The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 29, 1891, Image 7

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j 11 it- Milclu-ll, duiiiiiiion hammer
,irr of Ann-riea uml liolili-r nf (hf
, ,rld' rwurJ at tlirowitiK hummer uml
I . y-i.I-"illliil ri(lit, suys:
" I liave iimril Ali.i im k' I'oKora l'uMt kj
fuuiui tlielli without un fllul. In the
, ,rly HriiK. "I"' "lurting in lo tritin lor
lirlil event", I liava ulituys found llut
, ,ness in the joints and hark ael in. An
P un. houever, us I B.liiil one ul' Ai.i.
, , I I'oKol's I'LtiiTrH, (mills ami stilTiieMl
.mrtecl like inuuic. lien I am ulterteil
nil ains, eto., the rt-atill of a mid ion
t , i.- tfj while in trainiiiK, I always Use
A i k'm I'okoih I'i.utkik with iron. I re
.nils'. 1 ran snli-ly rrc-oiunieiiil tlirin to
one who in alht'teil wild mina or xtill
i , i, the result ol any kiinl or exerrise.''
i!mi ii (imminent mini hua liittoo marks mi
r.- iutul. Thus alumina the imm'mIoii of sl
t, wnvrrriiiiie youthful lolly.
l orallavitiK hoarscnes ami irritation of
lliroul it ia iliiily promt that "Hmmi't
,nehiiU Tmchc '' are a mild remedy, yet
y etlicaeioiis.
Tli world In lull n( iiu'ii irhn never lorxet'a
Miliar nun in iiih-iv in iiiem.
( jl.rrljlit, im.
Which will you have.
sickness, suffering and despair,
or health, strength, and spirit?
You can take your choice.
All chronic diseases and de
rangements peculiar to women
are permanently cured by Dr.
Tierce's Favorite Prescription.
It restores the female func
tions to healthy action. It
removes the obstructions and
suppressions which cause
trouble and misery. For pe
riodical pains, internal inflam
mation, ulceration and kindred
ailments, it is a positive rem
edy. The system is invig
orated, the blood enriched, di
gestion improved, melancholy
and nervousness dispelled.
It's a legitimate medicine, the
only one that's guaranteed to
give satisfaction in the cure
of all "female complaints."
l all kiiulH iinil In anv iiinntlly u liolr
wile un. I retail at bnlrork prices.
65 Front Street, Portland, Or.
Sftul for OHtJtlogne. 1
Tented KiiodK and cash price. Our eiilnloKiie
tell the rent.
Portland, Oregon.
5mkin; Tobacco.
A pure Virginia plug cut
smoking tobacco that does not
bite the tongue, and is free from
any foreign mixture. More solid
comfort in one package of
Mastiff than you can get out of
a dozen others. Tacked in
canvas pouches.
I. B. face Tolacco Co., Richmond, Viiinia.
Mr. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is very
well known to the citizens of Apple
ton, Me., and neighborhood. He
says: " Eight years ago I was taken
" sick, and suffered as no one but a
" dyspeptic can. I then began tak
" ing August Flower. At that time
"I was a reat sufferer. Every
" thing I ate me so that I
"had to throw it up. Then in a
" few moments that horrid distress
" would come on and I would have
"to eat and suffer
Forthat "again. Itooka
,, "little of your med-
Horrld "icine, and felt much
Stomach "belter, and after
"takinga little more
Feeling. "August Flower my
" Dyspepsia disap
"peared, and since that time I
" have never had the first sign of it
"lean eat anything without the
" least fear of distress. I wish all
" that are afflicted with tha terrible
"disease or the troubles caused by
"it would try August Flower, as I
" am satisfied there is no medicine
"equal to it"
ii t 'J v
drraoi every ,n ,ni
& ASTHMA J:;tt;
a sad Kat Marrlsd llssans Tha? Faaaat
IhfiuMlrn so Old and Hour.
Half a duten men were oWniMirig; ths
orutjm or iimrtiHe In tho cafe of th
(Southern society (ine evminir.
I lie) yuntiK New Yorkers make tne
ery weary said Kentuckr tolouel
"Imemi the" yotmif fellows who, thonyb
In retviiit of good iiiroimK, iernl all
their money iu tomfoolery, and then kiv
they can't HtTurd to itmrry."
'I agree with yon. colonel," said
ilaryland gentleman from Prineexa Anne
cimnty. ' If a man want to marry be
never reckon the cost. 1 cm remitijed
of utory of our two old house servant.
They had both le.-n in our family for
years. When the eiimnciHition procla
mation wan signed we tuld them that
they were free. We ayuipathizeil with
the uorth during tlie war. you know.
"We coulj scarcely drive them away
with a club, however. They bad Ueu
born and reared on the place. Sam bad
lout bis wife. He wan eighty years of
age. Old Kate was our 'mauiiny.' She
wan sixty or seventy. Her husband was
killed duck shooting a dozen yean be
fore the war. It was a great blow to the
old people when we told them they would
Have to go. They did not want to leave
us and hustle for themselves, but we
could ill afford to keep them at that
time. It was particularly hard for the
old 'mammy. She thought we children
all belonged to her.
