The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 07, 1891, Image 1

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1 JLlL JDj
If "
NO. 3.
Zlt (gugtM (City (Buari
Pnhiialier and Troprlrtor.
Oir't'ICIi-On lh. E-vit side of Willamette
'rri'., Hlween Seventh ar.4 Kihth Streets.
,-r 'inuiii..,
v il-.tilhi...
2 nu
.. 1.0,1
,!Ytfrtiuilln!t luioTtol M follows:
I i, nuar., ton Hoc or m oue ir.nertion .'tj
i Uiueut iusertion L Cah requirwi
, ..e advertisers will be charged at the ol-
,uue three months $6 00
ion six montlit 8 00
rs one year., 12 00
cut notice, in local column, 20 cent
tor nob Insertion.
-tiling billi will bt rendered quarterly,
b work mint be rain ton on uilitkbt.
.Itiomey and Counsellor-at-Law,
J o! the Second Judicial DUtnct and In
b. Supreme Court of this State.
Sxil attention given to collections and
natten in probate
iUattSE CITY, - - - OREGON
OFFICE-Rooms 7 4 8 McClaren Building.
-Speoial attention given to Collectioni
and Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Omoa- Room in Conser'a Block.
attorney and Ccunssllar-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Ofl Ice In Masonio Temple.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drug Store.
S inattention given to Trobate business
and Abstracts of Title.
Orric Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, opposite Guabd office. All work
laughing gai adminUtered for painless ex
traction of teeth.
Coffin and Caskets always on band. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
Nigbt calls pronipty attended.
RsHidenee, second house south of Metho
dist Church, Willamette street.
Farms, Improved and Unimproved iown
property for sale, on eaoy terms.
Trcportj Eented aad Eents Csllectad.
The Insurance Companies I reprwent are
among the 01dert and moot Reliable, and In
ths 1' shift andEQUiTiBM adjustment of their
oee Stand Siooxd to Nout t
A .hare of your patronage is solicited.
OInCityiTall. g, p, DORRIS.
caas. LanEB, riiwi. w. t. rsrt, cashiii
Eugene National Rank
feLUPLCS FUND, .....
... . KA000
Transacts a general banking business.
Board o Diaicroas:
F B Dunn. F W Osbnro, J C Cbnrch. 8 U
loran, J II Hodaon, C Laoer. i E Dans.
ii rwn. hu been of
the .; o( V. O. Kern, A"
h.v elaim. eniDst ! ' ar h-rrt'T
am. r-1 to prrvul the amr lo w UQ""'
t-. . .1 hi. livery able in Kus'iw. or the
e-: - o( Gmo. B. Urn witbin months
ka uw date of this DoUce. EU B!.
live (iis lxh day of g.pumber, 11-
A'a V .ZVVvJ ' III
J ' 1 I 7.
1 n.-..i-
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel:
ry & Musical Instruments.
Ii: ii Select M IA A Mki
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
E. E. LuckeyMo.
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc!, Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
It. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Will RtUnd in mineral Real Estate busines
such as buying, selling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Office on south
ride of Ninth street.
The Eugene Cigar Factory
Keeps constantly on hand the finest brands
of home made, domestic, and Key West
cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew
ing and smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and
II !';:::!:; Uim,
McClaren s Building,
(Opposite F. M. WUkina' Dru Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
fT" Orders for Books and Subscriptions
to Newspapors and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask your
druggist for it
Clocks. vVatcries, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Reoairino; Promptly Executed.
a-AIIWork Warranted.jta
fan MB
E. Schwarzschild, Prop.
(Successor to Geo. Collier)
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress Lock Box 119.
Cash. Prices,
r rnm and after Feb. 1. 1891.
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price Paid
for Produce. If not all traded
out will ay balance in Cash.
