The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 22, 1891, Image 8

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    Drugs, Pharmacy,
Tliysicians Sup
plies, Surgical Appliances.
. . f. i.v,rwxftni I'nrfnnifirv. Soan. and
Everything rixqumno m nr' , , 7 ; v r f :,.
Toilet Articles. Also a complete and select stock of 1 amis,
Oils, Varnishes, Brushes 'SSn
Best Known Qrocer in Eugene
Has a LARGER stock of Fine Groceries, Ch', i, Glims. Crock
prv Wooden and Willow Ware than ever before.
Pays Highest CAbll price for Country Produce, Furs, Skins,
r. 1 TIT 1 P-
liiaes, wooi, ibhuw,
Orders filled promptly, with the greatest cure.
All Goods sold as Cheap as anyone in Eugene,
Call cnd be corteously treated.
Fabers Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irrcirfiler
1 1 lex iiolfiliurllkelhera
nil the market, fitter
I nil. riU'Tcmiiisif mod
iiy n i.inlui'iit ladle,
ni'in'lily, Uuuniiiieed
lo rulli'ie aipjirceeed
Don't he liiimbiiswl.
Have Time, Health,
iiuil moiiu) ,Uko uooiti
r. Bent to enr nddreaa,
l a.,.mu hv mail fill re
' Addto..
Weetenilirauch, UuxW.l'OHTl.ANU, OB'
for Sale by E. R. Ll'CKKY it CO., Kugeue.
- I iMiihU mlflV VHirtwlth
dieeaee of lh kidney, and hive tried
. ... n4 Vi rm
many Ullicicu. ,sinr.iii-
MHKht aid from different phyaldane
. : I - kI.J.hI
tuck that almoet pruetrated m in
When I tat down U w. almoet Impoaeible for me
iet up alone, or to put on my clothe., when
kind Frorldenc wot lr. Henley, with lh
hotel. I Immediately commenced
uainf tht ten. It hd n almoet
niiraculoua effect, and to the eaton
bkment of all the irueeU at the hotel,
In lew aay.,1 am sappy io eww,
ha. r H tlMP niMII. I will
recommend the tea to all afflicted!
u I save been.
PrepilXor Occidental Hotel,
tenia koaa, Cat.
Eugene city
Htor Oruin nn til. linat favumliU trrnm
What rrueltita of any wanliou. north of Kn
Sane, proiierly awlnul, Ukeu in xuhftiit: lor
"lour or Feed.
ty MiiKMt Canb Prioa Paid for W1ih( tV
Cigar store.
Kiigniie City, Orrgon
Brick. Brick.
Wliitcoiub 4 Abrama. enntruolora and
liuildera, bavs pltnlv of tb bent qiwlity of
brick at their yard y, mil i i .
nl will annrilv tin- iliimind ill nim"in.lile
nricfH. Tbi-y kI-o iphtrnct for nil kind (
hrick work ami ui iirninoe kiiii-ohi'miim. "in
deliver brick on order l mi) put il lnwn,
lluw to Ilioak up a St-Vfi-c Told.
Kruin the Virgin i L'ilj, Moul., MwIinoii
ian: When lind n iii' ilirm know In
mw-,hh ((Hiiiiiiie ineiil, wr uoiiHid. r it m duty,
nnd wh take iInhhio in t' llinif lli" mblic
ulini it wiih. Siiih a mill nine o found
OliHtuU rluiu'H Cofinb Ki iii'O). I'y Hit- iiw-
of Hub Hynip w Inv.- reiii vi, in it i' w
hour", M-vie roliU. mill in lh couiku of
Iwo or three iluV", i-iuirriy broken tbeni up
... l...u ... ..f i. ...1. In U'lififii V.
ha" rcoiU'iini.,l it. " IN r,l'r'''
.. ..... I i. I... ., ii....iit,. ,u If u,m
wmeii u, if o, " r in"""''" a. j'.i.
have H cO'lti "O'l WHiit to lot it, Chituiber
UiiiH CotiKli llino ilv ill do (he work. For
mIo by F. M. Wilkiim, Dniio.i l.
