I 1TY AND COUNTY '.TCRDAY . . SEPTEMBER 20. Ml. EOAKD OF TitADE. ; lection of Officers For the Ensuing; scar, trie. Board of Trade met in regular annual loii, President 8. JI. Friendly in the chair. Iteport of Treasurer Osburne Knowing ) lance on luind of f335.S5, read. Kill of Yorun IlroH. for f Wo, as jx-r , ntract with finance committee, for i .. I.. I .. .. . . Ul BJK.-CIIII euiiinu or Ilcglstcr r m1, and sccretury ordered to draw' v immt on treasures for uinount. iieslgnations of A. E. Wheeler, J. i, .'. JolniHon, M. H. Harker, A. W. Huh. ' It. It. Scott, L. U. Adair, W. II. , .tt'miin, J. K. Loud, J. F. Atherton u 1 K. M. Warren read and imuies i leivd stricken from the roll. Secretary ordered to draw warrant in ' vor of 8. St. Yoran, expenses to Port- nd, Muy 7th, to committee meeting, i. The following officers were elected f r the ensuing year: President. J. D. Matlock. First Vice President. E. C. Smith. t-'ecoiid Vice President. ,S. M. Yoran. Treasurer. F. W. Osburn. .N-cretary. G. O. Yoran. Adjourned. P. E. Hnoikjrahs, Secretary. A Narrow Escape. Astoria Town Talk, Sept. 18: Hut fur the prompt mid courageous action or lapiaitij. ii. umy, another drown lug accident would have lieeu chron it It .1 Inst evening. About four o'clock yesterday a 8 year old son of George j nil was piuying on me wharf at (irny's dock und slipped overboard from the slip. A hiiuiII companion with a presence of mind that Is seldom oxhiblted in such cuses by older heads mail iiib ran up tho wharf lustily yeuiug, -jxiy ovcrooaru." uiptain Cray was sitting In his office and ran t onoe to the rescue, throwing off iiis domes as lie ran. fortunately, on reaching the spot he found an old skiff lying right where the boy had fallen in. He quickly Jumped into the nkl.Tand reached out an oar to the ly, who with anus waving wildly alHitit him, was going down for the last time. The little fellow caught the oar, and holding on with a death grip, wua dragged into the boat nearly dead from sutl'ocation. Captain Gray rolled him across his knee, and though he was black in the face and apparently lifeless yet by working w ith him lie was gradually restored and taken to his home, in jumping into the boat Captain Gray struck his side on the guuru, making a painful bruise. Public Auction. I will sell at public auction to Ihe high et bidder, on too farm formerly owned by fin. oimmous, iyt mile east or Bpring Hold, on THCBSDAT, OCTOBKB 15, 1891 At 10 o'clock a. m. tbe following de scribed property, to-wit: 4 head of good work homes, 1 pony, 3 milch eowa, 3 year ling heifers, 3 calves, 3 set of harness, 1 bioiier, 1 mower, 1 two home cultivator, 1 rake, 1 fanning mill, 3 Sterling plow, 1 ground roller, 1 four section barrow, 1 was. cu and other articles too numerous to men tion. Tkbjis. One year's time will be siren, ou approved security with interest at 8 per cent, for all snnis over $10 a discount of 8 per cent will be given for cash. John Sdckow IIknbi Matthews, Auctioneer. Shipment of Cattle. Baker City Democrat: Alex MoPherson, a wealthy cattle Miser of Bridgeport, is in tbe city making arrangements for the ship ment oi a tram of beet cattle to lblcsgo. Tbe train, to consist of ten cars, will leave this city In about a week. Tbe Chicago market is anite active aud shippers can lealize more handsomely by shipping there than to the Bound markets as heretofore. Died. About two mill east of Eu gene, September 22, 1801, Cliantis Mc pherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gum Mo Pherson, aged about 20 years. He was sick only three or four days with bil- lous fever. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2a0 o'clock at the Mumey .cemetery. The family have the sym- paty of all In their sad bereavement. University Law School. The law ;cchool of the University of Oregon will ,open nr. Portland on uctooer 7 in wun 'about 50 students. 20 of whom are in 'the senior vear and 30 in the iunior. Junior students take only three lectures a week, while those in the senior year are required to take six. The lectures re delivered bv Judire Matthew P. IDeady, Judge E. D. Shattuck, Judge iL. L. MoArthur and It. I. Thurston. Call a Halt That tired languid feeling titans that your system is in a state to in- Tile diseas, and Wright s Compound .ex tract of Sarsaparilla is wbat yon need at Iocs to expel impurities of the blood and puiu you up. Bold by an aruggisi. Geo. W. Kinsey, Auctioneer. When yon want Tour goods, household (Jimiture or land sold at anction, call of peo. W. Kinsey, tbe pioneer and most sue iessful auctioneer in Lane County. He will tund to all aalea on a reasonable com-liisaioa. Notice. I When wantino oemater work so lo E.W , ifhison k Co.. who are oreoared to furnish HI kinds at lowest prices for Brst-cUa work. lur Portland cemeut walls lor enclosing fciuetury lota are the Inest yet put opon fee market, and are furnished at about half Be cost of stone. Call and see oar beasti- 1 ISarre k Westerly granite and best (rades of Termont marble. Offices at Al bany, Eugen and Boseburg. Very liesuecttully lours, E. W. Acawsoa k Co. Sheep Inspectors Kotice. i All nersons In Lane eonnty owning scab- fy sbep or sheep afflicted with other dis Isws, are hereby notified that said sheep just be thoroughly dipped, sufficient to kill id disease, forthwith. I Any person failing to comply wun this no lo will be liable to have bis sheep dipped 9 the Inspector at said persons expense. fake notice and save costs, Dated Jane 5, 1891. Gio. Fish is. Sheep Inspector. Don't Believe It cn told that P. M. Wilkins. ths drotrist, I not aellinif "Wisdom's Bobertine for tbe tmplnion, the most elegant and only really ftrmieaa nrmaralion of its kind ill tbe orld, and giving a bfentifnl pictnre card nth every bottle. The cheapest place to bay yoar bnilJers , raware, tinware, (Ism, rope, anq i amu iujaciine opf, sc., is at lls'ocie Uuildwg. LniBia Notice. Go to ths Depot Inmbej ard for cheat) lnmhr. Andrews will not ondonoid. Fiaxcaa, Ammoa.