EUGENE CITY GUARD. FOREIGN NEWS. Proprietor. EUGENE CITT.! pREOON. MISCELLANEOUS. The Recall of Baron Fava Regretted by Italy. Tha Canadian Pad He Abandon! IU Van- dcrbllt Alliance to flaw York. PRINTERS SENT TO SIBERIA. The American Comul if lick with yel low (ever at Vers Cruz. The vellow fever tt Vert Cm ii ex tending to the ihipi in the harbor. The wheat crop of the Dominion ol Canada ii estimated at oo.iou.uw misii- eli. M. Eiffel will make i proposition to the World'! fair directory to uuiiu a tower. The Weitern Union payi $25,000 rental for ita Tenth and Lhemnut atreeta build- lug in riiilttdelphia. The Missouri river ia rutting the banks Franoe Will Return Russian Flags Captured by tha French in the Crimean War. Vesuvius ia again in eruption. Russia talka of running the stores. drug The report from the Iceland tithing Ifarmandgarden Information. PORTLAND MARKET. A lloaiimo nt Ilia ('onillllun i.f III lllf- frrrul llrartuirnU. A Koid dtiiiuiid was felt in the fruit fnliifvin flf VerV Useflll line, and produce was also in demand. UJ1UII1I1 UI uwu' Watermelon! aro very plentiful. Ite- chIiiIm uf iH-achea were I i Wit. ttlacklier- riesareslill in good demand, and are arriving in suiiiewhat better condition. The market for vegetables ia well etip idied. and prices remain firm under a good demand. I'ruilura, Fruit, Kir. Wiikat-Valley, 11.42.', ; Walla Walla, '"' F' "' ,., P,,U i ;nriint to Giddiness I-mii a btannaru, I i.& J w ana ana, r" ""- HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. H.tiO tier barrel, Oath Old. 60W .iJ'uc: new, -J-'c per bUhliel, J I a v tl.Vtflfl per ton. Miujitikks Hran. $22(22.1; abort. nominal, 25i 20; ground barley, t 0 ,'!2; chop feed, $22"i 2(i per ton; liarley, f 1.201" I 20 percental, or Faintness Bathe Should -Etc Not near Karmaa City and endangering the fleet are favorable, Mimouri 1'iwiflc tracks. Alxiut 000 destitute Jews are arriving The periodical report ol a threatened at Hamburg dully, u prising in Mexico ngainnt the Diaz gov' eminent Is again in circulation. The city of Vera Cruis. Mexico, has negotiated a loan of $1,000,000 redeem able in forty veara at 0 per cent, All the New York paper! that pub lished an account of tne recent execution by electricity are to be indicted. There is tulk of a convention of all the historical aocii-tio to decide where the remains of Columbus are interred Constant rains have caused a reap pearance of the cotton worm in Ala bama, and the entire crop is in danger. According to fJlieriirV reports to the Adiutant-Ueneral no fewer than WX) murderer! are roaming at large in Texas, All the remrda of the City Treasurer's oflire at I'liiladulphla are missing, ami another olllclai sensation u on uie tapis, An official in the Treasury Department The Italian government is said to re gret having recalled liaron Fava. The Hultan of Turkey is surTeriiiK seri ously witli an abscesa in the thigh. The German government is reconsid ering the reduction of duties on grain Forty-five compositor! were sent to Siberia for working on a Nihilist paper, l'atti says she will not accept less than $5,000 for each performance site apjicara in. Forgeries on the Deutsche bank at lierliu to a large amount have been dis covered. Sarah Bernhardt has again changed the color of her hair, Hhe is now a pro- nounced limnetic. The Turkish authorities are throwing every possible dilliculty in the way of lleorew Immigration to 1 alestuie, The worsted spinners of German v The final budget of the German Km pire for the years 1H',H)-1 shows a surplus I ol io,hh,20I marks over the estimates. apeak of shutting German drummers out ,i. i i i.. :.. - : . i., I 111 rr" I. T. . ' ZI'ITZ: I've combined ill view of the dullneHS of V.-. CU.,,., v,.a . ... tie InHrk(,f U) re(Jlce tiejr 0ltmt Tho window-giHHH iiianuiurtiircr! in I'ennsvlvania and their employers can not agree on wages and a strike is prob-i.i a 1 1 it . ia t...i i ,,,.. French drummers are to be excluded ..." " I... IT ::. a" J a ; from AI-ace-Lorraine, and the French ....... I I.. ! .1... i ci.; iinniucillg lunuo in biic r-vuic ui viii'Mn, i 'rflpg tl- v....i pii M.t-.rii.... w..rLa i Advicea from Allahabad say that 500 i'itt.hiir., alili-liar-Hin lament in the ""'""'in plo f Work extending . ,,, . oi the plateau. The Kioux Indian CommisHion has se- JuTJl? XlZl fn,dU,e Qlleenf cured the consent of the Ogallna for the iniH n n !T mTT ' -,niir....i nf Kno f'i.n,?a from l'i njratiilation on the visit of the I'nnce 111.1... .... I " -w ' .-u k. 01 P'e w r-i'Klai'd. . . . I, i t British army authorities are seriousl Tl W Z X I " I " "ii -hnned by the information that Social, tied. Fifty per cent, is to go to the city and 5U per cent, to the heirs. l'ostmaster-Uuneral Wanamaker is trying to arrange for a fast fortnightly mail service between Hun Francisco and Australia by way of New Zealand Never before at the West Point Mil! tary Academy has as much building lieen going on as this year. Twenty-eight buildings, Including a gymnasium under way The St, Louis (HoU-Vtmocral, which lias made a thorough canvass of the cot ton outlook in eight States, announces that the present indications jxiint to the largest yield on record. The Canadian I'aciflo has apparently abandoned its Vanderbilt alliance to New York, It is now sending the most istic literature, is being widely distrib uted among uie ennsieu men. It ia announced that the Pone is strongly in favor of the present form of government in France, and that he op poses all schemes tending to monarch ical ascendency. The Paris Municipal Council has voted In favor of the construction of under ground ruilu'HVa in nr..f,r.)iii,A Ia uluvulil are "::.v:, . : . ;r. " ; ui v.uiiuub oiriiuiuiB an a uieuiis oi rujuo iransu in mat city. The Munich court photographer, Keit- mar, famous for his likenesses of ac tresses, has been drowned in one of the Bavarian lakes, together with two fisher men who were with him. Until recently the phylloxera has spared the Champngno country, but at ' !.. 