The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 31, 1891, Image 1

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I i I mini ii'nnr m.i inn I rt . .
Pakltehcr and Proprietor.
OFFICB-Ob th Ext ild of Wtllamett
Stmt, UtwMm Svnth and lbUx Stmt.
fmt annum
i i Mootbi
$2 oo
. too
lore mouths..
Advsrtlssmsnt wsrtd as followii
On squar. Un line or lea on. insertion Wt
each subqunt lossrtlou ft Cash roqaind
'DTtardirUn will b oharged at tb el
lowing rsUst MM
Ou squar thre month. . tjj 00
On squar six month.
lnHun ou yoar " f
Twnsisut notice in loci column. 20 onto
i Us tor oh Insertion. .
Advertising bUU will b rendered quarterly.
All lob work matt be ram rotos Dtxrvm.
GEO. BL D3B313
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
oJ th. 8wndJndicUlI)utrie and In
o. Supreme Court of this Stats.
Bpeolil attention givn to oollctlont and
rattsrt la probat
OFFICE-Room 78 McClareu Building.
MTgpeoUl attention glv.n to Collection
tad Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, - Oregon.
Omo-Room in Conwr't Block.
Attorney and Ccunsellat-Law, and
, Real Estate Agent.
Ofllce-In MmodIo Tempi.
Kuykendall & Payton,
Fhislclins tnd Surgeons,
Booms Over City Drug Store.
Facial attention given to Probat business
sad Abstracts of Titls,
Off loa-Owt Ln County Bank.
DE. J. 0. GRAY,
block, oppoalt Goabd offic. All work
Jhtof P adminlstorwd for Pll w
traction of tstta,
Coffin. and Caskets Iways o ai. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodie Specialty.
Night oall prompty Bttended., aeoond house aouta of Metho
dist Church, WUUmattc ttreet.
Fanna, Improved and Unimproved Town
property for tale, on aaay Una.
Property Seated and Bents Collected.
Tb, Insurano CompanJ- I TP?'.r
among th. Oldest and mot Kehabl. and Id
lb Pbo-ut andEflorriBLi adjoatmant of thir
m 8tad 8iooin to Nori.
4 ahar. of yoor patmoag. la aoHdUd.
Oflc-UCltyfiaU. RyD0Rm
cBi. taon, rsaw. w.i.ritt.caMixi
Eugene National Bank
TranaaoU a goMral banklB boainaaa.
F B Dw. F W Oabrjm. i 0 Church. 8 M
Toran.i MHodaon. C Laoer. J i Dna.
i. auauTol P. 0. Roo. o 1
I 'K la daw o( thU aotloa. J,".
tatd tail lMh day of tapumbar, un.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
The Most MM South ol Hid
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
I E. LuckeyMo.
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
B. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
TUM1 In Vjm TlnLttln bu.inM
uoh u bnjiog, aelling, leasing and renting
farm, and city property, ato. Offioeoniouth
tide oi wintn bwi,
The Enfeue Cigar Factory
Keeps constantly on hand the finest braud.
of home made, domestic, and Key West
oigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew
ing and smoking tobaooo. Bell at retail and
McClarens Building,
(Oppoaits F. M. Wilktna' Drutt Store.)
Ha. aa extanalve Stock of
Mercntil, Fancy and School Stalion
ary, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
tyOrders for Books and Subscriptions
(o Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at-
tendei to.
Bowel Trouble, and Cramp, Colle, or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask your
druggist tor it
Clocks. rVatcties, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
ReDajrintj Promptly Executed.
Wark WarrmnuaLa
E. Schwarzscfiild, Prop.
(Bucoessor to Geo. Collier)
Order, by ajall promptly attended to. Ad
draas Lock Box US,
, k Price:.
University Us
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my term9 will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price Paid
for Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balance in Cash.
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
Janet ion City Items.
Times, Oot. 24.
Born. October 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
CaWert, a daughter. Weight, nine pound..
D.E.Caldwell, who has been spending
several months iu Eastern Oregon, has re
turned. Rer. Blackburn aud family have moved
from Mohawk to this city and occupy the
parsonage on the east side.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lampson have moved from
Forest Grove to this city and occupy rooms
in Prof. Campbell's bouse.
