The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 05, 1891, Image 1

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nir "
. aJ
VOL 23
NO, 40.
; (Sugwe (City Cuard.
ubllalirr mud Proprietor.
TICK On the East side of Willamette
' between Seventh and Eighth Street
$2 00
. .78
. onth.
s mouth.....
ertiaementa inserted aa follow.:
, anuare, ten line or lest ops InMrtion $3;
ubeequent Insertion L Cash required
,Jertisere will be charged at the ol-
llf suart thro monthi W 00
! ..nuaresix month. W
( . iiara one year . " w
i ,iieut noticee in local column, 20 cente
,, ., !. t tor each Insertion.
' A,W.rtiaing bilU will be rendered quarterly.
All iob work muit be faid roB on uiuviBT.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
f ol the Secoud Judicial Dl.tnct and in
h. Supreme Court of thu State.
S,"lel attention given to collection! and
matter in probate
fi'JfJESE CITY, - - - OBKOOli
CFFICE-Roomi 7 4 8 McClaren Building.
fT.Speeial attention given to Collection!
uJ Probate buaineaa.
Coymour W. Condon,
I'rjcnc, - Oregon.
i7o. potter,
Orno- Room in Conner' Block.
attorney and Ccuiisellor-at-Law, and
Real Estate A$ent.
Ofllee-In Masonic Temple.
Kuykendall & Payton,
rhislclans and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drugstore.
Special attention Riven to Probate business
and AbitracU of Title.
Orrict-Over Lane County Bank.
block, opposite Gdabd office. AU worlt
warranted. , , i .
Laughing gas administered for painless ex-
trectioa of teeth.
moore & linn,
u:::ertakers and embalms
Coffin! and Caskets alwayi on hand. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodies a Specialty.
Night calls prompty attended.
Evidence, second hone sooth of Metho
dist Church, Willamette street.
i. Farms. Improved and Unimproved Town
property for aale, on eaey terme.
Prcporty Eented and Eents Collected.
The Insurance Companiei I frP"?
among the Oldest and moet Reliable, and in
the Pbompt and Equitibli of
(MM! STAltl) SlCOKD to NOKB.
A .hare of your patronage ii solicited. g. jr. DORRIS-
Eugene National Bank
Tranaacts a general banking business.
Boabd or Dibectobs: .
P B Dnnn. F W Osburn. J C Church, , 8 M
Yoran, 1 M Hodaon. C Lauer. J E Davis.
Kotf I. hereby 1ven that I R. ""J1
b-n dnly ...Delated "'" .'n ' or1
o( W ilium P.lne.deo..bytlwtoam
of Uii. county. Omron. A" m notified lo
pr titihemelo the
lu, Orore. on-con. within iix month. Iron u..
Uiof thi. notice, t.
Wt4 Uii lh day of June. A. ,K,t
Siwiu Jeweler.
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
Ik Most Select .loci South :: hhi
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first-class workmen. All
work warranted.
Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, .
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
University Books
McClaren s Building,
(Oppoeite F. M. Wilkini' Drug Store.) .
n&i an extenilve Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc.
yOrders for Books and Subscriptions
lo Newspapeis and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or Externa Pain. Ask your
druggist for it
Clocks. vVatches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Repairing Promptly Executed.
mTA II Work Varranted.M
E. Schwarzschild, Prop.
(Puccewor to Geo. Collier)
Orden by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dre Lock Box 119.
Cask. low Prices,
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terras will be strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. I will Not be
TIMiest market price Taid
fnr Produce. If not all traded
out will iay balance in Cash
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
X Jt .t 1 1(1 IT .T I l "K
The MeLrated Freucli Care,
Is Solo o a
torureanr form
or any dirtlvr of
tho genvrativeor-
(tan. in eitnorH'x,
whether arl.iuii'
BEFORE nwof Httmulauw, AFTER
Tobacco or Opium, or throuRti youthful Indium
tlnu. over InilulKenro, Ac , .ucn an Li( llraln
foiter, WakcfulucM, Ilvarlmrdown i'alnilnths
bock, mliialW'akiiiK,lly(orl, Nervous 1'roa
tratlon, Nocturnal Kmlivlona, Leurorrhii a, Dla
ilneM,Weak Memory, tn of Fowerand Imno.