1. k l" .. I . i .. . of Its traflle via the Ontario and West- ' "i. " Z T ! " ' , " ll"a em, its old connection. i" I " .. 7... . . ' f "ow 1,1 1 - , , ,,,-, , i io ioi milium prill eciiuu. Jay Gould and other New lork capl- n. ... , ,, uiui. i.n.. ii,u. fir. noil . "iivuiiv.oinurence nem num mild an elevated railroad in Chi cairn. M "tiV", ?.'!? "'' connecting the west and a.mth sides. '!' n"'" 1 ."" mo . Pu""c 01 " I ivinvll't.ul it liiiimiiHi ilu Tlie Holy See has just appointed an extraordinary commission of Cardinals ui reorganise Catholic missions. The in quiry of this commission will, it is said, exienu over tne whole apostolic wor.d. A prize of $4,000 has been olfered In itio government of the Dutch Fast In. dies for the In-Ht and most economical bi n kk Oregon fancy creamery, IW''t 12'vc: fancy dairy, 3m-; fair to good, 26 M27'aci common, vmsz'e; taniornia, 22' "24c M;r pound. Ciikkhk Oregon, 12'ai2'oc; Califor nia. 12c per pound. Koom Oregon, 20(i22,c per dozen. Poii.tky old chickens, $l.00wll.W); young cliickens, $2.50i 4.00; ducks, $)('( U; geese, nominal, 8 er dozen; turkeys, l ,c per pound. Vkoktabi.ks (aliiiage, $1.00 ier cental; caulillower, $I(1 2-i per dozen Onions, I'4'c ier M)iind; beets, $1.25 per sack ; turnips, $1.00 per sack ; new sita- toes, 50(tftl0t! iier cental ; tomatoes, i5cw $1 per box ; lettuce, 12'..,c er dozen; green peas, 3"4c (x-r pound; string lieans. 2w .'1c ir pound ; rhubarb, ."c per pound ; artichokes, wc per dozen; cu- ciiiiiIkts, 1IK' per dozen ; carrots, $1m 1.2.) ier sack ; corn, 20e K-r dozen ; sweet Kita- lK-s, ;i'.,iil'..u per iiound. Fh niM Hi verside ora nges, $2.,ri0(fl .'(.60 ; Sicily lemons. $78: California, linii per box ; apples, 7.ic( $1.25 per box; ba- this extra labor that they may have nana, $.l.o04 a Punch: pineapples, $.1 Irenh daily, jieruoz ; cnerries, i.iuw im ier nox ; when decanters and carafes U-come so currants, tic per pound ; apricots, $1 per dp-colored inside that shot or fine coal box; raspberries. $,(ilc per pound; wi not cleanse them, fill the bottle with peaches, Alexander, 75c (J0c tier liox ; Hnelv clwiiined potato Hlcins. enrk tiibtlv I.. I l A. ... , ..r . 1.1... .1.1 .. I A . . ' . . uHiiioriorionii, iim 1...1; lnucnuer-1 and let the Lottie stand lor three (lav ries.ow iv. H-r pound ; plums, zoejooc per when the skins will ferment. Turn out In choosinir meat select that of a fine. smooth grain and of a bright-red color and white fat. If nork is voiinir. the lean will break on being pitched; the fat will lie white, sod and pulpy. Delicate-colored silks should never lie laid awav in white paiter, as the chloride of lime used in bleaching the paper often draws out the color. People who are subject to attacks of giddiness or faintness, and those who suller from palpitation and other sense if discomfort at the heart, should not bathe. Bits of soan which are too small to be used should lie carefully laid aside for laundry days, when they can lie melted up to add to the wanh biiler instead of scraping up a new bar of soap. Butter in small onantities may he made by stirring the cream in a bowl and this is done every day by some go housekeepers, who prefer butter made of sweet cream and are willing to periorm Jn.i a. n III leu loll. We laugh t the Imrupns loop, the rn.ti innnli and nuncbod waist! ol liminU and Dime thirty years Ro. and yet our preseat fashions will ain-ar tiui. - -- our irrsiidchildreii. Itcgarded from a dis passionate poiut ' iew-Muld Myib Is be more absurd than the women of the day with their Immense bustles. Ilka the fcumpt on the backs of dromedaries, rls Ing abruptly from waists ike those of attenuated wasps, and shoulder! dis torted by the compression of the corset? Kidicule Is of no avail, appeals to common sense are lust as useless, and unless the woman of the future is a very different being from the woman of the past and present, hideous, unconuonauio aim iu jurious fashions will reign with just as despotic way as they have ever done. We are so swatlieu in me conventionality that our forms, com pressed aud distorted out of all aemblauce of symmetry, appear to us as oeauuiui as the free and natural limus or me ureehs of old. Kach woman should be muepenu- eut enoiiKh to assert her own individ uality, and attire herself in garments that are at the same time graceful aud becom ing. When the age of reason in dress has u.n attained, then. Indeed, will women ImaU In tlm atuiliirht of t he iroldcn age of comfort, beauty and health, and revel In tl,n illlL-lit of limbs unfettered with heaw. clinirinir draperies and forms un compressed bv stiff, ungainly stays. A. de Moutuigu lu VretH. THK HALIKT filRL WHAT BOSTON'S ORNAMENTAL EDU CATION DOES FOR THE STAGE. box ; watermelons. $:t.iiO(fi 4.00 per dozen : cantaloupes, $1.75f2.25 ht dozen, $2.50 (.'1.00 per crate; grapes, Sweetwater, POc (i$l iter liox, $1.10(1 1.25 per crate; black, $2.50 per crate; pears, $1.25; Bartlett, $1.70 per nox. mtr taniornia wainuts.i I '..fi2!tfc hickory, tl'uc; Brazils, lOwllc; ul inonilH, liitniHc; lllls-rtH, i;i((Hc; pine nuts, 17("' 18c; pi-cans, Kdi lHc; co-oa nuts, He; hazel, 8c; peanuts, 8c per KIUIlll. Hlnplu Irnrerlrn. Cdkkkk Costa Uica, 21'.;c: Kio. 2: Mxlia, ;;oc; Java, 25l..,c; Arbuckle's, 100-pound cases, 2i4c per Kiuud. SriiAit Golden C.4 V:: extra C. 47uc: granulated. 