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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1891)
01TY AND COUNTY SATURDAY . . OCTOBEU HI, IS'Jl Mabel Mnrtnurlngs. October -2K. lftil. A. Smith did business in Cruwfords- villo last butunlay. John Human! arrived here last 8ut. urduy from l'rlnevllle. Mrs. Ourty nnd son visited friendu on Mill tnt'k last r-umlay. Last week John Lewis, Sr., pun-has-ed Ahimi Smith') funn, consisting of one huiuliva ana sixty ucrcs. Con hidcratioii, f 1,40U. John I-cwis went to Oklahoma lust July with Hie Intention of making t nut place m luturu Home, but he hud uvea too long in un-gon to stuv awuv long, und liiMt week returned to Mo hawk to reside amid more faiiillnr wcnec The Sunday Sehool ot this pluee I nci moving aiong very unnnontously. The closing scene hist Sunday was biinply n-dlculous and unenl ed-for. mid liistend of uniting the animosities thut exlHt, it caused some very Un pleasant tilings to ue suui which would have been better, for the school, unsaid, There Lt two factions of the Sunday School, one favors tlrojipln me organization, aomg away Willi the oflleer and allow the chunh to have control of and run theschnol; the othe favorskeeping up the organization and running it liidcjx-ndent and separuto from the ehureh. The former we are 1 iipny to nay, are in the minority. It ij a mystery insolunblo, how any Bane i "nwn or set or person, (estiecfally t.iose belonging to the church,) can nsclenciously say thut the Sunday ..tiooi suouiu ue run solely under the supervision of the church, and that It I contrary to the teachings of the woie to run it as a separate tion; yet there is a few persons here who contend thut it is. We hud no idea that there was anyone in the community who would entertain for a moment such queer and one-sided notions and if they would take the second thought about the mutter, it would 1 plain to be seen thut the school could not long survive under the supervision of the church, lt has been tried heretofore and the result was an Ignominious failure. We must all unite, let the (lend past bury Its dead, and lay aside our personal ditllculties for "United we stand, divided we lull." OBSERVER lioshen Items, Oct, 28, 1801 Moiety weather. Grass is growing nicely. ' Ben Keeney and wife vis! toil friends near Creswell Sunday. Oar debuting society U flourishing; meets ', rrldsy evening. : The Hampton boys bave returned from across tbe mountains. Charlie Smith and wife of Chriaman are visiting relatives near Goshen. Borne of the boys got several deer, in the vicinity of tinner s Kook, Sunday. Tommy Keeney is thinking of purchas ing a barber chop m Cottage drove. Mrs. Winnie Davis has returned home from a month's visit near Chrisman. Letter Swacgart is dowu from Northeast ern Oreg00 sud will remaiu here for awhile on nil father s place. Mr. and Mrs. Horaoe Hutchinson and 0. H. Matthews and family visited friends near Springfield bundiy. A. J. Keeney was thrown from a cart last week aud somewhat crippled. Ho moves about the house on crutches. Anna Chase; formerly of this place but lately of tbe vicinity of Springfield, was married In Kansas, fjctooer 18, to tuna. EJngsley. Philip Berkshire, who has been visiting relatives ueur junction, returned nsm oi me week and haves today for bis clidta in the vicluity of Lake creek. James Wapgoui rand, wife, formerly of this place, rewully passed through here en route to their borne in Crook couuty having come to the valley for supplies and to vitdt relatives. Mr. J. F. Brewer and family, ot Hepp ner, Or., arrived here recently and have ta ken possession of his farm at the intersec tion of the 0. C. M. Bond and Coast Fork river for which he exchanged hit real estate interests in Morrow county. A family arrived at this place yesterday from northeastern Dakota, having onme the en tire distance in a wngon. They had been inns April in making tbe trip, having never been in a bouse from the time tbey left, un til yesterday, when they moved in a vacant bouse of A. J. Keeney. ' To nosnBUBO.-H. W. Holden, proprie tor of the street oar line, has received a contract on tbe lloseburg sewer, and will ship a car load of mules, scrapers, etc., to that place by tonight's freight train. Mr. Holden is a rustler and does good work. Call a Halt That tired languid feeling means that your system is in a state to in vite disease, and Wright's Compound Ex tract of Sarsaparilla is what you need at one to expel impurities of the blood and bnild you up. Bold by all druggists. Geo. W. KInsey, Auctioneer. When yon want yonr goods, hoiehold furniture or land sold at auction, call of Geo. W. Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc ewtsfal auctioneer in Lane County. He will attend to all sales on a reasonable com mission. - ( Kotice, When wanting cemetery work go to E.W . Aehison 4 Co., who are prepared to furnish all kinds at lowest prices for first-class work. Our Portland cement walls for enclosing cemetery lots are the finest yet put npon tbe market, and are furnished at abont halt the ctfst ot Hone. Call and see our beeuti 'fut Barre A Westerly granites and best grades of Termont marble. Offices at Al bany, Eugene and Rosebnrg. Very Bespectfu lly Yours, E. W. Aoamsos 4 Co. 8heep Inspector Sot ice. All persons in Lane oounty owning scab by sheep or sheep afflicted with other dis eases, are hereby notified that said sheep rnnit be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kUI iaid disease, forthwith. . . Any person failing to comply with this no tice will be liable to bve bis sheep dipped by the Inspector at aaid pemons's expense. Take notice end save costs, Dated June 5, 1891. Gso. Flams. Sheep Inspector. Don't Believe It When told tbst F. M. Wilkins. ths druggist, is not selling "Wisdom's Bobertine for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in tht world, and giving beautiful picture card wi;h every bottle. . t-i i tn tMi Tour builders hardware, tinware, glass, lope, and all kinds of machine oils, 4c, is at Vssdsxbcbo 4 Kxarr. Maaooie Building, Loreis Konci.