Eugene City Guard. 61TUBDAY OCTOBER 10. 1891 A Flood Of Gold. Portland Telegram: Wo have no great faith in tho "en' i mat, nnvnriimmt or other, of tho pro duction and powiible exportation of grain crops. Iwy are oniy ap proximate, nt Ix-Ht, but it is an ln tcreHting to gnems about, at least. A recent trade "authority" com putes, from what it deBcribon ag Who most reliablo data," that tlio txj)ort8 of breadstuff from the United States tho next year will be Mf0ll0WB: Bn.hel.. Wheat 225,000,000 Com 175,000,000 KVe 10,000,000 Oats 15,000,000 The exjort valuo of theso is put at about 330,000,000, an excess of $180,000,000 over tho valuo of tho exports of the past year. Presum ing that other exjtorts and tho im ports will bo subntantially the same as last year tho "balance of trade" will bo in favor of this country to tho extent of $200,000,000 or more. These figures may prove to bo somewhat exaggerated, or may not be even high enough, but the total, whether a little more or les, has a very healthy and cheerful look. Most of this money will bo paid in gold. Those who aro or pretend to bo so nervous over tho inflation of tho currency and tho driving out of gold and cilver coinngo might as well calm their alleged fears. Tho real "calamity shriekers" aro tho fellows who nro predicting all sorts of disasters if tho silver coinage is increased. The editor of tho Oregon Express lately visited tho Cascade Locks and tho way ho writes them up would impress ono with tho con viction that tho wholo works aro stonily intended as a monument to the gentlemen in charge. Here is what ho says: We have tho words of a visitor, in explanation of this stono dress ing operation. Ho says that it has been tho policy of gentlemen in charge of tho work from way back, to carvo his monogram on tho corner Btono at tho baso of tho wall. By tho timo tho wall has assumed delinito Bhajm his successor would lw designated, and tho wall had to bo taken down, presumably to reach that corner stono, which was taken out, tho monogram re moved and that of tho now officer chiseled in its place. Tho blocks of Btono aro then dressed down to fit tho new proportions of tho mon ogram corner Btono; then all aro again placed in the wall, tho struc ture rises possibly a tier or so higher, according to tho appropria tion; when another Buccessor ap pears, and tho monogram business undergoes a similar process; and thus tho "progress" of tho locks move on whilo an impatient, long-sun'cring and expectant nub lio ignorantly hoping, aro lead to believe that it is tho stupendous magnitude of tho undertaking which causes tho related delays and consequent failure of hopes long deferred. Oregon protectionists don't point to tho woolen mills at Oregon City to illustrate tho beneficial work ings of a protective tariff. Tho price of commodities manufactured at this concern has been increased, whilo tho wages of tho employes havo met with a corresponding de crease. Under protection tho laborer gets left every timo Wcl como. Home Ohio (IciiumtiiIh oflVrvd a re ward for the ennUiro of a worklniriimn who him liad Ills wain mixed under the oiMratlon of the McKlnlcy bill. It hox Ixh'ii elalmeil hy William Jack son of Chimin). Tills n mil was a luborer, worklnir for $1.23 a day. Ow- Inirtoa reduction in wain's at Mr. Carm'Kic's iron mines, muiltlng In a ulNturlmnce. Jackson secured employ ment an rinkerton gourd, at much better wages. 1 no Milton haclo says a Wallowa country girl worked tho motto, "I Need Theo Every Hour," and sent it to her fellow, lie said he could'nt help it. It takes him two hours to milk, feed tho pigs and hens night and morning, and business must be attended to. Bob lUirdette says God wasted mud when ho made tho man who takes a newspaper from the post olueo for two or threo months ami then has the post master mark it "refused" in order to avoid paying for it. It is a matter upon which the people aro to bo congratulated that the eodhn month aro far less num erous than last year. It is to be hoped that they aro fast traveling toward tho western sun. A Detective Whlppesl. A Taooma dispatch gives tbe aooount of a gentleman wbo vitneaaed the aaaaalt made yesterday on the notorious detective 8nlli van, aa follows: "I was standing In front of my store when Sullivan came oat of tbe restaurant, and when