I I Bleep on the floor when $2
will buy a double bedstead at Day k Hen
derson's. Carpenter end contractors will save mon
ey by getting tinning and plumbing from
Miller k Lod;.
Tinning, plumbing and Job work ot
all kinds done cheap end on short notice at
Miller 4 Long.
Miller k Long are sole agents lor th cel
ebrated Oold Coin and Gordon Stove and
Kangee in Eugene.
Remember that the Figene Milling Co,,
ii onying oats, and stonug mem also. Lib
eral price offered.
Ax Billy th reduotion on itapl arti
Cheap for oaab only, Ax Billy.
Ed. Bauin, olothier.
Ax Billy the price on tinwar.
Don't pasa by D. Llun k Son' furniture
(tore without examining their An new line
oi lurnuure just received.
Oak bad room set and all other kind ol
furniture, .hade, and carpet, at Day k
Henderson's, cheaper than ever.
If you want a suit ol elolhe. or a pair ol
pantaloon go to Davis, th tailor. He guar
antee utlafaction and low price.
Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without
eeder, best and lowsst price In the market
at F. L. CnaMBiH.
Oliver Chilled Plow, also Oliver new
steel plow warranted to scour in any coll,
Walking, Solky or Gang Plow and any
thing yon need to cultivate the ground
with. F. L. Chambib.
For wstohe, clocks, silverware and jew
elry go to Holloway'. AU new good tod
W. Holloway'. stook ia again complete
with the newest novelties ol the leaaoa.
Price art th lowest.
There are no Hie on Holloway or fly
speck on bis good. They are ell brand
nw and th price are like the aooda. Call
and ee hi watches, clocks and,
Eugene flour at Henderson's.
Alliany flour at Henderson's.
Medford flour at Henderson's.
Junction flour at Henderson's.
You pays your money and vou takes
your choice.
Ax Billy for new bargain.
Sugar and flour are down, At Billy.
We mak a specialty ol fine draughting ol
all kind. Gray k Brous.
Geo Plaster aold hi barber ahnn to
Thos. Keeney.
J. M. McCollum haa been elected Cltv
Recorder of Gervais.
W. Banders haa returned from New
York. Ue aays It is ft large cltv.
Miss Combes, ol Missouri, is hsr visltlne
at th residence ot her father, 0. D.
Th Oregon Cltv Enterprise I a onarler
ol a century old having begun it .twenty
sixth year last week.
W acknowledge obllcatlon lo L. E.
Powell, Portland manager ol th Associated
Pre, for favor received.
Once again. Is Mosc. the boss street
car driver, on duty. He is the favorite
of the Eugene patrons of the street cur
line. .
Palem Is going to "nave" the streets
of the capilul city with gravel. Out
side of Kalcm such work would bo call
ed graveling the streets. It Is not
permanent enough to deserve to be
called paving.
It la to be regretted that the notice
of Henry Villard' coming was so short.
He was a frtoud to the Htate Univer
sity when it most needed aid. The
hull that bean his name la but frail
memento to the obligations that are
due him.
A number ol ths Eastern Oregon peper
are calling for an extra setilon of lb leg!
lature, to pass bill for a portage toad
above The Delia. It would be a good
thing to bare such a lav passed next win
ter, bnl there are many Objections to extra
legislative setstoo.
Roeeburc Plalndealer: L. J. Roeck. the
brakemaa, who Is cutTering from eompound
comminuted iraoiur oi in Done ot in
wrist snd forearm, received while eonpllng
car Saturday night last, I reported by Dr.
Or la a doing very well. Although tbe
injury u on ol la most erioo known to
aurgsry, the dootor I confident ol saving
tbe band and making it serviceable,
Caddo Moul Texas, June 6, 1691.
From my own personal knowledge I can
recommend Chamberlain' Colie, Cholera
and DiarrbuM Bemedy for cramp in the
stomach, also lor diarrhoea and flux. It la
lb beet medio ine I bave ever seen naed
and tbe beet selling, a it always give sat
isfaction. A. K. BasBsnx. 35 snd 60
cent boltls for sal by O.burn k DeLano.