tcnrjr.whlchllneKlwtclofton lcailto )in.''nture)
old ce and lunanity. l'rloe ll.UO a Ixn, (boxes
lor t.MK). Hent hj mall on rwelit o( price
every order received, torend tho money If
a Permanent cure It not effected. We have
thouund.ol tentlmonlal. (mm old and younir.
of bothncxei.whohave been permanently cured
by the uw of Aphroditlne. Circular freo. Addrcia
Wertem llrauch, lioi.7, I'outlanu, Oa.
Sold by E. B. LUCKEY A CO., DruKgUti
Eugene, Oregon.
R. B. Cochran '& Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Cuene City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Entitle bnsincs
inch as buying, selling, leaning and retitiiij?
farms and city property, etc. Office on louiu
side of Ninth streot.
Tbe Eugeue Clsrar Factory
Keeps constantly on band the finest brands
of boms made, domeutic, and Key West
cigars. Charges the lowent prices for chew-
ing and smoking tobacco, eeii at retail ana
Give Them a Chancel
That it to say, your lungs: Also all yonr
breathing machinery. Very wonderful
machinery it is. Not only the larger air
passages, but the thousands of little tubes
and cavities leading from them. When
these are clogged and choked with matter
which ought not to be there, your lungs can
not do their work. And what they do, they
cannot do weel. Call it cold, cough, croup,
pneumonia, catarrh, coniiuniption or any of
the family ol turoai ana nose ana neau ana
lane obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
be got rid of. There is just one surr way
to get rid of them. That is to tuke Bos
cheVa German Syrup, which any drnggist
will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
everything else baa failed yon, yon may de
dend npon this for certain.
I bave a cousin who is a printer, says Ex
Mayor J. 0. Lougbran of North Des Moines,
la. Soma year, ago he was employed in
this city where tbey were printing circulars
for Chamberlain. He had a deep aeated
cold and terrible cough, and while setting
up copy be made op his mind lo buy a bot
tle. It cured bim and that was the first I
ever knew of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I bave been itrongly in it! favor ever lines.
My own experience and that of my family
oonviucei me that thil remedy ia tbe best in
the world. That ninv I strong language
but tbat ia what I tbiuk. For aale by P. M.
Wilkins, Droggi.t.
Uxdfoid Flocb A. Uoid-mith Las re
ceived another car load of the celebrated
Medford floor. He will kep this excelli nt
brand of flour in stock at all times hereafter.
Wbea Baby was sick, ws gave her CaMoria.
Whaa ah. was a Cbild, aba cried f or Caatoria, '
Wbta ab. b-nun Mita. aba chine to Caaurla.
-ty iA fl.turm, aba fave them Caatoria.
Crop-Weather Bulletin.
K(r wwk riiilini? Situnlay, Aug. 20th.
Cro- Wat her liulli'tln, No. i5.
Tho toiupvratiirv him Urn from 10 to
l"i lU-gnvM it tiny iilxive tho avi'mg,
tho iiiiixiiuuiii rii'ngiiiir from IN) to lixi
tlcgnvji tut tht'Jiith, t!;th nnil isth; to
day hit Ihvii warm hut cooler. The
waioti of I'xtrviui' heat iMorshouliI Ik
now alioiit over. No ntin fill ilurinir
tlie wtvk, the wi'itlluT him Uvn cloiut
h, willi foe on tlu'coiiKt In iiiorninp
uiul Hiuoke in tlit- interior valleys.
Wheat is nil rut ami much of it Ik
threshed. In every wet Ion the yield
had Ihvii alHivetlieexjHt'tatioiinof even
tlie most KtinguiiH'. The wheat Ix
jluiii, heavy uiul of oxivllent iilality.
