The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 29, 1891, Image 1

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NO, 45.
3hf ttugrnt Tity (Guard.
PablUher nd Proprietor.
FFICE-Oo the East sids of Willamette
,et, between Seventh tad Eighth Street.
' annum
m month.....
vnrtiumenti inaerted u follow! !
milium, ten line, or leM one insertion $3;
9 subsequent InMrtion L Cwh required
advertiser will be charged at the ol
til r.lM '. a
iiiare three months. $6 00
equar six month. 8 00
..mare one Teur 12 00
uient notices in local column, 20 otnti
line tor each insertion.
dvertising bilU will be rendered quarterly.
U lob work must be fAiD roaoa uilivibt.
jlttorneij and Counsellor
l f of the Second Judicial Distnct nd in
!,. Supreme Court of this State.
. . ....:! .ttnii,in iHven to collections and
ma.ters in probata
OFFICE-Rooiua 7 4 8 McClaren Building.
-Sn.nUl attention riven to Collection!
nnd Probate butiiieaa,
Seymour W. Condon,
Eugene, - - Oregon.
Omcx-Room in Conser' Block.
tUtorcey and CctmselloratrLaw, and
Real Estate Agent.
fllce-ln Masonio Temple.
Kuykcndall & Payton,
rhi slcians and Surgeons,
Rooms Over City Drugstore.
Special attention riven to Trobate btuineea
ami Abetracts of Title.
Orricl Over Lane County Bank.
DR. J. 0. GRAY,
block, oppoeite GUABD office. All work
warranted. . . .
Laughing gas administered for painleei es
timation ot teeth.
Coffins and Csskets always on hand. Pre
paring and Embalming Bodiee a Specialty.
Night call prompty attended.
Residence, second house aonth of Metno
dint Church, Willamette street.
Farma, Improved and Unimproved Town
property for tale, on easy terms,
Prcparty Esnted and Eents Collected,
Thelneurance Companiee I represent are
among the Oldeet and moat Reliable, and In
the Pbomm and Equitablb adjuitment of their
dm Staxd Sscokd to Nokb.
K ahare of your patronage ia solicited.
Omce-In6ityHall. g y. DORRI3.
chas. lacbb, rnxer.
w. t. pbi-t, cashibb
Eugene National Bank
. 10,000
Transacts a general banking businea.
Board of Dibbctobb:
F B Dunn. F W Osborn, J C Church. 8 M
Yoran, J M Hodson. C Laoer. J E Davis,
Notice 1. hereby flveo that D. R. Heme has
duly appointed Administrator of Ih e.ut.
ot William fiiue. thlOTnivtm
of ln. oonty. Orrfon. All pern "'';
t ;tma Mln.t mid ett er hereby
pr-rnihemeu h. minitruir,at to
1 Orore, Dmron. within tlx BJontli. Bo" u
d;- o( ihi. notirr.
i-.ied iht. lmh day of June. Jjjy
Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry & Musical Instruments.
The Most Select U South of Portland
Special attention given to Repairing and
Engraving by two first
work warranted.
E. E. Luckey
xonet iiriiicies, ramus, uns,
Brushes, Etc., Etc.
Prescription Department in Competent hands.
McClaren s Building,
(Oppoeite F. M. Wilkine' Dru Store.)
Hoe an eitenilve Stock of
Mercantile, Fancy and School Station
. n , 1 1 t-.-
ery, Blank books, uuiiery, tic.
ryOrdere for Books and Bubaonptione
lo Newspapem and Periodicals promptly at
tended to.
Rnwel Tronblea. and Cramp, Colic, or
any Internal or External Pain. Ask your
uggist lor u
Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc
Repairing Promptly Executed.
tmy-AIIWork U arrant.d. Jffl
E. Schwarzschild, Prop.
(Succetanr to Geo, Cellier)
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad
dreet Lock Boi 119.
Loir Price.,
wi mm
From and after Feb. 1, 1891,
my terras will bo strictly cash.
Prices Put Down to Bed
rock. IwiUNotbe
Highest market price Paid
for Produce. If not all traded
out will pay balanca in Cash.