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or. ,
Biro Doo. One of the best bird dogs In
Lane county is owned by Park Znmwalt of
Irring precinot. An old and experienced
cock Chinese pheasant will not be set by a
dog, bnt will keep running at almost the
peed of a horse. Mr. Zumwslt'a dog hss
eyidentlj studied the nature of tb bird and
fonnd a way to bring blm to a stand. After a
hot chase of a couple of hundred vardt be
leaves the scent and makes a wide circle
around the bird, two or three times. Not
being pursued the bird stops, and then the
dog comes back to lbs scent, follows and
easily sets Mr. Chinaman
Ritobm School. The board of trustees
of the state reform school met Tuesday
at Salem and decided to open the school
November 5, 1891. The superintendent of
the school and bis assistants will be ready
at tbs above time to receive boys between
the age of 8 and 10 years committed to their
custody as provided by law. All corres
pondence relative to the admission of pa
pill to the school, or other business pertain
Ing to the institution should be addressed to
B.J. Miles, superintentendent of the stats
reform school, Salem, Or.
For Congress. The Balom Journal
says: The Journal is asked to urge the
Hon. A. C. Jennings, of Lane, as a
candidate for congress on the strength
of his fine record made last winter.
We have only to say that this paper is
not In the booming business. It dis
cusses publio men who are aspirants
for public positions solely from the
standpoint of their public records upon
matters of prominence before the
Omcui Ripobtsr. airs. Fsnnis Har
rison, of Portland, but formerly of Eugene,
is employed as official stenographer in tb
circuit court in the ease of the 0. k
0. B. R. Co. vs. I. 0. (Joodele, to recover
money for logs alleged to have been taken
from railroad land. Tbs lady Is said to be
one of the best stenographers in tb Stats.
Settled. We understand thatHar
pole Bros., of Junction, have effected a
settlement with their creditors, and
have opened .up their saloon. Polk
Harpole withdraws from the firm.
Neat Work. The Eugene Ice
Works froze a block of Ice with a
handsome boquet in the center. It la
on exhibition In the show window of
Pool's confectionery store.
Ecotxi Silxctid. The Stnte Conven
tion of Endeavor Booietie that adjourned
at Albany Sunday evening, unanimously se
lected Eugene as its next nesting plaos. 820
delegates were preaent st Albany.
Marriage Licenses. The follow
ing marriage lkvmtes were granted Oct
With: Wm. H. .11. Brumbaugh and
Miss Beswie Iiogers; W. IL Saiieo and
Ethel Hlnkson.
Bdsiwshs CHASOt. Mr. Miller, lata of
Illinois, has purchased Wm. Farmer's bsk
ery snd restaurant.
When Baby was sick, we ga " Osstoris.
Wbea she wss a Chad, she cried for Cestoris,
Waea she became Hiss, she eluag to Cssterla,
Wbea she had ClUldrsa, she gave them Caststia.
Is Bold o a
toenreanr forra
or any disorder oi
the feneraUveor.
(ana oi lluwMl,
v nether arUlnjr'
BEFORE ao Stlmaiaou. AFTER
Tobacco of Oplnm, or Inroafb youth f al iadler-e-Hon,
over lodulrenee, Ac , surh as Itm ot brala
fower, W.kHnlDM., Bwr1nt;down fains Id Ui
btsk.aemlii4lWena,Hvturta, Ktrrou. pros
tration, Nortarnal Kmli-tooe, LMeorrtoe, tts
slneM, Weak Memory, ham of Foww and lao
trnrv, which If Deflected often lead to prematura
old are and Imaaltv. Price 1140 a eox, boas
krli'A rVottyaianoiimeittnf arler
t-err f&UO order m-dred. In rf end the money If
a ranaaaeat ear Is sot efbrted. We
thowsadsol teatlvMelale (rota old aad ya-joc.
of bnhta-a,wkaheT.bera-rnaaoUyeTin4
pytbeaeaof AparodiUa. Ctfralartraa. Uiimt
Vessatm Brsnth. Beoi XT FoKsajua. Os-
Sold by L R. LUCE IT Co.. Pngjrbt,
Eofwae, Orvroo.
A PKr.t'Ot lOl i B.tBV.
Oalr lx fears Old, but Has
Strength an-1 Idnslach
I at IVlisei.
TsiKToa, N. J Nov. 1. There Is s re
markable specimen of bomauity iu the ew
Jersey Reform School at Jatursburg. He
has been made a ward of the stato because
it Is not considered safe for him to be at
Urge. He is only six years old, bul has the
manners snd maturity of a young man of
30 and the mnstache of a man much older.