Mrs. Cummings, who has been undergo
lug medical treatment in Portland for some
time, has returned much improved In
The lumber for the new Cbrlntian church
has been ordered. This building will be
pushed rapidly in order that it may b en
olosed before bad weather sets in.
Wm. Bchroeder is now possessor of tba
largest dog in Lane county. He is a mastiff
and tipped the beam a' exactly one hundred
and twenty pounds and is only a year old at
that. It is very seldom you will And a dog
that will weigh one hundred.
There is not a house of any kind in Junc
tion City for root, nor is there a vacant bus
iness house. Dwelling houses for rent are
io great demand, and the party who will
build houses for rent would realize a good
interest on the investment. We have hesrd
of a number of families who would have
stopped here hsd they been able to secure
dwellings. We .re pleased to state, how
ever, that a number of tenement houses will
be pat up In the spring.
SepPEtTED Bank Robbers Re
leased. The supposed Enterprise
bunk robbers arrested at Kainela and
taken to La Grande have been released.
Cashier Holmes and other Enterprise
people came over and it was found that
the BUHpecte were not the robbers, who
can eafcllv be identified by many per
sons. The atmosphere surrounding
the three men Is bum1c1ous, however.
They had niawks, several changes of
clothing, drujs to "make up" with,
and other articles showing that their
calling la not an ordinary one. They
said tliey were on their way to Mea-
clmm to worn wnen arresiea. vne
claimed to be a detective. They had
one pistol of the Bulldog pattern, and
small amounts of money.
W. R. H. Grant has eommenosd canvass
ing tor subscriptions to make suitable
exhibit at ths Chicago World's Columbian
Eipoaition. Geo. M. Miller subscribed
$200 and A. O. Hovey 20t. If 25,000 can be
raised In the country Portland will come to
ths front with al least ,75,000 mors.
Edomi, Or., Oct. 22, 1891.
Ths firm of Bunch A Williams, formed
tor ths sale of the Pacifio Washing Machine
and territorial rights for tba same, la this
day by mutual consent dissolved. J. M.
Williama is to pay all outstanding accounts.
i. N. Ruses,
J. M. Wuxims.
When Bsby was sick, w gave bar Castoria.
Wban she was a Child, she cried f or Castorla.
Wban aba became Mies, aha clung to Oaatarla.
Whan aba bad ChndreB, aha gave tbem Oastorkv
Is Sold o a
toevraasr form
rear disorder of
tlx feMretiv. or
gan, ol atuertex,
bettier arliini
Inn ' h ii, r r ..i rm
tuaof HllmmUnu. AFTTft
TobaceoorOptnB, or ihroiirl) joaU)lulIiilTv
Bon, ovrrlndulceaw,e ,,wbu Ismot Hrala
Power, Wttefu!aM,IarliiSdowii PainaUU
bvk,Hernnalveakar,Urna,Kenrous frna
traUoo, Nortnrnal tmXinloat, Leoeorrbaa, (Jla
staea, Weak Heamry, l-oaof Foweraod Impo
trary, which If Bealrcted otian lead to prcnatura
did are aa4 liuaaltf. trie UM a bos, Sboxas
toft-V O. Kent f mall mirlnt of prlee"
A WBtTTK!) ail'ARAHf BBS Is flvea for
trefT taUUoerfer reeatird, K.ref and the money If
a r.raiu..l eiira I. A afferted. W. bare
thomand.of IMtimonlata (m old and younf.
oi both Mies, who her bam aniaiaoently i-omI
by tbaoMotaporodtUaa. Ciiraiartraa, Addms
Waturn Branch, Bz r. tovnMu. Oa.
Sold by E. B. LCCKEY A Co.. Vnntut,
Eugsoa, Orafua.
10 III
A marriane lioenas was issued Fildsv to
v. Lwing and aucy A, Oraaber.
Judiro Plmi has ordered the On-con
Pucltlo railroad sold Dcccmltcr Uth, to
pay its avou.
Irs Bert, who worked (or Fl.her t Wat-
kins during the summer, has moved to his
old noma In Kansas.