5JBc ; cube crushed and pow dered, U''c; confectioners' A, 5''4'c jatr mu mi. liKANK-Siiiall white, .IVc; pink, 3'f Hrate Hue's for every fire (S.l,',,c; bayoB, 4Jicj butter, 4'tfp limas, the chimney may stop . vi.ic er Kiuiiu, lloNKV I8(20c per pound. Salt Liveri)ool,$l0,$lil.,r)0((il7:8t)ck, $ii(i 1.' per ton in carload lots Cannkii Goops Table fruits, $1.(15, 2'..s; tieaches, $2.00; Bartlett pears. $1.8.j : plums. $1. 37s. : straw berrieB.2.2.'i : cherries, $2..r)0ii 2.00; black lierries, $l.0; rasputrnes, $2.40; pineapple, $2.o0w.i; apricots, ifjc. Vegetables: Corn, $l.:!5(a) l.(i.i, according to quality : tomatoes. $i.iur( J.z.i; sugar peas, ueans, $i.iu per dozen. and rinse. The bottle will lie aa brigl and clean as when new. When von feel the pricking pain on the eyelid that announces the coining of a sty, use as an application very strong lilack tea, or simply the tea leaves mois tened witli a little water, put in a small bag of muslin and laid over the eyelid Moisten again as it dries. This, if used before the stv gets well under wav. will generally drive it away. Opening the window in front of a stov will stop a smoking chimney. The sniok ing is sometimes caused by an insulli cient supply of air. Oftentimes simply limning the lire vigorously will stop the smoking. Nothing is more annoying than a smoking chimney. Two openings in the same Hue will causo this trouble therefore, it is necessary to make sei A tree aiiove ney may stop the draft: this rati lie remedied only by cutting dow the tree. A protest has lieen made by delegates of the Musical Protective Union at New York Against the admission to this coun try of a ballet troupe now about leaving Mirope under the management ol Wal ter liamrosch. . i . The Dominion government has re leased seven American fishing vessels ......... I l....t. I,- ..... .!.!.:. .1 i niHiimu uy hid un-nni wiinui me imeo1 ,.,,i,.i . Li . ,, , mile limit; There was a heavy fog at '"""T1 ' ""'S'" 8.T" U the time, and the law. it ia believed wai ku,'l " ,lry "r ttt ,Mrt Uo i'- unwittingly infringed. There will bo held in Genoa in 1802 an Ti,.K.v,k ulvn iiFPioii.v'in I'lliin-Auiericaii exposition, to which tne report that f-ecretury Nooie Inn Placed hia resignation in the President'! hand, hut lias consented to remain In ollice until Minister Lincoln retires, when he will go to the court of St. James. The railroads are anxious to know uIvps eurreni-v to I,1"11'1"--American exposition, to whicl y Nobin,!,. MjeKlngoflUlyhMconntol to.iv, hia patronage, and for which be allows the use of hia name as honorary I' dent. The Knglish Parliament is about to pass a bill authorizing any one Mairis- train to nt-ilei- . vntltli iitnlita lit iun. n( how it ia the Pullman Company makea LK,e t,, )a w,pped by a liolicemaii if he no much money and they get so htllu I ,t,,u .....u h,,,,, ' . ...... .... , rommission. A bill in eiiity has been pitch ami toss, filed in Chicago against the company by wn..i..i i. i i i the Chicago, Milwank, and St. Vaul , ' '' ' '',m p . ln " n, u, , f t it i. i i i suited in a disclosure of systematic The State of Jalisco Mexico, has Uen (rall(s on the iwrt of Jewish emigrants ganda. In great financial difficulties since the I fr,,,n lin,.;,, i,,a,,.i,ian.., . i. -cession of Genera I t'Hlvin to the Gov the payment of the X10 levied on each ernorshlp. He Is said to be closing the iieruiit to land, schools and favoring all kinds ol gum- w, bling. The State is also overrun by bri- ' " ,n " Vn",wr '"' " ".--p i.i, uu i.riH-eim is u yyry sick and feeble old man. and bin ulivai. The St. Paul office of the Great North- cians are doubtful if be has the vitalit v em has lsen gathering statistics of grain needed to enable him to pull throuuli ....... .1.. ..... It.... I, I ... . 11.. I.. Ht 11 1 ' i;ii.nii nioiiK ine niip, ' ivt-iioria inim ,hii i lie in ni wars 0111. iHiints show that liefore January 1 the It ia rntw.rl.i.1 V.n .. .... ... i. .. i ....1 . 111 1 no,, .a'yii i. . . . . " ." ' ' ninraoi I.M... nil. IIHID M. l-OIIVry ..llrU.IOM Ullt-ll- iriHIIllUll ll IllP lllldul.l .1-1 1 1 1.....!.. -...I els of wheat. The great Bed river crop the (arilf on Rnaaia.. .,r.ul..i- la immense. Ihiihumi a ir,)ui. ;,.,-, .i,,i. .... Miss Marguerite llammof Bar liar-1 corn in order to emiiiiniL-e i .t. ..... t .l . . . i. .. I i: i i. . .: ........... ir, w ou win me iitnioiia iiinpnien ui a 'ion vi nussisn corn plums, dozen. sorted, $1.50; peaches, $1.(15; ? l.-. : blackberries, $1 (io tier Fish : SardineB,85c( l.(5; lobsters, $2,110 w.i.mi; oysters, s i.o'J(z;i.2.i jier dozen naimoii, Btaniiaru .xo. 1, $l.o(i l.nO per case; No. 2, $2.65. Condensed milk; Kagle brand, $8.10; Crown, $7; High mini, $(1.76 j Chuiiipion, $0; Monroe, ?o.