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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1891)
a , . . niUT I spi i L . . . V EUGENE CITY GUARD. L L. VAUVBELh. Proprietor EUGENE CITY, OREGON. A WIFE TO HER ANGERED HUSBANtt To-dv, if I wer dead, cu1'1 00t 'M1 Your kiasos, or your tears upon my faoe Jf all the world could give of woe. or weal, Could And within my heart no resting place! You would not think of any bitter pact; You would not chide me for a careless word) Yon could not be to cruel, at the last. As to condemn me, unronfenaed, unheard. U I were lying, wrapt about In white. With flowers all around me, on mjr breast. And In my bauds; and on my face the light That anirels abed upon their dead, at restj If I were lying thus, and one should ear Much blttitr thing aa you hare aaid to me, With sternest anger you would drive away That one, and awear 'twere all baa calumny. If I were lying undnrneal h the ground, And all the white enow heaped above Br head. And yon, amid the many, one had found Who darod to any itucb things about medeads Too had not wnl to tell how falM were they; How most unkind was be of unkind me; Yet all the cruel words that he might aay Would not have power to hurt me, grieve me theu. f If yoa In coming back today abould find That death had entered and had ceiled ate hence, How would it be with you In your own mladr Where for your grief could you find reoom ponitef The III that you refused to klua were avtill; They had nochldlnx; erst they did notefelde. Nor tell their grievance, cloned by a Ana will, 11 eld lu dominion by ft sterner pride. Ob.Oodl that one must live and live and live. And try to be contented with the hope That be who knowetb all, somewhere, will give The fullest love to All the widest scope! Yet here, oh, lovel why should the days grow long, And through unklndnos bittery Death la near. If yon will love me when I'm dead, I pray Grant me somewhat of love and kiwi noes here. I'll not rebuke you though my heart be full; I dare not chide; I, too, may be astray: Experience yet may teach- bitter school Ma what to do, and what, perchance, to aay. And yet I auk you humbly, tenderly, If I should answer never mors your call. Would you not grieve of all most bitterly tor words and docds that are beyond recall? -Fourth Church Ileoord. Artificial Curiosities. A writer In New York says that al though in the curio stores in the west bisons' heads cot from (150 to (300, In New York "they can be got for las, and will continue- to be cheupor aa long as any old buffalo robes that now exist continue to resist the moths. This is because a tuxidcrmlst who cannot make a splendid bison' liead with a piece of fur or block of wood and a pair of horns g not considered an adept in hi profession. If the head of any rare animal la asked for In the proper quar ters the customer will be told that there are no such heads as he wants, but if lie will wait one can be procured from nome other city. If he orders it the chances are ten to one that the head will be carved out of wood, oovored with the right fur, fitted with horns, andlolivered. The Imitations of the mouths and nostrils of wild beauts re quire skillful work, but are masterful in most cases." Rochester Democrat. It Was Not lie That Worried. "Now, sir," cried Sir. Bugwig fero ciously, "attend to mo! Wore you not in dillleulties a few months ago?" "No." "Now, sirl Attend to my question. I ask you again, mid pray be careful In answering, for you arc on your oath, I need hardly remind you. Were yoa not in difficulties some months ago?" "No; not that I know of." "Sir, do you pretend to tell tills court that you did not make a compo sition with your creditors a few months ago?" A bright smile of Intelligence spread over the Ingenious face of the witness as he answered: "Oh, uhl That's what you mean, is ltj Out, you see, It was my creditors who were in difficulties, and not me." Exchange. Pride of Biatlea. It appears that there are In France at the present moment no fewer than 9,000 mountebanks I. e., persons of both sexes who get their living out of learned pig, guitar playing, sea lions, decapitated folks who talk, clover mon keys, somnambulists, meti who swallow razors, a class of eoplo whom Horace In his time called "Ambulujarara Col legia," or associations of Bohemians. A member of this fraternity, a Her cules, who earns a livelihood by lifting sixty-pound weights with outstretched arms, remarked to a circle of his ad miring friends, "You may say what you like, but I'd ten times rather be the eminent performer I am than a mem ber of the Paris municipal councils London TltrllitS. Ueriuan Iteer Gardens. I saw a singular notice Misted up In a German university by the rector or president It was a request that the boys should not make ho much noise In the beer garden near by whilo the reci tations were going on. It scorned to me that was different from the way an American college president would treat such a matter. Hut you must under stand that a beer garden in Germany is very different from an institution of that kind here. Literary societies wort hi thera aud theological