Eleven carload, of cattle, about 326 head.
were shipped from Pendleton one day laat
week to the Seattle market. Tbey war
purchased from cattlemen in the Beever
creek country. A second shipment will be
mad on the 6th, of 220 heed, also from
Beaver creek, and a third from 400 to W0
head, bought from Mr, Hyde, oa th south
fork of John Dty.
Astorian: The ooonty court finished It
labor yesterday lor the present, end drew
igb of relief when "Y" waa
reached in overhauling lb oounty
ment roll. It was tb biggest tool ssuss
ment tbat ever waa mad in tbi county, and
tbat la saying a great deal So far It he
cost about $1400. Tb Lord ooly know
what it will cost yet Now it go to Ibe
eooolv clerk snd the Astoria Abstract, Title
and Trust Company, and then has to be
copied, end then oe beck to the county
commissioners (gain, when they will have
another whack at K. Then tbe Mat tax
will be levied. Not lnoe lb monkey cawed
off tbe limb on which he was sittiog, haa
such another example of lilllosee been teen
as tbe way property, eity snd county, ia
assessed in Astoria. It hasa't even the
merit of being ridiculous.
Tbe weather report for the month of Oc
tober sa taken by tb aydrogrepbie office In
Portland 1 a follows: Total ralefall for
month. 6.04 Inches, .74 of an inch above
tbe average for October. Bain fell on four
teen days, tbe present average lor the num
ber ol rainy day for tb Booth. Since
Jaooary 1 there ia a deficiency in the rain
fall of 4 M incbee; sine July an exces ol
1.08 Incbee. Mean temperature, 6s de-
Keee; bigbeet degree, 83 on tb 7th;
west degree, 40 on th 1st. The
meanj 40 oWreee above the October nor
mal, cad tbe highest on record, with the
exception of 1875, when it ws a fraction of
degree higher In no previoo October
on leeord did the maximum temperature
reach 83 degrees, and except in 1876, the
minimum haa been below 40 degree,
A marriage licenis waa granted Moodsy
morning to II. A. Millet and V. O. Uoldeo
Dan Stanton went to Salem Tuesday,
Ho will have his horses shipped by tho
A letter from Dr. J. N. Ooltrs, dated at
Rochester, N. Y., bring Ibe new tbat be
I the father of a girl baby.
Itoseburg Plalnilculcr, November
Yesterday Homo fourteen men were
put at plpeluylng on the sewer. It
wus a lino day aud a good deal of work
was accomplished.
It Is said that the Anaconda copper
mines Montana are to lx put In full
working order again, and that un in
de'ii(lent line of railroad Is to be con
structed to convey tho material from
the mines to llutto City for smelting.
Copikt production through the en
larged uses of tho metal in electrical
operations, has became oue of tho most
important of the metals.
Utah has made great advances in popula
tion during the past decade increasing from
HH,W,;i in ihhu to 207,050 in 1K00. It la s
pity tbat tbe Mormon church should stsnd
In the way ol tbe further development of the
territory aa it undoubtedly doe by inspir
ing distrust. If this distiust could be com
pletely removed so as aa to permit abitehood
lo be couferrod Utah would move along on
a career ot protperity.
As tho statement was Mug freely
made that 11. E. Cross had built a mill
dam so high across the Clackamas that
salmon could not Jump over It to
spawn, to tho great detriment of the
hatchery, tho writer called on Air.
Cross, at his office, to ascertain to what
extent he had encroached upon the
people's right. He said that salmon
did and easily could Jump over the
dam, which was only a few feet high,
and that whether there waa a dam
there or not, salmon would stiawu all
the way from the rapids at the mouth
of tho Clackamas river to its head
waters, aa abundant olwcrvatlou In
previous years had demonstrated.