Oats are heavy ami as a rule are lar'
in ,ielils; late oats have htvit injured
slightly lv rust in juirtft of Juriou
eoutity. 'I'lie tluvshers w ill hehtisv lor
alKiut' two weeks yet. Hop (liiking
Uirins next Moiidav; in some wet ions
etuisideralile damage has Uvn done hy
tlie nee, In otlier seetioim a uooti aver
age erop will k- picked. In Josephine
county hop lire are not oliservalde and
no iiamime ims ihvii done, rrtut is
riiK'tiinir rapidly and is very plentiful.
Tuuintoes and' eaiitelolMH-s are now
I'lier.illy riiH'iiiiiir. The hot dry
weather has Ikvii slightly injurious to
root crops, clover, corn and to young
orchards. In Curry county the second
erop of red clover is heading ami the
fourtli crop of allalla lias Uvn cut, each
erop averaitl, in stalk, 2 Inches In
Coniinued hot wealber, with maximum
temperatures of from 'JO to 1115 degrees,
huve prevailed. No rain fell, tbe aky has
beeu cloudless, with smoke appealing in the
Tbe weather has been sliuhtly iniuiious
to the corn crop, but favorable to fruit,
melons and to harvesting. Fruit and mel
ons are ripening rapidly and are very pleu
twill, the wheat Is nearly all out west ol
the Blue mountain", and considerable has
been threshed; all reports show tbat it is
turning out much better than was expected.
In Wosco and parts of Sherman county
spring and full wheat is somewhat shrunken.
In (iilluiui. Morrow and Umatilla counties
tbe wheat crop as a whole wns never better.
Harvesting is in progrees east and souto ol
the Blue mountiiini; Union county especi
ally has a fine crop of cereals, but all coun
ties have crops above tbe average. Bimil is
found in the wheat in sections of Grant
county. Prices are aliout 20 per cent high
er than laat year with an upward tendency.
Farmers are huppy, aud prosperous time!
prevail throughout Oregon.
11. n. t'AODI,
Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau.
Attempted Jail llrralu
Five prisoners are confined In the county
jail and lately they have been putting in
their time endeavoring to nnd a way to es
When Deputy Sheriff Crouer went to feed
the prisoners Sunday evening he noticed a
towel hanging over the place where a bole
had been cut throuuh tba wall over a year
ago, allowing tbe prisonera then confined
to escape. lie locked tba men in their
cells early and made an examination, find
ing that a saw bad been usea to cut. toe
pluukini? and a piece taken out. An old
case ktnfo made into a law was found. It
rr quires constant vigilance on tbe part of
the sheriff and bis assistants to prevent the
escape of pri.nucrs from tba autupiated
Lane county jail.
lbs prisoner! cannot be blamed lor
attempting to escape. The place
Isiiark, ill-ventilated, uniieaiiny, ami
unlit for the confinement of human
iH'itiirs. Lane county commits a crime
against Immunity when she 'n men
in tliat Jail. 1 no county court hiiouiu
long ago have jirix-eeded U huild a
letrnt tail, ami tliat wpunite lrom me
Court House.
Iu Justice Court.
TWeedinB! have been oommenccd in
Justice Kinney's onnrt is follows: '
Kntrlnn Wacnn Cn n A. Itncers to re
cover t'J'i. Money belonging to the de
fendant in tbe f irst National uana was
8. H. Friendly s Mattie V; Carter, to
recover money for a merchandise account of
f'200 and interest.
I. M. Francis vs A. C. Baibour to recover
iSi IjO. A horse, baccy and harness were
For Sale.
A cood seven room house; hard finished
In good locstion. For particulars inquire
CaatorU p remote. DlgerUow, and
overcome. Flululeucy, Cou.Upe.Uoii, Boor
fitomach, Diarrhoea, and Fereriahneaa,
Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep natural Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"CaAoriahmowrD adapted to children tbat
I reooenmend H aa ki prior to any prewrlpUoa
known lo aie." 11. A. Aar.ta, M. D ,
Kt rortlaad Ave., BruoUya, . Y.
"tm. Caatoria In my prmz-tk-e, and find it
Ipvclaliy aduptrd toalr-tJll.o(hllda.',
Auo. KoMrmi, M. !.,
Ii67 sd At... Hew Terfc.