-Go to the Depot lumbal yard for cheap lumber. Andrews will not be nndersold. Fitx, ATTrmos.-AO kinds of me diae oils at bod rock prices at ( Tajujbbcw Ksirr lirevltlc. a HoUOWAT-WaTCHES, CUKtk, Jiwilst rn.TACLE AS II IK'SIC Day 4 Htuderton. Canvas shots at O. E. K'a. Walton 4 Skipworlb, Lawyers. Go to 0. E. Krauase for toot wetr. Call ou Caawell for sidewalk '.umber. Uulber bottom thocs at 0. E. Krauwe'i, bbeet music at Patterson 4 Christian's, 'Jiu bl. Mousy to luaa on faruia. Enquire of Judge naiuin. Sew iliM n aiylet of Oik firaiture at Day & Ut uderaou s. Hot and cold baths every day in the week it Jerry Horn s barber sliop. C itj.rti, caipets, all new styles for spring trade ut Day 4 llt'imoreon s. Fur fine suits made to order aiid ready made clothlug, go to Ed Hanson. See the new invoice of oak furniture, all new patterns at Day 4 Henderson s. 24 dollars sill buy a solid, antique, osk tied room s. t at Day 4 lien terson s. C. Marx, Barber Shop and Bath Booms, First door north of Dunn's new block. Blank deeda, mortgage d-eds and chattel mortgages tor sale at the UCAtD office. $."i,0GU worth of Indies' nhoes to be sold at or Wlnw coat. J. D. Matloci. Mr Gen F Craw has the sole airenoy for all brands of the celebrated TantU Punch Uxors Bemember that Hanson 4 Son have the beat selected stock of clothing in town, Brina vonr old scrap cast iron to the Eu gene Iron Foundry where you can dispose of it. Encene Floor! .35 per sack. The Eu gene FlouriDg mills make tbe best quality of roller mill Dour. If you are getting too old for your, spec tacles, or it tney do not exactly sun you use tuem to Watts ana nave new lenses aiieu. Beat line of pluah and light weight cloth wrnpt from 10 to 3o dollars south of Port- laud, now on exhibition it A, V, Peters. Dr. G. W. Biddle may be found at bis residence on Olive street, between Filth aud Riith streeta one block west of the Uinne sots Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent' al work in tbe beat manner. . Tbe best family remedy Is undoubtedly Pfiiuder's Oregon Blood t'uriaer. nsnn leaa. it accomplishes relief where msny otb er mediciues fail to do. - It may be safely given to tbe infant as well as tbe sdult. Peddlers are like the Irishman s flea, and often irresponsible, so buy an organ of a reputable bonne, and that will not fall to nii-ees with the first damp weather. Call and see Hollowsy's. Henderson, dentist. Oxford tios at 0. E. K's. Fountain pens at Watts'. Overgaitvrs at O. E. K's. Job work at the Guabd offloe. Tennis goods at 0. E. K's. We lead others follow, 0. E. K. Wigwam slippers at 0. E. Krausse's. Russet shoes at 0. E. K's. Go to Smith 4 Hall to sell your wool. On to Goldsmith's aud get prices on bacon and lard. Selette Plush Jackets only 10 dollars stA V. Peters.' Men's patent leather shoes at 0. E. Krausse's. Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the Guahd office. Goldsmith poys the highest cash price foi eouutry produce. Try aome break mat bacon from southern Oregon. A. UoldsmIth. Forest Citv Doncoi shoes only Jl li psir at A. V. Peters.' All kinds of mill saws and files tor sale at Richard Mount's saw shop. PnmemUr the SI 50 DoilBOla sllOS. COOd value for $2, at A. V. Peters'. The beat assortment of children's shoes will be found at 0. E. KrnusHe s. When wantina a nice tie or anything in the furnishing line go to J. E. Bond. Blank notices fjr the location of quarts mines for aalo at the Guabd office. For nil kinds of formiiifc implements call on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street. Screen windows and doors, glass, sssb snd doors at Bioalow 4 MtutPATsiat. My entire stock 10 per cent, disoonnt for cash. D. Matiock. If von want to buy a magnificent organ from 150 to (75 cheaper than peddlers can sell you, go to W. Holloway. W. Hollowav has inst received a consign ment of new organs, without doubt tbe bo eat toned instruments ever brought here. Call and i-ee them. A laroe assortment of wall paper iust re eeived at tbe Eugene Book Store. Call and see it. Bangs'McKenEie Springs Stage Line. Vi lUnoi ia nnw runninu his alace line up the MoKenzie river to tbe Foley snd Belknap springs and intermediate points. Tbe stsge leaves Eugene op Mondsys, Wednesdays and Fridays returning alternate days. The trip will be msde in twelve LYir lii'linta and further information. call at the Hoffman House stables on Ninth street. What I It? that brtantifnllr soft com plexion snd leaves no traces of its appuoa tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dom's Kobertine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by luaies oi issie ana renne mj,,t tn k til most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. w UKins, agent, tugene City. tw nn dancer of a cold resulting In pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Rmtv is used as directed "for a severe cold." It effeotually counteracts and arrests any tendency of a cold to result In pneu monia. This fact was fully proven in thous ands of cases during the epidemic of influ enza last winter. For sale by F. M. Wilkina, Druggist. WirffD. 