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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1891)
L J Cotuil. " Bromt'$ Krone kill Troches" art i, -.rd with advantage to alleviate Couvha, Nn Throat, HoanuHiea ami lironcliiai llrctivm., Hld only in tea A t ' i 4r luai-e li. iiilliic a lieu itie puffer ean r."t ce the vmoke. Wind mii rrt-ly iuoke. riLKHI PILE I l-ILKSI Pr. William1 Indian Hie Ointment will rnrt Hind, Blecdlug and lubtun Pile when ail othiir ointment have failed, llabMirt the tumor a,; In lU-bliiK at once. a. u aj a louliii-. Rivee lu.laiit relief. In. Wllllama Iulla , Pile . (Hutment li prepared only (or Plica aad Itching ol itie private part, and nothing elrt. Krery Uix U warranted. Bold by, or tent by mall on rwvii.t of price. Sue at, i tl per kot.. WIUJAMn MANUFACTURING CO., Proprietor. Cleveland, 0. C InaineilueStoTe Pollth; aodiut; uounoU. ' Tiit Gsruea for ONI5 RNJOY9 " -th the method and results when - jrnp of Figa is taken; it is pleasant i J refreshing to the taste, and jets s ally yet promptly oa the Audneys, vof and Bowels, cleanses the sys i a "effectually; dispels colds, head .ee and fevers and cure habituv.! constipation permanently. For salt i 1 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. - CALIFORNIA HO SIRUP CO. SAM ISkMCISCO, CAL. . loumiut. in..- uw mx. .r. ' ALL OIR KKKPn ARK TKMTKI). 1( you want the very beat kimmIm tout you know will grow, at catti price, write m. F. L. POSSON A SON,'"1" 2c street Portland, Oregon. From it. "August flower" How does he feel ? He feels f cranky, and is constantly experi menting, dieting himself, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooking, the dishes, the hours, and manner of his eating August Flower the Remedy. ' How does he feel ? He feels at times a gnawing, voracious, insati able appetite, wholly unaccountable, unnatural and unhealthy. August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels no " desire to go to the table and a grumbling, fault-finding, over-nicety about what is set before him when he is there August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels ' after a spell of this abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and 'detestation of food; as if a mouthful would kill him August Flower the Remedy. How doesi he feel ? He has ir regular bowels and peculiar stools - a an A. 1 f- ..J.. Augu list r lower mo nomouy. w The song that touched hbs heart.' A oure Virginia plug cut J smoking tobacco that does not Lite, the tongue, and is free from anv fnrficm mixture. More solid comfort in one package of Mastiff than you can get oui 01 . a dozen others. 1'ackeu in can " v; is pouches. J. & Part Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia I took Cold, I took Sicic. I I TOOK scows smsion kesult: I take My Meals, I take My Rest, AMD 1 AM VIGOROUS ENOlXiH TO TAKE ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANI OS ertlinir fiit to. T. Scotn1 and Hypophosphitesof Lirneand J !of1aN'r ONLY CtHID MY lllOir- I iVnl touum,liMi but atitr aC IP. AND IS Now IT I I iim. , mm eu nJ MY RONES I rkhn wi AT THE RATE Of A POUND A IMY. . . v .a l no MILK. TAKE I rjvsi . t.cmu is nothing M-w. ..-.-rt-r-a tuftsin IS DOINO WONUVM , . .. . T.r n (iTMEl. 1 I'AII.T. " YOU WANT IT! . . . AaTII rf 1C OUR HOLIDAY i-" MAILED FREE TO ANY ADDRESS, ccun enn ONE. (SEEDS r!LinKHMFMKlSCfl,CAL LEGENDARY WORLDS. bmdlUM Se Oil from Ike Caesar lal- aai w wmw Tneea. SturitM of letMniUrr worlJn hav at all time poawMei! a fondtiation for most minds and fnrnicd tha subject of mocb curious speculation. Ilowew childinb sticb tales may sem at the prtatnt dity, "they onc wielded sufficient sway," ays M. FUmarian in his "History of the Heavens," "over men's minds as to gun their belief in the veritable existence of the places described, and in this way to Influence their astronomical and conno-1 graphical ideas." Many such legend originated when geography was in iU infancy and the greater part of the world s surface still unknown. From that time, too, travel ers like fair John Maudeville excited curiosity by relating discoveries which they professed to have made in their dis tant journeying, and which those who received them readily accepted as facts. In process of time these mythical ac counts were gradually circulated from one country