Hs baa been called a precocious baby and a
wonaer id wore ways tnsn ons. Uisnstne
Is Hermann Hoffer. He is more than four
feel in height, has a nicely enrled blonde
muetachs and can strike from the shoulder
with the fore of a sledgs-hsiniuer. He can
move a barrel of flour and lift easily a 200
pound weight. His parents have lound it
impossible to control him. The boy is not
only the admiration of bis companions, bul
the terror of the neighborhood. Hs can
whip any boy In Trenton, snd he ocoaaion
ally amused himself by plsjlng David to
lbs town Philistines. Tb parents were
toned to appeal to Judga Robert 8. Wood
ruff of Meroer circuit oouit to put him in
subjection. He was examined It Dr. Hor
ace u. neineriu, wno pronounced mm a
prnenomenon and a remarked e ease. The
boy is now at Jsmesburs, and the wondor of
tne insulation, us hss not yet nisde en-
trouble. He is too deeply interested in his
sarrounaings. lie is attending lbs rufotiu
school, bnt the teachers have not yet reach,
ed a conclusion as to ths trend of his mind.
On the Turf.
Balkan. 3:15. br Mambrino Wilkes, is the
fastest descendant of George Wilkes on the
Paciflo coast through the male succession.
All Ibe Eastern pspers criticised Suuol's
performance in trotting a mile in 1. OB
All the glory that belongs to the feat was
accorded tne great Ally, but lbs general
opinion expressed is tbst the mile over the
kite track is not near so creditable a per
formance as that made by Maud 8. over the
regulation track at Cleveland.
Btambonl is roundiug to form nicely and
Hickok is snxious to start him against Alter
ton's 8.-091.'. Mr. Hobart, his owner, is
East, and the trainer dors not like to send
ths horse a mile without Mr. Uobart'a per
mission. Those rspable of judging declare
that if right Strmboul will glide over the
kite trsok in faster time then H$.
Many of the very fastest trotters and
pacers are much smaller than many people
suppose. Nancy Hauks is fifteen Lamia,
ons and one-halt tnohes high, and weighed,
last week, Hit) pounds. Jay-Eye-8ee
weighed 820 pounds when in training, and
is sotnt fifteen hands. Ed Annan is four
teen hands, and used to weigh 700 pounds.
The Bearskin Industry.
Bernard MoArthur. of the 0 rants Pass
8upply , House, says the Courier, hss
bought and shipped fourteen bearskins
within the past week. The original propii
etors ot these) skius were of the brown,
blsok snd ciunamon variety sud roamed the
neighborhood of Williams cre k and head
waters of tbs Applegate. The hides were
not as valuable as those killed duriug the
winter. Although bears have been quite nu
merous throughout the mountains this year
we hear of very few depredation by them.
They like bogs and sheep when roots and
berries give out, but in winter they hole
op io soma hollow tree and sleep notil the
frogs begin to squeak in Ibe spiing. There
are no grizzlies in Josephine county so our
Eastern readers need not be alarmed
about settling smong onr stalwart pines for
fear of being eaten up by some ravenous
bruin. The animals will give people a
wide berth, if tbey can, although when
wounded tbey have made an occasional ug
ly fight. The hides were shipped to New
An Alleged Duel.
Albany Hemld: W. 8. Johns, M ho
has recently had some tnmblo with
David llolthes, who was arretted for
trying to kidnap John's stepdiiughter.
says that he fought the hitter a duel
with revolvers on Wednesday. Mr.
Johns, familiarly known at "Warm
Spring Johnny.'' It was a bloodless,
but highly exciting nfl'uir, according
to the hitters story. The cobutanU ar
ranged all the (fetalis, and metalona
In the graveyard; also In the ruin.
They fired four shots. Johnny, who is
an old army scout, and a good shot,
winged his man, he says juxt burning
him on the leg, giving him all the
satisfaction he wanted. Tho public
has no Information of the scrimmage.
Eugene Cannery, Ashland Tid
ings: From W. N. Luekey, of this
place, the following figures of fruit
shipped from Ashland and l'hoenlx to
the Eugene cannery are obtained: From
Ashland Peaches, 1(1,018 llw. prunes,
23,683. From Phoenix, lQl.fCvt His.
peache8,84,(Xi.! lbs. prunes, 5,t(ll) lbs.
pears. Total of fruit from the two
shipping points, 231,040 11. net. The
amount shipped from Medford, Mr.