"Finally we compromised the matter
and let old Kate have the use of oue of
the cabins aud work on the place. Sam
went to live iu a little shanty iu the tuwu
mile or two away. Kate did washing
and Sain did washing too, whenever he
could get a job whitewashing I mean
"We were astonished one day at hear
ing that these old creatures, each with
one foot in the grave, had married. My
father sent me to Sam to learn if the re
port was true. I found him whitewash
ing the wooilen fence around his shanty.
"Sam," 1 said, "what in the world
have you aud old Kate been np to, mar
rying at your age? What did you do it
" 'Why, Massa Will,' he replied, 'yo'
gee it war this way. Ulu Kate an' I were
a talkiu' an' I say to ole Kate, "Kate, we
po' fool niggers. I's done live 'bout's
long's I ker to."
" 'An Kate, she say, "I dunno "bout
dat, Sam, but guess yo' is tellin' de
" So Kate, she say as how she's ole
too, an' can't grow much ol'er, an' bow
she po' an' can't lie no jioo'er. An' so
we 'elude to gt married, kase we can't
be no ol'er, no' ioo'er when we's mar
ried, den when Kate is juss Kute an'
Sam's juss Sam.'
"And so those two old darkies were
married," said the Princess Anne man,
"because they werj old and could not
live much longer, and because they were
poor and could not be any poorer, wheth
er they were single or married." New
York Herald.
Too Dnn't Tire of Them.
There are people of whom one never
tires, no matter how ofteu olio sees them
nor bow intimate the associations may
be. There is about them that air of per
petual charm and variety that uiukci
them delightful companions. They are
sure to be good temereil. There is nevei
any fear of ttmliiig them in a et, nor a
prey to some ill humor wholly unreason-
-i.i.. i l..:....i.l
uieuim u.iriouuui.u.u. I
They are pleased when you are pleased,
aud interested iu what you have to say.
They are so sympathetic that your ilia
and troubles become their own, aud your
friends become so dear to them that not
for the world would they do anything to
rob you of them. Sometimes with these
bright, sweet natures yon find the adde1
charm of originality, and wbeti you come
across such a oue treasure it aud preserve
it as oue of the iearls of your life, for
seldom indeed are taleut, originality aud
good nature found combined in one mor
tal frame. A nature that is so richly
endowed is threefold talented. It has
the talent of magnetism, the taleut of
keeping good natuml and the priceless
talmit of originality, which, as It ud yard
Kipling says, is not the discovery of any
thing new, but is rather a new way of
looking at old things. Aud that makes
it all the more delightful. New York
Tha First Woman.
By the way, shaking of Eve, why is
not her name, in its English and Bible
form, bestowed upon more little girls?
Eva is common enough: it is simply the
Latin form of the name. No duubt
parents often bestow it in this form
without thinking that they are naming
a daughter fur the naughty mother of
all mankind, whose "mortal taste" for
green fruit brought death iuto the world
aud all our woe. But this i an age of
rehabilitation, and Eve has beeu pretty
thoroughly rehabilitated in characU-r
herself. A great many really good wo
men are not so sure but they would have
done just the same as she did under the
same circumstances. But whether or
not Eve has been vindicated or needs
vindication she bad a very pretty name.
Bestowed upon girl or woman, and
without any final a just plain Eve no
name could be more charming. Boston
Transcri pt
Ilurclari' Weapons.
Over 1"0 tools and processes, rhich are
marvels of ingenuity ana scientinc
knowledge, have been invented by safe
burglars. A recent burglar's outfit capt
ured by the police consisted of a little
giaut knob breaker, a diamond drill and
a high explosive of the nature of dyna
mite, but put up in the form of a pow
der. It would open the strongest bank
safe in half hour, ana Wlinoui noise :
enough to disturb people in the next
hour, and witnout noise
bone. while the entire ouim couia oe
carried in the pockets of an ordinary
coat Rochester Democrat
A Word of Warning.
If you have sny hereditary proneness to
consumption take care not to sleep, when
you go to health resorts, say. In Csnnes or
Mentone, in nms from which consump
tive pstients have just cleared out The
congress of doctors which met recently
has pronounced thst disease Infectious,
u... Z. fpi.m nerlmos. the breath. Dan-
ger hes In the sufferer from it pitting-
about, and. when the saliva dries, the
microbes iu It being musieu m vue auau
of dust Consumptive persons should
have rooms to themselves, make use of
spittoons, aud thev and all their sur
roundings should be kept with Dutch
cleanliness an often disiufecUd. Cows
are also to be mistrusted. An oft milked
cowls sure to )ro into a decline, and her
milk and the tnea ber bod famishes
when she is banded over to tp botcher
xe equally dangerous. Tha g is proof
against pulmonary consumption, a&d la
warmly recommended by the eongret as
a nurse to delicate ehUdm. who Ul
boLbaJ MIX U'haWn tntUk
. Wnara Ha Pad lo Itrrupsrata aad Wliara
Ha found lilt ( harnlug Wifa Haw Ha
Wat Kaganltd by Ilia 8lmpla rriaada
Naar Ula Country Hoot a.
