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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1891)
Eugene City Guard. . NOVEMBER 7, 18JI PATUBDAY James E. Campbell. TJie Benton Loader mys: Among the other able men who are men tioned as posHiblo candidates for congress in tho first district, on the democratic ticket, is Kobt. Veatch, of Lane countv. Mr. VphHi ia a A moro gallant fight was never thorough democrat, capable of fill- mudn 1)V n. nnllhVnl Irxwlnr f linn I ini? tha nnHltinn nnrl if nnminnU " J l ..I. H I Ml I rj I - . f I that mado by Governor Campbell will poll a largo voto and stand a pv, fob-ana in Ohio. Althoutrh dufimtwl im in stood chance of eWtinn. Tf Mr "."o crowned with glory. Veatch is not to be tho candidate, uovcrnor Campbell extorted the Net u bo some other man with ging for tho nomination and then drags the party down to defeat. Produce Wanted. admiration even of his political foes. He entered the canvass un der most discouraging conditions. He was confronted by the ablest leader of tho opposition, who had tho power of monopoly to back him 1 a i lit .i . anu me wcaun 01 tne protected in dustries at his command. It was also Governor Campbell's misfor tune to bo antagonized by a re vengeful faction of spoilsmen in nis own party, who preferred a sacrifice the cause of democracy rather than to have a governor whom thev could not control. And all this, too, in a state with a nor mal republican majority. A man with Icps nerve than James E. CamDbell Would hfLVft linm'tAtjvl in i . i i. .. . uccept icaucrBiiip in the toco of such discouragements. But he never flinched. Governor Campbell fought the battlo single-handed. McKinlnv had Sherman, Foster, Foraker, need ana ali the great republican I will py Iht Mi'liwt market caah prlt for Turkeys, A CARD TO : 11 : f I I til In fnnn t hi rwtnrIfi of Kuffime tlld ur- roiimliiiffi, thutiliico j 1 hftv ooaiH mt OLheni who were M11U har- Geese, Ducks, Etc., We feel safer after learning from ...V UUtbCBIlJIUi; 1 IRTO lit I b"u7KR.hSZYffi B H feVeal Calves . ...... ...w. v ivujvvi Uj'VM the American flag now that James G. Blaine is on duty at Washing- ion." It is hard to understand how tho nation survived while Mr. Blaine took recreation At IW TTni-luir Perhaps the Statesman can explain. The Albany Herald says there is All- ... . some kwk oi a citizens ticket being nominated in that growing city. 0r it is right. 1 here is no politics in tne matter of conducting the affairs of a city. IIHV 1 l"'u ..... cum auutll ineniifai'tureni in nrvi lil ll.d ol fll, II1 1" lliK Ilia ready niniiry oil band, 1 haw bouht and ihlpiwd gixxit which I am now In ol tlon to iiipulr the peuple t price, tlut will null eorjrhly. (ilve mo cull and you will bo con- thn ny other alore In the tuwu. A partial Hit of prlcea for flrt olM iikkIk: Mku'I IlllU. taiuf vraHll. IfOOll Vlue lut IIU, V 76 milt. , ... Mm'a mn I fa. rilurnnitl mU. Hood TUIUC, ?H. mi., rr .jr. - (irt'iid Army aulla, fine gooda, good ralue, 110, prloe, aWeeult. And lota of other rlothlnf at greatly ruduced r''vm: .. . . .. r' hi Fairmount is tho center and "in the swim." Think of it; n i tin ni 1.1 J ! aht w mnvn I Anotiiiiiitnfl thn Lmri l jJUJiiiiiJ wuuuiuu am IB I I iiiiii ii ii i hit in n -TnMTnrTwmr-i-MTMBi iii , m , 1 rt" 1 ! Eui'oiw, Fairmount and j ''jjllf ! jf 5 1s Sprlugfltild are fast grow- j-T (n I . 13 ,lug Into one large city ffvllll'iP'PlI Ljd..J .'' m with Fairmount In the - I ft Iowa. Massachusetts and New York in the democratin nolnmn OVA an Hfrrrrniinftn. - n . . C mx-u uuu an uie great repuwican I . 