-All kinds of ma sin oils at bed rock prices at VaMinacao & Kaarr't. Brevities. Houowar-WATCHta, Clocia, Jiwu.it SrieracLta ad Music, Day 1 IlenJerion. Cant as shots at O. E. K's. Walton k Skipworth, Lawyers. Go to 0. E. Kransse for loot wetr. Call on Caswell for sldowalk '.amber. Rubber bottom shoes at O. E. Eraasae's. Bbet music at Tatteraon k Christian's. Oth bt. Money to loan on farms. Enquire of Jaue naiHin, KeettiH nw stylt-a of Oak furniture at Day & lit mleritoo s. Hot and cold baths every day in the week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. Carpets, carpets, all new styles for spring trade at Day it Heudureou's. For flue suits made to order and ready made clothing, go to Ed Hanson. See Ike sew invoice of oak furniture, all new patterns at Day t Henderson's. 21 dollar will buy a solid, antique, oak bed room set at Day k Hen tenon's. C. Man. Barber Bhop and Bath Booms. First door north of Dunn's new block. Blank deeds, mortgage dt-eds and chattel mortgages tor sals at the Gcabd office. $5,000 worth of ladies' shorn to be sold at or below cost. J. D. Matlock. Mr Geo F Craw has ths sole aicency for all brands of ths celebrated Taniil Punch Cigars Remember tbat Hanson 4 Sod hav tbe best selected stock of clothing in town. Brine vonr old scrap cast iron to the Eu gene Iron Foundry where yon can dispose of it. Ensene Flour $1.35 per sack. Th Eu gene Flouring mills maks the best quality of roller mill Hour. If you are getting too old for your apeo tacles, or if they do not exactly suit yon take them to Watts and have new lenses fitted. Best line of plush and light weight cloth wrani from 10 to 35 dollars south of Port land, now on exhibition at A. T. Peters.' Dr. G. W. Biddle may be found at his residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth streets one block west of the Minne sota Hotel. He is prepared to do all dent al work in tbe beat manner. The best family remedy it undoubtedly Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Harm leas, it accomplishes relief where many oth er medicines fail to do. It may be safely given to the infant as well as tbe adult. Peddlers are like the Irishman's flea, and often irresponsible, so buy an organ of a reputable bouse, aud that will not fall to pieces with tbe first damp weather. Call and see Uolloway'l. Henderson, dentist. Oxford ties at O. E. K's. Fountain pens at Watts'. Overgalters at O. E. K's. Job work at tbe Guabd offloe. Tennis goods at 0. E. K's. We lead, others follow. O. E. K. Wigwam slippers at O. E. Krausse's. Russet shoes at O. E. K's. Go to Smith k Hall to sell your wool. Go to Goldsmith's aud get prioes on bacon and lard. Selette Plush Jackets only 10 dollars alJA. V. Peters.' Men's patent leather shoes at O. E. Krausse's. Blank deeds and mortgages for sale at the Gcabd office. Goldsmith pays the highest cash price foi oountry produoe. Try some breakfast bscon from Southern Oregon. A. Goldsmith. Forest City Dongola shoes only $1 50 a pair at A. V. Peters.' All kinds of mill saws and files for sale at Richard Mount's aaw shop. Remember the $1 50 Dongola shoe, good value for $2, at A. V. Peters'. The beat assortment of children's shoes ill be found at O. E. Krausse's. When wantins a nice tie or anything in the furnishing line go to J. E. Bond. Blank notices for the location of quarts mines for sale at the Guabd otfioe. For all kinds of farmintr implements call on J. M. Hendricks on Ninth Street. Screen windows and doors, glass, sash and doors at Bioalow A Kibkpatbick. My entire stock 10 per cent, discount for cash. J. O. Uatloci. If von want to buy a magnificent organ from 150 to $75 cheaper than peddlera can sell you, go to W. liolloway. W. Holloway has just received a consign ment of new organs, without doubt tbe on est toned instruments ever brought here. Call and see them. A larse assortment of wall paper just re ceived at tbe Eugene Book Store. Call and see it. Banga'McKenzle Springs Stage Line. A Dictionary Bargain. We oiler the following inducement to BulwerlU'w to the Weekly Ui'AKn: rorHao we will furnlah the iaier to new sulaa rilieni or old ones living one year In advance, with a copy of eoKicr s unaumigeti uiciiouary. The book has l.Wl nagctt. In hand- Homely Itound, and Is a WbuIii alone at that figure. It has an apiendlx of ur.ouu new wonm, io,uio aynonyiiw, rououncimr vocu u ur i or ser ntun clasxieul and ircoirranhlcul imnun. ami a dictionary of mercantile ami legal leniiH, also a large iiunilier or llliintra. tlons. (.'all ami see for vournelvin. The Daily IH'Aun for three months, iiciivervti, ana the dictionary nr ft.75. r.very family needs an unabridged dictionary, and this in nil excellent opiHirtunlty to oecure one for a nominal price. High Bank Happenings. September 24, 181. Kiiool opened Monday with a fair attendance. Frank Mattenon Bundayed at home, "ttu iri'iiiiKiiriti. Mian Clara Edward paid relative in r.ugeiie a vim this WeeK. P. Konta atteuded the state fair at Niiem. Lai Young, of Fall Creek, wiw here iuuuuay. Mr. Brooks departed for Eastern Uregon last week. Ilev. Sweeney moved his household etlecta to Lowell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Campliell, of Camp Creek, O. A. Campbell and wife and Arthur Comegya went to the Hltie Itiver ou a pleasure trip and hunting cAjteuiiiuu iawi weeK. KKon.AK Auction Sale. I will sell at public auction, at my farm i miles north of Eugene, aoroas the W. lamette, on Wednesday, Uclolx-r 14, 1NKI, at li o'clock M., the following draenbed property, to-wit: 1 span of horses, 0 year oiu, weigut 1,'juu is., well unite; 3 wrll broke driving marea, weight about 1,100 tt each, young animals; 1 span, mare and horse, 7 year old, will weigh 1,'JjO; 10 borws, mart-sand colts, some well matt-bed, and broke lo drive aingle or double. 