Taw Cmrrum Oo, 77 Murray Bt, V. T.
Ex Gov. 7.. V. Moody and bis brother,
W. F. Moody aud wife, are in the city.
Commercial travelers say that Eugene is
liveliest town in Oregon, excepting the me
tropjlis. Jus Whittsker, the Creswell merchant,
csme dowu ou tbe local and returned iu tbe
Mr. an-j Mrs. J. L. Luckey left on Satur;
day morning's early train for Astoria to
spend a couple of weeks at the sea coast.
riaiudealer: Mrs. Minnie Waahbnrne
of Eugene is viaiting Miss Ruse F.niinitt in
Colea valley and will visit lioseburg this
Workmen are busily engnged in repairing
Mr. l Frank "a storeroom on Ninth street.
Mr. lieyuoMs will open a restaurant there
in a shott time.
Dan'l Test has leased his residence on
Ninth street to parties who will comluct a
boarding house. Mr. Teat and family has
moved to the I'arker cottagejon Fourth street,
' F. A. Hill, formerly of Douglai couulj,
is here with throe families, comprising a
party of twelve, locking for a location.
They came with their teams from Dtirango,
New Mexico.
Monmouth Democrat Aug. 211: Miss
Alberta Sbelton, of E.ugene, is visiting the
lamilv of Mr. A. W. Lucas, is our' first
lady-cyclist, and makes a graceful and pret
ty advertisement.
We are sorry to learn tbat grain, in some
portions ol thu county, is somewhat shriv
eled by the beat; but lrom other parts ui
Waaco comes the most chesting intelligence.
The Eusene Cannery is compelled to
shin tbe ureatest part of the raw material
used from other parts of the Hate. Tbe
farmers and fruit raiaers ot Lane county
should supply the di m md.
Mr. S. P. Sladden Initios us some flue
earlv Crawford beaches crown on his farm
adjoining Eugene on four year old trees,
They are luscious Iruit. The crop will net
several hundred dollars an acre.
Statesman: At Dallas Tuesday Trot.
Hell had the misfortune to cuitain a frac
ture of tbe arm. In an attempt to stop a
runaway team be was thrown beneath the
wheels sod bad a arm broken.
The riaindealur. of Monday says: Trot.
Frank Carter, the aeronaut, has to far re
covered from his injuries as to be on the
streets to dsy for the fltat time. He will
probably make another ascension Biinuay.
Tbe GrjiBD iob office has turned out 10,.
000 four page folders for the Facifio Wash
ing Machiue Co. We are oons'aully adding
material to the job .'department ami can
easily compete with Portland prices and
qualityof work.
Corvallia Times'. There was a pool of
15.0110 bushels' ol wheat sold last Saturday
at 85 cents loTbos Samuels. The wheat
belonged to John Whiteaker, John Eri,
Geo. llouok, Joseph and Henry Mottee aud
T. W. U. Smith, This is a good sell.
Vnn can'! tn hatter than lo buV some of
those C25 Iota in Central Park, Florence.
They are ouly two to four blocks from the
proposed railroad docks ana win be worm
f 500 when tbe railroad is built.
Uco. M. UUXfB A U., Agents.
Jacksonville Times: The experiment of
raising sugar beets has been tried suooess
fully during the past season on L. C Cole
man a larui near l'hoeuix, oy 4. vt . nuey.
and there are assurances Riven that
Spreckles intends to establish a sugar factory
in the valley.
The claim is made tbat the state insti
tute for the blind is not 'managed aa it
should be, and tbat institution is to be
formally examiueu on September lulu,
leaving time enough for disappearance of
irregulurity, and manifestation of correct
ness throughout. bx.
Farmers on Froneh prairie! Matron cpun-
fy, complain that their late spring grain has
rusted considerably and in oonaequcuoe the
yiold will not be nearly so great as was ex
pected. The rust baa affected it visibly aud
(bore will be much heavier loss from tbe
rain tbsn many at first supposed.