Away up in the bills of Norfolk coun
ty, nestled among the woods, about a
tuile and a half from the town of
Walpole, there stands what is bow
known as the Cobb Farm, but at one
time this was the home of the la
mented tragedian, Lawrence Barrett,
and as such it is knowu for miles around.
The old settlers delight in pointing it
out to visitors. These same jieople also
love to speak of the good old times when
Mr. Barrett came home.
They all speak of the tragedian as
"Mr." Barrett
Iu an interview with one aged resi
dent of the locality much of the late
acUir's career was learned.
"Why, yes; every one in these parts
remembers the young actor, and also bis
charming wife. It used to be quite a
time when bo returned after a long tour,
and it was along the shady lanes aud in
' P11 nook iu tue wooJ he sought
l a"u 1llltt Ior & overworked brain.
"But 1 tell you it did not tike him
long to recuperate, lie would have
hardly been here a week before be
would be wandering off into the woods,
book in baud, to study. Come, aud 1
will show you oue of his favorite sjiots
where 1 have knowu Mr. Barrett to stay
' for nour8 ri-hearsintf bis part, with
nothing but the birds and squirrels for
his auditors, so far as he knew. But
many is the time that a few of us neigh
bors have stolen down to within earshot
of the actor and listened to his words. It
was a great treat for us all."
In answer to the inquiry as to bow
Mr. Barrett came to reside among them
the old geutlemau gave quite a chuckle,
and with bis face wreathed in smiles,
"Why, bless your heart, he fell in love
with one of our pretty girls. I say oue,
because we have always had many iu this
district She was a Mary Mayer, who
lived with her uncle, John M. Mayer,
who tlieu resided at the old homestead.
"You see, Mary was a bright, intelli
gent girl, who had been giveu an excel
lent educatiou by ber father, Philip
Mayer. lie kept a confectioner's store
on Tremout street, Boston, and al
though Mary lived out here with bet
uncle she frequently visited ber parents,
and there became acquainted with Mr.
Barrett They formed a friendship,
which soon ripened iuto love, and mar
riage was the result
"After their marriage they made the
farm their home. It was here their
charming daughters were reared and
educated, and I tell you 'papa's' home
coming every summer was quite a time
for the people of the North End. We
had grand times, and uo oue appeared
to enjoy them more than did the young
and at that time rising actor.
"lie lived among us many years, and
every oue iu those days bod a kind word
for Mr. Barrett; he was respected by all
who came iu contact with him. He was
generous to a fault, and many are the
people who have lived throughout the
year on the bounty he bestowed during
hia slinrt sninnm
iu the summer months.
. rMnMu' thsit
during oue of his visits
he offered to erect a house for a worthy
mau and bis family and pay the whole
"It was bis many acts of charity that
made him beloved by the iivopleup here.
We bad stirring times iu those days. Mr.
Barrett and his friends used to make
things lively, and his genial, generous
disposition was iu a measure infectious,
and had a tendeucy to make every one
"Yes, I have nothing but the most
pleasaut recollection of Mr. Barrett and
bis amiable wife when they lived in
these parts.
'He did for others what few men now
adays would do with more money than
ever he possessed. For years he support
ed bis mother, his widowed sister and
family and uiauy people who bad uo
claim whatever upon him. He always
gave largely to any charity, and at times
going short to do so. I remember his
sister, Miss Barrett, coining to live at
the farm, but she soon followed in the
footsteps of her brother aud married Mr.
Tisdale, one of our townsmen. For the
newly wedded pair he purchased a fl.UUO
bouse iu Walpole.
"As the summer months began to wane
Mr. Barrett used to study very bard,
and you could meet him iu the road at
all times talking to himself. It was at
these times that Mr. Barrett used to
cause his friends much anxiety, as this
bard study was too much for bis over
taxed braiu, aud be several times wan
dered away. Un one occasion he was
caught just boarding a traiu at Dedham
for Boston, having walked the whole
seven miles with but little of his ordi
nary wearing apparel on. But be always
came around all right after a short rest
"It was just pie for us country fel
lows to get Mr. Barrett to tall us some
of his experiences while on 'the road,' as
these theater people call it We used to
sit on that wall, aud Mr. Barrett would
band out the cigars, and after we were
all lit up reel off some fine stories that
would be well worth printing if I could
only remember them.
"1 could tell you lots of good deeds
performi-d by Mr. Barrett, but as most
of the people are still alive it would
hardly be fair. He was a most effec-
llonaxe uusuanu, a ioviuk lamer aim a
most estimable gentlemau, and nothing
tided to leave as for Cohasset; but what
was Walpole's loss was Cobasset's gain."
Boston Ulobe.
Shade Treea.
The shade trees about our dwelling!
have done much to make our wives and
daughters pale, feeble and neuralgic
Tre ought never U l uid near enough
to our dwellinga to .i -I a shade Usn
ili.m uml if thp blinili. --ri removed
no,in; bul , ,.llrtalM within left to
lessen on Uie hottt-M duva the intensity
of the heal, it would add greatly to the
tone of our nerve and our general vigor
The pbozaa which project over the low
er story always make that leas healthy
than the upper story, especially for
sleeping purponea 1 am sure I have
cured a great many case of rheumatism
by advising patients to leave bedrooms
shaded by tree or piazzas, and sleep in
a room and bed which were constantly
dried and purified by the direct rays of
the suu. St Louis Magazine.