Luekey didn't know.
SS It l! S Sk 1
Caytorla yro-aoiee PfgeetJira, and
OTeroouies Flatuleucy, Cou-iipaltun, Sour
Stomach, DUrrboea, and Fererishneam,
Thus tbs child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep BAtarsJ. Caattrrla contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Osstorlalasewen adapted to ehndraa that
I raerjuiMBd It as superior to any prnKrluUua
kavwatosM.' H. A. A scan, M. !.,
PorUud A-, Brooklyn, N. T.
"I aw Ceafcirte to my -jraenv-a and find U
Spadally adapted la arTwtlan. of ehll'trsa."
Axax, kxunrans, M. I ,
luM ad Ave., Hew Tork.
Tan GtvrAsa On, tf If array Bt, K. T.
T .. ! 1 1 .. .... ....... i ..
China phetiHiuiU arc not protected
after toinormw.
Mrs. John V. Dniln died at her home
iu Drain, Friday.
The diiiitv Saturday evening was a
very enjoyable allair.
R. 8. Wallace, a protuiticn citizen of 8a
lrm, died iu 1'olk county Oct. 30th of
pneumou ia.
Win. Ltuv, nt one time a resident of
Lane county, died at his lionio in
(imnt county, CKt. I'llh.
The yield of wheat in the Willamette vl
ley is put at 4.00U.0U0 bushels, a very much
larger yirlJ tban last year.
Henry Fronk went to Albany Monday
nioruiuK to work for the 8. P. It R. at that
point. He will be in the depot.
Tho Taeonui pawl consider that
Senator Allen Is alrtmdy as good as
appointed Uultetl States district Judge.
Tho ladles of the lleiullnir Itooin
wish to tender sineero thanks to all
those who so kindly ussistcd with their
The crand jury of Linn county Fri
day evouing indicted Prank Ingram for the
murtler ot bis ball urotuer. lue charge
murder iu the tirst degree.
Lebanon Advance: E. 11. Uahr bas pur
chased eighty acres of laud Irom H. it.
Hayes, twelve nnles west of Nugent and
muved to tue same tuls week.
A few gates ami signs were moved
Saturday night. An etllgy man liunu
from a tree on F.leventh strivt excltctl
several ihthoiis who saw the same.
Albert Weaver, Wm. 8cbroederand Oeo.
Hayes, returned from a week's hunting
triu uu the McKeuuie Sunday. They
killed during their trip two bear and three
The 1). It. Mount place was sold at ait
miiiiritnitor's sale Saturday, consisting
of 75 acres was sold to J. , Howdy for
f KKKI. Attorney llllyeu acted as auc
Tho reception given by "C" Coin
pany, O. IS. (I., at their armory
Saturday night was numerously at
tended. A lileiiHiuil evening wus smMit
by those present.
Lebanon Advance, Out. 30: Rev O. A,
Blair and family of Euiiene went lo Hotla
ville Momlay. It is understood that Rev,
Blair has coma to consummate plans for
building a 0. P, church at rlodaville.
'How to load a dun," Is tho title of
a tivntirto In a sisirtiug journal. But
what Is tho iiho of loading a gun, so
long as the unloaded ones continue to
go oil with utitirngly futal etlectV
C Company. 0 N G., in full uniform,
attended the services in a body at the Con-
relational church Huuday. Rev, It
i. bates. Chaplain of the 'id Reciineut, de
livered an impressive sermou upuu the oc
The damage suit of Wm, Drais auainsl
11. 1. Kirkpatrick, of the Lebsuon bipress,
for refnsiug to continue priutiug the defiiiicl
Daily ,uort, wss uisuiissed by Ibe justice
Drais had broiiuhl suit for UM damsues
and got nothing.
I'jicli minute, nlulit and day, by tho
oiilelal reiKirts, tlio t'nlteil States col
lecls .-(!! and hin'IkIs M01. 1 lie lnter-
ext on tho publio debt was $iMl a minute
last year, or ttiMt exactly equal to the
amount or silver mlueil in that tunc,
While at Koduvlllo this week Itev.