to another and became in terwoven with the traditions of the people among whom they were told. Hence, in one form or another, we find in most parts of the world nuinurotta stories of legendary worlds still current,' survivals 0f which may be traced to the literature of modern times. Thus, go ing back to early duys, the poets and philosophers of Greece and Rome gave detailed accounts of the land whither mortals wend their way when this life is over, enumerating its rivers, its lakes, its woods aud mouutains. Accordingly, Ulysne was said to reach the place of the dead by crowning the ocean to the Cimmerian land. ,Eiiean to have eutored it by the Lake A vera us, whereas Xenophon informs ui that Hercules went there bv the penin sula of Arecbasaide. In early times the Canary Islands were regarded ,aa the neighborhood of the terrestrial home of the blessed dead, and many wonderful Stories were told of this enchanted lo cality. Thus, as Washington Irviug writes: Occasionally this enigmatical spot would be visible from their shores. stretching far away in the clear bright west, to all' appearance substantial like themselves and still more beautiful. EijieditiotM would launch forth from the Canaries to explore this laud of prom ise. For a long time its sun gilt peata and shadowy promontories would re main distinctly visible, lint in propor tion as the vovagers unproached eak and promontory would gradually fade away until nothing would remain but blue sky above and deep blue water be low." This legendary land was, as the Portu guese and Spanish declared, an island which had sometimes been lighted upon by accident, but when sought for could not be found. But a king of Portugal is said to have made a conditional sur render of it to another when it should be discovered, and when the kingdom of Portugal ceded to the Castilian crown its rights over the Canaries the treaty Included the island of Dnindam, de scribed as the island which had not yet been found. London Standard. Queer Kllllnj. There are numbers of deutists in New York who ought to be sawing wood. I bad a friend tell me about a week ago of a severe pain in a tooth which he bad only recenUy bad filled. He argued that it could not be the tooth, because he hud only a few daB before sat iu the den tist's chair. The dentist was unknown to him, and had beeu selected- because his office was next the place where my friend boards. I advised him to go to a first class dental practitioner, which he did. Next day he said to me: "Do you know what was the matter with my tooth? That fellow up by my boarding bouse did not clean the tooth out before he filled it He had left pieces of cotton in the cavity and had piled the gold in on top of it No wonder it ached." New York Press. Buclapd'e Early Colue. When England was being made into mince meat and blocks of real estate by the Saxons and Danes silver and brass were in use as currency, but the Nor mans subsequently installed the aristo cratio metal and left the democratic brass to take rare of itself. - Uold was first coined by Henry III, and copper made into British coin in 1GT2. Tin was used for coinage in 1C80, and the national farthing was mode of this Cambrian product, with a stud of copper set in the center. In 1090 and 1091 tin half pence were issued in considerable quantities. The only pure gold coins issued in En glish history were those of Henry IIL Age of Steel. Cutting Heliled. When we charge a youngster with "cutting behind" we make a charge that cannot be proved. Every boy knows that the cutting behind is done by the man who sits in front with the whip. He cuts behind at the boy who hangs on behind, but the latter is med. to it, and enjoys bis ride as much as be docs the jealousy of his companion afoot, who out of revenge yells, "Cut behindr to the drrver, and then maliciously informs the teacher that it was the boy who cut be hind. Harper's Yonng People, She Never Had Sera It. The other day a little girl was saying h mmmaudments. "r or in six Hays, she repeated rapidly, "the Lord made I I..BVPT1 and earth, the sea and ollthatin- themis." Then she stopped. "Mamma,'" she said, 'Tve seen the hesven, and the earth, and the sea, hut I never saw any allthatinthemii. Where does God keep that?" The child bad really believed that there was a certain separate cre