The Wsshlnnton state "Labor day" was
oelebrated to some extent In several of the
towns of tbat state Thursday. Oregon has
a legal "Labor day,'' too,: bat it is eeldom
observed. One ressnn is, it it the wrong
time of the vear. If it was obaniied to the
autumn season, it might be better observed.
Grants Pas Courier: White Broi., of
Canyon creek, have struck a pot-bole in
their placer mine from which tbey had ex
tracted a cigar box full of nuggets iu a few
daya. They bave plenty of water In sum
tuer, but too much in winter, and so will
oontinue to dig and pan out until the fall
rains put a atop to filling cigar boxes.
Courier: P. S. Robinson and family
have returned to Marrisburg after an ab
sence of about a year. - Mr. Robinson is
well known here, having acted as watchman
of the Harriaburg bridgo for over twenty
years. Alter spendinga year In Spring
field, he was only too glsd to return to this
"land of promise and prosperity," as he
puts it. ', .... ), S '
Jackson, of the E. O., who has no .artist,
givee an exchange tbe -following compli
ment: 'Tbe Salem Statesman recently con
tained a picture of Henry Jackson, an In
dian, who waa In attendance at the Metho
dist conference at tbat place. Tbe States
man artist should be sued for libel, end we
(eel like doing it, a me 1 writer fl great
respect for lbs name of Jackson.
Last Tuesday tbe motor line between
Independence and Monmouth bad been run
ning one year. Tbe number of passengers
it bai carried during the nrsi iweivs
months would doubtless considerably ex
ceed a gneta any one might make, tbe
nombei being o7,4K. ibis numoeraoei
not include msny free exoarslnns that have
been given, but Just tbe paying passengers
tbst bave ridden over it.
Salem Statesman. Aug. 30: Gideon
Bowin, of Bilverton, was In the city ttatur
dav. 11. says tbat tbe Bowen Bros., picked
only a small per cent of their crop owing to
tbe ravses of tbe (ice and black took). Sev
eral of tbe bop men are picking their bops
Green to escape the UnUd. Tbera is no
donbt that hops are badly damaged. Mr.
Bowen says tbe stench lrom dead nop lice
in bis vaid ia very offensive,. Fickeia ex
perience a good deal of discomfort from the
lice crawling over them. : , .,-
Thi. ia the wav tbe generona and hosplta
ble Astoiian welcome tbe editorial
association. as copied from tbe A.lorian:
"The editors of Oregon wilt' be wilb us on
tbe iiHtb, ifttb and 30th. Astoria can atsnd
a good many things being aaid about her,
and tbe newspaper BD'D of Oregon will be
msde welcome. It will be a pleaaaot va
cation for many bardeorkino men, lowborn
vacations don't often come, snd it will be
(or onr citixens to so arrange tbat their
will be an occasion of pleasure to all who
At tfaf Patterson Hpp Yard.
km .mnln, nt lli Pattrtn hrtn vard In
. . n. ,1,., Iim llM But U Bnm.mill
aathey were two weeks agoand that lbs yard
is but little eflVcU-d. '
Lwljbngs are oomerons snd apparently
destroying the parasite. Picking com
menced od tbe yard today. Daily VMb.
riea.anl II 1 1 Hems.
September 1st, 18HI.
Threshing grain wilt be about flui.hed
this week.
Tbe grocery store of McCsll Co. at
Trent has gone out of buaitieas.
Mr. Andy Titus has gone to the Sods
Springs for tbe benefit of bis health.
The traction rngiue and new Ihrealeng
machiue, lately punhnaed by tbe West
brothers, is giving good satisfaction.
Hop-picking is now in full blast, and it's
a race between the hop grower and the lice
to see who will get tho largest ainouut.
Mr. T. II. McCIain was hem lust week
and, with his sons, purchsaed a second
hand thresher from the Weal brothers.
Mr. (I, W. llandauker of Eugene and
his brother, Mr. T. 8. llandauker, from
Junction, were visiting here lust week.
A petition has been sent to the P. O.