Lane County Hani
A. t). IIoviT, :
11. ('. llUMI'll RKV,
J. M. AkkAMII, i
: : I'rvaldetil
: : Caliier
Aanl.tant l'liior
Traiisacls a General Banking Business.
KI'OKNB. OltlliloS,
NOTlt'K Til CltKIHTOitS.
Nutlri' U In r.'hy Klvi ii tlmt tiie umlcrHlKiied
Iih.i U'rti hihiIiiIii1 HilinliilMtirttor of the enuitf
of A. K liroKMironi, ilivriwi'd, Iiy ilieroimty t'oiii't
of I.H1KI (.'oiiiity, Oll'lolll. All ihtkuii. liavlnil
claim. HiiKliiKt Hie Mild elate are hen'tiy noil
lltil to imni'lit the .nine to the Haiti adinllilitra
tor or hi. uitorney. williln aix mouth, from till,
AiiKUKt 3, 1W1
AI.KItKIl MASON, AdinlnUtnitor.
Walton & kkii'wohtii. Att'y. for e.into.
Notice 1 hereby Klveti that the uiidcrslnned
ha. tieen iliit-.l Hdiiilnl.trator of the eatate
of Edward nlmeiirled dw'd, by the County
Court o( I Jtue County, lirciioii. All punom
liuldlnrflHiiii.aKaln.i the .aid e.tata are here
by notllliKl to prtwiit the .nine to the utld ad
mltil.trator or III. uttorm-). within nix month,
from Oil. date.
Allgll.tH. Iwil.
OKI). W. ItlNKHAItT, Admlulatrator.
WALTON di CmrwoKTII, Attorney..
PlinrC Couotia. Cflld.. lnaAn.a Bm.AIII.
UwIILO, Whooping Cough, Croup
Sore Ihroat, Ailhiea, and every affectum oi ii,u
Throat, Lung, and, inrludinK ron,urlln
Vuwdy and poraiancuu O.quum "1 ,
I Without tlealth can
not be eidoycd.
Too Much Load
On the Liver will broik down all 1 1
Pimrgiei nf life, nnil until you (or
Work, Dusinens or l'li axure.
ImlinoKtiiin, Conat iiiation, Slepiilewi.
niM, lliliouanewi, are tilt limt alarum
nature wiunda to warn )on of danger.
Moore's Revealed
U Kim- of the- Blood. Llvrr and
Ktoniau-h It liiw Nevfr Killed.
It la the br.l ,,..1,... r I... .1... .,,,1 flf. T.S.A... .1
cur. on harth. I He it in lime kir all dmcaKtol
the Slomaih, l.lver, Kidneya and Skin. It
cure. Kheumntitm, Malana, Coaleil Tonjue
and Headache, relieve. Constitution, Bilioui.
ne. and Uvaiiepaia, drive, all impuritir. nut of
the Klo.Mlanddiir.upoldS.irea. TheKunoi.M
men buy it, the WorkiiiKmrn uie It, the l.nilic
take it, the Children crv lor it and the I'anmi.
a it i. their be.t health preaerver.
Sold everywhere, fi.ou a bottle; ix for u
H.m.lrU nl taatiitHHiUla like thlei
J. K Miller, ArtorU, Or , wrlue: It eur
e of a Meere Lieer wh blood trouble.
aWSold by all dranWu.
Will kev couatalitly nn band a full ailly o
WlUh they will wll at the h'weat market A
cm, A fair ahare id Uie pnhlio trotuv
We will lT the Miheot market liric (or Fat
ue. n. aoi sneep,
llaaki deli rated to any part of the city frae o
Held for t Dollar.
The variouH farmers' warehouBin
throughout Oregon and WauhiiiK
ton, nays the McMinnville Tele-phone-KegiHter,
will be packed full
of wheat this full, and it ia likely
to remain there until a dollar a
buHhel can be had for it. What
with the circulars of the farmers'
alliance, the reports of short crops
in other countries and the unusual
demand for wheat at this season
ihn fiirmer is urettv thoroughly
convinced that he is furthering his
interests by refusing to sell until
he can get a higher price. The
farmi'M' rare-house at Albany has
already received several hundred
bushels of fall grain, ana it is re
tKirted as coining in very fast.