O. A. lllair rvivlved euotigli money to
build a ('. 1'. ehurt h there, and the
work will Iw let by contract. Any one
wishing to bid on the same, lileiiHO call
at parsotiago on t'eari aim sixtn street,
Albany Dtunocrat: Casltis Case was
Indicted for seduction under promise
of marriage, committed on July 7th
wun jutura Harnett, near IjcIniuoii,
The prosecution was Incited by Case's
recent nmrriago to auoiiier young wo-
mini or tins county.
The law that protects China pheas
ants expired Saturday at noon. Here
after they are protected as grouse, and
native ptieiiMuuts. 11 makes little dif
ference, here. They have Ix-en ruth
lessly slaughtered by siNirtsmen, but
their exceptional fecundity keeps the
iicms uu i oi uiniM.
The assessor of Jackson county has
completed the work of prvnurliur the
assessment roil ror inui mm tne work
has been equalized by tho county
board, oi equiiu.utloii. The total
amount of taxable pniMtrty Is $3,HltU,-
koi, biki tno gross valuation is )P1U,
731. There are 103U polls.
Ralem. Or.. Nov. 2. Cant. J. F.
Uaboock. t'ouiity Clerk of Marlon
county, and (Iraud Bccorder of the
Oregon (jrnud Ltslgo of Mason, died
neru tins morning, jus death Is uni
versally regretted.
inu iscoti jiotiso was destroyed uy
flro this morning' at 2 o'clock: loss
La Oiiande. Or.. Oct. 80. A fire
last night destroyed the frame building
occupied by Oust Bcngelwlorir as a
bakery, and by Messrs. Finn dr. Wil
liams Brothers as a law ollloe. Ben
gelsdorlt', who wus uslccp uimUiirs
when the lire started, csciiim.iI with
ililllculty after Im Iiilt seriously burned.
The loss Is about 1-700; InsuritiKX',
Monday's Portland Telegram: W.
If. II. (.runt, the solicitor of the
world's filr funds In Southern Oregon
for the state Isiard of commerce, has
collected $200 more at Eugene and is
still there. He will probably leave In
afewdavs for other towns. Eugene
has done very well to sturt on, ami will
undoubtedly give more when the
movement is well started.
Allmiiy Ivmocrat, Monday: Yester
day Itcv. Oeo. W. Hill preached his
first anniversary sermou In Alliany.
During the year he has done noble
work for bis church, U-sldi-s taken an
active Inten-st In everything else t hut
helrs Christ iaiilty, humanity and tern-
s-niiicc. lie iieserve tne nign stand
ng he iHrssesMes with his coiigrcgatien
and the jMiiple. During the year there
were unions with the church liy
buiitlsm, 24 by letter and exis.TleiKv.
ami the financial showing of the
church Is good.
What ia ike need of Bibuer mkinirproa
it to sister cities Ihst are ou-ide bis dis
trict? Eugt-ne, AlUoy and 8-li rn. have a
right lo nrge their claims for publio build
Iuks, yet Binder Irsves his bailiwick and
consorts with foreign towns a Ibe follow
from the Baker City Blade shows: "Mr.
Hermsnn spoke of Ibe needs of Baker City
in tbs wsv of public buildings, such as a
weather bureau, poetoftice building and as
say office, and pledged bis hearty .npport
in Ibe procurement of the same for Baker
City. Mr. Hermann has no political aie to
griod in Ibis sec ion snd in shewing bis in-
tereat In snd sympathy lot lue wants ana
needs of Eastern Oregon it eonies from the
Circuit Court.
u. Tilmon A Howard vs 8 N Howsrd
aud Ira Allen. For possession of real prop
erty. Continued.
17. W F Gray vs Cvnthls Gray. Di
vorce. Dismissed at plaintiff's motion.
ii. Horatio Cook vs. Joseph Hternberg,
to recover money; dismissed by plaintiff at
defendant's costa,
33. 8 II Friendly vs Mattie V Carter, to
recover money; judgment for plaintiff for
20.28 and interest, and have execution
St. Amanda Wail vs John II Wait. Di
vorce. Continued for the term.
41. Eliza J Montgomery vs John 8
Montgomery, divorce; referred to A E Gal
lagher. Divorce granted.
Monday morning entered plea of not
guiltv. Trial set for Tuesday morning al
11 o'clock.