J. E. P. Withers returned home from
the East Friday montlng, He re
ports having had a lino trip.
The time of the north bound over
land train, after the 1st, will lie
changed to about 2:41 instead of 4:41, as
at pnneuu
Mrs. Oraham. of Springfield, left for Chi
oago Friday answer to a dispatch
stating that her son In that city was sick
ana not expected to live
John Bundy was arrested at Junolion last
Fridoy on a chsrgs of disorderly conduct.
un trial before lbs recorder of tnat place
lb is morning, be wsa found not guilty.
The low stiiKC of witter in the Col
unibia river causes the flood tide to
sweep iti'fmm the sea with a swiftness
far greater than wlien the water Is up,
and it rushes past the city of Astoria
iiko a mill nuv.
The city of Rosebnrg hss floated bonds to
the amount of f 35,000 for sewerage and city
hall purpose. Joseph O. Kelely's plans
for the sewer have been adopted and be has
been chosen superintendent of the same.
lbs wort wm te done by tba day, 11 r.
Kelley hiring the men.
Tho board bill of hobos, drunks, elc.
in Huli'in hist month was $175, where
upon a councilman proxtHl to IiihI
them hereafter on bread and water.
Why not set them at work on the
streets? There Is plenty of chance for
street Improvement in the capital city.
When Mis' circus was in Eugcno
the enterprising owners stated on the
bills that the aggregnto value was over
a million dollars. When It sailed from
Hun Francisco lust week the custom
house cleamiuvs Invoiced it at f2X,700.
It makes a dlllorence how we look at
these values.
Portland Dispatch: There arrived
In the tMirt yesterday MX) sacks of re
fined sugar, which In weight equals
iw miiis, ii mine iniiu iiong immi.
It was brouirht here In car IH) by tho
Hritish lkNik Aniiililtrlte. About the
same amount Is now duo here by the
Canadian Pacific steamer Grand holm,
from Ilrltlsh t'olunililu.
Bmltlifli'Ul Items: A fine tract of
land lias been laid out In town lots
here, and the man who want to
build will do well to come to
Held. II. T. Hmith and E. Kirk were
In Eugene Haturday, and while there
purchased a machine for sawing stove
wood. They intend to commence
sawing wood in this neighborhood iu
a few days.
Aslorian: Trescott, ths sturgeon man,
has headquarters on Teuss Ilahee islsnd,
where he dissects ths sturgeon, abd where
the steamer stops every night for boxes of
that large fish. Ths sturgeon fishermen
get a cent a pound Just as ths fish sre
caught, or one cent and a half when head,
and tails are cut off and tba flak gutted. 8om.
of ths men make a catch of nearly a ton a
night, but they earn all they get, for it Is
hard work taking oars of and looking af
ter a couple of hundred hooks on several
lines every nlgbt.
Portland Dispatoh: Yesterday Dr. Fllnn
drove to ths oorner of Seventh and Jeffer
son streets, and hitched his horse to go into
a bouse. The trolly of the electric wire
above become loose and fell directly aeroas
the horse's spine. The horse dropped like
a felled beef, and in falling ourved his neck
In such a way as to plsoa bis head nnder
his breast. The doctor raised ths wire with
his leather oa a. Calling the aasistanoe of
s man close by ths dootor started to null the
head of the horse out and without thinking
took hold of the wire with his hsnd. This
shocked ths dootor and hs went spinning
out into ths street. Es soon recovered,
however, and after relieving his borss by
freeing his head ths animal was all right
again. :
A county office is undoubtedly a
bonanza In Baker county. According
to tho lllado It costs the county annual
ly for the three oflloes of recorder,
sheriff and clerk, In round numbers,
(30,85.4.1. Of thissum the recorder has
drawn 114,31X4!) and even this amount
does not Include fees. The clerk has
drawn f(l,34.69 not including tw and
the sherifl EU.llU7.85. not Including fees
The lilado thinks the she Iff gets a
slice out of the circuit court Item or
$0,643.61) besides the amount named.