This warehouse distributed 100,000
sacks, which rep'eBent about 400,
000 bushels of wheat, as nearly all
of the sacks will be used twice for
the fall and spring wheat. Farm
ers report an' average of about thir
ty bushels to the acre, although
some fields yield forty. The wheat
is of very fine quality, being plump
and heavy. Seventy-five cents per
bushel is being paid at present, and
very few farmers are willing to sell
their cronB at that nrice. With a
good yield and good prices farmers
will have money to 8enu anu mere
will be no talk of hard times
throughout the agricultural sections
this winter.
Ah fur as the much talked of cir
cular calling to the farmers to hold
their wheat is concerned, it has
been found that it was organized
bv a eanar of wheat speculators,
and us u consequence its orders
should not be listened to. The
wheat owner's judgment is usually
a good thing and it usually benefits
the proprietor of it if he sells his
wheat when it dictates to Dim.
State Elections.
The stutc elections vet to ho held
this year are as follows, at the dates
assigned respectively:
On November ord lowu elects
state olliccrs and legislature. On
ti e same date Maryland docs the
same and besides votes on six pro-
lKiscil amendments to the btate con
stitution. Other states choosing
state officer and legislature on No
vember onl are: Massachusetts,
all; Mississippi, throe railroad com
missioners and legislature; Nebras
ka, ussix'iate justice of the supreme
court ami two regents of the state
university; New Jersey, a part of
the legislature; New lork, govern
or, lieutenant-governor, seeretaryof
state, controller, treasurer, attorney
general, engineer, surveyor,
and tuo legislature and mem
ber in congress from the tenth
district; Ohio, all officers and
the statu legislature, nnd also votes
upon the proposed amendment to
the constitution providing for uni-
ltirni taxation; rciiiisylvania, treas
urer and auditor-general, and ulsu
votes on tho mtcstion ol holding a
constitutional convention, ami
elects members of the same; Vir
ginia, half of its legislature.
The Oregon Board of Railroad
Commissioners has ordered the
Southern Pacific railroad to reduce
its rates on freight on lines in Ore
gon ten per cent, to take effect Sep
tember 1st. The railroad objects
to the proHsed reduction and the
controversy will probably be set
tled in tho courts.
Tho present wheat rates from Eu
gene to Portland are $28 per car of
8315$ bushels, a rate of 8 2-5 cents
per bushel. The new rate would be
$25.20 per cur, and a fraction over
7 j cents a bushel. Stock cars now
cost iMli. The reduction would be
a saving of $4.(i0 on each car load.
The Commission will have mihlic
sentiment on its side in this light
against the power of a great corporation.
Council ,ue. - Jjl
evening, Au(Ul wl' '
"prewot-Connoiloiea Pr-ton, PB.
Oriffln and Oabnrn. -i,td
Oo motioo, O. B. Dorria wae lt
President of the council.
Oo motion a warrant M ordered drawn
In (aror of tb. health oommlliea for 2,W0
on (ODOUDt of the aewer fund.
To. ordinance inpoiiDR "
.howi and oircnaee returned I wllbout bi. appro-el,
when being put ou ill Dual peaeiige,
the ordinance wea lot.
. mrro.
Tb. following l the reto of the circni li
ceDae oidinauce.
Eoowa, Annual 13, 1891
To U Urn. City Vwncil of the City of Lit-
llTi.Emii:-I herewith reluru ao or
.li.. ...... i.. i -in ordinance 10 Ilt'fliM
abowa and circuaea eihibitlug on lb. alreeU
of Engeo.," itbotil my approval.
A parade on the alreeti la not an Mhibi-
.1 u... l...,i.mnl In th DUbl C Of
I 'Ull UlU .U U I CI . , , ,
what the ahow will oonaiat of later, and lo
nltraottb. peopl. lo lb urotioaa upon
.....u ..K,l,inV,n will be oireo.
