AaLil.t (iV:..., v:A .. Jli.., t Drugs, riiarmacy, Clicinicals, Medicines, Physicians Sup plies, Surgical Appliances. Everything Exquisite in Imported . Perfumery, 80 d Toilet Articles. Also a complete ana select b.ock en Oils, Varnishes, Brushes and toni fWelmythirfwprtolonrEMfc . cK'om price, on .11 good, em OSBURN & DeLANO, EUGENE, OR A. GOLDSMITH, lie Best Known Brocer in If n Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Chi n, Glass, Crock ery, Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before. Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins, ... . i i m 11 P.. Hides, wool, lanow, aw. Orders filled promptly, with the greatest care. I DON'T BOAST PRICES. All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene Call and be corteously treated. A. GOLDSMITH. Fakr's Golden Female Pills.. For Female Irrc(rtilr Itiea-within llketliem ou the market. Hever fait. Kucoeaalmlyaaed by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE1 8AFEI CERTAIN! VffipL Don't bo bumbnreed. (CSC "av Time, Health, sSiJ audmonev;takuooth- r, Oah. n mnw ' ' ' .(cure ly mill ou re- I Addreaa, THE APHRO RIEDICINE CORPSKT, Vdtem Branch, Bo 27, POBTLAHD, OB' for Hale by K. R. LUCKEY 4 CO., Eugene. ill X THE CRY OF MILLIONS, OH, 7UIY BUCK I TOP IT NOW, OON IT WIILM TOO UTt. f diKatt of th. kidney. nd haw tried many ainemu remeuies uu ought aid from different physicians I wa. Buffering from a wry violent attack tnat aunoK pnwim . - . v. . i tontover. UK. huhuci - ; " When I lit down It wa. almost Impossible for m, to get up alone, or to put on my doUw., when kind providence aent lr. Henley, with th. OKHUUN suunni u wj hotel I ImmedUtely commenced using the tea. It had an almoat Mlranlnna ..fTm-l .nd to tht IftOO' Uhment of all the fueet. at the hotel, In a few day.,1 am happy to Mate, that X wa. a sew man. i wu recommend tht tea to all a. 1 hare been. 0. A. TDPPBR, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, pauia DM) wu Brick. Brick. nn.iin,K A- thrums, mntraotor. anil builder., have plenty of the bent quality of brick at their yard ly, mue. nn "". and will .upply the demand at reasonable Th alao contract for all kind, of brick work and guamutea .atisfaotion. Will deliver brick on oruer to any pan ui mwu. How to Break up a Severe Cold. v.m th Virolnia Citv. Mont.. Madison- i... Whn mm Anil mulinlne ws know to posses, genuine merit, we oon.ider it a duty, and we take pleasure Id telling the publio whit H wan. aucu meuiciuo wo immum Rpfimdv. Bv the cm of tbia .yrnp we buve relieved, in a few boar., severe cows, ana in me cuurw ui two or three day., entirely broken them up frinnrlk to whom W6 have recommended it. It i. all it U repre- ented to be oy ine manuiaciurHra. n tuu have a cough and want to atop it, Chamber lain. Oongn liemedy will do the work. For ale by F. M. Wilkin., Druggint. IS afflicted! 1 fl 11 EUGENE CITY ILL CO, PATTERSON, EDMS & 00. m 'Uanufaotnre Best Grades Family Flour, Stnr Grain on tin moat favorable term., Wheat receipt of any warehou. north of Ku gn; properly aaiigned, taken in eiohange for x luur ur f evu r7IIigket Caah Frlos Paid for Wheat. fT GEO. F.CRAW, P0ST0FFICK Cigar store, Eugene CltyOregon. NOTICE TO CKEUITOKH. Notice It hereby given that the underalgned ha. been appointed adiuluitKintor ol the entate of A. K HniKntrom, deceaned, by the county court of I-ane County, Oregon. All pemon. having claim. airKlimt the mild eMKto .re hereby notl- nel to proent the aaine to tne ima auiniuisini tor or bli attorney, within aiz month, from this date. Auguat 3, lWll. ALFIlRD MASON, Admlnl.trator. Walton A hku-wohth. Att'ya lor eatnte. Cough., Cold., Influania, Brenehttlt, No.ra.n.... Whoopln. Couoh.Crouo. roll. Ailhml. and every (flectiun of tht Jhroal, Lunf. and Ch.it, Including Con.um.tlon. MdraadperouuMut, Genuine