Eugene City Guard. SATURDAY .. OCTOBER , 1891 I ,1 if A" Some .Timber. There aro timberJstoricB as well an fiah BtoricB. A "qunrter section of timber land that will cut from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 feet, is con Bidered a good quarter. Fifteen million is rated extraordinary, but even this is a baby estimate to a certain quarter section on the Hatsop river, in Mason county, Washington, which is told about in the Olympian. This land was re cently cruised by several compe tent men who will testify shortly in the United States land oflice to tlmmmntitv thev found. One of 1ipui mpn will testify that tlic nmrter seetiontwill cut 40,000,000, nnd tho wholo section at least 100.000.000. It is a solid mass of fir even in the thinnest spots Wlion a railroad is built to this land tho quarter section alono wil bo worth 10,000 to G0,000. BaaaBaW Knocked Out. Salem Journal: Judge Boise de cidesthat the railroad companies cannot remove their cases to Judge Duadv's court. The points relied on by District ... I? 1 1 .J f!rLn Attorney Dingnniu, mwukj ur cral Chamberlain and Commission er Colviir in their arguments in onnosine removal of the cases to tlin fiwlnrftl courts were briefly as fallows: That there was no diver sitv of citizenship, that no federal question, or question involving a law of Congress or tho constitution of tho United States was necessary to a decision of tho cases. In case nf thn H. P. Co. it was areucd that it was a domcstio corporation Tho fact that tho U. I'. Co. was operating branch lines did not de prive the state of its control of that corporation within tho sta'e. The railroads submit to this jurisdiction under protest, but will have to go ahead and fight it out. After tak inor it to tho stato supremo court the railroads will ask a writ of re view to tho United States supreme court. If it it there sustained the state has won. COUNCIL ntOCEEDINOf. Tho general presbytery of the Presbyterian church lias a Tartar in tho person of Dr. Briggs, who is to bo tried for expressing opinions of tho biblo not in accordanco with orthodox views. Whatever may bo tho fate of Dr. Brjggs the world will move forward in religious knowledge and intelligence, and the church will soon bo compelled to tako the higher ground. That - A HUB IKVU WIU CAIIUllUlllV Ul " '.Opinions that are now accepted by J hurches complacently would if j Objected tho holder to excommu- ? , sittion and threat of fire punish- 4V v.... .'v I". . -IS) jHiiAtit in tlio hereafter. VeVwl for a fact that tho educated ion of the ministry entertain .vr v' - ... "rmore liberal views than their fliUib utterances indicate The vslsl-terian ministry is composed Wfwcated men, and it is not jrVjhaW that they will punish one or tffrif number for views that -nian$rfthem, doubtless, secretly Tho subject of tho civil war was inadvertlyHntroduccd in a mixed company of Northern and Southern gentlemen the other day and all ' unintentionally tho discussion bo canio warm. "Well, wo licked you rebs, anyhow," said one of tho Northerners. "Yes," replied the Southerner, blandly, "you did; but from tho number of applicants for pensions I should judge we crip plod every blamed ouo of you." New Yoric Sun. Tho grains and grasses from Lane county occupy a prominent position iu the Portland Exposition. Dou't Patronize the Hwlndlen. PrtIo ilulinlnn to rt'prvHont the Columbia Art compiiny. of Halt Luke City, aro travi'linir about Omrou boIIo ItiiiK orders for itiiiking enlarKiHi plo turvB from photographs. The.y offer to furnlnh a flno life nt.o picture' for one dollar which amount they collect In mlvnmv. All jmtnmii are nnnilred to ultfu a cotitravt which provide.! that they ulao atrrvo to purchase a fnune for the proponed picture, and here It In the swindle, ooiuiu In. lu due court of time the enlarged picture and orlirl nnl photograph conies Imek to the owner by vxprvas with an ixKnHe bill varying from ten to twenty dolluin, for n cheap, gaudy framo and this has to Iks paid before tho pleturo lit delivered The contract previously nlgned pro teeU the swindlers from arrest and the agcnU ore reapliiK a pood harvest from the thought Iohh ihthoiis who are In duced to order an enlnrgt'd picture at o cheap a price. Chief of 1'ollw