J. H. Whiteaker,
Creswell, Or.
at .a x.irar.i,..'-jB at 'jranrsa
- class workmen. All
It. 11. Cochran & Son,
Real Estatfc Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Estate bnsines
such as buying, selling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Office on south
side of Ninth street.
Tbe Eugene Cigar Factory
Keeps constantly on band the finest brands
of borne made, douientic, and Key West
cigars. Charges tbe lowest prices for chew
ing end smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and
wholesale. ,
Give Them a Cbancel
That if to say, your lungs: Also all your
breathing machinery. Very wonderful
machinery it is. Not only the larger air
passages, but the thousands of little tube
and cavities lending from them. When
these are clogged and choked with matter
which ought not to be there, your lungs can
not do their work. And wbnt they do, they
cannot do weel. Call it rotd, cough, croup,
pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of
tbe family of thront und nose and head and
lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
be got rid of. There is just one sure way
to set rid of them. That is to take Boa-
ohee's German Syrnp, which any druggist
will sell yon at 10 cents bottle. Even u
everything else has failed yon, yon may de
dend upon this for oertain.
I have a cousin who Is a printer, snys Ex
Mayor J. 0. Loughran of North Dea Moines,
la. Some years ago be was employed in
this city where they were printing circulars
for Chamberlain. He had a deep seated
cold and terrible cough, and while setting
up copy be msde np bis mind to buy a bot
tle. It cured him and that was tbe first I
ever knew of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I have been strongly in its favor ever since.
My own experience and that of my family
convinces me that this remedy is the best in
tbe world. That may be strong language
but that is what I tbiuk. For sale by F. M.
Wilkins, Druggist.
Medfobd Flocb A. Goldsmith has re
ceived another car load of tbe celebrated
Medford flour. He will keep this excellent
brsnd of flour in stock at all times hereafter.
Wben Baby was stck, we gave her Castoria,
When ah. was a Child, the cried for Caatoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Casteria,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
The delelrated Freucb Gure,
or money
to cure
Is Bold o A
toenresnv form
or any duorderof
the (enerative or
gan, or .liner wz,
Iminth .-tim I v a
OMof HtlmaUnU. AFTER
tion, ever I
lndu!Kne, e , turn a.
lsm of Brain
Power. WakeftilDnM, BcarltJidown Falnslntli
bwk.!4eTO!nalWealnM,Hraerla,NerTous I'm
trailoo, Nortarnal Bmualooa, LeocorrtKra, b ti
ll neu, Wrak Memory, LoMof Power and Impo
irnrf, whlrhlf neslwTe'loften lead to prematura
old are an4 Inwnltj. rMr II JO a boi, t boxes
lor IA 'ft fent t j mall ou rwtpi of prier
A BITTF..f C1ABASTII laflvenfnr
ererr liOU orW rereirl, to rrf.n1 th. money If
a rmiual rnr. it sot .rTw-trd. w. bar.
thoawvl. of ixAlmnatala f mm old and younaj
of both awtw, who hare been permanently rare!
LyUutiMof Apbroditine. Clrralarfrwa. iddnae
Iun Branch, but. V. Poktuud, Os.
Sold by Z. B. LUCKEY k CO., DruggiaU
fl MI
r.ngrrk, urrfna.
I'leasant Hill Ietnis.
Aug. 20. 1801.
Mr. E. B. nandxnker, of Junotion visited
friends here and at Jasper this week.
Some who are interested would like to
know why it takei eight days to receive mail
from Florence.
A petitiou is being circulated asking per
mission to move the post oltice to the vicin
ity of the church.
Mr. Ileebee of Springfield, wss here last
week with a view of getting the job of re
moving the pioueer store.
This is the season of tbe year wben we
are reminded of the experience of a Mon
golian, who some years ago rented a farm
in tbe Uuipqua. lie said: "First come
leeper, take half him; den come slaihor,
'e take all 'im.
A number of wagons passed here a few
days sgo, from Coos bay, well filled with
families bound for Idaho. A number of
persona camped here laM night who came
from California and who had been traveling
"ever since I was born," as a big lad ex
pressed himself.
