The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 24, 1891, Image 7

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want the very Nl kimmU that you know
will grow, t eta urlcee, write tu.
r F.L.POSSON kson,"
jimmet Portland, Oregon. fttM
Put that inyour Pipe
lVice ought to be one of the
ist considerations when buy
r smoking tobacco. If you
.at the best and are willing to
:iv a few cents extra, buy the
Cut ; there is more
in one package
you can get out of a
(.! .:cn others. Packed in can
v;:s pouches.
3. B. Pace TdImpco Co., Richinnml, Vs.
; :.istin nugi
solid comfort
G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown,
V.i3. This is the opinion of a man
rio keeps a drug store, sells all
r edicines, comes in direct contact
t i-h the patients and their families,
s .1 knows better than anyone else
1 zif remedies sell, and what true
: .ait they have. He hears of all
1 e failures and successes, and can
therefore judge: "I know of nc
L licine for Coughs, Sore Throat,
cr Hoarseness that had done such ef
fective work in my
Couzhs, family as Boschee's
r-Thrft!iT German Syrup. Last
Cr Throat, winter R aicMei
Hoarseness, at my store, who was
suffering from a very
vere cold. She could hardly talk,
r ::d I told her about German Syrup
j:id that a few doses would give re
lief; t she had no confidence in
patent medicines. I told her to take
a bottle, and if the results were not
satisfactory I would make no charge
for it. A few days after she called
end baid for it, saying that she
Tould never be without it in future as
a few doses had given her relief."
Enjoy It
of pur Cod Llvar Oil with Hypo- )
ehoeohltea of Lima and Soda la I
aimoat aa oalatabla aa mil.
Children enjoy It rather than
UCER It la Indead, and tha
Ih . d and laaalaa who take cold
a may ba fortified agalnet a
Co. that might prov aerloua, by
tak. Scott'a Emulalon after their
meu 4 during tha winter aeaaon.
iifiruraenttwdrwriolU and imitation
A nitherto Cneuaperted Rourre ef Scar
latina Or. Klein' Investigations.
Several month ago Dr. Klein and Mr.
W. II. Tower, of tlio medical dejxirt
tnent of the government boon!, iwtab
lishej the relation between a disease)
found on tlio udder of tome cow at
Ilimdort and snirlalinu. The cow dwwse
was not Itself scarlatina, but by cultiva
tion of the organism olituincd from
cow the xi'iilo micrococci! of srar
Lttiiia was produced. Moreover, this
eultivation wa nuule in milk, and it was
the milk of the aUtx-ted cow that caused
the scarlatina epidemic which gave rise
to the inquiry. Then it was proved tlutt
the virus of the cow disease, if conveyed
hito the human body by the medium of
milk, developed there into the germ of
scarlatina; although between the cow
diseaso itself and scarlatina there la
almost, every possible difference.
This discovery suggested to Dr. Klein
a further question, llo had shown that
tho cow disease could set up scarlatina in
the human subject; he would now find
out whether the scarlatina germ was ca
pable of producing the cow disease. From
a number of patients in the Fulham fever
hospital Dr. Klein took minute quantities
of blood. These were placed in tiny tuls
and transferred to the surface of nutri
tive gelatine. In the result he obtained
clear evidence that in some of bis experi
ments tue blood contained organisms. In
other 'canes no positive results whatever
were obtained. Hut in four cases out of
nine the specifio organism was detected.
and the organism so recovered from the
mood of scarlatina patients was found to
be exactly the same ax has been cultivated
from the virus taken from the teats of
the Ilendon cow. Dr. Klein dot not
hesitate to name this organism the mi
crococcus scarlatina?, as having a special
character and a definite mode of exist
ence. The next question was whether,
itself capable of being cultivated from
tho cow disease, it was capable of being
transformed back into the virus of tliat
With a subculture of micrococcus scar-
latiiue, derived from scarlet fever In a
human being, Dr. Klein inoculated two
calves. The first was killed after ten
days, and from blood taken from It a
growth was derived identical with tho
micrococcus scarlatina). The second calf
was killed after twenty days with the
some results. In both animals an idcn
tical disease, had been produced. Subse
quently two calves were fed with milk
mixed witn the growth from several
tulies of the same date and the same
source as used for the other calves, and
again the identical disease was produced,
this disease bearing a great resemblance
to that observed in the Ilendon cows,
excopt that there was no affection of the
skin. But three out of four calves two
of which were inoculated and two fed
were differently affected. Sore patches
spjieared, and tho skin became scurfy,
and on each nostril of one of them there
was a patch of eruption, which decided
the matter. From these skins eruptions
were obtained ''beautiful chains of cocci"
coinciding with those develojied from the
virus of the cows. The circle was thus
A cow disease which is not scarlatina,
cor anything like scarlatina, causes the
animal to have sore teats. The exuda
tions find their way into the milk pail,
and there develop into something which
infects human beings with scarlatina.
