The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 17, 1891, Image 1

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NO. 52
A m
Zbt (gugfuf (City (Guard.
I'ubllaber and 1'roprletor.
OFFICE -On the East side o( "iVllleaiette
Street, between Seventh and Eighth Street.
Car annum
Sit Months
Three montbi....
2 00
, .75
Advertisements Inserted as follows!
One square, ten linee or lee one Insertion W:
'each subsequent insertion $L Cash -vxmired
id advance.
Time dvertieri will be charged at the ol
lowing rate: .
uue square three montlu J"
One square ix monthi v
Onesquareone year........... l- w
Transisnt notices in local column, 20 cents
per liae tor each Insertion.
. Advertising billi will be rendered quarterly.
1 Ail lob wnrk must be paid rog ok I)uvkt.
CEO. B. 0),U13
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
of the Second Judicial District and in
be Supreme Court of this State.
Special attention given to collections and
ai at ten in probate
(UGKNK CITY, - - - OREflOh
OFFICE-Roomi 74 8 McClaren Building.
a-Seoial attention given to Collections
"and Probate business.
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugcnc, - - Oregon.
Omci- Room in Consor's Block.
attorney and Ccimssllor-atrLaw, and
Real Estate Agent.
fllee-ln Masonio Temple.
Kuykendall & Tayton,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drugstore.
Special attention given to Probate business
and Abstracts of Title.
Ornci Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, oppoeite Guard oltice. All work
Jjaughing gas administered for painless ex
traction ol teeth.
Cofflm and Caskets always on band. Pre
paring aqd Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
Night calls prompty attended.
residence, second honse south of Mttho
dist Church, Willamette street.
Farm, Improved and Unimproved lown
property for sale, on easy terms.
Prcpertj Seated and Esnts CJloctod.
The Insurance Companiee I represent are
among the Oldest aud moat Reliable, and in
(i.e paonn andEqcrTAgil adjustment qf their
8lJ(0 fcizcoHO to lion. .
4 that of your patronage is solicited.
fctrfwh b. F. DORBI-S.
cms. lacw, facer, w. t. riw, cassisi
Eugpno National Bank
Transacts a general banking business.
BoiEO or Diagtroas:
F B Dnnn. F W Osburn, J C Church, 8 U
toraa, J U Hodson. C Letter. J E Dvia.
jipTjci; " CREMToHi
hsnmhaiitwnappniii-.ed edmlnMratorof
! e-'.t of P. 0. Reno, ueeeajed All w-iwis
h.'ii claim, arnn.t atld eie are heit.y
t ,,-d to prr-ul the -mt u, I he adminje
triut .1 hn llrrv stable in Karese, pr ihe
ei.. of Go B ki.-r, wUhlii ! monihs
bum ike dale of IhU Botiee. " B'..
Dated this lth day of B.pwmtcr, If
7 if 1 h' v -V IL
lll hU
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
b M: Select U South i hU
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
E.R Luckey
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
Univsrsity Mte,
McClarens Building,
(0pwite F. t. Wilkins' Dnur Store.)
Has an extensive Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
pyOrders for Books and Subscriptions
lo Newspapers and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Pain. Auk yonr
driiggiKt for it
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Repairing Promptly Executed.
tfAllWork Warranted. d
E. Schwarzschiltl, Prop. ,
(Huccessor to eo. Coliiti)
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dress Lock Box U'J.
East, k Prices,
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terms will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
Highest market price l'ail
for Pnxluce. If not all tnvU'il
out will jay Iia.fanc$ in Cash.
J.. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
'xrjc a1 Jt. jc s. .a a: cb
R. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Kiigcne CHy, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Estate businei
such as buying, Bulling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, eto. Office on toutn
side of Ninth street.
The Eugene Cigar Factory
Koepg constantly on hand the finest brands
of borne made, domestic, and Key West
cigars. Charges the lowest prices for chew
ing and smoking tobacco. Hell at retail and
Give Them a Chance!