Tha (iralesqua Flight nf HorJ t' paste
the Mravlly r a Hiuitef.
The rest of the herd immediately made
off iu our direction, but of scat
tering pellmcll as other wild animals
would have done under like circumstan
ces, these quifr denizens of a queer
country fell into I in and departed in
regular Indian tile, the big old doe lead
ing the way, aud the smallest diminu
tive pickaninnies bringing up the rear.
The doe covered the ground with tre
mendous leisurely bops, holding her fore
paws before her in a mincing way that
was very comical.
The smaller animals, each an exact
though diminutive counterpart of the
leader, followed iu gradually diminish
ing perspective, every little lieggar hup
ping just a little more rapidly than the
one before him, until the fast flying legs
of the last puny fellow at the end of the
line were blurred like the spokes of a
wheel iu rapid motion.
The effect of this extraordinary proces
sion was to my unaccustomed eyes so
altogether ludicrous aud absurd that I
nearly lost my shot iu au uncoutrollable
burst of laughter. As it was I might
just as well have had my laugh out to
the end, for although 1 let the old doc
have both barn-Is full iu the flank as she
paused me at twenty yards' distance she
never even faltered in her course, and
bad quite disappeared iu the scrub, with
all her numerous progeny at her hinds,
before I had time to replace the empty
Tho No. 3 shot in all probability bad
little more effect uhu her tough bide
than so many graius of saud. Neverthe
less, it might erhaps have brought her
down if 1 had aimed at the head, for one
pellet penetrating the brain through the
eye would have beeu sufficient But the
motion was so eccentric and perplexing
that this would have lieen a very risky
shot, aud 1 preferred the chance of stun
ning ber by a direct double charge full
lu the body to the almost absolute cer
tainty of missing her altogether by at
tempting the more difficult shot Birge
Uurrisou in Scribner's.
Why American Women Walk.
"No other women in the world can
compare with American womeu," said a
man who has been living abroad for sev
eral years, "iu walking. The American
woman walks by preference. She seems
to scorn a carriage. And how she walksl
Her head is held up, her shoulders are
thrown back and her step is Grin and
elastic. Is it any wonder that she has a
Gue color and that ber lips are fresh and
ber eye clear? Iu other countries womeu
ride because they do not feel safe when
they are in the street Here they know
that they have every man at their com
mand if they need iiini.
You find women iu line after line
thronging the streets where they go to
do their shopping, or in Fifth or Madison
avenue, wheu they are returning home.
They may not know what a blessiug
their independence is to them, but their
owu beauty and the health and vigor of
their children in after years ure in a
great measure due to this love of walk
ing. Save in England, perhaps, I have
seen nothing like it, and iu England the
women do not walk as they do here,
They are more deliberate mid grave,
The quickness and strength and tire are
missing. 1 hey seem more like machines.
They walk for the sake of tradition, it
seems to an American, but here our
women walk because they like to walk."
New York Tribune.
Tea Drinking.
The custom of tea drinking is as old
as the Chinese empire, aud as early us
780 A. D. a duty was levied on the tea
that grew wild on the Chinese mount
ains. But it is withiu two centuries
that its use was adopted by the English,
when the East Tea company importod it
aud it was sold at -'5 a pound. Its use
was confined to the royal household, lu
the reign of Henry VII a refreshment
consisting of tea and cakes was called a
voids. ,
On the occasion of the marriage din
ner of Katharine of Arntgon and Arthur,
prince of Wales, the court chronicler
wrote: "The evening refreshment called
voide was brought in by fourscore earls,
barons and knights, walking two and
two. Ipocras and comfits were offered.
One noble servitor presented the golden
pice plate, a second the cups, while a
third of lower rank rilled tbe cups from
golden ewer,"
Since then what Washington Irving
calls the "motherly teaiot" bas become
power In the world. Detroit Free
A touching story was told of Tainber-
lik, tbe tenor singer. Passing through
Madrid oue bright spring morning, he
visited the bird market and bought every
bird in it lie ordered tbe cages to be
carried iuto the Plaza and opened. The
sunny air was filled with a fluttering
host, aud from hundreds of tiny throats
buret songs of delight Tamljerlik looked
after them with tears of pleasure in bis
eyes, crying, "Go, and be free, my
A similar story is told of kindly old
Virginian, who used to celebrate tbe
Fourth of July by buying np all tbe
caged squirrels, rabbits aud birds in the
neighborhood, aud then seU-ing tbem
tree, that they, too, might rejoice in the
day of independence. The creatures to
whom be gave happiness are loug since
dead, but the children who saw hia
kindly act have carried its influence
through their lives. Youth's Compan
ion. Tbe Evil r.y.
The Corsicans are not the only people
In the world who believe in tbe evil eye,
for the Turk is so affected by it that be
thinks it extends its influences te what
ever animals belong to bim. Strings of
coral are sold on tbe streets and said to
be a preventive against the evil. It la
very curious to see the donkey, crowds
f which are fonnd in tbe streets, with
strings of coral twisted in their tails.