From the scarlet fever patient a few drops
of blood are taken, and after the disease
germ has been cultivated it is passed into
the system of a calf, which forthwith be
comes attacked by the identical disease
observed in the original cow. But this is
not all. A case of suspected condensed
milk was brought under Dr. Klein's
notice. Scarlatina had broken out and
could be traced to no other source. Sure
enough, the micrococcus scarlatinas was
found in the milk, and experiments with
it on animals yielded exactly the same
results as before. Again, last January a
monkey died at Wimbledon of scarlatina
contracted by drinking the milk of cows
among which there prevailed a disease
similar to that at the Ilendon form.
Microscopic examination of the internal
organs of the monkey retValod the same
changes as occur in these organs in
human scarlatina, and In tho blood the
scarlatina micrococcus was found. By
means of this micrococcus the Ilendon
disease was again induced in animals.
Dr. Klein may therefore claim to have
discovered a hitherto unsuspected cause
of scarlatina, in the form of a little
noticed and less understood cow disease
nuite distinct from the dreaded malady
1 . . . .. . . . i i
which alter cenaui ueveiuium u i
germ it produces in man. bt. James
Wa Are a People ef Runagate a4 Prefr
llgale Sntlhrlfta.
Two of our national eluiractorUtic are
going to preserve the equilibrium of these
blitmil United Males. In the first place
the American love of dungvr, in the sec
ond place tho American indifference to
home. Few Americans, who are the
ni'kt reckless of mortals, are only happy
when tempting fate or daring Vrovidenc
through soino medium of mental excite
ment and iieraonul danger. It will b
difficult to convince future historians of
us as a race that we did not prefer rid
ing on a can of dynamite to rexing on
an innocuous down cushion. The love of
self preservation which is implanted in
man seems to be entirely subservient to
the love of peril hi the average Ameri
can. A rather nervous individual re
cently assured me that the tremor which
assailed him w hen he first began to travel
on the elevated railroad in New York
always added a test to his ride, and when
custom wore away that feeling he was
quite wretched.
"What did you wish should happen to
you?'' I asked, to humor what I believed
to lie an affectation.
"Just what did happen the other day,"
he responded, with a slight shrug of his
shoulders, "I wanted to be in an acci
dent, I never have been in an accident
and I have done some pretty ri&ky thing.
It is prolaably the same feeling tliat im
pels a boy to skate on thin ice, walk on
peaked fences and scoot across a railroad
track when the engine's coming. My
theory is that half of the great inven
tion are the results of innate reckless
ness. The inventor of electricity may
have been a thinker, but he was a boy
first 1 And do you believe a timid woman
would ever have dreamed of building an
L road? She likes it now she has got it,
for the gentler sex are proverbial for
rushing in where angels fear to tread,
and who among your acquaintances
would hesitate to cross the ocean in four
days if any means could lie invented to
condense the voyage to these brief di-mensions?"
The fact is, this person is thoroughly
American. We do like to be scared. As
to tho second characteristic, the indiffer
ence to home, we bIiuII never be anything
but roomers. Ferhape as Americans be
come more and more imbued with for
eign customs thev will cultivate the "an
cestral hall" feeling and throw out those
roots which must cling to the hearth
stone where their fathers have sat before
them. The American constitution, the
laws of this happy country, are not ex
actly in accord with family roof trees,
however much they may be with the
genealogical specimens, but why as soon
as a rich man has bull Jed himself a palace
and filled it with treasures he wants to
get out and build another is unaccount
able, save tha', being American, he can
not help himself.
It is not mcrelv the unrest or posses
sion that seizes him. He is impelled by
a love of change, that natural fickleness
which makes nun dissatisfied with tliat
particular side of the street or the archi
tectural plan of certain rooms, and so in
a braco of years the palace is to let fur
nished or it is in the market, and milord,
with his family, wandering in the four
quarters of the globe. Boston Herald.
n-vi i i i -i .l:. V.a 1 wirrtTV
!,.', i i M Hiemy uw encap j
T,... V.D.UU. A im M. f MEKR13C. BLACK
'. toHttKiKS now offering. We quote
Srricotl, fine -
Peaches, choice .........
Nectarines, extra
'.(!, bright....
At .ies, aldea dried ...
G- ipe., 1190, good M
N.ntiis, 1S9C, pr lb ...
Prunes, iSoo, good .....