Young, of tvtlt Iike Citv, Twelves many complaint but is iMiwerlc to prevent the fraud and advise people to ne very eareiul how they give up valuable picture and money with no aNMurance thut the contmet will be tilled In any wrtleular. Due of thine BWlndlen imihwhI throuirh thin cltv nt- .. cently and will probably try to work lV. the couutry. Anyone itronl7.lnif . mill Urlll aiiK.lw lA It'- T i1"1 . .... Orrron Branca tra i In ik. ...v.t ,,i v , !, i Thoy iiooun th CU(ornl prodacUon (or 'XIwrd KMrny of Kw York eliv. . SMilmil IIuiummIi. n 1 : . ; I k m 1 1 n, .,. C T -'v,", pumreuia na viu.wa; .1 V .f.iMh to bet thit .tn J)Mocra viU U tool Flowor. th Uewy UnghM hu pliood fluuo in th limM ol Unb CM to wurar utinat ISUO ol Kpubjjan money npon tbt taoorM of Jfc UMaijoratio iut ticket. Jetue "' tt' hw"l nd tilth a?etue. A to4io(lueto'JOttl Flower will be .'JetUd e..Ternor. Lut erenlDf he bet .t:' !. to two ounowtr,H.O. linnen. a Droiuiwey bwltiow nun, took the 1 umU nJltlibet ' V'1 ,vrt Coo no II met In rpgnlar eemilon Id the City Hall, Uotober Ulh. Proient Counollinen Dorrii, Prexloo OrilliD, rK, Wftllon and Otboro. AliMnt Mavor AloCluDB. Councilman Dorrie m nboun presidont Mlnntei reed and ennrored. The floenoe committee reiKirted fevoribly on the fullowine bill and werranli were nrAartA HrtWIl' JMTelley $6 Op fi H M.n 1 BFDorrw C 10 JackHeltemm (X) HFHndson 6 00 Geo Whitbeck " "8 Oeo Wbitbeck 3 Callough W 11 Welker J 00 WIIDnnn 2 Mori TreKtor 1" f It Mount H5 WLl)ylngr. Blur, A Onflln 33 10 Htarr & Orllllu 1M J UUKinoaid Eagene Water Co 00 BE Jutland 21 00 A llnHonn 4 00 Elcotrio Light Co 215 83 A V Patera V. Rvarzu'hlld 3 25 Jot Bobinw 7 50 H Loretz... " W U Androwg 21 CO HO Humphrey W) Conti in City ti Uluir 12 75 FiniDoe oommittee recommended that du plicate warraut 188 be iesned toO. Cetliuan, Mr. lietlman obligating bimHelf to par the original in cate it abould ever be presented for payment. llr. FreHton, from the street eommltiee, reported the Madieon itrett iaiproremrut oompleted. The itteet oommittee mat directed to have the grade of Ninth itreet from Charm Iton flreet weat eitablUbed. Mr, Preston made report of lumber bought for buillding sidewalk amounting to lltf.OG. Application of Eugene Water Co. for cor rection of $4.75 ami P. E. Suodgrum for $3.75 in taseaBmentu; referred to recorder and Mieaaor. The following protest of the wnter company agaiust the discharge of the sewerage of the city into the river above their pumping station was read. Ulrica .uohnb tvATsn i., i linoKNB, Ob., Oct. 12, 1891. J To the Honorable City Council of Eu gene, Oregon. Osntlem UN : By order of the board of director! of the Euuene Water Co.. we beg leave to call the attention of your honorable body to the fact that the Eugene Water Company is a legally nnd duly incorporated ootupnuy operating under a franchise granted by the com mon eounoil of Eugene and having for one of ita principal objocts the procure ment of a constant supply of good and wholesome water for Eugene's domestic, nublio and city purposes; that your honorable body now hnv under process of x)DBtruotion a sewer system, the out let of which is to be only a short distance above where our water supply is taken from the Willamette river, and that the putting iu operation of said sewer system will pollute the water used by many of our citizens, thereby making it unlit for use and utterly ruin and destroy the business of the company. We therefore enter end Ills our protest against the contamination of our source of water supply by the sewerage being emptied into the river above our present works. Ileepectfully submitted, Attest: Eucienk Watkb Co. I ltoBiNsoK, T. W. Bhblton, Uecretury. President. Referred to the judiciary committee. On motion of Mr. Osburn the marshal was directed to notify all properly ownors whose fences and buildings are iu the alley between Olive and Chamel ton streets from 8th to 11th streets to remove such obstructions within 20 days. Hills read and referred to the nuance oommittee: A. D. Bioroe S 3.30 Htarr & Orillln 2D.04 E. Bangs 8.10 EugeneElectrio Light Co 215.83 llignlow & Kirkpatrick 10.88 Osbtirn k Delano 40 J. II. Wilkinson 5.00 Eugene Lumber Co 21.911 Eugeue Lumber Co 82.00 U. W.L.00 7.30 U.W.L.00 91.07 