ation called "allthatintherais" that she had never been able to find. New York Evening Sun." The Sailer'e Lot. Merchant You made good time from the Fever Islands. How is the crew? Ship Captain Half of them are sick. "Sick of the fever?" "No; of the fumigations." Good News. " In the West End of London, at Olym pia, the large ball there, which is famous at present for iu fancy dress balls, is 440 feet long. 250 feet wide and 100 feat kigk, ind contains an area of nearly two and I half acres. Twenty-seven thonaand yeopls were present at a recent baO. Denmaa Thompson recreates at Swaa N. H., the scene of both Displays. When he is there he simply enjoys him ell He has built a church there and has a mortgage upon aearly everything mortgageable in the towa, f or fsfytody toocbes" Penmen. MeUllie Railroad Tloe. MrUIHe rnilwy tiet are by no dmuii D6W inveuUou, althoUKh th railway companies of the Uniu-J SUles have been sin)rularly baclcwsnl in adopting them. Tbey were laid npon LuropeM roads as early ait 160, and since that time the number has increased, so that in 1890 no lees lusti lO.iii will's of track were laid with them. In addition to this there were, in the same year, 1J201 miles in Africa. 9,814 in Asia, chiefly in India, aud 3,783 In Mexico, Central aud Kouth America; but in the United fitates. a nation usually iu the load of all improvemeuUt, there were only two milos, these having been put down as experiment, (juite aside from tlx ques tion of cost it would seem that that of safety alone is of sufficient importance to justify the substitution of a substan tial metallic lie for the short lived wooden one, w ith its unreliable fasten ing. Three-fourths of a mile of track were laid with these ties on the Chicago, Western and Indiuna railroad in Chicago Lin October, 1KM), and the time elapsed has been sutbcieut to give results of some reliability. The ties were laid at a point where Uie ballast was light gravel, and the traffic eighty regular trains in one direction each day, the heaviest engine weighing 00,0W pounds, with 16,000 pounds on each pair of drivers. ' During the time that the ties have been down over 37,500 trains have passed over them, and the manager states that the cost of this maintenance has been so small as to be hardly worth taking into consider ation. New York Telegram. She Was Too Keger. A well known vocal teacher of Boston, whose repntution brings bim pupils from all over the country, relates that there once came to him a lady who announced herself as a music teacher from another city, and declared her intention of tak ing a course of lessons. She asked his terms, and pronounced them satisfac tory, and then went on to talk about the time of lessons. "You see.," she explained, "I have only a limited time tu Boston, and I must manage so as to get the whole twenty easons into that. "How long are you to be here?" the other asked. 'Three weeks," Bhe replied. 'Twenty lessons in ' three weeksr he exclaimed aghast "How oould that be doner Oh," she responded easily, "I oould take two lossons some days." 'Yes, the teacher answered, "or you might take the wholu twenty lessous one after the other all at once. That would only take about ten hours." The face of the lady brightened. "Would you really be willing to give them to me that way'f she asked. "Then 1 could get home inside of ton days, and get my advertisement as your pupil printed before the end of vocation." And the amusing pars of the story is that the woman could not be made to see the ab surdity of her suggestion. Boston Cour ier. ' raddjr'e Idea of a Microbe. Two sons of the Emerald Isle sat in the depot the other day, running from one current topic of discussion to another. They finally reached the subject of the great prevalence of sickness. "Are n t yea afraid of typhide fever;" said Deals. "Yis, I am, replied Pat "Put?' "Y'es, Dinny." "What are those microbys and germs the docthera are talking about!" "Waal, I'll tell yez my idee, Dinny. Them genua and microbys are pacaliar things. Flauuigan was tellin me about them. He sua tliey reside in the wather, He was fishing Monday, and be pulled up bis line, begob, and found a microbe on it He eel it lukod like a bullhead, but It had a paculiar face. He sea he threw it back afther he got "over being scart Me own opinion is, Dinny, that