Last week the Guard aud Journal failed
to arrive much to the dissatisfaction of their
many readers who like to peruse them on
Suuday, which at this season of tbe year, is
about ail the leisure time they have to read.
they came in Monday's mail, since tbe
overland doe. not leave the mail any more at
Goshen. Will not the editors ot these pa
pers see that all tbe pipers are mailed in
time for Friday's south bound looal?
Tbe Duily Guard was in error last week
wben it stated that a Mr. llaucbman of
Pleasaut Hill bad been sent to his friends
in California at tbe expen.e of tbe county.
ine person referred to was named ISaueum,
and bad resided iu Spriusfield for some
years but hsd lately made his home near
Trent. 0. K.
lltall Bark Hllld.
Tub Dallbs, Or., Aug. 20. Tbe Trine-
ville and Canvon Citv alaue waa held un
yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock, three
miles west of Hberar s bridge, by a marked
man armed with a Winchester rifle. He
ordered tbe driver, Charles Adams, to
throw out the mail sacks. Five weie given
to the robber and tbe drivtr was ordered
to drive ou. Adams was akej by the man
who were bcliiud him, and he ausweied,
teamsters. Parties who visited tbe scene
soon afterward found two sacks, but tbe
other three had been takeu. The robber
is described as a medium sired man wearing
blue overalls. I be driver was exoited.
He could not tell whether the robber wore
a cout. Two monks were found msde out of
portiona of oatuiesl sacks. The author!'
lies of Ibis city are taking measures to sr
rest the culprit. Tbe place is about thirty
miles from The Dalles, No passengers
were in the atuge thut day. The sacks co-
taiucd money orders, registered letters,
eto. Two indians started from Sherar s
bridge, three miles from the soeneof tbe
robbery, immediately. They were well
armed and struck the trail of the robber,
and were following it up with prospects of
ospturtng toe tulef.
Choilty to Animals. We are informed
that a so called reverend gentleman should
be made amenable to the law, that prohibits
cruelty to the brute creation. Saturday
tbe person in question shamefully abused
bis horse near Dr. Patterson's residence.
Tbe horse balked and was whipped for nearly
twenty minutes then knocked down with
tbe butt of the whip. Such oonduot should
not be tolerated.
Lirbnbi Paid. The circus paid the conn
license August 21st. Clerk Wslker
obsrged them f 150 for the two perform
ances. For tbb Sicslaw. We take the following
from the Newport News of August 21sts Mr.
G. A. Lyell, assistant United States civil
engineer, leaves today for Biuslaw bay,
During his sojourn at this place be bss
made many friends by bis enthusiasm for
the work going on here, his independenoe
of character and his impartiality to govern
ment employes. It is to be regretted tbat
tbe "flat" canning this ohsnge of base baa
gone forth, bat our loss Is Siuslaw's gain.
Died. At her mdilcnfe In Goone
Luke valley, AuiriiHt HUM), Mm. Ann
I Henclerwm, wife of Elder Henry
M. Henderson, njred 68 years, 7 month
and 21 days. Mrs. lientlerson lived
near Eugene for three years removing
to Lake county In lWil). 8he was a
consistent chrititlnn, and left a hus
band and six children. The burial
took place at Lakevlew AugUHt 17.
Wabrakt fob Abrb8T J. R. Dixson
left here on the local train Monday foi
tbe north, and Messrs. Smith & Hall, on
hearing that he bad gone, bad a warrant of
arrest issued charging him with leaving the
state with intent to defraud bis creditors.
Tbe amount of their claim is fil. Tbe
Sheriff has been telegraphing to have biio
arrested, but at the time of going to press
bad not inooeeded.
For Sale.
A good seven room ho use; bard finished
In good locstion. For particulars inquire
at this office.
Cautort vromotae DfrMrtlow, and
overcomes Fiatulaucy, Coiiatipation, Soar
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fe-veriahnesa
Thus tbe child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep aataraL CasrtorU contains m
Morphine or other narcotic property.