II. W. Uolden 81.80 When you want a spring or summer suit, oall on Davios the Tailor. Satisfac tion guaruteed. Adjourned. di:ilaiii:d iacoms-tiTiitional. Statu. Oct. 14 In (be circuit court here Judge boise reudered a decision declaring unconstitutional section 0 of toe fUh law pinned by the last legislature. This is the "sawdust" seotion of the law to protect sal mon and other food flahea. Judge Boise deolared it in conflict with section 20 of the constitution, which says every act shall em brace but one subject which shall be ex. preased in the title to the act. The decis- on was tendered in the case of the state versus John A. Shaw, for puttlug sawdust in the river. Democratic Victory In ii. ludlanapo Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 14. The rltv election today resulted in lbs election of the entire Domocratio ticket by majorities now estimated at from 13U0 to 3000. Sullivan for mayor, the present incumbent, ruus l.UUU ahead of bin ticket. The oatnpnigu was the most exciting and in tho his tory of the municipal elections. Pally Guard, Oct. U Rev. O. A. Dlair will preach at the Brcurt school Louie next Sunday at 3 p. m. Reed, the limber fond man. had a fit in the county juil lust night ca'uiug some excitement. The S. P. R. R. rv car made Eugene a call this morning, and in conarquerc the employes at inia station are happy. The Willamette Preibvterv of the O. P. ohnruh convene at Fairhaven today at 7 JO p. m. Revs. Dlair, Henderson and others kre in attendano. The Dalle Mountaineer: The likca and some of the apple trees in Geo. Liebe's lard were in bloom lost week. The iotenae heat of the big fire wa in vtiity an artifi cial season for Ibeae (reel, thn acconutiug for the queer phenomenon. There ia tbe remotest cbanoe that they will die. tor if the winter should be prematura or nnmn. ally cold, the sap which i up will render tne tree subject to the chilling chang and kill them. The Queen of Mailaeascar bathes repularlv once a year whether the all.iirs of state go on or not. No matter what preoning business there may 1 on hand she must have her batlii,. I . f ielVfcnpbftl of Ohio eemi to bar r-?iVv- That forgery bnaioea in . 01 beeil the! diiJ th fife campaign of 18ttt) played voted in eonsree tor , Ah.Vuu aou 'eveiaiion , . -. .AIM, iirok: dodg the UlS bill hr fonwa tbe fiuht on the silver if;Q, hoping by that means to aecor some relief from tlut atinsinv ..nli. the democrats were bringing to bear on the una uiqmiy, oat tbe revelation eat him off from that refuse. Ha tried to tlnkin sod couldn't, and ran off to Jowa to earape we titwwuwu 01 ni poaiuoii. KepubllO. Goshen Items. October 19. 1891. 1 J K.n lm been sranted S pension, l-n mounted volunteer in tbe Mexican war. Oar first frost on the night of the lltb Ben Keener and wife spent several days of last week vioiting with their relative in the vicinity of 1 lalaey. T. P. Koeney bas returned to Goshen from South Bend. Waah, where be ha been conducting a barber shop. Miss Maudie Smith, who bas been viit Ing relatives and friends at Pleasant Hill during the summer, returned to her borne at Oakland yesterday. Unclslkeand Aunt Rarnb Barclay of Pleasant Uill, viaitrd relatives uear uoahen yeaterday. A debating society will b started here on next I nosy. Jan. Cox and family, who have been bere for a month or so started on their retnrn to their home In Eastern Oregon Sunday The MethodlHts of Goshen seemingly have a dilllcult time to decide where to build their proponed new church. John Allen has returned to Goshen, L. O. Hurwood lietran his term of school here on the 5th. Our friend Fathy the blnckmnith do Darts for his old home, Lonir Inland tomorrow night. Ram Glllmlng start for his home In 2cbraka tomorrow.