microbes are a paculiar kind of fish. "Btgob, 1 guess ye're roight, Pat There's a good dale. of sickness prev vailin'." ; .; "Yes," replied Pat, "there's a good dale, Dinny. There do be well paple ooinplaiuiu . Albany Argus. ( Reptilae Seventy reel la Lanfth. ' What the muinmals are in the scale of creation today the reptiles were in the mesoxoic epoch. Tbey swam, the seas, climbed trees and were most phenomenal jumpers. Some of tbem even flew, While some were herbivorous, living upon plants, others were carnivorous, preserving existence by devouring their vegetable euting cousins, .ice vegetar ian reptiles were enormous beasts, often as much as seventy tet in length. Tbey afforded food for the carnivorous rep tiles, which were smaller than the herb ivorous kind, .just as lions and tigers nowadays are smaller than oxen. Though bigger, the vegetarian creat ures usually bad no armor nor weapons to defend themselves with.. Thoir most powerful defence was a kick, which, de livered with a hind log fifteen feet in length, was assuredly not by any means to be despised. Professor Cope in -Washington- Star. - TJocleaallneee Often (he Trouble. ', The variety of shoes which claim to follow the natural shape of the foot is almost as large as tliose that do not Soma ' of ' these shoes are so absurdly broad at the toes that they give aa ira preauion that they were .designed for a hoofod beast; others are ventilated in the sole. But, in spite of all these oris; Inal and expensive patented devioes, the fact "remains that as many people escape all afflictions of the feet who wear orthn arily well shaped, hand sewn shoes as those who sdopt eccentric shoes. - It is evident that there is some other trouble lxwides the shape of the shoe that is at work, New York Tribune. : , Beaeoaahle. ' Father My dear girl, the last gown you got was only eighty dollars, but this one is ninety dollars, is mis worm ten dollars more than the other? ... Daughter Certainly, father. Just think bow much later it is. Cloak Re- Am Eye to' (he future. ' Father Whr do you ak for the band of mj younger daughter fusuad of that of her bier artr? . Suitor Uerauae I tUiai Uie elder el would more aetitfarf.rt'y All the poaition of aunt to my future cfclUr . Tramlated fur Texas BlfUng. ..... lupntrtlrabra, ... ..1 .i. 1 i tb ferrv la a hurry; what V tbs quick ' rknall boy-A be lirw, raWer; bat Ha afratd yoa rant auke It it M Uke yer through the middle lutir lVaa.-llBU WwaUy. A LEFT HANDED BEAK. Sad the Hard Lark of Boaee reaaeyivaaba Haulers' Uf "Guess vou fellows never tackled a left handed bear," said an old Pocouo hunter to a groan of bird shooters the other evening. "1 didn't exactly tackle one myself, he added, but I saw one tight two dogs over at the head of White Oak run last winter, and he didn't use his right paw oure. Me and Charley Petty put a while bulldog aud a roan hound on tho bear's track in about three inches of snow, aud the way they uuwle the woods ring waa music. The white dog took the load, and for all of two mill's we couldn't keen up. Then the yelping of the two grew louder and sharper. We hurried ahead aud found that they had caught up to a lurge bear and were worrying In m. Tho bear tried his bast to get awav in tlio scrub oaks, but the dogs tressed him so hard and nipped his lind legs and Hanks so often that hn backed up against a reck and got tnud. lie was mighty mad, too, but the dogs didn't seem to care a simp if he was, for llioy both kept pitching nt hint, and every time they made a liingo lie brought bis left paw down with lorco enough to break a cow's bock. We might havepluggod the bear with bul lets right there, but the Hogs appeared to enjov teasing him, and pretty soon the bulldog mode a leap and tried to grab the hour by the nose. Then that old left paw of his got in its Hue work. lie brought it arounu aiuuways mis time. The bulldog failed to grab bis nose, and before he could gel out of tho way thut awful left paw struck him on the right jaw and tore the bono loose. That used up Mr. Bulldog, but the other dog was as brave as a lion, aiul he faced the huge paw and gut knocked into the brush, twenty TeH off. The bear didn't try to use his right paw once, and, when he hud cleaned both dogs out, he waddled off as cool as vou please and we shot huu dead." . "1 