lined"!. iutU. Without Health can- mi tu LHLI II not be enjoyed. THEREFORE USB w It la the best nclprr to llealtli and lliiMuicieit cure on Earth, llie It in time for ail diaraiea ol the Stomach, Liver, Kidneya and Skin. It curea Kheumatlam, Malaria, Coated Tongue and Heailache, relievea Constipation, Bilious sa and Dyspepaia, drives all impurities out of th Blood and dries up old Surea. The Businesa men buy It, the Workingmrn use It. the Ladies take it, the Children cry lor it and the Farmers aay It is their best health preserver. Sold everywhere, Ji.oo a buttle; six for v Lane County awn. euufhei k a. M A. 0. llov.T, : II. C. HimriiRir, J. M. Airahi, i : Proaldout : : Cashier Assistant Caahter Transacts a General Banking Business. Et.'GKNE, OREGON. Too Much Load On the Liver will break down ill the energiet of life, and unfit 70a (or Work, Business or Pleasure. Indigestion, Constipation, Sleepless mss, Biliousness, are the first alarms nature sounds to warn you of danger. Moore's Revealed Remedy la Mug of the Blood, Llrer and Stomach-It hu Sever Filled. ten JEC2X Hundred, of teatlmoBUla like thta: J. E. Miller, Astoria, Or, writs: fit eomd of a trn Ursa- and blood trouble." rSoldbyaUdragjisU. FISHER & WATKINS, PROPRIETORS Will keep eoaatantly on hand a full aupply of 23 X7 MUTTON, PCRK AND VEAL Wtich tliey will sell at the Wast market pri osa, A fair aliar of the publio patronage so licited. 1- . TO TUB FARMERS t We will pa; the hUW (narks price for Fat SHOP ON WILTJtMETTK 8TREET, ETJOEXE Cm, OREGOX XfeaU delivered to any part of the dty fro of cnanr. AuiLitro, Or., Sept. 6 .-A tramp broke iatoKluma' stors) at Talent, (oar atlkts north from beie, last ouht. and was sa- loctins hie plunder wbsw be wa discovered Dy eooa pnuer, a man aieeptnf ta Id store, woo aoot ai me nargiar tDra iibm, on shot going through bia hat and ranging op- waru, prouncing a naa wouna tbooga hot uy taiai. Albuny IleraM. Aumnt 8d. Mr. Am Mfiwhall, wlilbi 1uI1m . " .. , . . ...,,..,l,,n mot. with liny near inis tuy j.., " waKon came on, w "".? , " fn fttllliiK, ln'Hkinft btth bones below i'.1. : ir ,nl,r,iiirlit to th H CltV and the broken limb dressed by Dm. Manton and Davis. News has been received In this city of afatalawldentatBwtIfome. A youiiKnian, whose name could not be oHcertalned was hauling hay. HU Kren away and he was thrown off under the wheels. Ho was kicked by the hornes and run over bv the wagon i. ,iMith. lfewasaOer- aim trunncv ... man aitetl about 20. A farm hand working ft The Fro man yenU-nlay was hauling straw. He fell off the loud and was severely bruised and cut about the head. IJr. Ellis, of thU city, dresm-d his wounds. The voung woman who was shot at the IttiHa House, Tuesday evening, to still In a critical condition. l ie attending physician, Dr. Davis, thinks she will Kwtver. She was accom nnnled bv a young man named tun hSLfanye.nPfoye In the Oregon Pacific ofllce at Corva lis. The woman's right namo Is Mrs. irutK. Her husband lives In Independence. The fourteen-year-old wm of Daniel Italnes, who resides near Mill City, had his arm torn off In the harvest Held on Hunduy. The lad was working about a threshing machine, and caught his left arm In a pully, tearing the arm V . . . a ,fl. ,.wl whu niYHW from lis HtK-Kcu 1 i-' i- erlv dressed and the unfortunate boy J .n.. ... i..ut ni.iintu. nnd mav WaS B11VC Ob man 1 - recover. 1 nr...,. ronvA t.ms. Great ex- cltement prevulls at Corvallls over the m . 