1 cart. 1 single biiL'gy, 2 sttts of double liarue, 2 sets of single baruess, 'J wagons 3 l-i aud 3 3-4, both Htuilt baker. 1 smsll bnin-h of cattle, alo a flue lot of bogs. This will afford a Hue opportunity for purebaaers to gel tbe nueat lot of stock In Laue county. TlKMa All sums uudt-r twenty dollars caah Sums stove f .M, note with approved sw.'urity, payablit oue year from date ol sale. E. M. Wahiun. u. W. hiNMKT, Auctioneer. Mabel Murmuring. September 23, 1891 Mrs. John Spores, of Mohawk, viniled ber pareuts here last week. Mr. Workman returned from Oakland last Saturday where be baa been yinitiuii I r lends. Mises Kate and Annie Diury went down to Eugena Saturday preparatory to enter ing the Uuiterxity. Mr. GusHit. of lliub Banks, was here last week locking at laud with a view of pur cbaing a farm. Mr. Whit more sold bis sawmill, on Mill Creek, reefutly. We did not learu the purchaser's name, OlWSBVKS. For a Valley League. liny Herald: Manager Moore or the AIImiiIcm ami Muniiger Estray Sale. Taken up by tbe undenigued In tbe city of Eugene September 18, 18!) I, tbs follow- ing described astray animals: Oue roan filly about 3 years old; Ismail bay mare 9 or 10 years old, two indittiuct brsnds on ber right shoulder. She has a this year's bay colt with bei; 1 large black Uiare 9 or It) yeara old; white right hi ml foot, blaze in forehead; 1 larce gray mare 6 or 7 Tears - - . ... , UIU. l win sell tbe above estray animals at public auction, at Clark's stable in the city of Eugene, to tbe highest bidder for ch in baud ou Saturday, October 10th, 18UI, ai me nour ul i o clock p. m. of said day, J. T. Wittkb, Nightwatcb. Auction Sale. I will sell at publio auction, on the farm of B. G. Mulkey, V, miles west of Irviug station, on Saturday, Oct. 3, 1891, at lu o clock a. in., tbe following desorided prop erty; 1 span of hones. 1 wseon. 1 set of team harness, 8 or 10 bead of cattle, 20 bead of good fattening bogs, 20 tons of good hay, 65 bushels of rye and some other crain. plows, harrows, household and kitchen fur niture and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale cash. A. W. Nobtoii. W, T. Kayser, Auctioneer. Keal Estate Transfers. El'QENE. Emma J Pollock to J E Koach, lot 3, block 4 In llccs' addition and lots 6 and 7 in Chesher's addition: $1,200. A R Hnilth to Lucy F Purkerson, ioi , oiock i, uiieMier'g atniition; fDO. J P Chesher to Ida J ltoblnson. lot 4. oiock, i, inesnerg aauiuon; (iuu. COTTAOR OBOVR. Caroline M Morns to J Lewis and C II llurkholder, lot 4, block 2, Shield's auumoii; j.tu'J.oo. CX)UNTRY. John Stewart to Dr. L. W. Ilrown, acres m iniiB.iisw; WM.s-i. M Cannady to JchhIo 8 Whibtcll, 20 acn'H in i n 17 w, it o w; skm. On'con Central Military ltoad Co to H F Hendricks, 8 acres in Tp 19 8, It 2 v ; Albertson's Condition l'nchan-ed. EsiriBB Crrr, Or., Sept. 23. Arrivals by stage from Gstdiner report tbe condition of Albertson about tbe same. He is resting easily and is still closely guarded by the officers. It is not known yet when they will leave lor Taoom or by wbat toute. Allmii house Minto, of the Haleni liusc ball clulis lire Hulking a determined ellort toorgiinize a vulley lengue for next sciihou. They should la given encouragement as an organization of this kind would not only be a splendid advertisement to me rvsiHTtive cities, tint an interest would lie created and It would give us a mctniimlitan air. liesldes it is re- frexliiiig to see a gootl game of ball aud to do this heretofore one hatlto go to Portland or Baieni. io make It a success Albany, Salem, Eugene aud Corvallis, or Albius would bave to go into it. These oities could niaiutain a lively It-ague. '1 be States man says with no league lu tbe valley there win be no ctiilem team next year. That 10,000 Prize. The report la being circulated that Ihe Ten Thousand Dollar Grand Trize with College Hill lots has been withdrawn, but the re port is false, and the prize will be given to the purchasers as advertised. INHANK. insanity seems to bo on the Increase, at least in Lane county. Hardly a weeK passed out that some iM-rson Is adjudged Insane In this county. Wednesday at 2 o'clock Mrs. Emmu Langworthy, who has leen In Eugene during the oast vear. was examined before Judge Scott. IVn- uty rroseeutlng Attorney Potter ami Medical Examiners llrs. Ilrown and ltowiund, and adjudged insane. The cause of her Insanity is domestic troubles. Her husband and children live on Lake creek. From Thurmlav's Dallv. To thi Astlum. Special Deputy Sheriff Alounee look tbe lady, pronounced insane yesterday, to tbe asylum by the morning's local train. hiii:vitii:m. Puiuiw. unit) and gas fittiui.'s at Miller A i-oug. D. I.luu A Sou. furniture and undertak lug. Cook stoves from f 1.50 to f 00 at Miller k Long s, Uth street. Nice aasortuieut of hardware at Miller k Loug s. Oats bought and stored by Ihe Eugene Milling io. Miller ic Long is the cheapen! place for stoves ana tinware. K.ep saying over