never met a left handed bear " said another old Monroe county hun ter, "but 1 ran aoross aa tough a killer as your left handed bear was. I waa guiding a party of city deer shooters through the Knob mountain district at the time. Ou the third day one of the city fellows got tired of stauding on runaways, anu so no looa ins setter aud shotgun and went olf by himself after rutfed grouse, I founk a bear a track in the snow near Knob pond that morning, and tho deer shooters said they guessed they would just as soon hunt the bear for a change., Bo 1 got three dogs and put them on the track aim siuiioneu me city cintjn ucre and there. The dogs hustled the bear into a awauin and then out of it ' On tlie edge of the swamp one of the dogs got in liis way and was killed, and be fore any of us could get a shot at him he took the back track and disabled another dog. The third dog was too sharp for the bear, aud bounded him into the swamp aim out lour or live times, r limlly the bear gave up try ing to hide iu the swamp aud headed for a ravine half a mile otf. The fun niest thing of it all was that the bear ran right into tiieneigiiboriioou wuere the bird hunter was trying to find grouse. Before the bird shooter hud a chance to realise what all the crack ing iu the brush mount, the boar crashed through the saplings close to him and appeared iu sight The grouse hunter said his first thought was to leg it up the hill, but he was afraid the boar would chase him. and so he faced the music and (lrcd two charges of No. 0 shot into tho bear's . i mi i l.l.., luce uno eyes, iiioimirtuuiuiin" to travel after that, and we killed him." i. , One day the young son of a man who lives on Tuiikbannock creek went a mile or so from home to gather beechnuts. A large, jet black New foundland do? accompanied the lad. and while the boy was busy picking nuts from uudur a tree ho saw lue dog urickui) his ears, wag his tail and trot otf as though ho hod spied another dotr and was going to meet nun. i uis sururised the bov. but he didn't call the dog back, no watcuea uitn thoutrh. and he Quickly saw that the dog was trotting toward a much larger animal anu oue just as uiaca as mo dog. When the dog had got within a raw varus of me oilier diuck creaiuro he suddenly put bis tail between his legs, whirled right about anu ran past the boy as though he was half scared to death. The moment the dog did this the other animal, which the boy then saw was a huge black bear, turned tail just as suddenly and wad dled off in the onuosite direction aa fast as ie could go. Eacli had beeu verv much frightened by the other, and the boy saw nothing more of the doir until he reuched home. Not long ago two meu who live Dear here took a beagle hound and went over to lied Ridge to hunt rabbits. A larM bulldog followed theia and stay ed near them while the" beagle scared tha rabbits out of the brush. All at once a big rabbit scampered out of the underwood anUdaabed down me slope nasi the men. ' Its appearance excited the bulldog, and he rave chase at the too of his soeed. When he was with in a few feet of the rabbit the dog got tripped in some running vines and was turned end lor end like a nasn lie didn't realize that he had been re versed, and in his eagerness to get at the rabbit he ran straight up the iiiu the moment he got out of the tangle. Bv that tint 6 the rabbit was well to ward the foot of the slops, and after tha coufused dog had run several rods lie stopped all of a sudden, sat upon his haunches and howled for a minute or so, much to the amusement of tha hunters. Staufber's Mill Cor. New York Tribune. . ' ; C a Stum. I' The governor of Rhode Island found that Charles Paal had been convicted of a robbery of which he was inno cent, and had served two years on a term which he should never bare bad. lie. therefore, pardoned him, and in side of ten days be discovered that Charles ought to have got three other sentences for three other robberies be actually did commit A jury seldom puts an innocent man iu a hole, De troit free Press. Bualnee l Bdainee. life Insurance Agent (out west) What did Mr. Newcomer say I Assistant He wouldn't talk with nie at all; said ho was too busy to think about life insurance. . "Well, I'll hanj around his bouse to-night and shoot holes through his 1 , 1 1 winUOWS, ana wneo