35. 0 A C R R Co vs J I Barbre; lo re
money. Dismissed at pltf'a costs.
30. Ella Wilson vs Frederick Wilton;
divorce. Granted.
47. Hatlow BWilberet alvs Benjamin
wuueretai. i'arllilon. Default. L mi
yen appointed guardian ad litem fordefti,,
John and Heuben O Neal, minors.
60. B II Dunlap vs L. L. Dunlsp; dl
tore, Granted.
63. The 0 it 0 R It Co vs J 0 Ooodolo;
to recover money. Bet for trial Friday,
Oct. 30.
James Sears, John Addison, Ueo.
Neet, Wm Drisklll and W. J. Dlnges.
Case went lo the jury at 6 o'clock Pndav
aud after being out all night wrestling with
the same, tbey were brought Into court
baturday morning at 9 o'clock and dis
charged, having disagreed.
68. E A Zumwalt vs I K, di
vorce. Default. E R Bkipwortb appointed
referee. Divorce granted.
60. The O ft C R RvsJ 0 Ooodale, to
recover money; set for trial Balurtlay,
Oct 31. Tried by the following jury: 0 0
McMshan. Joe Uuddleslon, Johu Jenkins,
Geo. Hmith, Henry Gates, I W Cleek. J W
Guile.y J F Kirk, Ben Cleek, UUol
brook, John Sellers, Bhellon Jenkins and
E R Hollenbeck. Tbs jury went out at 6
o'clock and at 6:30 returned a verdict in fa
vor of defendant.
03. Chevalier k Co vs Harpole Bros; to
recover money. D ism Issed at pi U's costs.
05. S E Gordon vs II F Gordon, divorce;
referred to ER8kipworth. Divoros granted,
71. M A Polll vs J J Poill; divorce. De
fault. Granted.
72. Warren Rogers vs J E Noland; to
cover personal property. Settled and dis
missed. H2. Stats of Orecon vs Walter Hues Ins.
larceny by lha stealing of a horse. The
lollowlnii Jury was drawn: Joa Huddle-
ston, Jobu Sellers, James Sears, Ell Per
kins, Frank Jackson, Geo Neet, It. Hoi
brook, Bun Cleek, J W Guiley, C A McMa
hon, David Thompson and 0 F Humphrey.
llio case went to the lurv at 4:30
Monday evening aud returned a ver
illca of not guilty in a few minutes.
The defense claimed that Hosklns was
insaue, and the Jury took this view of
the case.
K5 Stato of Oreiron va Thoa E Rus
sell. Assault with a dangerous weapon.
the grand Jury reported a true bill.
I ho followlnir urv was drawn to trv
tho case: J. F. Kirk. It. Holbrook.
Oeo. WHtaett, John Addison, C. A
flic.Maii"n, w. J. AJinires. Ueo. hnilth,
C. F. ltuinnhroy. Oeo. Neet Fmnk
Jackson, James Sears aud Henry
HO Stato of Oreuon vs It J McDon
ald. Obtulnlng money under false
iretensos. Orand Jury reported a true
jlll. He will be arraigned this even-
87 State of Oregon vs ired Reed.
Obtaining money under false pretenses.
Orand jury reported live true bills. Ho
entered plea of not guilty.
tin trial.
State of Oregon vs F. B. Fillips and
Charles linker, larceny by stealing two
mares. The grand jury reported a true
Mrs. Howard Leave.
Tbs Ilarrisbnra Courier ssys: Wo are
informed that Mrs. O, W. Howard, who bas
just figured so conspicuously In an sdul-
tery oasi, has letl her home end ismlly lor
parts unknown, takiug only her Infant son
with her. Tbe fetber snd live little chil
dren are left disconsolate to grieve for a
mother's fault. , . ,
We notice tbs following Eugene people
oa tbs progrsmms at lbs Stats meet
ing of the Christian Endeavor Societies of
Oregon, which was in sees on st Albany.
Reports of delegates lo Minneapolis con
vention, Miss Alberta Shelton, of Eugene-
Paper. Subject: Ths Sunday Evening
Service, and How Can Christian Endeavo.
Help It, Mr. Frank E. Alley, of Eur
Address! The Book We Btodv Whv
aud How, Rev. Henry L. Bates of Eugene.