When be gets in a violent rage the
very worst thing that a Turkish gentle
man can threaten bis donkey with is the
taking away of the jewels which protect
bim from the evil eye, for in this way be
will give him over to all kinds of cruelty
and the possession of tbe demon. Ia
the markets bits of coral are laid among
the purple grapes or green vegetables
with tbe hope that good luck will come
to tbem and they will bring higher
price. New York Sun.
I aeon sis tear. j
PoetTon said the other day In yom
paper thst poverty la not a crime.
Editor Well?
Poet And ret yon decline my versos
simply becaoM job say Liter art poor.
WHtT IS Vol K !flIO
Miould any one aik your opinion about
the HiMoKeiietir system of inedii itie, jut
aniner Ixildly (hut it in no hmI. ,-IioiiM
he iislt vou the reason bv it i no kihhI.
tell him- jlM liei uiiM-. If (his siiswer dura
not confound him liy it profundity uml lie
still prrnntu, ti ll him iinil it is a in fuii
pled idea. This will probably prove illn t
ive, us it bunkriiittil the iron Ihm i -(ulilisliiurut.
Miould you fail in, loo,
don't give up, but insist with the powerful
a.yunu'iit that your itraiidiuotlirr iirvrr
heard of it ; that you ran t see li" mer
cury, arsenic, slrvrhninr, etc , run be im
proved upon, and that the old schools of
medicine must ueeesnurilv have eiliuustril
nil the stork of uisdom, and that therei an
no) possibly Is-anytliiiiK It-It lo Irani. And
if all your pouerlul argument have failed
lo convince him of llir n-aionalili'iicss of
your position vou hate still one Parthian
slio' trll bim that you are simply aston
ished; tha) you thoiilit him an inlrlliKi'iit
man !
And still there are nu n uml women, too
--upon whom such argiimenla have no ef
fect, but they ure tbinkiiiK people hIiii are
willing to investiitiile Is-loro lliry form un
MojtvK, Krrn County, Till.
Ih.J. A.'iiiiriif .iiriini, .V.iO, H'ikA. I'KtK
Sin: 1 am if lis. I to trll vou tlmt in v uilr
' still roulitiucs to improve. Looks like a
jdiftereiit ierson. Skin rlraiinx up; ryes
look brighter, and is I'ecliuK Is-tter geiier-
ally; no pain in stoiiuieh, uml bus good u
'prtitc. Vr h-rl gluil that vie have found
so one bo run do her Kood.utid you
will have oilier patients from this section.
Very rrspeclfiilly, Joski-ii l!otx.
lr. Jordan' office is ul the residence of
rx- Mayor Yesler, Third ami James.
Consultations and prescriptions ulisolule
ly frtt.
S'lul for free book explaining the Histo
geuetic system.
('action. The Ilistop n.itifl Medicines
art-sold in but one ageuiv in each (own.
The luM around the Isitlle bears tu fol
lowing inscription' " !r. J. Kugrue Jor
dan, llistogenelio Medicine." Kvery oilier
device is a fraud.
After ii man pawn's fnrly the gri'Hlrst tv-rn In
llir uiirlil to him U the iiihii u ho Isi-suir (mniiiis
alter till v.
We positively cure rupture and all rectal die
liases without palu or detention Iron) business.
Nooure, no pay: ami uo pay until cured. Ad
dress for iaiiiphlet brs. Purtortleld A Ixmiy, s.t
Market itreet. Hsu Kraaelaro,
hi UK i itK rott riLKit.
Sare care (or hlltnl, tUi-jnliiig and lu-hliis Piles.
One hoi has cured the worst came ol tell fears'
tandluf. No one tiw-n norm teu minutes elu
mi kirk's Merman Tile OllltmeiiL II ahsurbt
tumors, allays tint ItehttiK. arte as a poultice,
alves relief. Dr. Kirk Herman Pile Ointment
Is prepared ouly for Pllri aud Itelilus of tho
prlvati parts, aud uothluif also. Kvery bus Is
Hold by PrnritUts and tent by mall on rm-ulpt
nl price, 11.00 per hoi. J. J. Mark A On.. Whole
sals tir-'nis Kan Kmnelw-n
A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.
Superior to every other known.
Used in Millions of Homes
40 Years the Standard.
Delicious Cake and Pastry, Lilit Flaky
liiscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable
snd Wholesome.
No other baking powder does such work.
Ciaiis mi iniirs thiin sn iirilliiarv rliunay wiaal ilekrl
imrl III s almrl limn. The" llarlllian" H-lli-e la
iillliu llli-nl sml la liriH'lleilllv KVKHI.AsriNH,
I Always nifiilliui llila
f. pIStJ'H KKMEDY KOH CATAKHIi. Il.-nt. Kusi.