students dis cuss questions of doctrine in them, Indianapolis Journal. Many persons suffer from astigma tism, a defect which prevents the rays of light from converging at the same focus. The trouble may be slight or severe. The afflicted person iasotue time born with It, but sometimes it de velops after adult ago is reached. ' Any one who lias astigmatic eyes should consult a saiium oculist Horses, cows, sheep, goats, hogs and tnany of tlie wild animals eat apples with avidity. The elephant and deer are fond of them, while otliers become accustomed to theru after a trial or two. All the domestio fowls, and many of the wild birds are fond of apples, Army officers at Bpoksne attribute but little importance to the Indian scare in the Pend d'Oreilla mnnm i..i:.. Agent Cole has gone to the seen nf ti.. I reported danger, and General Carlin will I Iiim, ; e -"",v uutii nc ut-ar irom ' . - - t vui Em r.n riwwv i .i i mi n OLD MAN GILBERT Bj ELIZABETH . BELLAMY, ("aMBA THORPI,") ' Author of ''Four OakM "LiUU Jo- .. na," Eto. f (Osfiyrlghtod. All rights reserved. Published by special arraogetneoi wan we ocuiau vwbi Now Mixsy, hidden in the clump of Palms Christi that ornamented the front of old Gilbert's garden, had heard tlie whole of the conference between these two. When it was concluded she crept out and hurried to the house, over the garden fence, fired with tlie wild resolve to run away with old Gilbert and Join her brother. Hue made up a small bun die of her clothing and hid it under the wardrobe, and when she went down to tea she secreted a biscuit by way of pro vision for her breakfast Her next idea was to lie awake all niglit in order to rise with the dawn on the morrow, to which end she ilisUed upon healing Glory Ann s whole repertoire of zoological leg ends; hut in spile of this. Missy slept the sleep of a tired child. When she awoke the glimmer of the dawn was in the east aud Glory-Ann was snoring on tier pal' et Missy soranz up. She bad to dress heiuce. which she never yet had done, It was an arduous undertaking, but at Uut it was accomplished. Her shoesand lockings she took in her hands, with her little bundle, and stole softly and swiftly down stairs. As she could not unlock the hall door, she climbed out of one of the dining room windows, and ran down the lane to old Gilbert's cabin. Alack 1 it was shut fast, and the ox cart was not under the shed.' When Missy comprehended that old Gilbert was gone, she threw fccrself on the ground with a scream of rage and disapoiiitmeut; but presently she re flected that if this attempt at flight should be discovered, every possible means would be taken to prevent her putting her intention into execution on any future occasion that might offer; perhaps even she might be locked up and fed on bread and water, like a little girl in a story she had read; and however de cided Missy might be as to dying of star vation, she had no mind to live on bread and water; so she made haste back to the house, and was lucky to get in unseen.' ' Glory-Ann was still snoring, and Missy stuffed her bundle under the wardrobe gain, tore off her clothes, and curled herself up lu bed It was a mystery Mom Bee was never able to explain how Missy's clothes came to be scattered all over the room; but she bad her suspicions, when, a few hours later, she discovered the bundle under tho wardrobe. "Who in de Ian' put dla here?" she in quired. "Me, said Missy. ( "What fur, I'd lak ter knowr " 'Cause." And no coaxiug could make Missy say further. Meanwhile old Gilbert pursued his journey sadly. Once in the silent woods he essayed to sing, for his com fort: Zlonl Zlon Is my home! I'm a Irav'ltn' de hebeoly road; but he ended with a sigh, aud drove on, mute. Toward sundown Miss Roxaiyiu Whito, sitting on the top step of the porch, and enjoying her evening "dip" in solitude, espied the ox cart coining along the road. In that primitive aud secluded hamlet the passage of an ox cart was an excit ing event. Miss White watched it with an interest that was almost breathless. It seemed too good to be true that this cart, with the strong, black ox and the very respectable old negro driver, was actually going to stop before the house where, for the time being, she had her abiding place. "Whose ole nigger are you?" she de manded, in shrill excitement, as Gilbert dismounted. "I is Gilbert, ma'am; Kernel Thome's man Gilbert, fum over in Leon," he re sponded, removing his hat and bowing low. "In the name o' peace an' plenty I" ex claimed Roxanna, rising to the full ex tent of her Humorous inches, and peer ing at the cart from the height of tlie top step. "Brought Nick Thome's trunk, eh?" "Yes, mlstis." "Well, 'tulu't no uio'n simple justice, 'cordiu' to my way o' thinkiii'; but as a officer o' justice, you're powerful laggard lu yo' movements. Why n't ye come a day sooner?" "I cum soon ex de succumHtances wux qualified, mu'ain," old Gilbert explained, deferentially, "An' you oouio too late; Nick Tliorne ain't cher," Miss White announced, com pactly. Old Gilbert stood agape and stupefied. "Whey whey he den, niistia?" he stam mered. "That's uio'n I