lie comew uw" town in the morninir you niue oeuina , a fenre In aomo vscant lot and put a I few UUs through Uie top of his bat ; Then when he reaches his office I'll drop in and talk life iuauranc again. " . JSjr York Weekly. I HKKIOIS DAKOKK Thrrafrna every man, woman or child living In e nittoii ( country where fever anil uf la prev alent, attic the iterm" "I malarial rilMwae are In balmllroin the air ami are walloMnl Imin the wau-r nl iich a n-iilon. Medicinal aafenuard la alaolntcly iicci-Mwrv to nullify Dili denser. Aa a nieaitu ( (nritlyliK and accltuiatlnt: the aye- trm mi a to be able In realm the malarlnl polann, HixlelUT'i Stomach Billon It Incomparably the heal and the nuiel popular. IrrvauUrillea n( the eiomach, ihvr and buwela vncouniKe mala ria; but IlieM arc i.llly reclined by uie Hit ten. I he tunc Hone of dljccatlnn and accrvllnil an' audited by IU iim-, ami a vlirnroua aa ell aa rvk-ulur condition o I he ayaU'in promoted by It. t'onallliilion and nhvaliuie are I hue defended atiamal the Inroeda of malaria by tbl mau-hleaa pteveullie,iblch la alio a certain and IhoroitKb remedy In the eorat case l luieruillleiil aud remittent Ivvera. In III marriage nUtteuhat it It that create bannou) ? Aud echo annwered, " Money." MEIK1ED aillUT HY A TKOSCRII'- TIVK TABOO. I am uol almlug hi convince mental habit-, at Indeed that eiinld b (ruilleaa without the nee weary cultured Intellect that make logic appll' citble. Korc, brilliancy and orlglnalltj even art no weapnua to stuck tlave with. For many Cvnlurtra the medical art waa hedged about by a proacrlpllve taboo which It, aa fel, baa not tur rived. The brand (or murdering truth la the penally ol Imbecility itampcd upon the mental allbcr uf Die average ludlvldul-lu relatluD to medicine aud ntedlciu meu, Tbe aim ol the nineteenth cenluiy hat uol yet dawned upon hit Intellectual borlaon. He, together with hit Ideal medtclue man, Hill hibernate In the good old dayi ol the dark age, when II w aa bed terra In be limnltlllve. He (till ' believea " Iu bleeding. miMcnng, vomuing, purging ami nrauna. oe love poplout do ol hoiM medicine. He de light In aualu-llda and calomel and carbolic acid. They are coualdfrcd ludtnpeuiuible: no well-regulated family, with pigmy Intelleeta and abdominal development, connldera tlaclf aate without tbuae lamlly larea. nice I do no I tun Ui convert; Ihey are the ItlpVau W inkle, that will continue to tlumlter throng tasht and prob ably through the next rruturyC Ihey play no role Iu Ihe world a btntory. They live; they die. No monument marke their lorgollen tepuicner. Hiiniaullv wat not enriched by Ihelr entrance; It bat loat nothing by their cult. They arc drift wood on the ahoroa of time, and Soetwllh til rhh and tide of oplniout Ihey have Inherited Irom their anmroimorpnic ancenirr, no, n it uot to thee I with to addnwa uiytelf, but to the thinking oue, whom a thought doe uot throw lute au epileptic parol) m; who lov know ledge for lit own uke: who are willing to liivratlgat the truth or iNlttlv of anv iimnotltloii. and.ouce convinced, will twnd by II through all the grim ace of a chalterlug and delayed cIMIImIIoii. To thew- not the chatterer, but the Ihlnkor- 1 commend the mitogenetic syxtciu lor niveau gallon, and will elucidate with pleasure any liicttlou not tulllcleully clear In book, which w in be tt-ut ire to any adiirvaa. Dr. Jordan's olUo Is at the realdenoe of ei-Mayor Yealer, Third and James itreela, Seattle, Wash. Consultation and prescriptions absolute ly free. tveiui lor tree dooi einiainmg vnr iimiu- gtnetio system. Oaptiom. The Hlatovenetio Medioines are sold in but one agency in each town. The label around the bottle oeara ins tot lowing inscription: "lr. J. Kugeue Jor dan. ItlMogenctio Medicine." ft very oilier device is s fraud. If you arc Slandered, never mind Hi II will all ciime ott when II I di). DO NOT lHSTKICHS VOIKSKI.r. ItHANiiggTH'sl'iLijt cure eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, hlolnhea, spots, pimples, pus tules, lioili, carbuncles, ring worms, scald head, sore eyes, erysipelas, ltrth.KOurfa.dhv colorations. There Is nothing more dis gusting; thnn a face and neck all broken out w it i iiiniii e ami tnnc.K neaiiH. .viunr me Mood pure, and all such eruptions disap pear. Une or two IIranukkth's i'ili taken vorv muni lor a inuiiiii never 1a.11. . j ......... llKANiiKKiit't Tills are purely vegutuble. absolutely Imrmless unu tale to lake ut any time. . Ho hi n everv drug nml nieilclne store, cither plain or sugar-coated. (llrlt who wear feather around their neckt nowaday are not all chicken. CATAKKII CAN'T HI t'l'llKD with KM' a I. APt''ATIONH. a thT cannot reach thr teat uf Ihe illaeaa. Catarrh It a blood or ounitltutloiial dltoate, aud In order In eur It you have Ui lake Internal remedle, nail a i a iarrh t'ur It uiken Internally, aud acU dlreclly on the blood and lliucoua aurfacee.