When a salmon gets ready to nmwn,
It spawns, with little regard to locality
Tho hatchery folks had put up a tent
below the dam for tho puqiose of facil
itating tlm securing or salmon
eggs, in which they were hav
ing good success. and tho
question was whether, to please them,
a saw-mill business Paying out In
wages $1,200 a month should bo Inter
fered with or stopped. The Courier
stands ready to print a communication
from any one who can ahow that Mr.
Cross' dam Is a damage to any publto
or private InteresU. Oregon City Cou
rier. Real Estate Transterg.
Eugene Bond to Henry Gates, lota 2
and S, block 0, iu BhelUm's addition;
Jonathan P Ew Ing to Eugene Bond, lot
S and 3, block 6, Sbelton's addition; $1.
FHHrownlng to Abner Packard.
Sr., 100 acres In Tp 20 S, It 1 W; $1,080
Arthur Flcnnlng to T H llrowiiliig.
100 turn's In Tp 20 S, K 1 Wf$1000.
O. W. Crabfreoto Wm B Wooten,
78.40 acres In Tp 19 8, It 2 W; $050.
J W Harpole to Klizabeth Lingo, 20 acres
InT 15 8,lt6W;$l.
John G Cooper to O W Kimball. 10.64
acre InT 17 8, B3Wj20.
Cbaa W Taylor to Elizabeth Taylor, I
.ore in T 15 8, It 4 W; $50.
L D Forrest to Jame W Sheldon, four-
fifth Interest in UIO acres in T 18 8, B 7
John O'lTarra to Elizabeth Taylor, 4 acres
In T 15 8, It 4 W; $30,
Lane County Farmers' Alliance.
Hadlitviub, Oot. 26, 1801.
Edttob Qbabd: Th Lin Co. Alliano
melon the 24th inst,, with the following
Ing ub alliance represented: Fern
BUIge, Long Tom, Bweet Home, Elmlra,
Liberty, Mohawk, Davis, Lancaster, Sim
mons, Thurston, Willamette Forks. Toll
wa a regular busiues meeting. Th first
busines was receiving report of executive
committee with the request thai tbe sub
take action oi ibe same and to report at tu
next meeting which will be on tb
first Saturday of January, 1802; tb second
wss adoption of the sub-treasury plan; th
third wi the adoption of a resolution
indorsing tb People's, Party, to-wit: Tbat
In th People's Party we tee th bright and
morning (tar of bop . for tbe struggling
millions ot wealth producers ot this coun
try, and that we will use our best endeav
ors to teour it success; adopted unsni-
monslv. AtlheJanuarv meetlna we will
elect delegate to attend th Stat' AUlano
in March, at Oregon City.
F. M. NioiiiwANDza, Oounty Lecturer.
Mr. Henry Villard.
Hon. Matthew P. Deady wrote to the Or.
egonlan ol Wednesday aa follow.: Amid
all tb congratulations and compliment,
showered npon Mr. Villard on account of
hi benefactions to tb Northweet, no on
haa thought to mention hi splendid gift, in
1883, of toO.OOO to tb University ol Oregon.
This, in my judgment, Is tb osp heal
th crowning glory ol bis striking career.
It wu a most opportuo and meritorious
deed, and will redound to bla oredlt when
hi financial snd railway fame shall have
become a thing of the past.
Tb bright, enthusiastic throng oi young
men snd maiden who yearly go out into th
world from th portal of Villard Hall will
bold hi nam In reverence and carry hi.
(am to tb and. of tb ssrtb.
A Dog Item.
Enrroa Goabd:
In laat week's Junction item I noticed
tbe following:
Wm. Hchroeder is now possessor oi ue
largest dog in Lane oounty. He is a mas
tiff and tip tb beam at exactly one hun
dred and twenty pound and la only a year
old at that. It I very eeldom that you will
find a dog that will weigh on hundred.
Tbe Junction people should ioob ovsr
lb dog ol tbi end of Ibe county, before
making such iweeping statements a 120
dog la a very email affair bare. P. K.