to yourself, "I can get oaruaare ai Miller bong s. Tbe beat buggy msde for tbe money, is F Li. numbers fnu pleasure wagons. Attention Fsrniers. Call on Millt-r Jt Long for Stoves, Tin and Hardware, tO.OCO bags o loan to thou who deaire to store their wheat lu the Lugeue Mills. Owners of (arms desirous of teuants call on the Eugeue Improvement Cc, liegister blot'K. For choice Spencer Butte numery apple, pear trees, ic, write lo Urville I'brips, I.u geue. Why 1 t Sleep ou the floor when ti win nuy a double btUntead at Day 4 lien ueraou s. Csrpeuters snd conlrst'ton will save Dion ey by getting timiiug aud plumbing from Miller k Loug. Tinning, plumbing and job work of all kimU iloue cheap aud ou short notice t.1 Miller A Long. Miller ,t Long are sole sgents for the eel ebrated Gold Com aud Gordon Stoves and Itanges in hugene. ltemenibt-r that the Eugene Milling Co.. is I'd vina oats, ami storing Ihutu alio. Lib eral prices offered. Don't pans by D. Linn A Son's furniture store without examining their flue new line ol tiiruitiire jiiHt received. Oak bed rootu sets and all other kinds of furniture, shades snd carpets at Day A lU'ndt'ntou s, cheaper than ever. If you want a suit of clothes or a pair of pantaloon go In liavis, I lie tailor, lie guar antees sullhlut'tion anil low prices. Golden Age Disc Harrow with or without seeder, best and lowest price in the market at t . L. l lUMUXBS. imver milled now. also Ulivers new steel plow warranted lo scour in any soil. "lining, Milky or uang riowsaud any ining yoll betd to culiivate Hie grouud wun. I'. I,. Liiamukbs Fresh oysters are here again. The opening of the State University adds new i ue to fcugeue. Trains are crowded now going and com ing iroiu tue Portland lair. H. C. Perkins returned Monday from airip io urani county. For watches, docks, silverware and lew. elry go to Holloway's. All uew goods aud novelties. J. M. Sloso and sons have gone lo East ern Uregou to look alter their stock Interests. John Hlxon is very sick at his home on the McKenzle, and his recovery Is (lOIIIIIIUI. Mrs. Nellie Swift will go to Sen Francis co (hit week aud will make ber future home in that city. Tbe two leading attractions at tbe late fair were the fruit palace and tbe blind school exhibit. Ileal estate transactions quiet. It Is said that Hlian Conner will soon take the comluctorshlp of the Albany litem, Sterling Hill who is in tbe undertaking business st Kat Portland has been elected to membership in the Northwest Funeral virectors Association Friday evening, as a party of young men were returning to their homes, near Iisker City tbe tongue of the vehicle in which they were riding dropped to tbe ground and the horses started on a mad run, throwing tbe occupants to ihe ground and injuring one of them, Pbil Collins by name, so se- noumy, mat bis comrailes tear be may not recover. the Polk conntv llenilztr avMnntlt knows whst it Is talking about wh-n it says thst one of Ihe certainties is tbat alter s while this vslley will be thickly populated snd divided np iuto small tracts. The time will come when as much as a huudred acre farm will be tbe exception. Hut then there ill be sa much produced on fifty acres as there is now ou twice that amount of grouud. Parties comlmr tin from Luke T.a bish, which tint bog the Hoiithern laclllc crosseti by n trestle ami where mere was a train-wreck on a memor able NovciiiIht night lust year, say the niiiroau company nas men on the ground ready to commence work on the till. The lake Is to la crossed bv n till iwcmglng six feet high ami mK) lift long. There will be deen cuts at cither end of the till, the one at Che- iiiawa iHlng not less than tell feet Ihe m-eulur uuicksand formation of i tie son makes u higher or heavier nil inipracticatile. Clocks at Holloway's, Wm. Smith Is buildimr a new house on eiisi iie veil Hi street. David Pay writes that hs will return lo hugene Oct. 1st. He Is now in Walls Walla. W. Hollowar haa now got In a new stock of clocks, all uew patterns. Call and see lUt'lU. . neai iron cresting was Maeed on top of the front of the Odd Fellow's Thi Reward George E. Ives, of the Theil detective ageno, of Portland, wasiu Lugene Monday. He was bere for the purpose of securing evidence agnlust Albert son and Chandler. In au - Interview Mr. Ives said tbat tbe Sheriff's office of Lane connty was deserving ol tbe whole oredit for tbe location of Ihe defaulting cashier and bis pal, and thst the agency received their whole information from said quarters. Further, be ststed that Sheriff Nolsnd and Deputy Cochran would certainly receive the touu reward onered. Ell Bancs is now running his stage line np the McKenzie river to tbe Foley and Belknap springs aud intermediate points. The stage testes Eugene op Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning alternate days. The trip will be made in twelve hours. For tickets and further 1 nformstion, call at the Hoffman House stables on Ninth street. What It It? That r.roduces that beautifully soft com plexion and leaves no traces ot its applica tion nr ininrious effects? The answer, Wis dom's Bobertine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. There is no danger of a cold resulting in pneumonia when i,nsuiuriBiB . vouKu Bemedy is used as directed "for a severe ' Ii effoctuallv counteract and arrests any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. Tbia fact was fully proven io thous i Anrvna the emdemie of influ enza last winter. For sale by F. M. Wilkins, Druggist. WainiD. 