I . . . " : . i Vrf W rugs. Pharmacy Chemicals, Medicines, Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Ap pliances rri... fn.nt nf thu ol 1 nont office build ing has been repainted. ti,- .t..m ianndrv wsRC-n made Its I pearanoB on oar itreeU today. A mrr ""ease w" lr . i - if L th. county olerk to Joun . bf the conntjr ciera w Branton and Jane Elliott. 1 ... 1 inA VarftymOVV. SnaD. &1K1 onfvarnishes, Brushes rtVMmTng. w. hnr the Breater part ol our t ooui ' ' r , ,,nm urices on aU gooas em- port w.u o. wp-, -vlm,,.,1.8teY Two rait, of piling ,0.r.,T0"7rom Acme ens sawmill were biongbt down iroui (hie week. . . jetty work. A large lore, of rpan'. laea W neigui ui - ire at work. The pne " ,w The Uoonn Bclnhaw auction Batur- ",I-eiirly .iffiui.hed .nd nex duy waa well attended. mihm Me tno whoie Duiiue -- b-,n. Slionn. the other harm brought good Tbe ile dri banker "udour -b I ... i. at CoOS DU IS eipeiieu ..... pno ru. iti,n ascension Saturday afternoon MA not amount to much. Tbe balloon only raiaed to height of abont too feet i .h diarounts we are eueuiea mi'"1,"":.. u nHM,. DtfSro-EiraBrai OR A. GOLDSMITH, Its H Em dim I Hp ma a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries Chi Glass, Crock J wbn and Willow Ware than ever before. Pays Highest OAbH price for Country Produce, Pun, Skins, Hides, Wool, ianow,o;. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Lon Cleaver and wife vWted Eu- now JU'RIHRTUI i" atLaOrande. . . l . Ik. 1.1. Mr J. U. HU1UC- ine lane ui iu j 4 bart waa Urgely attendea DQDoy. .rge number of floral piece, were receiTed. one from Kent Tboma. and wife, of Port- Und, blrg parliotuariy urauu- in the form of a iiclle. Four trumpo were arrented at Junc tion Bunduy on the cnargo ui J,Ti! Juntlco Btarr of that place for . . . .11 ...I.... ami thH HlltllH WUH trial mm. '"'""',"', .I. poHtiKinca until wenutuuuy, traniiw uincimrui-u w 'rr: ... i own recognizance, bo that they would leave the country. TTnlnn Itflnubll-an : City Treawrer Bwin- ard reoeived notice a fw daja ago tbut bank robtwry bail ueen onmumiru ... f.Ht and 150.000 in accorilie. atolen. jiooug otlT. i lrra A lodge of IghUof ryt,S a. the bond, bare been aold aud to be organlged here. lhoOrUtrsei ... u not ihn treainrer waa no tified not to oaah them if preteuttd tz-t. i rTT Brick. BrickT Faber s Golden t emaie mis, . Vnr ffml Trnvnlar tttci-uotliiiiKUaetlieni on tbe market Hever i ntl Hui-fMidillT uted nrnmluent laillet monthly. Ouarauleed to relli'Te auppreued nieuiiruniju. SURE! SAFEt CERTAIN! Hive Time, Health, ndmoueritakeuooUf r. Hunt in mf luldmie. . hu.nM It mall nn ra cell'toi price, i Aililniu. tuc ipunn KFtliniNE COMPANY. WMtarn Branch, Box XT, rOBTLAKD. O' For Hale bf . B. LUCKK Y A CO.. Eugene. TMC CRY OF MILLIONSl OH. TUT BKCKl TOP IT HOW. OON IT WML BK TOO LATE. he been troubled rainy yean with dlKM of the kldiieyt an " " mAt aid from diiftreat pbyW". wltSoat relief. About the Ijth ofAprU iw .ufferlnir from r.fi .tuck tb. aiop P.-. - t ...:C.