(j per case. Syhi ! Kastern, in barrels, 47(55c; nil 1 1-Parrels, 00C58c; In cases, 5f)('8(H' per gallon; $2.2o2.60 per kee. Cali fornia, in barrels, 3Jc jier gallon; $1.75 per aeg. Dmicn rKi'ir.s Italian prunes, Wft 12c; Petite and German, 10c per pound ; raisins, f i.didfz..-.) per box; plninmer lined pt'Krs, 10(llc; sun-dried and fae. tory plums, ll(.i 12c ; evaHirated peaches, I8iu2.k-; SmyriiH llgs, 2iic; California, ngi, w. per Kiutid. Kick $5.25 per cental llMer uf l iulerfi-i'dliiif . Underfeeding ruins more live stock in the West than overfeeding. Grave is the objection to pampered breeding animals, yet where there is one toast ruined by an excess of hcatini; food there are a dozen well-bred ones suffered to Inne into a Hhite nf linneleua il..i.tiMi-ii,,v $1.25; string ly a failure In the case of yonngstock to l ie fruit: As- keep tliem growing or by neglecting to provide a sufficient ration to suptxirt briMKling animals against -the taxes of nature. Feed the younsters generously on proper food studs, and when they are matured, u ot the right stamp, they will not r i' nire extra care. Prof "Sanborn argues that there is even more in feed than in breed, and the facts aro not all ugainst him. Whatever is worth keen ing nt all in the way of farm stock is worm keeping well. The Meat Market, Bi:i;y Live, 3c; dressed, 5(t(!o. Mutton Live, sheared. dressed, 7c, 1 loos Live, (ic; dressed, 8(.'i )c. Smokkii Mkats Kastern ham. W-Ud I3'4c; other varieties, I0i 12c; breakfast bacon, 12'.., (ul: lie; smoked bacon, 10(.o ll'.tc per pound. I.AIIP CoilllKlllllll. II V( 1 1 '..' 12(.M2l.c: Oregon. l(iiiai (Mm ml. Troatinent of llulter. A churner in Rural Lilt holds thai granulated butter can be washed und cooled to a lietter advantage if the water Is allowed to percolate through the mass of butter while the churn is at rest. To revolve it, he holds, has the tendency to mass the granule ere the chillinir effect of the water has taken away some of the adhesive nature ol the globules. e think he IB sound up to a certain iMiint; that Is, practice Ins method nnti lie is sure the whole iuhmh in cold uiir.ii.rl SdiS'a'c; to keep it in granules then they can lie waspei inoroiigiiiy without adhering to each other. After so much is secured the right temperature to pack can lie ob tained by using water warm enough to raise the mass in a tew minutes toubout 5(1 in summer and 00 in winter. pure, o per Work fur lUlny Hays. ii is so oiien necessary to work over Ulrica, Mind anil lloni, IIipkm Dry hides, seleettid prime. H1.: ("He; l, less for culls; green, selected, New York journal declaring Mr. Blaine to be in the last stages of disease, has institute! a suit (or $50,000 against the Boston Herald, who called her an adven turess, a prevaricator and consorter with disreputable characters. SPORTING NOTES. Tnl rrltrhard Wanta to rixlit rilitlii una If nr. (Iff.rvil, Ted Prltchard has announced that he will come to America to light Fitzsim inona la-fore the club that will allow him expenses and put up the largest purse. The Billy Murphy-Gritro fight, which was to have occurred in Sydney July 15, was postponed a wevk to await the ar rival of Sullivan, who was expected there July 2.'. By steamer Alameda it ia learned that Joe Choynski of Sao Francisco defeated Owen Sullivan in a round and a half in Melbourne July 22. Chuvnskl had agreed to knock Sullivan out in fight rounds for a purse of $5o0. The steamer Alameda from Australia brings newa of another escapade of John L. Sullivan. One day while the steamer was between Honolulu and Samoa Sulli van aiose at II a. m. and commenced to imbibe freely. By anpper time he Lad dialled of thirty-eight Ml lea of porter and was uproariously drunk. Captain I laywarda ordered the bar abut down. While the eighty or more passengers were at eupper Sullivan made hia ap pearance, and troni!ly protested to Cap tain Haywarda avainst being deprive.) of liquor. He made a aoene, and iijnared off Ui strike the captain, when there was a Mil of the ship and John L. went down In a heap. He was seiH, bound, taken to his stateroom and lucked op. He ob tained no more liquor during the at. The Theosophical constitution as re vised amalgamates the American, Kng lish and Kumpean sections. Lady Caith ness, in virtue of her millions as well as ner enthusiasm, succeed! Mine. Blavat- iiy as uign mcsiess. iTesident Carnot has intimated that r inure win return i nti nags raptured by rmiii ii vna.pi uuring me imiiean war from the Russian church at Kupatoria, which have since lieen deposited In the -I... .1. I X'. II - 1 1. mm. ii vi iiuiro l-uine in inns. The German ship builders. wtm fare is a great object of aolicitude to their government, are pointing with pride to the fact that their latest creation, the Fuerst Bismarck, burns 280 tons of coal daily, against 35 tons for the City of Parts, and yet steams faBter than the fa mous nier doea. lr. Thamm of Dnsseldorf has issued I reiKirt to the elrect that he has man aged by the Koch system to bring aUmt a complete cure in 40 per cent, of the eases of tuliereuloeia which he has treated, and satisfactory result! occurred in 45 per cent, of the other casee treated by the same syrtem. Pome of the small shopkeepers of Paris nave appealed to the Poi for protection from the big concerns that are driving them out of the trade. Thev ask his Holiness o formulate tome plan for ap plying the law of Justice and charity to the freedom of trade and competition so that