Walter' Imported Topsy, (Bt. Bernard l
weigh 135 lie. One of bar pup told to Mr.
Frazer, ol Eugene, when 8 month old
weighed 124 fcs. Bsx, sold to Mr. Big
Bicbel, Of Porland weigh 165 t.
Auction bale. '
I will sell at nubile auction at the
Court House door tu Eugene, Saturday,
November 14, one span or logging
horses. Terms of sule cash.
Stoli Fbom a Lbbabos Mas. Wednes
day's Albany Democrat: An account was
given a few day ago of two men being ar
rested by Bhentl croisan, of balem, lor
steeling a team ol horses in Lane county.
When arrested they bad two rigs. On Fri
day laat Mr. Wm. Uoyoe, ol Lebanon pre
cinct, bad a hack, harness and lap rube
stolen, th description ol which wss tbst of
tb outfit found, and it wa just at tb time
when tbe thieve would have peased that
way. Mr. Uoyee went to Salem thia noon
to claim bis property. Tbe saddle belonged
to a man living near Harriaburg.
Fire. A fire occurred last evening
at 8:15 o'clock In the a 8. Spencer
house on Seventh street occupied by 41.
11. Purchase and family. It caught
from Mr. Purchase dropping a lump.
Tbe furniture waa removed but in a
damaged condition. The houso wu
damaged probably $Ks. Tbe house
aud furniture were both fully insured.
Dine Elver Items.
Nov. 4, 1891.
Tbe OtfiiD felled to reach a. last week
until Friday.
Mr. Atkinson ha sold hi rsnob at th
MoKenzl bridge end filed on a claim at
thl. place.
From now on Until April 1st the mail will
arrive here on Monday and Thursday,
from Eugene.
Mr. Dayton Malford and wife .ml moth
er, cam up on th (tag but Friday en
route to their new bom at tbe Foley
Th itage wa compelled to star oref
night at Blue River two nights Isst week on
account ol bad roads; it could not make
the trip.
Not having teen any Item, from tbll
place for torn tim tend you tb follow
ing, hoping they may be of torn Interest to
your reader.
Mr. John Hickson who ha been eon
fined to hi room lor ome time, w are
sorry to say, Is no better. Hi many
mends hope for bis early recovery.
School I Droffressinc flnelv under th
skillful management ol Mis Mary Camp
bell. Miss Nettie Creaa closed a succeiiful
term ol school tt Thompson', last Saturday,
All persons Interested in th Taeoma
Mining Co. were pleased to learn that th
company ha been reorganized tnd will re
sume work iu tbe spring with an increased
A little child of Mr. Bim drank torn
hartshorn one day laat week, which came
near proving fatal, but under tbe oar of
Dr. Bart we sre glad lo say the child will
There are now but seven men working In
tbe Blue river mine, most of Item hav
ing gone to various parts of tbe country to
spend tbe winter, and will return in the
spring. Tbey have very bright prospects
for success and we hope tbsy may be re
warded for their labor.
Tbe beat investment today In Eugene Is
In those $35 lot. on College HiU lor sal by
E, J. Frasier.
Lane County Pomona Grange.
HAbLZITILLI, Nov. 2, 1891.
EoitobGcabd: The Lane County Po
mona Grange met at Irving on the 311 of
October and transacted considerable bosl-
. The committee on the aoDolntment
ol a anpreme judge offered tb following:
IiauMii, That w oppose Ibe appoint
ment of any person a U. 8. district judg
who I or ha been tbe attorney ol any rail
road or any other Incorporation ol ufficlent
magnitude lo become an oppreeaive monop
Brother A. 0. Jennings offered th fob
Wuzbbas, Th Interests ol th member of
the Orange snd Alliance in all matter ot
legislation sre identical, tberelore be it r
solved by the Lane County Pomona Grange,
that we Invite the member of tb Alliano
to meet with the members ol the Pomona
Grange In Eugene on the second Wednee
dsy of January, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., to
take such sotion as will secure unanimity of
action by both organizations, and consider
question, as may be considered In the Inter
ests ol termer ol th county end itat.