kin tell. He kited off to Sunrise plantation yestiddy, two hours lie-sun, an', as I hear tell, he sol' that black hawse o'.his'n to the overseer fur ahund'ed an fifty, which it was wuth five bunded, if it was wuth a dime; an' he come back with Johnson's rickety ole buggy an' blin' mare, an' this mawniu', by day break, him an' Dosia tuk up their line o' march to seek their fortune, 1 s'pose. . They ain't said naire word to me. They're a pair o' turkle doves, to-he-shore; what kin you expect but what they'd fix? But whar they'll light 1 don't undertake to prophesy. All I know l, they're gone, an' I'm leftaloue here, lak a eparrer on the housetop, or mo' lakly, a buzzard on a rail consid erin' of my size." "Tubbo sho!" old Gilbert ejaculated, with polite assent He looked to the right and he looked to tlie left, up at the kky and down at the ground, rubbing his forehead with his horny forellugcr. "What I gwan do, nexT he sighed. "You kin carry that trunk back, an' wait fur occasion," said Miss White. "It's a mighty foolish business, this mar ry in' 'thout security fur meat 'u bread; but cusnin' won't meud it none, an' you kin h ii Lolonel tliorne I aesao. "Dullaw, mistis!" said old Gilbert, with uplifted hand. "I wouldn't so much f name Mawse Nick to utawster not fur freedomt" Mis White cackled harshly. Gilbert, recalling Miss Elvira's Instruc tions as to the contents of the provision basket, thought that it might be well to make a propitiatory offering to this se vere giantess, who seemed somehow to be hnked with his young master's fate. Uey is a little matter o goodie out Tender in de cyart" he said, with heat tating humility; "mebbe you niought - Tim Mjs Whit, spat vjclouely. "No, ' "Tiiey'dsouron my "You niought set 'era aside ontel Mawse Nick come bock," old Gilbert sUL'gvsU-d. timidly, "He ain't a-coiuin' backf Miss White declared, with decision so energetic that old Gilbert's heart sank with the fear that his young master was turned out of doors on all sides. "En' me a-countln on old Mawse Job Furnival ter tek care on hiir," thought the old negro, sadly as he stood twirling his hat, and casting furtive glances at the inexorable Ama con on the doorstep; but Miss White had said her ear, and was silent At last he turned to go. "I wish you well, nia'ain." he said; "en' I'm 'bleeged ter you." "You're welcome," said Roxanna. "Though what you got to be than kin' me is uio'n I kin see." CHAPTER XIIL LABOB IN T A I B "Nevtr!" ihouted tht colonel. Silence and gloom had settled upon Tliorne Hill. Tom Quash no longer pick ed the banjo in his moments of idleness; Griffin Jim rattled the bones no more when work was done; Amity ceased her capering to the tinkling of the gourd fid' die, and the talk in the kitchen was hushed; it was as if Mawse Nicholas bad died. Mrs. Leonard and Miss Elvira in itinctlvely shunned each other; Flora forsook tlie piano, and Missy sulked in corners: but the colonel neiu ins neou higher than ever, hiding his mortiflca tion under a cloak of pride and silence that forbade sympathy No one named Nicholas; even Missy, though her heart clamored for her broth er, found her tongue refuse its oflke in presence of her stem father. The child understood intuitively something of the fierce tumult that raged in the colonel's breast. A great awe, not of her father. but of what he suffered, took possession of her, and compelled her to silence; but her sole object in life now was to follow her brother. To Missy this scorned an easy undertaking if she could only get away from Tliorne Hill; but she was afraid to venture alone any farther than the big gate at the end of the avenue. Here she sat gazing wistfully through the bars, and hating herself for cowardice, on the morning of the day that old Gilbert was returning from bis bootless errand; here had she been ever since breakfast, and it was now nearly eleven o'clock; but she had not yet made up her mind to venture outside, when she espied a carriage com ing along the road. This sight created a sudden diversion in Missy's bitter thoughts. "It's Cousin Myrtill.i!" sho exclaimed aloud. "She's brought Lottie and Bess!" A vision of wild frolic down by the spring rioted iu Missy's brain, as up she jumped to open the gate; but when the carriage passed through only Cousin Myrtilla looked from the window. "You didn't bring Lottie and Bess?" vied Missy, in deep reproach. "Well, no, I didn't," said Mrs. Herry. "Came otf in such a swivef Never mind, bring 'em next time. Open the door, Larkin," she commanded the driver, "and let mo take this child iu." Missy made no objection. She was fond of her Cousin Myrtilla, and she ad mired that lady's showy dress. Such beautiful pink hyacinths within the bon net brim that framed the faded old face, such lovely yellow roses outside; such a bewildering lilac- organdie, with its tu-, multuous puffs and frills; and tlioso pur ple shoes! How Missy wished for a pair just like them! But these pomps and vanities soon palled, and Missy's thoughts reverted to her trouble. "Brer Nicholas Is gone away 1" bIib said abruptly. "He's married to Dosia Furnival, and he can't never come