That Is to sny, your lungst Also all yonr
breathing machinery. Very wonderful
machinery it i. Not only the larger air
panHnges, but the thousands of little tubes
and cavities leading from them. When
these are clogged and choked with matter
which ought not to be there, yonr lungs can
not do their work. And what they do, they
cannot do wed. Cull it cold, cough, cronp,
pneumonia, rnti rrh, conHiimptiou or any of
the family o' itrout mid notte and head and
lung obHtrui'iioiiK, all are bad. All ongbt to
m got rid of. There is just one snre way
to get rid of them. That is to take Boa
cbee's Gorman Hyrnp, which any druggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else has failed yon, yon may de
dend upon this for certain.
I have a counln who is a printer, savs Ex
Mayor J. 0. Loughran of North Des &loines,
la. Some years ago he was employed in
this city where they were printing circulars
for Chamberlain. lie bud a deep seated
cold and terrible cough, and while setting
np cony he made up his mind to boy a bot
tle. It cured him and that was the first I
ever knew of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I bave been strongly In its lavor ever since.
Mr own experience and Ibat of my family
convinces me that this remedy is Ihe best in
the world. That my be strong language
but that is what I think. For sale by i M.
ilkins, DrugKiHt.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clunf to Castorto.
Wnw aha had Children, she gave tbem Castoria.
H8 Gyrated Freqcb Care,
Ji ?ou e a
torureany Inrni
or any disorder of
the generative or
gan, qi euneriex,
whether ari.lUK
BEFORE useofwimulaatv AFTtR
ToUceoor Opium, or throu h yoii'.lilullti'll.ers
tlon, overindulgence, 4r .turbulMof Krmln
f iwer, Wakef ilne, ik-ariiig dowa falnslnlli
bvk.heinirjklWrsJinFM.iif.terla.Ker.ous 'rna
tratl'M. Kortornal IhiIhIoiii, Leueorrho-a, bit
llDni.W't Memorjr, Ixx. of l ower and Impo
tra'T.lirbUnex!rnel often liiwl to pirm.tnre
H.l m and Inunltr. Frlre tUOa boi, tboxes
for I ViOi ent hy m:l rn reM of price-
A WRITTE.1 (.lARANfCK li given for
every liuuorrlir nwrlrM, tn refon'l Daemon?? U
a ku.rmnot piire Is no! (7tA VI i tertln)onials fivU aat goang.
4 tnthww.whohsve iiea iwmanently rtin4
by the use of AJiw3UlA L lrealarlrw, kiAnm
Wolam Jlraneh, Uux X, J'ostlaj.k. Oa.
8.,ld by E. li. LUCKEY t Co.. Drmfgut,
Eugeoa, Orrgnn.
I)i eh. At Junction C'ltv, On-gon,
O-t II, 11, a of V. M. HotwUin,
iced b ytr.
The Ulf Bridge.
Allmny Hemld: Tht puhllu will lie
gmtlllcl to know Unit active
work. Is nlxiut to begin on tlu liljr dttt-l
bridgi'. Tho pile driver, tlio iliiiff
fur the jiKth. aliout Bhhi lutrnln (f
et'iiictit mul iilnnklng, UDiitliegniuml,
and it la expected tlntt a force of men
will u'.nuiu'tive rvgulnr work on the
piers today.
The contractor any that the lilere
will le no fltr udvaiui'd as to be Uw
yond danger of a rise In the river
within eighty iliiyg, and that the ntecl
bridge Itxelf whieti la now liclng nmde
at the factory, can lie put In plaw with
in thirty days after It arrival.
The nlte if the bridge will hence
forth be a acene of active oiemtloim,
and the big bridge will soon begin to
arwumu iroMirtioiiH,
Klamath Inaiann as Methodists.
