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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1891)
Eugene City Guard. BATUBDAY ........ OCTOBER 31, 1801 Tl.n street committee has done thinir in having the mud huulod from Willamette Btrect. The German (racialists have de clared for equal suffrage, regardless of eex, and adopted a fairly strong prohibition piann. According to a recently enacted law in Georgia, no pnygician iirmwin if ho ib convicted drunkcnnesB, can ever again prac tice his profession in mat Biato T mimfii will annn he r5- licved of the expense of providing la Tlifi trramX iurv is at work and court will soon finish the preHcntcd to it. T1.a Tariff committee of the French Senate has decided on i in-r nf 25 fmncB ner kilo on Amcr icanpork. That is a McKinley tax of $5 on every 220 pounds another ''triumph for reciprocity. Mr MoTCinlev is not hunting anv more ioint debates. He is sat- iudoil with liia h'kIh as Ions as can keep away from the other Bide of the oucsuon. jomi uuimw u- turb his intellectual digestion. The the cases Mr. Blaine now writes that since tho reciprocity clause waB put into the McKinley bill he indorses it that is to say, the reciprocity clause. Mr. Blaine has learned dm o-reat art of exnreBsing his meaning by what he doesn't say. Last year Mr. Varney, ' state fruit-tree inspector, served a notice r. 1 fit I 1 on . a. fiance, oi ouiew, tun ing him to exterminate the San Joso scale alleged to be in Clarke's orchard. Now Mr. Clarke gets even by publishing the story that Mr. Varney's orchard at The Dalles is covered with the same pest. The Yamhill Lodger sayB: Son ator Jeff Myers, of the forks of the Santiamj is booming himBelf as a prosjicctive candidato for congress in this district on tho democratic ticket. Jeff may be a good boy, but he should tarry in the "Forks" un til ho is wanted. Senator Veatch of Lane county, is tho strongest man that the democrats can put Tho need of a railroad to tho Bca 1b demonstrated by tho inability of Bhipiicrs to secure tho carriage of freight to San Francisco tho best grain market on the Pacifio coast. When buyers cannot move the grain they buy, prices must neces sarily como uown. i hu iurmur oui fers firBt and through him every laborer, mechanic and business man. It costs but littlo more to try a caso in open court than in tho se cret tribunals of a grand jury. The committing magistrate hears both sides of tho caso and finds a warrant to hold tho defendant. A grand jury hears only the side most favorablo to the Btate and turns the accused looso. Which should be abolished, the magistrates that hold their courts free and open before tho pcoplo, all interests duly rep resented, or the grand juries that exorcise arbitrary powers. j i Tho Tcndleton East Orcgonian says: Rather novel and interesting land matters have been gleaned from tho county clerk's office. One is that a settler is not com pelled to have trees in order to prove up on a timber culture. JesBO Derrick of Athena made com muted timber culture proof before the county clerk on a pioco of land north of that city, whore it seemB as hard to grow trees as to culti vate hair on a bald head. Mr. Derrick and his witniflesses tested frankly that there was not a living tree on the land, but that ho hud complied for years with the timber culturo law by attempting to grow trees. II hi proof was accepted and ho has received his duplicate. John J. JohnBon, who has less than 100 trees, was equally successful in making proof on his timber cul ture north of Athena. It has been often urged againBt tho grand jury system that they constitute themselves a trial jury. Within th secret chambers where their inquires are held the guilt and innocence of accused par ties are passed upon without the in tervention of tho courts. They may bo certain that a crime has been committed, yet are afraid that a petit jury may have doubts, hence no indictments. It is titno that tho ancient fraud should bo abol ished. It conserves no useful pur pose, and may be used as easily to protect criminals as to bring them to justice. Do away with