100.000 lbs. of good Willamette valley wool. Smith 4 Hall. An Index of Public Spirit. TTnw man v men are there who, when thrv pick un a pajer from some dis tant town, do not acun the advertising columns and make a mental Inventory of its resource and enterprise from the advertisers found therein? We think there are few. A home jstper well tilled with the jiuuouncemeuU of local advertisers live, wide awake, rustling mid busimH men w-aks just as eleimently of good crops and Laudatory editorials and page of atatisticN. The slirewd Investor, scan ning the bitter will make the allowance fur the enthusiasm of the writer, which undoubtedly prompt him to nuint tliimm in the mont glowing colors, but he will rarely doubt the Uvrtlniony or aozeui oi tmsimtw men, whose auiiouiicenientu In the same paiT simply lir out the aawrtimi made in the editorial and local col umns. "o better immigration litera ture can be thought of. Attention Stockmen. The Slonteppy Live Stock Associa tion have appointed r. a. lutnain, their agent and you will do well to consult him in relation to Insuring your live stock. Ol'R WET'S DREAM. A parody on Kxcelsior. The veiling niist was falling fast, As through an Oregon village passed A youth who bore, 'mid shower and shine, A banner with tbe bold ensign Fairmouut. His brow was glad: His eye beneath Flatbed like a falchion from its sheath, And like a silver clarion rung The aooeuti of that wall known tongue Faiimounl. In happy horns he saw the light Of houaehold Urea gleam warm aud bright Above the din of auction sale His voioe gave forth the loudest wail Fairmount. "Keen far away," the agents said. "That land 's a swamp deep o'er yonr bead, And overflows botn deep and wide. But loud that clarion voice replied Fairmount. '0 stay," an agent said, "and rest, My laud is dry and far the best. I give with every lot a prixe." But still be answered with loud cries Fair mount. "Beware the owner's many pads, Tbe land is rocky bills sod bluff s" This was the sgent's lost goodnight, A voice replied far up tbe height Fairmouut. While every day, at early call, Learned men there came to Villaid Hall And taught the wisest things that be, A voice cried through the air with glee i Fairmouut. . a a a An old man by bis fireside Is chatting with bis sged bride, Still grasping io his band unfurled A name that's known around the world . . Fairmount. One million dollars is the pile That make tbe old man's visage smile. This sum, be leaves nnto his kin, Was made by buying lota within Fairmount. Fall Creek Flashes. October 29, 1881. Mrs. Eliza Muttcson Is suffering from neuralgia. W. Humphrey was at home Satur day night and Sunday. "We saw a dashing young couple go ing down the road last Weifneetlay afternoon. Will some ono please in form us who they were? Slnirinir everv Kuturdnv nleht at the Unity school house. A cordial invi tation is extended to all. A meeting waa held at the school house Thursday night of last week to see about Bending for the seats. They will arrive from Portland some timo this week. Daisy. The Leprosy Scare. Is In town, lie says the report that Miss Tuttle at the Bridge has symp toms of leprosy Is entirely false. Dr. Burr, of Foley Springs, made a thorough examination and writes that the girl is entirely free from any symp tom of tho complaint. Miss Tuttle hns been hysterical and affected with heart disease since she heard that re ports were In circulation concerning tier. Babcock hns been isolated and is not allowed to leave his residence, food being carried to him. Mr. Fris- sell says there are gross exaggerations concerning the cose, in circulation. Rapid Sales. Register: R J. Frosier lias made more sales of his res idence lots on the cast slope of College Hill Park the past week than were ever made In the same length of time before in the history or fcugene. Peo ple appreciate too well the opportunity lie is giving them for a paying invest ment to let it slip by, and as a result he has his hands full to attend to nis cus tomers. He Is selling a handsome resi dence lot on tho east slope of College Hill the most desirable aauition on the Eugene market and ono In L,l..nnw. f,.r tlK nnln tlO nnuh 10 In six months and f 15 In one year with out Interest, besides he gives with this roperty two casn prizes oi muu ana "mKJ in gold coin. At the rate he has been Belling the past week his few lots will not lost long. This is indeed a golden opportunity" for a small m- vsetment. A Good Instruction. When In- utmxrlnir tli (rrnnd llirv Mnndnv. judge Pipes Informed the grand jury mat tney ougniii not lonHuiuernun when persons were evidently attempt. Ingtoiitigato their rights of property in criminal actions so as to avoid lia bility for costs in civil suits in case of defeat. And from the persons consti tuting said body we are confident that this instruction will be closely follow ed. Birthday Bkviimbsancs. Monday was the 36th birtbrinv of Adolph 8achs, tht effl oient drill matter and instructor of the Ma rine Cadets, aud it was fittingly remem bered by tbe boys, Tbey made him a num ber of handsome presents, among whiob were, a fine oil painting of Qeneral Von Moltke, a set ot Iron and wood working tools, and a sold Den. Mr. Sachs has la bored faithfully and at no little peouniary aaorifioe to himself, and appreciate tbe good will shown by the oadet. Hoasx 8T0Lia.