home no mo'." And Missy began to cry. This was no news to Mrs. Herry; she had learned all about it. "Tut! tut!" she said "Who says he'll never come home again? Don't cry; I am going tosee what can be done about it". This consoled Missy, and by the time the carriage arrived at the house Bhe was quite cheerful again. "Cousin Myrtilla is cornel Cousin Myrtilla is herel" she announced, joyfully rushing into iter aunt's presence; and Miss Elvira, in the fond belief that Cousin Myrtilla would prove a tower of strength, hastened to the parlor. "Oh, cousin!" she said with tears, "you've come to a house of mourning." "Now, Elvira," remonstrated Mrs. Herry, "why should you tdk as if Nich olas were dead?" "It is worse than death!" sighed Miss Elvira. "My poor brother!" "Well, yes," said Mrs, Herry, with an answering sigh. Her son also an only child had not been a credit to the fam ily; neither had he married acceptably; but Cousin Myrtilla had overlived all that and today was fat and rosy and happy. "And I suppose Jasper Thome is doing all he can to make things worse with his stilTneckednesa, and thinking himself a philosopher when he is only a ivi, "Oh!" Miss Elvira said reproachfully. "I've known him, my dear," con tinued Mrs. Herry, " man and boy; I've known Jasper more than forty years He never was wrong in his life." Miss Elvira looked bewildered. " But 1 came here to talk to him, not about him. I've a message for my cousin, the colonel." "Oh," stammered Miss Elvira; "if it;s about Nicholas, I'm afraid" " It is atiout Nicholas, and I am not a bit afraid," Mrs. Herry declared, stoutly. " You miserable coward, Elvira; just be cause Jasper Tliorne his heavy eyebrows and a high and mighty air, you don't dare hold an independent opinion. Go, call your brother ; I have that to say to him it is best he should hear." Mias Elvira obeyed; that is, she sent Missy to tell Glory-Ann to tell Griffin Jim to tell Tom Quash to hunt up the colonel, and bear him the information that Mrs. Herry wished to see him. The colonel made no delay in answer- tl" ummotl. bu' l' oere- thankee, stomik." mnninna In his' Kreetfag he overdid everything now In his desire to appear unmoved. Mrs. Herry. however, had not known him so many years W ne easuj u...v "It will kill him," ' w'J Uenet "unless he can be persuaded to recon ciliation." Then she spoke outi "Cousin Jasper, there s no need for pretension between you and me. I in older than you are. and I've seen trouble -with a son of my own. It is best U i.i, .i.i ..,rHlv in the face. Nich olas has made an unfortunate marriage, but" , "Madam!" said the colonel, In a deep and angry voice, with a hand uplifted n protest Hi face had turned a ghastly pallor that made his black brows look blacker than ever, underneath which hi eyes gleamed like lightning. Misxy. who had refused to be sent away, sat gazing at him, fascinated; and Mibs Elvira shrank visibly; but Mrs. Herry never faltered. "Dosia will make him a gxd wife," she proceeded, in a calm and even voice; "she would make you a good daughter, if " "Nfcver!" shouted tlie colonel He seemed to wish to say more, but speech failed him. "None of us, indeed, would have chosen her for Nicholas," Mrs. Herry continued; "but she is a good girl, and all this is something for you to consider and be thankful for. Life has more re munerative work to offer than nursing a wrong, and isicnoiaa iu siuu blame." "Will, you oblige me," the colonel in terrupted coldly, "by talking of some thing else?" "No," said Mrs. Herry, with heat; "I've nothing else to talk of, and I've yet more to say. Nicholas is at my nouse. "I will receive no embassy I tne colo nel declared. "Don't vou know your own flesh and blood better than that?" exclaimed Mrs. Herry, impatiently. "Nick is a Thome, every inch of him. He'll make no over tures. He has married the girl lie loves, and he is insanely happy, poor fool; but he is desperately ill." Miss Elvira clasped her hands, out ut tered no sound. "He is desjicrately ill," Mrs. Herry re peated. "He rode all night In the rain; and exposure, fatigue and excitement have told on him. Nicholas is very ill. Missy burst out crying. "I want to go home with Cousin Myrtilla!" she wailed. Except for this there was a dead si lence. Tlie colonel thought his son s ill ness a ruse. "That man, or that wo man," said he, aftora long pause, "who harbors him is no friend of mine." "As you please," aaid Mrs. Herry, ris ing, "lie is your only son; you cannot take away his name, norius blood. And as for me I can get on without you, Col. Tliorne. My house is my own, and I'll entertain whom I see fit." She was thoroughly angry now. "If your brother did but know it," turning to Miss Elvira, "the only thing to do now is to forgive Nick's marriage. Let him try the other way, that's all! But he ought to remem ber that he is not blameless himself. He has always worked wrong with poor Nick, keeping him at a frowning distance, when he ought to have grappled him close; banishing him to that Sunrise Plantation, when he ought to have had him here at home. It isn't Nicholas that iv alone to blame." But the colonel did