I I est to use, Cheapest. Kclii f is linniedlnte. All
I I cure is certain. For (!old In the 11 end it Ins no eiml.
j It Is an Ointment, of which ssmull jmrticle isspplied I 1
I I to the nostrils. Price. Vie. Sold hydruuninUorsenthy I 1
Iel mail. Address: K. T. Hazi ltink, Warren, Pa. -I
1 wepr when Iw&s bom.&nd every day
"X .shows whysMd bfiA&Qd
iJ ofscourint5soasDU3cd forwl
si' -OcIea.ning purposes 4-
"Ah I Abl" Cried the houae
rifo, "The Secret I know, no
QLTT can resist
Buy four Own Boods if Tour
afMaW aV I
;t"c ' t T'Vfy'1 will tuiat
ChanlraJ Fir En(tnai and Eitinrulahan. fir Hnaa and Devartmant Snpntlsa, ftaasi Ijtun&n
tf achlnary, Pumps ol ail kloda, Brass (iisxls, hw sod Klttlinrs, Hsnrurk Ininlmtofs, Marin Worl
r-IUin and Hoaa, Wrvnrhaa, UibrlrsUnr Oils. Chnrrh, Srhnol and Farm Bslls. Kiiitlnsaand BoHara,
larksmltS lrllla and Funrsa. Biursias. Surrtsa. Snrlna and Eibrsaa Wssons. iba Ismat
al Can ia rurUaad. Daalara, writ lor prloaa. Fol luniiar UilonaaUuB eaU aa'ot atldnas
1 1 IBM, Fd if E.3rria Street. KIWI CI
lid t C4VT II): llhrll
Hi I. ii nl upi'Ui'iill.iii.. a. 1 1 it- riiiiihil rem Ii thr
tliM-MM-i! irllmi nf die ear. I line is unit nlie
wii In run- iIihIiii-m. sml Iinil l hi ruii.lllu
1 1. ! n I rvnirlli' t'l-iif iu-ak U I'MHM-ll In sli III
IIiiiimiI iMiiilni'iii ill llie iii - ii-. -ii Union ul (In
f ii.liii'lihoi fill- lien till. IiiIm-ui'i. IhlUiiMil
vniiistt- m riiii'MIng niuihI ir IhintIi-iJ hi-nr
l,i, 'iinil il hen II l enllri'o rlninl, In'mIiiih. in
Un-ri-.iin. sml iinli'Hii llir iiiiUiiiinnlloii run 1
IfiLeii uiii Mini nil. inlx- rvii!ii ( Ii. iii'rnial
tiiiiituiuii, hi'HrliiK will In ililnii-i hiri'tei;
iiinr mm' uiii ul leu un- mill-til lit cMisrrh,
u hleh I. Iinlliliis hill sll IhllmiS il -li-lltlll ul
till- IIIUIll'l. .IiIIHI'I'.
Vtr will Kin-1 "ii- lliiliilriil !,.IUr dr. am csm-
it 1ii-h(ih'. (i'iiiim'i! h rnliirrh) IIihI He iHllllut
rim h) luUlig Hall's t'utnitti I me. Seixl (ur
rlrriilsra, In-r. Y. J lllKSKVAio,
loli-do, II.
Hnltl h) ilrngKt.U; ?'. rents.
4 M-lli.h mini's hriiil la im hkirer than hi. rnf-
fill Jiul room t-lliiUllll fur tlllliftrlt.
Tlu-rv U Hiillliiiia nl iiiniii-.i in slid around New
urk Cltt to-ralli lliieatiiu-iit. II )ui lisle s
Isrtn. nitirll, liilnti, Me run pniluihll aril II lor
loll. II ) oil hill I-s lllerriilllllr hllhlllemi fur aillr,
r If uu usnl a tiirinrr h Uh r.tiul lor sn
irullliiittli- tin. llieaa. lie rati It. Iii ton Aihln-M
J. I'Mltrk ni , .M.i llrnsditsi, Sr url
M knyh int Horn., Third and I) streets,
I'oi'tliiud, dr. Kirat-clai iiccoiuiuodatioiis.
Kates, f I tol. .'ajper dit) . Jacob Haas, prop.
t'sc Knainellue Stove hulUhi uo dust, uo mull,
Thy (1 rutin for breakl'ast.
1 1 "A-V 'a, 'V jsv AtT.- ...v-.;-
,tA 4 V.V f
Roth the Mrtlnxl ami lesulu when
ftyrup of Fig ia taken; it is riWauf
and refreshing to the tasto, ami leU
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
I liver and llowels, cleanses- the sys
tem cU'eetunlly, dispels colds, head
icliea and levers and cures hub-itUi1
eonstipniiim permanently. For sale
iu &0c ami 1 bottles by all druggists.
$11 fKMOISCO. Cil.
iouisviuc, Kt. row, .r.
Iliiud irat Wheel lu Hie market. SI r lei I v llliili
lirinle lu etery uirtlriilitr. 1'iiahloii Tlrra, Tun
Kent 'kra, lr.Mll '.!. to Dili. Semi for llllis
ll'ltliil I'llllllouue, trrr.