he got in front of my store a man rushed np to him, took him by the lappets of the eoat and turning tbe detective around knocked hira down with a temflo blow tbe face. The man kicked him repeatedly and every time that Sullivan tried to aruw, the rota wot Id knock him down again ni kick bin. Sullivan made awful out cries, but the man bad no mercy. I wear that the man did not hitSullivaa with a revolver and that he did not bave a revol ver. The Utter appear to hava dropped iron ouuivan s pocket." Mabel Uarmarings. October 6, 1801. Geo. Drury, of Mill Creek, was here hxt week. Van Matre marketed some flue beef cattle in Kuireno lost week. Itcv. Trclloner, from near Oregon City, preached here last Hundny both morning and evening. There hhould itv iwm in tho church for In t'niiitv tln-re is strength." and the micrht to work more liurruon lously together; if they don't can It be expected tnai ouwiuem win i Married, lant Hundny. at the res! nt nnd hv Mr. rhllli) Workman Mr. ThoniiiH Whltniore and Mb Nel lie Cole. This was Bn unexpected and verv oulet affair. No guettts were In vited. Their many friends Join in wlHhlng them a happy voyage through life. The Hunday school at this place for some ronton has been allowed to ciulet down. Heretofore there has been Bun ,inw m.Iuw.i and whv not revive it? If there is any community in which Hunday school influence is needed this Ih certainly one. We have a good church building and enough young people who would attend regularly to carry on a succesHful school. What Is needed to Insure success in this matter Ih for all to put their shoulders to the wheel and roll together. The fumllieH of John and Dave Wed dlcs and Frank Hmlth who left here eleven years ago for Kastern Oregon, returned last week. They found that eleven years has brought a wonderfu change on Mohawk. Tho vacant land has all iecn taken; homes erected and ... it wan tin'ii heavily timbered Is now under cultivation and orchards of nil kinds or rrull nas ueen iw".-u. ThiiH step by step, wo are progressing and keening abreiutt with the advance ment of the country. OllHKBVER. Keal Kstate Transfers. KUOKXK. Geo M Miller to J N. B Fullir, lot 3, block 8, In orlginl town; $550. Geo M Miller to Henry LoreU. E .of lotn 5 and 8, block 4, In original to";$10O Hnry Loretz to W K Walker and E. J. MoClanahan, E V, of Iota 5 and 8, block 4, orlain.l town; $21)00. II W Jones to Clara and Mia Whit field, 30x80 feet, corner of Oak and 7th street, In Bklnner's donation: also Interest in bu?gy Iiouhc and huildings on nubile grounds; fS.Ooo. Bond for deed. COUNTRY. W It Walker ami E J MeClanahnn to Henry Loretz, 212 acres in Tp H, It 8 W' c-IHIO. W C 'Martin to FM Veatch,435 acres liiTn21H,lt8WiHfi()0. John KizertoDK Henderson, 30.20 acres In Tp 17 H, H 2 W; $7M, Jeft'D ltiley to Mary J lUehanlson, 1 liitrest in 101 acres In Tp 15 H, It 0 W;f5. OOBDBO. Thou Vandyn, et al, to Jacob Phen rger, et al, lots 10 and 11, block 3, Van duyn's addition; to be used for preach ing or prayer meeting by any evan gelical churches, when not In use by the C P church; $100. State and Northwestern News. The first ebnrch ever bnilt in Portland l now osed ai billiard parlor. The. oburcb waa built by tbe Presbyterian denomination and it owned by Ladd. Statesman! At Aurora rta high aa thirteen oenta bare been offered lor 181)1 bops, fiat very few of tbe growers are Belling tbeir hopi bopa at thla figure. They are expect ing better prioea. The first locomotive for Boseburg & Coos Hv railroad arrived at MarBbfleld last week. Trok laying baa been commenced and till be pushed right along. If the right of way difficulties oao only be settled without more lawsuits Myrtle Point will be reached by the first of December. Corvallis Inaued (10,000 In bonds (or a itv ball. Tbe oontract waa let and work began on a ball. Now it ia learned that tbe issuance of the bonds waa illegal and tbe successful bidder will not take tbem. It seems that the oharter simply authorizes tbe people to ieoue bonds for water worts, eloctrlo light, bridge and sewerage, and with these four objects the power to float bonds top, Prineville News: Linn Woods bas a new contrivance for operating bia bydraulio ram at Deschutes; be nas a largo waier wueei with buckets attached which raisea the water several feet and then pours It