The Wade esiimates that at this rate
the three o.lloers named will exhaust
the whole tax levy for 1H01. The
lilade adds: Tins showing is a great
surprise. That our laws were liberal,
we knew, but we had no idea that they
were so Internal liberal that their exe
cution and strict enforcement would
amount next to dowuright robbery of people.
roa pitcher's
Csitwls yrawsotaa Dig if aw, and
OTarcwnea yiaiukwy, Constipation, BOOT
Btomach, Diarrbosa, and feeriahneea,
Thus ths child is rendered healthy and its
sleep aatmral CsHoria contains do
Morphine or other narootic property.
"Oastorialswn adapted ta ehlMraa that
I ranomiMnd It a. eupertor to any preacriptloa
kaowBteaM." H. A. Aacasa, M.D..
at Fortlaad A't-, Bfuoalyo, M. T.
"I one Oaatorla la my prartlca, and find ft
ay.rl.lly adapted to arTactkiae oT children.'
Albs. Kwsaiaua, M.
lift? M Ave Xaw Tort.
Taw Oawrara Oo, TT Murray St, X. T.
Read 8. II. Friendly, new ad.
Judge Kinsey sold si anotion Satday a
waiton and several head of horses. Fair
prioee were obtained.
Circuit court will probably last over two
weeks this term.
A fimillv arrived from Missouri Mon
day morning. They brought a car load
ofetleeU witlithem
Florence West: Florence Odd Fellows
are egaiu agitating the propostion of organ
izing a lodge In Florence In the near future.
The cbotocrauhers In Astoria do a thriv
ing busanesa with the Chinese who are
leaving lor lbs old country, ueiore going,
each Chinaman has his photo taken and
patted on a paper which certifies that he
should be permitted lo return to this coun
try U be so desires.
A large whale was splashing around close
to Kinney's canuery at Astoriu, W.dnesduy
niornins. and over in tba middle chsnuel
there have been aeveral of them, a. well as
hundreds of blarkfuh, for the pst week
Tbev Day no attention to the steamers, and
rub op against them regsrdle.s of oonne
quenovs. Boatmen state that thexe marine
monsters are becoming very plentiful in the
of&ng, as they are worthless, and conse
quently, are unmolested,
The Long Creek Eagle having ststed that
tba Uregon l'aoino railroad wouiu tie ex
tended throngh Eastern Oregon in anoint r
year, and quoting B. J. Pengra as author
ity, the rrlnevills News thus respond.:
"Von are off. Brother fciKle, sway on. II
J. Pengra hss been in the asvlum for the
Insane nearly a mourn, and ne never um
own a cents worth of stock iu the Oregon
Paoiflo railroad. It Is difficult now to tell
which is the worse ofT-Psiinra or the O. P.
railroad, one beins insane and the other
dead. Ths railroad, bowever, was born
Orecon Citv Courier: Wrlulit Bros., of
Molalla. and annmbei of the Itutteville hop
S rowers are shipping their bops, through
oel Oeer, via New Orleans to Liverpool.
The dosen hop bnyeis at Aurora have seem
ingly combined on 10 lo 11 cents per pound,
their highest offer, which is too far below
the prioe offered In ths English market,
ranging from 27 to 29 oents. The cost of
freiiiht. insurauoe and commission being sii
cents per pound, laid down in Liverpool,
lbs price ol bops at aurora ouunt to ne at
least 20 oents. Mr. Oeer has shipped bis
crop to Liverpool the past three years, with
great pecuniary benefit to himself.
Captain W. W. Bhoades, the United
8tates lighthouse inspector, has received ao
interesting memento of Tillamook rock
from Harris P. Score, ths second assistant
keeper. It la an eisol model of the rock
witb tbe ligbt station, teeners nouses,
boistiiie derrick and all other appurten
ances. It is now a very good piece of work
and probably consumed a good deal of the
vast amount of spsre lima that bsngs heavi
ly on tbe nsnds of tbe keepers, lbey
hsvs no means of communication with the
outside world exoept when tbe mail steam
er oeoaaionally throws them off some mall .
II is impossible even to do that for three
or four mouths si a tims.