-Tudsy night some per son entered tbe premise ol Dan Stanton, at Creswell, and stole a span of horse. Tbey were tracked to the Bpringfield bridgd. The sheriff has several deputies in search of the thieve, Kince writing the above, parties have discovered that a hack was taken from in front of the blacksmith shop In Creswell, and the team hitched to the same. Shame on Oreoon. A car load of Kansas City, Mo., bacon and lard ar rived at the depot last evening. And still our people would a good deal rather have the native proaucv at higher prices If It were obtainable. No wonder that Oregon experiences bard times. Our fanners must pay more attention to such product in stead of relying entirely ou wheat. Dirn Judae M. L. Pipes received the sad intelligence yesterday afternoon that bis father bad died that rooming at Webster Grove, a auburb of 8t. Louis, Mo., at tbe age of 74 yeara. Tbe Judge viaited bis father in early summer, who at that lima was very low bat who soon recovered and got much better. Tbe many frieods of lodge Pipe extend their sympathy. Paortrn Excaaaom. Dr. L. W. Brown ha exchanged his vacant IjU on tbe corner of Willamette and Thirteenth streets with E. B. llavea for bis ioriv foot lot on Willa mette street just this side of Cbarlee Laner'a residence. Dr. Browa' property was rated at tJGuO and Hayes' at lb former paying the difference in valne. COTI Snni Or Tmnm Mftnt ia tflOO better off by the aoa-attendanot before tbe grand jury of Borreil Conger, aeeuaed of burglary, and Bweyne Herold, charged with tbe crime or suempurg io aia prisoners io escape. Tbey each pat np a eaah bail of HW and theo left the eo usury. The eounty can afford to deal wilk eoon criminals. Caxb Back. John Llndsey, who was accused by his uncle, John Tun nell, with stealing till, has returned to Creswell. It is now stated that he will not be prosecuted. Ki'iil lUte TrausttTs. KtllKNE. lt K Hayes to Peter Buuey. IC'ilfij fet, corner Willauiette corner Willamette and Thirteenth streets: Win Churchill to William P Fisher, lot 3, (dock ft, Hklnner s original doinv tlonrlL'.Otsl. L W Brown to U It Hayes, ltiTixltK feet, corner Willamette and l.ith streets; f.S,tHHt. U R Hayes to I, W Brown, X 1 of lot 5, block i, Skinner's donation; fi.OOO. KI.OKK.NCK. Geo M Miller to William Churchill, lots 3 and 4, block 4; (ieo M Miller to J t) Ambrose, lots 51 mid ol', block 7 in Milkr's addition; COUNTRY. John O Day to Joseph J Elleilge, Id acres lunil; Wm P Fisher to William Churchill, 100 acres in Tp 17 S, R 5 V; f 1,000. O Jt 0 R R to James Kennedy, 40 acrei InT 17 8. lt 1 K; State of Oregon to Joseph A Morris, 4.24 acres In T 18 8, 11 11 W, f 10 State of Oreuen to Kose Kinsley, 151.3 acres in T 10 8, R 6 Er f ISSUJ. elate of Oreiion to Rose Euialey, lbO acres in T 10 S, H 0 . New Music Store. N. R. tiny lord formerly of P. II. Fji.Htun A t'o's, store of Sulcm, has ojeiied hero with the best line of pianos mm organs ever Drought to the city. Mason and Hamlin, Colby and r.uierHon pianos, all the luteal de signs. Parties wishing anything will do well by examining our stock in the new mock on lllamelte street U tween Oth aud 7th, So, 4. Estray Sale. Taken up by the underslgiuHl in Eu gene, October 14, ISttl the following de scri lied est my: 1 ronu horse 8 years old, bald face and three white feet. I will sell the above descrilH.'d estray at public auction at Bangs' stable In Eugene, Saturday, October 31, 1WU at 2 o'clock p. ni. J, T. Wiri KR, JNight watch. A Chance for All. ' It is human nature at all times to want to better your condition. Von are always look lng for a ohsnoe to get bargains, especially in the line of tbe necessaries of life. Ed. Baum, tbe clothier, is now offeriug the beat bargains ever offered to the people of Lane county. He is preparing to deal iu auotber line of goods exclusively, aud therefore of fers hi entire stock of clothing at actL'i. cost. This is no humbug, but an actual closing out sale. All clothing will be sold AT COST and all other fnrnishini! goods as remarxahlv low prices. Do not loss your cbanoe for bargains, but make hay while tb nn shines. Such chances do not oome ofte and do not Inat long, so take advantage at once, lie has no shelf-worn goods, bat having been iu tbe business ouly two yeara has a fresh, elean stock, purchased iu tbe East at low prices for dish. Tbe wise will beed at once. The Siuslaw Railroad seeded. The inereliiiiits nnd irmln huveiM of Eugene were not I lied today that no through shipments of grain to Sun rranciseo viu I'ortinmt count ie mauo for -weeks to come. The Portland warehouses are blocked and tho ocean steamships have full loads. - A lnrgc grain buyer Informs us that shipments made to Han Francisco via Yaiiilmi Hay on hctt. Kth have not yet reached their destination. A railroad Is needed toSiuslaw. It would menu cheaper rates and quicker time. The delays In shipment mean n loss of several cents a bushel to the producer. Lout Strayed or Stolen. Sma'l brown pony, mare, 5 years old. star in forehead, white hind feet. branded on right lnp 3 Qi lml u" around. Finder will be rewarded by leaving word at T. A. Henderson's grocery store, Eugene. Monthly Report of Junction School. Month ending Ootober 23. 