An exchnng says they 'tell a ik on the
Indian atteuuHbt. who npriwnled the
Klamath reservation at the ncthl Metho
diit conference at Salrm. A big circus was
at the cupitol city at the same time, and the
Iudian delegates left the conference to at
tend the circus, which they pronounced
"immense." The spread of religion is very
healthful at the Klamath reservation,
though the Indiana iumst on having some
variations. For luslsnce, they never name
the children themselves, but await the
clergymnn whom they insist shall select the
name. A great many of the boys over there
are called Isaac, and it was often asked why,
until it was found that the Uev. Isaao Driver
had been over there christening the chil
dren aud had named them alter himself.
The Annie Mine.
Cottage Grove Leader: The latest re
ports from Bohemia are to the effect that
the further development of "The Annie"
mine has proven beyond all doubt that it is
even richer than had been expected. When
at a depth of forty leot a tnnuel was started
out from the main shaft which opened tip a
well deflued ledge of rich ore. It it said to
be much richer thsn the ore they ire now
milling. Free gold can be seeu la almost
suy piece of quartz from the new And. The
quartz mill is doing good work and some
handsome "clean up s" have already been
made, which gives its managers new vim
and energy to keep the work going on, re
gardless of the weather. A pack train Is
now kept busily engaged in supplying tbe
camp with wiuter provisions as work will
continue Ihe better part of the winter.
Will 8ik a Coi-nty. The Slato of
Oregon Ih aUmt to become plaliitlir In
a civil suit in which linker county w ill
be defendant, It will he an action to
recover money, linker county owes
the atntc a considerable aunt an tuxca.
Tho uecount runs bIiico lHT.'l, linker
at no year Hince that time having pnid
her uinount of atato taxes In full.
Kuch year a little balance haa Urn left
unpaid until now a total of f 12,24-5.49
haa accrued. And it la for thin the
state la suing. During all of tlicHO
years the (date has curried the debt,
out it haa been done connilainlnirly.
Killa for it have been acut to linker
county from the atate treasurer's olllce
but' no remittances have come in re
nonne. Several other countlea owe
(imcrcnt auiiu on the same account.
Malheur count
alheur county IsoharKi'd with $407.'
Lake fli!i;i.H2, Tillamook H'7.K7 nut
I'matlUa and Union each a few dollora
Marion county is said to owe f'iO.
To BgMAitt. The repoit that "Yarrow"
Svnions was to be sent to help determine
tbe line botween tbe United Mates and
Mexioo turns out to be false. Il is likely
tbst tbe greasers had heard of the eotioos of
this mau and objected to being "Coosbay-
efled, hence bis nsme was withdrawn ly
Ihe Washington authorities. Bo we will
bave to bear with the liiHic'.ioo for a while
longer, at least. Couldn't he be given a
position to tbe rijl islander
Match Kici. A mutch race wus ruu over
the Btowart rare track Oot, 8th, one-
half mile and repeat. Hows entered
Bingo, Comin Bill snd Vanity. Biugu won
in two straight beats; time in each beat C2M
seconds. About one hundred persona wit
nesaed the race, and all were highly pleased
with it.
Mahkikd. At Portland, Orcimn,
September 80, 181)1. Mr. V. 0. Moure,
tf f n MtHittJiii ir Kliuu lliittiliii Afuuta.r.
Ul AM illlinii.i AfAinn r tnn inimn a -
son, of (JoM Hill, ilth of tho tnm-
trw'unir iwrtui were fornii'r nviaenui
of CottHKo Umve,
Tf iariwtn Ws nmlogatanrl WaUa
W f'uiliron tiaa rttmiuntiA mm Aumt mtri(.
vwui-u mo .-.BMVU mm I"" J I
mwA liBst sinuiiifAl at tutsijl inn (ti thai 1'k la I
agency. Wall will make his uatk ki a de
tevuv yoi.
Diko. At Harribbura, Oregon, October
2, lH'Jl, Clajs, wile of Hamnel Thompson,
sgd 27 years.
Tlnitit .Tn F.nnn Drmtrtn Kuriilnv. OnC.
11th, to the wife of William Goodman, a
Caatorfa pramoto. PflfaiUii, aad
overcouaie giaiulaucy, CMuAiUua, Soar
Stomacli, Diarrhcee aad rereiiahnMa.