the little dtalera ran live in the presence of the great. President Hyptiolite of Haytl has au thorized the publication of the come ondenr between Havti and Secretary Blaine, Minister Douglaai and Admiral Gherardl npon the subject of the Mole St. Nicholas. Thii correspondence is now In press In New York, and ia to I iseued In pamphlet form and distributed broadcaat in ilia country aud in Eurojie. hours in pleasant weather that when rainy lay comes in summer the farmer may prolitably devote it ,mrtly to intel- over 55 pounds 4c- under 65 imnmlH -le ,,l,mu "'l,veincnt. ne can at least sheep 'p'ehs short wool :i. X. t,,l"l ?k ti'!'e toestimatecarefnlly what diuiii.iHVXOc; long, Mkpf 1.2ft; shear- new""., u,!? I""" 88 u',8t 1 ... .... . V .T ! "vt U'UV l1 all IIIO1 it I lit a will soon n alila. ehoice. 3 - f . : . - . . v. s nil,, f'.ovi? n. tt ,i-ni iopgiuiti lllieilecilllll exen-ise. It at least requires as lnucli exeimtive ability to keep everything on a large farm in order and working smooiiuy as ii noes to manage a manu- lings, 10ei2lV; tallow, gisid to H'.i:..,c per iNinnu. Wooi, Willamette Valley, 17(-19cj Kastern Oregon, lOiii Ki'gC per pound, according to condition! and shrinkage. Horn Nominal; 20c per pound. fucturing or commercial hm'infs. Tha Good Frulta of Conflilrnre, My exerienee witli criminals, when I was on a district bench, taught uie that there wus no man duvoid of manhood. Place anybody, however depraved, en his nmnbood, and you will observe his eye brighten up. Iuavo taken men who have been convicted of seri ous offonsea, and, after aeutenring thein to the penitentiary, have said: "Now, I Intend to place you on your manhood, for I believe you have manhood in you. I will give you mittimus, and the marshal will provide you with money to go homo and bid your family good by. After you have stayed there a day or two I want you to report at the door of the penitentiary named in the pnpwwyou will receive and serve out your sentence like man. Aud when you are through I want you to return to me, and I want to ace what can be done to restore you to the eonflJcnce of your follow men lu so ciety." I nover was disappointed in a man I thus trusted, and those couvicta whom I have hvled on their returu from prison have always been faithful to the tmsU imposed UHnihiMu. Jud.'eUiut.uaiu in ludianapulia Journal, Coueratulatlona Anyhow. Book Ageot Going from books to babies, Kadam, that's a Que younguter. Allow ma to congratulate you. Young Woman Sir, that baby la not -nine. Book A gmt I repeat, madam, allow dm to congratulate you. Boston Uaiette. TV ay of tha World. Erown What makes you look so blue, Mortleyt Mortlev To tell the troth, old man, I feel so wall I'm afraid something's going- to happen. Tis a tough, tough world. Brown. L'tlca Observer. 'nirllinr Nlm-k to Kiu Food. Animals can possibly lie wintered or kept at zither seasons on food that con tains barely enough nutrition to sustain life. But whenever this ia the fact no nrotit ned lie expected from stock thus fed. All the advantage to the farmer from feeding stock comes from feeding more than is needed for barely retnining the same condition. There must be in crease either of tlesh. milk or wool lie fore there can I any profit, and this re quires generally good, feeding. Cutting Timothy Too Karly. When timothy ia In bloom its pollen makea the hay dusty when cut. It is best possibly tocnt when the stock bursts into head before blossoming; but, if the grass cannot well tie cut then, defer the cutting until the blossom falls. The hay will then be at least not injurious, and its deficiencies can be made up with lili- enu rations oi oata or other grain. Teallni the Conn. The Farm Journal savs a New York dairyman doubled the vi'eldof butter cow of his hen! in one year bv testing every cow and disposing of the poor unrs aim leeuing a nine neiier lus new herd. Both acta are in full accord with modern dairy goejiel. New Sort of HonpltuL A new sort of hospital building Is de scribed in Le Oeuio Civil, which seems to have many advantages. The principle of construction seems to be the formation of an iron shell, to which is a wooduu lining. capable of belnir readily removed and re placed. The lining keeps me room cooi u summer aud warm in winter, while steam and water pipes can be carried throuirh It. and. bv means of a ridire ventl lator. air can be withdrawn from the room at any desired point by cutting open Inirs into the space between the two shells. After being used for a sufli ciently long time, the structure may be taken to pieces, the iron work sprayed with carbolic acid and painted, and the wooden lining strips disinfected by baking or by washinir with carbolic acid or blelilo ride of mercury, after which the whole can be put together again for renewed service. The expense of this complete disinfection is estimated at 5 tier cent, on tho original cost of the structure, which lu Paris, Is about f.iov for each bed, for twelve bed pavilion, including all the Iron work, carpentry, painting and glaz ing, plumbing, pa lilting and steam heating, together with tho beds aud mat tresses. liostou iruuscript. Ilnw Wualilngton Keep Cool. Domestic life has been adapted to hot weather here as nowhere else. In tho tirst place every thrifty housewife begius lu May to prepare for hot weather. The carpets are all taken up and packed away from the motlis, cool straw mattings are placed on the Moors, or more frequently the Qoors are neatly stained and lett bare. tho portieres are stowed on the closet shelf aud inviting linen covers put ou all the upholstered furniture. 