1S91: No. enrolled tbe 1st day, 1)2; at end of moutb, 119; Total attendance, l'Ml: total ab sence, 113; average daily attendance, DC; new pupil duriug month, 21; pupils neith er absent nor tardy, 24. liDWitio ,. Obtok, Principal. Wehsteu'h Tkn Ykakh. A. D. Webster, having been found guilty of manslaughter for the killing of rules at Bamlon, bus been sentenced to ten years lu tho penitentiary. As he Is already past sixty-one years of age, and is not in very rnoust neaiiii, 11 is noi ai all likely he will livo his sentence out; so, as far as the ouUldu world Is concern ed, he Is practically sentenced to death, Jutlgo l'lpcs salt! that while tlm evi dence showed some aggravation, yet it seemed to indicate thai Webster whs not in a frenzy of passion when ho did the killing but was cool and collected, and said the sentence of the court hud been carefully considered nnd, under the circumstance could not be con sidered excessive. Almost a Firs. I. . Steveos and wife have no deaire to repeat their experience of last Saturday evening. ' Ibey were sitting quietly reading, when in eom unaccountable manner tbe table tipped over and tbe bowl of tbe lamp broke, Igniting the oil. Tbe newspaper they were reading also got oil on them and caught fire. Iu an inatsnt tbe room was ablaze, and It was ouly oy quick work (bat tbe bonse was aaved. Some flour that was handy rendered impor tant aervice. Mr. Stevens bad bis Lair Inged. Improving. Mrs. Delia V. Pengra writes us thut her husband, B. J. Pen gra, is rapidly improving under the treutmentof physicians at the asylum. Khe states thut she was with him all day Saturday, nnd found him iu a greatly Improved condition, physically aud mentally. Huis rintemieiit ltow land assured her thut Mr. Pengra was very susceptible of treatment, wus gaining rapidly, aud he thought, would entirely recover powession oi'hls faculties. TliaraAanrii. !I order uf Juatic Kin- aey, Joseph Tbeituer, wlm ha been in jail for threatening bis family, waa discharged from enatody. Tbeimr agrees uot to mo lest tbem in tbe fntnre. TT.aiiBua Rtn, v Hdina thif rnlrtvl the barn of Eli liargr in this city a few nights ago and stole a set of ainule harness. Ibe bars waa locked and tbe tbiel did not Ireak in, bat evidently bad a key that fitted the lock. A Whom Ormr.-It appears that the thieves who stole lb borws an I back at Creswell Tburaday nitht, alao Ude a set of harness at that place from Ibe Wn of Mr. Buoy. The hack belonged to Ellis Callis. ArroiirriD Ociinus Geo. Larriaon has been appointed guardian of tb estate of Hon. B. J. Pengra, with bond fixed at f 25,000. He i a sop-in Uw of Ut. Pengra. Dim At kar h itne at Fall Creek ia Lane county, Tu 1ay, October 27. Mr. J. W. H'innicott. aged to year. Ui senary the cause of death. 11111:111 TIioiik.uhIh of gone are fly ire southward now. f 11 1 a, 11.... f;ll.. c 4 uuilia, aim gaa uttiutyn n dtiitci M Long. D. Muu ,t Sou, furniture and undertak ing. ' Cook stoves from 1 1.50 to f Ik) at Miller & Long's, tflh street. Nice assortment of hardware al Miller A Long's. Oats bought and stored by tho Eugene Milling Co. I,ess mud than formerly on a portion of Willamette street. Miller ,t Long is the chenprst place for Stoves and tinware. F. M. Blair killed a coyote in Wil lamette precinct Sunday. K.ep sayinu over to Touraelf, "I ran get hardware at Miller & Long's." The Yon Yonson company will soon npiH'iir at Rhiiicluirt's Theatre. The beat bui.vv made for the money, is F. L. Chambers j lib pleasure wagons. Attention Farmers. Call on Miller A Long for Stoves, Tin and Hardware. Owners ot farnii deairous of tenants call on the Eugene Improvement Co., Register block. For choice Spencer Butte nurwry apple, pear trees, io, wrile to Orville Phelps, Eu gene. Why 1 I Sleep on the floor when $2 will buy a double btdatead at Day Jfc Hen derson's. A marring license waa issued Monday eveuing to II. L. Morgan and Myrtle M. Gardner. Several lots of Imps have Wn dls pnscd of this week at 1JJ cents per pound. . Carpenters and contractors will aare tuon ey by getting tinniug and plumbing from Miller a bong. Tinniug, plumbing and job woik of all kinds done cheap and on short notice at aimer s bong. Miller & Long are sole agenU for the oel ebrated Oold Coin aud Gordon Stove aud Range In Eugene. Remember that the F.ugene Milling Co., Is bnying oat", and itonug (tieni aluo. Lib eral price offered. Ax Billy the reduction on tple arti cles. Cheap for cash only, Ax Billy. Kd. Baum, olotbier. Ax Billy the prices on tinware. Dou't peas by D. Linn A Son's furniture store without examining their fine new hue ol furniture just received. Oak bed room set and all other kinds of furniture, shades aud carpet at Day A tlomiersou s, cbeaper tuan ever. If yon want a suit of olothet or a pair of pantaloon go to Da via, the tailor. He guar antee aattaiaction and low prices. Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without seeder, beat and lowest price in tbe market st r. h. CaaMiiXK Oliver Chilled Plow, alao Oliver new steel plow warranted to scour in any soil Walking, Sulky or Gang Plow and any thing you need to cultivate the ground Willi. I'. L. (JlUHUKHS. Fur watches, docks, silverware and lew dry go to Holloway'. All new goods aud novelties. W. Holloway ' stock is again complete witb the newest novelties of the season. Trices are the lowest. There are no Hie on Holloway or fly specks on his goods. They are all brand ew and the priors are like the goods. Call and aee bis watches, clocks and silverware J. F. Atherton shot Into, a baud of Milliard ducks, Monday evening, as thev were tlvlnir over Ids resldeiu-o on College Hill Park and brought down a fine giwn head which he is having mounted. Eugene flour at Henderson's. Allmny flour at Henderson's. Med ford Hour at Henderson's. Junction Hour ut Henderson's. You pays your money und you hikes your enmce. Look out for two tombstone (rands who aro Ink lug in Oregon mourner. Though nrofeaainu to be ilranL'ora to each other thev travel together and are in oollnsion to swin dle tbe public. Tbey are both attaches of an Eastern concern. Ax Billy for new bargain. Sugar and flour are down, Ax Billy. We make a specialty of flnvdranghtlng of all kinds. Oray t Brouss. - Cbai. Croner, Jr., Is again quit tick with fever. A party is selling some indelible solution on the street today. Al Auton and family have removed to their new home at Wallmllle.- Jiimcs BniHuVld, of Yuqulna Buy, came up 011 Tuesday's train. u IVctccilva Cochran, of Portland, is In Engi ne attending circuit court. Charle Crouer, Sr., ha been confined to hi residence a day or two from sickness. Mrs. J. Ot Stevens left Tuesday morning for her home ut Cdv?, Oregon. ' Mrs. J. H. and C. I). Mulford, late of iiockriira, Illinois, nrrlved here Monday evening. ' ' The assessor's office hae beon moved tern- Eorarily into the room In the rear of the sne County Bank. nnn. A. H. Tanner, of Portland, came np on tbe Tueuilay' train to atlend court. He went to Springfield to tpend tb even ing witb relative. The Oregon Puclflc paid its employes three mouths wages Tuesday, the company still owes them for six mouths work. ; . G. N. McLean, of Camp creek precinct, left Tuesday for Colfax. Wash. 11 al present intends to remain there about one year. Kulgbl Templar Jai. F. Robinson, Jas, L. Psgs and 8. M. Yoran went to Portland on Tuesday to attend tb annual con clave. Hurney county bus a big mining ex citement, gold having Isx-n discovered In the mountains eighteen miles from Burns. Prinevllle News, Oct. 21: Wm. Rod man, who has Is-cti ulmctit for several months In California, returned on Wednesday of this week for his fuuiily. They left 011 Thursday evening, and we are told that they intend to reside in Eugene. Cintx) Mills. Texas, Jtine A, 1401. From my -own perioral knowledge I ran recommend Chamberlsin' folic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ueniedy for cramps in the stomach, alio for diarrhoea and Hut. It is the lx at medicine I bsve ever seen used and tb best selling, a it always give eat iafaclion. A. K. Saisanx. 26 and GO cent bottle for sale by Osbnrn & DeLano. Hoseburg Review: Chas. Hayes, of Eugene, employed on Ktcarms. ( 'heno weth A Lnnimick's new brick building iu Oakland, slipped while wheeling a loud of brick one day last week, result ing In a sprained knee. He ia laid up now at the Oakland hotel under the care of lr. Page. J. M. Boyd the immigration agent who has a colony of loOO persons, whom he will locate In one locution In Oregon, was in town Tuesday on lHisiuess connected with hi enterprise. They intend to engage In manufactur ing entenirisew. We 'would suggest that an enort be made to have them I'Miite In tlie vicinity of Eugene. Mr. Boyd will return to this place next week. Circuit Court. 1 Stale of Oregon vs Aaron Luro'u; ol- tainmg money nuder fulae pretenses, ton tinned. 2. Slate ot Oregou vs Aaron Lurch; for gery, lontinned. 2. State of Oregon vi E A Oorald; forgery. Continued. 4. State of Oregon vs Fred Reed ; obtaining money under false pretense. Resubmitted to crand jury. 6. Slate of Oregon vs Fred Cooper; burciarr. rotitinued. 7. T. J. Block vs J. S. Smith; to recover money. Couttuned. 11. In the matter of the alignment of of Lock wood & Son; aanigument. Contin ued. 10. Chaa Baker vs David Sime; to recover niouey, Contiuued for service. 12. N. A. W. Howe vs W. R. Gilfry et all confirmation. Confirmed. 1:1. Sidney Horn vs E L and Wilhelmiiis Skog; confirmation. Continued. It 8 11 Friendly vs Joseph Cole, Alice Cole and D. M. Osbiiruo A to , continuation. Confirmed. I. Sidney Horn vi Faunio Smith; con firmation. Confirmed. 10. Dauiel Harkius vs R E and R A Campbell; to A aaide deed. Argument made. 18. Goo W Welder vs J E H iakell; con firmation. Confirmed. 10. llovey, Humphrey A Co vs J B Has kell: cnullrination. Continued. 20. Jane Shelley and Mary Jane Elder vs Louis Buudy; partition. Dismissed ou pitta' motion. 21. 11 Buudy vs D M Buudy: divorce. Dismissed at plil'a coats. 22. Mary M Crow vs Wm F Oray nnd C Oray, to rentver money; judgment (or plain tiff for $110.25 aud interest aud order of sale of attached property. 21. Wm 8 Simmons vs II N Carter, to recover money; judgmeut (or plaiutill ol a"7.81 and for (ale of attached property. 25. T D Edward vs F B Staples ,t Co ; to recover money. Continued for service. 27. O N Frazer vs II M Kelley A Co; foreclosure of lieu. Settled and dismissed. 2t). O N Frazer vs 11 N Kelly & Co, fore closure of leiu. settled aud dismissed. 31. Upper Willamette Lumber Co vs D J liovor; foreclosure of lien. Continued. 32. First Natioual Bank of Eugene vs W P Shelley; to recover money, Diamiased at ult('a coat. M EllaWlllaon vt Frederick Willaon, divorce. Default; Gov John Wbitcaker ap pointed referee. 