Dept. aaking permission for the removal ot
the post olllce to a point near the etiurcb. A
temotiHtrance is being circulated against the
.After being postmaster most ot lh time
fur near ii) years, we lusrn that S. Hau l
sakcr has sent in bis resignation, aud has
recommended Mr. W. L. Brisrow as bis
Mr. J. K. is in Engene waiting
at the bed aide of Mr. A. B. Matthews, who
is very sick with a fever. "Burt' has lots
of friends hero aud all of them arc wishing
for his speed recovery,
Mr. James Buchanan, a former resident
of this place, but who has resided for some
years with his family in Morrow county,
has sold out and is on his way to this place,
a here it is probable ho will make his per
manent home. His family arrived here
some days ago.
We noticed your remarks in last week's
Gt'SBD in regard to the punishment of that
noblest of animals, the hone by a so-called
divine, and v. bave frequently noticed a
case of what is rrticly to animals in another
newly-lledged minister of tbe gospel, who
frequently drives along onr streets at a
sweeping gait, the young colt of the mother
that draws the vehicle being fust with a
bead stall, and is obliged to keep up wheth
er really able to do so or not. A discourse
from the toxt tbat "A merciful man is mer
ciful to his beast," is la or
der. O.K.
minl.lerlal In Ion Itesolullone.
Wiisihas, It has come to our knowledge
that our Christian brother and fellow work
er, Rev. N. II. Alley, has tendered bis res
ignation as pastor of the Christian Church,
of Eugene, to take effect ou Monday, Aug,
31st, lM'.tl.
Therefore, we desire, as members of the
Ministerial Union of Eugene, to express our
lincere and profound regret that Tur broth
er hai felt oalled upon to do 111 is, and our
most esrnest hope, tliat after due considera
tion, it may not seem necessary or best for
his church to accept hia resignation, or for
Bro. Alley to urge it further.
We desite to eipress our respect fur and
belief in the honesty and sluoerlty of
Biother Alley's character aa a man and a
minister of the Oospel. We believe, that
in bis heartfelt devotion to tbe oatise of
Christ, in bis honest loyalty to the church,
in his supreme deaire to see the kingdom
of Christ built np and souls saved, and in
bis earnest and successful labor (hereto,
no person iu Eugene can show a more
commendable record.
ltiv. G. A. Buib, Moderator.
Rev. R. L. Huim,
ltxv, G. J. TuiMH,
, Kiev I). A. Wattkhs,
Rkv. M. R. ltiniu.i,
Rkv. U. L. lUtrs,
( l lllzullon v (he Indian,
Before Iteniv Jackson, the educated In
dian from (be Klamath agenoy, left for bit
home in the Inva bed country the other day,
he having been at Salem attending con
ference, Mr. Jackson, saya tbe Statesman,
ia a Pitt River Indian aud must b nearly
forty years of age. He remembers having
been brought to the Klamath oouutry when
quite small, lie said there remained at
this time less tbsn IKK) Indians, including
women and children, on the agency, and
nearly all of these were Klamntbs. There
are a very few Pitt Rivers. Of men, of the
Modocs, less (ban eightoen remain to tell
the story of thisonoe powerful tribe. Of
Snakes (here ate twenty braves. When
asked if it were true (hat the Indiana were
dying off rapidly, Mr. Jaokson replied that
It was only too (rue. llessld their numbers
were growing gradually smaller as tbe years
rolled on. A vary tew years will see tbe
last Uodocs and Snakes lowered into their
graves. There being more of them, there
will be Klanialhs when the others are all
gone. Consumption is the fell destroyer.
The Indians ste nearly all affected with it,
and not ouly the old, out the young as well,
are sncouiubing ever day to it. Mr. Jack
son has studied the habits and lite of bis
people and gives it as his opinion that it is
the chanue ol life attendant nnon civiliza
tion that ia soon to make of the American
Indian an unknown quantity and thus aolve
out poiut at least of tbe race problem.
The Rod ilaii'g Trouble.