- It wM.lm ImpoMlble for m. vuua . .... MuKi.ithrfl.wntn fi.frt.HLSKi'LS tr l."ui. with th. OBKOOM K1UNKV TUA, to my bota X immediately commenced ulol th. tea. It bad an almoat mlnculeu. effect, aad to th. arton tehmeat of all th. g ue. at th. hotel, in a few uayM am H7 .l.. v - . nw man. I will niumi ih. tea to all a u 1 ban been. 0. A. TUPPSIt, Proprietor Ocddeatal Botcl, BuiU Kom, Cal. rii, u i. iKma. AnntractOIH and bulldera, have plenty of the best quality of brick at their vara i, mm r.. . . m i.. .i.mnnit at rfluRonable ana win ruiijjijt ,, . . . . price.. Tbey aUo contract for a kind, o UriUl WUI waa B . j doliyer brick on order to any part ui Lane County Eivrr, rawiiKi co. Bant A. 0. flOVIT, ! H.C. IIVNFHBIY, J. M. ABRAHI, ! : Prenldont : : Caahler Aulitaut Canhler Ok Transacts a'Gencral Banting Business. EL'OENK, ORKOOK. ORIUL UK Florence NotcH n.i.. w.a Oct. 10. Steamer. LiUian, Coo- ;jkomoS ui i.,.nM-ted during u. ery ia now at anu wi next week. 1 n two w B probably be built t the niilla. indicate tnanronuio "'.,,-,, mat. Florei-ce people out ol the AlborUon , fer. Detective Cocbrun. of Ej;,w??Ab L , ' i....i..v Inokiuff afVr tbe cane. ThTpTanTtr3e .e.o have aruen out Po a money , wh --f lti.rePorteawaap.u .- ,h Pr. i"t,U"Sir "T; bev have Iroin in iKouiua - located it, they now propone to get It. a il ntititlUtr f.::T.lf the wpulntion of the Kitoi State-, tho coming winr S scenes of unparalleled ii in Buffering. . 1,1 i tics of yioiauon -hile The other day a i";, ' .,, un in the air oiHtr iuu. . - treet8-.,.. violation of ing of hand bins on " With an increase of ove -10 rer j Vrf V; v .l A Sells the Celebrated NON-liUSTING GENERAL DEALERS K HARDWARE, STOVL EUGENE, - OREGC: cent, in the average Cottage Grove Items. Magic luntern ahow In town Tuee -pL A.i..,,t mlnlHtern moved Into the Colliim houw recently vacated by Itr fk- L-H iv. tilts weea. 1118 in in irriiuriliu'. i w 6""" ""o- , . . - t ... CJ..I l.n ..l.ri.lWllllL'lHt. nnea not 10 can iuciu .. y. irr. van imt oui, i.u r",v; 7, The Bteady Increase In the Influx of , giving some very intert nK .....11.-. uriiiuh v 11111b aenroute .i i.wtnii.tiva lectures nt the Mitr to the United States, shown by Cana- nmn 0)Qm i,0une the piwt week. Judge Walker is now huvh.k Hmie hotel near the depot ilrejL A front entrance will I made on Main atnvt and the building made two K; high which will give more room as well as make a much better appearance. It Is really antonishlng to see the vast number of emigrant pawing through this place every day. borne are going north and others south. It woiiitl be hard to determine which direction the larger number are travel ing. . enaing oeineiu' 1 , 000.0& below the revenues for the. rt " n,a nnrlins September twelve luuiiwio o ,- 30, 1890. Putting up the taxi? to cut down the revenues w not tak PU;to,timnortB. It is not pro- m TRY ine toil on imp""' hibition. mktedl I fl EUGENE CITY SDLL CO. FISHER & WATKINS, PR0PBIET0RS. Wilt keep oontantly on band a full .upply of iwnrrnv. TCRK AND VEAL I nrtl-l. iL.. ..Ill ..11 .1 ilia lnwaat mu-lret Dri on. A fair .bar of the publio patronage ao- liclted. dian cuHtoms retuniB, is one 01 me Btromrest argumenU In favor of annex ation. If the dominion wouiu miner make 150 a head rrom hicoiiiiuk i " men that exhibit neighborly kindness, the situation will sooner or later be come unbearable.r-H. . iiuueuu EL'GKNE. Fletcher Linn to J A Sawyers, 110 x 100 feet In Bhaw & Patterson'sadditlon; S.VH) J P Cheaber to Jai P Tnmer, lot 3. Hook 5, in Cbeheri addition; 6U0. OT Fanning per Sheriff to Sher wood Burr, W i lot 8 and E J lot 4 In block 4 and In block 13, Packard's ad dition; $(XW. COUNTRY. May F Oriflln to W H Griffln, 110.02 lnTP10H,Ul