1.1 ...I ullinst in no in ii u..Kni.liii nt tur tv. Ileccntlv Mr. Leadbetter, an old miner who purchased a smaii lurm m-m L'utholio cemetery In the foothills in the suburbs of thut city, was digging a well, and when down twenty-two feet 1... ,.lr M..XHI nru which his CXIHTl- enced eye told him was very rich. He sent it to the Btute Assayer of evada, at Virginia City, ana weumw uy ic ...1 1 l.i. ..iiimii Tim AMtnnlHliment wiveu iivi.ii. n. 11 1 1 was general when the assay, a reliable one, rend $241.40 gold and $H81.05 silver, $ 1122.45 to the ton. Claims are being tuken up on good farming land, owned for years, anu mere i uu u,ui .1. ru M-lth nuiMnn. for the inul- cations are it has has been struck rich. F. M. Johnson, the lawyer, who was 1.. ah....... mi.1,1 lin hni four and a hall 111 rtiuniij, mux . : , , . acres adjoining Mr. Leadbetter's which he wus setting out. w iruu, i.n..n I, ,11110 nnd file a claim on Hunt iiiHii" .......v ----- It before some ono else got ahead of him. Tho matter will be pushed, other assays mauu, aim 11 mere gold there, Corvallls people proiwseto get hold 01 11. t tW " Knnv Stllt(HIllllli: B.J. riAi ' . . mi..., ,,,i,n iim uWtwl aiiiMTinteniU'Ilt of the state reform school, is expected s7m.t Iaiiio to arrive m a lew uuy 4n!" ... 7i 1 lm has been connected with the stnte's reformatory. The law passed by tho last legislature provi, nig i, r 11 nf a mfnrnl uh(H)l SHY'S it lliu vuiiih', i . v .... y , shall be directly under the control and .............mimf nf ihn nform school bourd lllllllllv , -conHistinu o! 'governor ,crrtaryand superinieiKieiii .uu ii w mii... see Just how this board can depute au thority to the superintendent. But It Will 00 UOI1B UIIU Ull-iv in nmu hi. r th inniinirement of the Institution will tie successful. Rules and regula tions for Its government are now being prepared for adoption by tho board at an early meeting. a Tvuiiir.K Vitkkiiai,. BalemStates- Ui.nt A- At InileneiHlence ves- lllllll. - . i .,,'tiiriwwin it. wus a Inrire numUT of friends that followed to the last rest ing place all that was mortal or conn 1 2, ami Mnlvnl Skinner, who were drowned in the Willamette at Inde pendence on Tuesday afternoon. As the cortege moveu siov, iy uuuuu mo streets ou tne way 10 me eemtieiy ti.uirtu worn tnlli'hl'll with sor- row and many eyes bedimmed with tears. The two forma were lowered into ono grave. These two gins nave liviwl tiuriit.her nnd died toirether and their bodies now rest side by side. Heavy Potato Crop. This full the farmers of this part of Oregon are going to dig perhaps the heaviest crop of potatoes that hits been produced here for many years. There are spuds ev erywhere nnd without exception the vleld Is simply Immense. The tubers are of good sio and their quality is the best. Rut they are not going to oe worth any money, At present there are no buyers for shipments. Severely Kicked. Mayor Mo Clung was tho recipient of a severe kick by a horse Sunday morning, while helping his daughter on a horse. Tho blow struck him on his right breast, bruising him somewhat and loosening a couple of ribs from the breastbone. It was a glancing blow, luckily. Dr. Paine was called and dressed the wounds, and Mr. McClung is able to be alxwt the house. Bobsm roa Bali. The following hor.ee were taken to Salem Monday morning to be in readine.1 for the State Fair: Carra, belonging to T. J. Oraig, Kabir Lee by Dr. T. W. Harris, a 1 year old by T. Chappel, a a mare by Mr. Daniel, a two year old by Smith Bailey, Capt. Mount and a 3 year old by Dr. Watters. The latter two were in charge of George Gill and tbe other, with Mr. Mack. A Neglected Law. Ono section of a new and neglected law Is as follows: It shall U) the duty or the dorks or an sclutol diatfU-U In the state of Oregon to report to (bo achool superintendent of their Ndptvtivei'OMntUwtltt) muni's or an aear-muteor uuiiq youtu rtviumg within their districts, who are between the ages of 6 and 14. Serioi-sly Injvred. Myron Jud- kins was thrown fnnA a horse Septem ber 2nd, In this city, aud fell very hard on the back of his head. Dr. Paine was called and found that the Mti of the brain was quite severely ltmircd. He is lvine at nis home very low, atul djjubtsare entertained of his recovery. We are moving along toward ;lie ''melancholy,, days. ftm .