1 lie whole winter aspect of the house disappears, more air is admitted through the curtain- less windows, awnings are put over sunny doorways and in the larger dooryards rustic seats are placed In the shadows of overhanging vines and shrubbery. A sup ply of low seated, wickerwork cliuirs, with hows of hrurht colored ribbon effec tively tied to their backs, are brought out on frout stoops at nightfall and strips of carpet bid spread from the top step to the sidewalk, it is Here tho raniily gathers as soon as the sun goes down, and late iuto the night, until the almost unfailing southern breeze springs up, nearly all Washington may bo found on the door steps. Washiii'-ton Cor. Providence Journal. rroft-snlunul ami Ainuteiir Photographers, It does not appear that tho sharp feel Ing that characterizes the sentiments of professional actors toward amateurs ex- sts between professional and amateur photographers. The fashionable summer resorts ou tho seaside and in the interior are literally throiiL'cd with amateur pho tographers, all louded for game in any shape. Tho local professionals straighten out all tho muddles and mistukes iuto which tho blithesome amateur tumbles The aid is given willingly, and not a trace of the bitter envy and almost positive niahco tliut Is said to be rampant between protessioual and amateur actors and ac tresses is noticed. A hiclily Interestinir professional at tho Thousand isluuds said all the recent great Improvements lu pho- lograpny, ine instantaneous plate par ticularly. Were llisi-fiyetvil hv Mtniitniipq i ney nave tnno and means to experi ment," ho added, "and it is for our In terest that the ainuteiir photoirraohio craze should continue. We, who are kept uusy nir money, take advantage of all these Improvements. They bring us In more money and save us time and many of tho expenses Incident to old days." i-iew tora aim. The Tramp to Ilia Purd. There Is residing !n the 'suburbs a pen- tleman who is the owner of a very lurge amount of real estate, but who is one of the most ueghgent of persons lu regard to dress, his clothing beiug almost Invaria bly of the shubbiest description. This negligence is au eccentricity, and Is not due to penurlousness, for he Is cenerons ana ot a warm and genial nature. Not muny days ago, a tramp called at his house during the owner's absence, and, as it was tho noon hour, the lutter'a wife, a very sympathetio and kind hearted woman, gave the nomad a good dinner. Having finished the meal and thanked the giver of the sumo, the tramp started off, but just as ho got to the irate he met the owner of the premises, aud judging by his dress that they were of the same frater nity, the wanderer said: "Look here. pard, It's a leetle rough for two o' us to work the same house durin' the sumo hour. Jist try some other place this time, for yender's too good a woman to have to feed the both o' us today." Bos ton Budget. fade," she i doubtful Tha Telrphoo Dlafaaa." The "telephone diaeaW haa lwwn At. eoTered by Professor W'Uboratadt, of Ber Un. The use of the Instrument produce disorder In the tibratory chambers of the ar. ceueraUy la the left ear. Unfortunate. Misa Oaswell Pop, did you see the Prince o' Wales while you was In Eu rope, au' did ye tulk with himl Pop I saw 'iin, but the crowd wai au buj he didn't see me. Deniarest'a. It la atatevl that the muskmt ia en abled to travel under the Ice of a froMO river or lake for considerable distance by rospiring against the ice roof, w here the bubble of ga collect, and getting ft fresh supply uf oxygen. It Waa Fat Color. I'm afraid that calico will observed as she looked at it in way. Oh, no, nia am. "Ever tried itT" "Yes'm. A woman who had a dress of this pattern fell iuto the river aud her body was uot fished out for a week. The color hadn't started in the least, I assure you." Detroit Free Press. The La t rut SouTenlr. An expert has succeeded lu photograph Ing the beating of the heart. Neat pres ent for an absent admirer to send his be trotheda picture of hia palpitation on reading her letter. New York Tribune. Pate's Mother Aaka a Uatlaa. A woman walked into a public school in a neighboring town the other duy without ceremony, and after gazing about until her eyes rested upon the object of her search she said in a loud Toice, 'Tete, where is the key to the abed f Newbury port Standard. Economy , Wealth. Amy I coufess that I love you, Jack; but teU uie, how could yon aupport a wife? Vou have no money, I am told. Jack Puffer-Oh, that'e all right Tta going to give up ainoking. Enoch. How "I-adlM of I he Ilullef are KrerullrI from tha KliP Ileui.imllaliig KffeeU . .if. u.r..ra Ilia Foollltfhla Jnt ui a - for the Fun. Boston is the greatest market In this coun try for a ccrhihi sort of stage siipplie. All tlm iiuinaL'ers como here to obtain reennU for their coiiipinles. Thestock of raw mate rial for such purl" herenlmut is practically unlimited and of very umiMiiil iiuiillty-a fact which is due chiefly to tlie prevuiem-e in ii ..liu,iif the community of ornamental education. The modern Athens, like Its pro ,rfvni.f old. has muny schools which are devoted wholly to the instruction of student! of both