OastorU k ae well adaoted to eh lid mi thai
f momumod rt as superior lo any prraciiptloa
kjavwatoaac." H. A. Ax-ma. at. I; ,
BS Portland Ava, Bruoaljra, M. T.
I tm Castoria la mr prortl".. and fled K
pwAaii adaitod to afTertioM of chil'lna."
atax. jmasararai. ji. v ,
lut.7 i An., Krw Tork.
Tn Cbvtapb Co, 77 If array Bt, V. T.
Mrs. E. 0. Henderson, matron of Cornell
College, at Mouut Vernon, Iowa, Is visiting
at tbe residence ol Kev. fc. r. uenaursoo
in this city.
About 40 men concocted a plot to escape
from the Walla Walla penitentisry yester
dsv. The clot was fruitrated. Two of tbe
convicts were killed. ,
Coos Per News. August 10th: The WU
mincton arrived Sundav with 75 passengers,
43 of whom were Chinamen, bound for the
canneries on the Cotjuille and Biuslaw.
S. D. Costa, formerly of Eocene, bos re
turned to Yreka. The Journal of that place
says he has fonnd a good psying four foot
ledge on Hungry creek, Siekiyon eounty,
The first hard work a hunter should do,
now days is to find out whose property he
is on, also see that that there are no trespass
notice up, he had better stay off from the
land, or he will stand good chinos to be
taken np and fined.
Kmkiino Ilview: From a field of
forty-tlve am of oat neur Alto 4,4-Stl
iitiNliels ofoatx, maenine measure,
tliretdicdthlH wasoit. A yield of 100
bushels per acre is not o bud for oats.
Harri.hnro Courier. Aus 21 : May ft Sen
den bousht 10,000 bushel of wheat last
evenino. navins 80 eents. net to the farmer,
for th. aame. Location considered, Ibis is
little better than our neighbor are doing,
if we are correctly informed.
The aiaeaaor of Jefferson conntr. Wash
assessed himself on only 200 worth of
nronertv. but the county eomuilssioasrs
"saw" him and raised him 100, making
his property to be valued at f 1H0O. It Is
unknown whether be will stand th raise, or
try to divide the pot.
A member of oue of our real estate firmt
informs ns tbat if the ruh of immigration
continues, there will not be a vaoant bouse
in F.nrrfln. within 30 dure. Man immi
grants are coming from Colorado, Nebraska
and tbe otber western state.
A man callina himself O. 8. Smith has
beaten the milliners of Pendleton. He rep
resented himself as agent for Sharpies,
Cole ft Co., of rhilsdelphia, and was tak'
ins orders for catterna and ahow oases, Sev
ersl lailici were beaten out of f 10 and IIS
The town of Pocatollo ha placed saloon
licenses! fHUOayear. the elate licensi
is f 500. The entiie license demand, ag
gregates f 108.33 a month. Still 12 saloous
are kept open at that plaoe, showing that
tbe proms are ao good that logisianon may
hamper it but can tot kill it.
Umatilla Indians are preparing for their
annual hunt to provide their winter' food,
and soon there will be an exodus ot able
bodied braves from the reservation. They
will scatter in ever direction, to John Day,
Malheur, Wallowa, Snake river and all pla
ce where good banting grounds sr offered.
It Is ronortod that W. 8. Ladd and
II. W. Corbett each oilers to clve $1,-
000,000 towarda a colli'Ki', to lie under
the. auHplcen or tne rreniytennii
church, and to lie located in Portland,
an additional $1,000,000 to lie raised In
the. church, making 3,uou,uuu a a
It is a slrsnce thlnir. nviagreat writer,
that wben th oitizen of a town btv
visitors snd want to show them th bosutles
of nature, they take them np to call on th
editor. Of oonrse they probably mean well
but it leaves tbe editor in a pleasing slste
of dubiety a to bi exact status. We like
to have tbem com, However.
The Siaslaw road ha not been built bat it
will be built next year W will, however,
sell those beautiful acre tract in Fair-
mount at tbe old price of $300 per aore.