-nila oive Eutrcno a city air. There are a number ol old walks on tho business part ol Willamette street that should be replaced with some kmu w new walks. . At recent soundings on tho Pacific- coast, tho Albatross reports having found a few spot that reached tho preat depth of four lines. That's deep enough so you can swim without kicKing u.u i.... Eight prisoners are confined in . .. ' ii.. t n nnnt.v dun- the cells oi mo , v av ond nifht. The cells small with solid doors and the i;ht .nines through a ox- grate in the thick wall. 11 orUW-'S were w From Monday'. Paltv, New Drive Opened. The fr'aife mount Boulevard will be open for driving this evening. A new entrance luw Uvn matie under me ntgn iresuc at the vntaalniT of the railroad, making this boulevard fL of e mtest drives In the vicinity of fM&w, Married At the reidiu- nt )u? (side's parents near BprinKtletd, ejiiwr)ur, p'pu 2, oy itev. itaraner. IX U til U llbw Molhe K Brattaln. Btxasi LirauM. ii last Eugen la to have a eleam laoodtf. Wara. Barry HowellandAI.Kitoh.no PoxtianJ, have ranted a baikltng lot tbe pvpoa an4 wul comm.no operation, in about two weeks They aboaid receive a good bqtine. Bramsaa Iskasaraa. Our boaine men report that trad i. inonaaina daily. When crop are diapoaod of tha best tisua in rears sua, suuavu I us. dun are onlv inch these are in ight L. L. Polk, president of the na tional farmer's alliance organiza tion, will arrive in Oregon about the first of October, and will deliver two lectures while in the tate. He is an interesting character in Amer ican politics at present. A hop grower from Pleasant Hill reports that there are active little bugs of tho beetle siiecie a little longer than the ludy bug that are numerous in his hop yard. These bugs apparently destroy hop lice, working among the leaves of the hop blossom, no lice being found thereafter. Trcn fnptuinH lit The Dallecs Quar reled over a water works system for 1?1 a! over a year, during wnicn umo $50,000 which the city had borrow ed for water purposes lay idle. Now a fire comes along and causes a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars which might have been prevented by a good system of direct water pressure. Thn ttpiHihliean leaders in Ohio are dodging tho issue of tho cam paign. They uaro not go to me people of that state on the forced conclusions of the high-tax prob lem, because they know it means uncertainty arid unsafcty on politi cal lines. Sherman's speech on tho ailver mifistion the other day. bliv wa w rm ft ' however, will drive the farmers to ' ..... . . i the support ol the Democratic ticK et. Tho chances of Campbell's re election are brightening with the progress of the campaign. Cottage Grove Items. Leader, Sept. 5th. Mr. Dewnld moved into his new residence Thursday. Mr. J. A. Ben son will occupy the house vueated by Mr. Dewald. Mr. Lovelace while working on the warehouse of Mr. Lurch's fell from the top joist receiving a bruise on his right thigh, but not serious. The Cottage Grove cornet band, under the leadership of Mr. L. F. Wooley, gave ono of their populur entertainments lust Saturday evening at the Sherman opera house. Hop picking commenced in the Knox hop yard near town Tuesday. The hons uro not Infected with lice ns in the lower valley, and the yield will be better this season than lust. C. H. Wallace A Soiib have secured the contract for the brick work ou the bank and will commence work upon It as soon as the brick can lo burned. They are making about 8000 ier day. The ladles of the M. E. church irnve a sunncr nt Whinnle's hall Tuesday evening which proved a grand success. The doors opened at six o'clock nnd supper was served until after nine. The tables were crowded all the time nnd all participated in an enjoyable time. About HO was realized from the supper. The proceeds arc to assist In buying an organ for tho M. E. Sun day school. The ladies of the C. P. church organ ized an Aid Society, at the church on Monday, Aug. 2K, In response to a call of the pastor. Tho following named lady members and menus oi me church met. Mrs. (1. B. Rogers, K. Perkins. 