An Om Cowoiiation Seal. The
coriwrutloii seal UHcd by the recorder of
Oregon Clf
y is proiiuidy
is probably the oldest In
the state. The city
was ineontormcd
while Oregon wits a territory. The
recorder's seal consists of a plain disk
In the outer part of which Is ''Oregon
City Corporation, O. T." At Oregon
Is'cumo a state In 1H.'8 this seal must
have been made aud used before that
date. A laurel wreath Is twined out
side a circle on tbe inside of which Is a
representation of the sun setting be
hind a pile of rocks. The seal Is
considerably worn by long usage but
it is sun distinct in the main and
seems gissl for as many more years as
It lias already served.
Social Party. The literary and
whist club wss delightfully enter
tained by Miss Nan Underwood on
Wednesday evening, lust. Music,
cards and dancing were Indulged In
until a lute hour, when refreshments
were served. Sism after the uurty dis-
isvrMcd, huving enjoyed a very pleasant
evening. Those present were the
Misses a. I ndcrwood, U. Jjoomis,
Ichinehart, Huh", Mary and Mngule
Kinsey. Messrs. W. Orlflln, I). Linn.
Cohen, Brown, Krausse, Edrla and
Postponed. On account of the at
torneys being busy with Circuit Court
mutters. Judge hcott postponed the
Maxwell wm case until next Monday.
Maisikd. At ths residence of air. John
England Row river, Oct. 27, Rev. C. A.
Wooley officiating, Mr. Marion Lebow to
Miss Jans England. All of Lane county.
Marries. - In Lanecounty, Oregon,
Oct.. Z', 1W1. Charles W. Ewini and
Nancy A. Brasher, all of Lano county,
The following Jury was drawn: W.
D. McLean, C. F. Humphrey, David
Thompson, Frank Jackson. Ell Per
kins, Wm. Stewart. Oeo. Whltsett.
On Information From Sheriff -Noland
the Ilorsethleves are Captured.
On Salurdsv about noon Sheriff Noland
learned that the two Cretwell horsethieves
bsd passed through Albany in Ibe morning,
aud he imuied lately telegraphed Sheriff
Croisan. of Salem, to be on tbe lookout.
The Salem Dtateeman of Sundsj tells of
Ihuir capture as follows:
Sheriff Croisan hss, through that eternal
vigilunoa which is securing for him so many
conquests, succeeded in effecting tbe oaptura
of a couple more horse thieves. Tbey ar
rived iu Salem yesterday at about 5 o'olock
aud an hour later were in jail here.
Oa lha night of Ootober 27th two mares
were stolen from the paatnrs of Daniel Stan
Ion, at Creswell. One was a bar with four
white feet and face, and had a black spot on
Ibe right flank about tbe aize of a dollar,
and the other was a white mars with a few
whit hairs In tbe face. The stolen team
was hitched lo an old hack, with panel bed,
painted black and had ou old work harness
and new biidles.
The outfit described above, driven by two
men, arrived in Salem on the Scio road late
yesterday afternoon, having been camped -for
a time a few miles from Salem. Arriv
ing hero, they stopped near Goulot's livery
stabls, where Ibey offered a couple of sad
dles for sale. Bert Uensley spotted them,
and while the suspects crooned the street
aud were selling tho saddles at Huffman's
stable Uensley telephoned to the sheriff.
After Mr. Huffman bought the saddles ha
"smell a moose" and iulormed the city of
ficers, who wstcbed ibe wsgon while liens
ley kept his eve on the thieves, who went
lo the Hocky Mouutsin restaurant for snp
per. Deputy Mieriff Wain accomplished
their arrest ai (he fellows left the restaurant
after supper, lie escorted them to the
county jail, ahere they are held awaiting
Inatruo tions from Sheriff Nol and, of Lane
county, on whose Instructions tbs arrest
wss made,
Ths uaniss of ths men arrested, who ara
thotiuht certain to be tbs riuht ones, are
Charlea Henry and F. 8. Phillips, snd from
ivttera in tbsir pockets it Is learned one Is
from Nebrssks and the other from Kansas.