this re lict of barbarism, that was insti tuted when it was supuosod men could not do justice and bo secure in person unless they conducted their investigations behind closed doors. It is against the theory up on which our government is found ed. Equal and exact justice may more readily bo found in a fair and open trial before the courts than in tho secret deliberations of grand juries, a master niinu may con trol their findings. Criminals have been protected by grand juries. The legislature of the state of Ore gon should erase the words grand jury from our statutes. Congress will bo asked for an ap nrmirktion of $3,000,000 more to complete Porter's census report It has already cost $7,000,000, while that of Walker, completed cost only $4,000,000. Mr. Porter chryBtalized into an ass very early after receiving his appointment and his work is of littlo practical value. Thus millions of dollars of the people's money is thrown away and wasted. Walker's rejwts were far more valuable and were about fin nncurato as census reports can be. The will of one of tho greatest lawyers of tho United States has been set aside bv the New York court of appeals. When Samuel J Tilden was alivo no man would have thought that hia carefully framed will could havo been suc cessfully contested. The old states man left a magnificent bequest of several millions of dollars lor tne forming of a public library in the metropolis. 1 no courts uiveri. uiu ereater part of the fund, yet $2,000,' 000 remain with which his wishes will be carried out. A Ht The IKK NTOIIY. Ilae Iktoi PAID AT LAST. Ai mmr. Or.. Out. 27. The Oreoin P nlfln ntvnar atarled over lb road today, paving off the men for the montbtof March, April ana Juax. loeemouni ui un yy meat if about 130,000. Beoeiver T. . Hogg and partv liar gone to Portland, n rout to New Xork. The grand jury todav returned an indict ment agaiDKi Oreo lieatn, a you in agea about 10, who waa arrented eeveral months ago (or burning a number of barm In Al bany. He will plead tomorrow. The boy parent and rli.tivet are wen-mown cui cent, A Letter Came the Trouble. Portland. Or.. Oet. 27. Dr. Chan. V. Drake has entered suit niraliist L. M. Davis, another dentist, for 10.000 damages for publishing malicious, de famatory ami fait matter concerning hlni, to tho Injury of his reputation and Dractlce us a dentist. The stilt frows out of the publication, in the elegram of the 0th Inst., of a commu nication from Davis, headed "A Dent- tons Htatement," wherein lie spoKeor Drake in a forcible manner, and stated that lie "cleans snltboxes and all the dirty work of Newcastle." Drake further charges Davis with getting out and distributing a certain circular reading as follows: "At the head of tho stairs leading to niv olllee vou will irenerally find a man who will try to get you into one of the other dentists' olllces belonging to U. C. Newcastle. assMed by a man named Druko, who does the dirty work of said olllee. I am not forced to practice tiie quack and bilk way of paying a 'capper' to 'steer' custom into my olllee. l nave a nice, growing practice, and this is what 'hurts' Newcastle." Will liana;. Lincoln Connty (Wash.) Times. For all the bloody crime ever committed in BDokane connty no criminal baa ever yet been made to pay the ponalty of hit deeds with hit lile, though Brooki, the colored man who murdered bti wife In oold blood leaf than year ago will have to do to, il the finding of the verdiot by the jury it car ried out. Brook attained tome wealth t few year ago by virtue of th rise in Hiio kan properly, but in a tbort time tuooeded in inuanderiug moat of it, but about a tear ago tnduoed white woman io marry him by representing that be ttill postettod nice little surplut of tblt world' good. Soon after the marriage, however, the learned that the had been deoelved and that the fortune wat a myth, and two month after the nuptial knot had been tied, deierted him. For refuting to live with him he threatened her life, aud at laat otrrled hia threat into effect by shooting her twice in the back one evening from a place of oonoealment, and firing