Thus tha child ts rendered healthy and 1U
BatwraX Ca.toria eontaloi no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is so well atarsM tnehWm that
I mxKajmad It as auperiue lo an? pmcripliuai
kuu lo Mi " IL A. Amweb. M.I .
B fntland ita, bruoalya, it. T.
"Iws Outorfa In my prartiew. and fted li
stwciail adapted lo ar7rtl"oe o( eKiWratt."
Axax. HnnTmm, M. I).,
Mil id Ave.. Mew Tort.
Tn Cwwrim Co 77 Murray tL, X. T.
Fanners are now busily engaged
Junction City haa an election
November 2ml.
The job dcimrtnicnt of the Ouahu
oftlee Is kept busy.
A number of property owners ar getting
ready for sower connections.
The Greud Army Reunion la over for this
year. It will be larger next year.
Geo. Fraxcr has constructed an eliH'
trie light plant and li- It to light his
A ninrrlairo 1Uvns( was IkiikhI to J.
J. Lewis and Miss Alice Darclius,
wi in ii.
Things are lively around the slier-
in s ouire, serving papers, etc, for oir
ouit court.
A marriage ll(vnst was granted
Oct. nth to Grant lUichanan aud
Mollle Mclke.
Tho Crawford saw- mill, known as
the Smith mill, will soon lie moved up
on me Aioiiawk.
Busy times abont the sheriff's office now;
serving papers of different kinds fur oircuit
court, which meets October 20th.
Frank Skinworth. of Lebanon, form
erly a compositor on the (ll'Altl) has
entered the Portland University.
The purlieu who are hero for the pur
pose of buying the Foley Springs,
have (rone to that place with Mr.
Honey, the proprietor.
The bunks of Umatilla county bave
about $1,000,000 on deposit, while tbe
county this year pruduoed $250 for every
man woman and child within her borders,
J. D. Matlock, President of the Ku
gene Hoard of Trade, has lioon elected
a Vice President of the State Hoard of
Commerce. An excellent selection.
Marion count v la nut of inoiicv ac
cording-to the Journal and will 'have
to iMirrow at least $.Hl,0()0 to keep tip
current excuses until taxes are col
lected this winter.
iitiM nittitint
session of1 the grand lodge. K of P will
bo held In Portland, mul IIiIm imiuitiir
order will have rcprcscntativca from
an pontons oi me great atato or urc-
Cottage Grove Leader, Oct. 10: Mr.
Ilulibsrd, cashier of the Commercial bank,
informs ns that work will commence on the
new bank building early next week, It is
to be a brick bn tiding and the work will be
done by the Wallace boys.
Cottage Grove Leader: Dr. Taylor
came down from lloheuila on Tuesday
with over $2,.jMi of gold bullion. The
mine la evidently "imnninir out" as It
has kt'ii only a short time since sever
al hundred dollars were brought down.
The bullion was shlpicd to tho San
Francisco mint Thursday.
Wednesday morning Mrs. C. Hoffman,
aged 71), a pioneer lady of Jacksonville, Or,
went out to her poultry yard and found a
large coyote Inside the chicken house. Hhe
promptly closed the door and railed her
son In-law, David Lynn, wbo shot tbe brnt
It was afterwards scalped and the $2.50
bounty claimed in tbe name of llieooura
geons old lady wbo captured the animal.
The citizens of Whatoom are freezing the
salmon CHiight id Hint town fur export, and
they expect to reap a rich profit from this
industry. Wear lbs Dalles tbe salmon run
Is rqnal to any on the coast, and the cold
stoingo plan could be adopted with creal
advautnge to fl.hermen. By this means
flh are kept In as good con
dition as though taken recently from the
A gentleman residing In Eugene informs
os tbst the Iugrsms In Ihe shooting affair
near Tangent were half brothers, the one
that did the shooting, being an lllegiti
male child. When tbe father of the fami
ly died, Frsnk, not being his eon, was ig
nored in tho will. When Ihe mother died
she gave the greater portion of her property,
to Frank. Hince I hut time there has been
oonstaiit trouble between the men.