The etreeti are dedicated for publlo oe
and higbwayt and in my opinion euujrui
. .- . hn wiahloir to Daae from
linn j .uu""i a - -
one portion ol the oity to another or to paw
tbronxb In. city to tueir exmuiuou b.uum..
whether tbey be tnid. or out of the corpor.
ate liniita, and tb. only eiception thai
could b. made would b. when euch paaaing
through th. atreela would endanger lif. in
ut.i. ..... i n..i.i in K nrnhihited entire
waiuu Kmav I. viiku' r" " ,
lr, inalead of allowtug liocna. to effeot lucb
danger. ,
Taking tble view of Ibo qiieatiou, and
doubting the power of the coiinpil to
paw and enforoe aucb an enacluieiit, I re
turn lb. ordinance wiiooni my ei0uvu,..
Very reDeotlully,
J li. McCidho, Mayor.
Recorder authorized to have Sling cue
placed in weat end ol oouucii room.
Billa of T. M. Hauiiltou for $IU.25 mid
lluWur Xr HrukH for A 10. ordered liaid.
F. B. Uellujan upplied for ua nl hom ou
aewer. The mntler W41 iell iii tne oomuiii
We on fire and water.
Adjourned lo meet next Monday evening
at 7:30 o'clock.
Ctll.LKIJR 1111,1- PARK SOLD.
A Larue lieu I i:.lute Traiiater-Coa.
aldrrallon, 3li,000.00.
V. J Vniut.te .tin! V D 11.... ..I.. 1
tho tnuli" Monilny with J. F. Ather-
tim Tor tne imrehust' of (xdlegu Hill
Park. toLt'tlu-r u llli Mr. Atlietii'u .,1.
cgimt new reHltloniv, including piano,
iiuiiiiuru uuu 1111 mo POlUi'lUH. 1TIC
considemtloii was Ml!,000. Messrs.
FniMicr k lWrry will at once extenslve-
lv U(lvcrllm tllf limiiertv nnil nn .ImiUr
olU-r big Imhitvmi'Uts to purvhnsers.
TIiIh Is decldttlly the flnest rvHidvncp
proiit'rty on tho Kunt'iio market und
ui i-iiiuv inuy reiuHMiaote icTlim lo
niift with reutly oak'.
T. IX Rowland, formerly of this city,
luts li'iised 1'urdy'n flue opera houm,
at New Whatcom, Wash.
J. D. Kennedy, of Wllhunette pn
clnet, one day Inst week wua kicked
aeverely by a vleloua horse. At last ac
count he was a little better.
The mVnuier Coos imulo the trip to
Hluslnw hwt week without accident.
She eroHsed over the Sluslaw bar after
dark, not having eiumgh fuel to wait
for daylight next morning. Coo. Buy
The rvKrt that Kev. 0. A. Blair Is
building a college nt Sodavllle, In fulne.
He any ho has enough to do as a pastor
to let the work of an architect, median
le and willoting agency for others.
A young man at Halsey went to
aleep with ft lighted elgwrvtte in his
mouth, ami was awukened during the
night from the Intense heat of a burn
ing Uil. He was forced to carrv the
niuttreits dow n stairs to extinguish the
flames. He dosn't amoke now w hen
he goe to UhI.
The Weiitern Cnion Telegraph com
pony haa ntvntly ajloptett a new atyle
of telegraph blHiiks. The new blank
haa printing on the back. The saving
to the eompany through this cltange
will lie enormous. The old-time
blanks, with which even' one Is famil
iar, had a printed heading, but the
back waa cler, on which account the
publlo became accustomed to using
telegraph blanks fur memorandum
(losheu Items.
August 18. 1891.
Mr. und Mrs. Lower, of Creswell,
were down visiting their sou Jesse, last
(Saturday uftcrnoon.
The rain of today Is very unpleasant
to muny of this locality whose entire
grain fields are at stake.
Miller and Clilfry's steam thresher,
from Creswell, is in this vicinity and is
doing good work with dispatch.