Brother Zumwalt also offered a petition
looking to tb relief ot settler on unearned
railroad land on th Columbia rivsr.
All of tb above resolution were unani
mously adopted. The next meeting of the
Pomona will be tt Irving on th fourth Sat
urday ol December, 1891.
Th Sub-Treasury plan wis introduced,
but for tbe want ol tlm wu laid over nntil
next meeting.
F. M. NioaxwAifDZB, Sec,
Prices Not to be Beaten.
Arbuckle' coffee 25c per t
Choice dried peaches 8 "
" evaporated peaohe 10 "
" dried apple. 6 "
" lard, 101) , $115
Ih 65
6 bar. tosp 25
Try 5 tt Ax Billy's choice Bavon oap 35
6 IS No. 1 imall white bean 25
3 1-1) frame, choice honey 50
2 S nice mixed candy 21
2 lb. new walnuts 25
3 ti new almond. 50
Coal oil 115
To the Public.
The mecbanlo's liens again.! Kelly k Co.
and II. M. Kelly were settled several week '
lnce, notwithstanding they appeared on the
oourt docket of tbe present lor in oi oourt.
Eugene, Nov. 3, 1891.
G.N. Fbaxib.
Baak Rekbed.
Pobtlaxd. Nov. 4. The Bammeraville,
Union oounty. bank wu robbed but night.
Just after dosing tb bank last night the
cashier wu compelled to open the safe by
armed men, and tbe contents wer rifled.
Th lots Is quit heavy.
A. the city grows eastward you can
keen un with the procession bv buying
lots in Valrmount.
Mr. Romlg. employed In Jerry
Horn's barlier shop, brought his family
to Eugene from Portland on Thursday's
train. They will occupy a residence
on west Eighth street
A marriage license was granted
Wednesday evening to Jas, V. Smith
and Miss W. Hail.
N. Hill and wlf of Mobswk precinct re
turned from a trip to tbe East Wednetdsy.
Mr. Hill wu formerly Mia Ham ol thl
Applications are received by E. J. Tt-
sler on nearly every mall from parties liv
ing abroad for on or more of thou $39
lot be i celling on College Hill. i
Persons wishing fresh pasture for
horses will apply to J. M. Hendrlcka
or at Flfst National Bunk, or at prem
ises near uoveruaie.
Tbe Local Market.
The fellowtnr quotations for th local market
are o( null prion euly. They an eorreckxl
weekly, and will be found at accurate as such
a report can be made:
WMtAV-Net market
Oats- Per bushel, net
Tu) Permutes
Bass Per Ik
Mutton Per B
Vsiis-Per Ik
Ham Per tk
SHimuisaa Psrs
Sibas Per Ik
La so Per Ik
Hurras Pee roll (3 Iks.)
KiMie Per doren ....
Cmczaas Sprlnz, Perdos....:
Old hens, Per do..
Baks-1 Ik
Piitatoss New Buihel
Suuas Dry sranulated, ) Ik. .
Extra C, Ik
Galileo. tk
Corns-Cnsta kieo bast
Java tk
TiA-f tk
Soaps Per boa, barn
Chssbs Per B
Uora-Per ft
For Sale.
80 acres of land, located 6 miles west
of Junction City. About 40 acres of
cleared land, the rest can easily lie put
In cultivation. Almost all under fence;
no other Improvements. Will sell at a
bargain. For further particulars call
at my residence miles west of Junc
tion City, or on L. P.ilyeu, Eugene.
Flora A. Mays.
I 7
3 eo
OS (II 10
M (i 19
OA M 10
0 UI
Am u
A0(i 60
sou m zoo
I ft) fet 4 0
30 fl M
25 180
75 Qj IN
109 124