sexes ill musical und dramatic, art. To these academies and conservatories flock pupils from all over tho United IStutes, who seek tho kind of trainlns best calculated to fit them for theatrical employment Many of them are glad to get some Incidental ex perience of a practical nature py taking pan as supernumeraries now und then on the looul boards. The most available aro picked up by traveling shows, anil in tills manner make their first entrance into tho prufessiuuul rfinlfa. Outside of the schools, too, are found num bers of youna men and women with fuir voices and some knowledge of music, who are more or less serviceable in choruses. Most of these singers are honest bread win ners, who are glad to add a trifle to their earnings by warbling on occasions when they are needed to till out the ensemble of some exceptionally clalxirato stage production. Vastly outnumbering them are tho girls who toil in the shops by day, and at uilit uppeur whenever they can procure a chuiice as Amazous, fairies and the like, at tho then tree. LADIES OF.TriE BALLET. Women who do this sort of work are tech nically known as "ladies of the bullet." They do not duni-e; neither do they sing. Their duty is simply to walk ithout the stage as thev are told and look pretty. Much labor Is quite within tho cajiueity of the average ribbon counter damsel, who, ugiou thus tak ing up the occupation as un amateur, be comes what is known as un "extra girl.' Whenever a plav or sis-ctacle requiring num bers arrives in town she presents hei-self without delay at the olilce of the stage man ager. Tliut iiiilisKiisnblo functionary looks her over, and, if she is fuirly plump und well favored, very likely accepts her services. For her time during rehearsuls she gets noth ing. Her pny begins the owning night of the piece ami continues so long as it runs at the rate of t-'i or (li a week. L'omiared with shop wages this is ample remuneration; added to the results of her daily toil it is pos itive wealth. Most of the "extra" young women in Bos- ton are employed in the dry goods and other ahois. Some are waiter gil ls in the restau rants. A few servo in tho day time as artists' models. These last aro considered very de sirable by the managers. As a rule, they have good liures und are comely to look upon. Accustomed ns tliey are to posing, nude or otheni 'se, Is-foro tho life classes at the art schools, they entertain no prudish scruples ulxmt upieai-ug in tight. Tho legitimate curccr of a female model here is a brief one. After she has attitudinized a few times in each of the studios she is regarded as too "stale" for further usefulness and, finding herself deprived of this meuus of siipKirt, she is only too glad to secure un occasional dra matic engagement, ekingnut a livelihood by sitting in photographers' ateliers for seduc tive cigarette and other advertising pictures. This business, by the way, is carried on uiion an enormous scale by local manufacturers of sun pictures, who send millions of such photo graphs all over the country every year. THE STAOE TKAXSrORMATIOX. By a little judicious coaxing the modest beginner is induced to put on the appropriate togs, lhe embarrassment of it soon wears off, and after two or three performances she begins to thoroughly enjoy tho ogling of tho mashers and buhl h:-ailed men in the front rows. No woman can resist the fascination of being udmiit-d. It is the only pleasure of which she can never have a surleit. But, "Cinderella," thus transformed, is very apt to lie of no uso any more for or dinary purixnies. Khe is demoralized by the gutter and exeiteiiK-nt or the stuge. Tho work is easy and tho pay while it lusts is mora than she can earn bv the hardest toil in the shop. The drudgery by which she has hitherto been accustomed to live is now odious to her. Slio neglects the "store" to hang about the theatre, und pretty soon she is discharged by tho firm. Bo long, however. as her engagement lusts, she can ull'ord to do nothing but play. Idleness brings more temptations, and the chances are that she will not esetiM them all. She lieeomca in futuatcd with the life. Her name is put down Uxn the stage manager's hooks as one of the "extra" girls who, us semi-profession als, are ulways ready to lie culled on for service. It is not likely tliut she will ever rise any higher. With plenty of cheap finery and a few admirers, she is content to imltuto tho veniul butterfly, living on from duy to uay wiiiiout iiiougnt or the future. Eventu ally sho grows pussee and drops out of sight Such, at any rate, is tho fate of muny a young woniun nhomtlie glare of the foot lights has om-e attracted. There is quite a mimlier of semi-professional extra girls in Boston. Each theatre has a list of Bfty or so, with a complete physical description attached to every name. When tney aro wanted they aro sent for. The work is, of course, exceedingly precarious. Sometimes months will eluiiso with nothing to do. Then a big show comes along aud tana gut m-i uuiv uu me regulars, put also a great many of tho irregulurs from the shoos. who are very willing to "act" for jxx-ket money aim tne run or tlio thing. Scarce any traveling combination fetches many suiicr numerories hither. They are easily obtained here at short notice, in any quuutity thut may be desired. It goes without saying that visiting spectacles and ojieras must always bring full