Florence West: At last the powder which
has been so Ions oo ths way hss arrived
aud the rock work on tbe Lighthouse
road, which, on account of remarkably slow
transport at ion fsollities, has been so long
dolayed, is now well nndei way. The drilling
was nearly all done aa far a. Horse oreek,
while watting for tbe powder, aud Mr. Bow
ie, who has charge of tbe rock work, bas
now only to "load and lire." The rock is
being cleaned sway as fast as blasted, sud
ths road will soon be finished lo tbe timber
beyond Horse creek, and the first wagon
ever seen there will lake the camp equipugo
to a new camping place. When Ids road is
finished it will be a good road.
Hules for timber land cruisers have
been adopted by the state land com
mission, and the state has been divided
Into six districts, with an airent for
each. The rules provide that agents
shall examine and report lands in their
respective districts, but nowhere else.
They will be required In all cases to
make non-nnncrai anniaviis as to sucn
tracts as are reported by them. All re
ports to the commission shall be made
In full and sworn to by the agents.
Plats showing as fully as possible the
topography of each tract ana Indicating
by means of colored pencil or Ink, all
streams that are navigable for sawlogs,
shall be filed with each report.
Choline; l,ne;s ait ths Hale ! IOO
Hill., .
Csthlametts Gazette.
The Ingenuity of ths average logger In
bis efforts to get the great foreat monsters
to tidewster is often taxed to the nvmost
peclally if the ground be very rough or
teep. At times fine bodies of timber will
bs found st altitudes of 700 lo 1500 feet
above tbe level of ths river and the ascent it
loo precipitous to admit of any hauling be
ing done, in oases lite mis tne service ol
a logging obuts art brought Into requisition.
The building of these chutes require a
considerable amount of energy and skill be
side a Urge outlay of money.
Una of tbe longest and most sipenslv.
adjunotsof tblsnstnr Is the Captain An
thony chut near Clifton. It waa built in
1S8U at a cost oi iu,uuu and la nearly
three-quarters of s mile in length. For a
considerable distance the bottom is shod
witb railroad iron. H. A. Newberry is log
ging in a fine body of timber and uses the
chute lo aend the logs to tide wstor. Some
idea of the velocity attained by the logs in
tbsir downward journey can be calcolated
when It lakes a Ins jnst twenty seconds to
makt the trip. If by accideut a small log
bappeot to stop on tbe wsy and Is followed
by a larger one the force of tbe collision is
such tbst It splinters both logs lo match
wood. Sometimes the logs leave their
oonras and lake a circle and awing into line
again. When the stick strikes ths river it
raises tb water to s aialanoa ol zou teet in
th air, and presents tb appearance of
miniature waterspout for the time being.
Babc Bobukks C.rnjstD. Bsker City
Democrat, Oct. 22: Person arriving from
La Grand bring tb intelligence of th
caplur of lb Enterprise, Wallowa county,
bank robbers near liilgsrd. Union county,
last Tuesday afternoon. Tb captors was
effected by ao old farmer and hi trusty ri
fle. Tba robbers, tbre in number, were
rat aboard the cars and taken lo La Oraode
or eai keeping. Tb capture was a neal
oo and th old farmer will com in lor s
good raward.
man living lo Eugene, who had not
been out on the road towanls Hpring
field for the past year, was so surprised
at seeing the Improvements made in
that vicinity thai he exclaimed, "this
is the center of what will soon lie one
of the large cities of Oregon) Fprlng-
neiu aiiu r.ugrne must grow wvinrr
Into one city and Fairmount will be its
most central point."
Bou 1. A. Williams, 1st of 8sn Frsn-
eisco, baa purchased th J. N. Bunch and
J. M. Williams Interval iath Fisher Bros.'
grocery stor.
An Effort to Sccnre $23,000 by Sub
scrlptiou With Which to
Coiiiiitcnre Work.
The Stale Board of Commerce wilt eu
denvor lo mine fi.ycxx) by sulxrrlption with
which il is thnmht the in it ml work on an
Oregon exhibit to the CUiotgo World's Co
lumbian hxpositiou may l commence. I.