W; fioup. l'hitof Mulkey cemetery filed by E H Hawkins, T J Gill and Thomas Jenkins, directors of school district NPliit of Oak Home filed by T A Henderson, consisting of 60.14 acres. Carrie M Elwert to E A Ayres, land luying adjoining to Glenada; W. ft ..jVl a lt,imnhrA In A O HOVCT and H 0 Humphrey, y interest in 225 acre. inT15 8, H5W;3. Tho. L Woodw.rd to Enphania Edmund aon, 135.15 aorei in T 17 8, fi 3 W; f210. U 8 to Bamoel O Thompon, 33 acrea; patent. Junction Items. Times, Oct. 17. There will be at least a dozen new residences go up In the spring. Houses for rent are always in demand. Subscribers are not rushing In as fast as we would like. Every citizen should have his name enrolled. ume a running. N. Gilmore ha. the Intnber on the ground for hia new residence. If tbe weather holds out favorable he will soon have it ready for nnnnn&llfiV . Marshal Major found some female goods, a dress, sacque, cap, etc., under the sidewalk south of Lee's drug store Suturday. It Is thought these articles were used for a disguise for some un i A.i nnmiiu nf tlm pdvltv under the sidewalk would not have lieen used as a wardrobe. The marshal has the "duds" in his possession. Pkndlktos Swindlkd.-A fow weeks bro . ntl-man visited Peudleton who gave hia name H. II. Down, and bn.inea. bb rei .'...;., of the World's Fair Publml ine Company. Bo aeveral businea. men gave -(,,r iit nf buililinea at 115 each, Mr. Down. BO im I.J l.n.lo with Ihn llSHUtV Of bll r . .i.n. .i, u,e nrdcroil for a birds cueiuo iui. -u. "v.w eye view ol Pendleton and aeveial public i.':i.i:... . . .nut nf 7!i. naiil with B COB tineentcaHhed immediately, as Mr. Downs ...n. in lauva tlm town the next morning. He remarked, Incidentally, that picmrcB would be published tree oi me oi.j r n... nn,i,.atif rttixpnR. ftna die- couueu aim ..wM....... - nUved a number of photographs of citizens of other towus uanaea mm " '" r nose. Downs, it transpires, was a first olass gwiudler.Pendleton E. O. Tim full text of Governor Hill's sneech last week at Cooper Union, Bays the Telegram, proves, that his grasp of publio affairs and political issues is exceedingly comprehen Tt. vena u orrnt meeting, and ni.v. n the speech was equal to the occa' sion; it was a great Bpeech. in Massachusetts Jonathan Bourne lost $25,000 in a J tin d dii't. squeal, noKer gai"- - . . f U others did, under tno that Btate any one u.. . i; Rmirne has been ordered to go back there and tes t- liir irn h nauucii. vi d, says he must but Bourne Bays he won't, ana nas appear supreme court. . -r-r:.,;iio nntier has re- A iie.ui""iv r-i, - .. noiiwi tne ionoi"s o . - Ml .1 news. "Enclosed you wiu .m ..n.inllAn for my subscription. x i : :a .ninliln ti nav for a 1 Know 11 ia r T .mmirin wood or potatoes but 1 1 ., r.f nntnineg. and we ainiuBiuuu v. i -i didn't have a very good wood crop .. . i it i.mi will neceDtthe Wis year, unu u j i money this one time, I will try and do better next year, iimv " tho excuse I have lor not, pavn.g TO THB FARMERS i Aolilnnrl Rennrd: Hermann is satisfied with the government works at Coos Bay. but it is not Wa wiu pay the hlnhest market prios for Fat recorded that he is so well pleased l...l. mil HhMD. I 'll. IL. .o nf II It M I Or in V.M. I I Willi LIII3 VI111&.D UI il, Av ... I .. 