two more tbot into her proitrate form when life wtt all but extinct. lie wa arrested, and hi trial came to a oonclualon last week by the jury bringing In a verdiot of murder in the first degree. The insanity dodge had been at tempted by the olaim that hit mind waa de ranged from the effect of a bad wound re oeived on the head from the explosion of a shell, while in the army, but it did not work. Declalon In the Tilden Will Cat. Albany. N. Y.. Oct. 27. The court of appeals rendered a decision In the caso of Ueorgo 8. Tilden vs Andrew 1. Green and others an executors, etc., ap pellants, and Iaura 1). Hazard t al. rotmmdeuts, nlllrming the Judgment with costs puyablo to all parties out or tho estate. This renders the Tilden trust void, and is in favor of tho heirs. Under the statute of distribution that regulates the inheritance of prop erty, the issue of Mrs. l'elton and Hen ry a. Tittten sister ana orotner or Governor Tilden canio in for equal shares of f8,000,tiOO. Mrs. William 11. Hazard is the only heir on the l'elton side, and thus Is entitled to $4,(XH),(KH). The other f4,0O0,(HK Is subject to claims of six children of Henry A. Tilden. They are George H. Tilden, R J. Tll den.Jr., Mrs. William 11. Whittlesey; Mrs. iswan, a widow wno uvea in rew lA'banon; Mrs. William 8. Payne and Mrs. Behwartz, of New York city. darkle Jerry; Prophetic. Tor-Mi, Kaa., Oct. 87. Jerry Simpson passed through Topeka today. In anawer to a question, "who will be the next Gov ernor of Uhior" He aaid: "I will not at- tempt to say. McKinley may be elected, but lost now it loots to me a though he would be beaten. Nobody oan predict the result of the election at the present time. ibe Australian Daliot win nave tome effect. We cannot tell yet how much, but the Inde pendent voter will be more numerous than tvtr before. What they will do we cannot eueaa al present. Our people will get the legislature ana tnat will Kill Huerman. That wat our prluciple objeot and we will probably tocoeed." Hon. W. L. Bradohaw, circuit judio, re ceive thit reoomoieodation from the Ocboeo Beviewi "Judge liradnhaw it a thorn iu the tides of attorneya who deaire to aleep during the bright bouit of th motning. II open court at 8 o'clock in tht morning, and holdt an evening tendon every tvemng. While thit may work a hardship on om of the attorney!, thit hardship it offset by th expeditious manner in which Judge Bradthaw dispone of tbt basinets ol th circuit court, thut curtailing th ipnM of the court and conferring a favor on th taxpayer." KOT1CS FOR I-UBUCATIOS. LiSD Ornct at Rotisrao, OasoosJ September 90, lfl. Notice It hereby liven that th ioUowInt named settler hu riled notice of hit Intention to mtktHnal proof In tunport of his claim, and thai iil proof will bt mtdt be lore th JudVe or (ouuty ( lerk of Une Couuty, Oregun, at u niw. Ore on, on eatnnlar, Nov. 14, Wl, vii: John KlaH-nt-r, homestead tptrr No 4-.i for the H, ol S and S, of M' oi See 34, Tp 1 8, KIW.WM. Ilanttnetthe fotlowln(wltnetetoprnvklt enntlnuout retidene nin and cultivation ol mm iim, vit: I nariet aixemter, Jmhua 1 tr ior, H. r. Ilunnlrtit, Jteh tarter, all of Kail l reel, uh vountv, (retii. JoUN U. Bliri't, KtcUtcr Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY, DENTIST. All Wort Warmtei to GiTe Satisfaction. Jtltroui-Oxlde Gas and local anicstlictlci for jho painless extraction of teeth. OFFICE-Over Matlock's store, Eugene, Oregon Prohibition Hiaie Ua1. Toi aw, Kot , Oct. 27.-Tbe people of Ilalton are excited over the discovery near that town of a den containing thousands of make, including maoy specie and all fizsa of the orawling reptiles. The vicinity of the don it alive with tnaket awmiugly, coming in from all directioni. They are thick iu the grae and underbrush, and black and blue racert are teen running through the trues all beaded for the spot. The different varietiet of snakes ate hard to determine, a the mott careful count aud examination each time reveal a new kind. Bo far there hare been fouud to dwell in this dim the gartersuake, blue racer, black inuke, rattlesoak, copperhead, viper aud