66iioiinjj najr ui liehts to aid him. Everv Fpilpml PPing to mo oiner side when a olllce-holder was a campaign work- Pre81dcnt is to be elected. crfor McKinlev. All the Tirn. rd,cr;s,l Cleveland's opinion. Yet Campbell kept his flag flying. ne conaucicu ins campaign with an energy and ability seldom equaled lie TO S0ID6 WM Ate (0 lllfi ..vtw vmaudou. liQ biavuiuu I all over the great stato of Ohio, sjieaking in every county, and sometimes making as many as five speeches a day. And they were. model speeches. His joint debate with McKinley is memorable. After that Reed and Sherman, and even tho loud-mouthed Fnrntnr And other country produce. ALL KINDS OF WILD GAME BOUGHT Eighth atreet, near Olive, Eugen. SID HORN. t rvf COOS. r.FTh Learei Florence (or Head of Tide on I be Sioalav, every morning at 8 o'clock. Returning, leavei Head TiuV at 1 JO p. m. llovi' aulta. eood ewxIi. tX. i n. 2.8.1. 2 irxeqiiRnilt Mi'ii'aaolid wurklnv iinnli. M cents. 73 centa, Il ltnf hiva hfVT Hbl)l'tlj.lCUl ir; goou value, ai.i-i. i a pair. l I ..... ....... l t nn hanf rood value, II a ault; aluru and drawera, price it Crnuaault. Udlea' ixmgola button shoe, 11.33, Ltf, 1.73, 1.117 a pair. MHn'a ttni tinea, PAltnand lace. 11.37. . . . ... i.u, 1.79, i.w a pair, llen'a tine call ahoea, 12.03 a pair. Men' work alioea, l.U, 1.38, 1.69,2.13 a pair. Mun and Bova' hnta and cam. 15. 21. 21. 37. 51 and 83 centa. Udlea' how, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 21 and 23 centa a pair. Uenta' aocka, 9, 8, 11, 14 and 17 centa a pair. All Goods Marled ia Plain Figures. Return fttl foods not approrcd ol and Will Refund Your Money! WITH" PLEASURE. Yours, anxious to please, W. SANDERS, OppoaltcPostofllce, Eugene, Oregon. FAIRMOfNT ia In thpiwntvror tne com ing city. The war the railroads are no built will make Springfield a rival iiolut for buaineM, and EuKcne, lair mount and Spring Held are growing inio ono lame city wild Fairmount in thecen ter. 1'rojierty in Fair- niouni ior iiiiBrfanon will advance in value (aster than any olhiT locality around Eu gene. i.-AirtM(H'NT hu made (aslvr growth the past year than all other aiihurlM of Kit geno puttogether,and will make still mora rapid auvnuce (luring the years to come. You can't get around it wianiif.... onlrf" .V-"' BntJi- .7 t. I,. "".""Kllk" n tb f M P" to frht 'ftorlei. "Hi pswisv;. wuntlTay I POPULATION INCREASED FROM 7 TO 'It fli'or 000 wnrth nf fliia nrnnnrtr onA Vin Af.t T)- mi i 1 1of AT uu yauuoij tot. xiiuiv luta utu oclllXl I1UW avtylAiO Lilclll WCrO 8611111 SIX months $100. Get in the center if you want to buy to make money. Postoffice with tJt mails. Two dailv Dassenzer trains, and has rinrHo nam within tV., v,uu 0 X O . -- v. v vwau HaVUAU 1UU1 WlUUKOj ALIj secured in one teab. FARE-FIFTY CENTS. SEEDS. E2 Democracy. For freight teruji, a uoru. New Yorit. Knv i t.p urover uievt'iund todtty puve IiIh opinion on the result of Tuesday 'g ciuciiuna a 1U110W8: "Any who still iniiiK mat tami reform in a settled and apply to captain on CAPT. A. J. HALL. 0(0. 0. Kkowlm, General Manager. . . V niiiiiv mat, tunii rororra w a settled and were anxious to keep out of Camp- obsolete lswue. or the Jniiwrtnnce of a bell's wny. They were afraid to f,0.u."(1 and sa") niont'y a uetIon iijk)ii meet him in debate. w,'i,c'h "'l'1" " Winded, are Tt ;. t..u f n e.11 !or :"lly wrong or dimirerouHlv J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. tk? DENTIST ICiicnc, Oregon. Freeh Timothy, Orchard Crass, Bed, White and ALsike Clorer, Alfalfa, Velvet, Cheat, Grass, Kentucky Dine. At GOLDSMITH'S. Flax, Bye, A tnotor line i certain to be built through FAIRMCUNT In a Tory inert time connecting It with Kugone and SprlngfleU m THE CENTER. GEO. M. MILLER & CO, It is no fault of Catnnhell tht S !r Z or dungcrouHly ii j ! 