8. Cochran, M. Currin, A. Wallace, N. M. Oglesby, L. McMurry, S. L. Hannes and Mrs. M. C. Younger. Meethnr called to order bv pastor. Tho following olllcers were elected: Mrs. Touchette, president; Mrs. A. Wtillnrai Y'tuk-i.rvujlit.mt fla r.1.,10 TlllllUVVj 1IVV J'liniUlUj A. lO. JJV.III Jordon, secretary; Mrs. Haruics, treas urer. Mr. I. H. Ventch while driving through Dave Mosby's fann east of town Saturday, met a black bear along the road. I le at once pursued Mr. Bruin and soon had him up a tree; then a rltle was obtained and the bear killed. Three more were seen in that neighbor hood the same day. Tho largo black ltear that has been causing D. W. Hardinir some trouble, and tho loss of several head of sheep was also captured and killed Saturday. "Senator Veateh did tho shooting act" in a bet murmuring. September 9, 1891. School commenced last Tuesday. Threehiug is a thing of tha past in this seotioa. Mr. Workman'. saw mill is running in full blast. Sunday aohool every Sunday. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. This neck o' the wood, la almost denoD. luted linoe hop picking began. Mi.s Anna Drury, of Mill oreek. visited here over Suuday with relatives. William Workman and danohter. Mrs. Sarah Dmry, visited with friends last week near Oakland, this .tate. Messrs Drury and Rice returned lost rrtdsy trom a two week, trip in the moun tains. They were inspecting the im provement, made by 'Squatters" on mil- roau iana. Thinking that perhaps Tonr many read. art would like to hear from this part of Un cle Sam's domain we will report, a. often a. convenient, tbe ever-changing chain of event, of the vicinity. Uur mail train ar rive, twice a week, vi: Mondays and Fri day!, and depart, a. many times. Wa all anxiously await tbe arrival of tbe Guard. atvj tfe decision seem to be that we could not turves without it. Oiujiavs. State Poultry AwoViatiuQ. An important meetiug of the Poultrj men Of till. bMinn will K. 1.. I.I ..;. erounde at Salem on Thur-ul iy, September av, tor i,p i u -pose oi orguizing a state Doultrv S!UUV'ltinn TiAra In !. anion ha auoh an ww'ir'tion while tome w. .uvw u.i uirw yr IV. ttojl I none. It Is d aired that ever? oouub represented at tb meeting, and a many will attend from Oakland and vicinity as aa do so. It 1889 lb total value of wheat raised in Aiu United Bute wa 43S,0o0,- "s iu puuury product wat oii,uoo,uuu. Poultry raisino is nn nf ilia nrini-m.l in. du.trieaofthi. vicinity and this meeting ar-w ivit of fair on ?er spark can in it. in Lane 11 VI UVVO ifw.w vt to be proven euilty there would be a great out- .... A nrnn Hhv nountv. however, cry "v,v ' i maltreats the unfortunates who held for trial by confining them lmnt trhrdlv witllOUt ll or ventilation, unhealthy, without adequate sewerage and dangerous to tllO omrero n" o- them. T nn nnnnttf flWPH it tO nCf JJttllO VWUl.vj " . . .v, hnililinc of a lail Iiailiu limn n.v m..v...0 - modern principles should no longer i l.i a mnn with ft snark ue ueiuyou. .it,j:n fn hid fidlnw men Ul IL'UilllK 11 ' i .L r I .i.vnnnr ar imh nniiui OUl let" i iiiuig""" 1 ! .1. nnunnnrl OTfl nlHirtCrOd. wnicu iuo jjwovm-.o - -i ui.o.wr Vnlnnrl rlnes everything in his iiower to make confinement . a 1 A !lL nitnHtAa nt endurable, dui wim wa quuiii his command little can bo done t -il.'n l,n oiirTnrincs of the DriS UllvVliltd UIW , oners. The county authorities must act. Humanity demands . i .. ii. T ho cost will be no larger man .1... rnva Tn nnv event tllO lUlUlW. . "J county does not need to coin money OUl 01 DlWHl. The Lover Ala. Kill IIImelf Bloominoto.v, 111., Sept. 7. Vr, 'i...,i..u i,' lf.illnril of Havbrook. 