37. A Boud & Son vs Geo P Brumfield, (0 recover money; default and judgment for $152, interest, aud f 15 atty ft es aud order of sale of attached property. U Bettman ve Geo P Brnmflcld, to recover money; judgment for 1170.60, Inter est, and order ol sale of attaohed Property. 3D. A Rogers v John L Brady, to re- 40. A E Hammond vi Joseph G Kelley aud the oily of Eugeue; tor aoennnting. In junction. J J Walton appointed re fen to report by tbe first day of next tenu. Oover money; settled. 41. Eliza J Montgomery va John Mont gomery, divorce. Referred to A K Galla gher. 42. A V Peters v Marion Nelson, to ie cover money; judgment for $75.00, Intercut, and order ol sale ol attached properly, 43. Starr & Vsndenburg v A D ltisdon; tn recover money. Default. Judgment for f 3(1 and Interest sine May, 1887, snd $10 attorney fee. 44. John Muxwell vs Marsh and Jamei Martin ; to recover money. Dismissed on pltf ' motion, 45. Samuel Clifford vs F F Puttersou, Faunio Patterson and Wm Smith; foreclos ure. Settled and dinmiaaed. 10. Samuel Clilford vs F F Patterson, Fanuie Patterson and Wm Smith; foreclos ure, fettled and dismissed. ' 40, Allen Bond aud 8. L. Bond part uers aa A Bond ft Son vs J E Noland; to recoverptrsoual property, DUmlssed at plaintiff motion. GO. B II Dimliip vs L. L. Dnnlnp; di vorce, Default. Referred to E. R. Skip worth. 62. The O&ORRCoviJO Goodolu; to recover money, bet (or trial Friday, Oct. 30. 51. E J McClanahau vi L F Vauglian, motion for have to issue oxecutlon; judg ment fur $00.50, interest, f.25 attorney fees and order of sle of attached property. 55. MSvaverud A Co vs R M Deed ; to recover money. Settled aud dismissed. 60. GW Roberts v W J Hall, Sophia Hull and Z Hall, foreclosure. Dianiisiod at pill's cnts. 08. E A Zumwalt v I K Zumwalt, di vorce. Default. E 11 Sklpworth appolutod referee. 62. Amy D. Hurlhnrt v 0 F Hurlburt, Adm'r, and Emma Hurlburt; J J Walton appointed guardian ad litem (or minor beiia. G5. S E Gordon vi II F Gordon, dlvoroe; referred to E It Skipworth. 67. John S Corell vs A N Booker et al, foreclosure; dismissed at pill's motion. 08. J D Mullock vaR 11 Ilayei, to re cover money ; default, Judgment and order ol sal of attached properly. CU. Kiifu Edmundson et al v Henry Edmnndaon, partition; default; decree, Geo A Dorri appointed referee to tell tb propel I v 71. M W TollI vi J J Poill, divorce; de fault. E R Skipaortb appointed referee, 73. O W Knapp va J I Thorns and J 0 Goodule, foreclosure; dismissed without prejudice. 76. M M Mark v Lena Murk, divorce; default. Referred to G A Dorris. 70. J M Hendricks vs W T Purkerson, confirmation; confirmed. - 77. Balfour. Guthrie et 1 v W U Fur- kernon; confirmation; confirmed. 78. A 0 Woodcock v 0 A Davis; couQr Bastion. Confirmed. 70. State ol Oregon v Charlei Martin; sodomy, Grand jury reported not a true bill. 80. State ol Orciiou v John Virnla; burglary. Oraud Jbry repotted not a true bill. bl. Suite of Oregon v O. N. Battled; burglary. Grand jury reported uot a true bill. 82. State ol Oregon vs Walter Huckin. larceny by the stealing ol a horse; arraigned aud took his day to plead. Wednesday morning entered plea of not guilty. Trial set for Monday, Nov. 2d. 11. DM Osborne A- Co vs John Harpole; to recover money. But for trial Oct. 28th. Verdict for defendant. Motion made by plaintiff for a new trial. Tbe court allowed tbe motion. Continued lor Ins term. 30. Conirgy Ic Gray vs Z 0 Potter and Mary F Potter, to recover money ; judgment for t'J'.l.TJ aud $10 attorney fees and order sale of attached property. bl. i M Dick vs oeo Jlule and A M Male, to recover money; judgment for pltf. Judgment for pltf. for t'Mi, interest snd $;: atty. lees. 52. The O 4 C II 11 to va J G Goodale, to recover money; on trial. VJ. Kuoop Bios vs Harry Schwszor, Mary Schwszer and E J Fraaier, foreoloa nre. Default and decree (or $1,208, lu tereatand $lJatty del. lilt, f L U.atubur v A lloeers, Wurren Roucr and Amass Brvanl, to recover mon ey; judgment for $100.65 aud $5 atty. ftee and order of sale of attachtd property. CO. Wm Brumbaugh v J E No land, sheriff; to recover peraonal property. Juror were selected as lollows to try the caael Wm 1'nokUI, U Uoiriroot, Ueo Neet, W. J. Dingea, John Hellers. Ben Clrek.BP Caldwell. J F Kirk. Henry Gates, John Jenkins, 1 W Gniley and 0 A McMahon. Verdict in favor of plulntlff; and for f 14 damages. , 70 J Uucaeil v A B Miller; to recover money. Judgment for tSSJ and interest, $10 atty. iM.and order (or ealeof attached property. 0J. Male 01 ureeon VI J. f, Dcnooling; adultery. Grand jury reported not a true bid. 8I.-Slate o( Orecon v Geo W Howard; attault witb intent to kill. Grand jury r ported not a Uui bill. A marriage license wof isiued Toesday eveuing by the connty clerk Io Msrion Lobow and Jaue England. For tliu best article upon tho early settlement and history of Marlon county the Haleni (Statesman oilers a ciihIi )irio of i'J. W. R. McGurry bas told bfs Interest in the Catholio Sentinel, of Portland, to Frank J, McGuire and has returned to bis former bom In Washington. A dispatch from Lowlston, Idaho, iinuoimfcs the death of Alonzo Leland, who came to Oregon In 1W0 with A. IIuhIi, and In IXA began the publica tion of the Htiinilard at Portland. He was afterward editor of the Oregon Advertiser and tho Portland Times. Ho wus 11N0 a member of the first schisil board of Portland. Albany Herald: E. W. Reeman, conductor on tho On'gon Pacific, who liven lu the eastern part of the city, has one of the most attractive curiosities running at large about his