- Dally Guard, Oct. Li. Baker City warrants go begging At fifty eent 00 the dollar. Win. Killingsworth and wife, of Portland, came up on this afternoon a train. M. N. Foley, a former Line county citi sen, now resides at Hood Kiver, Oregon. A writer in tbe Eaat Oreoouian iu speak Ins of the Portland fair savs: Tbe exhibit that attracts as mucbcommcnt as any in the building ia tbe new electrio light plant in vented by a gentleman of Eugene. By his method common copper wire is nsed, and can be bandied with perfect safety, and light can be produced wun bdoui one-nan me cost of the Edison process, While the lodge of United Workmen was holding an initiation ceremony in tbe third story of a society bnilding at Sedalia. Mo., a few night ago. a sneeze was beard at one of the windows. Tbe Shutters were thrown open just in time to see tbe wbite-roled figure of a wouifin go scurrying over the adjoiniug roofs. She was not caught, but ber name is known snd trouble is promised her. Tbe Knights of Pythias, United Workmen and Masons use the same hall, and the opinion prevails that tbe woman is well up In tn seorels 01 tnese societies. Mrs. Oeo. Belahaw and Mrs. O. W. Kin- sey went to Albany on the early train this morning to attend me lunerai 01 urs. uen drickson. REGIE! E NOVKLTIE8 IX IMPORTED Produce Wantec I will pay the bighent market caah price for Chickens, . Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Etc., Butter and Eggs. Veal Calves, And other country produce. ALL KINDS OF WILD GAME BOUGHT. Eighth street, near Olive, Eugene. SID HORN. COOS, r., Leaves Florence for Head of Tide on tbe Siuslaw, every morning at 8 o'clock. Returning, leaves Head Tide at 1:30 p. m. FARE-FIFTY CENTS. For freight terms, anulv to oaotain on board. CAPT. A. J. HALL. Oxo. O. Knowlks, General Manager. res Pa 11s -AND- less (mil IS! Blill IIS, 9th 8TREET, EUUEXE. OREGON. Opposite N. Y. Racket Store. If Interested, Send for atalogue ! A TVll LINK Or Guns and Sporting: (Jootl, And a dandy repair shop In connection. Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY, DENTIST. All fork Warranted to Give Satisfaction. Nitroui-Oxlde Gaa and local anesthetics for the painless extraction of teeth. OFFICE Over Matlock's store, Eugene, Oregon. A CARD mil 11 nir I bez to inform the oeoulo of EuKcne and sur roundings, that alncel have been in New York I have como across small manufacturers and others who were In urgent need of cash, andhav- tne ready money on baud, 1 nave uouani shipped roods which I am now tn a posi tion to supply the people at prices that will suit everybody, (five ine a rail and you will be con vinced that W. Handera is selling goods cheaper than any other store In the town. A partial list of prices for first-class goods: Men's suits, good, goods, gi)od value for 10, ').": a suit. Men's suits, diagonal soods. rood value, lit. price, !7.'-'r a suit. uranu Army suits, nne goods, goou value, io, price, fs.2." a suit. Aim iota 01 prices, other clothing at greatly reduced Hoys' suits, good goods, Il.ttt. 2.1H, 2.8.1, 2.93. Lame quantity of boys' hea-y shoes at tU cents pair: good value, ll.i'i. Men's solid working luints. Tkt cents. 73 cents. II a pair. Men's underwear, large quantity on hand, good value, SI a suit; shirts said drawers, price 6.1 cents a suit. Udies' Dougola button shoes,, 1.1 1.73, !)7 a pair. Men's line shoes, button, gaiters and lace, S1.57. .67,1.73, 1.90 a pair. Men s nne can snoes, r.'.OS a pair. Men's work shoes. 11.01. .113. 1.38. a pair. Men and Boys' hats and caps, 15, 21, 24, 37, 51 snd S3 cents. Udies' hoao, S, 7, 11, 13, 15, 21 and 23 cents a pair. uems bocks, o, , 11, n ana 17 cents a pair. All Goods Marked in flam Figures. Return ail goods not approved of and Will Refund Your Money 1 WITH PLEASl'RE. Yours, anxious to please, W. SANDERS, Opposite Postofflcc, Eugene, Oregon. F. L. POSSON & SON, By far the largest dealers on the Coast in GARDEN GRASS & FLOWER TES Trees, Fertilizers, Bnllts, rqsbs, h. l Roots Bse sappUes. We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Growers and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON A, SON. - PORTLAND. OREGON. LINN & SON, Furniture Dea lers UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. SPRING CLOTI1ING JUST RECEIVED. $2.75, $4.50, $5 and $7. CHILDREN SUITS, $1.50, J2.50, YOUTHS' SUITS, $5.00, $7.00, $7.50, $8.50, S10.00, $12.00 'Men's Light Weight Summer Suits from $10 to $22. AUSO Men s b ine Prince Albert Coats and Vests. Stiff and Soft Hats. ' A full Una In all the latest style. Call and aiamlue otir goods and t price and be convinced " W JVM niuur, HOWE & RICE, Opposite University Book Store HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Law Lotn, Wide Avenuos, Good Drain- Pm'lllc milroud, iKiHtofflee, with two du