A son of Rdliert Kirk, sged 6 years, was
suuday almost devoured by bogs at Vsncon
ver. lie had accompanied his brother in
to the yard to feed the stock, aud while the
elder brother went to the barn tbe yotinu
ster tried to catch a pig. The mother of
the pig jumped at In in and fastened her
tusks lu tbe bat a oi bis nt eg, drugging him
to the ground when Ihe other Iioms joined
her and almost devoured the boy before he
was rescued.
Tho great stato of Missouri keens tin
its reputation ns a pmlillo country,
particularly In tho matter of children.
A lady passenger from Missouri, on a
west bound train which passed tlirotiirh
Pendleton the other day, had W illi her
lamliy or eight children, and the
two oldest seven-year-old twins; the
next tripieis, iil'cii three ami one-half
years, and the last a baby ono year
East On ionliini Hal! rood men are
distressed and horrified by the fearful
death at Island City Thursday after
noon of Conductor Plumb, a long-time
railroader anil one of the best-known
men on tho mad. Mr. Plumb had
taken Conductor Uulllng's run on the
F.lgin branch. At Island City, while
switching Thursday, at 2:-')l p. in., his
foot eaugiit In a crossing. J I is iirctllcu
inent was not noticed, ami a car
knocked him down and rati over hlui.
His leg and arm went crushed, and he
received other terrible injuries, but lie
lingered for a hour or two, breathing
his last nlsiut 6 p. in. Tho deceased
leaves a wife and family at L Uraude.
Koscburg itcvlcw, Oct. 8: A sad ac
cident occurred about half way ls
tween (Vspullle City and Itoscburgon
the Middle Fork road yesterday. F. A.
(lolilcn, a druggist of Marsh field, and
wife were coming to this city In a curt,
and had driven into a cr.vk to let their
horse drink, when the animal became
frightened, and Juiiipiiur suddenly
threw Mrs. liol'b ti out. Her head
struck a stmnp and she died within a
few niinutr. Mrs. Ooldcu was a mist
estimable lady, and her sudden death
will lie a severe blow to a large circle of
Mi nds and relative.
Tucoina is making a tremendous
effort to secure the next democratic
national convention. Franklin Lunc,
editor of the Tacorna News, is now in
New York presenting the claim of his
city and offering to place a certified
check of tJV in the hands of the
national committee that tho program
me will U' faithfully carried out. He
also promises to tiny the hotel bills of
the di-IcguU. If Ttutiina should suc
ceed in her hof It will lie a victory
for the Northwest and may add ei
sidcrable to the vote of iJeiiioeracy..
Hope the effort may I successful.
Clarence Wiuter haa a couple of scorched
nngers irom a benzine lamp.
Wm. Treston returned home from Roulh
em Oregon Sunday morning. His wife
and ohildren will remain at Ashland visit
ing relatives for a week or two.
Harry Welder has Imvii engaged aa
electrician or the exhibit car "Oregon
on Wheels" which starts for a trip
through the luisteru states inn short
JoseDh Koch. Entrena'a flnarlraiiL.lil.m.n.
wphI to Albany Mouday morning to work on
a present ownership list of Linn connty.
ue win spenti iwo weeks in Ibat city and
then r.turu to Engeue.
The Snleni .Tonrniil U lufnrm.ul Uml
thentteiidanwattheChcinawtt Indian
selusil Is now larger than ever before,
numlHTlmr 22, as HiruliiHt "H. th II lllftetl
ever present at any ono time.
Jsoksonv lis Times: R. II. Moore, who
has been viiting his old home tn this place,
has had ereoted nuM-ntl tlmiA Aa. fwiii.uA.
On his desirable resiilnnS nrnn.rl in Port
land, and will occupy one of tbem himself
ana rem me etner two.
Junction U to Have a $1,500 Opera
Pally Uuard,Ocl.O.