1 .1 i SHOP ON vriLLAMETTit BTtukKr. uu8 congressional uiouiut. eugene crrr, oreoon Tintor C.tv must be in a bad win? financiallv. A late number of the Democrat charges that the nitv i nitvins 2.20 a cord, more fnr wood, for use at the water n-nrl-a t.linn the same can be pur phnsMl bv private individuals. Vnr pvprvtliinor reouired by the city two dollars for one are being paid while the city script is going a begging at fifty cents on the dol lar. ri ' . -J -M- . . and get mORE PC i nnrl use LESS WATc Write for our New IUustratd C'aUlogoe forisu, THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO., tfiS? OH3IQI1M' i sooner. MeaU delivered to any part of the city fre. of cnaiye. PATTERSON, EDMS 4 00, Manufaotare Best Grades Fnmily RR flP.FRI FS. Flour, r " " ' rt-iirrvn a T.ATiniC ANT) POMPLETK JCL stock of SUpla and Fancy Groceries, J. L. PAGE, DEALER IN- 5 n in il,a mnat favorable terms. Wheat receipts of any warehouM north of ha- ien., properly. asiigneu, mnou in i;iiug r'lnur or Feed. Crnigkest Cash Prio. Paid for Wheat.tT GEO. F. CRAW, POSTOFFICK Cigar store, EogeneCity, Oregon bought In the best markets. rvpiuoiuriv mo picu lAuLUoiilLi run uhoii, Can offer the public better prloas than any otr hous. EUGENE- Produos of all kinds Uk.n at market price. Too Much Load On tbe Liver will break down all the enonriei of life, and unfit you for Work, Business or Pleasure. Aim.. ...1,. r.lila ln.ittaa RMarktlta LU fi CO Hoaraensss, Whoopl Caugb.Crous. S.ra mroii, Minna, a wj .un.- v, n 1hM.t, Lrianl Chttt, including CeMumetlna. Firsl National Bank leu Tinmra Uondav mornlns Leonard Chilaon, aged 15 years, was praotioing on a trnpete at the house of Mr. Knapp, when He ten ana uro.r u ic arm at the wriBt. Dr. McKinney waa called and let the injured member and he is getting along si well aa could be expected. Snars of Oregon pine are to be . .. T.l !l . rviit intn tho 1 . W. CriUSCr 1 lUIU- Holiiliin nnw heintr overhauled at tho Brooklyn navy yard, replacing .1 . i . : Tlm ine Bieei ones now m woe. anu three steel masts now in use in the Philadelphia weigh upwards of i2S tons, and cost over ,uw. wime tho pino masts will weigh about two tons and cost less than if 500. The lnwor nmstfl are Orccron vellow pine Bticks 20 inches in diameter and ol) leet long, ine topmasts are each ten inches in diameter and 30 feet long. Steel masts have becu given a thorough trial and the return to wooded spars by the navy means a great deal for tho prosper ity, of timber owners on the Pacifio I coast whoso forests are vast re serves of timber particularly adapt- ll a ea lor inai purpose. Tho state bar association met in Portland Saturday, when the fol lowinir officers were elected : Presi dent, L. B. Cox; secretary, Chas. H. Carev: treasurer. O. F. Paxton; vice presidents, P. P. Prim, First judicial district; John Burnett, twond; lilman rorci, iium; c. v. Shattuck, Fourth; T. H. Tongue, Fifth; C. A. Carter, Sixth; and V. II. Wilson, Seventh. Mr. Edison announces the inven tion of an improvement in electric railwavs that will do away with tho rable car and tho trolley. He an vil the car will catch its power iKmctlv from the rail8 and will Mr nn the current through two and one-half inches of mud, being entirely free Irom uanger, cost oniy o third of a cable car roaa ana per form everv function cheaper and hettor. Besides this. Mr. Edison nrmnnnees another important in vention, lie is building a largo plflotrio locomotive for Henry Vil- lard. to bo operated between Phienco and Milwaukee which will olan mn without a trollcv. and which tho inventor confidently be lieves will supplant steam. Tho Chilian troubles havo been the occasion for Borne piwii bungling in the state department. The interests of the United States have been trafficked by a few spec ..ii.0 .Mmi Viv nn accommouat- ine minister. The latest phase of O . . 