Annually- at hop picking time, aayt the
Oregon City Courier, "Old Ilee?" and fam
ily establish their wickiy npin the woods
near the yards ol Wright Bros, Lsst year,
after the nop atop waa gathered, old Beev's
squsw stole all'tbe tickets he had received
from Buns wrigut lor picking, a rain oi
briny, scalding tears pour.J. down tbe In
dian's furrowed cheeks as be blubbered hia
tale ot woe and wrong into tbe ears of Silas
Wright. Silas hurried to the wickiynp
and made Mrs. Old Beev disgorge, bnt she
waa allowed to keep i, which she said, ber
lord owed her for tobacco. Peace, laziness
and flea, reigned in the Indian's hut, and
as an expression of his happiness, when
(be evening stare were twinkling, with
bis new four-bit wooden-bandied butcher
knife he cut the throat of a piebald puppy,
aa asacriflce to biafalber, desd many,
many moons sgo.
University Kepairs.
A d.rca nt men are ateadilv emnloved In
repairing (he University building. Old
students coming bock win ue agrveaoiy aur
mlaed to And the improvement, tbat bave
lak.n Dlaoe. The last sesainn ol (be legis
lature appropriated five thousand dollars
lor (be work. ine lsst coal oi paint
and sand b bow being placed on Vlllard
Hill, while the old building: will receive
one more ooat yet. To. old building haa
bad a new roof pal on and an tne looms witn
tb. exorphon of (he societies' room, which
wa. in a flood condition, have been painted
and kaUomioed. Some new walks
have been made around (ha build
inva. and (be fence. where need
ed, have been repaired. Altogether, good
work baa been done and tbe building will
present a better appearance in tbe future.
Di ki In Kugene, Tuesday morn
ing, of summer complaint, tlie infant
aim of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kirkluiid,
agi-d 0 weeks.
ii i n i: in a iii .tioii.
Itrporl that lllnrer Hermann will
No! Hun Again.
Rosicnrao, Or., Aug. 31. It I stated by
a resident of this city that in a private con
vendition wilb friends Hon. BiDger Her
mann stated that he would no( be a candi
date for congress again; that be had already B. Miller, of Grants
Psas, who aspires to the honor, and that
he would shortly make a publio announce,
inent In order to give n opportunity tooth
er ceullemen seekiug the honor.
Mr. Hermann spoke In very high
terms ol Hon. T. T. Geer, ol Marion
county, as atoong tbe leading com
petitors as his snccessnr. Mr. Uermsnn'l
withdrawal ia regarded here by aoma per
sons a tlual, in which case the leading
Roseburg republican politician will lean
towards Miller.
I'rrhap fatally Injured.
On Friday of last wet k, Joseph Moore, a
brother ol Wm. and Zech Moore ol En
gene, received injuries while at work in tbe
Clatsop sawmills at Astoria that are likely
to provo fatal. Mr. Moore was loreman of
tbe mill aud while arranging some nischln
ery was caught between tbe carriage of (he
pony saw, (be saw that cat (he cants into
lumber, and a buga cant, mashing bim
terribly aud breaking a number of bone.
He was given medical attention at once, bnt
it is doubtful if he can recover lrom (he in
jury. A gentleman who saw him Sunday
evening informs ns that be recovered from
the first shock of the acciden( snd the phy
sicians entertained slight hopes of laving
his life.
Mr. Moore bed worked In sawmill along
the coast for 20 years and is an experienced
sawmill man having acted as foreman of a
number ol the largest mills on (he Pacillo
U ho I IleY
Tlie Dalles Cbionicle: "A certain official
in tbe state should he come np for re-election
again will find it necessary to do a
'mighty sight,' more 'hustling' than be
did (wo years sgo. Teacher may be fools,
but It doe not take (hem for all eternity to
understand why these antiquated textbook
sre foisted upon them, and these they must
use and no others." Oregon haa become
the dumping ground for all tba worthless
text books which, year ago bave been
kicked out ol all the Eastern school. There
is one sweet little remedy left to a long etit
fering publio the ballot, and somebody ia
going to find himself beautifully covered
over with a white drift ot anow a year or
so hence,
Ai'i'MCAnLE Hkbk. Tho Newberg
(Iraplilc snys: Those who take fruit
to the, cannery or to the dryer will
II ml It to their interest to handle It
with rare. We saw aonio green gag
plums In town this week that hadlsvn
lirouuht in in bushel boxes and with
out cover from the clouds of dust, and
thohoxea, being set In tho Bottom or
the wagon 1kx without protection of
course the fruit wim in no shape for
handling with any profit, firing your
fin It to market In marketahlo shape if
you want to get anything for it.