Hi -ckberrl -s, iflot. fine ,
Chernet, pitted. iSoi
F-2i. iSjl black Call
O ir fruiK tn vritt v. The above art for fine quality.
".J ., ..! ...f...l i. nff.rlo-er. SmaM diicounl
in ti itl ., Boarding Houses, Dealw, and other large
,f . r. . Canned goods are lowtr; see neat caper. e
wjy'en-r a ifeneral variety of go- d for family ua
w. jir rin.J T,.. . k.r. at vour trade. Ask
"tf"r -L!i?e eilulocue free. Adtlrett
7,8, IO,t25i
B, IU, I
8, 10, I.
7, e, io
10, 12
3, 4
6. 8, 7l
7, 8, 0
12, 16
4, 6
Hf.4in Front St.. San Franclaoo
-iKDEl thk Diner-non or-
fsn Francisco Examiner.
-avc a claim of aiiydwrrlption hata.vfr
-l me l nlt-d rtal ItownniMii mint
v. -! it speedily adjudicated, audrtna
' .IS WEDDERBIKN, Manager,
-, X. W.
Waahlngtnn. I). C
tt :itTEI I Q0IPMtKT -J W
T-1 !.-. Orraivsrwr. r"T?
o In imde. fwnd S-r Ci1ti. -KU.
K, kearay .. moc
What l'DTslel-ns and Lawyer Earn.
Says a west sido physician: 'Trobably
the most lucrative medical practice in
Chicairo is worth about 125,000 a year,
That is the best the most successful phy
sician in Chicago can do. Dortors do
not earn as much as lawyers. I mean
the successful ones. I supjiose there are
a dozen or more lawyers in town who
make more than 25,000 a year, and a
score or so enjoy an income of from
115.000 to 120,000 a year. Yon can
count on the fingoisof your two hands
the number of doctors making 110,000 a
vear. One of them is a colored man,
whose practice Is largely among wmta
people. Yet the average earnings of the
physicians of the city probably exceed
the average earnings oi ino lawyers.
The average in both professions is start-
linelv low. probably nottoexceed fi.ouu,
There are hundreds of good openings for
physicians in the growing country of the
west, out vounir men persisv in cuiikhik
to the city, where many of them eke out
an existence on an income of 300 or
$400 a year, wailing for something better
to turn up.' Chicago neraiu.
I r--,rr:ofi Street, Portland, Or.
Cod Fishing aa a Sport.
A traveler on Cape Breton Island says
that cod flshuur is anything but an ex
hilarating sport. He thinks tho following
in n verv stood imitation of it : Attach a
thirtr nound dumb bell to a thin line,
about 100 feet in length, and throw it
overboard. Tay out line until the bottom
hn bwn touched, wait a mmute or two,
and then pull up the line as rapidly as
possible until the dumb bell has reached
the gunwale oi me ooai. At mm
of the nroceedincs drop dumb bell and
all into the water again, and repeat the
process ad libitum. Be sure to get your
self thoronehlv wet from the line, or
wear malodorous, second hand oilskin.
and have vour hands blistered in as many,
places as convenient. Jieanwnue uwiguio
that you are excited over something, and
the whole performance win cuij re
semble cod hsiimg. wncugu ieB.
Method of Advertising.' ,
Tno-enuitv is now expended in selection
of places and startling lettering. As soon
n a new buililini: on one of the city
streets readies the stage of growth that
twoiires it to lie fenced in lor the protec
tion of passers by, the advertising locusts
descend upon the owner and bid for the
privilege of using the screen for adver
tising purposes. Vacant lots are lilled
out with big ign fences, and space is sold
to advertisers and their signs painted on.
New York Grapluc
Death by nrownln;.
flu. Anrtnr differ in their oinnion as
i.a timp at which death comes in
Hrma-ninr?. Some say in three minutes.
others in five, but none M a longer time
M,nn this, excer lie drowning person
faints, when re-piration and animation
ceuae. Youth Lompanion.
Barer of IHamofMla,
The American blic are tlie roost
tirat iudce of diamonds, and hence
bay the largest percentage of
diamonds. Kuscia, Mexico and
c.itt. sn-Kikinir countries buy
-in,.- nrl thnM) of spcond quality,
Pari and r York receive tlie beat
aortm-nt of brilliants and perfecUy
matched pairs. -errrge F. Kura In New
York MaU and Lxpre
Rusaiun Clllea" Tire Department.