They aro each aged about 35 years.
bhenff Noland went lo Salem Sundsy on
tbe local trsin aud brought them bers on
me overland. Air. Stsnton, tbe owner ol
ths team, also went to Salem and identified
the horaes. Sheriff Noland save besides the
ssddlea snd the Stanton outfit, tbey bsd
possession of snotber back and team which
it is thotiuht tbey have stolen. The men
claiuind they were hired by a stranger to
to drive the outfit to Portland for f 10. The
graud jury is investigating their cases
A Pendleton Komauce.
A lute dispatch from Saratoga an
nounced that Mrs. Henry C Scotts, of
Oreonllcld, Saratoga county, took a
train on tho 15tli lust., for Pendleton,
Or., there to meet her Intended hus
band, a man whom she hasnevei seen,
but whom she Is nevertheless engaged
to murrv. mid the Inumev Is undertak
en for that purpose. Her Intended Is a
prominent man m 1'emiietoii ami is
renorted to lie wealthy. Mrs. Scotts Is
a widow iind has two children, both of
whom she hikes with her to her new
home. As an evidence of good faith,
the man whom she Is to marry sent
her money to pay the expenses of the
Mrs. Scotts, arrived safely In Fendlo
ton on Tuesday evening and was mar
ried to her Intended, who is none other
than O. 1). Richardson, the well
known restaurant man. It was like
trading knives "unslght and unseen."
Ovkh tub Bluff. While Henry
Rolen and wife, of Mohawk, were at
Judklns point Monday morning on
their way to Eugene the RoscburgUM'iil
train came along frightening the
horsed ho they became unmanageable
and they went over the blull'at a silnt
where It Is about fifteen feet high. Mrs.
ltoleii was rendered unconscious by the
fall. Hho was brought to the resilience
of Mr. Hehiiinnte In this city, and Dr.
Shelton called to attend her. It Is not
thought the Injuries will prove serious
no bones being broken. Mr. llolen
was not Injured. The horse and
wagon escaM'd with little damage.
Although a number of people on tho
train saw the accident, it was not
stopped to pick up the injured woman
and Wing her to town. The place is a
dangerous ono and several accidents
have occurred there before. A strong
fence should be built along tho line of
the blutr.
Asm Masiiso. Saturday evening about
8:30 o'olock, a brakeman bsd bis srm
mashed while coupling cars at Henderson
station, formerly Springfield, on tha South
ern Paoifis railroad. Hs was brought here
al ones by tbe train and taken to the Hoff
man House, where Ibe compsny's surgeon,
dressed tbe wound. He found tbe Inner
bona of tbe left wrist badly ornsbed, but
ths doctor Is of the opinion that tbs hand
esn be saved. Tbs injnred man went to
Uoseburg, where be resides, the same even
ing on tbe overland train. A Miller coup
ling was the cause of th acoidunt.
IsDtt-riD Frva Tikis. Saturday lb
fTand jury Indicted Fred Reed, tbe timber
and man who has been in jail several
months, four times, on charges of obtain
ing niooey under fulse pretenses. Reed is
one of Ibe most notorious Umber land
swindlers on tbe entire coast. His victims
can ba found all over Oregon, California
and Washington.
At three o'clock tho grand jury re
turned tho fifth indictment against
Reed for thu same otleuse.
An Arrest. An old man, quite
drunk, was am-sted Saturday evening
by Police man Witter, having with him
'St pounds of giant jsiwdcr. He was
lauded In Jail with duo care. Monday
morning he put up 110 bail to apiHiir
In tho afternoon at 3 o'clock, but for
feited It.
IsoicnisNts The grand Jury Saturday
returned two Indictments. Ous against
Thoa . Russell, charged with auwult with
a dangerous wr?a-?oa on Dr. J. C. Grsy. D
was arraigned Ibis morning and took bis
day to plesd. R. J. McDonald, for ob
taining money under false pretenses, in
taking subscription for newspapers without
due authority was also indicted.
ChanokokTime. Tho northbound
overland train changed time Monday.
It will arrive at 2:44 a. m.. hereafter
Instead of 4:41. No chango In anv
other train. The Albany express will
not run to Junction.
ThctsbM-shsd. Bins Blaohley got tha
thumb on bis right hand caught in the door
at tb depot warehouse Monday, tnash-
log lbs end of the same off.
md of tb same off. It was a pain-
1 tuT Injury.