Buy now and get tbe benefit of th advance
a prices of lot will be doubled as toon a
work begin on th railroad.
a- a .
Thomas CofTinan was killed and
ChnrlcH MeFndden seriously hurt ou
Thursday of last week near Colfax.
They were ranchers, and were return
ing Home under lite innuence oi liquor.
Near home the brake broke, the team
became unmanageable and tho men
were thrown under a wagon heavily
loaded. McP'adden'a limits and breast
were crushed o badly that recovery la
D. W. Eaves it preparing to build a neat
cottage in Fairmount.
The prettiest girls and most enterprising
population live in Fairmount.
One hundred snd fourteen person now
live in Fairmount as permanent residents.
Wsrd S. Stevens, a well-known Secret
Society msn, died in Portland laat Satur
day. An Eastern nndertaker advertise thai:
'Yon kick th baoket and I will do th
The blacksmith shoo of Wm. Drlsklll. at
Junotion, wss entered Saturday night, and
set of stock diet, taps, etc., waa stolen.
No due to th tblet.
A tare force of oar pen ten are basil en
gaged remodeling Rhinebsrt'i theatre.
Wben completed It will be the best theatre
this side of Portland.
At Scio last week there died Mr. Sarah
Duncan, wbo hsd lived on this esrth long
above the general I allotted time of man,
Tbe fid lady lacked but en months of ba
ins t centenarian being over VV years old at
tbe tim of her death.
Pendleton Est Oregoolsn: The Chinese
have trimmed and painted a flagstaff, ninety
feet high, from a tree brought from the
mountains. They intended to float a Chin
es Mason io emblem from th top, bnt th
Kmitii of lsbor objected to the dlsplsy ol
Chines flag, so the Celestials bar con
cluded to put their flag nndei tbe star and
stripes In order to prevent trouble.
Pendleton E. O: Tbe Indian land alot-
ment it still progressing nioely, sod there
bave been few kicks for th oommltaloners
to decide. Tbe Indisns r not nesrso pron
to disput as their white brothers. If two
want tbe same piece land, on or th otber
withdraw with th remark: "Yon tak
this and I'll get another." Whit men
under th sam circumstances would prob
ably fight, figuratively speaking, until th
laat groep, for (upremacy.
Blood Poisosiso. Will Parson, tb
blarksmitb Saturday morning burned bi
band aligbtly, and Sunday picked th scab
off It immediately commenced swelling
snd he did not succeed in Hopping tb same
until it reached hi elbow.
DirD Vasinger Bntledge died at Pleas
ant Hill, Saturday morning, Augu it 22, of
neuralgia of tbe heart, following an attack
of billion fever, sged 35 years. Tb inter
ment took plac at th Pleasant Hill ceme
tery Sunday.
Balooh Bold. Perry McN'ail ha sold
hi saloon In the Titos block lo Charles
Campbell, late of Aatori. Mr. McNeil
will return to Portland.
AdditiCWal Dbsxj. On hundred -and
twenty new desks bav arrived for the
Geary school house, and Ibey srs being
placed la position.
Crushed to Death.
Th Harrisbarg Courier, Aug, 21, give
an aooount of tb killing of tb tramp by
freight train a follow:
An nuknown tramp wm killed by the
south bound freight train a few yards north
of the depot Wednesdsy evening. Tb train
was quite 1st, it being about V JO o'olock p,
m., wben it pulled In. While part of the
crew were unloading freight th other wer
placing a stock car in position on th (id
track, lore wer on tbe swltoU wUD
several cars and it was while coupling
inese tbat urakeman Uall first beard lb
orie of th man under tb wheel. Ai
qaickly as h possibly could h gsvs th
signal to (top, but tb train must bav
moved tbout two car length before It came
to a staod-itiii, and subsequent examination
proved that th dead man wm dragged about
mat distance ploughing tbe ground between
the ties as he was dragged. A th finger
of his left hand, hi tight arm below the
eioow ana his right leg were out and broken
and uls oody considerably braised, It
supposed tbat he waa rolled by tbe car a
mucn tab was dragged . Ulsbead wa out
in two, tb skull and upper portion of his
I ace Deing all tnasnsd to piece. U was
supposed to be about 45 veer of age. had
dark hair, sandy mnstach and chin whis
ker, slightly gray. Un bis breast ws tat
tooed a rather largs maltee cross. U wa
seen and even spoken to a few moment
oeiore the arrival of tbe train.