The same precautions against fire are
taken In Moscow and 8t. Petersburg to-
dav that were In uso a century ago,
Scores of tiro towers are everywnere
seen. They run up about seventy -five to
100 feet, are built liko a lighthouse, with
winding stairway, and have a platform
all around the top, where the watchman
patrols day and night. If a fire is dis
covered a siimid is iriven and the fire de
partment .urns out. It was only recently
that St, Petersburg, the capital, with
hundreds of millions of government prop
erty, secured a steam lire engine. And
that is a poor, old fashioned alfair. The
hand en cine does service there yet, as in
most other cities m the empire. When a
fire breaks out the streets are cleared for
such a department display as an Amer
ican town would make: people go wild,
talk loud, get in the way, and when the
fire burns out the department goes Dacx
to watch the towers for another signal.
Country Nrhoolbuya Turned LooseLaugh
lug All Over shouting Happy.
Now go to a Hcltool home in the coun
try where the youngster are let loose
11 liH-U. Out they come with a rtirJi,
and every thmtt U doing its iitniiMt to
add to an uproar of sounds. Part of it
in a btsllam of word, art a pure set of
yel like my dog. They run hither and
thither, and stand on one leg. They turn
imndxprings, and do a dozen iiiinilhive
tilings that have no oilier punaine Hum to
express happiness. I do not think it is
any disgrace to tho chiips so say it Is an
overflow of animal spirits, and in a way
verv much as mv dog expresses himself.
I should be glad if my own condition
could lie more gent-rally of the same sort.
Only there is no denying that if Uiys lie
allowed to shout us they will they become
shocking nuisance). Yes, young gents,
you are a legitimate product of vitality,
but one can't let you shout the top of his
head olf. On the whole, if they will hi
you loose, you will soon run quiet. Boy
are a good deal like siiouting gevsers
noisy and quiet by turns. But if we had
never outgrown this boy xriod, and
could get on without philosophising, and
printing, and editing newsvtieni, and
doing so many other exhausting things I
Ah, yes -if. But we did not stop at the
right Hiint, but went on into what we
call riie years. Then has leen too much
evolution. We should have been sutiMied
at the shouting happy point.
The oliieat or kingiisge or all sorts
seems to In. to rxprem satisfaction or dis
tress, joy or grtef. rarlxirk of primi
tive man, Indeed at the verv origin of
life, there was some method of expresa
inz satisfaction and dismal faction. Wlieu
the bead was established and voctihat
tion achieved a great deal of lanzuuge
was left distributed all over the body.
When a erMm is tlioroiiglily happy the
tongue is ultogetbiT insuflicient to tell of
it. Laughter is a remnant of tho old sort
of btngtiage, onlv we have a facial laugh
ter that often siiirwles a real all over
laughter. But 1 know a few men who
always laugh from top to tx. 7here Is
the shaking laugh, that is likened to
the quiver in a liowl of good, thick set
jelly. When It begins it goes in ripple
from side to sule, ami perpetual motion
seems alolutclv to have set in. Ami
there Is the roaring laughter that throws
the practitioner into convulsions until he
must hold his sides and gasp for breath.
A reaDv good laugher is a healthy man.
I have seen many a miieut cured by 'a
good story. I have in mind one who
was in a desoiiileiit melancholy that nan
brooded over him for weeks. A cat had
nestled by his side, ami he involuntarily
had stroked it. luty turned irji her
nose to touch his hand, when a flush of
electricity leited from it, and pussy wa
both shocked, confounded and insulted.
Drawing liack in great dignity, and wuh
an np'K'arance of vast intellect u:U amaze
ment, she gave him two culls oi u uo
cided sort and stalked olf. The man in
stantly broke into a laugh, and, as he ex
pressed it, ''couldn't atop." Ilia whole
system reacted from depression. He
lauk'lied till he was sore; and was cured,
Of course there is liable) to be a touch of
the hysterical about such a break upf but
it will do no harm. 1 recommend laugh
ter as a preventive against tlisease, and
as a cure for illness of both Ixxly and
mind. Children should be encouraged to
laucbter. They should lie taught to
laugh loudly, strongly and all over.
Lauirhlne can become a matter of educa
tion as well as talking or singing, llavo
them stand up, with their hand on their
bins, and begin. It is a capita) exorcise.
You need only start the roar, it is
catchlnir. As soon as one urchin has ex
ploded the rest wiU tie ut It. it will run
up and down the line, and you wnl end
by having all your pupils on their Hocus,
slioutini; Imppy.