I'aellle t'lisat Asia.. IA r'lral nl.,MHll r'ranclaeti, t'al
trunll .MMvilurMl IU ImriftHiof men
I I UUllU v,'"t,i lllr,(r'' 11 '"'"'if ' Intern
iml.l. rrlif.rVMM. Clrnilnrui
"lit toll. Hull, ti) ll'UKK'rUrlOrW'Ul
mil nt' l't f pniv by Tlx A. HctiuiMi
tlt-ll Mt'ilMlit) t'o , Hstll J iMP .'('III,
Ilfattlliitf rantwly for ft). ih
nnn.liir.l H I auh a reraxa and
I Tlss bTi laiSpsMaifk at nt I lai araWI
I I'TlVUlftlliarfftrslMli lltfn. el
I Cfriiun vir tor lur acmir
U wo mm.
. 1 . 11 A t .1 mm fat
HI a SM11T J lnMTllHIIanM 111
if Fvs.MCHlM"f in forotiimsutlaOM II W
1II4HKI. HOI fr l.. ninth Ht.VM Mimt
J sTuiiif nr k NaiiMiint. M .: ei.iiiliiutt(l un buth h
Kuiuittwii wi'l Auit rioii Liltn llili HoWl It uotlti
th iiiuisut'iutiil uM liatrli Miiti(oii)tnp and w h
Isasai auid HllllliMla. Mmi I HMvl til HaVD Vtb
ctMNi. If oint ty ))( rts, onlnliiat umukvUwI, nrawUM
ivrvlot, hl.rtit iUii1ml of ttpnrUtttiitir rtlkli.uMl
Hoswil tint room iwr tUy. 1 ift
fl do mi T w, HiiHia ntoni, u
wrvm oosvub lu ftud (nua lh-
OfliU tu 1UU ,Mir ULKUI,
H M.
iillnlr Unit nlialrilrla the view Hint will rut or fall
arllallr III ili-alall. (ircini l ine sniiinua w lonini uiii
nni.iir.l'l il I .1 I n ii I r. nun i nn ..r. .- .'
Beaver Falls, Pa.
mier in wrilhu. I
is Ossolid c&kc
"Oh! Oh!" Cried the DIET,
"At length I must go, I oannot
Dealer Doss Hot Carry Them.
Best and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, $15 Up. Wagons, S50 Up.
a . SV "M
jr ,r t'nrrsin
f f IJaaiantM s-l IS
Pain3 and Aches
AUK I.Nhkl'AKAm.E.
Sprains, Bruises, Hurts,
Cuts, Wound, Backache,
Olir I'llltl lf itnlllK iMInllit-Mi U to m-M vwt tnly
nn Itu nii ni ImioIk; If mil1 t-t.ii mn riillmittn
inn. hiihIIiit iiii;U' itt'ini. of iimr-i, I tit Inrvf
tmT rsMVCK III 111!' Piwl tf tuilnlttllkj, l'Ul H V limki
ttit Nitiiu jwr rtMil. of r u mi On iitiewlm
m'IhIm m Iiil:U' Mnllnrwhli un. (Mil hic uiir
frtrinU niul itiimlly wi'Icimih'.
Why ktinitli) mitrtll tiinrri Ix' r hnrk'l inort
tllHll nrsCHnlrltl'Min, mMMirliitliiim, l ulllliltlillli'll
rllhl Htmri'KttltullK III tHf (lit fl'i 't UK t" IJill-
Ami ihiim-tihii look out for .tour Intern.! In
.mall or Kri-Mt inallen. slid von till! ntit hr it.
t-a furinir lll of lii.imn artli-li-. nt
nrln-a (In-.-) SMITH! CSH 5I0HE, 416-418
Front Strtsl, Sis Frsnclico. Cal.
3 IvrMllll lMlt'P'MIM.
Clntn fur full U'I Iph) lit-
. fnrtiitiliou
i? Thpftsnnhiral Sflflflv.
-r - j
IttMim :(, No. 11 M.trki't
ulrtH't, fHi KrHiirlM'., n.
RacM Harbor Lima. Porllind Ctrntnt, Col
S.n Oils tni Utah Platttr, Hair, firs Brick
snd Firs Cl). LAND PLASItR.
00 North Froiit Mriil, Cor. II,
STEIN WAY, Gitlcr md Pease Planoi
tfifuilitg lh HbnT Piano Maur, uid tl f.furlt
riltsUtajr Piaviio; lt MllKtCtl liiiruiiiKiii; Haunl hup
plttHl; Urictt lUH'k n( KtitHl Miwlo. Htkinwav HALU
Mi uiii Ymi Hrrv; MAmiiAt Uhav Co. CU
soil m aw nw ruaoua Mid dw Uxik.
Portland. Oregon.
A ll'inrtHitir ! Vnj Mrliunl fnr OlrUi
l-'iiiiiiltii I HMD; the Mm lit Kcv. .
Intnr Murrln l. I'., Hrcttir.
TliiiriMtkiti iiiNlriU'llini; a In rut mi it rnn'fnlly
Iih'UiI iiirpt ul hH4'litr; nIhiIi-iiIm prcpitii il luri'nl
li'Ki; ht'W HMil nl KlUlt blllltliliK hi Hih limit iinil
liiHlnlllikl iinil Ih'iiiiIIImI pnrl nl lh oil v. Fur ritlH
liiKiii'MuiiilnftNllit Ml-.-KS H'lDNK..