OllP aidtA. Atl .1 (..(nitin I... h... L.J..
v .j , Ml, I'll, u. VWU USVIIIU
a regular bnilding boom this summer, and
yemerday I be coutrsot fur another brick was
let. Il is lo be two stories in heiutii. 7i100
feet in hekdil. ailinininir th knt.l
building snd will cost $4,500 when com-
Uleted. Th tinnMr .t,irv will !, n.mA f.
an opera house aud the lower portion for
tores, me contract tor the building bus
been let to Messrs F. T, Wbitcombaud L.
N. ItoiieV III llll. nil. .nil liriiik l.vli.n -ill
commence on the same next Monday morn
ing, xne owner is tbe Junction llottl
This cornorullnn will bav.. .tin ill.
building is erected, a frontsge on the Msin
street of U7 feet, whkh will altogether cost
abont $18,000.
Trotting Race.
The stallion trottina race last Haturdav
afternoon at the Herri track was hotly con
tested and gave great satisfaction. The
rsce was lor a purse of $200, mile bests, 3
in 5.
Tbe entries were as follows: Jav Bee. bv
J. II. Hid. lies, of llosebum: Cant. Uouut.
by P. K. Walters, of Eugene; Tjbalt, by O.
Willis, of Eugene. Oapt. Mount won tbe
raoe in three strsight beats; time, iiiS,
2;37'4 238. Jay Bee waa distanced in Ihe
first beat. Tbe race waa very close between
the other two horses.
The running rsce announced lo take
plsoe between Hayes' Bingo and Wallers'
Atlas, for sumo reason did not take plaoe.
A oouple of exhibition trots were given by
local horses.
A very meagre crowd was present. Tbe
trsek is too far away from town to draw a
Htate and Northweatcrn News.
Mike Mulvahlll, of Ruinmlt prairie,
Is owner of the biggest hog in Crook
county. 31 ike thinks his hogshlp will
weigh nearly 1 000 pounds.
County Stock Inspector Hlmeral, of
Alarum county, lias a call to go to the
vicinity of Mount Angel and look after
some cattle in Unit neighborhood
which are thought to I atll ctcd with
iileuro-piieumonla so deadly to cattle
Interests wherever it haa made Its
presence known. Not very many cattle
are sick with, and the Inspector was
sent for, more aa a precautionary nieas-
use man lor any oincr puriKo. Mr.
Slmcral will visit Mount Ainrel In a
few days, and If he Muds any sick cat
tle will order them under (luanintlne
A few mora cases of glanders In horses
are rciKirtcu in the vicinity or Salem,
lludleyvlllc Items,
Oct. 13, 1801
Lmtos Guabiik-I am on the wing again
stiiring up Ihe farmers. I made a trip to
r uireuee ana on the night ol tbe Kill ad
dressed a lulr-sized audionoe on alliance
principles, called for volunteers, snd twelve
promptly stepped forwanl and enrolled their
T .
uames in lbs alliance army. The name of
Ibis union is Florence. Tbe next morning I
boarded the steamer Coos snd started for
lbs head of tide, arrived there at noon, saw
poople coming lu wagons and in boats to
heur an alliance leclure. Addressed tbe
eompany at 2 p. m., after which I organized
Benton union with fourteen members. This
makes seventeen sub alliances in theoouuly
to dato. F. M, NlonswiNiigu,
County Organizer,
The Rubber .Stamp is the Canoe.
Whenever a wholesale house rceel'
a letter fron a merchant written o
scrap of pasr without anything;
indicate what sort of business lu
eniraged In, or the sheet Is ornamet
with one or those hideous daubs ca
Ml llul ul Itt.iu lilu .in..... lu I A
ly checked with an "8." which '
eaten sucker. This mark serves
notioo to the travellnir salesman
the said merchant Is a tit subb
which to paint olf all the old.