100,000 lbs. of good Willamette valley wool. Hurra notel ! Lease. TIia Tinker Hotel, doing ft good busi ness in Eugene, is ottered for rent to nv rpsnnnsib le Durtv for a term of five years, the lessee to purchase the fuml- "nr the dining room will be "leased, the lessee to purchase the dining and kitchen furniture. At each meal an average of 00 to bO patrons are accomo dated. Chas. Hakkb. Estray Sale. Taken ud by the undersigned in Eu- ne. HeDt. 7."lMl, one sorrel mare, 8 or nine years old, about 15 bands high, hind feet while. A lew uiw tiuuu marks on her sides, i will wll the aliove described animal at public auction for cash In hand at i vtip A Rowlsbv's stable in Eugene, on Saturday, Kept. 2R, isd. at 2 o'clock. Ul. J. Wilis., Nigbtwateh. Brain Ijoxdsi. Tbe old Cleaver war bouse on Seventh street has been rented by Portland Daitiee. wbo will start a steam laundry io the building shortly. Elictid Paisioswr.-B M. Day was elected President ot Ibe Undertaker coo vention Monday at Portland. Aa excel, lent select ton. Krtcut, Mirrara.-The Council held a special meeting Wednesday evening. A full board was present, with tbe exception of Councilman Griffin. The advisability of extending lateral sewer linea to Twelfth street was discussed, but after hearing tbe opinion ol me engineer, air. nelley, tbe matter was dropped. A remonstrsnce from property owners along Pearl street from Eleventh lo Thirteenth street wss resd, sgainst the improvement of said street. After discussion Ihe matter was referred to the street committee. Aldr which the council adjourned to meet Monday even ing. A Woiias Diilxb One of the attrac tions, if such degredation can be said to possess any attractive feature, of a Salem saloon during tbe week of Ibe state fair, was a woman wbo dealt "stud poker," Ths novelty of the situation brought a good play to the table, which was surrounded during tbe week by young men snd old men anx ious lo wsger their money against that of their fellow men. This is perbsps tbe first time In Balern that a woman ever per formed such labor and Ibe sight wss as sad ai it was novel. From Tuesday's Dally. Arrested. Geo. V. Howard was arrested by Constable J. W. Majors, Monthly afternoon at Junction, on complaint of Jus. P. Schooling, on the charge of threatening to kill. The case was tried before Justice Ktarr In Junction today. Attorneys Potter and Uilyeu appeared for the Rate. The case is the result of the Schooling Howard adultery case. And still the end is not vet. Lath. Just before going to press ws received tbe following from Junction: Ex amination still in progress, Howard baa no attorney. Will be bound over to keep tbe peace, and possibly for carrying concealed weapon. From Wednesday's Dally. BocitD Ovxa G. W. Howard, wbo was tried for threatening to kill J P Schooling, at 1 unction, yesterday, waa bound over by Justice Starr, in the aum of tibO to keep the peace. He furnished bonds, Mr. Nor msn Lee being his bondemsn. On a charge of carrying a concealed weapon, he waa discharged, altbongb he stated tbat be bad a pistol on bia person and defied any one to take tbe same from him. A Boars 6crr. AHainy Democrat: Ths Brownsville Woolen Mill Co., now tbe AI bsny Woolen Mill Co., bss sued severs! Albany men wbo guaranteed tbe bal ance to tbe 1 25,000 subscription to ths Woolen Mill. The amount was about $1500, being about f IjO for each of Ibe aubscrib-ers. Sham Battli. Company C has accepted so invitation to take part ia a sham battle to be given by the veterans ol tbe late war in tbeir reunion bere from tbe 7th to tbe loth of October. Tbe milium bote will also ramp with thtai one or two evening during tbe reunion. Laaa EsaoLuatrr Tbe enrollmerjt Monday at tbe State University waa 118, and it has beea increaaed to X) today. Atodea'.s sre arriving on nearly rvsrj true. The street cam are a great conven ience to studenU at the University. "Yarrow Kvmons. "Yarrow Hy- mons has liecn appointed as one of the commissioners to locu.o the boundary lino let ween the United Rates uml Mexico, ord will soon leavo for that section. Thank the Lord! The light made on him by the ticoplo of Lane county has had tho effect desired, I e, a transfer to another locality. We pity the Mexicans, however. Levtino Tbe sheriff Thursday com menced levying on property that appears on tbe assessment roll of School Distriot No. 4, as delinquent, and will offer tbe same for sale to pay said taxes, on November 3rd. Tbis is imperative ss the board of directors bas made tbe ortler. Therefore, if you are delinquent, don'l be aurprised to find an execution poster ou your property. Scspinuxd. Word bas been teceived that 25 U. 8. land inspectors hsve been sus pended, on account of the appropriation running short. We are sorry to learn tbat Dr. C. E. Loomia of Eugene is one of Ibe num ber He bss held tbe position for tbe past ten years. Although a Republican be was retained during Cleveland's administration. Fki'it Stolen. Home time between Sunday and Monday the cellar of J. K. Hale's residence on the corner of bixth and Pearl street was entered by unknown parties and three dozen Jars of fruit stolen. No clue to the burglar. Marrikd. Mr. J. E. (Smith, form erly of this city, and MissC. C. Harhre, orimt valley, were married at Tacoma September 17th. Mr. Smith is now lu business In a little town near Tacoma. Stum Lacndst. Tbe machinery for tbe steam laundry arrivsd by Wednesday night's freight, snd is being moved lo tbe old Cleaver building, on Seventh street, today. Tbe plant cost $5,000. We wish tbe proprietors much success, as they are deserving of a liberal patrouage. Baud Coscxst. Tbe bsnd will