7. .'"n t inc, uiu, ueilKK'rum fixed by said tno democratia banner does not oKl't to be sntlHfled that a , , ' ' saidVcouut ai wave in victory over Ohio today. Bf"nch adherence to the prinelpk-s of n UenW Roonu Willametu Street, opposite 0,."ll?'M?-ia ,m, Ho performed all that ono man can "fit rt? dotT not mlu,re nn b 1 iy? J.118 defeat rules him out of the race of (Jovernor Campbell. Holms been for presidential honors, yet the brave and honest olllcial. This, and democracy of tho nation will not be , BPIend,(l canvn he made, entitled unmindful ofth vnl J L! L. t "l lo.s.. 'hlle the ektionof T. v n T n V 7"'"-"- wiT, nuHseu ana Holes ought to James Ji. Campbell rendered to the cause tho utmoHt rejoicing among dem- CuUHfi in Ilia lnrn mnniu in ni.,V I ocrnti). tllPV aliimlil not (I... , vjuiiwo aji VIJIU.I . , imvi lllBt Willi uu uinijrg come obligations to be true to the people, honest in the ad- FIXAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEI.EHV UWKS THAT A. ll.llhnlv. !. ... nommiaii.ri Ul HIV rn.AlO Ul Ihos. Matlhewa.deceastl, has filed hia llnal account in wic matter ol said estate In the coun- . vu.ii .... viM.iiiy, ..ix'iiii, aim iuuiiOHf, the 'Jd day of Norember, 1MH, at the hour of one l,lliu.blnll........ -.. I.. .1... . . L wv..T,n iiigunvinu.111 iii miu uay una u'n ui ui naiti i-tiun ior ine near J' L lecuunt and for tho final settlement 3 BLACKSMITH WON s AND : A. MATTHEWS, Admr. ... aivw vU Portland Telegram. Profit In Fruit. Mr. John Hall, a fruit buyer of Myrtlo Creek, in an interview with tho Roaeburg I'laindealer said: I juivii i, mauo any BjK-cial eilort yet, w jun pacn growing, though I vocacv of our nrilioinloa anH 111 ,1 T .. 1 1 MVWU, 11, all things." Cincinnati. Nov. 4.-The Commor-I yui uazeiie nils morning savs edi torially: -The returns of the legl lature show that it Ih r..n,iT,iv rcDUhlicnn. mul , . , "..villi VU1IV1UIO Ul ja.w, 8iu,viiijr, inougn j o n-iiiiionm nrererences of the mcm nm satisfied there is a treat den I nf elected indicates that if Governor money in it. In this county we IFXlL. abMnplr. ,u u leuuy iiuirKet "'gimiors are already outfwken In Pltlier flu nrrv.n fmit 1 nr I tllplr f')liil iw, (!.!., l. i.1 ....... 6,u,iU,i,ul uriuu. yn . : ..iji mo turee repre. 11.. 1..H T t I fuiritlirlvna T . .... . 1 . uiujuiht x nave cured and sold .7 . ,Tr county, who about half a ton this yea? and SRSA made a very fair profit. Prunes without saying that the HamiC are, however, much more profitable. eounty delegates ought to be for the na 4.. k, i . . iroveriinr fWn ...ti...... , o m uiuruig irees are much more .. V "yii h.-ui pntio, Proline the yield is surer, andT trees and fruit require less care, county delegation will in 152 S I"1 cent a jwund lor prunes on !nra'f 1116 distinguished services of inn i.rnn nrwi vmt Ann . i auauii tniif rriiHii n r u uimi.. fliAir 7""""" ""niiiiuuuH t'llOlCO 01 1 '"VHV 'UllUOU8," THE UMVERSTTY FOR EDUCATIONAND UNIVERSITY : : ADDITION For Elegant Homes You Want Both. The University for the family, and a Choice Location for your residence. Loti are large, on a nice elevation and naturally well drained. Soil ijch and WELL CULTIVATED a vu won aurruuuu JQUT nOmQ WUn : FRUITS AND FLOWERS Call and get prlcei and terms and have the property shown you. H. N. C0CKERLINE. Oflico, Kegister Block, Eugene. mmu sir HOHL 4 PRANGE. ProDrletors. Tho leaillinr Carrlairo, Wnjron and Plow ihop lumoviij. aii vrura warruuteu, Come and try us Frank Johnson, practical horse shoor, con ducts Ills business in this shop. Corner of Eighth and Olive streets, Eugene. BAY ft' AM) MeiMers tmllmnn 1. . 