eaten, shelf-worn, shoddy good,
you isissihlly ran. The issir inei
then womiers why his customer"
cumo hack the second time t
Hkm Without Hail.' Pat
Allmny Democrat: Tho nrel
trial of Frank H. Ingram, chan
murder in killing; his brother
came uti Isforo (). I Cimh
Itistiee of the isiioc, this after
large numls-r of people had g
near me evidence. Jnit they
apsilnted, as defendant th
counsel, Mcsrirx. W. It. Ilily
K. Weatherfonl. waived ex
and was held by the cou
bail, to await the grand Jt
will convene fMolsrLMth.
of J. It. Wyatt, acting dlstrl
Hie WKliess, l lias. Loucieu.
unilor Isuids of JUKI to
witness before the grand Ji
Sham Battls. The Marii
a sbsui battle Oct. 8lh,
try and artillery. It took
from Ihe time la boys left t
of Fairmoont t reach tbe so -kins'
point. Tbe expense
about $3fl
and wife left in pcivV
in I'tivV
J.Uii f
Mil Olj '
.Nn iiego, km..
Uiko them, about i
the trip.
, Boa. In Eagew j, 0.
lo the liU elT. V jrnelL a sw,,, .
The Ingram Fratricide.
The Albany Democrat of Friday after
noon gives additional particulars of the evl
denoe before Ibe coroner's jury in the In
gram murder, near Tangent, ss follows :
Frsnk Ingram, Louden and Oakley bad
eaten supper, afier which Frank directed,
tbe hired man, Louden, to go to tbe barn
with his gun aud watch to prevent any one
from setting fire to II. He told Ihe boy,
Oskley, to wash tbe dishes, while he would
watch out in the yafd. Frank says he went
luto the yard near an outhouse and leaned
up against an apple tree to watch, snd after
nearly an hour he waa aroused from a slum
ber iuto which be had dropped by ths re
port of a gun abont one hundred yards
Very shortly he saw a man approaching
him abont 8 feet away with a gun. He
called to the man to halt and throw np his
bands, when Ihe man at once shot at him.
Ue then fired two shots simultaneously from
two 44-calibre revolvers, holding one In
each band. The man fell, and at this juno
ture Frank heard another man, whom he
knew not, running away, when he fired one
shot at him. At this point In the awful
tragedy he beard the murdered man make a
noise and saw a motion as If he were abont
to attempt to raise his gun to shoot, when
Frsnk walked np to him and shot him
again in the face, the powder burning tbe
nose snd oheek.
When the shooting ceased the hired man,
Louden, and the boy Oakley came upon the
soene. The hired man asked Frank if he
bad got one of them, when the latter replied
that he had. The hired man swore before
the jury that he asked Frank who It was
when he replied be did not know but h
thought it was Henry, his brother. Th
coroner found the dead man lying on b
back. Dr. W. H. Davidson, wbo aeoomi
nied the jury, examined the dead b
and found two bullet holes very eloar
getber and near the right nipple, bo
which, passed through tbe heart and U
under the skin on Ihe back. They
taken oot by eutling tbe akin. The'
the face entered near the nose and or
at tbe base of the skull behind.
Only One Ear.
Baker City Democrat.
We have heard the old pbra
a tin ear on him." but instead
out tbal to the letter, Jack M
Mitchell, out off the ear of an r
In the neighboring oily of M'
day night. Fiom the stag
Wm. I'eroival, we learn that
ing McDonald and Jim Tell
were playing oards when a
from Ihe gsme arose betwt
struck McDonald and dre'
his face, but tbe fight war
aud prevented. McD
rirooeeded to fill up on
ight, which is dealt ou
thriving burg. He apt
"cnller'a" whisky fo
with a huge knife am
tion of carviug Telle
He was no doubt in
knsw not one man
first person Ibat hr
was an old gentlei
ensou, whom Mo'
snd assaulted at
thought be had
on the back of t
ball, where a da
was not far fror
sttacktd. The
ear had been e
oian was sumr
pondage foum
cold, and grs
Ihe question
have to got f
oan short o'
of IkitoU
on Wet'
thin ni
In a
f eeitei
tut i
Wh.w tm
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iiVw.L femr-
l" on." t,B. bo, -'""& . r:u
'Caj-.J' rn h.
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by t
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