give an other open air concert on tbe corner of Willamette and Eighth streets, Saturday evening at 7 JO o'clock. Tbe boys should receive tbe encouragement of our citizens, in tbeir endeavor to furnish tbe people with first chut music. Law Hut. A suit was heard before Justice Kinsey Thursday where in Mrs. K. KCusesues Miss Hattle Stowell for the Matsession of a piuno. The cose will be argued and a decision given next Mouduy. Graoixo CoxraACT Lrr Tbe contract for Ibe grading ot alleys waa lei Wednesday afternoon to E. K. Uollenbeck for Ibe sum of (227. He will eommence woik on tbe same at ouoe. La hoe Li'Miim Hii.l. Purtlc in Fairmount iiloecd one single order yi-s-terday fttr tlilrtynine thoiinund feet of lumber for sidewalks and to Improve die iwk. IiiKW. About two miles northwest of Kugelie, Sept. 1, 11, of croup, the infant soil of John lintdy, agttl 2 yean. The funeral took place at the Mulkey cemetery this aftermsm. Fim roca Isst. -Tbe first well of Ibe Eogene Water Company ia now down fifty four ft-el from tbe bottom of the cistern. Boas In Eugne, Oregon, September 23, 18'JI, to tbe wife of Lewis II Potter, a son. W. Ilollowsy's stock Is again complete with tbe newest novelties of tbe season. Prices are tbe lowest. Bert Matthews is slowly recovering after a daugerons attack of typhoid fever. Ho is not yet able to leave bis bed. Webster Willis left Woo, evening for San Francisco. He will attend Stanford Uuitersity this winter. The illness of Contractor Bellman re tards the building of the niauholes and oatcli basins for Ibe alley sewer lines. County Clerk Walker left Tuesday tor bis farm near Springfield, where be will spend a week or two recuperating from bia jecenl sickness. There are no flies on Holloway or fly specks nn his goods. Tbey are all brand new and the prices are like tbe goods, Call and see bis watches, clocks and silverware. Mr. Brandsottor, bar keener of the Re ception saloon, got his thumb bsdly mashed In a salo last Monday evening. Ue will carry bia arm in a sling a dsy or two as a result. ' A foot rnce was run at Bultm Bstunliv between Betbwsite, of Independence and Cameron, of Corvallis, for ti'M. the for mer winning, much to tbe grief of tbe .Cor vallis men. The last day of of the State fair was well attended. Tbe leccipts for the week wore 10,504.60 against $D,528.50 for lN'.HJ, The race track receipts .were f 1,885.75 againat IJ.lttU.uU last year. telegram: tne wemuer-makers seem determine to bave Ihe webfoot winter come right along now. We protest tbat we don't want It now. Can t (bis be understood? When Bob Veatch goes to congress we will ssk h im to introduce a bill abolishing the whole weather bureau. Wbat sort of a new sniper plant have you?" asked tbs eastern man of tbe wild western editor. "1 bave been nsing a Colt s 44," replied the editor modestly, but considering Ibe difficulties hable to arise 'during Ihe coining campaign I bave about concluded to get a Winchester. ' There was a I'i.'iO.OUO transaction in real estate at Astoria Hatnrday. Forest fires burned $20,000 worth of fir sawlogs on the upper Gray's river before tne recent rains, Lsst Saturdty at Independence. Iowa. Allerton trotted a mile In 2i)'J'l breaking me worm s sun ion record. Tbe "Hub" clothing store at Portland was robbed yesterday morning before daylight of SHOO worth of cloth ing. The farmera are busy hauling tbeir pro duce to market. Wheat, oats snd bops art being delivered In considerable quantities. Judge Pipes and Trosecuticg Attorney Condon are in attendance upon court lo Curry county tbia week. Circuit court does not convene tbia year until October 26th. Peter Wilbelm, of Monroe, we are In formed, bus rented one of tbe store rooms in tbe Junotion hotel and will occupy tbe same, when completed, with a general mer chandise stock. If Sarah Bernhardt would come lo Klamath oounty sbs'd rske In over $10 tbe first night. She is said to be tall and thin, and tall, Ihin folks piok np wonderfully in our climate, W should like to go bnckla berrving with Sarah. Star. ben tho JCcgulator started making regular trips ou the middle Columbia lust week she was given all the local freight both ways, although the opjx sition boat cut rates to meet hers. J lie fanners evidently Intend to patronlie the lino which they have helis-tl to establish, and to which they now look ror n-iier. A farmer by the name of Church, two miles from Monmouth, Is reisirteti short one wife, who Is reported to have tied to roniaiin lo live wun a tstra- tnour who formerly boarded with the family. Mr. Church is a respectable man and lias two young daughters. 1 le has mude one ellort to get his Wife buck but without avail. Com Mail: Captain Thomas flymons bar just fininbed sn inspection of tbe gov ernment work on tbe Coos bsy Jetty and bss gone over to tbe Coquille river. He is mnrb pleaaed with tbe work here and give Captain Polbcmoa great credit for tbe eco nomical and efficient manner in which tbe project bas been carried forward. Tbe effects of tbe work sre already seen in an increesed depth ol tbe cbsnnel. temple Tuesday afternoon. Au Albany company haa a crew of about iweuiy-nve men putting up a ten stamp niui iu me eaiinam in lues. There will bean entertainment dur ing the fore rmrt of Oetola-r for the oeiicui oi mo i-.ugeuo Heading ltoom Tbe public school of Junotion will ooen next Monday. E. E. Orton is principal and Misses Mutlie Lee and Anna Craiu assist ants. Until other means are ltmvlilod. or- i . .. . . ring youiu sent, u l lie relonii school will lie worked on the farm. Cun any melius do lienor man