1 A- I i the affair is an uniortunaio . . . :l. TTnitiHI sion Deiween nuuum States and Chilian warships in ine harbor of Valpairiso. The United States cannot hope soon to re-establish intimate relations with her Bouth Pacific neighbor. At a meeting of tho county alli ance held at Milton, Umatilla county, a few days ago, a resolution was passed declaring against an ... . i . i 4.. Tt urn a rr alliance wiru pariy. solved that the alliance is not a party or partisan. It is a frater nal, not a political organization, whose purpose is to advance the best interests of the farmers, The ,.ii; nf o-iwl honest men to cicijuuu v e,"- - .. .. positions of trust and responsibil ity is favored. Beyond this tho alliance does not go. On these lines the alliance is capable of do ing an untold amount oi gooa. what tho (farmers can accom plish when they become Bolidly united for their protection and benefit was well illustrated a suun time ago at Rorden, a town on the Northern racinc rauroau. xuo Vnora' Alliance had built a 1 U,HI1.U . , warehouse in opposition to the Northern l'acino aievaior cum- sany, but tho railroad compauy re used to lay a side track to the building. Then the farmers promptly refused to sell the eleva tor company a pounu m wheat at any price, and the side track was laid at once. NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF mi 111 From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties be suited either, as to Price or Quality, Oar assortment is Complete, from theJowest Prk the Finest; can suit you if you give us a cal OUR STOCK IS tig-Free .New and StylisKSl Look us over; if we do not save you money, we will make m sell to you low. A FULL LINE OF GROCEMES F. B. DUNS Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete stock of Ladies' Misses aud Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, WHto and Black Sandals FIXE KID SHOES, MENS' AND feOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And In fact everything In the Boot end Shoe Hue. to which I intend to devote my especial Attention. -MY GOODS ABE FIBST CLASS. . And gimrantewl as representad, Bjid will be sold for the lowent prices that.a Rood irtUa mn ha afforded. . A. "tJlXl JAMES McCLAK CHOICE WINKS, LIQUOBS i Willamette Street, W" Of Eugene. IndiireBtion, Coiutiption, SIwpImb- ness, Biliousness, tr the first alarm. nBtare. sound, to wrn you of danger. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is King of tbe Blood, Liver and Suimach-It hu Never Failed. Handrails of UrtiaooUls lik this: i. R. Millar, AjVitU, Or, vilUai "It eund Moll aavera line and Ulooil trouble" rf old by all dr. .lata. In Austria it has been found that tlm Rlnntinff of letters in writine rauses curvature of the e pine, due in Dm nnsitii-in mn in tinned at the i fni) or desK. anu a suurvme cuuu- Pild UP Cash Capital $50,000 cil has rccommenaed that upright SUrplUS and Fronts, $30,WHI letters tie cultivate in scnoonng. Eugene City - - Oregon. V , I. A J A KUbHI DME1I.I DullOfW Q(W on rv w The pftrticnlarn of onttiug scrape thai In MnOne. Polk conntf. late Frirlm ATeuins are received. The trouble lUvifl RflBrn. ex-countv olerk Wllliaru Bean, both of MoCoy, Bnd is supposed to be the outcome of an ola leiia oeiweea iuo u " ..1 n..n X (Turunt alnrlpa nl 1116 Knair BrC vuuil Hiau, u.".. ...... - ..,.ni Kar m Vimliv slashed about the body, but tbe eitent of bis injuries wero not learned. It is staieo. mere w. wuumu m the case. t.u.v..t ni (Id Ifi. -Steve Cnrran. Ia rtrtva.. nf ih. T.inkvilla and Bonanza ainoa .an. that ex-Sheriff Carl), of Lake- view, aud Tom Miles, of Jackson county, made a big bsul of malefnotors isst Tuesday in a canyon teur miles nonoeasi ui ump k r waaka sdo. considerable voun- hon flout inn throuch Lake- view and Alturas. Cal. Miles was sent on the trail of the qneer sbovers. In compa nv with Carll be visited tbe den in the can v-n at ril althnnsh no conuterfeit moneT au'innnit vat tb. two men captured thir- lun Inn. ha fmm Laker iew and Alturas. finding in their possession several postal mnn.. nr.lura and other evidence of their n..iinir,.iinn in th. lata robber of the u.iu rnnnhio bfteen Lake view nd Link iiia. Anions the prisoners are tbe notorious Howard brother.. TVo now state reform school at Salem is now ready for business. Parents or guardians ot loys who . . a 11 .1 1 U will not be controlled, anu who uk sire their admittance, should apply tn thfl nroner county omciais aim state their misdoings. Tho quali fications are not rigid ana no pny sical examination will bo required. The Examiner has aa vices irum TTnnnlnln to the effect that Queen Liliuokalani has been taken ill with serious fainting spells, anu her physician, Dr. Trosscau, has pronounced Her irouoie orguiuu Sioonao nfthfi heart, lor wnicn ne Huirp-estno remedy. Death it is Btatod, may occur at any moment. Important Hie. My Patrons and tho public notified that I will sell all Goods and Merchandise at my Creswell :-: Store! Sportsman's Epor ' HORN & PAINE, f Practical Gunsc Ieterii Fishing Tarkle and la" All iviii. --- i Kepairlngdoneinthet Guns Loaned & Ammunii Storey WilUmi nnn.hlfhlDtblsltyij;j everyUy is uslnn f impute i t i,?iH nn their ysw.m- 7.3 i !.,lnVa men t SAVED pmm a torrlble death. '"',, t Positive and kl2,h!Jm.C never fails to wre. Kh ura Back. Sore Thmat, t Trv it I OK THE Lowest Cash Price! ahl.Uroa. 8Wht drafu oa NKW YOKK, mil auii, has i KJUstiatAJ anaivui T A vn flU Vlll v llilla rJ ...l,.nM .1.1 am l.iMija anantruia. DanmlU taeaiml anhiasl to ekaok Of Cartlfl- m). tj rinnalk. ... .... . . . H , i All OOllacUOBS BnlraSM W U WIU IWOSITa rrompt attention. The assessor of Astoria returns 13.000.000 more nroncrtv in that city alone than tbe county assessor returns for the city and county combined. Tlm nturrpcaffi erain croD of this - r,n- - . country is estimated at 3,123,009, 000 bushels, of which 2,000,000,000 bushels is corn. . This is 28.8 per cent, higher than for eleven pro ceeding years. Germany imposes a duty of 14.76 per 100 kilos (t0J pounds) on bacon, ham, salted pork and canned beef, and forty-eight ccuts per 100 kilos upon lard. Aftir an alisence of ev- on.i months in the mountains ltert Totter rvturniHl to his home in Kalem ...i..i.t tin n-turniHl with Dnviil smith ou of Don Smith, of M..imniR member of the party who Hustained gueh Injuries in the moun tains a to nMidor medical aid an ab solute nrnity. 