Nothing wa found about hi person that
could identify him. All hlstffeot showed
him to be a professional tramp. It ia sup
posed thst h wt endeavoring to elimb
either on a brake beam or on tb draw
nead, when b lost bis footing and wa
precipitated under Ih ear. Th inquest
wss-held b Mr. DouhIss. and th iurv
substantiated th facts as abov given, after
wnicn tne nndertaker look tb remain in
charge and interred them in th Alford
oemetery Thursdsy morning.
ft'larenc Melee.
Th WesTAua 21.
A. E. Gsllagher I down from Eugene for
a oonpie of weeks outing.
biuslaw fishermen are setting their boat
and net in snap for work.
Steamer Chance I tinected lo arriv to
day. She will hereon board Implement
for us on th Llgbt-hoaa rosd and twelve
or fifteen Ublnamen for oannery work.
Mr. Saubert I putting in a boom of no
mall magnitud in tb river abonl a mil
abov Acm. He I building a pocket boom
1,400 feet In length, also a tin boom 600
feet long; together with the Improve
ments os is driving piling for a large pisr,
which when completed, will b filled with
rook, thus giving bim a mean of (topping
and holding (when required) all th log
in river oun noai.
Kimball, Steven ft Co. had mail all
neoessary arrangement forth ereotion of
their mill In Florenoe, but just tb
wer tbout to begin work on Ih mill prop
er, a littl matter of till to fifteen aore of
lid land, fronting on tb Und which the
gentlemen purchased of Mr. Morse, pre
sents itself and at on tim seemed quit
Habit to overthrow th whol matter and
compel that gentlemen lo local elsewhere.
bad not our most snterprislng cltliens got
ten together and agree! among tbemselve
to purchase this tract of land. A subscrip
tion paper wa itarted and eoon tb amount
required, $HO0 wa subscribed and a Dur-
on&s oi ui land srreoted.
Another Drowning.
Hush T. Blnsham. a rjromlnent Iswrer
of Portland, whil nth log at North
Beach, near th month of th Columbia
river, wa swept off th rock and drowned
Aug. 22, at 12:30 o'olock. Hi companion,
Jo. Knott, wa alto iwept into th sea
but managed to keep afloat and wa oast
upon tb rook in an exhausted oondltlon
after hslf an hour's strnggl. Th deoeaaed
was a warm friend of i. a. Butberltnd, tb
Portland editor, wbo wa drowned 1 hart'
Kicked by a Circus Horse.
Dally Guard, August IBd.
Uhlrioh Dillard, who lives outh of Eu
gene, wa kicked In lb back by a oiroui
bors Aug. 21st, and bad tevertl rib lorn
loos, betides being badly bruised. H wa
taken lo A. 8. MoClur' reeideno and
Dr. Sharpie was called, who dreased the
wound. Tbi morning h 1 restlDg easily
and slowl recovering.
Mr. letwi Bells, itsl Dlfiht. paid tb
young man sua a damage lor In Injuries
For Trade.
A 10 months old Jersey bull for aide
or trade for wood, oats or a fresh milk
cow. Apply at tills ofllce for Informa
tion. Elected Delegates. Reva. B. P.
VVIlwin and C. C. Htratton were yester
day elected ministerial delegate to the
general Methodist conference.
New School Law.