Mrs. ltoss and Miss Lizzie Day, of
ot Kngene, accompanied their brother,
(. L. Day, homo hist Saturday even
ing. Miss Teddle Howe, the "Jenny
Lind" of Hpringtleld, was sojourning
with friends near Ooshen the past two
Mr. L. (i. Harwood, of Florence, was
employed by the Isiard of directors of
our sciiooi district nisi Mituruuy to be
gin a three months' term of school on
October 5th.
f-nel.i TiHuui T'fiv lu finu n fillv ninill.
tletl "J. 1'.," and Is preimred to do legal
liiiMinoHM on Mhort lifitii-o. find w. nro-
sume would be pleased to make connu
bial ties a s)Kflnlty.
Mr. .Inn n P. lfnlliinil nnil Afiuu Vni.
ma Dtnld, of Hpringtield, visited Go
shen Saturday. John him been re-
elected iirinctpal or the Springtleld
school. He taught his first term in
the state In our district und iruve irood
MrM. 'Pnvhir find ra Win Mtuwiirt
were nut eiin viikmIhit liiur. u-ivk fur
lintions for ereetimr nn M. R idinridi In
our village. We learn that thev met
with good HueeesH and It Is proliabletlie
house will be built some time this autumn.
Uncle Ike and Aunt Sarah Barclay,
of 1'leasant Hill, visited with the fami
ly of Uncle Charlie Bennett the latter
part of last week. When there is uny
sickness these good old people tire al
ways ready to render ussistunce. Un
cle Churlio has been quite indisposed.
Undo Joseph! Katon, our "Star
Route" man, who holds tho riblxms on
the stage coach that carries the fust
mull between this point and Dexter,
hud some diillculty in collecting a fure,
30 ivnts, from a foreign ieddler whom
he had brought down from Pleasant
Hill Satunlay evening. However,
"Undo Joe," In his characteristic
quick way ot hilklng, soon propounded
sulllclent principles into him to pay
the amounts, tho' ho paid It largely in
A young gentleman by the name of
Myers was doing this section lust week
as un ugent for some house or company
111' Wllll-ll Ollll P!lll llllv ,1 irriuir vurluti.
of articles for whnt w ould appear to be
less iiiiiii uie cost oi maiiuiacturing
that Is utter you have paid tho sum of
six little dollars and Joined the "club."
We didn't bite for two reasons, viz:
First, we never had tho ducats, and
second, we've always entertained a
private notion that we are mentally de
ficient when it cornea to entering Into
such wonderful money saving (?)
schemes as this, and would be fully
satistled if some man would only come
along and learn us to lly for five or ten
Real Estate i ranster.
T W Shelton to John Clayton, lots 1
and 4, block 8, in original town; f-VlO.
T. V. Shelton to Sophia Nicolles,
lot 2, block 2, in Shelton's second addi
tion; fli".
E J Kraaier el al lo It E Owen, lota 9, It)
and 11 block 18 iu Ftuaier Hylund'e ad
diiimi; 150
K -I FrmnVr et al to J W Montgomery,
nt 7 block 80, Fonder oV HyUud'a addition;
E. F. Chapman to Sophia Nicolles,
lot 1, bloek 2, Shelton's second addi
tion; 112-5.
Mary L. Mtwre, et al, to Jane A.
Conk, lltii acres lu Tp 17 8, R 8 W; $1.
IT S to J O Nelson. 100 acres lu Td
17 S, R8E:400.
U S to Jk'iijamln Swortwood, 100
acn-s lu Tp 17 S, U 8 E; f200.
Jane A Cook, et al, to J D Cook,
63( aervs; f 1. '
J W dowdy to Marls J Archer, 5
aervs in Tp 20 S, B 8 W: $2.i0,
Benl Swortwood to Jno O NeUon,
Alex Johnson and Wm O'Brien, 100
aeivs In Tp 17 S, R 3 E; 1 1000.
Euphana Edinundson to S. R. Coe
land, one-ninth Interest in 12U0 acivs;
Willamette Real EsU'.a Co, to Chaa.
Seott, lot 1, bl.K-k 12; fia
The East Exn Improviso. Visit
Ing the eastern part of Eugene recently,
we notiml marked improvements.
Repairs at the State University build
ings, now almost completed add
grvatly to their beauty. The dwellings
in Full-mount are all being neatly
painted; several new residences are
going up and the w hole of that part of
tuw n sirms to he attracting attention.