So if you ask me what 1 consider most
I ...
essential to health, vigor and longevity, 1
answer a pWntyof laughter and a plenty
of shouting. We should never check
children Iroru a reasonable amount of
noise making, and never get beyond it
ourselves. It possible have some place,
a grove or, if no better, a barn, where
you can shout as loudly as you please and
blow out good full draughts of the purest
air. We ought never to get beyond
play. A eood game of quoits, or tennis,
has hall its advantage in letting our lungs
have full play. We ctin laugh as loudly
as wo please and shout with the young
folks. Nearly all old age is folly, a use
less drying up, owing to false notions of
manhood and propriety. Mark this, my
fri ud. dou't outgrow the shouting happy
point. M. Mauneo, M. D., In Olotie-
Threatens every man, woman nr child II v litar In
a rvslun of muiitry vshcrv fever and ague la uvv.
aleiit, since the genua tif malarial dlM-aau are lu
hall frtiiu the alt and are Hallnvreil fnnu the
alcrnf slu-h a iykIuii. Miltc!nal safcsuanl la
al"lul,'ly ueccsaar)' t nullify this danser. Asa
Bieananf fortifying ami at-t'tiinattn Ihs vMeiti
an as to he ahlc tn rvelst the malarial isilsnti. Il
teller's Stomach hitlers la incmniiariuilv the U'st
ami the uinai isnmlar. lrrvmilarlllca nf I he
stomach, liver ami tmwela eucouraitf malaria;
hut three aro sia-dlly reclined by the Hitter.
The fiinciintis of dlyeallou ami accrvtiniia are aa
alsteil hy Us use, ami a vigorous aa sell aa regu
lar cnmlltlon ol the system nrnimitcl hy It. t on-
tltutlon and ih)sliiu are ihusdi'ft'ndiit against
the nmwua nt maiana ny una niairinos ure
venlive, Hhleh la also a certain and thorough
remedy In the worst caeca ol liitvrmlllrul ami
reiulltcnt fevers.
The illltervnee hetween an actrena and n. Idler
-tine faca the tain iter and the other lamdcri
the face.
I am not aiming Ut convince mental batilca, as
Indeed that would be (rtiltleaa without the nec
canary cultured Intellect that make logic appli
cable. Force, brilliancy and originality even
are no weapons to attack a slave with. Kur many
centuries the medical art was hedged about by a
proecrlplive taboo w hlch lt,u yet, has not sur
vlveil. The brand for murterlng truth ta the
penalty nt lnvbeelllty Btanied iiwn the menial
oallliet of the average Imllvldual-ln relation to
mcxllrliie and nitMtrlne men. Th sun of the
nineteenth century has not yet dawned upon his
Intellectual horiion. He, logelhcrwllh In Ideal
tnnllrlne mau, ttlll hlberuale In the good old
day of the dark age, w hen it was bad form to
be Inquisitive. ' He Hill " believe " tn bleeding,
blistering, vomiting, purging anil s i-atlng. He
loves copious ,,mt of horse mellciue. He de
light in aaMfrrlid and calomel and carbolic
Id. They are considered imtisaniutuie; no
1th l.nTAI. AI'I'l.lfATHtXS. a they run not
reach the aeat of the dlM-ase. Catarrh Is a blood
coiistllutloiial iIIm-hm. and In onler to cure It
yon hare to take Internal tvmel!ca. II nil's Ca
tarrh Curt is uken Internally, anil acts dinvlly
Ihe IiIimmI and iiiik-oiib snrlncep. tiiiusia.
larrhl'urc la no iiuael mnllcliio. It was pro-
rilail by one of tlie best physli-laiia In this
nttv for years, and is a regular irvchptinn.
Il Is eoiiiMa-,l of the ts-at loiikea klHiw is, i-oni-blmil
Willi Ihe la'st blisal purltlcrs, acting ill-
clly on the mucous surfaces. The la-rfwl coin-
blliallim of the Iwm Ingredient is w llal priMlueea
h woiiderlul n-aulls In curing calnrrh. send
for tesllimuilals In-e. f. J. t IIKNKY k CO.,
rroprlclora, 1 olrdu, l).
ld by driiggista; prliv, ;n rents.
Tlioae complaining- of Hon Thrust or
Houmeneas should use "Hmwn'i Hnmikitil
Irochrt." 1 lie elltrt la e ktnionlinary, jmr-1
ticulsrlv when by singers ami aiieaki1
clearing l lie voice. ui only in hujci,
frw people are morcvlrtiionsiv iiiillgiiaut than
rneai w urn nc nuns nimsrii innw uir
Formerly tobacco rhrwers in tlregon pur-
oluued lliair toluicoo by the plug without
considering it weight, but emigrant from
the hunt, where Htur tonaeco I universally
scd. reltistsl to take these sliort-weiglil
plugs and demsmliHl Slur Plug, wbicli 1
not onlv the best tobacco, hut each plug la
full ii ".teen-ounce, pound, and now moat
otiewcr in Oregon use Mtar,
Tat Gsrbiia for tirrakfaat.
wcll-rvuulaK-.! family. with tugmy Intellect and
alslomldal daveloiimeiit, consider llself aala
without thoae family larva. Three I do not wish
to convert; they are the Kip Vau Winkle that
will continue to slumber through this ami prob
ahly through Ihe neil century. They ply no
role In the world history. 1 key lire; limy die.