Th following extract from a letter eigued
by I'hns. 11. Doild and Charles tUmlnlph,
president snd secrulsry of the llosrd of
Commerce, outlines tho plan of the com
niiltee: This committee has docided that a oitnvsss
of the state ihsll be mailt, niul the people
ssked to contribute to the fund proposed to
do raised, ne suull eudeavor to ncure sn
sKoregste sum as large as posnible, but hsve
concluded Unit uule.a we csn, within a
reasonable time, raise at loust 2j.000. we
must abamluu the effort, as less thai) thtt
sum oould not produce results which would
be other thsn mortifying to th pride ol
srery Orrgnuinn,
The committee, iu the prosecution of the
work before them, hereby suthnrizo the
benrer hereof, Mr. W. II. II. Gr.nt, to visit
such portions of tbe statu as hs eun sud oh
lain subscriptions lo th proposed fund;
conditioned, that all such subscriptions
are contingent ou the augregtte amount so
rained. Ieiug si least f 'J.,000, lue subscrip
tions failing to reach that sum iu tbe agre
(title, all agreements on acoouut of them lo
be void and of no effect
We commend our solicitor to vonr rutrl
otic consideration snd to your liberality aa
a ctuzou ami wen winner to tbe best lu
teresta of Oregon.
A Shooting Scrape.
Albany Ilersld, Oct. 21.
Late last evening a man mimed Atkl
who runs a boarding house at bower Kodn.
came to this ritv aud applied to Dr. Davis
to nsve s won n a iu the leg dressed.
lie said Hint he hnd beou shollin an alter
cation with Wm. MuKiiinon. Ilia story is
IIihI he wns psssiug Mr. MoKiniiou's place
on Tursdnv looming whnn the latter osins
out of the house and hailed him. lis was
riiling in a buckboard, and when he stopped
Mr, MoKiuuon axked hiut what he threat
ened to thrnxh bis (Mckinnon'.i boy for.
Atkiuson ssid that he hud not threatened
to do so. Tho other said that hit boy told
him he had; Atkinson then said that th
boy had lied; whereupon trouble began,
Atkinson says that McKiunon came after
him with a slick or a club, and struck blra
witb it. Ho returned the blow with a
stout hazel whip-stock. McKlnnon then
drew a a8 oslilier revolver and tired at him
Ihs shot taking effect in his left leg. Ho
nan remained In tbe biickboerd, and when
ihs shot was fired, whipped hi. horses and
drov. away at rapid puoe.
Atkinson ciuue at one lo this city for
treatment, and ssys he will swear out a war
mo t this morning for the arrest of Mr. Mc
Klnnon. ,
Killed a. man terS.O.
"Mau killed at the Junolion; man killed."
was tbe news that start loU the passengers
on Haturday's eaat bound express as it
rolled np to the depot, aud everybody
ouiuoea out to see me mood on tbe wbeele
and ascerbiin what could be done to biing
tbe mangled corpse lo life. Ths fellow tbst
made the announcement wss a neatly
dressed and sttrsoiive youth of twenty-flv.
or thirty summers.
"He the blood on the wheels," tnd be
Eolnted to a spot of grease. With a silk
smlkerubiel he cleaned the wheel, re
marking tbst be guessed that he must have
been mistaken. "Hut here, gentlemen,
while we're waiting I want to show you a
trick." Hlsudiiig near by wss auother
youth of neat dress and curled mustache,
woo wanted lo see lue performsno.
"I will put t cornier coot In this handker
chief and take out lUi," said lb. trickster,
"Here's mother twenty thai you can't do
it," retorted tb other yontb. The perform
er hsdu'l any money to bet but easily bor
rowed the amount (row a Colfax looker on
named J It. Hiuead. "All aboard I" rang
the conductor'! voioo, The crowd scattered
and with It went tbe man with th neat
olotbe. Tb train wa .topped and a
search rosd. for th oontideno swindlers;
but tbey were goue and so was Mr. Hmead's
$.0, l'alouse Gsxette.
Plcauant 1(111 Items.
Oof. 21, 1891.
P. N. Sbelley It flxlns over bis bouse.
D. Berkshire of Ooshen is at work on lb
Bobert Drury killed another bear In Dr.