111.. ....i uu iiortim I ji ui of linker Citv. Or., daughter of the lute Judge Ison, of that place, were iounit ueau una nnu i.... tin Uiiiinni lun vnuno-nh vsician who came to this city, and ever since then has been importuning wish iwm, iris her mother to attend college, to marry him. She thought much of him. but lagged him ( ,,.,t,i,i, flu, nvpnr, until after her education was completed. This morn ing he appeared at me nouse anu nu n,i ititiirivrpvv with Miss Ison in tllC parlor. While talking with her he pulled out a revolver and shot her twice, once through the hend and once ti,r,n,rli tha lidiirt nrndiifino- instant death. Tho doctor then shot himself five times, dying In a few minutesj Miss Bertha Ison was the only daughter of the late Judge Luther B. Ison. or uaKer ciry, ur. juuge imm ..nil imlirn nf tho utlltp fl roll It (Nllirt for thn ulvth liuliclnl dlHtrlet. Ho died early lost year, nnd his wife and daughter nave uoen in ine r.usi, several months, coniiiletinor the vounir lady's education. Miss Ison is said to have been a very handsome young lady nluinl 10 iaiiisi nf nirn fllllf hnn nllmpr. UUVU, 1 11 J V 1. . ) i 1., , ...... .".-.- ous friends in Eastern Oregon, where A II 1 f 1 her parents uvea ior ninny yeurs.j Resolutions of Respect. The followinir preamble and resolu tions were adopted by J. W. Geary Post O. A. It.. Saturday evening last Whereas, comrade w. T. jucaiur- try, M. D., who was surgeon in the llltli Pennsylvania Infuntry, for three years during the war and a late member of J. W. Ueary Post iso. , or ttugene, Oregon, has fately been called from the Grand Army of the Republic to the Grand Army above, therefore kesolved, that the comrades or tne mourn the loss of one whose life was characterized bv manliness, patriotism. courage and great resignation during the progress or tho insidious disease wlili'h culminated in his death. Resolved, that we extend our heart felt sympathy to the bereaved compan ion whose wifely devotion to mittiirate tho sufferings and cheer the sufferer were manifest to ail. Resolved, that a copy of this pre amble and these resolutions be given to the sorrowing wife and that they be published in the niugene papers. U. J. TRAVIS, 8. R. Williams, R. H. Robs, Committee, Florence Notes. The West, Sept. 4. The river is full of Bulnion. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Berry are now residents of Florence. They are the kind of people we like to have come among us. They expect to remain for several weeks aud possibly all winter. Mr. Christensen is making strenuous efforts to salt all the salmon that runs In the Great Siuslaw. Last night before twelve o ciocK he caught sixty-nv and it was not much of a night for fishing either. Nothing like we used to have. The nivstervsurroundlnirthfi finding of a upturned boat near Capt. Cox's river residence on Monday, this week Is still a thing of conjecture. The pec- no who mat morning left Florence in he boat were a Mr. Johnson, of Chicago, and a friend of his, They gave out that they were going to the cape for a hunt. They have not been seen at the cape up to date, but Instead two men answering their description were seen going down the beach in the direction of Gardiner and that Is where the mystery lies. Real Estate Transfers. I00INS. L. Davis to Nettie B. Hurlburt, 71 x 80 teet on Mntn street; SoU. 008HIN. E M Warren to School District No. 13, lots 1, 4,5 and 8, block 5, in Warren 'i auumon ii. JONOTIOSI. J B Morln io Sarah M Houston, lot 2, 1. 