into a trough which conducts it a few hundred varda to the ram. The laid ram pomps about one-fourth of an inch of water into the brewery, while the remainder, about 40 or GO inch' a, runs back into the liver. In the oaae of Benj. Despain, of Pendle ton, wbo was encased some time ago of taking a letter belonging to Mrs. J. Means from the poatoffloe, and waa arrested, tbe U. 8. distriot attorney baa found that there was nothing to warrant tbe charge against him and directs that be be discharged and his bondsmen exonerated, whioh bas been done by tbe U. B. commissioner. Tho new theatre room is now adequate to tho wants of Eugene, and will accommodate any auui- enco that is liablo to como to gethcr except on some very extraordinary occasion. The Loral Market. Ttia followlnt Quotations for the local market aro of retail prices only. They are corrected weekly, and will be found a accurate as such ervporicau nemaae: WhaT Net market I " (Un-IVr bushel, net '-" Floi IVrluulks 1 w Hieitr-IVr n 06 M Ml'TTON-IVr ft l Pona-1'er ft OA (4 ViL-Vr ft . 0S(j iUm-iVr ft U Shoclokiw ferft 10 HiiEaiVr ft , l.' URO-Per ft 12 C Hcrria-IVr roll CI ) M Koilnlrdofell W CHU'KKMS-prlns;, Per dos 3 So (00 Old bt'iis, Per dos.. 4 00 FstN- ft Potatoes New Bushel OA 40 OS v a Mm W(4 75 ( 14 Suuab 1'ry granulated, Y ft. extra i, r ... liolden, V ft Corrai-Cust kloo best Y ft. KloVft Java ft TlA-V ft rr IVr boi, 'JO bars C..asaa-1'er ft 1 so 1 tj&Zt COOS, f Leares Florence tor Ilead of Tide on the Bluslaw, erery morning at 8 o'clock. Returning, leaves Bead Tide at 1 JO p. m, FARE-FIFTY CENTS. For freight terms, apply to eaptaJa on Doanl. CaPT. A. J. HALL. Geo, O. Kiowlxs, Qtoeral Manager. KEPOUTOKTUE CONDITION or THI First National Bank, At Eugene, in the BuU of Oregon, at the close of business, Sept. ii5, 18J1. ktaoUBtlH, Tans end discounts... "l-,15Z'5fSS OvenlrafU, secured and unsecured. f M M 1 1 H liunda to secure circulation . , . l.w w w Blocks, securities, cUims, etc. .... , S.W4 M ..! J " i banks. . . 5S 16 Due from state banks and bankers . 830 41 I.I a....... itanlrilM- atHU fait uanmui, u..u, m r '.'.L... .ml liLxat Daid.. 1.125 84 Premiums oa U 8 bond" J.H0JW Checks and other cash items 010 s Hills of other Banks 05 w fractional paper currency, nickels sreT.vv::::::''.':.".'.-''.".'. Ujl Under notes............ W000 ltedemption fund with U. 8. 1 reaa- nrerjfi of circulation) 'K Total $245,280 86 LUB1UTIM. Capital stock paid in t 50,000 00 Surplus fund -'SSE Ilndivuled nroAts 7-9' ?? National Hank notes outstanding H,2o0 (X) Individual deposits subject to check 122.IJI 3 Demand certifioatesof dopoHit. . 23,152 44 Due to stute bunks and bankers oil 11 Total.. $243,280 80 State or Obkoox, County or Lank, hk: i n li Kikln. Jr.. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the almve statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . ... H. li. P.AKIN. .IH.. VttHlllvr. Sill scriled and sworn to helore me this 0th dav i Coi of Oct, l'Ji. 1 U.I..H rrect, attest NoUry Putilic, T. O. Hkndrickh, (. li. Chkihham, W. It McCohnack, Uiroctors. I be, to Inform the people of Eugene and sur- roundliiKS. that since I have neen in new ior i i nimu aniiiM sniHll manu facturers and others who were In urgent need of cash, and hav ing the ready money on nanu, i nvo uuuanv andshlpiwd g.Kxls which I am now n a posi tion to supply the people at prices that will suit everybody, (live me a call and you will ue con- VlHCeU mat n. miii'htib i bcih..,, bvwo v..vWr. than any other store In the town. A partial list of prices for flrst-claM goods: Men's suits, good goods, good value for 110, IWa a suit. . , , ... Men's suits, diagonal goods, good value, 14, price, a suit. uranu . i in j pit i mi umvbww, b . . -. price, IH.'i'i a suit. , , . And lots of other clothing at greatly reduced P u0.'!":. .(. iwl onnA. II 0V 2.1:1. 'IM. 2.0.1 Largo quantity of boys' heavy shoes at Hi cents a pair: good value, .... Men's solid working pants, M ccnU, 73 cents, f 1 a pair. Men's underwear, large quantity on hand, IS ood value, l a suit! shirts and drawers, price cents a suit. ..., Udles' Dougola button shoes, 11.83, 1.4), 1.73, ''MuVs'tine shoes, button.galters and lace, 11.57, 1.67, 1.73, 1.00 a uslr. Men a nne cu num, i.uo ,.,. Men's work shoes, 11.04, 1.13, 1.38, 1.09, 2.13 a Men and Boys' hats and caps, la, 21, 24, 37, 51 and H3 cent. . Ladies' hose, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 21 and 23 cents a pair. .... . IttMlln VN'ftHf U, O, 11, mi iii . vviim. r.. All Goods Marked in Plain Funircs. Return afl goods not approved of and I Will Refund Your Money! WITH PLEASURE. Yours, anxious to please, W. SANDERS, Opposite Postofflco, Eugene, Oregon. Notice to Creditors. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ll J. J. Winn has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J.H. Y tun, de ceased, by the County Court of Lane county, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the administrator at Munroe, Oregon, or to (Jeo. B. Dorris, attorney, at Eugene, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated October 3d, 1891. Geo. R Dorris, J. J. Wins, Attorney for estate. Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lamp Office at Rosxbdro, Ohkoon. I September 1st, 1X01. ) Notion is herobv liven that the following named settler has (lied notice of his intention to make tlnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County (...,.... ... I....... tm I nt t n.1 I'minlv fir.. unit Judge or County Clerk of lane County, Oregon, igene, Oregon, ou Haiumay.uciooer in, inui, vis: Jcsso r. lioibrook, homestead entry M),, lor me r. - ui nc 'a miu o ui ui Sec J6 Tp IH S, ft I K, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Reeves C. Howard, Henry U Carter, James Howard and Charles Mcrar laud, all of Lowell, Lane County, Oregon. joim it. BHurs, negisier. F. L. A CARD TI : POB POSSON & SON, By far the largest dealers on the Coast lu T STEM TieesiEtliiizefsJuWosEsi.l.ioDis'Bse Supplies. We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Growers and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON A. SON. LINN & Furniture SPRING CLOTI1ING JUST RECEIVED, CHILDREN SUITS, $1.50, YOUTHS' SUITS, $5.00, $7.00, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00 Men's Light Weight Summer Suits from $10 to $22. Men's Fine Prince Albert A full line In all the latest styles, that we can aare jn mooejr. Call and RECEIVED. NOVELTIES IN I M PORTED ) Hi -AND- HOMES Ten Small Farms FOR SALE, Situated from three to Ave miles west of Junc tion, Oregon. i ALL FIRST-CLASS Fruit, Grain and Stock Land. The entire tract of 1,150 acres will be DIVIDED INTO SMALL HOMES From ten acres up, and sold On Reasonable Terms. Inquire, for further particulars, AT THIS OFFICE, or of DR. MAIIO, On tho premises, 4 miles west of Junction, Or. JOS. W. MAHON. Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY, DENTIST. All Wort Warranted to Give Satisfaction. Nitrous-Oxide Gas and local aniesthctlcs for the painless extraction of teeth. OFFICE Over Matlock's store, Eugene, Oregon. DAY & 1 AND Undertakers. Fl'RXITURE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. eras Dress Goods ! Mil EMIGRANTS ! GARDEN GRASS 4. FLOWER PORTLAND. OREGON. SON, IS. $2.50, $2.75, $4.50, $5 ond $ D eaters Coats and Hat3. Vests, Stiff and Soft examine our goods and get price, and be eonrlnced HOWE & RICE, Opposite University Book Store t wiilo Avi-nufH. Good Pniln lMl'' - in..h Hull, on Houtlu il' n mw. Willi tWO (I, 1 u ?"v' " Z wim Vhmi Fn-e "m '. A ikn. nubllo whool .l VT' ?,'.r. ,i,- kV The n IH) I mi . t,-.L- .lutont from turlng ct'iitor of Eugene. F AI Parties who have iMiught hero Iobh than one year aio have doubled their money nlreadv, ntul tlione w ho buy now will do likewi'xe Ufore the end of another year. Fairniount hits made faster growth than any Buburb of Eugene, and Im sure to mxm become the center of the third city of this Htate. Hnringlleld, Eugene and Fairniount are fust growing into one large city, of which the latter will bo the leading and geographical center. I. K. rKTEKS. DAVID t'HEHRY. OATS WANTED, In any Quantity. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. PETERS & CIIEHI1Y, West Eighth Strevt, Eugene, Oregon DES. J. W. k JENNIE S. BARNARD, Regular Physicians, RPECIALTIES-Kldiiev and Liver Diseases, Gynecology and Obstetrics. OFFICE at residence on Ollvo street between Mb and lQh streets. i m 9th STREET, EUGENE. OREGON. Opposite N. Y. Racket Store, Interested, Send for atalogue! A FULL UNI Or Guns antl Snort 111? (.flocls, And a dandy repair Bhop In connection. Summons. In tbe Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for Lane (Jounty. EllaWilUon, Plaintiff, vs. Fredrick Willfon. Defendant. To the aboved-nained defendant Fredrick Wilson: IN THE NAME of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to be and appear and answer the ooinplaint men against yon n tbe above entitled suit and court by tbe firm day of the next regnlnr term of tho above entitled court, lo-wit: Monday, the 2(Uh day of October, 18'Jl,anJ if yon fail to appear nnd answer said complaint tbe plaintiff will apply to said court for tbe re lief prayed for in xaid oomplaint, viz: That the marringe contract now eiixtiug between plaintiff and defendaut be forever dissolved and held for naught and for tbe care and custody of the minor daughter of pltf. and deft., Vernie Willson, and for general re lief. This KiimmouH is published by order of the Hon. Martin L. Pipes. Judge of said circuit court, made at tbnrubera at Corval lis, Or. gen, and bearing date the 20th day of Angu-t, 181)1. Published first time tins, Angust Tld W)l. L. BILYEU, Atty for Pltf. NOTICE FOR PCBUCATION. Land Orrici at Roskbi'ro, Orfook,) September 1MU. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice ol his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho Juuife or County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon, at Ku- 5 one. (iregon, on haiuruay, jov. H. jwi.vis: ohn Kisaenger, homestead entry No 4H", for the S, of SWVi and 8 of SK'i of Sec li, Tp 18 S, R1W.WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npou and cultivation of said land, via: Charles Kiasenger, Joshua Tar- lor, H. F. Hunnicut, Joseph Carter, all of Fall Crevk, Lane County, Oregon. JO OHN U. BUDPK, Register G.Hunmrns, President. Eakih, Jr., Cashier. First Hationa Bank Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital 50,000 Surplus anil Profits, $30,00 Eugene City- -Oregon. A ganeral backing business dnce on reason able term. Sit-ht drafts on XKW YOKK, CHICAGO. SAN FRAXCISCO and POKT LAND, OREGON. Bills ol exchange sold on foreign coon tries. Deposits received subject to check or certiri cat of All collections aitmaed to ns will receive prompt attest tioa. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. F A I ITU illy Htuto I to winiHt GEO. M. CLOSING 1 am uow JBTIB' AT GREATLY I R L 1 have a large stock of - LADIES' SHOES, Which I will close out BELOW COST. Other Shoe Wear nt Away Down Prices. J. D. MATLOCK. $10,000. $10,000. $10,000 SELLING AT COST. L. D. SCAKBKOUGE At Creswell, Oregon, For the AS tMIW Dry (loo rnints, Oils, Drags, Hardware, Tinware, Wootlenware, Wallpaiier, And everything In the merchandise line will be sold at cost until the entire stock Is sold ro produce, wheat or oats. Call First and Secure Bargain In orter to settle with Mr. William Tlflany, whose time is up, it becomes necesT 10 9li the above salvs. All UiUeDtcduess must be MAMMOTH STOVE EMPORII Sole Agent for lie "Superior" Stoves and RfflS AND FOB THE INDIANA STOVE WOEKS. JACOB MITCHELL (Odd Fellows' Building), EUCENHJt Freeh Timothy, Orchard Grass, Flax, Bed, White and AUike Clover, Alfalfa, Velvet, Cheat, Kye, Grass, Kentucky Bine. At GOLDSMITH'S. Fnlrmount Ih only three llKk from th. terinlnuHof tlio Htrtft ear line, with flv cent fare to Eujrene, and will hood. lmvet motor lino lending to n5 Eugt'iio with llve-eentH fare. H H ti, iMilnt HflocU'd by tho HIuhIuw and Kiwtern Kallwny for tToxHlng tho Houtliern Ivifl" OUNT The owners have 18 acres of river front land that they T)roone to donate for man. ufucturing, which fact is nuro to secure the location In Fairniount of large factories. Lots are (id foot 8 Inches by MO, ami are ottered nt $125 to 1175, on payments of one third down and remainder on three veins' time. Acre tracts from $:ii)0 to I'm for single acres. You cannot do ln tter than to Invest in these lots, lluy now and get the Ix-neflt of the advance these improve ments tire sure to cause. MILLER & CO. UP SALE. oRerlng my REDUCED l'RICES- next sixty (lays, Si (i "I paia lmmeuiaieif, Boots L. D. SCARBROUGE STOVES, Tin and Granite Ware, PUMPS, PIPE, HOSE, Etc., Etc. in and Sheet A SPECIALTY. Iron W ffill conduct Lis fasting Fr,lDie"bb!r New York. The ignoble n did not appreciate him, c;,f shook the dirt or dust of from his feet and now makes tures to Chicago. not f