Nxw I'OMi'iNo Bttio. Work on the
well for tbe pumping station ia progressing
rapidly. Several men are employed in caex
vating tbe pit. They have reached a depth
of sixteen feet. The pit will be, when com-
f ileted, twenty feet deep aud abonl (be same
n diameter. Several bole will be drilled
in (he bottom deep enough to secure an
abundant flow of good Water. A soon a
the wells sre completed (be pumping na
tion will be removed from where it now i,'
on (he river and Eugene will have a system
of water worka, not only with good prea
suro, but some ot the best drinking water
In tbe state.
Estimates. The estimate for tb con
struction of theHluslawA Eastern Rail
way ft Navigation Co., for thirty miles east
from Florenoe, are being prepared at tbe
company's office In (his city. Geo. Ells
bury oue of the leading spirits In the
corporation 1 seriously ill at Centralia,
wash., and further development await nia
TMaeBfTTMrl TtlTT.ttnin TiAwne. A Dartv of
railroad employees of the Oregon t Cali
fornia Land Co. are inspecting the compa
ny's lauds in Lane county under charge ot
Mr. Van Meter. They are at present at
work in the Biuslsw country. Mr. Van
Meter has b Is headquarter in Eugene and
will personally inspect land that are situa
ted olose by.
LiBckirr. A warrant bss been sworn ont
for tbe arrest ol O. M. Bartlett. He ia
cbargod with stealing article lrom the
bouse of Mr. Law, ol JjOsi vsuev. me
stolen goods bave been found in his posses
sion. This ia (be same man who served
time in tbe county Jail for Healing photo
graphs at Winter' gallery some time ago.
A Vaoatto. Rev. D. A. Wetter of tb
Methodist church bas been granted a two
...1 !.. -.ilk hi. familv
wdcm ,ninuuu .. .v.. - - .
Friday morning for Newport where he will re
cuperate by tbe sounding aea. No pul
..i, ..n: jn,itin (V.u natt twn Hnn-
days. Sunday school and other meeting
111 oe neia as asuai.
Wm TunmnvtuiNTa. All the Droperty
ownors on the west side of Willametu street
between Seventh street and the first alley
sou in bave oonciuuea to puiuowo a ceiucu.
walk. The old walk bas been torn np and
In a few daya the appearance of (he block
will be greedy improved by a Urst-clas ce
ment walk.
A DxBrroa Abhestid. Doputy Sheriff
Dsy returned Mondy night with Ben Phillip
whe left abont a week ago leaving anxious
creditor behind. His brother wa unable
to be found and ia supposed (o have gone
south. Ben was found near Sheridan
where be waa hiding.
Akotheb WAkBAwr.-Dr. T.W. Herri
had a warrant issued Friday morning for the
arrest of Sol Phillips, on of the abscond
ing debtor Bow being hunted by Sheriff
Nolsnd and Deputy Sheriff Day. The
amount of Dr. Harris' claim ia (50.
Baloow SoLD.-Jnlina Kumll aold hi
saloon Thursday to Withrow 4 Hadley.
Tb new proprietor entered into possession
this morning.
Roan. In Engene Sunday. Auguat COth,
to (he wife of Henry MoCraJy a daughter,
weight 8 pounds.
RiBonvr. The F riendly sawmill at Co
a Bis has been rebuilt and ia now ready fo
vhe machinery.
Saloo Sold. -M. Brown haa sold the
tsalcon adjoining tb Hoffman House
Perry MeNail.
Htmin's Yok. A martiage license waa
issued to-lsy toC. L. Scott and Miss UoUie
E. Braltain.