I'ortli.ii'l, orrniin. A. IV Ariiitniiir, I'tin.
Mriinrli Hi IhhiI : l Ai'irAL Hi n. I'm.i imt. hi.lfiti. ori'ifun.
Mtiitt uHimtof iludy, Mine rMiM ( imlUm,
Husiness. Short h a n d,
rffltritimft f VatMs.iMa h , ii nd . nglu k t Vii t tmtntt
Att'lil mmmIiiii UiMiiit)iiul the r. Hi ihlr it in avlntil
1fU hi ftiiy tliiiM. i KUliigu fniiu vlltier kliuul, frt.
KmimhIi'iI 1 HI t.
Ai'riili'inlc, 'rittiiitoty hihI Vrlnmry
rimrlimiitn. rivulr rimnwa, In-
rhiilnirf lht (i)illiiMin'll in Oil Ai'iuiriiilC
Hi'imrtiiiHiit. IHf4.'li)iitf hut tin i Imi
Nlrtt-t No liu.1 Inivr tuliiiltlcil. Hfl'i'i- mi I It
I'oiill'ti'iM't Ui iHlroim iAhI jniil) ihroimh-
uut tin NorihwoNi ruti, a (. iii-iiiTx. 14
riflcK 17 ktrat'liiHii'ii Ih-i ji-ht, KiMtrt-nUi
yt-ur iimliT in-Mnl iitniiHKi'iiifiil will
Utll Hlt. I't, IrVH. Kllf IHl Ml Mat 1 if HIHI lltllff
.Vlnloriiiiiltoii wliln-Fu. J, W, It 1 1. 1., M D ,
t'riiK-lial, I. 0. UrWHrIT, ruriliiml. Or.
hWs Golden Fetnala Pills.
Forr"msle Irrrrnlar
Uk'i: uothliie lik.c ' i.ein
ou Ilia market. Ari-r
Oil. Hurreulllllv iisl-iI
ujr prouuueii I lirlies
liionlliljr. Uiisrain-i
lo reliefs siiirtaej
pnn't hi biimhni!Vt.
Hava Tims, llesltli,
anJ mousy ;take uuuilt
r, Rsnt to anr aidlrcw,
Will b mall nil ra
Clptof irlre, IJOu.
Asslern Branch, uXs7il'UUXLAMl, B
Hnlrl bf Wnnos liaus Co., Pnrtlanit. Or.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
Olil Oi. I ii ftiiil hlivit a-iufhi: 1111(1 ronr md OolJ
iid Ntlftir Iii ini-ll tho 0I1I suul relmbUi hiuj irf A.
OoImiimi, 41 Tlnrrt ilntrrt, Hn YnMCimxr, I will twod bf
rvtuni-iitkll lli uwh. awnfliiif W mmjt; If tha knwiat
mi MtUfsvotstrf. will ivturii $ti&.
fiahlnTs-kl8. Kl". Krrat Varletr. I,.o Prl,
Ol'l ir-iialai'nlii irsils. avnd rnr Ciilalnii'iiii. UliU.
M. SlHIIKtK, SIS Hrarayl.,Hau traliclaeo
ITI 1 1 Tr Tin:
s f dai' .m....m
l It KAT J-i 11 -i
a r rrn v lairsrs i.irn jtinrr.
Aikyourcloalrrlorlt, orM-ml lf Kr Creulnr ti
lvt;ilnma Inrubntnr Co., Petalnma, Cul
Nesr mileni. More ami Uiriier irviiiiiiiiia nfTeml
Una year for rxhlhlta of alia k, SL-rleiilliinil pnul
nrla, fruits, Hon era, inlnerata. ineehalili-s, mirks
of srt ami fanrv mirk. rinleuilM rni linr (seb
day. The bullion, llnlitrit hv olwtrlclli, 111
Is-ota-n four iilnhta sml a luiul iiuirerl meh
iiIkIH. Itoliireil mtesnti sll tnni.iKirbiUoii lines.
mi-ihI to J. T. liHKiili, hprrvlary, ronlsml, for a
pn-niliiin Mat.
Plambsrt' .sd Englnssrl' Ssppll.l. Hand
and Stum Pumps. Iron Pip.. Sams, Pip
Centring, luprlcitori, Water Motors, Fsni
and V.stllatars, Cask Rtaiitors, Etc.
Writs fur prtesa.
rnntrsrtnra on heslliitf slid ventllsllns
liuiultiisra. K-illmstrs rtiruiahKl.
't.Ul-atl nJ N t ft W filial Iir it I IY.
WukaHo( BwJy-tsdl ni, I -f-'aj
trlBllUal.l!iUkTlt.J)r'r,Mtt-XSAl.Urhur liuUt,
4tstis4ir ass'iiitisff MUHl 1ik-lr-aW-at l Tm
Ufiifr FVwsi ii lls4 (rorvlr. (atlr. WWl is-aaw
laasrfM -jir.Ul ul'iriali mit4 '.art !,
) MailO'M fnlF Hssturrit, (la tf filir
fcKia. n I Wife Via9 VUrrAbVi H
. N. H. N. U. .No. ft. N. U, IS 47tf
4 rmmmii,
4 "f