place that can Im'sccii. lt consists of a line speci men of a China pheasant rooster in all tho glory of his bright plumage, so tame that he will con 10 at the cull of any of tho family, eating from their hand-", The result was Vrobuhly due to tlie management of Mrs. Herman who Is a friend to dumb animals and an expert taxidermist. Commissioners Court next Wednes day. The new Oregon Reform school will Is? opened on Nov. 6th. Mr. Frank L. Chamber livery ill with fever. Ex-Gov. W. W. Thayer of Portland is in the city in atteudanoe on court. He is at torney for J. C. Goodalo in several oaae. Rea.l can-fully (Ieo. M. Milter ACo's. ad I11 this issue. It may be worth f's to you. The Eastern elections take pluee next Tuesday. As tho city grows eastward you can keep up wit h the procession by buying lots In Vulrmouiit. Rev. C. A. Wooddy. of Portland, will preach in the HaiUiHt church next Sunday morning and evening. Alto (loldsmltli Murned this after noon from a visit to Han Francisco and Portland. His eye is completely cured. German preaching Sunday, Nov. 1st, at 11 o'clock, at the city hall. All are cor dially invited. CUAS, WlIHLTK, ' Pastor. ' The RiMlmrg Plalndenler reports a big faro game running in that city by a Portland man, and devotes a column article 011 the subject. lhelleppner Record reports that a wild goose roceutly killed iu California bad a grain of wheat in it crop which, when I dented, produced a variety hitherto nn mown. Mrs, Etinli-o Clay suicided nt Btay- Ion last Tui-Milnv by taking the mor phine route, rlie hud sullentl from cancer of the head, for years. The discaso was tho pmbablo cause of her suicide. The attempt to induce tbe Yakima In diana to enlist in the army have beon futile. Said oue old buck 1 "Twenty year tgo they were forcing us to lay down our arms for the plow, aud now they aro urging us to lay down the plow (or the gun." The product of a ten-acro nnnle or chard In the Rogue river valley, near (Irnnt's Pass, was sold last week to the Earl bruit Company, of Han rranciseo, for 4,UoO. The price paid wus 00 cents per oox, me ou.ver um 1110 piecing, packing nud furnished boxes. The apples were of tho n-d winter variety und were packed for the Australian and Japan markets. J. W. Cherry aud L. N. Roney killed 10 wild geeae a low miles north of town Wed tenlay evening. A good afternoon' hunting. Kosclmrg riaiudculcr: The Eugene Irruption is the latest form of Itoseburg Irritation. N-ven men from Eugeue came up this morning to work ou the new sowers. Farmiugton Newspaper: E. P. Dorri la building an addition to hi handsom leii dense, which will oompriie a neal portico, bay window and conservatory. He will also heat the entire buikliug with a furnaoe, the first in tbe city to make this desirable im provement, thongh others are contemplating It. E. P. Ii a rustler, sure, if he I from tb much reviled but olasslo shade of Webfoot land. The geese are making things lively overhead with their honks, Observing -that thev were with us, J. W. Cherry, Volney Jleminway and L. N, Roney went to Clear Lake yesterday. Tho details of the hunt as narmted by the parties are somewhat contradictory, but It is almost certain that they killed some geese, ducks and, barring the presence, of the grand jury, China pheasants. , , . For Sale. ' 80 acres of land, located 8 miles west of Junction City. About 40 actve of cleared laud, the n-st can easily be put In cultivation. Almost all under fence; no other improvements. Will sell at a bargain. For further particulars call at my n-sldenco (I miles west of Junc tion City, or on L. Itilyett, Eugene. Flora A. Mays. Ankle Rkokf.v. While putting np a shafting In Hiilucs' tannery, Tues day afternoon, by some means tbe rafters almvo gave away falling on Jeff Ecclc and Charles Haines, breaking the former's right leg at the ankle, and hurting Haines' buck. Dr. Paine was called aud attended the num. He re Mirtri them getting along nicely. Oiiroos Giarts."Mni Etbea Christian (hi morning presented tb editor with eom choice Oregon grape. On of the largeal meaiured 2' inches in circumfer ence. Who can beat It? M.nniKD. In Creswell, Oregon, Oct. 27, 18'Jl, by Rev. W. J. Gardner, 11. L. Morgan and M. M. Gardner, all of Lane oounty, Oregon. A Verdict Against the Rallraad. Albany, Oct. 2 In the first of two coses of the state against E. P. Rogers, of the (Southern Pacific railroad, for discriminating lu freight mtes, the jury today n-turncd a verdict of guilty. Council fir the (lefi-nilaiit tiled a mo tion for a new trlul. which was over nilcd. Tlie court imposes a tine of f looo. The cu will go to the sunn-mo court. The second cose was continued. - The Local Market. The fallowing qnoUtlona for the local market are of retail nrh.a only. They are corrected wnt kl;, aiel sill l-e found ai accurate aa tuch a report can be aia-lu: WaiAT Set market I 7S ATa-l'er bn-iii l, net U0 KLoi-e-lvrluuisa 2 ' Bssv-lVr lb . 05 (t 10 Ml TTOS-IVr U. Urt (d 111 l-oaa l-er B (tt ( 10 VstL-l'cr ID... OS 10 I!ia-IVr Ih U SHoitnias I'errk 10 Kioaa Porta YJ:.'er U(9 IS Herrsa-ivr roll (1 ) 4 U) K'.oaIVrd'-xen -J7 CMiissse-eprlns, I'erdoa 1 Ou fit 100 Ola turn, Jer Uu..... .(lf 4 01) Husa-fl n 04 roraTos New Biiihet SO Scoaa Dry srantilatwl, y ft ft'1 r,xinai, p ia. ...... ...... vi-. iHiMen, V t (ll'i Corns 4 Mia kico beat V n 26 Kiofrfc . ii JavaW ft mm 33 Tli-V IS ( 1 ft) woaea ivr ot-x, w oara 1 jo ( lir.a-a -lr lb l.t llora-rerft W l Uli