So monument marks their lorgottrn aepulrher.
Humanity wa not enriched by their entrance;
tt haa loat nothing by their exit. They are drift-
wood on the shores ol time, ami Hoalwltb Ihe
rhb ami tide nf opinions they have Inherited
from their anthropomorphic ucetry. Is
not to those 1 wish to addrew myaell, but to the
thinking one, whom thought doe not throw
Into ill epileptic parnxyam ; w ho love know ledge
for lis own sake; who are w illing In Inveatlgale
the truth or falsity of any prorwltion. ami, one
convinced, w ill aucmi ny it inmugn an me gniu
area nf a ehatlrrllia anil delaveil eivilUalloll
To the-not the chatterem, but the thlukem-l
commend the lllslogenellc system for Inreatlga-
lion, and will elucidate, w ith pleasure any iiuc
tlou not sumrlrnliv clear In book, wuicn win
sent free Ui any add
Dr. Jordan' office Is at the residence) ul
ex-Mayor Yesler. Third and James street,
Seattle. Wash.
Consultations and presoriptionsabsoiute
ySemi for free book explaining the lllsto-
genetio lystein.
JArTlos. ins iiisuin actio motiiiunee
are sold in but one agency in each town
The Ih11 arutimi the bottle bears the (ol
lowing inscription: "Dr. J. Kugene Jo
dsn, Histogenetio Medicine." Kvery other
device is a iratiu.
No man can come nut bright who hasn't exe-
rleuecd man)' nilia.
Suppressing- the Pre,
Tha arrest of two editors for printing
an extract from another paper question
ing the validity ol the anu-iottery law
is certainly carrying things pretty high
in. this land of free speech and liberal
. , .( i iL.
The Fott has no on eciion vo me
stamnine ont of the lottery companies
tint the line should be drawn, it thinks,
at that point where irresponsible nnder-
1 nirs ot the srovernment at tempi io
atanm out the press.
On this Una the Atlanta Comtitution
say that " thia policy will not work. If
lotteries cannot be destroyed without
also deatrovine the freedom of the press,
the people will be in lavor oi letting me
Intteriea alone. We cannot afford to
yield our right to speak and publish fair
criticisms of public measures. we
view! tlie riifht in one instance, we may
expect to be forced to keep silence when
ever It trails Ihe government, vo uenianu
it. Fortunately it is no easy matter to
balldoie the newspapers of America,
The menace of fine and imprisonment
will intimidate very 'ew. So matter
what Federal official may hold, the
newspaper men of the conntry will not
chanee their conviction that an honest
criticism or discission of the provisions
contained in the anti lottery law cannot
with any show of justice be held to De a
violation of that law. If they are mis
taken in this belief, then the law will
have to be repealed or modified. In this
EepoWie the government cannot array
itaelf airainst the press and have the
support of the people."
It ia the rjolirv and practice In some
of the monanhiei to inhibit rriticisro
by the pre of the acts of government,
bnt until the enforcement, or the alleged
enforcement, of tlie a i-Iottery law no
one dreamed tliat nt h a thing would be
Th Food Queatloa.
Tlie subjest of food has never yet re
ceived a common sense consideration,
There is no doubt but a vast amount of
wholesome food prodacta are yet over
looked. During the CTasshopper In
vasion it was proved by JTofessor Rdey
and some of our normal scltool teachers
that such creatures may serve as an ex
cellent article of food, yet the poojile
preferred semi-sturvation to even tasting
them. Snails are luxuries in France. It
was long before frogs found a market in
tills country. Mr. Wallace tells us eggs
aro never eaten by Paciflo Islanders.
Strawberries are rejected by some of the
tropical races. Esquimaux reject all
vegetable tood. ine peojiie oi rew
Guinea pronounce bread a detestable
affair. Milk is used very little in some
of our southern states, aa tt I seldom
tasted by tribes in Africa that keep large
herds. One tribe in New Guinea abhors
sugar, but devours salt. Snakes are an
article of diet quite largely In Asia.
clear in book, which will be
Both tlie method and results when
Syrup of Figs ii taken; it is pleasant
tnd re'resliing to the tnsto, and acts
jently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Ivor and JJowels, cleanses the sys
tern eilbctually, dispell colds, head
tches and levers and cures habittnv
jonsti nation pcrmuuontly. For sals
n QUo and II bottles by all druggists.
sad nAnonco. en.
tnmsmii. nt. ct rw r
That Ai.l.coi k' Pultons Plaitss are ap
proved by the leading medical men of the
That they are the original and genuine
porous plasters upon whose reputation im
itator trade.