Hymens Aijalii.
TheRoseburg Review, contrary
to its usual spirit of fairness, char
.......u tr, Btrictures made on
Capt. W. T. Symona by the press
of Lane county as '-dirty, mean
and contemptible." Editor Flocd
bnnur what ho is talking
uuen iiw -
about. Symons did not get more
than he richly deserved, and more
over should not be allowed to have
any control of the government
works at the Siuslaw. In privato
and in public he has shown a spirit
a. 1 IVI ,a 1a (lin4
of animosity ana uniairnesn w
large section of country thut in the
future will support a largo active
community. Hi estimates for a
plant were outrageous and Beem
ingly made with the one object of
more than exhausting tho appro
priation in preliminary work. 11
asked for a greater amount with
which to commence work than his
predex'saor estimated would com-
. . -w t 11 1 eVUA na
.1 far a a Ua wpIi knew that
tm LV Va w " . e
ong as the present appropriation
was unexpended Congress, with a
depleted treasury on hand, would
make no further appropriations.
Symons has large interests on Coos
bay, and his adverse criticisms on
li.r rwmut nrvrts. while Coos baV is
vvwue ' - j f
extolled, is proper matter for cnti
.ium In fnot. tho government
shouid not allow a townsite boomer
and speculator to have charge oi
such an important division of the
public service.
A Nakuow Escape. Prof. Hagal
undertook to make a balloon ascension
at Boise City last week but It proved a
Cillnro A liirvn crowd had ifiitlicred
around the postorilce and curiously
. . ' 1 ..1.....I.. I..M...I
watcneu tne nuge oug nmwij muawi
with hot air from the furnace, which
iiuii Uun onnutnicted in the irround.
When this oK'ratlon had been com
pleted tne woru was given to iei g,
ami ii liiillfuin shot into the air fol
I. .......I Utt fliu twn tinriichllti. to the
lower one of wliich Junior Hagal was
clinging. Lp it went, carrying uie
man off his feet, but before it had risen
more than four feet a rope snapjied, the
parachuttes collapsed and Hagal came
down to the ground again with a
thumping thud, narrowly escaping
landing in the middle or the names
that were leaping forth from the mouth
of the furnace.
Tiik Reason. The Railroad Com
missioners gave their reasons for reduc
ing freight rates on the H. P.. as fol
lows: "We lind that the said freight
rates, schedules and classifications,
made, used nnd employed by sulci
compuny on its lines in tho state of
Urcgon, are unjust, ana unrensoname,
and more than a fair couicnsation for
the services rendered or to be rendered
in the transportation of freight on its
said road," and they then issued the
following imperious order: " x ou will,
therefore, nt a day not later than Sep
tember 1, LH91, cancel and annul all
rates, orders, tarillH, clussinentiuns and
rules In force on your lines in conflict
with the above findings, and put into
fori and effect the schedules, tariffs
nnd classifications as revised and mod
ified by this board."
Blue River Mixes. A Brownsville
dispatch' of August 12th says: There
is no lute news from the mining camp,
but it was expected that the Browns
ville mill nt the Poorman would be
ready to begin crushing ore last Mon
day, ami the citizens are waiting
anxiously for the news from tho first
run of the pioneer mill. A furnace for
clearing the tunnel of smoke and foul
air lias occn put in, and a cur and
truck hus lieen built in the Poormnn
tunnel. It wns found necessury to
move the mill down the hill in order
to have more water, and so the chute
to the mill had to be lenghtened, and
many other changes were made, but it
was expected thut everything would
be ready by last Monday.
A Domestic Froiii.em. A servant
lady in this city hus given her mistress
her walking papers because she hus not
been invited Into the parlor when the
mistress entertained company. Would
the servant lady (time was when we
used to say kitchen girl or pot wrestler
exjiect her mistress to be called Into the
kitchen or an evening wlien she enter
tains her beau, in order to share in his
blandishments? Ex.