- llall'tCa- urlMd bv one of the Kl iihynlclau In it I a Lrrli Cure it no llliact nintli'llio. 11 wa pre- country lor year, nu it regular iirrp-ri(iuu, It In eompmieo ol tne im ionie auowii, einu blued with lb boM blood purifier, acting ill reeilv mi the minima anrfacea. The pi'rlect com bination of the two Ingredient la whal produce uch wonderful retulu In curing cmarrn. oeuii fur U-atlmoulali free. , F.J.l'IIKNKi 41(1., rropnur, luieuo, u. Hold by dmgglit; prli'e, Tt cent. When l man like a veil? When you call ce through him. - Portland has received a line new Hook and Ladder Truck with a Cronln Kxten sion Udder.' snd two Hose Vairons from K. II. Mollroy of that oity. They were manufactured by W. T, Y. HchenckJ Ban Francisco.' " It pays to study the Interests of the consumer," said s dealer to a drummer who was trying to sell ,hlm short-weight lug tebooco. " Take, fur. example, mar linr which la Uacil bv the great inaas Ol t-hewers throughout the lulled .State. Hlar 1'lnir la nut nnlv the best and most aatiafuotorv chew, but every plus is a full ixteen-ouuee pound." " A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - -40 Years the Standard. rJelleioat Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky ' Biscuit, Griddle Cskes, Palatable snd Wholesome. No other baking powder does suck work. Of all kludnd In njrqunlHr-whole-aal aud retail -at bed rock prices. 1 E. J. BOWEN, 8S Front Street, Portland, Or. Send for catalogue. iim rriirn cuara Ttt STAY CURED MAT ILlLn WewiaUMaS Sretxrl eearf uSrrer I tk 0 10TUF11 v S anoCanaoa. Arlnre 1. S.anot-anana. Anarna, larM.Iar,lt.tUaU,ll nu l liiiinr- JOHNSTON at LAWRENCE, woi.eaiLa arriL Plawter' aS laflneer' tuefil. Hte4 m4 r. Ira flee. a. Pipe CeMrlaf. Lrlclr, W4er Uol .fa. Fl aa VMtlltewt, Ck ttitr. EM. , Writ for prW. tn FUST ST.. P0S1LAS0. Oi. I'ontrarlan Ml kaallnf a. MHIla keuSiae. fcilMie feaaiwea. Bailing Powder I-THE COST IS J rtVaTJSsnaaavaenmva, H ' f t'1 n . l Ma. . U : aer THE HARTMAN PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE (Nana nn more ll-an an nnllnarr cliimay winmI pickal altair Uial ultriic4a the view and will n.l or fall apart In a ahnrl lime. Th " llarlmall" Keiu e It arlulie In .lenlao, umln-la Hie an.iilula wlllioill Coll-,-v.llnK lliem ami la pra. ll.-llv . VKalanxM. II. I.I si BA I Kll I ATAUXIl K. WITH Pltlt KM AND Tr.MlMllNl.AI M.VII.KII KHKK. HARTMAN MFC. CO., Beaver Falls, Pa. BAKER A HAMILTON SAN FRANCISCO- CALIFORNIA f Always mention ttoia paper in wrutiig.) P ISO'S KKMKKY KOK CATAKKU. lU-st. Kssi est to use. I'hrapcst. ltclb'f is Immediate. A I 1 cure it certain. Kor Cold in the Ilcsd it has no cpial. J It it an Oiutmrnt to the nostrils. mail. Address Sfra,nge indeed th&l-s S like SAPOUO should mOkke everybhin so bright-. bub "A needle clothes obhers,a,nd is iteelj: nkedTryihinyournexthouse-clcexnirii What foil it would ba to out trraa with a pair of ewisiora! Yet poo-' Ele do etjually ailly thing, .very day. Modem progress baa grown up om tha hooked sickle to tha twinging scythe and thence to the lawn mower. So don t use loissorsl But do vou usa SAPOLIO If St at if you out grata with a dinner knife. Once there were no sosps. ien one soap eervsd all purposes. Now the sensible; folkl use one snap in the toilet, another in the tun, one for ail sonurinje; sod bouse-clsaning. Buy Toar Own Goads if lour ADVINCE TRRESHEBS. THE BEST IN AMERICA. Pt leal net Bnainet and KiUbi hlDT. Pumps ol ell klada, areas O Beittaf and Hnae, WiwiKibee, Lubrtoattr IwamniU Drills and Porra, aontaa, mt Ots ka rertlaJti. taaaiata, wrlt aa r .. L I HUT. Fd if C-nka Crd. PTlia CL 1 INDIAN DEPREDATION 1 "PENSION I PATENTS . tND 1 HOMESTEAD POSTAL CLAIMS The "EXAM IN Kit" BI'IIEAV lift LAIMS j . US USa TH K UlRKI-riOK nr