not hear all this; he had left the room in grea,t wrath, and Mrs. Herry, overcome by indignant sor row, and vexed at her defeat, declared that she would not remain a moment longer. ' "I am going back to that poor boy," she said. "You may call it a weakness, if you like, but thankful am I that I for gave my son. I ve gotten more good out of that, Elvirn, than ever you'll get out of Bishop Ken." And Mrs. Herry departed. Missy, at least, hud derived some com fort from this visit; to know that her brother was at Cousin Myrtilla's was to feel him near within reach. Though he was ill, he need not die, and some day she could go to see Lottie and Bess and, once there, what could hinder her stay ing forever with Brer Nicholas? But, alas for this cheering hope! the colonel returned to the parlor when Mrs. Herry s carriage had disappeared, and said, sternly: "Elvira, you will oblige me by ceasing from this timo forth to hold any com munication whutever with Mrs. Herry and any of her family. For myself never will I cross her threshold again, save in case of some calamity." "And that means I am not to play with Lottie and Bess any morel'' wailed Missy. The colonel Bitched bitterly. He felt himself a deeply injured man. He was remotely sorry for Missy's childish dis appointment regarding her playmates; but whnt was that compared with his anguish? Yet nobody realized hi po sition, nobody considered his wounded aignuy. CHAPTER XIV. OLD OII.BKRT'S TOW. Atwy dietalrd. When Gilbert returned, some time af ter sundown, he found Missy seated at his cabin door. "Brer Nicholas Is In Tallahassee." she announced in triumph. " . , "De Luud! Wha' dat you tell me, Missy? NolxKly ter Eden, nur ter Sun rise kin tell whicherway is Mawse Nick gone. Is hit fur a fao' he is in Tallahas see?" Snssy nodded, with a comfortable sense or suieriirity in tlie possession of knowl edge that this old man had missed, though he had made a journajr of thirty miles, "At Couaiu Myrtilla's," she ex plained further. " Y'ou doan tell!" "And he is ill; dreadfully ill." whim- pered Missy. "And I know be want to see me. "Lawd! Lawd!" ejaculated old Gil bert.. (t ai roirrmuBD. pii if ... ft "" " UU ,BM-a Good IMeietl I0' The very beet Uvlu la compatible with tbs grmu ety. and the complex variety or toe set f o ' m"r far, inoouiuaubl wita really V JalUouid, Siting aut eatlnt. some tun " o ,d. "I do not tailiev that any ma eao'fUuid tbs strain of s large business utile he Uvea on the simplest nod be can get I am very fond of based potato Hwysre aoout tb simplest things you can eat I do not oar for bat are called fancy oUbes. plain meats and vegetable, good bread, good butter and good milk re my staple I doo I mean that I do not Ilk some duties that I cannot eat with Impunity, but 1 m lucky enough not to ear much about them, 1 re member one at public dinner I at some dish which was very good to tb taste, but 1 was sick for week f ur It How, when 1 goto heavy dinner, I tak a httl soup If It I plain. piece of roasl meat or game, and some plain potatoes or pess-or. in fart, any vegetable that Is served without sauc These sauce spoil the food for me. Tneo for th rest of tb time I sit t tb table, play witb something on my plate, and pas the time as well as I cau. W hy Is Jay Oouldi opinlou about food aay better than that of aay other maaf Sim ply because be has succeeded better than m in uinpiatlns causes witb effects, and Is beyond question s leading expert as to causes, and food is a prime cause, uimniinir then, is Invaluable at a cbarac terlstlo of good food. It Is also character istic of the most reniioa gastronomy, ior there is simplicity of elegance as well a a simplicity of coarseness. The asb cak and mouuHes of tb Alabama neia nana is sim u The ash oake Is merelv lump of past of corn meal and water buried and baked In hot asnea oui a canvas ooca, plainly and properly cooked, witb a glass of two of rare, pure old wine, la just as simple. Nothing but the best l good enough for any man who can get tbe best, and It Is well t remember that quality being equal, the sim plest food is tb best What, then, snail we eacr mere is ins best medical authority for saying, "eat whafr ever you want." Tbe rule, like all others, has IU limitations. A man wnoissunennr from tbe gastroiiomleal crimes of tbe past, who has little by tittle destroyed bis healthy anneritaand substituted therefor morbid -ri , craving for abhorrent mixtures, may of longer go on in tils sins wunoui ireso pongs for every fresh offense. "But" the reader will ssy. "this is a flat contradiction of the first dictum, 'eat what you want' and the whole theory becomes an absurdity." Not so fast If your stomach is already minaH rnn are exemnt But if It be rulued. you will please remember that it was not ruined by intelligent eating, or eating In compliance witb tbe real demands of your stomach and your appetite it may bavs been because you ate when you didn't want to, or did not eat when you wanted to, or from some oiner cause man eating, remaps your ancestors spoiled it for you, but dont make tbe mistake of supposing that nature, tnlMs ii is interfered