Fire at Springfield. About mid
night Aug. 15th a house belonging to
Alex Cockerline, in Springfield, and
occupied by Jake Mulligan, caught
on tire. It awakened the family, who
gave the alarm, and after some lively
work It was extinguished. It had
caught In the partition and spread to
the roof. It is supposed that the fire
resulted from mice carrying matches.
Dhkhno the Well. The Eugene
Water Company has a force of men
employed digging the well from which
it Is intended to supply Eugene with
water. The well will i twenty feet
in diameter, and is on the rear of the
lot corner of High and (1th streets.
The workmen are down aliout 6 feet
through gravel from the top of the
Lost a Short Time. A few days
since the mining expert Legh Harnett
got lost while going from one cabin to
another oiOold hill In the Blue River
mining district. He laid out over
night and did not get back to the cabin
from which lie started until noon of
the succeeding day.
Estray Notice.
Came to my plnce on the Babb ranch
four miles below Eugene about August
1st, two large red steers 5 or 6 years old,
one branded V on hip. Owner can get
same by paying expenses.
John Mettacer.
H. E. Smith's new resilience at Ore
gon City is lighted by 81 10-candle
power incandescent lights.
Peter Esser, Oregon', first state food
commissioner, appointed under the
new law by (lovernor Pennover, died
at his home iu Portland Monday night
of consumption. He had been down
with the fatid disease about three
months and his death wns no surprise
to his many friends. The deceased
was 42 years of aire and has resided in
this state since 1871. He was a mem
ber of the Veteran Fireman's Associa
tion and also of Uermania lodge, K.
of P.
A Walton wirrespiindent writes:
Harry Himxson was chopping Umber
for Mrs. Shuman a few days since, and
threw trve that knocked'another tree
across the house, breaking In the roof
but the body of the house being of logJ
prevented the tive coming to the floor.
Mrs. Shuman and Mr. Wise's little
girls were in the house at the time.
None were hurt.
Sells the Celebrated
GENII', - OlUttrn
fand get ItlORE POWERl
and use LESS WATE!
Writ for our Mew Illustrated Catalogue for liar i
Eugene Foundrj
acliine Sliops.
C. N. FRAZER, Proprietor.
Casting, v Store v Fronts V and v m
61 me a trial. I guarantee my work to r1t utiafaetion. Bhqpa.rwt
Klghth street and mill race. 0. N. fRiZEi
From the Cheapest to the Best
prices according to quality.
mi $1
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties c
I r. l '.l A !-. "
De suuea enner as to rnce or uaiuy.
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest itor
the Finest; can suit you if you give us a cull
OUR stocFis ,
Look us over; if w do not save you money, we will make boihh ' 1
B 11 to you low.
Boot & Shoe Store
A. HUNT. Prop.
WU1 hereafter keep a complete atock of
Ladies' Misses' and Children's SHOES.
Slippers, WMta acd Black Sandals
And in fact every thine. In the Moot and
Shne line, to which I intend U ilevntr
my eapecial attention.
Anil fruarantel aa represented, anil will
be ."Id fur the lowest priuee that'a Kwi
article can be afforded. A. HUNT
Ifflportast Hoik
Mv Patrons and tho public
are notified that I will soil all
Goods and Merchandise at
Lowest Cash Price!
Will bar the Hi,aat MuWi
or rrouuci.
Willamette Street, hl 7th v
Sportsman's Eporinf
Practical Giuisiiiitl'
Dfiilrra n
ci.h.n. Tafbi nml Nattriili
Hewing Maxchlnea ' 'f'f i
All Kiud- For hale I j
Retiring done in the nf atft ! i
ranted. , f
Grjns Loaned it Ammunition Funi
Store on Willamette itr
Run. hlich in Ihl. city owl trf'fZsv
everybody la ulX it for Latarrli o'J N pi I
UrM'wiwia, Conmlitloii, I'ui'UW , Bj o"
build up their lystem. Try " Vr,:
friend. atut it, aa 11 mn
meril when all aptak well of It- '.
SAVED .,,'''
From a terrible doath. la whateo""";
belnn cowl of catarrh bv u; '
r-oaitive and Neaallve Electric "
never falla to cure KheiiraatuBi. 'Zc
Hack. Sore Throat, Headache, To" '