duncing bullets with Um. At a pinch, however, per!m8 a dozeu available coryphees may be picked up at any time in this city. Bene Baelio in Xew Orleans Pica yune. Rather Hard to Miaa. The fact that this is a very bie countrr never strikes one so forcibly as w hen ha lma traveled a couple of thousand miles due west and still finds Che prairie stretching out before him. A young sprig of British nobility waa over here lust summer, accompanied by the Inevitable "Jeenis." They saw the seaboard Cities, tarried for awhile in Chicago, in St Louis and in Kansas Citv. and then atmek out for the great west Somewhere near the edge of Colorado the train was delayed at a ! imall station, and the i-ussengers got out to stretch their legs, among them his lordship' and "Jeenis ," who so-med to be in a brown study. "What hut." asked his master. "i was just thinkin', me lud," said Jeems, "that Columbus didn't do such a mighty big thing when he discovered this 'ere country, haf tor halfs said and done. Ow could 'e 'eloitr HAS HE FOfir.riT,.. "A lillleiif KWwtllHu -, To tirl-lio-i! ti,, llf Tw, fur li.ii. nh. m, loll,.,. . To think that I ue.r'??" My arm. nm,,,,,) ,lw ln ii, lliitail.-H,,l,,,,,),7',''; I.l.oul.1 n.-v.-rr.,vl,. Ofalu.etlunw,,,,,,,., for before lli. y , , Miw eacu on,-1, ,,lwt M, I turn from tli-mi,. I.,. "'7i Hi cool ami .,f P-irtiy ln J To the red if,.r-.., ,u ,,,,,,yn,1,ill,1,r;li MI "'i1 h""!""" """-ill, And my Inve s'i- , ii . . Tha. I I..I. I ... i. . " ...... , ,. ,b ,., ,,, -,- ,(( . HNnw I u-in,l. .).... And I w.el,i.,KnT r...i.- ' '"""I !..' ain n.u .. .. ' ........ nm-u ,,. IlllH ". " " "Wl linn,. "I U.L Bliullc.T..rthl,wrm,rf Au.1 my memory of hr .'uiVL ' The faint. uwt ..... . . Jiiaia.. Onocftl.oquccrUsof,' a aldewnlk luncheon. All olonVe' aro booths where Vila ,J( cooked and hanied t,i v on -a sauwiso on one sl-Wl mi tato on the other. Yoa. ' h sit on tho bund and cut tbem Str and lick your cl,,,a tj Well, thii Is tho iditofortCn- Auol'- f.-.d iMiry,,, Z!1 bc-rliifr fio-iU:: to a do:-;;,' 0 mamlichaitiiola and bait niece of bee f tied to a lino ld,thtoh,,g0n Aud yet cnothcr is the raooaiw.i- promcuatlmir tho beach to lui,V, HPjuuigor ino clams, That's olio of their dutiei lll:.h ,. w. clyy r lllght. CS on . .Soino Ml;s can't I.,,,,, u , pair of lovers, with his arm waist and walking r.t a tlow Jr ' catch every tich that a eluia .1, vL Detroit Five Press. tH A Method of ri-iHcrvInj Tool A method of preservl::- ttxA t, larly meat, without cans" cated, cousistj csoo::tl!!v In f meat or other urtide in na -J' I wrapper, such us uiiinml ......ir14! subjecting it to a bterlli:ii1?rr-.v i.s muujjii u urn germs, it h Immersed in vaseline, wlii l, f,,.. niuner-t coating ou imrdcniiij," inclosed in u protective wrstiL , 1JU tuuieu v ii u piaster ol i' ij . coating of plaster of Purls civbs'r directlyon the esnwdLla ,.it,r thoartido then placed in a. I , i?L line or other plaaiie substsucs, tl.v ago thus prepared being wrtpv '.. per or tinfoil. This method olpa tion nec-essai-ily c voids r.ny ccataLt' of the ertic'.cs by ticLfils or ids t v.'ill cnublo houso'.teepers to heipi, etc.Scicnti2o Anc::.-:a. A Twlrlliic Ntoue. There lias boon discovered aboutk' a mile west or the liurgytowa 1 twirling stono tif about live tomt it haa ulways Ix-en regarded asik der, and from tho way it is pot j tlie rocK lii-nentli it no oue could f why it should not rock. Uuifc nave tried to rock it in vain, and -J surprise of tho man who first ftt inovo uiidor pressure may It k iniagined tluui described. It m-. hard, of cours but it moves, tlieb informs us, round us if it waa pU upon u pivot. It lias been tank examined, and while it looks Eli bowlder, several allege that it m a ceremonial stone set mere otjjl- prelibjtoric raco. Norwich Uulletia Ills Idea of a Serrano. Robert Morris, a niun celebrated!) the part lie took in the Aimv. Revolution, wus onco usked bj Ii Rush: "Well, Mr. Morris, how did; like the sermon? I have heard highly extolled." "Why, dit said lie, "I did not like it at:JL 1: too smooth and tame for lue. I Morris," replied the doctor, "white of a sermon do you like?" lli sir," replied Mr. Morris, "that pro ing which drives a limn up ink corner of his pew mid limkesliitui-i tlio devil is after hint." Sun trw Argonuut. I.ltirul. Cross Examining Counsel-Not, t. Brown, you say tliis Louis C. Burn a distant relative of yours) Mr. Brown Yes. Cross Examining Counsel WW'. lutioti is lie? Mr. Brown My brother. Cross Kxainiiiing Counsel-But J just told me ho wus a distant nlaWt Mr. Brown So lie is at preut-i Is hi China. Ltiiidon Tit-Bits. Interesting News fur Mary A Russian chemist thinks bs l covered a plan for solidifying petw so that it can be used iuchuiiksor mi tot fuel. Chicago Globe. -jr Illll VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FR-M ROOTS & HERS', FORTME CURE or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES adicima ran MA DISORDERED STATEflfTffiSTOMj OR AN inactive: liver row SALE BY "-..,(! DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DWJ2 aaK rnrlfleg th ELO0D. Cnrw COSTfPTIf)X. I.HIGESTI" RIMorsSESS, LITER fO,FLmT.MCK HEADACHE, COLIUN I'lIi'LES, all SSiJX lFr EaiWS, find DISEASES ABISl""" n DISOBDEE.ED ST03ACU. r.. The Genui IIAUBVRO TEA U pulvp in YELLOW WRAPptl" vith FactimiU tHu.iature vf LXIL FHLSt . REDINQTON CO. Aotrra, 6a N rHAncisca OLD UY ALL DKl..lT AU 4.BOCER. )