with, will crlve vou an appetite for any food that yourstoniacb can't take care or. new tors man ana express. Wast of Ammunition. Id the new school of tbe soldier, called for because of tbe adoption of the magazine rifle, a principal dilllculty, and one not yet met is the prevention of reckless and wasteful ex travagance In ammunition. A decided in clination has been observed among old as well as young soldiers to be lees saving tban formerly Tbe Uerman or French soldier, if he likes, ma; Are say twenty rounds in a minute, and be reduction of tbe size and weight of tbe bullet and powder enables him to carry balf gain as many cartridges as before. In timvs of excitement should be lose bis bead, that is to say. bis wits, he might empty bis cartouche box and also his bandolier at short notice, so short. Indeed, that when the enemy should really come up, and quick Bring would be of vital moment, he would be practically powerless. A famous American revolutionary general commanded bis men to "wait till yoa see tb whites of theu- eyes," referring to the enemy, end thus be made tare there would not be any ammunition wasted. After the same Idea tbe Uerinan and rYencb officers are try big to instruct tbeir men, but they have dis covered that a soldier tires witb more or less care, according to tbe dillleulties of loading bis piece snd tbe number of shots be has left him. ticieutiHo American. An Autocrat la Social Life. Two ladles who live neighbors on Trumbull venue have never called on each other be cause, as they both moved there at tbe same time, tbey could never decide which oue was to make the flrst calL For tbe same reason they have never spoken to each other, but have waited to be formally Introduced. A few days ago there arose a light disturbance between tbe children of the two families, and tbe least ceremonious of the two ladies took this occasion to step over to her neighbor's veranda and offer an olive branch of peace. "1 am sorry that my little girl should have annoyed yours. Bhe acknowledges that she was In tbe wrong. I will see that it does not happen gain." The other lady stared icily through her gold eye-glasses, and, turning to the nurse girl at ber side, inquired In her most super cilious tones: "Is she speaking to met" The girl repeated what had been said to ber mistress. . "Tell ber I accept tbe apology," sold thai lady haughtily, and, turning, she withdrew to her bouse Could royalty bay been more arrogantf Detroit Pre Press. Laughing at Van Letters. Why do people, old and young, and of all sorts and conditions, rush in crowd to tb courts and almost travel over each other's heads to bear love letters ceoel, and then go home and laugh at them as if tbey had fonnd something unique In tbe way of fun I Why do grave men and sober women skip all the sensible reading in a newspaper if it happens to contain a love letter, and, having read that, laugh at it as if it were tbe latest and best of Gilbert's operatic Jokesf Ten to one if all tbe old trunks in all tbe old garrets were called to give up their treasure they would convict these grave men of Just such "silliness.'' if they please to call it so, as that which excites tbeir risible No man or woman was ever thoroughly to love and not to have been there, we are Informed, Is to have mimed some happiness, at least who didnt tav and do "sill v'' thing Why then, dues evervowiy feel such an irreeutibl Incli nation to deride the mauuwnpt love making ef an unfortunate wuoae letters get into the court and paini Why ridicule a uni versal trait- kaius City Journal "Tom and Jerry." A Kentucky newspaper claims tbe Inven tion ot toe dim kuowo as l ora sJ Jerry for Jact Bbnigter an eccentric old shoe maker woo originated it a third of a century ago and named it after rooms Jefferson ud ta biblical prophet Jeremian.-Chicago liarakt A Hop leas Case. Oalligan Doctor, baveu't yon been at- lenaing on oiu nuui uiuuuawi Doctor es, "How Isbetodayr "He is beyond tb reach of medical assist ance, I fear." "What! Is he dying!" "Oh, no; he's broke." Exchange, His Inferior. "Too shouldn't consider any on beneatk yoa," said Uie kind old genlleinaa to on of his employes, "How about Moik McCarthy!" "Who Is her "Us's tb man that molnds th snfin 4ewa ia tboUar." VTthintoa Pes, A tober 0" U"V . U Awful. Startling KeauK. Tliore is a white haired old Friend living In Chester county whose face wear an exprnwlon of deep sorrow that seems graven there. Friends who haw known him for twenty-five years i have tho first smile to see on his broad, fur rowed face. He is n wonderfully be nevolent and kindly old Quaker, es pecially to the colored people, who come to him from wile wom(i for counsel and assistance. ... , There Is a shadow on tho old mans life of which few of his friends have any Idea. It was cant way back in the war times. His homo had been a station on the "underground railway," and to his home one bleak night came n bright eyed, ebony skinned littlo run away of about fourteen years. ,He was such a quick wittcd, chipper little chap that the kind nearteu ynaaer .