worn iv. liolloway doea not believe in old st vies and shopworn goods. He baa just got iu a new hue all through. Ilia stock is now the only new oue lo town and tba prioes are iue same. The Oregon deaf muto school opened Monday with sixteen attendants. Supt. Knight is confident there will be a larger aggregate attendance than last year when it rau np to tnirty-lour Salem Journal. Hen: If there Is anv place lu tho state that Mr. Hermann lias not visited and promised an appro priation ior river mmrovcmcuiH li should not despair. Ho is coming. Tho salmon packed this season In Alaska will exceed the out nut of last year iy several inousaiid euses. All the steamers coming down are heavily loaded with salmon consigned to Cali fornia and luistern martlets. Sunday morning whllo one of the Holder sex was engaged In the national game of poker, at Forest Grove, his wuo amicarcd on mo scene lust as lie made a bet. Sho called him. and he thought It good policy to see her nonie. Eugene is the liveliest town In the valley Considerable alcknoss reported through out tbe oountry. The pope Is organising an International congress to be held at Fribonrg in Xti'Ji to arrauge a European Catbolio democratic union. Portland Dispatch: Cam are run nlng thick and fishermen are taking tin-in out of tho Willamette in lurge in 'iniers. F. W, Chsmse, of the Cottage Grove Leader, was Ibe only Lane oouuty editor linn attended "1'ress Day" at tba Portland exposition Tbe Baptist stats convention will be held In Albsny on October 14th. A minister's conference meets the day before tbs open' ing convention. It Is estimated by those In a position to know thut Surah ltcrnhurdt hsik out of Portland about f 17,000. The re ceipts were far in excess of herexpecttt-tlons. Owners of farms throughout Grant county are preparing to how more ground to Alfalfa next year, and It will Is but a short time, when this will be tho principal hay crop of the country After Ihe Seattle fire the Odd Follows of Tbe Dalles sent to their brethren of the burnt city the sum of f 25. Yesterday the oeattie Uuii reiiows leturnea tba money with a kindly reference to the former gift irom ins uaucf Tbe Prineville Irrigation Company bave let the contract for excavating a Portion of their Irrigating ditcb. Work will be com menoed at once and pushed with dilllgenoe until completed. Tbe company expect lo furnlab water to tha reaidouts along Crook ed river for Irrigating purposes by June 1, iO'Ji. A queer runaway occurred on Snake rlv er tbe other day, says tbe East Washington ian, when the flywheel of Jim McKee's threshing machine broke loose and ran two miles down tbe big hill. Tbe thresher was at work on a high bluff above tbe river when tbe pin tbat holds tbe flywheel in position worked out, allowing the wheel to slip off Ihe spindle. It so happened tbat the wheel was revolving toward tne river, and when it flew from tbe thresher it shot off down tbe mountain side at lightning speed mver stopping till it reached the liver sedge. Ocboco Review : There being such an Immense lot of bsy and grain in this coun ty, tbis would bs a good season to feed beef for tbe spring market, If Ibere were some facilities of transportation by which meat oould be marketed in March and April. Now beef ia worth only Vt eenta a pound and ia a dull sale. Next spring It will be worth from 4 to S cents and will be in de. msnd. If wsbsda rsilrosd running through Ibe oountry, at least SOU bead of beef would be fed lu tbe county this whiter and shipped ost next spring when prioes are np. Thus ranchers would find a market for their produoe and slock raisers would derive a nice profit on their beef, but as it is neither can derive much profit. If there is any one thing we need worsa than an other it ia a railroad. Tbe Albany Democrat asys: Mr. F. J. Miller, superintendent ot tbe Albany bridge, is in lbs city, resdy to keep his eye on the initistory work on Ibe bridge, ia the shape of pile driving, which it is intended to be gin tbis week, Mr. Wakefield hating in formed him that be would be bere to begin on Ibe piers before Ibe end of Ihe week. Tbe pile driver and other apparatus It on the way bere, a big scow bas been sent by river from Eugene, and soon everything will be io motion. Tbe ooatract for 1U00 bar rels of tbs best English or Belgium cement wss let a few dsys ago in Portland. The contra.it for lumber, of which it will take aroot iKti.OOu leel, will be let to several Albany dealers, being divided among them. Tbe Iron work is being pushed in Cleveland, and the piers will be shipped first at aa ly day. Cool nights. B. G. Callison bis changsd bia residence from Cottage Grove to Jasper. Misa Louisa Bsker bas returned bom from an extended visit lo Portland. Mr. Hollenbeck Is filling tha alley leading west from Olive street, between Eighth and Niuth. Col. Isaao Britton, left for Centralis, Tbursdsy morning, on business connected with tbe Stasia railroad. Tho season for fall millinery la at hnnd and our dealers are taking advan tage of the situation. Tho sewer progresses rapidly. It will be ready to carry off the iirfni water the coming winter. Eugene a business ilrmia v,... nn..i4.. able amount of cement aidewalk and when old walks sre to be replaced il ia don with oement. Joseph Waahicheck. who haa ha .b. ing for tbe Eugene Company In tha Blna river mines is in the oitv. He a... in. oue of the best mines on tbe Coast. O. H. Dnvls. T. M. Hamilton mil W F. Wooden have recently bought Falr I lount property and will imnrove tha same at once. An organized bsnd of cattle thlevaa an getting in