many more or leas notud apceiu. Yeaterday every oonoeivable vehicle wa ma le to do aervice In conveying curiosity- seekers to the den. Even th omnibuses and baggage wagon were emyloyed, aud the whole town w out w tue ua u( wlileh U now th all-absorbing topio of con vernation. Thos who have dared to go out end wituew the scene awake at night from horrible dreamt, aud many nervon women tr,.m omns to sue the tiuht upon the advice of their neighbore, who are unable to cut a aood niiiht'l tleeu lino gazing upuu thit teething matt of reptilet. An exohange icllt of a tubtcriber who died and left U yeHrt' tubwriptlon unpaid. The editor appeared at tho grave at the lid wa being tcrewed on for the last time, and put i- . V;.. ,lui,.r. thermometer. Calm leaf fan and a receipt for making ice The man who die owing a newspaper m b -a Und that is hotter than tbia." No doubt about that. m A CARD nun . Ill IB !:F be, to Inform th people of E;K';ne and tur. ZOun that alno. I ta bJ m Vrt I 1 nave come aeiott ...i h... othertwhowereln urgent ",,,,1,1 luathe reo-ly money ''iUj mapSst- than any other ttoro In the lowu. A partial list of prireTfor nrtWla fond: MeFs .ulu, ood good', "" ,ur"U' M.;".Uiults, diagonal good, good value, fll. 'tZtiinlU, flue gottla, "good value. IK, PaoVo,h.r clothing at greatly reduced N FINAL SETTI.E11E.N1. . .....& Mtirtrn wrt iivi riiv ir.i iiiAi n- u. .J? iriminittralnr of the estate of !.!nV ln of salaccouut and for the final settlement of said estate. Uatea Kept, iv, uui, L. liiLYtU, Ally, A. MATTHEWS, Admr. Fresh Timothy, Orchard GratJ, Red, White and Altike Clover, Alfalfa. Velvet, unea Grate, Kentucky Blue. At GOLDSMITH'S Flax, Bye, COOS, Florenoe for Head of Tide on the Siutlaw, every morning at 8 o'clock. Returning, leavet Bead Tidfl at 1;30 p. m, FARE FIFTY CENTS. For freight term, abord. apply to captainon CAPT. A. J. HALL. Gxo. O. Enowlxs, General Manager. JjirKt quantity of a llr: good value, II. u. nniti iien'i V.IM workliiK wiiM, M cents, 73 oeliU, heavy shoetalW cents "ieirVunrtarwear. large quantity on hand, good value, 1 a suit; thirts and drawers, prlt W cents a null. . , liidlet' Dougola button shoes, fl.83, 1.43, 1.73, ''M nttuo shoes, button, galtert and lace, 11.57, 1.67, 1.7U, 1.U0 a ptlr. . Men's line call shoes, 12.03 1 pair. ... Men't work Ihoea, 11.01, U3, 1.3S, 1.M.J.1S P Men and Boys' hats and caps, 15, 21, 24, 37, 51 and ta cents. . , . . . Ladles' hose, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 21 and 23 centi a POenU' aocks, 5, 8, 11, U and 17 centt a pair. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Return ail goods not approved of and I Will Refund Your Money! WITH PLEASURE. Yours, anxious to please, W. SANDERS, OpposltcPostofflce, Eugene, Oregon. Produce Wantec I will pay the highest market cosh price for Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Etc., Butter anil Eggs, Veal Calves. And other country produce. ALL KINDS OF WILD GAME BOUGHT Eighth street, near Olive, Eugene, SID HORN. Notice to Creditors. -TOTI0E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ll J. J. Wiun haa been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J.H. Winn, de ceased, by the County Court nf Lane county, State of Oregon. All pernona having claima against laid estate are herebv notified to pre sent the same to the administrator at Munroe, Oregon, or to fieo. 1', Dorris, attorney, at hiiuene, Uregon, within tlx mouths iroio in date of this notice. Dated October 3d, 1891. Geo. B. Dorns, .7. .1. Winn, Attorney for estate. Administrator. MAMMOTH STOVE EMPORIUM. STOVES, Tin and Granite Ware, PUMPS, PIPE, HOSE, Etc., Etc. f. - :T -----"i"'u Plumbing, Tin and Sheet Iron Work ' If. v..' fi A SPECIALTY. Sole Apt for the "Superior" Stoves, and Raip AND FOR THE INDIANA ST0YE WORKS. JACOB MITCHELL - (Odd Fellows' Building), - EUGENE, OR. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. We are the people that give bargains In MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN? FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. Such as Negligee, Sateen and Woolen Shirits, Dress Shirts, Undorware, rseckware, Socks, Ltc. Hatse Hatse - - Caps. Caps. The latest stylet and shape. . We also have a verv One line of Blankets and Flannels direct from the Solent Woolen Mills. Everything marked at flguret that cannot be under sold. Come aud see us. , HOWE & RICE. Opposite University Book Store. F. L POSSON & SON, By far the largest dealer on the Coast in IF GARDEN GRASS & FLOWER TlBjfflitoilllS.PKl.l.BIS'Ki Units. We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co, the largest Seed Growers and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON & SON, PORTLAND. OREGON. LINN & SON, Furniture Dealers UNDERTAKERS & EHBAIHEES. FAIRMOU Fairmount is tho contcr and "in tho swim." Think of it; IT 31 to FAlUMOl'ST Is In the center ol the com- " city. T"e wT hSrallUl-arenow built wtll mke BprlnglWd a rival point lr business, and Euene, lr niount and Hprinr aula r trowlut into one lante olty with Kalrmouuiin inecru tr. l'rorty In Fair mount (or this reason wllltdvtuce In value isster than any other Watllty around Eu- ''".Duni-KT has made (tr arowth the past year than all other sulmrbn of hu tene puttKfther,and will mtke still more rapid advance during the yrs to come. you can i wn-It. Km ins mm m m p" N B6PfAIRM0liHT MC.' (ppHTY Oft SON Eugene, Fairmount and j0 llliils ' gprlnglleld are Jast grow- U Ing Into one large eity tJTMWmJ y ' If 1 with Fairmount la the t . ' , ' J Yl --OTi-rTm ' ptbllc iKlSWri' Hllt,k , Pom to .! ! ""nolt? eJ utitf POPULATION INCREASED FROM 7 TO Hvflr $ 15.000 worth nn January lBt. More Viw' ... Voa hrtrao rora within Innr hlnnb-o niails. Two daily passenger iraiua, tuu nao uvidv ... v,vn.D, : ALIj SECURED IN ONE YEAR. A motor line It certain to be built through FAIRMCUN Tine very short time connecting It with Eugene and Sprlngfickl gTyiiaf""J"""L1M IN THE CENTER. f GEO. M. MILLER & CO, l K. PETKR8. DAVID CUERBY. OATS WANTED, In any Quantity. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. PETERS cV CHEBBT, West Eighth Btrect, t t Eugene, Oregon DRS. I. W. 4 JLTOE 8. BABNABD, Ilcgular Fliysicians. BPECIALTIE9 Kidney and Liver Dltoaset, Qynecology aud OtMtetrlct. OFFICE at residence on Olive ttrcct between 9th and 10th street. i AND 1 IF HOHL 4 PRAHGE, Proprietors. The leading Carriage, Wagon and Plow thop In the city, ah wort warranted. Come and try ut ' Frank Johnson, practical hone thoer, Con ducts hit business lu thit shop. Corner of Eighth and Olive streets, Eugene. DAY 4 AND" FURNITURE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. T. O.Hindbicm, . President. 8.B. SaJOK. Ja., Cashier. First Natior.r. Bank Of Eugene. Paid up CtsbCasltal $50,000 Surplus and Profits, $30,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A general banking bualnett done on reason able terms. Sight drafts on NEW YORK, UlllUAUU, BAIN riiAHUISlAJ andiTJltr LAND, OREGON. Bills of exchange sold on foreign countries; Deposits received subject to eaeck or osrtiti- cate of deposit All collections entruaed to nt will receive prompt attention. J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. Eugene, Oregon, Dental Roome WUlametU Btreet, oppoalU Baker's IioteL lUULLill UUU II VA111KJI 9th STREET, KDGKNI, OREGON. Opposite.N. Y. Racket Store. If Interested, Send for italogne! a rcu. um or Gnus and portln; Goods, And a dandy repair thop in connection. JUST ARRIVED! 75 Pairs 10 WHITE BLANKET Direct From the Ills 4 1.45 A PAIR. $10,000. $10,000. $10, SELLING AT COST. i L.D. SCAEBKOUGl At Creswell, Oregon, For the next Bixty days; n t Paints, Oils, Drugs, Hardware, TinwaTe, oodenware, VTallpJfi . ..MVf And everything in the merchandise Hue will be told at cost until the entire stow t n i 1 OL is. M ai ro produce, wheat or oat. Call First and Secure Bargain In order to tettle with Mr. William Tldany, whose time la up, It becomes me anove taiee. au mueoteauest must ov ptiu lmmeaiawiy. necewU L. D. SCAEBROUGS CLOSING UP SALE. I am now offering mj STOGR OF GO AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE 1 1 have a large stock of Which I wUl elott out BELOW CObT. Other Shoe Wear at Away Vow J. D. MAT