That ALt.cocK I'osot's i'lastsss are the
highest result ol' medical science and skill
That In ingredient and method they
have never been eutlulled.
That Ai.u-ock'i I'nsnrs i latr nave
never yet lulled to uo ineir wqrg ipuuKiy
and ellectually.
Hew are of imitation, and do not be d
(wived bv inisrcnrrHoutution. Ask for
An.-iu aSi anil let no auil ioltntiolt or ex
nlniiHtlnn Induce vott to accent a stilmtitutt,
Ai.lcim tt' C'oaN asi IM'nion Mhiki.ii ef
fect tptick and certain rellel.
The world never sits dow n twice on man who
baa ny point about Ulin.
Ce Kuamelln Btov Polish ; no dturt, bo rmell
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known,
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Tutry, Light Flaky
Biscuit, orlddie lakes, ralataui
and Wholesome.
Mo other baking powder does such works
3 Perot finds that wool if previously
tl with a 10 per rent, solution of
glycerine, can bear a prolonged expxwre j ,,,,,4 th L'nited ruu.-otut-
Durability of Cutta Pareha.
As illustrating the durability of gutta
perclia, there was recently shown a speci
men oi It that haa law immersea in
water between Blackwell's Island and
New Yora for a p-riod of thirty-seven
years, and is still in first class condition.
The only indication of wear on the gutta
percha is where it rublxxl against die
rocks on the bottom of the river, and
tliat Is very slight. Another specimen Is
of a ten conductor gutta perclia Insulated
underground cable, wbH-h was recently
taken from the frrounds around the
Capitol at Washington, where it was laid
tn 1873. Ihe cahle or wns n una a a
section is still working, and tlie fjiecimen
irives every indication of being as good
as when first put down, fourteen jean
ago. Frank unit s.
It Pay to Observe Trifle.
A case of alleged liUmry piracy wlilcb
has just been settle.) in New York hinged
on tlie ace of a certain mariu-riit The
accused man had nothing but his own
word to sufrport his side of tlie case un
til a close observer discovered tliat the
water mark of tlie pair on which the
article was written w as of an old device?,
and a little research estaialislied toe fact
that the paper bearing tbe Ur mark
wa not made after 1H3S. This settled
the case ana1 the aroused man was vin
dicated, which shows tlie value of s alurp
ere and a cl cabservaac of triflatv
tiukiyai Advertiser.
Of ll kind and In any quantity whol.
aaleaud retall-albednick price.
06 Front Street, Portland, Or.
Rend (or catalogue.
I " TAJ i. w - -
leading medical authorities
state that new and improper
cured tobacco when heated
the pipe produces a rank vege
table poison.
Tobacco like lliinr eB only be fraprorerf bf tyt.
This is the reason why "Sea
of North Carolina" is the most
populaar brand of smoking to
bacco in the United States.
is made from tobacco, at least
three years old. Its rich
low smoke has never
Saj a a art. CaratlM ta tvnr packer! la Patent
CMS Pouches, aa well a In Ml.
(Sp iinff-! prompt
i bullils a neat lu tnnu's heatt where
ilillnirnt hatches lit hnaHl.
,,. heart .he .11. ff, pfMAHENTLY,
Riimaf iqiti
! ia extraordinary, imr-1 I 1 1 UWUI Ixi , 1 1 1
by singer and ieaer i I w '.aw 411
e .sviu .e, j Sciatica I
IT Has no EQUAL.
Itch Mrkr list, f ortlan Crant. Sal
s Sat an lis Plaster. Hair, fir Uric.
tnSrtrtCIt,. LkSO PLUUI.
fM North Front Street, Cor. D,
wHot.Bui.aaND as-raiL-Plumberi'
in Enainetrt' tupplle. Hsn
n tltara rumps. Ires Pip. Kara. PI
Crln. lubricated. Sfslsr Melor, Fan
in Ventilators. Cash StjUSVI. Ele.
Wrlle r prices.
Cinitractnr nn heaiin anil rntllatln(
billlilluaa. Ksliinatea uirutslieil.
Want an aseut In even-limn In Oregon, Wash
ington aint lilalm l sell
On commissi. m. Nn stuck or raiiltal nectnt.
Music leai liera uruferml. Hiwclai rate oil all
Write fur rllenlar.
Pnrtlan.1. Orerw. A. P. Armatron I'rls.
Branch a. - I'simtu. Rea. IVii.i wis, mlrm, uragoa.