their work on the boneat cattle men of Uuion connty. Efforts bave been made lo locate tbe guilty parties, but with no success. Corvallia Times: Ed Bmon and Jnhn. ny Pipes will represent Corvallia at tha State University ai Eugene thia year. They are both promising lsds and will maks their mark in tbe world yet. 1 he city council of Milton bava aaaln passed su ordioanoe providing for a ananial election for tbe purpose of submitting ths question of bondiug the city In th sum of 10,000 to tbe voters of tbat oily. Perbspi the fastest long distsnoe ran avae mails on a railroad in Ibe United State was between New York and Bufl'alo tha nih day. The distance 445 mile was cor eretl In VS"t seconds, a little over a mil a minute. Three engines wera nied in that distsnce, and only K't minute wera nied in making tue two change of engine. An old man and an old woman itnnk their venerable head out of their own back window at Keoo th other nirht in speak a few words to a charivari party tbat bad eoine to waken a young couple "Mr. Biggs," said th old ladv. addresaino tha ringleader of lb hornblower "my darter Susan didn't get married at all. en' eo I suppose ye cam to serenade m and th old man. Blow yer sou II We haven't been serenaded for nigh onto forty yeara Come in all o' y and got a drink o' water, for ye must be dry blowin' them old horns.' Then th boy flew to get about 400 acre of fresh air. Tho Dalles Chronicle: Whila them Is not the least doubt that The Dalles will rebuild in due time as haiidoomelv as licfore, the fitet remnins that it will require ninny years of time to replace the magnificent trees which were stripped of their foliage and had their shapely trunks blackened by the great tire. At the time the giant populars surrounding the old homestead of Mrs. umghlln were planted, the streets In that locality ran with the waste wator from tho tlrst reservoir aa abundant I v as do now the streets of Salt Lake City. This gave an impetus to tree planting which was not possible later by reason of taxed water and added trouble. Tho comnleted avstem will lo much, however, to comH?nsnte for the old-timo life giving element. Drummer plentiful. The vacant house are rapidly finding occupants. John Holt has started a new llverv stublo at Coburg. A marriage license Issnsd Thnradav mom. Ing to John H. Ogle and Rosetta Pool. And Still th University alndants an ae. riving. Eugene is th educational center of Oregon. J. B. Alexander bring us som flna peaches grown on a two year old aeedling at b I resideno. Two Dew Dole for th Electric Ltirht On. have been erected on th corner of Willam ette and Ninth streets. The collection of fruit in Becklev's sho window is still increasing. Tha last Is a jar of Bartlett pear from Fairmount. Dalle Mountaineer: Wa are sorrv to learn that crop in certain portion ot th oountry hav not turned out aa expected. In eouis Instance tbe result ia vary discouraging, W. W. Moors left for Portland Thurs day. Before leaving he reoelved a dispatch tbat his brother Joseph, who wa injured some time since in a saw mill at Astoria, wa dying. Tho Olo Olson Company will return new on gnu or first class amusemenU will probably be the opening of the uew opera house. It Is a well-known foot among business men wbo hay studied th art of advertising tbat It doea not pay to patroniz "obeap pa per." Money spsnt in pspers which hav not a general circulation ia absolutely thrown away. Journal which vrvbodr read are th one used by liv advertiser. Prineville New. Sept, 18: A llttla dsngbterof W. U. Mil Horn waa thrown from a wagon near Deschutes Wednesday while returning with her parents from tbe Willamette valley, and sustained riou injuries about lb head and body. Dr. Conner attended tb (ufferer and aba will be herself again in a few wetk. Joe. R Gristlier and Phoebe Davis with a speclul selected comnanv will occupy Klilnehurt's new otcra house, Oct. 0th, with the Ideal comedy drama entitled, "The Burglar." by Augustus lliomay, author of "Alabama." Oct. 7th the pli'turestjue military drama, "lteacon Lights.1' We take pleasure In being able to present to the Eugene people a company of their merit, and now that we nave a good commodious stage with new scenery and In fact a new bouse, we hope to see you au. Niw Toai. Sept. 2a.-Th Mall and Ex press print this special from Washington: "James O. Blaln will soon after th first of th nsw year notify hi friend and ad mirers, who ar now urging hi nomlna nation for th presidency, thai under no ciroomstance oould he accept such an bonoi, and tbat h ia for th renomination of Harrison. Thia information is given tha Mail and Express on tb authority of a man whoa name I nstional. and whoa posi tion, a to Harrison and Blains. la nnque- lioaed. i ou viu uisou company win rciu; to Eugcno and present an entirely n play entitled, f'A Turkish Huth,( Oct. 6th. These three nlghU of fii The Local Market. The following auotatlon for the local market am ol ntall prioes only. Tbey are eorrsoletl weekly, snd will be found ss accural aa iuch a report can be niatle: Whbst Kel market OiTa-Ker buihel, net rira-ivr won Hssr-I'er Mi'TTOM Her Ik Foaa-Fer fk Vsiu-Fer B). Hiaa-Fer Ik Siioi'LDssa FerBj Hmsa-Per S , I.i art Fer rk Bl'TTSl-lVr roll (2 tks.) EMis Ferdosen . .... (.amine ei'riin. Fer doe 014 bens. Fer do.. Hitxi-y Ik Fitatos New W Bushel Scuaa-Dry (ranulaled, Y rural,, ft .. Ool.len. ft Ik Corns-l.'nata kioa best . . Kio V Ik Java Ik Tsa-V Ik SMies-lyr boi.aobars Cuu-Fsr B , 10 10 10 10 I n t so OA (H 06(4 OS (i os $ 1 10 12 9 m v iftu9 too 400 6 40 2 so (a) ( 14 St 1 sa 1