1 . juino uv one incident of pur chase. I bought ono man's crop this fall and paid him an average of -'ouan acre; he had 103 five- 3 ear-old bearing trees to the acre, . - , v.. i,-ai uiiuniffui laat DlshL whan mm !. f j .? . I" . . . ui uivu ui ma Ana oonda mm vai relieving another, aeven- ......6 lira m me acre, "lea dt the fa Una ol the """.iiiuii luur uusneis ot Bixtv KTr : . ,DJrei1, oageiulof pounda each to the tree. Tho Si" J?T& '?,k ,,ePPed out in' shrinkage of fruit in the dryer is M nh"u about C0 per cent; or in other Hp ,h wo,k ihy bti Jn' bandoned, and words it takes three bushels nf ih V0gtrfed the depth, below. The green nrunesU) make one bushel KXrpWVj oi arieu, winch finds ready sale at hen ,Lr utUi len snap and a ory of mx to eight cents a pound. When .Vlm th '"i Tb W hJ kn u.o interes , money invested, natur- iuR. iTZmSn al risks of business, transjwrtation, little time b.for. M.T.u?ee could gc aim an mat sort of thing " ,t Ine- nun'br of miners who -i are taken into account, the handler "eled weri .tZ K!ld W,.UJS l,be re PATJilA TUTCS has a good deal of expse on his ffi BARGAINS. - hands, but W ill nil tbn.., S- - them. Iiarrn.l. "t,n,as, . . lulu u a viTV . , . .7 . oiuK auuia. ina oaaa i . ,,, . . . - OM0' Wttle could ha dm.. n ik. neareme people that give bargain! In IWAIWIVIOTH STOVE EiWORIUll STOVES, . Tin and Granite Ware, PUMPS, PIPE, HOSE, MmM:M Tiii and' Sheet Iron Work, Wfn::.". ..'- i- A SPECIALTY. Sole igent for the " Superior " Stoves and Raofcs, AKU JfOB THE INDIANA STOVE WORKS. JACOB MITCHELL , (Odd Fellows' Building), . EUGENE, OR. BARGAINS. FUllXITURE DEALERS, Eugene, Oregon. JUST ARRIVED! Pairs 4 WHITE BLANKER Bird Froiii k IE: 1,45 A PAIR, T. G.IiKNDRK'Ka, President. an p . ..... t. Casliier arlu':' ME"'S- B0V'S AN CHILDRESS' FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. tho orchardist and tho drver It Hn8. bil the two breathing : has been ascertained thnt I neonry. . v a l llA Jirunes bought by Portland whole Of Eugene. Paid iid Cash fanltal mma Surplus anil Profits, $30,000 Eucene Cltv - - Oregon - n..iit'.j.... . able tenna. Siffht drafU on NEW YOKK. vnu-nuu, ami rivAii;iBJU and rUKT LAND. OR KnW Bille of exchange sold on foreign countriea. iepuaiureoeiYeaauDjeci to cneck or oertin All collection erjtrueed to m will reoeiv prompi aiiention. nnmn bar no I Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. aio merciiants and jobbers in , 18 ;r!uln$ cMm 1,19 elwtlon by Jfcuglaa county last fall at eight to 5iSSiIei "n m?"9 that .nU ,H, pound wemmarlceW felKlli SwttSff in Newark at twentytwo cents. hl 'a bwn tin chlfl ueKis BoRTTlV. Vnv 4 n.. t.. .. I Sllrll na TIodrKrrn Onl., 1 1T .l ni t . . . . this i, o , i, 'n-.,..; :rr...""u " K'P "u uooicn Diurus, JJress. Shirts. BARKER 1 11V .4 tJII I 1 1 M. I nm ti .H 4 . . I'Mutii ii, ni noon niimlw the ileetio.1 .f lV.. 11 11" v Now if we can make connections h' , ?l8? menn 8le Is firmly and nimmttiureo eastern dealnra an Fr. 1 ""vy ' wuiiu currency." ,. "4, f V ' e win ?a"' 'e jrovernor'i plunility - paemo Handsome profits which ?,,ul TV', M-'uteimnt-G rovernor accrue wine middlemen, as retire 7X V",, """"wneeortueivimbllran -cntedby the twelve to fourC JfuStlSSt ZteC,WSutJry C,? u pound freight. b-KUUitun-a nro very InpomplHo. Tbo T, T r,,mto wl!1 ta "'PuWImn. The houne I he charges against tho integrity ' n)l'lete ivturns from 137 inom- of tho last California legislature 2,1', , ',"f ",,ore I Hlr- "l thwe seem to be well foun.l, nZl " . nin,,,.v-t n'publleaiiH to forty- Buckley and 1 L .J I " , -v m-vj ouij BlllllU ai'Vell M'Dll I I'HIl a llOlir V U lllnnfl, 1 . I tn.m.. .t..