ly inuilH onlv three hltH'ks from Iri'obUite SS snd a 112.0110 public Mhool to to built w thin Ave I,I.m.. The nejmjt vacant lots only nine block, dtotant Item the new fruit cannery, and the manufac turing wnter of Eugene. : ' Falrmount Ib only three IWlisrW. , tenninua of the fltreet car line cent fare to Eugene, and will JJL v motor line leading to SpriS.irn Eugene with flve-cente fare it , point selected by the Siuslaw and f . lUllway for crowing the Bouthern fJSjJ Tarties who have taught here less than one year ago have doubled their money already, and thone who buy now will do likewise before the end of another year. Fairniount him made fantor growth than any suburb of Eugene, and Is sure to soon lieeome the center of the third city of this Kttite. Springfield, Eugene and Fairmount aro growing into one large city, of which the latter will lie the leading and geographical center. F A I R MOUWT 0 u N T The owners have 18 acres of river (W land that they propose to donate fortrZ ufacturing, which fact is sure to secure tbt location In Fairmount of large factorial Lota are 66 feet 8 Inches by loo, and u offered at f 125 to $175, on payments of or third down and remainder on three vert time. Acre tract from faoo to $oo h single acres. You cannot do better (L to invest In these lota. Buy now and m the benefit of the advance these improve menU are sure to cause. GEO. M.. MILLER & CO. I. K. PETKRS. DAVID CHERRY. OATS WANTED, In any Quantity, HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. PETERS & CHERRY, West Eighth Street, : : Eugeno, Oregon DBS. J. W. 4 JENNIE S. BARNARD, Regular PIiysician. SPECIALTIES Kidney and Liver Diseases, Gynecology and Obstetrics. OFFICE at resiilunco on Olive street between ilth and lutli atreets. Ten Small Farms FOR SALE, Situated from three to fivo miles west of Junc tion, Oregon. AIX FIRST-CLASS Emit, Grata ani Stoct Lai The entire tract of l,ir0 acres will be DIVIDED INTO SMALL HOMES From ten acres up, and sold On Reasonable Terms. Inquire, tor further particulars, AT THIS OFFICE, or of DR. IYI.4HO.X, On the premlics, 4 miles west of Junction, Or. JOS. W. MAHON. First Um Bank Of Eugene, Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Surplus anil Profits, $30,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A Reueral banking business done on reanu able Wrtna. Sight drafts on NEW YOKK, CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO and PORT LAND, OREGON. Bill of exchange sold on foreign countries. Deposits rewired subject to check or certiti cats of deposit. All collections ectruaed to ns will receive prompt attention. DAY & ASD FIRMTIBE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. $10,000. $10,000. $10,000 SELLING AT COST. L. D. SCAKBKOUGE At Creswell, Oregon, ' For the next sixty days, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sk Paints, Oils, Drugs, Hardware, Tinware, Woodenware, Wallpaper, And everything In the merchandise line will be sold at cost until the entire sold laV ro proauce, wncai oroau. Call First and Secure Bargains In order to settle with Mr. William Tiffany, whose time Is no. It becomes necmrjltat the above sales. All Indebtedness must be paid Immediately. L. D. SOARBROUGE CLOSING UP SALE. I am now offering my HE m OF i AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE 1 have large stock of LADIBS' SHOES Whloh I will close out BELOW COST. Other Shoe Wear at Away Down Pj J. D. MATLOCK- j maSoth stove TwiPoeiui J.fflCT Tin trntl Granite W PUMPS, PIPE, HOSE, Etc., Etc. 'ViXi-' "J " Plnm Tin and Sheet hi A SPECIALTY. Sole igcot for the "Superior" Stoves d AXD FOE THE IS DIANA STOTE W0BKS JACOB MITCHELL (Odd Fellows STUIE nvoa a ' Building), EUCt i FINAL SETTLEMENT. . NOTICE 18 HEI.EBY GI-EN THAT A. N(ibfw, Administrator ol the estate of Thoa. Matthews, di-d, haa died his floal t'coimt In the mattvr of said estate in theeoun tr court for lane ennnty, oraaon, and Monday, the Jd day ol .Nurember, lfcUl, at tbe hoar ol one o'clock in the afternoon ol said day has been fixed bv Hid conrt lor the hear tug of said account and for the Inal settlement of Mid e.ute. lwted f!l. 19, 1831. L. Biltsc, Atty, A. MATTHEWS, Admr. FreUtTimoO.,, OwhO Bed,Wblf.nAl'CIC p i. ... v.i.( Cuea" Ora, KentocirBK, AtGOLTS