Sharpies orchard. Sport and Bob are good
bear dog.
Barry Shelley visited at hit titter. Mrs.
Caroliu lirantou's, Sunday.
P. Laird and wife aud II. 0. Mitchell
have returned from Kitson Spring. They
report a pleasant lime. Tbnygot while there
4 deer aud 2 bear and severs ensues of floe
tront. Good Bti.
Not Guilty, Sime llixon. th msn
brought hue from l-arauile City, Wy.,
charged with stesling f'JO from t companion
atCreswoll wsi given given an examination
belore Justice Kinsey. After hear
ing tb testimony and argument of oounsel
h wss discharged from custody, Tb evi
dence was purely ciroatnatautial and very
wsat. ,
morning killed a tw-ycur-old black
tsar iit-ur the Wllklna' ranch, iu Will
amette precinct The dogs chased
brulu about for two hours Is-fore he
took to a tnt. Mr. Hrekley brought
the can-ass here with lilm about lusm,
and it has been vleweil by many hunt
A IIiOK Potato. Jiiines Yates,
who lives near Irving, Friday morning
pnw-uted us with th largest potato
we have ever seen. It Is a lltirbaiik
seedling and weighs 4 J list; Is fifteen
Indies longand thirteen Inches around.
Can anylsiilv pnslucc a larger speci
men oi inc-spuu" luiniiy.
Xkw Ditt'O Ftokk. A. Yerrlngton
Is fitting up the wettt mom In the
Kliiiiehnrt lilis'k. and will sfurt a drug
store in the snme. The entrance to
the theatre will still remain through
the same nsmi.
Aikiitkk. At a spsvlal met-tlng of
the rlt v council of Iltiie t it v. Idaho,
Oct. 2L'd, the city dr illed to expend
ViO.OOo fr sewerage, under the plans
and s's-cltlcatlonsor jtmcpu u. Kelley,
of Eugene.
Farmkh's Alma ncr The Lane
county Farmers' Alliance held a meet-
lug at the court Iuiuh Saturday. We
understand that the sub-nlliancvH were
generally represented.
WfcLL I'LKAXKO. F. A. Twier
Ismght two hits lit Falnunuht a few
liny airo and was so well pleased with
tlicm that he bought A third lot ycetcr-
Damage Case Decided.
Snlein Journal, Oct 23.
Tho famous damiigo suit of an em
ploye, C. W. Johnson, In the land
department at Host-burg, against the
S. V. Co., wits finally submitted to the
jury Thursday evening. Judgo llolse
instructed the Jury that tho conditions
printed on tho back of the pass were
not a bar to his obtaining damages,
Tho company cited New York and
Massachusetts decisions to relieve them
of liability In such enses. but the plain
tlfl 's attorney, Mr, Ford cited an array
of later cases to tho contrary, aud also
showed that while tho United States
supremo court had not directly passed
on tho iiestloii. It had Intimated that
Its course would Isj iu the same line as
the latter decisions. No verdict was
returned Thursday evening and the
jury had. no tlouU, quite a struggle
over the tlanmgi-s.
The Jury found tho company guilty
of neglect as charged. On first ballot
the estimates of damages ranged from
$75 to JvSikni. Tho Jury was out until
I0: 0 last night, when it agreed on A
verdict of $-,-")0 damages for Johnson.
The company had offered him $UHiO In
settlement, but this verdict Is consider
ably liettcr.
This concludes ono of tho hardest
fought legal battles, growing out of the
Labish wreck.
A. C. Woodcock, of this city was one
of Mr. Johnson's attorneys in the case.
Tbe Blue Klver yttarti Mill.
It M. llrady has returned to
Brownsville from tholtlue ltivcr mines
and states that tho new screens and
plates were put In and that they
worked satisfactorily. Owing to the
Hues In tin; boiler leaking they could
not mako a satisfactory run, but a
partial cleanlnir un was mado. It is
estimated that tho ore will pay in free
gout aisuii er ton, mil me greater
part of the pay Is in the
sulphurets which passes over
the plates and Is lost by
(his pns'css. The tunnel is still being
run into the mountain, and while the
gold shows more Iron with It, It grows
more plentiful, and so far the lediro in
creases In richness as depth la gained.