1 - L n J Will; . ..... jm.. 9 uioca o, in oiiinorn a anamon; fauu. J. W. Starr to Mrs. Mary Starr, lot 3, and 5, block 66; 1,000. Compliments. The Florence West savs; The EuofiXB Daily Guard is a gem In the nHWsnmwr nn-na ft la na nlonn a piece of newspaper enterprise as has developed in the state of Oreimn for many moons. It is made up of the very cream oi news boin general and local. Its editorials are crisp and pungent, while typographically it Is a beauty to look tnxin. Kiili-iib snd nil Lane county should feel proud of the jjailv wuakd ana see mat it wants not for justly merited support Another Dalles Fine Thn !)nlle$eoni to lie keeping up its record a the flttj'lifte. The stables at the fair imillnil I .... 1 rtMif.ilii..,ilwnl.nnl.HJ ,1,1, NH,i,iifuj rACflllltJ SHU 40 stalls were burned tX'fore 'fhe fire could be checked. Fifty horses' were liberated by two men before the Are reached them. A three-vear-old stal lion was burned to death. Loss $1500, jnsuranee f-.tuo. Am H uplift, Mh?9 Ollie, aged ten years, daughWo7Beiii. irviug. Who arm lives near I mug. had "he broken Sunday morning atthewfist by Jumping off a frightened horse and falling on the ground. Dr. T. W. Har ris act the limb last evening and the jtuuerer is uping nicely. Sells tho Cclcbn NON-RUSTING T GENERAL DEALKRS Is HARDWARE, STOVt! EUGENE, - OfcW ROTHi.G BTKY (ft A and set mORE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for our Mew Illustrated Catalogue for I8L THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO., JffiffiSffi. Eugene Foundrj AND 3VEa,cliiiie Sliops. G. IM. FRAZER, Proprietor. -MAKES ALL KINDS OF Castings, v Store v Fronts V and v hj REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY A SPECIALTT. Giv me a trial. I guarantee my work to give satisfaction. Shop, fwwif Rlghth Htraet and mill race. 0. N. FBAZH NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS From the Cheapest to the Best a: prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF lift a ad mm From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties cr be suited either as to Price or Quality, Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Piiceuf the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call, ; OUR STOCK is J tSTFree New ami Stylisli.JgJ Look us over: if we do not save you money, we will make Borne ow : sell to you low, :A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN Boot & Shoe Store A. HUNT. Prop. Will hereafter keep a complete .took of Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES. BUTTON BOOTS, Slippers, White and Black Sandals FINE KID SHOES, MENS' AND BOYS' BOOTS & SHOES And in fact ererythinst in the Boot and Shoe line, to whioh I Intend to devote my especial attention. -MY GOODS ABE FIRST CLASS. And fruaranteml a represented, and will b eold for the lowest prioe that good article can be afforded. A. HUNT Important lice, My Patrons and the public are notified that I will sell all Goods and Merchandise at my Gregfwell :-: Store! FOK THE Liowest Cash Price ! Will pa the Highest Market Price forFano Produce.'. To t-ip cur lanre etock will pv8PECIArL' INppCjSMEfJ ft Caah lL D- SCARBROUCH, CRESWELL JAMES McCLAR0, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS andCIGj Willamette Street, bet 7th aad Sportsman's Eporimt HORN dt PAINE, Practical GunsmiA Pealen W GUNS, R1TIK Fishing Tarkle anil Saterii!. Sewing Machine "drfi . All ninua Repairing done in the ntet itfU ranted. , Guns Loaned & Ammunition Fun Store on Willamette aW- EXCITEMENT Kuna high in thi. city everybJy 1. nalng it lr 'bi.?', build np their .yem. Try friend, ibout It, as It rou; P0" menus swui ... -:- . it- mcrit when all speak well ol n- From a terrible death. I i " . ta Deing curea oi cr - - ic,m. Positive and Ke:tlve E!e -m ' never fails to cure Kheumat l.m. Hack, Sure Throat, Ueadaibe. Trv it WANTED. WOOL, II I AND FUKS -ii- COLD8MITH'8'