II waa provided by lb last leeltlature
that "when tb tntlr shoool funds received
annually by each school district from tb
apportionment of tbe 6-mill eonnty acbool
tax and th Irreduolble state school fond
mad by to several eonnty superintendent,
shall not be eihsuated for acbool purpose
within and during th year for which such
apportionment are made, snob unexpended
balano snail b forfeited to th general
school fund of th oounty, and th clerk of
aid dlttrlot iball report tb amount of said
unexpended balance in bi first annus! re
port thereafter to tb counly school super
intendent, wbo shall plaoe said sum to Ih
eredit of th general school fund of lb
eonnty, and charge th asms to laid district
as a part of first succeeding year' appor
tionment thereafter."
ad California
Bunnlenientarv article of Incorpor
ation were filed with the county clerk
yesterday by the Oregon 4 California
ltailroad Company. They enumerate
the Oregon Ian railroad' branches, as
follows: From Hilverton torlpriugneld
and up the middle fork of the Will
amette to the south line of the state;
from Portland to the California line,
by way of Alrlie; from Hilverton to
Wood burn, Into the Waldo hills; to
Helo, Hheridan and Dayton. The
articles bear the signatures as directors
of E. 11. Pardee, C. P. Huntington, W.
Huntington, C. F. Crocker, Timo
1UU.IIIKIUII, V- A . VilUtftUf A IU1U-
Hopklii, IMchard Koehlor, Don-
Maeieay, jotm Mccracken, it. v.
Earhart, W. W. Brotherton and Geo.
H. Andrew. Saturday' Oregonian.
Fuvbd. J. 0. Trotter, tb man who trot
ted bi bora, over Ih bprlngfleld bridge
wa fined $10, by Justice Bowerman, at
Springfield, Saturday.
Rehtacraxt Bold. J. R. Dixson,
Monday sold to O. 8. Vamosse his
restaurant on Eighth street
ironi oi bis brick block,
Hayne, Buck ft Co,, who haves con
tract on tho Eugene sewer, have re
ceived the contract for a newer In A
bany. We ck now ledge th receipt of compll
mentsry ticket to tbe Oregon Stat Fair,'
which commenoe 8cot. 11th and continues
(ix dsys.
John Diamond, of Coburs. last week our
ohaaed th Finley coda spring with about
400 acre of land in Linn county, for tb
(um of $2,800.
Th Portland Exposition tnisl esr seems
doubtful as to th wisdom of holding a fair,
if on I to Judge from their lack
of advertising.
Buggies' circus "went busted" in Lake
eounty, wben on Ih return from Modoo.
Tb employe were most of them discharg
ed without receiving tbelr wages, and
curses deep aud load wer heard on every
siae against us concern tbat did not adver
tise. Even fskir must advertise to be
sncoeeafal these time.
Dallas Oliserver: We hnvo It from
reliable authority that there Im nliout
$300,000 Insurance carried at Dallas,
whllo the assewiment mil last vear
footed tin. luehidinir Indebtednewi.
about $a 1,000. If we calculate thut
not more than one-half the procrty is
Insured and that at two-thirds Its val
ue, wo must conclude that there is
"something rotten In Denmark."
Hsrner county' arain ctod will be verv
large this year and (or this reason Dtices
will be lower than ever before. Tbe ab
sence of any means of transportation make
our home market th only dependence for
disposing of tb surplus. If Harney valley
nay and grain could be converted into beef,
mutton or pork it would be tbe simplest
solution of th (urplu of those produot.
Tbi can be done, aud will be don before
long. Burn Item.
Can a newspaper pleas everybody? II
oan not. Ought everybody be pleased? No.
Wby not? Well, if a newspaper pleased
everybody, and vrybody waa pleased, th
tim spent her on earth would be so fear
fully monotonous that th people would
not car how soon tb glob went to pteoee.
newspaper must rattle lb dry bone.
make everybody mad, be boycotted, kick
op Jack, tell th truth, expose falsehood,
Isy bar hypocrisy, fraud and tb like, and
then trust to the eober second tbouaht of
all fairminded people. Corvalli Time.
Sewer Cawaecllon.
Eugene' Initiatory work on her system
of sewerage will toon b completed. It will
then be in order for adjacent property own
er lo connect, and this should be don be
for th winter sea eon. Eugene ean profit
from Ih experience of Albany. Th Uet-
aid of that city lays.