San Franclsoo Examiner. If roll hav a claim "f tuy ili-ncrlplliui lialxiever aaaiima 111. I IIIMI niaiea iiiivrrniiirii, atiu wlaS II aiiwlil)' aiUiullcateil, aililrm JOHN WKIlUKKHI'KM, Mnaer, II V itreel, N. W, ' Waahlnctan, l. O. iNTHtr re Leading medical authorities state that new and improperly cured tobacco when heated in the pipe produces a rank vege table poison. Tnnacoo Ilk liquor can only be impm-td by nfi. This is the reason why "Seal of North .Carolina", U the most popular brand of smoking to bacco in the United States. It is made from tobaccd, at least three years old. ,; Its rich mel low smoke . has ' never been equaled. ' - leal el Nertk Ctrellnt I sow packed Iu ralcnt Clutta fiiut'li, well aa Iu foil, R1AZER AXLE BestiaihaWorldl Get the Genuine! GREASE Sold Everywhere! J.' McCRAKEN It CO., : DKALIRS IM Beeks Marker II, PerHaaS Cimst, C4 a Sal anS Ulak Pltitw, Hair, Fire Irlek teS Firs 0H. LAND PLalllS. , SS North rroat Street, Cor. D, FOKTLAND, OR. PIANOS'"? ORGANS. WINTER S HARPER. 71 Morrison Street, Portland, Or. far bo k wn. -uta HOYT & CO. Want n scent la everr torn in Ontjon, Waah InfUin snd llho tn aell PIANOS and ORGANS On muimltaion. No at.K-1 or capital neelrl. M title teacher preferrerl. Sclal rale na all foot. rite fur particular. . ...,. , , POKTLAXD. 0. 'i ' f 1 il V "'.'.,1 JJ ..... Old Axle aed Stln Bnndil: Hod nw old (V'ld ad kiln, hf irU to UM old and kxiia. f4 A i in--' 41 Thud .rMt. riMriiev I .HI mm b Mara muM th. a. ao4ia( lu aui S Ike aei.iial aaemiiaawaq eaiietaragaid. THE SAME. H( J aaytiA.vAafl itmcnt.of which aumallpsnicle is applied 1 1 .. Trice ftOc. fold by druggists or sent by I 1 ircat: K. T. Haxi'I.tins, Warren, l'a. Tou dont too are aa much behind tha aoap m me itaoiea, ana duuuvi - Dealer Dees Hal Carry Ilea FABRY CASTS 1ID BOiD W1G0IS, , est and Cheapest In the Wertd. Girts, SIS Dp. Vag.:s. Ill Ci Spring sad Kspreat Wtfooa, tie tm fnnaee InVwanttoa sail ea Portland, nri. A. P. Armetron. Prin. Branch Si limil : Oarirti. Hi t. (Vii,i..,, Iirrgoo. . rwii. euuraa. vf tludy . taai. raw. of lullluli, HaslnpsR, Shorthand, 7yH'rir, rmmnntiif. unit Knflitk V,ir aaTIn trnkon UiniUKlioul th. ir. Slil.til. attnilt led al anr - Catalog it from .llh.r kIhwI, true. MORPHINE HABIT! 3E5 SURE CURE I'aolSc N'-dMue lyv., 88 lr HI.. Han Francl-n. , DEOTand SAFEST OIL Manufactured. 'a w t iy ' - . Give This Oil a Trial, ,( ... ASI- YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. TrTed FRUTf arJcowplhUyMr. NntAreiceTt, PeuHe, Nat TaaiMa. Arei., CHiaaiaa, Buck taaaie aaeffio. Waquel Aorleet. fin. ............. .......... T, S. IO, IZtf Peaohe, chou Mctrln.l, .itr........-. Applee. brijhi .... Apple, lo.a dried Orape, iS-jo, good aelatn, 169a, prt lb......... Prune, llie. eond......m....M. a, 10, la a, 10, 12 7, a. 10 10. 12 . a, a . . i 7, a. e 12, 16 20,22 , 4, 6 eiacabeerl.a, 191, fine.,........ Cherrlea, puud. iBqi Fla, itgi, black C.1...... mtaban. Fire Roe and Depejtmat Bovpllea, Steal Uiawtrf oeda, npe ana nuinem, nneocia iiiapirawra, aunn. www if Oila, Charea, School and Pana Bella, Knftneaaad SMStJav torrtea, Sninf a4 Kspreas Waroos, the lavrgea atatitjaaa oilil Oh.rftuitlnmrir. Th' tm. tn tor tn. qualitTt dark, old, or inf. rior lot w ofter lewr. biaaK dncauiil 10 Hotoli, Boarding lliaia, DWrv nd etUrUrg rn. Cnnd noodi r kml tn ap. Ser rvral rltp of od for family UJ al cIom prion, and want a thar af yaat f4- Atk foi e-fg caialugii. fre. Aildna SMITHS OASH STOREi aiej-ats Prons St, 8 an raaois)oo $1 Makes first payident nn a Irt In Ihe thriving Junction K. H. lumber Sum. tuwa uf Hanger. SI HIKES FIRST PAYMENT, on 5 acre of fin Kalaln land In Prcana cmiutr. " S1.203 FOH 40 ACHES nt Sn Raltlti land within fire ml Ira vf R. R. tallon In limw county Willi houae, bam aud ell; Improvement, wortn POU. PTTIJOl A- IM, S3 Marhel Street, Han k ranrlaro. ' if rut a1e7l In I day on aiy Kterirte Onnrt j AU LB 1 al)d iwrialllm. Hai pr CI. proAl anil i-ah In i. .t, ml .,'. - leading reave-l? fnr all II. nnn.lnr. rfi-h,rM Uit i n . . . . . . . ire In IDlVH I prl.auldiMmivl lu'fl. A, I rnlnmrl"ria,fl'oiiF 1 tatiiig wMkotaa peculiar I rMlfe . J irwntenaai reeiar I TalwaCHe,i,ra m r-oroR,.u4uif It IS I : m .11 ..ff.rr. . iju,.ii,w a, M m ' l""" - - m T . .iflia I. n Am. .!( bp lrHniaie, n. r. n. u. . 4ii -a. f. s. u. 4n, is