15y some means VounK Bmith sidit Ida knee cap, and 1.. n.ia.u,llini4 U mifVerinir i?r'atlv. He waa taken out yesterday to Judge Wui.L.'a rnni'h niMir Mat'leav. Mi-isrs, Potter and Smith were members of Judtre NVbKIo'b jwrty and the accident hurriea tnem oui oi ine niunuuii" w e.. tKuv u..m niilv to pome. Ttiev tixik the Orvpniliiu train at Coburjr, Waving thejiid to return home alone with the wuk train. This year the party camped high upon ft Hood and aftrrwanls movetl to the south, taking In Jeffi-won and paying their resi-ta to the Three li-Htorn. a onnorinp Judiro in Sonoma county, Cal., named Dougherty, decided that his colleague ior iuc cam a nffipft ( one Crawford) was W.ww y elected" by one vote at the last November election, ana in orucr to come to this conclusion he threw out two ballots for his oppo fJndffe Rutledee) because upon their backs were faint im pressions in printer's inK, maue oy one sheet being placed upon an other when trcshiy pnniea; uio a fow ballots scratched in favor of Rutledge with an indelible pencil and red ink. Un another Dauoi the name of Rutledge was scratched, but Crawford's name wa3 written onnosite to the name of a candidate 1 . fTl for Btate senator. inis vui Dougherty counted for Crawford and thus elected him by one vote. Could anything have been more scandalously unjust ana aisnonesw Judge Rutledge appeaiea to uie supreme court, and that body did itH'lf honor by Drusning asme an flimsy technicalities and counting every one of the above votes for him to whom they belonged. Will pay the Highest Market Price forFanii Frodnee. To reduce our larire stock will Biv.PECIAL IXDUCEMENl'3 for Cash or l'roduc. L D. SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL- P" I T II Without Health can. ELM La I M not be enjoyed. THEREFORE OSE w HEALTH RESTORER. It It the best nel.-r 10 IKallli and the iuiAet cure on Karth. l ac it in time lor .11 divtascsof the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Skin. Il cure. Rhfumitinn, Malaria, Coated Tonnue ' and Headache, relievrs Constipation, Biliuus- ne aiid Dyspepsia, drivrs .11 impurities out of the Blood and dririupoldSorr.. The Business men buy it, the WorkiiiRnwn use it, the Ladies take it, the Children cry lor it and the Farmers ear it it their best health preserver, Sold everywhere. Ji.oo a bottle; na fur v Sot Ice to Creditors. TVTOTICF. IS IIEKEUY GIVEN THAT IM J. J. Winn ha. been duly .ppointed a.lniinltrtor of th. ette of J.H. W inn. de ceaeed, by the County Court of Lar.e county, 8UU of Oreeon. All penon. hsvini claims svainat said a.ute are hereby notified to pre sent th. tarn, to the aiiuiinistrat at Mann, Hreiim, iw to rteo. It. lrria, attorney, at Eugene, Ore(fon, within aix months from the date of tlii. rntic. Dated October 31, 18DL Geo. B, Uorns J. J. W-IB, Attorney for estate. Administrator. WOOL, Hll AND FC. -AT- J 7ub-s In the Circuit Court of. Plla Will-on, PI""'"1 lliu... To tbe aboved Wilson: , .l. fp' IN TBE SAME .Bj yon .re here bv v q , .ndBnswertheT above n . V. J. and am""'' ppear - . plttintin Win "rt v . ff-j lief prayed for "- 1 tn themarriHReContr,,, pUintiff.ua w rftn - ( atO. Of 1 ?: deft., venue u un. Tbis";on' V';- of the Hon. MartJB circuit court, "'j'' j, j ,.(AnKu-t. 18.M- ' PubMibtd fi EU-VEC'lr 1S91. h V