-iM-ia,! in keen him to ruu errands VUllV'lttMVU I and do chores about the form, especial ly as he pleaded so hard to De aiiowea to stay. It was not long, however, bo- fore lie developed Into tne most incor rliriblv uiiehievous little "darkey" that ever came out of slnvery. pivwiini. lectures and scoldings naa no more effect on hlin than the whlst- n nf rim wind throuch the trees. A rrwi hlreh switch would hold him In chock for an hour or two, but his ref- nrmatlnn would disappear with the ting. One day the Quaker went on a railway Journey ana tooK tlie utile coi- nn..i lnl with liiin. On the road was a long tunnel, and before they reached it it occurred to the Friend tliat itt ter mr iniplit be utilized in bringing about a reformation in tho black bundle of mischief besido hhn. 8o he said : "Ca;sar, I have tried to befriend thee, and you give me only disobe dience and trouble lu return. Ingrati tude is a block sin, and now I fear thee must answer for it. Just before thev reached the tunnel he rose and said ffravoly, "Casar, I leave thee to thy punishment.' ' The train dashed Into the blackness of the tunnel witb a shriek from the locomotive like a triumphant fiend, and when It emerged into the light Cwsar was lying in a heap on the floor, between the Beats. They picked him up tenderly. The mischievous little darky waa dead. Philadelphia Press. He Got the Job. ne called at the house and asked If she had any carpets to beat, adding that he hud been in the business over twenty years. "How much to beat the parlor car pet r she asked. "One dollar." "Why, tliat s awruli lucre was a man here yesterday who offered to do thejobfortlftycenta." "Exactly, madam. But how waa he prepared?" "He had a club in his hand." "I presume so. He intended to take the carpet out on a vacant lot, didn't he?" . "Yes, sir. Our yard is too small, yon know," "Exactly. That is tapestry Brussels carpet It Is badly worn. It has nu merous holes In it. lie would make a great show in getting it out and in there. Out on tlie lot he would give you away to every one who asked who the carpet belonged to. Is that the way to do a Job of this sort?" "How do you do itf "I take the carpet out tlirough the alley. I wheel it home. I beat it in a yard surrounded by a high board fence, and while I am returning it, all nicely rolled up and covered with a cloth, if any one asks me what I have I reply that it is a velvet carpet for 224 Blank street If no one asks me any ques tions I call at houses on either side of you and ask if they have Just ordered a new Wilton. They watch me and see me come in here.1 Madam, in the lan guage of. the Greek, do you twig?" ne was given the Job. Dry Goods Chronicle. Queens or Something. A correspondent from Bristol, R. L, contributes the following: It .was at the time the King's Daughters were having special meetings in Newport. Our driver was a man of the old school, and he considered it his duty as well as his privilege to entertain us vaith racy comments on matters of contemporary human interest. "I took a whole par ty down to Miss Vanderbilt's last night," he began. "Folks say they are getting up a new religion in New York," he continued, following some thread of relevancy to us invisible. "And the head of it is down here In Newport now." (Much interest on our part) "I believe they call themselves Queens. Say, it's going to be a big thing. Git an. New York. Tnbuna Has Walked IIO.OOU Miles. R. M. Dufficld, aged seventy-two years, has traveled more miles on foot daring the past ten years than any other man probably in the country. He is the mail carrier on the route between Jackson, W, Va., and Buffalo, supplying twelve offices on the way and making two trips weekly, covering 210 miles a week. He has since his appointment ten years ago, walked 110,000 miles. Cor. Pittsbnrg Dispatch. The stream from a 0-inch nozzle, with 4j0 feet of vertical pressure, delivers a blow equal to 588,733 foot pounds per second, equivalent to 1,070 horse power. When one comprehends this fact he wiD be abundantly prepared to believe al most anything that could be said about the power exerted by such a stream. Henry Fawcett. th nnlitirsl omist delighted in walking, and even during the years of his life when he was totally blind his iuherent love of the (l ill : 1 . m .l.lll:.r? 1. . . . 1 . , 1 , uciua uuicicu in in lu bws uie naumsoi nis pieasant youthful sannterings. A simple remedy for neuralgia is to apply grated horse radish to the temple, when the face or head is affected, or to the wrist when the pain is in the arm or shoulder. Prepare tbe horse radish in the same manner as for table use. The Chinese have a saying that is at once amnsing and sarcastic. Refer ring to the smallness of the feet of the Chinese women, they say: "What the women have lost in their feet they have added to their toaeueav" i - i SI Ex-Oovemor jverncr snd TUs V - occasouh.