SaniaarHiraaaar study, same rates of tuitloa,
lluslnPHS, Shorthand,
Trwrilinf, Vaoaaili.aaa1 Ktliik Dtforlmntt
'as-In avaslon thnmirriiiul tha rsar. HtiHlrnla winilt.
ta at iij lluie. Calaliifus rntau slthar avliuol, rrsa.
Have Been lmliat(d,t6ut,Neier Excelled THej Are Beyond Comparison I
We Make
110 per cent.
Of tbs
Wire Mala
Bold in
J'.il. ! ,
i.' Jj e c 4iA.w .AMkiW;.u-
H ARTM AN a)rLE XI (3 1
Amerloa. 4lmU'iUtM And " Best.
a l ii y r
,i Tliey are
l Odorless.
ir km ii,mi v.tur mat has lira- tail altaehwl staimietl HastmaN.-
tlinoMiil H'Mtkli it(1 liliifoiiHhil K HiHitiio Mwilrtl Kri.
Writ lor our I
VtuuxRONiWi niis
I M UaT OaiftlBiai a It aSTMUIfMaT Mka. l al-V Baaaaaa. J irt aasat mm
leaaallakav aah Draaaiat tor Ukttfm laatk IHmU BrmU la Usi aawt aVWai wlal;ha
aWlSS Mlat tlk Mat) rthtaS.. Taka St aa4aaa hiatal. HAtM aK llWHtrm aaaaal JaaS4faafSaV
All illU la ptvi ltM, mrwfn. tn immmffm MUriVl, i Uniulaw. r sntrft m
4. la ruir tor wMsalara, tUais)jlala, sm4 Urtlrf Vr Laidle," M Uttr, hf riwrw Mall.
l.t0 laia. ViMkfW, CNIQMtTIH GNIMIcm, Co., MaslUa
IU.i Of all Uaai knaatavia aVHILADKU'lUA. tVW
l'llng ramislv fnr alt 111
unnatural Siaeharffaa aae
prtvataillaeaananf men. 1
oarlala etira lor th dehtlr
latliie weakaaaa Daoullai
in wumea.
arassittir IiiraacritMlUsSfMlaan
Chsiiii nn in reconimauaiuf u w
l all aunssara.
(Cat BLOW.
f I OasrasOKl
a HM aumsis.
1 llKltS
n u l l a A ibi I'
ml ii aaaw
at'ffrl Chlrkrn lire) Hlltrr.
Ak your daalr tor It, or rnd tot Pre Circular tn
1'etaluma Incubator ta, 1'etaltima, Cat
nnl rCVaS W want th nam and i-
dressoi everrauncrer inina
&SCTUMA U.S. and Canada. Addresa,
AO I nlVIA t.UnUUT, I.Msla.1 T.
Season Opens for Trout April 1st
IS Flrrt lire. rrtlao4, Or.,
uaalaa l
land lor ow Ultutraled oaialoga.
N. P. N. TJ. No. 410-H. F. N. D. No. 87
best Couch Medicine. Keoommended by l'hysirisns,
Cures where all rise falls. Pleasant and arreeabls tn tha
taste. Children take It without objection. Kj druRKist.
aaT -rta m
irt defies
Ihihe old proverb be true;
I A T-l a' t
. opcfuuiu is gre&rer rncxn
royally ihselfsTVy ibinyournexN
house-cleaning: Grocers keep ib
Aa a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself
by using the beet inventions of the day for removing euch a oharee.
To live ta Grease ia utterly unnecessary when BAPOLIO is sold
ta all the irtri. and ahnHri fPTaa a.j1 dirt
Biij Tour Own Goods if Tour Dealer Goes Hot Carry Tbeia.
at and Chaapeat In tha World.
Carts, SIS lip. Wapm. S50 lip.
I . .
' rhomlcal T)n Engine and Kitlngnlshen Fir Horn ani Department SneTlle
u.ur siisnanl all ktnda. BraaaUoista. Hi an.l Mttlnirs, Hancock In.i.lrnl
Belting and Him. renebea. Lubricating Oil, f bureh. Sch.l sn.i Farm Bella, f
H u-i.mlii Drills and foraea. Bur idea, rlurrlea, ferteg n4 a press Wagoua. the
Oi Carta la Portland. iMaiet. writ lor aricea. tut lurtbet luformallou eJl on or mi-I
, Steam lannitrt
ts. Marine Work
ngltsreaiid Botlera,
lsrrt awiruoeut
I T. ISiSn, M Jf Ksrrisca Stntt, KIWI CI
tu 130 U Hw 0cS' "JU, "" i fua f lu.J run, ivyttmitt jm,