-. 'ru iimuilC8Ug .: J iiKU. oiiu HOW WIlOll I ""iiw'iai the scent is getting warm members ' of the legmlatureskip out to avoid Uo ftniainKii ,..r 41. . . . ,-..wuB iiuto me grand jury btate Senator Willinm. ,.,r,.J. 1. twtify because bo himself. Tb. o . . . PW o .tand ,v. luutiuiv mai unbe taker must tcsUfy and his tUmony may not be used against him. Massachusctta has said that the ariff w a tax on the consumer. workthatl5ossl'latt prevent the world's fair from coming to wWkcity. Iowa that the two probation and prohibition are t in favor. Ohio that the pra ter of the tariff fraud is still in vor although somewhat reduced m bis former circumstances. Undorware, Neckware, Socks, Etc. tints. Hats. Cane:. aT The Uteat .trie, and ah. A'' . vuuv, vuitui MIIU BVV US. HOWE & RICE. Opposite Pnlveralty Book 8tore. Vlclatrla Ukaa la-.k.-j Loww.NoT.8.-M,.K.BiIJnlt,h M lam nuiotitBt mm. Dira. 11 h nnnu.J k m fM. .ni i.. Z 1 """"" wealthy banker and haaband ot tb noted American woman b(Me nam. befor her marrl to him trtoUjr In cord iU tb. .i. 0f h. prJ! nt OTrnmnt. p mi 1 w. i jekkie i imm, Itcsular riijgicians. F. L. POSSON & SON, f ir me largest dealers on the Coast In f 173 ra uariutn GRASS & FLOWER Trees, Fertilizers, Buifis, aases, fl. I. aoa ts Bee Supplies. ... .xuruiwcaiem Agents rorD. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Grower and Dealers in the World. F. U POSSON d. SON. - - PORTLAND. OREGON. th STREET, EUGENE. OREGON. Opposite N. Y. Racket Store. If Interested, Send for afalogue! A FULL UNI or Guns and Sporting; Goods And dniidjr rvpalr ahop In connection. LINN & SON, Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY DENTIST. All ' Wort Warranici lo Girt Satisfaction, Nitrout-Oxlde Cm and local aneathetlca tor jhe palnlcaa extraction o( teeth. OmcE-Ovcr Matlock'1 atore, Eugene, Oregon $10,000. $10,000. $10,000 SELLING AT COST. L. D. SCARBEOFGB At Creswell, Oregon, For the next sixty days, Dry Hoods, Groceries, Soots and k Paints. Oils, Druirs, Hardware. Tinwnm. wvmv. Wfllliaper. f ro proJu7e!whei?o?Ml!LerehnilI,e 11,16 wm ta "li ' co" nnt" the entlre ,tock " MVi ' w. Call First and Secure Bargains f In Ordpr tn ultl. u. H'iiii . . Mtt the ill r VT j " ""m iinany, wtioae time la up, It become! necewj me aoove aales. AUIndebtedneai muat be paid lmmedlatelr. L. D. SOARBROUGS CLOSING UP SALE. Furniture Dealers UNDERTAKERS a EMBALMERS. NOTICE FOR PrBUCATION. Lino Ornci it Roaaarao, Oaioo, ... ... wfwmwrju, j.s'.m. ilfL.'! brrvbJT. ?,Tt'n ,h ih following XZ. a p., uPPr bla claim, and that uin nrmif win k. -1 - v. . ... . I . . r - - ... w ui.ur wiuit in. juure or twwrtj ilrrk of Une i ountT. in.w.n. .t Kn- it j v W j im;4m Kin, ip lg a, It. n.mua tit. I..II..U. .. . ... .1 wunrw. 10 pror n a f"n'a iwdfim Upon and caltiT.iton ol I am now offering mr Ell STOCK I (illl! 1 .( Da i AT GRKATLT REDUCED PRICES 1 harea larnatockof 1 L--I3I3E3 S' SHOES Wilch ! will eSow out BLGW COfaT. - Otlicr Slioe Wear at Away Down P' TC te ( me Tit tra on bni fun Ooi oeei attp miu Ti Acl. all! Our ceui the the fol grac ban Vbei is no' com; harm worl vitb 1 Tb h trji ol a tarj 1 L on Fat CllM 7 -.-.u 11m, au 01 tall t rwi, Lan t vuntr, ( irvson. John 11. siicpi, RefUter J. D. MATLOC