The drift Is now from 150 to 175 feet
deep pn the ledge.
Too Ysung to II married.
Amunt. Or.. Oct. 25. O. W; Boeers. a
farm baud upon the farm of H. Bryant was
arraigned in Justice Humphrey's court
yesterday on a charge of enticing away a
girl undor 1(1 year of ag for th purpose of
marriage. Tbe girl was a daughter ol U. U.
Stulil. llogera wsa held in $300 bonds to
await the action of the grand jury. He had
previously askod Mr. Stahl for bis daugh
ter's bend in morrisge but was refused. He
obtained a witness who testified that th
girl was over IK, In order to procure a mar
riage license, Mr. Rogers is an industrious
young man, and both are respectable
lriethodlat Church U dlcaled.
WoonniruN, Or., Oct 25. This was
a red-letter day at Woodburn, the
occasion being the dedication of the
M. E. church, recently erected at a
cost of $5000. Tho church Is well situ
ated and arranged, nnd Is capable of
seating, with tho amoiniug lecture
room, separated by folding doors, 450
ls'i-sons. The windows are filled with
stained glass, artistically arranged.
Sua Had a Gtm. Some of the young men
oriticised Miss Leham rather severely for
breaking np tb dance on th evening of
tb third, which wss intended as a farewell
party In honor of Miss Uattie Hill, who was
starting to Wsshington. Mis Leham look
six shooter and paraded the street. Sunday
evening, presumably with tb Intention of
dispatching tome of her critic, but there
was no bloodshed. Harney Timet.
UsrrtD IlarriiBts Canton". Messrs. A.
B. Olds and U. B. Davis are canvassing the
city for subscriptions to build a United
Brethren church edifice. They have secured
about two thirds of lb $3,000 requisite for
tbe purpose and it is to be hnpad that our
citizens will contribute liberally so that th
balanc of the fund may be raised. It will
b bail! oo terry street between inn and
Bodnd Ovta. Joe Thelmer wot taken
out of the oily jail Saturday evening on a
warrant tworu out belore Justice u. w. run
sey, charging him with threatening to kill
bit wife aud daughter. Us wa given a
bearing and was bound over lo keep th
peace iu lb turn of $300, and having no
bondsmen he was committed to th hotel de
Ths Watsb Wotts. The Eugen Water
Company are now at work txca rating a cis
tern between tb discbarge ol lue eiectrio
light tail race and the old Swift slouch near
the bank of the river, where they hope lo
secures supply of water. If successful th
oumnino station will be removed to point
just south of tbe Eugen bridge.
Locked Up. Joo Thelmer, who is
generally mil or aicoimi, was ua'aca up
In the efty Jail last Friday by Police
man Witter for abusing and threaten
ing his family. He was given a hear
ing iHToru Jtecorder Horns tins morn
ing, who ordered him locked up for an
indefinite period. A good place for
such animals.
Mi'LKKY Ckmetkky. The Mulkey
cemetery which Is'longs to school dis
trict No. 7 has had a new fence placed
around, Iron post and steel wire. Lots
and blocks for sale at a reasonable
price by applying to Mr. Hawkins, one
of the directors. This cemetery Is sit
uated aliout 21 miles west of Eugene.
Pot IIitntixo. China pheasants are
plentiful below Coburg. We are In
formed that two Harriabur pot
iniiiteiM nnvntlv killed 06 of the pheas
ants in that vicinity In a couple of
days and shlp's-d them to Portland,
dressed, w here they received $L50 per
dozen lor llieui.
Lakuely Attended. The enter
tainment given for the benefit of tho
Heading Hoom last Saturday evening,
by Imul talent waa largely attended.
The exercise were flrHt-cbuss in every
Spscul Tiaut. A special train with th
railroad commiasioners and elerk was st th
depot about on hour Mondsy. They bat
inspected lb road from th south lin of
th slate tnd are working northward.
Ashland Kccord: There is a ray
of light for Flower, (ieorgo Wil
liam Curtis has taken his corset
back to the republican party.