'It is a startling foot that a Urge percent,
of property owner adjaoenl to sewers, al
ready completed bav made no connection
whatever, snd have been allowed to create
and ns foul cesspools, which destroy Ih
vain oltb city sewersge system and dot
very ward of tb city with reeking disease
breeding nuisance. The attention of th
oity authorities ha been repeatedly called
to Ihi matter and they have been urged to
compel property owner to oonneot with tb
sewers already oons traded and rid th city
oi tueee piagu spots, wnicn ar everywhere
recognised a chief factor in producine
diphtheria, scarlet fever and all sorts
of diseases. Thecity ooancil has ordered
th connection mad so many tim that th
order has become a very (tale oheitnnt, but
(till th wrong is allowed to go on seeming
ly Ilk Tennyson' 'Brook,' forever.
"Whil th oity authorities bav this
sewsrsgs matter !o hand they should now
oomplel it thoroughly. To do tbi they
must not allow lbs Importance of lb new
work oversbaddow th value of the sewers
already in operation. There I do ns of
expending thousand of dollar for new
sewer nnles property owner use them..
Msny, of course, will sladl oonnt
others, at least in the oas of th ol
will not do so ontll the ar compel
which tb oity thus far ha neglected
Several block in th best residence t
of Albany ean be pointed oat whr
sewers ar oomplMed tod three-foi
the property owner have mad no
do so, Tbi la not only a (hamofnl :
of th people' money in constructing .
jhst ar not utilized, bat it I an '
which th health of tb city demat '
oorreoted, snd tb city authorities J
wisn to psnorm tosir dunes and i
publlo a they should, will ee tii.l
ewer oonneot ion tn mad tnd tb e
nnisanc abated. They will not b
alt to find; they ean b pointed (r is
very direction, in slmcet any block."
Real Estate; Translers.
W J J Scott to Geo. M. Miller, lots 7. 8
snd 9, block 10 in Scott's addition : $3'J0.
J F Athtiton to It H Parker, lot 1 tnd 2,
block 3, In College Hill Park; $100.
T B Berry lo r K Walters, lot 8, block
23. in Frasier ft Hylsnd's addition; $1
W E Brown to J D Wilson. 80x135 feel on
th corner of Ninth and High streets;
one-tenth interest In Motion 12, Tp 17 S
B 6 W; $80.
OftCBRtoPE Kennedy. 40 aore In
OtuKKio Myron A Uitgood, 80 acres
in Tp 18 8 R 1 W; $100.
Frank K Ashley to Csroline Horn, ICO
acre in Tp 20 8 B 3 E; $10.50.
US to Charles II Smith, 100 acres In
Tpl7 8B2E;$100.
Stat of Oregon to Sidney Smgth, 120
K. O. Corson to II. L. NeiT, 40 acres;
Margaret A. Bromley to kelson
Clark, dower In hind; $100.
C. 0. Hlmmons to Keth Simmons,
one-fifth Interest lu 100 acres hi Tp. 10
, it. 4 W; $1.
E. D. Judkini to Martha J. Hicki, 3.7
sores, In Tp 18 S, R 3 W; $1N5.
w U Martin to Amanda u uau, sw tare
InTpJIS. R3 W; $2,750.
EO Canon to Joba Winzenrled, t)i
acre In Tp 19 8, E 2 W; $87.50.
State University Medical College.
Th Portland Welcome says that th
officers of th medical department of tbe
But University bav concluded to erect a
new medical college, without delay, on
Twenlv-seoond and L streets. Portland.
Th itruoture It to be two storie in heigb,
together with a brick basement and topped
by a mansard roof. It will contain all tb
mor modern appliance now in vogue In
medical universities.- Th building, a
shown by Ih plant and specifications, is
calculated to be 40x64 feet, and its cost shall
not fail below $10,000. The bids ars to be
penel next week, and work begun Immedi
ately thereafter. The reason fur going to
this expense is to meet the accommodation
of lhaoonttsntly incroasing number of mstri
eolate. This Is th first publicity given by
th medico' that they ar prepared to pro
ceed with th work.
C. W. Young will lay a cement walk