-...r"ik: ry. of On oue occasion in tli country. In the tbelady wished Xiffe or L WJV "Code His '"'hies, for bot'tZ frlcr.rtn. when tli had ne end t!i of the '.negMX, Hiteneas, to4 .J? ernor's plied "How fnrtiins. . madam th.t i7:DLM4ni fcl cold coffee, and do ZC othor y- Your cook's B3LllW to me. The relief of s she handed OoverTS . which h .j tt. stood coffee, .... uuver&w Ui. which he sinned wilhr,,rlrr ure. Th weather the next dv- i brae u'liiir the heart vorite gotten tbe Incident of th, down to breakfast. But bS he sat caned ms memory It bad m husteM, "I have th coffee cold for,-,,. I It, governor," she said, i, remember that vou inc. I remember in any other way." "-, Tbe " uovernor Bc(w t hardly angelic a. I, i, but he drank the cold coffrin was fore murmur, that the other iriiMit. . " "V ter "-.isiuea Itih L, ' hlch th governor had nlailjiT'! w his politeuess.-Xew York Tribu ' A Callfon.1. Mini,,, C.,,l The gambling tents wen t J contained not only gamin t.& " billiard tables. At WfiS once playing billiards with .Zi a platform made for the pom Z seated three Mexican miisidiail. gnitars; for these place. wen well supplied with iustrumenui ! The evening seldom pswed witW mifaa anil iiatl ... . .. 7"" yuwo, wuv. i'iowio v trie qiUCI., T UTHv settle quarrels. Upon ny oqtbmk,, would rush from all parts of tht n struggling to get as near u poJ! the scene of action, anil nrt.. .l ' , viWUUWh the penalty for their curiosity h w saivWitAntaltir alir ' WWiUVUSHllJ ouvh While II anil I van , - "v.w SU1M onr imnie va ennLl hoar tl.. ' 0 - iu, uiuaKit, appeal of the dealers, "Malts yonta rentlemen. mulrn vnnr mm. i 1 B.u. (wr) and black loses." KniMonlr k... i bang went the pistols in adistutir of the tent Tbe usual rush (oD Bang, bang, again, and this tiae i guitar dropped from the hands of ok; tllA tltinfTMnilimv mnaifiona .l..f.nt ward to the ground with a bullet tto$ his neck. His friends promptly mi took to carry him past us to the air. Our table was so near tbe liW the tent that only one person it it onuld trn between it and tliaranm H was standing in thij,jt in the act of striking the hull with k. o - - - " M cue, when one of the persona cut- i, j . , ... ... . tne wonnaea man toncnea nim,wiub request that he move to one tide, I turned, and saw tbe Mexican being r; ported by the legs and arms, the blw flowing from his neck. Then, with ft coolest indifference, be said, "Bold a hnlil nn Kila till I n,la flii. 11.' .... V . I WJ V, .... MH WA Then, resuming his former position, k deliberately finished his shot -Dr. tl n:n : - n ......... - uriiicnio iu To Do Away with EitralM. Too much dumbbell exercise it iws ness to the flesh, and matutinal irk ing of the Indian club becomes, sows or later, irksome. The idea of reliere; the tedium of daily exercise while creasing its benefits is a good one, isi it is now placed at tbe service oils public in a practical form. A poW woodsn box contains the appliancei cidental to the ordinary exercUinj chine, and is equipped, in addition, win a magneto-electro apparatus capabkd transmitting an electric current tots or more persons at the same time, or l ing graduated to the endurance otptaf ure of one person, so that while then ons forms of eiercise are being pa through an electric current of any . quired strength can bo imparted. t It is claimed that electricity cm tta be applied under improved snu . pleasant conditions than formerly i many cases where its use has b proved to be most beneficial. Attenb'ts is called to the fact that telegraph o eratore, accountants, typewriters, pi ists, and all whose work is pttoo mnscular pains and stiffness in thehiM and arm, can by the use of this eieror ing machine reap a twofold sdvutijt The machine has a batb attachaat This is placed in a bath, and when foot is placed upon it an electric sw of graduated strength is imparted tout bather. SU Louis Globe-Democrtt Improvements In Eolled Blest A protracted series of exiruM" maiia . Kiomotia' works. Ill EnglU with the new process of msnufwtunij steel tubes, show conclusively, -l: j -l.l,U .liontationOl V uusiuitm, a 1 cuitti uiv "-t , system to the manufacture of pip1 i, nnnnA.n.a n-atnr. eai sod W " v -...-..fofhireof Steal uigu pressure, mo uiuuu-- - . w:i onil MneClallJ1111 bridge construction, owing to the US ness and strength of the tuoeso. - paratively thin steel, and which, it lieved, will enable the engineer " future to considerably increase tnesp of bridges. , Tbe simple as well as remarks r cuiiarity of this process of wr metals consists in the fact that. tnsK of avoiding any twist of the fita"''it)i one operation gives the greatest ps twist to the fiber with a correpoi" stretch of material. It moreover assisted by a mandrel, increase the w diameter of a bar, instead of dfS it, as do all other rolling mills, out tube produced by this new meuw generally greater in diameter two bar from which it is foed'MVL combining, as it does, all th van systems of taclaimMT; ess the advantage of construcn which all hitherto known rolho? esses represent a part New Yor There are no cats within the Um d Leadville, Colo., the thin atmoepM that altitude (10.200 feet) being a. them. They are, however, not the town being free from rats from the same cause. Connecticut's constitution w40 in 1818. Before that the j erned under the charter of lw wm continued by the constitution oil" The amendments have been.noJncrtf A Good Itorv ik....